HomebodiesChapter 19 free porn video

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The Brittanic Avionics Scramjet 989 was back to subsonic speed and descending through sixteen thousand meters of altitude when it made a bank to the right and brought the city of Diphen into view of the passengers sitting on the right side of the aircraft. Gath, Taz, Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish were sitting on that side. All of them—the two natives in particular—looked down in awe at the metropolis below.

Unlike space cities and groundport cities, which were compact and dense, taking primary advantage of vertical space, ground cities of the colonized planets tended to sprawl out horizontally since virtually limitless real estate was available for that. Diphen was a particularly fine example of the concept. It stretched out in every direction, from the seaport where the Diphen River emptied into the Northern Bay; along both major globes of the bay itself; all the way to the coastal region on both sides of the narrow Billings inlet where the bay emptied into the Western Ocean; and for dozens of kilometers on both banks of the Diphen River all the way into the gently rolling foothills of the Redding Mountain range two hundred kilometers to the east. The downtown business district was located near the seaport and it was primarily here where high rise buildings were found, most of moderate height between one hundred and two hundred stories tall. Everywhere else was a mixture of medium rise commercial buildings where commerce, hospitals, schools and rental stays were housed interspersed amid huge expanses of landscaped lots upon which sat single family homes where permanent residents lived. Grids of streets subdivided the sprawl into large squares, rectangles, triangles, and other geographic shapes. Within those shapes were smaller grids of feeder streets and large areas of green that were parkland. To the north and south of the city proper were hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of farmland where the majority of the food that fed the planet of Brittany and the spacies who lived above it was grown.

“That’s my home,” Gath told his guests as he looked nostalgically upon the view. He knew the shape of the city intimately, the way he knew the shape of his hand or the curve of Taz’s breasts. “Over there, where the river makes that long curve just before the straight stretch that heads into the bay, that’s the River District. That’s where I grew up.”

“It’s immense,” said Fears No Darkness. “I never imagined a city could be so large.”

“How many people live down there?” asked Catches No Fish.

“Around twenty-three million or so,” Gath said.

“Twenty-three million,” whispered the warrior. “I cannot even comprehend a number that large.”

“Is the temperature going to be cooler than it was at the groundport?” asked Taz hopefully. Though they had only ventured outside at Brittany Ground for a few minutes, it had been enough to make her uncomfortable. That city was, of course, equatorial since that was where the space ladder was anchored. The equator on Brittany was hot and muggy. The temperature had been 38 degrees with ninety-six percent humidity—about the average.

“The weather in Diphen is usually quite pleasant year round,” Gath assured her. “It rarely gets warmer than 28 or so and rarely gets less than 18 at night. The humidity usually hovers around forty percent and the wind is usually a nice, gentle onshore breeze.”

She thought that over for a moment and then reluctantly nodded. “I guess I can tolerate that,” she said doubtfully.

“They day/night thing does take a little getting used to though,” Gath told them.

“Oh yeah,” Taz said. “I remember hearing about the long days and nights. That’s going to be odd.”

“Long days and nights?” said Fears No Darkness. “What do you mean?”

“Brittany rotates kind of slow compared to what you’re used to,” Gath told him. “That makes the days and nights a lot longer.”

“That’s why the space ladder was so long,” Taz told the quarterback. “Isn’t it the longest one in human space, Gath?”

“It is,” he replied. “That was why they didn’t settle Brittany until AZ Prime was already well established. We have the nice weather, but the long nights and the length of the ladder that needed to be built kept humes away at first.”

“Exactly how long is a Brittany day?” asked Fears No Darkness.

“Just a little more than twenty-six metric hours,” Gath said. “That’s about...” He did some quick calculations in his head, “ ... oh, about seventy-two Earth hours.”

“Three days?” the quarterback asked incredulously. “It takes three of our days for one of yours to pass?”

“Give or take,” Gath said.

“That means it is dark for a day and a half and light for a day and a half?” asked Catches No Fish.

“Pretty much,” Gath said. “We don’t have much seasonal change because our planet is not tilted much on its axis, but we do get a little bit. Right now, it’s the middle of summer—as much as something like summer exists here anyway—so the day period is about fifty minutes longer ... metric minutes that is.”

“Amazing,” said Fears No Darkness. “How do your people deal with that? Do they remain asleep all through the night hours and awake all through the day hours?”

“No, not at all,” Gath replied. “That would be both impractical and unhealthy. We’ve just learned to not differentiate much between night and day when it comes to work, recreation, and all the other things that go into running a society. We divide the day up into three and a quarter hour chunks—a little less than nine Earth hours I think—and go from there. Each chunk is called a eighthday, or, usually, just an eight for short. First eighth, second eighth, third eighth, fourth eighth, etcetera. You follow me?”

“I think so,” the Quarterback said slowly, his brow scrunched in concentration.

“Okay,” Gath continued. “Now, a typical workday on Brittany is that someone will work one eighth, get the next off, work the next one, and then get the next five off. That gives you thirteen metric hours a day of working. A Brittanic week is six days long. You work on two of those days—and the law states you must have two complete days off between your days unless otherwise agreed upon—and that’s your week. Twenty-six hours of work out of one hundred and sixty-two. After three such weeks you must have one complete week off. That’s in addition to the regular vacations you have a right to under the constitution.”

Taz was just as fascinated by this conversation as the natives. “You’re saying that people work their shifts during both the day and the night?”

“It works out that way a lot of the time,” Gath said. “Like I said, we don’t differentiate much between day and night here. Most offices and manufacturing plants are open twenty-seven/six. The farm industry, naturally, works a different schedule since they have to be up during the day, but that’s just the way we are.”

Taz was shaking her head. “I’ll never understand you groundies,” she said.

The scrammer circled in and landed into the onshore breeze at the airport just outside of the downtown district. The two Modoc, who were becoming a little more comfortable riding on aircraft and surface to orbit craft, nonetheless really hated the take-offs and the landings. They sat with their eyes closed as the aircraft turned and banked, lifted and sank, and made strange mechanical noises. When the wheels thumped down on the ground they both breathed a sigh of relief.

They exited the scrammer into a huge terminal crowded with hundreds of people moving this way and that, waiting in lines, sitting in chairs, and babbling all the while to each other. The smell of marijuana smoke reached them as they passed an intoxicant club that catered to waiting area passengers.

“Ganja!” Fears No Darkness said excitedly. “Can we go get some, Gath?”

“Yes!” agreed Catches No Fish. “If I’m going to walk about on a strange planet, I prefer to do it in a proper state of mind.”

Gath looked at a time display on the wall and gave them an apologetic look. “We’re kind of pressed for time, humes,” he told them. “We have to get all the way to the other side of the airport and catch our magna train in fifteen minutes or we’ll have to wait another fifty minutes for the next one.”

“Aww,” the quarterback said, a pout on his face.

“What a rip,” Catches No Fish added.

“Don’t worry though,” Gath told them. “They sell ganja on the train and it’s a forty-minute trip out to the River District station. We’ll load you up there.”

“Fuckin’ A,” the Quarterback said happily, giving a grin.

The airport magna train terminal was a major hub of Diphen’s public transportation system. As such, it was even more crowded and chaotic than the airport itself. The two natives looked around nervously at all the people moving to and fro. Neither of them had ever seen so many human beings in one place before.

“There are more people in this terminal building than in our entire village,” Catches No Fish said.

“By far,” added Fears No Darkness.

The train, like all public transport on Brittany, was free of charge. They walked aboard the 717 train of the Blue Line with only two minutes to spare. Once aboard they made the intoxicant car their first stop. Gath was able to purchase cups of genuine Diphen Brew Company Golden Ale for himself and Taz and two bonghits apiece of Brittanic Bourgeois, the finest variety of cannabis available for commercial sale in human space (in Gath’s opinion, anyway) for the natives. The ganja put Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish in a more introspective mood for the next leg of their journey and they spent most of it staring at the viewscreen as the magna train made its way through the city. They were particularly fascinated by the towering high-rise buildings as they passed through the downtown district.

“You humes sure you won’t try a beer?” Gath asked them as they cleared the final downtown stop and headed for the outlying districts. “This stuff is some of the best ever made.”

Fears No Darkness shook his head sternly. “Alcohol consumption is one taboo we will absolutely not break,” he said.

“It is one of the primary means by which your people subjugated ours,” Catches No Fish reminded him. “We will not trifle with it.”

“Fair enough,” Gath said amicably. “A pity though. This really is some good slag.”

“It’s okay,” said Taz, who had only taken a few sips of hers. “It’s nothing like a Stellar Ice though.”

Gath did not even favor that with a response.

Taz herself seemed fascinated by the sights as well, not so much the buildings and the landscape, but the people. Brittanic men all wore their hair long—shoulder length was the current custom—and sported neatly trimmed mustaches and goatees. The women also wore their hair long and elaborately styled. In addition, fashion was a thing on Brittany among both sexes. Clothing was colorful and sophisticated, with care taken to match colors in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and to display certain parts of the body while hiding others. Cleavage was in among the women these days and most of their shirts and blouses were designed to accent and display it. Legs of both sexes were also in so the shorts that most people wore tended to be very short indeed, rising to the level of the lower swell of the buttocks in most cases, though wearing the shorts tight was considered gauche. Bare bellies, on the other hand, were considered risqué currently, so the shirts were all designed to make sure that even an accidental flash of midriff would not occur.

“I feel a little out of place here,” she told Gath at one point, noting that people were giving them sideways glances of disapproval at their short hair and their long, moderately tight shorts.

“They know we’re spacies,” Gath told her. “Or at least they assume that I’m one because I’m bald and don’t have facial hair. I would be interested to know what they make of our friends here though.”

“I do feel their eyes upon me,” Fears No Darkness said.

“They’re just curious,” Gath assured him. “Nobody will approach and ask you about who you are and why you’re here though. It’s considered rude on Brittany to intrude into someone else’s business when not invited to do so.”

“A good custom,” Catches No Fish said.

They arrived at the River District South station precisely on schedule—it was a rare event indeed for a modern transport of any kind to be late or early—and made their way into a smaller, less chaotic environment than the terminal hub had been. Just outside the station itself was a long line of Uber autotransporters of various size. On Brittany, these were hover cars that used a weak antigravity field that kept them slightly elevated above the pavement and were propelled in a manner similar to the magna trains—alternating magnetic fields that were generated by buried conductors in the streets.

“This one oughta do,” Gath said as he put his fingerprint on the pad of a mid-sized model that had a trunk for their luggage.

They climbed aboard—Gath and Taz in the front, the two natives in the rear—and the canopy slid down and closed them in. Gath told the computer to take them to 913 Eastview Place West, the address of the home he had lived in his entire childhood. His mother still lived there, though his father had moved out cycles before when they’d dissolved the marriage.

The Uber slid neatly out of its parking space and pulled out onto the main road, quickly accelerating to its cruising speed of thirty-five meters per second. There was no inertial dampening field in the vehicle so they felt the accelerations, decelerations, and centrifugal force of the turns quite easily. Gath was afraid the natives might get motion sickness from this but a glance back showed them still staring around at the passing scenery in fascination. He looked over at Taz and saw she was doing the same, though not quite with the same emotion. They were currently driving on Riverview Expressway which, as the name suggested, hugged the bank of the river. She was staring at the immense volume of moving water with fearful awe.

“You used to actually swim in that river?” she asked him, shaking her head in wonder. “You weren’t just torking with me when you said that, right?”

“I was not just torking with you,” he assured her. “Look...” He pointed across to the other side where a group of people could be seen in the water in one of the recreation areas. “There’s some kids swimming right over there.”

She looked at them and shuddered a bit. “They’re not wearing any sort of flotation gear or anything?” she asked.

“Unlikely,” he said. “Brittanic kids learn to swim like fish by the time they’re four years old.”

“It’s unnatural,” she said firmly. “I would never let any child of mine within a hundred meters of that river.”

“So ... I guess a little trip on my uncle’s sloop out into the ocean is out of the question then?” he asked her.

She gave him a look that could have melted ice. “That is not even funny, Gath.”

The uber pulled off the main road and began traversing increasingly less crowded side roads lined with single family houses and dotted with the occasional commercial complex. Aguva trees, the native, rich evergreen foliage that dominated the northern mid-latitudes, dotted every lot and lined the center dividers of most of the streets.

“Everyone has so much space,” marveled Taz as she watched the residential lots go by.

“Are you kidding?” asked Catches No Fish. “I was wondering how anyone lives on a territory so small.”

Finally, they arrived at their destination. It was a modest four bedroom, single level house in the middle of an unassuming block of similar homes. The lot was not particularly large compared to some of the others, nor were there any views of the river or anything else. There was the requisite Aguva tree in the front yard and another, older tree in the back. There were no fences dividing the property from the neighboring one—that was simply not done on Brittany.

No sooner had the uber come to a stop than the front door flew open and three people came rushing out—two women and a man. They ran to Gath and took turns giving him hugs, handshakes and—in the case of the women—kisses on the mouth. Gath returned their greetings enthusiastically, strong emotion clearly on his face. Taz noted a few tears running down his cheeks.

He made the introductions as soon as they got their baggage out of the uber and it drove off empty, headed for its next mission. The older of the two women was Zilcholeous Stoner (Zilch for short), Gath’s mother. She was attractive, her long brown hair styled immaculately, her simple blouse a solid teal with pleasantly matching shorts and moccasins. She had earrings in her ears and a matching hair tie that complimented her clothing. Tears were running down her face as she took in the sight of her strange son who had been inflicted with the wanderlust.

The man was Greeve Stoner (Stoney for short), Gath’s father. He too was an attractive representative of his sex and the familial resemblance was quite plain to Taz despite the long head of hair on his head and the goatee on his face. A few tears ran down his cheeks as well.

The other woman was Gath’s younger sister, Aberdeen Stoner (Abs for short). While her parents and sibling were merely attractive, Abs was stunning—a true Brittanic beauty. Her dark hair, by contrast, was almost carelessly styled and her clothing was not quite the fashion statement that was the Brittanic norm. She had on a simple pullover shirt (no restraining garment, Taz could not help but notice) and a pair of denim shorts. Her moccasins were plain brown artificial leather of the sort that could be acquired for free at any constitutional store. She did not cry at Gath’s presence but it was plain to see she was happy to see him. She did wrinkle her nose at his lack of hair.

“It is so weird to see your head like this, Gath,” she told him, running her palm over the smooth bare flesh.

“When in space, do as the spacies,” Gath said lightly, giving her another hug and accepting yet another kiss on the mouth from her.

Gath then introduced his family to Taz and the natives. All seemed quite fascinated with the natives—they had, of course, seen them on the holo news reports and knew what they were all about—but they seemed puzzled, perhaps even a bit hostile, at Taz’s presence.

“How, exactly do you know Gath?” his mother asked her, quite pointedly.

“Gath and I are good friends,” Taz replied lightly. In space culture, that would have been the end of the discussion. Not so in Brittanic culture.

“Good friends, huh?” Zilch said, her eyes boring into her. “Didn’t you say you were married? To that captain who runs the ship that brought you here?”

“I am married,” Taz said, growing more uncomfortable by the second. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Taz is one of the med techs I worked with every day in the clinic on Earth,” Gath said. “We got to be good friends even before the concluding resolution slag started hitting the intake. She and I have been through a lot together. We went out on some pretty hairy missions, including that mess in Bakersfield where some marines were killed by the homers. It was her and Ox—the captain of whom you speak—who were integral in getting us here after it hit the intake.”

“Yes, I’m sure you’ve been through a lot, but to be friends with a married woman, Gath?” his mom was unable to get past this point. “I mean ... what will people think?”

“They’ll think we’re friends, mom,” Gath told her. “That’s all there is to think.”

“Well ... it is a bit ... uh ... unusual though, isn’t it?” Stoney put in.

“Mom, Dad, come on,” said Abs with a roll of her eyes. “I’m sure Gath isn’t torking her or anything.”

“Abs Stoner!” Zilch barked, shocked. “How dare you even suggest such a thing!”

“I wasn’t suggesting it,” Abs replied with another eye roll. “I was telling you the idea was ridiculous. You two are the ones who are suggesting it.”

Zilch began to get red in the face. “Now you listen to me, young lady,” she barked. “You may be twenty-one years old now and living out on your own, but you’re still not old enough to talk to me or your father in that manner. If you think for a metric minute that we’re going to...”

“Mom, Dad, Abs,” Gath said, stepping into the middle and holding up his hands for peace. “Really, there is no reason to argue. I assure you, Taz and I are only friends. I am friends with her husband as well. In spaceborn culture it is okay for a man to be friends with a married woman, and visa-versa. I was one of the witnesses at their wedding. I was the medic who harvested Taz’s eggs for their reproductions. She just wanted to come and see where I grew up. There’s nothing more to it than that.”

“Why didn’t her husband come with her then?” asked Stoney.

“He gets terrible ground sickness,” Taz said. “He’s up on Topside with the other two natives and Yank the cultural anthropologist. We’ll meet back up with him when we leave.” She did not mention that Manny, his good friend of the opposite sex, was up there with him as well.

“Oh...” Stoney said. “I see.” He turned to his ex-wife and daughter. “You see? There is a reasonable explanation. I knew there would be.”

Now that that was settled, they went inside the house and met Andronicus Dealerman (Andy for short), the forty-four year old woman who would soon be married to Gath’s father, thus becoming his secondmom. It was their wedding, scheduled for third eighth on the next day, that Gath had come to Brittany to attend. She was a light skinned woman, quite attractive for her age, with tremendous breasts that Gath felt pressing into his chest as she gave him a hug of greeting and a kiss on the mouth.

“It is so nice to finally meet you, Gath,” she beamed, wiping a tear from her eye. “I’ve seen all of your holos that you’ve sent to Stoney since we’ve met, and, of course, I’ve seen you on the media holos about this terrible situation in the Sol, but it’s so nice to finally lay eyeballs on you. You’re so handsome! Just like your father.”

“Thank you,” Gath said. “It’s nice to finally meet you as well. I’m glad I was able to break away from my legal troubles to come out and attend the wedding.”

“Me as well,” Andy assured him.

Gath then made the introductions of the natives and Taz. Andy’s first question after this was: “You’re ... uh... friends with a married woman?”

The meal that was eaten during fourth eighth, the time of the Brittanic day when the sun set and night fell, was called supper (as opposed to dinner, which was the meal taken midway through fifth eighth, or lunch, which was the meal during second eighth) and was traditionally the biggest, most elaborate meal of the day. Gath’s mother—the host of the gathering since it was her home—showed off her cooking skills for her guests. The main course consisted of pork loin that had been slow smoked with aromatic zinder tree wood in a carbon fiber barrel out in the back yard. It was served with homemade pasta cooked with tomatoes and garlic and fresh phisa—a flavorful root native to the planet. Gath’s contribution to the meal was two bottles of white wine from AZ Prime he had brought just for the occasion.

Taz was very impressed with the meal. She ate everything that was put before her and then asked for seconds. Her host’s opinion of her climbed considerably because of this.

“I’m telling you,” she told Zilch after finishing her second helping, “I didn’t think there could be anyone who cooked as well as Gath, but you’ve V-wasted him right out of space. This was, hands down, the best food I have ever eaten in my life.”

Zilch beamed at these words. “It wasn’t much,” she said modestly.

“Now you know where I learned how to cook,” Gath told her. He then amused his family with a few tales about how the spacies actually considered food prepared from the skimpy, sparse ingredients found in a base BX to be good.

“You actually made caruba out of processed chicken meat?” his father asked at one point, laughing and appalled at the same time.

“There was nothing else available,” Gath told him, shaking his head at the primitive conditions he was forced to live under. “And they didn’t even have fresh garlic for the caveat sauce either. I had to use garlic powder.”

“Whoever wept,” his mother intoned at this culinary blasphemy. “I don’t know how you survived out there, Gath.”

Eventually, as the plates were taken away and put in the autowasher and they poured glasses of ten year old malt whiskey from the local distillery, the talk turned to Gath’s troubles.

“How bad is it?” asked Stoney. “Some of the media services say you might be looking at some prison time.”

“That is possible,” Gath said. “I’m out on my own recognizance now while they try to shake out the whole issue of whether or not the concluding resolution constitutes a crime against humanity.”

“Of course it is a crime against humanity,” Abs said righteously. “They were planning to sterilize your two friends here and every other male on that planet. How can they rule it as anything else?”

“I know that and you know that,” Gath told her. He turned to his native friends. “Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish know that as well.”

“Those really are the most demonic names,” Abs said for perhaps the fifth time.

“It is a crime before all that is sacred in life,” Fears No Darkness said firmly.

“Fuckin’ A,” agreed Catches No Fish.

“The problem, however,” Gath went on, “is that it is not Brittanics or any other groundborn people who are making the decisions here. It’s spacies and their thinking is not quite the same as ours—no offense, Taz.”

“None taken,” she said sourly.

“The important thing is that we put a stop to it,” Gath said. “All aspects of the concluding resolution have been put on hold by the preliminary injunction and no matter what else happens with me, with Ox, with Taz, it is very unlikely that they will start the program up again no matter how the legal issues turn out. I was willing to risk going to prison to put a stop to it. If that’s the price I have to pay, then so be it.”

“But how long is it going to take them to rule on the concluding resolution?” his mother asked. “It seems pretty black and white to me. Why is it taking them so long to decide it’s wrong?”

“Because not all of the spaceborn believe it is wrong,” said Taz before anyone else could. “And of those that do, they’re too busy trying to spread the blame around. It’s a clustertork—excuse my language.”

Her language was excused, mostly because she was completely on target. It really was a clustertork, one that had started almost the moment the preliminary injunction had gone out.

Once that was done and it was verified that it was being enforced, the entire Peacekeeper battle group berthed at Belting Naval Base and surrendered themselves to Fleet authorities. The entire crew of the Magnum as well as Admiral Goon and her entire command staff were immediately arrested and processed into the brig at the base. Ox had the most serious of charges. He stood accused of making a mutiny, operation of a Fleet warship outside of command authority, discharge of offensive weaponry outside of command authority, destruction of Fleet property, and insubordination. Gath was charged with making a mutiny, insubordination, and absence without leave. Admiral Goon and her command staff were charged with participation in a mutiny, insubordination, and unauthorized occupation of transit space. Under the rules of law, however, all of them were released on their own recognizance pending trial—a right an accused enjoyed as long as there were no compelling factors to keep the accused in lockup. Though the prosecuting officer—a captain from the Judge Advocate General’s office—had argued for just such a stipulation, the military judge running the tribunal had been unconvinced that any of the suspects in the matter posed an immediate threat to anyone’s life or would possibly flee to uncivilized space to avoid answering for their actions.

That had been more than a cycle ago. Though justice under common sense constitutions was supposed to be speedy, the tribunal did not want to put any of the mutineers on trial until the primary question of whether or not the concluding resolution constituted an illegal order was answered by either a judge of the legislature or, hopefully, both.

And that was where the clustertork really began.

The Speaker of the Lower Legislature had been suspended from office pending investigation into crimes against humanity. The two legislative members who had written the concluding resolution and introduced it to the full body had been suspended as well. Admiral Rook had put in his computerwork for retirement from the Fleet but the Executive Council refused to approve his retirement, instead suspending him from duty pending an investigation into his role in the concluding resolution. Admiral Zeal and Doc Bookender had both been suspended from duty as well and were currently being returned to the AZ system by the fastest available transport to be questioned by the Lower Legislature Subcommittee on the Concluding Resolution, the investigative group that had been formed to hold hearings on the matter.

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Introduction: My first experience at cheating! My first experience at cheating was at a New Years Eve party. My husband was just finishing university and we were at a party with another couple that were close friends. Now, that party turned out to be pretty boring, and as a result I was drinking way too much. Since we had bought more booze than we would need I didnt worry about my excessive consumption. Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a house party...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Carter Cruise Caught Stepsis Scratching Her Dad8217s Car

My new stepsister Carter Cruise is a wild child and when she scratched her dad’s car, I (Levi Cash) knew I could take some…liberties. The lazy bug is resting on the couch with nothing but a t-shirt on, so I decide to jerk off & fantasize about her exposed pussy. Of course, she’s offended before I could bust my nut. I convince her to pretend I’m her boyfriend and she starts touching herself. When I move to finger her pussy she is already wet, the little pervert! She...

2 years ago
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A Cousins Misery

By Dunchad© Sometimes it is really good having such a large family. After my recent accident on my motorcycle my family had been taking care of me. Especially my cousin Tabitha, she was one of the last cousins to come over and keep me company. But when she did, well things happened that I would have never thought to have happened before. For those of you that aren’t familiar with what I am talking about then I recommend you read my story title The Motorcycle Accident for more details. Well...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Riley Anne Serene Siren An Independent Woman

A teenage girl, Riley Anne, returns home from school, feeling a bit bummed out. She meets her step-mother, Serene Siren, in the kitchen, and they exchange pleasantries. It’s clear from their affectionate interactions that they are close, and Serene can tell something is bothering Riley. Although it takes some probing, it’s revealed that Riley has a sexist teacher for home ec, who insisted that the students learn how to cook for their future husbands. Serene is livid, gushing about...

4 years ago
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14BDN-PLN8 - by The TechnicianMachine - Future - FemaleLess than an hour after the homing beacon signal was first detected by moon base Gamma-Four, the news media began proclaiming, ?Mystery Solved - Emergency Log Capsule Received from Deep Interstellar Probe One.?  The mystery began a year and a half ago when a superburst transmission was received from Interstellar One.  Because superburst transmissions use extreme amounts of power to transmit at greater-than-light speeds the transmissions are...

2 years ago
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The Lawyer Chapter 1 Friday

The Lawyer Chapter 1 FridayIt was Friday in London and the offices were very quite, the staff had been sent home late in the morning because of the weather. The day was grey and overcast and the temperature had not got above freezing all day. Snow had been falling heavily since early morning, there was already over 2 feet of snow on the ground.Richard Johnson was 49, a well built man around 6’2”, with dark hair going grey on the sides. He lived in a penthouse just a couple of minutes walk...

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Island Encounter

Now this is the life, he thought. John took one last dip in the clear warm water and then shrugged his way out of the ocean, heading towards his chair. The sand was soft, white and not quite hot enough to burn. He gave himself a quick rub with the towel, then stretched out on the chaise lounge and let the sun's warmth wash over his body. Two weeks. He smiled. Two whole weeks of nothing but sun, sea and food. He reached for his sunglasses and slid them on, never turning his face away from...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of A Deviant Arab Girl Chapt 1

Yallah=let’s go, baba=dad but can also be used as a father calling any of his kids and vice versa, abaya=modest islamic dress basically non form fitting, and hijab=Islamic head covering for women. Chapter 1 “I need to get laid this is just bullshit.” Amina thought to herself as her fingers rubbed on your clit. Her nightly ritual was starting to take a toll on her. Edging herself for hours sometimes to the brink of an intense orgasm. Occasionally adding either her hair brush or her dove...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 2

The Sargeant of the Guard, a Marine Master Gunnery Sargeant in undress uniform, medals and sash, gazed studiously over the assembling crowd wondering once again how the 'newbies' could so totally on this one day each year disrupt his peace and tranquility. This was 'THE DAY'. The day when the schools' – many schools' - graduates arrived to begin their posting to the Weapons' Development Bureau. He had pointedly suggested to the personnel officer that the arrival should be staggered....

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Mother Daughter Mother

Ashley was a regular girl. She had brown hair, Deep Blue eyes and C-Cup breasts. She was fairly short, only being 5' 3'' and a little on the chubby side. She goes to school and has a handful of friends, overall she's a fairly normal girl. The only thing a little out of the ordinary for her is her parental situation. She has two mom's. On a base level that's not to strange now adays, but she doesn't know witch Mom gave birth to her. They always kept it a secret from her so she wouldn't ever feel...

4 years ago
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My Mother Naked

As a young lad I lived a quite sheltered life prefering to spend time alone rather than with friends. Although I enjoyed school I longed for the finish bell to ring so I could scuttle of home to my room. I lived alone with my mother my father having left her when I was 5 years old. I loved my mum she was always there for me if I needed anything, I never thought of her in a sexual way and although she had a curvacious body with large breasts she normally dressed in a manner that covered every...

1 year ago
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A Game of Basketball Pt 3

Without my phone, I had no way to contact Nicole and I desperately wanted to talk to her. Not for any reason in particular. I was lovesick and she was the cure. I sent her probably 8,000 emails. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s what it felt like. And of course, no one checks their student email over the weekend. Without much to do, I spent most of my time with my mother when she wasn’t at work. Apparently, she had a fun time with Miss Crandell. I knew they were friends, but I...

2 years ago
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“Do you think Mary and Jamie could be Sympatico?” “He is only 14, Redd!” Heading to the shower I said, “I was just wondering, maybe he could be a diversion ... for us!” “Ooh, I get it. Can I join you in the shower?” “Do you have anything over here to wear?” “I could find something in Mary’s room, would she mind?” “She adores you almost as much as I do, come on Hermione, I need you to clean my Firebolt.” She laughed as I got the shower going. As we got out of the shower Mary walked in,...

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BurrChapter 15 Margarets edification

Things did not go as I had anticipated they would. I still had the key to the middle cottage that Alice and I had used for the dance lesson in my pocket; I planned to take Margaret there and see what would happen. She had suggested we could go for a walk and just hang out. This, she said, was Paula's suggestion. I wondered what else Paula had put her up to. Margaret also said we didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to. That made me wonder if she was getting cold feet about 'doing...

3 years ago
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iCant Do This Chapter 2

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 2: All I See Is YouMy lungs feel raw and red and I'm gasping in air but it's not enough. I can feel my eyes start to prickle and sting but I won't cry. I refuse to cry. And I slam my hand into the wall just to distract myself, the sear of pain blinding me as some of the stitches pop open and I feel a gush. The edges of my vision are white, and the pain gets sucked in with a whoosh and it feels almost good. It's enough to calm me down, because Carly is right...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Chloe Amour Alix Lynx Supermodel Massage

For masseuse Alix Lynx it’s just another day at the spa, that is until Supermodel Chloe Amour walks in for a full release rub down. Alix can’t contain her excitement, as Chloe begins to tell her all about walking the runways of Paris and Rome. The best part, as always is getting to watch her undress. The massage begins innocently enough as Alix prepares Chloe’s body with a healthy dose of oil. Once Chloe turns onto her back, the fun really begins. As Alix removes the towel...

4 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 3

I entered the kitchen to find Dan as he was closing the fridge, completely nude. His dick was swollen, not fully hard and covered with pussy juice. He and his hot red-haired wife Kim must have had a little fun that morning too. He did not make any attempt to cover himself. He just blew it off by saying Kim was thirty and need a drink. He smiled as he passed saying he would see us later. He was going back for seconds. All the sexual energy in the air started my juices flowing too and a tent...

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The MacDougal chronicles The Beginning

February, 13th, 1990 Winnipeg, Manitoba: Jennifer MacDougal screamed and screamed as her vagina stretched and stretched wider than any cock had made it. Sweat and tears streamed down her face. She hated having the tears. She was a dominatrix, she DID NOT show any signs of weakness. She wasn’t a dominatrix anymore being only 23. She had stopped being a bachelorette slut. Though she had wanted to have a c***d for the past two years and she was not going to let her own selfishness get in the way....

3 years ago
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Chapman Associates Ch 03

Generation X When Tess entered the Chapman and Associates office Anna smiled and said. :’She’s here, go on in.’ Tess pushed Zoe’s door open and walked in. Zoe was leaning against her desk and a young girl with a surprised look on her face stood beside the sofa in just panties and her arms folded over her chest. She was beautiful, tall, slim and blonde. What’s not to like about this scene, Tess thought? She walked toward the girl nodding to Zoe and dropping her purse on a chair. When she was...

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Bianca Behind Bars Part 2

Officer Goldsnatch pushed Bianca down one of the long, empty prison hallways. The other two prison guards held on tight to her arms, making sure she couldn't escape their grasp. "Having one of the other inmates suck that big, meaty cock of yours is one surefire way to rise the ranks in this place. But unfortunately for you and fortunately for me, I can't let that go unpunished."Bianca swallowed hard, her mind reeling at all the possible punishments Goldsnatch could have in store for her. She...

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Spying on my sissy slut husband

Part oneI am married to a very sweet guy. We are both twenty-two years old and have been married for two years.  Our sex life is great; he is very horny and affectionate.  I never have to ask for sex as he is always willing and able.He is a Social worker and I am a nurse.  We met while he was in the hospital where I work.  He was working on a child abuse case.  He isn’t a hunk by any means, in fact, quite the opposite; he is very feminine.  Maybe him being this way attracted me to him as I had...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 289 Starting Life in a Truly Scary Lab

Saturday, February 4 to Monday, February 6, 2006 There was good and bad news. The bad news was that I woke up feeling like shit, was naked, strapped immovably to a hospital bed, and was connected to all sorts of instrumentation. That was especially true of my head: some sort of flexible cap was strapped to my now bald skull, with metal pieces pressing against my skin in many places. The good news was that I woke up. I was in what appeared to be in a small, single-person hospital room, with...

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Heroes Dont Always Win

The visiting team was ahead 2 to 1. It was the bottom of the ninth, with two outs and runners on second and third. The count of 0-2 put the batter in the hole. He was one strike away from ending the home teams run in the playoffs. Their catcher called time and went out to talk to his pitcher. "C'mon Sammy focus," I yelled encouragement to the batter from my coach's position on the third base line. The youngster stepped out of the batter's box, turned and smiled at me. He nodded his head...

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Danny Part 1

DANNY Part One by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And about how he and his buds handle his problems with the school bully when he dresses up as a girl in the annual Halloween costume contest, how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his...

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Armis IoChapter 23

Washington, D.C. It was four days after the discovery of President Ellis’ body, and the release of the suicide note wherein he confessed to the murder of President Maguire. The note said he couldn’t go on trying to govern when he had stolen the government. He hoped that his son would do better and called on God to bless the United States. The funeral was on the fourth day and he was to be buried in Ohio. Before the plane took off for Columbus, the new President Ellis, the son of the old...

1 year ago
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The User Ch 06

Ben Sanders asked Cynthia Dumas to stop by his apartment after school. He told her he wanted to see her there so they could talk without fear of being interrupted. The student appeared reluctant at first, but eventually she agreed. Cynthia was a very attractive girl, one of the prettiest female students attending Jamestown High. But, like the other girls Ben was paying special attention to, she was in the midst of a personal crisis. He knew that because several other girls told him she’d...

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Meri Friend Aur Uski Mom Part1

Hello everyone I’m rahul from ranchi,jharkhand.Yae khani meri aur meri friend nikita(name changed) ki hai.Pehle khud ko introduce kardu-rahul height-5’9″,age-20.Dikhne kae tkh thak hu aur abhi graduation last year mae hu.Meri friend nikita height 5’4″ hogi approx dikhne mae ek simple achi si paar uska boobs 36tho hoga…Bada sa..Chalia bor ni karta hue story pae aata hu.Kisi larki ya aunty ko chat karna ho then mail me.Plz send your   Baat class 11 ki hai naaya school mae admission liya tha...

3 years ago
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My first time with a girl Part Three

We’d already arranged a sleep-over for the upcoming weekend before the kiss in the park. I’d be over at her house with just her dad there too – Louise’s mum and sister would be off somewhere.As the day approached, I started to prepare myself for what I knew what would happen. It was more than a drunken meaningless kiss between us. I knew we were going to sleep together when we next saw each other.I watched some lesbian porn on the internet late at night, to see how they did it. Yes, I knew that...

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PurgatoryX Ashley Adams Insatiable Episode 3

Ashley (Ashley Adams) wants more man meat only this time she wants two at a time. She won’t be happy until she has one in her pussy and one in her mouth. Charles (Charles Dera) and Donnie (Donnie Rock) are happy to oblige as they take turns filling her holes with their cocks. The two handsome hunks pump Ashley with just the right rough stuff that makes her cum over and over again. She wants to be cum covered so Charles and Donnie empty their balls and splatter her face with their thick creamy...

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The Directors Chair

Night one. Megan was worried at the idea of Elaine directing first. She was nervous about the plan they had cooked up and she was hoping that she herself would direct first so she could ease into things. - her stomach was in excited knots thinking of the fact that Elaine was about to make her the centerpiece of whatever hot scene would help her get off the hardest. None of them had ever done anything like this before. Four Saturday nights. Each one of them- Megan, her boyfriend Steve, her...

Group Sex
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The Wager part 10

Chapter Thirty Two Week thirty nine and only three months left. We were frantically busy with work. Martin's contacts had proved a rich seam of opportunities. We were being stretched to our limits with work. Sam and Megan were out visiting clients and researching system requirements, most of the time. Tim, Martin and several of the freelancers worked on keeping existing clients happy whilst Megan and I led a team of freelancers writing new systems. Our business had grown massively in...

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Poonam Bhabhi Ki Pyas 8211 Part 2

Mere pati ke dost “NITISH” ne mujhe sofe pr gira dia or mere upper khud gir gya. Meri sari ke upper se mujhe kuch mahasus hua or samjh aya ki uska little soldier chaukana ho gya hai. Ye soch kr meine uski peeth ko finger se zorr se daba lia. Usne sari ke upper se he apne shaitan ko mere upper daba dia or halke halke jhatke dene laga. Fir wo meri chin pr aya or apni tongue nikal kr mujhe lick krne laga. Usne apni tongue meri chin se niche le jate hue mere galle ko chumne laga. Mein akhe band kr...

3 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 6

I wake to a mass of black hair in my face and the smell of sour apples and sweat - which might have been nice if I wasn't expecting strawberries or at least whatever the hell Alex uses. I pull away from Kai and use the john. I check the time; it's 5:30am. I really want to go swim. If this were Beth, I'd just go. But Kai doesn't know me. I reach past Da and wake Alex. "I'm swimming. Kai asks, I'm coming back." "Yeh, suh." He slurs still half sleep. I will never understand how he...

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NuruMassage Coco Lovelock You Two Have Fun

Oliver Davis and his girlfriend, Coco Lovelock, are casually chatting when his nosy parent walks by and butts in. She says that she has a gift for them, gushing about what a cute couple they are, and gives them a massage kit. Oliver and Coco are both embarrassed, especially when the parent insists that they try it right away. Flustered, they say it’s not necessary but she persists. Realizing that they won’t be able to shake her otherwise, Oliver and Coco take their gift and shuffle...

1 year ago
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Sexy Chitra fucked nicely

Hi, this is Sanjay. I love this site a lot. This site is extremely sexy and makes the readers really horny. I want to heartly congratulate the brains behind this site. I have read all the stories here and they are all wonderful and mind blowing.This encouraged me to write my own first sexual experience. The story is 100% true with no exaggeration. Before that let me tell abt my self. I am sanjay(name changed) of age 32 with height 5’10”.And handsome(my friends use to say that I am looking like...

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About me

Hi Guys Im Wonder-Mom I am a Hot German MILF Babe for what i am told almost every day. I am into all kinds of hot sex with very well hung men, I love Oral and can’t get enough Hot Thick Creamy Cum splattered all over my face and in my mouth. I love to ride a good hard stiff hard 10" pluss cock and my favorite position is Reverse Cowgirl becouse i love it real deep inside me. I enjoy dressing up in skin tight dresses and love to do the school girl thing in knickers from time to time. Im always...

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Mountain Getaway

The day seemed perfect, with the fluffy white clouds that dotted the beautiful blue sky. We had a long weekend and decided to go to our cabin in the woods near a cool, clear lake that shown reflection of the trees and sky in it’s glassy surface. Arriving in our red convertible with the top down feeling the breeze blowing through our hair and past our faces, we parked at the spot we always park having the feeling of seclusion. Going through the woods you could see the other cabins sporadically...

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A Night Out3

My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sexual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 127 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair. She inherited her long, sexy legs from her mother's side of the family. She loves to dress to show off her great shape that she works hard at the gym to maintain. Sometimes, she undresses to show off her incredible body. We have experimented...

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Jessies Secret Fetish

Chapter 1: Jessie Exposed It's funny how we can know somebody quite literally all their life and not be aware of some aspects of their character. It was like that with my kid sister, Jessie. I was aware that she loved looking at pictures of girls and thought for some time that she might be struggling with her sexuality, but that didn't worry me. I was quite into girls myself although was starting to get an interest in boys as well just recently. I knew it was normal for girls to go through...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 14 Chicks

Paul, Mike, Frank and Simon joined me for dinner and some conversation, Mike asking, "Ok what next besides us calling everyone, is there anything we still need?" "We could use everything; Jenny just nabbed us three hundred chicks the other day. So eventually we might have eggs, but we could use some more farm animals. However, as I don't know a good source for horses, cows, or maybe a few pigs, I'm open to suggestions, so please feel free," I said. "Well let's think about this. When...

4 years ago
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Silken Pure Beauty

Chapter 1 - New pain but a New Beginning All was silent in the cottage as Jerek stood out of his queen bed and looked himself in the full length crystal mirror. At 371 years, he still had the immortal charm at standing at 6’1, 210 lbs, straight midnight black hair, and a chest of bronze from all the traveling he does in the land. Going into the washroom and washing up his body from his sleep. He steps out into the morning light looking over the mountain range, the valley in which...

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Nasreen ki sath dosri raat

Hello dosto kia haal hy tu intazar khatam hoa mera raat k 8 bajy k baad jab may nasreen k gher anti robina ko chud k aya tu ab 11:30 ka wait kerny laga tha kion k raat bhar nasreen ko chudna tha is liye may us wakat sy pehly khub kha pi k ready ho raha tha dood ka glass or apply khaya us k baad 1 fresh orange joice ka glass b lia kher raat k 11:30 bajy nasreen ki miss call ai jis ka matlab green signal tha may furan gher sy nikla gher walon ko pata tha k is k dost ki shadi hy is liye wahan hi...

2 years ago
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Sex Mixed With Tennis Part One

Sandy sits, with her husband David Kahn, enthralled by the play of two men in the Daniel Island Tennis Club 2012 Championship. She’s drawn to the older of the two players, Rex Elliot. He’s tall, about six feet, lean, muscular, tanned, brown hair and eyes, and is handsome in a George Clooney sort of way. On the court he is graceful with powerful and precise strokes both while servicing and during play. The match is exciting. Each player has won a set at 6-4, and the third set is 5-4 in favor...

1 year ago
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Calendar Girl November

Calendar Girl: November By Kimmie oh Peter walked up to the door of the little ivy-covered house at 911 Hope Road. He pushed the doorbell but heard nothing. He put his briefcase containing the foreclosure papers down on the cracked stoop. He pressed his ear to the chipped paint on the door and pushed the bell again. There was no sound from within the house. He gave up on the doorbell and knocked on the door's warped wood. The force of his fist opened the door a crack....

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A Freaky Weekend Part 2

Our pizza was being delivered, and the girl that was doing the delivery was a bombshell. It turns out that the girl was one of Jennifer's friends. Jennifer is my stepdaughter. They grew up together as neighbors until Janice, or Jan as we know her, moved out.“Jan! Well I’ll be. I haven’t seen you in how many years?”“I know, Terry. I’m back for the summer and was lucky enough to get this job. It’s not much, but I have free room and board. Your boat is beautiful.”“Come aboard. I’ll show you the...

Wife Lovers
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Ole Time CuriosChapter 4 Sprucing Up

A day of assignments had passed and reading was piling up, so Lacey was already a little stressed. She threw some books in her backpack and didn’t bother to change out of the sweats she’d been studying in last night. A tank top and a pullover hoodie and sneakers completed the outfit then she was off to bike into town. Dorsey noted this with veiled consternation as she came in the door. If it had shown for a moment, she’d missed it having been wrapped up in her own world. He’d even put on a...

1 year ago
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Double TimeChapter 49

“I walked into adventure and adventure has given me blisters.” —Andrea K. Höst, Stray “WAIT. SO, YOU GOT IN A CAR with this woman you’ve been working out with for two weeks, she drove you to a church out in the country someplace, and you ran a 5k cross country race? And Coach Jock was there to run, too, and enlisted you to run cross country on the school team. Have I got it right?” Rachel asked. We were just lazing in her living room with Richard and Pey watching movies. Mom was making...

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NicoleChapter 12

By mid April, the temperatures moderated. There were some days that the interior of Alaska was above freezing. It was daylight about ten hours a day growing longer as the middle of June approached them. Horace was depressed that Nicole would soon be leaving. She had confessed to him that she had shot and killed a man the night he rescued her from her downed plane. It didn’t matter to him. Just how she acted around him was what was important to him. “I know I never said it,” Horace told her...

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Norton Towerssexy girdled seniorsA twin fuck wit

Norton Towers – the apartment block for sexy girdled seniors Chapter 4 A twin fuck with Joan and JimJoan and Jim lived in number 34 and were by all accounts very quiet and not what the others would call ‘adventurous’. One Friday about 3.00pm, I had a call from them asking if I would help turn in their new digital TV that had been delivered the day before.Jim answered the door and directed me to the living room added, “We’ve been trying to tune it in and link up the DVD but the thing doesn’t...

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