The Long and the Short of ItChapter 9
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Jackie Lawrence was in what she considered the best part of her life. The various struggles of the past were simply that, in the past. She could name them, chew on them, if she wanted, or allowed herself but these days she simple didn’t bother.
She’d grown up with a name that she hated, Samantha Jacqueline. She’d often chided her Mom about where they came up with that name. Her Mom only ever smiled her soft enigmatic smile and said her usual: ‘Oh I like that name.’ Jackie surely didn’t like it. She hadn’t wanted to grow up known as ‘Sam’, which was inevitable. But there it was, until she got into college and shed the ‘Sam’ and the image that went with it, and fashioned herself as ‘Jackie’.
And, of course there was the image. She’d been sort of heavy in high school. She wasn’t really fat but she was ‘she’s only material to be a friend’ heavy. She lived with that, sobbed about it personally and privately until a few things happened. Firstly, in college she discovered the track team and a love of running. She became a work out devote. She also grew an astounding two inches. The end result of her efforts and mother nature’s good graces was that Jackie Lawrence was a willowy 5’10’ with raven black hair. She liked the ‘willowy’ image that her efforts and growth brought her but was also secretly pleased that she’d inherited from her Mom the tendency to be large in the breast. She was often not sure if it were possible to be both ‘willowy’ and ‘big bosomed’ but there she was, and she liked it. She knew the salutary effect of both short skirts with her long legs and blouses that emphasized her breasts.
But that all changed with what she called ‘the Brad incident’. Her athletic nature brought her into contact with various others with the same pursuits. Brad was one of those. He was a jock. They did the normal, they ‘fell in love’ and got married. He promised to see her through school, since at an early age Jackie had aimed herself toward medical school.
But Brad turned out to be a whiner. He complained lustily and frequently that she was a millstone around his neck and that all his money was going into her schooling. He actually, to Jackie’s immense relief, bailed out, when she was just beginning her med school education. He was the last of her ‘Sam’ friends before she turned herself into her present ‘Jackie’.
So, Brad was gone. He was gone with great relief, when she agreed with him that they mutually foreswore any kind of obligation, financial obligation from each other. It pleased him to shut off what he saw as the flow of money to her education. She continued it then, with a little help from her parents. Of course, he never was able to work through the issue far enough to be able to see that in the future she would probably be the source of the money but for Brad ‘that train had left the station’ so to speak.
Jackie was a surgeon. It had become her dream and one that she followed with all the intensity that she’d put into her running and track career, or put into refashioning herself as ‘Jackie’, and not ‘Sam’.
In the long process of getting that done, she shut down any thoughts of romance. She simply didn’t get involved. She would often enough say to girl friends and those who prompted her to date that she’d been ‘entertained quite enough by that kind of idea in her life, thank you.’ It was her standard comeback for such suggestions.
She’d worked excessively hard and got to her goal. She was now a staff surgeon at a significant medical center. Once she was established in her practice, she allowed herself to buy an old home in a section of lovely old homes in the near suburbs of her city. She loved the old place and made it super comfortable for herself and her lifestyle.
Jackie took very good care of herself, she continued her exercises and continued running. She dressed with Žlan and was extremely popular around the hospital. She certainly had had date offers, even the smarmy ones from married men, who felt that they could get some from Dr. Jackie on the side. She remained aloof from them. Her ‘Brad Days’ had, she thought, cured her of such romantic ideas and she just wasn’t interested.
She also knew that there were, at times, rumors that her sexuality ran to women. It was an idea that she’d never entertained, and she had enough self possession, when a friend of her, Doris, mentioned the rumor that she was a lover of women, to simply laugh at the insinuation.
At her present age of 35, Jackie Lawrence was extremely pleased with her life, her practice, her appearance, and especially her home. It all pleased her. She also lived these days for those occasions when she was visited by her Mom or her Dad.
It was being a lovely and fairly rare day off for Jackie. She had decided on a late cup of tea on her patio behind the house. It was her favorite Irish Breakfast tea with sugar and evaporated milk, a true comfort drink. She was just enjoying the early morning sun and the sound of the birds when she was interrupted by a voice:
‘Hi there!’ came a small almost squeaky voice.
Jackie looked over and all she could see was a small blond head. The head of a little girl. Before Jackie could acknowledge the girl, the little girl spoke again:
‘This is Mr Twig,’ she said, holding up a raggedy brown bear, ‘And I’m Sam, that’s short for Samantha. I was named after my Mommie!’
‘Well,’ Jackie said, both surprised but also completely taken in by the little tow headed, blue eyed girl and her Mr Twig bear, ‘I’m Jackie, and I’m afraid that I don’t have a Mr Twig, so he’s welcome here, and you are too.’
‘Thank you, Jackie,’ the little girl said with a winning smile that showed a gap where she’d lost her two front teeth.
‘In case you’re wondering,’ Sam continued, ‘Mr Twig and I are here with our Poppa. He’ next door now doing some work on Mommie’s house.’
‘How nice for all of you!’ Jackie said.
‘My Mommie’s in heaven with God,’ Sam continued, ‘She had the cancer they told me, she got sick and went to God. Mr Twig and I miss her. I think that my Poppa misses her too. There are times when he’s sad and has tears in his eyes. Mr Twig and I try to comfort him but he’s still sad. Poppa says that he bought the house for my Mommie, it was her dream house and now that Mommie’s with God, we’ll fix it up and live in it. What do you do?’
Jackie was a bit taken back by the complete switch of topic at the end of the sentence but just smiled and said:
‘I’m a doctor, Doctor Jackie is my name.’
‘Mr Twig and I are pleased to meet you, Dr. Jackie,’ Sam said then, making sure that the bear bowed to her new friend.
Just then a voice called out: ‘Sam! Sam!’
‘Oh,’ Sam said, ‘That’s my Poppa, he told me to be sure to not go toward the road and stay where he could see me. Bu then I saw you setting here and having such a nice morning that I thought that Mr Twig and I would come and say ‘hello’ to you.’
Just then a man with dark curly hair and some gray at the temples came around the side of the house. He was wearing a pair of tan cargo pocket shorts and a tool belt.
‘Sam, where’d you get off to?’ the man said, just a second before seeing Jackie, who that morning had on a pair of running shorts and a tee shirt.
‘Poppa,’ Sam said politely, ‘Mr Twig and I were just talking to our neighbor Dr Jackie.’ Sam smiled her toothless smile, obviously suffused with love for her Poppa and then went on: ‘Poppa this is Dr Jackie.’
The man gave Jackie a smile and said: ‘Sorry to have the ambassador at loose, she was supposed to stay where I could see her.’
‘And away from the road, she tells me,’ Jackie said.
‘Exactly,’ he said and advanced a few steps. ‘I’m Walt Williams, you already know Sam, Samantha and Mr Twig.’
Jackie smiled a broad smile and said: ‘Pleased to meet you, Walt, Sam and I are already fast friends.’
‘Don’t you just love my name?’ Samantha asked
enthusiastically. ‘It’s really Samantha, my Mommie’s name, but I got to be called Sam. Mr Twig prefers just ‘Sam’, though, when I’m in trouble, it’s usually ‘Samantha’.
Jackie laughed at that and Walt joined her in the laugh.
‘Sorry to have your morning disturbed,’ Walt said.
‘Not at all,’ Jackie said, ‘I’m always ‘in’ to my friends, I’m having a day off, and just am lounging here over my tea. I was just going to invite Sam and Mr Twig to join me for tea and cookies. May she?’
Walt looked at Sam who got a huge grin on her face and said: ‘Poppa, oh, could we? Mr Twig would like it ever so much.’
‘I’ll watch out for her, Walt,’ Jackie said.
‘Thank you,’ he said, and then ‘Yes, honey, you and Mr Twig may visit with Dr. Jackie.’
‘Send her over, if you don’t mind, when you need to, ‘ he said to Jackie.
‘I’ll bring her, if I may,’ Jackie said.
‘Perfect,’ Walt said and before turning to go, bent to give Sam a hug.
The little girl threw herself into her Poppa’s arms and then presented Mr Twig for a hug. Jackie tinkled into laughter and Walt grinned at her and walked back to the work that he was doing on the house.
‘Well what about milk and cookies, while I have my tea?’ Jackie asked.
‘Super,’ Sam said, ‘Mr Twig and I really like milk and cookies, it’s a favorite.’
‘Good,’ Jackie continued, ‘Would you like to come and help me or do you want to wait with Mr Twig?’
‘I’d love to help you,’ Sam said, and went inside with Jackie.
‘Your house is very nice,’ Sam said, as she looked around the kitchen area, with it’s breakfast corner, where a round breakfast table was surrounded by a wall of windows that looked out onto the rambling back yard and the woods beyond.
‘Thank you, Sam, I’m glad you like it,’ Jackie said.
‘Mr Twig will like it also,’ Sam said with certainty in her voice.
‘Oh, good,’ Jackie said, ‘I’m pleased that he would.’
‘What kind of cookies does Mr Twig like?’ Jackie asked.
Sam went over to the walk in pantry where Jackie was and looked at the variety of cookies that were available.
‘I like cookies,’ Jackie said, ‘Although I try to not eat too many, I watch my weight.’
‘Well, you’re certainly not fat,’ Sam said again with certainty.
‘Why, thank you,’ Jackie answered, as they picked out a few kinds of cookies to put on a decorative plate to take out to the patio.
‘Will it be milk for you?’ Jackie asked.
‘Yes, ma’am,’ Sam said, ‘And I’ll share mine with Mr Twig.’
‘Very thoughtful of you,’ Jackie said, and carried the plate of cookies and the glass of milk out to the patio.
They sat and had their cookies, talking companionably for a bit, when Sam said:
‘I used to have tea parties with my Mom, before she got sick.’
The thought was apparently too much for her. In about a moment, her face fell and she began to sob.
‘I miss her so!’ she said through tears that were coming quickly.
‘Come, Sam,’ Jackie said, holding out her arms to the little girl, ‘Doctors give hugs.’
Sam climbed down from her chair, grabbed Mr Twig and went into Jackie’s arms. She curled into Jackie’s lap and, turning her face, to Jackie’s tee shirt, began to cry in earnest. That’s when Walt appeared again. He stood for a moment just staring at the scene in front of him, and the way Jackie was cradling and caring for Sam.
‘Hey?’ he said but Jackie said to him:
‘We’re having a little sadness. Sam has been talking about having tea parties with her Mom.’
Sam turned and seeing her father produced a smile. ‘I was telling Dr Jackie about Mommie,’ she said.
‘Yes, honey, I know,’ he said, coming up to the patio and holding his arms out now for a hug of his own.
Sam looked up into her father’s face and said softly:
‘Poppa, Dr. Jackie would make a very nice Mommie. . .’
At that point Walt got red in the face and Jackie put her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing out loud, and then Sam went on:
‘But, Dr. Jackie, we need another Samantha, it’s Poppa’s favorite name. I’m sorry.’
Jackie got control of herself and said:
‘I understand completely, Sam, but you and Mr Twig and I can certainly be friends, and whenever you’re here and I am home, I’d like it if you came to visit me. Would you?’
‘Oh, yes,’ Sam said enthusiastically, ‘Promise.’ Then she turned to her father again and said:
‘Dr Jackie has such a lovely kitchen with a round table and all, I’m going to take Mr Twig in to see it, maybe she’d let you come in to see it too.’
She looked at Jackie hopefully, once she’d said it and Jackie gave a brief laugh and said:
‘Of course, Mr Twig and your Poppa are welcome to come in and see my kitchen.’
They went in, single file and Sam showed her father around the kitchen, telling him what she liked about it. He was attentive and Jackie was secretly pleased. Once the tour was over, Walt said:
‘I have to go to the hardware store, Jackie, is it possible for Sam to stay with you, while I’m gone?’
‘Of course,’ Jackie said quickly, ‘I’d love it.’
Sam smiled, and said: ‘You go, Poppa, Mr Twig and I are enjoying our visit with Dr Jackie.’
They continued their ‘tea party’, and Walt stopped to tell Jackie that he was back, after just a little bit. He went back to work and Sam stayed with Jackie.
‘Are you getting hungry?’ Jackie asked, after just a while. ‘It’s about lunch time.’
‘Yes, please,’ Sam said, ‘Can we make some lunch for Poppa too?’
‘Well, I guess that we can,’ Jackie said. ‘What do you think he’d like?’
‘Oh, I think he’d like best grilled cheese and tomato soup,’ Sam said with her usual certainty.
‘Well that’s what we’ll have,’ Jackie said.
They busied themselves together making the lunch. Jackie got a stool for Sam to stand on and put an apron around her waist, since she wanted to help with the making of the lunch. When it was all finished, and ready, Jackie got a tray and loaded it with the soup, the grilled cheese sandwiches, cookies and drinks for all three of them, since Sam said that she and Mr Twig would, as usual, share.
Walt was surprised, pleasantly, when the girls arrived with the lunch in tow.
‘Wow!’ he said, ‘Lunch with beautiful women and a tray loaded with favorites.’
Turning to Jackie he smiled broadly and said: ‘I really appreciate this, I know how much of an invasion of your day off this is.’
‘Not a bit of it,’ Jackie said, ‘I love the company, and Sam and I are such good friends, aren’t we?’
‘Sure are,’ Sam said, ‘I helped with the lunch, I had my own apron and all. I fixed the soup. Isn’t it grand?’
Walt laughed and said: ‘Yes, it’s just grand.’
They ate their lunch in silence, and only after they were finished did Walt say to Jackie:
‘I have only a little more to do here, she can stay here with me now.’
‘But Poppa,’ Sam protested, ‘I helped with the lunch and should help now with the cleaning up, I think.’
Jackie smiled and nodded to Walt.
‘Okay, pumpkin,’ he said, ‘You can help with the clean up but then I want you and his nibs Mr Twig to take a nap.’
‘Oh, can I nap at Dr Jackie’s house?’ Sam asked eagerly.
Jackie laughed and nodded at Walt again: ‘Yes, you can, honey,’ she said, ‘If your Poppa doesn’t mind.’
‘Thank you again,’ Walt said, ‘Sam normally stays with my sister, when I’m over here working on the house. She was busy today. It seems like such an imposition.’
‘It’s not, really,’ Jackie said, putting her hand on his arm. ‘We’re getting along famously. I’ll put her down for a nap, once we’ve done the clean up and will let you know, when she’s up and about.’
‘Thank you so much!’ he said earnestly, smiling at her.
Jackie and Sam took the tray back to her house, once the lunch was al
l eaten. Jackie got out the pink apron that Sam had worn before, and once Mr Twig was seated at the kitchen table in the breakfast alcove, the two girls gathered at the sink to do the clean up.
‘I used to help my Mommie,’ Sam said proudly.
‘I bet you did,’ Jackie said, ‘And I appreciate the help that you’re giving me.’
They were finally done and Sam yawned.
‘I guess it’s time for you and Mr Twig to have your nap.’
‘Yes,’ Sam said, ‘We’re getting tired.’
‘Well, come with me then,’ Jackie said, leading both the little girl and her bear up the stairs to her room. She had a king sized canopy bed that Sam just loved. Jackie helped her get up onto the bed with Mr Twig and put a cover over her.
‘My Mommie would lie down with me and Mr Twig,’ Sam said softly.
‘Then I will too,’ Jackie said, getting into bed and snuggling the little girl up to her.
‘Thank you, Dr. Jackie,’ Sam said and with the swiftness of youth, slipped into slumber.
Jackie had tears in her eyes, as she held onto the little girl, saying softly to herself:
‘No, thank you Samantha.’
Her mind lingered over the little girl’s name and all of her past struggle with being a ‘Sam’ came back to her, only this time it didn’t seem as bad a name as she once had thought it.
She’d had a run that morning and was herself drowsy in a few minutes. She woke up after about a half hour with Sam still curled in her arms. She lay there until Sam woke about twenty minutes later.
Sam opened her eyes and smiled at Jackie, saying a soft:
‘Hi, Dr Jackie! Thank you for the nap on this pretty bed.’
‘It’s my pleasure, love,’ Jackie said, leaning over to kiss Sam’s cheek and being both surprised and pleased by the fact that Sam moved her face also and gave her a kiss at the same time.
‘We’re gonna be good friend, Dr Jackie, don’t you think?’ Sam asked softly.
‘Oh, I think we’re gonna be the best friends ever,’ Jackie said, realizing that she meant it.
Jackie took Sam for a brief wash up, once the nap was done. Then the two of them decided to go an look for Walt. They were walking hand in hand, and Mr Twig was under Sam’s arm, when they found him at the house next door.
Sam ran to her father and hugged him, as soon as she saw him.
‘Oh, Poppa,’ she said, ‘Dr Jackie has a big, big bed with a cover over it, it’s ever so lovely, and she napped with Mr Twig and me, just like Momma used to. It was so nice!’
Walt smiled at her and gave her a kiss. His glance at Jackie was one full of the greatest possible appreciation. Jackie understood, nodding at him.
‘That’s marvelous, pumpkin,’ he said to Sam. ‘And you know what? I’m finished here for today and we can go home.’
‘Ice creams on the way?’ Sam asked.
‘Ice creams on the way,’ Walt said.
Sam went to Jackie then and gave her a hug. Jackie bent down and gave, and got a kiss from Sam.
‘Thank you, Dr Jackie,’ Sam said, ‘For letting me spend the time with you.’
‘Well, we’re good friends,’ Jackie said, ‘You need to come and see me again.’
‘We should show Poppa your lovely bed,’ Sam said, her enthusiasm boiling over.
‘We will,’ Jackie said, ‘Maybe next time.’
‘Goodie!’ Sam said.
Jackie waved to them, as they drove away, and went to her house with a sigh and a smile on her face. It was only about 15 minutes later, as she was sitting and reading a magazine, that the doorbell rang.
Jackie went to it and was surprised to see Walt standing there. He was holding a soft chocolate ice cream cone.
Jackie smiled broadly at him and waved to Sam, sitting in his truck.
‘How nice!’ Jackie said, ‘Thank you.’
‘We didn’t want you to feel left out, and thank you again. I know she can be a handful.’
‘She’s delightful,’ Jackie said.
Then Walt got a strange, almost embarrassed, look on his face and said:
‘May I ask you to dinner to, um, say a proper ‘thank you’?’
Jackie was taken aback by it but realized immediately that she was very pleased by the invitation.
‘I’d like that!’ she said.
‘What’s your schedule,’ he said, ‘I imagine that it’s more complicated than mine.’
‘Well, this weekend would probably suit me just fine,’ she said.
‘I understand,’ he said, ‘Friday?’
‘Friday’s good,’ she said, ‘Eightish?’
‘Good,’ he answered, and seemed pleased with himself.
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Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. Scientific Note: A Light...
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EroticAfter a bad day, you, Jacob Ryan, are reading in the library. Suddenly, you spot a weird american history book, it talks about the Native Americans and their curses. The only one that catches your eye is the "Change or listen" curse. The book explains that the curse was passed down amd changed into its neutered, powerless, younged sibling, "either you'll change yourself, or youl listen to what i have to say." Supposedly, the Natives used it to correct wayward children,explaining why parents use...
Aila Donovan is a skinny toned bodied hottie. She is currently single. As she is lounging on her bed doing some selfies for her social media she overhears her roommate’s phone conversation, who is basically breaking up with his girlfriend. Her reason is that his dick is too big. Aila can’t believe that any girl would complain about that. What a stupid bitch she is… As soon as he hung up she knew that her chance was coming. She walked in the living room nonchalant pretending...
xmoviesforyouThe Retreat After being briefed on the situation, Joyce volunteered to go ask Ship when Jeff and her sister-wives would be released from the simulator. While everyone was gathering in the living room, the AI was calling the other Alphas to ask if they and their families could be at the Retreat at sundown for Jeff’s marriage to Ada and Charlotte. Sheriff Tate had a staff meeting scheduled for 3:00 P.M., but he told the AI that he would reschedule it, and also said to tell Diana that he and...
Hi guys. Hope you all enjoyed my 3 previous indian sex stories. My sexscapades with Annie were on a full swing. We used to make use of the changing room of her society gym and also any other chance in the car or at my place. During this time I had told Annie about my fantasy of having a threesome (mff and a mmf). She had kept it in mind all along. The gym where we used to workout had one more trainer named prit. She was a very good friend of Annie and I remember Annie telling me that she had...
Written By Poppet: ForLushStories ONLY! There Is A First Time For Everything – Part One Oh yes, we’re back for round two, can you handle it? I’m sure you can. I know I am about to. I’m sure by now you’ve took the journey with me and Ryan that we had with Chris. That was fun and exciting, wasn’t it? If you haven’t, then stop reading and go read the first one! If you have then let’s move on and get this show on the road, we’re about to explore the desires we want with a FFM threesome. Ready?...
Sarah was slut and that was just the kind of girls I aimed for, girls you could fuck and fuck until you were bored fucking them and the dump them without feeling bad, and then a week later I'd find a new one. That night was the last night I last fucked Sarah, she came over dress in a small white mini skirt, and a blue tank top fully exposing her hard 36' B's, She just walked in and started yelling at me for smelling like pot, I was really pissed, for I was almost sick of fucking her and...
This lady had not been out in a while and wanted to have fun. She remembered when she did have fun she was drunk she wanted a few things but knew she had to get one man in her life so she could get the rest of what she wanted. We will call her Annette she has long black hair and a nice figure. She was wearing a dress with nothing underneath. She walks into the bar sits next to a man who was looking at her up and down checking her out like men do . Hi my name is Jim what is yours? He said. She...
EroticChapter 1 Tendrils of mist slipped silently over the ancient stones that stood sentinel-like before her. As the blanket of stars that enveloped the world she knew showered down their crystal light tiny silicates glinted and glistened in the hard grey stone that had been formed so many millions of years before. No one knew how or why these massive obelisks had been brought from the place far across the sea. She knew of no one who had even travelled that piece of water that separated her world...
First TimeBand of Sisters By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Special thanks to Robert Arnold for his assistance. Chapter 1 I slowly came to, fighting off a feeling of nausea and bewilderment. I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but it looked like some sort of medical facility. I was on my back and when I tried to...
I'm attracted to both men and women. I've always known that. I mean, how can anyone not be? There is a certain amount of truth in the old cliché, 'it's the best of both worlds'. My preference doesn't lean toward men, particularly. I actually haven't a real preference based on something as minor as my lovers’ gender.That was a problem in my younger days. I was, and still am, as easily aroused by the flash of a woman's thigh as I am by the way a man's jeans frame his butt. Same sex...
Threesomes(Another edition of my wife's tantalizingly erotic loving and lusting) Part II of the Sindora Stories Series My loveable, sexual wife has spent our time together helping to make certain that our sex life and loving could not possibly get stale. In her prior marriages, she had experienced too much 'Ho hum' fucking. In her swinging era, SINdora was not always a happy camper about it. Being the "bartered bride" was not all that it was cracked up to be when her 'CRACK' was involved knowing...
I had pulled myself together as my two new partners waited and the three of us were about to leave the restroom when in came another black male. Looking us over and focusing on me, "Well, well" he said "What have we here?" he added It was while I was pulling myself together that I learned the names of my two "friends", Jayden and Laila". I heard Jayden the man "Our new white whore" he replied as the man moved in closer to me. Looking me up and down for a minute before turning to Jayden, "Nice...
As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists. Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder sockets. There was no relief of course. I had carefully adjusted the length of the manacle chains whilst they had been unconscious so that the most that...
back when my girl was sweet 18 she bit off more than she cud chew. she,s always had a thing for the older man, don,t know why but it gets her hot. she told me that sum years ago she fancied her dads friend who was late fortys a pub landlord and had a bit of a rep wiv the local slappers. one nite on a visit to his pub she dressed to impress ,she,s got a crackin figure as u can c from the pics on our profile, just imagine her in a tight see through leopard print dress, cut at the ass, little...
It was night, the deepest densest part, when small rodents scuttle out of their hay filled homes and frolic in the fields. Yet in the moonlight the owl is also spying over their domain and closely watching the poor unsuspecting creatures. This reflects what is happening, directly outside the wide expanse of your half d****d window. The moonlight has entered, crossing your soft slender legs and playing on your warm luxuriously full bosoms. Your soft shiny apparel, only enhancing the moons...
Aaron thanks her for it and begins toweling himself dry, when to his complete amazement, the MILF drops to her knees in front of him. “I know you have your needs,” she says, boldly reaching out and undoing his jean shorts. Holy shit! the mind boggled stud thinks to himself. Is this really happening??? Instinctively, his love worm starts hardening with excitement as Jo Anne pulls down his shorts and then his briefs. “Wow, you’re big,” she states in a matter-of-fact tone as Aaron’s tool visibly...
…I had planned this out for a while. My husband would be gone as usual, and my 3 boys off camping for the weekend. I would have the weekend all to myself. My oldest boy privately told me my husband had a girl on the side, that was why he was hardly ever home. …This is when everything changed…. …I felt free now to get some good sex I had missed out on for a long time. …My first goal was to get that handsome and sexy washer repairman to get here on a Friday afternoon. He said he would be here at...
I'd been super horny all week and knew I had to do something about it. I'd been watching lots of videos of black dick being used. I have some kind of fascination with a hard black cock, aka BBC. It didn't really matter if it was a tiny blonde (my personal favorite) or a guy on his knees.I decided I needed to go see if I could see another one in person. Yes I've had a few black cock experiences in the past that were very enjoyable.Let's see there was the black T-girl I met in San Francisco when...
Chapter 3: I count to 100 and leave the room, my hard cock bobbing along pointing the way down the hallway. Again for the fourth or fifth time that evening I hold my breath and peek around the corner to the scene on the L-shaped couch below me.“Holy fuck Nat those sleeping pills really did the trick I bet Rick does not wake-up until tomorrow afternoon” my wife says as she leans back on the couch, buck naked her huge tits flopping left and right off her chest the nipples still huge and hard....
Fuck!The word screamed inside Eric’s head, but the shock was such, as ice-water deluged him from balls to chin, that all he could do was suck in air and clench his ribcage. Then before he could catch hold of his gut reaction he spat out the words. “Fuck—you little …”He swallowed the rest, but wished to Christ she hadn’t heard that much. She was smug enough already.The sensation of intense cold ebbed, and all the others returned—the sore nipple and stinging face, and of course the throb of the...
BDSMBlack is beautiful. And I mean that shit. I’m not one of those posers who only jerk their dicks to ebony sluts during February. I rep that shit every day of the year. I know tons of you cucks are shy to ask plain-ass white bitches out, let alone black sluts who will tell you what a cuck you’re being to your face. But, man, you need to get with one of these fucking goddesses ASAP. You haven’t experienced good pussy until you bend a black bitch over and pound that pussy raw. I’m telling you, it’s...
Live Black Sex CamsM/FAna and I had formed a relationship by now, after being found out by her boyfriend. We decided to take a weekend retreat to a hotel room. It was December, Christmas time.The weather was cold and icy. We lay on a bed together, flipping channels, trying to decide when to start fucking. I had a surprise for her. I bought her a present, a foot long one inch diameter candy cane. Neither she, not I, expected us to take the turn we did.We made out, embracing each other's warmth in the cold weather....
I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Early morning runs are always refreshing. Specially during fall when the air has a bit of nip and the senses are heightened a bit. My mom lives up in Wisconsin area and fall can get a little nippy. Lets not even talk about Wisconsin winter Thanksgiving, a few years back was a different story. It was a remarkably warm that year. I could run in shorts and light...
hi i bought my gf a voucher for christmas to a full body massage at a local spa.last night i went out with my friends for on of their bdays and i arrived home quite drunk and late.she made me call up to arrange her full body massage this morning and she told me to tell them she wanted a black guy to do it because she wanted the FULL TREATMENT.shes dressed in a miniskirt stockings and a lil top with some red slutty stilettos probably to get the peoples attention.before she left she told me to...
I decided to head over to see the folks. I wasn't making any deliveries that day and Billy didn't have anything set up for us to do together. Mom and pop were glad to see me. I could see they were dying to find out what was happening, but they knew better than to ask me. The only thing I told them was that Gloria was settled in and that she and Ellen got along Ok together. "Yutch, can I see you outside for a few minutes, there's something I need your opinion on?" I thought I knew what...
“So… You can’t pay for a room.” The innkeeper says to me, shutting the door behind him while I take a seat in an uncomfortable wooden chair. Of course I can’t. Getting your bag o’ cash stolen by goblins and you can’t pay for anything. But I don’t do anything desperate yet. I keep my sword sheathed and my eyes to the floor, embarrassed. I hear him sit down and scribble on some papers on his desk. “Now, as much as I’d like to be offering charity to every wandering girl who calls herself a...
In the rest room, they all had drinks. Sue gave her another drink of the bitter potion she had had earlier, then washed it down with orange juice. In a few minutes she began to feel her energy returning. Sue was very hot, but restrained herself from letting Heather reciprocate here in the room. She gently touched and patted Heather, occasionally touching the didlo in her ass and giving it a tweak or two. Once, she pulled it out over an inch and let it go. Heather, jerked and her ass...
I stood there stupidly, looking at Karly’s mother, Marsha. She was standing in the bedroom of my home, looking at me expectantly. She had just informed me that I would be coming come with her and Karly for the holiday… Karly was still wrapped up in my arms, having found her Christmas presents and having said thank you for them in the second nicest way I could think of at the moment, by kissing me passionately. Suddenly she pushed me back, “Outta the way, I’m packing here!” she...
White, beautiful with long, blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Perfect, pearl white teeth and soft, pouty lips that you felt you had to kiss. Firm breasts and ass with a body that just screamed healthy and fit. Some even called her a Barbie. (A play on her name, Barbara Ritz) Jared, her husband, agreed that she was quite a catch. He was right. At the age 28, she WAS the PERFECT CATCH. She was loyal and faithful. Industrious and hardworking as a housewife could be. The perfect American woman....
“Good morning cutie,” he smiled at me, dazzling me with his eyes, his hand gently stroking my back. My body tingled with emotion. I couldn’t help but question if last night was even real, or if I was still dreaming. “Mmmm, hi,” I shyly replied, mirroring his smile. I wanted to tell him I loved him again, but I was trying to convince myself that it was just the heat of the moment and pure hormones that made those words fall out of my mouth. Sure, he had said it back, but couldn’t it be the...
Friday 11.00am One o'clock, he'd said, and he'd better not drag his feet. Cheeky foreign bastard. Nothing wrong with his balls though, and if he'd really done what they said he did he wasn't squeamish either. He looked as if he knew what he was doing and he'd handled himself pretty well the other day. No cards, but what he'd said had tickled the old man. And now he was promising more and showing every sign of delivering. It might be worth finding out why he was here instead of back...
Why had I done this? Rock climbing was always something I had dismissed from my list of things to do. After all, why would I want to risk life and limb to strain every muscle in my body and feel like shit the next day! I guess I can only answer by saying that her blonde hair and deep brown eyes had me entranced. Susan was a girl I had met just a couple of months earlier, but something about her drew me in immediately. She was very athletic but also very feminine. Each time I saw her, I noticed...
Sophie tried to smile as she took her seat in the vast, modern Wembley Stadium. It wasn't the first time that she'd been to Wembley to see a game- from a certain perspective, anyway. From a different perspective, it was undoubtedly the first time that 'Sophie Connelly' had ever set foot in the legendary stadium, something that the English girl found impossible to forget as she sat down and felt her tights begin to sag while her thong rode even higher between her buttocks. The last time...
Mild bondage and submission My husband likes to plan things out, and when those plans happen he really loves it, when a plan comes together. He has asked me on a number of occasions what do I want?, and where do I want him to take me?. I always say, go make your plans and then come and get me, Surprise me. I do not want to know what you are going to do or where you are going to take me. This in itself always allows my imagination, coupled with my fantasy's to start going crazy with...
I woke up to Ann shaking me and saying I better get up I had work that needed to get done. I thought maybe I had been dreaming until I realized how sore I was. I had a piss proud and standing at the foot of the couch stood Fran and Debbie. Debbie didn't say a word but shoved Fran toward the couch. Fran came over and climbed on me then reached down and guided my cock into herself. She started bouncing up and down on me and when I looked into her face i could tell she was enjoying it. It...
It happened so fast. One moment she was asleep,the next a few ghosts had forced themselves into her mouth and taken control of her belly. For the next hour, all it did waa growl and move..shift and thrash as rhey played in her belly. She finally had enough, and sat up to look at her possessed tummy. She held ir, rolling her eyes..but she kind of liked it. "You know, this feels kind of good." She said to herself. She looks down, then lifts her shirt to see her stomach move. It was odd, but she...