An ClochánChapter 39 free porn video

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"Sorry we're late," said Sarah's Clan as they met Lorelei, Earl, Virginia and Doug at the entrance to the dining room.

"You aren't," replied Lorelei, "as we just arrived."

After they exchanged hugs, the group entered the dining room and went to the serving line. Virginia said, "I am always amazed by the great selection of food."

"We can arrange for you to have reconstituted freeze dried stuff," replied Jill, chuckling.

"Thank you very much, but I'll pass."

Claudette said, "If we weren't able to generate a gravity field then there would be a lot of things that we couldn't do, and many we would do differently."

"Well I'm thankful for our accommodations. It isn't like living on a planet but living on these ships is something you could do for a long time."

"Amy's Clan and the other Connemare have been living on this ship for well over 100 years."

"We've talked to them about their experiences," said Doug. "They are all very thankful that their path crossed with your clan."

"Yea," added Virginia, "right after the incident their choices were pretty limited, and with time had become even more so."

"Waking up at where we came to know as Comrie," said Sarah, "was a tremendous shock, but at the same time none of us felt that we were in any danger. In fact we felt very comfortable, perhaps 'accepting' is a better word. Our easy acceptance of our new situation has puzzled both Amy's Clan and us. Although one characteristic we've always had is an ability to quickly adapt and act on the new opportunities facing us. We believe this played a significant role in our acceptance of the changes in us and our location."

"I wouldn't call some of those incidents 'opportunities'," commented Aoife.

"But you have to admit that the last nine Ó years or so have been very interesting," replied Sarah.

"They certainly have been," responded Aoife. "I find it interesting that nearly all of the people we've rescued or who have joined us have had at least some telepathic ability. Is it that ability that draws us together? Having said that, many situations appear to be the result of pure coincidence, such as J3."

"An interesting thought," replied Lorelei.

"I don't know that it is just telepathy," said Joyce with a thoughtful expression. "The Connemare were telepathic."

"True," replied Judy, "but from discussions with Connie and Betsy, we know our telepathic exchanges contain more information than theirs did before conversion. The difference is subtle but they think it is pretty significant."

"Several of the original crew commented that life as an Órarduine is much different to what it was before," said Doug. "The way they express it makes the difference seem like day and night."

Rusty replied, "In many ways, it probably is. Think about the differences between us and our interactions, and those you've experienced on Earth."

"Good point. From our perspective, the differences between us and humans are greater than they are with the Connemare. We share information and work together much more effectively than we ever saw anyone doing on Earth."

"I agree," said Lorelei. "I sometimes wonder if the way we get along and work together will last, or is this just a honeymoon."

"Well, we've been this way for some nine Ó years now, so I'm not sure what time frame you are using for a honeymoon," replied Jill. "Now we are pretty focused on establishing a new home and ensuring our security. After we've become established at our first settlement, the focus of our family and their activities will diversify. None of us expect this to change the way we interact with each other."

"Do you think those who joined us at J3 will stay with us?"

"I think it is pretty certain that many will," replied Terry, "well, at least of those who are now out of hibernation."

Judy said, "Actually, none of them have indicated any desire to return to their home world. Several have said that since being with us and seeing how we interact and get along, they want nothing to do with the world they came from. Some were pretty pointed about what they would like to do to those still there and it wasn't nice."

"We've heard the same thing," replied Lorelei. "I wonder if they realize just how different we are."

"Well Serarck certainly seems to. Their inclusion will be easier if they are all capable of telepathic communication. Once on the planet our physical differences will not be as significant but it will still mean that only Órarduine will be able to operate some equipment."

"With time that issue can be resolved," said Claudette. "It will be awhile before it can be addressed as it requires some pretty significant design changes."

"Those may not be necessary," said Janet, "if they decide to make the species change."

"True, but what about other immigrants or long term visitors? At some point we need to look at the issue. Although some don't think the species change is possible in some cases."

"Changing the topic a bit," said Lorelei, "we heard you were planning on changing the way you screen visitors?"

"A little bit. We are going to make more use of our telepathic ability in evaluating people who visit or travel with us. Our episode with some of the Tigsuma makes it pretty clear that we need to be more careful in evaluating visitors. One thing we will do is carefully watch a person's responses when answering questions during an interview. We need to be careful using telepathy in evaluating strangers as it can give us misleading impressions."

"What do you mean?" said Virginia.

"The images associated with a person's thoughts can vary significantly," replied Tara. "This is especially true when you add the complexity of multiple breeds, languages and cultures. We first experienced this when we met the Alliance of Worlds people in Sol system. Those circumstances were very different to those of the J3 people. We saw them as victims and of little threat to us. In hindsight, we should have been more thorough in learning about their backgrounds and motivations. It may not have alerted us to the attempted mutiny but we think it would have alerted us to the conspirators being of a different grouping. With that bit of information, we think we would have monitored their actions sooner and more closely."

"We were lucky this time," said Terry. "The death toll could have been much greater, but even four is too many."

Earl replied, "Hindsight is usually much clearer than understanding current events and what they are leading to. Even if you had been more thorough it doesn't mean that they wouldn't have deceived you."

"True. But don't you think we should be more thorough in our evaluation of visitors, especially unexpected visitors."

"I agree. I was just pointing out that even being thorough doesn't completely negate risk."


"When is the sentence going to be carried out?" asked Virginia.

"Currently it is set for no later than 08:00 tomorrow."

"Doesn't the advance party leave about that time?" queried Lorelei.

"The first group will transition to FTL at 10:30 hours and we will follow at 14:00 hours.

Their discussion shifted to their plans for the settlement on A-Celia. Jill came back from the restroom and said, "Guys, it is almost 21:30 and we have a big day tomorrow."

"Wow," said Virginia, "We've really enjoyed visiting with all of you this evening."

"We've enjoyed it as well," replied Sarah's Clan.

Janet said, "Next time, let's do this in a more comfortable setting. These chairs become a little uncomfortable after a while."

"Didn't notice it until I stood up," said Lorelei. "But you're right, the lounge would have been much more comfortable."

"Can we do this again?" asked Virginia.

"Sure," replied everyone.

"We enjoyed it as well," said Lorelei and Earl.

"Virginia," said Joyce, "how are you coming with your telepathy?"

Virginia frowned. "It is coming along. Doug is better at it than I am. Well at least that is my impression. It isn't something I automatically do when communicating. I still tend to converse verbally like I always have."

"It is easier now than when this voyage started," added Doug. "It is still a response I need to think about beforehand."

"Good." It took Virginia and Doug a moment before they recognized that Joyce had switched modes.

"See, ... I ... can ... do ... it," replied Virginia with Doug grinning.

"Never had any doubts. Next time we should spend our time conversing this way. The more you use it the better you will become."

"Sure. We're game. We should have done it this evening," replied Virginia and Doug.

"Well, Virginia," said Sarah, "you're doing much better with telepathy than you were the last time we discussed it."

"Yes. But, I still need to think about doing it."

"It will come. Just keep using it."

Sarah's Clan hugged Doug, Virginia, Lorelei and Doug before heading toward their respective suites.

As Sarah's Clan walked toward the suites, Alison said, "Did you see the schedule for carrying out the prisoner's sentence?"

"They decided to use five Security Teams to monitor it. Right?"

"Looks like it. This will make it a quick turnaround for some of them."

"They will be fine."

"I know, but..."

"Well I'm ready for some rest," said Claudette. "Today has been a very tiring day."

"I agree but I think it is more than just today," added Judy.

"Okay a quick freshening up and off to bed."

"What no extracurricular activities?" asked Terry with a smile.

"Cuddling is enough for me this evening. Once we are on our way, then we can spend a day cuddling and stuff."

"We need to spend some time with our children."

"The last time we did that we lost three straight sets to them in volleyball."

"Yea, and it was fun."

"Yes, it was. Good night. Sleep well as tomorrow will be busy."

It was approaching 23:00 hours when Muireann said, "Darcy, are we set?"

"Yes. All the hibernation chambers are on the asteroid. As expected, they are already sinking into the surface."

"Okay. Standby, the shuttle with the prisoners is 30 minutes out."

"Aye, we see it on our display."

A short time later Edana said, "Shuttle has made contact with asteroid. Even as slow as it was moving, it slid until a support pad caught on a crevice."

Abbie of Caoilinn's Clan stepped out of the shuttle door as she said, "That was weird, landing with so little power."

"You did well," said Darcy. They waited near the shuttle for the rest of Caoilinn's Clan to exit.

"Using the air lock is a pain."

"Well at least you had an atmosphere in the cabin."

"True, but there wasn't much else." As Abbie spoke more of her clan joined them.

"How are the prisoners?"

"Still sleeping. We pulled the ends of the shrink wrap loose on two of them so it should be pretty easy for them to unravel it."

"The ghosts are ready to assist if we need them."

"Good. Think it will take them the allotted 6 hours."

"We shall see. I believe the 6 hours was sort of a guess. If they don't pause to get anything out of the hibernation chambers then events should proceed fairly quickly."

"Everyone's here, so let's board our cruiser so we can watch the monitors."

As they prepared to enter Darcy's shuttle she said, "Be sure you take off the covers on your boots before you enter the air lock. There is a bucket there. The surface slush is very sticky and dangerous when it melts."

"Yea, we certainly don't want any inside."

Inside their cruiser Caoilinn's and Darcy's Security Teams gathered around the monitors to watch the prisoners wake up in the nearby shuttle. They had only been watching for a few moments when the prisoners began moving around. They soon heard one say, "Get off of me asshole."

"Just how in the fuck am I supposed to do that?" was the quick reply. "They wrapped this plastic wrap so tight it is hard to breath."

"Not surprising. This stuff shrinks when it gets warm."

"Where the fuck are we?"

"Looks like the inside of one of their shuttles."

"Well, it sure feels good to be out of those fucking boxes."


"How did we get here?"

"Don't know."

"See anybody around?"


"Looks like we've been wrapped for recycling."

"Yea and it's hot. I was the last one so I got to watch them wrap the rest of you."

"Can anyone get out of this stuff?"

They struggled for nearly an hour before someone grabbed the end of the plastic wrap on another prisoner with his mouth and then rolled away. After several pulls, one of them got his arms outside the plastic and began unwrapping himself.

"Damn," said Darcy on their Badb cruiser. "I was hoping to send in the ghosts."

In the shuttle, the prisoner with his arms free quickly finished unwrapping himself from the shrink wrap and then began freeing the others. Once several of their leaders were free, they began checking out their situation while the others were released.

"Hey, here is a note."

"What does it say?"

"Your hibernation chambers are outside. You're on your own and we're even now."

"Looks like one of our agents came through."

"Now that is too bizarre. I wonder how they managed this."

"Don't know and at the moment I really don't care how we got here."

"It could be a trap."

"Fuck'em. What have we got to lose? Several of you need to put those environmental suits on and go get our supplies out of the hibernation chambers. The rest of you check out the shuttle. See what we need to do to get away from here. The sooner we leave the better off we will be."

"If we all put suits on then we can open the hatch rather than use the air lock. That will speed up moving the stuff in here."

Órarduine Security teams monitored the thoughts of the prisoners as they went about their tasks. Those who went out to the hibernation chambers worked quickly to get their supplies out of the hidden compartments. Even so, some compartments were inaccessible due to the units sinking into the icy surface. With several of the prisoners lifting, they raised one enough to open the access panel and remove the supplies. Even in the short time it took to remove the items the feet of those holding up the chamber sank into the icy methane. After releasing the chamber those lifting it had difficulty pulling their boots free. In their efforts to release their feet they managed to smear quite bit of slush on their suits, besides pushing some deeper into the crevasses of their boots.

As the supplies were retrieved they were carried into the shuttle. None of them took any time to clean the sticky slush off of anything before placing it in the shuttle. The slush wasn't noticed because it didn't accumulate inside. Since it was a warmer environment, what landed on the deck quickly evaporated or ran into seams before evaporating.

Once the accessible supplies were recovered from the hibernation units everyone returned to the shuttle. After closing the hatch they took off their suits, and in the process shook off more of the sticky dirt onto the deck. They never noticed that the "dirt" rapidly disappeared after falling onto the deck.

"Did we get everything?" asked the leader.

"Not really. We should have enough though."

"What? Well we'd better have everything we need or you're going back out there to get it."

"There is no point in that. The chambers have sunk so far into the icy surface that the access panels are blocked. It won't be long until they are totally inaccessible, unless you want to dig them out. We were able to lift a few high enough to gain access to some critical items. Others had sunk too far into the surface for there to be anyway to reach the access doors. We should have the parts for at least two workable communications systems."

"What about the shuttle?" grumbled one of the men.

"Everything looks functional. There isn't any communications gear. The skid plates are sinking into the surface but not as fast as the hibernation chambers did. The propulsion system is functioning but we don't know its capabilities, or how far it will take us. It should be okay for getting us off of here, especially if we can do a vertical lift. If not, we'll disconnect the skid plates and leave them behind."

"Okay, let's put together the communication gear. We need send the other group a message before they set out toward the coordinates the Órarduine sent them. Also, we need to tell them how to find us as this shuttle may not get us very far."

"Yea," said another, "but before we worry about that we need to put some distance between the Órarduine and us."

"No. We will just move so that this asteroid is between us and them."

"That is too fucking risky."

"You going with us, or someone else?" There was silence. "Okay, let's get those transmitters put together and set up."

The Órarduine watched the man giving the orders bend down and pick up an object from one of the containers. "What the fuck are these doing here? These were supposed to be placed in the Órarduine ships."

"We agreed to not use those aerosol bombs. Some of us were certain that the Durale drug would turn them into willing slaves, just like we saw the Durale do with the people we sold them. It looked so easy to get those nice ships along with so much prime meat."

"That is true, but these bombs were to be set up so we could set them off remotely if something went wrong."

"Well it did go wrong. If we used these even we couldn't go into those ships without a suit, and it would take a lot of work to remove all the slop created by the decomposed bodies."

"You didn't listen to me. The stuff in those will turn a body into a puddle of slime in two days at the most, but the agent quickly dies without a biologically active host. That is why it has to be used so that it reaches its initial host immediately, then spread by contact. I ought to use one on you to show how well it works."

"I'm tired of your bullshit. Just try it and you will be the first one I breathe on."

"Cool it you two. Settle your differences later."

"You guys sure dragged a lot of crap in here with these items."

"It's just water and some dirt. Look, it just evaporates."


"So, how soon can we get off this rock?"

"We're working on it," said those on the flight deck. "There isn't a primary AI so we will be flying manually. Fortunately there is an emergency check list."

"Okay. What about the transmitters we recovered?"

"The power cells are dead. We'll power them from the ship."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Well first we need to find some tools and wire. If nothing else we can get some wire from an unused circuit. Someone needs to figure out where we can tap into the ships power while we modify these units."

It was a couple of hours later that the two from the flight deck came back into the cabin. "We're ready to go. What are you guys doing?"

"Rigging up a power source for our communications gear, the fucking batteries died. We need to get power to them from the ship. Why?"

"Well the way you are moving it will take forever."

"Fuck you. I've got a splitting headache. This is the last connection. If it holds then all we need to do is connect it to the ship."

"Well, I've got a headache too. We think we can lift off as soon as you are ready."

"Great. Let's get this connected so we can send the message."

The Órarduine watched as the man working on their communications system slowly lift the plug toward the receptacle. Just as it was about to enter the receptacle, the Security Teams in unison told the prisoners telepathically, "The asteroid is covered in frozen water and methane. Sweet dreams."

The two from the flight deck jumped for the man with the plug screaming, "NO!" In their panic, they forgot the lack of gravity and flew by their intended target, instead ramming several others near the gear causing them to lose their grip on the transmitter. Due to the jostling the plug partially missed its target. The hand holding the plug jerked on the cord, partially loosening it from the communications device. Seeing what was happening, one person slowly grabbed at the device to stabilize it while another tried to keep the cord from pulling loose as the plug finally mated with the receptacle.

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Ich stand vor der T?r der Nachbarin - ich wusste nicht einmal den Vornamen - in Windeln und gekleidet wie ein Baby. Und dazu mit einem Schnuller, der Sprechen unm?glich machte, und dicken Handschuhen, die zwar niedlich aussahen, aber das Benutzen der H?nde unm?glich machten. Ohne Hilfe konnte ich sie nicht ausziehen, und damit war ich so hilflos wie ich aussah, wie ein Baby. Ich konnte nicht einmal in mein Haus zur?ck, denn ich konnte die T?r nicht ?ffnen. Ich stand vor der T?r und ...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 47 Useless Titles

Hours later, Erik lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, his wife's sleeping body draped and cuddled atop his chest. The faint scent of their earlier lovemaking still hung in the air around them. "I shall never know what I have done to deserve this, but merci, mon Seigneur, merci beaucoup." He ran a gentle hand through his wife's wild mass of curls, brushing a few errant strands from her face. Smiling, he placed a soft kiss upon her forehead, which caused her to stir...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 31 The Rolling Lovemobile

By Christmas, I had received so many offers and calls from scouts and coaches from around the country, that even I was convinced that I would be able to play college soccer on a scholarship. Pick's offer sheet arrived, and he followed up with several phone calls. Florida was offering me a full scholarship, room and board, reimbursement for books and fees, plus an employment package that would pay me for working about ten hours a week in one of the stadium gift shops. I also got offers from...

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The Flower Growers

Amelia's husband had recently been made redundant and they were struggling to make ends meet, so when Amelia saw an ad in the local newspaper for the post of an assistant at a small flower growing farm she decided to apply. She had always loved growing stuff and had natural green fingers that enabled her to grow almost anything. She was offered an interview for the following day and so she got up extra early and attired herself in her best summer dress ready to meet the owner of the...

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AgainChapter 7

And we were back ... but not exactly where we went from. I was dressed as befit a young man of the age; Wendy was wearing her Audi fire suit ... the suit was blue ... the dragon tapestry was blue ... she did bear a startling resemblance to the dragon. I wonder how long before I let her live that down. Great Grand Children? Perhaps. "Time travel," she said and looked at the watch. "Impossible," I said. "But we did it," Wendy said. "You come up with a better explanation." "Physics...

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BlacksOnBlondes Vanessa Vox 02152022

Rico and Isiah are relaxing and watching the game discussing how they both hooked up with this hot brunette girl at the club last night. Isiah hooked up with his girl in the night club bathroom. Rico then replied that he hooked up with his girl in the nightclub parking lot. Then in mid conversation there was a ring at the door. Isiah got up and answered the door. He was super surprised that the girl at the door was the girl he hooked up with last night. She had a drink for him and said:...

2 years ago
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Sub basement dream

It was over.  It was exactly one year ago today I was planning a very serious, life altering experiment and that experiment has come to an end. One year... One year to find myself and figure out what the fuck I'm doing with my life. One year goes by really fast.Let's back up... Halloween 2011 I moved from New York to Philadelphia on a whim.  A man I barely knew offered me a chance.  A chance to get on my feet in a new city where I had no family and no friends... so grabbed that chance and ran...

4 years ago
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A Slice of Hell

Copyright 2012 JohnnyMax All participants in any sexual activities are over 18. ====================== Momma loved going to church. The pastor was one of those Fire and Brimstone preachers and momma thought the sun shone out of his ass. I thought what normally came out his ass was coming out of his mouth as well but I had to keep my mouth shut. My eighteenth birthday, got a Bible from momma, another one makes six she’s given me. Hey, I’ve even read bits of them seeing as momma don’t believe...

3 years ago
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Pregnant MomChapter 6

"David, I have a meeting with the attorney today so I will be gone most of the afternoon," my mother said as she came into the den where I was watching a ball game. "Okay, Mom, anything you want me to do today?" "The sink in my bathroom is leaking. I don't know if you can fix it, but I would love for you to look at it." "Sure. Probably just needs a new washer." "Thanks. I'll fix dinner when I get home." Mom came over and leaned over to give me a goodbye kiss. I'm not sure if...

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I regularly shave my man. It's hot, slippery.... and what woman doesn't like the idea of having a blade slide against her man's prized possessions? Especially when she is in control of it. Lol. It's just plain fun... and sexy. I'm all professional while handling his jewels. My problem is that I can't keep my hands or my mouth off him once we're almost done.I've found the most efficient way to shave his junk is as follows:1) A bucket of very hot water.2) Prepare your work area with ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼a....

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Making the RevolutionChapter 5

As the afternoon passed, the elders spoke of the Dreamtime. Thinking of the places along the Ord, the tawny frogmouth recited a story. “Once a man was making a dillybag [traditionally woven from the fibres of plant species of the Pandanus genus], called a bulbbe. The bulbbe was for carrying food when he went for his bush tucker. While he was making it, he saw a group of men coming. They were his enemies. They were going to spear him and kill him. He was scared, so he formed himself into a...

3 years ago
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Aid in Africa Part One Emily

PART ONE: EMILY (this is the first of three parts,each part will concentrate with one girl, though the second and third will include the preceding characters as well) The girls were excited. Their NGO had just tied up with an aid organization working in Africa for victims of human trafficking and drug addiction, and they had been selected by their head Mr Samuels for going there. It would be the first time Mandy, Emily and Trish went out of their country. They weren’t sure what exactly...

4 years ago
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Getting Kinky During Xmas Break

This is the true story of my 2005 Christmas holidays.For me, fall semester 2005 ended in a rather ominous fashion and the following Christmas break brought with it some rather kinky and strange new developments.Jackie, the girl from my high school who had been gangbanged by several of my fraternity brothers earlier that semester had become quite infatuated with me. (see A Frat House Party Turns to Gangbangs!!) Maybe it was the fact that I had watched but not participated in that gangbang...

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Somrita bhabhi

Hello ISS readers! I am back with another real story. This time I seduced a widow and fucked her. It was an amazing experience to seduce her in a rainy night. Now let me write out the details of arousing her. When I was around 18 years, I developed a penchant to get involved in sex especially with married girls. I used to read out sex-magazines, watch blue-films that multiplied my huger. When I reached the peak, I started to imagine about women. Whenever I saw a women passing by me or going...

3 years ago
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Tennis Bet 3

Tennis Bet 3 By Tennis Guy We finally were able to leave the shoe store - the girls at the register added again to my humiliation by giving me some kind of "Hosiery" card that with each pair of stockings or pantyhose purchased I got a stamp. "10 more pairs and you get one free, sweetie!" one told me. "Yeah - I don't think I'll be needing anymore," I said dripping with sarcasm. "Wanna bet?" she asked, bringing much laughter from Sue, Pam, and Amy. As we were leaving, Amy...

2 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 25

Britney: "Beth?" I admit that I was surprised. The afternoon had been full of surprises, but this one was a bit more than most. "The Confederacy ignores incest?" Oliver nodded. "Jack explained the reasoning behind it before the exercise -- but neither Beth nor I took him seriously. In the first place, there is apparently an almost universal attraction between a teenager and his or her parent of the opposite sex. There is already a bond of love and physical attraction comes fairly...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror Picture Show

I’m sitting there staring at my cock with nothing else to do. It’s still standing very proud and tall. The veins have subsided a bit since I’ve been able to cum, but the knob that is the head of my dick is still expanded out. I haven’t lost any of the expanded length of girth either. I’m ready for a good fuck. I want to follow her into the bedroom and lay her out flat on her back, but I’m very intrigued by the plan that she has in store for me. I’ve never seen her this intent on having...

3 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 6

Lori requested that both her mom and her had their lunch on the deck while Luke and her dad were at the bike park. The Brat Princess wanted the time with her mom to be somewhere just as special. The seldom used deck was venue. It was elevated and had an awning for protection from the weather. Being attached to the sunroom made the deck seem bigger than it actual size was to Lori. The deck's elevation along with their home being on a hilltop gave a great view of the Mon Valley. This...

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My Sisters WeddingChapter 4

We got to Toni's house about eight in the evening. It was still light out so we went to tell my parents the news of our getting married. Chris answered the door and smiled. "Ok, what happened?" asked Chris. Mom and dad came into the room. I had a sleeping Jessie in my arms. I looked over at Toni. She smiled and said, "We're getting married!" Chris's scream woke up Jessie. "I'm sorry Jessie but it's such good news. When are you two getting hitched? Do you want to get married on...

3 years ago
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Night Burglar PT 4 Jason Meets his Match

Jason replayed the video almost nightly and always had a explosive orgasm as he watched the eyes of Jennifer as she knew her last moments of life was near. At times Jason wished he could spend more time torturing his victims, but he would get so lost in his need to watch them die. Having his own little retreat afforded him the luxury of drastically shortening his time between victims and although he had just snuffed Cynthia and Jennifer last week, Jason was hoping to find more girls tonight. It...

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the librarian

LibrarianThat was this summer. I had very long relationship and last year i got ridden of it. So I sex occasionally wit various girls till then. One night this September I was very very tired of everything. Job went finally better and some private investing also, but I had being working for 14 hours a day at time. It was About 1 am in the morning and was just went of from long shower and about to lay down on my bad.The voice from the other side of cell phone was very pleasant, some kind of baby...

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The Innocent Cuckold

My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we seem to have hit a bit of a stale spot in the bedroom. We have never been very active sexually due in large part to my own inadequacies in both size and stamina. I'm not very big at all and I've never really been able to last very long when having sex but now that I'm nearing fifty years old, I'm much worse off than ever. I've had some medical issues which make it nearly impossible to get hard at all. Even enhancement drugs don't...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 6 Wednesday August 4 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 The receptionist for Gaylord Bishop, attorney-at-law, asked Jake’s party to take a seat in the waiting room. Jake sat next to Jan, gave her hand a squeeze, and sent her a surge of affection. She squeezed his hand back. After finishing with Shannon’s treatment, Jan and Jake had focused on each other, enjoying their first chance at physical intimacy since he and Ellen had gone to France. Jan had taken control of Jake’s arousal, letting him approach climax but not...

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One Long Hotel Stay

“Our bags should be at turnstile 3” Janet told Jim as she was still struggling to walk in a straight line, little lone find turnstile 3. Jim knew all of this already but let her take the lead so as not to upset the professional relationship. He couldn’t help but think about the tryst in the bathroom on the plane 25 minutes ago. “I’ll grab our bags while you get the paperwork for the rental car” Jim replied as he headed over to where the bags were dropping down from the conveyor belt. ...

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Desert DroppingChapter 12 What to feel

A warm breeze, a watch-worthy sunset, the sound of potential friends chatting in the distance, and my hand sweating profusely against Aaron Keslin's. I was having all sorts of issues. The last time I checked, I hadn't decided what I wanted to do about Aaron. I liked him, sure, but maybe that fact wouldn't have been so difficult to deal with if things weren't so... complicated. Here he was now, telling me that he didn't want to be my friend, and it wasn't in the schoolyard,...

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Travelling Wife Leaves Husband A Pleasant Surprise

Xavier always worried whenever Susan was on the road. He used to travel for work quite a bit himself. He remembered what it was like. He remembered what happens to a man's frame of mind when he's away from home, living out of a suitcase, alone in his hotel room. Plus, there's just something about being in a hotel room that always made him so damn….frisky. It was that whole 'What Happens In Vegas' kind of thing. It didn't help that Susan was so striking. Xavier loved to go out with Susan, to...

Wife Lovers
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 12 The Sirens Song

Wednesday, July 21, 1971 Kalani was propped up on one elbow as she lightly ran her fingertips across my chest. Of all the ways to wake up, this was one of my favorites. I could really feel her love, and I just wanted to lie there and bask in its warm glow. “Good morning, your majesty” I smiled as I greeted her. “Good morning, my prince,” she replied. “I shall miss having you by my side today.” “Truthfully, neither you nor Mikeya need me there. And there is so much I can do in other ways...

1 year ago
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I let my room mate fuck me

I am not gay first of all I just love inserting something in my ass whenever possible. i do this all the time even when I am in class. i remember when I was 18 years I store my vibrator and inserted it in my ass. i went to class only to cum when I was flirting with this girl. she laughed at me saying she made me cum without even touching me. i knew off course she was not the one the vibrator in my ass was. on this day my roommate comes in the room frustrated. Her girl did not allow him to fuck...

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Aching for some Red Hot Pie tonight? Shit, I feel you because it feels like it’s been hours since I last ejaculated into an old gym sock. Seriously, though, the pandemic was a bad time for trying to find some poon on the Internet, but it seems like the clouds are finally starting to lift. Maybe you’re vaccinated, or perhaps you just never gave a fuck, but either way, I think it’s about time to get back into the game.To that end, might have precisely what you’re looking for. As...

Hookup Sites
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Late Night Gym Session

I consider myself in good shape. I lift four days a week and do cardio the other three; I won’t win any Mr. Universe titles but you can see each of my abs. I am strong and toned at about six feet tall. I weigh in at a lean 175 with short brown hair and 28 years of age. I have never had problems with the ladies either. I had a serious girlfriend of about two years at the time of that night. I was on my second day of a long business trip in an unfamiliar city. On some trips, my girlfriend came...

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Our young adventures

I met my wife when she was still at s****l and me being s*******n I was only aloud to see her when ever it was okay with her parents which at first was not that often. We met at a very well know holiday camp in Skegness where I was on a 2 week work placement and my wife was on holiday with her mate. It was my second week there and I was still feeling rather horny considering my first conquest had gone back home from the first week with me promising to call her and her leaving with her belly...

2 years ago
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Afflicted Chapters 1 – 15 Disclaimer:  *****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18, or who lives in an area where this sort of material is illegal, should read any further.  Also, if you are looking for a quick fix, this is not the story for you and you should STOP reading immediately. Disclaimer: This story contains graphic descriptions of sex, violence, rape, non-consensual imprisonment and torture.  It is definitely NOT for anyone who is offended by such...

2 years ago
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Using You Part One

The Hotel is upmarket and quiet – I use it frequently, and you know it well. You enter the hotel room and kneel before me – wearing a demure cardigan, blouse and long skirt. I like the idea of you travelling to meet me looking like everyone else, but being so much more. The idea, that people on the bus that you have caught think you are just coming home from work, when in fact you are going to a rendezvous to have your tits, cunt and anal cavity variously tormented. I stare deeply into your...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 60 Can We Take A Step Back Please

March 25, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to talk to you earlier,” I said to Mom when I arrived home. “I understand. You’re home a bit early.” “There really wasn’t anything playing at the movies we wanted to see. We’re going to have breakfast tomorrow and spend the day together. We’ll be at Vespers, though to prevent any explosions I’ll drop her at home so she can come to church with her family.” “I talked to your grandfather on her behalf,” Mom said. “I think...

4 years ago
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I Big Banged the Theory P1 The Amy experiment

CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123Dr Amy Farrah Fowler was sat at the bar as i strolled in for drink, and after ordering one myself, i glanced her way and realised who she was."HI there! Are you Dr Amy Farrah Fowler the Nobel prize winner?" i asked."Yes. Yes i am!" she replied smiling back at me."Wow! I've never met a Nobel prize winner before! You must be really smart?" i then said smiling back at her."Well, the Nobel prize win does kind of suggest that!" she replied back with a grin."And your...

1 year ago
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Calcutta servant girl

Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or U can post your feedbacks in iss feedback forum. Enjoy the story. We’d been two years living in Calcutta when my life changed forever. My husband, peter, was a high-tech hired gun who’d been brought in by a powerful new Indian computer conglomerate to straighten out the problems that...


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