A Tyler ChristmasChapter 4 free porn video

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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland

“Lieutenant Paulson, thank you for meeting with us. I’m Pamela Hawthorn, James Cavanaugh’s mother, and this is Cassandra Cavanaugh, my daughter, and Dillon Chandler.” She paused. “Dillon is my assistant and he takes care of us.”

“I’m happy to meet you, Ma’am, and you Ms. Cavanaugh, and Mr. Chandler. I owe your son my life – anything I can do to help you or help him is my pleasure.” The lanky, fair-haired aviator then introduced the pretty dark-haired woman standing next to him. “This is my wife Rachel.”

Commander Lewis had arranged for them to use the Deputy Commander’s conference room. The room was bright with the late afternoon sun and was dominated by a large rectangular polished wood table.

Once everyone was seated in comfortable arm chairs at one end of the table they sat silently as Dillon poured water all around. He examined the earnest-looking young man. He had looked very young when he walked into the conference room with the equally young woman on his arm. The blue uniform was nicely tailored and he wore it with pride. The ribbons on his chest denoted two awards of the Purple Heart, and there were awards for valor. For one so young, he had served with distinction, and despite his efforts to mask his injury, the young man was favoring his left leg.

As he sat across the table from Paulson, Dillon realized his first impression was in error. It wasn’t that Lieutenant Paulson wasn’t young, it was that he wore the look of a man who had seen combat and been injured in the service of his country. Dillon recognized the look – he’d seen it enough in his life. He’d also seen it on young James Cavanaugh’s face in the video from the previous Christmas. Paulson had been aged by his experiences. Commander Lewis, of course, could not discuss Paulson’s injuries, but Dillon guessed they were severe.

“Lieutenant Paulson...”

“Ma’am, I’d be pleased if you’d call me Jeff.” He spoke with just a hint of a southern accent.

“Thank you, Jeff, and please call me Pamela.” She paused, and leaned forward. “I don’t know how much Commander Lewis explained about our visit, but in brief, our family has been estranged from James for the last four and a half years. That was my fault, as well as the fault of my ex-husband.”

“And mine,” added Cassandra.

“I want more than anything to have my son back in my life. The reasons for the family rift have been resolved, but since we’ve had no contact, I’m not sure he knows that. We didn’t even know he was in the Marines until some months ago and didn’t know he’d been hurt until a few days ago. We discovered he had been treated here until the end of September and then simply disappeared.”

She took a sip of water. “Cooler heads might have just spent time on the telephone trying to get information from Walter Reed, but I’m involved in several business ventures in California and I know that bureaucracies are the same whether they’re military or any other government organization. It’s been my experience that there is nothing better when dealing with bureaucracies than showing up and pounding on some desks.”

Lieutenant Paulson smiled briefly.

“Fortunately when we got here yesterday we said the magic words, James Cavanaugh, and we were quickly introduced to Commander Lewis. She’s been very helpful. Commander Lewis told us yesterday that not long ago she was called by a nurse friend who was involved in treating James at a hospital in Tyler, Texas. He had pneumonia. Her friend, an Army reservist, recognized combat wounds, and wondered if he had been treated here, and if Commander Lewis could give her more background.

“The upshot is that we now know James is living in a town in Texas, and has since October. My first inclination was to get on a plane and fly to Texas. The reason we’re not doing that right this minute is because Mr. Chandler convinced me we should talk to you first.”

Puzzled, Lieutenant Paulson looked first at her and then at Dillon. “Pamela, I’ll be happy to help you in any way I can, but I don’t understand how.”

“Jeff, James had not been discharged from the hospital or from the Marines when he left.”


“There are mitigating circumstances, apparently his enlistment was over back in June, but no one caught that. On top of that, when his enlistment ended so did his pay. We don’t know if he brought these facts to the attention of anyone here before he left, but one day he just disappeared. Apparently, he bought some clothing and a suitcase at the Exchange, walked out and caught a bus and kept going until he reached Texas.”

Jeff nodded. “I’m a little surprised, but I can understand how he feels about this place and hospitals in general.” He didn’t elaborate.

Pamela watched Rachel squeeze his hand. Earlier, when they had arranged themselves around the table, Pamela noticed the young woman sat very close to her husband with her hand in his on top of the table.

Lieutenant Paulson had arrived for the meeting at the hospital in his Navy blue uniform, decorations and bright gold wings above the breast pocket, with Rachel in a dark suit, clinging to his arm. Pamela wondered if that was because he was still recovering from his injuries, evidenced by his use of an ebony cane, or because she wanted to prevent him from ever going in harm’s way again. She knew the feeling.

“Jeff, I’m trying very hard to know my son again – what kind of man he is. Commander Lewis used words like selfless and heroic, but I’d like to hear from you about what happened after you picked him up and about how he was ... wounded.” She blotted her eyes. “I’m told James suffers from survivor’s guilt because he lost so many of his men when the helicopter, your helicopter, was shot down. If it will not cause you and your wife too much pain, would you please tell me about what happened in Afghanistan?”

Paulson looked at her for several seconds, then at Rachel, and then back to Pamela. “Ma’am, you understand I didn’t even know your son had survived until yesterday, when Commander Lewis called about meeting with you. I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. I never got a chance to thank him for all he did. Commander Lewis was not engaging in hyperbole when she described Sergeant Cavanaugh as selfless and heroic. During that trek through the mountains of Afghanistan he was fearless, but he’s no Rambo. With the death of each of his men a piece of him died too, because he cared about his people. Once he was well enough I expect he wrote a letter to each of the families...”

As his voice trailed off Pamela got the feeling he was also talking about himself when he talked about the death of his men and the letters. Commander Lewis had said he was the sole survivor of his flight crew.

During the silence, Pamela was surprised when Rachel reached over and took her hand. Tears in her eyes, she said, softly, “Ms. Hawthorn, we have a son too. He’s three, and his name is Andrew. I want to thank you for raising a son who would sacrifice himself for others. I’ve never heard the story from Jeff, but I know enough, and the only reason Jeff is here today and Andrew still has a daddy is because of what your son did for him.” She looked at her husband and then back. “I pray Andrew will never find himself in that situation.” She paused, blotting tears with a tissue. “But if he is, I hope we would have raised him to do what your son did.”

Pamela grasped the young woman’s hand tightly, her own tears flowing. Dillon handed her his handkerchief. He’s been doing that a lot lately. After Rachel’s tearful words of gratitude, Pamela finally got herself together, but her own tears were not far from the surface.

Paulson looked toward the windows, seemingly gathering himself for an ordeal. Finally he looked back at Rachel. She gave him a slight smile of encouragement, still holding tightly to his hand.

“Ma’am, I mean Pamela, I’ve only told this story once before – that was when I was interviewed by some Naval officers while I was at the hospital in Landstuhl. I’m not quite sure who they were, I was pretty groggy from surgery. A few days later they had me sign a transcript. I hardly looked at it before signing. Even Rachel has never heard the whole story of what happened those days we were trying to survive after the crash.”

Pamela watched Rachel, wondering how she would react to the story. She seemed prepared for the worst.

Paulson gazed out the window again. “It was May – now that seems so long ago. I was assigned to a helicopter unit in Afghanistan. There’s no reason to go into classified stuff like where we were stationed, but we supported special operations troops, including Marine reconnaissance. We flew a special version of what the Army calls the Black Hawk.

“I remember that day vividly. It was cloudy and very windy and there was a threat of rain. I was the executive officer of the unit at the time and the skipper called me in and said there was a six-man Marine recon unit that needed pickup. He wanted to know who should go considering the weather and the mountainous terrain. I had the most hours at the time flying under the difficult conditions in Afghanistan, so I volunteered.” He looked at Rachel and gave a little shrug as if he were a little boy who’d been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. She shook her head slightly with just a hint of a smile. She knew her husband.

“Anyway, we - by we, I mean Lieutenant j.g. Adams, my copilot, and our crew chief, Petty Officer Daniels - lifted off about 0900 local time. It was supposed to be pretty routine – we’d done extractions many times before and even though the weather was bad at least it was in the daylight, plus the Marines we were to extract were in pretty good shape with only some minor wounds, and had not been in contact with the enemy for at least twenty-four hours.”

Pamela watched Cassandra shake her head as she mouthed the words, ‘minor wounds.’

“The Marines had a good pickup location on a barren mountain top and their locator beacon was easy to find. We got a handoff from an Air Force surveillance plane that had been overhead monitoring, so the pickup was relatively easy. The winds had come up a bit and chased some of the clouds away before our approach and there was no enemy activity.”

He paused to take a sip of the water.

“The problem was visibility. Right after pickup, clouds closed in again and the ceiling was very low – basically below the tops of the mountains - and there were rain squalls all around so instead of being able to climb out of there, I had to hug the terrain through the mountains. We call it nap of the earth flying. It takes a lot of concentration, but I’d done it several times before. About twenty minutes into the flight we came over a ridge and I flew into a valley below, but right there in the middle of that valley was a large insurgent camp. They were as surprised as we were and most of the ground fire was ineffective. Just when I thought we’d make it through someone opened up on us with an antiaircraft gun from the side of one of the hills surrounding the valley. Whoever was on it knew their business or was just lucky, because we were raked by cannon fire.”

Pamela watched Rachel wince. Dillon sat stone-faced.

“My port side engine started smoking quite badly and Lieutenant Adams went through the procedures to shut it down while I tried to keep us in the air. Unfortunately, the starboard engine had also been hit. Turns out, I had just enough power and altitude to get over the next ridge and through the next small valley, but by then the starboard engine caught fire and my gauges were in the red. When I saw the treeless ridge at the end of that valley I decided I’d better set it down while I still had some power. Over my headset I could hear Lieutenant Adams sending a distress call while Petty Officer Daniels was making sure everyone was strapped in good and tight.

“I had slowed and was making a controlled approach when the starboard engine quit. I was able to keep her almost level but we hit pretty hard, nose first. Suddenly we were down and things were very quiet. I remember Petty Officer Daniels yelling for everyone to get out. That was easy in the back since we didn’t have the sliding doors installed. I unbuckled and looked around. Thankfully there was no fire. I tried to open my door but it was jammed so I pulled the emergency release and it popped open.”

He paused and looked at Rachel. “That’s when I discovered I was injured. I couldn’t get out.”

Rachel gripped his hand, her knuckles white. “His left leg was broken in three places plus he had wounds from shrapnel.”

Paulson sat stone-faced, then added, “Eventually Daniels and Adams and at least one of the Marines got me out.” He didn’t elaborate. Pamela thought it must have been agonizing being moved with those injuries.

He drank more water and looked out the window again. “One of your son’s Marines had been killed by the canon fire and another injured. Once they got me out one of the Marines put a dressing on my wounds and splinted my leg – that’s when I first met Sergeant James Cavanaugh. He said we needed to get out of there quickly. They stripped the helicopter of anything usable, and then set some explosives and a timer and we left. I was in a make-shift stretcher. We kept on the move until dark. I’m really not certain about who was doing what, or how much ground we covered since they gave me morphine and I was pretty much out of it.

“That’s pretty much how things went for the next few days. I drifited in and out, but the Taliban were on us much of the time, usually just small detachments maintaining contact and keeping an eye on us. About the third day, maybe the fourth – as I said things were a bit hazy for me at the time, but the Taliban attacked in force. Fortunately we were on the high ground. That kept us from being overrun, but there were a lot of them and they had RPGs and mortars.” He looked down, fighting his emotions. “That’s when Petty Officer Daniels and Lieutenant Adams were killed.”

He looked up again, clearly distraught. “My crew, they were my responsibility and there was nothing I could do.” Then almost to himself, “I couldn’t even manage to get their bodies home.”

He struggled to get himself under control and then took a long drink of water. Rachel held his upper arm and put her head on his shoulder.

Dillon refilled Paulson’s glass.

Paulson shook his head. “It seemed like the next thing I knew it was just your son and a Marine Corporal named Jones and me.”

Finally, he looked at his wife with tears in his eyes. “They took turns carrying me, even though it slowed them down. At one point I begged them to leave me so they could get away.” Rachel, tears unchecked, hugged him. “I’m sorry Rachel, honey.” She just hugged him tighter. “But Sergeant Cavanaugh wouldn’t give up. He told me that he would get me home if it was the last thing he did.”

Everyone was silent as they waited for him to go on.

“Late one afternoon we had stopped for the day and they had dug a shallow trench for me to lie in. I was pretty sick with a fever at the time, and I began to wonder if it would be my grave. Sergeant Cavanaugh took off his body armor and covered me with it. After a while he said a rescue chopper was on its way and he had to get up the hill to scout the LZ. He left Corporal Jones with me. I must have dozed because the next thing I knew all hell broke loose.

“The Taliban had come after us again. Sergeant Cavanaugh must have come back because I could hear him on the radio coordinating strikes from some gunships overhead, and I could hear Corporal Jones firing his weapon. About that time mortar rounds started hitting just down the hill from us and whoever was controlling them began walking them up the hill toward us. Sergeant Cavanaugh yelled it was time to go and the next thing I knew he and Jones were lifting me out of that hole. There wasn’t time for him to put his body armor back on, so it got left behind. Then he lifted me in his arms like I was a baby and we started up the hill toward the LZ. I remember seeing our rescue helicopter approaching. It seemed like a miracle.

“We were probably less than one hundred meters from where the helicopter was supposed to land when the mortars caught up to us. I never even heard the one that knocked us down. At first I thought maybe Sergeant Cavanaugh had stumbled, but then I was on my face on that hard ground and your son was on top of me protecting me. More rounds landed close by and, and...” He covered his eyes with his hands as if he could make it go away. “He never said a word or cried out but, I could feel him twitch every time a piece of shrapnel hit him.”

No one said anything for a long time. The only sound in the room came from the sobbing of the women.

Paulson looked around and then went on in a flat voice, “And then the mortars stopped and Sergeant Cavanaugh rolled off me. Corporal Jones came out of nowhere and Sergeant Cavanaugh yelled, ‘Get the LT first.’ I tried to protest but Jones just picked me up and took me to the helicopter. I was told that the helicopter had to circle while the gunships took out the mortars. Jones must have gone back for your son too because the next thing I knew I was on the floor of the helicopter with a corpsman working on me and Sergeant Cavanaugh was lying next to me. I tried to tell them that he needed attention more than I did, but they gave me a shot and that was the last thing I remember until I woke up in the hospital.

“Until yesterday, I really did believe getting me out was the last thing he did.” He looked at Pamela, with a terrible sadness. “I’m glad he’s alive. I’ve lived with the guilt of losing my crew and your son, who I thought gave his life for me, for the last seven months.”

Paulson put his head down on his folded arms. A sobbing Rachel leaned over and half covered him.

Without thought, Pamela moved over and sat on Dillon’s lap with her arms around his neck as she cried on his chest. Cassandra stood and went to them and put her arms around both of them.

Pamela didn’t know how long she sat on Dillon’s lap. Eventually she calmed enough to realize where she was. She felt safe and comforted with his strong arms around her.

He had started as her employee, but over the three plus years he had been in her life their relationship had evolved to the point where she increasingly looked to him as a confidant, as a help-mate, and as father-figure for her daughter.

She had not dated much after her divorce from Tom. Most of the men in her social circle were cut from the same cloth as Tom, and saw her as a trophy and someone who could increase their wealth and stature. After Dillon had put Tom in his place and after a couple of other incidents where he had to step in because some moneyed drunken lout tried to paw her, including a memorable incident on the golf course, she had given up dating altogether.

She didn’t miss it and she came to realize that men like Tom and his cronies paled in comparison with Dillon. A close relationship with her butler? Horrors! What will people think?

Truthfully, many of her acquaintances were envious. One confided that she’d swap her husband for someone like Dillon in a heartbeat. They saw Dillon as a tall, ruggedly handsome man, who was always around, unless she desired privacy, and who had no obvious bad habits, carried her golf clubs without complaint, would fetch and carry, and drive her where she wanted to go. That was all true, but she also knew that he would lay down his life for her and her daughter without a second thought. Her cynical acquaintances took pains to point out that, unlike her ex, he could be dismissed permanently without a divorce.

There was only one problem with the entire scenario – she had inexorably fallen in love with him. She just could not imagine life without Dillon.

Social gulf? She had not grown up wealthy. Her mother was a scientist and her father an engineer. They were decidedly upper middle class and lived in a nice home north of San Diego. Her parents collaborated on the first of a series of micro-chips that found applications in most mobile devices, and that catapulted them into the status of mega-wealth. Pamela went to the University of San Diego and got a business degree. Not long after graduation she met Tom. He was ten years her senior and she was flattered that such a world-wise, up and coming man would be interested. Tom did a great job in convincing her that he saw her as a partner. For a while she concentrated on her children but as they got older there was less and less to occupy her time. Tom’s scorn and his disrespect colored her relations with him and the children. Instead of fighting she gave up.

Her parents had been supportive, but they were both plagued with ill-health from an early age, and they died relatively young. Looking back she was convinced the death of her mother had tipped her into alcoholism.

Now she was with Dillon and she vowed that was never going to change.

After a few minutes Pamela reluctantly got off Dillon’s lap.

Pamela moved around the table and leaned over and hugged Jeff Paulson. “Thank you Jeff. I’m sorry to have put you through that.”

He shook his head. He was very pale. “If it helps you know the kind of man your son is then it was worth it.”

She turned and hugged Rachel. Nothing needed to be said.

They exchanged contact information. Once Jeff had completed therapy he would go to Norfolk to try to requalify for flight duty, and if all went well he would rejoin his squadron in San Diego. Jeff was excited to get back to flying, but Pamela caught the look of concern from Rachel as he talked about returning to flight status. For the most part she hid it well, but to Pamela it was clear that what had happened to Jeff in Afghanistan had shaken her to the core.

They walked out of the main entrance of the hospital complex together, and Jeff and Dillon went to retrieve their cars.

Pamela turned to Rachel and took her hands. “It’s obvious you love him a lot. He’s fortunate to have you, especially now.”

Rachel nodded. “I’ve loved him since the day we met.” She gave a brief smile. “I was a student at Emory-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, and some of us came to Washington DC during spring break. I learned early on I did not want to be in Daytona Beach during spring break.”

She paused with a far-away look. “I was standing inside the main entrance to the National Air and Space Museum just enraptured by the sight of the Wright Flyer and the Spirit of St. Louis hanging from the ceiling, and I heard a voice next to me. It was Jeff, and he said, ‘It’s a miracle we still have them isn’t it?’ I turned to look and there was this handsome young man who was also staring at those two amazing pieces of aviation history.

“Jeff was a Midshipman at the Naval Academy who had already been accepted into flight training after graduation, and already had his private pilot’s license before the Navy. He’d grown up in North Carolina and had visited the site of the Wright Brothers’ first flight several times and, like me, wanted to be a pilot since he was a child.”

Now she smiled broadly. “I’m pretty sure I fell in love right then.”

Pamela smiled and squeezed her hands. “And did he realize what was going on?”

She had to stifle a laugh. “I think Jeff realized we were destined to be together as soon as he discovered I was already qualified to fly multiengine aircraft and planned to have a career as a pilot.”

“That’s good. Some men are a little slow on the uptake.”

Rachel looked across the parking lot in the direction Dillon had gone. “If you’re talking about Dillon, and thinking that man doesn’t know you love him then he must be really slow on the uptake, but he doesn’t strike me that way. Somehow I think he knows, and it’s obvious that he loves you.”

This time it was Pamela’s turn to look in the direction Dillon had gone. “Obvious?”

“Pamela, you introduced Dillon as your personal assistant, but he adores you. I saw how he looks at you. Now who’s slow on the uptake?”

“It’s complicated...”

“Pamela, life is too short. You need to grab hold of all the happiness you can get when you can.”

They stood quietly for a few minutes, lost in thought. At some point Pamela noticed Cassandra was missing. She was about to go back into the building when Cassandra came out, accompanied by a Marine officer in his green dress uniform. He was on crutches. She could see an ACE bandage on his left foot below his trouser leg. Cassandra was carrying a satchel and a large military looking duffle. She was an athlete and pretty strong, but even she struggled a bit with those bags. Pamela wondered how the Marine intended to travel to wherever he was going, considering his leg and the luggage.

The way he’s looking at Cassandra he’s probably decided she should accompany him to his destination. And the way she’s looking at him that would be fine with her.

She watched as they approached the taxi stand. There were no taxis right then and Pamela could see them talking. The Marine was probably an inch or so taller than Cassandra’s six feet, but Cassandra was wearing low heels with her skirt so they were almost eye to eye. The Marine didn’t look a whole lot older than Cassandra’s twenty-one. She watched her smile at something he said. She remembered those days. Let the flirting begin.

At that point Rachel broke their silence. “Jeff got a medal for what happened in Afghanistan. He said he wasn’t going to accept.”


“I convinced him it wasn’t just for him but it was for his crew. They had a ceremony at the base commander’s office where he’s temporarily assigned. I was shocked when I heard the words of the citation – words like ‘refused morphine despite serious injuries, ‘ and ‘constantly exposed himself to enemy fire to aid wounded comrades, while providing leadership and encouragement to his men.’ The citation went on to say that at one point he crawled out under fire and brought Lieutenant Adams back to where he could be treated, for his wounds. I just can’t imagine what that particular act cost him. He had to have been in agony as he crawled, using only one leg and pulling the other leg which was shattered and in a makeshift splint, and then somehow dragged Lieutenant Adams back.

“Jeff never wanted to talk about it, but apparently the award was based on his after action report to those officers at Landstuhl, and that of Corporal, now Sergeant Jones, and as it turns out, Sergeant Cavanaugh. Today was the first time I heard him tell his version, which was seriously edited.

“I’ve lived with his wounds for months – through the surgeries and the rehab. The pain must have been excruciating the entire time.”

Rachel looked into the distance. “I just can’t imagine how he managed. The citation said that Jeff provided the leadership that accounted for anyone surviving at all and that through his ‘conspicuous gallantry, ‘ he helped inflict heavy casualties on the enemy. I’ve never known the Jeff Paulson in the citation. He’s always been the cautious, by-the-book pilot, and that pretty much describes him as a person, at least I thought so. Jeff isn’t dull by any means. He has a great sense of humor and he’s a wonderful husband and father, it’s just I had no idea he was capable of, of those things...

“I was shocked, and hurt, when I heard the words in the citation that he volunteered to stay behind to provide covering fire so your son and Corporal Jones could be safely evacuated. I’ve never told Jeff that.” She began to sob. “He was going to leave me a widow and Andrew fatherless because he saw two Marines who he could save...”

Pamela watched the young woman draw into herself as the tears streamed down her face. She took her in her arms and held her as she cried.

Finally Pamela asked, “You don’t want him to go back to flying, do you?”

Rachel shook her head. “I pray he won’t be restored to flight status, and considering the damage to his leg I doubt it will happen.” She dried her eyes on a wad of tissues from her coat pocket and then looked at Pamela. “At least James is done. He won’t ever have to go back.”

Pamela nodded. She’d been thinking along the same lines.

After a period of silence, Pamela asked, “What’s Jeff doing now, other than getting physical therapy?”

“He has a temporary assignment pushing paper at NAS Pax River.”


“Oh sorry, that stands for Naval Air Station, and he’s stationed at the air station at Patuxent River which is about eighty miles from here in Maryland. Jeff is assigned to the Helicopter Test and Evaluation Squadron. They evaluate new helicopters that the Navy is considering and also new equipment that might be installed onto current helicopters. It’s an important job but Jeff is frustrated because he can’t fly, although he gets to ride along for evaluations. I would be surprised if he doesn’t get some unofficial flying in though. He really wants to get back to an operational squadron. I think he’s done enough.”

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old friend of family comes to town. Opens up to older woman, Has sex eventually“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend.She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again.“How are you?”...

2 years ago
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Tyler and Uncle Frankie

I was suspecting my sexy wife was cheating on me, because she looked very relaxed sometimes when I came home after work.Something strange was happening and I wanted to know what…I finally installed a surveillance camera into a lovely teddy bear. My sweet Ana loved those nice teddy bears. She was delighted and told me the toy would rest in a comfortable shelf of the kitchen. Just what I wanted…After a few days of watching Anita moving around doing just the ordinary housekeeping, I noticed...

2 years ago
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Tyler keeps coming home

One full week passed since that time when Tyler showed up with his Uncle Frankie. Both black bastards had fucked my sweet wife in a wild way during the afternoon. When I came home late evening, I found Ana was still walking with a certain difficulty. I asked her if she was fine, thinking about the abuse of those black serpents in her wet pussy, but she lied to me, telling that she had spent a while at the gym and had hurt her knee just a little…I continued checking the camera daily from my...

2 years ago
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Tyler and the Dance Floor Part 1

His name is Tyler. We have met a few times before at a local club (it was gay club, so Tyler is fully aware of what's contained between my legs). Until now we have only ever met there by chance, when we happened to be there on the same night. I find him irresistible. He is a little over 6 ft tall with brown, slightly untamed hair that I just want to run my fingers through. He isn't muscular by any means, but certainly looks after himself. He has piercing blue eyes and a little stubble around...

3 years ago
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tyler and my wife

I met a new young man at work, and took a quick liking to him. Tyler had just started a week earlier and I needed assistance in the lab that day, so his boss sent him over. I was really getting to like him and could see my wife liking him also. I continued to work with him for several days and when Friday came I thought about our garage and mentioned to Tyler that I could use some help reorganizing the garage. He agreed and I gave him our address and we set a time for 5 PM. He arrived and we...

4 years ago
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The neighbourhood hadn’t changed much during the 2 years I’d been away. Everything seemed to be exactly the way I had left it as I guided my old wreck of a car through the familiar maze of streets that led home. I would be 22 years old in a couple of weeks and had just finished college. I was an only child of a single Mom who couldn’t afford to send me to college. That had won me a small scholarship for a 2 year course from a far flung school a year after I’d graduated highschool....

4 years ago
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Tylers first cock

Tyler was a run of the mill kind of guy he was always attracted to the swimsuit babes on sports illustrated loved huge breasts and the female form he loves women and all kinds of them he was what he thought a sexually adventurous guy. He had an appetite for new things well one night thats exactly what he got little did he know what waited for him one sleepless night. It honestly was no night out of the ordinary his beautiful girlfriend usually pestered him to come sleep with him almost every...

2 years ago
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Tyler Part 2 A dream comes true

A week after our first encounter, Tyler came around to clean again, only this time my wife Tanya was in. Tyler was wearing blue jeans that sat on her hips and gripped her firm ass just right. Her grey zipped top was baggy with the zip down slightly, showing just the faintest glimpse of her young breasts to really tease. I was desperate to touch her, kiss her, caress her smooth tight flesh, but the risk was just too much. My desire for her however took control, and I seized the first...

2 years ago
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Tyler Part 1 Cleaning Up

Tyler… a friends daughter is a very sexy 17yr old, (and she knows it!) with short dyed blonde hair, lovely looks and a gorgeous body. With sparkling blue eyes and full lips, she’s developing nicely! Tyler helps to clean our house sometimes. It was on such a day , with the rest of the family out and me working from home that she came round to do the cleaning. As usual Tyler just walked straight in to the house shouting ‘Hiya’ as she closed the door. One of these days that sort of abrupt entry is...

2 years ago
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Tyler and Jenny Part 2

Introduction: I received many great comments about part 1 of this series and I am pleased to say that Tyler and Jenny Part 1 reached a very solid rating. That was before it was deleted by the site. From the notice posted, I can only assume it was deleted because it was deemed to be a pedophile story. I am a little confused because the definition of pedophilia as I know it is anyone over the age of 16 engaging in sexual acts with anyone age 13 or younger. In the original story, Tyler was 13 and...

2 years ago
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Tyler and Jenny Part 3 Curts Revenge

Introduction: Again, in the original story, Tyler was 13, Curt was 12, Jenny was 11, and Allie was 10. But, to avoid further censorship and this story being deleted, I will say that all involved are 18 (Wink, wink) When I got inside my house, my sister, Allie, was sitting on the couch. I thought about immediately approaching her about what I was thinking, but I couldnt bring myself to do it, especially with my parents still in the house. I went to my room to think. I knew I had to eventually do...

4 years ago
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TylerChapter 2

It wasn't bad. They had classes that would get you a high school diploma and they taught several trades. I took the classes and got my diploma from the local high school and I was learning to be a welder when my eighteenth birthday rolled around. Only one to go was the thought I gave myself as a birthday present that day. Three weeks after that birthday I passed the test for bridge certification as a welder. I had a high school diploma and a trade, but still had eleven months to go until I...

4 years ago
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Tyler and Jenny Part 3 Curts Revenge

I thought about what Jenny told me as she rested her head on my chest in between our sex romps. Was she telling me the truth? Did Allie really talk before about wanting to have sex with Curt? Maybe Jenny was bullshitting me, but if she was telling the truth, the task would be much easier. I heard a knock at my door. It was mom. “Hey sweetie. Whatcha doing?” “Nothing mom. What’s up?” She stepped into my room. “Your dad and I are going in town for a few minutes. Can you look after...

3 years ago
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Tyler and Jenny Part 2

I had tried to think back to the three weeks we had of sex-ed in Health class this past school year. I knew how it was supposed to work and what all would happen. In addition, having seen many of Curt’s stashed porn DVD’s, I knew what moves I could put on to make it a great experience for both Jenny and myself. I had been waiting close to the phone for the past half hour so I could answer before one of my parents. Finally, the phone rang and Jenny, the young girl that had rocked my world,...

2 years ago
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TylerChapter 3

I woke up with a hot mouth on my cock and in no time at all I was pounding Marla's pussy and she had her hands on my ass trying to pull me deeper in to her. Once I'd gotten the both of us off she noticed the beside clock and exclaimed: "Oh shit! I've got to get home and get dressed for work. I don't dare be late again." She jumped out of bed and dressed as I got my pants and shirt on. Driving her back to her place I probably looked like I was concentrating on my driving and Marla...

3 years ago
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Tylers Stay

“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...

4 years ago
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Tylers first day

Before leaving, Tyler quickly stopped to comb his hair at the mirror. He took a moment to look at himself. He stood just below six feet tall and had a slender build. Straight brown hair came down from his head, and rested slightly above his blue eyes. Tyler took a deep breath. He couldn’t help to feel nervous as he started his first day of college. People always seemed to love him, but that was high school. This is a whole new world. As he walked down his hallway, Tyler fished his schedule...

3 years ago
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Tylers Stay

“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...

3 years ago
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sex with coworker

this story is 100% true. the names have changed to protect the guilty.... lolI had been divorced for about a six months and living on my own with a few sex partners but that's another story. Michele was my co-worker and at first I did not get along with her. I was working for a non-profit agency in a large metropolitan area on the east coast. Michele had transferred to our office from another office of the same agency. She was promoted as the office manager. She was not my boss but we had...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas Part 2

In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone. “I haven’t kissed you,” I said. “No, you haven’t,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice. I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very...

3 years ago
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Late Night Treat

‘Thank you for joining me……. finally!’ ‘I’m sorry I’m late darling, I have had a rough day at work.’ ‘Maybe I can loosen you up a bit.’ ‘Mmmmmm, that sounds good. Maybe I can give you a little treat later on.’ That sounded even better. I got up and loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, the smell of his aftershave was stirring a fire within me. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his hands on my ass. I was wearing a short skirt a tight low cut vest and no panties. It was a hot...

2 years ago
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Net Gains 2

The clip we wrote about in Net Gains was largely a mystery: we knew nothing of the couple engaged in a very erotic encounter, nor of the person filming. We just enjoyed it for what it was for 11 minutes and 14 seconds. It still turns us on today. But now we can recommend a much longer clip (32 minutes) and this time we know just about everything. First, we must introduce our friends Gary and Ros, a couple with whom we have shared some satisfactory evenings. In some ways we are very different....

4 years ago
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Threesome With Cook And Her Friend

This is in continuation with my story sex with elderly cook Lakshmi. One day Lakshmi told me that her friend Swathi was coming to stay with her and requested me for permission. Lakshmi told me that her friend would work in the other homes that she was working in so that she could devote attention full time to my home. Since I was more worried about missing sex, I asked her how we could have sex with her friend staying at the house. Lakshmi said her friend would be away almost the whole day and...

2 years ago
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Releasing the beast in her Part 1

How was I going to explain to my wife? It was Wednesday and I was just driving home after landing back in the UK having just returned from three months working in New Zealand and discovered that I needed to have a meeting in London late Friday afternoon and into the evening with two of the team I had been working with on a previous project in Japan! The only way around it, I thought, was to take her with me. As the meeting was scheduled for a Friday I planned to give her a weekend in...

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I fucked my girlfriend8217s mom 8211 Part 2

Hi, I am Chetan, 24 years old, and I live in Bangalore. If you haven’t read the first part of this story, please go through it. So after a few days, Chaitna’s mom’s birthday was coming. So I told Chaitna to throw her a party as she hadn’t had one for a very long time. She was turning 43 that year. I had already thought of what to gift her for her birthday. I ordered a dress for her. It was light blue in the color, deep neck, its length was above her knees exposing a part of her thighs, and it...

1 year ago
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A Flirt Too Far

Copyright© 1997 Rajah Dodger It always comes back to the office. My wife and I had gone through some rough stretches during a dozen years of marriage. I'm not the easiest guy to live with and although I wasn't a virgin I didn't exactly revel in physical contact to the degree that my wife did, and needed me to. Meanwhile I was actively flirting with two or three women on the bulletin boards and goofing around with the office secretaries, at least to the degree that they invited and went...

3 years ago
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Broken Bliss Ch 6

The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey.Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried in a mouth, and it did belong to my...

2 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 4 Rose

I put the pee soaked towel back around me. My parents, Uncle Joe and his wife, Aunt Kathy, with my two cousins Allyson who is 16 and Matt who is 18, were looking at some photo books, so no one seen me walk past them. I took a shower, and I put on some make-up, put my hair into a ponytail. I then put a new towel around me and went to my room. Kara had laid out my blue dress, it was very short, its a couple years old but I can still fit into it. There was no bra to put on; she did lay out a...

1 year ago
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Sunday Services

Harry Andersen couldn't understand why his mother tells him every Sunday that she doesn't need a ride to church on Sundays into the city. He even offered to take her because he goes to the same church. She doesn't have a car. There was no big deal. She told him that the minister comes by every Sunday afternoon to give her cummioun. Harry spent a couple of hours thinking why she would do this to him for the fourth time in a month. He wanted to know what was so important to receive commiun at...

3 years ago
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Martha Takes the CaseChapter 8

It was another one of those damp mornings that seemed to wait forever before the sun finally broke through the haze. Martha had spent the entire night tossing and turning and trying to figure out how to get the solid evidence she needed to convince the prosecutor to detain Mister Han on murder charges. She was more than reasonable convinced he was the guilty party but he had covered his tracks well. Of course, he was a professional trained assassin and had plenty of practice on how to deceive...

3 years ago
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Sarah Redux Part Three

It had been a week since I had seen Sarah. She was a businesswoman now, with the responsibilities and problems that go along with being a manager, so it should not have been a surprise that some time would go by without hearing from her. On an early Friday evening she called to tell me she was at a restaurant and had just finished dinner and drinks with several people with whom she worked. Could I pick her up? I pulled my car up in front of the restaurant and saw Sarah waiting just inside the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Angry Girl To Pleasing Whore

Hi friends on iss. This is Ranjit again with a new story in which I fucked one angry girl in her own house. This happened in the year 2015 December. The girl in this story is Anamika aged 26 not very fair but she looks damn sexy with stats 34-30-36. She has the perfect pair of boobs and round fluffy ass in shape. Coming back to story, I saw Anamika in office and she was looking super sexy as she was in tight jeans and tee shirt with a muffler. I was attracted by her looks. But she was behaving...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 438 Let Me Introduce Ellen My Daughter

Way to be a father, David, and scold Ellen for once. I got her plenty to eat when she stopped crying and apologizing. I hated to do that so harshly, but she seemed to have needed it. “I have plenty for you to eat, Ellen, when you are ready,” I told her after she blew her nose and wiped her eyes. She was ravenous, and I had to stop at the next exit to let her hit the throne while I got her more to eat. We ate there until Ellen had crapped out pretty much everything inside her gut besides...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sweet Sharmila Aunty

Hi this is Mathen, ( )back with a story after a long time, about me I’m a hot and sexy boy for Tamil Nadu, I have competed MBA, and working, I am here to share my wonderful experience with you. Let’s go into the story, the queen of this story is Sharmila aunty, about her she is married lady, married 4-5years ago, but she don’t have any children because of some issues, she is living with her husband, since her husband is in Marketing line, he is often out of station, she and her husband are...

3 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 4

Bob hadn't thought about his daughter since half time, when he'd called up to the box to see how she was doing, and had found out she hadn't showed up. None of the girls had. When he checked his phone he found a message from Judith that said they'd had a flat tire, but not to worry. They'd be a little late. He hadn't had time to worry about it then. The game was tight, but his players had what it took to win. He knew it ... could feel it in his bones. All they had to do was keep from...

3 years ago
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ObsessionChapter 10

Lynn checked into the motel in mid afternoon. She had just finished showering when the phone rang. "Hello." "Lynn, it's Peter. I want to see you tonight." Despite her morning tryst with Paul and the other conflicts within her at the moment, not the least of which was Denise and Peter's marriage, Lynn' s heart still beat wildly at the sound of his voice. "Peter, how did you... ?" "I have asked Denise for a divorce. She has consented. I want to see you. I have something I want to...

4 years ago
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My hot little sister part 2

Next day we were really close each other, I told her let go to the river near by, a was really solitaire area a was Friday so a was perfect to be alone an the middle of no where, I put my short en t-shirt an she ask me what do you want me to wear, I’m yours an I belong to you now, you orders are my command, I say, sis you don’t have to say that, and she say yes I’m all yours but please don’t never let me I feel lonely, is ok sis you will never be alone any more you have me, I kind I thought...

3 years ago
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Four in four hours am I a whore Part 2

So, I'd had my passing quick bj and the guy I blew has already sent me a message thanking me for what I did for him and asking me when I'm available again, perfect !!From the quickie it took me a while to get to the hotel, called when I was in the car park, heels on and walked across the car park with more delicious feelings between my legs, I adore walking in heels and stockings, they're always so sexy. There was a couple going into another room and the guy did a double take and smiled,...

1 year ago
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Authors note; This is an alternate universe type story which has no basis in reality. This is a "fictional" story that shows how technology can be abused or misused and not a refection on the authors views on the subject Homophobia The moving van pulled away. "I'm glad that's over." Larry sounded exhausted. "I know what you mean" Tim added. "They promised delivery in three weeks. I just hope there are no complications with the apartment." "There shouldn't be. The lease...

1 year ago
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My hung boyfriend has a brother

When my husband answered the doorbell late one friday evening he was surprised to see Dan, my boyfriend and another guy who he introduced as his brother Markus.I became the hostess and brought drinks and they told me Markus was down visting friends and they had gone out on the town for a drink and whatever else might come up. They told me there wasn't any talent out so Dan told him about Me and Mick and wondered if we might like 2 visitors.I was quite happy to take their banter while they...

4 years ago
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Cathleen Cindy and the Boys BffChapter 3 Girls Like to Have Fun Too

Bill (Cindy’s ex-husband and Tony’s dad) arrived around 9:30 am on Saturday to pick up the boys for the weekend. We were all glad to see him and there was a hug and kiss for each of us girls and a hearty handshake for Brian and a manly hug for Tony. Bill said he was going to take the boys off-roading and a round of golf this weekend and treat them to some authentic Japanese home cooking. He would bring them back Monday morning right after breakfast. I spent some time catching up with Bill....

1 year ago
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Friends big tit milf mom

When I was younger I was friends with a neighbor of mine who lived across the street from me. His mother was very kind to my family and to all our other neighbors. I never really thought of her as hot, she just wasn't that kind of hot women who you think is hot the first time you see her. Well once I went into 8th grade her family moved out of the neighborhood. My family stayed friends with them but we didn't see them as often. A couple years later when I was 18 and going into the hospital...

3 years ago
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I Do This for YouChapter 5 A different kind of service

"Paul!" Kathryn said, surprised. "Is that really you?" "Kathryn!" I gasped, stepping back and trying to hide myself behind the door. It was Thursday morning and I was fully dressed in my maid's uniform. Kathryn stepped into my apartment and shut the door, leaving me completely exposed. "My gosh," she said, her eyes wide as saucers, "you ... you're..." "yes... ?" I asked, tremulously. "You look amazing!" she said, with glee. "Well, I ... uh..." "Just amazing! I had...

1 year ago
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horny boss

Jim Bryan sat in his boss's office and sipped coffee and listened to his boss as he expounded the idea of expansion."So, you see, it’s going to work," his boss said. "We’ll start it next week. And that’s what I wanted to let you know about. The expansion will require an officer to be in charge. He’ll be promoted to a vice-presidency, and that of course will involve quite a promotion in both position and salary. So, I want to tell you that the officer will come from this department; it’ll be one...

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Reddit NSFW Memes

The Reddit community is very huge, and the r/NSFWMemes, aka NSFW Memes Reddit, is just a small bit of it. This subreddit is dedicated to bringing you the best of porn memes cutting across every aspect of life. The members of this community, which has been around since 2012, enjoy sharing erotic memes. In fact, anyone visiting can be confident enough that they will be able to enjoy a lot serving from some time back as we as present times.The good thing about this subreddit community is that...

Funny Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

She couldn’t resist standing in front of the full length mirror to get a complete look at her new dress and make some final adjustments to the belt and neckline. Austin had bought it for her birthday, today. He said he had seen it in a window downtown and had gotten excited thinking about how the rich purple silk would lie on her beautiful body. He loved her body and she was pretty happy with it herself. She studied her figure in the mirror. She was 40 today. Her breasts weren’t large, but...

3 years ago
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FidleChapter 6

What the hell just happened? The question echoed all through the night, and lingered long after he awoke. He’d planned to hit the gym this morning, but entering the house seemed like a complication he wasn’t ready to face, and so he settled for a run on the beach followed by a chilly but invigorating swim. (This time, he remembered to leave a towel on the dock.) By the time he was done, almost fifty percent of his hangover had been suppressed. Unfortunately, one hundred percent of his guilt,...

2 years ago
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Attacked at home

Snuggled up and lying on the sofa, I rest my left arm over Nicks stomach. My head lies on his chest against his heart that gently beats against my ear, as his left arm pulls me close and subconsciously strokes the back of my right hand. We lay there watching a film, Im not sure what its called since Im not really paying attention to it, instead I just close my eyes and breath in the manly scent of his lynx deodorant and cool water after shave as they combine together to make a very sexy...

4 years ago
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Helping out a friend

I was at a party that was just finishing with my friend Pete. A big mansion owned by some guy he worked for a whole ago. As the place emptied Pete and I were out by the pool deck near the sauna room when the owner, about 50 with a beer gut and body to amtch and one of his mate, who looked the same walked up to Pete and said "so who's your mate?" "I'm Joe" i blurted out offering my hand for the shaking. He shook it and turned to face Pete."So, still wanting abit of extra money?" he asked. I...

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