HomecomingChapter 6 free porn video

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The taxi pulled away leaving Cindy and me standing at the foot of Pier 11. My watch read 0700. I handed Cindy her overnight bag and we both wearily walked through the pier security gate. Neither of us had gotten any sleep last night. Cindy was insatiable in bed and we ended up screwing each other's brains out until there wasn't a dry spot left on any of the sheets. Hopefully we would have a quiet duty day with plenty of opportunities to catch up on some much-needed shuteye.

"Do you know if you have to stand watch today?"

Cindy yawned, "I saw the watch-bill on Monday. I didn't see either of our names on it."

"There is a god," I replied.

We walked onboard and sneaked a quick illegal kiss in the passageway before we went our separate ways to berthing. I threw my overnight bag into my locker and changed into my dungarees. I walked into the head to take a leak and found a couple of my shipmates by the sinks who were rather disgruntled about the continuing lack of hot water. I smiled to myself as I stood freshly shaven at the urinal, feeling rather smug that I remembered to shave at the hotel.

Leaving berthing, I grabbed some chow, double-checked the watch bill to ensure my name wasn't on it, and walked to the shop for morning muster. Chief Mills read the POD and quickly dismissed everyone except for me.

"Meadows, I need to talk to you," he motioned towards the office with his hand.

"Sure Chief," I said as I walked into the tiny office.

Chief closed the door behind him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"There are a couple of things. First, I want to tell you that Jones is out of the Navy."

"What? When the hell did that happen?"

"The psychiatric doctor down at Portsmouth determined that Jones no longer meets the needs of the Navy. They are currently preparing his separation paperwork down in personnel."

"How is that even possible?"

"The Navy doesn't want the liability. It's easier to boot him out with a severance package than it is to risk having another incident."

"That's such bullshit; there never would have been an incident if Brandon hadn't pushed him over the edge, and what kind of severance package? Will he get an honorable discharge?"

"He'll probably get an other than honorable and a chunk of cash to get home."

"With an other than honorable, he's fucked for the rest of his life!"

"Not really, it's not like a Bad Conduct Discharge. He can still work for the government and hold civil service jobs. The reason for his discharge will be completely sealed and should have no bearing on any future employment."

"Yeah, right, we both know that's a crock. How long 'til he's gone?"

"He has two weeks from Monday to be moved out of Navy Housing."

"Christ! That's not a lot of time. Where will they go?"

"Back to Ohio," Chief said.

"You talked to him?"

"Yesterday, he seemed rather happy about it."

"Oh." I felt like I just received a kick in the gut. Jones was my last true friend onboard this god forsaken hell hole. The realization that he was leaving caused a sinking feeling to form in my stomach as I pondered what life aboard the Yellowstone would be like without Jones.

Chief didn't notice that I had tuned him out while he kept on talking, "Next thing, who the hell is Kerri?"

Kerri's name snapped my attention back to the conversation, "What about her?"

"She keeps calling asking for you." Chief handed me a stack of notes. "I got sick and tired of her calling every hour. She said it was an emergency and I needed to have you call her as soon as you got onboard. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just some crazy chick I know. I'll talk to her."

"Good idea. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on liberty. See you Monday."

"See ya chief. Thanks."

I looked at the stack of messages in my hand. There had to have been at least twenty messages to call her back.

Crazy bitch, who the hell gave her the shop number? It had to be Bailey!

Suddenly, rage, and anger consumed me.

I'll call you when fucking hell freezes over bitch!

I threw the pile of notes in the trash and walked out of the office. I left a standing order with my shop mates that if a girl name Kerri calls for me, hang up. Don't talk to her; don't take a message, just hang up the phone. Nobody in the shop asked why.

I called Jones' house and finally got to talk to [Terry].

"Hey dude! How are you doing?"

"Better," He said.

"I bet, the Chief told me that you're a short-timer now."

"Yeah, two weeks to process my paperwork, then Edith, and I are out of here."

"I can't believe that. So things are better between you two?"

"We're getting there. Edith and I have had some real good talks and we both realized that the Navy was driving us apart. If we're ever going to get back to the way things were, we have to get out of this place."

"So what did you say to the doctors to convince them to let you out?"

Jones laughed, "That was the easy part! After I calmed down, the psychiatrist that was reviewing my case sat me down, and asked me one question."

"That was it, one question?"

"Yep, he said, Son, do you want to be in the Navy anymore? I told him flat out. No, he started writing some notes on a piece of paper, and the next thing I know I'm over at personnel filling out separation paperwork."

"You're fucking kidding me?"

"Nope, I swear if I had known it was this easy to get out of the Navy I would have freaked out a long time ago."

I fell silent. I didn't know how to respond to Terry's enthusiasm about leaving. I was happy for him but at the same time upset at the prospect of losing my friend.

Did my friendship mean that little to him?

"But listen, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Just the usual, which is not much," I answered, "Why?"

"Good. How would you like to come over for dinner? Edith and I need to thank you for all that you've done for us."

"I guess that would be cool."

"Great. Plus I could really use your help figuring out how to get moved back to Ohio in less than two weeks."

"Sure. Oh, do you mind if I bring somebody with me?"

"Who do you have in mind?"

"I've started hanging out with Cindy Pace from the Pipe-shop."

"Holy crap! That's awesome man. Definitely, bring her along."

"What time?"

"Hold on," Jones put down the phone and I could hear him talking to Edith in the background, "How's five o'clock?"

"That should be good. I'll check with Cindy, but I don't see a problem."

"Cool. Oh Kevin?"


"Thanks for everything you did for Edith and me."

"It was nothing," I said modestly.

"That's bullshit and you know it. I know you came to see me at the hospital. Edith told me about your conversation in the parking lot. I really appreciate you sticking up for me like you did."

"What are friends for?"

"Well I know who my real friends are. We'll talk more tomorrow, okay?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

That afternoon, I shared lunch with Cindy and asked her about having dinner with Edith and Terry. She didn't have any objections and seemed anxious to meet my friend. We finished our meals and then we both went to our separate breathings to catch up on some much-needed shuteye before evening chow.

The rest of the evening, I hung out in the Pipe-shop with Cindy and watched TV. Before I turned in for the night, I went to the ship-fitter shop to check in and see how many times Kerri called. The guys said she stopped calling around 1700 after they hung up on her for the twentieth time. Happy with my shop mates for a job well done, I rewarded them all with a round of sodas. With nothing else to do, I left and headed for berthing. Even though I had a couple of good naps during the day, I slept like the dead.

The next morning after liberty call for duty section two, I went looking for Cindy. I strolled into the Pipe-shop on top of the world expecting to share another day in paradise. I found her standing by her shop locker.

"Are you ready to get out of here?"

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who the hell Kerri is."

Uh-oh. Whom did she talk to?

"She's just a girl I know. Why?"

"That's not the way she sees it."

"You talked to her?"

"Yeah, she called the shop this morning and told me to stop screwing around with her boyfriend."

Bailey ... I'm going to fucking kill him!

"You've got to be kidding me. I'm not her boyfriend. Kerri is one of Bailey's friends and she has a crush on me."

"A crush? I'm not buying that load of crap. Coming from her it sounds like you two are a lot more than friends. She told me that if I don't stop screwing around with her man, that she was going to come to the ship and kick my ass."

"I can explain this," I pleaded.

Cindy cut me off. "You fucked her the day we got back from the cruise. I don't need to hear your explanation. It's obvious that you're just another fucking male pig. You know I really thought you were different. Now I find out your screwing another chick behind my back?"

"Cindy, it's not like that at all. It was a mistake!"

"Damn strait it was a mistake!" She barked, "A mistake that I trusted you!"

"You can't believe that. The night we got back from the cruise, there was a party. Bailey and his girlfriend Jennifer set me up. They got me drunk and Kerri came onto me. One thing led to another and I woke up in Kerri's bed. Now she's going psycho because I won't go out with her. Trust me; I'm not proud of what I did."

Cindy stood before me and studied my face. I waited in silence as she worked things out in her head.

"Well then you better call her and let her know how things are. Blowing her off isn't the right thing to do."

"I know. I'm just pissed off at Bailey and I've been so busy with you that I forgot to talk to Kerri. I'll call her and set her strait."

"Good. You've got all weekend to do it."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I talked to Andrioni this morning. She's driving home this weekend to see her family in West Virginia. She asked if I wanted to go with her and help her drive. I said yes."

"But what about us? I thought we were going to have dinner with Jones tonight and head back down to the beach?"

"We were until you forgot to tell me about Kerri. I'll be back Sunday night."

Cindy closed the door to her locker, locked it and walked out of the shop.

I stood there speechless as she turned the corner and disappeared from view.

Anger consumed me. I stormed down to the pier looking for a phone booth. I was going to put an end to this Kerri situation. I was full of rage and somebody was going to pay for ruining my weekend. I slammed the door open on the first phone booth that I found, deposited a quarter and dialed.

The phone didn't even ring once before Kerri answered, "Hello?"


"Hi Kevin, what a surprise to hear from you."

"Don't 'Hi Kevin' me. What do you think you're doing?"

"Whatever do you mean?" She said nonchalantly.

"I'm not going to play your little game so you can stop playing dumb. The phone calls are going to stop right now."

There was a pause on the other end, "What did you expect? You blew me off for a whole week!"

"Kerri, when you call every hour on the hour, that's called harassment. That really didn't make me want to call you back."

"But I missed you and you were ignoring me."

"Well I hate to break this to you but we have nothing to talk about. I blew you off because sleeping with you was a mistake."

"You don't mean that. We were just getting to know each other."

I cut her off, "We were drunk."

"But that night, you made love to me. You were the best I ever had."

"We had sex Kerri. No love was ever involved. We hooked up for one night. That doesn't mean we're going out. That makes us human."

"Yeah, well humans return phone calls. Humans don't go fucking little tramps a day after we were together."

"Stop right there. You don't know anything about Cindy. If you insult her again, all you're going to do is piss me off."

"Piss you off? What about me? You used me! What were you going to do? Never talk to me again?"

"Alright, I should have called sooner, but even if I did, nothing would be different. I don't have any feelings for you."

"Kevin, don't say that. Come see me. I'll pick you up."

"That's not a good idea. I'm not in a very good mood."

"I can put you in a better mood just like the last time we were together. Come visit me."

"No. I'm sorry it has to be like this. Stop calling me."

I slammed the phone on the receiver. Adrenaline still coursed through my veins. I wanted to punch something.

I felt like an ass for ever getting involved with Kerri. One night of drunkenness has come back to haunt me and now Cindy is pissed off at me. A feeling of déjà vu hit me like a ton of bricks as I remembered what one night of drinking did to Jones.

I might need to consider giving up alcohol and I'm not even legal to drink yet!

I spent most of the afternoon moping around the base missing Cindy. I was a little upset that she skipped town without me but I really had no one to blame but myself. I should have told her about Kerri.

Around 1600, I started making my way to Jones' house. It took over an hour to walk the two miles to the Navy housing complex outside the base. The sun was hanging low in the sky when I finally rang the doorbell on Jones' porch. I heard footsteps and the door opened.

Terry stood there holding a sleepy Greg in his arms. He smiled and invited me in.

"Where's Cindy?" He asked.

"Long story, she's not coming tonight."

"Sorry to hear. Can I get you a beer?"

"You got anything harder?"

"That bad?" Terry asked.

"That bad," I replied.

We walked into the kitchen to find Edith putting the finishing touches on dinner.

"Hi Kevin!" Forgoing a hug, she held out her hand for a shake.

I smiled at her gesture and took her hand, "Hi Edith. Something smells wonderful."

"I made cherry crunch cake."

"Mmmm. That's what I smell."

Terry fixed me a jack and coke and handed it to me. He then kissed Edith on the cheek.

"Kevin and I are going to sit in the living room. Let me know if you need anything."

"I'm good. I just have to flip the chicken and finish the salad. Go sit."

We left the kitchen and walked into the living room. Terry gently laid Greg on one of the sofas and then joined me on the other. The TV was on and tuned to some football game that I had no interest in. The volume was up just loud enough to hear the announcers call the game.

I looked over at Terry and saw the bruise on his forehead from when Brandon tackled him on the quarterdeck, "That bump on your head looks like it hurts."

Terry reached up and gingerly touched it, "Yeah. It bled like a stuck pig most of that night. I'll probably have a scar."

"You know you scared the crap out of me."

"Yeah, sorry about that, I was white hot at the time and I wasn't thinking strait."

"At least you had enough sense to not storm the Yellowstone quarterdeck. I was standing watch when Brandon got in your face. I almost had to shoot you," I smiled at Terry and he smiled back.

"I know how terrible of a shot you are. Why do you think I went to the Stout?"

We both chuckled.

"I'm just glad your okay," I said, "It looks like you and Edith are making progress."

"Yeah. It's going to take some time but we're getting better, thanks to you."

"Me? What did I do?"

"The conversation you two had at the hospital helped convince her how much I still loved her. I guess she needed to hear it from someone else before she would believe me. When she got home, she started thinking. If I still loved her and she still loved me, then there had to be something else driving us apart. Then it came to her. Actually, that evening we both came to the same conclusion."

"What was that?"

"That the Navy was destroying our marriage. The next day I told the psychiatrist that I wanted out. I called Edith a few hours later and told her the good news."

"Then what happened?"

"We both cried for about an hour on the phone. It's hard to explain but emotions I never knew existed came out of nowhere. It was the most honest conversation I've ever had with Edith. By the end, it felt like this great weight had lifted. Then she asked me to forgive her."

"Wow, So just like that, you forgave her, and everything is water under the bridge?"

"Sort of, it's going to take some time to heal fully but I'm willing to work on it. Edith is the love of my life. She always has been and always will be. This whole ordeal was a big wakeup call. It made me realize what I have and what I almost lost. We have some relationship work to do, but I think we'll be stronger than ever when we get through this. And like I said, I have you to thank for helping us get back on track."

"It really was nothing."

"It might have been nothing to you, but it meant a lot to me. You stood up for me when you didn't have to. You're a good friend Kevin.

"I guess," I said with a hint of modesty, "I know you'd do the same for me."

"Let's hope I never have to, but if that time ever comes, I've got your back."

We both nodded and a long silence passed between us. We said what we needed to say. Soon Edith walked in and announced that dinner was ready. She grabbed Greg from the sofa and directed us to kitchen table.

During dinner, our conversation stayed casual. Edith asked me questions about Cindy while Terry and I talked about the logistics of moving out of Navy housing in less than a week. The name Bailey never came up the entire time.

After desert, we retired to the family room and watched TV. Terry fixed me another drink and then proceeded to get cozy with Edith on the other sofa. They cuddled with each other and held each other tightly for most of the evening. The only time one of them got up was either to tend to Greg or use to the bathroom.

We popped a movie in the VCR. Before long it was after midnight. I offered to go back to the ship and let them have some privacy, but Edith refused to let Terry drive after the few beers he'd been drinking. Her solution was for me to sleep on the sofa. I didn't want to impose; Edith would hear nothing of it.

Knowing when to pick my battles, I fluffed a pillow and got comfortable on the sofa. Edith and Terry both said goodnight and went upstairs. I must have been more tired than I thought because I was out like a light in a few short minutes.

Sometime during the night, I awoke the sounds of a bed squeaking from the bedroom above. I smiled to myself knowing all too well what that sound meant. I pulled the pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

The rest of the weekend I spent helping Terry prepare for the move back to Ohio. Thankfully, we stayed busy. I hardly had any time to mope about Cindy.

To save money, Terry and Edith had decided to move themselves. Saturday afternoon, we picked up some boxes and packing materials, then started the arduous task of prepping an entire house for travel. I helped where I could, but for the most part, that meant I babysat Greg while Terry and Edith packed. Overall, the mood in the household was positive. A few arguments about packing techniques ensued, but nothing serious. By dinnertime Sunday, we had made good progress. The garage was starting to fill up with boxes and the three of us were exhausted.

That evening, Terry gave me a lift back to the ship around 1900 hours.

"So when are you going to pick up the moving truck?"

"Well, my discharge paperwork will be finished on Friday. I'll have my severance check then. I'll have to cash that before I can get the truck. I'm thinking I'll pick up the truck Saturday afternoon, load on Sunday, and roll out bright and early Monday morning."

"Sounds like a plan. What time do you want me over to help?"

"I can come pick you up. How's 8 o'clock?"

"That will work."

Terry offered his hand for a shake.

"Thanks for all the help."

"Don't thank me yet. You haven't seen my bill for labor!"

He laughed as I stepped out of his car.

"I'll see you Sunday," He said.

"8 AM sharp."

Terry drove off and I made my way onboard the ship. I took a detour through the repair department looking to see if Cindy had made it back from West Virginia yet. Nobody had seen her or Andrioni, so I called it a night and made my way to berthing.

The next morning the crew of the Yellowstone returned to normal duty. Stand down was over, so everyone had to report to work today. I was sleeping peacefully in my rack when people started showing up to change into uniform. One of the Hull Techs that lived in my cube slammed his coffin locker and my eyes instantly snapped open. All it takes is one person to slam a locker and I'm awake.

Fuckin' insensitive fucks! Some people live here!

I was in a grumpy mood from not seeing Cindy last night and today wasn't starting out any better. I whipped back my curtain and gave a certain asshole a dirty look on my way to the head.

At 0730, I fell in line for morning muster. It was weird to see all forty of my shop mates lined up again after the two weeks of stand down. Nobody was happy to be here except for maybe Chief Mills. He loved the Navy too much. Chief welcomed everyone back, read the POD, and then began handing out assignments. The stack of work orders that Chief held in his hand was impressive and we all groaned when he told us how busy we were going to be for the next couple of weeks. Chief had the assignments ordered by ship and handed out work packets to each of the shop team leaders. Usually Jones and I would receive a work packet for our team, but for some reason he skipped right by me. Chief dismissed us and told everybody to, "Turn-to."

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Slow Plane To Auckland

Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...

1 year ago
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The Omega Project Chapter 5

She saw that one of John's students, one of the girls he had fucked yesterday, was leaving his home. With the girl were two adults, who V'Sharra assumed were the girl's parents. Both the mother and the daughter appeared to have been well fucked, much to V'Sharra's pleasure. She rewound the current recording and watched the events of the past several hours. "It appears John has discovered that he can consciously use his powers", she noted as she watched John speaking to the parents by...

2 years ago
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Wendy Scores

I wanted so much to score with Adrian: the problem was how. My name’s Wendy, I’m 20, and Adrian is one of the boys in our church youth group. I say “one of the boys” but to me he was THE boy. Adrian’s 21, a good six feet tall, slim, muscular and athletic and so good looking. I could tell he had an eye for the girls, the problem was he had an eye for all the other girls, not just me, and all the other girls had their eyes on him. It isn’t that I’m not pretty. I’ve got neat dark hair down to my...

3 years ago
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Discipline and Reward A Love StoryChapter 11 In which our heroine takes a walk in the park

They lifted the shot glasses, albeit unsteadily. “Za tvajó zdaróvye,” said Kalliope “Zah tvaya darovya,” echoed Kynthia, more or less. They clicked glasses, somewhat sloppily. Then two more vodkas went down the hatch. “No. Noooooo. Tvajó. Jo. Joooooo!” Kalliope admonished “Tha’s wad I sed,” replied Kynthia, drunkenly offended. “No ‘s’not. Never min’. So ... so ... the two most... stubborn people ... Iveevermet ... They finally go head-t’-head ... An’ both heads are still attached at the...

3 years ago
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Its A Shame About Duncan

I hadn’t intended to cheat on Duncan. Well, okay, yeah, I obviously did mean to cheat on Duncan. But prior to arriving in France, I’d never thought myself capable of it, mostly because it seemed unlikely that Evan Dando and I would ever meet.For the record, let it be known that I tried stoically to abstain - but against love and lust, stoicism rarely stands a chance. And Duncan did introduce us, so really, it was his fault.The truth shall be my judge, and I can say with total honesty that when...

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Love SpellChapter 4

"I'll give them another call and see what the hold up is. Maybe they're having a hard time finding the place? You're really out there!" he said as he used the phone again. "Well, they said they left about a half hour ago and should be here any minute. " That's a relief she thought to herself. It was getting very late and she was very tired. She just wanted to crawl into bed. It had been a long day and this night was getting too long. She yawned. "I'm so sorry about all this. I...

2 years ago
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Hadrians WallChapter 1

“You are a heartless bastard, Leo!” Mandy screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she shrugged into the dress she had worn to my house the previous evening. Muttering darkly, in between sobs, she gathered her panties and bra, stuffing them in her tiny clutch bag, and forced her feet into the four inch stilettos that did marvelous things to her calves. With a final salute, delivered from a closed fist with only a single finger protruding, she slammed the door behind her as she left. I...

4 years ago
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Prem with Prem

After my husband went abroad I was getting bored. I am 35 year young housewife with one daughter. I stay in Andheri(W) Mumbai in same locality where Prem stays. So to pass my time I started going through ISS. I contacted Prem on email after he posted HOT MOM – TINA KAPOOR. I went through his new story SONALI BHAGAT – MATURE SEXY DIVA. And just contacted him on his mobile which he gave me earlier. And asked him is he available? As his wife went to Delhi for few days he readily accepted the...

3 years ago
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Curlygirly and Mazzas Big Sandwich Part 1 Getting Ready

This is a story written jointly by myself and my pal, Mazza. We’ve had a forum thread, Curlygirly and Mazza’s Big Sandwich, running for quite a while now on Lush and we thought that it might be fun to write about how things might go, if we could actually make it happen. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! Curligirly picked up her ridiculous bubble-gum flavoured coffee from the kitchen counter and took a long swig, almost dropping the phone, which was cradled in the...

1 year ago
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Hunky toilet surprise Mmmmmmmmmm

My name is Nic and I am 34 and every last Friday my BF and I go to our local pub. It’s always quite rough and boisterous as it’s a mans pubs really. It was busy as everyone has been paid and having a few liveners before going on there way. Even though I am 5’4” I am a lot taller in heels, I have a great bum and legs (or so I have been told or see my pics). Anyway I always try to look my best and I think my BF gets a thrill at seeing at all workman and guys in pub looking at me. We had a few...

3 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures

Just after a mission, on the outskirts of the leaf village, in a cosy inn, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were all getting ready to go out for dinner at the local ramen shop. Well Naruto and Sasuke were at least Sakura had different plans; but how could she tell them? What could she say? The ideas turned around in her head, until finally she settled on one she liked. “You guys go on ahead I’m not hungry and besides I’m also trying out this new diet Shizune showed me.” Quick as lightning Sasuke...

3 years ago
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Bobbi Jos Summer Vacation

When I was a kid I used to spend the summers at my Aunt and Uncle's place in Indiana. My Dad traveled a lot in his business and Mom worked part time for a Real Estate company. So they thought that my spending time with my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins would be better than leaving me home alone all summer. It was fun when I was younger, around seven or eight, as us kids would all hang out and play all day, building tree forts or go swimming or whatever kids do outdoors. But the year I...

2 years ago
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Night of Dreams

She was cleaning up, ready to close her shop. It had been a tiring day, one of her helpers hadn?t shown up. She heard a bit of commotion from the remaining customers and when she looked up at first all she could see was a big bouquet of field flowers. After a second glance she recognized the silly grin above the flowers. It was the face of her current boyfriend. He told her he had a surprise for her. She hoped it didn?t require much thought since she was so tired. He waited for her to close up...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Osa Lovely The Test Ride

Osa Lovely has to listen to her step-daughter getting fucked on a nightly basis by her boyfriend Ricky Spanish. Like any good, stern mom, Osa wants to make sure her step-daughter is getting the fucking she deserves. So, one fateful day, Osa gets to spend some alone time with Ricky and takes the opportunity to find out what kind of lover he is. At first shocked by the aggressiveness of this gorgeous black cougar, Ricky is transfixed by that gorgeous deep hole of pinkness Osa spreads out for him....

2 years ago
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Growing Up Together Ch 00

Author Notes: This is a work of pure fiction. Everyone in this story is over the age of 18. I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store. Growing Up Together: Introduction Hello, my name is Maxwell Saberhagen and I would like to tell you all a story about how I and my childhood best friend, now my wife, Derisa Lynn Rayne-Saberhagen, grew up together doing the end of our high school years, what happened doing our college years, how we joined a secret club and how we finally tied the knot. I...

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Living with Aunt Emma Sequel to Aunt Emma

Living with Aunt Emma It turned out Mrs. Talbot wasn't available in the near term. She had her work at the spa, and a relative recovering from an accident that she had to take care of. Aunt Emma said that was OK, a minor problem, and there was a lot I could do until Mrs. Talbot could help. On the sofa that night we had a long talk. "What can you do, right now?" I asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean what do you think you can do to get to the point you are comfortable going...

2 years ago
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Tom Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 Since I would be wearing clothes today, I had to get up a little earlier. I showered and threw on a pair of khaki pants and a polo shirt. However, I stayed barefoot; I didn't want to lose anymore shoes. I headed downstairs and gulped down breakfast while waiting for Roy to show up. Roy was already naked when he pulled into my driveway; he wasn't going on the field trip. Viv was likewise naked, but Art was clothed in sneakers, a t-shirt, and board shorts. When we...

1 year ago
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The Great Orgy

After her encounter with the “witchdoctor” Bhavita had resumed her life as a physiotherapy student at the university of Durban Westville. She was still obsessed with black cock and could not get rid of the horniness between her luscious creamy thighs. She was in a constant state of arousal and her pussy was always moist with her lubrication. The reason for this was that there were many black studs on campus and she saw all of them as potential fuck partners. However even her lust for black cock...

2 years ago
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bus stop

I was heading home from a friends house that i spent the night with after heading to a party..but i had no ride , so i had to wait for a bus. When the bus arrived, it was packed with people… as it always was! So i had to sit next to a lady, who was way beautiful for her age. Her name was diane. She was about 40-42 years old if im correct. I sat beside her and began a conversation of how packed the bus was, she smiled at me.. all i could look at was her breast. They were almost bigger than the...

2 years ago
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Frustration Miles High

My eyes were drawn to her like a magnet. Her dark hair was pulled back and make up perfectly applied. She wore a navy blue skirt and stockings with heels and a white top. Her body was slim with a very smart chest and matching ass. I couldn’t figure out what nationality she was but her exotic look made me rise in my slacks. She shot me a glance but nothing major. I was hoping for a little bit more however I am married and felt guilty. As I lay my head back and closed my eyes, her image presents...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

When I was about 26 and living by myself in a studio apartment in Hollywood I met a woman who changed my life. I had been living in Apartment 23 for about 6 months when all of sudden at 4 am there was someone pounding on the door. I quickly got up and ran to the door, shouting, "Who is it?" "It's Vicky from across the hall, can you help me?" she said. I opened up the door and she was dressed in all black with high boots. "All the power in my apartment went off, do you know how to...

4 years ago
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“So you did okay in finals?” Julie nodded. “All that stress actually made me work my ass off. I think I did pretty well,” she grinned. “I’m going to miss your company out here, but good luck with quitting,” I said. “The few, the proud, the exiled,” I added. “Mike, thanks for keeping me company and listening to me bitch all semester,” Julie said. “I’m gonna miss hanging out here with you and...

3 years ago
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Apni Accountant Ko Patake Choda

Hi, friends me bhavanagar gujarat ka rahane vala hu. or aaj me ap sabhi ko apni officemate ko mene kaise choda vo batane vala hu. mai ek govt. employee hu or hamare office me ek nayi nayi accountant abhi abhi join hui thi vo bala ki khubsurat he. uski patli kamar bhare hue chote chote boobs. aur ubhari hui gand ki vo malakin he. usaka nam shital he or vo aksar hamare sath bate banati rahati thi. ek din hamare office me sirf hum dono hi akele the qyuki us din saturday tha or baki sab chutti par...

1 year ago
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Office Colleague Ko Jam Kar Choda

Hi doston mera naam Akash hai aur mein Gujarat ka rehne wala hu. kyun ki yeh meri pehli story hai. Mein pehle aapko apne baare mein bata du, merit umra 25 saal hai, 6 feet height, gehuvein rang ka hu aur body bhi Thik thaak hai, Lund ki size 7 inch hai. Me Iss ko regular reader hu aur kaafi story padne k baad socha k kyun na ek khud ka real vaakya likhu. Yeh kahani aaj se 1.5 saal pehle ki hai. Mere saath ek ladki kaam karti thi, naam tha Anju. Anju dikhne me bahut khoobsurat thi or uska figure...

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My First Time as Sara Pt 03

crossdresser – oral – sissy – lingerie – stockings – tranny – crossdressing – analI've been with Steve for a couple of months and to say I've been happier than at any time in my life would be a gross understatement. Being with Steve has been an awakening. I'm no longer afraid of life. I was shy and timid as John. I didn't make decisions. I didn't take the lead in anything and was easily bullied. My ex fiancé was the worse bully.As Sara I came to understand a few things. I am starting to...

2 years ago
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Naughty Girls Naughty Boy

It was just a few weeks before graduation, my daughter Tracy who had been a member of the cheerleading squad had come and asked my wife and me if she could have an overnight party with the girls on her squad as a sort of graduation, going away thingy since most of them probably wouldn't be seeing one another again after that. Already eighteen by then, and wanting to give her a little more freedom and trust since she too would be going away to school in a few months, my wife and I agreed to let...

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stop no go

my older s*s, dimple, came to visit for 2 weeks. let me give you some flashback info..my s*s is 1 year older than me. she'z bout 5"4 an ok bod wit decent B cups & an unmistakably huge cunt. we grew up as close as lose can be. we used to shower together, discover lil things or changes in us..we used to play wit ea others play thing. i stayed sexualy interested in things wyl she..she's easily convinced. so back to the future. the first night we had lots to drink. so we were wasted..she got d...

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Mary was upset. She had been ever since she first discovered her boyfriend had some kinks she just couldn’t understand. Mind control, what kind of freaky shit was that? Imagining guys controlling a girl’s mind and warping their actions into compliant little fuck bunnies. It was perverted and just plain sick. Having been raised a good Catholic girl, Mary knew of temptation. She knew the allure of giving in to primal urges and she admitted she wasn’t exactly the best example of innocence herself....

Mind Control
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After The KingChapter 20

Eoric's journey up through Strath Spey kept him on level ground and avoided the high peaks of the Cairngorm Mountains. Once more he was surrounded by purple heather as he ran along the banks of the broad River Spey. Even in the height of summer the river was full and flowing strongly and he could sense the many tributaries that fed it running down from the surrounding mountains. As he reached the head of the strath he stopped and began peering into the water of the river looking for some...

3 years ago
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Juo te jite bondhur bou ke chudlam

Amra char bondhu-i writers bulding-e chakri kori, seu sutre alap ebong pore bondhotto. Amader sober boyes motamuti 30 theke 35 er modhye. Age keu kauke chintam na, kintu office theke pherer samoy amra sobai krishnagar local-e ek songe phiri tas khelte khelte, asole poisa diye brey kheli. Amra jua khelleo, poisa kintu keu hate pai na, ekta common fund achhe, sekhane joma pore. Ajkal oi tash khela ta amader sokoler nesha te porinoto hoyeche, sadharonoto keu absent hoi na. Ami bishu, ranaghat-e...

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My buddies Mom continued

Introduction:From a friend again to postMy buddies Mom continued,Please read the first part My buddies Mom to understand the continuality of events. Rachel is the forty-ish mother of my buddy Russell. She is also the mother of Lori, a snotty, cock-teasing sixteen-year-old. But it was Lori who set up the previous events, which allowed me to consummate with Rachel on the foyer floor of their home.I held Rachel’s hand as she led me up the stairs, watching her bare-naked ass sway from side to side...

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Girls Course

A guy who takes a course for girls is made to wear a girl's school uniform, which leads onto exciting events for all concerned. Girl's Course By Andyella I enrolled on the course because I wanted to stay at home where I could get to my sisters clothes, other courses would involving being away from home. On enrolment day the five girls Claire, Sarah, Kimberly, Tammy and Emma also enrolling to do the course gave me a few odd glances but as we all knew each other at they...

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Vacation TwoChapter 35

Tuesday morning began a little strange. Juanita and Sue were both holding and stroking my morning wood. Sue was kissing my eyes, while Juanita was licking my ear. Sue whispered into my ear, "Roll over and do her, make her scream, fill her up so she leaks all day." That'll get you going first thing in the morning. I rolled onto Juanita, almost surprising her, but not enough for her legs not to spread, welcoming me into her. As I slid back and forth, gaining more depth with each stroke,...

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I was 18 and lived with my Mom in a small southern city. My parents had been divorced several years so, it was just my Mom who took care of me and my siblings. She wouldn't let us see him. We talked by phone a couple of times a year and he sent us gifts at Christmas and Birthdays.But, the divorce had been brutal and they didn't want to live anywhere near each other. My dad had taken this to an extreme as he moved to the Midwest when I was ten. Dad always seemed lonely when I talked with him,...

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You Must Remember ThisChapter 10 Haystack Lisbon January 1942

At least Sandy managed to get me a contact, Clegg thought as he made his way into town. Potentially this was the most difficult part of his mission. He had a name — Irena Lanz — of someone that might or might not be in the country. That was about all he had to go on in a city he didn't know; in a country whose language he didn't understand. The one consolation was that the place was a hot bed of refugees and the intelligence services of the Allies and the Wehrmacht. Deception, evasion, and...

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Life of a Playboy Chapter 5

I stood in the lab, theoretically paying attention to the monitors before me and crunching numbers. But really, I was surreptitiously checking out the various women entering and leaving Mrs. Robinson's office. The posting had gone out across the college for female volunteers to participate in a biology study affecting human sexuality. It was a paid study, so there were many more girls signing up than positions needed, and Mrs. Robinson was able to select only the hottest co-eds on...

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Becoming Ginna

We were just over 16 years old when I and my childhood best friend Tim, discovered masturbation. And once we did, we couldn’t have enough of it. More often than not we would be at secluded places jerking off over porn magazines. From then onwards I realised I was getting more excited watching Tim masturbating rather than the porn, and soon I started wondering rather intensively how would his cock feel in my hand and mouth. But I was always too scared to ask to touch or taste it. The curiosity...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Blossoming DangerChapter 6 Heady Perfume

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Warlock Faoril – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest After ten days of traveling through the Haunted Forest, eight since the werewolves and that twinborn witch attacked us, we had arrived at Drakin Castle. It lay just where rumors claimed it would be, up the Kemoh River from the coast. I studied the vine covered ruins, the walls stretching overhead, glimpses of towers and other structures peeking through gaps in the dense foliage above us. A shiver ran...

1 year ago
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Discovering Each Other

"Do you want to look at some porn," I asked James, my friend from uni who was visiting for a few days. "Yeah, ok," he replied, "What have you got?" "Loads of stuff, come down and have a look." So we went downstairs to the computer and began browsing through my folders. After about ten minutes I needed the loo, so I left James to browse on his own. But when I came back he had a big smile on his Afro-Caribbean face. "Are you bi, then?" he asked me. He had obviously found my small collection of...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 4 Visit to the Office

"Slut, put on your pink summer dress and your high heel sandals. No underwear and get a taxi to my office. Be here at noon. Don't be late." He hung up. I stood there with the phone in my hand and water dripping off me. My torment had returned. Did he really ask me to go to his office in the pink dress. He knew I didn't like the dress. He had made me buy it. I had worn it while on holidays but it wasn't suitable for the office. It was very short and low cut at the front and back and he...

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