Bio terrorism AftermathChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 51
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Mideast tensions were at an all-time high--which was saying a lot. Every major Western government issued warnings about potential terrorist attacks. It was serious enough that the U.S. government actually sent troops to patrol the borders to keep terrorists out. They also doubled security at the airports and inspected every single ship that arrived in our ports and every cargo container they carried.
What they hadn’t counted on were more than a thousand terrorists willing to die painful, lingering deaths. Even the ones that got caught and were detained still carried out their assigned task to spread the virus they had been infected with. It had been biologically manufactured from a common cold virus--one of the more than a hundred serotypes of rhinovirus. They spent ten years cutting and splicing together genes from some of the most virulent diseases known to man before coming up with this one, building on Cold War Russian work they had purchased on the black market.
Upon infection, there were no symptoms for nearly a week. By then, the carrier had been contagious for three or four days. The air each new carrier breathed was full of the germs, as was anything they touched after getting saliva on their hands or sprayed with minute droplets of saliva when they sneezed and coughed. The accompanying coughing and sneezing guaranteed the rapid spread of the virus.
Claiming an expected biological weapon attack from the U.S., the Arab world began vaccinating its people for several virulent illnesses. The vaccine for their own virus was quietly added into the mix. Only after vaccinating most of their population did they unleash it on the rest of the world.
Within a month, every country in the world was infected. Men succumbed faster than women but literally everyone got it. I was one of the lucky ones. I was in the first wave that had been infected and had the full resources of the fine medical care available in San Diego. The three men we interdicted trying to row ashore seemed perfectly healthy when we captured them. A day later they began sneezing. Within forty-eight hours, all three were dead. It was nearly a week later before the first man in my squad sneezed. The rest followed and within twenty-four hours all had started sneezing. They each succumbed despite the base medical staff doing everything they could. The men all died within forty-eight hours of their first sneeze. It finally hit me after everyone else in my squad was unconscious or worse. The staff had been constantly poking and prodding me to figure out why I hadn’t gotten it, hoping to find some sort of natural immunity. When I sneezed a second time they immediately put me on antibiotics and an IV.
Even so, it was four weeks before I was able to crawl out of bed. The IV had kept me from starving and becoming dehydrated for the weeks when I was unconscious or just too weak to do anything but lay there. I was doubly lucky in the fact that I had a healthy immune system. Everyone else who’d been hospitalized died, even with the IV and antibiotics. By the time I was able to crawl from bed without falling on my face, so few people were left alive that there was little left in the way of medical staff. They had been hit as hard as, if not harder than everyone else.
Initially, the Arab world laughed at us, having developed immunity to the virus. Their laughter died as rapidly as they did when the virus mutated enough that their vaccines didn’t protect them. Anyone who survived the original infection, though, seemed to be immune from re-infection by the mutated virus. Nobody ever got it twice--not that there were many people left to spread it to a second time.
I learned from the one government-run news station still broadcasting that bodies had been piled up and burned when there were no longer enough people left to dig the mass graves to bury them in. There were only five people still at the hospital when I left, one male nurse, one female doctor, and three female nurses, all obviously infected. One of the nurses, a very attractive and very tall one at that, told me resignedly to take a set of keys from one of the bodies I was sure to come across. I protested, insisting that I be allowed to stay and care for the five of them, but they pointed out that I was their only patient that had survived.
The drive back to the base at Coronado would normally take me half an hour--longer during rush hour. I only saw one other car during the fifteen-minute drive, and it was driving very erratically going in the opposite direction on the freeway. The guard that stopped me at the gate couldn’t even stand. Once I showed him my ID he waved me through--not that he could have stopped me. He said that there were only a handful of people left on base that he was aware of. By the end of the day I had dug a big enough grave with a backhoe for everyone I found and had covered the decomposing bodies. By then, there were only three left alive besides me. As senior officer left alive, I was given keys and combinations to most of the base. The parts I couldn’t access, I knew I didn’t want access to.
I finally sat down and cried. Thinking of the billions of lives wasted in the name of religion made me decide never to practice religion again. I cried for my comrades-in-arms, my family, and the friends that I’d lost. When I had finally been coherent enough in the hospital, I’d phoned my family. My dad answered, letting me know between bouts of wracking coughs that he and my youngest brother were the only two still alive and probably wouldn’t be for long. There had been no answer the next day or the day after when I called again.
I thought about the men in the other squads on base, wondering what had happened to them. I hadn’t seen any of their bodies among the ones I buried but I only buried a hundred or so of the many thousands of people originally on base. Then I finally wondered what I should do now. I’d seen dogs, cats, and birds that were obviously unaffected. Hopefully that meant farm animals would survive. There would be plenty of preserved food for a while, but even canned food would eventually go bad.
Finally, I wondered if anyone else would survive. Surely, I wasn’t the only person still alive. Someone else somewhere had to have survived. Would I be able to find them? Would I want to find them? If there were others out there, what did that mean for civilization? I had a pretty good idea what it meant and didn’t like the idea one bit. Eight years in the military--four of as part of a SEAL Team--tends to give one a pessimistic, albeit realistic, view of what humanity is capable of doing to each other.
As the ranking officer--and only person on base still alive--I appropriated an SUV the next morning to set out on my quest to rebuild--if I could find someone to rebuild with. My pessimistic side made sure I was fully geared up for a firefight and the vehicle was fully loaded with fuel, weapons, and ammo. I drove through the main gate dressed for battle just the way I had been the first time we snuck into Tehran years before--except that I was armed better this time.
I spent three days driving slowly through the city honking my horn to let people know someone was there but saw nobody. A few times I could sense someone watching me, but they wouldn’t come out.
The fourth day I tried smoking them out. I set up a barbecue in a schoolyard that was surrounded by houses and apartments and started cooking hot dogs. A cooler of ice with a selection of beverages was left sitting on the table.
Every hour for the next fourteen hours I started another barbecue somewhere else. The next day I went back and checked. Fourteen of them hadn’t been touched. At the fifth one, all the sodas were gone, and one beer had been opened. Missing only one sip, it sat on the table bearing witness to the fact that someone else was alive--or at least had been alive yesterday.
Once again, I started the barbecue, hands trembling with excitement thinking that someone might be alive. Once again I left, following the same route I had the previous day--except that I doubled back after ten minutes. Halfway back I got out of the car and walked, running from tree to tree as if approaching an enemy position. At the crest of a low hill I stopped and watched from under the shrubbery. Five minutes later I saw her. Looking around warily she approached in much the same manner I had. I watched as she loaded the drinks into a backpack, scarfed down two hotdogs and wrapped the rest up before shoving them in the backpack with her sodas.
I watched her run away, still looking nervously back over her shoulder every few seconds before slipping between houses. I caught sight of her one last time as she scaled a chain-link fence behind the houses. I followed, sure that I’d be able to track her from that point. Half an hour later I found where she had stopped to eat some more hot dogs and drink a soda.
Rather than trying to cross a residential street in broad daylight, especially when I didn’t know where my quarry was, I went inside the house and watched--and listened. I trained a parabolic antenna up and down the street but heard nothing. Reasonably certain that the coast was clear, I dashed across the street and into the back yard of the house directly across from where I’d been. Here I could see where she’d run through the tree-bark groundcover headed for the back fence. That house was empty, so I went upstairs and checked out the neighboring houses. Faint wisps of music were coming from the house directly behind me.
There was a recently-dug grave in the back yard and I caught a glimpse of movement when the girl hurried out the back door of a neighboring house, her backpack bulging with loot. Dropping it over the fence she moved a board she’d previously loosened and squeezed through. That was the first time I actually got a good look at her. I upgraded my initial estimate of her age to high school age, probably 17 or 18 based on the breasts she had a hard time squeezing through the opening in the fence. Her pale red hair was more obvious this close although she had it hidden under a baseball cap. I recognized the logo on the hat as one of the local high schools. From what I could discern from the blue jeans she wore, she had an athletic figure. She was tall for a girl and had a cute face--not the kind guys would stop and stare at, but cute nonetheless. She also had a pistol clutched tightly in her hand, a 9mm from the looks of it.
She disappeared into her house quickly, locking the door behind herself and looking out through the drawn blinds of the window next to the door. An hour later she snuck out again, running through her front yard and across the street with her empty backpack. I took the opportunity to sneak into her back yard and then into the house to wait for her. I did a quick recon of the house to make sure she was alone and went back downstairs to wait for her.
Twenty minutes later she crept back into the house. I watched while she stashed the canned goods she’d appropriated from the neighbors. I watched as she looked longingly at a picture she brought back, one she set on the table next to the one I’d seen earlier of what I assumed was a fairly recent picture of her parents and her.
“I’m impressed,” I said calmly.
She screamed and turned on me, pointing the gun at me. “Don’t move, or I’ll shoot. I already killed one asshole,” she spat vehemently.
“If I meant to hurt you I would have waited behind the door and caught you when you ran in,” I replied.
“I mean it,” she warned when I took a step towards her. When I took the next step she raised the gun and pointed it straight at me. “I’ll shoot,” she promised with my third step.
“No you won’t,” I answered calmly as I took another step. She tried to shoot but guns don’t work well when the safety is on. Screaming, she threw the gun at me and tried to duck away.
I caught her hand when she threw the gun and spun her around, grabbing her from behind with her arms pinned under mine.
“Let. Me. Go!” she grunted as she struggled.
“I promise that I won’t hurt you,” I said as soothingly as I could while hanging on to 120 pounds of fighting mad girl.
“No, I know what you want,” she yelled as she continued to struggle.
Only then did it dawn on me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that,” I apologized as I let her go. She spun and backed away quickly until the kitchen counter stopped her.
“Look, I’m not here to hurt you, I was just trying to find out if anyone else survived. Believe me, If I intended to, I could have done anything I wanted,” I said. That comment certainly didn’t help so I tried again. “I was with a SEAL Team at Coronado,” I explained pulling out my military ID and tossing it onto the counter next to her.
Still watching me she felt around until she found it and held it in front of her face to read it. “Doesn’t say anything about SEALs,” she grunted as she threw it back.
I caught it in midair. “Not something we advertise,” I explained.
“Who was the base commander?” she asked.
Yeah, like she’d know. “Shadler,” I answered.
“What was your team number?” she asked.
Okay, so maybe she did know something. “Team seven,” I replied.
She sighed a breath of relief and collapsed into the chair opposite me. “I’m sorry, it’s just...” she trailed off.
“No need to explain,” I answered.
“So, how did you know the name of the base commander?” I asked.
“My best friend lived two doors down--Carol Shadler,” she sighed as she pointed to the picture she’d just put on the table.
“I’m sorry,” I answered sympathetically. We sat in silence for a couple minutes. I thought again about my family, wondering how it ended for them and decided I probably didn’t want to know.
“What do you plan to do now?” she asked.
I shrugged. “The canned food won’t last forever. I thought I should head away from the big cities to farming country and see what I can set up for the future. Of course, I don’t know the first thing about farming,” I sighed.
“Then it’s a good thing you found me,” she gloated.
It took a second for the implication of her statement to hit me. “Why’s that?” I asked, stunned.
“My grandparents have ... had a place near Visalia--up in the Central Valley. I used to spend summers there and know a little bit about farming.”
“That could work,” I said, thinking out loud. “We should probably hit the grocery stores and stock up on canned goods rather than just raiding all the neighborhood homes,” I suggested.
“No!” she answered adamantly, her vehemence surprising me. “They’re watching the grocery stores,” she answered sadly when she saw the confusion on my face.
“They who?” I asked, still not understanding. She took a breath and steeled herself.
“When I was sick, Mom fed me chicken broth and Gatorade to keep me alive. Five days ago, I was finally able to stand up and was in the bathroom when she got home from the grocery store. Some guy followed her home and came in the back door with a gun. She was too sick to fight him when he tried to rape her. They were making enough noise fighting that he didn’t hear me sneak in the kitchen. I took one of the knives and made sure he never bothered anyone again. That’s where I got the gun,” she explained. I didn’t ask about her mother. The fresh grave out back bore silent witness to her fate.
“What did you do with his body?” I asked.
“Tied it behind the car and dropped his sorry ass off a few blocks from here,” she answered proudly.
“Feel up to a little recon tonight?” I asked. She looked up expectantly. “I want to see if anyone else is watching the grocery stores. I’m going to run back to my car and bring it here for now,” I explained.
“Can I come with you? I’d feel safer,” she asked coyly.
The trip back to the car was much faster than my initial trip to her house. Once we got back with the SUV, we put it in the garage where her dad’s car used to go and securely locked and barricaded the door from the garage into the house.
We also introduced ourselves. She was Stacey Donaldson, 17, and would have been a senior this fall. At 5’11” she was on her high school’s volleyball and basketball team which explained her athletic figure.
I am Lt. Mike Miller, USN. I enlisted at 18 when I graduated and have been a member of the SEALs for the last four years. All of my male relatives, including uncles and cousins, are ... were electricians. They worked on everything--from residential or to commercial to industrial. I spent enough summers working with them that I signed up originally for electronics school when I enlisted.
And there we were. We spent the rest of the day securing the house. While she nailed the windows shut and then taped the blinds down so nobody could see inside, I secured the doors. After “appropriating” mattresses and couches from a couple of neighbors I rigged Claymores to go off if anybody opened the now locked front door.
After punching through the drywall, I also affixed one Claymore to the inside wall on either side of the front door in case they had anyone else with them. The stucco walls wouldn’t stop the blast. The appropriated mattresses helped to cushion the inside of the house from the blast and the sofas held the mattresses in place.
Next, I rigged three sets of brackets each on the door to the garage and the back door. Each set of brackets held a 2 X 6 cross-brace to strengthen the door. Anyone coming through those doors would be slowed down considerably. If it had just been me in the house, those doors would have had Claymores, too.
By nightfall, the last vestiges of power failed across the city. All nuclear plants had been shut down over three weeks ago. All dams had been opened five percent to release the water without causing any serious flooding. With nobody to care for them, the dams would have eventually decayed and failed, causing catastrophic flooding downstream for anyone who might have survived. Coal-fired plants were shutting down as they ran out of coal or people to tend them. No power was bad, but good at the same time. No lights gave me a distinct advantage at night since I had night vision goggles. Anyone dumb enough to use a generator would stick out like a sore thumb.
We spent an hour scouting the exterior of the store and found nobody. Inside was just as deserted. After clearing the interior of the store, I watched the front of the store from the roof while Stacey loaded several shopping carts full of canned goods into the SUV. “Down,” I hissed into my radio mic, satisfied when she dropped to the ground immediately. I watched a lone figure coming closer, carefully concealing herself as she approached the front of the store.
“Freeze,” I ordered. She froze after ducking behind the concrete support for one of the non-functioning parking lot lights.
“I can still see you. Hold up some fingers and I’ll prove it,” I hollered.
“Three,” I yelled.
“That’s not very nice,” I chuckled at her next gesture. She finally came out and lay on her stomach in front of the SUV like I ordered while Stacey cuffed her wrists.
“He’s not going to hurt you. Look, I still have my pistol,” she comforted the woman before finishing loading the car. I rappelled down the wall and flipped the grappling hook loose, taking one last look around before I helped the woman up.
“Please let me go,” she sobbed.
“I’m not going to hurt you. If you want to take your chances on your own, I’ll set you free. Or you can choose to come with us.”
“No, I have to go back or he’ll ... he’ll hurt her,” she sobbed.
Some guy named David had captured her going to the hardware store. He also had a fourteen-year-old girl at the house. As long as she returned with food he’d let the girl live. The woman’s name was Pam and she showed us where they lived. Since it was only two blocks away I zoomed through the parking lot before cutting the engine and coasting a block. The last block we did on foot. Pam filled her bags from what we already had in the SUV, and I followed her home.
“David?” she called hesitantly when she opened the door.
“Took you fucking long enough, bitch,” he spat. It was the last thing he ever said. The young girl beneath him screamed when his lifeless body fell on top of her, but she’d been sobbing already as he raped her. Pam helped pull Vickie out from under the dead asshole and I left them alone so Vickie could get dressed.
On the way back to Stacey’s house, both women were frightened and silent, huddled together in the back seat while Stacey tried to reassure them. After making sure the nearly invisible seals I had put on the back door and garage door were unbroken, we went inside. I warned them about the front door, explaining that both the back door and garage door were safe to use as exits.
“Any chance that either of you knows how to use a pistol?” I asked the newcomers.
“I can use just about any kind of gun,” Pam replied confidently.
“Military?” I asked.
“And stunt woman,” she laughed. I handed her a military issue Beretta. “What’s a big guy like you doing with a woman’s gun?” she asked teasingly, cocking her head coyly. I showed her “my” pistol, the .45 caliber Glock.
“Now that’s a gun,” she cooed. Seconds later she’d ejected the magazine, cleared the chamber, slammed the magazine back, and loaded a round into the chamber.
“I’m impressed, keep it. We’ll get you a holster tomorrow,” I said. They looked at me like I was crazy when I sent them upstairs to bed explaining that I was sleeping on the couch to better watch the doors. Fortunately, the master bedroom was closer to the back of the house and wouldn’t be affected if the front door exploded.
Looking over the choices in the fridge and cabinets for breakfast in the morning I heard raised voices upstairs. I couldn’t tell if it was the ladies arguing or if someone had managed to get in despite our precautions. Rushing into the room, gun leveled, I definitely was not prepared for what I found. Pam and Stacey were standing toe to toe (and tit to tit) having a shouting match.
Between them they wore a total of two pairs of panties--one green and one blue. Pam’s contained less than half the material Stacey’s did. They both turned when the door burst open. Pam just seemed to smirk victoriously while Stacey grabbed for the sheet and covered herself--at least for a few seconds. Seeing Pam still standing there brazenly exposing her charms, Stacey dropped the sheet and gave Pam a “so there” sneer. Vickie was calmly sitting against the head of the bed dressed exactly like the other two and making no effort whatsoever to cover herself while she watched the floor show Pam and Stacey were putting on.
“What the hell is going on in here?” I demanded, barely keeping my own voice below a shout.
“Just a little disagreement,” Pam replied calmly.
“Little?” I exploded. “Anyone within a mile of us knows we’re here now,” I barked. “From now on, settle your differences quietly,” I hissed. At least they both looked appropriately chastened.
“They were arguing over which one of them got to be your girlfriend,” Vickie explained, smirking.
“What?” I gasped.
“They’re arguing about which one gets to be your girlfriend and whichever one you choose, the other will be pissed,” Vickie explained again. “The only way to peacefully settle it is to make all three of us your girlfriends,” she added, grinning like the cat that got the canary.
“I won’t make anyone be my girlfriend. Once things settle down and we get to know each other a little better I may ask one of you to be my girlfriend,” I sputtered.
“You just don’t get it, do you,” Vickie laughed. I was doing a slow burn with this fourteen-year-old trying to school me.
“Civilization is gone and anarchy rules. Right now, he who has the most firepower makes the rules. It’s your basic survival of the fittest scenario. For the foreseeable future, every day is going to be a Survivor Challenge. If you win you get to play in tomorrow’s round. If you lose you get kicked off the island and you’re captured or dead. There are no rules except take what you need and keep everyone else from taking it away from you or killing you.
“Stacey told us about the guy who followed her mother here. David caught Pam and I. Pam saw a woman a couple of days ago in the same situation we were in except the guy beat the crap out of his women. Guys are stronger and are taking women captive all over the city. We were handcuffed to the bed every night so we couldn’t escape or hurt David. The woman Pam saw had red marks around her wrists, too.
“Then you come along and rescue us. Not only do you treat us well, but you gave Pam a gun and let Stacey keep hers. No other guy would dream of doing that. You slept downstairs last night to protect us. What the hell more could a woman ask for today? Stacey says you were a SEAL, so there isn’t another guy within a thousand miles of us better qualified to keep us safe.
“That means we’re with a well-armed guy who knows how to protect us and who doesn’t abuse us. You’re going to have every woman you rescue trying to get into your pants. Add to that the fact that you’re a fuckin’ hunk and you may not get out of bed more than a couple of hours a day,” she giggled.
My face was flaming hot as I blushed harder than I ever remember blushing before.
“She’s right,” Pam offered with a predatory grin.
“You guys do realize that you can stay with me without having sex, don’t you?” I asked feebly.
“And that’s part of the reason you now find yourself in this predicament,” Pam purred.
“I thought you would be traumatized this morning,” I commented to Vickie.
“She wasn’t being raped--well, I guess technically she was, but not like you are thinking,” Pam explained.
“He just wanted to fuck. It’s not like he was the first guy I ever did it with or the first time we fucked. Besides, he was a little better than my previous two boyfriends. I was upset because he threatened to kill me if Pam wasn’t back before he finished fucking me,” Vickie explained calmly.
I shook my head and waved off any further discussion. “I need some food and time to think,” I sighed heavily as I headed back downstairs.
I was still staring absently at the open pantry when the girls arrived and shooed me out of the kitchen. They were still wearing only their panties, flaunting their near nudity--or was it advertising? I flopped on the couch, still trying to think things through. I had no problem having sex with Pam. She was obviously old enough and experienced enough to make those decisions.
Stacey was borderline at 17, but probably not experienced enough to make a truly informed decision. Vickie, despite her self-proclaimed experience, was decidedly too young. And yet, she was the one who hit the nail on the head about the situation we now faced with an insight eerily mature for her age.
I hadn’t even thought about it to that extent. The fact that she had been sexually active BSB (before the shit began) and hadn’t minded having sex with her former captor seriously eroded any moral high ground I might have hoped to find.
Basically, we found ourselves back in the days of the cave men. It was every man or village for themselves. You only had each other to depend on. Anyone else was suspect at best and more than likely an enemy. I realized that eventually (and probably soon), the decision would be taken out of my hands and the women would push the issue.
Mercifully I managed to sidetrack myself by thinking about what I hoped to set up. Like Stacey suggested, the Central Valley was probably one of the best agricultural areas in the country. Every necessary crop could be grown there. There were plenty of rivers to provide the water necessary for agriculture. The winter weather might be cold, but snow was a rarity in the valley. With no major metropolitan areas in the southern half of the valley I felt the threat from raiders would be less--although they would probably realize eventually that they had to find a renewable source of food and do the same thing we were doing.
“Ooooofffff,” I grunted, looking up to find Stacey sitting on my stomach.
“Breakfast is ready,” she announced giddily.
“So, you ladies are serious about the sex?” I asked. She beamed and lay down on top of me. Her nudity was bad enough but having her bare breasts pressed into my chest redlined my horn-o-meter.
“Mike, I would have wanted to be with you even before this happened if I’d met you and gotten to know you,” she answered. She sighed when I slid my arms around her, letting my hands caress the naked flesh of her back. Her moan when I slipped my hands inside her underwear and caressed her firm ass cheeks let me know my attention was definitely appreciated. Her lips descended to mine, touching hesitantly before sealing to my lips and then teasing them apart with her tongue.
She mewled in protest when I gave her butt a light smack. “Breakfast is getting cold,” I reminded her.
Pam was working at the sink, so I slipped behind her, wrapping my hands around her waist. She leaned back into me sighing contentedly, her wet, soapy hands guiding my hands higher until they found her breasts.
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BIOCHEMISTRY by J R D James Smith was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now James was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and James was unconscious before he knew what was happening. He woke up later. He had no idea how much later. He fought through a haze, his mouth pasty from some kind of drug. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they were restrained somehow, and much more securely...
Biochemistry:The Prequel by J R D Samuel Nevada had a secret. A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. But that's getting ahead of the story. Sam had just finished the last of his finals in his Law classes and with only one year left before he could take his BAR had decided to celebrate by bar hopping that night. Dressed in his best "cruisin'" clothes he had gone from bar to bar, looking for a woman to take home and fuck. Usually, he didn't have a problem with it,...
BIOCHEMISTRY 0: Elaine's Story By JRD Nathan Mallone waited in the waiting room for his new doctor's office, doctor Jane Sloane. He hoped that this new psychiatrist could help him. The others he had gone to all had given him a diagnosis and some suggestions about what to do about it, but he was still depressed most of the time, still wanted his life to be something different from what he was getting, from what he was. After a long wait (did any doctor ever manage to...
BIOCHEMISTRY: THE SEQUEL by J R D IN THE PARK... Jack Smith, James Smith's father, was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now Jack was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and Jack was unconscious before he knew what was happening... ************** AT THE BEACH... Melissa Smith, James' mother, Jack's wife, drove into the beach parking lot where James and his new wife Samantha were...
The names, characters and the events in this story are pure imagination and does not refer to any body in the universe what so ever and the authoress hereby extinguishes herself of all liability claimed what so ever. Autobiography of Honey Juan - Authored by Virgin (pseudonym) It was the autumn 1977 at Goa, India. Regina, who was 9 months pregnant, was talking to her elder brother's wife (sister-in-law), Lucy, Jesus has given me all that I wanted in life. A good husband in...
Autobiography of a Shemale Dominatrix By Barbi Satin Introduction Among many in the transgender world the term shemale is offensive. Transsexual in considered a proper, politically correct term. Transsexuals are persons born into the wrong gender and have the psychology and even brain structures of the opposite gender. They go...
C Autobiography I can't put my finger on the exact day I put on something a woman would wear. As I got older I started dating girls. There came many a time where we would be in a store shopping for her and I would pick the outfits that she eventually though looked the best on her. When she was gone I would put her clothes on. It never failed to arouse some kind of feminine rush of vunerability. Of course I never told her, nor did I wear things too small for fear of stretching them...
Hi friends i am a regular iss reader .. Today i am here to tell you about my vergnity loss with my biology madam.. Actually first i will tell you about my self i am 6 feet guy with good physique as i am very sports loving person and i used to play almost each and every sports and though a good student but due to some circumstance i am irritated of biology… Now this is the story i want to tell which happened with me during my preperation of boards…(10th) i was very tensed what to do to...
My Biography, (if that is what we call it) Part 1Please do not judge me or others for what I am about to describe. The events occurred decades ago and are as I recall them. They are what they are. At this point in my life, I do not condone any of the behavior that occurred to me and would hope no one views it as appropriate or normal.I grew up in Dallas, Texas, one of three c***dren, with a mother and father. In some ways, we were like the Jack and Jill family in the reading books from long...
"Hide!" That's all that was on THEIR mind. The only thought that had survived in THEIR minds was to survive. Knowing that they were all after THEM, there was only one way. Unfortunately, in THEIR case it was anything but paranoia. It was really hunted by everyone. The genetic memory of its race had given THEM all the images of its predecessors and all their strengths and weaknesses. Carnage... Wild. Strong. Merciless. A killing machine without equal. Venom... The first of its kind in the world...
Claudia thought George was weird. Smelling and tasting each other is a normal part of making love, but George carried it too far.“Just what do you think you’re going to find in there?” she said when he pressed his nose between her upper arm and rib cage.“Another part of you,” he answered sincerely.She resisted, worried that the smell or the stubble or whatever would be disappointing and embarrassing. But he persisted, stroking her chest to try to get her to relax and reopen her armpit.His...
FetishEddie and his symbiote are ambushed. Swarms of Life Foundation agents are everywhere, and even with his trusty symbiote, he can only dispatch a dozen of them. Suddenly, a blast from the sonic blasters knock him down on the ground. The enemies quickly take use of this and pull out something resembles a vacuum cleaner, sucking the black symbiote out of the man. The soldiers stab Eddie, repeatedly, before mowing his dead body using machine guns. Sent to the facility, it is sent right inside a...
Escoje uno de tantos heroes:
podremos encontrar varias historias con muchas tematicas muy buenas del extenso mundo tg
FetishThe moment the virus was released the world changed in ways no one could predict. The person who created it was not the most stable human being in the world and his utopia was certainly not a world most people would want to live in. The virus was coded for a particular DNA sequence. Once it found the piece of DNA it was looking for, the virus would activate and that person would know just exactly how the creator had felt the day the he had been rejected by the target. No one would ever forget...
You have just been crowned the king of Albion, though it would not of happened as soon without the heart attack your father suffered. Albion is not the best nation in the world but neither is it the worst. The nation of Albion is a average sized nation, containing one thousand villages, four hundred towns and fifty cities within its borders. Though a bonus about Albion would be its unmatched wealth. Albion has been nicknamed the 'Worlds Jewel' due to the fact that your countries territory...
IncestHigh above an uninhabitable planet floats the elaborate research space station for Biotech Science, a division of a non-profit entity focusing on the life sciences. Designation #108 specifically operates on advanced terraforming technologies with a focus on creating more diverse and sensible territories in a single use of the technology. The process and purpose involves quite a bit of jargon, and not every person aboard BRS108 is a scientific authority. The inhospitable planet provides an...
BDSMSo its summer. Nothing to do but laze around, right? Apparently your parents don't agree and they kicked your twenty year old butt out of the house and told you to "do something." So instead of being a vegetable in a cool house you have to settle with walking around a well air condition mall with some extra spending cash. Such is your fate. In your tiring browsing and ogling of hotties, you come across the shop Object Obscura. Entering the well lit store, you are confronted by a well groomed...
Mind ControlBioVector By Chelle Crete I am writing the following letter to an old college friend of mine named Joe. ------------------------------- Dear Joe, Joe, I knew you were wrong about my Masters in Biology. There had to be a job or two out there for me. BioVector had been wooing me the last 6 months of college. I met Lisa Yates at the job fair that was held for seniors at my college and I instantly fell in love, with the company that is. She is very attractive too. Brown hair and...
BioMorph This story is not about my early life, so I'll just give you a few details about it and then get into the more important stuff. I was born Alex Morgan. I grew up in a small farming town in southern New Hampshire. My childhood was fairly pleasant and filled mostly with friends but sprinkled with a few bullies and jerks here and there to keep me on my toes. Through a bit of luck, money from home (until my parents passed away my fifth year of college), mediocre grades,...
BioGenCo by Evenrude Introduction Thursday, January 8, 2004 The location is Kansas City, Missouri, the United States of America. The world is a quite different place than it once was just a short time ago. On the morning of September 11, 2001 a small number of highly motivated, fanatical Moslems, in a surprisingly coordinated effort, boarded four airliners in the eastern US and attempted to use them as guided bombs to destroy highly populated, high visibility, civilian...
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL RAMBLINGS By Cassandra Anne Morrison PROLOGUE: I am learning to see. I don't know why it is, but everything penetrates more deeply into me and does not stop at the place where until now it always used to finish. I have an inner self of which I was ignorant. Everything goes thither now. What happens there I do not know. Writing a letter today I was struck by the fact that I had been here only three weeks. Three weeks elsewhere, in the country for...
Symbiont, Part 1 Peter walked down the deserted corridor of Science & Technology Advanced Research (S.T.A.R.) Laboratories, the footsteps from his leather shoes echoing against the metallic walls. The sterile hallway dead-ended in a blank wall, but Peter took out a small pencil-like object and waved it like a wand over the wall. A small glowing square, the size of a postage stamp, appeared in the middle of the wall, and Peter pressed his right thumb against it. There was a...
Symbiont, Part 2 Surprisingly, the S.T.A.R. building was located at the edge of town next to a light industrial area, so that there would be traffic past the building but seldom to the building. The idea was that even though on a map it was within the borders of the city, it was actually in an unexpectedly secluded area. Basil Karlo would never have found it had it not for the information from his employer. The intelligence brief had been concise but accurate to every detail. It had...
In a world where what it means to be a man or a woman has been turned upside down, who or what are biofems and why can trying to get close to one of them get you killed? BIOFEM by BobH (c) 2015 - 1 - DANNY MYERS I was in the compound's gymnasium, working on my abs, when the order came over the PA system. "Carter, Myers," said the authoritative female voice of our boss, Chief Administrator Pitman, "to your stations. ETA on biofem flight...
The club is packed as usual as Alison walks in with her tight mini-skirt that shows off her magnificent legs. Her red hair is pulled back into a ponytail and her close fitting blouse not only shows off her shapely breasts, but the color of her pink nipples through it. She slips up to the bar, passing both men and women, all of whom turn their heads or move their eyes to catch a glimpse of her. Alison was right about Elizabeth’s sexual intensity that has built up, but tonight she realizes...
The knocking at the door sounds like a drum inside Alison’s head. It’s constant and loud, and it won’t stop for anything. Slowly, she opens her eyes and the light is instantly blindingly bright and stinging. Her head immediately begins to ache and she feels like she has been drinking all night, even though she hadn’t. Well, she did have one glorious time all the same. The banging keeps coming. Alison lifts her head and looks toward the front door. Fuck, did I really fall asleep here? She...
Alison steps into the coroner’s office to find Dr. Lancaster bent over the body of Judge Jennifer Lewis, and totally focused on it. “Hello David,” she says almost sultry. The tone or lure of her voice doesn’t prevent the doctor from jumping visibly and nearly cutting into his finger with the scalpel he is holding in the opposite hand. “Fucking son of a bitch, Detective,” he breathes out hard. “You can’t just barge in here like that!” “I take it that you are engrossed,” she says, ignoring...
Elizabeth pulls the up to the Coroner’s Office, only to see it blazing with fire and the parking lot full of fire trucks, police and people. She looks over to the passenger seat where James Miller is seated. “What the hell happened?” Elizabeth whispers in disbelief. The first place the duo stopped was at Alison’s home but found no sign that she had returned there since this morning. The next logical place was here. “My guess is your partner happened,” James replies. Elizabeth casts him an...
Elizabeth pulls up in front of Alison’s house, cutting the ignition before looking out the windshield toward the house. She sits here for a few moments before gathering her thoughts and reaching for the door handle. The moment she steps from the car, Glau transforms into a very tight and very short mini dress that presents the very bottom of her ass as well as a near view of her pussy. She leaves her pistol in the car, knowing that using it against her partner will be useless. What will be...
The transport ship's hold was filled far beyond capacity. An extraordinary number of people had just been extracted from the Queen's garden party. The noise level increased, a symptom of the rising sense of fear and loss as many in the crowd began to realise what had happened to them. At Princess Elizabeth's suggestion, the Royal fanfare briefly calmed and quieted the confused group. Overly-loud instructions to sit down were immediately obeyed, but the noise level soon began to rise...
After a flurry of activity, food and drink, platters and plates, tableware and napkins were marshalled and delivered to the living room. The AI helped by producing a coffee table that made a serviceable buffet. Janice and Jeremy were brought down and made to eat and drink with everyone else. The talk started off slowly, partly because they all felt out of their element, and partly because they were all famished. Once everyone was served and they were well into their meal, the conversations...
Again, the seating positions were changed. "Before I launch into serious matters," Elizabeth said, "I want to tell you that I love to tease. I love to be teased. I want you to know now that my teasing is meant to be good-hearted. If I intend a rebuke, I hope it will be obvious. I worry that there are so many of us, who will be living so close together, that feelings might get hurt and might stay that way for too long. I hope, and I mean, to have any rebuke solve the problem and then be...
"Next on the agenda," Elizabeth said, "are babies. Gail, I would like you to take the lead in this. I think we should talk about timing of births before we start assigning slots in the rotation." Gail said, "I have been thinking about this. You may know that the Queen invited me to 'mother' the Princess - sorry, Ma'am - and to take care of the children. On one hand, we have the AI and I don't think keeping house will be strenuous. We could all get pregnant as quickly as possible,...
"What time is it, please," asked Gail. "Ship time is 20:13," answered the AI. "Add over three hours," Heather said, "and the kids' internal clocks say it is nearly midnight. Tracy, maybe we ought to round up the children and get them to bed?" All of the adults went upstairs, to see the reconfigured bedrooms, and to see how the children were faring. Tracy was first through the playroom door. She found Stephanie, Michael and Jeremy asleep, cuddled together in a little area that the...
Elizabeth, Jenny, Mandy, Gail and John made their way into the master bedroom. "This is too weird," Elizabeth said. "What... ?" "Shh..." said Jenny, coaxing her onto the bed. The others followed. Jenny helped arrange John on his back in the middle of the bed. Jenny moved herself onto her knees between John's legs. Mandy was on her knees on John's left side, Elizabeth on the right. Gail placed herself on the left side of Elizabeth, near John's head. Jenny started to stroke John's...
John disentangled himself from two pair of arms and legs. He slid gently off the bed. A quick head count told him that he was the first one up. He made his way to the bathroom and relieved himself. The shower lured him in and he took a short but refreshing bathe. The jets of warm air at the end of the shower surprised him but he decided that he liked it. Still not accustomed to being naked - nude, he corrected himself - he made his way to the kitchen area. There he found Jenny pulling a...
"It's actually rather pleasant having all of you about us just now," Jenny said. "If you had told me three days ago that four of the closest people in my life would watch me orgasm and, more, that their presence would comfort me, I would have thought you daft." Gail said, "You said we weren't in Kansas anymore, Elizabeth. I'm afraid that none of us has begun to grasp how profoundly our lives have been changed." There were murmurs of general agreement. "I for one remain quite...
The younger children raced back to the playroom. Amy and Janice disappeared. The adults split into small groups, touring the pod and discussing possible modifications. The room on the first floor that was intended to be an office was presently without furniture. Elizabeth asked the AI for two sofas, against two walls at right angles to each other, with an occasional table between them. She also asked for a desk and chairs, soft, plush carpet, a change in wall colour and some wall hangings....
"Can we start this session with another view of our new and improved selves?" Jenny asked, grinning. "You bet," said Elizabeth. "AI, please do the honours." The coffee table was still between the sofas. The holographic figures appeared, and were replaced by the next person, every ten seconds. On the second pass, John wished aloud that he could see a pregnancy cycle. Tracy leaped at the idea. The next image to appear was Jenny. "AI," she said, "please show Jenny's appearance over...
The new tables and chairs were finished and ready for use. The children - and the girls, who didn't want to be lumped in with the little kids - were rounded up and washed. "What kind of sandwich would you like for lunch?" asked Mandy. "Give me your orders and the replicator and I will 'cook.'" "Good idea, Mandy," said Gail. "If I had a batch of soup made, would anyone eat it?" John sat down at the round table. He soon found himself surrounded by children. Amy sat on his right,...
Mandy had escorted Janice upstairs to an unused bedroom. She had had the AI reconfigure a bed more like a divan, so they could lay on it with their heads propped up. It was obvious that Janice felt left out, felt on the wrong side of an unfair dividing line. "Janice," Mandy said when they had climbed onto the bed, "I really did mean this a boon for you. It wasn't me shuffling the snotty little sister out of the way." "But I wanted to SEE!" whined Janice. Mandy laughed. "Janice, you...
When they reached the bed, Jenny hurriedly climbed up and lay on her back. Amy and John climbed on and stretched out on each side of Jenny. They lay there, looking at each other for a while. Amy moved in for a kiss. Jenny felt her own hesitation, overcame it, and met Amy's kiss. Not a lust-filled kiss, but one that promised more to come. Now it was John's turn. He brought his lips to Jenny's, held back briefly, and then started a more passionate attack. John was soon sucking and nibbling...
"Sponsor Elizabeth, you have a visitor at the door," intoned the AI. "And, who, pray tell, would that be?" answered Elizabeth. "Prince Andrew." "Then by all means, open the door and bid him enter. AI, in future, would you please simply say, 'Prince Andrew is at the door and wishes to enter, '" "Acknowledged." Elizabeth went to the foyer and found her brother standing there. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Come in, come in. I'm glad to see you." "Well, yes,...
John awoke from his nap and found himself in a tangle of female arms and legs. He took the time to gently and slowly extricate himself without waking either of the two women. When he was up, he decided that yet another shower was in order. He made his way to the bathroom, started the shower, and stepped into the soothing hot spray. He stood in the spray, letting it cascade from his head down his body. Presently, he gathered up some lather and began washing his hair. He was surprised when a...
Jenny, Amy and John had been sent off to bed. Mandy had marched Janice off for their own session alone. The remaining adults took time to engage and play with the four smaller children. The playroom was surprisingly neat. Gail wondered how that was so, until she saw a crayon being absorbed by the floor of the room. Adults and children played with clay, and drew pictures, and sang songs. As the children became more comfortable, the connections became more physical - innocent, to be sure, but...
"So now we have been in our new home for just about one full day." Elizabeth's delivery was rather formal, much like a speech given for her schooling. "I think it is time to review what we have experienced so far, time for another session with the purpose of organising ourselves, and time to plan dinner. "Before we begin, I must make a first stage report on the contest to determine who among us is the greatest slattern. Currently in first place is Tracy, who ambushed John in the shower...
The sound of happy voices carried from the kitchen, not loudly but enough to emphasise the quiet in the living room. Elizabeth was sitting across from John on one end of the sofa, and Gail was on the other. She regarded them both for a few moments. John suddenly felt self-conscious at the scrutiny. Elizabeth approached John and, putting one knee on each side of his legs, sat down on his lap, facing him. She motioned Gail to join them while she kept her own eyes locked on John's. "I am so...
Elizabeth, Gail and John wandered into the kitchen. There they found Tracy, Jenny, Mandy and Heather embroiled in a massive effort to select a location for, and then store, an entire kitchen's worth of tools, equipment, supplies and food. Amy and Janice were ensconced on stools at the breakfast bar, drinking soda and watching the women with glee. Much of the work was to cross-purposes. One woman would choose a home for, say, the dinner plates only to have another object to the use of that...