Traci s Story
- 2 years ago
- 44
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By the time Destiny Group was 1500 km behind Emprika and the two bandit ships, they had separated into three groups. Iarracht and Marthanóir positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off the starboard side and above her. Dóchas and Phoenix positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off her port side but from below. Eagle, Taiséalai, and Fiontar traveling with the freighters slowed their approach to take up a static position a thousand kilometers behind Emprika. All of their ships were at Readiness Level 1.
Erin said, "Dóchas COC is assigning bandit I.D.s as DBAD1 for the ship along the port side of Emprika and DBAD2 for the ship on their starboard side." As Erin spoke, the monitors on all Órarduine ships updated with the new information. These assignments were quickly acknowledged by each Destiny Group ship.
"DBAD1 and DBAD2 are now alongside Emprika, with DBAD2 near the rear access hatch," said Joyce. "Spacing appears to be 200 meters between the bandits and Emprika."
Destiny Group was 15 minutes from Emprika when the Command Staffs heard the same voice that announced the cancellation of Emprika's distress call. "Emprika, I am the Captain of the ship on your port side. We heard your broadcast. Based on your declaration, we are invoking full salvage rights to the ship and its contents as permitted by our laws."
After a pause he continued, "Captain it was you that announced the Emprika's status as inoperable and needing assistance. Your declaration allows us to invoke salvage rights to Emprika and all contents. We are claiming Emprika as ours. In one hour, we will take possession of Emprika. We, as the new owners, expect you to make the following preparations for our arrival. When we board, we expect all passengers to be locked in their quarters. All weapons will be secured and stowed. All the crew members are to be standing naked with their hands behind their head along the walls of the main corridor."
There was a momentary pause before he continued with, "Captain, there is nothing you can do to stop us from taking possession of Emprika. Again, it was your broadcast that gave us the right to claim Emprika under the salvage provisions of our laws. By cooperating and preparing Emprika for our arrival, we assure you that all of Emprika's passengers and crew will be unharmed. All of you will be well cared for while you remain in our custody as we wait to be paid for your release.
"Resistance by anyone will be dealt with harshly. Any organized resistance will result in all of those still living becoming our property."
There was another pause followed by an angry reply, "You have no choice, Captain. We will board your ship! Any resistance and all of you will regret it. We have already dealt with one group on your ship. A group of inept Monque Spec Ops sought to interfere with our plans. Anyone standing in our way will meet the same fate. You will find them in Compartment 32 on Level 1."
The bandit paused for a few moments before adding, "Enough of this, when I close this dialog, you will not be able to contact anyone. Your external communication system will become inoperable. Remember, we will begin boarding in one hour. Now, prepare your ship for our arrival! Lock all passengers in their cabins! Lock all weapons in storage! Every crew member will wait naked with their hands behind their heads in the main corridor for our inspection.
"You have one hour to comply! Fail and the passengers and crew become our property. Let me be clear, as property, they will have the same status as livestock that we will dispose of as we see fit. Shut up and listen. You appear to be as incompetent as those in Compartment 32. We hope you fail for we are anxious to once again dine on live fresh meat."
Joyce said, "From the pauses, it seemed like there was some push back from the Captain of Emprika. The bandits must have done something to Emprika's transmitters since we can't hear the Captain's comments."
"I think it is time to complicate their plans," said Terry of Sarah's Clan as she smiled at Sarah.
Sarah said, "Calling Emprika. This is Destiny Group responding to your request for assistance. We will be alongside in 20 minutes to render assistance with your emergency."
"No assistance is needed," replied the bandit.
"Who are you to speak for the Captain of Emprika?"
"I am the Captain."
"Sir, we know you are not the Captain of Emprika. You are not even on Emprika. You are the one who falsely claimed salvage rights to Emprika. We heard and recorded everything you said to the Captain of Emprika."
"You are mistaken," snarled the bandit. "There aren't any problems on Emprika. Now go bother someone else with your nonsense."
"I am absolutely certain you are not the captain of Emprika. Your voice signature matches exactly the voice that we just heard claiming salvage rights to Emprika. Didn't you just demand Emprika's Captain prepare the ship for boarding by your people, and threaten them with enslavement if he failed."
"As Captain of Emprika, I can assure you that Emprika needs no assistance. Go bother someone else with your nonsense. Besides, there aren't any ships within light years of us, so your offer is meaningless."
"You are not Captain of Emprika, yet. Your sensors are faulty. Check your monitors or look out your ports."
"Look bitch, I've had enough of your nonsense. Our sensors are far superior to anything else in the universe. They are all working perfectly. I demand to talk to the captain of your ship."
"You are speaking to Admiral Sarah in Command of Dóchas," was the reply in a very friendly voice. "We are just ten minutes from Emprika."
"You are really testing my patience. Why do you persist in your delusions? Just who are you?"
"We are Órarduine."
There was a pause then the bandit screamed, "Órarduine?"
"Yes. Chatting with you has been most interesting..."
Sarah's response was overridden by the bandit hollering, "You murdering heathens. You sent two of our finest crews and ships to a slow death." The bandit's rage grew as he spoke ending with, "For that you shall die!"
Sarah laughingly replied, "Not a chance. You are misinformed about your two ships and their crews. They chose the path that took them to their death. Initially, they attempted to enslave us. Their naive attempt failed. They tried to instigate a mutiny on the Iridien ships under the Command of Commander Egulle and failed. We informed the Durale leaders on those ships that we knew of both their plots. They were offered a chance to publicly admit their schemes to the Alliance of Worlds or we would expose their plots. They chose to run. Before leaving, they fired lasers at the two Iridien command ships, attempting to disable them. Their inept operation of their ship placed it on a collision course with a very large planet in the Sol system."
"You lie bitch!" screamed the bandit. "We Durale, never run from anything. All of you will soon be in our livestock pens. We shall enjoy playing with each of you until it is your turn to be spread on our dining table. We shall rejoice in seeing the fear on your face as we secure you to the dining table. Our pleasure will grow on hearing your screams as we sink our teeth into your flesh and tear pieces of meat from your body as we dine."
"You are hallucinating."
Rusty continued, "Your aggression toward the Monque passenger ship Emprika is an act of war."
"Who are you?" screamed the bandit.
"Admiral Rusty in Command of Dóchas. As friends of the Monque, we will render Emprika all the assistance she needs to free herself from your evil plan."
"You wish! You and your harem of back alley whores are incapable of overcoming us. We Durale wait for your arrival. By tonight you and those sluts will be spread on our dining tables, for we shall dine on your flesh today."
"Destiny Group," said Erin, "DBAD1 and DBAD2 weapons now armed and scanning."
Bravo Recon Group under the command of Nicola's Clan advised Destiny Group that the Spiders were now in place on all three ships. Communications links were established and active with each group of Spiders. A Ferret on Emprika was close to gaining access to the ship's systems.
"Siobhan, Maureen, Kelly," said Sarah, "are we ready to project a hologram of us onto Emprika's Bridge?"
"We are," replied the four clans.
On Emprika's bridge, the sudden appearance of their lifelike holographic images almost brought all activity to a standstill. Surprisingly there wasn't any attempt to draw a weapon against them. Even so it took several moments for their arrival to gain the Captain's attention, as he was deeply engrossed in a heated discussion with several crew members.
When the Captain looked their way, the four Órarduine together in Standard said, "Good day, Captain." They waited for the shock of their appearance to subside before continuing with, "Time is short so we will get right to the point. We are representatives of Órarduine Destiny Group. We have sufficient resources to block those who plan on boarding you from the two Durale bandit ships. The two groups of bandits also have agents on your ship that we can assist you in subduing. We need your authorization for that assistance. Do you want our assistance?"
"Was it you that we just heard the bandit screaming at?"
"Probably, we just had a discussion with the Captain of the ship on your port side."
"Based on his claims of severing our communications, we were surprised to hear it. Did I understand you to say you are Órarduine?"
"Yes, we are."
"I've heard of you," replied the Captain thoughtfully.
"Perhaps you know us from our meeting with the Iridiens, Monque and Atewa in Sol system."
"Yes, that is it. Based on that, we readily accept your assistance."
Almost immediately another officer on the bridge shouted, "No! Absolutely not. Captain, you are unfit for command," as he pulled a weapon. Before he could bring it up to fire, there was a flash of light. The weapon clattered to the deck with the man's hand still attached. The Captain turned almost white. Two crewmen wrestled the wounded officer to the deck and bound his elbows together.
"Captain, are you alright?" asked a crewman.
"I think so," replied the Captain slowly with a bit of a quiver in his voice. "If I had any doubt about needing your assistance before, I don't now."
The four Órarduine said, "As a first step in assisting you, we would like to place several Security Teams on your ship. Is this acceptable?"
"Órarduine, you may bring as many people on board as you feel necessary to maintain order and remove this cancer we've acquired."
"They will be in the corridor behind the bridge shortly. To ensure communication with our ships, we would like for several of us to physically join you on the bridge. Is this acceptable?"
"I think it is a very wise move."
"If you haven't asked the passengers to return to their cabins, we would recommend that you do so now. You should have them secure their cabin doors as well."
"You heard their claims?"
"Yes, we heard what they said. We did not hear any of your responses. Their salvage claim is nonsense."
On board Dóchas, as soon as Rusty heard the captain accept assistance he said "FOC, cloaking off for all Badb ships and Star Fighters. Shields up."
"Aye, aye," came the quick reply.
Sally said, "Spider data says DBAD1 is a medium size cruiser with a crew of 380. Carries 20 small transporters. No other space craft. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes."
"That is a little different than first reported."
"Yes. DBAD2 is the same size as DBAD1 but with a crew of 290. It carries 20 small transporters. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes. It is laid out more as a transport than a cruiser. One deck is filled with rows of cages stacked four high. None are occupied."
As the Captain on Emprika began to issue commands, an Órarduine Security Team appeared in front of the bridge's primary entrance. Other Órarduine Security teams assembled in the corridor leading to the bridge. By the time the Captain finished speaking to the passengers Tiff and Emma had materialized on the bridge where the hologram had appeared. These changes startled many of those on the bridge, even though they had heard the Captain's acceptance.
"Captain, I am Tiff of Siobhan's Clan, and this is Emma of Keriann's Clan. We are here as a link to our ships."
"How rude of me, my name is Captain Marika. My apologies to those here earlier for not introducing myself."
"No reason for an apology. We are sure that the appearance of Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen and Kelly's holographic image was a shock."
"Yes, it was. Your own sudden appearance was only slightly less shocking. Did I understand you to say 'ships'?"
"Yes, sir," replied Emma.
"Holy shit," shouted a crewman, "our scanners are showing multiple ships all around us."
A look of concern flashed across the Captain's face. Before he could ask Tiff said, "Those are ours, our Commander had ours turn off cloaking after you accepted our offer."
"We have found only two bandit ships in the area," added Emma. "They are now about 200 meters off each side of you." While they were talking the Captain had moved to where he could see the monitor showing the other ships around Emprika. From his expression he was clearly shocked.
"Sir, our sensors are not showing any ships that close," said the crewman.
"Our sensors detected the bandit ships during their approach," replied Captain Marika. "Why aren't they showing now?"
"When the bandits claimed that they were alongside us, and there weren't any ships detected that close, we reset the system. After the reset the two bandit ships no longer showed on the monitors."
Tiff then said, "Captain, our Security Teams are in the corridor behind the bridge. Clearing the ship of the bandit agents will go faster if they are assisted by some of your crew."
Just as the Captain was about to speak another ship's officer came rushing out of an office with a worried look.
Turning to the officer the Captain said, "What's the problem?"
"Sir, we can't get the external hatch for the stern airlock to respond to commands. The engineers think it is jammed open. We can't see those areas as the cameras in the stern air lock are unresponsive. Ever since the alarm was tripped, the hatch will not respond to our commands.
"Just now our external sensors began showing multiple ships all around us. Four of those ships are much larger than us and rapidly approaching, from both sides of our rear quarter. We are trying to identify them now."
Emma said, "Those ships are ours. Dóchas and Phoenix are approaching on one side with Marthanóir and Iarracht approaching on the other. As to the hatch, our reconnaissance group saw at least eight people exit the stern access hatch nearly an hour ago. They were picked up by a small craft from the bandit ship we've labeled DBAD1."
"Emma, Tiff, this is Commander Moranshu," replied Captain Marika. "He heads our Security Department." Both Emma and Tiff bowed to the gentleman.
"You aren't Monque," replied the Commander immediately. "You aren't passengers. Just, who are you? How did you get here?"
The Captain started to reply but Tiff replied, "We are Órarduine. We arrived directly on the bridge a few minutes ago after receiving the Captain's permission. You have a good memory to know so quickly that we are not passengers."
"Knowing that you are not passengers is easy because you are nearly two heads taller than the tallest passenger, and for that matter that probably holds true for the crew as well. You said, Órarduine, correct?"
"Yes, sir."
"What is the resolution on the hatch?" asked the Captain.
"Engineering says they will need to have a group go outside to close it. They are getting ready now."
"What's the status on the bandit ships? Our external monitors weren't showing any ships until just before I came out here. None of those ships are very close to us."
"Commander," said Tiff, "our ships dropped their cloaking shortly before we arrived here on the bridge. However, there are two ships alongside at about 200 meters from your ship. Based on their actions, we are referring to them as bandits and have labeled them as DBAD1 and DBAD2.
"It is the Captain of DBAD1 that Captain Marika has been talking to."
Captain Marika said, "As to the bandits, while you were overseeing the efforts related to the stern hatch, we had a call from a group who plan on boarding us about 50 minutes from now. Their intent is to take possession of Emprika and its contents by invoking salvage law."
"50 minutes. Salvage law? Did you issue orders for our crew to arm and get positioned to repel them?" asked Commander Moranshu.
"I was discussing that issue with several officers when the Órarduine contacted us and offered their assistance. The bound officer lying on the deck tried to prevent us from accepting the Órarduine's offer to help. The Órarduine also offered assistance in finding any of the bandit agents on board. Based on recent intelligence reports from the Iridiens, and their relationship with them, I accepted their offer. My acceptance didn't set well with the officer lying on the deck. Based on the information the Órarduine have since provided, it is likely a good thing the command wasn't given. They believe that the bandits have multiple agents embedded in the crew.
"We now have several problems besides no propulsion power. Our sensors aren't showing the two bandit ships next to us. Our external communication systems are not working. We have an air lock open to space. These new problems tend to confirm that the bandits have agents on this ship.
"There are Órarduine Security Teams waiting in the corridor to assist you and your staff in securing our ship. With the Órarduine's assistance we just might survive this."
"Okay. The last minute crew replacements would be an easy way to slip agents into our midst. We had quite a few of those just as we started this voyage. Our security monitors have noted some of them in unusual areas."
"If we may offer a suggestion," said Tiff, "you should look closely at those with access to, or in, the communication, propulsion and navigation departments. Based on your comments about sensor performance, perhaps those who had access to them should be closely scrutinized as well. Besides the communication and propulsion issues, we were advised that this ship has significantly deviated from its planned route." Tiff's comment resulted in a surprised look on the two officers faces.
"Just fucking wonderful," commented Captain Marika. "I'll bet the tracking beacon is disabled as well."
During the conversation with the Captain, no one noticed a crewman get up from his station. He then moved slowly across the bridge toward the door. As he moved across the bridge his attention was focused on those talking with the Captain.
Just as he reached for the door handle, a hand grasped his shoulder. The surprise caused him to jump and nearly scream. Cathan spun him around as she said, "Who gave you permission to leave the bridge?" The sound of her voice drew everyone's attention.
The crewman slipped from Cathan's grip as he looked up. His first thought was, 'who is she?' He immediately took a step back as he realized that she looked just like the Captain's visitors. He took another step back as he considered how to escape this Amazon blocking his exit. Cathan matched him step for step until he backed into a console.
With him backed up against the console Cathan looked down as she said in a commanding voice, "Which group are you working for? Slavers or bandits?"
Commander Moranshu started to interrupt but was nudged by the Captain who shook his head 'no'.
"So you are working for the slavers." The crewman's face turned white. He thought 'how did she know, I have told no one'.
"You have more character than that, so why did you sell your soul to them?"
The crewman began to slump but two of Cathan's team grabbed him, lifting him to his feet. "So they promised to free your family if you helped them with this harvest." The crewman barely nodded. His eyes were wide with fear as his thoughts raced trying to understand how she could know. Then as if a light was turned on, reality registered, his eyes filled with tears as he realized he was a fool. It was an empty promise. He wondered why he hadn't seen the truth before now as he realized that he would never see them again. His short sightedness and stupidity had condemned those on this ship to slavery or worse.
"You were conned. You have no special status with them. How many agents are there on the ship?"
This time the crewman responded with, "I don't know." Cathan frowned. Before she could speak he added, "The only ones I met were the two who recruited me for this. I haven't seen them since. Every communication has been by coded notes. Every time, a note just appears in my pocket. Once I opened them, the writing would disappear after a very short time."
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True story and not a fantasy:I was married at 25 and my wife and I had a son and then a few years later a girl. Up to that point I had never thought of men, only girls. However, when I was about 40 yrs old, my looks changed and I started to look gay. The first time I was aware of it was when I was shopping with my family and I noticed two guys giving me the eye. I had never had that happen to me before. Then people would call me a fag, pervert, queer etc and I was completely bewildered. Every...
by Vanessa Evans Part 11 – Home for Christmas. The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come...
For the next week, things went well for Laura. She and Trina slept together every night. Shawna was still away, and they fucked so heatedly and often that Laura wondered if they would wear it out, wear out their ardent thirst for one another. But so far, they hadn't come close. Her inevitable confrontation with Sholandra didn't happen because Rhonda returned and obviously occupied Sholandra's time. God, the blonde bitch must be fucking that poor girl to death, Laura thought, with a little...
A TRUE STORY---When I ended part 1 I was sitting in the dark watching my best friends wife become a Black cock slut and loving (and filming) every minute of it. She sucked both men for another couple of minutes. She was the told to stop and they helped her off her knees and over to table where the ladies were still fingering their clits. They forced her to lay belly down on the glass table and began to tie her hands and feet to the table legs. There she was again in all her glory tits smashed...
My name is Raju. Am 26 yrs age. In all my young days till now am quit attracted to matured lady’s specially who are friendly and thinks life is for once , and a person can only live up to his / her given time , and want to enjoy fully out of it. One of such incident happened with me when I was staying in Pune. Actually I was working there, in a reputed MNC company. And I was very far way from my home. I was staying there in rented house of a community with other peoples staying over there. As...
Incest> It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher’s salary didn’t cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John’s. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it she was an easy lay for...
Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. The argument started when she said “Honey, can we change the hotel reservations to Sunday night?’ I am furious and hurt. We had this vacation planned since the last vacation last summer. We planned to leave early Saturday morning to make Minneapolis by 4:30. Now my wife of 14 years is telling me she has a “mandatory” cocktail party for employees only Saturday night. Let’s start at how Donna and I met. I, Carl Allen, was a junior in high school...
A number of years ago, an old girlfriend and I were drunkenly confessing some of the things we got up too in our past.My girlfriend Bev confessed that as a young girl, She always prefered her father to give her a bath, rather than her mother.When I asked why, she told me it was because he always washed her whole body with his hands, even her private parts. But her mother always stopped at them, and told her to wash your bits.She even confessed this carried on right up to her body developing....
[Epilogue - Jack] As you can see, this story has grown in the telling. I'm sure more adventures will occur over the coming years. I will write of those in the future and add to this history with help from others, particularly Janice. Tom and Vic have trained pilots and Pintlala provides maintenance people to keep them running. Bennie and our Janice are happy in their marriage and move between the two communities regularly as do their partners. The only one who isn't a pilot is Melissa....
It’s Maria Kazi’s birthday, and her friends were thoughtful enough to get her a full-body massage! She arrives at the parlour and is greeted by her masseuse, Nicole Aria. This is actually Maria’s first time getting a massage, and she can’t wait. Nicole assures her that she will do everything she can to ensure Maria has as relaxing and rejuvenating a birthday message as possible. She asks Maria to get fully undressed and then lie on the table. As Maria strips her clothes...
xmoviesforyouShe arrives home early from doing half a days work. She is so glad to be finally home and starting her weekend early, it feels so good to take half a Friday off and not return until Tuesday due to a Monday holiday. She opens the door to her apartment and sunshine greets her. She is on the 2nd floor and loves having the blinds open at all times. Her cat prances up to her meowing to say hello. She bends down to pet him and he purrs and that makes her all tingly inside. Throwing her purse and...
invite him back over to finish it another weekend. He wanted a chance to see Ginny again although it didn't mean they would be left alone again. Mark said he had to go and told Jim that he could come back next weekend to finish the project if he wanted. Jim agreed. All week all Mark could think of was Ginny and how he could get her alone in the house again. When Friday rolled around Mark said he would come over mid-morning in the hopes maybe Jim would offer to go buy them some lunch...
The Big Time by Michael K. Smith I was lying on a lounge chair out by the pool when my kid sisters sort-of-boyfriend scared the crap out of me. I mean, I was half asleep, just letting my mind drift and feeling the warm July sun bouncing off my body, when this piercing voice behind me suddenly said, Hi, Angela — do you know where Janie is? I nearly fell off the damn lounge, actually. My shades clattered on the patio and I found myself twisted around with my left hand and my right foot on the...
This is a made up story about coming of age in a household with my brother and yes it is a gay story. None of this ever happened except in my twisted old mind.I was at that awkward age of 13, where my body was changing yet I felt like I wanted nothing to change. I had been having spontaneous erections for a while and nothing had happened like guys at school would say, “rub it and you will shoot a load of cum.” Well that never happened to me but that didn’t mean I didn’t try.The other change I...
Hi guys I am 19 year old cute gay from Hisar, Haryana This is my story which happened a week ago…. Hope you will enjoy this.. As you know this is season of marriages. I got a invitation from my first boyfriend of his wedding. He said he will pick me tomorrow from my PG. At first I denied but later he persuaded me and I can’t refused. It was 4 day tour for me. So I packed my things and was ready to go. He came in his car and picked me from my pg. He was looking very handsome as always. As he...
Gay MaleYe un dinoki baat hai jab mai 12th me tha mujhe ab lund leneka chaska lag gaya tha,maine bahotsi blue films jama ki thi jinko mai dekhke apne lund ko hilata tha lekin unme mujhe ladkoka lund bahot akrshit karta tha, hamare purane buildingme hamare bahotse family friends rahte thae ham log hamesha ek dusre ke ghar aya jaya karte the mera ek dost amit naam ka tha jo ki mujhse 4 saal bada tha mai kafii bar uske gharpe aya jaya karta tha aur jab uske ghapre koi nahi rehta toh mai uski maa aur behan...
Little Bart worked at this little store/news stand down the street from my house. He lived in a small room in the back. Little Bart was just under five foot tall, his hair was all cut funny and I think he had two teeth. He talked like he either had brain damage or burned him self up on d**gs. He drooled alot and wore stinky clothes. One day I am talking to Bart and this really hot woman bought a paper and paid Bart the fifty cents, smilled real big and winked at him. I said to Bart as she...
My 23-year-old elder sister is endowed with a tight curvaceous ass that jiggles enough to corrupt the mind with dirty thoughts. I masturbate thinking about fucking it every night and then ask for forgiveness before falling asleep. Until last year’s Christmas Eve, I was wracked with guilt that I enjoyed fantasising about glazing my sister’s smooth tight ass with hot cum. The morning following the celebration, I witnessed a raunchy scene that any other 19-year-old would rarely come across. My...
The process of getting ready in the morning was a strange one. Having vague access to Caitlyn's memories allowed me to slip into part of her morning routine. I woke up at 7am, needing to go to the toilet. The thick flow of pee felt strange coming from between my legs as I sat on the toilet. It felt strangely nice to relieve myself, but I guess that's how it felt as a male too. Next I jumped into the shower. Water cascaded off my breasts and my hair felt heavy around my face as it...
JP, John-Paul, was a tough little shit. He only stood five-feet-ten-inches tall, but many a bigger guy had come off second best when locking horns with him. Not only was he tough, but very good looking. He had thick, light brown hair with the hair on the sides of his head cut very short. The hair on top of his head was longer and the long fringe overhanging his eyes was constantly flicked, revealing his most beautiful expressive green eyes. He had the well-formed body of a gymnast, it taught...
Gay Male"Jules, hi! Waiting for a shower?"I looked around to see my sister-in-law. I knew she came to this gym, but I'd never actually seen her there before. It was a Saturday morning, not my usual time for working out. "Oh, hi. I was, but there seems to be a long queue, and I don't like the communal ones. I think I'll just go home and shower there."She nodded agreement. "Yeah, dunno why, just doesn't seem right."I hesitated. "Want to come back to mine? Shower there and then grab a bite? Mark's away so...
Sliding my hands down my body, I feel the beginnings of a slight tremble. Do I have time? A quick glance at my watch confirms that I do, but should I? Why not. Feeling the slow pathway my fingers take to strip my body of all clothing, throwing them on a chair behind me, I laugh for the freedom. Everything but the polished black stilettos, they can stay. Standing there in front of the full length mirror, twisting and turning, studying my figure. "Not bad." I’m not bad at all, for a mother of...
Oral SexDonna came into the room holding her cellphone and said to her husband, "Dear, it will have to be a raincheck on making pottery tonight. Alice called, she sounds really down." Martin Gahan was as happy as a poker player holding the nuts when his wife said she had to cancel their plans for the night. He loved spending time with his wife, but wanted to actually be the poker player holding the nuts tonight instead. His friends threw together a spur of the moment poker game for this...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers. My name is Saba, a Muslim girl. I am from Bangalore and my age is 24. This is my first story so please forgive any mistakes. This story is about how I had sex with my cousin brother who is one year younger to me. This hot encounter happened when we were in a wedding reception of some relative. Guys drop your feedbacks and suggestions at Let me tell you about my body. I am fair, and my figure is 36-30-34. My cousin bros name is Amin. He is the son of...
IncestChrissie, Rene and Jean I hope you’ve enjoyed the stories I’ve already related to you concerning my adventures with Rene. I’ve told you of his insatiable love of S/M and bondage. I’ve also told you a tale of my relationship with Charles, his driver. Now I’d like to relate the details of an encounter with Rene which occurred near the end of our nearly 2 year involvement. Charles and the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud called for me at my condo the same as he had so many times previously. I must point...
The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. "This is your room, Miss Victoria," she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was used...
First TimeOnce in the room Jenny produced the box they had hidden from her mother, opening it Amanda felt a thrill of almost perverseness as she took the lingerie out of it, to say it was almost non-existent was being mild and Jenny still wouldn’t tell her where she had found it ,especially in Amanda’s 48G size. The Bra and Panty set was a pale blue, the material a fine netting that didn’t so much obscure anything but fogged out the details. Quickly putting them on Amanda admired herself in the mirror...
This story took place about two years ago when I was twenty three years old. I’d always taken pride in my appearance, five feet six inches tall, long, almost black, dark hair, hazel/blue eyes, slim body and 34 B cup breasts, working out to stay as fit as I could most days. I’d go running with Issabella on most occasions and on the weekends we’d be joined by some of our male friends, regularly ending with us having sex, either mid run or after it. Although I’d known Issabella since school and...
It had been a long day for Kim she been on her feet in town most of the day picking up bits and pieces for the baby coming. At 5’9 she carries her 7 month bump well her swollen tits fit nicely on top of the bump her nipples now dark brown and sensitive. She’d given up shaving her pussy it was to much effort and she knew it was dark and overgrown. Her hair was long and dark and worn in a tight ponytail. Her eyes were Brown and she’d often been told she looked like Gal Gadot but with big tits.She...
A few weeks later, my mother wondered about something."Do you remember what you said about that summer evening?"“When?" said I."When you were home alone all summer and there was a party and… with the neighbors?""Oh yes, that night I remember very well.""When you were fucked by all the neighbors on the couch.""Yes, I remember.”"Dad and I have talked to the neighbors, and they are ready for a new round.""What do you mean?""We have planned for the four ladies, Helen, Maryan, you and I to stand on...
It was at the tail end of 2013 that I had my first experience with a mature lady. From then on, I've never looked back. I'm a 24 year old male from Scotland and I've recently been meeting like minded matures for passionate, no strings attached sex. It all started when I attended my friends birthday party in November. I was chatting to his mum and auntie about careers and holidays for a long while having a few beers and vodkas. The auntie left, and it was at this point the game changed. His mum...
I was so worked up after going out to the hunter’s cabins by the coast earlier that day, on the first snow of the Fall that my g/f had to stop the truck and give me a good licking. When she was done she knew that I had enjoyed her efforts immensely, but she also knew that if I could get a cock in me right now my body would shake and writhe excessively in one huge orgasm. Just the mention of the possibility that some native hunters were staying at the teepee was all the incentive I needed to beg...