Lydia's DreamChapter 11 free porn video

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The door from the garage opened and a smiling Pam and Rudy walked in. "He liked the car, Tom."

"No, I loved the car. That is some machine and she even let me drive."

"We took Angel down to I-75 and up a couple of exits and back. Two guys wanted to race us but I did what you said."

"She sure did, Tom. We only got up to 140 before the other guys gave up."

"RUDY! You promised not to tell Tom. Darn your hide!" They both started laughing so I knew it was a joke. At least I hoped it was.

"Pam, its 6:00. When do you want to eat? I need at least 20 minutes to grill the meat."

She looked at Ruth and they agreed that 6:45 would work. Pam was planning baked potatoes, asparagus and a tossed salad. I invited Rudy to join me outside on the patio and grabbed two beers on the way. It was a very cool night, as Novembers normally have, and the sun had set. After several minutes of small talk about the city views, I turned on the gas grill and cleaned the grate.

Rudy asked, "How did you manage to get one of the McLarens? I know they were on allocation, even though they cost a half-million dollars."

"My dad went to school with a guy who's a dealer in Atlanta. Dad has bought many cars from him over the years. When the McLaren was announced, Lydia read a review and fell in love with it. Later on, when we found out she had cancer, I asked Dad to call his buddy and see what could be done. The dealer pulled some strings, I suppose, and he called Dad one morning and said he had one coming. The neat thing was that it was the paint color she wanted.

"We drove down and picked it up. She was so nervous that she refused to drive it home. I remember how cute she was debating with me her reasons for not driving it. I also remember the first time I heard that engine and felt the power under my foot. There was nothing like it."

"Pam surprised me when she stopped at a gasoline station and told me to drive. That car really scared me. The accelerator is very sensitive and it almost jerks your head off when you tap it too hard. I'm not familiar with the specs on that engine but it must have a ton of torque. Pam has learned to handle it well. I was impressed with her driving."

"Good, I worry about her every time she has it out. That car is a beast."

After several minutes of small talk, I said, "Ruth and I had a talk while you were gone. She told me about the baby she gave up for adoption."

"Yeah, she told me last night. It's a real shame she had to make that decision so young and live with it forever. But I think she did the right thing. I told her I was very proud of her for thinking of the baby first. I wish all pregnant mothers did that."

I replied, "She asked whether or not she should tell Pam and Jerri and I said to do it. Ruth needs to share the burden she's been carrying and know that others support her decision. It sounded like Richard wanted to keep the baby and that added to her feelings of guilt."

"I know. That must have hurt."

We sipped our beers and continued with small talk until Rudy said, "We're planning to get married in late March. It'll be just a simple wedding at the church. Would you consider standing with me?"

"Absolutely. I'm honored you asked."

"My brother will as well. We'll just wear normal suits, not tuxes or anything like that. Ruth wants it to be a simple affair."

"Sounds good. Let's get these steaks on. How do you and Ruth like them?"

"We both like medium."

"Pam likes medium also but I like mine a little rare." I put three of the filets on and waited a few more minutes before adding mine.

"If you'll watch them, I'll grab some more beers," I said.

I walked in and saw Pam and Ruth sitting in the library talking. I could tell it was a serious discussion and assumed it was about the baby. I pulled another Bud Lite and Stella out of the fridge and walked back to the grill.

"Rudy, we were trying to decide what you might like to see this weekend. We have a very nice aquarium. Of course, there's Rock City, made famous by all the painted birdhouses and barn roofs. We have two Civil War battlefields close by, Lookout Mountain and Chickamauga. There's Ruby Falls, a tall waterfall inside a cave. Also the old train station has been restored and it dates from 1909."

"All of that sounds interesting. Let's let the girls decide."

The steaks were ready in just a few more minutes. When I entered the kitchen, I saw the girls working on the salad and the potatoes were out of the oven and cooling. I glanced at Pam and our eyes touched. She winked at me and smiled.

Fortunately, the steaks were fine. During dinner, the ladies decided they wanted to go to the aquarium and then have lunch at The Meeting Place, one of my restaurants. We would do that on Friday and then decide what to do about Saturday. Ruth and Rudy planned to drive home Sunday after going to church with us.

The rest of the evening was devoted to the movies. Rudy wanted to watch "The Unforgiven," a 1960's western starting Burt Lancaster and Audrey Hepburn. I had forgotten I had that old movie on DVD. Dad must have given it to me. He liked the old westerns and gave me a box of them one time for Christmas.

It was fun to see a production from those years and how they had to do the photography without all the special effects they now use. We all cheered for the good guys and booed the bad guys. It was a real hoot and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it with them.

When we decided to call it a night and retire, I was a little surprised when Rudy and Ruth went into the same bedroom; but that was fine with me. When Pam entered, she immediately walked into my arms and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"Pam, I need some air girl. What's gotten you all turned on?"

She smiled and giggled, "They're sleeping together now. I think it's so cute and Mom was so embarrassed to tell me."

"There's no reason to be embarrassed."

"I know. She and my dad were old school, conservative and proper. At least I always thought so. But she told me tonight about having the baby before they were married and how she decided to give it up for adoption. So my dream was real. She told me she had asked your advice about telling me."

"How did she break it to you?"

"After you guys went outside, she asked if we could sit and talk. We went to the library and she started crying as soon as we sat down. Of course, that started me crying too although I didn't know what we were crying about.

"She eventually was able to tell me about the tough times they had growing up and how she and Dad fell in love when she was a freshman in college. They had unprotected sex a couple of times and she got pregnant. Since he was a much older guy, her parents never supported their relationship and made it known to them. They felt very alone but they decided to put their faith in God and ask for wisdom.

"Mom believed that God helped her decide to have the child and give it up for adoption through one of the Christian run adoption services. The service paid for all her health care and the doctor and hospital expenses. She and Dad were so poor they never could have paid that bill.

"After they eloped, which I never knew about, they moved in with his parents. Their finances improved when Dad got a good job in town and she was able to work in a local supermarket. She later tried to find out who had adopted her daughter but the adoption service refused to provide any details. She has always carried a heavy burden of guilt about giving away her baby and didn't want to let me and Jerri know it happened."

"Did you tell her about your dream."

"No. I didn't think that would add anything to our discussion. Maybe it was some sort of premonition I had. This world of dreams and messages is so difficult to understand."

"I know."

"Anyway, Jerri and David are planning to visit Mom and Rudy for Christmas and she wants us to come as well. She'll tell Jerri face to face about the baby and wants us not to say anything to Jerri until then."

"And you didn't say anything about Niki Lee?"

"No. But we do need to go to Atlanta and try to meet her. I'm now excited about that possibility."

"I understand. I asked your mom if the opportunity came to meet her daughter, would she want to do it."

"I hope she said 'yes'."

"She did."

"Tom, I'm just dumbfounded. I always thought my parents had the perfect marriage and that they never did anything out of the ordinary. Now I find just how difficult it was for them. I always wondered why we were closer to my dad's family than to Mom's. Now I know, her father never supported or helped them. That must have been terrible for Mom and Dad. They had to elope because her parents wouldn't attend her wedding. Can you imagine such a thing?" Tears welled in her eyes once again.

"No I can't. But none of us ever know what others have to go through until they give us a glimpse of it. Your parents obviously loved you two girls more than anything and they were always trying to protect you, even though you didn't know it."

"Sweetheart, I need your love tonight. Just soft and tender loving. Can we do that?"

My answer was to slowly start removing her clothing a piece at a time and stopping to kiss her body as it was revealed. She stood there and gazed at me as each piece was laid aside. When she was undressed, she removed each piece of my clothing and kissed my body. We embraced and I slowly rubbing my hands up and down her back as our tongues touched.

I took her by the hand and helped her into bed. We continued to caress the other's body and look into our lover's eyes. Everything was in slow motion, just gentle loving touches and caresses.

After ten or so minutes of touching, stroking and probing, Pam straddled me and guided me into her. There was no erratic bouncing or the wild lust we often experienced. She sat on me for a full minute, just absorbing all the sensations of being one with each other. Her eyes never left mine. She gradually began to move up and down and I could feel the soft contractions as her body told her it was time. There was no moaning, no screaming and no grunting.

As her orgasm approached, she lay forward on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed ... slowly and tenderly. She suddenly closed her eyes and began gasping with shallow and rapid breaths. Pam stopped a couple of times and lay still; but I could feel her body continue to clinch and relax. The release of our passion was anything but slow. We peaked at the same time. I squeezed my arms around her and tried to get as close to her entire body as I could. I so wished that she could just become part of me forever.

We quietly lay there and experienced the afterglow before hearing some muffled screaming from next door.

"I think that was Mom." She started giggling quietly.

"You and she sound just alike," I said. The mood was broken and we climbed out of bed and walked to the shower.

Thanksgiving morning was a whirlwind of activity. Pam and Ruth were in the kitchen early, preparing the turkey and planning the desserts. When I walked in to get coffee, they were quickly looking through cookbooks and on-line to find likely recipes. The turkey was no issue at all, it was fresh, never frozen, and Ruth had roasted them dozens of times. The desserts were another matter as there were so many options. After much debate, they decided to make three of the old favorites: a pumpkin pie, a pecan pie and a coconut layer cake. Fortunately, Pam had purchased all the needed ingredients.

While they were pulling items out of the fridge and cabinets, Pam looked at me and said, "Why don't you and Rudy go do something? Mom and I have work to do."

This kitchen was huge and all I was doing was sitting at the far end of the counter and drinking coffee. Why did she want me to leave? But I knew better than to argue so I walked into the library and waited for Rudy. He came out about fifteen minutes later. We greeted each other and I told him to get coffee and go downtown with me.

We walked into the garage to Angel and I asked, "You want to drive?"

"Sure, but I'd like to see the engine if I could."

"Okay." I open the hood and Rudy broke into a big smile.

"That's a work of art. I like the way they designed the Mercedes logo to be the intake for that amazing breather. Just look at the precision design and finish. Tom, this is a world of engineering I know nothing about." He walked from side to side and tried to see where all the components were mounted and how the belts and pulley system worked. He then crawled under to see what could be seen from underneath. After a few minutes, he stood and just shook his head. "I've never seen anything like this."

I backed the car out around his. While he slid into the driver's seat, I gave directions to take us down the mountain.

"We are we going?"

"I want to go down to the Center City Shelter. Just turn left at the bottom of the hill."

"Why are we going there?"

"My restaurants always roast turkeys and bake hams for them on Thanksgiving morning. I just want to make sure our guys are on track and have what they need to get the job done."

"You do that every year."

"Yeah. Dad started doing that more than twenty years ago. It was one way he found to give back to the community. The people doing all the roasting and baking are our employees who volunteer to give up a few hours of their Thanksgiving to help out. Dad always felt guilty about letting them do it for nothing and one year he tried to pay them their regular wages for what they did. Every last one of them refused to take the money. One of them told Dad that he wanted to donate his time but he would never do it again if Dad insisted on paying him. Evidently, all of them felt the same way. They wanted to give back to the less fortunate just like Dad did."

We drove on in silence, or as silent as a 600 horsepower engine can be.

The shelter was a beehive of activity and dozens of community volunteers were preparing food and setting up for the expected crowd. Our people weren't there yet so I called Tim, who was the boss this morning, and checked on the status.

"Hey Tom. Our Bistro team left here about ten minutes ago. They have 18 turkeys and two hams. We're just cleaning up now. Bill's team called and they're leaving in about 20 minutes. They have 15 turkeys. They're waiting on the last of them to reach temperature. Judy's team is packing everything in their truck and will be on their way with eight hams in just a few minutes."

"Tim, give my thanks to all your guys. I'm at the shelter now and will be here when everyone arrives. I appreciate you, good buddy. Don't know what I'd do without you. Give my best to Laura and you guys have a great Thanksgiving."

Rudy asked, "Is Tim your general manager?"

"No, he's the chef at The River Bistro. He had volunteers in there starting very early this morning to prepare everything. The other two restaurants had either three or four volunteers each. It amazes me how they all love to do it."

The director of the shelter came over and shook our hands and thanked me for what we do every year. I told him about Gino's contribution this year, and he promised to write a note of thanks to him.

All at once I saw some activity at the back door. Tim's driver and helper had arrived, and everyone was helping carry in the turkeys and hams.

Once unloaded, the real work began to slice everything into serving sizes. Fortunately, there were other volunteers there to do that work. The driver and his assistant were free to go home to their families but I had a few words with them before they left. Both guys were as happy as could be to help out.

This was repeated two more times as our delivery trucks arrived over the next forty minutes. Our job was then complete and everything was on schedule for an 11:30 opening. The director said they expected to feed approximately 500 people that day. Not only the homeless who sheltered there but also others in the community who needed help came every year. It struck me as we talked that I should be doing more throughout the year to help. Maybe I could get Pam to brainstorm some ideas with me.

"Rudy, let's go home. I need a good cup of coffee."

After parking Angel in her bay, we entered the house and were greeted by the aroma all men love.

"Pam, my nose tells me that you remembered the biscuits."

"Yeah, I couldn't let your dad go hungry."

Ruth added, "I'm pleased you like her biscuits so much. Richard's mom always told me that you capture a man's full attention with your biscuits, not your makeup."

I smiled and replied, "Probably true, but both combined works even better." Everyone laughed.

Rudy and I walked to the coffee machine. I noticed that someone had also made sticky buns and the cake layers were baked and cooling. This was starting to look like a real feast. We helped ourselves to the sticky buns.

The beep on the alarm system warned me the front door just opened. Mom and Dad had arrived. I rushed to help them unload and Rudy followed me out.

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Thompson closed his copy of Blackstone's Laws of England after reading only a couple of pages, and turned out the light. The sounds of Zophia doing the dinner dishes was just barely audible. He'd wanted to spend the night at the temple, but Alice had sent him home. "Your wife won't be allowed to see you tonight," Alice explained. "She's getting another twenty-five lashes, the pain of which she'll have to bear for two hours during prayer time until I heal her just prior to her lights...

1 year ago
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Burning Passion Secret Love

A gentle spring breeze rustling through the tree tops was the only sound as they walked quickly down the path. They paused, looking around for other people. Time was short on these lunchtime meetings, but caution was always a concern. Seeing no one, he squeezed her hand and smiled as she met his gaze. With one last glance around, they left the main path, heading down a narrow trail. He held branches aside for her as their pace quickened. With a few more steps, they entered a clearing. Only a...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Friend

Sarah’s FriendAmy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white...

3 years ago
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Episode 138 Staying Alert

Now the outdoor exercising restrictions are being eased, Nicky and step-mum Steff have extended their daily running routes, pausing occasionally to chat with other joggers and dog-walkers from a safe distance.Today was particularly hot and the sweat had turned their matching, tight running tops almost transparent, showing four succulent nipples.Because all charity shops were still closed, many of the residents of Stockbridge and surrounding villages had put unwanted items out on the street for...

3 years ago
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Solace Rosanna Ch 13

2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was...

2 years ago
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Husbands Fantasy Comes True 2

Having sex with my son a few nights ago has made me a better person all around. I can see myself as a changed woman now, for the good of life. Ever since the other night, I have thought more positively about myself. I feel more beautiful. Maybe it was because my own son wanted sex with me as much as I did with him. I just know, deep inside, my love for him and my husband is starting to develop more strongly than I have ever imagined.I was laying there on my stomach feeling my husbands dick...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With An English Girl

Hi guys! Rob here! My previous story was really well received and I wanna thank you readers for all the nice ratings. This story is about my first sexual encounter with a foreigner; a sexy petite firang chick. It was November and I had just moved to England as a young college exchange student and it was amazing even before I had sex with the really hot girl who is the female protagonist of the story. My first weekend in England we, that is to say me and three English guys, decided to go out and...

1 year ago
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Aliens and CowboysVirgohn

A week later, the baby was definitely into more of a routine, but was still up several times each night. Fortunately, there was lots of help, so after feeding, Annabelle got to sleep while everyone else took care of the little guy. One morning, after a fairly cohesive sleep, Mark was going through his morning routine, when he noticed something in his daily reports. Virgohn, one of the non-federated planets, had contacted the Federation. He figured maybe they were complaining about the...

1 year ago
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Beach Encounter

My car moves slowly down the winding road, the overhanging ficus trees looming overhead. This is the Beach road, the one I have used for years, the one I have bicycled, run, and driven down many, many times over the last decade. It looks different at night; the intermittent streetlights cast a yellow pall that is mostly blocked by the thickly leaved branches of the trees. My headlights illuminate the pavement ahead, and I see the sign…. “public beach Access”. My heart leaps with anticipation...

4 years ago
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Molly And Kellys Delightful Ipanema Rendezvous

Since surviving the terrible erotic activities, Molly had been tricked into participating in that night on the Island off the Brazilian Coast; the unpleasant memories had eventually faded with the passing of time. Molly was still happy she had done it for Antonio. However after—both knew they never wanted to attend any other of the Group's harsh and cruel activities. Molly, greatly relieved, had settled back into her comfortable familiar routine. She thought happily to herself, I love Rio de...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Shared By Best Friend

I have a girlfriend named Shalini. She is not really a regular type of girl. Cute and innocent buts that’s all before this incident took place. Thanks to fucking me! Shalini was a hot bomb. She was extremely hot with a figure of 36-24-36 and her boobs! Good God! They were amazing! Boobalacious I say they were soft huge and well curved with small pink nipples. I used to suck on them whenever I got a free time I used to call her in my paying guest room which was far away from the coaching campus....

1 year ago
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A lingerie story about a fellow who falls for a colleague8217s Japanese wife

Yumi was the wife of a friend. Once, I joked that the sound of her name embodied the both of us – you know: you, me – but she looked back at me as if she didn’t understand. Of course she couldn’t, for I had fallen deeply and secretly in love with her. The things which transpired and which I am about to relate are all true, and although I know that some of what I did is indefensible, I hope that people who know me might someday see this and think less harshly of...

4 years ago
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Encounter with an ex

It's lunch time and Sonia is thinking that she needs a break from her studying. Her phone vibrates on her thigh “good timing,” she wonders who it is. 12.05 One new message from Jay Hey babes hope your well I’ve just moved into my new place and wondered if you wanted to pop over and see it. Brilliant this is the perfect excuse for Sonia to get out the house and away from the books. 12.06 To Jay Ok I’ll head over in 5 She quickly changes into something more decent. Not daring to leave the house...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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I found the perfect kinky soulmate BDSM Sex Stories

My name is Amara and I am 28 years old. I have always looked forward to adding some more spice to my love life. Hence, my partners barely last three months in my bed. It is hard to find someone who share the same fetishes as I do. Moreover, they are not always exactly inclined towards BDSM. On the other hand, I find BDSM more sensible and sensuous than vanilla sex. It is all about ultimate trust and reliance between the partners. My fetish was mostly about bondage and dominance. I was a...

4 years ago
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Blog 2

Blog 2 I was really pleased with my first attempt at a blog so after work I dashed round to Pippa’s house to show her with a printed copy neatly folded in my handbag. It had, after all, been her idea in the first place and I sort of thought she’d be as excited about it as me. So, we settled ourselves down at her dining room table with a nice cup of tea and I handed over the fruits of my labour. Pippa has this little thing that she does with her mouth when she isn’t entirely happy … a small...

3 years ago
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White Wife Turn on to BBC

"That's it, baby, roll that fat ass. Work my black cock. Make me cum in your pussy," Ray told the white married woman moaning beneath him, her hands on his dark ass, urging him to fuck her deeper and harder. He tried recalling the middle-age slut's name. Yeah, she was that easy. The first time he'd ever really talked to her was less than an hour ago.Ray had seen her before though. She shopped at the grocery store where he worked. Most of the time she came in by herself, but occasionally her...

3 years ago
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Rhapsody SuiteEleven

I RECEIVED A BRONZE MEDAL at the awards ceremony Saturday afternoon and an official invitation to The Ektelon National Singles Competition. I had four weeks to heal, train, and pass all my classes. There was a lot to do. I had final projects in three classes, exams in two. I would have my portfolio review to determine my overall progress for the year. I’d be working out every day. Sam and Lissa had already worked out a rehab schedule for my ankle. Not only did I have to recover, but I needed...

3 years ago
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Lori Learns to Swallow

After being stationed in North Carolina with the Air Force, I had discovered a town near the base with a fairly active night life. I had met Lori on an early trip, and we had been dating for several weeks. We had talked quite a bit, and like young people tend to do, we had compared notes and stories about what we had and hadn’t done. I quickly learned that Lori was still a virgin at 18, but she told me that she had done, “everything else but that” with her previous boyfriends. She said she had...

2 years ago
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The Hotel Maid

My job as a management consultant requires me to travel quite extensively – I am gone more than I am home. Which I don't mind, as I love to travel, seeing new places, and meeting new people.But traveling so much doesn't lend itself well to any kind of a social life or more importantly a relationship. It's something I have come to accept over the years, although there are times when I question the path I have chosen and whether it's all worth it. Oh well, if the job was perfect, they wouldn't...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 63 Making a Deal

I spoke to Greagoir, Irving, Alim, Tanar, and the nameless templar. "There's more. Because it turns out that I am not a mage; I'm a templar. Without training, without Lyrium, and without the Chantry." Tanar smiled slightly, and Irving nodded thoughtfully; Alim looked a little bit nervous, but glanced at Irving and the lack of panic seemed to calm him. By contrast, Greagoir jumped up from where he sat and spluttered loudly. I sat quietly and watched, amused by his shock. Irving glanced at...

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NicoleChapter 10

Nicole awoke later with her bladder filled. She got out of bed and walked barefoot over the ice cold floor to the bathroom. The toilet seat was cold and she had to put it down in order to relieve herself. ‘Men are pigs, ‘ she thought, flushing what urine she expelled. She washed her hands in the frigid water and made her way back to the bed. In the darkness, Nicole saw a shadow move. She observed Horace shifting in the lazy boy. The cold was affecting her feet and she imagined he was...

1 year ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 8 Zubeydehs Departure

The Emir took Ramzy El-Najjar fully into his confidence as to the use to be made of the new suite in the Ruby Palace harem. Ramzy was to use the Palace as an auxiliary residence and there entertain many guests to sumptuous meals at the Emir's expense. He would also purchase a concubine to service all of the men he invited; this was to be a particular ex-inmate of the Golden Palace harem, and it worried Ramzy El-Najjar greatly when he learned that she was Zubeydeh, the Emir's mother. It...

3 years ago
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The Beach House5

Northern California Rough gray tree trunks grow awkwardly, intertwining with the spidery branches of others to form an almost cave like path. Green leaves gather at the tree tops, casting shadows upon a light brown dusty road. Golden rays shoot through parts in the leaves and onto the dusty road, constantly shifting as a warm breeze moves through. Golden blonde hair flows in wind as green eyes observe scenic surroundings, glazed over in boredom, the eyes of Abel McColluch—a seventeen year...

2 years ago
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Next GenerationChapter 6

The family was naked, sitting at the table and finishing lunch, when Carter reminded everyone that his friend Raymond was coming over for sex play. Raymond is gay and since Carter got to experience full on gay sex when he stayed over with Brody and Cara he decided to explore his bisexuality further with some guys. Raymond was very enthusiastic about helping out. They had been friends throughout high school where Raymond was on the track team and lived with his dad now who was supportive of...

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NOTHING IS EVER AS EASY as it should be. We had five straight days of rain and wind so strong that we couldn’t lift the awning for fear of having it torn off the building. I met with Doc once and spent some time on the courts, but I was really worried about getting the wall done if the weather didn’t break soon. And when I worry, I paint. I went to the studio which had not been used that much for painting since I’d been spending most of my time outside with a four-inch brush. I’d...

2 years ago
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Danny Jewel and his sisterinlaw Hellen Bentley

Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without answering her, I went to the door and opened it, and standing in front of me was my wife's 18 year old sister, Hellen, with a suitcase. She was wearing a crop top that showed off her smooth belly and her navel piercing, and junior hybrid dream high-rise shorts which showed off the top of her thighs. Surprisingly, almost...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 137 Dont Stop Til You Get Enough

Next door, and a few minutes earlier, Alan and Heather had finished their ice cream cones. But the silence between them continued and started to get awkward. Taking the initiative, Alan finally asked, "So. You wanted to talk?" Heather, though, was still pensive and lost in thought. After a long pause, all she said in response was, "Yes." But nothing else was immediately forthcoming. To break the quiet, he finally added, "Okay ... Whatever it is, I'm here. Ready and willing to...

3 years ago
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Spying on the Cheerleaders

Summer had just wrapped up and school was now in session. All the high school aged children were returning back to Beverly Hills high school. The kids that attend this high school are all a bunch of rich snobby kids. They drive to school in BMW’s, Porches, and Mercedes Benz’s. Their cars are not used; they are brand spanking new. Most of these kids are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. These kids wear designer clothing and shoes, and carry designer pocketbooks. It’s the same thing...

3 years ago
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Buckman Tales Trailer Park TrashChapter 6

“So, what gives ... wait, what’s going on here? Holly, what are you doing?” a blindfolded Luke Beaufort, also tied to his old bed, asked in growing fear as he felt someone drop down on his cock. No verbal response came, but the note had been from Holly, right? She wanted him to wear the blindfold and let her tie him up, which he did. Luke had no say in the matter, anyway, now, so it was moot. He simply worked his hips with his partner’s and enjoyed her to the hilt. She seemed familiar enough...

1 year ago
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Incest Stories

Reddit Incest Stories, aka r/IncestStories! Just when I think I’ve seen enough weird shit on Reddit, a new sub comes in from out of the left field to surprise me yet again. /r/IncestStories is today’s offender, with an unoriginal take on a topic that’s already been beaten to death. But, they’re great at what they do, bring tons of quality to the table, and if you like reading one-handed, they might just be the sub for you.Keeping it in the FamilyFirst, I thought incest porn was a fad, then I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Things arent always what they appear

My name is Kristen and my best friend Matt is the prime example that things aren’t always the way they seem. Matt was as gay as they came, or so I thought. I never expected what was going to happen. I was sixteen and Matt was seventeen. We had been best friends since the first grade and our friendship took a drastic but amazing turn. “Oh, my god Matt, really!” I replied to my friend matt. “Yes Kristen it’s true. He stood me up.” He replied “Matt honey I am so sorry. Do you want to come over...

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