A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 2 - StephieChapter 15: Nothing Can Stop It free porn video

September 6, 1987, Chicago, Illinois
“Son, your aversion to debt is, for the most part, a good thing. But in business, sometimes you need to borrow to expand. You’ve invested a bit in some bonds, correct?”
“Sure. The double-tax-free municipal bonds you suggested.”
“What’s a corporate bond?”
I chuckled, “A loan that’s paid back. No equity.”
“Correct,” he said. “And major corporations use them all the time to manage their finances. Your bank offered you a line of credit which you turned down, right?”
“Sure, because we had sufficient reserves and didn’t need access to operating capital.”
“And if you had a short-term need for a large amount of capital, is it smarter to deplete all of your reserves, or use what amounts to a low-cost bridge loan?”
“I guess it would depend on the situation, but for the most part I wouldn’t want to deplete my reserves.”
“Then your choice would be to forgo whatever it was that needed that investment. That’s a recipe for stagnating your company. You didn’t flinch when you agreed to the mortgage on the house.”
“Sure, but I could count on the income stream from my renters to cover most of the payments,” I said.
There was silence on the other end of the phone. I wondered what the issue was. Then I started laughing.
“OK. I get the point,” I said, trying to stifle my laughter. “The company has the income stream to cover the mortgage and still be profitable.”
“Yes. It’s no different from when you asked me about buying the house. The income from your renters wasn’t guaranteed, but you were confident that it would come in. Just like you are with the business income. You’ve been operating very, very conservatively and you exceed your projections every quarter because you close more business than you project.”
“OK. I’ll talk to Elyse and have her talk to the CPA, and then talk to the bank. We’re using a local community bank here which means I can talk to the actual decision makers.”
“OK. Don’t forget Joyce’s offer to finance the building if you have trouble with the bank, but I agree with her that with your credit and NIKA’s financial situation, your bank will certainly offer reasonable terms.”
We talked for a few more minutes and I told him that I’d let him know how things went, and we hung up. I’d discuss this with Elyse and Julia on Monday morning. I looked at the clock and decided it was late enough in the morning to call Stephie. I checked the number in my address book and dialed. Jason answered.
“She’s not doing so well,” he said quietly. “She’s asleep right now, but I can try to wake her.”
“No,” I said. “Let her sleep. If she can, have her call me whenever she’s awake, no matter what time.”
“Thanks. Steve, I need to tell you that there probably won’t be too many more phone calls. They have to keep increasing the dose of morphine to knock down the pain, and at some point, she won’t be coherent.”
“There’s a limit to that, according to Jess.”
“Yes,” he said, still keeping his voice low. “They have to stop when it affects her breathing too much. She’s refused a ventilator, which means she’ll get to a point where the pain is so great that even morphine won’t knock it out.”
“How long?” I sighed.
“The doctor said it depends. Maybe a couple of weeks before she’ll be completely out of it.”
“And?” I asked, knowing that Jason would know what I meant.
“Maybe six weeks at the outside. She’s pretty weak and has a hard time eating.”
“Shit,” I breathed.
“Yeah. I’ll have her call you. Say goodbye to her, Steve. You might not get another chance.”
“I will,” I said.
We said goodbye and I gently set the receiver in its cradle. I was at a complete loss as to what to do. I had to stay by the phone, since I didn’t want to miss Stephie’s call, and I didn’t feel like doing anything else at the moment. Jessica and Kara were in the ‘Indian’ room, but I didn’t want company at the moment, either. I went to the kitchen and made some tea, and then went to sit in my office to drink it.
“Tiger?” I heard Jessica say about fifteen minutes later. “We expected you to come back.”
“I’m waiting for Stephie to call back,” I said, my voice cracking.
“She’s close to the end?” Jessica asked quietly.
“Yes. Jason says that they keep increasing the amount of morphine they’re giving her, and it’s close to the point where she’ll be out of it almost all of the time, and that it won’t even stop the pain.”
“Four to six weeks?” she asked.
“If that,” I said, dully.
She walked over and sat in my lap, putting her arms around my neck.
“Say your goodbyes when she calls, Steve.”
“That’s what Red told me,” I sighed. “Are you going to be able to come to Georgia with me?”
“Probably,” Jessica said. “Technically, I can only get time off for the funeral of a relative, but I think Doctor Barton will approve a few days off for this. Kara will probably have to miss class.”
“She’s already talked to all of her professors about the possibility. Elyse is going, and Kathy, and Kurt will probably go because they spent so much time with us back then.”
“Are we flying?” she asked.
“It’s going to be super expensive to fly at the last minute, plus we’d have to rent cars. Time-wise, even though it’s eleven hours to drive, we’d only save four or five hours because of the time to get to the airport, waiting to board, flying, waiting to rent the car, driving an hour from Atlanta to Dawsonville, and so on. With driving, we’d have the flexibility to travel at whatever time we wanted. I’ve made the drive several times, and it’s not really that bad.”
“Did you want to come sit with us?”
“I suppose; I can easily hear the ringer in the ‘Indian’ room.”
We got up and went to join Kara in the ‘Indian’ room and I told her what Jason had said. It was about an hour before the phone rang and I leaped up to run and answer it.
“Hi, Yankee,” I heard Stephie say very weakly.
“Hi, Peaches. How are you?”
“It’s close,” she sighed.
“I know,” I said. “Jason told me.”
“I guess there isn’t much to say,” she said. “I want you to have a long, happy life with lots of kids.”
“Did you get the pictures of Jesse and Matthew that I sent you?” I asked.
“I did,” she said. “Your sons are wonderful. Thanks for the pictures of you, the boys, Kara, Jessica, Kathy, and Kurt.”
“Thanks for sending me those pictures from my first trip to Georgia. I really appreciate them.”
“Too bad we didn’t have a Polaroid!” she said, laughing just a bit.
She was amazing. Even when she was talking about dying, she could make a joke.
“Oh, I have the memories of my sweet Georgia Peach burned into my senses!” I said.
“Keep those, Yankee. Those are the ones that count.”
“I know,” I said. “I love you, Peaches.”
“And I love you, Yankee. I’ll call you next weekend if I can. If not, Red will call you.”
“Thanks,” I said.
“Be well, live a long life, have fun, and be happy.”
“I will,” I replied, tears dripping down my cheeks.
“Bye, Yankee. It’s been wonderful to know you.”
“I’m a better man for having known you, Peaches. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said.
I heard the line click as she hung up. I kept the receiver to my ear for a few seconds, as tears continued to stream down my face. After a moment, I slowly replaced the receiver, the clatter of plastic on plastic piercing my soul. There was a very good chance that I’d never speak to her again. She was dying and nothing could stop it. I felt helpless and weak. There was intense pressure in my temples and my chest, as the finality of the situation hit home like a sledgehammer. Slow, deep breaths eventually reduced the feeling of a crushing weight on me, and I got up, and walked out to the porch to sit on the swing and reminisce.
September 10, 1987, Chicago, Illinois
“Steve,” Kimmy said. “Dante is on line three.”
I sighed. He’d called twice so far this week. Both times he’d really needed to speak to Barbara or Zeke. For some reason, he’d decided that he could only get support by calling me first.
“Good afternoon, Dante,” I said. “How can I help you?”
Penny rolled her eyes. She’d heard this conversation on Tuesday, and I’d told her about the one from Monday as well.
“I’m having trouble e-mailing a document from my Mac to the PC,” he said.
“Did you speak with either Barbara or Zeke?” I asked, beginning the dance that we’d already done twice this week.
“No. When I have trouble with a company, I call the person in charge.”
“Let me have you talk to Barbara. She’s available and she knows the specifics of your setup.”
“And you don’t?” he asked, continuing the dance.
“No. I have very smart, very dedicated professionals who are experts to provide support. Trust me; you’ll save time if you just ask for technical support when you call.”
“Fine,” he sighed.
I put the call on hold and walked out to Barbara’s desk.
“Dante is on line three and he’s in his usual mood,” I said.
She smiled, “I got this. Don’t worry. I’ll have him eating out of the palm of my hand in less than two minutes.”
She was right. I’d heard her on support calls, and she had a knack for calming down even the most upset callers.
“Just make sure you teach Cassie how to do that, too!” I grinned.
She nodded and picked up the phone and I went back to my office. I’d just started working again when Tasha came to the door and asked if I had time to help her with her first assignment in Scott’s class. Because Jessica was working Saturday, I told Tasha to come by after lunch. She thanked me and went back to her desk.
“Help with her homework, huh?” Penny smirked.
“She’s leading a team in Scott’s software development class, just like Dave and I both did. And just like you will,” I said. “She just needs some advice.”
“What she needs is for you to pop her cherry; that’s what she needs!” Penny whispered. “She’s just afraid to ask!”
“Penelope Margaret O’Neil!” I said sternly, keeping my voice low. “That’s completely inappropriate!”
“It’s also the truth!” she said. “She and I talk, you know.”
“You talk WAY too much, Pretty Penny!” I reprimanded her.
“Hmph!” she said, turning back to her workstation.
My hopes of getting back to work were dashed when Barbara came to the door a few minutes later.
“Dante’s all set,” she said.
“He’s happy?” I asked.
“That’ll be the day!” she laughed. “But I did solve his immediate issue for him. He bitched the whole time, but that’s par for the course. At the end, he offered me a test drive in his Ferrari like he always does.”
“Taking him up on it?” I smirked.
“No! Because he wants a ‘test drive’ from me as well!” she laughed. “Old, married men are NOT my thing.”
“Good!” I chuckled. “Does he know that you’re moving to Los Angeles?”
“No. I figured I’d wait until Cassie started and I had her up to speed. Then I’ll introduce her and tell him that I’m moving, but still working for NIKA.”
“He’ll pitch a fit, but it can’t be helped,” I said.
“I’m still going to be available,” she said. “Well, not the way he really wants, but I’ll be able to talk to him from California.”
“She starts Monday. When’s your last day here in Chicago?”
“October 9th. I start driving out to California the following Monday. I’ll be back to work on the 19th, and everything should be set up in California by then.”
“We’ll have a ‘bon voyage’ party for you on the 10th, then,” I said. “I’ll have Julia announce it at the next staff meeting.”
“Thanks!” she said with a smile and went back to her desk.
“Test drive, huh?” Penny smirked. “She’s like twenty-four and he’s in his fifties!”
“And I’m quite a bit older than you, young lady!” I teased.
“Not THAT much! And you aren’t asking for a test drive!”
“Nah, used cars aren’t my thing!” I said, quickly trying to move to avoid what I was sure would be a hard smack from Penny.
She didn’t try to hit me, she just laughed and said, “I don’t see you giving up your Daytona just because you’ve driven it for a few years!”
“True,” I laughed. “But you’re off-limits, and you know it.”
“Because Jessica doesn’t let you have any REAL fun! That’s why!” she said.
“You just told me that Tasha wanted me,” I said.
“Yeah, but you’re a boring, stuffy old man now and even she can’t interest you!”
“Oh come on!” I groaned. “That’s not even close to being true!”
“You went skydiving twice this summer. You spend all your time working, practicing karate, and with your wives and kids. You didn’t even go to any races this summer!”
“There was a good reason for that, and you know it,” I barked.
“Sorry,” Penny said. “But still! Did you go to hockey games? Baseball games? Any of the things you used to do for fun?”
“I’ve been busy,” I said.
“You say busy. I say boring and in a rut. It must suck to get old!”
I sighed. She was pushing hard on having fun, but neither she, nor any of the other girls who pushed me on that topic, could tell me what ‘fun’ was. I was satisfied with my life, and I didn’t think I was missing out on anything. It was true that I wasn’t doing some of the things I used to enjoy, like playing chess, going to baseball games, and skydiving. But it wasn’t like I felt trapped or smothered or, as Penny put it, boring or in a rut.
“I guess I don’t see it that way, Penny. Your issue isn’t me not having fun; it’s me not having fun WITH YOU. But you have Ned and you guys are exclusive. And I’m married. AND you work for me.”
“Married? Pfft! That didn’t stop you from having that little Russian girl or Kara’s friend!”
She’d been talking to someone and whoever it was had a big mouth. I certainly hadn’t advertised either of those, and very few people knew about them. My suspicion was immediately on Kara or Elyse, because they were the most likely ones who knew that would talk to Penny. Of those two, it was probably - but not certainly - Elyse. I couldn’t think of anyone else that was close enough to Penny that also knew about my dalliances with Lyudmila and Shari.
“Even so, there’s still Ned and still the fact that you work for me.”
“So you told Tasha ‘No how, no way!’?” Penny smirked.
She had me there. I hadn’t. I’d told Tasha that I’d talk to her about it. And it seemed that Penny was going to find out, no matter how quiet I tried to keep it, unless nobody knew, and that couldn’t happen, since Kara and Jessica had to know. And Elyse would figure it out as she always did.
“And if I did that, you’d be the next in line and then what?” I asked.
“You’d say ‘no’ because Jessica told you that you’re not allowed,” she complained. “It’s not fair!”
“Jessica has a valid point, Pretty Penny. You said you wanted one of these rings when you graduated from college.”
“I do, but I also know that it’s not going to happen. Jessica would never agree. She thinks I’d steal you away!”
“I think you can see how that would concern her!” I said.
Penny smiled, “I always told you I was the best!”
“It’s not just sex, and you know it,” I said.
“Because you love me the way you do?” she asked.
“Exactly,” I said. “You could never just be a dalliance.”
“No, I couldn’t. And neither could you. I’d only be with you if I could have you to myself eventually. And that can’t happen.”
“No, it can’t. So we’re in agreement?”
“Yes, so long as I can keep teasing you!”
“Always!” I grinned.

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