An ClochánChapter 30 free porn video

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By the time Destiny Group was 1500 km behind Emprika and the two bandit ships, they had separated into three groups. Iarracht and Marthanóir positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off the starboard side and above her. Dóchas and Phoenix positioned themselves to approach Emprika's stern off her port side but from below. Eagle, Taiséalai, and Fiontar traveling with the freighters slowed their approach to take up a static position a thousand kilometers behind Emprika. All of their ships were at Readiness Level 1.

Erin said, "Dóchas COC is assigning bandit I.D.s as DBAD1 for the ship along the port side of Emprika and DBAD2 for the ship on their starboard side." As Erin spoke, the monitors on all Órarduine ships updated with the new information. These assignments were quickly acknowledged by each Destiny Group ship.

"DBAD1 and DBAD2 are now alongside Emprika, with DBAD2 near the rear access hatch," said Joyce. "Spacing appears to be 200 meters between the bandits and Emprika."

Destiny Group was 15 minutes from Emprika when the Command Staffs heard the same voice that announced the cancellation of Emprika's distress call. "Emprika, I am the Captain of the ship on your port side. We heard your broadcast. Based on your declaration, we are invoking full salvage rights to the ship and its contents as permitted by our laws."

After a pause he continued, "Captain it was you that announced the Emprika's status as inoperable and needing assistance. Your declaration allows us to invoke salvage rights to Emprika and all contents. We are claiming Emprika as ours. In one hour, we will take possession of Emprika. We, as the new owners, expect you to make the following preparations for our arrival. When we board, we expect all passengers to be locked in their quarters. All weapons will be secured and stowed. All the crew members are to be standing naked with their hands behind their head along the walls of the main corridor."

There was a momentary pause before he continued with, "Captain, there is nothing you can do to stop us from taking possession of Emprika. Again, it was your broadcast that gave us the right to claim Emprika under the salvage provisions of our laws. By cooperating and preparing Emprika for our arrival, we assure you that all of Emprika's passengers and crew will be unharmed. All of you will be well cared for while you remain in our custody as we wait to be paid for your release.

"Resistance by anyone will be dealt with harshly. Any organized resistance will result in all of those still living becoming our property."

There was another pause followed by an angry reply, "You have no choice, Captain. We will board your ship! Any resistance and all of you will regret it. We have already dealt with one group on your ship. A group of inept Monque Spec Ops sought to interfere with our plans. Anyone standing in our way will meet the same fate. You will find them in Compartment 32 on Level 1."

The bandit paused for a few moments before adding, "Enough of this, when I close this dialog, you will not be able to contact anyone. Your external communication system will become inoperable. Remember, we will begin boarding in one hour. Now, prepare your ship for our arrival! Lock all passengers in their cabins! Lock all weapons in storage! Every crew member will wait naked with their hands behind their heads in the main corridor for our inspection.

"You have one hour to comply! Fail and the passengers and crew become our property. Let me be clear, as property, they will have the same status as livestock that we will dispose of as we see fit. Shut up and listen. You appear to be as incompetent as those in Compartment 32. We hope you fail for we are anxious to once again dine on live fresh meat."

Joyce said, "From the pauses, it seemed like there was some push back from the Captain of Emprika. The bandits must have done something to Emprika's transmitters since we can't hear the Captain's comments."

"I think it is time to complicate their plans," said Terry of Sarah's Clan as she smiled at Sarah.

Sarah said, "Calling Emprika. This is Destiny Group responding to your request for assistance. We will be alongside in 20 minutes to render assistance with your emergency."

"No assistance is needed," replied the bandit.

"Who are you to speak for the Captain of Emprika?"

"I am the Captain."

"Sir, we know you are not the Captain of Emprika. You are not even on Emprika. You are the one who falsely claimed salvage rights to Emprika. We heard and recorded everything you said to the Captain of Emprika."

"You are mistaken," snarled the bandit. "There aren't any problems on Emprika. Now go bother someone else with your nonsense."

"I am absolutely certain you are not the captain of Emprika. Your voice signature matches exactly the voice that we just heard claiming salvage rights to Emprika. Didn't you just demand Emprika's Captain prepare the ship for boarding by your people, and threaten them with enslavement if he failed."

"As Captain of Emprika, I can assure you that Emprika needs no assistance. Go bother someone else with your nonsense. Besides, there aren't any ships within light years of us, so your offer is meaningless."

"You are not Captain of Emprika, yet. Your sensors are faulty. Check your monitors or look out your ports."

"Look bitch, I've had enough of your nonsense. Our sensors are far superior to anything else in the universe. They are all working perfectly. I demand to talk to the captain of your ship."

"You are speaking to Admiral Sarah in Command of Dóchas," was the reply in a very friendly voice. "We are just ten minutes from Emprika."

"You are really testing my patience. Why do you persist in your delusions? Just who are you?"

"We are Órarduine."

There was a pause then the bandit screamed, "Órarduine?"

"Yes. Chatting with you has been most interesting..."

Sarah's response was overridden by the bandit hollering, "You murdering heathens. You sent two of our finest crews and ships to a slow death." The bandit's rage grew as he spoke ending with, "For that you shall die!"

Sarah laughingly replied, "Not a chance. You are misinformed about your two ships and their crews. They chose the path that took them to their death. Initially, they attempted to enslave us. Their naive attempt failed. They tried to instigate a mutiny on the Iridien ships under the Command of Commander Egulle and failed. We informed the Durale leaders on those ships that we knew of both their plots. They were offered a chance to publicly admit their schemes to the Alliance of Worlds or we would expose their plots. They chose to run. Before leaving, they fired lasers at the two Iridien command ships, attempting to disable them. Their inept operation of their ship placed it on a collision course with a very large planet in the Sol system."

"You lie bitch!" screamed the bandit. "We Durale, never run from anything. All of you will soon be in our livestock pens. We shall enjoy playing with each of you until it is your turn to be spread on our dining table. We shall rejoice in seeing the fear on your face as we secure you to the dining table. Our pleasure will grow on hearing your screams as we sink our teeth into your flesh and tear pieces of meat from your body as we dine."

"You are hallucinating."

Rusty continued, "Your aggression toward the Monque passenger ship Emprika is an act of war."

"Who are you?" screamed the bandit.

"Admiral Rusty in Command of Dóchas. As friends of the Monque, we will render Emprika all the assistance she needs to free herself from your evil plan."

"You wish! You and your harem of back alley whores are incapable of overcoming us. We Durale wait for your arrival. By tonight you and those sluts will be spread on our dining tables, for we shall dine on your flesh today."

"Destiny Group," said Erin, "DBAD1 and DBAD2 weapons now armed and scanning."

Bravo Recon Group under the command of Nicola's Clan advised Destiny Group that the Spiders were now in place on all three ships. Communications links were established and active with each group of Spiders. A Ferret on Emprika was close to gaining access to the ship's systems.

"Siobhan, Maureen, Kelly," said Sarah, "are we ready to project a hologram of us onto Emprika's Bridge?"

"We are," replied the four clans.

On Emprika's bridge, the sudden appearance of their lifelike holographic images almost brought all activity to a standstill. Surprisingly there wasn't any attempt to draw a weapon against them. Even so it took several moments for their arrival to gain the Captain's attention, as he was deeply engrossed in a heated discussion with several crew members.

When the Captain looked their way, the four Órarduine together in Standard said, "Good day, Captain." They waited for the shock of their appearance to subside before continuing with, "Time is short so we will get right to the point. We are representatives of Órarduine Destiny Group. We have sufficient resources to block those who plan on boarding you from the two Durale bandit ships. The two groups of bandits also have agents on your ship that we can assist you in subduing. We need your authorization for that assistance. Do you want our assistance?"

"Was it you that we just heard the bandit screaming at?"

"Probably, we just had a discussion with the Captain of the ship on your port side."

"Based on his claims of severing our communications, we were surprised to hear it. Did I understand you to say you are Órarduine?"

"Yes, we are."

"I've heard of you," replied the Captain thoughtfully.

"Perhaps you know us from our meeting with the Iridiens, Monque and Atewa in Sol system."

"Yes, that is it. Based on that, we readily accept your assistance."

Almost immediately another officer on the bridge shouted, "No! Absolutely not. Captain, you are unfit for command," as he pulled a weapon. Before he could bring it up to fire, there was a flash of light. The weapon clattered to the deck with the man's hand still attached. The Captain turned almost white. Two crewmen wrestled the wounded officer to the deck and bound his elbows together.

"Captain, are you alright?" asked a crewman.

"I think so," replied the Captain slowly with a bit of a quiver in his voice. "If I had any doubt about needing your assistance before, I don't now."

The four Órarduine said, "As a first step in assisting you, we would like to place several Security Teams on your ship. Is this acceptable?"

"Órarduine, you may bring as many people on board as you feel necessary to maintain order and remove this cancer we've acquired."

"They will be in the corridor behind the bridge shortly. To ensure communication with our ships, we would like for several of us to physically join you on the bridge. Is this acceptable?"

"I think it is a very wise move."

"If you haven't asked the passengers to return to their cabins, we would recommend that you do so now. You should have them secure their cabin doors as well."

"You heard their claims?"

"Yes, we heard what they said. We did not hear any of your responses. Their salvage claim is nonsense."

On board Dóchas, as soon as Rusty heard the captain accept assistance he said "FOC, cloaking off for all Badb ships and Star Fighters. Shields up."

"Aye, aye," came the quick reply.

Sally said, "Spider data says DBAD1 is a medium size cruiser with a crew of 380. Carries 20 small transporters. No other space craft. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes."

"That is a little different than first reported."

"Yes. DBAD2 is the same size as DBAD1 but with a crew of 290. It carries 20 small transporters. Ships weapons are laser and torpedoes. It is laid out more as a transport than a cruiser. One deck is filled with rows of cages stacked four high. None are occupied."

As the Captain on Emprika began to issue commands, an Órarduine Security Team appeared in front of the bridge's primary entrance. Other Órarduine Security teams assembled in the corridor leading to the bridge. By the time the Captain finished speaking to the passengers Tiff and Emma had materialized on the bridge where the hologram had appeared. These changes startled many of those on the bridge, even though they had heard the Captain's acceptance.

"Captain, I am Tiff of Siobhan's Clan, and this is Emma of Keriann's Clan. We are here as a link to our ships."

"How rude of me, my name is Captain Marika. My apologies to those here earlier for not introducing myself."

"No reason for an apology. We are sure that the appearance of Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen and Kelly's holographic image was a shock."

"Yes, it was. Your own sudden appearance was only slightly less shocking. Did I understand you to say 'ships'?"

"Yes, sir," replied Emma.

"Holy shit," shouted a crewman, "our scanners are showing multiple ships all around us."

A look of concern flashed across the Captain's face. Before he could ask Tiff said, "Those are ours, our Commander had ours turn off cloaking after you accepted our offer."

"We have found only two bandit ships in the area," added Emma. "They are now about 200 meters off each side of you." While they were talking the Captain had moved to where he could see the monitor showing the other ships around Emprika. From his expression he was clearly shocked.

"Sir, our sensors are not showing any ships that close," said the crewman.

"Our sensors detected the bandit ships during their approach," replied Captain Marika. "Why aren't they showing now?"

"When the bandits claimed that they were alongside us, and there weren't any ships detected that close, we reset the system. After the reset the two bandit ships no longer showed on the monitors."

Tiff then said, "Captain, our Security Teams are in the corridor behind the bridge. Clearing the ship of the bandit agents will go faster if they are assisted by some of your crew."

Just as the Captain was about to speak another ship's officer came rushing out of an office with a worried look.

Turning to the officer the Captain said, "What's the problem?"

"Sir, we can't get the external hatch for the stern airlock to respond to commands. The engineers think it is jammed open. We can't see those areas as the cameras in the stern air lock are unresponsive. Ever since the alarm was tripped, the hatch will not respond to our commands.

"Just now our external sensors began showing multiple ships all around us. Four of those ships are much larger than us and rapidly approaching, from both sides of our rear quarter. We are trying to identify them now."

Emma said, "Those ships are ours. Dóchas and Phoenix are approaching on one side with Marthanóir and Iarracht approaching on the other. As to the hatch, our reconnaissance group saw at least eight people exit the stern access hatch nearly an hour ago. They were picked up by a small craft from the bandit ship we've labeled DBAD1."

"Emma, Tiff, this is Commander Moranshu," replied Captain Marika. "He heads our Security Department." Both Emma and Tiff bowed to the gentleman.

"You aren't Monque," replied the Commander immediately. "You aren't passengers. Just, who are you? How did you get here?"

The Captain started to reply but Tiff replied, "We are Órarduine. We arrived directly on the bridge a few minutes ago after receiving the Captain's permission. You have a good memory to know so quickly that we are not passengers."

"Knowing that you are not passengers is easy because you are nearly two heads taller than the tallest passenger, and for that matter that probably holds true for the crew as well. You said, Órarduine, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"What is the resolution on the hatch?" asked the Captain.

"Engineering says they will need to have a group go outside to close it. They are getting ready now."

"What's the status on the bandit ships? Our external monitors weren't showing any ships until just before I came out here. None of those ships are very close to us."

"Commander," said Tiff, "our ships dropped their cloaking shortly before we arrived here on the bridge. However, there are two ships alongside at about 200 meters from your ship. Based on their actions, we are referring to them as bandits and have labeled them as DBAD1 and DBAD2.

"It is the Captain of DBAD1 that Captain Marika has been talking to."

Captain Marika said, "As to the bandits, while you were overseeing the efforts related to the stern hatch, we had a call from a group who plan on boarding us about 50 minutes from now. Their intent is to take possession of Emprika and its contents by invoking salvage law."

"50 minutes. Salvage law? Did you issue orders for our crew to arm and get positioned to repel them?" asked Commander Moranshu.

"I was discussing that issue with several officers when the Órarduine contacted us and offered their assistance. The bound officer lying on the deck tried to prevent us from accepting the Órarduine's offer to help. The Órarduine also offered assistance in finding any of the bandit agents on board. Based on recent intelligence reports from the Iridiens, and their relationship with them, I accepted their offer. My acceptance didn't set well with the officer lying on the deck. Based on the information the Órarduine have since provided, it is likely a good thing the command wasn't given. They believe that the bandits have multiple agents embedded in the crew.

"We now have several problems besides no propulsion power. Our sensors aren't showing the two bandit ships next to us. Our external communication systems are not working. We have an air lock open to space. These new problems tend to confirm that the bandits have agents on this ship.

"There are Órarduine Security Teams waiting in the corridor to assist you and your staff in securing our ship. With the Órarduine's assistance we just might survive this."

"Okay. The last minute crew replacements would be an easy way to slip agents into our midst. We had quite a few of those just as we started this voyage. Our security monitors have noted some of them in unusual areas."

"If we may offer a suggestion," said Tiff, "you should look closely at those with access to, or in, the communication, propulsion and navigation departments. Based on your comments about sensor performance, perhaps those who had access to them should be closely scrutinized as well. Besides the communication and propulsion issues, we were advised that this ship has significantly deviated from its planned route." Tiff's comment resulted in a surprised look on the two officers faces.

"Just fucking wonderful," commented Captain Marika. "I'll bet the tracking beacon is disabled as well."

During the conversation with the Captain, no one noticed a crewman get up from his station. He then moved slowly across the bridge toward the door. As he moved across the bridge his attention was focused on those talking with the Captain.

Just as he reached for the door handle, a hand grasped his shoulder. The surprise caused him to jump and nearly scream. Cathan spun him around as she said, "Who gave you permission to leave the bridge?" The sound of her voice drew everyone's attention.

The crewman slipped from Cathan's grip as he looked up. His first thought was, 'who is she?' He immediately took a step back as he realized that she looked just like the Captain's visitors. He took another step back as he considered how to escape this Amazon blocking his exit. Cathan matched him step for step until he backed into a console.

With him backed up against the console Cathan looked down as she said in a commanding voice, "Which group are you working for? Slavers or bandits?"

Commander Moranshu started to interrupt but was nudged by the Captain who shook his head 'no'.

"So you are working for the slavers." The crewman's face turned white. He thought 'how did she know, I have told no one'.

"You have more character than that, so why did you sell your soul to them?"

The crewman began to slump but two of Cathan's team grabbed him, lifting him to his feet. "So they promised to free your family if you helped them with this harvest." The crewman barely nodded. His eyes were wide with fear as his thoughts raced trying to understand how she could know. Then as if a light was turned on, reality registered, his eyes filled with tears as he realized he was a fool. It was an empty promise. He wondered why he hadn't seen the truth before now as he realized that he would never see them again. His short sightedness and stupidity had condemned those on this ship to slavery or worse.

"You were conned. You have no special status with them. How many agents are there on the ship?"

This time the crewman responded with, "I don't know." Cathan frowned. Before she could speak he added, "The only ones I met were the two who recruited me for this. I haven't seen them since. Every communication has been by coded notes. Every time, a note just appears in my pocket. Once I opened them, the writing would disappear after a very short time."

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This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on...

2 years ago
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Sail The Seven SeasChapter 10

Greek Island, hidden harbor on Mediterranean Sea, Shea tapped Sam on the shoulder. "Why don't you let me do this for a while? Aleia is fixing you a meal. I would think your mind needs to rest for a while. You need what you call a break from your duty; go for a swim and eat. This will be here when you get back." Sam stretched as he stood. "Something is going on with al Quida. They've had no activity anywhere in over two weeks. I've never seen them hunkered down like this before. There...

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Mali Bamako to Fana sequel

After breakfast, Arnoud and Henrique tell us that they will prepare the car and themselves for our trip tomorrow. I decide to take it easy and to stay in the lovely garden. Alwin has agreed with a few old acquaintances from his stay in Mali a few years earlier. I relax in a sun lounger and watch the activities of the hotel staff. Around lunchtime the man who checked us in asks if I want to have lunch. Time to introduce myself, while I extend my hand and mention my name. He says his name is...

2 years ago
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Cumming of Age 2

An entire squad of junior tennis players between the ages of 10 to 15 travelled several hours out of Sydney to train and compete with other kids from regional areas. I had the job of driving my kid sister to the training centre and checking her in. Nice and simple. The drive got me chatting to her about the playing schedule and the amount of time the kids have away from the courts...and what activities are usually organised. She said that the previous time that she attended there were G...

1 year ago
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My Sensational Village Experience 8211 Part II The Kabaddi Match

Continued from “My sensational village experience part-I” I could find Ajay more confident in taking peeks at me and he was also putting one hand around me touching my naked waist while we walked back home. Back home, we went straight into my room, and sat on the bed. Ajay was very enthusiastic. He told me that he liked the dresses very much and that he couldn’t wait to see me in those dresses. “I hope they turn out good”, I said and smiled meekly. “Oh don’t worry aunty. Mom stitches all her...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected Reunion

I was 18. He was 17. We had our last ever sex encounter back then. The last of more than 100 over almost 6 years. His little dick had grown that last time. Grown to 4 inches from the tiny dick I sucked all those times before.We both knew we were predominantly straight even back then. We both left home for college and our lives took off in different directions.Until that wonderful day. I was 30 then. Back home on a summer day. Both my parents were at work, as was my wife. I just was offered a...

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Beauty is Only Skin Deep The Revenge

“Well, John how are you feeling?" Denise asked. "Did any of this feel different to you?”  “You know," I answered, "This has certainly been more than different. It’s been sublime.” “How do you feel about cheating on Alice?” “I frankly don’t give a shit,” I answered honestly. “She is cheating on me not only with what she is doing with her buddy back home but also by not giving herself to me the way you have. I realize now that her beauty is only skin deep and the difference with you is that your...

3 years ago
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You Wont See Me

Ralph plunged his cock into Debbie's pussy as she buried her face in a pillow conveniently placed on the large sofa. This muffled her moans of pleasure as Ralph demonstrated remarkable stamina and control. As he fucked her, he ran his hands over her ass and back, enjoying every inch of Debbie's voluptuous frame. "Jesus! Your ass is perfect, Debbie," groaned Ralph. "Your skin is a smooth as glass." As he spoke, his hips kept a steady rhythm. "Hmmmm," was Debbie's only response as she...

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The Binding RingsChapter 16

The next morning found Jason heading to school with a definite spring to his step. It was easy to be in a good mood after what he had experienced last night; even now, just thinking about it sent a surge of blood down to his crotch. It was beginning to get difficult to leave the house for something as mundane as school - there was a perfect world waiting for him back at his house, so why would he want to leave? He knew on an intellectual level that it wouldn’t be a good idea to over-indulge...

2 years ago
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Swingin with Mike Julie part 1

When my partner and I started going to clubs, we tried a couple near to us and nearly gave up the idea as both were a bit 'seedy', and we didn't like the mix of people who went to them. Then I remembered a club a lady I had met through a contact site had mentioned briefly, I decided to find it so we could give the whole idea one last go.Luckily it came up on Google. I showed their website to "Mrs Pornman" and she thought it looked a lot better than the others. I gave them a call and spoke to...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Xxlayna Marie Perk of House Sitting

When the cats are away, the rats will play. Xxlayna Marie is a naughty house sitter who loves calling over random lads while doing her job. The naughty petite teen breaks her promise of having no boys in the house as soon as she gets off the phone with her client. She uses a dating app to look for a viable fuck buddy in the area. Luckily, Xxlayna doesn’t need to spend a lot of time looking for an available man with a foot fetish. She sends a photo of her small natural titties and sexy...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 34 New Love

Eve and I were roommates in college. I was well aware of my attraction to women when I got there as a freshman, so when, at the beginning of our junior year, Eve and I first met in our new dorm room, I knew I wanted her right away. She was so beautiful, and so strong, and yet there was an intense vulnerability to her that drew me in right from the start. She hadn't ever been with a woman, though, so for the first several months I just kept my feelings to myself. Every once in a while it...

1 year ago
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To many to mention

I'm a divorced forty-something male with a relentless sex drive. I am blessed, or perhaps cursed, with an enormous cock fully ten inches in length and seven inches in circumference. My bitchy ex-wife could hardly take it in the cunt, so she usually jacked me off. Fortunately, we were swingers, so I got more than my share of pussy at swinger parties. After the divorce, I discovered that I was no longer welcome at parties because I didn't have a woman to share with the other men. There were still...

Group Sex
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Sultry Summer Ch 05

Stacey Dixon, Rita Meckler, and Carol Davidson formed a writhing heap of warm, naked flesh on the king-sized bed in the bedroom of a mountain cabin Carol owned in a rural area of James county. All three of them squirmed as hands, lips, and tongues slid over warm flesh and bodies rubbed against one another. It was dizzying, delightful, and erotic, each person kissing another, their hands caressing, seeking. Passion built in the lusting trio as they excited each other beyond belief. ‘Ohhhhh!!!’...

3 years ago
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The Competition

The Challenge. By ninja5?Right here she is Taylor Swift. Clap your hands,? Bobby Bones started clapping and the entourage of Lunchbox, Amy, Eddie and technical support joined in.  There was a woo and Taylor stepped into the Studio.  She started to speak, but was out of range of a mic so her voice didn’t cut in till she sat.??thank you? thank you for the clapping.?  She’d played down her celebrity as she entered the studio with a tray covered in a red and white checker cloth.  They were homemade...

4 years ago
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Cuckolded by the Black Power Movement

A progressive couple make the ultimate sacrifice and meet social justice warriors' price for their trust from a black supremacy organization.This is a story about Miles and Amanda Deacon, a progressive, white married couple who wanted to make a difference in race relations. After numerous visits to "Harmony" meetings hosted by the local chapter of the Black Power Movement, the Deacon's were urged to "take the next step" in advancing social change and helping the black race. Hesitating at first,...

1 year ago
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Renaissance Festival

I love the Renaissance Festivals, all the history involved, The Jousting, King and Queen, all the sights and sounds. The Jesters, Turkey legs, drinks in coconut halves, I think it’s a blast going! My wife and I try to take the kids every year. This Years Festival turned out a bit Different, as we walked the acres and acres of the festival having a great time checking out the different acts, juggling, singing, mud and side shows. Me watching the women in the chain dresses, tits exposed, my wife...

2 years ago
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The Wives

The Wives *Last Saturday, my wife and our best friends Joyce and Tim for a get-together with our mutual friends Gabriella and Justin invited me. We have known each other for about 5 years now and regularly go out together.As usual, we had a very enjoyable dinner. We polished off several bottles of wine and were feeling rather silly. We were telling each other stupid jokes and laughing it up. After the coffee we retired to the living room. I thought that things would mellow out but Joyce was on...

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HotLegsAndFeet Canela Skin An Intimate Ass Fucking

Sizzling Latina anal addict Canela Skin puts on a shaft satisfying eXXXperience in this Hot Legs and Feet premium porn production. This leg fetish model twerking her incredible curvy ass and riding cock is a sight that you want to see and have left swirling in your mind, trust us. The juicy bottomed babe has called her friend Kai Taylor over for some help around the house but he quickly finds himself with his pants around his ankles and the brown-eyed beauty’s tongue licking his love...

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Bigger Than Life

Prologue Deep in the heart of the Glacier Forrest, known for its brutal summer and bitter winters, rested the kingdom of Bisondul. The fortified castle of the royal family was built into the side of the Blistagale Mountains, and the structure looked down over a village booming with life. The average men and women of Bisondul were not wealthy, but their needs were met and their king was considered fairer than most, and the land was dangerous but bountiful to the natives who knew how to work it....

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Es htte schlimmer kommen knnen

Ich stand in der leeren gro?en Halle. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ging es hier gesch?ftig zu, nun war alles still. Au?er den Ger?uschen, die ich selbst verursachte. Und die klangen merkw?rdig laut, obendrein mit einem Nachhall, der schon fast ein Echo war. Wehm?tig betrachte ich den feuchten Boden. W?rde hier noch gearbeitet, h?tte ich auch noch einen Job. Nein, nicht hier. Aber wenn so ein gro?er Betrieb geschlossen wurde, dann hatte das Auswirkungen. Warum war es eigentlich nass hier? Das ...

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Bad Karma Part V

Bad Karma Part 5 - The Belle End of the Ball The new Lauren together with her fake mother Jasmine picked up the slumped body of the real Lauren and carried it into the main master bedroom. They temporally deposited her down onto the deluxe double bed with mauve silk sheets whilst they prepared to get to the panic room. "Help me get the wardrobe out of the way," the new Jasmine said. The fake Lauren nodded. It was going to be a delicate operation getting the real Lauren into the panic...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I Teach My Younger Sister

"Here's what I'll do," I said to Tom. "I'll set my alarm early for Thursday morning and listen to the radio to see if school's been cancelled. If it is, I'll call you on your cell phone and let you know. You can come over after my parents are gone." We had a plan. I also had a way to make our "demonstration" seem totally unplanned. Thursday morning came. I had set my alarm for 5:30. As soon as it went off, I turned on the radio and listened for school cancellations. When I looked...

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Kelli Blonde Married HottieChapter 3

I took Kelli and led her by the hand down the hall to what appeared to be her master bedroom. If she wanted us to play-act that this was her honeymoon deflowering, we were going to do it in her real-world marital bed. If she wanted me to "take her" as though she was a virgin and this was her first sexual experience, we were going to do it for real in the bed that she shared with her real-world husband. I don't know what it does for the married women and MILFs I get to bed, but there is...

1 year ago
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My sex journey with my Daughter 8211 Part 2

Note: All my stories have intense, hardcore, erotic, and rough moments. My stories are usually Incest only. Because it is the biggest and best of all. I hope you read the first part of this story. Let us dive straight into the story. It was Saturday morning. I woke up with last night’s sexy scenes. I fucked my daughter so hard that she would remember it till her last days. First, I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards my black cock and deep-throated her till my fucking heart desired....

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 1

She was 23, 5'3" brunette with a stunning smile and perfect young tight body. She had held her virginity through all those years, being homeschooled made it easier, but in college she almost broke down and she longed to be touched, tasted, used and to do the same. Her long time boyfriend she never allowed to do anything other than kiss and one time when she was daring she let him finger her and suck her nipple, she was u******e at that time. He left for college where she learned he turned...

1 year ago
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Kid play with big sister

Hello mere dost my name is Mihir shah pyar se muje meroo kahate he. Me ek 15 sal ka 5 feet ka gora thoda fatty size ka achha ladka tha. Lekeen ek mahine pahale mene jo bhi dekha aur kiya whoh muje yeh story likhane ke layak bana diya. Mene apani 10vi ki exam dene ke bad 1 mahine ki school me chutti thi. Ek din yuhi me apane gar me subah tv dekh raha tha ki usi samay mere sabase bade chacha ki sabase badi ladaki neelam didi mere gar aayee aur meri mammy ke pass kichan me jake boli ; aunty muje...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 8 Another Approach

Jolaj was no longer bound and her fur was once again as white snow. She was treated like a princess, but there was no doubt, she was a prisoner. They did not allow her to leave her quarters. She learned that the ship was not a Togar product, but a luxury yacht made by Enroe. None of her captors had given their names, they simply identified themselves as the Resistance. A group she had learned called themselves, Children of Malmoru.” The female, with a light brown fur and puffy cheeks,...

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The CavemanChapter 54

In court this morning we start off differently. Until now I’ve stayed with Hugo in the spectator pews in the times we’ve been in court, but today Irving tells me to sit at counsel’s table with him. I’m pleasantly surprised, Irving doesn’t often have associates as co-counsel. Things move quickly. The purpose of pre-trial is simply to verify that there’s enough evidence for an indictment, and the defense doesn’t usually put up much of a fight; the idea is to save the big guns, assuming you...

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Rogues Story Part ThreeReflection

She stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...

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Her Puppy Shared Parts 34

Part Three As we entered the living room, Kathy invited her guests to make themselves at home on the sofas, before turning to me thoughtfully. It was a look I'd seen before and my heart raced in contemplation of the thoughts she might be having. After a moment, she seemed to decide, pulling sharply on my leash and positioning me a little away from one of the sofas, sideways on to it. I let her arrange me, pushing my legs in together under my chest, my hands tight to my body in front, forming me...

2 years ago
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The Fucc Club

As the young woman bent over in front of him squeezed her pussy muscles every time he pushed back in, Todd was thinking she’d be a perfect candidate for membership in a club he’d recently been invited to join. His friend Darren wasn’t home from school yet but Darren’s girlfriend Marie was happy to have her pussy occupied while she waited. He hadn’t had to ask. She just figured he might like some pussy so she bent over the table and flipped her skirt up, revealing her bare ass with the inviting...

4 years ago
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Appearances Belladonna Don Legnani eyes turned towards his secretary as his wife entered the ladies room. His secretary knew he was watching her. Carmen Hightower was always aware that her boss's eyes were fixed upon her whenever he had the opportunity to steal a glance. Carmen crossed her right leg over her left. She smiled as she let heel of her shoe slid off her foot. Don's eyes were transfixed on the metallic gray, 5 inch heeled pump dangling from Carmen's toes. Don heard...

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ParenthoodChapter 4

Once we were inside my apartment, things turned a bit awkward. As I had never been in a situation like this before, I sort of waited for her to take over. But since she seemed quite reluctant to do that, I decided to make drinks for both of us. While we were sipping them, I finally decide to make a move. I started touching her and kissing her neck, cheeks, forehead, shoulders, hands - everything except her mouth in her upper body that wasn't covered by clothes. We finished our drinks and I...

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Wonder Woman Dr Psychos Mind Games

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. Wonder Woman - Dr. Psycho's Mind Games by Steve Zink This story was inspired by and done in tribute to a number of pictures done by...

4 years ago
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Episode 109 Merry Go Round

Ellie was flipping through the local classified ads: ”Paddy, look someone in Andover is selling a 4 horse merry go round. I'll give him a ring”.“He says it's in full working order and we can collect it this weekend. Look he's sent a video clip. Oh dear Paddy, I don't think you ought to see this. It must be his step-daughter riding it - and the wind has lifted her tiny pink skirt. Oh shit - you can actually see the black dildo mounted on the horse’s saddle”.Paddy grabbed the phone: “that’s...

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