MarciaChapter 2 free porn video

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It was a strange weekend for me. The fact that the gas station where I worked was closed for repairs and I wasn’t in Burling Heights was something I was unaccustomed to. It seemed different for me to be at the KSU library instead of pumping gas. I met my roommate Lenny for dinner at the Rathskeller. He peppered me about what went on at the fraternity house last night. We—fifteen brothers and myself, a pledge—had left Lenny at Corner Bar when we left with one girl—Marcia Zillich. I could only hold him off for so long without pissing him off.

“It was more hype than excitement Lenny. Jerry Willis told us that that his girl was an exotic dancer and she was gonna put on a show for us. Everbody thought “exotic” meant something like she was a burlesque dancer and we’d at least be seeing this hot girl in a sexy outfit twirling tassels on her otherwise bare tits. At the house she changed into these diaphanous pantaloons and a colorful bra-like kind of top. Jerry put on some Arabian sounding music and she danced for us. She had these finger cymbals that she played as she moved her arms around and worked her belly like she was fucking somebody. She danced for about forty five minutes until the record finished. The sexiest thing she did was to get on her knees and shimmy her tits. And that was it. After we saw her dance for the first couple tunes I think everybody was getting pretty bored. She’s a great looking girl but when everybody realized that we wouldn’t be getting any kind of sexual benefits the life petered out of the party.” Lenny looked at me askance as if to say, ‘Common Toby I haven’t just fallen off the turnip truck.’”

“Get real Lenny,” I countered, “There wasn’t one of us who was hopin we’d be getting into her pants. But this is Kent State University not NYU. You’ve gotta admit it would be kind of far-fetched in the first place. She’s Jerry’s fiancée and we all figured that he was just trying to provide her with a way to perform. We had a few beers and talked for a while. She was out of there by midnight.

Lenny shook his head and laughed like he was expecting to hear something really scandalous. “Geez,” he said, “I thought there might have been something like a gangbang.”

I laughed and said, “From your mouth to God’s ears Lenny.” He was Jewish and always used that phrase instead of ‘You’ve got to be kidding.’” I gave him a confidential smirk and asked, “And what do you know about gangbangs anyway?”

He blushed and shrugged his shoulders. “Nothin, but you know what kind of shit goes in a guy’s mind.”

“Not really Lenny. Maybe I’m more naïve than most guys but I thought the burlesque kind of dance might be what we would see.” I laughed. “Most of us were kind of embarrassed that we were even thinking that way. Jerry’s proud that she’s involved in this weird kind of art. Go figure.’” I shook my head, said, “A GANGBANG Lenny, you’d better never let Jerry know you were thinking about Marcia that way. He’s really ape shit over her.” Then I laughed out loud.

After dinner we walked back to the Corner Bar. As we walked in I thought about the lie I used to cover up Marcia Zillich thing. Scenes of the evening flashed through my brain. It was so bizarre ... like some kind of weird dream. But it still, guilt-ridden as I was, it was giving me a hard-on. On the way we had passed the Erie Café. Images of Marcia popped up: devouring her huge breakfast, the sad look of a girl that had done such a disgusting thing and would repeat it over and over was written on her face, the kind and grateful looks she gave me. I remember her getting out of the car like any other girl her age when I took her home and I remember hoping that I could see her again, alone, not with fifteen other guys. I thought about Jerry and once again felt disloyal about my lustful feelings for his fiancée, but...

The Corner Bar was the haunt for all the fraternities and sororities on campus. When we went in I could see the same brothers at the table who were there last night. There were five girls interspersed—all Chi-O’s, our sister sorority. I saw one of the brothers’ turn and say something to the one next to him. Suddenly all of the guys’ faces were looking at me, with either stares of disgust, hatred, threat or whatever. Art Franklin excused himself as if he was going to the bathroom. He quickly caught my arm at the end of the bar and said to Lenny, “I have to check out something with Toby.” When we were far enough away, which didn’t have to be too far because of the ambient noise in the room, he asked, “What did you tell your roommate?”

I told him exactly what I said about Marcia being a belly dancer, almost verbatim. Art looked me up and down and glanced over at Lenny who was trying to be inconspicuous. “Jesus,” Art said, “I apologize for not thinking you were that smart. We’ve all been trying to come up with a cover story, just in case we have to. I’ll spread the word so we’re all on the same page. We’ve all got to keep our fucking mouths shut Toby. If the true story ever gets out Delta Xi could be history on this campus.” He kept going toward the restroom.

“What was that about?” Lenny asked.

“I told Art that I told you about Marcia belly dancing for us. He’s pissed at me for saying anything to you, we’re not supposed to have any women in the house unchaperoned.”

“How’d you get to be involved in it in the first place, you’re a pledge.”

“Tell me about it, and those guys are still pissed; look at the way they’re all lookin at me.” I shrugged. “It turns out that Marcia took a liking to me. She knows my brother—he’s Jerry’s best friend. So Jerry invited me ... he was in charge of the party. They’re pissed at him too but he’s not going to suffer the consequences. I will.”

“Why’s that?”

“He’s an active brother, not to mention that he’s bigger than everybody else. But when I show up at the house next week my life is going to be a bitch.”

“That’s one good reason I’m glad I’m not involved in this fraternity bullshit,” Lenny said.

We had a couple beers, listened to the dueling fraternities trying to out sing each other. And we watched the chugging contests. When Art got back to table he turned to Todd Wheatley and told him what I said. Todd turned to the brother beside him and the story went around the chain. Art did the same thing to the brother on his left. Within eight minutes Marcia became a belly dancer for all the players involved. Before the story had made its rounds the hateful stares stopped as the new chain formed and smirking nods came my way. They all knew I was Chance Wakefield’s brother. But I knew they were still going to beat the shit out of me on Monday. Great rewards never come without great pain.

All week I couldn’t stop the images of Marcia writhing on those beds but they were becoming foggier. I expect that most of the guys couldn’t even conceive of Marcia Zillich as a love interest. We still lived in the day when most men expected to marry a virgin. Any number of guys could participate in group sex with a girl and be considered one of the boys. But one girl fucking a bunch of guys could only be a slut. I never heard anybody talk trash about Marcia—not even when Jerry was absent. But I think everybody but me, at least secretly, didn’t have respect for Jerry for being involved with her. And nobody but me knew she was engaged to him—guys can be clueless that way.

So it was as I expected when I went to the house on Monday. I was given the task of mopping the floor in the “Dorm.” The floor in the middle was a mess. The interesting thing to me was that nobody took it upon themselves to touch anything ... guys can be animals that way. As I was scrubbing the floor it just brought to mind how seedy the place was. I was ashamed that Marcia had to do what she did in this dingy, trashy place. It reminded me of Preservation Hall in New Orleans and smelled just as musty. Throughout my life I would go to a number of bachelor parties where some degree of group sex would take place. In almost all cases it was in the same scruffy kind of kind of environment. Just as I was finishing up, cleaning my mop in the main bathroom, Jerry Willis came in. “Hi Tobe,” he said, “Why don’t you and I go down to the Brady for a cup of coffee.”

“Thanks for askin Jere.” With all that had gone down since Friday night I wondered if there might be some kind of shoe that was going to drop that I wouldn’t like, like maybe the brothers had come to Jerry and told them that they didn’t want to blackball a pledge who was the brother of an active member in good standing ... that he was there to talk me into turning in my pledge pin voluntarily and saving them the trouble. And as we both came down the stairs and walked through the living room I had the feeling that those sitting around were rolling their eyes thinking, ‘good riddance to bad rubbish.’

The Brady: a place where people had breakfast, lunch and coffee, sometimes dinner, was a place that mostly fraternities and sororities went. It’s out of business now. It was on the corner just across from the main gate of the campus. The waitress served our coffees. Jerry hadn’t said much to me on the way down nor before the coffee was served. “I want to thank you Tobe for taking care of Marcia,” he said, “making sure she was alright and taking her to breakfast and home.”

I was waiting for him to talk me out of my pledge pin. He reached out his hand and I shook it as if I was going to be saying goodbye soon. “Marcia raved about you Toby. She couldn’t say enough good things. Her father even wants to meet you.” He smiled like he was expecting me to say something. Giving a little shrug he went on, “You know what good friends Chance and I are. I’ve only seen you around your house at home a couple times, haven’t spent any time talking with you at the house. I always thought you were a shy kind of kid.” I didn’t know how to respond and didn’t. I was still waiting for that shoe to drop.

“I don’t know what it is about you Toby but I have to think that girls really like you ... that you’re a real stud.” He gave me a knowing grin. “But the moment Marcia met you I knew she really felt comfortable with you. When we got to the door at the Corner Bar and started to leave she talked me in to coming back to get you.”

I saw the exchange at the door and it didn’t look like there had been much talking. “What did she say Jerry?” I was very curious.

“She said, ‘I really feel comfortable with that kid Jerry. I don’t feel at all comfortable with these other guys. They feel like they are on a short fuse that could go off and do damage. I want that kid to be there with me.’” I felt badly that she had referred to me as a “kid.”

“When she told me how you made sure she didn’t have to get out of bed and show her dirty, nasty body ... that you covered her with the robe in such a way that it was on her in an instant ... and how your carried her clothes and scrounged towels and soap and even a hair dryer. You were her hero Toby. She told me about breakfast and, though you had a thousand questions you never asked one of them ... that you treated her like a gentleman who was trying to woo her.”

I knew I was a good guy, it was a characteristic of our family but I never felt too comfortable with ‘atta boys’. The way that Jerry was heaping them on had me close to panic. I needed to do something fast so I shot out, “Did she tell you that she asked me for a date?”

He grinned and said, “Jesus Toby you’re so goddamned much like your brother Chance that it’s almost scary.” He was referring to my candor. “She told me exactly what she told you ... that she is going to pick you up at the gas station at six o’clock on Friday.”

“And you don’t have problem with that? She’s your fiancée for Christ’s sake Jerry.”

He smiled, scrunched his shoulders and answered, “I just don’t know how to explain the relationship between Marcia and me Toby.” He thought for a second and asked, “Has Chance ever mentioned that I’m a twin?”

I nodded my head. “He told me that you lost your twin sister. I’m sorry.”

“Right ... If you’re not a twin you can’t understand how losing your twin can affect you. If you’re an identical twin it’s worse. Lareen and I were what is referred to a mirror twins. So it can’t get any closer than that. We literally felt every ache and pain and often many thoughts that our twin experienced. So for me, when Lareen was killed I thought I was going to die too. Then Marcia and her dad moved in next door. It was like the second coming, she was the same size as Lareen, same shape, had the same deep brown eyes, a face that was plain yet incredibly pretty. She became Lareen to me Toby.”

Still feeling in a corner I couldn’t help asking, “Was Marcia a virgin?”

“What difference does that make?”

With an expression of remorse I shrugged my shoulders and replied, “Just curious.”

“I thought she was at the time ... found out later that she wasn’t. But I was still a virgin ... for maybe a month.” He blushed and grinned. Jerry had become more animated talking about Marcia than I expected.

Surprised that I was angry I asked, “So how do you explain pimping Marcia for a gangbang?”

At the moment Jerry either had to be the most caring person, the most clueless guy in the world or the most calculating person in the universe. “Sometimes Toby—his face hardened a bit—people have problems and they need people who care about them to understand. Marcia’s dad knows, and he hasn’t had an easy way of it, the way his wife left him. He understands Marcia’s situation and is doing everything as a loving father to find a way to make it better.” He scrunched his shoulders, held his arms open wide and said, “As for me, I’ve transferred my love for Lareen to Marcia ... she’s not my twin so I can be in love with her. But whatever it takes for me to support her I’m gonna be there for her.”

I felt that I needed to challenge what he was saying. “But... ?”

He cut me off. “Hold on Toby,” His eyes stabbed me like daggers. “I know what you’re going to say. I’m not the only guy who fought in Korea that made my life one hell of a lot more serious for me. I’m not complaining. But like so many of the guys that came back from there and came home from World War II the same way he left. After you see things that you never would have even considered: people blown apart, holding your buddy in your arms as he dies, seeing whole families wiped out by some kind of mistake or unexpected circumstances, paying to fuck girls who are just trying to keep form starving ... you get kind of jaded. When you go away knowing someone as marvelous as Marcia and come back to learn what happened before you left you recognize the, like me and thousands of other guys, that girl became a casualty of war herself. “I keep helping and always hope that there is a way that I can fix her...” He looked out the window but much further away than just across the street.

Sipping his coffee his eyes seemed to be searching for a seam of gold in a played out mine. “All I can say Toby is that, for whatever reason, Marcia has glammed onto you like a hungry clam. You might not go along with it—I hope you do—but she senses that you have an understanding of women that few young men have. She needs the kind of understanding that she thinks she sees in you. She’s going to pick you up at that gas station, tell you her life story and fuck your brains out. And she’s gonna hope that you’ll hang around long enough to help come up with an answer to her dilemma.”

He held out his hands—palms up—like he was trying to hold up something heavy. “If you come in with us Tobe there’ll be good times and times that are so ugly that you might think you’ll go nuts. As good a friend as your brother Chance is I wouldn’t have ever asked him, nor would Marcia. But for whatever reason, she’s asking for you. You’re different from your brother. I’m not saying that in mean way, you just seem to have a gift of understanding that few people have.”

I was no longer concerned about giving up my pledge pin and now could care less as I asked, “So, can you tell me what this is all about?”

He smirked and snorted. “One of the things it’s about is the gangbangs.” He looked at me, scrunched his shoulders, smirked and grimaced. “The other is about such a loving girl that few can imagine. And another is trying to come up with the answer of how to find a way that Marcia can be a loving girl that can be normal as well. But she needs to tell you her story. “ He scootched on the bench all the way to the wall below the window, flopped his right leg on the bench and bent it to relax. “I’m hungry Toby. How about a sandwich? I’m buying...”

All day Saturday I felt like a high school freshman anticipating a date. It was strange though when Marcia pulled up to the main pump in her 1957 Silver Gull Wing Mercedes with black leather interior. This was a big station where three guys including myself worked the pumps. I did lubes and oil changes so I was a bit dirtier than the others. But each guy including me realized that this was a girl who came from money. I gave my hands a cursory going over, I clocked out and came back to Marcia’s car. When I opened the gull wing door on the passenger side and got in Marcia said with a disapproving grimace, “We’re gonna have to give those hands a thorough going over.”

It was an eighteen minute drive to the Hotel Cleveland in the Terminal Tower Building. We pulled into the underground garage. Dressed in my Sohio dark blue pants my grease stained, light blue shirt with my name “Toby” on a white badge with red letters I took my gym bag with my socks, DOP kit, shoes and underwear. My pants and shirt was on a hanger. Marcia with her elegant leather “train case,” laughed and said, “I have to hand it to you Toby you certainly know how to travel.” Dressed the way I was, travelling like a school kid running away from home to my friend’s house, I colored with embarrassment.

We took the elevator and emerged into an elegant lobby. “Stay right here Toby, I’ll check in and get the key.”

Though I had never gone to a hotel to stay with a girl before I didn’t feel out of place, just uncomfortable with the way I was dressed in this elegant spot. I watched as Marcia flowed her three inch heels toward the check-in desk. She was wearing white capris and an elegant tan leather jacket. People got in and out of the elevator looking me probably wondering why I was standing there dressed that way and carrying my change of dress. If it wasn’t for my Sohio badge and holding my hobo’s luggage they might have thought I was an elevator repairman, dirty from working on the greased cables of the elevator.

When we got to the room I emphatically took the key out of Marcia’s hand and opened the door for her. “Now we’ll have to wipe the grease off the key,” she chuckled, “but thanks for being such a gentleman.” The lingering look in her eyes told me how much she appreciated my act of respect.

“Let’s get you into the shower Tobe; we’ve got to get that grease out from under your fingernails.” I didn’t think “we” was the true meaning.

I was naked in the shower under the hot water soaping up when I heard the glass door snap open behind me and felt the cooler air hitting my body. I turned my soaped up eyes up to the water and rinsed them before seeing the nude Marcia standing next to me. Her body was so elegant, familiar to me as I remembered standing right next to her as she got undressed in the attic of the fraternity house last Saturday night. She was holding a bar of soap in one hand and small scrub brush in her other. She got the brush soapy, rubbing the brush on the bar of soap then took my right hand and started brushing across my nails, digging the soapy bristles into the blackness underneath. Feeling a little silly standing there as my cock was extending itself to my nearly eight inches. When she finished with my other hand she pushed on my shoulders to turn my back to her and scrubbed my back with the brush. She then handed me the brush to return the favor on her back. Handing me the soap and washcloth I soaped her back, between the cheeks of her butt then down her legs. She pushed her back against my front, my erect cock sliding just beneath her pussy. I washed her front, between her legs and breasts. The water was too loud so we didn’t talk. As she returned the favor she washed me down, spending time on my anus, my balls and sensuously cleaning my erect cock, stroking me in the soapy wash cloth.

When the soap had been rinsed Marcia took a step forward, bent down and spread her cheeks. She didn’t have to tell me what to do. Grabbing her hips with one hand I held my cock with the other and seated it in her threshold and thrust home. She stood up, put my hands on her breasts and we humped for about five minutes. As it got pretty heated both of us should have been ready to cum. She grasped the middle finger of my right hand and placed the tip on her clitoris and we pimped and rubbed to a very satisfying climax.

I stepped out of the shower first, grabbed two of the fluffy, beach-sized plush towels. As we kissed we dried each other. Both of us were clingy, me because it was innate, Marcia because she needed the confirmation of caring from one she had just fucked. I wasn’t prepared at the moment to term it making love, I needed some kind of indication from here in that regard. But the way she was moaning and sighing at least gave me an indication that she was enjoying it. Helping her on with her plush terry robe with its Hotel Cleveland monogram, I figured that she would want to either sit down in a chair or on the bed. But when I started to move she leaned into me and said, “Just hold me Toby, I need that more than anything at the moment. We must have rocked together for over ten minutes when she said, “My legs are getting tired Hun.”

She sat down on the edge of the bed, reached out her arms, grabbed my butt and pulled us tightly together, her head against the region of my stomach and sex,. As I was thinking how she was a totally different girl than the one with whom we were involved last Saturday she asked, “Knowing what you know of Marcia Zillich Toby, what you think of me. Do you think I could ever be lovable?”

I started to answer but she held up her hand. “I don’t want you to answer me right this minute Toby, I don’t want it to be your dick that is talking. I want you to think about it and come up with an answer that will hurt my feelings as little as possible. Just chew on that for a while.” Her eyes drilled mine. “In the meantime I’m starved.” She looked at me out of the corners of her eyes like she was afraid to say what was really on her mind. But I was to start learning that Marcia Zillich rarely held things back. “My guess Tobe is that you have never had room service.”

I shrugged and said, “Your guess is absolutely right. I’ve never stayed in this kind of classy hotel before for cryin out loud.”

“Since the hotel was my suggestion it’s my treat. So room service is my treat too.”

I’ve always been a proud guy who had never done things beyond his means. Because of the car she drove I figured she came from wealthy family. Though I wasn’t comfortable with it I wasn’t happy that we were in this fancy hotel. I figured we would be staying in a motel the way she set up by picking me up from work. But this was way beyond what I could possible afford. I said to her, “This hotel is too much Marcia, but you kind of kidnapped me. But I’m not going to let you buy room service too.” I got a little pissy. “If can’t buy room service, I’m getting dressed and going home.”

By the look on her face I could see that she couldn’t believe I was serious. With a smirk on her face she said, “How will you get home?”

I shot back, “I’ll take the bus. It goes right past the gas station.”

She stared at me with a kind of grimace/smile, snorted air out of her nose and tossed the menu at me. I looked hard at it and realized that the only thing I could afford was hamburgers and fries, soft drinks or tea or coffee. Without missing a beat I said, “I can only afford hamburgers and fries, sodas, coffee or tea.”

She smiled and asked, “All I can say Toby is that it’s a good thing I am a hamburger kind of a girl. Can I have onions on it?”

Since we would be so close I said, “Looks like we’ll both have onions.”

With a broad grin but questions in her eyes she said, “I love you Toby Wakefield.” I knew she didn’t mean it literally but gathered that she respected me. For me that was all I really wanted at this stage in our relationship. I think she knew what a proud guy I was—and think she respected that. She was wiser than me though and wasn’t going to screw up the evening because I was a hardheaded asshole. As I found out later she had undergone so enough crap in her life that she didn’t want to fight battles. S

She maintained a playful attitude while we were eating our hamburgers and fries. But while we were drinking out coffee she gazed at me like she was drilling holes in my eyes and asked, “So what’s the verdict Toby, am I lovable or not?”

It sounded to me like a flip question but I knew it was far from that. From my conversation with Jerry and my limited powers of observation I had come to the conclusion that Marcia Zillich was a powder keg with a burning fuse that was snaking toward it on the floor. In my stint in the army I had learned that demolition could explode outward or inward. Also, having had a rather unusual adolescence I had the opportunity to deal with women who lived by making inhuman sacrifices—the nuns—and was given the luxury of observing a kind of human nature that few men of my age could boast (See Penguin’s Preference). The drawback of such knowledge though was that I couldn’t boast. I would love to have been a typical male who could tell the world. But the stakes were too high. I desperately wanted to give her the answer she would have like to have heard. But above all else I knew that Marcia wanted the truth. I hoped I my answer would not do too much damage.

“If I merely said to you at this point Marcia that you are ‘lovable, ‘ you would know that I was giving you bullshit and you wouldn’t respect me.” Her eyes became gimlets and I could see her Adam’s apple trying to swallow something too big for her throat. “Before last Saturday night Marcia Zillich was a myth in my mind. Then I found out that you were not a myth at all. You are in fact at least as big as life in the minds of seventeen young men ... larger than life in some.” Her eyes opened wide and I saw her lips purse in a kind of tense resolve. “I know that when I first saw you I thought you were both beautiful and mysterious. And when we were introduced it was as if we had some kind of strange connection. The fact that you wanted me included in the um ... proceedings made me feel squirrelly yet special. In the heat of the night I was overwhelmed that you were doing all those guys ... that they were doing you and I was doing it with them. I was titillated by the raw sex. But I resented that I was um ... reveling in sharing you with those other guys. Frankly I was disappointed in myself. In the morning, though I was acting on Jerry’s behalf, I saw you as an incredibly vulnerable human being. I wanted to protect you.”

She was listening in rapt attention. “At breakfast I was honored to be in your presence, honored that you asked for me to do it. At the same time I was disgusted.” She lowered her eyes. “Driving home in silence with you made me feel good. It seemed to tell me that you were comfortable enough travel with me that you didn’t have to talk to fill silence that could have been a danger to you. All week long I have been on tenterhooks in anticipation of being with you, and now... ?”

She raised her eyes at my nebulous question. “You have brought me here and I feel comfortable with you Marcia. In the shower you proved to me that you are caring, exciting and a hot girl to be with. I like you Marcia ... LOVABLE? I can see no reason that you wouldn’t be. But to give you an accurate assessment I need to know you much better. I have to be able to understand how a beautiful girl like you can enjoy or be involved in such a bizarre sexual um ... many would say ‘disgusting’ um ... for lack of a better word... ‘obsession.’”

Her eyes got teary. Lowering her head she reached for my left hand and held it lovingly to her face. She breathed what seemed to be a sigh of relief and said barely above a whisper, “to tell you the truth Toby I was afraid that you would BS me and tell me what I wanted to hear.” She cleared her throat and the words came through a little less ragged. “And I want to hear it so badly.” Then in a lament that made my heart ache she went on, “I need other males besides Daddy and Jerry who can treat me as a legitimate human being. That’s what I hoped for when I asked you to be with me tonight. I get so little support from males who have no idea how lonely I am, who think I just happen to be—and I am using a cleaned up term—a wayward girl. As much as it kills me to say it Toby I’m like a garbage dump covered by swarms of flies. How can a girl who loves sex so much hate it? I need it so badly but I hate it. And then, when it is right it is pure heaven.”

I crawled onto the bed, stretched out on my left side and pulled Marcia down and over to me. Putting my arm between her arm and body I tenderly clutched her left breast, scrunched up against her back and spooned my knees into hers. As I nestled my cheek against her neck it seemed that she released twice as much air as her lungs could hold. Her body felt like it had become totally relaxed. “So,” I murmured in her ear, “why don’t you start telling me where this Marcia Zillich that you talk about has come from?”

Same as Marcia
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 89 Homosexual Clothes Make Girls Faint

Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) We were cutting getting to class a little fine, so Julia, Lily, a couple of the Liaison rejects and I went straight into the classroom as soon as we arrived. I was thinking about other things (recalling the wonderful stripping race, if you must know), and I automatically paused to let the girls traveling with me enter the room first, then I entered after them. Classrooms are always very noisy places just before class starts. There's lots of catching up,...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

“Might I ask the name of the place you are taking me?” She asked. “I could tell you but you probably wouldn’t have heard of it or been there. This place is top dollar so not many college students go there. It also caters to the lifestyle so normal people don’t shop there much,” he told her. “Oh, well since I haven’t done much in this place other than normal food and stuff like that shopping, you’re probably right. I don’t really know what the city has to offer outside of Wal-Mart...

3 years ago
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If You Build it

I was in the cornfield when I first heard The Voice. It was a hot July day in Iowa, and the sun and the heat may have been playing tricks on me, so I ignored it the first time I heard it. As isolated as we are out there, it's easy sometimes to imagine things. But the second time, there was no mistaking it. "If you build it, he will come," it whispered. "Build it? Build what?" I said to the corn, feeling foolish. There was no reply, just the wind rustling through the...

3 years ago
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Welcomed VisitorChapter 10 Here comes the bride

The next morning we rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom for a shower. We were already naked so the only thing to do was to turn on the shower. Here we go again, a three way shower for fun and water conservation. I let both of them team up on washing me but when it came to them I took over and washed both of them. I think I had more fun than they did even though they each had an orgasm in the process. We got out of the shower and dried each other off. Staying naked, we three trooped...

3 years ago
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My Summer Back Home Part Two

Introduction: Part two of My Summer Back Home. Word count: 37,784, almost double the last. I spent time editing, as requested. I tried to cut down the line count for the paragraphs. I hope yall enjoy the editing ticks, finding the reading all the more pleasurable. Please leave comments, lewd or not, constructive or admirable. I accept all. Farewell lovely readers, enjoy the incestuous tale of Julia and Jace. (Written by an amateur 18 year old male) It had been two weeks since my brother Jace...

4 years ago
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Good Hospital Care Is Hard to Find

The door barged open and before I could react, like a drill sergeant, she barked out, “Visiting hours are over… time to leave.” I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights as I stood pressed against the safety rail of Maggie’s hospital bed pants puddled around my ankles and a very thick and swollen penis pushed through the rail opening so that Maggie could get her mouth to it. Six days earlier Maggie had entered the hospital for back surgery. Though the...

2 years ago
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Ex Sex Chapter 1

‘Want to meet me for lunch?’ It was Sarah, my ex, calling me at work. Her voice was casual but I immediately knew what was up. Every few weeks she’d call me out of the blue like this. It took that long to miss me, I guess. But that was okay. Every time she called we’d hook up for some phenomenal sex. It seemed like each time was better than the time before. We got wilder and more uninhibited each time. I was still avoiding the lingerie store in the mall after our last escapade. This was...

2 years ago
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Its Partytime

‚Phu, endlich Feierabend’, denke ich bei mir, als ich mein Büro verlasse. Heute war mal wieder einer von diesen Tagen, an denen einfach nichts passieren wollte. Ich konnte mir nicht mal an meiner Mitarbeiterin aufgeilen, da sie gerade in den Ferien ist (… denn sonst würde mir, wie so oft, zufällig der Kugelschreiber auf den Boden fallen, damit ich einen Blick zwischen ihre gespreizten Beine werfen kann. Da sie meist kurze Röcke trägt sieht man dann schön auf ihre von feiner Seide eingehüllte...

4 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 41

Mom let me drive home once again, and I was feeling like I was grown, I’ve driven more this week than I ever dreamed I would at fourteen. I’ll sure be glad to get my permit. I began to think of Ms. Maria, my Driver’s Ed teacher, and her sexy brown body as we fucked on her white bed. She’s as hot as her younger sister, Jacqi, and she wants me. How lucky can a guy get? I’m beginning to like being a teenager more and more. Monday morning, I woke up before dawn, as I always do. I ate a bowl of...

2 years ago
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The Slavedog Millionaire

The Slavedog Millionaire by Suhas Kaushik Hi, BDSM Library readers! Please email me your comments and suggestions for this story, on [email protected], I would be truly delighted to receive any kind of comments on any little aspect of my writing, and hey, I can even serve you with better stories if you do. (Truth be told, I am actually blocked with this particular story, so if something strikes your mind, do mail it over) Also, my website at has a ton of FREE femdom...

3 years ago
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One Night Only

One Night Only Hi, guys. Been ages since I last wrote for you (I seem to always say that, don't I?) but still I refuse to abandon this wonderful little world. So, this time I'm trying something new - it's neither strictly magic nor sci-fi but does involve a change. How? It's something I came up with I call 'soft sci-fi' in that it may realistically be possible somewhere within the next few decades (I put a lot of thought into this). Obviously it's a change from what I usually write,...

3 years ago
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our first time cuckolding

I never thought i'd let my girfriend have sex with another guy. We have a c***d together and we are just regular people. One night we got a little freaky and i fingered her while she sucked my cock, i soon relized that her moaning on my dick felt good. Then one day while i was surfing porn sites i found a cuckold video. The thought of it scared me..... A short while after i offerd to buy my girfriend anything she really wanted, she instantly replied "There is this one thing i...

2 years ago
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The FavorChapter 15 The Confrontation

After Rachel left, I sat for a long time, planning. I knew that I had taken a risk sending Rachel back naked, but I felt that Mrs. Miller had sent me a message when she sent Rachel over in just her robe. To me, it meant that she knew what we were up to and she was giving approval. But how much would she approve of? Rachel said that she had told her everything. What did that mean? How would Mrs. Miller treat me? How should I treat her? Things never just stay easy, I thought to myself. I had...

4 years ago
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Reality Issue

The universe has recently gained consciousness and has viewed Itself and the many races that inhabit It, both past and present. After examining all of Its data It has determine that in the future It will die and nothing can prevent it. After thinking about the problem It determined the only way forward is what all races do to become immortal, procreate. It then designed a program that would carry on It's legacy. It also realized that any progeny conceived will inevitably come to the same...

3 years ago
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Body Rentals Elle Gets Controlled

“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate," I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes, ” I said, “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alice and the BigGirl Rapist

The Big Girl Rapist smiles back and steps into the home of his next victim. He looks her over. Gorgeous: large bust, hips and a bubble ass that so excites him. He admires the sway of her ass as she leads the way to the back bedroom. The Big Girl Rapist had been trolling through For Sale ads in the local paper for the last month looking for a victim. None of his stops had yielded anything until today. God, she is perfect he thought as he felt his erection grow in anticipation. He does a...

2 years ago
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the Night Whispers Index 4

I don't remember returning to bed that night, but I woke on my back, naked with no covers. My daughter's pleasant moans rang in my ears as I tried rouse myself. It took me many minutes and a few idle strokes of my fingers between my legs to force my body from the bed and into my robe.Kira was still in her bedroom, so I crept down and made coffee. Before I'd finished my cup, she joined me at the table, eyes averted."Kira..." I said, trying to remember what I'd planned to say to her the night...

3 years ago
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Taking the Girl

Taking the Girl by Daddy_JackNOTE: This is a true life experience ...We drive in silence to a hotel room. My hands squeeze your breasts through the dress, alternately sliding up your skirt to feel your inner thigh, teasing you, tempting you, and exciting you. We had only met that evening through a connection at the dating site, but our erotic conversations over the past week created a tremendous appetite and anticipation of tonight's pleasure.I take you in my arms in the elevator, kissing you....

1 year ago
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Debbie Instructs Gus In the Finer Points

Hi, my name is Don. My wife is Debbie who is thirty-five, blonde, blue eyesd and five feet tall. We've been married for seventeen years. We met in high school and have been sweethearts ever since. Both of us were virgins when we met, so you can appreciate that neither of us has had much sexual experience with other people. When we hold each other, the top of Debbie's head rests just under my chin. Sex is incredible, but sometimes having Debbie in my arms is better. There is nothing greater...

3 years ago
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Snow Falls Silent on Evergreen Trees

A weakness of mine is my tendency to develop myopia when engaging in certain aspects. Reading is probably the biggest. Couple that with a naturally panicky disposition and a heart attack before I was able to legally drink means I turn my phone off when I start reading.As such, when the shrill chime of my phone went off, it nearly gave me another heart attack from shock. I swore at the nothingness and answered it, without bothering to look at the caller ID.“What?” I spat into the receiver. I...

Love Stories
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Cynthia in the Real World

Cynthia was mostly described by her friends and her teachers as "The best little girl you ever did see!" She was probably the brightest 16 year old student the New Delhi Girl's Academy ever had under their tutorledge. Her Father was a recently retired Colonel in the employ of the Golden Star Trading Company headquartered in Calcutta and Istanbul. Her Mother was unfortunately a victim of the typhoid epidemic that swept the coastal regions of India almost a decade prior. In less than a year,...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Erotica

The inspiration for this story came directly from a series of pictures posted by the xHamster user Crazgrrl who posted a series of pictures from a night in the hot tub with her male partner. My mind instantly built a story around the pictures and she was kind enough to grant permission to use them as the basis of this story. This is my first illustrated story and all pictures are used with her permission but remain her property and can be seen on her profile.This story is pure fantasy,...

3 years ago
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My very first time

I haven't shared this with many people, but I experienced my very first orgasm on a sheepskin rug. Honestly. One day, a long time ago, home alone I had myself a nice hot bath, drank a nice chilled bottle of white wine and put on one of mom's sexy black tights. I still can remember vividly that evening because of the tingles that I still experience today when I feel nylon against my inner thighs. It reminds me instandly of that glorious day in the month of July. After a hard period of...

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Chapter 1 Since my wife left me, I’ve taken to having a few of an afternoon, so I stopped in at the Eternity on Queen Street West for a drink. It’s one of the last good “conversation bars” left in Toronto. I like a nice quiet place to have a sip. Like all the other musicians I know, I hate the canned music in most bars. It seems designed to interfere with my conversation and to piss me off in general. In the Eternity, you can actually hear your own thoughts and share those of other people, and...

3 years ago
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sister and I are Close Then Mom 8

The nigh Clare met the pizza delivery man at the door in the nude, we all sat and watched a movie when we finished eating the pizza, with Beth sitting on my lap with my hard dick in her pussy all through the movie, causing her to have several miny orgasms, then when the movie finished, mom told Clare and me to go and satisfy Clare's horny pussy, so she could maybe sleep through the night, then I was to go to Beth's bedroom and sleep with her.Every night from Sunday till Thursday night, Clare...

2 years ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 2

When we landed in Seattle-Tacoma, I honest-to-God looked around the airport for somebody ready to hand me a return ticket to Akron, Ohio. But it didn't happen. Evidently, the Orioles hadn't managed to swing a trade for an almost-used-up professional infielder who could take my place on the roster. It was very early in the morning -- around four -- when I fell into my hotel room bed. Sleeping on the plane had proven unsatisfactory, and I was intending to skip breakfast -- and maybe lunch --...

3 years ago
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Partially Enjoyed A Traditional Girl In Bus Thrice

Hi guys and girls this is Rohan 21 from Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh. I am 6ft tall and good looking guy with average body. I am presently staying in Hyderabad for job searching. I am very much interested in girls and married ladies but I never get any opportunity to have anyone. Girls and married ladies who are interested to have a sensual relationship can drop a mail at Heroine of this story is Neelima (name changed). She looks good and medium height with average figure. I am studying in...

1 year ago
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Diamentional displacement

You are James Altair, a janator at Wendigo Corperation. You were suprized that you got the job so soon after graduating highschool. For fovr months now, you stayed on the bottom 3 floors but when you got you schedule for this week, you see you have the labs. Excited about the promotion after being dumped by Sara, you girlfriend of four years, you get on the elevator and go up to floor 12. You clean the halls and office outside the labs. You start cleaning thd last office and start cleaning but...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Little sister PT1

Mike had been happily married to Marie for about 10 years. He was very much in love with her, and had always been faithful. In fact, only 2 things were weaknesses for him in any fashion at all: panties, and Marie's younger sister Annie. Mike had developed a fetish for panties as a teen, when he masturbated for the very first time with a satin pair that was taken from a friend's sister. Over the next 7-8 years, he had taken dozens of panties from dozens of girls, and curiosity about what wearing...

1 year ago
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Punishing Lily Part Three

I completely forgot about the principal standing next to me. I forgot that I was in my university, surrounded by a thousand giggling, gossiping students. My mind was focussed entirely on the gorgeous, dripping slit in front of me I so needed to bury my cock into. I leaned forward, guiding my throbbing manhood to the Lily’s tight, quivering opening. She gasped in the daze of her climax, her head tipping back and she gave a long, deep groan to feel my head pressing against her entrance. As I...

2 years ago
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The First Ride is always Free Sybian

-----"I can't do this." Nicki stopped short as Tasha opened the door. "I can't... just forget it...""Yes," Tasha insisted, coming up behind her friend and steering her toward the now open door. "You can. There's no one here but us, and aside from showing you the video, I can leave the room entirely if you want."Nicki frowned, staring at the dark saddle-shaped thing in the middle of what looked like a doctor's examining table. "That's it?"Tasha smiled, shutting the door and picking up a remote....

2 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 4 The Virgin of the Arcane

Thursday, January 16th "We're going to be late, Fatima!" Kyle hollered from the bottom of the stairs. The front door opened and his mom stepped in, looking a little tired after her long day at work. "Hey, there," she said, smiling and hugging him. He felt his cock harden as her breasts pressed against him. You already had your sister, why not your mother? No! he shouted at his lust. I'm drawing the line at mom! We'll see. "Off to practice?" she asked. "Yeah, if Fatima ever...

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Meine Erzieherin Frau Brandt 4

Ich sass zwischen zwei Stühlen.Mein Verlangen wollte das ich Anna in in ihrem Zimmer besuchen sollte.Aber mein Verstand riet mir davon ab.Ansehen , aber nicht anfassen.Nach dem Credo musste ich leben.Jeden Tag lief mir ihr geiler Arsch über den Weg.War das nur meine Geilheit oder war ich verliebt ?Das konnte ich mir selbst nicht beantworten.Es vergingen 2 Wochen und meine Seele lag in einem tiefem Chaos.Bis ich eines Tages erneut eine Notiz auf meinem Schreibtisch vorfand.Natürlich war Sie von...

1 year ago
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My birthday present to my husband part 2

About 1 week after my husband took his first birthday present from me, he came home one Saturday afternoon after having been to the football, he had had a few drinks, I could smell it on him, and he grabbed me around the waist lifted me up and said "I know what I want as the second part of my birthday present", "What" I asked. "It will be a surprise" he said, "It is something that you have always wanted to do. "Just redo your makeup, take off all your clothes and lay on the bed - trust me you...

3 years ago
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Ill Be Watching

Lauren sat at the bar, a sly smile washed over her face as she fingered the straw of her vodka tonic. Memories of the past day with her lover washed over her mind, sending a wave of pleasure thru her. She looked down at her wedding ring and a pang of guilt briefly dampened her mood. She ran her hands over her body, even at thirty five; she had the body of a much younger woman. She took painstaking care of her figure, her hair was always done, skin tight and firm; her husband on the other hand...

Wife Lovers
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Caroline Ch 0405

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Sorry but more plot development here laying out the future for Jo.) (No sex) Mike had told me before he left not to say anything to Sarah about our marriage until after lunch. It was difficult but I managed it. He came in the shop about 12:30, had a quick word with Sarah...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Veronica 09112018

Looking a bit like a 1990’s Halle Berry with bigger tits, 20 year old cashier Veronica and her 32DDs may well be one of the hottest cashiers in the State, although those faded tape lines around her nipples tell me she might be moonlighting doing something other than ring up people’s discount pork and 3-for-$1 avocados. Doesn’t matter, we’re happy she’s sitting her fine ass on my couch and judging by how incredibly wet her pussy is right after the interview,...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Tori Avano The Favorite Whore

When sexual outlaw Ramon Nomar’s favorite whore, beautiful Tori Avano, tries to rat him out for a deal gone wrong, he turns the tables on her and pushes her to the limits of sexual humiliation, hardcore BDSM and rough anal sex. Nomar’s expert dick work offers up Tori Avano’s thick ass to the anal gods in this noir, pulp, sleazy porno flick. Ramon plays Tori like the sexy whore she is, but when his favorite whore tries to screw him over, he delivers a vengeful punishment fuck...

3 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 12 Zombies and Pizza

One minute Jared Reznik was waving goodbye to Vanessa in her white Hungry Jack’s uniform then the next minute he was calling her out from under the hedge his neighbor had called her out from under just over two years ago now. That particular day had been very cold, wet and stormy when Vanessa along with her mother had been rescued by Jared and old Mrs Clusky from next door. Tragically, this 85 year old neighbor of Jared’s had suffered a debilitating stroke several months ago and was now...

2 years ago
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Discovered by my Mum fantasy

I was about 12 when I first started wearing Mum's clothes - she wore flimsy tops, mid thigh skirts, and she had a beautiful pair of tan knee high heeled boots. When Mum and Dad were at work, I used to get home from school early, rummage in Mum's wardrobe and walk round the house in her best undies, tights, boots and outfit. And then I'd lay down on the bathroom floor and stroke my hard cock until I came. Sometimes it was difficult to clear up, and once I got cum on her panties! I was so scared...

3 years ago
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Ambers Education

Amber was a very shy sixteen-year-old, late to develop girl. Her chest was still relatively flat; she barely filled an A-cup bra. She had no friends at school or who lived near her. She had a sixteen-year-old male cousin, Billy, who lived on a farm about five miles out of town, which she was comfortable being around because they had grown up together; their mothers were sisters. Amber's mother passed away from cancer when Amber was ten. Her father, Jack, has raised her since then. Her Mom's...

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Outward BoundChapter 12

David Barth, April, and I were in my ready room discussing the Security resupply wish list and the installation of some new equipment. And the groundside technicians that had to be brought in for it. When alarm klaxons started sounding. And an Intruder alert was announced on the public address system. “Intruder alert, Isolation protocols are going into effect, Airtight doors are being secured.” I looked at David. I could tell that the same thought was going through our minds, an intruder...

1 year ago
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Holly Honeypots Photo ShootChapter 4

Holly's last adventure in Las Vegas was not quite how she had pictured the world of modeling and high fashion. In fact, it was so pornographic in nature that she began to understand that her role would be mostly in her birthday suit and not wearing classy duds. She had arrived at the decision that it was time to shit-can Tony despite his big cock and horny attitude. Holly didn't mind the way she was used by the casino bosses. In fact, she kind of like the nasty things they made her do. It...

2 years ago
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Taught A Lesson

Principle Jackson always had the hots for me TAUGHT A LESSON ?You know what you have to do to make all this disappear Kathy,? he repeated, as my mind raced to come up with another solution.? I could see his cock bulging through his pants at the mere thought of what he expected of me.? He reached for my right hand and placed it right on his crotch.? I knew that what I would do next would seal my fate.?  Thinking back about the events leading to his blackmailing me, I always knew that...

3 years ago
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The Erogenous Education of a Clueless Switchgirl

I would like to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed some of the little sex stories I post here. Your comments mean a lot to me. This one is the third Oatmeal Switch story I've posted, but it was supposed to be the first (I was hung up on something in it). I hope you all like it. [Edited for typos, grammar, some wording, lots of things, argh!] ~ "The Erogenous Education of a Clueless Switchgirl" by Rohmer Fan ~ I looked around at all the families who'd already started piling...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Ch 08 The Deal

I look at the woman Reyna pointed me towards. My mouth waters. She’s beautiful in a Reyna way, not sexy or slutty like Maria or June. Her body isn’t begging to be fucked; it’s begging to be adored. She’s in a tan blazer that comes to a point at her slim waist and flows seamlessly into her skirt. It isn’t tight like a pencil skirt, having the pleats to make it more fashionable and less work-oriented. She has a simple white blouse, similar to Diana’s, and heels with straps that wrap up the ankle....

Mind Control
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Neighborly SwapChapter 10

My slumber was disturbed before the dawn, by somebody energetically bouncing upon the bed, nearly tossing me upon the floor. Once my eyes started to focus, I beheld my wife, and Linda, smiling sunburst smiles, and leaning to the whispered briefing that Britney, still naked, was providing. I rolled over, attempting to regain blissful slumber, but it was not to be. Britney’s tale was interrupted from time to time by muted squeals of “Oh, he didn’t!”, and “Five times? Really!”, and similar...

1 year ago
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Meg Brown and the principals office

Meg Brown and the Principal's OfficeA short story of one Chapter.Meg Brown had always been a good girl, even at home her parents had no real reason tospank her. She had been over her Mothers knee a few times but that was years beforeand was all but forgotten. Her primary school used the old fashioned over the kneespanking and the cane for the naughtiest boys and girls but never severely and Meg hadmanaged to avoid it.Now she was eighteen and was looking forward to college and a career and...

3 years ago
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LifeDrawing Modelling

Empty chairs circled a raised platform set upon the polished floor, on which cushions and thick blankets were arranged.The space was large, with white painted walls. Halogen lights shone down from the ceiling, illuminating the small stage and smooth concrete of the surrounding floor. Veronica's footsteps echoed as she crossed the space to join her husband in the small changing room.He had already begun to shed his clothing; his shirt was on the floor by his feet and he was loosening the cord of...

2 years ago
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amazing mom

you will have read about my mom and me in my last story, about how we walked around the park, and the things we talked about, but we were now back at home, the useless bastard I called dad, who was actually my step dad, was guzzling down cans of beer my mother was supplying him from the fridge, he didn't even have to open them, every time she got one, she sprung the little tab on the top to pop it open for him, and as she handed the can to him, she looked over at me and winked, and she had a...

2 years ago
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My Adopted Family

I knew as soon as I saw the lady sitting at the table, she was my new Foster-Mother. I was Sixteen then and had been through endless Foster carers, but there was something special about this one as she had that ring of class about her. She introduced herself as Fiona; we chatted for a while and as she started speaking I could tell she was a class above my previous carers and seemed to genuinely care about what I wanted in life; we spent about an hour discussing my life and what I wanted out of...

1 year ago
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And Sis Makes Three

I’m sure it was the two glasses of wine we’d just had that loosened Julie, my sister-in-law up enough to embark on the conversation neither of us will ever forget. It was Friday afternoon and Steve was due home anytime. His sister had just left her husband and was staying with us while looking for an apartment. “Please tell me my baby brother knows how to use that horse cock of his. I had a couple of big ones when I was in college—not as big as Steve’s of course, but neither of those guys...

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