The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 4
- 4 years ago
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Lunar Base.
July 18 – July 23, 1976
Lunar Base.
The Ghost was summoned again to His Supremacy’s presence. He was ushered toward the large double doors. The liaison told him, “He’s been waiting for you, what’s worse, you’re late.” He instinctively looked at his watch, then the chronometer on the wall. According to both, he was right on time. Which meant he was late. The doors silently opened, and he stepped into the chamber. There was no light. He used his training, expecting to be attacked at any moment. He made his way to the Dias and the throne-like chair that was upon it. The chair appeared empty, but it wasn’t. Only a neophyte would believe that. He got to the base of the raised dais at the foot of the throne. He stopped, bowed, and prostrated himself. He didn’t move until the voice told him to rise. It was a long wait.
Finally, the voice with exasperation announced, “Arise, you worthless slave.” Silently the assassin known as Ghost arose to his feet. He stood at attention and appeared like a statue. He didn’t even blink. His Supremacy was incredibly angry. He was always incredibly angry. You didn’t meet him because you succeeded. For many, this meeting would have been their last. The voice got right to the point. “You have failed me yet again. How is it you missed your target again? This is very curious to me. Your opponent has exposed a vital weakness in you, and you have exposed us as weak to our enemy. I should simply end you, here and now. Your life belongs to me. I should collect on your oath of allegiance. Do you remember that oath? What you pledged to me if you failed me in any task, great or small? I see by the look of your eyes that you do. Good. You would do well to continue to keep mindful of that pledge. I will hear your report now. Do not leave out even the slightest detail.”
“Your Supremacy, I tracked the boy to his home and waited for him to leave the house. He invited another boy into the house. Where they remained for most of the afternoon. Using the most dangerous weapon I had, I destroyed the house. I was sure that escape from the devastation was not possible. The hit was disguised as a gang-related hit by hitting several other houses as well. It made it less likely to be seen as a lone hit that way. It would keep the local law enforcement busy trying to figure out how and why. I had just enough time to escape the area before their presence would impede my escape. When I left, there were no signs of the boy leaving the structure. I had to assume I had hit him. I did not have time to verify his death. In any other situation, I would have, but it became apparent I had to escape. I confess, in hindsight, it was poorly executed. I was able to leave the area without being identified.
That he survived, it seems is more evident the other side is more heavily involved than they have ever been before. In my experience, they don’t usually take a hand-on approach to these matters. If I may say so if they are, he may be untouchable for the time being.
From the reports on the local news outlets, it appears I was successful in part of the attack. The local law enforcement agency had no clues and assumed it was a local gang with a vendetta that perpetrated the attack. Our involvement has not been questioned nor contemplated. I, of course, lost contact with the subject after I discovered he had survived the attack. The boy’s uncle informed a local criminal element that they had attacked too soon and that he would have to wait until the boy received the settlement arising from the auto accident. I learned this from one of my contacts within that criminal faction. He is staying at the hotel, which is guarded by the other side. So it is impossible to hit him while he is there.
I later caught a glimpse of him at a neighborhood recreational facility. I was unable to do anything about it at that time due to how many other people were around. I figured a more personal touch would be given to this matter. I have determined the best course of action is to wait until the local educational system reconvenes classes in a few weeks.
Then I plan on trailing him and studying his path to and from the school and finding time where I can achieve the hit with the least amount of chance for failure or detection. I have multiple contingencies planned for his demise. I think the best chance of success lies in either a hit and run with a motor vehicle. Or a close up hit in or around the school itself. I will determine the details of both when I have a better idea of his daily activities.”
His supremacy listened to the report, his anger slowly dissipating. He thought about what he had been told and mentally reviewed the pics of the damage done to the house. It was true. The boy should not have survived. It seemed unlikely that his best assassin could fail him this many times without some sort of outside influence. He was not sure if that meant that The Guardians were the source of that influence, but it did seem to point in their direction. Why would they get involved personally? He knew that the young boy was marked for greatness. It was his aura, and its intensity shined brighter daily. It should have started to dull and fade like many others who were honored but unwilling to step up to the challenge. Many who were marked for greatness never knew or realized their destiny. In fact, merely telling them over and over again that they were nothing special was usually enough to convince them they were not. You could never wholly turn them into failures. Their true nature would win out in the end. But that was nothing compared to what they were destined to achieve.
In this boy’s case, his aura went from waning dull to positively glowing, blindingly so. He was becoming aware of himself, or someone had made him aware of his destiny. Now he appeared to be acting on it. This could not be allowed to continue. It would undo centuries of planning. If need be, he decided to take out the boy himself, which sounded like the best idea yet.
I woke up earlier than usual. The bedside clock read 5:30 am. Instead of going back to sleep, I got out of bed. I started my morning run and exercise routine. Running 3 miles and increasing my calisthenics by twenty percent. I was finished by 6:40 am and returned to the hotel to shower and dress for the day.
Then I sat on the floor of my suite and concentrated on trying to meditate. I had gotten into meditation the first time through around age 50 or so. I found that it helped me focus, and I could visualize my goals becoming a reality. It worked for me then, so I figured I might as well try it now.
I had a lot to think about, and I needed to figure out a formal strategy. I began to slow my breathing and clear my mind of distractions. I sat there and began to look inward. How have I used this second chance? What, if anything, have I achieved? Is it what I want, or is it just what the Guardians have asked me to do? Where do I fit into this? Is there a way to make my wants and needs come in line with that? Should they?
The questions kept coming. I cleared them from my mind and concentrated on just meditating. Soon I had reached that quiet place I sought. I stayed in that state until I felt at peace with myself and the goals I had set. Then I slowly brought myself back to a more aware state until I was awake. I felt better, and I felt less stressed about what I needed to be doing. I decided I would do this every morning to get back into the practice.
In my past life, I read the daily newspaper and the Wall Street Journal, so I went down to the lobby and picked up complimentary copies of each. I read them throughout breakfast. I decided I wanted some more information. So, I rode my bike to the library and went inside. I asked the reference librarian where the back issues of the Wall Street Journal were kept. She informed me that they had back issues in the basement going back to the first of the year. The rest were on microfiche or microfilm and could be viewed in the back. I was looking at stocks that I was interested in investing my money in. I was looking for trends, and for companies I recognized. Intel was a going concern and publicly traded since October 1971. Apple and Microsoft weren’t going to be public for years, 1980 for Apple and 1986 for Microsoft. IBM was listed in 1911, so I would do well to invest in it. It paid a healthy dividend every year. Motorola has been a publicly-traded company since 1951. I knew that they were safe and would play a big part in what I needed to accomplish. I also invest in Ford and a few other transportation-based companies. I knew that the Hunt brothers were already buying up as much silver as they could get, and mostly on margin. I would ride their coattails, but not on margin as they did, but by buying contracts. I would have some silver and gold bullion buy only a little. And try not to bring too much attention to myself. I knew that by early 1980 the whole thing would come crashing down because they would miss a margin call.
I started the day by meditating, this time with specific goals in mind. I thought hard about the economic trends and the cycles I lived through the first time. What were the significant dips and the big highs? How far apart were they? What kind of indicators were there? Were there any warnings I could look to as a guide for each? If so, what were they, and how far out did they show themselves? I thought upon this and went back through as many as I could recall. Starting in the late ‘70s, I didn’t pay attention to the news as much as I did in my later years. But by my late thirties, I read the paper or listened to the radio and watched the tv news daily. It was something I felt would make me understand what was going on in the world. I caught onto trends and accurately predicted the beginning of upticks or downturns reasonably regularly. This helped in anticipation of whether to buy additional old cars or to look at selling some of them. It also gave me a gauge of how much new commission works I might expect.
After meditating for about 30 minutes, I was ready to start the physical part of my morning. I kept to-form with the program I had established and worked my heart rate up to optimal and held for about 15 minutes and slowed down and started my cool-down exercises. I did the rest of my workout, then grabbed my towel, and dried the sweat of my face. I drank a big bottle of water and started to paddle back to the hotel.
Everything was going well until the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand on end. I had the feeling of being watched, worse, intensely studied. I slowed the bike and turned my head slowly. I was looking for anyone out of place who might be the culprit. Nothing appeared out of sorts. At first glance, everything was normal. I started to cross the street and caught the green car that looked like the one from the day of the shooting. At first, I tried to convince myself that there were probably hundreds of mint green Impalas in and around Detroit. But this one started to turn in the same direction I was headed. When I turned onto a side street going away from the hotel, the vehicle took the next parallel road and turned in the direction I was going. I know this because I was watching the cross-streets to see if I could see it. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes, the car showed up. Keeping tabs on me. I was out in the open and exposed. I had made an error in judgment. I had gotten comfortable and had fallen into a predictable pattern.
I needed to escape this area quickly. I could not panic. To do so would mean death. I had to remain calm. I increased my speed and started looking for a way out of this situation. The car finally made a turn to intersect with my street. When he did, I knew it was my only shot. I made a u-turn, and then I cut across yards and in between buildings, staying in the alleys and such. I finally had an idea and headed to the library. I was going to go there today anyway. I got there, only to discover it wasn’t open yet. I looked at my watch and saw that it was barely 7:30. I took off to the only store open close-by at this time of the morning, the bakery. I figured a cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee would be just right. I sat down at the counter and waited to be served.
I spent an hour getting free refills on my coffee and reading the morning paper. I made a great show of looking engrossed in the article but was continually looking to see if the car drove by or if the driver stepped inside. I waited until I could confirm I had not seen the vehicle for a considerable time and then went to the hotel from a previously unused route. I climbed into the bathtub. I was too worn out to stand in the shower.
I awoke to a tub full of ice-cold water, and a loud pounding on the door to the suite. I quickly found a robe. I put it on, tying the belt. And then I peeked through the eye hole of the door to see a man dressed in a bellhop uniform. I asked, “Who’s there?” I heard the reply, “Room service.” Now I knew I was in trouble. I had not ordered room service. I looked for something to use to defend myself.
There was nothing in the suite that I could see that would be a good weapon, and then I spotted a table lamp. It had a massive, clay pot base, glazed a horrid purplish pink color. I hefted it in my hands. It had some weight to it, I took it and prepared to answer the door. I slowly opened the door. When the person on the other side busted through, I immediately hit him over the head with the lamp.
He slumped and went unconscious. I took the opportunity to tie his hands behind his back. I grabbed another lamp, yanked the cord from the base, and tied his feet together. The guy was wearing a too-small uniform. I rolled him over onto his back to get a good look at him. It looked like the gang banger from the pool. I took the precaution of frisking him. I felt what I thought could be a gun but didn’t touch it or remove it. I called the front desk, telling them to send up a manager and to call the police as I had just been attacked.
Within minutes, the day manager and in-house security were in my room. They were both asking questions. I tried to answer them as best I could. I told them about how this guy said he was from room service, but I had not ordered anything. I asked if he was an employee of this hotel. They both answered no. By then, the police had made their way up to the suite. That was incredible speed. If this were my neighborhood, you might never see a cop arrive. But this being the Hilton, it got the police here quickly. I told the police the same story I told the manager and head of security. The officer grabbed him and brought some smelling salts to his nose. When he came to, he started to struggle with his bonds. The police picked him up and patted him down. They found the gun a snub-nosed .38. They read him his rights and arrested him, put him in cuffs, and then cut the electrical cords. I asked the manager to have the lamps replaced as soon as possible since I did not want to be in the dark this evening. They told me that replacements were on the way.
The rest of the day was pretty quiet, with one exception. About 5 O’clock, I received a phone call. I wasn’t expecting one. So, I hurried over to the phone and answered it.
“Hello, who’s calling?”
“Hello, Michael. It’s Eve. I have a question.”
This sounded interesting. “Go ahead, Eve. How can I help you?”
“Oh, it’s not about me. It’s Mary. She wants to know if you’d like to go out with her some night this week?”
“Well, I am not sure. Why isn’t Mary calling and asking me this question?” I decided this was a setup, and I would not make it easy. Eve could not date, but her friends could. I was about to get the, ‘Go ahead and date all you want it won’t bother me, speech.’ It was the kiss of death for any kind of relationship. In fantasy, this is where the main character got to screw all the girls he could ever dream of. In reality, this was where you lose any chance of getting past the batter’s box. Girls don’t like guys who date or sleep around. Don’t let erotic fiction fool you.
I finally answered, “Eve, I was rather hoping to date you. Yes, I know you can’t date until your mother permits you, but I would much rather wait for you than go on dates with your friends. Besides, they might make you angry or jealous, and I would not be happy about that. Please tell Mary I am flattered by her interest. If you and I find we are not compatible or not happy, then I would like a chance to date her at that time. But I think for the moment that it’s best I remain your girlfriends’ friend.”
I heard a little sigh, and then a sharp intake of breath like there might be more than one person on the other end of the call. That also made sense. I think it was a test to see if I was serious or not. I am not into the games that girls play, as evidenced by the handful of relationships the first time around. So, I tried to keep things in perspective. These girls were young, and they may be just a little inexperienced, and probably horny and not sure of themselves yet. It made for an intoxicating mixture that I was turned on by.
It was more of the same. I called the Jameses and asked if they needed help with packing up their house in preparation for the move this weekend. Mrs. J was pleased with my offer. I told her I would be there soon. I rode my bike over to the Jameses house, being careful to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
I walked in the front door, just like always. A chaotic mess greeted me. I found Mrs. J. in the master bedroom, packing clothes into boxes. I asked where she wanted me to start. Her answer was the hall closet and bathroom. Then go to the guestroom, which was Junior’s old room. And that the boxes were in the garage. I went out and brought in a few. They were flat new boxes, so I folded them into shape and taped the bottoms. I started by packing all the blankets and towels in the hall closet. Then I packed all the clothing that was hanging. I filled two boxes very quickly. I moved on to the guestroom. I took the bedding off the mattress and folded it neatly, stowing it in a box. I found a marker and labeled the boxes I had completed.
The room was used for overflow. There were lots of things stacked in piles. The pile next to the sewing machine I assumed was for repairs and put all of the clothes into one box. The closet had what appeared to be mementos from Junior’s high school days. These got their own box. Soon I decided not to worry what was being put into each box. I just started labeling them by the area that they came from. Then I began to ask where in the new house these things would be going. For many of the items, the answer became the basement. A feature this house didn’t have. It had a crawl space under the house. I added markings of where in the new home these boxes should be placed.
After a couple of hours, RJ and I were assigned to the garage. I was still upset with him, but I decided to give this a chance, he was my best friend. Maybe with my influence, I could steer him back toward the person he once was. It might let him see success was possible, and the hood wasn’t the only option. He had to stop hanging out with gang bangers for this to work. I thought maybe the move into a nice neighborhood would help. So, I decided to bury the hatchet and apologized for my behavior towards him.
We were to take inventory of what was there, what should be thrown out, and what to pack. I asked Mrs. J if that was a good idea. Maybe Mr. James would be better at determining what he wanted and what could be thrown out. I was informed that he would keep it all if it were up to him and that she wished for a dispassionate view to take charge and organize it. I knew that this was going to be one of those family stories that got retold, and with each retelling, it would get further from the truth. I was about to step into a minefield. Unless I could navigate this correctly, my name would be mud.
It started simple; old magazines got thrown into the trash, old newspapers, same thing. Then I noticed old Playboys and I knew better. They were packed into a box. They’d be worth a fortune if they could be kept in good condition. The next thing I packed was various Mitchell Books. These gave detailed descriptions of how to repair a car. Each book was for a single model. These also would be valuable, especially for what I did in my first life. These books in this condition were tough to find. I had to look through boxes of junk, and I made split-second decisions. I asked RJ when was the last time he’d seen anything that was in the box. If he gave me a funny look or the answer was years and years ago, I looked to make sure that nothing looked like it was a collectible or had value in the future, then I tossed it.
Friday, July 9, 1976 I awoke to a rainy grey day. I knew I had to continue my conditioning program. I forced myself out of bed. I dressed in my workout clothes and took my room key and my neck pouch. I still needed a wallet. Outside it was chilly and wet. I started towards the park to do my daily run, and remarkably I was not the only one running. I was probably the youngest one here. I ran about 2 miles and then did my cool-down exercises. I felt better and awake, but I was both wet from...
Sunday, November 7, 1976 It awoke early Sunday morning. I turned on the TV, but nothing exciting was on. I was not able to do my morning exercise routine, so with the background noise from the TV, I meditated. I concentrated on my plan to become emancipated. I felt rather than heard the door opening, so I opened my eyes, to see a young blonde girl with a candy striper uniform on, she had my breakfast. I was starving, and it smelled delicious. Somehow I knew that this was a trap; hospital...
July 26, - August 1, 1976 Monday The delivery of the weight bench I had purchased on Saturday arrived early in the morning as arranged. When it was all set up, I started an easy regime of lifting and working out, and worked up to a moderate workout. I called Eve, thanked her for the date on Saturday night. And asked her to convey my thanks to the rest of the girls. She told me I should tell them myself and gave me their contact information. I called each of the girls and spent some time...
Thursday, July 1, 1976 When I woke up, there was a young, unbelievably cute girl in my room. She was putting my lunch on a rollaway tray table. “Hello there,” I say. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Doctor Albright said you needed your rest. I was just putting your lunch over here, so it would be near when you were ready for it.” “It’s ok; I need to be awake now anyway. I think I have been asleep for long enough,” I said with a smile. “Um, yeah, you’ve been in a coma for a...
Winter Term, 1977 Monday morning, school was back in session. The Christmas Break was over. I needed a vacation from my vacation. The uproar surrounding my pending lawsuit had quieted down. There weren’t any reporters screaming out questions or taking photographs around the school or trying to talk to me. Everyone close to me was curious as to how much I was going to receive from my lawsuit. I told them I was not sure. Finals were a week away, I had yet to hear from the school concerning if...
Saturday, November 6, 1976 Dr. Albright came into the room, “Hello Michael, I just stopped in to say hello. I’m sorry to see you here under these circumstances. I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. I can’t spend a lot of time, however, as I am on call this weekend, so I’ve got to get started on rounds. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thanks for stopping in doc, I am starting to feel much better. I glad that you’re here. I know I’m in good hands.” I said with a...
Monday, July 5,1976 Doctor Albright arrived just after breakfast. He had a new bunch of students with him. I guess this made sense, it being a new week. “Michael, the results of your x-rays have come in. Your orthopedist and I have gone over them. It’s simply amazing. There is no evidence of any injuries. All of your bones have completely healed. If I hadn’t seen your earlier sets of images, I would not believe you were ever hurt. We are going to arrange for the casts to be removed....
Friday, July 2, 1976 I woke up just in time to see Eve enter the room with my breakfast. “Good morning Michael,” she said with a smile. “Good morning, Eve. Is that my breakfast?” I asked as she placed it on the rollaway table. It consists of unappealing plain yogurt and apple juice. I looked at it. I am not impressed by the doctor’s idea for my dietary needs. “This food will be the death of me,” I jokingly say. Eve has a horrified look on her face. “Oh, please don’t say that. It’s bad...
Saturday, July 10, 1976 I woke up early, the sun was just rising on the horizon. I dressed for my morning run, and I decided to tempt fate by running at the park once again. I also decided to up my run this morning to three miles instead of two. I didn’t feel that it was much more difficult, but I didn’t want to push too hard too soon. I did my usual cool-down exercises and went back to the hotel. Today I decided I was going to enjoy myself. I got back to the suite, took my shower, and...
Monday, November 8, 1976 “Michael, I am going to discharge you this morning, all of your test results have come back negative, there are no traces of toxins in your blood. You have active antibodies for the many diseases you were afflicted with. I am amazed by your recovery. I have honestly never seen anything like it. I talked to Dr. Albright about your case and your earlier hospital stay, he told me about your previous remarkable recovery. So, I think holding you any longer would be...
New Years’ Weekend Because the Jameses would be gone for New Years’ weekend, I had decided to invite all the girls over to celebrate New Years’. I got snacks, Cokes, and ordered two large pepperoni and extra cheese pizzas. The girls arrived in Mary’s station wagon. They all came to the front door, talking, and making noise. I directed them to the living room. ‘Dick Clark’s New Years’ Rockin’ Eve’ was just underway, so we were only four hours away from 1977. Man, this last year had really...
Christmas Weekend, 1976 The Jameses opened their presents on the morning of Christmas Eve because they would be going to Mrs. J’s parents tonight and to Mr. James’ parents on Christmas day. RJ would be going with them. They’d be away until the 26th. I decided to remain behind, not wanting to intrude on their family traditions. I felt like my presence would put a damper on everyone else’s enjoyment. I was feeling just a little bit melancholy. This is my first Christmas in this reality, and I...
Thursday, July 8, 1976 I woke up ready to meet the day. I’d had a good night’s sleep. I might have to invest in getting a mattress like the hotel suite has. I did my workout, showered, and dressed in some casual clothes. Then met Uncle Lucas in the lobby restaurant for breakfast. We discussed looking for a new home, even though we hadn’t heard from the insurance company. I needed Uncle Lucas to call them this morning. We decided to look at the house we saw yesterday. We had to move fast....
I finally got a chance to finish Christmas shopping. I now had presents for the important people in my life. For the girls, as a group present, I bought KISS tickets to their January concert here in Detroit. Sammy Hagar would be the opening act. It was a miracle I was able to get five seats together on the floor, in the middle section, towards the rear of the floor. For Lisa, I decided on a pair of bell-bottom jeans and a yellow tube top. I also bought her some white leather Go-Go boots. I...
Regional Championship Saturday morning, I woke up early, and I dressed for the tournament. I had on a tan pair of khakis and a dark red polo I was going to emulate a famous golfer from my own time. “Tiger” always wore red on Sunday. Since this was a one-day event, I was going to dress to impress. I pulled out an extra set of clothes and stuffed them into my golf bag. I stuffed a large thermos of ice water into one compartment, and a couple of sandwiches and some celery and cookies. The...
Sunday, July 4, 1976 Luna Base. Meanwhile, on the dark side of the moon in a hidden base, the Agents of Chaos are assembled. “I don’t want excuses. I want results,” called out the voice from the empty chair. The voice was eerily calm and quiet, measured even, no ranting or shouting. No one interrupted him. “Now, how is it that the young man is still alive? I was informed that the auto accident had been successful. And now, I have reports stating otherwise. Who is to blame for this?” “We...
Saturday, July 24, 1976 I woke up in my new bed and new room. I had a great night’s sleep. I went into the bathroom to shower. I completed my morning ablutions quickly, knowing that RJ would need to use the bathroom as well. I dressed in comfortable clothes. I went down to the kitchen and ate breakfast. It had a bowl of cold cereal and a slice of toast. I ate it over the sink, I rinsed the bowl when I had finished and placed it in the sink. I decided to miss my exercise routine. I took my...
Christmas break was coming up at the end of the week. I had caught up with all my assignments, and I was maintaining a solid ‘A’ average in all of my classes. I had restarted my daily workouts. For my shop classes, I had purchased a 1969 Mach I Mustang with the 428 CI engine. It had been involved in a racing mishap, and it had sustained significant damage to the front and passenger side. This included the entire front clip, bumper, and headlights, as well as the right fender and chrome...
Last week of School This is my last week of school, after the upcoming tournament this weekend I will be a high school graduate. The lawsuit with the city and county, as well as the police department, was finally settled. The payment should be here by the end of the week. I have started my companies. I hired engineers and computer people, which I’ve set to work. To create the designs and working prototypes from my design briefs, which I had explained and drawn out what I wanted. I told...
I had been sitting home one day with Joe when the phone rang and to my surprise it was Calvin calling. I hadn't thought much about him since our encounter with Joe and he told me that he had admitted to his wife what he had done. Instead of getting furious with him, he said she became interested in the experience and had wondered if she could watch as he and I went through it again with Joe. "She never heard of a man being a cuckold" Calvin told me "And was wondering if she could actually see...
It's Saturday night, I took my guy friend Jeff to work, wishing so badly he didn't have to work. When he got out of the car, he kissed me a few times, then headed for the door. I was texting a friend, when one of the guys from the plant walked up to my car. He leaned in the window and asked what I was doing when I left. I told him I was gong to go home and play with my pussy. This guy Calvin has been flirting with me every morning when I go to pick up Jeff.He told me that they were sending...
We sat there for a few more minutes collecting ourselves when I finally got off the floor and went in to fix some drinks. Joe got up and went over to Marci and I saw him kiss her, "You were great honey" he said to her and helped her out of the lounge chair and led her over to the sofa. I recalled my first meeting with Calvin and the brief talk we had about Joe and mine life style and he had asked if we could teach his wife some aspects of it and I agreed. He wanted to keep Marci in the dark...
A few nights ago while having a little fun sex. Calvin, a friend’s name came up. We’d had him join us a couple times before and he has a big cock, over nine inches long, that my girl Linda really enjoyed. CalvinPart-1-of-1 A few nights ago while having a little fun sex. Calvin, a friend’s name came up. We’d had him join us a couple times before and he has a big cock, over nine inches long, that my girl Linda really enjoyed. We decided to see if he wanted to stop by for a little fun. He of...
GroupCatherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have. By the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was...
Love StoriesThe park is full of people walking and jogging past Calvin. He's minding his own business reading the newspaper. Some of the people passing by are looking at him in a strange way, some giggling. Calvin has been enjoying hte view of all the women jogging past him, with their tits bouncing up and down.Calvin has been trying not to watch, but his hormones say otherwise, with his dick growing in his trousers and the beads of sweat on his forehead. calvin has put the newspaper over the top of...
As k**s growing up we all knew Calvin was big, he was bigger than all of us. By the time I got my driver licence we were all exploring the bars. Living in a vacation area bars are everywhere. One night at the beach Calvin picked up a girl who wanted a differant bar. So his brother drove and i sat shotgun. he in the back seat for the 30 min drive. The girl had a nice body and could be called a big heavy on the bottom. But she was a collage student just having agood time. He ask her to lay down...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture that day had lasted a little longer than usual. Then, the students had many more questions than they normally did. Now, it, was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was Sandy who had arranged for the guest lecturing position at the...
A few nights ago while having a little fun sex. Calvin, a friend’s name came up. We’d had him join us a couple times before and he has a big cock, over nine inches long, that my girl Linda really enjoyed. We decided to see if he wanted to stop by for a little fun. He of course said, “Yes,” and came over the next morning on his way to his mother’s house for a late breakfast. A regular Sunday morning thing for him. I let Calvin in when he got here and told him, “Linda’s in bed naked and...
Group SexA few nights ago while having a little fun sex, Calvin, a friend’s name came up. We’d had him join us a couple times before, and he has a big cock, over nine inches long, that my girl Linda really enjoyed. We decided to see if he wanted to stop by for a little fun. He of course said, “Yes,” and came over the next morning on his way to his mother’s house for a late breakfast. A regular Sunday morning thing for him. I let Calvin in when he got here and told him, “Linda’s in bed naked and...
Group SexWe all settled down for a light snack and a few drinks and I could see Marci was relaxing a bit more. I sat down next to her on the lounge arm while Joe and Calvin sat on the sofa. I looked down at Marci, "Ever watch two men have sex?" I asked her. Looking a bit timid at me, "I saw it once in a movie" she replied, still a bit nervous about the days events. I looked over at Joe, motioned to him, "Kiss Calvin" I said aloud to Joe "Make love to him" I added, knowing Joe would happily have sex with...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...
As far as company parties went this one wasn't all that bad. It would have been better off if her husband had come with her, but with a project that was behind schedule and a deadline looming he had to work late to catch up. It was awkward being the only unattached woman at the party. All the single guys seemed to see her as a target of opportunity and they were vying with each other to see who might get lucky. They kept bringing her fresh drinks and she was glad that she had taken a room for...
We had finished our little sex scene and I went over to Marci and sat beside her, "Well" I began, "What did you think of our little escapade?" I asked her. I could see she was still a bit nervous when she looked at me, "I don't know" was all she could barely get out. "I've never seen anything like that before" she added. Laughing a little, "Honey, it happens all the time" I finally said to her "You'd be surprised how many people love this sort of sex" I added. I knew she needed to be made more...
I lived with my mom and she usually returned from work pretty late at night.So,i was alone at my house.Rachael had told her parent's that she was going to ask me to help her with some school project.I had avoided Rachael for the past two weeks very successfully but now that i was confronted with her in my bedroom,i couldn't find any escape route.Dressed in a jeans and a loose shirt Rachael entered my room and sat on the bed.I was watching a movie on Netflix when she entered,she smiled at...
My name is Calvin.I am 18yrs old and a senior in highschool.I am 6ft tall,pitch black hairs and brown eyes.Being a member of the school football team,i have an athletic body.I am quite popular with girls at school and i have dated some of the hottest chicks. The 'Collins' have been our neighbour for the past five years or so.Their only daughter was Rachael.Rachael was a beautiful girl with dirty blonde hairs,blue eyes,36C boobs and long legs but she was a geek in the true sense of the...
In the first part, you read how the salesman, Vinay, at the Calvin Klein store was seducing my mom. I was filled with much anticipation to know what the stranger guy is going to do next. No guy has seen mom in sexy wear like this, not even dad. Vinay was on his knees now and made mom turn around, making her ass to face him close. He boldly spread mom’s ass and inserted his finger to bring the cloth out. I’m sure he touched mom’s ass hole. Now he turned and touched mom’s pussy over the tight red...
IncestSynopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it) Father Michael It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there,...
The following happened to me years ago when I was 21 and fairly innocent. The story is completely true. My 19 year old girlfriend at the time, we’ll call her Emily (I’ll call her “E” for short), was slim, cute, nice body and a complete sexual a****l. Unlike many females then or now if I was horny, so was she. Spending a night at my apartment experimenting was fine with her. She’s the first woman to ever give me a rim job, as an example, and she initiated it. If she had a particular kink...
Michael My name is Michael and I am a ‘retired’ 30 year old single guy from Austin, Texas. Yes, at 22, I graduated from Texas A&M with a double major in Geology and Petroleum Engineering. My whole life focus seemed to be tied to a study of the earth and what was below the surface. After graduation I was driving through desolate West Texas and noticed a particular pair of hills that got my attention. I studied them for two days, then contacted a banker friend and we formed a partnership....
Hello ISS readers. It is Rohit back here, M 20 Chennai. Thank you for your overwhelming response to my previous story, ‘Mom’s One Night Stand After The Party’. I got a lot of appreciation through my mail and hangouts. Thank you, ISS. This story is also about my mom. This one is partially true, and the rest of the events are fictional. If you haven’t read my first story, kindly check it in my id and then read this one for a better experience. I’ll add my family details, mom’s looks, and body...
IncestMichael Scott was sat at his desk looking out of the third floor window of his office. He could see Portsmouth Guildhall which was a large building built around 1900 or so and unlike the 1960's style of the Civic Offices it was quite gothic looking.It was a medium sized venue for music and theatre but most importantly he could see the large clock on the tower and it was getting close to 4pm and it was Friday. Michael was happy because he could leave behind the very grey and dull world of...
Michael stood at the front door of Aarons house and closed the door behind him, as he stood still for a few seconds he contemplated his future and the implications of what had just happened in there. He saw Yusuf in the car and gave a small half hearted wave as he started to walk towards the car. He felt the discomfort from the chastity device as he walked, he looked back at the house as he opened the car door. "I am really sorry Yusuf, I am still a bit confused and in shock at what has...
“You look great, babe,” Michael told his girlfriend Nicole as she checked herself out in their full length mirror.“Are you sure?” Nicole asked, sounding anxious.“Absolutely,” Michael said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her gently on the cheek. “We don’t have to do this,” Michael added reassuringly.“I want to, it’s just the first time. I’m always going to be nervous the first time no matter when we do it.” Nicole told Michael.“That’s true; I’m nervous too, if...
ThreesomesMichael By Stephanie Ann Chavez Michael Warren met Stephanie in a college singing group and immediately found her extremely attractive. With long wavy chestnut hair, she was fair skinned with just a sprinkle of sun kissed freckles across her cheeks. She had a knockout figure with breasts that were neither too small nor too large. In high heels she stood slightly taller than his 5'5" stature, but he didn't mind that at all. She was attracted to the fact that he was masculine...
As soon as he entered the taxi, Michael knew he had to take Riana's advice. The pain from putting weight on his paddled behind was so intense it wouldn't let up overnight. Sitting at his desk tomorrow was not an option. The cab ride was also proving to be a test of his endurance. Every sudden movement took his discomfort to a new level. The muscles of his arms and legs tensed in a vain effort to stay as still as possible. By the time he arrived at his building, the ache in his limbs and the...
FemdomMichael finally feels what it is like to fuck an older woman like my wife.Michael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. He hadgrown into a very handsome young man who had develop a crush on my wife.My wife was nearly thirty years older than him, but that didn’t stop himfrom checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few differenttimes spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would comeout of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get...
Michael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. He had grown into a very handsome young man who had develop a crush on my wife. My wife was nearly thirty years older than him, but that didn’t stop him from checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few different times spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would come out of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get a glimpse of his young body. He would do everything possible to get her...
MILFMichael was at work and as was his habit several times a week, he checked the MW4M section of the Craigslist Casual Encounters Personals section. Ever since his wife had died, he never had the desire to even attempt another love connection. He was always on the lookout for couples seeking a BBC to make a connection with. This satisfied his sexual needs with no strings, no romance, just pure primal lust. Since Claire was gone he continued enjoying white women, especially married white women, and...
InterracialMichael has been our next door neighbor for the past ten years. We watched him grow up into a handsome young man. He was a very polite and shy young lad who had develop a crush on my wife. My wife was nearly thirty years older than him but that didn't stop him from checking her out. I caught him over the past year a few different times spying on her as she lay out by the pool sunbathing. He would come out of the house at times shirtless hoping that my wife would get a glimpse of him. He would...
It had been a few weeks since Michael and Nicole enjoyed their yoga session with Randy. The couple had learned a bit through their two threesomes and were curious about exploring more layers of their sexuality. Michael knew he enjoyed watching Nicole with other men, but definitely wanted to participate more physically. Nicole learned that she enjoyed not only being dominated, but humiliated and fucked roughly.The couple had started reaching out to men on the site they met Jeremy, who had...
Straight SexChapter 37 First Public Offering Michael had to stop to see Mr. Foley before he could see his beloved Gabriella. He knew that if he put off his financial problems any longer his worry over them would preoccupy him and ruin his first visit with her. He hated asking Mr. Foley for any portion of the lottery money, but the idea of asking him for a loan eliminated the guilt, a loan that he would pay back with interest. What else was he to do? He had no other alternative. The credit card company...
Michael and Jeri, Part 1 I suppose I shouldn't complain. Here I was, mid-50s, back in a rented room after having my own home for decades. Messy divorce, luckily no kids, but being a jobbing programmer meant that I didn't have proof of a steady income for anything better. I still love my wife even after all this but she decided to go for a swarthy younger man, construction worker with his own small firm, instead of our friendly but passionless union. So I found myself in an admittedly...
Becoming Father Michael Pt 1 Introduction: Michael finds celibate is the last thing a Father is. Genre: Fantasy. Becoming Father Michael is a complete fantasy and any resemblance to anyone, or any location or convent is completely unintentional.=========================================================Becoming Father Michael part 1."Have you thought of becoming a priest Michael?" Father Rafferty said after one mass when I just finished my confession."No father," I said, "I think now I've...
It had been a few weeks since the couple, Michael and Nicole, enjoyed their first threesome with their friend Jeremy. They both enjoyed themselves more than they expected and had discovered more about themselves as well.Nicole realized that she did, in fact, want to find men that wanted to be more dominant, and Michael discovered he enjoyed watching Nicole with another man even if he participated very little if at all.Jeremy had even noticed this and texted Nicole about reaching out to his...
Threesomes========================================================= Becoming Father Michael part 1. "Have you thought of becoming a priest Michael?" Father Rafferty said after one mass when I just finished my confession. "No father," I said, "I think now I've finished school I'll go and train for an accountant." "Ah but to be sure Michael there's more to this life than figures," he said, "Tis a fine life serving the Lord, Michael." "But father," I replied, "Did I not just...
sandra lets michael into her hotel room 'lets do something kinky' sandra says taking off her top showing her pert tits 'let me tie you to the bed''uh ok but will anyone walk in ''no i'm staying here alone we have the place to ourselves' sandra pulls off her skirt she isn't wearing any panties her cunt is on display 'take your clothes off then i'll tie you down ' she reaches out and strokes his hard cock through his trousersmichael strips not taking his eyes off sandras tits and cunt he knows...
Nicole stepped out of the shower and dried herself before pulling off the cap that covered her long strawberry-blond hair Nicole Meets Michael An erotic meeting between a vampire and his future pet.? This story contains soft consensual play. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 2006 Ruby Bloodstone All Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. This is a work of...
Ever since they first met at Wisconsin Dells, Chelsea and Michael had been dating and enjoying every day of it. However, after six months, dating long distance was wearing at them. It was only a six-hour drive, but they both knew in their hearts where their future would be. After talking about their options, they agreed the best solution was for Chelsea to make the move to Wisconsin.They had spent time with each other over the last few months, and each other's kids, and Michael's grandson....
Love Stories