A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 10 - BridgetChapter 45: We Can Last Forever free porn video

December 30, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota
“I was beat after WATCHING that last game,” Mary said at the team lunch on Monday. “How can they have so much energy?!”
I chuckled, “You’re the physician, Doc; you tell me!”
“And sheer willpower. Plus, you heard how much Jesse and Mikey slept. Dima was right about that.”
“And about the outcome of the tournament, too,” he said smugly.
The game had been, much as the US vs Finland gold medal game had been, anticlimactic. The team from Mankato had beaten their Canadian opponents, but it had taken double-overtime, and that made our players, who were at the limits of their endurance, just a bit better rested. We’d scored a goal in each period, and Jesse had completed a shutout. The trophy was now ensconced in the middle of the large table where the players sat for their celebratory lunch.
“And what did you say to them today?” I asked.
Dmitry chuckled, “I simply reminded them they owed me a victory!”
“I think he’s the new team mascot,” John laughed. “A Russian Bear, perhaps?”
“Even at the next level, they don’t name the teams,” I replied. “Jesse, Mikey, Nicole, and Jake all move up to ‘Peewee’ for the Spring league. They’ll still be in a ‘house league’ at Johnny’s Ice House, but on a different team with kids who are eleven and twelve.”
“When do they name teams?” Sheryl asked.
“Usually when they get to be Midget Minor, because they can play against High School teams which all have names. Travel teams have names, too, and they are often better, but the amount of travel was just too much for Jennifer and Josie to handle.”
“Better?” Mary asked. “Why?”
“It’s considered ‘elite’ and better players sign up, but that means instead of playing all your games in about a twenty-five-mile radius, you could play as far away as 250 miles. And that could happen about half the weekends a year. It makes it easier for a kid to be spotted by college scouts.”
“I never realized just how serious this sport is,” Sheryl observed. “I never heard much about it in Virginia where I grew up.”
I chuckled, “That’s because the Washington Capitals SUCK!”
“Baseball and football were way more popular,” she replied.
I nodded, “Hockey is pretty much a Midwestern and Northeastern sport. Even though the NHL has teams in Texas, California, Arizona, and Florida, those states are not big hockey states. And honestly, I think Florida only works because of all the New England snowbirds who spend their Winters there, or others who have either retired there. I’m not sure Phoenix is going to make it; I think they’ll end up moving back to Canada, maybe even back to Winnipeg as the Jets. Atlanta couldn’t support a team, which is how the Flames ended up in Calgary.”
“Jennifer, what is your father’s name, please?”
“Robert,” she said with a soft laugh. “I’m Jennifer Robertovna.”
Dmitry nodded, “Jennifer Robertovna, please let me know when the next tournament will be held.”
“We’ll have to see once Jesse and his friends are assigned to a new team.”
“Can they request to play together?” John asked.
“Yes,” Jennifer replied. “The house leagues are pretty good about that, so long as you aren’t trying to mess with the age or Residency rules.”
We finished our lunch, congratulated all the players, and then everyone headed back to their hotels to check out.
Mary joined me in my room while I packed.
“Thank you for a very enjoyable five days,” she said.
“You’re welcome. Remember what I said about calling any time you need to talk. And you are more than welcome to spend long weekends with us whenever you want. I can get you discounted airfare through our business travel agent.”
“I appreciate it. And I’ll take your advice to cast my net wider.”
“Good. I want you to be happy, and I want us to have a long relationship, both as physician and patient, and as close friends.”
“You realize we probably won’t be together again in this way, right?”
I nodded, “This was a special time, and I doubt it can, or should, be replicated. But I’ll leave that to you.”
“I learned several valuable things this week. First, that intimacy and sex are two very different things. Second, that an emotional connection is the key to great sex. And third,” she said with an impish grin, “that sometimes they ARE as impressive as you think!”
“Only if the first two are true,” I replied. “Orgasms are only part of it. All the skill in the world is still empty, and you weren’t looking for just orgasms, were you?”
“No, of course not!” Mary replied with a wink. “Though obviously they are a VERY nice bonus.”
“Can I tell you something else?”
“I was surprised that you weren’t more, well, adventurous.”
I chuckled, “I can be as adventurous as you can possibly imagine; I just prefer basic lovemaking to all the other fun stuff you can do. Call it my personal kink!”
Mary laughed softly, “A kink for regular, gentle, missionary-position lovemaking? Now THAT has to be a first!”
“I also prefer women with small breasts, so go figure!”
“The exception that proves the rule! And I can’t tell you exactly what it is about Liz, either.”
“Were you her first?”
I nodded, “Yes, but to be honest, that’s true of quite a few women. There’s just something special about her.”
“And she’s in love with you.”
“Yes, she is. But she also knows that I’m with Kara and Jessica, and, like most women I know, she doesn’t want to share her husband. There were a few other girls I could have married, but only Kara and Jess could truly share.”
“I think I might regret this question, but just how extensive IS your list?”
“Very; it’s close to 150.”
“Holy shit!” Mary gasped. “And you’ve never had an STD or an unwanted pregnancy?”
That was an interesting way to put it. With Becky, the baby was unintended, but decidedly not unwanted.
“Never had an STD because I insist all my partners are tested beforehand, and then regularly while we’re together. I had one pregnancy scare, but it turned out to be a false paternity claim.”
“But it could have been yours?”
“Theoretically, yes; but I used a rubber and I knew how to properly use them.”
“Has anyone talked to you about a study?”
I chuckled, “My friend Katy, back when we were in college. She was taking a human sexuality class and I was one of her primary interview subjects.”
“I bet! But no official studies?”
“No. I used to get a raised eyebrow at the clinic, but they got to know me.”
“Again, I bet!”
I finished packing and we went to Mary’s room so she could pack. When she finished, we went down to the reception desk, signed our bills, and then I walked her to her car. We exchanged a soft kiss and a tight hug, and then she got into her car and drove off. I walked to my BMW, tossed my bag in the back seat, then got in and headed back to Chicago.
December 31, 1996, Chicago, Illinois
“Finally!” Birgit declared as she climbed into the chaise with me on Tuesday morning.
“I have an excuse,” I protested. “I was at Jesse’s tournament!”
“You’ve been gone a lot!”
“I know. And I have to go to Florida for four days next week. I’m sorry about that, but you know I have seven kids, two wives, and a business to run!”
“I miss you when you’re gone.”
“And I miss you, too! You know I love you very much, right?”
“Yes,” she replied, snuggling close.
About fifteen minutes later, Kara came into the sunroom, and Birgit reluctantly allowed me to get up and hug her mom, and then the three of us went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. The rest of the household joined us, eventually, and when everyone had eaten, we began preparing for the New Year’s Eve party, which would also include Penny and Terry’s wedding.
“Where’s Jesse?” Matthew asked.
“Sleeping, I’m sure. He was totally wiped out after playing so much hockey. You can take care of the things he normally does.”
“OK. I’ll check the liquor cabinets and refrigerators.”
“Thank you.”
By lunchtime, everything was ready, and all we’d need to do was put out snacks right after dinner. We decided on a complete household sauna, but it was ‘Weekend Rules’ because neither Maria Cristina nor Winter were comfortable being naked in front of the kids. The kids were slightly annoyed by that, but did put on their bathing suits.
“How was your visit home, Winter?”
“Nothing changes in Rutherford! My sisters, Deputy Nelson, and the Reynolds all say hello.”
“How is Vickie doing?”
“MUCH better now that she’s out of her dad’s house. She has a boyfriend, too; he seems nice enough.”
“That’s good to hear,” I replied.
“Are you happy here so far?” Jessica asked.
“Absolutely! I love Chicago, I love your family, and I really enjoy my job. I’m sure I made the right decision.”
When it was time to leave the sauna, Maria Cristina put her hand on my arm, and we stayed back while everyone else left to shower and dress.
“Could we sit in the whirlpool and talk?” she asked.
I nodded, then adjusted the sauna controls and turned on the taps for the whirlpool. We dropped our towels on the benches and got into the tub. I wrapped my arms around her as she leaned back and sighed deeply. We sat quietly until the tub was full, and I turned on the water jets.
“Do you still want me here?” she asked quietly.
“Yes, of course! Why would you think I didn’t?”
“Because it seems as if you don’t pay attention to me anymore.”
“I’ve been traveling quite a bit,” I replied. “And I did want to give you space so you didn’t feel pressured; I guess I backed off a bit too much.”
“Because of the talk we had about me feeling as if I had to have sex with you to keep our agreement?”
“And if I said I didn’t feel that way anymore, and that I wanted to make love with you, would you believe me?”
“Yes, I would.”
“And if I asked you to take me upstairs and make love to me, would you?”
“Yes, I would.”
She sighed deeply and snuggled back. About twenty minutes later, we got out of the tub, wrapped towels around ourselves, and after I opened the drain for the tub, we went up to her room. We took a joint shower, dried off, then got into her bed and made slow, passionate love.
When we finished, we showered again, and I went across the hall to dress.
“Did you know she was going to talk to me?” I asked Jessica.
“Yes. We talked about it while you were gone. If I hadn’t thought she had her head on straight, I would have dissuaded her. Are you going to spend the night with her occasionally?”
“After we made love, she asked and I agreed. But the first time will have to be after my trip to Boca. Tonight we’ll all be up late celebrating, and then I want time with you two before I leave.”
“Is Liz going to be here tonight?”
“Yes; and the answer to your next question is no, she hasn’t found a boyfriend. I’m not sure I’ll be able to be with her tonight because of the wedding and the party. She won’t be upset by that.”
“She’s playing her cards properly,” Kara said. “She knows that so long as she doesn’t come across as needy or demanding or upset, she can ‘adult’ with you for the foreseeable future.”
“True,” I replied.
“I do have to say,” Jessica said, “that even with a night to think about it, I’m doubly surprised about Mary - both that she did, and that she said she won’t again.”
“Probably won’t,” I corrected. “But it makes sense. She knows it can’t be anything permanent, and somewhere along the line, even before we had our heart-to-heart talks, she understood that to be close friends, we needed to bond. I suspect we’ll see her over holiday weekends, and whenever she has a few days off. Even though she wants to avoid people in the medical profession, you’re different.”
“That’s true of all your doctor friends,” Kara said. “Sofia, Alejandra, Leila, Gina, and Doctor Barton.”
“About that last one,” I sighed.
“What?” Jessica asked, sounding worried.
“Mary asked me, directly, if he was your dad. She caught me totally off guard with the out of the blue question, while I was drinking water. I choked on it.”
“Oh no!” Jessica gasped. “How?”
“Your relationship with him and the fact that Albert resembles him.”
“I can’t have Albert around ANY of the hospital staff,” Jessica said, sounding desperate. “And we have to be careful about having Doctor Barton here as well!”
“I’ll talk to Al on Thursday. I don’t want to ruin his night.”
“But what if someone else figures it out?!” she asked, now sounding terrified.
“Then we deal with it. What other solution do we have? Unless Al wants to confess and take the heat, I don’t see anything we can do.”
“Tiger, I’m frightened! For Doctor Barton, for me, and for all of us!”
“I know, Babe. We knew this day would come. Let me talk to Al AFTER the party and we’ll take it from there.”
I held out my arms and she collapsed into them. Only my strength was holding her up, so I maneuvered her to the bed, then signaled Kara to come over. We both cuddled Jessica while she sobbed softly. It took about fifteen minutes for her to compose herself, and then we got up, she went to the bathroom to freshen up, and then we all went downstairs.
“The bakery brought the cake while you were upstairs,” Winter said. “It’s on the dining room table.”
“Perfect. Thanks. I believe that’s the last thing we need except the bride, groom, minister, and guests!”
“I ordered the Chinese food and it should be here about 5:30pm. Matthew and Birgit helped me with the orders.”
“Has anyone seen hide or hair of Jesse?”
“No,” Matthew smirked, “and no feathers, either! Aunt Jennifer said he’s STILL sleeping. She’s going to wake him up about 3:30pm.”
“That kid sure can sleep!” Elyse said.
“Seven games in four days?” I asked. “I’m in good shape and I don’t think I could handle that! For karate, I just wear a lightweight gi; Jesse is wearing about thirty pounds of equipment! That would be like me carrying a sixty-pound backpack when I run or when I practice karate!”
“So, what you’re saying is, that you’re a wimp?” Elyse smirked.
I nodded, “Compared to hockey players? Yes!”
“I’m going to put our boys down for a short nap so they can stay up tonight.”
“Sounds good. Kara and Jess are going to put the others down around 4:00pm, including Miss ‘I do not need a nap!’.”
The kids did all go down for naps, including Birgit, and we had dinner at 5:30pm as planned. Our guests began arriving at 7:00pm, and at 8:00pm, we all gathered in the attic room for the re-marriage ceremony. Neither Terry nor Penny dressed up, and there were no attendants, though Andy and Amber stood next to them - Andy next to Terry, and Amber next to Penny.
Mark did a very quick service, with vows focused on fidelity, which Terry and Penny had written. When the short service finished, I put on We Can Last Forever and Penny and Terry had their first dance.
Every little look inside your eyes Is all it takes to make me realize We can last forever. With every little moment we can share, Gonna let you know how much I care; I’ll always be there.I just hoped, for Penny’s sake, that this time it was true. When they finished their dance, at their request, I put on You’re The Inspiration, and Kara, Jessica, and I moved out to the dance floor. We danced slowly, with our arms around each other as Chicago sang...
You’re the meaning in my life You’re the inspiration You bring feeling to my life You’re the inspirationWhen the song finished, we all went downstairs to cut and serve the cake.
“I’m happy to see you guys still together after eleven years,” Mark said as we ate sickeningly sweet wedding cake.
“It was rough for quite a bit of the first eight years or so,” I said, “but the last three have been awesome. Mostly it was the pressure of Jessica’s job, but now that she’s past her Residency, she has a normal schedule and way less stress.”
“Hopefully Penny and Terry will have success the second time around.”
“I hope so,” I replied. “They’re both key members of my team at NIKA.”
He walked away and Dave came up next to me.
“Think this one will last?” Dave asked quietly.
“It sure as hell better,” I replied equally quietly. “But I think they both learned their lessons. Changing topics, Albert is talking about trying for the Naval Academy. I suggested Boy Scouts, but he’s only old enough for Cubs. What does it take to join your pack?”
“Just a form and the fee. He could join the same den my boys are in.”
“That’s what I was hoping would happen.”
“Let me talk to the Cubmaster and I’ll let you know once you guys are back from Boca Raton.”
“Thanks, Dave.”
Once everyone had finished their cake, the combination New Year’s Eve party and wedding reception began. First I danced with my girls, and they each had their daddy/daughter dance. After dancing with them, I was accosted by a string of cousins and danced a short time with each of them. When I’d given the little girls sufficient attention, I asked Maria Cristina to dance, then Winter, and then Liz.
“Any word on your law school applications?”
“I was accepted to John Marshall, Kent, and Marquette. I decided on John Marshall after talking to your friend Ms. Spencer.”
I laughed softly, “Ms. Spencer? Seriously? Did she tell you to call her Melanie?”
“Yes, but it didn’t feel right because she’s such an important attorney.”
“I could tell you all kinds of stories about Melanie Spencer! We dated when I was fourteen and she was fifteen, and then for a short time when I was seventeen and she was eighteen!”
“Wow! I didn’t know that.”
“Call her Melanie,” I said. “My kids call her Aunt Melanie, and if she gave you permission, you should use her first name.”
“I guess you knew her husband back then, too.”
“I met Pete right after she met Pete. When they broke up, I did everything I could to get them back together.”
“But I thought you were boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“No; I said we dated. Melanie and I were never boyfriend and girlfriend. We just liked to have fun together.”
Liz smirked, “‘Adulting’?”
“Something like that.”
“You were fourteen? I guess she was your first?”
“Third,” I replied.
“At fourteen? Wow! I wasn’t even thinking about sex at fourteen! Well, I was, but I would never have done it!”

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