MAU: Saiyan Beginning free porn video

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MAU- sa?yens beginning the universe is very full of interesting story and it include that to the contrary of human belief, there is a lot of other species evolving differently from the other, some primitive of great strength and other with the power on the brain. Our story begins decades ago, when an Fwirthian commercial ship was under the attack of M'platmiri. Separate race both coming from the same source while Fwirthian has developed to build incredible things and technologies, the M'platmiri has evolved into a destructive force, terrorising the nearby planet and the weaklings they encounter. As the Fwirthian ship tried to avoid them, they followed suit and continued firing at them, at the maximum intensity of their attack one of the cargo plate exploded, letting escape precious material. Since the Fwirthian were no fighter, they did an evasive action and got online their high generator and made a space jump while they could. The incredible gravity generated had pulled with them the merchandise. But since it wasn't a part of the ship after a couple of light years, it stopped in an isolated system with only one little habitable planet. That system has been judged too small, to generate a great civilisation and it was left alone, the merchandise started wandering into the system, most of it crashed on the giant gas planet, then was the asteroid belt a couple more on the red planet and it's moon, yes a couple units of the cargo stopped near Earth and started an orbital trajectory, the remaining ones finished their journey into the sun, but what we want to know it's about those around Earth don't you agree? Once in a while a unit fall on Earth, that they are discovered or not. Now is the year 2004 and a unit is just about to fall out from space Matt is an example of what is called by other nerd, while his look is casually done, his glass are not that thick, he doesn't fall everywhere and he's not full of pimp, he is still a wimp in his classmate eyes. He's not strong in sport well to be true he's not strong at all, almost always Ace his test and of course as the gift of being picked on by the bullies. His worst nemesis, if you can call him that was Jack the leader of the school Sports team and of the bullies it seemed, to add to that jack was popular with the beautiful girls while matt only got a partial attention when he agreed to help them on homework and study which wasn't as often as he would have liked it. No to date life hasn't been very nice with him. "(why is it always me what did I did to them)" as often that day he had been beaten up a bit by jack and his crew "Hi matt how you doing pal" a voice cut his reflection "oh hi dan" he responded Dan was about the only true friend matt had. Knowing him since childhood those two had often made efficient plans to escape torture. But they stopped really trying hard, because when they successfully avoided the bullies for a couple of days. They were good for a trip to the hospital in the following capture. Today dan hasn't been beaten off because at the end of class the principal asked to see him, now he easily found matt because has always he had been thrown in the dumpster, with trash all over himself matt got out and then let out some of his rage. "ARGG I hate them, ahh... if only I could to that to them" Dan was surprised matt never was the screaming type, even when beat up when asked he would respond that he didn't want to give them the pleasure "yahh that would be like totally awesome" dan was daydreaming "I need to stress out a bit you want to go to the arcade" "eh matt you sure about that they could be there you know" "where then? I really need to stress out" you could still see the anger on matt face "well we could go to my place I've got a new shooting game" dan proposed "good I'll just call my mom" Driiiinggg...Driiiinggg... yes hello "hi mom I was calling to say I'll be at dan place so don't make dinner for me" alright are you sure? I was going to do your favourite! "keep me a bit please!!!" of course "bye" oh before I forgot tonight I'll be gone, you got your keys? "yes I do so... good night then" you too bye and so they were on their way "arrg matt it's already 50 times you kill me what's got into you" "I told you I needed it!" "I guess.. be ready my vengeance is going to be terrible" (after another round of 100 kill for matt) "well dan it's not like beating you is boring but I got to go study" "alright see you tomorrow then" "you bet" and with that he was out The night was fresh, it was in spring early in it with leaves just starting to appear. The wind felt just refreshing enough without being cold, you could easily see star in that sky without clouds. There were many and matt stopped there in a nearby park just to watch. Then as he was trying to remember the name of a constellation, he saw a star with a good sparkle and it started moving at high speed. Matt was about to make a wish when he realised that the shooting star was falling his way. He ducked under a bench thinking how unfair his life as been, that he didn't wanted to die right now and he felt it pass just a couple meters from him, taking a bit of the bench at the same time, matt felt pushed by a great power and was blown in nearby bushes, since there were no other sound except for howling of dogs, he assumed it was over and looked to see the damage, nearly getting hit by a meteorite doesn't happen often and he was surprised by all the sound it made when he saw just how few damage there was. Of course as an avid science-fiction fan he was used to commercial over dosed way of seeing thing. Slowly but surely not sure he wanted to risk it, he got to the crater. It was small in diameter but the power of impact had dig quite profound. He started to go down and while he was careful in every step, the smoke hided a tree root and he just fell down the rest of the way. When he started to get up he touched two different things one was soft and a bit hot, at first he thought he touched an alien but then it didn't move, on his other hand was a hard surface cool to the touch. When he looked down, beneath the first hand was ground and in the other, he simply couldn't believe it, there half buried in the ground was the meteorite, it looked a lot like a metal box just a bit big for a TV remote, his head had a lot of question how could it's surface look undamaged and where did it come from, he hurriedly stepped out and continued on his way home, it was his! Matt house "(well it's quite light)" shaking it several times there was no sound indicating that there was something inside. It felt way too light too be metal in his head and he still couldn't figure out. how it possibly could have conserved its integrity, while having fell through Earth atmosphere. "pff I'm too hungry to think straight" putting the box on his desk, he got to the kitchen took the precious meal and headed for the restroom, watching TV for hours he succeeded in forgetting about the accident but after one of his favourite super heroes show started. It came back to him at an hundred fold, the episode was about an invading alien race using machine hidden in meteorite to take over the world. Suddenly very aware that he might have took an alien to his house he hesitantly climbed the stair, seeing that it hasn't moved he felt a lot better, he could still hear the scream of unsuspecting victim from the TV he slowly took it again smooth to the touch. It still felt cool like its temperature couldn't be altered, it was light and suddenly hitting like a sledge hammer. He saw the little scribble, touching it by accident the thing started to hum and then it vibrated. Quite shocked and afraid, he threw it as hard as he could against the wall, Kind of hoping to stun it, but the machine could take a lot more and continued it's work, while falling matt could see that it was changing, growing in way he only saw in comics. Reminding him of something unfolding itself, but a lot faster in mere second it had stopped. IT was now standing in the corner of the room, as big as a telephone booth to compare it, not making a sound anymore matt got near. Touching it the surface was still smooth and cool, making a complete circle around it three walls were smooth and the fourth had three strange features. A black screen, a purple crystal that was a bit prominent reminding him off a doorknob and then there was another crystal, in the form of a paw print that got only three fingers. Matt knowing nothing about those two crystals, started with the screen but nothing happened. Having as idea that it may be some kind of alien jail, he didn't touch the purple crystal. Too afraid that it would open on a monster, he put his hand on the paw and was rewarded by two things, first was a something between buzzing and electrical sensation in his hand, the other was the appearance of text on the screen unknown to him the MAU had taken human DNA to its already gigantic database. Surprised by what he felt he took off his hand and the user disclaimer stopped. (Yes even with high technology these things are still there) Since nothing happened for a couple minute, he put back his hand and the alien symbol continued to tell him the general message then as the disclaimer ended. The unit asked if all was understand by blinking the screen and matt not knowing how to operate it did the old double click of agreement. He was still thinking of an attack and so an image started to form, a menacing alien it was almost clear but as soon as matt thought of new feature, it changed aspect. After a little time matt understood, when he thought something the aliens changed. To test it he thought about a TV show character, soon one of his heroes started to appear matt was almost cursing himself for panicking. It seemed that the paw was an interface and since it served to describe a being, something like a keyboard would take hours, but with a mind reader it was easy to do it. He was quite curious about the other crystal, he didn't really know, how for that species a mind reading unit is big. So he thought it might be some kind of printer and started on his best female character from his favourite show. Just as he was about to touch the purple crystal he thought. It's meant for many species, maybe it's not a press but a making machine and if it is with her character she might kill me. So he revised his judgement and started to make his dream girl. A female frame appeared on screen. Red flowing mane, green eyes with sparkle, a cute nose, full rosy lips, no body hair except on the head, long legs with smooth skin, no muscle mass on the arms, ass and hips with just the right curve and an ample bosom. He then added the right tan and a couple freckles. Seeing her made him really hard and he couldn't wait anymore. He touched the crystal and with no sound a door just appeared. He looked inside and saw almost nothing, just a replica of the doorknob and a light on the ceiling. Matt now responding more with instinct then his mind, thought aloud. So it's inside or not at all, huh no problem. He was now inside and touched the crystal. The door closed as it had appeared, freaking him out a bit. The humming returned and there were a strange red glow on the ceiling. He was afraid but soon the door opened and he took that as cue to leave. Almost running out, he stumbled lost his balance and fell on his bed. With the uncomfortable feeling of weight on his chest and the feel of cool air on his hairless skin, he get back up rapidly and realise what his going on. Refusing the obvious, he tried to run to the bathroom, almost falling twice before succeeding. Now in front of him, the girl he imagined a perfect replica of his thought. The hard on he had, having being transferred. After a couple of seconds, he felt his juice dripping slowly on the length of his legs. He rapidly got in the shower and started the water. But took the time to explore his new body, after a while he started caressing the breast and got more lube dripping on his legs. He realised this and suddenly felt very embarrassed he quickly finished to wash and rinse. As he's drying out patting slowly the sensitive skin and he's about to go change, he heard the door start to open. He made it just in time to press the paw, think of himself the image appeared. He quickly pressed the two crystals and stepped out of the unit just as his mother called, she was looking at him with an angry look. "where did you get that?" anger was audible in her voice "what are you talking about mom?" "don't act as if you don't know, I'm talking of that telephone booth" with the same tone "I found it and... it's not a telephone..." she was examining it, then she touched the paw and she felt a little buzz. "oww!" "are you alright?" "tell me what it is now! Young man you are in so much trouble!" "well..." "go on tell me" "action spoke better then word" he said smiling He got to the unit touching the paw he thought and brought forth an image of his mother, not nude this time. Since she had been a very young mother, she was still quite pretty and so as he called forth her image he surprised her. "when did you..." Not waiting for the rest of her sentence he touched the doorknob and after a few seconds of humming, she saw the impossible getting out was her twin! "what a trick... I never thought you liked magic to that point" "it's not a trick mom I really become your double, and if you don't believe me you can always try it yourself, after I change back. You'll see it's not painful at all" with that he changed back into himself. "I got to touch that yes?" she asked a bit unsure "hum um" At first appeared the image of her son, but then it gradually became someone else. More and more of muscle, it was a lot of it without being too much. She entered and then got out as that muscle mass she created. Matt hadn't really checked on what she did and was surprised to see her get out muscled like an Olympic athlete. She was surprised how strong she felt and lifted matt quite easily. They started doing a competition of change, to see who had the widest imagination. Quite a lot of superstar appeared, they did a few commercial act and laughed heartedly. After a few hours the sun started to show, their mutual tiredness started showing and matt realized what time it was. ", would you please call school?" "you don't want to go today" "yeah I've got things to think about and... my bully problem. I just don't..." "don't say more. I'll do it but tomorrow huh! I'm clear?" "yes! Thanks mom!" Matt got in his bed, and slept a few hours. When he woke up, he started to look intently at the unit to try seeing through the mystery. It has changed him first into a woman perfectly made from his mind, then even more perfectly as his mom. He finally concluded that near electrical buzz, he felt when touching the paw was a scan. Since they had both been scan, when changing in each other it would be more accurate. The strength his mom developed, when she changed herself in that muscle mass wasn't false. What were the limits of the unit, it was too much of a temptation to resist. He got up touched the paw and started on his test. He did a lot different from weight to height, it seemed there were no limits. So he thought about power, how much of it can it gave. He decided on his favourite fiction species the sa?yen. Even if they do look much human, their power is astronomical. He started with his body, putting on the feature such as spiky black hair that doesn't grow but regenerate if cut, their eyes color of space without forgetting their furry monkey tails and their huge appetite. After the image was to his taste, he closed is eyes and thought about the fact that average human has a power level of 5 and his was to be one thousand. Which meant his strength was 200 times more then humans. That strength allow faster movement, also it is quickening his reflex. Relation between muscle & brain is a lot faster so his eye can keep up with the speed. His resistance is upgraded, the result is for example punching through metal like butter, without any scratch. Also the resistance show in all domains including temperature. By controlling their bioenergy field, they can fly. They can also create a visible aura. The aura can heat up the temperature around them, protecting them from the cold and also repulsing attack. The bioenergy in his cell is also 200 times more, by controlling it they can create different form of pure energy blast. By working out and by healing they can upgrade their power level. If they reach a state of pure rage their body can evolve to super sa?yen that boost your power level by 50 times. There matt take the time to think about the detail, such as the hair turning golden, the eyes turning green, a slight bulge of the muscle and a glowing gold aura. There is other level such as super sa?yen 2 but you have to work a lot to attain it. The tail as a natural defence system if tug too hard it detach and grow back about 2 month later, it is like an extra arm. Just as he repeated those thought, he let go of the paw. Not wanting to influence anything else, he stepped back looking at his handy work and smiled. It was perfect so he touched the crystal and entered. Once inside he activated it and it started its magic on him, but it was different then earlier. The humming was a lot stronger, the whole thing seemed to shake but matt didn't saw a thing move. After as much as a minute the door opened. As soon as he got out, it was like a world difference. He never felt so good in all of his life, it seemed energy coursed through him and it was true. After a bit of focusing he could sense the energy in the house, in the electric wire and also of his mother. All nothing compared, to what he could feel in him. He concentrated a bit and in a few second a ball of pure energy appeared in his right hand. He smashed it with is left hand, didn't want to risk the house after all. Then he focused his energy and started propelling himself in the air, he opened the window and left the house at high speed. He was really fast with his power level and let out a very satisfied YES! When he got near the city, he got down and watched for awhile for some opportunity to be a hero. When a group of men attacked an old man, he jumped into action. Getting near the park, he yelled at them. "DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO" "what on earth are you doing?" one of the men asked "I just must stop you" said matt while smiling "hear that he want be a hero" The band got in front of him. While the chief was striking the first blow, almost instantly matt was in face of him blocking his fist. When he looked around to see what happened, two were knocked down unconscious. Before the chief could react he felt a searing pain in is chest, he was searching for is breath and the two other punk were falling. No man is that fast, how could he not see anything coming. Matt got down a bit and said. "I told you I would stop you so listen, being the victim is no fun even when you can defend your self now see what it's like when you can't" Matt got back up and as he did the chief felled unconscious. He turned toward the old man, who managed to say thank you before going away. Even if he saved him, that strange youth had beat five men at a blinding speed and he was afraid. Matt wanted to dance, he was so happy he beat them so easily. It was the end of his torment years. He looked at his watch, it would soon be noon and he was starving. He thought of going back home, but then again with his earthshaking stomach he made is way to a fast food. Commanded six burger and fries and two big soda. After 10 minute, he got his command and took a table near a window to watch outside. He steadily eat, peoples were surprised to see him eat all of it. Even if he made himself very strong, he didn't really changed his skinny frame. Matt was about to leave, when they announced an arm wrestling contest with a prize in money of two hundred dollar. So he entered it, there were bet from people and of course knowingly he wanted to bet for himself. But he had to be major, no one wanted to bet for him, which mean in the end he only had the two hundred. But seeing them all try to beat him and not even managing to make him move, was almost making him laugh during the fight. It was near 1'o clock and he hurriedly got back home, his mom was waiting for him "Since when do you go out by your window?" "sorry mom it wasn't to be bad you see..." and he started floating "how did you?...the machine did..." she said standing bewildered "yes it can give rather interesting power" "alright... lunch on table since half an hour" "hey I think I have something to interest you" "what is it?" getting the two hundred out he smiled "where did you get them?!" "don't worry mom I win them" "ok I guess... I have to go now don't wait for me tonight. I'll be gone till late in the morning, if you want to invite a friend you can, be careful huh?" "right mom have a nice evening" And as soon as she was out, he got in the kitchen and he started doing the dishes. He was thinking he started to have a revenge plan, but wanted to talk about it to dan. School wouldn't be over before two hour's or so, he had time. He took his glass shattering it in piece, only remembering than that he had to be careful, or else there would be no more home by the end of the day. It was nonetheless fantastic, he got to the couch and while watching TV, he did about a thousand push-ups. He was not yet tired to his surprised but he was bored of it anyway. Looking at his watch he still had half an hour and he decided to just play with his energy making ball dance in the air. Finally school time was over, to let dan the time to get home matt took a shower. The tail was great to wash his back, but the hair was a bit more of trouble. After it was over he just flared his aura and he was dry. Being sa?yen was so much better than human and there were persons who would regret it. dring...dring...dr. hello "hi can you pass me dan please" no prop... DAN IT'S FOR YOU......hi this is dan "hi buddy how are you?" oh hi matt were you sick? "if you call that being sick.. can you come?" well yes. I'll be there in a couple minutes "perfect see you" yup. A couple minutes later as dan entered the house "oh boy matt, why the black spike want to be Goth?" "ah ha very funny don't you recognize the look" "well yeah but why would you" "because of this" and as he was saying that matt made is tail move "whoah how did you..." "It's real and incredible. I'll show you, come upstairs" "so that is the thing?" "yup" "what is it?" "hum I think it's something alien it felled on me from outer space" "so it made you sa?yen like this?" "no look" matt then put is hand on the paw and on the screen his image appeared "can I try it?" "of course you can be what you want to be" "really..." Dan got to the paw and touched it feeling the strange buzz. He was surprised, but he was determined to try it. In a few second the image of Tammie Spring. One of the best looking girl of the whole school, formed in front of them. Dan had a thing for her, ever since he laid eyes on her. "dan you sure about it you really want to be her?" "come on I don't believe you at all what do I risk?" "well go ahead then push the purple crystal" Dan touched the doorknob and was a bit surprised, to see part of the side of the thing disappear to make an entrance the size of a door. But braving his fear he got inside and did the same with the inside doorknob. He panicked a bit when it closed and he felt like trapped. There was a little humming and after a couple of second he could get out. Not sure of himself at first, everything was bigger in matt room and he couldn't explain it. He felt a strange tugging on his chest and looked down. "what the?...matt what did you do?..." "nothing you're the one who wanted that" "but it can't be... no way" "well believe me it's real" "but..." her lower lip was quivering and there were tears forming in her eyes "hey dan don't worry it's not permanent" "really..!" Matt got to the paw and called back the image of dan "see your not stuck" "I was so afraid..." "want to be sa?yen?" "of course matt!" "make yourself I'll add the detail" Dan got to the paw and started with his body, adding the tail a bit of muscle and change his eyes to black. Then finally short spiky hair, that would look just enough normal to be human. After that matt got the finishing touch, by adding as he did for himself the detail that make sa?yens very different from human. "hey dan what you want for starting power level" "make me at least a five thousand power unit" "I don't think it would be wise to surcharge the machine with power" "well then hum.. what about a thousand five hundred" "sound ok to me there you go" Dan again touched the doorknob and stepped inside. The machine started and as for matt the unit started making strange sound, shaking a lot. Now matt could see it move and after an eternity of 1 minutes. It stopped and stepping out was a very good looking dan, feeling a lot better. "wow I never felt this good" "heh heh that was my reaction" "can we go out a bit" "of course" As soon as matt got the door locked they started flying, making themselves a race in the air. Passing aircraft couldn't make sense of what their radar was saying, until they saw them. If they were spotted the pilot couldn't believe their eyes. Their look of awe was a delight to dan and matt. Getting near fields and farm, they got down and started a battle at high speed, with ball after ball of energy, finishing with a traditional beam against beam. There was a loud bang when matt lost against dan blast and let it finish its way to the ground. Putting out the fire they fled back toward the city. "dan that was awesome" "yeah but you had good move too" "five hundred unit is too much difference at that level to win" "you made yourself a one thousand?" "yeah thought it would be easier with the machine if it was a straight number" "right I guess, I'm starving, you?" "yup" Stopping at the nearest restaurant, they commanded each for at least six or seven person. Finding a table wasn't hard making their command stand on it was the tough part. As they ate it at quite a speed, some people stopped eating to watch them, it was quite a sight. After that they got on the road and started talking while going home. "hey matt with that strength you can whip jack's butt no problem!" "yeah but I want a revenge not just beat him" "you're serious?" "of course after all those years" "well we could use the thing you found" "yeah I thought of that but not sure what punishment would be best" "what is the lowest for his kind matt?" "geeks nerd I guess" "yes and..." "what?" "girls, the alpha males treat them as object too" "you're right I guess, I've thought of that too" "make him a emotional wrecked girl" "so we got a plan we beat him and change him" "matt I think you could do worst" "how?" "well you'll agree with me that being beat up by a tough guy won't be so bad for him" "what are you suggesting.." "beat him as a female sa?yen then change him" "but..!" "Are you too chicken's" "no that's not the point" "Chicken!!" dan was flapping his arm "No way!" "aw come on as a sa?yen what could go wrong?" "you do it!" matt said pointing at dan "I could but it's your revenge not mine" "okay but I'll need your help" "of course" "I'll do it, but tomorrow I'll need you to play both my mom and also the one of my new form. As matt is going to miss school for a few days she's going to need an excuse for being there" "guess your right.. ready?" "as much as I can be" At the moment they've got home, they started Lilas form on the alien unit. First matt started by getting back his normal self image. But then thought it be easier with his actual form, then change it to female. Softening all of it he also thought of shortening his height from 5"8 to 5"6. Looking in his mom magazine matt and dan made for quite a stylish hair cut, still as spiky as sa?yen hair must be while looking beautiful and human enough. As a warrior species, female sa?yen doesn't have big breast. With that in mind and after getting through a couple few internet sites, they made small perky firm breast. Playing a bit with her butt and hips to get the right curve and giving the right form to the legs, soon they were left with only the face to do. Slowly but surely trying different things they did it. The whole look was breath taking, she seemed determined, sportive, playful and yet innocent in a cute way. Those black pools of eyes were making her seem mysterious. Mystify by their creation both boy's had bulge in their pants she was awesome! "well done matt" "I'll be really something as her don't you agree?" "give me the hots" "perfect for our little trap isn't it" "yes I better be going or my folk are going to freak" "ok then, don't forget to be here tomorrow morning" "wouldn't want to miss it" "see you" Matt had wait for dan to be out of sight and started jacking off. They really did a great job she was stunning and soon she'll be living flesh. As he finished cleaning up, he got up and looked at her on the display. She was naked and calling power, but he'll need to have clothes for the next day. Taking a moment to recall all of what is making a sa?yen, he stepped in and this time it only took seconds for the unit to do its job. He was hesitating to step in that new world. Like when he changed in a girl before, things were looking a bit bigger. But as it did when changing in a sa?yen for the first time he felt incredibly good and refresh. Feeling for a second the house electric wire and his own energy, he made himself float to the bathroom mirror. In front of him stood a dream come true, almost enough to turn him on. He got to his mom room and got into some of her clothes, he also chose some low cut jeans putting his tail on like a belt. Then he made his way to watch TV, this would be fun and thinking of jack reaction made him smile. meanwhile in a cheap room of a local motel "so this is the town were it was last sighted" "yes this is were it fell" "and now?" "we got to wait for a signal of strange activity" "there is the list you wanted A" "thanks now let" "what?" "there's no missing people" "well surely someone found it with those report" "yeah I know that H" Back at matt's house "hi matt I saw light" "well don't turn it on" "whose there!" "'s me mom" "you changed yourself again?" "yes you get it" "why?" "that's a very personal question" "well if you don't want to tell...I guess...I'll let you alone" "mom how can you have those kind of thought?" "hey not my fault you changed yourself into a girl" "guess it is strange but don't worry about me" "you're going to school tomorrow" "yes mom" "okay I'll be gone soon so we'll probably won't see each other" "alright see you and good night" "good night" End of day 1. Day2. Matt had set his alarm an hour earlier to be sure. But has it started going off, matt just turned and crushed it. Just realising that made him wake up straight. He felt numb, not just like when you can't find a comfortable position to sleep. More like when you can't sleep at all. He was going to the bathroom stretching on his way, he couldn't help but feel strange. As he was trying to remember what the dream he did that night was, he got his pyjamas pants down. And as he thought he grabbed his cock he let go, only to feel it go down his legs and hand. Looking down he was shocked and then all come back to him. He had used that alien thing to change himself into a sa?yen girl. All for his revenge plan, how in the world could he have forgotten? Sitting on the toilet he tried one more time After what he got in the shower, he wouldn't want to smell like piss. As he started the shower, he probed energy to know if his mother was still there and felt her downstairs. He was wondering when dan would show up, the raining shower was great on his smooth skin. Looking down he could see the state of the art of a body he and dan had made. He had washed and while he was rinsing, had started playing with his breast. They felt good, not even realising it he was heating himself and soon he was at the bottom of the shower. Sitting and playing with himself, he was however brought back to reality when his mom called him down. Taking a towel and wrapping it around himself he urgently got down. "what is it mo..." he was cut in his track when he saw dan in the hall "well your friend his here..." cut in her track not knowing if dan knew "hi matt..." he didn't know if his mom knew but he had something else in mind "hey dan so you ready?" "yes" "well matt I'll be going. Don't be too naughty you two!" "mom!! that's not what you think" "just explain it to me later will you" "yes... have a good day" "don't miss school or you'll regret it" "yes!" doing an exaggerate army salute "goodbye" and with that she was off "hey matt so you did it" "well you can see don't play dumb" a bit of fake irritation in his voice "I've been thinking about our need..." dan said "and so..." "what do you think of an hypnotic voice" "only one way to find out" Getting back upstairs dan had is sight on matt butt, thinking how great they had made it. And also wondering how matt felt in that body and what were the limits of that thing. "hey dan let me go first" "whatever" Matt got to the paw called herself then made fashion clothing the easy way "whoa your simply breathtaking matt" "well thanks I guess.." Dan put his hand on the paw and thought about the special gift he wanted. Being able to make people do what he wanted when hearing his voice and also to be able to change his voice tone at will. Then he let go and entered the units for a few seconds "so did it work" "well we'll see..." taking matt's mother voice, he said make your bed and in few seconds matt felt compelled to do so "well dan that was awesome" "yes this is great, time for a couple of call isn't it" DRINNGG... DRINNG...hello "hi, this is the mother of matthiew hue" How may I help you? "I was calling because he's still pretty sick and can't go to school today" This is pretty sad, for more than a day he'll need a signed paper from a doctor. "well we're going tonight when I come back from work he'll have it" all right then have a nice day "thanks you too" "and one done one too go" DRINNG...hello "hi am at primey high school?" Yes how may I help you? "may I speak to the principal please?" A moment please... .....hello what is this about? "hi my name is john we are actually moving and we wanted to send our daughter to your school temporarily before really choosing a school in town" ah well... temporary student is quite trouble just to advertise teacher and find a schedule for her... your sure? "listen to my voice your going to warn the teacher of finishing year about her transfer, her name is lilas wirey and don't bother for a schedule she have it understand" yes consider it done "good have a nice day" you too john "there you go matt, hypnotic voice rock" "it is funny how you make different voice" "I'm starving.. you?" said dan "yeah it's like I didn't ate yesterday!" "then we better hurry before school" "yes" After they made themselves about 15 toast and four eggs each, they swallowed all of the milk. They got ready for school, making a race out of it they were nearly touched by two or three car before getting to school ground. Slowing down just at the end of the east wall, they wouldn't want to be seen. "It is the time of truth matt you ready" "dan you ask but there's no turning back now, only spares minutes from the bell" "I'll go first wouldn't want to lower the effect of your arrival" "alright see you then" By now matt was as nervous a being can be. No one in school could beat him to a pulp today. But bullies aren't going to think of that when they'll see him/her. All they're going to have as thought is, what a gorgeous creature... I want her in my bed. That wasn't all, he wondered if he could fake it or if people would see something is wrong. He was more scared of facing girls then boys today. The bell had ringed, he had got his temporary student paper and in a few second his teacher would call her to show her to the class. Looking one last time in a mirror to be sure he looked okay, he took a slow inspiration and prepared herself for the new world ahead. "class meet lilas wirey she'll be with us for a couple of day" "hi... pleased to meet you all" she was all red, all of them were staring at her. "now take a seat, where you may please and we'll start" Over here lilas! No here! Yo, come here girl! Not used to that kind of treatment, he was not sure but picked a place near the crew of tammie. He knew that they were friendly between girls and with her beauty she was at the rightful place with them. She checked jack reaction and as the rest of the boy he was looking all over her. "hi lilas I'm Nina this is Tammie there you have Suzie and Britney" "hi" lilas almost whispered "come on don't be so shy where you from?" said Britney "it's a very small town named ashrey, dad has finally had an offer" "what is he doing?" added suzie "he was a farm mechanic" "and your mother?" asked tammie "well.. she's not anymore.." "ow sorry!" babbled the four of them "don't worry it was years ago.." "silence in class open your manual to the page 76" The class went pretty much eventless. Answering her new found friend's question there and there, while working and taking note. His next class was physical Ed, he was in trouble hadn't thought about it. She was saved at the last moment by her friends, they shared their spare clothe with her. Things we're going quite well! "hi there you must be lilas the temporary student?" "yes it would be me" "today we're playing volleyball you know how to play?" "I'll be okay" "OVER HERE LILAS" "hi nina can I be in your team?" "of course we were looking for our fifth member" "may I serve?" "if you want to no problem" The balls were distributed, team were done. They were all ready, lilas on serve position. Miss tuff the teacher did a double check and whistled the start. But when people were on the verge of serving there was a loud bang. "lilas are you alright?" "yes...I guess" Having served with such speed and strength, Matt made the ball literally explode. Now everyone was looking at her, he was cursing himself mentally. "okay we restart this game without the bang this time" Everyone was laughing, what a relief they hadn't started calling her freak...This time she lowered her power, not much just the right amount. Soon her team was the team of the day, with only victories and no defeat! Lunch was calling. "hey lilas good game you come with us for lunch?" "with pleasure tammie" "so tell me that's quite some hair you got there, how much time it take you to get ready" "let me tell you one thing, they're trouble" lilas answered laughing "hey lilas which boy you think is cute" winked suzie "Huh?!...EH!!...what kind of question is that..??!" "lilas is all red! look look! Who's the lucky one?" "come on stop that suzie" "you're no fun brit!" "don't mind her she always saying things like that" "oh ok" She was getting along with them, answering their question. Things were so good, people were interested in her. For the first time matt was feeling at his place, even if it was lilas place. The two other classes passed well and soon it was the end of his first day as lilas. He had checked jack a couple of time and at the end he was starting to blush. It was very funny with his new friendships, he was enjoying the whole thing very much. "hi I'm home" "hi matt" "it was a good day" matt asked "well...huh you're still like that...did you go to school looking like a girl?" "to be honest, yes mom I did" "don't get yourself in trouble with the administration kid" "no mom" "so sweet heart what's your new name?" "hey don't start that, it's not permanent!" "maybe so... but matt doesn't suit anymore!" "alright, for school I called my new self lilas happy?" "um it sound special but with your look" "it was a great day" "how many boy did you hook?" "mom! stop it it's not funny" "well I find it funny" she was all smiles "I give up but mom... I'm starving!" "dinner soon on table" "you going tonight?" "why you ask?..." "mom stops it I said" "alright, alright no I stay tonight but I do go tomorrow evening" "it's good to know" "so how much time do you plan on staying like that exactly?" "mom!" "we could go shopping it you would be fun" "arrg, no way mom! I'm still me and I won't stay like this for long." "alright if you say so..." Dinner had been fine, normally there would have remained something for lunch. But with his sa?yen appetite matt just ate all of it to his mom surprise. All the time during dinner, she teased him about his choice to be a girl and he was but really relieve when he was done. Then he joined dan at his house to talk about the next phase of their mischief plan. "hi dan" "oh hi matt so how was your day" "it was awesome the girls treated me so nicely" "and the boys?" "well after a bit I got used to their staring" "well I was lucky too with my super hypnotic voice I made our bullies fight themselves not that I couldn't have taken care of them" "that is great thank for not letting your new strength show" "aw it's nothing and we wouldn't want to mess the plan" "right" "so how did jack reacted?" "he was always looking at me" "good same tactic tomorrow" "yes and I'll try to hook him tomorrow" "why?" "because dan your not the one playing the girl role" "alright alright don't get work up for so little" rewarding him a punch to the shoulder End of day 2. Day 3. Last night dan had left late and matt was about to sleep in his face. They had come to the conclusion that if they changed all the bullies, it would draw to much attention so they opted for jack only. Tired of being the girl, matt had decided to do it today. Having real difficulty to find a comfortable position, he was still not used to his breast and tail. Now it was about 6 o'clock and he just couldn't find sleep. So he slowly got up, traveling even slower if possible to the bathroom. Even if she showed a bit of tiredness, her hairs were yet again perfect. Yawning and stretching the obvious next step was the shower, he was not sure of himself. Would he dare? Her marvellous body, like a candy waiting to be unwrap. He took off the nightie his mother lend him and stepped in the shower. Turning the water on, he realised that with her power came some drawbacks. To feel a hot shower, she had to hold down her power and use only the hot water and not the cold. The experience was not like yesterday, while he was still turned on by the body they created. He was getting used to being lilas and all of the feeling of it. She was dripping with water, feeling clean and refreshed. He took his dressing gown and made her way downstairs. Her stomach was screaming to be fed, not wasting time in making toast. He got about 20 slice of bread, put chocolate on them. Making sandwich of them they were history in five minute including the preparation. Before she was there matt felt his mother getting to the kitchen. "hi mom" "oh hi darling" "what do you want for breakfast?" "you'll make me breakfast?" "well if it's not too complicated" "egg will be fine" "turn and scramble?" "god you remember" "so how was your night as a girl matt?" "not that good to be truth" "how come?" "you've been a woman all your life your used to breast" "it's just that?" "no don't you remember I've got that also" he got his monkey tail out and moving "well I guess it's a bit difficult" "difficult! pff... on the face I just can't find sleep and on my back..." "what?" "well that thing always in my crack..." She was laughing hard and loud and he was perplexed how could she laugh of that? For a second he wanted two things. One was more typical it was the good old slap in the face and the second an alien feeling to him, he wanted to start crying. It was a strong feeling that quickly got in check. He resisted both and when finally she stopped, he managed a smile and gave her the promised egg. "sorry matt it came to me like that" "it's alright" "so I've been thinking about that thing" "the alien machine?" he asked "yes I was wondering if I could use it to make my work day easier" "probably you're free to use it. It's not like theirs a limit" "thanks son or should I say daughter" "mom what did I say...argg I probably be better off now, see you later!" "have a nice day lilas" "yeah yeah you too" and with that she was out Once matt gone, his mother ate her egg and prepared herself. Making the dishes and a bit of housework, she then showered and got dressed. She still had plenty of time before her job time and got to the unit. She was not sure exactly what she wanted to be, she had a lot of super heroes power in mind. Matt's father leaving them early for another a woman, his love of comics featuring super heroes, was not coming from his dad but from his mother and now she had a lot of possibility. She decided to make the body first, touching the paw a man body appeared. It was only for fun, it was her fantasy. She loved the muscled man type of hero, but she restrained a bit not wanting to be like the other day. She made him athletic looking, with a touch more of muscle on the arm. She made him at least 6 feet tall, with blue eyes color of the sky and dark brow hair. Then she thought about his power, what should they be? She certainly wanted to fly like matt. She wanted to at least lift a bus with her arm and thinking again she didn't want people to hurt her easily. So she made her hero invulnerable to anything. Reading mind would put people not sure of themselves. She also added the idea of shape shifting she wouldn't need the machine to change back to herself. It was about all of her favourite's powers, so she let go of the paw. The man on the screen was wonderful a real Apollo, she thought what hurt could it cause and changed herself. Getting out he felt different like never, he felt great and soon kain was flying in the air. Patrolling the city sky, to survey what was going on and get on business if an innocent was in danger. Meanwhile at primey high school The first class of the day was well on its way, the whole place was quite quiet because of a test. Lilas took her place with the girls, which complimented her on her choice of clothes. He had so many things in minds, it was almost driving him crazy. Not watching enough her strength she broke her pencil and needed the class sharpener. Which was you can guess, conveniently placed just before jack. She nervously got up, moved toward him and avoiding direct eye contact she could see his smile. Putting herself in front of him to sharpen her pencil, she gave him a good point of view on her curvy bum. When she looked back at him, he reacted as if caught doing a bad thing and got all red while still smiling. This is sweet thought matt as the test ended, having the remaining time free people started to regroup together in the usual band. Jack friends started to sit with him when jack said. "damn that newbie sure is sexy" "yea you can say that again jack" "I think I'll go for her" "oh ho jack got the hot for the new chick nee?" "well she's beautiful better take a step while she's free" "do you think we scared matt off he hasn't been here for three day already" "we'll have to make with it and dan is still there" "so lilas what do you think of the place till now?" asked tammie "it's okay I guess, with you girl I'm way less alone then I thought I'll be" "ow your too much!!" "do you think you'll made a permanent transfer?" "I can't say yet it's also a decision to be made with dad" "I understand" "be quick about it!" added suzie "alright suzie" lilas smiled back Right through the remaining morning class, the crew mainly talked of fashion and make-up. Asking some question to lilas there and there, paying attention to the teacher only partially. Matt was starting to wonder how they managed to bring so much fuss in class and not been kick out. (probably another of those girl unknown thingy) Lunch was drawing its edge and matt was never so glad. It was strange eating for five at each and every meal and yet feeling like he did not eat in days. He gulped hastily the numerous sandwiches he had made. Doing fast so people wouldn't see how much she ate. She was about to join the girl crew, when dan drew her in an empty class to talk to her. "so matt how is it going?" "fine dan I'm about totally sure I hooked him" "well with what you did..." "what do you mean?" "you put quite a sight for him matt" "hey come on. You just want to see me red or what? It wasn't so bad" "wasn't so bad?" "don't start that! It's just part of our plan. I want revenge" "I know just kidding" "alright see you" "yes, see you too" Much of the school day had gone smooth and without a problem after that. Except for one thing that had taken matt by surprise. At the last period, nina came and officially invited her to a slumber party next week-end. Telling her she'd be glad to go but was not sure she could make it, earned her a saddening face. He then said that she'll do all in her possible to earn the permission from her dad. That made nina smile again. The school bell rang and all were starting to leave. It was kind of like their signal, you could see jack and his crew of bullies, always start their baboon job then, when teacher slack the surveillance act. She waited a bit and jack finally left the room, she would take him after his evil patrol. To be sure that he'll be able to talk, dan had promised to let them bully him and dumb him to take some aggression out. It was Showtime. "hi jack" "hey...lilas is it?" "yes" "what are you doing here?" "well I thought I heard noise" "oh well you see it's just..." "its okay I won't tell anyone..." "hey guys why don't you go without me today?" "sure jack!" they were all smiling knowingly "umm lilas what about a milkshake?" "that sound great!" "cool I know just the best place in town" "let's get going then..." she smiled wickedly but no one noticed It was several hour later, they had talked a lot and jack was sure she had a thing for him. Sure to score a winner that night, things were going nicely for him. He always had the trick with woman, something he was proud of and not something those geeky nerds would ever have. He watched them a couple of time to laugh, of course he thought it was hilarious to see them having such difficulty to even talk to the lady's. That transfer girl seemed cut to be a model. She was a vision of pure beauty her perfect face, legs, those exotic spiked black hair and of course her glorious ass. She was lacking a bit of breast to his more then macho mind, but the curves of her body made more then for it. "so lilas are you happy at our school?" "yes it is very neat" "is your parent home tonight?" "no.. would you come with me?" "with pleasure" They got home and no light were on. Jack already had a hard on and was urging her a bit. They started kissing very passionately, she was leading him to her bedroom upstairs. Not really breaking the kiss, soon they were on her bed and jack had taken off his shirt. Matt so sure about how things were going, he had succeeded in bringing him home but now what? Jack took her tank top off and soon they were left with only their underwear. He skilfully started caressing her body, damn was she smooth. Matt wasn't sure nor totally prepare for her feelings, she wanted to take control and punish jack but it was nice being caress and take care like that. He was French kissing her now, probing her mouth with his tongue. He unhooked her bra making it slide slowly off, well even if she didn't have big breast they were perky and her nipples were just lovely. He started playing with them, making them harden a bit. He was sucking on them while thinking that a bit more and she'll be ready. Matt mind was restless now, how could she take back control. A thought crossed her mind, but it was so outrageous, how could she do it. Than she had no more time, jack was starting to get her panties off. She grabbed his boxer and in one swift motion put it off. Revealing his hard member, matt didn't want to do it but had no choice. So got her mouth down on him and started sucking on. Jack was surprised by her eagerness, but that felt just so good. Matt didn't realise it, but she slowly put herself at his range. Jack who did a lot of girl knew how to contain the pleasure of a good blowjob, just enough as to be able to play with the girl. So he grabbed her hips and brought her slit over him, taking her panties down he started licking her clitoris. Lilas surprised almost bitted him, she had difficulty to continue doing her work and soon she was having an exploding first female orgasm. She was all sweaty and wet, just ready to jack taste and he buried himself deep into her. He was going faster and faster, she was in a few minutes on a second orgasm. He was doing with her pretty much what he wanted. A third and he was about to orgasm himself. He got his cock out and put it deep in her mouth, spurting a huge load. He got out relief, looking down on her, he could see his sperm leaking down on her beautiful lips. She had been great and he would love to do her when he wanted. He told her how fantastic she was and that he had to go. He was about to leave when he felt a tugging, she held him by the arm forcing him to sit. She was incredibly strong, he couldn't comprehend what was going on. How come he couldn't resist more than that? He felt a furry snake on his legs. "leaving so soon jack... I don't think so" "what are you?" "your worst nightmare" "let me go" "I gave you one last fuck as a man hope you enjoyed it" "what is this all about?" "I don't think you would understand all jack" "HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!" But it was way too late, matt had him silenced and knocked out cold. Soon jack would be punished, dan entered. He was staring strangely at matt, who just got away to the shower without saying a thing. She needed to clean after her action. "so matt how was it?" "it was the only way to lure him" "alright if you say so, wait for me!" Dan got to the unit, yesterday while making the major part of the plan. They had decided to change him back to normal, so he could let himself be beaten. Now he was looking forward to be sa?yen again. The machine was already set and after a couple of seconds he was out. Stretching a bit he still felt a bit stiff because of the beating. "matt I leave you the pleasure of starting his punishment" "oh thank you very much" Matt took jack unconscious form. Putting his hand on the paw to scan him, so after they judge it was enough they could turn him back to his original way. Then she let go and put her hand on the paw starting to craft the new body. She started by making a female body appear, then slowly she added to it. Making the boobs at least DD-cup, doing a small waist, long legs, flowing and curly honey blonde hair, a cute button nose, full lips, body hairless except for the head, oh not to forget less QI, close to her emotion and also triple sensitivity. Dan got up and added a couple more feature such as only five foot tall, soft and smooth skin, a pussy always tight like a virgin, broader hips, higher sex drive and also weaker than normal human. That should teach him a lesson, touching the purple crystal the door opened. They got jack in it and pushed the doorknob. But nothing happened "what's going on?" "I guess you have to be inside to activate it" "how do you know that matt" "well there's nothing indicating an error" "I guess you're right" "hey I got it!" and with that matt had placed a closet in front of the door "right that's perfect he won't have a choice but to touch the doorknob" "you got it!" "well I better go now I'll be back soon tomorrow!" "okay see you" "see you bye" Matt was in his thought, when his stomach started to scream. She hasn't really checked time and it was already 9pm. Soon his mother would be home and yet again matt hadn't change back to himself. He couldn't use the unit with jack and didn't want to risk waking him uselessly. Well he had to endure being her for another evening, and then things were going to be alright. He was in the kitchen, pasta sounded just right to his craving tummy. So taking the biggest cauldron they had he started, first put some water then boil it add the pasta after about 16 min it's ready well that's personal taste after all. Take out the water, add the tomato sauce and mix. Take your portion and let the other serve them the quantity they want. Matt had a mountain of spaghetti in his plate and in very few moments was finish. Putting his dish in their dishwasher he heard the front door open. "hi I'm home" "hi mom how was your day?" "oh hi lilas tell me, when do you think matt's coming back?" "well his going to be back tomorrow you see it was a bet, just a bet!" "if you say so! hum! smell nice in here" "I just finished eating. If you want I made pasta" "well it would be nice" "there you go" "thanks" "so did you used the machine?" asked matt "yes the job was so easier" "well that's good news" "yeah you bet and how was your day lilas?" "well you know the usual" "ah I bet some boys were chasing you" "mom!" "got you!" she caught her and tickled her "mmnn... alright already" "your pasta are fantastico!" "well thanks. I'll go sleep now" "okay dear good night" "good night" End of day 3. Day 4. Last day of the units function! In the same cheap motel room. "so A anything new" "yes finally a track" "where?" "there's an anomaly in formal paper with the hospital and school" "which?" "theirs missing paper" "and?" "a boy supposed to be at the hospital and a transfer student with no paper" "hey that's good who is it?" "well... matthiew hue" "we move?" "yes get ready it might still be functioning" Matt had managed, after quit a time to found a comfortable position. It had been already three day since his change into lilas. While he was thankful that his body started to feel less alien, he was more then happy he would be back to himself in just a few hours. A bit surprised at how late it was, almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He was also thankful that it was Saturday. Jack didn't seem to be yet awake, matt hoped he didn't kill him. Well they would soon know isn't it? "ah you're finally awake" "huh, dan how did you..." "your mom let me in this morning before she left" "well why didn't you wake me up then?" "I was about to do it but thought you deserved your beauty sleep" "DAN if...I wasn't so sleepy... I'd... punch you" she yawned a few times "yeah it's probably true so... any sign from jack yet?" "no sound at all" "we'll wake him. Nee?" "better" Matt and dan started the TV and played video games. After as long as twenty minutes, there were knocking in the units. Matt got in front of the wooden closet frame, to be sure he could'nt push it and escape. While dan just waited smiling. "LET ME OUT OF HERE" "COME ON I'M SERIOUS" "WILL YOU LET ME GO YOU DAMN WHORE" "ARRRGGGG!!!!!!" There were no more sounds and then the familiar humming of the units started. Matt got the closet and brought it back in its place. After a few second of waiting, the door opened revealing a very unsure gorgeous babe. Who started to nervously look around and then down at her boobs. Screaming her head off how was it possible? There were no fucking ways, jack mind was spinning. He almost fainted and stumbled out of the machine, matt took her arm and put her back on her feet. Jack could not understand, it was that bitch, She had to be the one who did it! Lilas was now holding her tight by the waist and had put that furry tail around her thigh. Slowly caressing her way up his breast and started playing with them... "jack don't that feel good" "mmnnn.." "I've got a surprise for you" "wh...aaat...?" "it's me matt but that's not the point, the surprise is on my bed" Jack couldn't believe what was going on, that crazy bitch pretended to be matt the nerdy wimp. And now he was a babe himself, how could having his tits played with put him in such a state? Slowly looking up he saw dan on the bed, he was all built and muscled. Soon jack realised where things were going, he wanted to resist and he wanted to scream. But because of matt all he managed to do is let out a loud moan of pleasure. "No...yooou can...t pl...ease" "Matt and I will have a lot of pleasure doing you" said dan "that's for sure" confirmed matt Before jack could manage to protest, dan had got down and was licking her slit arousing her by force. Because of the way they designed her, she was soon experimenting her first and powerful female orgasm. Matt was expertly kissing her neck while playing with her nipples. Then matt and dan gave each other a nod and at the same time. Dan penetrated her with his big and hard member while matt using her tail like a dildo entered the rear entry. Jack got his second climax and could do nothing. His mind reeling in all of what was happening, He was soon hitting a third orgasm. Dan was finnaly ejaculating in her, getting some relief. Matt was starting to get heated, because sa?yen tails are a bit sensitive. Lilas had a plaintive look on her face, she was a bit left out so dan got his arm to her breasts and started playing with them. He also got his tail in her slit, jack was in sandwich and soon had a fourth climax while lilas got her first. Dan was making sure to stimulate lilas clitoris and the three of them got an orgasm at the same time. They continued this game for hours, dan licking jack's tits while entering her. Lilas also playing with jack boobs while entering her ass with her tail. As for jack he could only follow the wave, with all the stimulation she was having an orgasm after another. Suddenly they heard a knock on the house door, dan was the one who still had the most control and got to it. "hi may we speak with matthiew?" "sorry his not there right now" "when would he be back?" "I'm not exactly sure I'd say around dinner should be a safe bet" "alright before we go tell us if you saw one of those before?" "sure that's a telephone booth there's one that way two corner from here" "hum...bye don't forget to give him that card when he show's up" "right bye" Closing the door and getting upstairs dan had quite a few questions on his mind. He got back to matt's room, where he could see. Finnaly having some rest, jack was lying on the bed unmoving. And matt on his desk chair using her tail like a dildo. Matt hadn't really cared when the doorbell rang. And it didn't look like he was thinking about that right now, as he was riding another climax. "matt we got a big problem!" "what...?" "well it looks like the government send their dog to investigate" "no shit really?!" "yes..." dan looked thoughtful "I don't want to end up in some creepy laboratory...!" "and I don't think it's a good idea to let them have the box" "yeah your right dan" "I thought so" "and what about jack?" "well do you think he got is lesson" "no way!" "well we could escape them with the box and jack" "to where?" "what about Canada it's close enough" "alright then let us prepare food" "I'll work on it get yourself and jack ready!" "Ok dan" Agent A was getting to the car, not really sure of himself. Normally MAU users had more reactions then that, when faced to a photo. But then again, by their calculation the unit was still functioning. They had a team of scientists, ready to look at it. At maximum they still had about 6, maybe 7 hour if it was put in service when found just after the crash. So they were going to put pressure. "so A was it matthiew?" "don't think so by his reaction I don't think he saw one" "well there are people who can hide it very well" "yes I kn

Same as MAU: Saiyan Beginning Videos

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MAU 5K Chapter 1

Twenty years ago, I had started a successful software company. Made millions. I sold it to a major software company for a tidy profit. Millions more in the bank. My wife Joney and I decided to chuck it all, exit the rat-race and retire to the mountains of Northern California. We bought an old ranch on 9500 acres. The old ranch house was charming, but needed much repair. Same for the barn and some outbuildings. It was so far out in the boonies, that it had no electricity, running water,...

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MAU 5K Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I pondered on a new transformation. What new form could I make myself into? I put my hand on the pad, and conjured up an image of one, hot, slender, Asian girl, with small tits. I made her 4 foot 10 inches tall, with long straight black hair that flowed down to her waist. I just love puffy nipples, so her areolas were dark and puffy, with long nipples. The breasts were about an A cup. I made her waist slender, but her hips were a little wider than normal to give her an hour...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 6

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

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MAU New Love 2

MAU: NEW LOVE 2 By YONI I sat there and explained what dating meant and what we were expected to do. She had some objections to my explanation. "But this is my home," she protested and then added, "Yet it is your home also. How can you pick me up to go places if we both live here?" "Well that is simple," I replied, "We will be girlfriends who are sharing an apartment. I figure over the next few days we will know whether or not we are good with each other." "But you said that...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13 "What?" Jeri's clear sunglasses went to night vision mode and showed a tracking dot. Lights in the factory went out. Through an open ventilation hatch a creature entered, she'd never thought to see. Jeri thought she saw an Angel. A flash of red on her wrist caught Jeri's eye only briefly. She stared open mouthed at the beautiful nude woman and white wings spread before her. The woman held her hands up palms outward in a...

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MAU Slayers Acceptance

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Laura and Jordan were two ordinary people, until the MAU entered their lives. Now they are Buffy and Faith the Vampire Slayers. They soon found themselves hunting their friends Mike and Chris, who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. After the deaths of their families, the two Slayers joined the Agency, a group tasked with tracking down the MAUs and stopping any dangerous user of the devices. Faith has recently become aware of how much she...

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MAU Slayers Into The Great Unknown

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Before encountering the MAU, Faith and Buffy were two ordinary friends. The alien device transformed them into the vampire slayers from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were forced to hunt down their former friends who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. Faith was eventually kidnapped by another MAU user named Dennis. He had used the device to give him the ability to control people simply by touching them. Faith was held...

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MAU Slayers Getting To Know Yourself

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be. MAU - Slayers - Getting To Know Yourself [This is meant to catch anyone up before the last few stories, think of it as a clip show with character development.] Jordan backed up against the MAU, "What the fuck is happening?" Buffy ran over to him, "What's the last...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 2 Enter the MAU

I must have dozed off for a few minutes then, because the next thing I remember is Jerry shaking me and saying, "Mike! Mike!" over and over again. I opened my eyes. I had slid part way down on the seat of Julia's pickup truck. Jerry was standing outside the open passenger door. When he saw I was awake he grinned hugely embraced me. I pushed him away roughly. My head and face still hurt like the devil, and opening my jaw was agony, but at least I was thinking clearly again. "What the...

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MAU The SlayerKaraoke Nightmare AKA Once Again With Feeling

Previously on MAU: The Slayer - James went over to his friend Max's apartment, who had found a Morphic Adaptation Unit. James ended up as the character Faith, the rouge vampire slayer from the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. - Max and his girlfriend Karen turned themselves into vampires from the show and framed James for murder. - James was forced to join with the Agency (a governmental group which is seeking a working unit and tracks those who are changed by...

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MAU Slayers Walking Blindly

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers celebrated their first Christmas after their encounter with the MAU and without their families. The also encountered Bill, a man given the ability to see the future by the MAU. He told them of their future and of the darkness that is to come. MAU - Slayers - Walking Blindly... The two vampires sat in the cell. They had been there for weeks now. Ever since those two girls had somehow beaten and captured them. The male one had spent the...

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MAU Slayers Keeping Everything Shiny

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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MAU Slayers The Man Comes Around

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, they decided that they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. But before they could do anything, they were captured. Faith found herself in a fantasy world where she was a normal girl. She managed to escape and found herself and Buffy...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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MAU Trekkin Along

MAU: Trekkin' Along Synopsis: This tale continues the adventures of Danni - a 'victim' of the Morphic Adaptation Unit who now resembles Seven of Nine, down to functional Borg implants! [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Trekkin' Along Danni eased back into the chair, stretching out her long curvy legs, feeling the muscles protesting slightly at the movement. Damn, but even the tiniest motion...

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MAU Slayers I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away

[Special thanks to Allen W for his assistance with a piece of dialogue and finding one character's voice] Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers took on Angel and Spike who were in possession of an active MAU. Both vampires were killed during the battle. During the confusion, Faith was kidnapped by Dennis, an user of the MAU who had given himself the power to control people by touch. MAU - Slayers - I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away Three Weeks Later... Dennis...

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MAU Slayers Everything Is Slipping Away

Previously on MAU - Slayers... For three weeks Faith was under the control of Dennis, an user of the MAU. Faith was eventually able to escape when her true personality awoke and was rescued by her friend Buffy and Agent R. MAU - Slayers - Everything Is Slipping Away Faith found herself in darkness. She attempted to call for help but it was as if her voice had vanished, even moment felt impossible. Suddenly she saw a blinding light, when her eyes adjusted she found herself in...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

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MAU 5K Chapter 6

Chapter 6 I woke up feeling refreshed. I slipped on a sheer robe, and went out to the kitchen to make some coffee. I felt so good. It looked to be a cool, clear day today. I figured I should get dressed. I hated to take off my sheer babydoll. I felt so sexy in it. I loved the way the soft material felt on my skin. Well, there will be plenty of time to wear these sexy things. I went into the bedroom and now I had to decide what to wear today. I selected a pair of bikini underwear, a...

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MAU Like Father Like Son Almost

MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Synopsis: A son sees his father using an MAU and decides it can help him get closer to a girl he wants to date. Things just don't quite turn out like he planned. (This story is a sequel to MAU: Role Reversal, but hopefully, it will stand on its own.) [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Travis Hollings sat on the back steps stewing. ...

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MAU Sisters of the Night

This story copyright by the author 2001, all rights reserved. It may be posted at Fictionmania and any free site with the permission of the author. ******************************** MAU: Sisters of the Night Synopsis: A couple of roommates stumble across an MAU and decide to use it to get really great Halloween costumes to crash a Fraternity party. When the big night comes, they can't get in. Then one of the guys lets his fascination with creatures of the night run amok, and they...

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MAU The Thule Incident Part 2

MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...

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MAU The SlayerAshes to Ashes Dust to Dust

MAU: The Slayer-Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens uses a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into Faith the rouge Vampire Slayer from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ends up getting stuck in that form. He reluctantly joins with the 'Men in Black' to track down another device. Meanwhile, two high school misfits, John and Matt, find another MAU and John uses it to change himself into his high school crush Linda...

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MAU The SlayerIdentity Theft

MAU: The Slayer-Identity Theft By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens used a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into a copy of Faith, the rouge Vampire Slayer, from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and becomes trapped in that form when the machine quits working. He/She now works with Agent K form the 'Men in Black' to track down another device to restore his sister, now trapped in the paralyzed body of a boy named John, and himself back to their...

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MAU The SlayerVoices in the Darkness

MAU: The Slayer-Voices in the Darkness By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer After using a Morphic Adaptation Unit James Stevens becomes trapped in the form of Faith the rogue Vampire Slayer from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She reluctantly joins the 'Agency' to track down another device to restore her sister Linda, who was left transformed and paralyzed in the body of a boy named John. At the end of the last episode James/Faith manages to get her hands on an...

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MAU Slayers Our Very First Patrol

[Thanks for the feedback on the first story. I'm working to improve some of the issues that were brought up. I'm giving myself a little more time to work on each part and hopefully catch any mistakes.] Previously on MAU - Slayers... Two friends, Laura and Jordan used a MAU to become Buffy and Faith, the Vampire Slayers as seen on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Their friends Mike and Chris used the device to become the vampires Angel and Spike, finding their new...

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MAU Slayers No Reality Only Illusion

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. MAU - Slayers - No Reality, Only Illusion Faith...

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MAU Slayers What Is And What Can Never Be

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, now they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. MAU - Slayers - What Is And What Can Never Be Agent S had arrived at the hotel and had just listened to Buffy and Faith explain how a person had just appeared from nowhere. "So, the...

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MAU Slayers Series One Book One

MAU - Slayers - Series One - Book One By Erin C The following is the first story arc of the MAU - Slayers series. They have been combined and some parts have been rewritten or touched up. Nothing that alters the story in major ways has been changed though. The series is meant to be read on a story by story basis, but this is for those who prefer the long story format. I highly recommend reading Allen W's MAU - The Slayer series. While this is not a sequel to it, it is very much...

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MAU 5K Chapter 2

Chapter 2 I parked the Jeep in the garage, then headed straight for the MAU. I conjured up my present image, then made the boobs even bigger, DD cup this time. The nipples needed to get bigger, more proportional. The areolas were now 3 inches across and puffed out 2 inches. The nipples then became 2 inches long and three quarters of an inch thick. I made myself taller, 6 foot 5. I made my hair longer, all the way down to just above my ass. I also made it thicker, curlier, and black. I...

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MAU 5K Chapter 7

Chapter 7 I made a good sized breakfast, cleaned up the dishes and started working on cleaning the house. I put another load of wash in, and got out the vacuum and cleaned the house from top to bottom, making sure to get any stray long red hairs. One last load of laundry to do, the bedsheets. I stripped the bed, threw the sheets in the washer and got out a fresh set of sheets and made the bed. I made one last circuit of the house to make sure everything was in order. It was, and it...

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MAU Role Reversal

MAU: Role Reversal Synopsis: A man and wife, thinking that life is getting too hum- drum, find an MAU. While it livens up their lives, it causes some unexpected changes as well. This story is Copyright 2001 by the author, all rights reserved. It may be posted at Fictionmania. Any other free site must ask permission. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Role Reversal Hi. Oh, don't pretend to be...

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MAU Accidental Addict

MAU: Accidental Addict Synopsis: Agents C and D are trying to track down a victim of an MAU. Even they are surprised at the changes the device made to this one person. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Accidental Addict C glanced once more at the dingy building. Even if it had been full daylight instead of the shadowy, dreary world of twilight, he doubted the run-down three-story building would...

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MAU Blushing Bride

MAU: Blushing Bride Synopsis: At a bachelor party, a few friends use an MAU to liven up the party. This leaves the groom in a very strange situation with the upcoming wedding; he and his bride-to-be have to improvise a lot. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Blushing Bride "Hey! The unlucky victim is here!" Paul called cheerfully as he recognized the guest standing on the porch. "We've all been...

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MAU Headliner

MAU: Headliner Synopsis: The owner of a strip club has a dilemma - the world- famous big-busted stripper who was going to headline was injured in a car accident, and he has patrons waiting to see her. An MAU gives him an opportunity to save the day... [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Headliner "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Mick Bertoni let his head drop into his pudgy hands, shaking it...

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MAU The Thule Incident

MAU: The Thule Incident By Danielle J This story is dedicated to my friend, Linda Tholl. I'd like to thank Steve Zink for his proofreading in preparation for this story's publication. Also, I express my thanks to FM author ElrodW who allowed me some leeway in the MAU Universe to write this story. Our Cast C, D, X, A, and K - Agents who investigate 'Black box' sightings or cases P - Female Director of the agency the black box agents work for AT - P's...

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MAU Innocent

MAU: Innocent Synopsis: An overly jealous woman suspects her husband is cheating. To pay him back, she tricks him into using an MAU. But sometimes, paybacks don't always go according to plan... Thanks to Ellie Dauber for some helpful suggestions about this story. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Innocent The cup made a muted soft clink as it was set on the saucer; the woman across the table...

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MAU Slayers You Cant Go Home Again

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Buffy and Faith with the help of two Agents attempted to catch their former friends who had been changed into Angel and Spike They were lucky to escape with their lives. Now Angel and Spike are searching for another MAU to allow themselves to be able to survive in the sun. MAU - Slayers - You Can't Go Home Again Jordan was walking through a forest. He was your average guy in pretty much every way, height, weight, looks. The usual sounds of the...

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MAU Slayers The More Things Change

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Faith discovered that she isn't the first Faith in the Agency. She and Buffy caught two living vampires, while Faith struggled with the events of her imprisonment. MAU - Slayers - The More Things Change... "Last time you told me about the nightmares. Are you still having them?" the doctor asked her. Faith looked at the doctor, she was an older black woman. She was wearing a pantsuit and was probably somewhere in her 40s. "Yeah, not every...

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MAU Slayers Shadows Of Things That Will Be As Seen By Bill

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers were transferred to the Agency's Head Office. Meanwhile Dennis awoke from his coma and has agreed to help the man who is plotting against the Slayers. MAU - Slayers - Shadows Of Things That Will Be, As Seen By Bill [Author's Note: I meant to have this uploaded before the holidays, but was unable to. I hope the timing doesn't bother any reading of the story.] "There's no way out this time," Faith said. "Remember, I'm a lot stronger...

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MAU 5K Chapter 3

Author's Note: I have read the reviews left on my first two chapters of this story. I was particularly interested on the review left by Elrod W on Chapter 2. I didn't realize I had deviated from the rules of the MAU universe. I apologize for doing so. Before starting this story, I searched for the rules and was unable to find them. I am a real fan of the universe and would hate to see it shut down due to deviance from the original intent. I already have 6 chapters written in this...

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MAU Infinite Crisis Part 6

Author's note: First, to new readers I want to acknowledge that part 1 of MAU: Infinite Crisis is poorly written. I can only ask you to power through it as the later parts do get better after the story is complete, I will go back and rewrite part 1. Secondly, I would like to apologise to all the readers who've been with this story so far. I had some things happen in my personal life that forced me to put the story on hold. while I can't promise that future instalements won't get...

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MAU The Ultimate Costume

MAU: The Ultimate Costume Synopsis: A couple are planning to go to a Halloween party, but can't decide on a costume. At the last minute, the host offers to let them use his newest 'toy', an alien device that can change people. The two put their heads together and come up with a very unique 'costume'. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: The Ultimate Costume Jeff turned the last page of the catalog,...

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MAU The Fable of the Farmer and his Wife

MAU: The Fable of the Farmer and his Wife Synopsis: Surprisingly to most people, many of the fables giving lessons in life are taken from true, or nearly true, experiences. However, the details are often changed so the stories may more readily fit into the prevailing culture, and as such, many of the true details are lost. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Foreward: For many, many centuries, a...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 1

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike By Civilmage Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Part 2

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike By Civilmage Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 3

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 4

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 5

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community...

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MAU Trek Wars

MAU: Trek Wars Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans. Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Erics Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Eric's, which will shortly be followed by Linda and John's, and finally by Faith's. The other two stories' are done and will be submitted shortly. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Enjoy. MAU:...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Linda Johns Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Linda and John's. Eric's story has already been submitted and Faith's will shortly follow. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Linda &...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Faiths Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Faith's. Eric's story and Linda and John's story have already been submitted. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Faith's Story By Allen...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 14

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 14 Jeri, Lisa and Jaimie parked the rental truck off to the side of the parking lot. Due to the shadows of the buildings, it was somewhat shadowy as well. There was the rush of wind and then Jaimie was with them. Lisa formed her avatar and Jaimie gave her an air kiss on either cheek. "How'd it go?' Jaimie asked after the greetings were over. "Why didn't you tell me my mother had become an alcoholic?" Jeri asked. "Because I didn't...

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