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I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn’t expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us s**ttered around the auditorium. But that didn’t stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room.

I shouldn’t complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing butt. I can’t be the only girl to notice how he clinches his buns as he writes on the dry erase board. Yummy. I could just imagine kneeling down behind him and undoing his belt, pulling down his slacks and boxers, then running my hands over those buns of steel. Fuck.

Usually watching him gives me the low down tingles, but I’ve been on edge all week so today it was giving me a low down full-on itch. Good thing I came prepared. I kept my baby blue eyes on the teacher, but my hand slipped into the pocket of my magic pants, or what was left of my pocket. Instead of touching lint lined cloth my slender fingers caressed firm, naked flesh. I had cut the pocket right out of my loosest fitting jeans last spring after I heard about a boy who did it to wank himself at the movies.

Why should guys have all the fun?

My fingers brushed through the bristly dark hair of my bush and touched my pussy-lips. I usually do this at night in front of the mirror in my bedroom. I love to watch myself and imagine other people watching ‒ and yes, lately my fantasy audience were people like Gwen and my b*****r Andy. Since our encounter earlier this year they had featured in my fantasies a lot.

It was tough because I had listened to Gwen crushing on my big b*****r for years. Now that I’ve seen them in action, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. Both of them. Gwen had apparently not been lying about the size of ‘the b**st’ that she raved about. Thinking of Andy, my loving b*****r, using his massive tool on me was a recurring fantasy even before they started hooking up. But now I can’t look at Gwen in the same way. She had her tongue in my cunt! I’ve loved her like a s****r for years, but now … now I want to have a taste of her.

God I’m so fucked up. No wonder I’m going to be a Psych major.

But with Gwen on a f****y trip for another month, and Andy was back home working like twenty hours a day this summer, I’m not going to get to act on those fantasies for awhile … if ever.

My fingertip brushed over my big clit, bringing me back to the class room. This was the first time I’ve been so blatant about Jilling off in public. I had fantasized about this so many times the past few weeks. Now with the lights in the auditorium low and no one within ten seats of me I stroked my fingers over my lips and mound, uninhibited by fear, concern, or panties.

My curvy, young legs parted under the desk and my middle finger found my nubbin again, that special spot I imagine all girls love. My bright eyes watched Dr. Mallory’s buns of steel as he once again wrote on the board as my finger began to slowly rub and stroke and massage my little clit.

I slumped a little more in my seat to make my pussy more available. My eyes lost focus, and probably got glassy while my fingers clawed my now stiff clit. My thighs opened farther and I slipped one naughty finger into my juicy fuck-hole. God it had been so long since I had anyone else touch me like this. Since I had break up sex with Shawn just after Prom. Sex with Shawn was never great with a capital ‘G,’ but it was nice. And he shot so much cum…

‘Karl Jung.’ The clear voice rang through my sex thoughts and I looked a row back and to my left to see Linda Jennings answering some question.

I’m kind of new to crushing on girls, but whenever I see Linda in the locker room after our swim class on Tuesday / Thursday, I get that old Katy Perry song running through my head. I’m pretty sure I would like it.

With my slender finger inside my pussy and my thumb on my stiff, clit I slowly, very slowly rolled my hips. My pussy responded by turning and twisting on my finger and thumb. The creamy, dreamy sensations I liked so much filled my cunny as my fantasies of Linda’s hand on my hot box took Dr. Mallory’s place. I thought of running my hands over Linda’s big breast and hips, then down to her shaved box.

My breathing quickened as I got hot, and my firm young tits began to rise and fall a little faster in my tight T-shirt. Thank God I was wearing a denim vest today or everyone would see my high-beams flashing. My nostrils flared and I felt my pretty face flush slightly. I slid my middle finger inside then a third filling my box. A familiar tickle started up, deep in my belly, and I started moving my fingers and thumb in time with the rolling of my hips. That’s it Linda, I thought lost in the fantasy, fuck me lover.

A second later, my body froze in the seat and my mouth fell open. I fought back a gasp as I worked my fingers in and out of my cunt and rubbed my clit hard. With no one the wiser, I came wetly on my naughty fingers. I sat there for a while lost in the pleasure of cumming in a room of people with no one knowing. When the bell sounded, I snapped back to reality and pulled my wet fingers out of my pocket and quickly wiped them on my jeans. Then I shut my laptop, noticing my notes for this lecture were non-existent, and shoved it in my bag. Grabbing my books to my chest I got to my feet and shuffled to the aisle.

I was at the door of the lecture hall when I heard someone call out, ‘Robin? Hey Robin?’ I looked back and saw that it was Linda waving at me. We talk some in the locker room before and after swim class since our lockers were right next to each other, but this was the first time she seemed to notice me in this class. I waited at the door and she caught up saying, ‘Hi, locker buddy.’

‘Hey girl. What’s up?’ I stopped short of the outer vestibule, not ready to face the hot sun. Linda stood next to me, trying to stay out of the way of the others leaving.

‘Well, this is lame of me since this is the first time we’ve talked outside of the Nat, but you have a car, right? I mean, you don’t live on campus?’

‘Uh, yeah?’ I was living in Andy’s apartment until the fall when Gwen and I would move in to the dorms for our Freshman year.

‘So, I have to get to the bus station to go home for the long weekend, and my ride fell through, and I don’t have money for a taxi. Is there any way I could beg a ride off you?’

Wow, I didn’t see that coming. ‘Okay. Uh, sure, no problem. When is your bus?’

‘I have to be at the bus station by five, but if you are leaving now I’d just need to pick up my bags at my dorm.’

‘It’s fine. I have a 3 o’clock class. I was just going to hang out at the library.’

‘Cool. Since you’re helping me out, can I treat you to lunch at the dining hall?’

‘As long as ‘lunch at the dining hall’ means ‘mochas at Starbucks, ‘ then fine.’ I said and we finally went out into the steamy summer day.

‘He really never gave you the ‘big O’? Here, try these with that.’ Linda fastened a pearl necklace around my neck as I modeled one of the dresses she let me try on in front of her mirror. Linda was a little wider than me, but the stretchy fabric still clung in all the right places.

‘He was okay, but never made my toes curl.’ I said turning so I could see my butt in the mirror. My boobs are a nice C cup, my chestnut hair is always bouncy with lots of body, and I know my face is pretty, but I think my bubble butt is my best feature. Linda had laughed when I blushed about not having any panties on and made a joke about having seen it all before. Now I was glad I had no panties on so the black material clung to my cheeks with no lines to distract from my smakable ass.

There was a scent of the Orient about Linda’s dorm room from the three candles she had lit – heady but comforting. Her mother was an interior decorator and instead of posters and Target furnishings, her room was filled with framed prints, cushions and plush rugs that caressed my toes. Linda had a room to herself because she served as an RA for the summer sports camps that came to campus. But since it is a holiday week, her floor was almost deserted.

We had been relaxing enjoying some girl-talk over Frappuccinos, comparing music on our phones, until Linda started repacking. That led me to peeping at her cloths and before I knew it I was trying things on. Now her papasan chair had my clothes and stuff piled on it and I was wearing this LBD that was to die for.

It was crazy how easy it was to talk with Linda. Being a commuter pre-frosh student had made it hard to meet many people. All my friends from high school were back home goofing off after our Senior year. Meanwhile I had elected to get some Gen Eds out of the way, so it had been a lonely semester at my new school without any friends around. Here was someone I had chit-chatted with for a few weeks, but I felt closer to her than anyone besides Gwen. We liked the same music, the same movies, the same books and were still finding out about what else we liked.

Now we were bonding over crappy men. Linda had told me about braking up with her cheating boyfriend last month, and I had told her about how Shawn dumped me after Prom because he didn’t want to even try the long distance thing. Of course the subject of sex came up and I told her how I had never really cum hard with him ‒ carefully avoiding any mention of Gwen and Andy and the mind blowing orgasm I had with them.

‘I hear you honey.’ Linda belly flopped on her bed and was kicking her feet slowly back and forth softly booting her own butt. I couldn’t figure out how she had so much room to move since her jeans were almost painted on, but more than once I caught myself looking at her tight backside as her heel lightly rebounded off a cheek. I’m such an ass girl today, I thought. Then Linda dropped a bombshell, ‘The only lover I have ever had who could really ring my bell without detailed directions was this chick, Zoey.’

‘Holly shit, are you gay?’ I asked shocked.

‘I wish. I think it would be easier if I was. No I was just experimenting. You’ve never tried?’ Linda replied.

‘I’m not a lesbian,’ I said, firmly, and then felt ashamed of myself for saying it. After all hadn’t I just been fantasizing of her in class? Then I thought of that night, and the feel of Gwen’s tongue tentatively tasting me, about the fantasies I had entertained about her before and after that night. I AM fucked up.

‘No shame in trying out the home team, Robin.’ she replied, a little frostily. ‘Anyway, how do you know you’re not? Deep down? You were the one saying guys hadn’t really rocked your world’

‘I … I’m sorry, Linda,’ I sighed. ‘Shit you’re right. Maybe I’d really get off if I went that way. It’s not like I haven’t thought about it.’

‘Maybe you should just test the waters before diving in,’ she suggested her dark eyes meeting mine and holding my gaze steady.

‘How do I do that?’ I blushed as I said it, feeling a pleasantly warm glow between my thighs.

‘You find someone you can trust who is interested.’

I stood silent looking at the floor, not sure how to move things where I wanted them to go. But Linda took care of that by asking, ‘Do you trust me?’

‘I don’t know. Should I?’

‘You should.’ she said with a quiet laugh. Linda stood up and walked towards me. She was around 5’5′ like me, but had a more athletic build and full D cups with Hershey Kiss nipples that I had admired in the locker room shower. Her black hair was cut in a page boy that swayed around her face.

I stood like a manikin in her black dress and pearls saying nothing. I remember Aallyah’s ‘Choosey Lover’ was playing softly from her phone. All I could do was stand there and wonder, will she choose me?

Linda came toward me with her arms spread wide, letting me know to expect a hug from her, and hug me she did. She held me very tight and when she moved back just slightly, our faces were only a few inches apart.

‘How are you doing so far?’ she asked.

‘Oh, okay. Good. I mean it’s good.’ I stammered. Then, before I could change my mind, she planted one on me. Right on the lips. Her lips were very full and felt so very sensuous pressed against mine. I was surprised, and a little scared, but a pleasant feeling of warmth rolled over me as the kiss went on.

Linda pulled away very slowly, as if our lips did not wish to part. I could feel her breasts pressed to mine as she looked at me, smiling. Then I realized I was smiling back at her. She leaned in again and I shut my eyes, shivering slightly. Then I felt her lips brush mine soft like a feather. Her warm breath broke against my face as she asked, ‘What do you think?’

I said, ‘Linda … I…’

She smiled at me and put her arms around me. ‘It’s OK Robin, I was scared my first time too.’

She let her hands stroke up and down my back while I held her tight. Our lips came together again this time with more passion from both of us. I felt her hand slide around to my breast, while her tongue was dancing in my mouth. I slid my hands down her back and squeezed her trim little ass.

It felt like time stopped, as we swayed together, kissing and fondling. My heart was beating really fast and I just kept thinking, Oh God, don’t let me mess this up. I’d been peeping at this young hotty for weeks now and here she was feeling me up.

‘Don’t tease me woman’ I whisper in her ear as she leaned into me, making us rest against the closet door. ‘You don’t know what you’re starting.’

‘I think I know.’ she said while running her fingers through my chestnut locks. ‘For weeks I could tell there was a raging sexpot just waiting to get out.’ she whispered.

She kissed my ear and then the little scar under my chin. Then my neck … lightly at first, nibbling on the pearls she had put on me. I could smell her, clean, fresh with a slight musk that could only be her body chemistry. As she kissed the top of my chest, just above my breast, I grasped for breath. Linda looked up into my eyes and noticed my lip trembling slightly. Is this desire or fear? I couldn’t say for sure myself.

‘Are you sure you want this. You can tell me to stop at any time Robin. I mean it, Jesus, you’re shaking’ She says, hugging me close.

‘No. YES. I mean, I may be in over my head. I’ve had fantasies of you and me together, fantasies about other girls, but I just have no idea what I’m doing here’ I could feel a tear slip down my cheek and felt so embarrassed.

‘Hey, come on now…’ She said pushing me back to arms length, ‘this is me you’re talking to. We are friends from here on out no matter what, you know. After all, I don’t let just anyone try on my clothes.’ I laughed and she rubbed the tears from my face. ‘I want you more than anything right now, but I have no problem doing without.’

‘Don’t be silly’ I said. ‘I’m a big girl, I can handle it. And I like what’s happened so far.’ I take her hand and pull us slowly back until I feel my legs hit the bed. I released her hand and reached back to unzip the dress. She pushed the hem up over my waist and I raised my arms as she brought the black material over my head, leaving me only in her pearls.

‘So tell me,’ Linda said looking at my naked body for the first time, ‘why didn’t you have panties on today.’

God could this be more embarrassing? ‘I was … I was touching myself … in Psych class.’

‘Oh you naughty girl.’ She laughed and kissed me, pushing me back onto her bed. ‘Do you do that often?’

‘No. This was the first time.’

Linda looked lustily at my body and said, ‘Lots of firsts today.’

I reclined on the bed with Linda bent over me, gathering my hands above my head. She kissed my small mouth, gently at first, adding her tongue again only when invited. My God, the smell of this woman is intoxicating. She smiled and sat back, starting to undo her shirt. I could feel myself relaxing … willing and ready to experience the pleasure she had in store for us.

Linda unhooked her bra and slipped out of the shoulder straps, but held the cups over her chest. ‘It was when I saw you checking out these a few weeks ago,’ she said lightly juggling her full breasts, ‘that I knew this would happen someday.’ I sat up and pulled the bra from her. Before she could react I licked her hard nipple and she responded with a mumbled groan. As I manipulated her stiffened flesh with my tongue, I could feel the excitement shooting between us.

With a light push I fell back on the bed and Linda was there kissing me again. My hands were on her back and then I slid them lower, lower, gripping her young buns. Suddenly I needed to get the denim off her and touch her skin to skin. I reached between us to release the button on her jeans. They were so tight it took both of us pulling and tugging to get them down over her flaring hips, legs, and finally off.

This time I voluntarily lay back, with my arms over my head and waited to see what she would do. After kicking off her panties she knelt on the bed and bent over to put her lips on my thigh. Slowly and wetly she kissed her way back up to my stomach. When she passed the area around my mound, my body responded … unable to remain still. Muscles tense at the pleasure to come.

Linda used her hand to lightly touch the hair atop my sweet pussy. She softly pet the kinky brown hair covering my clit as if to hide a treasure. She let her finger gently glide over my pussy lips, occasionally slipping inside to feel my wetness. I was so excited at that point, I just had to kiss her sweet mouth once more. I gave her a long stroking kiss … one meant to show her how serious this was.

‘Don’t stop’ I breathed into her mouth as she knelt over me on her twin bed. She responded by moving back down, kissing my neck, then suckling at my breasts with such intensity that I knew that she was as into this as I was. Then she was down between my legs and I felt her part my lower lips with her tongue. Linda traced the contours of my most private parts, paying special attention to my big nubbin. She touched all the right spots and I decided that she has the sweetest mouth I’ve ever known.

Linda slid her tongue to circle my clit several times while her strong fingers entered me. Only one finger at first, slowly, gently, moving in and out, feeling me inside. Then another eased into my fuck hole. ‘I love your big clitty.’ Linda said before she used her full lips to gently grasp my red, swollen, clit and give it a slight tug, touching its tip with the tip of her tongue. When she released me, she licked down from my clit down to my seeping hole using a slow swirling motion.

Her big brown eyes looked up at me from between my curvy young legs and I was so overwhelmed. As her tongue and fingers danced over me I crushed her bedspread in my white knuckled grip and I cried out. ‘Oh God … Oh God … what are you doing to me? I knew you would be like this … AAAhhhhhhh … Oh Baby. Don’t stop … please,’ I pleaded. The music stopped as the play-list ended and now the only noises in the room were my moans as she pushed me past my first orgasm and the wet sounds of her mouth playing in my box.

God I was so wet … she showed me how wet when she lifted her pretty young face an inch above my pussy. A string of my girl cum connected the tip of her tongue to my nubbin. She went back down on me and then I felt her long tongue slide down past her thrusting fingers to lick my taint. My legs spread involuntarily and then she was spreading my juices and her saliva over my asshole. ‘Ohhhh Fuuuuck!’ I screamed.

My breath was coming in ragged gasps and the tickle in my belly was intensifying again, telling me soon, soon I’ll cum again. When she slipped her tongue back into my box, I f***efully grabbed her black hair and pulled her into me. She latched back on my swollen nub and what followed was a frantic mash of my thrusting hips and her hungry mouth.

At times, I was pulling her head into me, as if to devour her within myself while waves of pleasure crashed over me. At other times, I tried to push her away, but she held onto my firm butt cheeks and gave me no relief. My mind was blank. I heard myself crying out in a mixture of agony and pleasure. Then, finally, as she fucked me hard with three wriggling fingers, I screamed in pure ecstasy.

When I could start to think again, I could feel my walls still spasming against her moving fingers, as Linda slowly caressed my insides, extending my pleasure. After languishing for what felt like an eternity I looked down to see her chin propped on my bush. Her eyes sparkled and her entire face glistened with my juices.

My hair was clinging to my perspiring forehead and I realized a moist sheen covered my entire body. I pulled her up next to me and rolled on my side to cuddle against her sizable bosom. ‘That was incredible.’

‘Does that mean you are going to go gay?’ Linda asked running her hand through my hair.

‘Mmmm, maybe not gay, but I’m definitely doing that again.’ I said tracing the ridge of her nearest nipple with my finger.

‘Oh, and don’t I get a say in that?’

‘Who said I was going to do it with you?’

‘You bitch!’ she said smacking my exposed butt.

Laughing I rolled over on top of Linda, pinning her to the bed and straddling her as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Her hands ran down my body as I took the dominant position.

We were both smiling and she giggled a bit as she playfully squeezed my young ass. I took time to examine how her wide hips lead up to her trim waist in a perfect arc. My hand tracked over her belly, that is concave while she is on her back, and up to her dewy breasts. She’s not one of those scary skinny sorority chicks, this is a real woman. Strong, yet soft, clean and natural.

My eyes left her for a second and looked at Linda’s alarm clock. 3:40. ‘Oh shit, I missed my class!’

‘Really?’ Linda asked twisting beneath me to look at the clock. ‘Sorry.’

‘I’m not.’ I said leaning over to kiss her. ‘What time do you have to be at the bus station?’

‘They said around five. But I need to shower.’

‘So we don’t have time for more?’ I asked cupping her pillowy breasts and tweaking the full tips of her conical nipples.

‘Mmmmm … you could shower with me.’

‘Sounds like fun.’


Since there were no sports camps going on this week, the dorm floor was understandably deserted as we walked from Linda’s room to the bathroom. I could feel Linda’s eyes burning into me as I put a little more swing to my walk so she could appreciate my tight buns in the purple shorty shorts she lent me. She grabbed my empty hand and pulled me into the bathroom, back to her favorite shower stall.

I tossed the towels on the rack and pulled the curtain shut over the dressing room part of the shower stall. When I turned around Linda wasted no time pulling off the tank-top and shorts she lent me and tossed them aside on the narrow bench. I slid her terrycloth robe off her shoulders and hung it up over my clothes. Before I could turn back she stepped close and hugged me from behind. I loved the feel of our smooth and silky skin brushing against each other. I tried to imagine that satin like feel with a man, but just couldn’t.

Linda sniffed my hair and neck, giving me chills before her tongue licked my flushed skin. Twisting in her arms I moved so we could be face to face. I breathed in Linda’s delicious scent for a moment before my mouth found hers. While we kissed, she pulled me into the shower area. I reached back and turned the water on – warm but not too hot. Once the water warmed up, we immersed ourselves under the stream of the shower, water cascading over her back and onto my shoulders.

‘Mmmm … just the way I like it.’ Linda mumbled against my lips. She bent down and took one of my breasts in her mouth. Her tongue tickled around my nipple, sending shivers down my spine despite the warm water that cascaded over my back, bringing a rosy hue to my young skin.

Suddenly we both stiffened as we heard sounds outside the shower. Someone was in the bathroom! Instead of stopping Linda continued to suckle my nipple. A beautiful woman worshiping my body while someone was only a shower curtain away from discovering us gave me a crazy thrill. I opened my mouth, moaning silently when she took my other breast in her mouth.

Linda’s hands began to follow the water and roam down my back, over my butt, down my legs, her fingers reaching around in-between my inner thighs. I pushed her against the pale green tile, giving into the desire for the feelings she brings out in my body. She responded to my movement by grinding against me creating a delicious friction. Her hands crawled over her back, fingernails tracing a design down my spine. Her sweet young face hovered in front of me, black hair plastered to her scalp, and diamond drops of water dotting her cheeks. Her mouth found mine again and we kissed, tangling our tongues around each other.

After a flush and the bathroom door closing I reached up and angled the shower-head down, so it was spraying over our heads. Dragging my nails lightly over her skin I sank down to a kneeling position. I gazed up at her, looking over the rolling hills and valleys of her body, to her dark eyes that gleamed with lust. Still holding her eyes, I thrust my tongue between her wet lips and tasted a woman for the first time.

Burying my head into Linda’s smooth slit I fucked my tongue deeper into her clutching hole and tasted her juice. She was a little tangier than me, but yummy. Her eyes close and a guttural moan slipped from her lips. Linda’s legs quivered and I felt her bracing against the walls of the shower stall. I could imagine the waves of pleasure pulse through her as I explored her like she had so recently done to me. Then all of a sudden she was pushing me away, and pulled me back up her body.

‘No time for us to go separately’ she whispered.

Her fingers deftly found my aching clit. My fingers danced around her hairless mound until she moaned breathlessly as I found her nubbin. We rubbed each other, pushing against each other, setting up a wonderful rhythm.

This being my first time with a woman I followed her lead. She slid two fingers inside me, I slid two into her. The heel of her hand rubbed circles on my clit, I did the same to her. Then I took the initiative, dropping my other hand down to her ass. I clutched and kneeded the firm wet cheek. My face was buried in her neck where I nipped and licked her smooth skin.

As our passion increased our fingers thrust in and out, hard, fast, in a well matched rhythm. Wave after wave of pure ecstasy rolled through me, through her. I couldn’t tell where I ended and she begun.

‘Oh God. So good.’ I whispered. I was so close to coming, I couldn’t stand it. So close, so close. But I wanted us to come together, so I f***ed myself to calm down a little. I could tell, even though she hadn’t cum like I did earlier, she wasn’t ready yet. I leaned forward suckling at her puffy nipple. She arched her back and I could feel her clutching flesh pulse against my invading fingers. This was what I was waiting for. I pumped harder than ever, adding a diget, so that three of my fingers were inside her. I wiggled my middle finger in a beckoning motion, finding her G-spot. This additional stimulation put Linda over and I let myself go, cumming together, rocking and gasping silently as our orgasms overtook us.

Spent, we looked at each other, lust and friendship binding us together. I pulled my fingers out of Linda, and she gasped before she leaning in to kiss me. Her fingers left me as we kissed gently, hugging in the cascade of water. Then she pulled away.

Linda grabbed her shower poof and spread white musk body wash over it while I adjusted the spray. ‘May I wash your back, my lady?’ She offered. I turned and let her soap me up. Then I took my turn and washed every inch of her. I wanted to kiss every part as I clean it, but I knew we didn’t have time. Instead I stood with our soapy bodies pressed tight, swaying slightly so our nipples rubbed teasingly against each other, and said, ‘Promise me that we can do this again after you get back.’

She kissed me and whispered, ‘You bet your ass bitch.’

The wind was blowing through my open car windows as I watched Linda’s bus finally pull away. Between several intense good-bye kisses that almost made her miss the bus, we had made plans for a ‘study’ date Monday at her room since the dorm would be mostly deserted until the next summer camp started. Still, long after the taillights disappeared I was sitting behind the wheel, fingering the pearls Linda had insisted I keep on, and thinking about how much my life had changed in one afternoon.

I had sex with a girl. I had a new friend. I had sex with a girl! In someways it was a bigger change than when I lost my virginity to a boy. At least everyone expects that. And I wanted to do it again. Still, I knew I wasn’t gay. Shawn might have been a dud, but I do like guys and what they can bring to the party. There was one guy in particular that I was obsessing over that summer. One guy, and one girl.

I fucked a girl and I loved it. Who would have thought that masturbating in public would become the second craziest thing I would do today? Of course the day wasn’t over. I had time to do one more crazy thing before I lost my nerve.

Taking a deep breath I dialed her number from memory. As I waited for her to pick up I kept playing with the pearls, running their smooth surface between my fingers. Finally she picked up and I said, ‘Hi Gwen, can we talk?’

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Hello Pussycat Hermione clutched the small handbag tightly as she entered the hotel. She had to walk slowly, and on her toes, because she had never developed the skill of walking in ridiculously tall heels like these; being a little drunk didn’t help either. Fortunately her belly dancing classes had taught her how to undulate as she walked, which helped her keep balance as long as she kept her hips and shoulders moving in opposite directions at the right time. Somewhere behind her someone...

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Pussyboy, Part 1By Greg Stone Part 1Greg peered over the menu to check out the young waiter working the lunch tables. He'd wanted to avoid the noise of the business lunch crowd on a Friday, so he was at this trendy little place filled mostly with students. The menu didn't interest him, but the fair-haired young man breezing between the tables did.He looked about twenty, with a small build and rather effeminate mannerisms. The highly styled hair and close-fitting clothes suggested a...

2 years ago
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Alien Pussycat

Alien Pussycat 1.Alien Pussycat?By: Arnold Puttwyn ? 2006  ???? The story of a future time when colonists from The Earth return to capture primitive natives and using surgery and retro-gene splicing with advanced medical care create exotic pets.? ??? Neela Parker?s whole world nearly ended when her father unexpectedly died.? She had no future, no ambition, and no life, but when she was made over into a pet catgirl she found herself.  Neela ???? Neela Parker pulled her, thin faded black...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 5 The Children of the Owl and the Pussycat

(Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to all of us that are slightly different. Or, as Mr. Lear so eloquently put it, are "partly little beasts and partly little fowl.") The Children of the Owl and the Pussycat Our mother was the Pussycat, our father was the Owl; and so we're partly little beasts and partly little fowl. The brothers of our family have feathers and they hoot. While all the sisters dress in fur and have long tails to boot. We all believe that little mice, for food are...

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Just Next Door to the Pink Pussycat

"You know what we called it when I was in high school? Huh?"Beaver, for Christ's sake. Sounds silly now even just to say it."I was sitting in my editor's office. He was ranting and raving as usual. Probably his boss had been on his case about something and he was taking it out on me."After that, all of a sudden it's Squirrel. Can you believe that? 'Squirrel this,' and 'Squirrel that.' 'Hey, man, I got me some SQUIRREL this weekend.'" Shaking his head. "If you got a look up a chick's mini-skirt...

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Ebony Pussyland

There were only two problems, she knew she drove the boys wild, even the male teachers, she became rather flirty in a raunchy way which she became known as a slut. Problem two, I was shy, I was the quiet one. I was the biggest kid in school as in the tallest, the strongest, I was borderline with the popular crowd, Emily's group, only becuse none of the older guys could beat me up and feared me when they heard I was after them or even when we met on the courts and fields of various...

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Niki and the Pussybusters

The simultaneous gulp from both of us was audible around the dinner table. An assembled group of 3 work colleagues with partners had joined us for dinner at our new home and the meal was going really well until that question. We had a prepared answer, of course, but it always seemed to catch us out. “It wasn’t really me Enzos Niki fancied at first. A close friend of mine was into her when we first met but I realised she was meant for me.” “I met Grant when he was invited...

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Fucking Hot White Married PussyPT6

Jack's cock was by no means small, measuring a good eight and a half inches when fully erect. He heard a giggle to his right and realized Elaine was standing next to them. "My goodness, daddy," she said, "I had no idea you were so well equipped. You certainly make Paul look small in comparison. Mom, I'm jealous of you," she giggled again.Lisa jiggled Jack's cock at her daughter. "Then help yourself, sweetie," she said, her voice thick with lust. Elaine hesitated. "I don't know . . ." she said,...

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Fucking Hot White Married PussyPT5

Tyler sat up in bed next to his wife, unable to get back to sleep in the early dawn. Beside him, Monica lay sleeping naked on her stomach, the blanket shrugged off down to the swell of her buttocks. In the breaking light of dawn, Tyler could just make out the ornate black spade tattoo that was centered just above the crack of her gorgeous ass, a gift from her black master, Ron. Well, not quite a gift. Ron had instructed Monica to get the tattoo, but ever the dutiful husband, Tyler had...

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Fucking Hot White Married PussyPT4

Tyler realized he was holding his breath as he watched his young fiancée press her open mouth between the legs of the stunning black-haired beauty. Monica's tongue flicked over the engorged clitoris, standing stiff and erect like a hard little penis peeking out from the clitoral hood that could no longer contain it. Kerry made a purring noise as she licked, reaching out with both hands to press Monica's face firmly against her slick, hairless pussy. Then she used her hands to rub Monica's mouth...

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Fucking Hot White Married PussyPT2

Garrett Jackson drank his morning coffee while sitting in the comfortable club chair in his living room. He had an unobstructed view of the city, but he wasn't focused on the scenery. Instead, he mused about his recent entry into a world of young white wives and their cuckold husbands. He'd been seeing Elaine, the tiny redheaded extrovert, for nearly a month. At first, they had only been intimate when Elaine's husband Paul was present and therefore able to watch. Lately, however, Elaine had...

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Expert CockSucker PussyEaterPT2

"You are a natural born cocksucker, Charlie," my wife said, as she finally pulled the spit-covered rubber dick from my tortured throat, giving my face a wet smack for good measure with the meaty appendage. "I had no idea what a fucking whore you were. I hate to think your talent for giving head has gone so long unexplored. Now it's time to up the ante a little, my pet."She moved down between my legs and bent over, her mouth only inches from my raging boner, the angry purple head swollen and...

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You in Bitch dom instructions to pussyboys

You in Bitch – dom instructions to pussyboysOnline instructions from a dom to his sissy pussyboy.O.K cunt! Enough of this on-line shit! Time to put your mouth where mycock is! You've told me about your sleazy desires and fantasies, and your nasty needto be dominated. Either we're going to do something about it, or you canjust fuck off! I don't have time for pussy boys who don't followthrough. I've been thinking about what I'd like to do to you! Heregoes! I'm gonna get a hold of as many rough...

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Beer And PussyBois

Sudden bursts of roars and cheers startled me. I suppose it was another touchdown. They were all drinking while watching a football game on TV and behaving the way dominant men do."Get me another beer, Faggot!" One of them yelled across the room. He was drunk."Get me one too, Fag." They laughed at me knowing full well I would obey. My skimpy cheer leader outfit and five inch high heels put me in my place among these masculine, demanding jocks. The intimidation was overwhelming. Smacked on the...

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Jiv 8211 My Official Pussylicker

Jiv desired me for long time, I could see in his eyes. He had a special look into his eyes, they say a lot to me, but he didn’t at least not initially. I admired my own hips. I know that they are perfectly shaped- it’s slightly bigger compared to my body or age and the best thing is that it was a perfect round without any stretch marks. I overheard some guys in metro “the bitch hides a pair of Tanpura under her tights”. When I walk my butt does a rhythmic dance. This bought fire in many men’s...

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This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their...

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Manja at Pussygirls

Had gone to Denmark to visit a good friend who moved away from Sweden.For some reason, my horniness steered me to the city of Horsens, south of Aarhus.Come out to the yellow house on Nygade 10th Rang and Manja opened.I had not been with her ??before. But she seemed nice.Manja. She is an adult blonde bimbo, at 35y.o..She is as tall as my 178 cm, but weighs just 63kg distributed on a golden porn star's body.Always with a twinkle in his eyes, full lips that you just wanted to kiss.She has them...

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The Making of An Instapussy

So I'm 24 now and still in the basement despite being an adult for over 6 years now and now matter how hard I make everyone cum around me I'm not getting anywhere.Aside from the personally performed proliferous porn swamping the entire house save the receiving/living room. So as I'm 24 now and still in the basement despite being an adult for over 6 years now and now matter how hard I make everyone cum around me I'm not getting anywhere, Ive decided to allow it all to go public.Aside from the...

3 years ago
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Dark Coercion 1 Grade A Pussymeat

Copyright © 2001, Jaz1701. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit or on another website without the written permission of the author. I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won't go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct... probably not. But it wasn't really illegal. Obviously I don't want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously,...

1 year ago
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Wet Pussy Games! When it comes to the world of online porn, limits do not exist. Not only do new porn sites get created every single day, but new ways of watching porn get invented all the time as well. There is, of course, the more traditional method of paying a monthly subscription price to have access to all of a given studio’s content. For some, though, this is all too 20th century (not to mention this could end up costing you a pretty penny over time).The go-to mode of accessing porn for...

Free Sex Games
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The name of the page says it all, really. Pussy Space is a page that does an amazing job at stuffing lots and lots of pussies in your screen, Just take a look at the home page! As soon as you make your way inside PussySpace, you will get at least 15 great pics of pussies, and this is obviously not where the fun stops. I mean, for starters, these aren't just plain pictures, these are thumbnails of various videos that you may watch on pussy space. Did I mention that these videos are completely...

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Wife finds Out about my BoiPussy

I'm in my early 30s now and have spent years exploring myself, especially my boipussy. Now it's even more exciting and pleasurable for me to fuck my ass than it is to masturbate with my cock. But that's not really something you can tell anyone, so I'd buy sex toys when I went out of town for work, had wonderful fun in the hotel room by myself, then hide or throw away my stuff when I got home so my wife wouldn't find out. A few years ago I'd also gotten into sissy porn too cause the idea of...

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Hooked on Boipussy

“Stop texting and driving, boy,” scolded Deitrick’s mother.“Yes ma’am,” the twenty year-old light-skinned man relented throwing his phone in the cup holder.“I swear you gon’ worry me to death,” she went on.“Look, ma. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” he lied.“Alright,” she replied feeling she’d won this battle.Deitrick turned into the parking lot of the large discount store where his mother worked as an assistant manager. He brought the metallic silver 2007 Ford Five Hundred to a halt in front...

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touched my pussy

I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn't expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us s**ttered around the auditorium. But that didn't stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room.I shouldn't complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing butt....

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Jack ran a small but very successful company. His team of 30 graphic designers, salespeople, artists, public relations specialists, and marketing talent comprised one of the top advertising and PR firms in the city of Houston. He ran a tight ship, and was respected by all of his employees. Together they stood up against even the larger national firms that outstripped them substantially in resources. As Jack pointed out regularly to his team, their agility and keen understanding of the market...

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Touched by a Life

In my experience one can be touched by a physical or tactile sensation or touched as in touched by emotions or senses. It’s the ones that reach us the most that create a cognitive event that forever remains planted in our minds. Take for instance the birth of a child. This is a moment so extreme that it touches everyone in or around the family expecting the child. Even the sight of a pregnant woman gives rise to the inexplicable urge to touch her burgeoning stomach for some. Even more...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 10/31/2002 She reached over and turned out the light. Another night alone. Since his death she had found succor in time by herself. Sleep being her best release. She could still smell him in the bed clothes, still feel him in her sleep. They were so much of a couple, one came with the other. A kind of matched set. Her friends were worried about her. It had been a while since his death and she showed no signs of "coming out of it", and beginning her life without him. And yet she...

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Here pussy pussy pussycat

One moment I was walking down the Strand at about 3 o’clock, just past Charing Cross Station, when it hit. What “it” was, I have no idea, and all I remember was a light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before, which just burst and surrounded me. Then nothing, just nothing, it was like my mind had frozen, I could see nothing, hear nothing, and think of nothing, though somehow I was aware of the inner me. Time passed, or at least I thought it did, until then with joy, I found I could see....

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Just Next Door to the Pink Pussycat

‘You know what we called it when I was in high school? Huh? ‘Beaver, for Christ’s sake. Sounds silly now even just to say it.’ I was sitting in my editor’s office. He was ranting and raving as usual. Probably his boss had been on his case about something and he was taking it out on me. ‘After that, all of a sudden it’s Squirrel. Can you believe that? ‘Squirrel this,’ and ‘Squirrel that.’ ‘Hey, man, I got me some SQUIRREL this weekend.” Shaking his head. ‘If you got a look up a chick’s...

4 years ago
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Here pussy pussy pussycat

One moment I was walking down the Strand at about 3 o’clock, just past Charing Cross Station, when it hit. What “it” was, I have no idea, and all I remember was a light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before, which just burst and surrounded me. Then nothing, just nothing, it was like my mind had frozen, I could see nothing, hear nothing, and think of nothing, though somehow I was aware of the inner me. Time passed, or at least I thought it did, until then with joy, I found I could see....

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 40 Josie the Pussycat

May-June, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The rest of the week flew by. I worked all three days, Jackie visited on Wednesday night, and to my surprise, Penny decided to talk with Jackie instead of asking me to take her to my room. When Penny left, Jackie told me that Penny had asked her a bunch of difficult questions about love and relationships and that she’d done her best to answer. She felt Penny was trying to work out for herself what it meant to be with me and at the moment, had no idea, but...

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Touched and turned to the power of cock

When I was much younger, an older man touched me. His hand caressing my leg, stirred my young, aching cock to life and spurred its need for relief. First it was his hand that touched my bare, throbbing cock. Then, while almost feeling as if i was intoxicated, light headed and dizzy, he put his mouth on me. I had very little concept of Gay or Straight, back then. I only knew it made me feel amazing and made him happy. He seemed to love bringing me to an explosive orgasm as much as I enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Touched by the Prophets

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TOUCHED BY THE PROPHETS (A Deep Space Nine fanfic) [STAR TREK, DEEP SPACE 9 and PARAMOUNT STUDIOS are all copyright 2015 by Laika Pupkino...] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "I HATE YOU!" I screamed. "HATE YOU! HATE YOU! HATE...

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Touched by an Angel

Somewhere in the city there was a piece of hardware that could locate the small slice of moon peeking in through the Westerly clouds. No human eyes could have found it, were any looking. In the old days, these final hours before the dawn would've been blacker than death. As it was, street lights lent humanity a measure of control over the darkness. To add to this, a warm, welcoming glare began to spill out through the windows of coffee shops as their owners eagerly opened their doors just as...

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Touched for the Very First Time

This is hopefully the first of many stories. Before I begin I want to make it clear that all these stories are 100% true and if I ever make a fictional story it will be clearly marked as such. So... to this story. At this time I was 16, so yes i was legal to be doing it before anyone thinks different. It was my first time with a guy but its a little complicated since he was once considered my uncle although legally we are not related and never were. He was 36 at the time. To describe him he was...

4 years ago
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Touched By His Song

Copyright © 2006 by Lady Glorfindel. All rights reserved. Wow, I can't believe I got such good tickets for this concert. I have been a fan all my life and the lead vocalist has been in my dreams since the first moment I laid my eyes on him. As I am sitting here in the front row, I wondered if he will even remember seeing my face when the concert is over. I am shaking as they come out on stage. They are more amazing in person than they are on their albums. He's watching me (or is it someone...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Pussy

Lesbian Pussy (proofread by Red) Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I'm a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I'min my early thirties. I have a nice body--at least that is what I'm told. Ithink I could stand to loose a pound or two. The power-lifting I did when Iwas younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea--I'm in fairly good shape and very busy. One day while I was trying to get some rest one of my friends came over.Her name is Victoria....

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i****t/TabooCandles, Cake, & PussyCandles, Cake, & PussybyFrenchman©Laying in bed in Laughlin, Nevada at 2:00am, massaging mom's big titties, and reflecting on what we had done earlier was almost too much to fathom.Mom had been just a k**, turning 16 the very day she delivered me. We always celebrated our birthdays together and it was one of the things that really pissed off my selfish, son-of-a-bitch, tight-assed father. He hated me the day I was born and said, "Well, I see you brought...

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Aunt found my pocket pussy

Aunt found my pocket pussy.My mother invited her sister to stay with us for a while during her divorce.She's a nice looking lady, black hair, dark eyes, I'd guess about 5' 8” tall.From what I could tell she had nice size tits on her, bigger hips and nice ass.She's a little bit thicker, I wouldn't call her out of shape although she could lose a few pounds. I wouldn't kick her out of bed but then again I'm a virgin and would fuck any girl that would let me. I beatoff a few times thinking about...

2 years ago
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My First Fat Pussy

Always one to date thin, tight-bodied girls, I was between girlfriends for a couple of weeks and was getting horny for pussy, any pussy. It’s proven I guess that as the night at the bar goes on the girls get prettier, they also get thinner as you drink more. When I arrived that night a fat girl asked me to dance and I turned her down. My cousin always liked plumpers and he thought I was crazy. Finally, towards the end of the evening I spotted a pretty hot, black haired beauty with...

1 year ago
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I Am My Doggies Pussy

I was always into masturbation and love to make myself cum every day, some times even several times a day. I have a good selection of vibrators and dildos that I like to use and even have a mirror over my bed so I can watch myself. I try to keep my pussy well shaven as it turns me on to see my fat pussy lips taking my toys. I am a squirter and love to gush when I cum. I am also an internet junkie and love to get online as I have several different accounts. One of my favorite things is to...

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I Am My Doggies Pussy

Introduction: Horny and Alone I have lived alone since my divorce several years ago and have a home sort of in the rural suburbs. I work a part time job and have a big Lab named Bear that is my watch dog since I am alone most of the time. I am not a beauty queen and am a little on the heavy side as I have a wide ass and plump thighs. My breast are very large, a 44 Ds and I love to play with them. I was always into masturbation and love to make myself cum every day, some times even several...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Pussy

My wife’s pussy is amazing and always leaves me wanting more. Her pussy is very sensitive to the slightest touch yet it loves to be manhandled and stuffed to the max. After over 20 years of wet pussy- splitting orgasms and kinky explorations she still opens up for more and more. When we were first together I would touch her all over when we would go to bed and quickly learned where her “hotspots” are. Her nipples are very sensitive and when I play with them she gets very wet very quickly. I...

3 years ago
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Can I have some pussy

-= 1: THE BEGINNING =- Ralph was eighteen years old and so glad that he graduated from college. But Ralph was also shy around girls and was still a virgin. But if they only knew what he was packing in his pants he would have lost his virginity when he was fifteen. He was six feet tall and lanky with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Ralph lived alone with his mother Tammy. She was forty- one years old and divorced her husband when Ralph was only two years old. He would beat her and she...

3 years ago
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Can I have some pussy

-= 1: THE BEGINNING =-Ralph was eighteen years old and so glad that he graduated from college. But Ralph was also shy around girls and was still a virgin. But if they only knew what he was packing in his pants he would have lost his virginity when he was fifteen. He was six feet tall and lanky with short blonde hair and blue eyes.Ralph lived alone with his mother Tammy. She was forty-one years old and divorced her husband when Ralph was only two years old. He would beat her and she decided to...

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Sweet sweaty pussy

She sat across from me on the bus, sexy, confident, long legs, firm breast and a mini-skirt that if she didn't watch it. Would reveal her sweet treasure, that's the game,(them) women trying to see how close they could come to showing us(men) with out actually showing us. She was very good at it, crossing and un-crossing her legs. Each time I would strain to catch a glimpse of her panties.One time she caught me looking, instead of the "how dare you look", she just smiled. Warm and provocatively,...

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My Wifes Sweet Pussy

My wife’s pussy is amazing and always leaves me wanting more. Her pussy is very sensitive to the slightest touch yet it loves to be manhandled and stuffed to the max. After over 20 years of wet pussy- splitting orgasms and kinky explorations she still opens up for more and more.When we were first together I would touch her all over when we would go to bed and quickly learned where her “hotspots” are. Her nipples are very sensitive and when I play with them she gets very wet very quickly. I...

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White Mouth for My Black Pussy

The 1960s were a tumultuous time for racial relations in our country, especially in the South, but I feel that by the 1980s great progress had been made. My name is Sandra, and my husband Mitchell and I are black. We both went to college, and after graduating in 1985 we got great jobs and bought a nice home in a mostly-white, middle class suburb in the Birmingham area.Most of our white neighbors treated us with respect and were friendly, but there were still a few Alabama 'good ole boys' who...

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Woken by a divine smell of pussy

I have discovered that there is nothing more erotic than being woken by the smell and taste of pussy, and some of my most erotic moments with my wife, have started out this wayThis story is a mixture of true story and fantasy, as some of these things have happened, and some I would like to happen.The first time I experienced my wife being frisky in this particular way, It was a normal evening, other than I had gone to bed earlier than my wife, as I had to work early the following morning.It’s...

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Cumming in her pussy

Jenna had green eyes and powty lips and her ass was beautiful and almost perfectly shaped. Jenna has had a few sexual experiences with guys close to her own age, but because of a fear of becomming pregnant she never let anyone cum in her pussy. I had met her at a local coffee shop and we talked for a few weeks before this encounter happened. I finally talked Jenna in to meeting me and going to a hotel with me. We got to the hotel my cock was swollen and I could not wait to explore her...

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The Doctor Cures My Wife8217s Itchy Pussy

My wife complained that her pussy was very itchy. It was getting so bad that she was very uncomfortable. We decided to go see a gynecologist. We had just moved in to this small town and my wife didn’t have any idea about who to go to. When I called one of my friends he recommended the name of his friend who was a gynec in the government day-hospital. It was rather unusual as in the country side small towns in India, usually females prefer to go to female gynecs. But since that was our...

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World Tour of Pussy

Part 1: Japan I'd been wondering for years how it would be to experience sex with as many different women throughout Asia as I could manage to be with. I decided to start out with women in China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. After that, I'd either go to Europe, AFrica, or the Middle East and continue my research there. This is the account of my first evening of Asian sex while on this trip -- in Japan. When my latest sexual conquest, who I'll call Beth...

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