LA FunChapter 78 free porn video

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I woke up somewhere different than yesterday. My mind finally put together that this was my Hawaiian home and I was in a bed filled with the women in my life. It then dawned on me that I was missing one lady, my wife, Jules. I had to smile as I thought of my just born son and Jules waiting for me to bring them home.

The clock on the night table said that it was five. That would mean that it would be eight in LA. Extracting myself from the multiple ladies without waking them was difficult, but doable. I slipped workout clothes and running shoes on before grabbing my cell phone and going downstairs to my office off the lounge. There was a small Mr. Coffee on the bar that was set on automatic and already made, so I poured a mug and went to my desk.

I used my contact list to call Kelly’s cell so that she could see it was me who was calling.

“Good morning, Chief. Jules had you out of there so quickly last night that you were already gone when I called to say goodbye. Connie doesn’t have all the numbers yet, but I’ll post them in an e-mail when they come down. The construction guys finished making an additional office area and thirty more closing rooms on the third floor. I’ll have Debbie furnish everything and that will have to take care of title. Those guys are important because, as you’ve emphasized, that’s when we’re paid. Hang on a sec, Connie is handing me the report.”

There was a pause while I could hear Kelly and Connie excitedly talking. Kelly exclaimed into the phone, “Holy Shit, you’re not going to believe this, because I don’t. LA, LA Condo, and LA North finished last week with a total of nine hundred and seventy-five processed sales. The average sale wasn’t that big because of the older home and the condo listings that sold, but at an average sale of two and a half mil, we did over two billion in sales. I can’t wait until we have a really big week. What do you think? Do you really think that I can handle this?”

I was ecstatic as I asked, “So how was the weekend?”

Kelly was hedging as she said, “Everyone says that we had one of our best weekends, but I don’t have the numbers yet.”

I knew that was bogus, because Connie is always Johnny on the spot with those weekend numbers. Instead of calling Kelly on her reply to me, I said, “There is news. Jules delivered a little boy last night. No one will tell me his name, so I’ll learn who he is when I go to bring the two of them home this morning.”

It became obvious that I was on speakerphone when I heard multiple voices holler congratulations. I told them all to go back to work and I would check in with them with my boy’s name later. I was going to wait a minute or two before calling Connie to hear what kind of weekend they had.

I refilled my coffee mug, then went into the kitchen to see if there was any activity. Kumi came around the counter and gave me a very intense hug and kiss. She looked me in the eyes, and said, “I want to give you a child too. I’m so happy for you and Jules, plus Katie, then Willy will follow. Please let me give you a child. May I speak to Jules about that?”

This super sweet Hawaiian lady felt good in my arms as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me with an emotional intensity that I didn’t expect. She unwrapped herself from me and asked, “Do you want breakfast or a nice wakeup snack?”

“You know what, Kumi, make me a wakeup snack and I’ll go make some calls.”

Wanda was giving Kumi grief as I left the kitchen obviously aroused from Kumi’s intimate kisses. Auli was behind the bar and asked if I wanted something stronger than coffee. I told him to see what Kumi was going to fix me for an early snack.

I called Dot in the home office to tell her about my son. She was excited, but said that all the partners were goofing off at my LA home. They were supposed to be working a deal for some property, but she hasn’t heard from them yet. I told her I would call later with my son’s name and send some pictures.

I leaned back in my nice desk chair, then rocked forward to call Connie. She answered her phone by saying, “It took you long enough to call me for the numbers that you wanted.”

“Had some other things going on. So how come the reluctance to talk about the weekend?”

Connie chuckled and said, “I promised Kelly that I wouldn’t tell you when you called. She knows that you will call me, so you’re going to have to check your e-mail. I’m not telling you.”

“Good deal, Connie. I want you to register Kelly as the manager of your office and to advise the home office that she is now the Regional Manager there in LA, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and San Diego. Help her, Connie. Give her all the numbers that she needs, and constantly explain them to her. I want you to continue to send me all the numbers that you have been giving me, but I now want numbers on the West Central offices and the North Central group now, especially the Chicago offices. Call Frank, the Regional up there and ask him when you can teach the accounting people in his offices some neat tricks that will help him. The man will ask how soon you can come if what he was saying over the weekend were his true feelings. Talk to the accounting people at all the offices, then plan a trip to teach all of them at once. Schedule the plane and go for it. Send a note to Dot to advise her of what I’ve directed you to do. There’ll be no hassles that way.”

Connie softly said, “So you really haven’t left, but are letting Kelly get a taste of the big bucks in that chair. You’re too much, Brad. Come back to visit with us soon.”

“Just keep her pointed in the right direction. Call me if you think that I’m needed.”

I had just laid my phone down when Auli came in with a plate of some special sushi and a tall Bloody Mary. He said, “Most of the men in the house are in the salon enjoying breakfast snacks and some of what you call waker-uppers. Yuu and Hideki have been making calls from their offices too. There is going to be a lot more activity with you here. Let me get you on a good course if you want to play golf later. I think that you have clubs at five of the country clubs you belong to, plus you have a set downstairs to use anywhere that you don’t have clubs.”

My plan was to work out first, then go to the hospital to bring Jules and our son home. I also wanted to know what my son’s name is.

I came out of my office and put the empty glass, mug, and plate on the bar before announcing, “I’m going to work out before I go to the hospital to bring Jules and our son home. Anyone who wants to work out with me is welcome.”

Hideki, Yuu, and Dai joined me in stretching before we attacked the treadmills. We did thirty minutes there at various speeds and inclines before working with free weights. We all finished about the same time and stretched again. I wish that we had more time so that we could do some forms.

We all went up to shower and get ready to do our normal day’s business. All the women were up, with Katie and June dressed to go to the hospital. Willy said that she was taking her mom to a doctor’s appointment and would see us when they returned home. Nobuko was ready to go with us. We went to the hospital in one of the seven passenger Escalades that we had. An infant seat was already strapped into the center of the middle seat.

We were at the hospital before visiting hours, but not before business hours. I paid for all the charges and gave them information for any additional fees. The business office advised the floor nurses that Jules and son were cleared to leave when the doctor’s release was granted.

Our little man wasn’t as red-faced as he had been. His dark hair still wasn’t kinky. His eyes were like Jules, Nobuko, and Hideki with that slant that made you think that his eyelids were pulling to look slanted. I loved the way that he woke up smacking his lips wanting a nipple. He seemed to be patient enough to tolerate getting his diaper changed before being wrapped up and snuggled up to one of Jules’ breasts.

My kid didn’t have the stamina to nurse very long. He was sucking with enthusiasm, then fell asleep on the job. I was going to pick him up to burp him, but Nobuko snatched him up and gently rubbed his back while talking to him. I’d bet that she did that with all of Yuu’s kids, and even Jules when she was an infant.

Two doctors visited with us. One thoroughly checked Jules, declaring her fit for motherhood. The other doctor checked the little guy, although he wasn’t all that happy with the poking and prodding. A quick snuggle and a fat nipple into his mouth made him busy getting a snack while snuggled to Jules again.

We made it out of the hospital for the short ride home. The entire house staff came to see our new addition, where Jules announced, “Meet Bradley Jefferson Johnson. There is no junior designation because Brad can’t stand the junior moniker. Brad didn’t want little Brad to be the same as his name, but I wanted our son to have his father’s name. Brad can name our next son. Jules and I hugged, while all the family and household staff hovered over his bassinette while little Brad snoozed. Brad’s bassinette had some big wheels that allowed Jules to easily push him into her big office. Jules, Katie, and Willy were busily analyzing the monitors on the desk within seconds.

I stayed out in the lounge where Hideki and Yuu grasped my shoulders and arms congratulating me for helping to bring a new heir into the world. Yuu said, “How about breaking loose and playing a round of golf?”

“Not for me today. I want to be around my kid as much as possible during these first hours and days. I’ll play with you guys if you’re still here later in the week. Get my dad or one of Katie’s family if you want some company on the course. Hideki said, “We can always enlist Dai to play so that he won’t feel neglected.”

I went into my office and turned my PC on to check e-mails. There were no new missives, except the note from Connie advising me of the weekend’s sales. Connie had added a note saying she would double check these numbers as they seemed excessive. The three offices collectively had two hundred sixty four sales, plus there were several salespeople who had sales but hadn’t reported in yet.

Just thinking of over two hundred fifty sales for the weekend made me look at the mix. Custom homes and new condos were at ninety eight. This was just more work for Julio’s men. There were forty eight inventory homes and a very large group of listings sold. Chica was teaching people how to get listings, so it must be working.

A new e-mail from Danni popped up. She laid out a plan to build out condo units so that people could just buy the unit, furnish it, and move in. She stated that her decorators would be able to help a new owner move in within a week. Danni had done her homework, as she had all the numbers displayed based on pre-sale costs and potential additional profit because of shorter lead time. It was all good reasoning, and was in a presentation that you had to agree with. My only question was whether or not Julio’s men could complete that many units in advance. I needed to talk to Julio, so that was my next call.

“Good afternoon, Julio. Are you hooked up to blood pressure monitors?”

“It’s good to hear from you, Brad. I’ve just heard that Jules has brought us another Brad. Your first, and actually all your children, are going to be so exciting that you won’t remember your own name, much less the kids’. What prompted this call?”

I explained the proposal from Danni, and asked, “How much will this require of your men? This is going to increase the time and material cost per unit. Do you have the manpower to do this?”

“No sweat, Brad. Danni showed me her presentation. We analyzed it and used Connie to cost it out. We’ll be using a decorator to make the inventory units desirable, further streamlining the process. I’ll add another fifty men to expand each of the condo units. Connie says that the numbers work.”

Julio couldn’t see me grinning, but I was smiling because my people were all using my methods to make a decision. “Make it happen, Julio. Danni is going to outsell the main office if she can.”

There was a pause, then Julio said, “I spoke with the super of the first high rise. He says that the building should be ready for move in by next week. The second and third tall buildings are started, with the steel for the second almost topped out. The smaller buildings are not going up as fast because we need to lease space for services such as pizza stores, restaurants, dry cleaners, beauty shops, etc. I think that you’re going to have to find a large marketing group to get the tenants you need. This is all new territory for us. Think about it.”

“You’re right, Julio. I think that I might have the answer. I’ll get right on it. We’ve been so busy with all our projects that we failed to consider what it was going to take to get the finishing touches done on this. I’ll get it done or at least started.”

Julio softly said, “Send us a picture of your critter. We all want to see him.”

I used the PC on my desk to look up the Westfield group. I knew that they manage or own shopping malls all over the US. Considering the square footage there is to lease, it really isn’t that much different from a mall. I needed to get in touch with these people while the partners were still in town. I typed a text to the three partners and Forest so that at least one of them would call me. Trying to get the Westfield corporate offices was worse than calling a congressman. The receptionist lady was very uppity, and actually downright rude, when I finally got through. I told the woman that I had close to a million square feet of commercial space to lease and needed to talk to someone who could work with me. She finally said, “I’ll connect you with someone.”

This someone might be a janitor, but it would move me away from the arrogant receptionist. A female voice answered, “How may I help you, Sir. I’m sorry, but I didn’t get your name. My name is Hana Goldstein.”

“Good morning, Ms. Goldstein. My name is Brad Johnson with the Mooney Corporation. My offices are in LA, although I’m calling from Honolulu right now.”

Ms. Goldstein excitedly interrupted, “I know who you are. You’re the guy who has turned the real estate market out there on its ear. Several of my relatives work for you in your offices. I’m a Foxworth, you see, but married an insane man with a name like Goldstein. He’s as nutty as the rest of my family and fits in very well. So tell me what can I do for you? Call me ‘Hana’, okay?”

Holy smokes; there are Foxworth women everywhere. “Mooney is building out sixteen square city blocks of condominiums and prestigious office space, Hana. The outer perimeter will have retail space for shops, offices, lounges, and hopefully upscale restaurants. My problem is that I have no idea how to market the space. Thinking that I needed an experienced company to handle that part of the project, I called your company because that’s what you do. Some of the partners are in LA right now, and I’m sure that they would welcome discussing the magnitude of this venture. I know that you have properties nearby, so this could work out. Where is your home office, as in where are you?”

Hana answered, “This office where I’m at is in San Francisco. Most of the big shots have offices here as well as in Dallas. Give me telephone numbers and e-mail addresses so that I can harass someone to pay attention to me. Never fear, Brad, I’m a Foxworth and know how to get someone’s attention.”

We exchanged numbers and addresses before hanging up.

I called Kelly directly at her desk. She cheerily answered when she saw my number on her caller ID. “What’s up, Brad?”

“Where are the partners? I need to get hold of them about City Center.”

“They were just in the office, but left to go to your place here, Brad. I’ll bet that they try to get a quick game of golf in. Did you try to contact them?

“I sent them all a text asking for someone to call me, but no response from any of them yet. I hope that this isn’t their way of trying to get back at me for taking a leave of absence. It better not be or I’ll make it rough on them. My phone even shows that they all opened the text. This is important and both Forest and Kurt need to respond.”

Kelly said, “I’ll get a hold of them and let them know to call you. Call your house here meanwhile.”

I used the house phone to call the LA house. Charles answered the phone with, “Johnson and Komatsu residence.”

“Hey, Charles, it’s Brad. Are the partners there or are they still coming from Hollywood?

Charles answered, “They are not here yet, but asked me to reserve tee times for them this evening and in the morning.”

“Okay, Charles. Show them into the big office and have them call me on my cell phone as soon as they come in the door.

I was steaming, but I had to hold my temper so that we didn’t have another ‘Dan’ problem. Connie had already discovered that the LA group was bringing in more revenue and profits than the rest of the company together. All I could do is wait.

I hate to wait. I texted again and asked that at least one immediately respond. I included that their lack of response will cost Mooney millions.

There was no one in the bar area, so I found a large rocks glass, scooped some ice into it, and poured a generous amount of clear liquid in. I carried it back to my small office with a coaster and sat in the really comfortable chair. I had just taken a first sip when my cell phone rang. The call was from my LA home.

“Thank you for calling. I have something important for you.”

Kurt said, “You’re on speakerphone so that all of us can hear what has your panties in a twist.”

That was rude, but this is too important to begin digging at each other. I laid out everything that I had come up with, and told them how I had made contact with Westfield to work out an agreement. The partners and legal needed to be in this meeting. I explained that there was a lot of space ready to be leased, and we didn’t have the contacts or knowledge to be the lessor of the business space. I asked if they could stay an extra day to meet with the Westfield people.

Forest said, “You know that you could make that agreement for us. You are a partner.”

“I don’t think so, Forest. I don’t have any document or corporate proclamation or declaration stating I’m a partner and what corporate privileges I have. You have me at your mercy right now. I have no status at all.”

Kurt was being an ass when he said, “Hang up on him, he isn’t a part of Mooney anymore.”

I answered that with, “I expect the half-billion you withheld for my entry as a partner to be paid immediately along with any remaining commissions. I also want to be paid back the seven hundred and twenty million plus interest that you’ve never paid back. That money wasn’t a gift, but a loan that is already making Mooney money. The company then has to fork out everything it owes me if I have no relationship with it.

Kurt’s face must have turned crimson, and Forest’s face was probably white. Mika spoke up and said, “There is only one partner beefing about you taking some time off. You have good reason to take the time off and you have every right for your buy in to be returned now that one partner wants to boot you. I asked accounting about that money that you loaned us being held, and they said that they would get back to me. They never did even with the note on the file that interest was being accrued.”

Same as LA Fun
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I went to a local bar one night for a few beers and to watch the game, was sick of staying home. Was there a few hours, talking to a few guys about football, business, women when I said be right back, gotta take a piss. I left the bar, went to mens room, took out my cock to piss when I hear "Asshole, turn around"-look over my shoulder and 5 guys, incl. the ones I was talking to at the bar were standing there, blocking the door. I thought I was going to robbed. The spokesman of the group,...

1 year ago
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VacationChapter 37

Day Thirty-seven - Tuesday It must have been cold during the night. Sue and I were both under the covers, but she was lying on top of me with her head on my chest, her big bosom squashed into my stomach, with her body and legs between mine. She was snoring. It was a light quiet snore, but snoring nevertheless. My bladder was full and Sue's weight was pressing on it. I bent up and kissed her forehead softly. She gave "hmmmmm" and didn't seem to want to move. "Sue, honey, I have to go...

2 years ago
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Legal Luse

Incest was the part of my marriage vows I was not aware of, nor was my wife Pam. We were always kind of kinky, right from the first day we met. Hey, no big deal. Our hot little imaginations used to come up with some great ones to try. We met at a frat party while we were both attending the University of Wyoming in Laramie. They have a much better law school, if you are interested in Law, that is much better than the Big Three with all their Networking. Anyway I had to go piss and there were...

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My Vacation Part 1 Life Boat Drill 0 BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....True StoryI needed a vacation. Little time to get away from work. I went on a cruise last year around Hawaii. It was very cool and fun to get away. They spoil you on a cruise. This time, however I went alone. Kinda of a Christmas/New Years Eve gift from Santa. I traveled two weeks from Miami to Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize and went through the Panama Canal. I had been to Panama a few years back and always wanted to take a cruise through the canal zone.I took...

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Taylors Growing UpChapter 13

"Whoa," Taylor said softly. "Mom, that feels ... oh wwwwwowwww..." "Mm-hm ... just take your time Sweetheart. Move it down nice and slow, then press it down just a little harder. Don't forget your just on top of your shorts so far. Just wait 'til you have some real skin contact." "Ohhhh, shit!" Immediately Taylor realized what she had said and she looked sheepishly at her mother. "Taylor Honey, when you're doing this, you can say absolutely anything you want. You don't have...

2 years ago
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DID MY Friend Fuck a Ghost 3

Alec was amazed how hot Amy;s slit felt now his cock was buried and just savoured the feel as her muscles gripped him then began to wriggle and squeeze him like a veined glove. Alec had been busy for nearly a week so not even used his hand for a quick release so it Didn,t take long for the combination of his thrusting and Amy working against him that the electrical friction tripped his heavy climax and Filled Amy,s fuck-hole so she was soon swimming in baby gravy and still,it flooded out of...

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Doing as she is told

Anne heard a click and froze.She was naked on her knees, her wrists handcuffed behind her. Blindfolded, she could smell the deep new carpet of the hotel room and hear the movement of staff up and down the corridor interspersed with the regular burr of the air conditioning as it kept the room comfortable on a warm evening.For the previous 10 minutes she had been getting more and more aroused. They had talked about this for so long, planning every detail, imagining how incredibly naughty it would...

1 year ago
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Physical Exam

Nicki Prince sat nervously in the corner of Dr. Nadler's office wishing for the life of her that she was any place but there!!! Momentarily lost in thought, she jumped a little when the doctor's nurse burst into the room and offered, "You must be Nicki, I'm Meg Kean, and I'm Dr. Nadler's nurse, so, what can we do for you today, Nicki!?!" Nicki was a little taken aback at Meg Kean's enthusiasm, but after finally regaining her bearings she replied softly, "Well, uh, it's a female...

2 years ago
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My Aunt The Dominatrix

MY AUNT THE DOMINATRIX by Long Tall MaryThe look on Tina’s face is one that I’ll never forget. After being ordered to strip naked, in front of another woman, she is bound tightly with rope; quicklyrealizing that the modality of relationship therapy will be quite different than what she has been told.My name is Rebecca. I’m 28 years old, a leggy 5’9 brunette, and work as an assistant manager at a supermarket. Currently I own my home and havean ongoing relationship with a male. My sexual...

4 years ago
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A Night To Remember

‘See anything you like?’ Scott asked before taking another drink from his beer bottle.   I took a small sip of my drink before shaking my head.   ‘Not really,’ I responded, resting my arms easily on the railing in front of me. ‘Usually this place is better.’   My eyes continued to scan the dance floor of the club before drifting over to the area to the side, covered with tables and chairs. Every seat was taken, although very few were occupied by females that I would be interested in taking...

3 years ago
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Straight virgin gets his gay cherry popped

I'd had girlfriends, but we were just fumbling around. I'd had my hand up a few skirts and fingered a couple of girls but we weren't old enough to go further. One girl had taken my cock in her hand and was close - oh so close - to giving me an orgasm when her parents came home unexpectedly and we had to dive for opposite ends of their living-room couch. I just managed to pull up my jeans before the front door opened. Had to put a magazine in my lap to cover my erection as her ma came in....

2 years ago
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Virginity Taken By A Friend

Hi this is my first story, I am sham ,this is basically a story of me with my friend who I know from long time but had sex after many years when we get in touch again I know this girl from six years whose stats must be 36/32/38 short in height but beauty I know from first day when I meet her online that I cant marry her so we were good online friends for three years sharing each and everything then there was no contact for next three years as we got busy in our life Then one day we got in...

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A Dom Learns What Submission is all About

I have been married for twelve years and I have always been the dom in our relationship. A couple of years ago I confessed to my wife that I had always had a fantasy of being dominated by a woman, to find out what the submissive side would be like. I had all but forgotten about it when my wife told me that she had found an old friend from college online, and she would really love to get together with her so that we could meet. We made plans and on that Friday we made the hour long drive to her...

1 year ago
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Another Couple

Introduction: This is totally fantasy. My wife didnt want to go to dinner. She kept saying what if they are there. I said so what, they arent going to say anything. It seemed like I would never convince her to go to anymore of our meals but I had a plan. You know tonight is the formal dinner and there is dancing there, I told her. It made her think. My wife loves to dance. She was going to miss this opportunity. She agreed to go on one condition. If they said anything about our sex at the...

3 years ago
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I really couldnt help it

In my late fifties, Diane was my perfect match, we fitted together perfectly, she had a super figure for her age, she indulged me in my sexual whims, I had a high sex drive and she entertained me whenever the urge came. Sadly after 4 wonderful years, Diane passed away, leaving a huge void in my life. Rather than allow myself to wallow in the depths of despair, I focussed on supporting Elaine and Carol in whatever way I could, happy in the knowledge that Diane would have wanted this. I did...

1 year ago
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There Are Times

There are times in a man's life when he just has to step back and wonder, 'What the hell is going on?' This was one of those times. Christmas was over. The tree was down. Decorations and presents had been put into their respective places... So what had happened to that gift I gave her? The one she turned bright red over, when she opened it. She did give me a dirty look, but I kind of expected that. Then she hid it amongst her other loot. I had just found it. Now let me describe this...

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We Needed Madison part three

My neighbor, Madison, had done me a major good deed. First, she gave me the best loving of my life. Then, she brought out the real side of my wife, Natalie. All of this effort brought rewards to Madison, too. She was getting all the sex she could handle from both me and Natalie. She was one happy young lady of twenty-three, and she showed it as much as possible in as many ways as possible that involved acts of sex and lust.Natalie still had to go to work everyday. She was a major corporate...

Group Sex
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Cost of TimeChapter 9 Rapid Travel

After dinner, Count Tellan spoke privately to those who were going east. "The man who commands the soldiers is Captain Andromus. He is a bit of a prig and very conceited. His sister is one of Lady Becky's foremost students and will be assuming many of her duties while she is gone. Lady Becky has a formidable weapon there, and, Lady Becky, you have my permission to use it. Moreover, both Lady Becky and Lady Noia will have letters from me, proclaiming that they aren't to be interfered with,...

2 years ago
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Breathless ShadesChapter 2

Falling as my flesh gripped the porcelain edge. The lights seemingly turned off. The room feeling colder than it had ever before. My neck on fire against the cool air. Unable to stop myself from collapsing, even if I had tried. Before I could think I felt my cheek crash into the floor. The slapping of my flesh ringing through my ears, pounding through my head. I tried to open my eyes. I struggled with the weighted lids. Only able to peek from behind my lashes. Hardly able to see anything...

2 years ago
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Adult Nudist Camp Part 10

It's just before 8 and Sara Should be here soon. I told my sluts to be here at about 9, I wanted a little time with Sara alone before I share her with sluts. Don't get me wrong, she can be hotter, wilder then my sluts(I doubt it), she couldn't and I wouldn't replace them.At 8:15 a small car with dark windows pulls up to my site. And out comes the naked beautiful Sara. Fuck me I don't know if it was because of the lighting in the club, I didn't realize how fucking hot she was. I meet her with a...

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My Incest Sex Story 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends, This is Adeev and this sex story is about my incest relationship with the daughter of my wive’s (Kavya) sister, named Sonia. Sonia was 18-year old that time and came to Mumbai from Kanpur to pursue her college. She was 5’4″ in height slightly overweight and having extra pounds at right places. I personally like curvy women. She had a figure or 34 -32- 38 as I think now.  She wasn’t very fair but had a clear wheatish skin with very sharp features. Her eyes are big and lip small and...

2 years ago
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25 October 2008Chapter 2

John began to move his hand up and down Karen’s inner thigh, each time moving closer to her pussy. She casually spread her pose giving Lisa and Dan a clear view between her legs and felt John adjust his sitting, placing his right arm around her thin waist. She turned more towards him, her eyes searching his. Karen placed her right hand on his face and leaned to kiss him. She could easily make the advances but also liked being seduced by her future lover. Their kissing intensified with...

3 years ago
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Ten Load NightChapter 10 Rocco the Younger Brother

People always ask me, was it about being naked or about showing off. But they didn’t understand. The answer was both, always both. I liked it both. Boys, girls, top, bottom, both. All. There was just something about being naked and showing of my body and cock. Even when I didn’t get naked, I liked being watched. It’s one of the reasons I ran track. Besides keeping in shape, it got me hard whenever I ran a match and had people watching. Couch often had to make me jerk off in front of himself...

1 year ago
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Breaking the Wind Spirit

As one of the Ten Legendary Warrior, the Wind Spirit Warrior Kazemon was responsible to assure the peace of Alphaton town. The Major of this town, Mr. Fukushima, invited her to Royal district. The people cheered at her after she successfully prevented a human and Digimon trafficking near the bridge that connected this town to Neo Alphaton. "Thank you so much, Kazemon. You saved so many life today." Mr. Fukuyama said while shaking the violet haired beauty warrior. "I just doing my job, sir." she...

4 years ago
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Dare Book IIChapter 2

It was morning and I washed myself in the small tiled area that served as the bath for us. It had a deep sink mounted on the floor with a hose running from the faucet. A lip around the tiles kept water from spilling out. An old wooden rack held different things; brushes and soaps for the dogs, strong and made for removing fleas. Some mild ivory soap for me, which was tolerable to our noses at least, and unscented baby shampoo which was hardly unscented at all and a smell I actually...

2 years ago
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Not the Marrying KindChapter 6 The Confrontation

Saturday night I ran on my treadmill like I have never run before. With my radio blasting music I ran and cried and cried and ran. When I was finished I fell to the floor with no more strength to run and no more tears to cry. After a hot shower I laid in bed with my red rimmed eyes unable to lull myself to sleep. I awoke the next morning realizing that eventually sleep had found me. I was smacked in the face with my heartbreak. Should I have told him how I felt about him when I had the...

3 years ago
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The Night Shift Broken Heater

It had all started back in the winter of 06. I had been working at a Hotel as a Guest Service Representative, GSR’s they called us, for about 4 months. Having just past my probationary period 4 weeks previous I was loving my job. Earning a ‘higher than minimum’ wage I was finally able to start saving some money for my future. My girlfriend of a year and a half was extremely proud of me as well, exclaiming how she couldn’t believe the progress I had made in my life, being that I had had...

1 year ago
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First time love

Since this is my first story on this web site, I figured I tell you a true story about the love of my life that I lost twice in my life. The sun was shinning in the window as I woke from our first night together. All my life I had wondered where my first love had gone. I knew she had married when I was away in the Navy and that her husband had died shortly after their daughter had been born. Over time I had married too but now I was single again. I tried for years to locate her with no suggest....

4 years ago
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Thorough Lover

It was early enough for the sun to still shine between the buildings but late enough to for the shops to be closed, leaving the alley well lit yet deserted. Perfect. She was ready for him, finally after so much excruciating training with a baseball ball. They wouldn't need to settle for kisses and boob-jobs anymore; she was going to mount him right there in the alley in front of his jealous coworkers. Their love was forbidden, given her boyfriend was an inanimate street bollard, and that...

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I was ordered to watch

My wife has always been an out going person. She is one of those people that can make the best of any situation. I introduced her to cuckolding . I did it by accident. I would leave the history on our PC uncleared. She knows how to search it to see where I have been. One night while we where dinning out she brought up the subject. Over an after dinner drink I was complementing her on how pretty she looked in the dress she was wearing. She out of the blue said does it make you horny when other...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 35

Out of Afrika, Chapter 35A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******Chapter 35 (by Wunderboi)My Wife's Sexual Awakening, Pt. 02By: wunderboi©Emily twisted on the bed trying to accommodate the heavy load as Ma'Bill took her from behind in the age-old doggy style position, She was now crying out demanding more and more of the fulfilling feeling of Ma'Bill's big cock in her soaking wet pussy. Ma'Bill rotated his hips expertly as he thrust into the...

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She just loves play acting with young spunk ndash Part

Tricia now aged 64 had a very sensuous marriage that involved her and hubby role playing to heighten their sexual pleasure but as her hubby’s virility declined, she started having affairs with young men and she loved it. Now quite still attractive she was also very horny and needed a very young virile man who was attracted to older ladies and could stay hard and shoot lots of creamy cum up her hairy cunt, tight shit hole and down her throat.The thought of role playing with such young man would...

1 year ago
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Ages of FlightChapter 7

The next three months passed slowly by; the winter weather prevented much in the way of construction, except that we did have the airfield surveyed. Jo recuperated from her injuries more quickly than her doctors had predicted. By spring, she was able to walk without assistance, though she tired easily. We had started flying again once she had graduated to smaller walking casts for her leg. We would take short trips when the weather permitted, flying off for a meal or to visit an event. Once...

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the glory hole dad

The Glory Hole and DadIt was really the first time I had ever gone to the parkrestroom and sucked a cock through a glory hole. I hadthought about it and fantasized about it, but until that day, Ihad never done it.For weeks, I had been as horny as hell just thinking aboutit, but then again, what 18-year-old isn't horny at least 24hours a day?I'd known I was gay for the past two years. Eversince I started to fantasize about my English teacher. I usedto go to school and get a hard-on first thing...

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The Rest of the Masterful Weekend Getaway

“Get your suit on, let’s go for a swim.” Going out for dinner was definitely what I needed to straighten out my head or maybe George just fucked with it more. Hours ago I was just about ready to ask him to take me back home and that he not contact me again. The roller coaster ride I was on with him had me frightened one moment, floating in ecstasy the next moment, and then blissfully happy the next moment. At that particular moment when he told me to put on my suit, I couldn’t have agreed to...

1 year ago
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Champion of the KingdomChapter 7

The Battle Asiara floated in darkness for quite some time. There was no pain, though. There was no awareness. She was nothing. Then, there was sensation. An unusual sensation. Lips against her own, but not in a kiss. Pressure. Building. Convulsion. Awareness raced back as Asiara felt herself coughing uncontrollably. As she did so, the water cleared out of her lungs, and she took several deep, longing breaths of cool air. For several moments, she did nothing but focus on gasping air into her...

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