A Well-Lived Life - Book 10 - The WifeChapter 67: Engagement free porn video

August 23, 1985, Chicago, Illinois
I was showered with kisses from both girls in response to my proposal, but I gently pushed them away so that I could actually get the rings on their fingers. Jessica was first, as Kara and I had discussed when we’d planned this. I took Jessica’s ring from its box, and gently slipped it onto her left ring finger. Kara reached to take Jessica’s hand, squeezed it, and then I slipped the ring on Kara’s finger. The girls held out their hands for me to see.
“Kara, are you OK with the difference in ring sizes?” Jessica asked.
“Yes, of course. He’s had mine for a few months. I told him I wouldn’t accept it until he put a ring on someone else’s finger first.”
“But you thought it would be Bethany, didn’t you?”
Kara smiled primly, “I did not! I told Steve right after I met you that you were going to be the one. It just took him some time to come around!”
There was a soft knock at the door and Elyse came in with three glasses and a bottle of sparkling grape juice.
“I figured the squeals of delight were my cue!” she grinned. “And worst case, I’d get to see a fun show!”
All three of us laughed.
“I would have drunk champagne this once,” Jessica said, as Elyse poured the glasses.
“No way! I won’t be party to that. Doctor Barton would have my butt!”
Elyse set the bottle down and quietly left the room. She was the only one home, as far as I was aware. Dave and Julia were out with Jamie and Jackie, Sofia and Bethany were on dates, and George and Charlie had gone to a party at Theta Xi.
“To the three of us!” I said.
We clinked our glasses together and drank our sparkling grape juice.
“So, how is this going to work?” Jessica said.
“Steve, show her the drawing,” Kara said.
I went over to the shelf and got the piece of paper with the drawings that had been prepared.
“Wow! This is awesome!” Jessica said. “One for each of us?”
“Yes, for our right hands. I need the two of you to pick out rings for our left hands. I tried to match the settings of your engagement rings so that whatever you decide on for wedding bands will work for both of you. You two should get together and pick out those wedding bands. Kara has access to my house account, and can pay for them.”
“When?” Jessica asked.
“Well, the rings won’t be ready until next month, and I figured we’d need some time to plan. ‘Where?’ needs to be answered, too. I know the bride is supposed to decide, but I’d like to have the wedding in Chicago.”
“I think that’s fine,” Jessica said. “It’ll be easier for Doctor Barton and his family to come here, and really there are only my parents, my brothers, and three grandparents back in Texas. I didn’t have a lot of friends in High School, and my old best friend lives in California. My cousin is here in Chicago, but you know that. What about you, Kara?”
“Most of my friends are here,” Kara said. “Back home there’s just my mom and her boyfriend. My grandma might come, but I’m not sure. I’ll invite Susie. Almost all of Steve’s friends are here.”
“Then Chicago it is,” Jessica agreed. “A church?”
I chuckled, “Not a chance. I was thinking that we’d write our own ceremony and I could ask my professor, Mark Agnini, to officiate. He’s a licensed UCC minister but I’m sure he’ll do whatever we ask. He’s not exactly what you would call a traditional Christian.”
“What kind of ceremony?” Jessica asked.
“A combination of things, I think. We need some kind of regular ceremony to make the government happy, but you and I can just go to a Justice of the Peace after we do the one that the three of us consider real. I’d love to do it outside in Washington Park, but unless we want to risk freezing our butts off, we’d have to either do it in September or wait until spring.”
“What about the place that Anala and Prajesh used?” Kara asked.
“I’m not sure how far in advance you have to reserve it. But we also have to take into account that you two are in school. Now that I think about it, it almost has to be during Christmas break so we can take a real honeymoon right away.”
“Christmas?! I have to wait that long?” Jessica growled. “I might kill you before then!”
“Or then, if he makes you wait!” Kara teased.
“Neither of you can miss two weeks of school,” I said. “IIT is done on December 13th. When are you done, Jess?”
“The same day.”
“Then how about December 15th, here in Chicago? That would be a Sunday. On Monday morning we can go to the JP and then leave for our honeymoon.”
Jessica sighed, “Don’t you hate it when he’s practical?”
Kara laughed, “I’ve had to put up with that for five years! And as for waiting, he made me wait six months!”
“Where are you taking us?” Jessica asked.
“I had thought about Stockholm. Kara suggested it, and it’s a gorgeous city.”
“In the winter?” Jessica laughed. “Are you nuts?”
“Well, yes, actually, I am nuts!” I said, making a silly face.
“Ignore him!” Kara exclaimed, then teased, “You expect to go outside? Maybe I chose the wrong girl!”
Jessica laughed, “I’m OK with wherever we go. Doctor Barton and Belinda are paying.”
“What?!” I gasped.
“He told me, after you visited, that when we got married he’d pay for the honeymoon. First class air tickets. Five-star hotels.”
“Is he aware of the complications?” I asked.
“Not yet. But I’ll explain it to him.”
“And why would he do that?” Kara asked.
Jessica smiled, “It’s a quid pro quo. He doesn’t want me to leave Indianapolis before I finish my Residency.”
“Won’t that cause some kind of trouble with the medical school?” I asked.
“Since when did Doctor Barton care about rules?” she asked with a smirk. “And I’m sure as heck not going to tell, and he’s not going to tell. Nobody will know except the five of us.”
“Do we have a plan, then?” Kara asked.
“December 15th, then two weeks in Sweden. That way you’re both back before school starts.”
“How are we going to handle the logistics after January 1st?” Jessica asked.
“The way you suggested, I suppose,” I said. “On weekends you can come here or Kara and I can come to Indianapolis. We’ll spend your and Kara’s breaks together, of course.”
“And we’re going to wait until we’re married?” Jessica asked.
“The three of us need to build intimacy. You read the Kama Sutra, right?”
“Yes. Believe it or not, it makes sense. The three of us need to spend a lot of time together. But now, I need to talk to Kara for a bit.”
“Then I’m dismissed!” I grinned.
I hugged and kissed both girls, then left the ‘Indian’ room. Elyse was in the great room and I asked her to have some tea with me. She pointed to the pot on the end table, so I walked over and poured some for myself and then sat down next to her.
“Kicked out already?” she grinned as we sipped our tea.
“I suspect they’re discussing ground rules. I’m sure I’ll be summoned and presented with marching orders,” I said lightheartedly.
Elyse laughed, “You always did let us girls arrange things. She knows that you and I are still going to be together until our kids are born?”
“Yes. That was part of our earliest negotiations. Just like Jennifer getting pregnant.”
“December 15th. If we don’t wait, there’s no way to take a honeymoon right after the wedding. School starts next week for Jess, so we’ll wait. It’s not a big deal, really. It gives us plenty of time to plan, and to make sure that the important people can be here.”
“So it’s in Chicago. Good. Who’s missing that’s not here?”
“My dad, Larry, Joyce, Don Joseph and his wife, Josh and Mary, Tanya, the Anisimovs, and Stephie and Red. For Kara, her mom and grandma and her friend Susie. For Jess, almost everyone. She has a cousin here, but other than that, her family in Texas, Doctor Barton and his family, and one close friend that’s in California is all there is.”
“You realize that we are going to throw the party to end all parties, right?”
I nodded, “We talked about renting the place that Prajesh and Anala used. I’m guessing that mid-December it’s going to be available.”
“Probably! But not just that party, a be-all, end-all blowout here!”
“I’d expect nothing less from you!” I said.
I finished my first cup of tea and poured another. Whatever it was that Jessica and Kara were discussing was taking a bit of time. I didn’t mind, because they had to find a modus vivendi that would work for both of them. So far, they had hit it off and agreed on everything. The test was going to be when they disagreed.
“Ready for your next year of school?” I asked.
“I am,” Elyse said. “Master’s level courses in economics, finance and business. At the rate the business is going, I’m going to finish right about the time I need to be working full time. Your sister is going to really be behind the curve, so to speak. She has six years before she finishes her MBA. We need to figure out how we’re going to run things until then.”
“Julia’s going to have to assume the role, with your help,” I said. “Stephanie can be involved and learn, but she has to focus on school, just like you do. I’ll discuss things with Julia in the morning. She’ll need mentoring. I’m going to suggest she talk to Bill Howsman at Nuvatec. He offered his help in the past. And of course, our board members are available, too.”
“It’s going even better than we initially hoped!” Elyse said. “I ran the numbers based on Cindi’s last pipeline report and we’re going to be net positive in revenue by December, even with her conservative estimates. The law firm work is exploding. They’ve discovered WordPerfect and everyone has to have it ‘right now’. And they have money to spend. As much as we want to do the medical software, we need to put it on the back burner and focus on the law firms and construction firms. Cindi also has someone who’s interested in logistics software - inventory and delivery. She’s just exploring that now, but if she closes the deal, we’ll have to hire someone, but we’ll set delivery milestones where they have to pay us.”
“How come I haven’t heard about this?” I asked.
“Because you’re just a programmer!” Elyse smirked.
“True. OK. But please have her discuss even the speculative stuff at the staff meetings. Everyone’s input is valuable. Who’s the client?”
“Purina Mills in St. Louis.”
“How the heck did she come upon THAT?” I asked.
“Doctor Lambert. He’s friends with their CFO. He suggested they talk to us.”
“Wow!” I said.
“Here come your fiancées,” Elyse smirked.
“Can we steal him back?” Jessica said.
“Sure!” Elyse said.
“You can still borrow him from time to time, Elyse,” Jessica said. “Just check with Kara, please.”
Elyse smiled and nodded, accepting her new place in the universe. I got up and went with Jessica and Kara back to the ‘Indian’ room. One of them had made some tea and the three of us sat in the basket chairs with our cups.
“Ground rules,” Jessica said.
“I’m listening.”
“Your watchword is self-control. You heard what I said to Elyse. I can’t imagine she’ll cause any trouble.”
“Not a chance. She wants a couple of kids and then she’ll take a lover, as we discussed.”
“Is there anyone else you’ve made commitments to? I mean besides your unborn child and his mothers?”
“No. Just them, you, Kara, and Elyse.”
“Good. What I mean by self-control is this - I promised that I would allow you the occasional, and I mean occasional, dalliance. But between now and when we come back from our honeymoon, you are with nobody but Elyse, Kara, and, eventually me. Show me you can control yourself, and then we can discuss those rare instances. Screw up, and I’ll come to Chicago with a scalpel and remove your most valuable parts. Got it?”
I chuckled, “Loud and clear!”
“Good! You don’t feel that I’m being too controlling?”
“Not at all. What you just said is what we agreed. Having it laid out clearly is the only way to make sure we’re all on the same page.”
“Excellent. Now, Kara thinks you should show me why she calls you ‘Snuggle Bear’. I brought an ankle-length nightgown and Kara says you both have pajamas. Finish your tea and we’ll see if she’s telling the truth!”
Both girls giggled and I smiled and downed my tea. Jessica and Kara went out to Jessica’s car to get her bag and I went up to my room to brush my teeth and dress in my pajamas. I turned down the bed and turned off the lights except for the one on the stand next to the bed. One thing I needed to do was buy a king-size bed, but that could wait as the three of us would just be sleeping - for now, I thought with anticipation.
The girls came in, Kara in her silk pajamas and Jessica in her very conservative and loose-fitting nightgown. I got into bed and Kara got in next to me. Jessica took stock and tentatively climbed into bed and scooted close. I put my arm around Kara and she snuggled close. Jessica looked over, and then snuggled close on the other side. I put my arm around her and held her to me.
“See what I mean?” Kara said wistfully.
“Oh yes,” Jessica sighed. “Oh yes.”
August 24, 1985, Chicago, Illinois
We’d never turned the radio off when we went to bed, so it was still playing softly. I smiled and decided on a nickname for Jessica.
“Morning, Babe!” I said to Jessica when she woke up.
“So that’s going to be my nickname?” she asked.
“Either that or, eventually, Doctor Adams,” I grinned. “Kara is ‘Honey’.”
“I still have to come up with something for you. Kara’s nickname for you is perfect, but I can’t steal that one.”
“Told ya!” Kara grinned.
“Penguins - both animals and hockey teams, NASCAR, and James Bond. Nothing there really lends itself to a nickname that I like. And the historic ones all tend to be tragic, so things like Romeo or Tristan or Paris are out. That leaves me no choice. You are now ‘Tiger’.”
Kara laughed, “You’ll find out just how right you are in December! Let’s go shower and then meet Steve downstairs for breakfast.”
The girls each kissed me on the cheek and got out of bed. I got up, and once they’d left the room, I went to take a shower. I realized that I was completely at peace, and happier than I’d been since the day Birgit and I had made love. There had been happy times since, but between that day and today, it had been peaks and valleys, with no peaks as high as the one I was on now. And my goal was a much higher peak, one that I would ascend in December.
Between now and then we had a lot of planning to do, but I was sure that we’d get a lot of help from my friends, especially Elyse. I also needed to introduce Jessica to my dad; and there would be other introductions as well, since I needed to meet Jessica’s parents. I wondered what she’d tell them about Kara. That was going to be interesting to say the least! I finished my shower, dressed, and went down to the kitchen. I started making breakfast, and Kara and Jessica arrived about ten minutes later.
“Jess, how are you going to explain this to your parents? Aren’t they Baptist?”
“I told them when I was in Texas,” she smirked.
“Wasn’t that a bit presumptuous?” I asked.
“Yes, but I knew what was going to happen! Anyway, I simply told them what I was doing, and that nothing they said was going to deter me. They know better than to try at this point.”
“My mom will have a complete fit,” I said. “But I simply do not care. My dad knows the broad outlines of my plans. I guess it’s time to tell him the details.”
“And my mom,” Kara said. “You know what that means?”
“Road trip!” I grinned. “Today? Or next weekend?”
“I’d say today,” Jessica said. “Before school starts on Monday. Kara, do you have homework?”
“I can read while Steve drives. What about your car and getting you home?”
“We’ll drive to Indy first, drop my car there, and then drive to Milford. You guys drop me off on the way home. Will that work?”
“It will,” I said. “Kara, as soon as breakfast is done, let’s pack and get on the road.”
August, 24, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio
Kara rode with Jessica to Indianapolis, and after a brief stop in Jessica’s apartment for the bathroom, the three of us drove to Milford. We’d called Nancy Blanchard and my dad and arranged a mid-afternoon dinner at Nancy’s house. I’d extended the invitation to my mom as well, but she chose not to come, which didn’t surprise me. We sat down to dinner a few minutes after we arrived, and started talking while we were eating.
“Dad, Nancy, this is Jessica Wilton,” I said. “Jessica, Kara and I are getting married in Chicago on Sunday, December 15th. Jessica and I will have a quick civil wedding on Monday morning.”
“You’re really going through with it?” my dad asked.
“We are,” I said.
“I hope you’ll forgive me for asking,” Nancy said, “but what happened to Bethany?”
“She got engaged last Monday evening to a guy named Andrew. She told me Saturday, after Dave and Julia’s wedding.”
“What?!” my dad exclaimed. “You’re joking!”
“No, I’m not. I knew about the guy, but I had no idea it was that serious. And, even more shocking, they moved the date up to September 21st as soon as she found out that I was going to ask Jessica and Kara to marry me. It doesn’t make ANY sense to me at all. I talked to Kathy and the other girls and nobody understands. Jessica doesn’t know this, well, she might have assumed, but I was ready to marry Bethany. I talked to Bethany about it, and she delayed answering me. I asked her directly on Saturday night. She turned me down flat.”
“That makes no sense!” my dad objected. “Are you absolutely sure you didn’t push her into this?”
“He didn’t, Dad,” Kara said with a smile. “He told Bethany he was ready to marry her. He told Bethany that he wouldn’t even think about anything with Jessica until Bethany made up her mind. And he asked Bethany to marry him. I can’t explain what happened, and neither can any of Bethany’s friends. She didn’t even tell Kathy, her best female friend, about Andrew before she accepted his proposal. Everyone expected Steve to marry Bethany. Everyone.”
I watched Jessica’s face carefully and the fact that she didn’t react negatively told me that Kara had told her the whole story. That explained the long conversation, because they wouldn’t have needed one for the agreement that Jessica and I had already come to. I noticed that Kara hadn’t let on that she’d thought I’d marry Jessica, but omitting that struck me as a wise thing to do given the way the conversation was going.

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