Majas Ferienabenteuer Teil 1
- 3 years ago
- 35
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Sunday, September 27th
Sunday morning I was going to go for a paddle but my arms were sorer than I could remember. A combination of a hard paddle on Friday night and wrestling with a shark Saturday afternoon, I suppose. My legs felt good though so I ran out to the connector and then out to Rifle Range Road and back, about ten miles. For some reason, ten miles running seemed further than ten miles paddling. I put in a reasonable but not great time and by 8:30 both my arms and legs were shot. Any chores I had in mind were put off indefinitely. I cleaned up the kitchen and that's it.
I was ready to call it a day and veg in front of the TV and then I got an inspiration. I made a phone call and got the stamp of approval. Then I took the top off the Ferrari, put on my jungle bird Hawaiian shirt and headed down to Elsa's. I picked up an excited Maja and we headed up the coast to spend the day together, sort of an un-father, un-daughter day out. We took a two hour drive up to Myrtle Beach. We went straight to Broadway at the Beach for lunch at Jimmy Buffet's restaurant, Margaritaville. Lots of colors, the hurricane machine and decorations from a lot of famous songs Maja knew. Is it possible to enjoy a better lunch than a cheeseburger in paradise? I think not.
We took in the aquarium to see what the fish we caught would look like from underwater. Again, another hit. The aquarium has a shark tank that you walk through, with fish and sharks swimming all around you. No toadfish though. Having fished the day before made this especially fun.
Then, shopping. Maja found a floral print that was every bit as fashionable as my jungle bird shirt. Well, almost as fashionable. We bought kites for later use at the beach and at Lids, Maja insisted I get a Detroit Tigers hat. I had the car and the shirt. I needed that hat too. What I really needed was another six inches in height and a cool mustache. I spoiled her and she had fun being spoiled. Broadway at the Beach is designed to get all of a tourist's money in one afternoon. Before I went completely broke we took a helicopter tour. Anyone who's been to Myrtle Beach knows that tourists in helicopters circle overhead from nearly dawn till dusk. But rarely does a tourist show up in Magnum's car, wearing a jungle bird shirt and take a ride in TC's helicopter. Well, it wasn't TC but it was close enough for Maja. We had packed a lot into a little time and both had fun doing it. If word got out about this at school, I'd have a class of kids that would want to take a field trip to Myrtle Beach.
On the way back I asked Maja to tell me some stories. She's heard so many of mine and I wanted to hear some about her and her mom. I wished I hadn't. She had never met her grandparents on her father's side. After all, her mother had killed their son. On the other side of the family, Elsa was ostracized because of it. Her family didn't know the abusive side of her first husband. Only the prince charming side. She told me about living in Virginia in a small apartment with her aunt sharing mom duties. Maja had been to six different schools by the time she ended up at our little school. They had moved to IOP to get away from a scam artist who was still trying to ruin their lives. It was the life she knew and she wasn't sad about it at all. In fact she shared all this in a cheery, upbeat manner. She might not have been sad about it but I was and I knew Elsa was too. Maja had missed out on a lot.
We got home right at dinner time. Maja recounted the day and I went to the back deck while Elsa put together a quick dinner. Maja dominated the conversation and Elsa encouraged her for all the details. It was Maja's turn to do dishes and Elsa and I went to the deck to watch the sunset. This was quickly becoming my favorite place.
"That was serious bonus points, Mister."
"Yeah. I figured it would be." I wasn't really talkative and would have been happy just to watch the sunset.
"What's wrong? Maja had a great time and I so appreciate it. She needed that."
I didn't really want to say. I didn't want to say that I was sorry for how much Maja had missed out on. I didn't want to because it made me sad and I didn't want to because it might sound critical. And that was something that I had earned points for. I didn't want to lose those and didn't see any reason to. Especially when I wasn't being critical. Just sad.
"I know. This has been a fun weekend. It's been fun watching Maja have fun. I don't get that enough. Kids are on the clock when they're with me and I don't get to see them just be kids enough."
"Ok. So why so blue?'
"That obvious?"
"Danny, never, ever play poker. So, tell."
"I asked Maja to tell me stories. It wasn't what I expected, that's all."
"Ah. No, I don't suppose it would be."
"It's been tough, huh?"
"It's been tough. Tougher on Maja than me."
"I don't think she thinks so. You know, I'm not so observant. Not like I think I am."
"No? The Magnum shirt doesn't help your powers of observation?"
"Fraid not. I'll tell you. I saw a beautiful woman and a nice house, nice car, polite and smart little girl and I came to conclusions that aren't even close."
"Second thoughts?"
"Second thoughts. About what?"
"Me. Us. You know, us with a future."
"No. That's not what I mean at all. I just meant that I saw things far more simply than they are."
"And now you're thinking? What? How does that change things?"
"It makes me want to hang on tighter. It certainly doesn't drive me away if that's what you were thinking."
"Good. Baggage in the open. Well, that's good. Any secrets you need to come clean on?"
"No. Not really. I had good parents that had me late in life and they're both gone. The rest of my family, brother and sister live in Atlanta. Been here for ten years and don't plan to leave. No arrests, don't smoke, drink but don't get drunk. I might make an exception tonight, though."
"I guess. I feel bad for Maja but it sounds rotten in my head when I think it."
"Why's that? Why would it feel rotten? I know what she's missed and I think you probably have a good clue about it by now. So why doesn't it sound right to you?"
"Because I keep thinking that if I said it, it would sound like I thought poorly of you and I don't. But it seems like it would sound that way. I don't want it to sound that way. I just want it not to be so." I was honestly on the point of tears and was hoping the sun would go down soon.
"I believe you. I've done my best and I think you think that. You do, don't you?"
"Yeah. I do. I do think that. I just think it's shitty that it hasn't been better and that you deserve better."
"Yeah. Me too. Maja and me? We have each other and we love our time together. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her. But you were right last night. We both know that the past is what it is. We can't relive it, can't change it, can't fix it."
"Doesn't mean I have to like it."
"No. You're a good man, Danny. You've done right by us. You've given Maja a weekend she'll remember for a long time. Me too. Celebrate that. I am. I got past the past last night."
"Well, I said a lot of what I said without understanding the context as well as I do now."
"And now?"
"I think I might go home and talk it over with my friend Jack."
"You mean Marco?"
"No, Jack. Mr. Jack Daniels. We haven't talked in a while."
"I'm ok with that. You want to pick Maja up for school in the morning?"
"Yeah. I'll be by at 7, if that's ok."
"That's fine. Before you leave, when you walk through you need to have a smile on your face. You gave my little girl a great weekend. If you walk out sad and she sees that she'll think it's her fault."
"Ok. I know you're right. Let me think happy thoughts for a minute or something."
"Let me help." She stepped behind me and started massaging my sore and aching shoulders. I don't know how she knew but I needed that so badly. I sat down in a chair and she kept going. Shoulders, traps and especially my delts. They were so tight and needed that so much. She finished by working her way up my neck and then rubbed her fingers vigorously on my scalp. If that wasn't enough, when she finished with my scalp she leaned into me and massaged my chest down to my abs. Every time she reached down to my abs my face got a special treat. After her talk the night before I was not going to say a word about her breasts pressing into me. I think I was drooling by the time she finished.
"You have no idea."
On my way out, Maja came running down the stairs and gave me a huge crush hug and then ran back upstairs without saying a word. When I got home I left Jack in the cabinet and went to bed happy that night.
The week of September 28th
That week seemed like a normal week although it was anything but. I picked Maja up every morning. Three times Elsa walked her out to the car and I got a kiss goodbye. Twice, some woman who looked vaguely like Elsa, but with a robe and wet hair waved from the doorway. I motioned her to come down to the car but she would have none of that. Maja and I let the principal, vice principal and Maja's French teacher know about the situation and encouraged them to call Elsa to verify. French was Maja's last class of the day so Mrs. Barbier needed to know. I cooked dinner one night and Elsa twice. It seemed like a business week and I guess it was. Elsa planned dinner Friday night with the Krupps. While we had talked about how we would handle the public face of our relationship it didn't seem like we needed a plan for that.
I arrived right at 7 to find the Krupps already there. I greeted them, Maria and Maja then walked into the kitchen to greet Elsa. I leaned forward to give her a peck on the cheek but she turned from her preparation and gave me a quick one on the lips. The Krupps already knew me, knew they liked me because Maria did. That I was involved with another parent made no difference to them and that was good. Jayson Krupp was an orthopedic surgeon who specialized in joint replacements; knees, hips and the like. I told Jayson that although I had used the services of many parents I hoped I wouldn't need his.
We had a relaxing dinner. The girls ate out on the deck and we ate indoors. I learned more about golf than I thought there was to know. I know a lot of people enjoy golf but I agree with Mark Twain, who said, "Golf is a good walk, ruined." I see no point in chasing a little white ball that I just hit. I kept that sentiment to myself. We learned from Kathi Krupp just what it takes to put on Charleston's Piccolo Spoleto Festival every year, in case we cared. We didn't and we still don't. Elsa and I also discovered we both have a reasonable tolerance for meaningless conversation. When they left, we looked at each other, sighed and laughed. I asked if Maja or Maria had any idea what bores her parents were. I was asked, "Why do you think they wanted to eat on the deck?" They could have given us a heads up.
October through Thanksgiving - a routine develops
Over the next month we fell into something of a routine. I took Maja to school in the morning and home in the evenings. Sometimes we would go back to my place where Bonkers got way more attention than he deserved. Other times, I would take her back to their place and I'd wait. I didn't like the idea of leaving her alone even though they had done this in the past. It seemed that every other Friday, Maja would go home with the Krupps and or I'd bring both girls back to the Lundquist home. The Ferrari is not made for three people. I would have to rethink that. On top of that my Fatboy wasn't getting a lot of miles.
I discovered that Elsa was a superb cook. Her Virginia cousin ran a catering business and she had learned much from her. I, on the other hand, taught her how to clean fish and a dozen ways to cook them. Elsa gave me a tennis lesson and I learned far more about humility than I did about playing tennis. Maybe if she'd played left handed. No. I don't think that would have helped. I was pouring sweat and she looked like she might have walked a block at a leisurely pace. So I did the only intelligent thing I could think of. I started getting lessons from her every Thursday night. If tennis was such a big part of her life, I wanted to be a part of that. She was a good teacher but I had my work cut out for me. It was a good thing the SUP season was about over because serving practice was killing my arm. She could effortlessly send rockets over the net and on target. I could do one or the other. I could hit a rocket or I could put it in the service box but doing both at the same time consistently was outside my capability.
I returned the favor by teaching her some martial arts. I taught her some simple self-defense moves taken mostly from Aikido and Small Circle Jujitsu. She picked up on it much quicker than I picked up tennis. After a few lessons, she decided that Maja should learn some self-defense also. By the end of the month Maria had joined us and I worked with the three of them to teach them moves that they could use on someone much bigger and more powerful. Maria and Maja were simply too small to be effective against a determined attacker but I thought Elsa might do well. We also talked about pepper spray and handguns. While Elsa knew guns, she no longer owned one. Trading tennis for martial arts was a great idea and we both enjoyed learning not just about each other's passion but how to enjoy performing those arts.
We were quickly developing a set of shared experiences and found that it was fun and easy to do. Maja fell into this easily. She wanted to be a part of everything we did but Elsa let her know that we needed our space too and she was pretty quick to figure that out. The three of us walked a lot of miles on the beach that month. The weather had been with us and as long as it would last we would take advantage of it. Elsa hadn't talked much about Alex since our first dinner together but I knew their marriage was down to the last few weeks and on one walk on the beach I asked her about it.
She told me that Alex Djouski, aka Alex Herndon, aka Alex Michaels, aka Michael Herndon had never graduated from high school and certainly never gone to college. He had been arrested nine or ten times but he never stayed in jail for long. He was a confidence man who specialized in rich widows. Elsa was the youngest and least wealthy of his victims. He had developed so much experience with other women that he knew how to tell Elsa just what she wanted to hear. He knew her net worth or at least had an idea of what it was and he wasn't interested. Elsa thought his own wealth and disinterest in hers was one of the key factors in gaining her trust. As a potential investor through Goldwater, Price, he had a reasonable curiosity about other investors. His went beyond the general and into specifics but by then Elsa's guard was down. He pulled Maja in as well and made promises about the future to both of them. He became what they needed; a knight in shining armor. The more she told me the easier it was to understand and the more I disliked Alex Whoeverhewas.
Hi.. I am sam continuing the story” maja with Mil” .After marriage function I separated saradha from the crowd, rushed towards our room and pushed her on the bed. I immediately locked the door and jumped and hugged her tightly. She was I red silk sari with matching blouse and looked like bride with lots of flowers on her back. The jasmine flower smell tempted me more. I kissed her like a hungry dog and bited her lips cheek chin … licked and tasked her lips hardly. She screamed loudly due to my...
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Milf AF! You guys know that I love to break in fresh teens. The pristine bodies, innocent attitude, and lack of experience make for some fantastic fucking. I love teaching these bitches how to do it right. When they leave my dick, it's like they just took a fuck 101 course. Whoever they bang next, better thank me for laying the groundwork.Give Me a Cock ProBut I don't always want to be the senior professional in the room. Sometimes I want to fuck a bitch that already knows how to throw down on...
Premium POV Porn SitesWhile I was working, Amanda came in. Her naked body turned me on within seconds. “Jeremy, I’m really cold. Can I please put some clothes on?” she asked. I could see she was telling the truth, as her nipples were hard. “No,” I answered. “Please, I’ll suck you off,” she offered. “I make the rules!” I yelled at her. “Sorry,” she immediately said while she looked down to the ground. “You could do something to get warm,” I said. “Like what?” she asked as she looked at me again. “You’ll...
Straight SexHello Guys, andharu ela vunnaru? This is vikram back again for you with a new story. Na last story ki chala appreciation vachindhi dhaniki mukhya karanam meerandharu. So first thanks a lot to all of you. Prathi okkariki chala chala thanks, mi feedbacks and suggestions and mi viluvaina chattings. Please esari kuda story chadhivi meeku nachithey naaku msg cheyyandi, nenu wait chesthuntaa meekosam. Mail me at and . Meeku earakhamaina satisfaction kosamaina mail cheyyandi sadha me sevalo vunta....
"Welcome to the Isle of Lesbos. Can I help you?" You swallow the growing lump in your throat and make your way across the plush carpeting to the reception desk where a pretty green-eyed blonde smiles at you. "Hi," you say, managing to keep the tremble out of your voice. "I'm Jane. I just became a member, this is my first time at the club. Where do I go from here?" "I'll be happy to show you around," she says, smiling even more. "I'm Susan. Since you'll be staying with us for a few days, Jane,...
LesbianAngel had gotten a call from her agent about a modeling job in Palm Beach. Apparently, some rich lady was putting on a show for charity for the women in her club. The show was to be at the woman's house and was very private. Since the woman was rich, she had no problem paying Angel's usual price for several hours of work. In fact, her agent told her that the woman had asked for Angel to bring another model with her if she so desired. This made Angel happy because she did have a girl that she...
"It works!" Dr. Schultz yelled in excitement. "Can you believe it Barbie!" Dr. Gwen gave her coworker an icy stare. "I told you not to call me that," she said eyeing the system. Dr. Schultz rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, my apologies," he said waving a hand at Dr. Gwen. "But you can understand my slip up, it's not every day one develop a literal time machine!" "One?" Dr. Gwen asked, her nose twitching in anger. "What is her problem?" Dr. Schultz thought irritably as he looked at...
I guess the best place to start any story is at the beginning. I meet my wife Jan when I was only sixteen and still a virgin. She was a year younger than me but despite her tender age she was already well experienced sexually, having lost her cherry two years before while only aged fourteen. So by the time we meet she had already had taken quite a few cocks up her In the early days I used to be very jealous of these earlier lovers… later I was to learn to love hearing all the juicy...
She crept away slowly on her hands and knees, her heart pounding like a drum inside her chest, jeans covered in mud and dirt. She covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly as she heard terrible cries of pain echoing in the distance as he took them away one by one, sacrificing them to this strange creature, this Entity. She cried into her hands, holding her mouth shut trying to stay quiet. Whilst streams of tears ran down her face, she quietly prayed, “Please, don’t let him catch me, I don’t...
As I was sat having my breakfast, the wife had gone to work, there was a knock on the door, there stood the beautiful Asian girl from next door with her sister. Not the one who her husband was screwing, but another one. She said to me "Will you do my sister", well what can you say? I said "Ok Come in".Her sister was 23, single, 5'2" and around 20 stone. Short and dumpy. Not attractive like herself. I said "Are you staying" she replied "No", "Pity" I said. With that she left leaving her sister...
So story start karne ke pehele main apko kuch chize bata deta hu. Ye meri peheli story hai to please agar mujhse koi galti ho jati hai to mujhe maaf kar dena. Main apko apne baare mein bata deta hu. Mera naam Akash (name changed) hai. Main Nagour se belong karta hu. Abhi 22 years ka hu I am in 4rd year of my Mechanical engineering. Height 5ft 7inch good athletic body (Because of regular gym). Handsome aur dusky (girls like dusky guys more). Just First year ki exams khatam hui thi to thodi...
When I was 18 I had a friend named Steven. We used to go to his house after school and play video games and such. Steven lived with his mom, Joy and younger brothers and she usually got home from work around five or six. Joy was around forty five, average looking a little over weight , maybe 5’4” and had short blonde hair. She always wore a skirt or a dress and was well dressed for work. I used to check her out when she came home. I was always kinda hot for her. On several occasions I...
I could feel her breath on neck as her lips brushed me, Her fingers sought my penis It hardened as I felt the folds of my foreskin being touched, gently pulled, gently stretched out, then pulled back so that a bead of glans emerged from the tight ring of prepuce. My cock was as solid as it could be she slipped off her t-shirt and eased on top of me. I could feel her breasts brushing against my chest.I felt the warmth of her moist vulva as she rubbed against my cock.I so wanted to be inside her,...
“Our bags should be at turnstile 3” Janet told Jim as she was still struggling to walk in a straight line, little lone find turnstile 3. Jim knew all of this already but let her take the lead so as not to upset the professional relationship. He couldn’t help but think about the tryst in the bathroom on the plane 25 minutes ago. “I’ll grab our bags while you get the paperwork for the rental car” Jim replied as he headed over to where the bags were dropping down from the conveyor belt. ...
This tale happened in 2015. My business takes me to large car events all over the country, buying, selling, making deals and relationships, carshows, meets, etc.. Depending on what an event centers around, you'll see the same people repeatedly for years on end. This year was my second year at the Scottsdale mega car auctions for fine automobiles. The women at these types of events are rich or being preened to be rich, elegant, classic dressed in many ways from all eras. Like old world sexy...
Victoria looked over at the figure sleeping next to her. Richard was a few years older than her twenty-seven years, but regular workouts and a healthy lifestyle kept him in good shape. But, although his body was always a turn on for her, it was the shape lower down, beneath the expensive cotton sheet that held her attention now. Even in the early morning half-light she could see the outline of his erection, and the sight of it was drawing pictures in her mind - should she slide beneath the...
Straight SexMy sexy wife convinced me to take a vacation trip to Barbados for our wedding anniversary. She said we would enjoy some nice sunny days at the beach and could take the nights to fuck like crazy, without thinking on the dull routine or stress. The day before, I bought her a new outfit for the beach: a very tiny thong in green lime, her favorite color. I put it inside of her suitcase, so she would find it when we were at the hotel there…The first afternoon she came out from the bathroom wearing...
Rosa arrived home first. Several minutes later Kathy ran into the house, kissed her mother and headed for the shower, yelling out that she had a date with Peggy and another girl named Marlene. Rosa smiled and shrugged thinking back to when she was seventeen and how full of life she'd been. Then it occurred to her that she was pretty active even now at thirty-eight and she laughed aloud. Knowing that Dutch was due any minute, she made two martinis, one for each of them, in order to prepare...
Jackie Lawrence was in what she considered the best part of her life. The various struggles of the past were simply that, in the past. She could name them, chew on them, if she wanted, or allowed herself but these days she simple didn’t bother. She’d grown up with a name that she hated, Samantha Jacqueline. She’d often chided her Mom about where they came up with that name. Her Mom only ever smiled her soft enigmatic smile and said her usual: ‘Oh I like that name.’ Jackie surely didn’t like...
Our boy Kyle was packing for his vacation until three rowdy girls barged through his door. One of them was his girlfriend Xianna Hill, and the other two were his side chicks Alex and Sadie Blake. All three of them were pissed that they were getting played. They thought their relationships were real and monogamous! Kyle was going to have to pick who he really wanted to be with. The girls tried to help him decide by having a good old fashioned fuck and suck off! Sadie went first and made his cock...
xmoviesforyouEvery six months, Marisol flew to New York to visit her son bearing presents and abundance of love. Early summer she came for his birthday and every Christmas she joined Luisa's family for the celebration. The presents didn't hurt, but Nate loved his "aunt's" visits more for her presence. She seemed devoted to his every word. She shared little of her life, telling him his "mother" had all the luck and she was just a mousy old maid. "But you're not," he said on Christmas of his...
Introduction: To make sense, start from the beginning…. Chapter Two ____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette door prize I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine oclock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resorts Managing...
Hari sat on the PC and went through the job websites , he applied for some jobs. He checked his mailbox and did not find any mails from Consultants. Hari had been laid off and was sitting at home for over a month. He was slowly getting frustrated sitting at home doing nothing. He missed the office routine , the hot babes and hot sex. He made some calls looking for a job and drew a blank. He visited some porn sites and started stroking his cock. He was slowly becoming hard and getting aroused....
This year my wife was invited to a private Halloween party that one of her co-workers was throwing.The weekend after she was invited she and I went shopping for her costume.I had figured it was for both of us but I was wrong I later found out. I asked her about mine costume and what was I going as ? She said we have yours already and I know just what you'll be . The night of the party I was ordered to get ready first so she could take as long as needed. I was told to shower and shave everything...