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We continued dating for the next few months and had gotten very comfortable with each other. I brought Mary and Stacy to see my mom, who had given up working in my office, and was fully retired. Mary and she hit it off nicely, but mom went gaga over Stacy. She treated her as if she was her grandchild - we both knew that there would be no others. Thankfully Stacy loved her "nana" which was another hurdle overcome. Did I love Mary? Again, difficult to say. I surely liked her. I enjoyed being with her and I adored Stacy. I was happy and comfortable. We never discussed love and the future. I think that we were both content with the status quo.

My life was going along so well that I began to think about the immediate future. It was silly for me to run to Mary's place or she to run to mine. We discussed the situation and came to the decision to buy a house. That is, I would buy us a house, on that I insisted. My business was doing better than ever and I certainly could afford something nice for the three of us. We looked at a beautiful ranch in a gated golf course community not far from the ocean and I negotiated the purchase. Two months after first seeing the property we were fully moved in.

Marriage? It really never came up. By unspoken agreement it seemed that we really had no interest in that piece of paper. Both of our previous marriages had turned out badly and I think we both wanted to avoid any repetition. Marriage was an option if either one of us changed our minds, but for the presence, unnecessary. Stacy was now calling me daddy, and I, in effect, was her daddy. Life was good.

The years passed so quickly, one month blending into another. My company continued to do well. We had gained an excellent reputation and I thankfully had the personnel to keep the business growing and doing well. I didn't have to devote all of my time struggling to keep it afloat any longer. Bernie and Kate Van Horn kept in touch, and while I hadn't seen either of them since I left the area, we did manage to talk at least a couple of times a year. Of course, I was always in touch with Bed and Rachael.

Mary was doing well also. She had moved up the corporate ladder and was now the director of public relations for her firm. But it seemed that the further up she moved, the more hours were required of her and the more travel. It was nothing extreme. She was usually home about the same time I was. Now, about a couple times a week, she would call and tell me not to wait dinner for her. A meeting or something would be keeping her at the office. Either of us would, at first, run over to mom's to get Stacy until our girl became old enough to be left by herself. Mary's travel also wasn't too extreme. She usually had to see clients about once every couple of months, sometimes she was gone as much as three or four days a month, but it wasn't a cause for any discontent.

Our sex life was good. Even after so many years together, we were still able to light a fire in the bedroom. One strange thing though, Mary was never able to have an orgasm through vaginal intercourse. I remember her telling me..."Jerry, it's not anything to do with you, it's me. I love when you're in me, it excites me and I do feel something, but it's not an orgasm. Why worry about it, you give me massive orgasms with your mouth. I am very, very happy with what we do in bed."

"Okay," I thought. "If she's happy, than I'm fine with that."

Stacy... ah, beautiful, kind, compassionate Stacy. My little girl grew like topsy into a tall, blond, lovely goddess. Not only was she gorgeous but smart as a whip also. I had watched her grow over the years, totally mesmerized at her transformation from a little tot into a strong, confident, mature young lady. Stacy was now almost 20 and finishing her sophomore year at an ivy league university.

It was about this time that my life started to turn to shit again. I guess that I'm really not too perceptive, but it seemed that over the last few months Mary had become... what word or words am I looking for? Indifferent, somewhat apathetic, preoccupied... yeah, but something else. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I, at first, thought that it was my imagination - after all, we had been together for almost 17 years, we had settled into a routine, had become comfortable with things as they were, what the hell was so different?

I started to pay a little more attention to Mary. No, I was not more affectionate, more sensitive, more caring. I considered myself a decent companion. While I may not have loved Mary with a passion, I did care for her and wanted the best for her. I thought that we had a nice relationship, that we cared for each other and wanted each other to be happy. But things had changed and I wasn't sure exactly what or why.

I did notice one thing though - sex had become sporadic. While we were no longer young lovers, screwing like rabbits, we did manage to have sex around two or three times a week. I began to realize that the frequency of our love making had dropped. I tried to think back to the last time we had made love and... I couldn't remember. I concentrated... jeez, what it really almost two weeks. I remembered making a couple of attempts, but was kindly rebuffed with "I'm tired, honey" or "I have my period." I began to realize that slowly, over the last couple of months, we had made love only a very few times.

Okay, you know what I started to suspect. Remember, I had been through this once and I was sickened to think that it may be again happening. I decided to keep my eyes open and pray that I was totally and completely wrong. I needed to talk to Mary; if there was something bothering her I needed to know. It was after dinner, everything was cleaned and put away and I asked her to sit down in the living room.

"Mary," I began. "We need to talk. I seem to sense that something's wrong, something's bothering you. You seem like you're a million miles away sometimes, and it seems to me that you've forgotten that I'm even around. I need to know what the problem is." I kept my voice soft and non accusatory.

She sat and just stared at me. "What the hell are you talking about, Jerry? Are you getting paranoid in your old age? Are you accusing me of something? Why the hell don't you just get off my back." She then rose and stalked out of the room. I heard our bedroom door slam shut.

I sat, a bit stunned. I certainly didn't expect that kind of reaction. Mary had never spoken to me with that tone or level of disrespect. My eyes widened - that was the word I was looking for. Disrespect, over the past few months I detected a level of disrespect, a slight contempt maybe? Perhaps a bit of condescension in her tone? Was I being paranoid? I didn't think so, I wasn't imagining things. Well, I wouldn't wait as I had done years ago - I would discover what the hell was going on. I slept in the guest suite that night.

She came out of the bedroom the next morning red eyed and teary and totally apologetic. We made kissy kissy and vowed not to ever fight again. Yeah, yeah. I was conciliatory and sensitive as hell. Mary explained that the job had gotten a little stressful and they were struggling to keep a large client who was making noises about moving his business. I didn't believe one word of what she told me. Something was going on and I was going to find out what.

It wasn't unusual for Mary to work late a night or two during the week and it wasn't terribly unusual for her to have to travel somewhere where should would stay a couple of nights. These trips were usually infrequent except for the last couple of months. Yeah, I was putting things together. Maybe I was adding two and two and getting five, but I wanted to either allay my suspicions or confirm them. I wanted to know, one way or the other.

"Here we go again," I thought. I checked with some contacts and got the name of a reputable and discreet private investigation agency. I made an appointment and spoke with one of the owners. I explained what I needed and he understood. I'm sure that he heard the same story a thousand times. I gave him what information he requested as well as a pretty hefty check. Let them take care of it.

My relationship with Mary over the next few weeks was a little strained. We both recognized that a line had been crossed and we were careful around each other. No, no squabbling, no anger or even disagreements, but we were both a bit wary. Our routine didn't change. She didn't suddenly stop all travel or late nights. Things went along as they had been, more or less. I just bided my time, waiting for the information I needed, whatever it would be.

I knew in my heart what the report would contain and I was right. Being right didn't make me feel wonderful, in fact I felt like shit. They gave me chapter and verse, no explicit pictures but shots of her meeting a guy at restaurants, kissing, holding hands, going into hotels and leaving a few hours later. I also discovered that she met him when away on her trips. His name was Howard Branch, 48 years old, divorced a few years ago, 6' 3" tall, medium build, blond hair, blue eyes.

I was also informed that this guy was a real piece of shit. He had drifted from job to job, had been married three times and had deserted his wives each time, owed child support to two wives which he never paid, etc. etc. At present he was selling used cars.

I was hurt and disappointed, but I was a little surprised that I wasn't devastated as I had been the first time around with Kim. That though didn't make me feel any better. While I may not have loved Mary passionately, I was happy with her and I thought that she was also content. I was obviously wrong.

I had spent some time in reflection: Was it me? Was there something about me that invited this kind of thing. I knew that infidelity was not a rare thing, but for this to smack me in the face twice in as many relationships, was a bit too much. I know, I asked myself if I had it in me to work this out with Mary. I knew what the answer would be - I just couldn't. I guess that I'm just not strong enough, not man enough. I could forgive a lot, but the pain, the humiliation of this kind of thing was something too much for me to handle. I guess that I never learned to share when in kindergarten.

I spoke with my attorney; I thought that since Mary and I never really formalized our relationship legally, separating would be a snap. He soon let me know that despite the fact that we didn't marry formally, we, in effect, did live together as man and wife for quite awhile. He also let me know that if this went to the courts, it could be a very sticky legal mess. He suggested that I speak with Mary and see if we couldn't come to some sort of mutual agreement - it would save both of us a lot of grief.

It was on the following Friday. We had just finished a pizza for dinner and were sitting in the living room with the TV on. Neither of us were watching it.

"How long have you been screwing him?" I asked softly.

Mary look up, startled, and paled visibly. I saw her eyes fill with tears, which she blinked away rapidly. I could see her gather herself together. "I'm sorry, Jerry. I had hoped that you wouldn't find out." Her eyes filled again and the tears started to run over her cheeks.

"How long, Mary? I know his name, Howard Branch. Do you love him?" I knew that this was hurting her, I didn't care.

She had lowered her head and the tears continued. I had to strain to hear her. "About 8 months. He had recently moved to Tampa. I saw him at the mall." She looked up at me, her eyes glistening. "Jerry, he's my ex-husband, Stacy's father."

It was like she had just shoved a knife into my chest. Stacy's father??? "FUCK NO. I'M STACY"S FATHER, YOU BITCH," I exploded. No one would take that away from me.

She blanched and cowered. "That was stupid," she cried. "I know that you are, you are Stacy's father. I just meant that he is her biological father."

I was relentless. "Answer my question, Mary." I had lowered my voice, trying to regain my calm. "Do you love him? Do you love him?"

"I don't know," she wailed. "I just don't know. I don't know why I started up with him again. I knew it was a mistake, I knew that I would be sorry. I couldn't stop, Jerry. I couldn't say no to him. It was like it was when we first met and married. I knew he wasn't good for me, but I couldn't keep away from him." She was crying, gasping, trying to catch her breath. Her nose was running, she looked a mess. I rose and got her some tissues.

I felt deflated, wrung out. Damn, I also felt sorry for her. My anger had dissipated, I knew that I held the losing cards. Mary was no longer Mary, she was someone else now, whether she knew it or not. I was right back where I had first started, on the shitty end of another relationship.

I had had enough. Even though she was not the love of my life, I was hurt, hurt and disappointed in her. The lying, the cheating, the disrespect, all thoroughly disgusted me. I deserved more than that. Okay, okay, I was indulging in a little self-pity, so what. It wasn't fair. I guess not all things in life are fair.

"I'm sleeping in the guest suite tonight, Mary," I said dully to her. "I would appreciate you moving out as soon as you can find a place of your own. We'll just tell people that we drifted apart and decided to move on." People like my mom... and, of course, Stacy. Shit, that wouldn't be easy. I got up and shuffled, like an old man, to the bedroom.

I got up early the next morning and went to work. I tried to keep my mind off my personal trauma, trying to not let it interfere with my work. Yeah, like that was going to happen. When I returned home that evening, Mary was gone. She had packed most of her clothing and personal stuff. It was almost like she had never been there. Oh, yeah, she did leave something - a letter.

Dearest Jerry:

I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for the hurt I've caused you. You have done absolutely nothing to make me behave in such a shameful manner. As I tried to tell you last night, I don't understand why I can't break this attraction, this addiction, I have for Howard. I know that he will eventually destroy me. I have again vowed never to see him again, but I really don't know if I'm strong enough to keep that promise.

You have never been anything but kind and loving. None of this is your fault. You are the sweetest, most compassionate man I've ever met, and, over the past years, I've come to love you. I know that we have, or had, an unspoken agreement about that, but you have to know that I love you. That makes what I've done to us even more horrible, more unthinkable.

I will be gone by the time you are reading this. I will send for the rest of my things as soon as possible. I ask that you find it in your heart to someday forgive what I've done. I was not strong enough to stop my infidelity, my betrayal. Please don't hate me. I beg you, Jerry. Please don't hate me.

All My Love,


I collapsed into an easy chair and let the letter flutter to the floor. I felt exhausted, totally wrung out. I knew that I would miss Mary, she had been a part of my life for so long, but in another sense, I was glad that she was gone. I think that at that time I really wanted to be alone. I didn't want the responsibility of another person in my life. I needed some solitude. I needed time to get my head on straight.

Another thought then entered my consciousness, A job I needed to do. A task that I couldn't leave undone. Call it vindictiveness, call it revenge, who gives a shit what it's called. I wanted to do this not only for Mary, but for me also. She needed to start a new life without complications. I was going to see to it that she got that opportunity.

I had his address and I knew that it wouldn't be difficult. I was going to take care of Mr. Howard Branch, one way or the other and I was going to do it tonight. I quickly changed clothes and was out of the door in under 10 minutes. It took about 45 minutes to get to where he lived, a part of town that was far from affluent. His apartment building looked a little seedy, a little run down. I knocked on his door and waited.

The door opened and I got my first look at this asshole. He was a big fucker and it looked as if he didn't have much fat on him. I quickly put my hand on his chest and pushed, catching him off balance. He staggered back into the apartment and I entered and closed the door behind me. He regained his equilibrium and stared at me

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JOALT - Chapter 5 - daniel and i Daniel and I grew up in a period of time in which men were men, women were women and nothing else was acceptable. We had been friends since 4th grade even thought we went to different schools. As it happened we were in the same Kid Ranger group together that monthly met at a local church, for those that don't know the Kid Rangers are made up of Prides, I was in Pride 4 where as Daniel was in Pride 2. Our separate Prides would met once a week. We could...

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A Planet Is SwornChapter 5

Simon began to suspect that General David and the squad leaders were playing games again when his group were unable to shake off the white group that was pursuing them. He had personally walked their back trail to check whether any signs were being left. He was more than satisfied his group were being ultra careful and were not giving the white group any signs to follow. He took to stopping occasionally on high ground, letting the remainder of blue group carry on while he watched their rear....

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DominationChapter 7

Catherine had been so stunned at the restaurant she had sat totally immobile for a full five minutes after Rhonda left, unable to think or even move. Had she really masturbated in a public restaurant? Had she orgasmed with people all around her? Did Alexandra (and perhaps Rhonda) have that much power over her that she would debase herself as she had just done? Obviously they did for despite wishing it all a dream, she was definitely there sitting at a real table, amid real people with...

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Taking An XHamster Lover and Teaching Her PT 1

Taking An XHamster Lover and Teaching Her PT 1 Recently I have met a beautiful woman on here who has shared some amazing images of herself with me. While I am not at liberty to share either her user name or any of the pictures, I have taken what she has shared with me and written a story of what it would be like if she would just relent and consent to meeting with me for a night… or two… or four…..[/Image] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For my vacation, I was riding my motorcycle...

1 year ago
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The Blameless BystanderChapter 11 Winds of Change

In Irish families a certain custom looms over hearth and mantle of every home. It is more important in some families than others, and is an oft-broken tradition. It is, then, the existence more than the practice of the tradition that quickens the Irish heart. It was largely because of this reason that James was grateful for his invitation to take Thanksgiving dinner with Shirley Jacobs and her family. It was a good excuse that he could use to turn down his parents' invitation. There...

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Loving Images

As she finishes the tongue bath, he sighs contentedly into the pillow. After the slow, romantic lovemaking they had shared earlier in the evening, the lengthy cool-down activity is an appropriate reflection of the fire, now merely coals in the fireplace. But at last, she kisses him between the shoulder blades. After pulling the heavy blanket over them, she lays upon him and reaches for his hands. After a few brief whispers of sweet nothings, they drift off to sleep, each dreaming of romantic...

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Nozzer in Rome

“Oi Nozzer, what you at mate?” Mark Anthony shouted above the clamour of a busy Rome morning. “Off down the Colloseum Tone,” Nostradamous replied, “They got some new Gaulish Mead and a new batch of Angle slaves.” “Sounds good, I’ll tell Julie,” Mark Anthony replied. “Call me Julie again and your head will join those of the Huns on the spikes above the city gates,” Julius Ceasar chipped in. “All right keep your crown on,” Mark Anthony replied, “Do you reckon they got any virgins...

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Teen Sexperience

Hi, friends & site viewers.Mein to ISS site ka regular pathak hoon. Lekin itne din ke bad mera bhi ichha hua mera sex experience aap logon ke sath bantne ki.Mera umar abhi 21 hai.Aaj mein mera pehela sex experience likh raha hoon,jab main sex ke bare me kuch vi nahin janta tha. Asa karta hoon sab ko achha lagega….Doston me madhya pradesh ka rahne wala hoon. Ye ghatna thodi purana me 10th class me padhta tha. Sex bare me pura anadi tha.hum gwalior me rahte the. Hamara podos 1st floor me...

1 year ago
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A Christmas To Remember

A Christmas To Remember By Anon Allsop I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she was definitely flustered but I could care less, she was their mother and the behavior of her children were her own problem was that they were most likely going to distract me with their constant banter and shenanigans throughout the entire church service. She sighed as her young son began crawling under the front pew; she quickly bent down and caught the three year old by the leg, and...

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Introduction:Fucked and abused by men, hunting dogs and horses, Sonia's holes gets terribly expandedOf course Rob did not stop at torturing Sonia's sexy little feet with the electrical instrument. He wanted to zap her most sensitive parts. Next choice Sonia had was between tits and cunt lips. She chose tits in a hopeless attempt to avoid what she knew would happen anyway. The clamps bit painfully into her nipples. She felt the electricity running through her sensitive tits and started screaming...

4 years ago
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"I got your email...Sss. Emails." "Come in, Kim. Sit down." Kim gave up struggling to close the heavy fire door to Clare's office and sat down opposite her employer. Clare was a large lady. That was putting it politely. She was huge. Too huge to wear proper business clothes. She had made an effort to accessorize her outfit with a silk scarf and expensive spectacles, but it was still basically a vast purple kaftan. Sacks of fat flesh spilled over the arms of her leather "executive" chair,...

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Sadistic Goddess

Following the his humiliation, her pathetic husband was comforted by the fact he was at least included in the sexual deviancy of his wife and I. Her and I decided to put and end to his wishful thinking. We decided to let him catch us in the act, we knew if he saw us fucking and taunting him behind his back would add to add to his humiliation and of course add to our sadistic sexual pleasure. With her powerful hands she held my head as i sucked and kissed her warm tits. I bit her luscious...

1 year ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 5 Learning to cope part 1 of chapter 2

**As always, don't neg it just because you didn't read the tags or above foreword or you just don't like the themes. Please give feedback and if you don't like it let me know why so I can improve.** Innocence Enslaved part 5: Learning to cope ***** The two boys couldn't believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn't given them bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing PlayStation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the...

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In the Dark

It is dark. I lie on my bed wondering when Clarisse will come. My naked body is ablaze with the need for her presence, but I am alone. Then I hear it. Faint motion in the darkened room. The rustling noise of clothes sliding off a body. The bed shifting and creaking a little. Something in my nether regions stirs in response, knowing that my lover has arrived. A hand caresses my naked chest. Fingers run through my curly chest hair before gently rubbing my nipples. They harden in response....

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GirlsWay Chloe Cherry Jill Kassidy Car Wash Special

Chloe Cherry and Jill Kassidy, two friends that work together at a local car wash, are devastated to learn that the company has closed down. Now they’re both without jobs! They have a senior trip coming up soon and won’t have the money to go! Fortunately, it doesn’t take them long to realize that they’re old enough to start their OWN car wash business. The girls excitedly start their business by going door-to-door, giving out flyers and offering to clean cars for 50% off...

4 years ago
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A Taste of Hazing

The Taste of Hazing. It was the summer of 1984, and I had just been recruited for the college football team. I walked in to the first practise and was getting ready in the locker room, when a towel sharply struck my bare muscular ass. Mark commented, Hey rookie, you ready for the weekend? Were gonna make you part of the team. Hope you like to sweat I laughed nervously, not understanding what he meant. I had no idea what was to come Friday night. After a grueling first week I rolled up to my...

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The Next Morning

You finely give me a quick peck, and rush into the bathroom. I get up giving chase. I reach the bathroom just after you . I stand there smiling at you. Yearning for a repeat of the previous evenings sexual pleasures we enjoyed from each other. Then I turn around and go into the kitchen to fix a pot of morning coffee for us to enjoy. I ask you how you take it and you tell me hard and stiff like last night. I said I mean you coffee. We both chuckle, at you little joke. I bring in your coffee...

1 year ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 17

Chuck Sunday Waking up in a strange place is always weird, but this is too much. I'm hugging someone different, my hand is around a soft full breast, and if what I feel is real, I'm balls deep in a very juicy unfamiliar pussy that is sliding slowly back and forth. I can feel breath on my shoulder and hear Lisa breathing. She has a little catch to her breathing when she is sleeping and when she's excited. But her hand is holding and squeezing my balls so she is probably not...

3 years ago
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Maries Big Mistake Case No 111989

                               Marie’s Big Mistake:  Case No. 11-198-9                                        By Will [email protected]        Marie sat in the back seat of the Dismay city police car, the tears were running down her face as she stared out into the dark.  The blue and red lights on the roof of the car sliced through the blackness of the night and flashed ominously on her parent’s house.  Outside the car her mom and dad were pleading with the officers not to take her, but...

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My Office Sister

I am Raj from Assam Sivasagar and I am a agent of a insurance company. One day at my office I met one another female agent named Ruma. She is doing well business and she also popular amongst our colleague for her beauty. She also free frank and every our male colleagues busy with her when she comes to office. I am also crazy for her but as a senior agent and respect from other junior agents I cannot go first to introduce with her but I want a chance to talk with her. One day I was discussing at...

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Neeta gets Laid by a Desperate email id is was an 18 year old girl, Neela living in our neighborhood. She was three years younger than me. She was very much fond of men. She used to give signals from her eyes very often but I never responded. She was dumb but good looking and quite aware of her body language and curves. We grown up together that is why I had an opportunity to observe every stage of her physical growth. She was not much sexy but she tried always to prove that she...

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The Bastard Who Made Me Howl In Lust

In His email He had said what He wanted in unequivocal terms. He was consistent,demanding and brutally curt. He had an arrogant way of stating His expectationsand a crudeness in describing them, which had riveted my attention and overwhelmedmy misgivings. I stood on his doorstep, my stomach churning with apprehensionand managed to knock only feebly on the knocker. I was still trying to bracemyself when the door opened quickly and made me jump. ?Ah, you,? he said byway of greeting, ?You're late....

1 year ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 51

I woke up and it was still dark, very dark. I knew we were downtime again. The sleeping furs did not feel like a mattress. They were comfortable but not that comfortable. In the dim light I saw a red headed female with a nice rack crawling towards me. She climbed up my body dragging her titties along my torso. She was headed straight up my body towards my face. "I waited for you to wake up, my mate. I wanted to ask you why you say to take long journey and they only go for one day. We not...

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I met Sheetal at the local Costco. I was there with my wife Rupali. She loved buying stuff in bulk. I guess I should be thankful to have a wife who is so frugal with my money but the idea of buying diapers by the caseload hardly fills me with the same kind of excitement as it does her. I love Rupali; ours was a love marriage though with the consent of both our parents. We both grew up in India and met in college here in the US. That's where we fell in love and decided to get married. We held...

4 years ago
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A Daughters Journey to Love Ch 4

It was Monday morning and I woke up as my brother moved his arm from me. I felt a cold chill as the body heat from our warm embrace dissipated. My thighs were sticking together because of the dried cum left over from the night before. I was not going to be able to get back to sleep after Kayla and Dylan got out of bed to get ready for work. I felt empty, and alone again.I had been living with my brother Dylan and his girlfriend Kayla for a few weeks since my breakup with Richard. We had all...

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The Time Machine

I have always been interested in stories about the past and decided to create a medium, which anyone could contribute. This took much thinking on my part, but I am fairly happy with the results. I have created a story in which my character is transported back into time by means of his own invention, however he doesn't actually land in the time, instead he must occupy a "host" body to be able to stay there. His own invention is used against him to get him out of the way so others...

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Lakshmi8217s Encounter

LAKSHMI’S ENCOUNTER Hi, I am Sashi Kumar from Hyderabad, and this is my first posting and second experience of sex life in my life. First it was in 1999 December 31. After that, my next experience was in 2003. Which was really a big one? Coming to the point. I had done my ITI and completed one-year apprentice and I was in search of job. My father and mother both work and I have a brother younger to me. In addition, my younger brother was going to college. So as I was left alone in the home...

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“How did you know to ask that?” Ginny asked her fiancé. “By the expressions she used. Remember, I was raised by the Dursleys, and eventually started to watch TV late at night, when they were all asleep.” “Exactly what benefits are involved?” Ron asked, getting a severe look from his partner. “Sorry, Hermione. It sounds like something we could have been doing, if I hadn’t been such a prat.” “You had other issues, Ronald Weasley, but we have ended up in this place and at this time getting...

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Black Dahlia AvengedChapter 6

Carmen's cunt continued to ooze with excitement as she tightly bound her male victim in a silk sheet, like a spider cocooning her prey. She had thought she might feel some semblance of remorse when the task was discussed and she had had the time to dwell on it, but she felt only pleasure; the clean panties she had put on after cleaning up were now thoroughly spoiled as she delighted in pulling each binding cord tight against the now dead flesh within the silk, creating a mummified artwork of...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 6 To Make A House A Home

Amanda turned to Sam, "Call some deli and have them stock the fridge." She patted Mark on the butt and told him, "Let's get the hell out of here." She went out the door ahead of him. After they looked cautiously around and saw the driver open the limo door Amanda hurried Mark to the waiting vehicle. There were no goodbyes. He climbed in, careful not to bump his head and leaned back in the seat. She was sound asleep in seconds. "Where are we going?" the driver asked. "Beverley...

2 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 6 When its Smokin its Cookin

My pa was a man of many talents. He could fix things most people would throw out and have whatever he fixed working almost like new. He could hunt rabbits, pheasants and quail with a gun or a slingshot and rarely miss. With a rifle he was in a class by himself. After he got back from the war in France the Army wanted him to stay in as a training officer. He worked harder and better than any other man I ever saw. He even had a passable baritone voice. It sounded great when he and Ma would...

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