Game of Mothers
- 3 years ago
- 18
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"Sorry we're late," said Sarah's Clan as they met Lorelei, Earl, Virginia and Doug at the entrance to the dining room.
"You aren't," replied Lorelei, "as we just arrived."
After they exchanged hugs, the group entered the dining room and went to the serving line. Virginia said, "I am always amazed by the great selection of food."
"We can arrange for you to have reconstituted freeze dried stuff," replied Jill, chuckling.
"Thank you very much, but I'll pass."
Claudette said, "If we weren't able to generate a gravity field then there would be a lot of things that we couldn't do, and many we would do differently."
"Well I'm thankful for our accommodations. It isn't like living on a planet but living on these ships is something you could do for a long time."
"Amy's Clan and the other Connemare have been living on this ship for well over 100 years."
"We've talked to them about their experiences," said Doug. "They are all very thankful that their path crossed with your clan."
"Yea," added Virginia, "right after the incident their choices were pretty limited, and with time had become even more so."
"Waking up at where we came to know as Comrie," said Sarah, "was a tremendous shock, but at the same time none of us felt that we were in any danger. In fact we felt very comfortable, perhaps 'accepting' is a better word. Our easy acceptance of our new situation has puzzled both Amy's Clan and us. Although one characteristic we've always had is an ability to quickly adapt and act on the new opportunities facing us. We believe this played a significant role in our acceptance of the changes in us and our location."
"I wouldn't call some of those incidents 'opportunities'," commented Aoife.
"But you have to admit that the last nine Ó years or so have been very interesting," replied Sarah.
"They certainly have been," responded Aoife. "I find it interesting that nearly all of the people we've rescued or who have joined us have had at least some telepathic ability. Is it that ability that draws us together? Having said that, many situations appear to be the result of pure coincidence, such as J3."
"An interesting thought," replied Lorelei.
"I don't know that it is just telepathy," said Joyce with a thoughtful expression. "The Connemare were telepathic."
"True," replied Judy, "but from discussions with Connie and Betsy, we know our telepathic exchanges contain more information than theirs did before conversion. The difference is subtle but they think it is pretty significant."
"Several of the original crew commented that life as an Órarduine is much different to what it was before," said Doug. "The way they express it makes the difference seem like day and night."
Rusty replied, "In many ways, it probably is. Think about the differences between us and our interactions, and those you've experienced on Earth."
"Good point. From our perspective, the differences between us and humans are greater than they are with the Connemare. We share information and work together much more effectively than we ever saw anyone doing on Earth."
"I agree," said Lorelei. "I sometimes wonder if the way we get along and work together will last, or is this just a honeymoon."
"Well, we've been this way for some nine Ó years now, so I'm not sure what time frame you are using for a honeymoon," replied Jill. "Now we are pretty focused on establishing a new home and ensuring our security. After we've become established at our first settlement, the focus of our family and their activities will diversify. None of us expect this to change the way we interact with each other."
"Do you think those who joined us at J3 will stay with us?"
"I think it is pretty certain that many will," replied Terry, "well, at least of those who are now out of hibernation."
Judy said, "Actually, none of them have indicated any desire to return to their home world. Several have said that since being with us and seeing how we interact and get along, they want nothing to do with the world they came from. Some were pretty pointed about what they would like to do to those still there and it wasn't nice."
"We've heard the same thing," replied Lorelei. "I wonder if they realize just how different we are."
"Well Serarck certainly seems to. Their inclusion will be easier if they are all capable of telepathic communication. Once on the planet our physical differences will not be as significant but it will still mean that only Órarduine will be able to operate some equipment."
"With time that issue can be resolved," said Claudette. "It will be awhile before it can be addressed as it requires some pretty significant design changes."
"Those may not be necessary," said Janet, "if they decide to make the species change."
"True, but what about other immigrants or long term visitors? At some point we need to look at the issue. Although some don't think the species change is possible in some cases."
"Changing the topic a bit," said Lorelei, "we heard you were planning on changing the way you screen visitors?"
"A little bit. We are going to make more use of our telepathic ability in evaluating people who visit or travel with us. Our episode with some of the Tigsuma makes it pretty clear that we need to be more careful in evaluating visitors. One thing we will do is carefully watch a person's responses when answering questions during an interview. We need to be careful using telepathy in evaluating strangers as it can give us misleading impressions."
"What do you mean?" said Virginia.
"The images associated with a person's thoughts can vary significantly," replied Tara. "This is especially true when you add the complexity of multiple breeds, languages and cultures. We first experienced this when we met the Alliance of Worlds people in Sol system. Those circumstances were very different to those of the J3 people. We saw them as victims and of little threat to us. In hindsight, we should have been more thorough in learning about their backgrounds and motivations. It may not have alerted us to the attempted mutiny but we think it would have alerted us to the conspirators being of a different grouping. With that bit of information, we think we would have monitored their actions sooner and more closely."
"We were lucky this time," said Terry. "The death toll could have been much greater, but even four is too many."
Earl replied, "Hindsight is usually much clearer than understanding current events and what they are leading to. Even if you had been more thorough it doesn't mean that they wouldn't have deceived you."
"True. But don't you think we should be more thorough in our evaluation of visitors, especially unexpected visitors."
"I agree. I was just pointing out that even being thorough doesn't completely negate risk."
"When is the sentence going to be carried out?" asked Virginia.
"Currently it is set for no later than 08:00 tomorrow."
"Doesn't the advance party leave about that time?" queried Lorelei.
"The first group will transition to FTL at 10:30 hours and we will follow at 14:00 hours.
Their discussion shifted to their plans for the settlement on A-Celia. Jill came back from the restroom and said, "Guys, it is almost 21:30 and we have a big day tomorrow."
"Wow," said Virginia, "We've really enjoyed visiting with all of you this evening."
"We've enjoyed it as well," replied Sarah's Clan.
Janet said, "Next time, let's do this in a more comfortable setting. These chairs become a little uncomfortable after a while."
"Didn't notice it until I stood up," said Lorelei. "But you're right, the lounge would have been much more comfortable."
"Can we do this again?" asked Virginia.
"Sure," replied everyone.
"We enjoyed it as well," said Lorelei and Earl.
"Virginia," said Joyce, "how are you coming with your telepathy?"
Virginia frowned. "It is coming along. Doug is better at it than I am. Well at least that is my impression. It isn't something I automatically do when communicating. I still tend to converse verbally like I always have."
"It is easier now than when this voyage started," added Doug. "It is still a response I need to think about beforehand."
"Good." It took Virginia and Doug a moment before they recognized that Joyce had switched modes.
"See, ... I ... can ... do ... it," replied Virginia with Doug grinning.
"Never had any doubts. Next time we should spend our time conversing this way. The more you use it the better you will become."
"Sure. We're game. We should have done it this evening," replied Virginia and Doug.
"Well, Virginia," said Sarah, "you're doing much better with telepathy than you were the last time we discussed it."
"Yes. But, I still need to think about doing it."
"It will come. Just keep using it."
Sarah's Clan hugged Doug, Virginia, Lorelei and Doug before heading toward their respective suites.
As Sarah's Clan walked toward the suites, Alison said, "Did you see the schedule for carrying out the prisoner's sentence?"
"They decided to use five Security Teams to monitor it. Right?"
"Looks like it. This will make it a quick turnaround for some of them."
"They will be fine."
"I know, but..."
"Well I'm ready for some rest," said Claudette. "Today has been a very tiring day."
"I agree but I think it is more than just today," added Judy.
"Okay a quick freshening up and off to bed."
"What no extracurricular activities?" asked Terry with a smile.
"Cuddling is enough for me this evening. Once we are on our way, then we can spend a day cuddling and stuff."
"We need to spend some time with our children."
"The last time we did that we lost three straight sets to them in volleyball."
"Yea, and it was fun."
"Yes, it was. Good night. Sleep well as tomorrow will be busy."
It was approaching 23:00 hours when Muireann said, "Darcy, are we set?"
"Yes. All the hibernation chambers are on the asteroid. As expected, they are already sinking into the surface."
"Okay. Standby, the shuttle with the prisoners is 30 minutes out."
"Aye, we see it on our display."
A short time later Edana said, "Shuttle has made contact with asteroid. Even as slow as it was moving, it slid until a support pad caught on a crevice."
Abbie of Caoilinn's Clan stepped out of the shuttle door as she said, "That was weird, landing with so little power."
"You did well," said Darcy. They waited near the shuttle for the rest of Caoilinn's Clan to exit.
"Using the air lock is a pain."
"Well at least you had an atmosphere in the cabin."
"True, but there wasn't much else." As Abbie spoke more of her clan joined them.
"How are the prisoners?"
"Still sleeping. We pulled the ends of the shrink wrap loose on two of them so it should be pretty easy for them to unravel it."
"The ghosts are ready to assist if we need them."
"Good. Think it will take them the allotted 6 hours."
"We shall see. I believe the 6 hours was sort of a guess. If they don't pause to get anything out of the hibernation chambers then events should proceed fairly quickly."
"Everyone's here, so let's board our cruiser so we can watch the monitors."
As they prepared to enter Darcy's shuttle she said, "Be sure you take off the covers on your boots before you enter the air lock. There is a bucket there. The surface slush is very sticky and dangerous when it melts."
"Yea, we certainly don't want any inside."
Inside their cruiser Caoilinn's and Darcy's Security Teams gathered around the monitors to watch the prisoners wake up in the nearby shuttle. They had only been watching for a few moments when the prisoners began moving around. They soon heard one say, "Get off of me asshole."
"Just how in the fuck am I supposed to do that?" was the quick reply. "They wrapped this plastic wrap so tight it is hard to breath."
"Not surprising. This stuff shrinks when it gets warm."
"Where the fuck are we?"
"Looks like the inside of one of their shuttles."
"Well, it sure feels good to be out of those fucking boxes."
"How did we get here?"
"Don't know."
"See anybody around?"
"Looks like we've been wrapped for recycling."
"Yea and it's hot. I was the last one so I got to watch them wrap the rest of you."
"Can anyone get out of this stuff?"
They struggled for nearly an hour before someone grabbed the end of the plastic wrap on another prisoner with his mouth and then rolled away. After several pulls, one of them got his arms outside the plastic and began unwrapping himself.
"Damn," said Darcy on their Badb cruiser. "I was hoping to send in the ghosts."
In the shuttle, the prisoner with his arms free quickly finished unwrapping himself from the shrink wrap and then began freeing the others. Once several of their leaders were free, they began checking out their situation while the others were released.
"Hey, here is a note."
"What does it say?"
"Your hibernation chambers are outside. You're on your own and we're even now."
"Looks like one of our agents came through."
"Now that is too bizarre. I wonder how they managed this."
"Don't know and at the moment I really don't care how we got here."
"It could be a trap."
"Fuck'em. What have we got to lose? Several of you need to put those environmental suits on and go get our supplies out of the hibernation chambers. The rest of you check out the shuttle. See what we need to do to get away from here. The sooner we leave the better off we will be."
"If we all put suits on then we can open the hatch rather than use the air lock. That will speed up moving the stuff in here."
Órarduine Security teams monitored the thoughts of the prisoners as they went about their tasks. Those who went out to the hibernation chambers worked quickly to get their supplies out of the hidden compartments. Even so, some compartments were inaccessible due to the units sinking into the icy surface. With several of the prisoners lifting, they raised one enough to open the access panel and remove the supplies. Even in the short time it took to remove the items the feet of those holding up the chamber sank into the icy methane. After releasing the chamber those lifting it had difficulty pulling their boots free. In their efforts to release their feet they managed to smear quite bit of slush on their suits, besides pushing some deeper into the crevasses of their boots.
As the supplies were retrieved they were carried into the shuttle. None of them took any time to clean the sticky slush off of anything before placing it in the shuttle. The slush wasn't noticed because it didn't accumulate inside. Since it was a warmer environment, what landed on the deck quickly evaporated or ran into seams before evaporating.
Once the accessible supplies were recovered from the hibernation units everyone returned to the shuttle. After closing the hatch they took off their suits, and in the process shook off more of the sticky dirt onto the deck. They never noticed that the "dirt" rapidly disappeared after falling onto the deck.
"Did we get everything?" asked the leader.
"Not really. We should have enough though."
"What? Well we'd better have everything we need or you're going back out there to get it."
"There is no point in that. The chambers have sunk so far into the icy surface that the access panels are blocked. It won't be long until they are totally inaccessible, unless you want to dig them out. We were able to lift a few high enough to gain access to some critical items. Others had sunk too far into the surface for there to be anyway to reach the access doors. We should have the parts for at least two workable communications systems."
"What about the shuttle?" grumbled one of the men.
"Everything looks functional. There isn't any communications gear. The skid plates are sinking into the surface but not as fast as the hibernation chambers did. The propulsion system is functioning but we don't know its capabilities, or how far it will take us. It should be okay for getting us off of here, especially if we can do a vertical lift. If not, we'll disconnect the skid plates and leave them behind."
"Okay, let's put together the communication gear. We need send the other group a message before they set out toward the coordinates the Órarduine sent them. Also, we need to tell them how to find us as this shuttle may not get us very far."
"Yea," said another, "but before we worry about that we need to put some distance between the Órarduine and us."
"No. We will just move so that this asteroid is between us and them."
"That is too fucking risky."
"You going with us, or someone else?" There was silence. "Okay, let's get those transmitters put together and set up."
The Órarduine watched the man giving the orders bend down and pick up an object from one of the containers. "What the fuck are these doing here? These were supposed to be placed in the Órarduine ships."
"We agreed to not use those aerosol bombs. Some of us were certain that the Durale drug would turn them into willing slaves, just like we saw the Durale do with the people we sold them. It looked so easy to get those nice ships along with so much prime meat."
"That is true, but these bombs were to be set up so we could set them off remotely if something went wrong."
"Well it did go wrong. If we used these even we couldn't go into those ships without a suit, and it would take a lot of work to remove all the slop created by the decomposed bodies."
"You didn't listen to me. The stuff in those will turn a body into a puddle of slime in two days at the most, but the agent quickly dies without a biologically active host. That is why it has to be used so that it reaches its initial host immediately, then spread by contact. I ought to use one on you to show how well it works."
"I'm tired of your bullshit. Just try it and you will be the first one I breathe on."
"Cool it you two. Settle your differences later."
"You guys sure dragged a lot of crap in here with these items."
"It's just water and some dirt. Look, it just evaporates."
"So, how soon can we get off this rock?"
"We're working on it," said those on the flight deck. "There isn't a primary AI so we will be flying manually. Fortunately there is an emergency check list."
"Okay. What about the transmitters we recovered?"
"The power cells are dead. We'll power them from the ship."
"How are you going to do that?"
"Well first we need to find some tools and wire. If nothing else we can get some wire from an unused circuit. Someone needs to figure out where we can tap into the ships power while we modify these units."
It was a couple of hours later that the two from the flight deck came back into the cabin. "We're ready to go. What are you guys doing?"
"Rigging up a power source for our communications gear, the fucking batteries died. We need to get power to them from the ship. Why?"
"Well the way you are moving it will take forever."
"Fuck you. I've got a splitting headache. This is the last connection. If it holds then all we need to do is connect it to the ship."
"Well, I've got a headache too. We think we can lift off as soon as you are ready."
"Great. Let's get this connected so we can send the message."
The Órarduine watched as the man working on their communications system slowly lift the plug toward the receptacle. Just as it was about to enter the receptacle, the Security Teams in unison told the prisoners telepathically, "The asteroid is covered in frozen water and methane. Sweet dreams."
The two from the flight deck jumped for the man with the plug screaming, "NO!" In their panic, they forgot the lack of gravity and flew by their intended target, instead ramming several others near the gear causing them to lose their grip on the transmitter. Due to the jostling the plug partially missed its target. The hand holding the plug jerked on the cord, partially loosening it from the communications device. Seeing what was happening, one person slowly grabbed at the device to stabilize it while another tried to keep the cord from pulling loose as the plug finally mated with the receptacle.
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hi frnds mai iss ka regular reader hoon sabki kahania mujhe bohat achi lagti hai or jab bhi muth marni iss ki stories padh leta hoon. Mera naam ram thakur hai mai delhi se hu bca kar raha hu mera lund ka size 6.3 inch hai or mera lund mota hai or & mai single hu single rehna he acha h taki dusre ki ladkio se maze loo ye meri id hai or facebook ki bhi anybody contact me there koi bhi aunty, bhabhi, ladki ho any female jise sex karna ho mujhe yaad kare mai sab kuch karunga or lamba sex karta hu...
Tuesday morning, I wake up being kissed, with a hand in my underwear, jacking me off. I open my eyes to see Kim and return the kiss. When we part, I tell her, Next time, come a half-hour early, and you can help me with my morning shower.” “I would love that. Why can’t we do it now?” “Imagine how Carol would feel seeing you step out of the shower with me. You need to be here early enough that she will not see.” “I thought we weren’t keeping secrets.” “We aren’t. I talked to her, and she...
The next day, I returned to the park at the same time, this time by myself. I started down the trail at a leisure jog, not sure of what I was after. I wanted to get a run in, but at the same time I hoped that I would be interrupted. After sucking my first cock, I found that I rather enjoyed it. I was interested in perhaps running into someone and trying it again, and maybe get a BJ in return.I didn't have to jog for very long when I noticed a man a little ways off the trail. He was squatting...
Gay Male"Did you want to grab something to eat this afternoon? My treat?" I said, eagerly awaiting Sar's response. "Sure thing, Bianca! I have a lunch break at one. Wanna meet up?" "There's a great Italian place not far from your office. Paradise Restaurant I think it's called. I've been thinking of trying it for a while." I lied. I had been there before, but I wanted her to feel like we were experiencing something new together. "I think I know the place. I'll see you there soon." ...
Bill Peirce got home Thursday night to find Carolyn arranging her office space. Her kiss was warm even though she looked a little distracted. She tasted only slightly of tobacco. “I was going to cook for you, but this was just sitting here.” “I understand. Too bad you couldn’t have had it for writing your papers. You still need a desk. Anyway, we can go out to eat.” “No! I’m done with school. I’m going to be a wife. Mind if I thaw something out?” “Not at all.” Carolyn’s left-overs were...
This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Is Steve in?" I asked. "Oh...
Black twin Clifton comes homeVictor came back home just two days after that weekend I had been used so well by the black twins and their mates. I couldn't wait for them to call me again. I had given my number to all the black men that had fucked me over that long weekend and told all of them to call me anytime they wanted to fuck me again. About a week later I was lying on the hot bathtub, drinking some wine and relaxing. My body took almost a week to recover from all those big black cocks...
I saw Jenna from across the park. She’d bolted from the school office and had hidden by the time the teachers emerged from the office. She was fast, I gotta give her that. I could understand how they couldn’t see her, she’d ducked into our old hiding place – Jenna used to be my best friend, but things change… she changed. It seemed like one day she was my best friend, the next she’d blossomed, moved on to the in-crowd and left me behind.I strayed over to where she was hiding, school was...
He was holding her hand like he wouldn’t let go. My heart fluttered, and I was probably blushing. Still, I had to see the foreplay in their consensual sex. He moved her hair aside and touched his face to her neck, but he didn’t kiss her. I realized suddenly that my pinkie finger was flicking my clit. As soon as I saw what he was actually doing, I got goosebumps all over my arms. He smelt her body odor from the sweat on her sexy nape. It started last December during New Year’s Eve party. There...
It's been a week since my high school reunion; taking that big stroll down memory lane, falling for one of my old classmates. Rhonda James; an African American goddess who was once a volleyball playing tomboy. That night was magical and since our encounter at my place we stayed in touch and spent plenty of time together. One day we even visited her mother; the one responsible for Rhonda's transformation. Mrs. James was in her mid forties and was a total knockout herself. Seeing them together...
My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...
When Nicky Rebel opens a drawer in the bathroom he finds a vibrator right next to his toothbrush so he goes and confronts his stepsister Lacey London about it. Lacey says her friend lent it to her so she had to try it, and turns out it gave her an amazing orgasm. Nicky instructs her to show him what she means, so she starts masturbating with the vibrator in front of him! Even though their parents almost catch them, Nicky can’t stop craving a taste of stepsis’ pussy, so he persuades her to have...
xmoviesforyouMom's Girl Part 2 By Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 4 I woke up that Friday morning at my usual 6:00 and by 7 I had my shower done, shaved, just the stubble on my legs as there was none anywhere else, my wig back in place and my make-up done. I grabbed a pair of panties and a bra and put them on before sliding my nightgown back on and pulling on my robe and slippers. As I opened the door of my bedroom I could smell the coffee brewing so I headed to the kitchen and there sat Mom in her...
Introduction: Two best friends discover new things On a warm sunny day two best friends named Tami and Greta trekked through the valley. Both girls lived out in the country and unlike most girls their age they loved to explore the valley. It was nothing but grassy fields and occasional trees for miles. At the age of 18 the two girls could be mistaken for sisters, both had heart shaped faces, were 58, had beautiful c-cup breasts, and perfect perky asses. What set them apart was the fact that...
The middle of May, I got a message that my CO wanted to see me. I went to the command tent, and was surprise that it was the Colonel who wanted to see me. He was sitting at his desk, reviewing some paperwork. I stood at attention, till he pointed to a chair for me to sit in. "Staff Sergeant, no Jack you have been an exemplary soldier in my command, that is why I find this order from Fort Bragg most unusual." he said. "The order reads that I am to place you under arrest and have you...
Slowly his eyes opened, bringing the room before him into focus. It was not the most well-lit room in the world, but as he adjusted to the gloom, he began to notice two things. One, that he was nude, and two, that he was secured into a chair by steel manacles on his ankles, thighs, waist and neck. His arms, oddly, were free. ‘Awake at last, I see,’ Purred a feminine voice from nearby. He moved his head about as much as the neck restraint would allow, but she was walking around to stand before...
There are four of us in a row, and I stand nervously at the end, realising the others are practised and poised for this. I'm hoping Miss Thorne takes this class, but I'm disappointed when an overweight woman in a too tight black suit walks in and sneers at us. "Strip sluts! I want all that office shit off you right now!" she says slapping a crop into her hand. There's a click and my ankle locks come off and I hurriedly take my heels off and my stockings. I try and get undressed as...
They took the SUV back to the Sheriff’s office and picked up Whitaker’s car. Even though the sun was already down, she drove them all the way back to Dallas. Neither of them spoke the entire trip. It felt like they were back to the first day they met, and Taylor didn’t care for it at all. This silence wasn’t like when Dorset had come down on her. That silence had been caused by concern that she’d made a mistake and thrown away everything she’d worked for, up to that point, away. It wasn’t...
The Stalker (Part 4) – Tag Teamed I have never been comfortable with the fact that my employer keeps a confidential personnel file on me; it has always felt like a gross invasion of my privacy and the security arrangements to prevent unauthorised individuals from accessing it inadequate. Therefore, a little while back, I decided to liberate my file and relocate it to the safety of my own home. There is little of interest in it and certainly no documents of which I wasn’t aware, but I sleep...
Group SexAfter Brady’s little comment I still hadn’t had enough of his thick dick. I began licking the length of his dick and every time I got to the tip I would swallow his dick once and run my tongue down his dick to his balls and but them in my mouth. Brady loved the way I swallowed his dick and when I did he would grab my hair and push my face deeper in his pubes. When I had his balls in my mouth he would rub my hair, and ask me to suck his dick. Although I wanted his dick in my mouth I knew that it...
The bathhouse was quite full , men of all ages and shapes , sucking and fucking each other everywhere you looked . Hot guys jacking off and sucking cock in the mini theater , in the sauna , the hot tubs . Men sucking cock and getting ass fucked poolside . My cock was so hard that It was about to melt my zipper as I made my way to my room . The smell of cock and cum was overwhelming as well as the moaning and groaning of hot men . I was naked within seconds , my cock oozing precum as I walked...
I’m a Gangbang Slut Wife Who can’t get Enough Hi I’m Jill a white slut housewife with an insatiable appetite for big cocks and massive quantities of hot cum filling all of my holes. I would like to share my latest gangbang with you all. It began Wednesday night when I was invited by my husband who was given his friends bachelor party, and to be the evening’s entertainment for the men. Now I have been gang fucked a few times before by different size groups of guys. 38 men about three years...
It was 10 P.M. on a warm Friday evening when I returned to the house that Becca and I shared. “Hi, sweetie,” Becca said, as I opened the front door and stepped into the house. “How did your day go?” “Pretty good,” I replied, as I set two large brown bags down on the floor. “Work was uneventful for the most part, and, for my line of work, uneventful is always a good thing.” “Good to hear,” she replied. “That means I can make your day even better.” At that moment, Becca walked over to me. She...
This is another little incite into the working of the beautiful Missy -- her total passion and lust ... These are her words and thoughts and actions -- thanks for a memorable visit Mr MickThe more we meet the more we learn about each other and things we may be want to try but have been uncomfortab;le to share with our partners ---- with us there are very few boundaries and trust is implicit ....... Mick tells me he has an adventure planned for me on his next visit --- i think to myself we have...
Imagine a newly married couple. The groom is a young man made good after growing up on a farm in the midwest. He’s a recent college grad with a degree in accounting. The bride is a sorority girl who majored in elementary education. They have the whole lives ahead of them.Imagine this same couple welcomes a baby to the world 11 months later - a boy. It is 1977 and they name him John David. Two years later, the have a daughter they call Amy. The four people live in an Oklahoma town of about...
Hi Friends, I have visited Indian sex stories as a reader many times and this is my first visit as an author. I have read almost all the stories published in Indian sex stories. All are having a unique way of expressing love. Sex is the utmost feeling of love with someone. I wondered how anyone is getting an opportunity to interact with someone that ends up with sex. I spent many sleepless nights thinking of the same. Finally I got an answer for that question which is my narration now. Before...
Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever In Part 5 you Read "But do not know why the god was not being kind to her and the result was same ZERO. When the friendship of both Zeenat & Vijay Kumar deepened, She started to call him to her house. He used to pick her from her office In the evening, the two of them would stay together for the evening and for night whenever her husband went on tours. , She...
The Bitch By Morpheus Corey nearly cringing as his Dad stared intently at him, intently wishing that his Dad had been home from work even later than he already was. Then his father might have been in an even worse mood but he probably would have been too tired to give Corey much shit about the black eye that decorated his face. "How many times have I told you not to be fighting?" Corey's Dad growled. "Yet you still go out looking for fights." "But Dad..." Corey tried to...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Daughter's Incestuous Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – July 2037 I stared at the clock on my nightstand. I sat there in my nightgown, rocking back and forth. It was 11:59. It was almost midnight. I was giddy with delight. I licked my lips, my heart beating like I'd run a marathon. It was almost time. I was about to turn eighteen. My bed squeaked and groaned as I rocked...
I hope that you read part one of this and were interested in hearing more about my wife and myself. When I discovered that my wife wouldn’t be offended by my lewd thoughts of sharing her with another man I began to whisper my thoughts into her ear while we were fucking. It enhanced her arousal to be giving those naughty thoughts of mine to her. I just LOVE the way she cums these days when she knows that she doesn’t have to hold back and that cumming for me really excites ME! Also, I do...
Hi my name is Keny, I am from Bangalore This is the really story I am going tell you. It all happened about eight years ago, Along with our family we visit our Native place in Tamilnadu. There Lived a Beautiful Sister of mine who is about 18 at that time I was about 22. She has no mother and had only father with step mother. It all happened when we went to our church visit. Church is about 5km from our house. It is very scary village thou. On him way back there was no power in the street. This...
IncestIt was a moment he had thought about since the first time she caught his eye. The thought of her laying there, the duvet hugging her curves, storing the heat from from her voluptuous body. Him grasping the soft white fabric and slowly pulling it towards him to expose her large soft breast and her mocha skin. The light from the candle danced across her body, the shadows leaving much to explore. He had brought himself to the point of ecstasy numerous times with his eyes closed imagining the...
Wilma Haverkamp turned out to be something. She was the same woman they'd seen in the restaurant that night, but now she looked completely different. Now she did not look dowdy at all. She wore heavy make-up and a blonde wig and a party dress that had a bare back and a slit half-way up her thigh. If you looked at the slit you could see where the top of her stocking ended and the creamy flesh of her thigh began. She welcomed them with a flashy smile. "So glad you could come. My God, he's...