Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 297 Obtaining My New Identity
- 2 years ago
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Sunday, October 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Democrats were having so much fun seeing the massive trouble that Majestic Countdown was causing the Republicans that they didn't want the scandal-creating leaks to stop. The Federal Government's paying us $36.8 billion required an appropriations bill this time, giving the Democrats an easy opportunity to derail the settlement process. [[The previous $18.4 billion had been paid out of spare money the Government had lying around! It came from the CIA's black accounts. Public estimates of the CIA's annual budget range from $15 to $1,200 billion. They paid our $18.4 billion out of spare cash, so I suspect the $15 billion estimate was on the light side. The CIA didn't have another $36.8 billion spare though.]]
The Democrats blocking the appropriation for our payment was publicly discussed, so it was reasonable for Majestic Countdown to hear about it. In response, he switched to leaking Democrat scandals. I'd discovered many of those but hadn't sent them because I was concentrating on the other assholes, so I revisited my previous discoveries and emailed them this time. (The venality of politicians apparently has little to do with their political affiliation; being in power only increases their opportunities for venality and the price tag they affix to it.)
Swapping to the Democrats came at a good time, because it was getting harder to find dirt on the Republicans. I imagined that they were SCREAMING at each other and their lawyers to clean up their computer files. I'd started sending faxes increasingly often because most of the juicy computer files had been deleted. I'd even had to spend a day wandering around DC memorizing people's passwords and encryption keys, usually obtained by logging them out of their computers when they were away from their desks and watching them log back in on their return. File encryption was being widely adopted, although the initial enthusiasm for it diminished when Majestic Countdown somehow proved capable of decrypting protected files.
The Democrats had been a little slow about protecting their files, but they got the idea VERY quickly when Majestic Countdown proved to be an equal opportunity leaker. Their easily accessible dirt rapidly reduced, but not as fast as their obstruction to the settlement process, which evaporated the morning my first seven Democrat leaks were sent.
On the topic of snooping, just days before the attack on our home President Bush had publicly called for a significant law change that permitted the use of military force within the US against civilians in the event of "serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition ... the President determines" [to quote from the proposed bill].
Some very unusual reporters were able to remember what the President had said a few days earlier, and they grilled him on how he could possibly call for a law permitting military attacks against American civilians when what had happened to the Andersons so clearly showed what a disaster such a step could lead to.
The President, like all politicians do when they are cornered, just answered with some empty, meaningless crap. Soon after, his bill was passed into law. The President now had the power to order to military to attack us, provided he deemed us to be an "or other condition" (I'd write "whatever the fuck that meant," except it clearly meant whatever the President wanted it to mean). Nixon hadn't got away with bugging his opponents, but Bush was now legally entitled to get our armed forces to attack with deadly force anyone he wanted them to, his only restraint being public opinion after the event. It wasn't a happy situation.
Despite the Government's quiet legal maneuverings, the attack on our home had been in breach of our first settlement agreement, thus entitling us to rejoin the Government to our lawsuit. The implementation of the second settlement was reasonably straightforward (we had practiced), but a few things are worth mentioning:
Various homeowners around us, our security guards, the emergency service guys, and the two Rangers who'd intelligently decided to point their guns at the CIA agents rather than us, all got their payments immediately, and thought we were wonderful people.
As did Benton County, although the county residents had to wait an extra couple of weeks. Their $2 billion payment required a referendum which had to be planned and then carried out. It was worth about $30,000 per adult, so there were a lot of vested interests. For example, many property owners thought it should've been kept on a property ownership basis, as they would've gotten an average of $67,000. The voter participation rate for the referendum shattered the previous record, making it the highest in Benton County local government history.
Amusingly, church attendance rose appreciably too. This was particularly amusing because Benton County has the lowest church attendance rate (25%) of all the counties in America. I'm not sure why attendance rose leading up to the referendum, but religious people are by definition irrational, so who can guess what they're 'thinking'.
[[I was curious about this so I just researched it, finding out that although religious people may be irrational, the church bosses can be very rational indeed. Attendance hadn't risen. That false impression had been created by several articles in the local papers about Benton county and surrounding churches talking about their rapidly increasing attendances. The claims/lies had been made by those churches as part of their just-launched recruitment drives in an attempt to portray themselves as popular and thriving, and therefore a good choice for any potential new members. It was done with an eye to all the spare cash members would shortly have. Some church leaders are very 'astute' - if that's the right word.]]
Unsurprisingly, the payout method that won the day was essentially "per person aged 18 years and over living in Benton County", which could've been a nightmare as every man and his very old dog would've claimed to be a Benton County resident. The councilors were smart enough that they worded the option that everyone voted for more specifically than just "Benton County resident". They included qualification criteria that the claimant had to provide. Naturally there were some court cases over it, but they were simple.
Every adult getting $30,000 was a wonderful boost to the local economy. High-quality restaurants, for example, were booked out weeks in advance. People had to drive into neighboring counties to spend their money because the local businesses were swamped.
Each of us got our $250 million immediately too, but it just got banked. Not even Julia had made a dent in the first $125 million payment yet, so the second payment made no practical difference. I got a very nice roast chicken dinner out of it though, so I was happy.
My $250 million bonus inspired the Fishers to try again. If the 75th Rangers and Delta Force hadn't been able to bust their way in, the Fishers didn't have much chance. Our guards and the cops were providing EXCELLENT service these days. I subsequently took out a restraining order against the Fishers to further discourage them and to make it even easier to remove them if they came anywhere near me again.
Tempting as it was, we couldn't treat Dad's family the same way. Several members of his family were appearing far more often than they used to before we were rich, especially his parents. Funny how being "successful" is so closely related to being popular. There weren't many advantages to being Ron rather than Mark, but one of them was being able to avoid socializing with Dad's family. In an amusing symmetry, the other main advantage was being able to socialize very closely indeed with another member of Dad's family: Carol.
The CIA's car was given to charity, as usual. In the future, the CIA will probably rent from Hertz every time they conduct an operation against us. We'll be happy with that, because Hertz doesn't rent out helicopter gunships.
Then we had to decide where we were going to move to. We had a list of criteria:
We wanted a LARGE property. Large enough to be able to have an exterior wall far away from the main house to give us more security, and so the staff accommodation - it looked like we'd need permanent staff - was distant from the families' dwellings. Donna had another reason but it's slipped my mind. I'm sure she'll remind me.
On top of a hill so no one could easily spy on us. Our existing place had proved deficient in that respect.
No nearby neighbors, partly for our security, partly for their safety.
We wanted fantastic views and all the other things a billionaire family's property should have. We'd publicly admit the previous reasons, as this reason wouldn't be good PR.
We'd made a big deal during the second settlement negotiation about how violated and imperiled we felt, and we'd gotten the Government to agree to drop everything and build us a very safe home at their expense and at top speed. But, in truth, the last criterion listed above was the main reason we wanted to move. We wanted a fantastic house, and we saw no reason why we couldn't use the Government to make sure we got it very rapidly rather than the one to three years it'd take doing it the usual way. Publicly we'd continue to push the "unsafe" button to justify what we wanted done, but no house was going to be safe from the Government.
Our preference was to stay in Corvallis, or within commuting distance of it, as Prof and Dad wanted to keep their jobs, and it'd be good if Julia, Carol and Donna could keep going to the same school. Plus we like Corvallis, and thanks to the Government's uncaring negotiation style, Corvallis liked us.
Most of the locations we had in mind for our new house had no existing road access, so the easiest way to check them out was by helicopter. We booked a large one, for the four parents, Julia and me. We weren't worried about having the four parents in a helicopter together. Unless the CIA planted enough explosives to kill us directly - which they could do to us at home - I could make sure we got down to the ground safely. I could fly us all the way around the world if I wanted to. It'd take about fifty hours, so it wouldn't have been too onerous. It'd be best not to surprise our pilot that much though, or the airforces of several countries.
Ava came too, mostly because we had a spare seat and she'd never had a helicopter ride. We'd bought some large-scale topographical maps and we had fun checking out the various places we'd identified using our local knowledge and Google Earth, or that simply looked interesting while flying around. We spent four hours on it, keeping good notes of each location we liked the look of, and hovering just above them while rotating for 360 degrees to check out all the views - helicopters can be quite good when they're not being used to attack us.
With the Federal Government committed to provide us with land and access to it, even if it was a national park, we had a lot of choice. There were practical constraints though. The middle of a national park wasn't suitable as the access road would've been too much of a desecration and the commute too long. We didn't want to be in the middle of a wilderness an hour or two's drive from Corvallis, even though there were some awesome locations in the Cascades.
We still found many locations that we would be very happy getting. Their views weren't "Cascades-awesome", but they were still pretty damned good as far as we were concerned. There's lovely natural forest around much of Corvallis. There's even a lot of forest IN Corvallis, because if you look at the city itself from any of the nearby hills you see trees more than houses, which makes it a VERY pretty city.
The mayor and several local Benton Country councilors had asked to come to thank us for our largess again. We'd delayed them with the excuse of getting our home repaired first. Then, to their surprise, we invited them to dinner.
Our second settlement agreement had been made public, just like the first as we were deliberately acting opposite to how the Government does; they keep things secret, so we don't. Therefore all the provisions that dealt with our changing homes were public knowledge (the contract stipulated that the Government had to build our home no matter where in the world we moved). We'd been so hugely generous to our local community that they were very sad about our possibly leaving town.
By now we'd given many interviews (not me obviously, but the parents and girls), during which Dad had said, "We HAVE TO move! Where we're living now is too unsafe for us and too dangerous for our neighbors. Either of those helicopters could've crashed onto private homes killing innocent people, and they were equipped with ROCKETS AND MISSILES, for Christ's sake! You saw what damage a single burst from their machinegun did to Mark's living room and kitchen. They even had MORTARS set up to lob shells in our general direction.
-- "I have to protect my family. We've already lost Mark because of the Government and we don't want to lose our girls. So we have to move to a new home which is made FAR stronger than where we are now. And there's no way we can live next to neighbors because we'd never forgive ourselves if anyone was injured or killed because we were living next to them when the Government attacks us again."
"Surely you don't expect another attack?"
"They smashed the last settlement agreement, so why not this one? 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.' The Government has committed violence against my family twice now. I'm not stupid enough to trust their word anymore, because their word isn't worth shit. Everyone knows our Government is run by liars and criminals. You heard the DHS lie when they'd kidnapped Mark, and you heard the CIA and President deliberately lie when they said the Army's attacking us was because of one bad CIA employee. ALL they know how to do is break the law and lie about it. So we have to move away or innocent people could get killed. It's a huge pity because we like Corvallis, but the safety of my family and innocent people has to come first. The Government obviously doesn't care about killing its own people, because if Fort Dodge had a leak they would've killed tens of millions of us. Because they don't care, it's even more important that we plan for the Government doing another insanely violent attack."
No one was willing to argue with Dad that he should trust the Government.
On a related note, if the Government did attack again and killed us all, or if we all disappeared without trace for three months, then MAF would inherit from us, including gaining the right to sue the Government for our deaths. In addition, the most recent settlement agreement has a clause that the Government's breaching any condition would make them immediately liable for the greater of either double the most recent settlement (so a total of $73.6 billion) or whatever damages the court orders in our imminent $242 trillion suit. In other words, that lawsuit will continue to hang over their heads even after the case finishes.
Despite what we were saying to the media, we didn't believe we'd be attacked again. All the advice we'd received was that no one in the Government's side had taken the first settlement agreement's "Leave us alone" clauses seriously. We'd signed the agreement and everyone from the President down had immediately forgotten about us. Now the President was desk-bangingly wild that no one had taken leaving us alone seriously. He'd written some VERY strong memos, and YELLED at various agency directors, to make sure they yelled down their chains of command. Majestic Countdown's leaks might have had something to do with that.
When the Mayor of Corvallis and various assorted local politicians arrived, had finished their various "Thank yous", and while we were having pre-dinner drinks, Mom explained, "You know we're moving. We have three types of choices: somewhere near Corvallis so Prof and Steven can keep their existing jobs and we can continue to enjoy being part of this community..."
The Mayor injected a comment about how wonderful Corvallis was going to be to live in, especially now that it had funds for so many community improvement programs and blah, blah. The sort of stuff that mayors are required to say.
Mom resumed, "All good points, which is why staying in Corvallis is our preference. It's not as simple as that though. As I was saying, our three types of choices are: somewhere near Corvallis, or if we make the break from this town, then anywhere else in America, or leaving America entirely. I'm sure you appreciate that there are strong arguments for emigrating. If the CIA is willing to declare World War III on our neighborhood because of a bowl of cereal, then it's too dangerous for us here, and we can certainly afford to go anywhere else we want.
-- "The pros and cons of our leaving the country aren't in your jurisdiction, so let's concentrate on what is. We can't live in Corvallis's urban area because there's too much chance of innocent people being killed if we're attacked again. But we could live somewhere in Benton.
-- "We'd have to choose a location far enough away from neighbors so they aren't likely to be at risk, it needs to be on a large property because we want a wide perimeter and we're going to need a substantial, permanent live-in security force. We don't want them living in the same building as us, so we need enough land for several dwellings." We do need some guards, and having them living on the property makes sense, but they were only ever going to be useful against the usual threats rich people have to be protected from; our guards would never be able to protect us from the Government. We also want a large property so we could have a detached office to run our various business and trust operations from, but we mainly wanted it for the sheer luxury - we were stinking rich and wanted to enjoy it.
-- "It also needs to be on the top of a hill to make it much harder for the evil CIA to spy on us, and for us to be approached unawares." And also so we got better views.
-- "You know from our latest agreement that the Federal Government will be responsible for providing our property and running the road and utilities to it, so none of those is a concern. It's the public's reaction and zoning issues we want your opinions on. Here are the locations we've identified as being suitable for our needs."
Mom showed them a couple of topo' maps. Not the original ones we'd marked several possible locations on, but a second set of maps that we'd marked only with our two favorites and a third one for pressure reasons.
Mom added, "The two locations labeled 'A' and 'B' are our preferences. We've shown 'C' on the other map because it's in Benton County, even though it's so far from town that Prof and Steven would quit their jobs. If they do that, we could move anywhere else in the world that has universities and lawnmowers."
I need to explain the geography of Corvallis a little. Imagine it's inside a square slightly larger than the city itself. The square's top left (NW) corner is the largest hill visible from town, inappropriately called "Dimple Hill". It is 1,491 feet above sea level. Central Corvallis is at roughly 240 feet above sea level, so Dimple stands about 1,250 feet above Corvallis (all subsequent heights will relative to central Corvallis).
Running east from Dimple, along the top edge of the imaginary square, is a ridge that descends for 1.4 miles to a saddle about 390 feet high at its lowest point. 0.3 miles farther east is the top of another small hill, 600 feet high, on top of which is "Chip Ross Park". Another 0.3 miles east and the land is down to 200 feet high, and is level enough that it has roads and some houses. Farther east, for another 2.5 miles, is just more flat land, mostly used for farms. That completes the top edge of the square that defines Corvallis. The flat land continues farther east until it meets the river, but it's too far away from Corvallis to consider in this explanation (the river runs immediately alongside Corvallis in the middle of the city but then it turns sharply toward the east, so it takes a considerable distance for the northern edge of my imaginary square to meet the river).
Dimple hill is the top left corner of Corvallis, Chip Ross Park is top slightly-left-of-center, and they are the first two hills of any significance north of Corvallis.
Running south from the 1,250 feet high Dimple Hill is another ridge that descends 0.4 miles to a saddle at 730 feet, then rises 0.2 miles further south to an unnamed peak at 810 feet. 0.4 miles farther south, the height has dropped and the land is leveling off so roads and houses are starting to appear. Nowhere farther south appealed to us.
There were three locations around Corvallis that had possibilities for us: Dimple Hill, Chip Ross Park, and the unnamed hill on the city's west side. The first two were both excellent locations, while the third was acceptable but not nearly as good.
There were several reasons why the latter choice was a distant third, such as the property's east-west orientation rather than the preferred, sun-friendly north-south. But the main reason was its being too closely overlooked by Dimple Hill. Someone only needed to be about a third of a mile away to be able to look down on our hypothetical home on the unnamed peak. That may sound like a reasonable distance, but our property would extend at least a quarter of a mile in that direction, so they'd be able to sit one to two hundred yards away from our wall on the side of the steeply rising Dimple Hill and easily look down on us, and even listen to our conversations and yell their thoughts at us. During nice days there were always people climbing up and down Dimple Hill, so we'd be an object of curiosity for hundreds of passersby. This possibility could be made to work, but we much preferred the other two options so didn't mark this one on the maps we were showing the mayor and councilors.
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Friday, September 2, 2005 It was a thrill getting home and seeing how much had been done while we'd been away on our honeymoon. Ava had come to meet us too, and everyone was eager to give us the grand tour. [I found out later that Ava had been roped into doing a great deal of work. Not because she had been needed, but because it'd be good for her to learn what was involved in setting up a household. That had been one of the things she'd felt insecure about before the beginning of our...
Thursday, February 24 to Monday, March 21, 2005 Some of the consequences of the latest merge were as expected. One of those was that I quickly found my schoolwork even easier, usually to a ridiculous degree. I self-studied more and more. I only needed one mind to be tuned into the teacher in any class while my other three minds did other schoolwork. The teachers eventually gave up trying to catch me out with ambush questions when I looked inattentive. Sooner or later they all let me work on...
Monday, September 25 to Thursday, November 30, 2006 School restarted on September 25, and at the end of that week, on September 29, the second settlement was signed. Majestic Countdown changed his snooping pattern. There were so many current scandals that there was little point in creating more, so I took a break from that job to snoop something else. I was worried about the investigation into the helicopter collision. If they'd been flying side by side, the accident might've been...
Thursday, April 5 (Continued) to Saturday, April 14, 2007 When it was dark enough, I surfaced and flew east until I reached the Cascades. I flew north along the spine of the mountain range, staying very close to the ground and below the nearest ridge. I sometimes divert from my northward journey to enter a deep gully and follow it east or west until it got too shallow, then I'd pop out and resume going north. If they were tracking me with some sort of technology, I wanted to make it as hard...
Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) It only took a few minutes to get home, by which time Carol was VERY eager to get me inside. As soon as the car was nearly stopped, Carol was opening her door and demanding, "Come on! Hurry up!" "Haha. I'm coming; I'm coming. I'll just get the pizza out of the trunk." (I didn't bother writing earlier that I'd taken the pizza when I'd left the Williams'. You should know by now that there was no chance was of me leaving it behind. Julia had put it in...
Sunday, May 7 to Wednesday, May 31, 2006 (Continued) In describing the results of Dodge-Gate, I put the events of the preceding chapters first because they were the most visible events, and because they were also the necessary first step in something my families were much more focused on: the presumed death of Mark Anderson. What I'll simply call the "Parents' Strategy" was mostly Vanessa's work, resulting from a great deal of thinking that she'd been doing. After she'd developed her...
Sunday, August 14 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 "Moving In Day" for the mansion - when all the renovations were scheduled to be completed - was promised to be August 23, the day after we'd fly out on our honeymoon. We weren't going to miss the work though. The Main House's renovations had very little effect on our moving in process, as they were restricted to one master bedroom and the basement wall, which were isolated jobs and quickly finished. [As it turned out, my wing's...
Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Both cars parked in front of my home and we all got out. Prof told me, "We need to introduce you to the guards first." One of the guards was standing close to us, the other much farther back, which struck me as a sensible tactic, based on my extensive knowledge of security procedures, gleaned from several years of TV watching. The guards obviously knew Prof and Vanessa, who introduced me. The Williamses stayed with me until I'd unlocked the door, let us...
Friday, November 21, 2003 Other than tending my wounds and dressing to ensure they wouldn't be exposed, it started just like any other school day. When I got to school, I took Mom's note to the office. They told me that I was required to study in the library during PE periods, which I thought was an excellent alternative. I'd never been beaten up in the library. I found Brent in the usual place with the usual crowd, and handed his class notes back to him. The guys asked me where I'd...
Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. "Hi Mom. Do you know that Carol and I are going out tonight, with Julia and Ava? I think we are anyway; I need to check." "Yes, I've heard. This is just for the three of us." I started eating pieces of the ingredients. Mom didn't object, as she always cooks 'too much' (silly concept), as leftovers disappear from our fridge amazingly quickly. Mom asked, "Did you win?" "Yes. Much the same result as the...
Sunday, May 7 to Wednesday, May 31, 2006 (Continued) And then for the coup de grâce: the girls went on the Oprah Show. Once the public believed how amazing Mark Anderson had been, Julia had sent an idea for a show and some supporting material to Oprah, who'd leaped at the chance; or as Julia thought of it, "swallowed the bait". Julia, Carol, Donna, Ava, Alexis, Pat, Katelin and several other girls were flown to Chicago, where Oprah's show is recorded. None of the Target Girls went...
Saturday, November 22 to Friday, November 28, 2003 None of the next few days at school were as surprising as the first, but they were still interesting. With practice, we got continually better at mentally coordinating ourselves. We discovered various techniques for different circumstances: for playing Minesweeper, doing math, reading textbooks, socializing at lunchtime, and many others. We got better at identifying the key aspects of situations to help us decide how to best split our...
Friday, April 8, 2005 I leaped out of bed in the morning, eager for breakfast, as usual. I was at the table before I remembered that we needed to have someone on centering duty. #3 was picked as #2 had been on the last duty last night. While eating I concentrated on my proximity sense, to see if I could still detect Mom and Dad when they were in range. Yep, no problems. Their individual 'colors' were unchanged from last evening, which was something I'd wondered about...
Friday, April 8, 2005 (Continued) and a look forward. [I'll jump ahead to describe the aftermath of the latest jock stupidity. I won't bother describing the rest of the crap that went on regarding Biff#4. Especially with the school's strong encouragement that the police do so, Biff#4 was arrested, charged and convicted. Most importantly for Julia and me, he was also expelled, so there was one less violent moron in school. By the time I graduated in just over a year - I had no doubt I'd...
Sunday, September 24, 2006 The Main House's phone rang at 7:31am the next morning. Mrs. Norris to talk with Mom to confirm that her daughters' story about their being given $20,000 each was true. My four parents knew all about the gifts, including the "remain friends" condition to keep the younger girls coming to visit us, and that the real reason for it included so I could have sex with them. Mom was surprisingly permissive about it. I doubt it was because Mom thought I needed some...
"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...
This is a work of science-fiction in a general sense, and is not possible at all. All characters are made up, and are not based on any real persons dead or alive. All characters are of appropriate age in the story context. If this time of story is offensive to you please do not read it. * John was a special child growing up. He had always felt that he may have had ESP or something close to it. He always had this sense that he had been to places that he never been to before, and meet people...
‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...
It’s been said that, once you've left, you can never go home again. I found that to be false. Last week, I returned to my home town to visit my baby sister, Fran. Fran and I are close, and we visit one another a couple of times a year, catch up on old times, and stay connected. After college, it seems we both returned home, living with siblings and parents until we got to the point of financial independence, even though we did it ten years apart. We also never married. For my part, I’m...
Quickie SexMichelle and I had been taken and decided to go to the adult theater. We went with a friend of ours Mike, Mike is a large gentleman of blk per suasion. Been our friend for years. We all met at the theater paid for our tickets wet to take a quick look at the toys and other marital aids. We wandered the ills looking and joking about the miss use of the things we saw but plugs big engulf to heart a rhino . Dill does so long and wide cant images any one that could take that. Dam thing look like a...
It was almost thirty years since I'd visited an Arcade or Adult Book Store, but I was in another city that wasn't afraid the "Adults" might want to see adult things or see Adult movies. I almost felt "dirty" like I did when I first discovered such places. I passed the store ,as another man was coming out catching just a glimpse of a rack of the inside displays. It was early evening and the area seemed saturated with way more people I was used to, at home I would be intimidated of maybe...
I was laying on my bed in my room. My TV was on, but I wasn't really paying that much attention.Truthfully, I was browsing the magazine in my hands. Not the one I appeared to be leafing through... that would be a 'Popular Photography', which was visible, camouflaging the true subject of my attention. Inside the Pop Photo, was the most recent copy of 'Mayfair'.I suppose I didn't really need to hide it. I was eighteen, and legally able to buy the magazine, but I also didn't need to stir the pot...
D?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...
Now for the normal disclaimers, no kids (under 18), animals, blood, scat, or other extreme things are in this story. If I haven’t scared you off yet, read on and vote. Chapter 1 Suzanne was finishing another day at school. She was a first-grade teacher, and it had been a very long day. Most days she loved teaching, but today was particularly difficult. For some reason today, her kids, who were normally...
Brittany Rogers peered through the store's broad front windows, carefully inspecting each inch of the nearly deserted parking lot. Satisfied, she unlocked the door, set the alarm and slipped outside in the required thirty seconds. She locked both top and bottom locks and scurried towards her car. As she went, she nervously scanned the area, her head swiveling. Twice she turned and walked backwards a few steps to check behind her. Why had she stayed so late, she berated herself silently....
"Oh grandmother, I still can't believe it!" The young blonde haired woman exclaimed as she gushed with excitement. "Two days from now I'm going to be in Europe." "Well it's nothing that you don't deserve." The older woman smiled back. "I'm very proud of you, and all that you've accomplished." "I don't think Mother would agree with you on that." Jenny D'Angelo replied. "She thinks the entire trip is a colossal waste of money." "Your mother thinks everything is a waste of...
PART 1 My company had just relocated to brand new offices downtown in that fancy mega-complex that took up four city blocks. I had just parked my car on level B5 and rode the elevator up to the mezzanine level. So here I was Monday morning, with a map of the complex in hand. A lot of companies' hours are 8 to 5, but I was fortunate to work for a company that worked 9 to 5 and included our lunch hour for "free." At close to 9, the mezzanine was relatively sparse with a few people shopping in...
Sunday when I was pulling into the driveway I had another vision. I saw a bunch of motorcycles in front of the house. I knew that was bad news for sometime in the future. I figured it would be a good time to start building my war chest. I got my cell phone out and dialed the number I had been given in D.C. it was answered with, "6619." I said, "This is the Griz." "Is there a problem?" "Not right now, I think there will be." I related my vision. "What do you want us to do about...
On our way out of Illinois we stopped for the day tour of New Salem. New Salem is where Abraham Lincoln ran a general store and got his first law book and started studying to be a lawyer. It has been restored and is a general tourist trap, to see what life was like 150 years ago. You see Ox drawn carts and wagons. 'New Salem' makes you realize that you do not want to live life back then. We made a leisurely trip to Mt Rushmore. Mt. Rushmore is a very impressive scene. From the welcome...
As Tom and Betty got off the plane in Havana, the Minister of Communication met them. Senor and Senora Wilcox, "It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cuba. Your bags have been taken to the Hotel Tropicana. I am sure you will be very happy there. I have your transportation waiting outside." Once they were in the limo, "Senor, Senora Wilcox, I have been asked to request that you have a private dinner with the President tonight. He will send a car for you." Tom replied, "We will be...
The trip was over and everyone was get back into the swing. Suzy was going to school. The drive to her school was shorter from the new house than from her folks place. Joanne started to sue to get the rights back for my programs. Elizabeth and I decided to open an office away from the house to work from, just so the house was a home and not a place we worked from. We opened an office in Winter Park, about 15 minutes from Suzy's school. If anything happened and Suzy needed something we...
I got an invitation for my High School Reunion in Deland. I asked everyone what I should do about it, go or not go? Jeri and Elizabeth, both wanted to go they loved to dance. Corey said she wanted to go, Joanne decided to stay and keep an eye on Suzy. The girls had fun shopping for dresses. We went to the football game. This was the first time in over 30 years I had been back to Deland for any thing other than stopping to get something to eat or shopping at Wall Mart. I was surprised that...
Elizabeth and I had a lot of work for on Monday. Jeri had joined us for lunch at the 'Big Bite'. Since we had to wait for the hardware to arrive, we decided to leave early. It seemed like a nice day to be lazy by the pool. As we were driving home we drove past the house. We saw several motorcycles in the driveway and a few biker-carrying guns. None of the family was in sight. Suzy truck was in the driveway. We drove about a half a mile past the driveway, Jeri and Elizabeth changed cars....
Tom and Betty came home for Christmas. Suzy spent the holidays moving back and forth. Jenny came back for Christmas and I flew her family in from California. Since we had the room, I got Bill to bring down the family and Dad on Christmas, they could not take off until after Christmas Eve. This is the first Family Reunion at Christmas our family had had for years. Rick told everyone that he was planning on going in the Army. He is supposed to leave in April for Basic Training. He was going...
I was hearing someone call me, "Mister, hey Mister are you alright? You just lay right there. The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. You had me scared." Setting up, I find that I am at the 7-11 where I bought my winning Lottery ticket. I asked, "What is going on?" The store clerk responded with a worried look, "Mister you were standing in front of the door, and some kid came running in and knocked you down, you passed out. That dumb kid took off. I called 911, they said that when...
Monday, April 18, 2005 (Continued) Dinner was very welcome as I had forgotten to have my usual post-school snack. I had just established a good rhythm when Carol told Mom and Dad, "Oh, by the way, tomorrow at school I'm going start telling people that I'm a lesbian and Julia is my bi lover. We'll start holding hands and kissing in public." #1: #4:
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The last few chapters have featured Savannah more than she deserved. Despite all the words I've written about her, I really only spent a few minutes talking to her. I spent longer talking to some of the other individual girls, but they were generally straightforward and honest, so needed little comment here. They'd come here to meet me, were happy to be in my company, and were perfectly happy to make no pretense about it. The sight of my body in its...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 I woke at my usual time and noticed that Donna appeared to be still sleeping. I got up and stood by her bed. My proximity sense confirmed it, but as it nearly get-up time I bent down and kissed her cheek until she woke. A good start to the day for her, I thought. It only took half a dozen kisses before her eyes were fully open, and she said, "Good morning, darl... , Mark." "Good morning, darl, Donna." "{Giggle}." I offered, "I had a good night's sleep....
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I've written many words to describe events at the swimming pools, but nothing about what some people would consider the raison d'être of the Aquatic Center: swimming. My visit was much more about bikinis, but I did do some swimming, so I'll mention that briefly now. Even before we'd arrived at the Center, it'd occurred to me that there might be pretty girls wearing bikinis here, and therefore I should try to impress the bikini bottoms off them. I had...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) I loaded my bag with what schoolwork I wanted to do tonight, then headed to the DMV. Corvallis being a small place, it didn't take long for me to jog there. It didn't seem to take any energy either, even with a backpack on. As a little experiment, I tried running at my optimal rate, and the extra weight did cause fatigue to build up, forcing me to reduce my pace significantly. Apparently there are some rational aspects to how I break the laws of physics...
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) Not long before we left, one of the girls asked, "When can we do this again, Mark?" Obviously she wasn't one of my regulars, or she would've asked Julia. I threw caution to the wind by taking a shot at answering it myself, "I'm busy tomorrow, because that's when I'm hoping to buy my new car." Actually it was Julia who was doing the hoping. I was too conflicted to "hope" to buy a new car. I liked the cars we'd been testing, but I didn't like the...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Dinner was a great success. How could it not be? Carol was beaming with pride at having cooked it so successfully, and I lavished her with praise when my mouth wasn't full. Either situation made her happy, and me too. Carol said, "I think I can cook this by myself now, especially if I get Julia or Donna to help me." I wasn't going to criticize that comment at all. Carol's chicken cooking ability put her above petty concerns such as logic. I regaled...
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I'd called Mom before Aikido to tell her, "I'll be staying the night at the Williams' as I want to show Julia something first thing in the morning." I headed to Julia's after Aikido. As I walked toward the front door, I was amused to see a multitude of female heads through the kitchen window. Julia met me at the door, laughingly telling me the explanation. Soon after I'd left for Aikido, Vanessa had called my mom to say they had too much food, and...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Robert, Julia, Carol and I were going bowling, but not before Prof had a few words, "Have you driven at night before, Mark?" Not even in the dimension where #3 and #4 had got their license, as they hadn't had it long enough before merging away to be allowed to drive at night. "Not on roads, no. In a parking lot to show Dad I could drive, after dinner here a while ago. I don't expect any problems though." "Let's be safe anyway. Robert, you sit in...
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen. Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to...