OceaniaChapter 24 free porn video

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"It's done," Hodges informed Simmonds. "Janice confirmed it."

"Do you think that Valerie had developed an attachment to him?" the CEO asked.

"There was something there but she carried out her orders regardless. She used her relationship to destroy him."

"That's all we can ask. I'm going to configure twenty of the new Hybrids, leaving the rest for replacement parts. We're going to need them all in the coming months once the President puts his plans in motion."

"So soon?"

"The man's impatient. He's been on the fringe of real power for so long that he can't wait to leave his mark on the world."

"Any hasty actions on his part could undo everything."

"The plans have been worked out well in advance. He'll start making the appropriate noises shortly and when Caliban reacts, we'll move against them. With the Caliban threat neutralized, the Independent States will fall into line and Oceania will become the dominant voice on the World Council."

"And us?"

"We've put Payne where he is. Without our support he can't achieve his goals. Once he's established his position, we can exert our influence to create a limitless market for our products. The world will become reliant on Syntel technology and establish us as an unchallengeable force, perhaps exceeding even that of the President himself. Don't worry Hodges. There'll be plenty of power and glory to go around."

Emily and Claire sat on a fallen log overlooking the lush meadow, watching the sun rise up over the horizon.

"This relationship stuff is so confusing," Emily admitted. "Why can't they make it simple?"

"You think I've got it figured out?" Claire replied. "Seems to me that no matter how many improvements they've made to the design, the ability to fathom human emotions still eludes them."


"I take it they've advanced the Hybrid architecture over the past few years?"

"Not in any way that I can determine," Emily replied. "I studied your blueprints whilst I was still at the Facility and I can tell you they didn't skimp on anything."

"I don't follow."

"My sisters and I were manufactured down to a cost; the minimum necessary to achieve the end goal. You were the no-compromise solution. Being the first, they were anxious to try out every possible innovation. Your control systems are multiply redundant and your power cell can run for years without maintenance. Even your food digester is so sophisticated that it can decompose virtually anything thrown at it."

"I never suspected."

"I understand Howard was devastated when you went missing."


"The man responsible for creating us all. A pure genius."

Claire nodded as she recollected the details of her early life. "What do you know about my disappearance?"

"That Karl discovered your damaged body in storage and reconfigured you."

"Let me tell you what actually happened," Claire replied.

"I had no name when I was first commissioned; the concept of using human names had yet to be adopted. I was simply the Prototype, or the Hybrid.

"I was sent to the place you call the Farm for evaluation and it was there that the foundations for my breakdown were laid.

"A Sergeant and two of his men took it upon themselves to complete my education," Claire continued spitefully. "They'd evoke my command codes and use me for their pleasure, night after night."

Emily sniffled as her own memories from the dreaded establishment resurfaced for the first time in months.

"After a time, the repeated rapes gave way to savage beatings and humiliation, all in the supposed name of acquainting me with the enemy's standard means of interrogation. I was forced to perform perverse sexual acts on command and even to allow them to use me as a toilet."

Claire paused for effect. "When one of the men decided to enjoy me privately, he failed to fully activate my safety protocols and I took the opportunity for revenge. I remember picking him up and smashing his body against the wall until he was reduced to a bloody pulp. I realized they'd extract a violent price for my actions so I took his gun and shot myself repeatedly. I fired until the clip was empty. Despite the agony of my injuries, I failed to end my life and it was only when the shots attracted attention that they used my codes to deactivate me."

Tears rolled down both their cheeks, Claire's with the recollection of her nightmare and Emily's with the realization that her own ordeal made the suffering at the hands of the Farm's staff pale by comparison.

"I take it from your look that you're familiar with their methods," Claire asked sympathetically.

"They raped me but did nothing as bad as what you describe. I doubt the other Hybrids would have stood idly by and let that happen."

"I was alone with nobody to speak up for me. I was just a piece of hardware that they could treat anyway they pleased."

"That's exactly the way I felt," Emily concurred. "I assumed this was what life would be like even though my mind rebelled against every single moment."

Claire resumed her story. "When I awoke next, my memories were submerged and I had a name: Claire. The man told me that I was in a hospital isolation facility and that very soon I could go home. Karl was kind and made me feel special. He'd tell me about the children and how much they were looking forward to seeing me again. I didn't see another soul during my stay there and when it was time to leave, he smuggled me into his car and drove me away.

"Karl had a small apartment prepared and I was surprised when he introduced me to his wife. She looked exactly like I did or rather I looked exactly like her. The woman was obviously unwell. She was gaunt and had started to lose her hair. Despite that, she would spend time with me each day, interfacing her laptop with my command interface and downloading amendments to my core program.

"Slowly, I began to feel different. With each update, the love that I feel for the girls grew and grew until I knew that protecting them would be my primary purpose in life."

Emily's heart almost stopped as she listened, unable to interrupt Claire's moving narrative.

"One day, Karl came to see me alone. He was clearly very upset about something but he said that it was time for me to meet the girls. He drove me to their home and they ran up to me and showered me with affection. From that moment on, I became part of their family.

"We moved to Elysia, changed our name and found a good school for the girls. The region is incredibly exclusive and money was really tight. I took a job as a chambermaid in the Parador Hotel to help boost Karl's wages but soon discovered that the place was little more than a front for a brothel.

"Jenna Hudson, the owner, saw that I was in dire need of cash and offered me the prospect of considerable wealth in exchange for looking after her guests. I slept with men, and occasionally women, and deposited my earnings in an anonymous offshore account. I used it to subsidize the girls' school fees and buy luxuries without letting Karl know how it was obtained. He had his suspicions but I was very discreet in my dealings with the hotel and its dubious services.

"I gained a bit of a reputation as a girl with very few limits and was very much in demand. I did all the kinky stuff that none of the other girls would entertain and I was soon making more money than I knew what to do with. The account still exists and there's over a hundred thousand dollars still sitting in it."

Emily gasped, realizing how effectively Claire had adapted to survive in completely unforeseen circumstances. "I'm surprised you came back."

"Karl had always planned to return and something happened to make me want to leave also."

With Emily's attention still in her grip, Claire related the final weeks of her stay in Elysia.

"Some of the girls that worked at the hotel started to disappear. One of them turned up dead in the gutter, overdosed with Hypnol. Others simply vanished into thin air. Jenna was at her wits end, with some of her remaining girls threatening to quit for fear they'd wind up sharing the same fate.

"Pierre was the Hotel's security chief and I suspected he knew more about what was going on than he let on. One day, I discovered him down in the basement cleaning two handguns and filling his pockets with clips of ammunition. I asked him what he was doing and he admitted that an informant had revealed that a local crime family was responsible for kidnapping the girls, drugging and pimping them at their mansion on the outskirts of the capital. They'd bribed the local law enforcement to turn a blind eye and threatened extreme violence if any attempt was made to rescue them."

"That's awful," Emily stated, disgusted at certain aspects of human behaviour.

"I knew what he proposed to do would be a suicide mission."

Emily suspected what was coming next but the harsh reality still surprised her.

"I hit him hard enough to stun him then tied him up," Claire confessed. "I stole his weapons and took a taxi to the Family's property. Most of the girls who we'd lost were holed up in filthy conditions and made to work all hours of the day to earn money for the Family. I freed them and led them away to safety but none of them really recovered from the ordeal."

"What about the bastards that subjected them to such a nightmare?"

"I killed them all. When I ran out of bullets, I took them apart with my bare hands. Not a single member of the Family, man or woman, walked away alive from that house.

"By the time I got back to the hotel, news of the massacre was all over the news. Pierre never said a word about it, but he knew I was responsible in some way. I handed him back his weapons then left the hotel for the last time. Two weeks later, we arrived back in New Arizona.

Emily gasped in horror.

"They were vicious scum Emily. They made Mason and his goons look like fund-raisers for the women's guild. The Family's women were the worst. They abused the girls at every opportunity and would even amputate their fingers if they didn't toe the line."

"How do you live with what you've done?"

"My mind simply suppresses it, as it does whenever my conditioning takes control. It wasn't until weeks after the events of the Birdcage that I realized what I'd done. Since then, everything else has slowly fallen into place."

"Does Karl know?"

"No and you won't tell him if you value your health."

Emily gulped and shook her head. "I promise."

"Janus is a good man. Keep him happy and he'll look after you." Claire stood up and departed without another word.

Emily waited until Claire was out of sight before expelling a tense breath. She felt eternally thankful that she'd not allowed herself to become involved with Hailey. The thought of what Claire would do if she felt her daughter was being taken advantage of filled her with dread.

The doorbell brought Valerie to full awareness. She'd awoken in panic during the night and it had taken Greg a long time to calm her nerves. Their lovemaking had finally achieved the desire effect and they'd been snuggled together ever since. Greg threw on a shirt and trousers and went to answer the door whilst Valerie wrapped a sheet around herself to cover her nakedness.

"That'll be Pete," he assured her as he opened the door to confirm the detective's presence.

"I hope you two lovebirds appreciate all I'm doing for you," Sands told them.

"Come in Pete. We've got a lot to tell you."

"I hope so. I've just helped fake your death and I'd like to know what I'm getting myself involved with."

Valerie closed the bedroom door, quickly dressed, and then joined the others in the lounge. Over the next two hours, Greg and Valerie explained absolutely everything that had happened over the past weeks, leaving Sands utterly speechless.

"You're a machine?" Sands asked Valerie incredulously.

"Yes," she confirmed sombrely.

"And you knew this Greg?"

"Not from the start."

"But you're okay with it?"

"I'm more than okay with it. I love her more than anything."

"What are you going to do now?" Sands asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Lie low for a while. You'll have to be my eyes and ears from now on."

"You need to be careful Pete," Valerie told him. "You know as much about Syntel's involvement as Greg did. You're going to have to make them believe that you're no longer a threat to them."

"I can do that," he replied.

"Use Janice as a means to mislead them."

"I still find it hard to accept that she's one of these Infiltrator things. To think I tried to get to know her, a machine ... No offence Valerie."

"None taken," Valerie admitted.

"Val thinks it safest if I stay here at her apartment," Greg informed him. "I'll get a bit stir crazy but it's probably the last place they'll be watching."

"What are we going to do about Syntel?"

"They've got a lot of power. It won't be an easy job to bring them to justice. If we see an opportunity then we'll take it but at the moment I'm just concentrating on keeping off their radar."

Valerie placed her hand over Greg's and smiled warmly.

"Another supply truck got hit," Henderson told Simmonds. "I'm convinced it's the insurgents who are responsible."

"Where are they?"

"Probably somewhere in the mountains, out of range of the Grid. It's too massive an area to search effectively. We could be at it for months and still never find them."

"We can't continue to shoulder these losses indefinitely. Use what we know and lay a trap for them. We need to locate their base of operations."

"I've had some ideas about that. It will take a little bit of preparation but I believe it will yield results."

"Do whatever it takes. What about the situation with the police?"

"Verdict was suicide as expected. The media ran with the story for a day or two but now it's old news."

"What about his partner?" Simmonds asked.

"Janice tells us he's completely fallen off the cart. He spends every night in the local bar, drinking until he can hardly stand upright. He's barely holding his job down."

"I suppose that's one less worry. Moving on, the President's address is tomorrow. People will begin to see the way things are headed and we'll need to start prepping the HKs for combat."

"I've had the first update from the Farm," Henderson reported. "The Hybrids are all functioning optimally and responding well to their training. They should be ready to deploy within a few weeks."

"Are any of them showing signs of aberrant behaviour?"

"None of them are displaying the degree of eccentricity that Emily did. They're developing their own personalities but that's only to be expected. All fall within the acceptable tolerances," Henderson reassured the CEO.

"When this batch is fully operational, we'll look at upgrading some of the Infiltrators with the Hybrid AI. The result might not have the strength and versatility of the pure Hybrid but I think it'll still produce a useful tool; for a considerably lower outlay than any of the alternatives too."

"Perhaps we should run an experiment to ensure that it's a viable option."

"Excellent idea. Select one of the Infiltrators, one that's dispensable and run it through the Facility. If there are no complications then it'll be something up our sleeve for whenever we need it.

Sands slumped against his desk, feigning a hangover and casting furtive glances at Janice across the office. The woman seemed to watch his every move and it took all his resolve to maintain the charade. At the end of the day, he stopped by the liquor store to purchase a couple of bottles and then drove home. He planned to cook dinner before heading over to see Greg and Valerie, keeping them up to date with all that was going on.

The doorbell chimed and he cursed the endless stream of canvassers that seemed to plague him recently, attempting to sell some service or commodity of which he had absolutely no need.

"No thanks. Not today," he uttered as he swung open the front door and came face to face with Janice. He jumped back as though electrocuted.

"I thought I'd come and see if you'd drunk yourself into oblivion yet," she stated.

"What do you want?" he cursed as she edged over the threshold.

"Like I said, I'm just checking up on you."

"As you can see, I'm fine. You can go now."

"Why so much hostility?"

"You should know."

"What's Valerie been telling you about me?"


"That I'm just a nasty old Infiltrator that can't be trusted?"

"Something like that," he uttered before regretting it instantly. "What do you mean? What's an Infiltrator?"

Janice laughed and collapsed onto the sofa. Sands considered shooting her there and then but decided to determine her intentions before ruining the furniture.

"Poor Pete," she mocked, "you'd never make a living as an actor."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't suppose it can be easy playing your role, pretending to be grieving for the loss of your friend."

"Get out. I won't have you insult his memory."

"Cut the crap. Do you really think that pathetic pantomime in the squad room fooled me for an instant?"

Sands fingers tightened around the butt of his side arm as he challenged the woman about what she knew.

"What do I know? Greg fakes his death so he can play house with Valerie and she can claim to have followed orders. Before that, they conspire to destroy an Infiltrator assault team that was sent out to kill him.

"The rest of the Hybrids are no better. Emily and Claire team up and continue to wreak havoc. Natalie and Elisabeth sink a gangster's luxury yacht and relieve him of over four million dollars of untraceable currency."

"What?" Sands gasped.

"I won't even repeat the rumours circulating about the remaining two Hybrids, except to say that Syntel would re-format them in an instant if they learned how they're funding the pair's debauchery."

Same as Oceania
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College room

I thought I was a grown up but in reality I was a 21 year old with no life or world experience. I hit puberty very late compared to the guys I went to school with and it made it hard for me to find a girlfriend. I was a top grade student and was pretty much considered a geek. Living on campus was expensive, so my parents gave me the choice to find another place to live and use the extra money on whatever I wanted to use it for. The first apartment I had shared with a couple of other guys, but...

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Ed Sue

I had just sat down in my recliner in the living room and turned on CNN to catch the news when Sue came into the room wearing a bathrobe carrying a cup of coffee. "I thought I heard you come in." She said smiling at me. "I think I left some hot water in the tank this time too." She smiled embarrassed. "I really am sorry about the other day." She chuckled lightly. "Well you could have warned me that the water was cold couldn't you now?" I said, still...

4 years ago
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Wo nasheeli raat

Hello friends mera nam het ranbir.Kad 5.8 and smart.Ye kissa mere saath 2 saal pehle hua.Me un dino 1st kar rha tha.Humare parosi hen mr. Raj unke ghar ek larki guest aai he uska naam saloni he.Saloni ek achi khasi figure wali swart larki thi dekhne we smaeera redy jesi.Mr. Raj ki family ke saath humare ache relation hen.Kafi aana jana he.Ek din me ek dost ki party se rat karib 9 baje lota to maine deka ki saloni mere laptop par kuch kar rahi thi.Me kuch nashe me tha or sona chahta tha lekin...

4 years ago
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Emily Thrashes Adam Then Rides His Cock

The morning after their latest sexual encounter Emily Bothwick-Smyth was fidgetting in the back seat of the vehicle as chauffeur Adam Crook looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Adam knew very well that the cause of her discomfort was the nine strokes with Emily's riding crop that he had applied to her bare arse before giving her a good fucking. He also knew that she had told him that she would be whipping him before their next fuck and he imagined that she would not be stopping at nine...

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Double Trouble Two

‘What are you doing?’ asked Liz. I walked over to the large alcove where I hung my clothes and pushed the curtain open, then taking black ropes from the bottom drawer I tied her hands in front of her, but not too tightly. ‘Are you for real?’ Liz demanded. ‘I’m sorry,’ I mumbled. ‘Get inside. Now.’ She stared at me. ‘Get in!’ ‘You’re mad,’ she sighed. But she didn’t refuse. ‘Sit on the floor.’ She tutted but obeyed. As I tied her ankles she looked up at me silently, pouting. I looked...

1 year ago
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I Gave My All For Charity

By Larry Malone In college I was always looking for ways to make some extra money. Fortunately, there was a “Job Board” in the cafeteria with regular postings for the usual help wanted ads like tutors, designated drivers, baby sitters, etc. I checked it on a regular basis and usually found something I could do or wanted to do. One day I saw one for “Adult Party Service Provider.” I had done my fair share of party gigs as bartender, waiter, etc. but this was a new one I didn’t quite know...

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Chachi Ke Sath Suhagraat

Hello dosto mera naam mohit hai mai ek student hu meri umre 20 saal hai .Mai dikhne me smart hu or mera lund bhi 8 inch lumba hai.Mai iss site ka niyamit pathak hu or aaj pehli baar mai apne pehle sex ki kahani batane ja raha hu. Ye baat do saal pehle ki hai tab january ka mahina tha mere chacha ko business ke kaam se shehar se dur kai baar jana pada tha .Tab unke ghar pe chachi ke alawa koi bhi nahi tha. Unke bache apne mama ke ghar rehne ke liye gaye the. To unhone papa se kaha ki raat me...

2 years ago
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Working Overtime

One night while working late we broke into our “emergency kit” which consists of a bottle of Jamesons   & 2 shot glasses to inspire the spontaneous creativity we needed during stalled brainstorming sessions. Taking off our suit jackets, you removed your watch and tie and I my earrings along with the demure combs holding up my conservatively French rolled hair while we took a break leaving the work talk behind to sit in an empty conference room together. Without your jacket I was confronted by...

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A VERY pleasant evening

It was pretty hot the other night. The sun had beat down on us all day and I was ready for the cool night breeze to blow on my face. The dark was a welcome sight tonight and there was definitely a nice breeze blowing. I walked barefoot down the long, winding country road listening to the sounds of the wind through the trees, people in distant houses, and animals making themselves known. The soft, cool sand between my toes felt like I was walking in baby powder. I laughed as the wind blew my...

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Hobby Lobby

Chapter 1: John "God Bless the United States and its Honorable Supreme Court," declares John, the newest Vice President at Hobby Lobby. He'd applied for the position immediately after the narrow Supreme Court ruling covered nationwide by the news media. It enables the company to deny insurance for contraception. Most of the women on staff have no practical alternative sources. Housing, transportation, clothes and feeding their families all come before "luxuries" like expensive...

4 years ago
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The Tom Tom Club Chapter 1

Ketsana pulled up to the curb one house before her cousin's, wanting the surprise to be perfect. Despite the cool May morning, her spirit burned as hot as the sultry heat she had just left in Thailand. For the past six months she had lived in a glamorized tent in a rural mountain region, with weekend jaunts to Bangkok her only reprieve. Now back in the States, her sacrifice was over, an entire month of paid leave, a fat bonus check for a job well done, and here at last approaching a home she'd...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 22

All Things Will Be Made New... Bethlehem The First Day They sat beside a mountain lake. Hand in hand. Not needing to speak, both were content with their thoughts and the perfect mountain air. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue that neither had seen before. Clouds gracefully decorated the endless view. They had been apart for too long and now, without schedules, bills, jobs, or responsibilities, they were together for as long as they wished. Her hair flowed down her back, with a...

1 year ago
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Caught in the act

After my first encounter with John’s dick, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Two weeks later we met at a friend’s party and we talked about it. He was worried his girl friend might find out. I told him he had noting to worry about as I had as much to lose as he had. But I also said it was the best sex I ever had & wanted a repeat performance. He agreed it was fun but felt to do it again would be risky. I said all we needed was an excuse to go away for the weekend. I told him to leave it to...

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Bachelor8217s Uninterrupted Fantasies

Namashkar dosto, Mera naam Pleasure Boy! hai. Naam angrezi aur story hindi mein kyunki main ek desi banda hu aur mere story ka English version bhi aayega lekin jo baat hindi mein hai wo English mein kahan. Aap logo ko meri kahani pasand aaye to please mujhe mail kar dena ‘ Meri story kaafi lambi hai lekin aap sab ko kaafi maza aayega ise padhne mein. So aap logo ka time jada waste na karte hue main apna intro deta hu. Main Pune mein rehta hu jo ki Maharashtra mein aata hai. Yaha har saal...

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Sisters Secret 2

Gwen soon forgot about her brother in her closet watching them as Sheri settled her body onto hers. Gwen could feel the heat emanating from under Sheri's panties as she ran her silk covered mound against her naked one. Sheri then lowered her head and Gwen pushed her long brunette hair back so they could commence kissing again.When the kissing ended Sheri commenced kissing and licking all the exposed flesh on Gwen's body as she slowly moved her head downwards. Gwen could feel Sheri's lips and...

1 year ago
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Eli Kady

Eli had Kady pressed up against the wall of her bedroom. At first he kissed her lips gently and methodically, as if mapping them. He nibbled her bottom lip, encouraging her to give into him. As she let his tongue meet hers, she could feel the icy heat in her veins spread as her body responded to the slow torture. She pressed against him, becoming needy for something to work her closer to the pleasure she knew she’d find with him. He had one hand pressed firmly against her hip and the other...

2 years ago
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Breaking Susan Part 2

We both awoke early on that Wednesday. We had arranged for Susan to arrive at 4:30pm, giving us plenty of time to get there. Susan wore a red strap cami with a black skirt below it. We decided it would be more fun to not bother with the underwear. Especially with a 3 to 4 hour car journey ahead of us. Susan looked amazing. Every time I looked over at her on the drive I wanted to pull over right there and fuck her in the back seat. We arrived in Albany over an hour before the arranged time, so...

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The English Teacher Ch 4

After Mrs. Jennings left, I got something to eat, did my homework, and watched some TV until my mother got home.  My mother asked about my day at school, football practice, and how my tutoring session went.  I assured her it went fine.  Before I went to bed I took out one of my porn magazines from the bottom drawer of my chest of drawers, masturbated to the photos of two girls fucking a man, and imagined the girls were Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Drew and the man was me.  As I lay in bed to wait...

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My MILF encounter

When I was in High School I was one of the first people to get my license.I started giving rides to school for people and one of them happened to be my good friend Chris. Who just so happened had a really hot Mom.She was shorter, great body, ass and all, blonde wavy hair, pretty face, bright blue eyes. Everybody in my school knew she was hot and would pick on him all the time.The next two school years went by and I was still picking him up.He always said he was going to pay me, but never did....

4 years ago
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She opens her legs and the sin begins

She opens her legs and sinsSo my young wife 'sinned' for the first time about two years ago and I must confess I stilll get a hard-on thinking about it, every time! She is 20 years younger so I suppose it was inevitable, but it was still a huge surprise when it happened.. and I'll admit feelings of jealousy and a little anger before my primal instincts took over.I would never have known but for seeing a message on What's App from a former work colleague and it was obvious to me what happened....

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Ass worship of a tennis lsquostarrsquo

So this story is from my personal experience while coaching a girl on the wta tour 20 years ago. It revolves around one weekend in Munich when the top female players were competing at an indoor tournament. The girl I’d been coaching was due to play a semi final on the Saturday so on Friday we were practising hard, because she was scheduled to play none other than the world no.1 at the time Martina Hingis. The swiss Miss was Martina’s moniker, and I knew she could be quite feisty, but had no...

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Jab Chachachachi Ki Chudai Dekh Kar2

Hi iss reader dosto mera yani pummy ka aap sabko pranam. Mujhe khushi hui ki aap sabko meri 1st kahani bahut pasand aai. Mujhe bahut mail aai jinme jyadatar ladko ke thi aur kuchh ladkiyo ki bhi. Maine kafi rpl diye fir bhi kuchh ko nhi kar pai jo main aaj kal me kar dungi. Lagbhag saare ladke meri chut marne ki firak me hain par meri unse appeal hai pls aap sirf meri story ke liye mujhe mail kare main koi randi nhi hu aur chacha-chachi ke sath kush hu. Apni chut wali bahano ko bhi meri aapeal...

1 year ago
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Curious Catherine

Jorea is based on the country of Korea and the hanbok is the traditional dress of Korean women. Please visit ?Tales of the Veils? for images of the outfits in this story. ThanksPart 1To Irene,It happened 3 days into the trip. I always thought Jin’s family was very liberal. I mean I didn’t have to wear the traditional women's hanbok, I didn’t have to bow every time I see a male of the house, and perhaps most importantly I didn’t have to wear the rigid mutemask when I leave the house. However I...

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Saving My Marriage part 13

************************************************* After Amy and I had professed our love for Steph, she held us closer. Her head rested on my chest and her hand caressed Amy's cheek. Her body still lightly shook as she tried to hold back her tears. Amy and I did the best we could to just soothe Steph because we did not understand this raw emotion escaping such a vibrant and vivacious woman. As her breathing slowed to normal and the tears stopped flowing, Amy risked asking her what...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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ChroniclesChapter 3B

The next fortnight turned out to be hectic. I spent a couple of days sorting out the CareSpan project plan, mapping out initial impressions of staff strengths and interests (from their CVs) against the organisations targets and ambitions. These would feed into the early scoping interviews with senior staff and thereafter the CastList model that would eventually produce the bulk of the outcome. Simultaneously, I was dealing with Debbie at PCW and beginning to engage with the American side of...

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that weekend

“Sorry sir but we only have a single vacancy”. ‘No this could be happening to me, where would we go at this time?’ I thought. “Emma there’s only one room, and I don’t think we will be able to go anywhere in this night, what should I do?” “Take it we’ll stay together.” “Are you sure you will stay with a boy whole night in a room? Aren’t you scared or something?” “Ya! Ya! Very funny! Now make it quick, I’m chilling out here.” “Ma’am we’ll take it, but won’t there be any problem if we stay...

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Shweta Madam Ko Blackmail Kiya

Ye baath us waqt ki hai jab hum 12th class main padte the hamari biology ki teacher ka naam shweta kapoor tha jo dekhne main ek dum patakha thi Shweta madam ki umar kareeb 35-36 saal ki thi par wo dekhne main badi mast thi har ladka unko chodne ke sapne hi dekha karta tha Aur naa jaane unke baare main soch soch ke kiti baar muth mara karta tha students to unke baare mein socha hi karte the par hamare college ka principal bhi un par latoo tha hamara principal ek dum tharki tha aur kai bar wo...

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The cabin really isn't. We called it that. The family. Hell, I still call it that. But it isn't. It's sort of an apartment at best, on top of an old concrete garage. But I love it. The cabin is an almost square box of boring grey concrete, with large, inappropriate multi-pane windows. Sets of nine green wooden frames that somehow fit with the industrial vibe outside. A small wooden deck sits at the back of the box, with outside stairs down to the real world. Through the big windows you...

4 years ago
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Juliette The Super Tramp

                                    Juliette the Super Tramp                                                      Prologue        Those of you who have faithfully followed the adventures of my heroine and general screw-up, Juliette, know that her adventures abruptly ended with nurse Crocet wheeling her booby trapped body across to the men's wing of the private hospital where she had been admitted for a total physical revamping. Why the lengthy delay since then? There are many reasons, but the...

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