Gaia's ChampionChapter 20 free porn video

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The magical runes and sigils danced around Jason, Sheena and Phalmina, as the spell was cast. The runes, now intertwined with one another, then spread out, finding each corner of the condo. When the limits of the dwelling were reached, the spell activated, coming alive and settling into each surface. The runes flared everywhere, completing the protective spell in the home, before fading away from sight.

“It is done. Your home is now protected from any unwanted intruders. Even if you open the front door and anyone tries coming through, they will have to pass through the barrier to get in,” Phalmina stated.

“Thank you! It is good to know that I am safe from any ... entities that might wish to seek me out,” Carlotta replied happily.

“We put our all into the spell, so the only place safer than here would be the house where the archive is,” Sheena said.

“Given where it is, I can’t fault you for making it so strong there!” Carlotta smirked.

“Yeah. Those little fuckers that attacked us weren’t playing around! I’m just glad that we discovered their weakness to fire,” Jason commented.

“More like I discovered it, and watch your mouth, sir!” Sheena admonished him.

“Yes, ma’am!” Jason snickered, throwing up a mock salute.

“It’s all right, Sheena! I’ve been around, so profanity doesn’t really offend me all that much,” Carlotta laughed. “Still, your lady is correct in having some semblance of manners.”

“Yeah! So, hah!” Sheena scoffed while giving Jason her sweetest smile.

Jason just groaned and moved about the condo, inspecting the runes as he walked. They were solid and unwavering, which was a good sign the magic had taken root. Jason also couldn’t help but notice how nice the condo was and how tastefully it was decorated. It was clear that Carlotta enjoyed the finer things in life, given how she had initially come from nothing.

“Runes looking all right there, Jay?” Sheena asked.

“Yup. It’s solid and nothing to worry about. We’re good,” he replied.

“All right then! I guess we’re done here,” Phalmina said.

“Again, thank you for doing this!” Carlotta gushed.

“Not at all! Gaians always look out for each other, no matter what. Gaia’s love be with you,” Jason told her.

“Gaia’s love be with you, Druid,” Carlotta replied, smiling, and bowing her head slightly. Jason was still getting used to being deferred to like this, never having been respected so highly before. Sheena told him it would take time before he got the hang of it, as it weirded her out too, at first. Still, it was nice to be respected like this, especially by someone so wealthy and influential.

Sheena and Phalmina said their parting words before the trio left, leaving Carlotta to rest. They piled into the elevator and took it down to the parkade where Sheena had left her vehicle. The ride down was silent, as was the walk to the car, until Phalmina brought up something on her mind.

“You know, I’m wondering how Carlotta does it,” the fairy said.

“Does what?” Jason asked.

“Live like she does. She must be terribly lonely, just being by herself like that, with no one around to talk to or be around with,” Phalmina replied.

“I suppose it would not be too unlike what it was like for you, when you were living in that glade for all those centuries,” Jason told her, as he opened the back door for her. “Think she could use some company, honestly.”

“I would agree! Poor woman must not only be lonely, but crazy horny!” Sheena giggled as she got into the driver’s seat.

“Maybe we could keep our eyes peeled for anyone who seems her type, then?” Jason suggested.

“Maybe. Have to talk to Karla about that first. Don’t want to do something that will land us in hot water with her,” Sheena responded.

“That’s fair. To the house then?” Jason asked.

“Could we stop by a Cinnabon first?” Phalmina asked.

“You could just eat those all day, couldn’t you?” Sheena joked.

“Yup!! They are insanely addictive!” Phalmina gushed.

“I think we can get a six-pack box of them. But you gotta share!” Jason admonished her.

“Ugh! Fine!” Phalmina grumped good naturedly. They pulled away from the condo complex, heading to the house.

Luke pulled up to the morgue where his friend was working the night shift. Karla and Emalia were with him, eager to see what Luke’s friend knew about what could potentially be going on. They walked out and headed along the side of the building, towards the alley. Once inside it, Luke led the women to a nondescript door on the side of the building, and he tapped a small sequence of knocks.

Seconds later, the door opened, and in the door stood a reedy looking man. He was tall and lanky, with thick black hair and an equally thick beard. His nose was a little large, but it worked for the shape of his face, and his brown eyes darted in several directions. The man was white, but he clearly got out in the sun whenever he could. Karla supposed he had a rugged handsomeness to him, and he stood straight up, unlike most men, who slouched.

“You said you were bringing friends who could help you out. Didn’t expect two goddesses!” the man told Luke.

“All right, enough smooth talking, Randy! Can you show us what you got?” Luke asked him.

“You three have ten minutes, maybe fifteen, if you’re lucky,” Randy replied.

“Thanks, buddy. Appreciate this!” Luke said, shaking his hand.

Karla noticed a few bills that went from Luke’s hand to Randy’s. She smirked at the exchange, figuring that if money was involved, the risk associated with them being here must be great. If that was the case, then what was waiting for them in morgue must be important! She caught Randy’s gaze on her and Emalia, but said nothing. Let the man look all he wished, as long as he didn’t get any ideas.

“So, what do you got?” Luke asked as Randy let them into the morgue.

“A couple. Man and a woman, both of whom were druggies and well known to the police. No one was really losing any tears over these two dying, as they were suspects in some robberies connected to some homicides. Normally, I’d be busy processing these two, but ... there’s little to process,” Randy stated, leading them over to two tables with white sheets covering the corpses.

“What do you mean, there’s little to process?” Karla questioned.

“Take a look and you tell me,” Randy stated, as he peeled back the nearest sheet. What lay beneath startled the trio of Gaians. Not that it was a dead body, but that it was a dried up dead body. It was so dry that it looked as though it had been wrung out like a wet towel.

“Holy shit! Any idea on the cause of death?” Luke queried.

“Now that’s where shit gets seriously weird. The way they found these two, it was like they were sucked dry. No fluids were in them and no warmth in their bodies remained. I’m more than a little frightened because of how quickly these two died,” Randy stated.

“How can you tell how quickly they died?” Emalia asked.

“We got lucky with these two. They were seen in a convenience store, picking up some cigarettes and snacks. The time stamp puts them in that store maybe half an hour before they were found a few blocks down. Passing family heard some kind of ruckus and the dad called it in. Uniforms were maybe a block away and investigated and found these two like this,” Randy told them.

“Wait, you said that you got lucky with these two. Are there more victims?” Karla asked.

“Sharp lady you got there Luke! Yeah, there are more victims. These two, they’re just numbers fourteen and fifteen on the list of people who have died this way. It’s also the first genuine lead we’ve had in this case,” Randy said. Emalia squeaked in fear, which caught everyone’s attention.

“I hear you, lady. I’m pretty fucking scared myself! Mainly because I don’t know what caused this!” Randy griped, as he revealed the second corpse, which was just as desiccated at the first. “I mean, it’s like everything that they were was just sucked right out of them!”

“You’re not far off the mark. I was thinking the same thing!” Emalia breathed. Randy looked at her curiously and was about to say something when Karla cut him off.

“Why hasn’t anything about his been released to the news? Shouldn’t the populace know about someone that’s out there, killing people like this?” Karla fumed.

“Ma’am, that is out of my hands! The police have been adamant about keeping this quiet, but they’ve been dragging their heels on it because of the victims,” Randy told her.

“What about them?”

“They’ve all been homeless people and drug users, so the police haven’t really been on it to catch this killer. It was chalked up to malnutrition and environmental hazards of living on the streets. That was until the eighth victim showed up,” Randy continued.

“Who was the eighth victim?” Luke questioned.

“Another druggie, but one who was getting clean and a relative to someone on the city council. That more or less put the fire under the department’s asses to get this thing solved. They assigned Sadeghi and Thermopolous to the case and you, of all people, know how relentless they are, Luke,” Randy told his friend.

“Damn! If those two are on the case, they won’t stop until they have the killer in handcuffs!” Luke remarked.

“Yeah! Sadeghi especially, has been adamant about finding the killer. She doesn’t want it escalating to where the killer gets ballsy enough to attack regular citizens in broad daylight,” Randy concluded.

“Thanks, Randy. This’ll help in searching for this bastard!” Luke told the coroner.

“Glad to be of help, my friend. I’d scoot if I were you. Sadeghi and Thermopolous should show up at any moment,” Randy warned the trio.

Without another word, Luke, Karla and Emalia left the morgue out the way they had come. Randy covered the corpses and to set everything as it had been before Luke’s arrival. Not even a minute later, detectives Sadeghi and Thermopolous arrived, seeking the same answers that Luke had been after.

Randy told the detectives the same thing he had told Luke, even revealing the corpses for them to look at. Though they’d been looking over the corpses of these people for some time now, it still unnerved them. Though Meera Sadeghi and Konstantin Thermopolous were veterans, both having seen their fair share of shit, this was something that stumped and frightened them both.

Meera looked over both corpses, searching for some discernable clue as to how they died, but was left with nothing. Frustrated, she left nearly an hour later, still no closer to any answers. She had something though, which she’d picked up the moment she and Konstantin had entered. It was the scent of a perfume and from what she could tell; it was an expensive one.

“Did you smell that when we first entered?” Meera asked her partner.

“Smell what?” Konstantin queried.

“That scent on the air. That perfume,” Sadeghi told the man.

“I did, actually. You should wear it more often. It works for you,” Konstantin smiled.

“Ugh, Konstantin, sometimes you’re just so dense! I don’t wear perfume! Not to work anyway,” she informed him. It took the man a moment before he caught on, but he voiced his thoughts the moment they burst into his head.

“You think someone else had a look at our stiffs before we did?”

“Possibly. Who or why, I don’t know, but we should find out,” Meera stated.

“Should we head down and question Randy? If he’s showing people in here...” Konstantin started.

“No need to go down that avenue. Not yet, at least. Let’s have a look at the CCTV feeds and see if we can find our mystery observer,” Meera smirked, leading the way up.

“Are you sure you’re OK, Ema?” Karla asked.

“I’ll be all right, Karla, thank you. I sensed the Dark Magic when we went into the morgue, but it was just trace amounts of it. It will fade with enough time, so I’m good,” Emalia replied, assuaging her friend’s fears. Luke was headed to Karla’s place, as it was late, and they all needed rest.

“Seeing those drug users laid out like that, it makes sense how the wraith could gain so much power so quickly. Poor sods didn’t have a chance against that monster, being as they are,” Emalia continued.

“Why would the wraith go after fully grown, adult druggies? Why wouldn’t it go after children? Aren’t they easier prey?” Luke asked.

“You would think so, but for parasites like a wraith, the rules are different. Children, while they appear weaker, have a zeal and zest for life that is not easily quenched. Because of this, draining them is more difficult than a fully grown adult. Especially those who are willingly throwing their lives away, just for a high,” Emalia told him.

“So, it has more to do with the will to live?” Karla questioned.

“It does. The greater the will to live, the more a target will resist and fight back. For a parasite like a wraith, the weaker their will, the easier it will be to take their very essence. Thus, these ... druggies are the ideal targets,” Emalia explained.

“So, willpower ties into your lifeforce? Like your will to live determines the strength and resilience of your soul?” Luke asked, making sure he was getting it right.

“That is correct, Luke. With a stronger will to live your life, comes a powerful bond of your soul to your body. The stronger your will, the harder it would be for the wraith to take your soul from you,” Emalia finished.

“I get it now. Randy said the couple at the morgue were victims number fourteen and fifteen. If the wraith has stolen the souls of fifteen people, even weakened ones...” Luke started.

“It explains why it could break free of our binding spell, when it shouldn’t have. Still, it’s not quite as strong as it could have been. We got a fragment of it,” Emalia told them.

“That’s true. Here’s hoping that we can find something in these books that can help us track it before it can hurt or drain anyone else,” Luke replied.

Amy was enjoying her life with Elizabeth, who had become her lover and companion. She was sitting there, eating a sumptuous feast cooked by her mother, while her brother, Darren, and Daelina were there too. It was a bright sunny day, with not a single cloud in the sky, and everyone was happy. Amy closed her eyes and took in the feeling of the sun on her face, enjoying the moment.

Then, Amy felt the sun dim, like a cloud had passed over it. She opened her eyes and saw that it appeared to be more than just a cloud. It was dark and foreboding, with lightning arcing out of it. Amy stared at the cloud, wondering where it came from, but that thought was quickly pushed away. As she stared at it, the cloud became larger and larger, eventually covering the entire sky, banishing the light.

Amy gasped at this change and was wondering what was happening. She turned to her family to ask if they knew, but screamed in horror. They were still there, but they no longer looked like they were alive. Their skin had blackened, becoming cracked, with many fissures running along it. Their eyes glowed green, and they stared at her with a dark malevolence.

Screaming again, she bolted up from her seat and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Hissing in anger, her entire family got up and chased after her. Amy did not understand what was happening, but didn’t wait around to find out. She kept running, hoping to outdistance her pursuers, but could feel them right behind her. Amy chanced a look behind and saw they were closing with her and fast.

Not looking where she was going, Amy then found herself boxed in an alley, with no way out. She stared at her possessed family, horrified at what she was witnessing. Their skin, which had initially cracked, was now falling away, as though rotting as they moved. The caricature of her mother looked down, noticing this, before grunting in frustration.

“That can easily be rectified. Come to me, my family. Help your mother in her hour of need!” she proclaimed.

Everyone turned to look at her and nodded, walking to her and kneeling in supplication. They stared up at her in complete adoration before bowing their heads reverently. She walked to each one of them, touching their heads before she ... absorbed them. It was the oddest and most horrifying thing to watch. One moment, her brother was there, looking up at her mother before everything he was, was taken and drained into her.

Eva did the same thing to Elizabeth and Daelina, draining them until there was nothing left. She then turned her gaze back to Amy, and she ... rippled, changing her shape and form into something else. Moments later, she had turned into what appeared to be some type of human but made from plants and vines. But she didn’t look like something that was verdant and full of life, no. She looked like the epitome of death.

“That’s much better. It’s always better to become that which is true to who you are,” the woman grinned as she advanced on Amy. “Now, you are mine!”

“NOOOOO!” Amy screamed. Seconds later, a beam of light shot out from within her, bathing her in its radiance. The dark woman shouted in surprise at this, before Amy vanished, leaving the dreamscape.

Amy shouted as she came awake from the horrific dream. She panted in exhaustion, as though she had run a hundred miles just now. Her breathing steadied, and she looked down at the form next to her. Amy saw Elizabeth was there, sleeping like the dead, with a smile on her face. She sighed, thinking how it was a blessing to sleep through anything like her lover could.

Unnerved by the nightmare, Amy swung her legs over the edge of the bed and got out. Clad in only a tank top and a pair of blue panties, she walked out of the bedroom she shared with Elizabeth and headed downstairs. They were in her mother’s home that night, since Elizabeth’s place was a little farther away. She padded over to the fridge and grabbed the milk before retrieving a cup and pouring herself a glass.

Amy then thought that some cookies would also be needed and grabbed some of those as well. She retreated to the living room and sat in the armchair while munching on her snack. The nightmare was so intense, and it had felt so real. Especially that dark woman made from rotting plants. She wracked her mind, trying to figure out what it was, before she heard the footsteps of someone approaching.

“Hey. You OK?” Elizabeth’s voice called out softly as she came down the stairs.

“Eeep!” Amy yipped, sloshing her milk all over her hand.

“Shit! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you there, Amy,” Elizabeth apologized.

“It’s all right,” Amy replied, waving off her girlfriend’s concern.

“No, it’s not. Here, let me clean that up,” the swarthy woman said, vanishing into the kitchen, before reappearing with a washcloth. Though Amy fussed, Elizabeth was having none of it and cleaned the glass and Amy’s hand of the spilled milk. Amy smiled, appreciative of the gesture, and sighed happily.

“What was it? Nightmare?” Elizabeth asked, familiar with such episodes herself.

“Yeah. Pretty damn fucked up one too!” Amy said. She then recounted what she had seen in her dreams, making Elizabeth goggle eyed at what happened.

“Fuck! That’s some really messed up shit! Lucky for you, I know a foolproof cure for such nightmares!” Elizabeth smirked.

“Oh? What’s that?” Amy wondered.

In reply, Elizabeth scooped Amy up and brought her over to the couch before snuggling with her. Amy cooed in delight and cuddled up with her girlfriend, happy for the company. She closed her eyes and relished the feeling of her lady sitting there next to her, banishing her fears away. Amy didn’t know how long it was, but she soon felt Elizabeth’s hands sliding along her skin, moving to more ... sensitive areas.

“Your special cure to banish all nightmares, huh?” Amy murmured as she sat up and stared her woman in the eye.

“What? You can’t say that an orgasm or two isn’t a good idea to clear the mind,” Elizabeth shot back.

“Touché! I’ll admit, you got me there!” Amy admitted. She then finished her last cookie, before turning to face her woman and kissed her. Elizabeth kissed Amy back, her tongue flicking out in invitation, which Amy accepted. She used her own tongue to tease her lady, making her moan in frustration as Amy’s tongue eluded her own.

Amy’s hands then moved along Elizabeth’s skin, heading straight for her large rack. The moment Amy had her hands on the sizable mammaries, Elizabeth broke the kiss, needing air. Amy squeezed them playfully before her thumbs went for her nipples, flicking them gently.

“Oh, you little bitch! You love teasing me, don’t you?” Elizabeth breathed.

“Maybe I’m just trying to drive you up the wall and turn you into a sex-crazed maniac,” Amy giggled.

“Oh, you’re in for it now!” Elizabeth growled as her mouth clamped down on Amy’s neck. Amy squealed at this, the pressure of her girlfriend’s mouth on her neck enough to drive her nuts.

“Oh, fuck!” Amy cried out.

Elizabeth growled happily as she gnawed on her lover’s neck. She took her time, sucking on it slowly, drawing as many squeals and squeaks as she could from the taller woman. She moved her mouth downward, moving at a snail’s pace as she arrived at her tits. Elizabeth hiked up the nightshirt Amy was wearing before attacking her sensitive nipples.

Amy squealed in protest and enjoyment, wanting more and hoping that Elizabeth was feeling in a giving mood. Elizabeth grinned and continued playing with Amy’s tits, making her squirm and squeal as she teased her further. She stopped after several minutes, heading lower and seeking a more prized treasure. Amy’s breath caught as she felt Elizabeth near her nethers, riling her further.

Elizabeth’s mouth went over Amy’s panties, which were already soaked in her girl juices. She loved teasing Amy like this, as it made the woman so damn horny that it wouldn’t take much to set her off. Elizabeth latched her mouth onto Amy’s pussy, overtop her panties, sucking on the fabric and on her quim at the same time. Moments later, Amy lost it and yipped happily as she was pushed over the edge into orgasm.

Giggling to herself, Elizabeth kept sucking on her, wanting nothing more than to send Amy into a lust-filled frenzy. She always loved sending Amy into orgasmic fits like this, as it often resulted in some groundbreaking sex! Elizabeth was also stupidly horny and needed to be pounded, mercilessly. She only hoped that Amy was turned on enough to accommodate her.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Amy crooned, coming out of her peak.


“On your feet! I am taking your ass to bed and I don’t give a rat’s ass if we wake the whole the damn house!” Amy growled as she stood and took Elizabeth’s hand, dragging her along to the stairs.

Elizabeth gulped silently and went with her girlfriend, letting her lead her upstairs. They padded into Amy’s bedroom at the end of the hall and shut the door behind themselves. Amy then attacked Elizabeth, nearly tearing her clothes off to get at her. Elizabeth went into a similar frenzy, stripping Amy bare, and soon, they were pressing against each other’s nude bodies.

Amy then pushed her lover onto the bed, catching the woman by surprise. Elizabeth squeaked as she hit the mattress, then moaned when she felt Amy’s mouth on her leaky pussy. She felt her girlfriend’s tongue split her outer lips, then her inner ones as Amy went down on her. Amy took her time, making Elizabeth squirm with each lick and driving her nuts with desire.

Using her hands on her thighs, Amy sought and found the most sensitive points to drive Elizabeth wild. Her fingers played along Elizabeth’s legs, touching off nerves that made her yip in bliss. Elizabeth could feel her core flutter and sensed that an orgasm was on its way. Her moaning soon became high pitched as Amy drove her relentlessly towards her peak.

Amy sensed this and ramped up her assault on the woman, wanting to make her squeal. Elizabeth was getting so close, almost dancing with the bliss that would claim her. She sensed Amy was slowing down deliberately, drawing the moment out just to tease her. Elizabeth moaned erratically, wanting nothing more than the release only Amy could grant. Taking pity on the squirming woman, Amy’s tongue found Elizabeth’s clit, and she sucked hard on it.

Elizabeth’s moan went straight to a crooning sound, almost like she was a wolf as her core clenched and her pussy fluttered. Her back arched, and she came hard, wanting nothing more than the sweet bliss she was enjoying. Elizabeth’s legs snapped together on Amy’s head, but her hands caught them, keeping her head from getting squished.

Elizabeth didn’t know how long she had ridden the high. A second, a minute, an hour. All that mattered in that moment was that she was now in a state where nothing could bother her. She finally relaxed, letting her limbs drop as she felt her entire body sit in a Zen like state of bliss.

“That was ... more! I must have more!” Amy growled, getting up from the bed.

“What?” Elizabeth asked tiredly.

Her eyes wandered to where Amy was standing by the nightstand, rummaging around in the drawer. She exclaimed in triumph as she found what she was looking for, a fleshy, purple vibrator. Eyes widening in delight, Elizabeth grinned goofily as she watched Amy crawl over to her.

“You just ... love watching me ... writhe ... don’t you?” Elizabeth breathed.

“Writhe? No, we are beyond that right now. I’m going to watch you thrash!” Amy grinned.

Elizabeth almost protested, but thought better of it when Amy turned the vibrator on and brought it right to her nethers. A bolt of electricity shot through her pussy instantly, putting Elizabeth in a state of bliss once again. Unlike before, where Amy worked slowly to bring her to a boiling point, Elizabeth was being worked hard and fast. In almost no time at all, she was almost chanting ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ as Amy used the vibe inside and outside her quim.

With what Amy was doing to Elizabeth, another orgasm was imminent. Especially with how Amy was also licking and slurping up her girlfriend’s juices. Though she had just cum, another orgasm was hurtling towards Elizabeth at full speed and she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle it. It kept rising higher and higher within her, making the poor woman nearly scream in ecstasy.

Amy kept going at Elizabeth’s pussy, wanting to make her girlfriend’s mind melt. The way she was thrashing about, Amy was sure that she would soon. She not only used the toy in her hand, but a combination of her fingers and tongue as well. The total stimulation drove Elizabeth mad with lust, wanting and needing to cum, but riding the very edge of it, being constantly denied, until Amy pushed her over the edge.

Elizabeth screamed as she fell off the edge and into the abyss of endless pleasure. She didn’t care if she woke up everyone else in the house, because she needed to let it out. She gushed, bathing Amy’s face in her juices as she came, jittering while she did so. Elizabeth’s mind was gone, overtaken by the bliss her body was enjoying and caring for nothing else.

“You really know how to show a girl a good time,” Amy grinned as she cuddled up to her lady.

“Huh! It’s not over ... yet,” Elizabeth breathed.

“Not over? I’m pretty sure it is, with how you howled like a banshee just then,” Amy giggled.

“For me, yes. For you, not just yet. It’s only fair that I ... melt your mind ... like you ... melted mine,” Elizabeth sighed as she crawled out of bed. She stood up, more than a little wobbly, as her legs felt like Jello. She took a beat and steadied herself before walking back to the nightstand. Opening the drawer, Elizabeth found what she was looking for and pulled it out.

“Oh, my! Going for broke tonight?” Amy asked with a laugh.

“Damn straight! I’m not going to let up until I hear you scream bloody murder!” Elizabeth grinned.

She slipped the strap on into place, securing it over her hips. She looked down at the mid-sized dildo on it and grunted in annoyance. The swarthy woman then went back to the drawer and fished out another toy. This one was a large, red vibrator, complete with a set of balls, that fit on the strap on harness. It was much larger than the six incher that was on the harness now, measuring at over ten inches long and at least two-and-a-half inches thick.

“Oh ... fuck me!” Amy gulped.

“That’s the idea, dearie!” Elizabeth giggled as she walked back to the bed.

She grabbed Amy’s legs and pulled the woman to her before falling to her knees. Amy smiled and shivered as she felt Elizabeth’s hot mouth clamp over her quivering mound and licked. Shuddering in delight, Amy lie there as her girlfriend ate her out, making her squirm with each lick. Elizabeth stood up after a few minutes, happy to see that Amy was dripping wet.

“Oh, don’t tease me!” Amy begged as she felt cold air rush to her nethers.

“There’s only one thing you need to worry about, and that’s staying conscious while I’m making you scream,” Elizabeth drawled.

Amy shivered in anticipation and put up with the cold sensation but yipped happily the moment she felt head of the dildo on her puffy lips. Elizabeth continued to tease her, drawing the head up and down Amy’s gooey slit. She moaned in frustration as she was denied what her lover was promising. Elizabeth felt Amy had been teased enough and lined up the dildo, turning it on before pushing it into Amy.

Same as Gaia's Champion
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6

News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Binky Beaz Prude

Sometimes life with my stepsister, Binky Beaz, feels like a sitcom. It’s like I can hear a laugh track inside my head because she has such crazy issues. Today, she’s acting all quiet because her boyfriend just broke up with her. It makes sense since she’s only had sex with him four times in a whole year! I try to explain that nobody likes a prude, but it’s always better to show than tell. To prove she’s not as prim and proper as she seems, she blows my cock right next to my stepmom in the...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 43 Ominous Changes

“Will, before we get started, I need to tell you something, I’ve been diagnosed with an illness ... It’s not looking all that promising for my future, I’m sorry,” Chrissy said. “An illness – does this relate to what that old Romani woman said, when she read your fortune, years ago?” I asked. “Didn’t she indicate a problem with your breasts – maybe breast cancer – and something else?” “Well, it ties in to that, but it’s not breast cancer, it’s the other thing, a nerve problem. Have you heard...

2 years ago
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A surprise for Cassidy

Introduction: this is my first story in this genre, so please tell me what you think of it It was one of those rare days where I had the entire house to myself, Dad was out at golf, and Mom had to take my younger twin brothers, Jake and James, to their soccer semi-finals, which meant that she would have to stay and watch. It also meant that I had the best part of two hours to do whatever I wanted. I should probably introduce myself, Cassidy, 17 and drop dead gorgeous, with short, slightly wavy...

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Comparing Me to Michelangelo

Chapter 1 I know you'll just dismiss this as me being the luckiest guy on earth but there's a lot more to the story than just that. So. It began the night my fourteen-year old sister, Karen, had three of her girlfriends over for a sleepover. Karen had had them over before, I always looked forward to them coming over because, even at fourteen, they looked pretty nice in their nighties which I would get glimpses of, especially Brooke, who I think secretly had a crush on me. Mom and Dad had...

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PurgatoryX Chloe Temple Fantasy Couple Vol 3 E1

As a very-much-in-love couple (Chloe Temple, Jay Romero) prepare to take a morning shower, Jay embraces his lover from behind and reveals his fantasy; he wants to fuck her best friend, Clara. They’ve shared their fantasies before and Chloe’s turned-on by the idea. As Jay’s hands continue fondling her body, their passions build to a boil! Chloe and Jay do what young lovers do… engage in delicious morning sex with plenty of mouth-watering kissing, licking, sucking and fucking! Its passion-packed...

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Fantasies Came Real With Kanan Bhabhi 8211 Part I

Hi too all reader of ISS. Thanks for all your feedback to all my stories. Today I came up with another incident from past years. Hope you all will enjoy and support me with you feedback just as you all did in past. So coming back to the point it happened to me when I was started going to college. This story involves my Bhabhi Kanan. It all started before she got married to my bother and ends….. not really ends till now. So it was few years back when I was in college, there was a lecturer named...

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A Long Time in Waiting

Hey Guys this is my second story, I hope you like it. As lie there, I feel him at my feet; all of a sudden I feel this soft kiss on my left big toe, then soft kisses all the way up my left leg, all the way up to my left thigh. He then goes to my right big toe and does the same. He reaches my pussy and slowly kisses it, soft but deep, after giving it a soft lick, he moves up my stomach. He reaches my nipples, wow they're so sensitive and I don’t know why. You start off my circling your tongue...

Quickie Sex
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Gloryhole Gabbie 01

“I’m heading out dad, be back sometime after midnight,” I shouted from the front hall.“Where ya headed?” he shouted back. “Going to the movies and probably ice cream after,” I lied.“All right, hon, have fun. Say, can you grab the mail before you go?”I finished tying my boots and opened the front door, poking my head out and lifting the flap on our mail box right under the doorbell. I shut the door behind me and looked through the pile of mostly junk for anything with my name on it. “Anything...

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The Thing

The Thing by Heidi --------------- Erica is talking to herself as she drives home along the winding mountain highway. She is clearly agitated. "Why can't they understand? I really goofed today. Now it's going to take even longer," she berates herself while gesticulating wildly at no-one in particular. She seems totally oblivious to the fact that she is driving down a highway. "Don't they realize the thing is driving me nuts!" She replays the group therapy session of...

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The TG Limits Aliens Aliens

There is nothing wrong with your computer screen. Do not attempt to adjust the monitor. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand transformations or expand one single crossdresser to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your reading to anything our imagination can conceive. For this story we will control all that you see and read. You are about to experience the awe and mystery, which reaches from...

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How did I get into this? I'm in a strange room. My hands are tied behind my back. A dark blind fold over my eyes. A gag has been placed in my mouth. I've been stripped down to my panties and bra. I'm laying on the floor with my cheek pressed to the carpet. Its true what they say. Deprived of one sense the others grow stronger. I could hear footfalls in the hall. What next? The last thing I could recall was drinking a glass of wine at a bar with a handsome older man. He was a professor of...

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Cat girl Charity final revelations

Just understand that when one thinks that in life you understand all there is, to know a person completely, or see that they cannot change, you will be open to new and final revelations that makes it clear; you never knew them to begin with as you suspected. Three weeks until the Academy ball begins. Once again everything appears to be back in a state of relative order and stability; ‘relative’ of course being the key word. The last few months have seen a rash of murders, the narrow...

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Gasping Basil

Gasping Basil Gasping Basil 1986 ?But it isn?t fair.? Basil begged his twin sister, Berly, while Enid, the severe younger sister with the punk-rock hairdo smirked. ?I can bathe myself now, no matter what we do in private, Beryl!? Beryl winked at Enid, and Basil wondered if Enid knew that Beryl had tied Basil down and run Vaseline over his cock with her red nails for two hours earlier that afternoon. It had been quite enthralling, though he had been so ashamed to have her remove his...

3 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 7 HD217107

“The findings of the probe confirm the claims of the aliens,” Campbell said, pacing in front of the table in the briefing room as a hologram of the system flickered above it. Jaeger was once again in attendance, along with Doctor Evans, some of the more senior personnel, and the Valbarans. The Captain was standing beside the engineer, his hands clasped behind his back as he examined the ghostly display. “There is a third planet in the HD-217107 system, between the orbits of the two gas...

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Lusty And Wild Sex With A Cougar

Hi my sweet lovers of ISS! I would like to thank my ISS readers for appreciating my previous story. Hence I am posting my next sex buddy experience. My name is Hemant, I am from Bangalore and I am a great fan of ISS page. I am 5.10 ft tall with a good personality and a playboy person. Basically, I am working in Bangalore. These days I had started to help those needy women who wanted banging badly and to satiate their sexual thirst. One such erotic story is what I am going to tell you. It was...

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Becoming MadisonCDs Daddy Chapter 2

"Madison I know you enjoyed that didnt you, you little faggot" I said as I reached the bedroom door." Yyyess daddy " he whimpered " Tomorrow I want you completely shaven use your mothers hair remover and shave your cock dont let me down , understand ."I shut the door and went to bed . In the morning I went downstairs for coffee and waited.I finished my cup showered then knocked on Madisions door and opened it.He was there in his bed with his covers over his head.I walked to the bed and pulled...

1 year ago
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The fishing trip

The fishing tripBy NastyOldSlob. Terri decided to go on a weekend fishing trip with her dad before he had to go back to work. She got in the motor home and they drove to the lake. When George found a spot to park it was almost dark."We'll start fishing early tomorrow" said George.Terri looked for her sleeping bag and could not find it."Daddy did you pack my sleeping bag?""No, I thought you did""Oh my god, what will I do?" said the girl."You will have to sleep with me""Daddy!""Don't worry honey,...

2 years ago
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Phoenix ch 01

Introduction: Feb 12, 1995 – A Wedding and a Bedding Tanya danced across the stage and flipped her pale blue garter high over the heads of the cheering crowd. She was stripped down to her matching blue lingerie corset, panties and stockings, now, and the corset only covered the lower halves of her large areolas, barely concealing her eraser-hard nipples. Thats all, boys, Tanya cheerfully called out to her guests. Nothing else comes off! Im not stripping naked on my wedding day for anyone but...

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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 4 Sleeping in

It wasn’t, but it certainly felt like fifteen minutes later when someone shook me awake. I was dry for the first time in days and ravenous. Chandra knelt beside my bed with a bowl of steaming stew, a mug of ale and a large chunk of bread. “Thank you.” She helped me sit up and snatched a pillow from a nearby bunk to prop behind my back. “My Lord, you have to be careful that you do not do too much. If your strength would have given away while on that cliff face, you would have died,” this she...

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Heart of the MountainChapter 7 The Journey

Iden listened to her read for what might have been hours, quickly losing track of time. The tales of this de Mercier person were amazing, even if his poetry was a little flowery for Iden’s tastes. He had lived a long and fruitful life, exploring foreign lands, and fighting for noble causes rather than for coin. He was well-to-do, the heir to a noble house, and so putting food on his table was of little concern. Iden had to admit that he envied the man. Not for his devotion to justice, or for...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Lilith Morningstar Roommate Owes Her An Orgasm

Brick Danger can’t stop spying on his sexy new roommate. Everything about her is perfect. Pretty face, big tits, and round ass. She catches him while he watches her masturbate and he ruins her orgasm. She can’t let that slide. Now, HE owes her an orgasm. She throws him on the bed and tells him he needs to make her cum. He’s got no problem with that. His huge dick can make anyone cum. She gives him an amazing blowjob before he fucks that pussy like never before. He nuts all...

4 years ago
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Encounter With My College Professor

Hello, guys. This is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. I am from Chennai currently working as a software engineer.Please feel free to comment and mail me at for any kind of relationship. I do massage services too on the weekend. Your Privacy is safe with me. Coming to my sex story, She was working in my college as a professor. She was 29 and married. Her stats were 32-28-34 which I came to know later. I was enjoying my college life in the first so I got an arrear where I was assigned a...

3 years ago
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Descent to Beauty Part 2

Decent into Beauty: Part 2 By latexslut Chapter 3 Desiree Needmore smiled as she went down the third flight of stairs to the music room; her heels click clacking as she went. Her little plan was going far better than expected. Her husbands tryst with that skank Dianna had gone beautifully and she had got it all on film. What she hadn't expected was his treasure trove of very strange magazines. She had spent all night reading them. Some she found distasteful, a few were...

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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 13

The school bell rang and Donna’s hands trembled on the steering wheel. The anticipation of spreading her legs for her young boyfriend sent a surge of adrenaline through her. She adjusted her glasses and watched the high school empty out. She needed Patrick to fill her. Her life revolved around the hours each day they writhed together in their own little hotel room. “Over here, Pat.” Donna leaned forward and waved through the open window. She could see his smiling face as he jogged over....

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The Descent Ch 04

‘You are tardy.’ Karina answered the door wearing only a frown and a strapon. The strapon, Tom noticed, was already glistening. ‘I’m sorry. I stopped to vote.’ ‘You what?’ ‘I stopped to vote. I was running right past there. Saves me an extra trip.’ ‘They let you vote,’ she stared at his near nudity, ‘like that?’ ‘Yep.’ ‘You did not need to provide identification?’ ‘They know who I am.’ ‘Amazing. What an amazing country. Well, come in then. As you can see, we have started without you.’ ...

1 year ago
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My release from the closet part 2 that little bastard

Introduction: Kyles relationship gets intense in ways he couldnt have imagined. hey guys this is my second story so again i really welcome any and all criticism and suggestions. also this story involves sex between gays and a minor (at least in america, not where i live) so if you guys have a problem with that, dont keep reading, but if youre into this sorta thing than happy wanking ???? I woke up with Tim still asleep on top of me, I thought it was going to be a good day, boy was I wrong. I...

2 years ago
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Movie Listings 6

Listings and Showtimes for June 19th - 25th ---POPCORN SHRIMP now available at the concession stand! Only $1.99.--- ---Regular popcorn now only $27.99!--- A BLACKMAILED MEMORY Suspense - Rated R - 120 Minutes - Starring: Kevin Underwood, James DeMarco After a 2 week vacation at a remote Canadian lodge, Hank and Tom return to their normal lives, or at least they try to. On his first day back at work, Hank finds an envelope on his desk containing a photo of two lesbians...

4 years ago
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Marriage Fun With A Sexy Hot Girl 8211 Part 2

As the function continues, my anxiety grew. It took me about an hour to extract myself out of it. Now I started thinking about how to get hold of the teasing little minx and the ravage her like she would have never imagined, where to look first? Maybe the same place where she disappeared to before she left. Asking around was not much help but I did know that she changed her clothes and left the party hall without anything. Bit more of looking around, found the clothes she wore in the evening,...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 84 Beauchamp

The daring attempt to rob the count was the topic of conversation throughout Paris for the next fortnight. The dying man had signed a deposition declaring Benedetto to be the assassin. The police had orders to make the strictest search for the murderer. Caderousse's knife, dark lantern, bunch of keys, and clothing, excepting the waistcoat, which could not be found, were deposited at the registry; the corpse was conveyed to the morgue. The count told every one that this adventure had happened...

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Jenna from the club ch 6

I set my empty glass down on the table and took her hand in mine. We had only known each other for about thirty minutes, and I have to admit I was still feeling a little uneasy about how quick this was going. I didn't know who she was, other than her name and that she was a sexy goddess. And then there was the other part of me that thought fuck it, we will get to know each other later! > > We got to know each other a little bit more as the night went on. We moved from the bar to the dance...

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Phazor Man

Your escape pod has landed although the criminals still in control of the spaceship pretty much wrecked it with plasma cannon fire. You take a moment to breath after your struggle to escape the overrun prison ship. Your built in AI virtually projects on to an empty set beside you. Her avatar name is Chi-on although you tend to call her Chi for short. She's currently in her standard form as cute fluffy creature known as Zempwad with massive eyes and long lashes. 'Oh man!' She said in a squeek....

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My First Sex With Neighbour Aunty

Hi Indian sex stories users. My name is Ram Sundhar.  My age is 27 years and coming to my description I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and fair in complexion. I live in Bangalore and my native is Hyderabad. And coming to the description of the heroin of the story my neighbour aunt,she is 45 of age and 5 feet 7 inch tall with milky huge boobs and huge tight ass. I currently live in Bangalore and I have done my schooling in Hyderabad had sexual desires since my childhood but unconsciously. We used to...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 61 Epilogue

I was sitting in the recreation room of the VA hospital pretending to be reading a book about the Napoleonic Wars and keeping my eyes on the exit door to see if I might be able to make a quick move to get away from the pills and the constant questions that did nothing but annoy me. When I shaved that morning, I looked into the mirror and scarcely recognized myself because that same reversal of time had taken place with my physical body after my return to my proper place in time. I had my...

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Angels TaleChapter 20

When she got up in the morning, Angel realized that she hadn't told her parents about the meeting. In fact, she hadn't figured out what to tell them about the meeting. In fact, there were a lot of things she needed to tell them. And despite Lena's reasoning, it could still come back to haunt her. Still ... it was time. Putting the conversation off, she showered and dressed before going downstairs. When she thought about doing her makeup and hair, she faced the fact that she was just...

1 year ago
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Amber and Friends

He thought he had gotten away clean when he saw his ex and her friends come into the bar. Alas, he was not so lucky. “Jake? Jake!” Amber said. She ran across the lot and caught his arm ten strides before he got to his car. “I thought that was you.” “Oh, hello Amber,” he said. “Hello yourself. I thought you were in Miami.” “I was.” Jake took a moment to look at her. She had lost weight through her middle, which only served to accentuate her ample chest. Her hips and ass also appeared to...

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Carmen Chapter 2 Carmen and Charles

It had been a few weeks since Carmen had moved out, and things were getting easier. Her thoughts of Matt were more infrequent, and in fact, other men were starting to take Matt’s place in her dreams and fantasies; people whom she had not really thought of in years: old boyfriends, flings, lovers. Perhaps, briefly, they had entered her thoughts while she was with Matt, but she had always felt guilty thinking about them. Now she could close her eyes and let her imagination run wild. Carmen opened...

Love Stories
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Hard wild sex with young guys

Nehitare nanna hesaru anita vayassu 36 naanu modala baarige grup seks maadidda anubhavagalannu bareyuttidene idannu odida namtara nimma anisikegalannu nanage mel maadi tilisi sumaaru dina seks rirade idda naanu omdu dina seks maadalu suman ge pon maadi karede avanu aapees kelasa bittu bamda avanige bekaada timdi maadi kotte amdu saha nanna habbi uralliralilla namage yaara bhayavu iralilla sumaaru hottu ibbaru maataadtaa iddevu namtara naanu baat rumoge hogi bamdu suman ge helide suman tumba...

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the hunger

I pushed her hard into the wall. i could see her shaking and it excited me more and made my next move to pin her even more satisfying. she whimpered a little as if i hurt her and to make it stop i kissed her hard, almost knocking her head into the wall. i wasn’t normally so rough with her. but tonight was different i could feel a need in me and in her that made me want her like wolf wants its dinner. and that’s what i felt like the wolf and her some prey i hungered endlesy for. but she...

4 years ago
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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 3

The next morning I was awakened by being kissed, when he saw my eyes open Sid said, "I would really like to have you again Sherry but we don't have time, we have another early morning meeting, then a break for lunch and were dinner guest's tonight again. So we better get up, we have a very busy day ahead of us. As much as I would love to spend the whole day in bed with you, we had better refrain from anymore strenuous activity and get showered and dressed or we may not make it to the...

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