A friend with benefits part 1
- 3 years ago
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One thing the Army taught him was how to keep a straight face. It was useful when a wet behind the ears Second Lieutenant, fresh from Officer Candidate School attempts to explain something to an NCO who was already competent before the LT jacked off for the first time. It was useful when a Colonel, whose last ten years were spent in a supply depot, tries to tell you that he understands how hard it is out there and that the rules of engagement were carefully designed to balance readiness and sensitivity to lifestyle of the natives.
It is really, really helpful when JJ comes to visit.
JJ is five feet, ten inches of 'oh my god'. She has the face of an angel and the body of a porn star. One of the young, hard body porn stars though, not those aging, rode hard and put away wet, plastic surgery makes everything bigger porn stars. She has these firm C-cup tits and nipples that get all pokey when she is excited, or happy or cold. She has an ass that makes men's mouth water and legs that you want to have wrapped around your head. She is the only woman he had ever known that can give him a hard-on by saying "Hello."
The fact that she is a lifelong, card-carrying lesbian and married to his sister meant that the vital skills he learned in the army kept him from making a fool of himself whenever she came to his apartment, and she came over a lot.
JJ was a bigger geek than he was which was really saying something. She had always been fascinated by tech in all of its variations, and had, after college, been hired by a security company that supplied everything from cameras to iris scanners to most of the buildings in the Diamond District of Miami. Within two years, she had become the owner's right hand and, when the previous owner had talked about retiring, Christine helped JJ buy him out.
Since then, she had become the person to talk to about high-tech security in the state, and even had contracts up and down the Eastern Seaboard.
JJ and Doug had been best buddies since first grade, and she loved him like he was her own brother. They would talk on the phone or via video chat whenever he was in the US, and she wrote and sent him care packages weekly, without fail, every time he deployed. Even when his sister was busy building her new company, JJ was there for him, and he loved her.
He had managed to convince her not to fly to Germany while he was hospitalized, but no matter how much he protested; he couldn't stop her from flying to DC when he was transferred stateside and sent to Bethesda. He hadn't wanted her to see him, to see the half of a man he had become. He didn't want her to worry, and he definitely didn't want her anywhere near him when he finally got his hands on some way to end it all. He preferred that JJ and Christine mourn the man he used to be, not the limbless freak he had become.
Of course, JJ had other plans; and what JJ wants, JJ gets.
Today JJ was fixing the shorted out camera in the hall, and Doug sat there watching as she climbed up the ladder. As she reached up to move a tile in the drop ceiling, her t-shirt rode up, exposing the flawless skin of her stomach. As the shirt rose, so did Doug's erection.
Shaking his head, he wheeled his chair around and headed back into his office. He wanted to watch the feed, see when it was live again so he could let her know and if that retreat also hid his erection, so much the better.
He grinned as he saw the screen flicker and the camera go live. It was pointed at JJ's face. She had the tip of her tongue clenched in her teeth and protruding just a tiny bit between her luscious lips; an enticing image at any time! The picture jiggled as she moved the camera around, finally settling down as she screwed it back in place. The image was a clear shot down the hall towards the elevators and the stairway doors, exactly as it should be.
"That's got it, JJ!" he yelled out the open office door.
Seconds later, JJ was there beside him; a hand laid casually on his shoulder as she scanned the numerous screens for herself.
"Hey, look at camera eight! Is there some reason it is zoomed in on what looks like someone's bathroom window?" she asked, grinning at him.
"I was playing with the balcony cameras, and I supposed I stopped it there when I was flipping through the views." He said, trying to play it off.
"Sure you did. You always did have a thing for peeping. I still remember finding you on the fire escape when we were in eighth grade. I never did buy that whole "I forgot my keys" story. I'm sure that it was a complete coincidence that you could see into my bedroom from there." She said, laughing.
"I did forget them! I thought I could get up to the apartment..." he trailed off, shaking his head. It was no use; she hadn't believed him then, and she wasn't going to believe him now. That she was absolutely correct, he had been peeping, was no consolation.
"We're going to have some friends over tomorrow night. You never met Becky, but she was Chris's roommate in the dorm, her freshman year. She just got married, and they're coming to town to see her parents. You should come next door and hang out. Only a dozen people or so coming so it won't be crowded." JJ said, changing the subject.
"I think I'll pass." Doug demurred. He almost never left the apartment if he could help it. Having people stare at him made him itchy and foul tempered. Having people treat him like a cripple, even if he was, just plain pissed him off.
"Doug, you need to get out more. You have been home from the hospital for six months now and except for your therapy, I don't think you have left the apartment. It isn't good for you." JJ pressed, sounding annoyed.
Doug loved that she treated him just like it was in the old days. She hadn't put up with any bullshit back then, and she still wouldn't take any bullshit today. But he still wasn't going.
"Yeah, well. Life sucks, then you die." Doug said, one of his favorite expressions.
JJ stared at him for a moment, and then shook her head.
"I have to go into the office for a while; a new client wants the specs on a custom piece. I'll be home by four if you need anything." She said, kissing him on the cheek. "Love you!" she added as she turned to go.
"Love you too, JJ." Doug replied automatically. They had been saying that to each other forever, but he knew that they had two entirely different takes on the phrase.
He rotated the chair to watch her leave. The room, hell, the entire apartment always felt empty when she left, colder too.
Turning back to his screens, he surveyed the various views with satisfaction. He had the building security feeds up, four to a screen, on the leftmost three monitors. Next, he had all eight of his balcony cameras, each on its own screen, and each of the three hallway cams on their own screens. The last two of the forty-inch screens was a camera management grid that showed thumbnails, a grid of twelve little boxes each, with the last, empty box on each grid showing the camera number that was currently active on his control board.
His two sixty-inch screens were currently showing his web browser, on the left, and the local news broadcast on the right. He rolled his chair over to the desk, hit the switch that engaged the electromagnetic lock on his front door, and moved to the keyboard. He engaged the motion detection routine on the hall cameras; the screen would flash a red border when the camera sensed movement, letting him know there was someone in the hallway outside his apartment. He liked being prepared.
On one of the big screens he pulled up his list of porn bookmarks and chose a website, then on the other he pulled up his favorite erotic story archive. He hadn't been laid in a year and a half and right now, his mind still full of JJ; he needed some release.
It was almost dinner time when motion sensors on the hallway cameras alerted him to movement. He saw that Christine was about to ring the buzzer, so he paused his game and hit the solenoid switch that deactivated the lock on the front door. The solid clunk could be heard clearly in his office, and he watched on the monitor as Christine opened the door and entered his apartment.
"Doug, you asshole, you got JJ upset again." He spun his chair around to see his irate sister standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.
"What? I didn't do anything!"
"That's the problem, isn't it? That is always the problem. She wants you to come to the party is what. She wants you to get out of this apartment. She wants you to meet people, make friends, and not be a God damned hermit."
Doug just looked away, letting his eyes scan his camera feeds while he tried to come up with an excuse he hadn't already used. He didn't want to be the token cripple, the charity case at his sister's party for people he didn't even know.
"Doug, she loves you. I love you. We hate that you have been secluding yourself here. You have this hang-up about how you look, but you know that we don't give a shit." Christine paused for a minute, and then continued in a sad voice. "You are the bravest man I know, and yet you let your fears keep you locked up in here."
"Chris..." Doug took a deep breath and counted to ten ... in Pashtu. 'God damn it, ' he thought, but wisely didn't say it out loud.
"Okay." He said with a sigh.
"Wait, what? Okay? You are coming?" She looked so hopeful, so happy! Doug, despite his misgivings, couldn't help but smile back at her.
"Yes, sister dear, I'll come to your party. I'm not wearing a fucking tie though," he replied, trying to scowl at her and failing. He had never been able to refuse his sister when she really wanted something. She was all the family he had left.
"OH MY GOD!" Christine yelled happily, and practically attacked him, plopping down in his lap. "You will not regret this; we are going to have such fun! I promise, no repeats of your homecoming, okay?" She kissed him on both cheeks and hugged him tight.
Doug just shook his head, giving her a kiss on the cheek in return and watched as she dashed out of the apartment. On the security monitor, she was practically dancing as she turned right, towards the door to the other penthouse apartment.
His homecoming was an unmitigated disaster. Christine and JJ had picked him up at Bethesda the day he was released, had two crewmen carry him onto the company jet and fly him down to Miami. There, in the airport baggage area, were at least two hundred people, about half he sort of knew and half he had never seen before. There were banners and placards, balloons and confetti. When they rolled his manual wheelchair from the security area, they had started cheering, and he promptly threw up his last meal.
He wasn't sure if it was the flight, his unease at coming back to his home town or maybe the daunting task of being the center of attention to a crowd of people he didn't know or give a shit about. There was shocked silence, and he felt like crying, shamed by the nausea, by his appearance, by his fear.
JJ had whipped off her leather jacket and covered him with it, hiding the foul liquid that soaked his shirt and his shorts, that dirtied the bandages on his stumps, and Christine got them to the closest bathroom in record time, but the damage had been done.
Doug winced at the memory and then sighed again. "Fuck me." He whispered to the silent room.
He turned back to his game, trying to get his mind off the party he was now expected to attend, but he just couldn't work up the enthusiasm to play. He had been working on alternate ways to play video games. Most required two hands, or at least, the good ones did. Usually the left hand on the keyboard and the right on the mouse or if it was a console game, two hands on the controller.
He had ordered a specialty trackball that was designed for an MMORPG game. It had a dozen buttons in addition to the trackball, and it looked promising. He was playing with the settings, trying to get the most important keys mapped to buttons he could use. The game he was playing tonight, single player since he didn't want to listen to twelve year olds question his manhood as they kicked his ass, was Left 4 Dead 2, a cooperative zombie first-person shooter.
He had successfully made it through three maps, on easy mode, though it hadn't been easy at all when playing one-handed. He thought that he might actually be good enough to play with other people, well, other newbs, in a couple of months ... if he practiced a lot. He did have an idea for a control setup that would allow him to be a little smoother, but he hadn't found anything on the market that would suit his needs. This trackball setup was the closest. He made a mental note to ask JJ if she had anyone in her shop that could put together a custom control set for him.
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Introduction: This is a story of two friends that become more than that. Please leave your feedback for future chapters! Thanks! ENJOY!! Not So Innocent Love (Part 1) This story starts off with a girl as all good stories do. This girl though wasnt like any of the others. It wasnt her natural brown hair with perfect highlights that made her perfect, nor her impeccable sense of style. To this day I dont even know what made her perfect, all I know is she changed my life. I was the normal girl in...
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The rest of the day d**g by. All I could think about was what was going to happen if I showed up. Who all was going to be there, how many, and what would they be doing next? If I didn’t show, was I going to find more of the pics possibly hung up around school? What would my friends think?, My teachers? Or even worse, my parents? As I thought about what happened in the park, and the things that took place, I came to the realization that it wasn’t that bad. I liked being naked and in a way, it...
obably our favorite place to be is the beach. We both get great solace in the ocean and it’s mesmerizing sounds. So, we decided to head to a beach on the Florida west coast which has a clothing optional area. We arrived on a Friday night and after checking into our beach front hotel, we set out to enjoy the fresh ocean air and sand. It was late, so we didn’t stay long, but enjoyed the salt air. We retired early and looked forward to spending the next day at the “other” beach, with of course J...
* Set in New Zealand CHAPTER 1 For nineteen years Greer Gregory spent New Year’s Eve and all of January ‘at the beach’. Being at any beach in mid summer was where many New Zealanders females lost their virginity by the age of eighteen. But not Greer. She’d turned nineteen in July and at the end of December, Christmas just behind them and the family was packing to go to the beach (they never called it Sinclair Beach named after the original surveyor) she was appalled she’d remained a virgin....
‘Hey! How’s my favorite nephew?’ I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon. ‘Aunt S-S-S-Sara,’ Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes aren’t the only things that...
The doorbell rang. "Hello there, Penelope. It's been a while." "Oh, yes it has, Peter. I thought I should stop by. I know Esther wanted to talk about something. I hope I haven't missed her?" "Of course you missed her. She's on her way to her mother's house. Surely she told you that." "Well, yes. I suppose she did. I get so forgetful. But, how are you, Peter?" We had walked through the foyer and into the front room. Penny was wearing a black dress accentuated by pearls around her neck, and...
Quickie SexTaylor: "Ouch, we should have worn something or at least put some sun screen on. I am so burnt from my ass to my tits." Mary: "Me too, it turned me on at first but now it just hurts. I can't even put anything on either. We should have just used the first idea." Taylor: "How were we to know that he would never come looking for us. I am going to go down stairs and try to watch TV or something to take my mind off of the pain." Mary: "I am not staying here by myself. oohhh even...
Note: There is a hint of gay near the end but it does not go into any detail and it should not deter you from reading the story. I apologize in advance. It is just the way the story took me. Chapter One: The beginning My sister Stacey and I were bored! We were on vacation with our parents. We were way back in Yellowstone National Park. We were stuck there for the next three weeks. We were in hell! Mom and Dad had planned on a one-month vacation in the boondocks all year. They...
A few years back I found a listing for a new men’s sex club in Culver City. I hadn’t been with either sex in quite a while so this place caught my interest and I decided to give it a try. The place was in an industrial area and the club was in a typical building. I filled out the forms, paid the guy at the front desk and went on in. One of the first things I noticed was a lounge like area with a TV playing porn. So I took a seat to watch for a while. It was gay porn and wasn’t very good and...
The Jays fell into bed at half-past eleven. James pulled Jenny to him and kissed her gently. "I am so proud of you," he whispered as he gently stroked her back. "Why for Heaven's sake? All I did was run Jean into Pitsbury and bring her back for a decent lunch." "Rubbish!" said James unconsciously tightening his hold on her. "You did all that but you also gave her and Libby moral support and, my sweet, love. Not the sort of love we have but supportive, caring love with no strings...
I love my wife but she would be the first to admit that she has a naughty streak that demands attention. On our honeymoon she explained that she needed a strong hand to control her and that she wanted to be spanked whenever she misbehaved; the harder the better. Clearly, my beautiful,blushing bride was very kinky and spanking was her biggest turn on.She reads romance novels: The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, The Pirate and the Beautiful, Young Stowaway, The Handsome Teacher and the Naughty...
SpankingIndian Sex StoryNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereMy name is Dipa. I am from India. This is the story of how I becamenew wife of my Dad and mother of his baby.Mom died when I was just admitted in college 1st year. One day I camehome from my college that day in late December and found Dad sittingin the living room looking like his world had collapsed. When I askedwhat was wrong, he said nothing. I knew that he...
"I know, Dr. Wu, I know!" The exasperated Dr. Schmidt told his equally exasperated colleague. "But it's the damned bureacrats again! They simply will not clear me to hand over those plans! I have begged. I have pleaded. I have threatened. I have even gone to the Secretary of State, but nobody is willing to hand over the plans for that guidance system to a former enemy. It's insane! We're mandated to build these damned spaceships against an insanely foreshortened schedule, but the very...
I have had this dream several times throughout high school, and altho it never accually happened..... I sometimes wondered... What if?? A little Background first.....My name is Steve, and I am going to tell you about how I got re~aquainted with Shannon and her parents. Shannon's parents and mine had been friends forever, David, Shannons father had been the best man at my parents wedding, and my mom had been maid of honor at David and Kim's wedding a few years later. David and Kim had...
MatureArt sat at the bar slowly rocking to the sad country music playing while he nursed his beer. It would have to be his last one because he’d spent his last dollar. He didn’t want to go home to his fat, lazy wife and two whining kids and sure wasn’t in the mood to argue. He’d been talking to an older man, well dressed and quite handsome, for some time while counting change hoping the guy might buy him a drink, but no such luck. He just stood to leave when the man offered to walk out to his car...
Flying all night is never any fun. I tried to get comfortable, but there was just no way. On top of everything else my feet fell asleep repeatedly. I was totally miserable all night long. It wasn't the longest night of my life, but it was right up there with the night my team was surrounded and couldn't get re-enforced till daylight. On the plane at least I wasn't hearing gunships overhead all night trying to keep the bad guys off our wire. Instead, I heard the noise of the Jet engines,...
Up until this moment, Rachele had considered her apartment a sanctuary, where the problems and sorrows of her life cannot plague her. So she is surprised to actually feel the immense weight of the prospect of a full-term pregnancy lift from her shoulders. She feels wonderful. She looks down at Ghok with an ear-to-ear grin frozen on her face. “I’m really glad you came tonight,” she reiterates at barely a whisper. She looks past his shifting head and notices that the alien is still sporting a...
Paul's Story Introduction The flight attendant in business class on my flight from JFK New York to Heathrow London announced that we were about to land. I checked and adjusted my hair touched up my lipstick and hitched up my pantyhose at the waist, before smoothing down my skirt, much to the amusement of the man next to me. After landing, I collected my luggage from the overhead locker before disembarking and walking through to passport control. I still love the clicking of my very...