DóchasChapter 29 free porn video

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Rusty monitored their approach to the home of Leann's group. When their shuttle was about a kilometer away, the C&C drone reported 8 people entering the outside door of the garage.

Rusty thought, "I don't like this," as he shifted their approach. Their cloaked shuttle was soon hovering several feet above the driveway. Sensors were showing the only people outside in the immediate area were sitting in a car across the street.

"We have now just added 8 unknowns to those in the house," said Rusty to those in the shuttle with him. "Our sensors show one less than we had earlier. Since we don't have sensors in the garage, the missing one is presumably there."

Joyce asked the C&C drone, "Do we have listening devices in the garage?"

"Not now. It will take a couple of minutes."

"It is getting close to the time for us to arrive," said Maureen.

"Here is the feed from the garage," said C&C drone.

They heard a man say, "You stupid bitch. You actually believe they are meeting with someone to discuss a job on a space ship."

A woman whined, "Please Master, I know how it sounds. Since we began staying with them, we've heard comments about an upcoming trip. Recently they've been more open with their comments regarding this job opportunity. At first we thought it was a ploy by those who hired you. This afternoon Leann received a message requesting a meeting this evening. She accepted. Since then they've all been very excited. Some want to move up the date of their visit so they can learn more about the opportunity. At first we thought it was strange that you moved up the time and didn't let us know. Then we learned that there were three people coming who knew what they looked like. It was then that I sent you the alert."

"Okay that makes a little more sense. The space ship idea is crazy. How many are there?"

"There are 19 now, well 21, counting us. Leann invited some close friends over."

"Did you give them the drug?"

"Yes, Master. It was in the refreshments we set out just before I sent you the signal."

"Okay. Get back in there. Leave the door cracked so we can hear. We will be in once the drug takes effect."

"Yes, Master. Master the guests may be here before it is fully effective."

"If that happens, we will deal with it. Besides, we gain three more bodies. Now get back in there."

There was the sound of footsteps then a door opening. After a moment the man said softly, "First let's get the stuff out, and don't make any noise. We don't need to attract attention. Then those covering the outside need to get in position."

Rusty turned the volume down and said, "Well it sounds like we know the intent of those in the garage. This makes the situation a bit trickier for those going inside."

"I agree," said Maureen. "We know what we planned. They are expecting us so let's just follow our script. Brandan and I know how to use these pistols Erica gave us. Besides, we have Belinda and two bots with us. We really need to see what is going on inside."

Rusty frowned as he said, "I'm inclined to agree with you. Tara how close is your team?"

"Overhead. We've been listening. Erica will be here momentarily. She told us the group going after Shannon's group just had a horrendous accident."

"Okay. Bots, subdue any threats at will once this starts. Terminate if necessary."

"Acknowledged," replied the bots.

To those on his shuttle, "Maureen, Brandan, Belinda, as soon as we are on the driveway, go do your thing. Bear in mind the two unknown women in the house are working for the kidnappers. Sensors agree with the kidnappers count, there are more people than on Nancy's list for this group, so its likely Leann has invited a few additional friends over. If she has, I suspect they are drugged as well. Be careful."

"We will," replied the three.

Rusty said, "Wait the sensors confirm there are seven more people than we had earlier today. They are intermingled with the larger group, closely intermingled. It appears that Leann did invite some additional friends over."

"So how does the count work out?"

"Earlier today there were two more than when Nancy visited. Now the total is nine. Seven of the nine are mixed in with those we know as Leann's group."

"Okay. Now I think I understand."

"C&C has identified two of the unknowns as potential threats."

"We see that," said bot43. "We will make sure their friends are not harmed."

Joyce directed the shuttle so it was just inches above the driveway, with the door facing the house. Once in position the door opened and the group stepped out.

Maureen led them as they walked up the driveway to the house. A little nervous, they looked around then Maureen softly said, "I can't ever remember a street being this quiet. Its kind of eery."

"It is edgy, like a horror movie," said Brandan.

"Don't say that."

"Four people just exited the garage," said Rusty. "Tara, take care of them."

"Aye. We see them. Two are going to the front and two to the back."

About the time those with Maureen reached the porch, one pair of kidnappers reached the front corner of the house. Tara and two bots were just a step behind them. When Tara realized they might see their group, she coughed, causing them to hesitate. Before they could turn the bots stunned them. Moving quickly they caught them both and quietly lowered them to the ground.

"Nice work," said Tara to the bots. "We did that without a sound."

"Thank you," replied the bots.

Meanwhile on the porch Belinda knocked on the door. A woman quickly opened it and said, "Come in. We've been expecting you."

"She is not one we know," said Brandan.

"Aye," said Belinda.

"It looks like those with Leann are all together in another room," said Joyce. "It was one of the unknowns who opened the door."

"Everyone is waiting in the lounge. It is this way." They followed the woman toward the lounge.

To them it seemed awfully quiet as they approached the lounge doorway. Stepping through the door, the group looked up toward them. They were all sitting holding drinks with blank expressions.

"Good evening," said Maureen.

Bot44 said, "A man along with three women following him just came in from the garage. They are behind Maureen, Brandan and Belinda. One woman and the man have weapons. A spider is indicating that the weapons are stunners."

Hearing bot44 both Brandan and Belinda eased away from the door in opposite directions.

"Don't move!" shouted the kidnapper as he raised his weapon. "Anyone who moves without permission will regret it."

"Just who the fuck are you," said Roger as he moved to stand up.

"You stupid fucker," said the kidnapper. He waited until Roger was standing then fired his stunner. Roger screamed as he fell to the floor. On the floor he continued jerking and screaming and wet his pants before he stopped moving. Several started to move to his aide then hesitated.

"Anyone else," snarled the kidnapper. After a moment added, "What a bunch of pussies, usually there are at least two idiots who are slow to follow instructions. Now as my assistants come to you stand up slowly then take your clothes off. Any resistance..."

"Fuck you asshole!" said Belinda interrupting the kidnapper. When he quickly turned toward her, both Brandan and she fired their weapons. He dropped to the floor like a rock. His assistant with a weapon turned toward Brandan. She had hardly moved when bot43 fired her stunner dropping the woman next to the man. Then in rapid succession, the bots dropped the other two entering from the garage.

The two women working for the kidnappers had dropped to the floor when Belinda fired, screaming and crying. Then each time another kidnapper fell to the floor, they screamed again. Belinda pointed her stunner at them causing both cower and curl up as they sobbed.

Maureen looked around at those in the room as she slowly got up from the floor. Looking at Leann, she said, "Leann are you okay?"

"I think so," responded Leann slowly. "Although I feel strange."

"Is your group always this quiet?"

"No. Hardly ever."

Belinda reached down to pull one of sobbing women up by her hair. "What did you give them?"

The woman didn't answer.

"You want to end up like your friends?"

"Friends. Never."

"So, answer the question!"

"I didn't. She put a drug in their drinks."

"What was it?"

"I don't know. The Mistress gave it to me," as she gestured toward the woman with a weapon.

"Why drug them?"

"So they would do what we told them and not resist. That way it is easier to prepare them."

"What were you going to have them do?"

"First they would take off their clothes then they would be prepared for shipment."


"It is simple. Next we give them self-locking ankle and wrist cuffs to put on. Then they give each other an enema, after which they would insert a butt plug. We then have them give each other several injections. After that is done we would have them lay down in the boxes out in the garage. Once in the box, they are closed and sealed. A truck is scheduled to be here in a couple of hours to pick them up."

"Why the butt plugs?"

"To give them more drugs. The Mistress knows their purpose."

"Where are the boxes going?"

"I don't know. A truck always comes about two hours after we start preparing them."

"What happens after that?"

"After we leave and the incendiary bombs we planted go off. The house will be totally destroyed."

"You stupid bitch," screamed the one she called Master. As he attempted to stand, bot43 pushed him over and pulled his arms behind his back, she then lifted him up so his feet barely touched the floor. The man screamed as he struggled to get free. The women with him turned ashen white as bot43 was still cloaked. His face was contorted in pain and fear. When he looked over his shoulder he screamed again and wet his pants.

"Is what she said true?" asked Maureen.

"Yes," replied Rusty. "Bot51 and bot54, secure them then take them to the garage. Tara has the other four kidnappers out there. Erica will be there shortly as she wants to talk to them. Bot43 and bot44, stay with your group."

Maureen turned to Leann and asked, "Did you understand what they planned to do?"

"Yes," replied Leann as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Maureen looked around at each member of the group then said, "Did all of you understand?"

"I peeked, they all understand," said Belinda.

Maureen took a deep breath as she gathered her thoughts. As she did she heard Brandan and Belinda say, "We are with you. We like your idea. Lead on McDuff."

Leann, Kerry and Madison all smiled indicating they heard the telepathic exchange.

"Thanks." Maureen smiled then said to Leann's group, "Because of the drug, we are not going to ask your permission again this evening. Instead, we are going to proceed based on the commitment most of you gave Nancy and Julia several weeks ago. For those who weren't here then, a commitment was made to accept an offer to visit a resort at no cost to you. There you would learn more of the opportunity to be part of the crew on a space ship. Our intent in coming this evening was to see if you wanted to come earlier.

"In light of what these animals planned, and partially accomplished, we think the best thing to do is have you first visit our medical facility which is on our space ship. There, our medical group can check you over. They can determine what drugs you've been given then counter them so there isn't any long lasting effect. Since they planted bombs to destroy your house, some of our group will pack up your personal effects including computers. These will be waiting for you at the resort when you arrive there, probably tomorrow morning. Once you recover, it will be your choice as to whether you continue with the visit or return to this area. For those who don't live here, we will arrange to pick up your possessions tomorrow. We will also send a security team to monitor your residences."

While Maureen was talking, Erica and several bots had joined Tara in the garage. The bots with Tara were monitoring the area outside around the house. The kidnappers could only see Tara and Erica. On hearing the comments from the kidnappers about the one Belinda had quizzed and seeing the looks directed at her, they placed her well away from the others.

Maureen said, "Belinda, see if that woman knows how long before the drug wears off."

"Rusty, who is taking us to the ship?" asked Maureen.

"We are. I am about as close to the back door as I can get. Two shuttles are coming with boxes, bots and people to pack up all their stuff. How long do we have?"

"The woman doesn't know how long before the drug wears off," replied Belinda. "This drug is normally followed by another. The subsequent drugs are to further alter their perceptions so they are more pliable when prepared for their future. She never sees any of their victims after the acquisition. She says we have up to three hours to empty the house. However, Erica said don't count on more than two."

"Sarah, will replace me here when I leave with Leann's group," said Rusty. "Maureen, are you ready to load up?"

"Yes." Maureen then said to the group, "Our ride is in the back yard. Leann, would you show Brandan where the back door is?" After Leann and Brandan were moving she turned to the others and motioned for them to follow as she added, "Please follow Leann and Brandan."

"Rusty, who is going to oversee the activity in here?" asked Belinda.

Joyce said, "I will. I'll be right in."

"Before you come in ask each one if they lived in this house. If not then we need addresses so we can send a security team."

"Erica, see what the two women the kidnappers had living here have to say about whether everyone lived here or not."

"Will do."

A few moments later, Erica replied with, "She said 7 of them live together in a house nearby."

"Okay. Sarah. Maureen, did you hear that?"

"Yes," replied both.

Maureen said, "I still think Joyce should ask as she comes in."

"Erica, what are your plans for the kidnappers?" asked Rusty.

"What I would like to do, or what I'm going to do?"

"I think the later," replied Rusty as he and Joyce chuckled.

"First task is to get them to share everything they know about these kidnappings and where they live. Once that is accomplished, then they will experience the full treatment meant for their victims. We can have two bots in their clothes meet the truck when it arrives. If the inquisition still existed then..."

"That works. What about the two who were living here and separated out?"

"Not sure."

"Erica," said Sarah, "I know a place where they can probably be placed. I don't know if it will be any better than the destination the others will go to, but the manager may find them useful."

"Think, Frank will take them?" said Rusty.

"A good chance. I will get the contact information from Bob. They need to be delivered tonight. I think just dropping them off on his island without meeting anyone would be best for now."

"Rusty, we are all on board," said Belinda.

"I'm in the house," said Joyce, "with bot43 and bot44."

"Rusty," said Sarah, "we are overhead. Another shuttle will be here in five minutes with supplies and more helpers. Another is coming."

"Okay, then we are off to Mars L5. C&C Drone, Sarah is your contact now for this site."

"Aye," replied all.

Meanwhile, at the resort, Siobhan and Conan were headed back to their room. "Conan, I wonder if our group wants to share a suite."

"Possibly, but our group consists of three subgroups so we would probably need at least three suites." She looked at him questioningly. "We seem to naturally separate into three groups. It would be nice if the three suites were connected."

"You're speaking to me telepathically."

"Yes. I figured it out earlier, but don't sidetrack me." He grinned at her as he spoke. "Everyone in the group we came with is very close. I have no doubt that we love each other more than if we were siblings. But, I see 3 smaller, much closer groups within it, two consisting of 6 people and one of 8. With three connecting suites, we could all be close while each group would be together in a way that could build their bond."

"Okay, I can see your reasoning and why. I agree with you. Do you think we are ready to talk about this as a group?"

"Before we continue this," added Siobhan. "I need to show you some things about managing your telepathic ability." Reaching their room, they found it was empty. "Everyone must be down watching the events unfold as the teams meet the new groups."

"I think some may have gone to the ship to assist with the bots."

After slipping off their clothes, Conan sat on a chair and Siobhan sat in his lap straddling his hips facing him. With her legs spread open her labia separated allowing his partially erect cock to lie in the furrow created. She could feel it pulse against her as it thickened. It grew until its head was pressing against her clit. It felt hot against her clit. Its pressure and pulsing warmth caused her labia to moisten and swell as her arousal grew. Her pheromones soon began to fill the room increasing their arousal.

Through her mind-link with Conan, she showed him what she had learned earlier about managing her telepathic abilities. She wasn't surprised to see Conan quickly pick up the techniques and enhance the energy flow into the telepathic area of his mind. As soon as he did, the mental bond between them began to grow quickly. In that link, they saw the links leading to others around them. The strongest were the objects they associated with their group. She saw Conan's reasoning behind the comments on how their overall group was divided up into the three groups he had referred to earlier. The objects of those closest to them were slightly brighter than the others. They were pleasantly surprised to see Sarah's clan nearly as bright as their closest group.

Siobhan also saw that her links to each of Sarah's Clan had increased in brightness and that there were four other similar objects. These links were slightly different from those in her group. She looked closely at the objects and soon identified all but one.

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Several months ago my wife got an instant message from a long lost boyfriend, Mike. This was not a problem, we were very happy together and even though she admitted this guy was really good in bed, there were too many character flaws for her to go back to him. Besides, he was happily married too. I let them continue chatting, I even talked a bit to him and he seemed really cool. Eventually the topic turned sexual and got pretty graphic. Pretty soon they were having cyber-sex and swapping...

Wife Lovers
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learning how to make love

It was after that I started to think that girls where more than likeable. Like most kids my age, 12, I was slightly interested in knowing more. So I waited for my dad to get home. When my father got home I decided to ask him about sex. "Hey dad what can u tell me about sex?" I questioned. He started rubbing his beard thinking for about a minute then replied "Son, sex is about touching a girl or woman in a very" he paused. Then he tapped his head saying "Tommy, come down to the...

2 years ago
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Pioneer VillageChapter 3

Being from a farm, Marty was in the habit of rising early. He was up, dressed and ready to go by shortly after 6 AM the morning after the briefing. He left his tent and wandered over to the mess tent to see if he could at least scare up a cup of coffee. To his pleasant surprise he found not only could he get coffee—really GREAT coffee at that—but they had breakfast to order already. He sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee but the wonderful breakfast smells pulled him to the serving line when he...

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Fighting for Love Ch 0809

CHAPTER EIGHT Jake knocked on the door to Danny’s room before opening it and letting himself in. ‘What do you want Jake?’ Jessica asked from the rocking chair. Jake studied Jessica silently for a moment, and almost found himself feeling sorry for her. ‘I want you to leave. If Danny ever wakes up, he’s going to need to be able to get back up to speed without distractions. You and Will are distractions,’ Jake said. He stood over the crib and watched the baby wiggle in his sleep and couldn’t...

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Der Keller 3

Aus den Augenwinkeln sah ich das die Leute zu uns herschauten. Und - ich kannte diese Leute! Ich h?tte zwar nicht den Namen nennen k?nnen, aber die durften mich keinesfalls erkennen. Nur simulieren reichte nicht mehr, hier musste mehr passieren. Ich legte meinen Kopf etwas schr?g und begann Ben zu k?ssen. Ich merkte, wie er erstarrte. Das war gut, dann konnte er keinen Bl?dsinn machen. Ich gab mir alle M?he, dass Ben nicht aus seiner Starre aufwachte. Ich hatte noch nie eine Freundin geh...

2 years ago
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My Aunt A Beach And Me

My first sexual experience came, quite à propos, the year that I turned fourteen. My aunt Liz, my father's sister, was living with us while she went through a very nasty divorce. She and I used to go down to the beach together early in the mornings and stay there till dinnertime, around four o'clock in the evening. We took a basket with sandwiches and soft-drinks with us so we didn't have to go all the way up to the house to get something to eat or drink. My Aunt had taken the...

1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 13 Dining with Demons

What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Dana Vespoli Cherie Deville Deep And Enduring Love

MILF Dana Vespoli can not wait to have hot lesbian sex with her ex, hot blond MILF Cherie, their love has not diminished after all these years, nor have their deep carnal desires. Without wasting any time, Dana begins making out with Cherie and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Dana dives deep into Cherie’s nether regions, causing Cherie to orgasm profusely. Cherie quickly returns the favor, as Dana blissfully cums. Both ladies continue to get each other off, immersed in...

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New Family Secrets VI

New Family Secrets VI We got to the mall about 6:30pm and headed inside. We were walking and Misty asked where we should go first and Kara said we should hit the Buckle first. We went in and Kara picked out a few things and said she wanted to try them on. So we went to the dressing room and she grabbed both of us by the hand and said she needed our opinions. She pulled us both into the small room and closed the door. As soon as the door closed she grabbed her mom and...

1 year ago
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South of Bikini 5 What Happens in Whitechapel

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 9 "What happens in Whitechapel..." 1804hrs, London, England, December 23rd, 1887AD "Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Once again your generosity has warmed my soul." "After what we seen, we all needs somethin' that warms our souls, Robert," Margie replied wisely. "Well," The bobby paused, as he looked around the large room. "Sorry for interruptin' the evenin'. To be safe though, I'd recommend you ladies stayin' in the rest a' the night. Even if what...

3 years ago
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First taste

Bi curious & hungry for cum! Have fantasies of slipping your throbbing hard cock between my lips & into my warm, wet mouth. I wrap my tongue over the tasty velvety tip, savouring the delicate flavours of your salty sweet pre cum & cock, moaning with pleasure as I begin to work my lips up and down your erection. Faster, deeper, sucking harder & harder I slurp and suck hungrily on your hot juicey flesh.  My head works feverishly over your manhood and, as I pump my fist up and down...

2 years ago
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Making Sleeping Sister Into Orgasm 8211 Part II

Hi Friends, This is my 2nd part of the story and thanks for all your mails and comments for part one. Hope you like this more than the first one. The next day morning I got up & things were pretty usual with my sister, as she didn’t show any anger or agony in her face. She gave me a coffee and we both sat in the hall sipping our coffee watching TV and every now and then my eyes would go to look at her. The very sight of her sitting relaxed in the same dress that I half stripped took me to wild...

1 year ago
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Celebrity Candids

Alright, I have to say, guys, that I’m not that crazy about celebrity nudes, but I know many of you are, so I searched far and wide to find the ideal place for you to go to whenever you have the urge to look at some nice celeb tits and a coochie if you’re lucky. What did I find? /r/CelebrityCandids. This place is one of the best subs to go to if you are looking for a good time with some of the hottest celebrity babes not being careful and having their nips slips, their tits slide, their pussies...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The Glory of the Hole

Edited by PeeJ The red glow from the coin slot gave the small dirty room an eerie kind of glow. There was a familure smell but I couldn't place it. Just outside the door were the usual sounds of business along with noises that didn't normally co-occur. Along with the sound of a cash register ringing up a sale were male and female voices in different states of sexual arousal. My coin made a "ker-clunk" sound as it made its way to the coin box. The viewer came alive featuring a woman, much...

2 years ago
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When Lust Takes Over

Alison closed the door behind her, and let out a sigh of disappointment as she watched through the window a car disappear. Another attempt at dating, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome, smart and successful, but that wasn't enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband's death, but she still couldn't find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her nice curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere...

3 years ago
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pushing the limits

Pushing the threshold!I see a massage guy “James” regularly. I was str8 till I saw him and over the first few visits, I became aware I am open sexually. He told me during a meeting that he told another client about our get together and the client stated that must be hot to watch. I said “wow’ that would be hot. The next time I saw him I had noticed the lights down a little more than usual, but a lay face down and he began my massage. 40 or so minutes just like a normal massage then as normal...

4 years ago
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The Roommate

Winter time in the Midwest could be a real drag. The weather was cold, often, accompanied by an certain dampness that scored right down to your very bones. Finding ways to entertain yourself could be just as difficult and vexing. My roommate and I sat silently in our living room of our simple apartment. Mina sat at the end of the couch staring out the window, her chin resting upon her palm. We had been discussing ideas of what to do this evening for entertainment. By the look of the roads we...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Fiancee Part 3 continuation

As we stood by the car my body was trembling I begged for Leon to stop but no matter how hard I tried to get him to stop the more persistant he became, I think he knew he intimidated me and eventually he would get his way his dirty talk and vulgarness continued. Leon said now look bitch if you do what I say then I will leave you alone and you and your little white boy can get married and be happy, besides he fired me and now im going to fuck his little girlfriend again to get even.Finally...

3 years ago
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Part 3 I make a decision with Vik

Part 3After Vik had left the house I was in a state of mixed emotions. I felt guilty for what I had done to Gautam and to but at the same time I felt a sense of sexual relief which made me feel better emotionally and mentally. I knew Vik wouldn't say a word to anyone and I definitely wouldn't be so I just felt I had to try my best to hold things together and move forward. At this moment I decided that I didn't want to see Vik again, instead I wanted to spend more time with Gautam and hopefully...

3 years ago
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A Lost Day Dream

I wanted him more than anything. I wanted to use every single part of him. It would be so nice to lock and tie him up, keep him all for myself for a while. Never expected to meet anyone like him he intrigued me, fascinated me. I just needed to find out more about him, find out everything I could. The more I got to know him the more he absolutely drove me wild. Men lined up on my doorstep hoping to get a turn at my favors offering me anything I could want except the one thing I really did want,...

3 years ago
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Working Girl

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely...

3 years ago
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Amy 24 She Can Really Move

Amy 24: She Can Really Move Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We'll Trampoline I felt kind of nervous after my two day self-imposed vacation. Yeah, I'd meant to just ditch one day but I didn't feel much more like dealing with things the next day so I had my mom call in...

1 year ago
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A Very Fun Birthday Night

It was Marla’s birthday a some years ago, and we embarked out on our usual dinner ritual with our friends, another couple. We’d go out the weekend before, or after, for each of our birthdays. This particular year the four of us went out on a Saturday night, and we were feeling like stirring things up a little for a change. We all called it our "night out away from the kids," so to speak. This particular time it was, as I’d said, Marla’s birthday, hence the story below. On this occasion we all...

2 years ago
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Chapter 40b: CONFLICT ON THE PLAINS - ContinuedSuddenly I did know what we were going to do to survive. And if we could bring it together decisively and immediately, the day will still be ours. Because when it got quiet, at least right around me as everyone was surprised by my reaction, I heard the disturbance. But I had to be sure. So I yelled for quiet, to listen, to be sure. And then I was sure. I heard the disturbance in the air that I have come to recognize as the cloaked shuttle of the...

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Vaticans Best EscortsChapter 6 VBE Employment Opportunities

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your decision to join Vatican's Best Escorts. We are the largest personal service provider in the world, but that isn't what makes us special. The quality of our employees and their ability to satisfy our valuable customers can be our only measure of success. Since our inception nearly eight years ago VBE has exceeded all expectations but our own. We demand of ourselves a level of commitment far beyond the ordinary. Extraordinary. That is who and...

1 year ago
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Over Developed by loyalsock

Mary Pekin sat in the back row of the high school class room almost unable to look any of the other women in the face. This was so embarrassing! She had lost complete control over her sex drive because of her over developed clitoris! She had been to six doctors and each and every one of them gave her the same diagnosis: Hyper Clitoral Dysfunction. Good grief, she had never even heard of it until her own organ ballooned up until it actually looked like a little penis! There were at least twelve...

2 years ago
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Punjabi Aunty Ko Seduce Karke Perfect Sex 8211 Mumbai

Hi mera nam Rahul he. Me mumbai ka rehnewala hu. Aaj me aapke sath mera real life incident share karne ja raha hu.Me 6 ft tall aur meri gun 6.5” ki he. Mumbai ki koi aunty aur ladki muzse contact krna chahe to mail me on I am sure u will enjoy my company & fun. Love fat and milfs. To chudai story ko suruwat krte he. Ye incident 3 mahine pehle ka he. Isliye sabhi yade taza hai aur yad aaye to mera lund khada ho jata he uuuuufff ye lund bhi na. Me dadar ka rehnewala hu. Mere ghar me meri ma,...

2 years ago
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Perfect PitchChapter 9 Coda

We were married that Saturday, six days from the day we officially met. Lots of people meet and get married even quicker. I read somewhere that the chance of this kind of marriage lasting is as good as any. Time will tell. One thing is for sure. It was one hell of a week. We held the ceremony at Rebecca's parent's house. The house sits on a little hill and from the large, shaded patio in back there's a view of Lake Travis. One of the local Justices of the Peace is a golfing buddy of...

3 years ago
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The Traveling WizardsChapter 6

Celeste opened her eyes and stretched the next morning. She was sore from last night but it was oh so pleasurable. Calvin and herself had retired to her bed, where they continued their fun. Her brother and Rachael were audible all night going about their own pleasure. Then it hit her, she was no longer a virgin. So what if it was to the man she was to marry, if her parents found out she would be locked in a convent for the rest of her days. A little worried, she got up and dressed for...

1 year ago
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Vengeance 8

“Your father, sisters and I are heading to Liz’s,” my mom said. Liz was an old family friend who lived in Rochester. She had two daughters about my sister’s ages, and was probably my mom’s best friend. Her husband apparently entertained my dad enough for him to go also. I hated her, her daughters were brats. I had long since refused to attend her annual fourth of July party because there was nothing for me to do in a strange house an hour away there and therefore no reason to go. I...

2 years ago
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A Gothic Weekend in Whitby

GOTH GIRL For any of you thinking of spending time on Teesside, I have to tell you that after three months there I had more than exhausted the charms of Billingham! Teesside is an area in the North East of England which is dominated by chemical plants and associated industries. A number of smallish towns have effectively merged into one large conurbation. I work for a company that designs and installs computer control mechanisms for complex and potentially dangerous processes. We...

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The Game

It was cold kneeling there on the concrete floor of the basement. Cold and dark, due to the blindfold she wore. She knelt there, waiting for her Master to come home. She fondly remembered His email message. Master would always email her at lunchtime to ask her how her day was going, if she had finished the chores He had given her and to check to make sure she was "being His good girl". Today's lunchtime email was special though. He had given her instructions for when He got home: Sparkle, I...

Quickie Sex
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Community TooChapter 35

Nikki's Turn: Mommyhood hangs over us all. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way disparaging FOUR new mommies. Let's run down the list. Susan 'n' Jason have little JW – Jason Wallace, named after him and his dad. Alan and Tina have Katherine Genevieve – after nobody in particular, but Terri is forbidden to call her Kathygen. Johanna and Stoney have Randall Stonewall, and Mister Bill and Mizz Donna have Cindy's half-sister Elise Ann, a whole two days old. I'm likely to be the next. My...

1 year ago
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Gods Of College

"By the Gods what hour is it." You wake up bleary eyed and groggy. Pain is pooled up around your temples and bile threatens to make an appearance via your mouth. Clearly you had to much to drink last night. You shake off your hangover with a swig of leftover beer. You gulp, grimace, then sigh in relief. You look into a mirror...

4 years ago
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Stories Online Heaven

I was sitting at work and died. Then I woke up and realized I was a teenager again, and I was a woman! I was not just any woman, I was my own 16 year old twin sister! Wow, I always wanted to fuck my twin sister, so now I can fuck myself as my brother! So I went into the hall, and realized I was not reliving my life, I was in heaven! And stretching before me was a hallway of endless doors. I went into the first one, and saw my mother fucking my father. Or was he fucking her? Either way, they...

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