A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 10 - BridgetChapter 32: Halloween Party free porn video

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November 1, 1996, Chicago, Illinois

“May I have this dance?” I asked.

“Yes! Hi, Steve!” Liz gushed.

I took her hand and led her towards the center of the dance floor in the attic room just as a slow song started. Liz melted into my arms, molded her body to mine, and rested her head on my shoulder. We danced silently, simply savoring the feeling of our clothed bodies against each other. I wanted her, but I had two concerns. First, was Liz making unwarranted assumptions about what it might mean? And second, how to deal with the fallout from the downright evil glare I was receiving from an obviously miffed Maria Cristina.

I’d worried about that when I’d first talked to Winter about possibly being our ‘domestic manager’, though she and I had called it ‘housekeeper’. Then, later, when I’d talked to Summer. And finally, when I’d had my talk with Claire. If Liz and I ‘disappeared’, as it was clear we both wanted to, there was likely going to be hell to pay. Heck, I felt if Maria Cristina knew about Winter, Vickie, and Emmy, there would be equal amounts of hell to pay. Not because I was with other girls, but because I would refuse to be with her.

My options were severely limited if I didn’t resume my sexual relationship with Maria Cristina, and probably limited even if I did. There had been, I was sure, implied promises, and perhaps some formal promise, that she would feel I was violating. And she might be correct in her assessment, but the ACTUAL deal, the very specific quid pro quo was that my wives and I would ensure she was supported until her Residency started. And physical intimacy was qualified by clear, explicit terms - nobody, and that meant literally nobody, could irrevocably consent to sex.

The song ended and Liz didn’t move away, so I waited for the next song which was peppier, and didn’t really lend itself to the kind of slow dance Liz clearly was enjoying.

“I hear you’re single,” I said.

She raised her head and smiled invitingly, “I would love to ‘adult’ with you. I had a recent test.”

“I can’t exactly sneak off now,” I replied.

“Oh, I know!”

“Enjoy the party for a bit, I’ll ask you to dance a few times, and we’ll find some time to talk, too.”

“OK,” she sighed, reluctantly releasing me.

I went over to where Kara, Jessica, and Kathy were standing.

“Could you GET any closer?” Jessica asked with a snort.

“Yes!” I chuckled. “And she wants to!”

“Shocking,” Jessica said, deadpan.

“Dearest wife, if you’re in need of personal attention, I can take you downstairs right now!”

Jessica laughed, “You know I’m teasing you! And you’ve been very attentive every night this week! I think being away for two weeks reinvigorated you!”

“Virgin blood,” Elyse declared from behind me.

“Again?” Kathy said, shaking her head.

“Who am I to deny the nubile young women of the world their requests? Care to dance?”

Kathy smirked, “I see he’s returning to form.”

“And he’s much happier,” Kara replied.

I took Kathy’s hand and we moved out onto the dance floor. We both laughed when we saw Kara dragging Kurt out a few seconds later.

“Open season on the Jaegers again?” Kathy asked as I took her in my arms.

“If you two don’t object,” I said, keeping my tone serious.

“Kara will have Kurt so worked up I’ll get a dozen orgasms in the next hour!”

“We’re happy to be of service,” I chuckled, pulling her against me, grinding a bit, and then releasing her.

“Just as bad as always!” she said, giving me a peck on the cheek.

I pulled her close again, so that our bodies just barely touched, creating delicious light friction.

“Compared to what?” I asked, nodding to the side.

Kathy turned to see her two girls, Kristin and Katherine, slow dancing with Jesse. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Just like his old man!”

“Carol decided to keep Francesca away tonight, and she and Stan aren’t going to be here either.”

“Because she somehow thinks Francesca won’t find a way to be with Jesse at fourteen or fifteen if that’s what they want?”

“I know. It’s a fool’s errand, and the better response is education and a safe place to be together without worrying about getting ‘caught’.”

“My mom never did figure out that I was working my way through the football team. Maybe if sex hadn’t been such a taboo topic at home, I might have chosen a different path.”

“Maybe if we both hadn’t been such dorks at fourteen, we both would have!” I replied with a grin she couldn’t see.

“Maybe, but neither of us would trade our kids or spouses for some alternate universe.”

“No, we wouldn’t. I take it you guys are in the guest room?”

“Yes. Kristin and Katherine have air mattresses in the girls’ room, and Keith has the spare bunk in the boys’ room. I guess Tiffany got dibs on the spare bed in the girls’ room.”

“I was shocked when her mom said she could stay. Rachel is here too, but her mom wants her home by 10:00pm. Birgit and I will walk her home.”

“Why doesn’t Carla just come to these? None of us hold grudges.”

“I told her that, and we’ve invited her many times, but she says she doesn’t feel comfortable. But she’s very happy that Birgit befriended Rachel and that their little Girl Gang includes Tiffany.”

“You do realize some lucky little boy is going to get the Girl Gang treatment from them, right?”

“Or not so little,” I chuckled. “Don’t look now, but I think Kara’s proved she hasn’t lost her touch!”

The song ended and Kara and I both laughed, and Kathy squealed as Kurt grabbed her hand and pulled her from the dance floor.

“We still have it!” Kara laughed, pulling me to her.

I looked over and waved for Jessica who came to join us and we had a nice, slow, three-way dance. When we finished, we got something to drink, then each of us danced with several other people, before I had my three daddy/daughter dances. After my dance with Birgit, who went last, Tiffany and Rachel asked me to dance, which I did. When the song finished, they scampered off to find boys closer to their ages to dance with.

After several more dances and quite a bit of conversation, it was time for Birgit and me to walk Rachel home. Tiffany asked to come along and the four of us left the house to walk to Rachel’s house which was about five blocks away. When we arrived, Carla greeted us at the door.

“Thanks for bringing her home on time,” she said.

“Thanks for letting her attend the party,” I replied. “You should have accepted our invitation.”

“You know why I feel weird about that.”

I nodded, “I do. Anyway, have a good rest of your evening.”

“You too!”

Birgit, Tiffany, and I walked back to the house and when we went into the backyard I saw Claire and two other girls there.

“You two go back inside,” I said to Birgit and Rachel.

They ran into the house and I walked over to Claire.

“Hi!” I said.

“Hi, Steve!” Claire replied, holding out her hand.

“How the heck did you get my pipe and tobacco?” I asked.

“Jesse was happy to get it from your study for me. I figured you might be able to sneak in a bowl!”

I chuckled, “Yes, though my wives will smell it on me.”

I filled the bowl, tamped the tobacco down lightly, and struck a wooden match to light it. When the tobacco was properly lit, I snuffed the match and tossed it into the grill.

“Bourbon?” Claire smirked, handing me a glass.

“A guy could get used to this,” I chuckled.

“This is my friend Briana,” she said, indicating a voluptuous brunette. “And this is my sister Mattie,” she said, indicating her sister who was just as she described, though Claire had left out the fact that Mattie had waist-length black hair.

“Nice to meet you both!”

“Briana and I have a date with a j.g. who’s probably thinking we were only teasing!”

I chuckled, “Go have fun!”

Claire winked and the two of them disappeared into the house to give some lucky sailor the night of his life. Of course, that created a problem for me, as they’d be using the other guest room and Doctor Whittaker was staying in the nanny room. My tryst with Liz might be problematic. But that was for when I got upstairs.

“Enjoying yourself?” I asked.

“Except for the fact that Claire said I couldn’t touch any liquor!”

“Sorry about that, but Illinois is really cracking down on underage drinking, and if anyone under twenty-one drinks, who isn’t my kid, I could go to jail.”

“A law written by the same idiots who say I can’t have sex until I’m seventeen!”

“One and the same idiots!”

“Claire said you were the perfect guy for what I wanted.”

“Possibly,” I replied, taking a sip of whisky, then puffing my pipe.

“Only ‘possibly’?”

“What did she tell you?”

“About you and her? Everything!”

I nodded, “I know that. I meant about your request.”

“Well, she said you were the best fuck she’s ever had and that if anyone could give me the best first time, it was you. And that you had permission from your wives to do whatever I asked for.”

“Pretty much. She told you the conditions, right?”

“A clean STD test. No problem there.”


“She also said you had a wild idea and I’m game!”

“Are you sure?”

“Did Claire tell you my plan for AFTER?”

“No, she didn’t.”

“To be just like my older sister!” Mattie laughed. “She has stories that make my knees weak and get me so wet I can’t stand it!”

“She likes the sailors, that’s for sure!”

“And they like her! And she’s quite the wild one!”

“Do you know my wife Kara?”

“Claire pointed her out to me.”

“Why don’t you go talk with her? If you’re still interested, we’ll figure out when.”

She turned and was gone before the sound of my voice dissipated. I chuckled and moved to sit on one of the deck chairs. I puffed my pipe, sipped my bourbon, and relaxed. A few minutes later, I felt soft hands, lightly resting on my shoulder.

“Hi,” Liz said.

“Hey. I was coming back upstairs when I finish my pipe.”

“I’ll sit with you. I love the smell of pipe tobacco.”

I got up and moved to a double lounge chair so we could sit side-by-side. I couldn’t put my arm around her because of the pipe, but she snuggled close, her head on my shoulder and her hand on my chest.

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“I guess you mean about my break-up?”


“If I did what he wanted, I’d never get to law school,” she sighed. “He wanted to have three kids before I went, which meant at least five years. And then we’d have three kids to try to take care of while he worked and I was in law school. It just made me feel like he didn’t want me to be a lawyer.”

“Then he’s a certified damned fool,” I replied. “Things seemed to be going OK.”

“They were! We talked about marriage and kids, and it seemed as if we were in agreement - one child after I passed the bar. I want a family, but I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was little. Then over the Summer, when I started planning out my LSAT and what law schools I want to visit in the next year or so, he said he wanted to get married right away and have kids as soon as I graduated. Three kids! To me, it sounded like he was trying to stop me from going to law school. We talked about it, then I accused him of trying to interfere with my plans, and we had a fight. The next time we saw each other he had an engagement ring and I refused it unless he agreed to wait for kids until I was out of law school. That’s when we broke up.”

“I’d say you did the right thing. How do you feel?”

“Sad, hurt, and relieved. I really liked him, and maybe I even loved him. But I also feel like I escaped a terrible trap.”

“I think so, too. So now what?”

“There’s a guy in my government class who asked me out. I told him I would, but I needed some time. Probably one date right before Christmas break. That’ll give me time to get into the right frame of mind, and then if I like him, we can go out in January when school starts.”

“That sounds like a good plan. Are you sure it’s a good idea to ‘adult’?” I asked gently.

She lifted up and looked me in the eyes, “Is it wrong to find comfort in the embrace of a loving, caring, handsome man for whom I have strong feelings? The same man who made wonderful love to me in Saint Martin when I became a woman?”

“No. I just want to make sure you’re not thinking about this in the wrong way. I think you know how much I care for you, but...”

Liz sighed, “You know what I’d want if I had a fairy godmother who could grant me three wishes, but I don’t have one. I know I can’t have anything permanent with you, and I am going to start dating once I get past the emotions from breaking things off with John. I thought maybe you’d help.”

“There’s a minor logistical problem, but I have a solution.”

“Logistical problem?”

“We have a student living with us who is staying in the spare bedroom, my doctor from the Mayo clinic is here, and she’s staying in the nanny room. My friends Kurt and Kathy, whom you met, are staying in one of the guest rooms. The other one is being used by a couple of girls who are entertaining what I presume to be a VERY happy sailor!”

Liz laughed, “Two girls? I bet!”

“My solution is the sauna. We can put up the ‘Privacy Please’ sign and nobody will bother us.”

“I liked it in there. Could we do it on the bench AND in the tub?”


“I’ll also be home for Thanksgiving if you want to see me again.”

“Call and we’ll see, OK?”

I finished my bourbon and we got up. I tapped the tobacco out of my pipe into the grill, then we went into the house, and into the basement. I turned on the sauna, and put up the ‘Privacy Please’ sign. There were a number of people in the basement playing pool or pachinko, so I grabbed two robes from the closet and Liz and I went into the bathroom to change.

We brought our clothes out with us, put them in the closet where we got the robes, grabbed some towels and went into the sauna. We hung the robes on hooks then spread our towels. I filled the wooden bucket with water from the tub, then ladled it onto the rocks. I was rewarded with hissing steam wafting up to fill the sauna.

I moved over to the bench where Liz was reclining sexily and sat down next to her. We exchanged a soft kiss, then she lowered her head to my lap. It took only a few slow, sexy bobs before I was hard as a rock. Liz released me, urged me to scoot forward, then straddled me. She grasped my shaft and rubbed my glans along her slick labia before holding me tightly as she slowly sank down. Her hard nipples traced down my chest as her tight, silky folds enveloped me.

“Yeah,” she sighed deeply.

Liz wrapped her legs around me, shifting just a bit and getting me even deeper. I put my hands on her waist, and she put hers on my shoulders. We kissed and she began moving up and down in our usual way of ‘adulting’ - slow and sensual, with her large firm breasts just barely touching my chest.

“I’ve missed this,” she whispered. “It’s so perfect.”

I nodded and we kissed again as she gently rode me towards her first orgasm. Several more followed before I had mine, and we hugged tightly until I finally softened and slipped from her, though the slick skin of our sweaty bodies was pressed together.

“That was just as wonderful as I remembered,” Liz sighed.

“I agree,” I replied, gently stroking her hair. “What can I do for you?”

“Do this again, in the tub, with the water swirling around us.”

“I think you’ll have to move,” I said with a smile.

She carefully disentangled herself from me and stood up. I got up, went over to the tub, closed the drain and adjusted the tap. I went back to Liz and gently eased her onto the bench. While the tub filled, I licked and sucked her nipples, enjoying her large breasts. What my wives had said was true - hers were truly the only really large breasts I adored, and I knew it was the girl they were attached to that made all the difference.

When the tub was nearly full, I stood up, took Liz’s hand, and helped her up, then moved to the tub. We climbed in and I shut off the tap and turned on the water jets. I scooted forward so Liz could straddle me once again and we kissed and touched until I was rigid, at which point we had our second glorious ‘adulting’ session, resulting in explosive orgasms for both of us. We stayed in that position until I once again slipped from her, and then reluctantly our time was up.

Fifteen minutes later, we were in the attic room again, and I went over to my wives.

“‘Adulting’ session finished?” Kara smirked.

“Yes, and she’s quite satisfied. It’s never been about a marathon with her, but almost always about slow, sensual, female-superior lovemaking.”

“Tiger, EVERYONE knows females are superior!”

I chuckled, “I think Jesse might quibble with that statement!”

“He’ll find out!”

“Did Mattie come talk to you, Kara?”

“Yes! Talk about a surprise!”

I grinned, “I went to the one person I knew was my female counterpart and asked for a candidate! It’s up to you, Kara, if she fits your needs and you’re interested.”

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow or Sunday.”

“Sure. I think I need to dance with Mary. She’s basically the only one I haven’t danced with.”

“Maria Cristina,” Jessica replied.

“Given the ‘death glare’ I received early on, I’m not sure she’s even going to be speaking to me, let alone willing to dance with me.”

“Dance with Mary and then I’ll make sure a nice slow song comes on and you can ask her. You should, Tiger.”

“You’re right. I should have asked her. I’m sorry.”

I went over to where Mary was talking with Al Barton.

“Mind if I interrupt?” I asked.

Al laughed, “Another minute or so and Belinda would have called ‘time’ because I was spending too much time with a pretty, young doctor!”

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After The Halloween Party

After The Halloween Party My wife and I were invited to my boss’ Halloween party. We were to dress in costume and be prepared to have a great time. There was a lot of drinking and my wife must have gone to the bathroom a dozen times. She became the best of friends with a woman that I work with. Actually Pamela was the only woman that I worked with. I found her very attractive too. Eventually my wife told me that she had drank too much and needed to go home. I could not believe it...

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Ray and the Halloween Party

   I have had sex with a few guys since my last story but there nothing much worth writing about so I thought I would “go retro” and tell you about a hot experience I had in my senior year of high school.    At that time I kept my crossdressing pretty much private and only a handful of people knew about my slutty side as Lisa. Even most of my best friends had no clue. (At least that’s what I thought at the time.) One of my best friends was a good looking guy named Ray. Ray lived...

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The Halloween Party

Renae slammed the bedroom door and kicked her stilettos toward the closet. She ripped at the black lace garter and stockings, tearing them off in frustration and throwing them into the trash. The little black mini dress got balled up and thrown on the floor. She stomped into the bathroom and started the shower. As the steam filled up the master bath, she sat down on the toilet seat and let the tears come. The love of her life, her soul mate and partner simply did not want her, no matter how...

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The Halloween Party

Saturday, October 31st, 1998“So, is it possible to put this stuff on without opening your mouth?” Mitch asked as he delicately attempted to apply mascara to his eyelashes for the first time.“No, it’s not,” Heather answered simply from the bathroom doorway.  “Are you about ready?” she questioned. “We’ve been ready for thirty minutes.”“I’ve never done anything like this before.  I’m worried I’m going to look totally stupid,” Mitch responded.“Turn around, let me take a look,” Tracy encouraged as...

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Cheryl8217s Horny Halloween Party

This is a story about a gorgeous 36-year-old single mom named Cheryl Waskow who has a little too much fun at her 18-year-old son’s Halloween party. Hello my name is Cheryl Waskow I’m 36 years old, 5″8 130 lbs with shoulder length brown hair. My friends tell me I look like Jennifer Aniston but I don’t see it. My husband left me a year ago, leaving me with our 18-year-old son Jake. Being a single mom I don’t have much time to get out and date or socialize, so to...

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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party (A Really Scary Event) by debra darling It was supposed to be just a simple costume party. It was scheduled for a Saturday evening, the weekend before All Hallows Eve. Jack and Jean were invited. The invitation had arrived in the mail two week's earlier. The envelope was of very fancy linen and all black and orange with a very decorative border. It was clearly an expensive invitation and implied a very upscale party....

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Telling Mom Im A Cross Dresser part 18 Missys Halloween Party

I had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...

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Halloween Party

After two weeks of begging my step-mom, she had finally allowed me to go to a Halloween party. She was very protective of me and was worried about me getting exposed to drugs and alcohol. An important fact she didn’t know was that it wasn’t a normal Halloween party. At sixteen years old, losing my virginity was all I was trying to do. Everyone would be wearing costumes with masks and it was sure to result in lots of sex.The party would take place in a house with about a dozen rooms and the only...

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Dane I The Halloween Party

My name is Rose, but if you have read Dane and I, Our First Time, then you know who I am. If you have not read about that night then here is a little about Dane and I both. I am 5’9” with wavy red hair that falls nearly to my knees and eyes the color of really good sapphires. I have a lean, lightly muscled body with firm C-cup breasts and a shaved pussy. Dane is 6’ with black hair that falls strait to the middle of his back. He has the body of a Greek God with a beautiful 8-8 ½” cut cock. We...

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Dane I The Halloween Party

My name is Rose, but if you have read Dane and I, Our First Time, then you know who I am. If you have not read about that night then here is a little about Dane and I both. I am 5’9” with wavy red hair that falls nearly to my knees and eyes the color of really good sapphires. I have a lean, lightly muscled body with firm C-cup breasts and a shaved pussy. Dane is 6’ with black hair that falls strait to the middle of his back. He has the body of a Greek God with a beautiful...

Straight Sex
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekAfterword The Halloween Dance and Chapter Title Songs from Book 5

I’ve put together web-links for the Medway’s Halloween Dance during Mike’s and Tempe’s NIS Week, and all the chapter title songs that were in this 5th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-link to songs that I already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Halloween Dance in the chapter song list. If I used a special video of a song to help with writing this story, I have included it in these lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Runaround...

3 years ago
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The Halloween Party

Introduction: we go to a Halloween party at DeRondas. I also find out why John has been acting like he has. Hi, I last left everyone with John and me getting ready to go to a Halloween Party at DeRondas house. If you do not know who she is, I suggest you read my other stories if you need to catch up. John was dressed as a football player and I was in a cheerleaders outfit. We jumped into the car and off we went. I have to stop and get some gas, John said as he whipped his car into the gas...

2 years ago
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Halloween party

I love Halloween. My family have always had fun with Halloween since I was a k**.I have recently returned home to my parents after being away at college the last four years. My parents have lived without k**s for the last two years so it has been a transition for them to have me back in the house. My parents have had a great Halloween party for years. People go all out and dress up in costumes. There are so many people that dress up in total disguise so you don't know who is in that costume.So...

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Halloween Eve The Party

My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making. Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5’6′ tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...

2 years ago
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Halloween Eve The Party

  My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making.Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5'6" tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...

4 years ago
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The Halloween Party

(episode 18) This follows College Sexscapades I believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven’t come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.” Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a...

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Halloween Four 24102016 Abergalersquos Party

Halloween Four, 24/10/2016: Abergale’s PartyPulling up into her driveway Abergale got out of her car and noticing that something had been left for her in the mail box. Opening it she took out a single unstamped envelope addressed to her and shoved the envelope unread into her jean pocket. Walking into her kitchen she threw her bag in the corner and opened the envelope she was dumbfounded to find a party invitation that Rosa had promised her when they met in the car park the day before. ...

1 year ago
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The Halloween Party

I had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom’s would as well for the class. There was always lots of...

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The Halloween Party

I had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom's would as well for the class. There was always lots of...

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Another Halloween Party

Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and try and make the best of a situation. Things are what you make of them. I kept telling myself that I needed to make this into a fun evening, even if I didn’t want to go. The ink was still wet on my divorce decree and I really wasn’t up to a search for new romance. I was only going because Mel and Megan had almost demanded it of me. Mel was more than just my boss, he was also my friend and had stuck with me through the emotional turmoil of the ugly...

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Stuck in a closet at a Halloween party

It was my first college Halloween party, and I was beyond stoked. The party was being held at a local frat off campus, and although I hadn't pledged to any frat I was still known in their circles. I never moved out of my parents house, and while it saved me a bunch of money, it definitely put a damper on my social life. I had procrastinated on my costume, so I found myself scrambling at the last minute to come up with something. Out of ideas, I finally settled on the cheap idea of going as...

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Hooked At The Company HalloweenThemed Costume Party

“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...

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After the Halloween Party

Chapter 1 October 30 - Approximately 11:30 p.m. Jenny stumbled outside, weaving a little as she walked. Her date, Tim, walked behind her. Jenny laughed drunkenly as she tried to walk through the parking lot. She laughed at some of the costumes she had seen her friends wearing earlier tonight. They were so ridiculous. She would be able to get in some good insults at school tomorrow. She thought her own vampire costume was excellent. She had gone all out on making it. She wore a wig with...

4 years ago
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Mistaken at the Halloween Office Party

It was October 31. Halloween again. I had to decide on what my costume would be for the annual office party. I didn't want to dress up and go this year, but it was mandatory. My boss Brent Rose was an ass. He ruled the office with an iron fist or so it would seem. I knew if I didn't show up I would most likely get a lecture about setting an example to the other employees. I stopped procrastinating and walked the two short blocks to the local costume shop. I hoped they had something I could...

Straight Sex
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The Halloween Themed Costume Party

Our company has a Halloween Party every year and for the most part, I have simply ignored attending, or attended and simply left after a short visit. This year, I decided that I’d go and dress up in a full regalia as a pirate. I even decided to go so far as to have a professional make-up artist do my make-up, so one would know who I was, just for the fun of it.Everyone who attended the Party dressed up and for the most part, folks were quick to figure out who was who behind the masks and...

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Stuck Between a Sub and a Dom Place Part 4 The Halloween Party

Throughout the week preceding the holiday, I had dropped by Miss Laura’s home to help decorate it for her upcoming party. Halloween hit on a Tuesday last year, so her party, something she did every year for select clients and friends, would be held on Saturday. She had told me little about what to expect, but she assured me it would be fun and that my attendance was mandatory. I received a text from her Wednesday morning as I was getting ready for work, telling me that I was to avoid contact...

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Halloween Pool Party part 8 The Party

Halloween Pool Party, part 8, The Party by Brenda Friday morning cam and I was awakened with an electric shock that ran from my tits to my clit. My eyes flew open to see Miss Maddy and her girlfriend each with one of my nipples in there mouth. Pulling at the rings with there tongue, my high pitched squeal announced I was awake. My clitty tried to get hard but had no place to go. I reached to touch it and could not feel anything through my girdle, well padded with a thick maxi pad. I...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 66 Halloween Surprises Part III

October, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Bethany was right - I did have some very surprising things happen in my life. And they never seemed to stop. On the other hand, Fate seemed to have taken a holiday and I was just fine with that. If she never came back, I’d be a very happy man. And given how things were going, I was pretty happy overall. I walked out the back door and down the brick path to the back door of the coach house. I knocked and Patience opened the door to let me in. As was usually...

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The ProfessorChapter 17 Halloween party and afterparty

The evening of my first and only orgy ended about two a.m., more from the fact that Doug and I ran completely out of steam than that any of the women wanted to stop, although most of the women had pretty well exhausted all the sapphic combinations they could think of while the lowly males were recovering. Deb and Doug pushed the beds together in the guest room, filled in the ‘crack’ between them with a blanket, and Marcia and the two of them went to sleep. I ended with Ashley, Christy, and...

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A Halloween Party

Erica had it all. Except children, of course. But now that Derek had been promoted to Regional Vice-President, she could quit work, as they had always planned. After seven years of marriage, the attractive thirty-four year old would finally have the opportunity to ruin her figure. She was ready for it. But that’s not the way her friends saw it. “You’re crazy,” Janice said. “Derek will be making so much money and he’ll have more time too. You’ll be able to go to Hawaii and Europe.” “Ya,”...

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My Reluctant Lactating Wife at the Halloween Party

At the time of this story, I was the sales director for a specialty-chemical manufacturing company located in Houston, Texas. This is a customer-focused business, and we were competing with six other companies that provided similar products and services, so we often sponsored parties for our current and prospective customers. It was approaching the end of October, and my boss, Max Jensen, had planned a large Halloween costume party that would be held at his country club on Halloween night. Max...

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A Halloween Party

I've always loved Halloween. It's the one day out of the year where I am confident to go out fully dressed as a CD. If anyone objects, I just say I'm going to a costume party dressed as a woman. I've seen lots of straight guys do it. . .or, maybe they're not so straight after all. Anyway, I was getting dressed up to go to a party at Doug and Jeannie's house on the waterfront in Mercer Island. The perfect venue for a Halloween party - both Doug and Jeannie were bisexual and very open about...

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Halloween The Book

Halloween Two, 10/10/2016: The BookAbergale threw her coat over the back of her regular seat at the library next to the window directly opposite the storage heater which for some reason was always on and pumped out huge amounts of heat year round. She sat down heavily in the seat and placed her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes trying to relieve the pain of a head ache that had developed since breakfast and was getting worse by the minute. She got headaches like this every month on her...

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Halloween House Party

I swear, Halloween is the best time of year for horny guys like me. Girls seem to love dressing up as sexy pirates, sexy devils, or sexy anything, really. The following story took place that night… but it’s not scary at all. My friends Michelle and Cassie and I decided to do a group costume this year for some frat Halloween party. The girls dressed as two schoolgirls and I made myself up like a strict teacher—shirt and tie and ruler. Michelle, Leigh and I have been friends since Freshman...

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