When me Lateshay got fucked at Freaknik
- 2 years ago
- 18
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The Brittanic Avionics Scramjet 989 was back to subsonic speed and descending through sixteen thousand meters of altitude when it made a bank to the right and brought the city of Diphen into view of the passengers sitting on the right side of the aircraft. Gath, Taz, Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish were sitting on that side. All of them—the two natives in particular—looked down in awe at the metropolis below.
Unlike space cities and groundport cities, which were compact and dense, taking primary advantage of vertical space, ground cities of the colonized planets tended to sprawl out horizontally since virtually limitless real estate was available for that. Diphen was a particularly fine example of the concept. It stretched out in every direction, from the seaport where the Diphen River emptied into the Northern Bay; along both major globes of the bay itself; all the way to the coastal region on both sides of the narrow Billings inlet where the bay emptied into the Western Ocean; and for dozens of kilometers on both banks of the Diphen River all the way into the gently rolling foothills of the Redding Mountain range two hundred kilometers to the east. The downtown business district was located near the seaport and it was primarily here where high rise buildings were found, most of moderate height between one hundred and two hundred stories tall. Everywhere else was a mixture of medium rise commercial buildings where commerce, hospitals, schools and rental stays were housed interspersed amid huge expanses of landscaped lots upon which sat single family homes where permanent residents lived. Grids of streets subdivided the sprawl into large squares, rectangles, triangles, and other geographic shapes. Within those shapes were smaller grids of feeder streets and large areas of green that were parkland. To the north and south of the city proper were hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of farmland where the majority of the food that fed the planet of Brittany and the spacies who lived above it was grown.
“That’s my home,” Gath told his guests as he looked nostalgically upon the view. He knew the shape of the city intimately, the way he knew the shape of his hand or the curve of Taz’s breasts. “Over there, where the river makes that long curve just before the straight stretch that heads into the bay, that’s the River District. That’s where I grew up.”
“It’s immense,” said Fears No Darkness. “I never imagined a city could be so large.”
“How many people live down there?” asked Catches No Fish.
“Around twenty-three million or so,” Gath said.
“Twenty-three million,” whispered the warrior. “I cannot even comprehend a number that large.”
“Is the temperature going to be cooler than it was at the groundport?” asked Taz hopefully. Though they had only ventured outside at Brittany Ground for a few minutes, it had been enough to make her uncomfortable. That city was, of course, equatorial since that was where the space ladder was anchored. The equator on Brittany was hot and muggy. The temperature had been 38 degrees with ninety-six percent humidity—about the average.
“The weather in Diphen is usually quite pleasant year round,” Gath assured her. “It rarely gets warmer than 28 or so and rarely gets less than 18 at night. The humidity usually hovers around forty percent and the wind is usually a nice, gentle onshore breeze.”
She thought that over for a moment and then reluctantly nodded. “I guess I can tolerate that,” she said doubtfully.
“They day/night thing does take a little getting used to though,” Gath told them.
“Oh yeah,” Taz said. “I remember hearing about the long days and nights. That’s going to be odd.”
“Long days and nights?” said Fears No Darkness. “What do you mean?”
“Brittany rotates kind of slow compared to what you’re used to,” Gath told him. “That makes the days and nights a lot longer.”
“That’s why the space ladder was so long,” Taz told the quarterback. “Isn’t it the longest one in human space, Gath?”
“It is,” he replied. “That was why they didn’t settle Brittany until AZ Prime was already well established. We have the nice weather, but the long nights and the length of the ladder that needed to be built kept humes away at first.”
“Exactly how long is a Brittany day?” asked Fears No Darkness.
“Just a little more than twenty-six metric hours,” Gath said. “That’s about...” He did some quick calculations in his head, “ ... oh, about seventy-two Earth hours.”
“Three days?” the quarterback asked incredulously. “It takes three of our days for one of yours to pass?”
“Give or take,” Gath said.
“That means it is dark for a day and a half and light for a day and a half?” asked Catches No Fish.
“Pretty much,” Gath said. “We don’t have much seasonal change because our planet is not tilted much on its axis, but we do get a little bit. Right now, it’s the middle of summer—as much as something like summer exists here anyway—so the day period is about fifty minutes longer ... metric minutes that is.”
“Amazing,” said Fears No Darkness. “How do your people deal with that? Do they remain asleep all through the night hours and awake all through the day hours?”
“No, not at all,” Gath replied. “That would be both impractical and unhealthy. We’ve just learned to not differentiate much between night and day when it comes to work, recreation, and all the other things that go into running a society. We divide the day up into three and a quarter hour chunks—a little less than nine Earth hours I think—and go from there. Each chunk is called a eighthday, or, usually, just an eight for short. First eighth, second eighth, third eighth, fourth eighth, etcetera. You follow me?”
“I think so,” the Quarterback said slowly, his brow scrunched in concentration.
“Okay,” Gath continued. “Now, a typical workday on Brittany is that someone will work one eighth, get the next off, work the next one, and then get the next five off. That gives you thirteen metric hours a day of working. A Brittanic week is six days long. You work on two of those days—and the law states you must have two complete days off between your days unless otherwise agreed upon—and that’s your week. Twenty-six hours of work out of one hundred and sixty-two. After three such weeks you must have one complete week off. That’s in addition to the regular vacations you have a right to under the constitution.”
Taz was just as fascinated by this conversation as the natives. “You’re saying that people work their shifts during both the day and the night?”
“It works out that way a lot of the time,” Gath said. “Like I said, we don’t differentiate much between day and night here. Most offices and manufacturing plants are open twenty-seven/six. The farm industry, naturally, works a different schedule since they have to be up during the day, but that’s just the way we are.”
Taz was shaking her head. “I’ll never understand you groundies,” she said.
The scrammer circled in and landed into the onshore breeze at the airport just outside of the downtown district. The two Modoc, who were becoming a little more comfortable riding on aircraft and surface to orbit craft, nonetheless really hated the take-offs and the landings. They sat with their eyes closed as the aircraft turned and banked, lifted and sank, and made strange mechanical noises. When the wheels thumped down on the ground they both breathed a sigh of relief.
They exited the scrammer into a huge terminal crowded with hundreds of people moving this way and that, waiting in lines, sitting in chairs, and babbling all the while to each other. The smell of marijuana smoke reached them as they passed an intoxicant club that catered to waiting area passengers.
“Ganja!” Fears No Darkness said excitedly. “Can we go get some, Gath?”
“Yes!” agreed Catches No Fish. “If I’m going to walk about on a strange planet, I prefer to do it in a proper state of mind.”
Gath looked at a time display on the wall and gave them an apologetic look. “We’re kind of pressed for time, humes,” he told them. “We have to get all the way to the other side of the airport and catch our magna train in fifteen minutes or we’ll have to wait another fifty minutes for the next one.”
“Aww,” the quarterback said, a pout on his face.
“What a rip,” Catches No Fish added.
“Don’t worry though,” Gath told them. “They sell ganja on the train and it’s a forty-minute trip out to the River District station. We’ll load you up there.”
“Fuckin’ A,” the Quarterback said happily, giving a grin.
The airport magna train terminal was a major hub of Diphen’s public transportation system. As such, it was even more crowded and chaotic than the airport itself. The two natives looked around nervously at all the people moving to and fro. Neither of them had ever seen so many human beings in one place before.
“There are more people in this terminal building than in our entire village,” Catches No Fish said.
“By far,” added Fears No Darkness.
The train, like all public transport on Brittany, was free of charge. They walked aboard the 717 train of the Blue Line with only two minutes to spare. Once aboard they made the intoxicant car their first stop. Gath was able to purchase cups of genuine Diphen Brew Company Golden Ale for himself and Taz and two bonghits apiece of Brittanic Bourgeois, the finest variety of cannabis available for commercial sale in human space (in Gath’s opinion, anyway) for the natives. The ganja put Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish in a more introspective mood for the next leg of their journey and they spent most of it staring at the viewscreen as the magna train made its way through the city. They were particularly fascinated by the towering high-rise buildings as they passed through the downtown district.
“You humes sure you won’t try a beer?” Gath asked them as they cleared the final downtown stop and headed for the outlying districts. “This stuff is some of the best ever made.”
Fears No Darkness shook his head sternly. “Alcohol consumption is one taboo we will absolutely not break,” he said.
“It is one of the primary means by which your people subjugated ours,” Catches No Fish reminded him. “We will not trifle with it.”
“Fair enough,” Gath said amicably. “A pity though. This really is some good slag.”
“It’s okay,” said Taz, who had only taken a few sips of hers. “It’s nothing like a Stellar Ice though.”
Gath did not even favor that with a response.
Taz herself seemed fascinated by the sights as well, not so much the buildings and the landscape, but the people. Brittanic men all wore their hair long—shoulder length was the current custom—and sported neatly trimmed mustaches and goatees. The women also wore their hair long and elaborately styled. In addition, fashion was a thing on Brittany among both sexes. Clothing was colorful and sophisticated, with care taken to match colors in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and to display certain parts of the body while hiding others. Cleavage was in among the women these days and most of their shirts and blouses were designed to accent and display it. Legs of both sexes were also in so the shorts that most people wore tended to be very short indeed, rising to the level of the lower swell of the buttocks in most cases, though wearing the shorts tight was considered gauche. Bare bellies, on the other hand, were considered risqué currently, so the shirts were all designed to make sure that even an accidental flash of midriff would not occur.
“I feel a little out of place here,” she told Gath at one point, noting that people were giving them sideways glances of disapproval at their short hair and their long, moderately tight shorts.
“They know we’re spacies,” Gath told her. “Or at least they assume that I’m one because I’m bald and don’t have facial hair. I would be interested to know what they make of our friends here though.”
“I do feel their eyes upon me,” Fears No Darkness said.
“They’re just curious,” Gath assured him. “Nobody will approach and ask you about who you are and why you’re here though. It’s considered rude on Brittany to intrude into someone else’s business when not invited to do so.”
“A good custom,” Catches No Fish said.
They arrived at the River District South station precisely on schedule—it was a rare event indeed for a modern transport of any kind to be late or early—and made their way into a smaller, less chaotic environment than the terminal hub had been. Just outside the station itself was a long line of Uber autotransporters of various size. On Brittany, these were hover cars that used a weak antigravity field that kept them slightly elevated above the pavement and were propelled in a manner similar to the magna trains—alternating magnetic fields that were generated by buried conductors in the streets.
“This one oughta do,” Gath said as he put his fingerprint on the pad of a mid-sized model that had a trunk for their luggage.
They climbed aboard—Gath and Taz in the front, the two natives in the rear—and the canopy slid down and closed them in. Gath told the computer to take them to 913 Eastview Place West, the address of the home he had lived in his entire childhood. His mother still lived there, though his father had moved out cycles before when they’d dissolved the marriage.
The Uber slid neatly out of its parking space and pulled out onto the main road, quickly accelerating to its cruising speed of thirty-five meters per second. There was no inertial dampening field in the vehicle so they felt the accelerations, decelerations, and centrifugal force of the turns quite easily. Gath was afraid the natives might get motion sickness from this but a glance back showed them still staring around at the passing scenery in fascination. He looked over at Taz and saw she was doing the same, though not quite with the same emotion. They were currently driving on Riverview Expressway which, as the name suggested, hugged the bank of the river. She was staring at the immense volume of moving water with fearful awe.
“You used to actually swim in that river?” she asked him, shaking her head in wonder. “You weren’t just torking with me when you said that, right?”
“I was not just torking with you,” he assured her. “Look...” He pointed across to the other side where a group of people could be seen in the water in one of the recreation areas. “There’s some kids swimming right over there.”
She looked at them and shuddered a bit. “They’re not wearing any sort of flotation gear or anything?” she asked.
“Unlikely,” he said. “Brittanic kids learn to swim like fish by the time they’re four years old.”
“It’s unnatural,” she said firmly. “I would never let any child of mine within a hundred meters of that river.”
“So ... I guess a little trip on my uncle’s sloop out into the ocean is out of the question then?” he asked her.
She gave him a look that could have melted ice. “That is not even funny, Gath.”
The uber pulled off the main road and began traversing increasingly less crowded side roads lined with single family houses and dotted with the occasional commercial complex. Aguva trees, the native, rich evergreen foliage that dominated the northern mid-latitudes, dotted every lot and lined the center dividers of most of the streets.
“Everyone has so much space,” marveled Taz as she watched the residential lots go by.
“Are you kidding?” asked Catches No Fish. “I was wondering how anyone lives on a territory so small.”
Finally, they arrived at their destination. It was a modest four bedroom, single level house in the middle of an unassuming block of similar homes. The lot was not particularly large compared to some of the others, nor were there any views of the river or anything else. There was the requisite Aguva tree in the front yard and another, older tree in the back. There were no fences dividing the property from the neighboring one—that was simply not done on Brittany.
No sooner had the uber come to a stop than the front door flew open and three people came rushing out—two women and a man. They ran to Gath and took turns giving him hugs, handshakes and—in the case of the women—kisses on the mouth. Gath returned their greetings enthusiastically, strong emotion clearly on his face. Taz noted a few tears running down his cheeks.
He made the introductions as soon as they got their baggage out of the uber and it drove off empty, headed for its next mission. The older of the two women was Zilcholeous Stoner (Zilch for short), Gath’s mother. She was attractive, her long brown hair styled immaculately, her simple blouse a solid teal with pleasantly matching shorts and moccasins. She had earrings in her ears and a matching hair tie that complimented her clothing. Tears were running down her face as she took in the sight of her strange son who had been inflicted with the wanderlust.
The man was Greeve Stoner (Stoney for short), Gath’s father. He too was an attractive representative of his sex and the familial resemblance was quite plain to Taz despite the long head of hair on his head and the goatee on his face. A few tears ran down his cheeks as well.
The other woman was Gath’s younger sister, Aberdeen Stoner (Abs for short). While her parents and sibling were merely attractive, Abs was stunning—a true Brittanic beauty. Her dark hair, by contrast, was almost carelessly styled and her clothing was not quite the fashion statement that was the Brittanic norm. She had on a simple pullover shirt (no restraining garment, Taz could not help but notice) and a pair of denim shorts. Her moccasins were plain brown artificial leather of the sort that could be acquired for free at any constitutional store. She did not cry at Gath’s presence but it was plain to see she was happy to see him. She did wrinkle her nose at his lack of hair.
“It is so weird to see your head like this, Gath,” she told him, running her palm over the smooth bare flesh.
“When in space, do as the spacies,” Gath said lightly, giving her another hug and accepting yet another kiss on the mouth from her.
Gath then introduced his family to Taz and the natives. All seemed quite fascinated with the natives—they had, of course, seen them on the holo news reports and knew what they were all about—but they seemed puzzled, perhaps even a bit hostile, at Taz’s presence.
“How, exactly do you know Gath?” his mother asked her, quite pointedly.
“Gath and I are good friends,” Taz replied lightly. In space culture, that would have been the end of the discussion. Not so in Brittanic culture.
“Good friends, huh?” Zilch said, her eyes boring into her. “Didn’t you say you were married? To that captain who runs the ship that brought you here?”
“I am married,” Taz said, growing more uncomfortable by the second. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Taz is one of the med techs I worked with every day in the clinic on Earth,” Gath said. “We got to be good friends even before the concluding resolution slag started hitting the intake. She and I have been through a lot together. We went out on some pretty hairy missions, including that mess in Bakersfield where some marines were killed by the homers. It was her and Ox—the captain of whom you speak—who were integral in getting us here after it hit the intake.”
“Yes, I’m sure you’ve been through a lot, but to be friends with a married woman, Gath?” his mom was unable to get past this point. “I mean ... what will people think?”
“They’ll think we’re friends, mom,” Gath told her. “That’s all there is to think.”
“Well ... it is a bit ... uh ... unusual though, isn’t it?” Stoney put in.
“Mom, Dad, come on,” said Abs with a roll of her eyes. “I’m sure Gath isn’t torking her or anything.”
“Abs Stoner!” Zilch barked, shocked. “How dare you even suggest such a thing!”
“I wasn’t suggesting it,” Abs replied with another eye roll. “I was telling you the idea was ridiculous. You two are the ones who are suggesting it.”
Zilch began to get red in the face. “Now you listen to me, young lady,” she barked. “You may be twenty-one years old now and living out on your own, but you’re still not old enough to talk to me or your father in that manner. If you think for a metric minute that we’re going to...”
“Mom, Dad, Abs,” Gath said, stepping into the middle and holding up his hands for peace. “Really, there is no reason to argue. I assure you, Taz and I are only friends. I am friends with her husband as well. In spaceborn culture it is okay for a man to be friends with a married woman, and visa-versa. I was one of the witnesses at their wedding. I was the medic who harvested Taz’s eggs for their reproductions. She just wanted to come and see where I grew up. There’s nothing more to it than that.”
“Why didn’t her husband come with her then?” asked Stoney.
“He gets terrible ground sickness,” Taz said. “He’s up on Topside with the other two natives and Yank the cultural anthropologist. We’ll meet back up with him when we leave.” She did not mention that Manny, his good friend of the opposite sex, was up there with him as well.
“Oh...” Stoney said. “I see.” He turned to his ex-wife and daughter. “You see? There is a reasonable explanation. I knew there would be.”
Now that that was settled, they went inside the house and met Andronicus Dealerman (Andy for short), the forty-four year old woman who would soon be married to Gath’s father, thus becoming his secondmom. It was their wedding, scheduled for third eighth on the next day, that Gath had come to Brittany to attend. She was a light skinned woman, quite attractive for her age, with tremendous breasts that Gath felt pressing into his chest as she gave him a hug of greeting and a kiss on the mouth.
“It is so nice to finally meet you, Gath,” she beamed, wiping a tear from her eye. “I’ve seen all of your holos that you’ve sent to Stoney since we’ve met, and, of course, I’ve seen you on the media holos about this terrible situation in the Sol, but it’s so nice to finally lay eyeballs on you. You’re so handsome! Just like your father.”
“Thank you,” Gath said. “It’s nice to finally meet you as well. I’m glad I was able to break away from my legal troubles to come out and attend the wedding.”
“Me as well,” Andy assured him.
Gath then made the introductions of the natives and Taz. Andy’s first question after this was: “You’re ... uh... friends with a married woman?”
The meal that was eaten during fourth eighth, the time of the Brittanic day when the sun set and night fell, was called supper (as opposed to dinner, which was the meal taken midway through fifth eighth, or lunch, which was the meal during second eighth) and was traditionally the biggest, most elaborate meal of the day. Gath’s mother—the host of the gathering since it was her home—showed off her cooking skills for her guests. The main course consisted of pork loin that had been slow smoked with aromatic zinder tree wood in a carbon fiber barrel out in the back yard. It was served with homemade pasta cooked with tomatoes and garlic and fresh phisa—a flavorful root native to the planet. Gath’s contribution to the meal was two bottles of white wine from AZ Prime he had brought just for the occasion.
Taz was very impressed with the meal. She ate everything that was put before her and then asked for seconds. Her host’s opinion of her climbed considerably because of this.
“I’m telling you,” she told Zilch after finishing her second helping, “I didn’t think there could be anyone who cooked as well as Gath, but you’ve V-wasted him right out of space. This was, hands down, the best food I have ever eaten in my life.”
Zilch beamed at these words. “It wasn’t much,” she said modestly.
“Now you know where I learned how to cook,” Gath told her. He then amused his family with a few tales about how the spacies actually considered food prepared from the skimpy, sparse ingredients found in a base BX to be good.
“You actually made caruba out of processed chicken meat?” his father asked at one point, laughing and appalled at the same time.
“There was nothing else available,” Gath told him, shaking his head at the primitive conditions he was forced to live under. “And they didn’t even have fresh garlic for the caveat sauce either. I had to use garlic powder.”
“Whoever wept,” his mother intoned at this culinary blasphemy. “I don’t know how you survived out there, Gath.”
Eventually, as the plates were taken away and put in the autowasher and they poured glasses of ten year old malt whiskey from the local distillery, the talk turned to Gath’s troubles.
“How bad is it?” asked Stoney. “Some of the media services say you might be looking at some prison time.”
“That is possible,” Gath said. “I’m out on my own recognizance now while they try to shake out the whole issue of whether or not the concluding resolution constitutes a crime against humanity.”
“Of course it is a crime against humanity,” Abs said righteously. “They were planning to sterilize your two friends here and every other male on that planet. How can they rule it as anything else?”
“I know that and you know that,” Gath told her. He turned to his native friends. “Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish know that as well.”
“Those really are the most demonic names,” Abs said for perhaps the fifth time.
“It is a crime before all that is sacred in life,” Fears No Darkness said firmly.
“Fuckin’ A,” agreed Catches No Fish.
“The problem, however,” Gath went on, “is that it is not Brittanics or any other groundborn people who are making the decisions here. It’s spacies and their thinking is not quite the same as ours—no offense, Taz.”
“None taken,” she said sourly.
“The important thing is that we put a stop to it,” Gath said. “All aspects of the concluding resolution have been put on hold by the preliminary injunction and no matter what else happens with me, with Ox, with Taz, it is very unlikely that they will start the program up again no matter how the legal issues turn out. I was willing to risk going to prison to put a stop to it. If that’s the price I have to pay, then so be it.”
“But how long is it going to take them to rule on the concluding resolution?” his mother asked. “It seems pretty black and white to me. Why is it taking them so long to decide it’s wrong?”
“Because not all of the spaceborn believe it is wrong,” said Taz before anyone else could. “And of those that do, they’re too busy trying to spread the blame around. It’s a clustertork—excuse my language.”
Her language was excused, mostly because she was completely on target. It really was a clustertork, one that had started almost the moment the preliminary injunction had gone out.
Once that was done and it was verified that it was being enforced, the entire Peacekeeper battle group berthed at Belting Naval Base and surrendered themselves to Fleet authorities. The entire crew of the Magnum as well as Admiral Goon and her entire command staff were immediately arrested and processed into the brig at the base. Ox had the most serious of charges. He stood accused of making a mutiny, operation of a Fleet warship outside of command authority, discharge of offensive weaponry outside of command authority, destruction of Fleet property, and insubordination. Gath was charged with making a mutiny, insubordination, and absence without leave. Admiral Goon and her command staff were charged with participation in a mutiny, insubordination, and unauthorized occupation of transit space. Under the rules of law, however, all of them were released on their own recognizance pending trial—a right an accused enjoyed as long as there were no compelling factors to keep the accused in lockup. Though the prosecuting officer—a captain from the Judge Advocate General’s office—had argued for just such a stipulation, the military judge running the tribunal had been unconvinced that any of the suspects in the matter posed an immediate threat to anyone’s life or would possibly flee to uncivilized space to avoid answering for their actions.
That had been more than a cycle ago. Though justice under common sense constitutions was supposed to be speedy, the tribunal did not want to put any of the mutineers on trial until the primary question of whether or not the concluding resolution constituted an illegal order was answered by either a judge of the legislature or, hopefully, both.
And that was where the clustertork really began.
The Speaker of the Lower Legislature had been suspended from office pending investigation into crimes against humanity. The two legislative members who had written the concluding resolution and introduced it to the full body had been suspended as well. Admiral Rook had put in his computerwork for retirement from the Fleet but the Executive Council refused to approve his retirement, instead suspending him from duty pending an investigation into his role in the concluding resolution. Admiral Zeal and Doc Bookender had both been suspended from duty as well and were currently being returned to the AZ system by the fastest available transport to be questioned by the Lower Legislature Subcommittee on the Concluding Resolution, the investigative group that had been formed to hold hearings on the matter.
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One week after your 21st birthday, your aunt Rosie says she wants to talk to you about something important. Your not sure what she wants to talk about but you already you aren't looking forward to it. She was always very rude to you. When you get to her house she leads you to the kitchen and sits across from you. Shes almost your height but she outweighs you by about 80lbs, long blonde hair pulled up into a bun, wearing a button up blouse and jeans. As you imagined the conversation is short and...
I ended up eating lunch by myself. Grace and Natalie were still with the vet at the stables. John and Jeff were still there too. The rest of the girls had moved to Liz and Catherine's room to check on Sarah. I scanned them briefly, but the emotions were running rampant, so I tuned it out without delving any deeper. If they needed me, I'd know. Deciding to go swimming, I grabbed a towel and some sun tan lotion. In 1971, they had not yet coined the term sunscreen. Diving into the cool...
Curvy and thicc in all the right places, Sheila Ortega looks decadent while wearing a neon green bikini as she works hard in the yard of her client, Yves Morgan. The black-haired beauty knows that the hunky man is watching, she takes the opportunity to have fun since she did a good job. In the bedroom, Sheila and Yves did not waste time and let the passion between them take over. Pants are slipped down as the busty cutie delivers a messy blowjob and titjob. Yves then gives her a pussy licking....
xmoviesforyouSince i joined this site and view some fantastic porno,,, it made me think of some young cock i fucked about 3 year’s ago ..He was 21 black african male, and i at the time was 50..I fucked him at a motel with my hubby filming and taking pic’s.. It was so erotic,,at first he was shy so my hubby began playing with me and wasen’t long his cloth’s came off and he layed beside me and went at me with very intense passion mmmm. He had a fantastic cock and used it so well, i really enjoyed sucking it...
It's been three weeks to the day since I confronted Gilliam, Jake Riley thought. Time to come back to life. I have to admit I was falling in love with the bitch. Although I felt good after outing her to her husband, Donnie, I guess I still went into a funk. I remember that first week was the toughest; I mean missing work and sitting home feeling hurt and sorry for myself. Going back to work the second week was the best thing I could have done. At least I didn't think about Gilliam for a...
So, I had just left a strip club and was feeling unsatisfied. I'd managed to get out before handing over my life savings in the hope of a discrete handjob that was never going to arrive. So I was walking down the street, in a slightly seedy part of town, horny and frustrated, and slightly pissed off.I saw a girl walking by herself, pulling a small rolling suitcase behind her. Heading home from a trip, perhaps? I decided to have some fun. I slowly caught up with her and walked beside her for a...
After what I consider the most beautiful wedding ever, we went on our way to the elevator. We are headed to our suite, the one you have reserved for us. While waiting, you pull me toward you and kiss me gently. Looking at me you say, ‘I love you so much. It makes me incredibly happy that you are finally my wife.’ Those around us see me in my wedding dress and you in your tux, smile and offer us their congratulations. We kiss again in the elevator, as we hold hands, the events of our...
People call me a bad bitch. If you’re a part of the older generation, you may think this is an insult, but to us millennials, bad bitches are confident women who are bold and do things for themselves, relying on no one. I was a bad bitch to the first degree, a woman on a rampage, at war with the world, fighting it to earn my place, and for the better part of the last ten years, I had succeeded. From eighteen to twenty-eight, I’d been a beast at work, a Dragon Lady, breathing fire and tearing...
Chapter 6Fiona leaned forwards, wrapped her arms around me and drew me into apassionate kiss. My eyes closed instinctively and I swear I could myheart pounding as her tongue snaked into my mouth. My knees almostbuckled, and I felt myself surrender to her lock, stock and barrel. I hadnever felt this way before; my emotions had gone into freefall as myhead began to spin, and I almost fainted.Fiona sensed this and caught me as I began to drop. 'Come on baby, let’s get you to bed. I think you’ve...
I met him on the internet and found out he lived quite close to me. Our arrangement was settled long before our first meeting; him naked and hard, me between his legs, with a raging hard-on of my own, ready to welcome him into my wet mouth. He made it clear after our first session that he was interested in regularly getting together, that he didn't want this to be just a once in a while kind of thing. I agreed, trying not to show too much of my elation at his words. I started thinking of him as...
With those two indisposed for the rest of the evening knowing Nate she would need to do something to entertain herself until she was ready for bed. All she knew was that she really couldn’t think all that good and decided that after a nice hot bath with Amanda’s special soap she could figure out what she will be doing for the rest of the night. Steph got up to her room and started the bath while she got undressed. She quickly stripped down to nothing and waltzed over to the tub. She measured...
Hi friends, mera naam Abhishek hai. main punjab mein rehta hu.Ye meri sachi story hai. Mujhe sex se addiction hai. Maine apni maa and behan dono ko choda hai. Ye story meri tuition teacher baare hai maine kaise unhe chodda. Mera lund 5’6″ ka hai. Ab apko na bore karte huye story pe aata hu. Meri tuition teacher 26 saal ki hain and mujhe chemistry pdhaati hain. Maine unhe Didi bulaata hu. Unki kamar patli and gand bhi gol hai. But unke boobs ..vah!…Ek dum gol air bade bade. Ek din ki baat hai...
My Girlfriend The Sorceress is a story where the direction is decided by the readers. If you are interested in taking part in the polls please consider joining my patreon. Chapters will be posted there earlier than on CHYOA but if you are just reading here you will not be missing out. The story could go in a number of different directions. Perhaps the main character will end up with a harem of magical women? Or maybe his girlfriend will fall for someone else? I have a few ideas for paths the...
FantasyAfter years of corporate boredom, disillusionment, and servitude somehow fate loves to amuse itself by providing circumstances, where, with a single decision in one moment, a career can be won – or lost. My entire professional trajectory was changed on one boring Friday afternoon, returning from lunch, to get ready for a long holiday weekend. When she trotted into the elevator, before the doors closed on her fleshy but firm derrière, my work-weary frustration was suffused by a sudden...
Street Name: Samantha! Players: Sam/Samantha, the lead in this story; Chief Helen Sanders, Sam's boss; Rose, Sam's teacher and dominate; Ruth/Ray, Chief Sanders brother/sister; Helen, Rose's Sister and her husband Jack, an adult baby. Julie, A male-to-female transsexual, and Sam's co-worker at the boutique; John, Sam's new sissy friend, Patrick/Patty Cake, the bookkeeper, Sandy, the self proclaimed "Queen of Tarts", and owner of Swirls and Curls. Synopsis: Sam's job, in...
Another Saturday night, and another swinger’s party! It was neither bad nor was it that great. My man and I played with two couples together. One being Scott and Judy, a couple we had met at our last party and the other couple was a new Latino couple, so I at least had the flavor of something new. After the party I was tired, but still not satisfied mentally. I went to bed immediately and woke up early to start my Sunday chores. My vagina still had the scent of Nonoxinol 9 not cum, which is...
Group SexSofi Ryan and her husband are visiting her husband’s boss’ house. Although they’re nervous about being summoned, they can only hope that this means that Sofi’s husband will be getting that raise they’ve been hoping for! When they arrive, the boss, Zac Wild, doesn’t waste any time spelling it out for them. You see, he’s been searching for a particular kind of massage, but has been having a hard time finding a masseuse that will do it for him. When he...
xmoviesforyouHI, I am Ayan from pakistan Hyderabad meri Age 27 year hai or mein good looking hon. Aj mein ap ko apni real story btane jarha hon. Mien marketing mien hon jis ki wajha say mujhy daily traveling karni parti hai. Ek dafa mujhy ek city say dosre city jana tha takreban 400 kilo meter ki traveling karni thi, garmio ky din thay maie nay apni seat book karwadi A.C Ven mien or mujhy sab say last wali seat mili window k sath wali mujhy us waqt gussa aya ky last wali seat de di mujhy . lekin jab gari...
Introduction: Read the Notes… Cummings, Alabama, Summer of 2011 I always wondered why. Why would my parents want to move all the way out here? Why the hell did I have to leave MY friends because they wanted out of the economic crises in Michigan? And why the fuck was it so hard to adjust to country life? I was always a country boy at heart, but I guess what made it so hard was the lack of cell towers, Internet and my motorcycle. I was 16, yes, but had already obtained my bikers license and a...
The next three weeks proved to be relatively quiet. Linus, Louis, Timothy and Mike were continuing to attempt to develop new defenses that would get around the AI's prohibitions against operating the weapons themselves. Most ideas involved mines or unguided rockets, but the units in the system that the AI had for manufacturing items in space were still expanding the repair docks and Fred only had limited opportunities to obtain the raw material needed for additional mines or rockets. The...
I had just finished my undergraduate degree in psychology, and was about to pursue a Master’s degree in criminology, but I hadn’t yet decided which university I wanted to attend. My final plan was to enlist with the RCMP, but as a young woman who barely hit 5 foot 6, I knew that the only way to get accepted was by having a lot to offer. My grades were excellent, and I had been offered entrance to several programs. I was undecided between Ottawa University and McGill in Montreal. The program at...
CuckoldIntroduction: Well, they led the stalion out to the center of the circle right up next to me… Part 2 folks of So Many Well, they led the stallion to the circle and stopped next to me where I was leaning on the bales of hay, naked and wet already knowing I was really gonna get fucked by such a beautiful horse. He seemed to know what was happening for he snorted and rubbed his muzzle against me as I got up to touch him al over. I began scratching his ears and whisper to him, how he was so nice...
Introduction: a great start to the holidays Holiday Hump Sometimes experiences happen in the most surprising ways and a young married hottie certainly surprised me by taking advantage of my sleeping erection. It all came about when a friends married daughter living overseas needed someone to look after her dog while she and her hubby along with their 2 kids went for a 2 week holiday. It just so happened that I had some holidays due but a lack of money to go anywhere too far, they offered me...
100% fiction! Hi everybody, i am Salim back here saying the second part of my story 'son make mommy a slut'. Now muthu bring his dick into the hairy pussy of my mother. He put his cock tip into the pussy lips of my mom and started to rub it there. My mom's moaning sound became louder & louder and i saw juices flowing from my birth place. Muthu then started teasing mom by entering the cock tip in the pussy and after that he take it out from the pussy. He continued doing it several time. Then the...
IncestIt was a Friday night and I had invited my friend Andrew over to spend the night. We were inside, sitting around and watching television when I had a great idea. "Hey Andrew, you wanna sleep outside in the tent tonight? It'd be fun." I asked. "Okay, sure" He replied. I am bi-sexual and so was he, and we'd known that fact for awhile about each other. Andrew was 5' 9 and I was a little taller at 5' 11. We both had very in-shape body with abs, I had blonde hair he had...
Joy had grown bored with the whole Paige melodrama. She had killed two birds with one stone, so to speak. She had tortured an ex, and molded a perfect wife for her nephew. But Paige wasn't the only iron she had in the fire. She had dosed several other ex-lovers with the sexbot nanites over the last year. With the feds just around the corner, she decided it was time to activate them. Second up to bat was Jules, a mean spirited sexist whom she had worked with for years, before beginning...
When the video started you will see a slappable butt on display in front of the camera in closeup. It is from the lovely woman with curly hair, Stacy Bloom. She is catwalking as she goes up in the stairs before she reveals what is inside her purple thong. That is a precious butt plug, and she took a page for the other horny pornstars here at Only3x network. Stacy looks like she is in the mood for some hardcore action as she flaunts her sexy body before showing her amazing big titties. Stacy...
xmoviesforyouFor the first time in our relationship, Sandy and I spent time together for more than 24 hours without the intervention of a Game Day. We spent most of the time in her bed. The sex wasn't strenuous and it certainly wasn't non-stop. We had already calmed down from the Blitzkrieg Stage of our relationship. But it was languorous and lovely. A slow, unhurried, pressure-free immersion in sexual bliss. Just like my on-field performance, there were no home runs, but lots of satisfying...
Ron and I sat down at the table and watched as Carmen made breakfast for us, seeing her lovely round, tight ass and her full tits; I could tell Ron was thinking of what a great fuck she had been. "You like looking at Carmen, don't you?" I asked Ron "Fuck yeah man" he replied "She's got a great body and a lovely set of full tits doesn't she?" I then asked him "Oh man does she ever" Ron answered "Easy boy" I then said as Carmen came over to the table with breakfast, "What are you two horny guys...
A few years ago he had met Erin. The opposite of his wife; Erin was a brunette with curves in just the right places, and craved sex all the time. She was insatiable. Erin had seen pictures of his wife and drooled over her constantly. Feeling sorry for Tripp, she wanted to turn his wife to the dark side. If nothing else, she would see that the Bitch paid for her cold ways. Erin knew just the push. A few days later, the weekend had come around. Tripp found himself driving his wife up to a...
To this day I can remember the greatest dream I have ever had as though it was last night. I was about eleven or so and I dreamed that I was lying in my bed and Alison appeared in my door. She was dressed in a short, revealing white nighty and staring at me with a naughty little smile on her face. “I thought I’d drop in to say goodnight,” she said. Then she sauntered toward my bed. She planted her lips onto mine and then looked into my eyes with that same devilish smile. “I love you...
Chapter 1 Tess pulled her mouth off her b*****r’s pulsing cock. ‘Mmmm, God,’ she grinned. ‘Is that good!’ ‘Just hurry up,’ Jeff panted. He clutched the back of her head and pressed it closer to his glistening prick. He swiveled his hips upward, trying to f***e his cock back into her mouth. Tess swung her head to fling blonde hair out of her face. ‘Just hold your horses!’ she gasped. ‘I’m doing the best I can!’ She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the bulbous prickhead. Jeff...
“Meow, Meow” I cried, trying not to get my ass kick by the 6 foot bear. “I should have a word with those neighbors of yours. This is the fourth time this week that cat got in your yard.” Mike said as they went back in the house. At that moment I didn’t know who was stupider me for having sex with a crazy women or him for believing that a cat is always messing up her yard. As soon as I head that door close I ran as fast as I could out her yard. With only my blue boxers, and black sock on I...
Cassie and Mark just got married and are on their last day of their honeymoon. A week long in a hotel together and they had only left the room to eat. They fucked the whole time. Cassie was not quiet at all as she liked to moan and scream especially when she came. Today was different from the others because they needed ice for their champagne. Cassie, the good wife she was, saw her husband was tired and offered to get the ice from down the hall. She looked at her husband, who had handsome dark...
Monday morning Allison's mother answered the door, and I just stared. I had met Mrs. Price a week ago, but a week ago Mrs. Price hadn't been wearing a little black bikini. She was taller than Allison and shorter than Donna. She had light brown hair streaked with brightness that could have come from the sun or a clever hairdresser. Her eyes were hazel. There were tiny crow's feet at the corners. But otherwise her face was smooth and her skin was clear and tan. No makeup. Her tits were...
Startled, sitting in the chair with one leg still propped up over the arm, my panties on the floor and two fingers in my dripping wet pussy, I was shocked to see my husband standing over me. I had made so much noise panting and moaning whilst watching Sarah that I didn't hear my husband come home and make his way up the stairs. As he leaned to kiss me ever so lightly, a wave of embarrassment washed over me. Of course he had watched me play with myself before, of course he had heard me moan with...
Straight SexThe Girl inside me...I with my dolls outside the yard with Amber. What the fuck are you doing you little sissy? Screamed my daddy as he grabbed the doll out of hand and pulled me into the house. That day I learned what boys do and what girls do... but daddy I am a girl I said. Daddy looked at me just shook his head boys he said have dicks like this and girl have a pussy. Daddy made sure I did all the manly thing like football working out...I had a killer body 6 foot 1in... I was totally ripped....
The fall’s first snowfall rolled in just before Parents’ Weekend. It wasn’t so deep that it caused any problems but the roads were slick enough that the four-wheel drive became the vehicle of choice. Phil’s parents came down early on Friday morning and met everyone for lunch at the house. They had been down to visit once previously but had stayed at a hotel and only got a brief tour of the house before guests to Phil’s party started to arrive. Both were impressed with the house and how it...
Helen was a little surprised when the doorbell rang at precisely nine a.m., exactly when the contractor had told her that the workers would arrive to build her new deck. She was even more surprised when she opened the door and saw two young men who couldn’t be more than twenty years old. “Helen Flint?” One of the sandy-haired young men asked. “Yes,” she answered, doing her best not to stare at the muscular workmen. “Just making sure we’re at the right place. I’m Mike, and this is Ron. We’ll get...
Group SexI recently posted some pics of my wife, Anna, taking cock after cock at a dirty, run-down swinger’s club a couple hours from where we live. COVID has given many people cabin fever, with Anna and I being no exception. A couple weekends ago, however, we decided we weren’t letting anything get in the way of some kinky fun.Many of our traditional hang-outs are still closed, but after a long search we found an old, run-down looking “club” about 2 hours away. I called the owner just to make sure they...
Someone was sleeping on top of me. It wasn't Tiani either, as whoever it was, was bigger. Opening my eyes, I could see the auburn hair of Brandy. It was so brown, it was a little reddish. You would think it was dyed, but her mom's hair was like that, only with some gray intermingled. I was surprised her weight wasn't hurting my ribs as I only felt the restriction from the extra weight. I was still between the large breasted redhead, Frieda, and the small blonde, Judy. The group was very...
Aaron, a tall, clean cut looking soldier, had a plan. It was Thursday whenhe put it into play.The soldiers who shared the barracks were all similar, after all that wasthe goal of the Army. Haircuts, clean shaven, same clothing, do thingstogether from sleeping to marching, schooling to showering. They were all apart of each other.Aaron loved it. He had worried that his penis would give him away. Heworried his lingering glances would too. But his cock didn't rise and hislooks weren't noticed. He...
New characters appearing in this chapter and the next: Gwyneth O'Leary Doctor, OB/GYN, Irish, 5'-3" tall, 108 pounds, 34B-23-35, 28 years old, long red hair, gray eyes, some freckles Gwyn and Glanda Mike and Gretchen's Daughters, born 6 November 2051, both have dark Auburn hair and gray eyes Sererena and Saraid Pat and Petra's Daughters, born on 6 November 2051, both have red hair and green eyes Early on Monday morning both of our Grandmothers and our Moms came to visit us. We...
It all started with a pair of Tanga Panties. The counter advertisement asked, Are you looking for panties with a bit more coverage than a thong, but somewhat less than a bikini? European style panties to do the tango in were exactly what the twenty year-old had been searching for at Robinson’s Department Store. As she took the panties off the circular ‘undies’ rack, the pretty girl with long hair of gold now down to her butt crack, Sam the butcher imagined, Marcia naked in his mind. He had...
It wasn't the first time I'd been kicked out. My latest "family" wasn't really different than the last couple that I'd been sent to. Same old story, I lived in peace for about a week then about a month of fighting and then I'd do something stupid, the police bring me home and thrown out, but they still tell all their rich country club friends about housing a poor troubled foster child, and how I "changed their lives". Oh the idiocy of deranged suburban social statuses. It was never really about...
Love Stories'Let's make a run for it'. I screwed up my nose and took a tentative step outside the bus shelter, the first raindrops hit my t-shirt, the cotton absorbing them and sticking to my body as it got soaked.The Summer downpour was sudden, and heavy, but refreshing, after the high humidity, there was a cool breeze, and something else I had not noticed, but my boyfriend did, my nipples were alive, my femininity was emblazoned on the front of my bland t-shirt, no distracting logo or colourful emblem,...
It started slowly at first as things usually do. It was just a normal working relationship; not really a relationship at all in the accepted sense of the word but you know how it is, one thing leads to another and that leads somewhere else and before you know it you're on a rollercoaster and life starts to get exciting. I'm a departmental manager for a medium sized comany based in the Midlands. That's a region in the UK for anybody not native to these shores. What do we do? Well, does...
Hello dosto, mai raj aaj aapko ek new story sunata hun aur han story padne ke baad comment karna na bhule aur agar mujhse contact karna chahe to mera mail id hai most welcome for text,phone and video chat pura khulaa chat any way aab mai story pe aata hun maine is story ka naam yog se smbhog tak rakha hai aur ye sahi bhi hai. Abhi kuch dino se humare yaha yag yoga ka bada charcha chal raha hai to mere ghar ke pass hi ek yoga center khula bilkul naya mai ek din enq lene gaya to dekha ek bahut...
Mera name anzan(changed) h..Meri umar 20 saal ki h.Meri height 6 feet or or lund 8inch ka h.Ye meri phli kahani h…agar mujhse kuch galtiya ho jaye to sorry…..Ye kahani bilkul sachi kahani h.Ye kahani meri or humare ghar pr rent pr rh rahi ek bhabhi sangeeta(changed) ki h.. Jiski umar 34 ke karib hogi. Mai apne pariwar ke saath rohtak m rhta hu..Humne ek naya makan kharida tha. Pr hum abhi bhi purine makan m reh rahe the. Humara naya makan do manzila h. Humne niche wala portion ek family ko...