Training of a Cum Slut Chapter 5
- 2 years ago
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Carol called at eleven saying she was heading back and would arrive in about half an hour.
“Would you like to stay, Lane?” Doug asked as he disconnected from his call.
“I think I’ll go, Doug, as wonderful as it would be.” She smiled at him, holding his hand in hers. “I do want to stay, but I think I’ll wait. I want to make love to you and sleep by your side, but it won’t be until the doctors say you are okay again,”
Doug wanted to protest, to say that he was fine, and he was capable, but he could tell that she was determined. He swallowed his words and just smiled at her.
“Please take a taxi. We’ve been drinking and I really would be heartbroken if you didn’t make it home safely.”
“So is that an invitation to breakfast?” she asked with a grin.
“Tomorrow and every tomorrow after that,” Doug said, meaning every word.
Lane looked surprised for a moment, then blushed a bit.
“I knew you were a dangerous man before I even met you, I could see it in your eyes in those photographs in your sister’s office. A girl could lose her head, and her heart, listening to silver-tongued devil like you.”
Doug looked thoughtful for a moment; an evil gleam in his eyes.
“You don’t really know if my tongue is silver or gold. Not yet,” he growled softly. “But I would like to show you.”
“Oh lord.” Lane said softly, staring into his eyes. “I am most definitely in trouble.”
Carol arrived only moments after Lane left, the feeling of her parting kiss still warm on his lips. Seeing the smile on his face, and that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, Carol raised an eyebrow and cocked her head, smiling at him.
“Nice evening, Doug?”
“Very, though that hickey on your neck tells me that yours was ... nice too.” He said, grinning up at her.
“What,” exclaimed Carol, looking half panicked and half annoyed. “She wouldn’t...” she growled, her hand flying to the side of her throat.
“No, I don’t imagine she would.” Doug deadpanned, then pretended to cower when Carol caught the joke.
“You shouldn’t tease the woman who is supposed to get between you and the bad guys, Doug.” She snarled, but her eyes were full of amusement.
They chatted for a few more minutes, and then Carol followed him into his room, lifting him into his bed when he was ready. He kept his boxers on this time, even though he habitually slept in the nude. He was having to get used to a lot of new things, most of them rather nice, so it seemed a small sacrifice to make.
Doug thought he would have a hard time getting to sleep that night, his mind full of the scent and taste of Lane, but he was asleep in minutes, a smile on his face.
Lane arrived at the penthouse as the clock struck eight, greeting him with a kiss that left no room for misunderstanding and amused Carol no end.
She waived gaily to Carol and headed into the kitchen, pulling eggs, bacon, scallions, and cheese from the refrigerator, bread from the cupboard and some fresh fruit from a bowl on the counter. Humming softly, she began making breakfast, much to Doug’s bemusement.
Carol just shrugged and took a seat at the counter, sipping her coffee and exchanging grins with Doug.
When the omelets were ready, she buttered a slice of toast for each of them, giving Carol two, poured more coffee all around, and placed the plates in front of them. The omelets were cooked to perfection and garnished with fresh orange and apple wedges.
“So, what are you two up to today?” She asked as she sat down beside Doug.
“I’m hoping my van is ready. I’ll call after breakfast. I was thinking about going to the range; it has been way too long, and I am, obviously, rusty.” He said with a thoughtful expression on his face. “You?”
“Slaving away at the salt mines while you go off and play.” She joked. “I have to file all the reports from the California trip, and see if Christine still needs me to go to Dallas, and if so, when.”
“Christ, you just got back!” Doug protested.
“It’s what I signed up for, and I like my job.” Lane shrugged, leaning left and bumping him with her shoulder. “It’s better if I keep busy right now anyway, temptation is a powerful thing.” She joked.
Doug snuck a glance at Carol and saw her trying not to snicker. He scowled at her and turned back to Lane again.
“How long is the Texas trip? Will I be able to see you again before you go?”
“Oh, I think I can put her off until Monday. You still owe me a night on the town if your van is ready,” she reminded him.
“I should have gotten the sleeper package” Doug grumbled under his breath, but he winked at Lane. She just grinned at him, bumping him again.
After breakfast, Doug called the custom shop and was told that his van would be ready by lunchtime, that they were putting a few last finishing touches in place. He spent the morning catching up on his email and his snail mail; things had piled up while he was in the hospital.
One item, an email from an unknown address, caught his eye just before he was about to consign it to spam hell. The name, [email protected], rang a bell.
He opened the email and the memory came back to him, hitting him like a freight train. Henry ‘Hank’ Osman was someone he’d gone through Ranger school with, suffering through the hell that was Ft Benning during the hottest months of the year. He was a lanky, red-headed farm boy with an accent so thick you could cut it with a knife and a sense of humor that snuck up on you. He hadn’t thought about him in years!
“Ramos, you snake fucker. I heard you caught hell near Kandahar, but that you survived. I always figured you were too ornery to get killed by some goat fucker.Do you remember a little ‘Rican named Ramon Sousa? Got recycled in Benning, but eventually made it through. We spent a little time together over in the sand box before he got picked up by one of the three-letter agencies and disappeared.
He turned up about a month ago, half dead and bleeding on my doorstep. He had quite a tale to tell, and I thought of the tales you spun at Benning. I checked around and heard that you went home again, dumb fucker. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that was a bad idea?
I’m going to be down there, heading for some fishing in the keys. Let me know where you are hanging your wooden legs these days, and I’ll buy you a beer.
Doug sat, lost in memory, trying to picture Sousa but all he could get was a vague recollection of a short, slim, and swarthy guy with an attitude three sizes too big. Hank, on the other hand, had been Doug’s battle buddy throughout Benning, and, despite the differences in their background, they had become friends. He’d kept in contact for a couple of years but, with deployments and rapidly shifting assignments; they had lost touch.
He thought it was interesting that he didn’t give him any particulars in the email, and that if he was coming down here, it was sure to be something more than drinking beer and swapping lies. He hit reply and sent his contact info, telling Hank that if he didn’t manage to get lost on the way, to call him when he was in town.
The hired van dropped Doug and Carol off at the custom shop, and Doug was eager to see his new ride in the flesh. When he rolled through the door, there on the showroom floor, pointed towards the big side doors was the van had ordered.
With its tall roof, a fully-grown man could walk upright down the center and never hit his head. The rear loading power ramp was strong enough to lift a fifteen-hundred pounds, which was a good thing since his chair weighed a third of that by itself.
The van was a smoke gray metallic color; the windows tinted, and the wheels had been powder-coated black as requested. The dual rear wheels didn’t have that pickup-truck, wide as a mother-in-law’s ass, bloated look, being tucked up under the body with a shorter axle, but it had the same meaty presence when viewed from the rear.
The inside smelled of new leather with just a hint of ozone; the new electronics smell that Doug loved almost as much as the scent of cordite. The salesman kept up a running patter as he rolled around the outside, then handed him a remote that would lock and unlock the doors, open the rear hatch and work the lift. It was chipped to enable the vehicle to start with the touch screen interface.
He rolled on the lift, raised it, and rolled inside, nodding at the clever mechanism that folded the left-hand side of the second-row seating out of the way, so he could slide his chair into position. Once past the seat, there were a set of rails with a wide, funnel-like opening that would guide the wheels of his chair to the right position at the front.
In place, where the steering wheel would be on an American van, the dash was taken up by the electronics suite. On the center console, positioned perfectly for his right hand, was the joystick control setup and an eight-inch touch screen. On the screen at the moment was a single control that said, simply, ‘Begin’. There was still a steering wheel, but the base model of this van was the European version so all the standard controls, still usable, were on Carol’s side of the vehicle.
Pressing the ‘Begin’ button woke up the control interface, and he read through the familiarization as Carol watched. He had to lock down his chair before the vehicle would start and a flashing yellow control appeared that prompted him to do just that. When he hit the on-screen button, he could feel the locking arms snug his chair in place, and the control interface switched to the startup sequence.
The small screen now held a start button, the transmission selector, an electric power gauge, and a row of icons. The icons represented various subsystems such as the A/C controls, sound system, phone control system, satellite navigation and even internet access, though the warning text showed that it was not available while the vehicle was in motion.
Directly in front of him was a second screen, this one about fourteen inches high by twenty-four inches wide, and it was displaying a split screen view of from the front bumper, the rear above the doors, but looking down and out, and finally two screens showing a wide view down both sides of the vehicle. Notes there said that these cameras were IR equipped and could be used in complete darkness to view the immediate area around the van.
He played with the controls for about twenty minutes, familiarizing himself with his new toys, then unlocked his chair and backed out again. He had some paperwork to do and a wire transfer authorization to sign before he could roll out of here, and he was eager to begin.
An hour later, an almost maddening wait for Doug, he was ready for a test drive. The salesman hopped into the second-row seats, allowing Carol the front, and he directed Doug out the side door of the building, across the street to a private lot that was set up with painted on curves, stops, parking spots and the like. It was the shop’s familiarization course.
It took Doug almost another hour before he felt at home with the new controls. With the help of the salesman, he got the controls adjusted so that the input felt correct and, more importantly, he felt more secure in the way they responded.
With a handshake, Doug dropped him back at the shop, and they were off!
The ride back to his place was a blast and Doug was grinning like a teen with his first set of wheels. He had been in his penthouse for so long, depending on hired vans whenever he actually left, that he felt like he was out of prison. He deliberately took the long way home, the radio blasting a classic-rock station and Carol just laughing at him as he (poorly) sang along.
A they got closer, he shut down the radio, so he could talk to Carol without shouting.
“I’ve got a biometric lock box I want to get installed; I just have to figure out the best place to put it. It is sized for two handguns, and I want it in a place that both driver and front-seat passenger can access it if needed. There still places you can’t carry, even with a license, and I want to be able to secure my sidearm. I also want to run it by JJ sometime this week and get the factory GPS locator disabled and a custom one put in, along with a kill switch. I like the idea of remote shutdown, but not if some dweeb in India controls it.
I also want to go shooting this week, but I need some gear first. I don’t have any easy way to transport several handguns, ammo and safety gear.”
Carol thought for a moment, then directed him to a gun store about fifteen miles past where he would have turned off for downtown. The store was an unassuming storefront in what looked like an old industrial building, but Carol assured him that he could probably find what I needed there.
Once parked and out of the van, Doug used his remote to stow the ramp and close the rear doors, smiling like a loon.
Inside, the store was immaculate, a far cry from the dilapidated exterior. It was well lit, well organized, and looked like a candy story for gun nuts. The walls were covered in racks holding long guns, and the entire perimeter of the store was lined with locked cases containing handguns, with a few tasers, tear gas pistols, and a nice knife display thrown in for flavor.
Behind the counter on the back wall, an older man dressed in bib overalls, a walrus mustache threatening to hide the entire bottom half of his face, watched with interest as Doug rolled down the aisles followed by Carol.
“Afternoon, Carol. Been a while,” his laconic voice drawled, nodding at Doug, but not addressing him. He had a soft, Texan twang that seemed out of place in the middle of Miami.
“Steve.” Carol greeted him. “This is Doug; he needs some gear. I told him you would have it, could find it, or even make it. Don’t make a liar out of me.”
“Yeah, and have Stella come after me? No thanks. If I can’t do it, I’ll find someone that will.” Turning to Doug, he asked, “What are you looking for?”
“As you can see, I’m not as mobile as I once was, and Carol probably won’t be around to carry things for me forever. I need a way to transport up to a dozen handguns, ammo, eyes, ears and assorted gear from my home to the range and back. A lockable rolling case, panniers, something like that, I guess.”
He looked thoughtful for a moment, coming out from behind the counter and giving the chair a careful look from all sides.
“I could fit some hard-side saddlebags on that chair, like the kind on the big Harley Davidson’s, but it would make that chair of yours quite a bit wider.” He said, thinking out loud. “How is the seat mounted, will it take some weight hanging off of it?”
Doug thought for a moment, the used the controls to lift it, swiveling his seat around in a slow three-sixty so that Steve could see how it was built.
Steve bent down, looking at the chassis in the rear, above where the battery compartment sat.
“There is a good steel frame here. I bet I could rig a trail box, like you see on ATVs. It would be detachable. How do you get from home to the range?”
“The van outside, it’s a custom job.”
Steve followed them outside and watched as Doug opened the rear doors and deployed the ramp. Climbing up inside, he looked back at Doug again, obviously gauging the width of the chair and squatted, looking at the available space behind the rear seat. He shook his head and climbed down again.
“Without that rear seat we could probably come up with a way to slide that rear pack I was talking about, slide it off to the side for storage, but it would be mighty cumbersome. Probably be better, and easier, just to leave it on while you were out and about at the range, and just detach it at home when you are through. Looks like plenty of clearance behind you when you roll into the spot up front, so no worries there.”
Back inside the shop, Steve took measurements, a few photos and then sketched a quick design that would attach to his chair. Doug agreed to email him the manufacturer’s specs, so he could check the weight limits, chassis strength, and a few other items. He also mentioned that he could make a stand that would allow Doug to back the chair up and offload the case without help.
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Enough time has passed after my divorce, (12 years now) that now allows me to tell this story, where it wouldn’t matter any longer to those who might think it was a story about them. Some names have been changed, but most “is”, as it occurred, barring memory loss from time lapses. So, enough disclaimer, on with the story. Scratching my chin, looking up in the air sideways, eyes half closed, as one does when they are trying to remember. Seems to me it happened this way, and in this...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between...
The image of her face is still strong in my mind's eye. How can one forget such gorgeousness! It's been almost ten days since she jetted off to Singapore for work. Not unusual in her line of work and she can be gone for up to four weeks at a time, so she tells me. We met a few days before that in this newly opened noodle bar. I was checking her out. She was checking me out. She instantly laughed the moment she realised I was going to make a move on her. "Hi." I grinned "Hi." Her eyes locked...
MasturbationMatt was taken aback by Vince's offer, it was almost like a dream to him. There was no warning, no way to alert him that he was going to be promoted, no indication that his hard work was paying off. Vince was Vince and his word was law, Matt Simpson had been promoted from the Next Evolution Wrestling roster to Global Championship Wrestling main roster. He thanked Vince and walked off, needing time to comprehend how his life had just changed with the stroke of a pen from Vince. He got...
The cold had seeped all the way to our bones, it seemed. We stepped into the steam room naked, as Europeans do. It was empty, and we laid our towels side by side on a wooden bench. Donna is almost my height, blonde, with breasts like firm cantaloupes, a flat stomach from daily workouts, and a carefully cropped pussy. She sat on the bench next to me, and we both inhaled the mentholated steam and welcomed the penetrating heat. After a few minutes, the door opened and a young woman with...
Thanks for the reading my first story and liking it …. .Hope ki yeh part v apko pasand ayega…Toh …. Readers ap logo ne toh mera pehla story padha hoga aur agr nhi padhe ho den padh lo qq ki yeh story usse related h “Threesome with gf and her stepmom”.Toh story ki baat bolta hun …. .Usme toh ap logo ne padha hoge ki kaise maine apne gf k sath sex karna start hi kiya tha ki uske mom aa gye. Chalo ab aur apo bor nah karte hue story batata hun…Phr boli ki chal mc khada ho ja aur mjhe apne kandhe me...
I remember the first time seeing my Uncle, after at least 10 years, he stood at 6ft 3 and weighed about 11 stone, he was well built for a 43 year old middle-aged man. I remember looking over the crowds in LAX airport, waiting to spot him, and then, I did, it was like nothing I had felt before, the fact that he was my Uncle was totally oblivious to me as I fancied him straight away. Big mistake. As we greeted eachother after all these years he reached out for a hug, what he didn't know was...
May 27, 1975 There was a bit of a chill in the air that morning. The four young people were all wearing jackets to keep warm. The mayor was going along organizing the participants in the parade. They had the fire department with their fire truck, the EMT squad with their new ambulance, and the police department riding front and back. Sandwiched in there were the scouts, cub and boy scouts and brownie and girl scouts. The high school band was there despite the fact that school had ended the...
Day 1How was I trapped into this? A couple weeks ago, I substitute for a week for the band teacher, and now I find myself chaperoning a trip half way across the country. The high school band had been invited to play for the Independence Day celebration in New York City, but at the last minute the parental sponsor that was supposed to help, bailed out on the teacher. Mrs. Stevens said that I had seemed to connect well with the teens, and needed a male chaperone, so asked if I wanted an all...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...
I decided a few moments alone with her thoughts would be helpful to Dominique. Stopping in the doorway and buckling my belt, I gazed back at her while she swung back and forth in her own world. Now, THAT is a beautiful sight. There was more for Dominique to learn, and much more she would discover, but for now she could relax. A smile played across my lips as I took one last look at her, then went to take a shower. It's strange how sometimes I have to remember to take a breath. As if not taking...
BDSMPart Three:As I held Dave’s cock at the base, I was mesmerised by the forceful amount of spunk he had just produced. My hand was saturated, as was his stomach and thighs. I’d quite a lot of exploding cocks tonight, but my lovely Dave outranked them all. I wouldn't have thought it possible that one man could produce so much, let alone spurt so forcefully and continuously. My regaling of the evenings events had worked sexual wonders on Dave. Without any doubt whatsoever our lives would never be...
Welcome to the latest instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings. To date: John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge. He now needs frequent sex to survive, and long term friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana, his old girl friend Glenda, co-workers...
The next morning I awoke first, eased myself out of bed, dressed and let Lisa sleep in. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Karen was already there, sipping on a fresh cup. I thanked her and took one of my own then joined her at the table. "You guys really went at it last night. It took me a while to calm myself down so I could fall asleep, if you know what I mean." "Sorry about that, I guess it was the adrenaline from the fight." 'Don't be, you're the best...
Chapter 12 – So little timeThe next few days just disappeared as if they didn't exist. No matter what we did time flew bye. We even tried to recreate some of the things we had already done. Even a visit to the Secret Cove. But when we got to the place where we left the car last time there was already a car there. I went down to check the shelf and there was a rock on it. It was as if something was telling us our time was up. Neither of us wanted our time here to end. If we could just stay, but...
Our closest friends are Ethan and Lola. I met Ethan in college, we both entered the engineering program at the same time and just hit it off and have been friends ever since. When he met Lola, I was already dating Nicole, now my wife, and it seemed that not only were Ethan and I good friends, the four of us also bonded. We live in the same area, Ethan and I even work for the same company, though in different departments, even different divisions. So, he and I see each other fairly often and...
TKKG (Tim, Karl, Klößchen und Gaby),sitzen kuchenessend in der Sonne in Gaby's Garten. Es ist Gaby's 18ter Geburtstag und sie ist die letzte der Gruppe die 18 wird. Obwohl die Stimmung für aussenstehende normal wirken musste war sie am brodeln. Tim und Gaby die seit mehr als 4 Jahren ein Paar waren hatten gestern einen rießigen Streit. Tim wollte endlich mehr von Gaby bekommen als nur ein Bussi auf die Backe aber sie hat ihm klargemacht, dass das nicht passieren wird bis sie zumindest verlobt...
Alex and Luminia were busy going over the schematics and design of the bridge they wanted built. They had finally decided about the structure and aesthetics of the bridge when a holocall pinged them. Curious on what it was about, Alex ambled over and answered it. “Commodore Tomisic, did I catch you at a bad time?” Korsa asked over the line. “Not at all Doctor. Was just going over some details of the bridge for the crevasse with Luminia. What is it?” he asked, concerned. “The results from...
Tim’s favourite show had just finished and Alba started kissing him gently on the neck. She ran her fingers through his hair whilst her other hand held his soft face on her lips. Her other hand running down his chest and down to his jeans, enjoying every inch of his body. Tim started to become aroused and his cock started to become hard throbbing within his jeans, desperately trying to escape. Alba’s tongue found its way back to his neck, slowly sliding up to his ear. Turned on, Tim began to...
WHISPERING DEATH by Emma Finn 1 Alexandru rode desperately fast; dangerously so; along the narrow road, flogging his horse, pitched forward in the saddle. The Carpathians were lashed with rain and that high up, the thin track was exposed enough for the downpour to be beating against him, making the hoof-falls of his horse unsure on the slick and rocky ground. It was almost fully dark and pitifully difficult to see but he couldn't risk stopping. If the horse fell exhausted then so...
Life went happily on. In time Allie began to be given more homework. Leah made her do it every weekday between five and six o’clock. She had little trouble with it and by the time her eighth birthday came round she was reading fluently, even the long words. Fortunately ‘onomatopoeia’ did not crop up very often. She undertook her piano-playing enthusiastically. Leah normally did this with her following a little guidance from Nessa. When Toby was due to baby-sit he would come round at six...
Chapter 5: Taking it all inExhausted, but satisfied, they lay in bed for a while until they were fully recovered and ready to face the rest of the day."OK, another quick shower I'm afraid, then let's get something to eat, I'm starving," said Lynn, sliding her legs out from under the duvet and onto the floor.Chris wasn't quite so ready, but eventually managed to unlace himself from the corset and get to the bathroom just as Lynn was finishing. He gave himself another quick rub over with the...
CrossdressingAfter leaving Paul, she walked out to the car with a bounce in her step, even though her ass was on fire. Without thinking, Brandy flopped down on the car seat and squealed as pain rushed through her body. She could not wait to get home and call her best friend Marti, who had given her the contact.At home, Brandy ran a warm bath and climbed in. Once settled, she picked up her cell phone and punched in Marti’s number.Marti answered on the second ring and Brandy said, “Girlfriend, you were so...
SpankingThis is not my story, but I thought it was too good not to share!Theresa and I had been dating for a few weeks when things started to get weird. In hindsight, I should have known that something was off with her. I had never dated a girl as insanely attractive as she was. She was completely out of my league, so I should have guessed something was up. At the time, I just didn’t care though. She had an insane body: double-D tits, flat stomach, and curves for days. She had beautiful bright green...
The next day, Joey and Brad had a basketball game, and my dad surprised us when he came with the twins to watch it. During the game, it was easy for me to get caught up in the struggle between the two teams, especially when the twins were into it as well. My dad and Suzi were used to feeling the twins’ excitement at games, but with the three of us together, we usually had to sit apart to prevent our combined empathic abilities from causing everyone else around us to go nuts when something...