DóchasChapter 36 free porn video

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As the shuttle lifted off from the resort with Leann's and Muireann's groups, Leann looked at Muireann and said, "I didn't expect this."

Laughing, Jason of Muireann's group said, "I don't think anyone did. We only have about 20 minutes to figure out what we are going to do."

"Let's link with the Engineering-AI and Systems-AI like we did this morning," added Madison of Leann's group.

"Makes sense," responded several.

In their discussions with the AIs, they learned that only 56 of the 120 compartments they had planned to activate were ready. A little over half of the remaining ones were ready to be cleaned and have a systems check. By the time, their shuttle settled on its cradle in the ship, they had a preliminary plan ready.

Just as the shuttle door opened Star said, "Leann's, Muireann's groups, we need to turn around four shuttles very quickly."

"Will do!"

Leann turned to those on her shuttle and said, "We need to unload this shuttle as quickly as possible. Take your stuff and go to the dining room." Madison and Maighread of Leann's group hurried toward the dining room while the others in their group took their stuff to their compartment.

Meanwhile Muireann went to another shuttle that was just settling into a cradle. As soon as the door opened she stepped inside. "Listen up! We need to unload as quickly as possible. Gather all your things and go through the hanger door to the dining room."

Both shuttles were quickly unloaded. Just as they finished 2 EMTs entered each of them before the doors closed. As soon as they left, two more shuttles entered the hanger. Leann and Muireann immediately entered them and repeated their announcement.

When Sabrina's group came out of the shuttle they had arrived in, Sabrina said, "Muireann, what's up?"

"Not sure. When we arrived, Star told us that four shuttles were urgently needed by the Command Staff."

"They must have found a lot of people. What can we do?"

"You already have a compartment, right?"


"Go ahead and put your things there. I am telling everyone to go to the dining room as we need to open up more compartments."

"We will," replied Sabrina's group.

Sabrina said, "A couple of us can meet the shuttles if you are needed somewhere else."

"That would be great," they both responded.

"Why not do it telepathically?"

"We don't think everyone is using it yet."

"Good point. Go. We can handle this."

"Thanks," replied both as they headed toward the dining room.

In the dining room, Madison and Maighread were handing out communicators to those who weren't proficient with telepathic communication while others in their groups demonstrated how to use them.

After consulting with the Engineering-AI and Systems-AI Leann and Muireann waited until most of the communicators had been distributed.

"Shall we," said Leann and they started toward the riser.

"Yea, but it seems strange to be standing here."

When they stepped up onto the riser, the room quieted. Then together they said, "We have a couple of announcements and will make them both telepathically and verbally so you may think you are hearing an echo. Apparently those going to the freighter have rescued quite a few people. As a result we need to prepare more compartments than we initially thought. The current estimate is that we need to open 40 more than we had planned. As some of you know, the process has two steps. First bots remove any possessions and remains, if there are any. After that it is cleaned and services checked. This takes the longest.

"To do this, we want to form at least 20 teams of four to six people. Each team will consist of at least one person who did this earlier today and at least one bot. We won't need everyone for this task but would like for the rest of you to remain in this area. Now, we would like those who have done this before to come up and stand by us. Give Madison your name." They paused as the group gathered.

"Okay, once we have those with experience divided into teams and a bot assigned to them, there will be an opportunity to join one of them. At that point, Maighread will assign them a compartment to finish preparing.

"While this is underway and if your group has not been assigned a compartment, we would like for you to stay here or in the adjoining lounge. Those who have a compartment assigned, feel free to take your stuff there and check it out. Please come back here when that is completed. There are other tasks we need to accomplish, we will have a list of them shortly. Questions?"

"Not that I am objecting but why a bot in each group?"

"Knowledge, and the ability to interface with the ship's systems. We are still a little wet behind the ears." Nearly everyone laughed.

"Do we know what was found on the freighter?"

Star said, "Their request was based on the reconnaissance data from the spiders. They are just boarding the freighter. At this point no one on the freighter has realized they are there. They did request four shuttles with the possibility of 2 more."

"They found that many people?"

"The data indicates enough to comfortably fill four shuttles."

"Any more questions?" asked Muireann.

"Okay," said Madison. "Let's have Jason on this side of us and Kerry on the other side." Once they were up front she added, "Okay, who is going with them?"

Maighread gave the two teams their assignments. When those two groups left, Muireann said, "Next groups are led by Bot 61 on this side and Muriel on the other." The two had hardly reached the front when three others joined each of them. The remaining assignments to prepare the compartments went quickly. With that task underway Muireann said, "Okay, Systems-AI is going to post a list on the wall of other tasks that need to be done. We want to work these in groups of four with a bot in each one for the same reason."

By the time Alpha1 and Alpha2 arrived with the four shuttles, nearly all the tasks that needed completion were done. Almost everyone was in the dining room watching the arrival on the large monitors.

When Alpha1 shuttle's cabin door opened, Conan and Brandan were anxiously waiting to greet Maureen and Siobhan. Both couples quickly moved away from the cabin door toward their respective groups, clearing a path so the others could exit. In each case, they embraced each other to physically express the joy and happiness in being back together. The emotional strength of it was as if they had been separated for many days. Only a few realized that the intensity of their emotional link was an indication of their growing bond. Siobhan, Conan and Eileen were like the seed crystals for their group's bonding. The same was true for the group with Maureen, Brandan and Colleen. The changes were subtle and fundamental, but very important to each clan's future.

In the other hanger bays, Leann's and Muireann's groups were at each shuttle door. There they greeted each arrival from the freighter and then introduced them to the crew member who would assist them in getting settled. They were first directed toward an autodoc module which quickly evaluated their medical condition, focusing on issues needing immediate attention. Next they received an antidote to the drugs from Betsy, Connie or an EMT. From there, they went to a station where an EMT removed their ankle and wrist cuffs. Everyone cried as they saw the vestiges of their enslavement being removed. Their collars were carefully checked by an EMT for a tracheal tube before being removed. Those with a tracheal tube were sent to see Gail or Judy.

Judy examined each person's neck after the collar and tube was removed. She was surprised to find very little inflammation underneath the collar, or where the tube entered the trachea. For those who had tracheal tubes, Gail fit a small temporary plug into the hole. Each responded to hearing their voice again with tears, even though they sounded hoarse when they spoke. It also brought tears to their escorts' eyes as they comforted them. Gail assured each of them that the hole would be repaired in the next few days.

Once the preliminary checks were complete, they were shown to the dining area where snacks and refreshments were waiting. They were asked to wait there until everyone had arrived. They were close to being overwhelmed by the welcome they were receiving. The buffet table covered with food reminded them how hungry they were. Each looked enviously at the food until their escorts sensed their hesitation. A crew member turned to the woman with her and said, "Help yourself." With that, the ice was broken, the new arrivals began helping themselves to the fresh vegetables and snacks, with some of the crew joining them.

A few moments after everyone was in the room, Star sounded a chime to get everyone's attention. "Good morning," said Alison, Tara, Erin and Sarah. "Welcome to our home. You can see by our lack of covering that we seldom wear any. For those from the freighter, the people who met you as you entered the ship are crew members. They volunteered to assist you until you become familiar with the ship. Please do not wander around without an escort. This will change in a few days. After you are shown to a sleeping compartment, your escort will acquaint you with its features and how you can contact them. We need you to stay near them until we can talk tomorrow, oops, I mean later today. They will show you where you can clean up and sleep. Our sleeping conditions may be a little crowded, until we make some further adjustments. All of us are very tired, as it has been a very long day."

"Let's get settled and some rest," said Sarah. "Regular meals will resume at dinner time today. Good night and sleep well." Then she yawned, and was quickly followed by the rest of the crew. "Again, to those from the freighter, please don't roam around unaccompanied until we get a bit more settled and you become more familiar with the ship. Our concern is for your safety. We are on a space ship so even a small mistake can be life threatening to everyone."

"Star, can the Security-AI and perhaps the other AIs, keep an eye on the new people?"

"Yes, we had already started cataloging them and analyzing their preliminary scans. What we are finding is strange. Everyone we have checked so far has psionic capabilities. Virtually none of them are aware of this attribute. The percentage is most unusual for those born on Earth."

"We need to talk about this later," said Sally, and the others concurred. "It could be coincidence or something more." With that, they left for their suite where they were surprised to find it arranged just like the one at the Enclave. They quickly freshened up and went to bed, after embracing each other to physically demonstrate their feelings for one another.

It was several hours later when Dayana opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that she was lying on a soft bed. Rising part way up and looking around she couldn't believe what she saw. No cage. She was in a windowless room with other captives and two strangers. Noticing the missing cuffs, she panicked before memories of last night returned. It was then she recognized the two strangers as those who had been referred to as crew members. She realized her thoughts were clearer than they had been in a long time. Sighing she laid back and thought about the events last night, or was it yesterday.

Meanwhile, an AI sensed Dayana's movement and telepathically nudged one of the crew in the compartment. "Edith," said the AI, "I believe Dayana is awake."

"Okay. Thanks." After a few minutes, Edith stretched then slowly sat up as she looked around. To her it looked like several were close to waking up. She moved off the bed and headed toward the bathroom. Her movements caused Dayana to sit up and give Tori, the second crew member in the compartment, a questioning look. In return Tori smiled and motioned for her to come with her. Tori and Edith were sitting on a backless stools when Dayana entered the bathroom. It was then she realized how badly she needed to relieve herself.

When Dayana moved hesitantly toward a stool, Edith said, "Dayana, relax. If you need the toilet use it. The shower is through the other door."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"My name is Edith. I am just a crew member, and a new one at that, so just refer to me by my name. Actually, we are a pretty casual group."

"Yes, Mis ... Edith."

"That is much better," responded Edith with a wink and smile.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Of course. Any time."

"Are we really on a space ship? Are we really free of them?"

"Yes. It is not a dream."

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Because I thought the same thing when our group was approached with the opportunity to work on a space ship in space. We are on a space ship. It is in a special spot in Mar's orbit around the Sun. You no longer need to worry about the flesh peddlers on the freighter. You are free and can leave at any time for Earth."


"Yes, we hope you will stay until you can be certain of your health and your legal status on Earth. We will help you with both if you want us too."

"It's just so hard after..."

"I imagine so," replied Edith as she headed for the shower. "Come on let's get a shower before the others wake up. Once they are up, we can get something to eat or tour the ship, or both."

When they got out of the shower, Edith stepped into a round clear tube to dry off. After coming out, she nodded to Dayana. Taking the hint Dayana stepped inside, she felt a bit of panic when the door closed but then relaxed as the warm air flowed over her body. Wondering about her hair, she was surprised to hear a voice tell her to use the brush. Pulling the brush from the clip on the wall, she was puzzled by the tube connected to it and that it felt warm. When she slid the bristles through her hair, all the pieces fit together as she could feel the warm air coming from it. It took her only a few moments longer than Edith to dry, and once she was the door slid back. By this time, several more people had come into the bathroom.

Sensing her next question Edith said, "I can get you a covering, but generally we don't wear anything."

"I noticed that last night. Before being captured I would have been horrified by that but now I am comfortable."

"My family were nudist, so I grew up knowing what the natural look felt like. You will not be stigmatized if you chose to wear a covering."

"You all seem so different."

"My group has only been involved in this for about three weeks, so I can say, I agree."


"The group I went to college with. We think of it as Sabrina's group. There are eight of us now. All but one of us recently graduated. We wanted to stay together and when this opportunity came along we couldn't pass it up, although it did seem too good to be true. We committed to joining the crew about a week ago."

"Is this a sales pitch?" asked Dayana with a smile.

"Not intentionally." Just then she saw Colina come in. "Dayana, this is Colina another of our group."

"Hello. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. It could have been longer though."

"Yea," responded Edith, "but tonight should be more typical."

"I hope so. How do you feel Dayana?" asked Colina.

"How long do you have?" responded Dayana with a smile.

"Oh, now not another happy morning person."

"I don't know about that. From my perspective, I would be stupid if I wasn't happy about being out of that hell hole."

"Amen," said nearly everyone in the room.

"We need to thank Them at the first opportunity."

"Them?" responded Edith with a puzzled expression.

"The Gods and Goddesses."

Both Edith and Colina sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Li Min.

"We thought you were referring to someone on the ship," replied Edith.

Colina said, "As soon as I shower, are you all ready to find something to eat? I know I am."

"I thought you would never offer," replied Dayana smiling.

Edith said, "Let's wait in the other room."

"Can we ask questions?" asked Li Min.

"Yes!" replied Dayana smiling before Edith could respond.

Smiling Edith added, "If I don't have the answer, I am sure we can find someone who does."

It wasn't long before Colina said, "I'm ready. Shall we go?"

There were quite a few people already there when they reached the combination recreation/dining room. Edith and Colina showed the group with them the food replicator menu and how to select their choice. Li Min hesitated when it was her turn, as had several others. Then realizing why she was hesitating, she chose an item. As she stepped away, she looked up to see Edith smile and wink. As she passed Edith, she said, "Thank you," then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

When Sarah's Clan arrived, nearly all conversation seemed to stop. Those from the freighter just stopped and stared at them as they got their food and interacted with each other. Their attention did not return to their food and table until Sarah's Clan sat down.

Maureen said to a woman in the group with her, "What is you impression of them?" as she nodded toward Sarah's Clan.

"Oh, they are so beautiful in many ways. Last night I thought my mind was playing tricks on me when I saw them on the shuttle's video screen. I felt the same way later, even when I saw them after we arrived here. They are very similar to people who've appeared in my dreams. Many times those dreams were very comforting, especially since I was abducted and placed aboard the freighter. It was into those dreams that I sometimes retreated, when the events surrounding me became too horrible to bear." Several of those around them nodded their agreement.

"Have all of you had dreams?" asked Maureen. She saw the hesitation among those with her group and said, "Several of our group dreamed of them before we met them. We were shocked the first time we saw them. We have only been with them for about three weeks."

"Really?" responded Heather, then continued, "Yes, they've been in my dreams at times. There were several strange aspects to those dreams." With that comment, the level of conversation between those at the table grew. Maureen's group gently deflected questions for more details about the space ship until everyone finished eating.

The Command Staff, along with Amy's Clan listened to the conversations around the room as they ate. They were pleased to see those from the freighter mixing well with the crew members. During this time, several telepathic probes were felt. In each case, one or two of them would seek out the individual concerned. Each one was shocked when they were asked to not use their telepathic capabilities for the time being. They assured them that they were safe, and that no torment awaited them. The Command Staff would provide the information they wanted and answer their questions after everyone finished eating. Each agreed, after overcoming the shock of discovering that they were telepathic, as they didn't realize what they were doing. They were assured that the medical staff would assist them understand their ability.

Star informed them that the medical staff thought the effects of the drugs would be nearly gone by that evening. The drugs did not prevent them from understanding events around them, they just made them very suggestible in terms of following instructions.

The Command Staff conferred and decided to share with the visitors where they were, who they were and why the ship was here. They decided to require them to take a complete physical and participate in reviewing it. As with everyone else they would have to choose whether to receive any treatments. They would offer to try to locate any family, relatives or friends they had on Earth.

Sarah stood, and the room became quiet. "Would you please take your dishes and trash to the recycling bin and tidy up the area? In five minutes, we will introduce ourselves again as you may have forgotten who we are."

Someone in the back of the room said loudly, "Yea, right!" Laughter rolled through the room.

When it quieted down she continued with, "Since we have many new guests, we will start by covering a few basics of our surroundings."

The crew members led the way in cleaning up the remains from breakfast. Their guests quickly picked up on the effort and pitched in to help. The tables and chairs were then moved around so that the room was set up classroom-style. Rusty stood next to Sarah, as they watched the crew and guests work together. Once everyone was seated, it became very quiet. Maureen, Siobhan and Aoife joined Sarah's Clan.

"Good morning," said Sarah. "Welcome to our ship. Well I think it is morning. We are in a space ship that is following Mars in its orbit around the Sun. This is also our new home. Most of us moved our primary residence up here last evening, just a few hours before our visitors from the freighter arrived. So for those arriving last night, you have the honor of being our first guests.

"Now, we need to make some introductions, the group standing by me is the ship's Command Staff. There are currently 15 of us who will pilot this ship when it is again able to travel. My name is Sarah." She turned to Rusty, and with that, they each introduced themselves. Maureen, Siobhan and Aoife also indicated the group of which they were a member.

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Gone FishinChapter 3

When I got home, I lugged that box of books into the "study." It looked as though there were still several empty shelves, so I designated one, unpacked and then tried to sort them so that all the volumes that belonged together were together ... and in the right order. That done, I realized that I was going to have to look things up. I just couldn't remember the order for, say, Cook, Vancouver and Tasman. I was still thinking when Weena arrived. "Hey! How'd it all go?" "Pretty well, I...

1 year ago
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The Sucker Stick

It was almost a sixteenth of an inch in diameter and only about four inches long. It had originally been bright white, but after being handled for so many years it now looked a dirty cream in color. Sitting in my home office, my mind wandered back to a day eons ago. Like I had for the last forty years, I unconsciously twirled it effortlessly around the fingers of my left hand. I looked down at it and mused. I wonder if it was finally time? I immediately purged that thought from my mind. No,...

4 years ago
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Those Weekend GetawaysChapter 4

I cancelled the rest of my calls that week. I was in no mood to talk business. I became addicted to watching that video, especially knowing what was going on back at home. I have never felt such a desire to fuck my wife. No love making – just out right bend her over and drive it home fucking. I was actually looking forward to see where this was going to take us. I arrived home a few hours later, three days before I was scheduled. Both my son and wife were surprised to see me walk in the...

4 years ago
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Our first night

I lay in bed, unable to sl**p, my mind racing and my heart pounding. I couldn’t stop thinking about what my wife was doing and all the things I imagined just made it worse. My s****r-in-law was lying on the far side of the bed from me, both of us naked under the covers and from the sound of her shallow breathing I could tell she was sound asl**p. My wife, on the other hand was still out back getting fucked by my s****r-in-law’s black boyfriend. The image of my wife, wantonly swinging her legs...

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PandoraChapter 11

In 1960 there were 300 all women colleges in the United States now there are only 26. On the other hand 36% more women are going on to college now, and there are over 10,000 four year colleges and universities in the United States. In fact there are more women than men attending Institutes of Higher Education today. National data suggests that women’s sororities are growing, with membership in the 26 nationally recognized sororities exceeding 300,000 and the size of the average chapter is on...

3 years ago
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The Mission

The mission objective for tonight was clear.Infiltrate PharmaTech Inc., disable the security system, perform a mind sweep on everyone working in the facility, and, last but not least, insert the flash drive, infect the computer system with a virus, and delete all the incriminating evidence and proof they had about the existence of my kind. It was going to be a piece of cake.Getting into the laboratory was easy. My preternatural speed was no match for the security cameras or the human security...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Rebecca Volpetti Tina Kay Afternoon DP Orgy

When well hung studs Thomas Stone and Yanick Shaft get an invitation to visit the home of Lithuanian brunette beauty Tina Kay and Romanian blonde babe Rebecca Volpetti, you can bet something XXX is going down, just as is does in this 4K Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene. Tina is always horny and raring to go, while Rebecca plays shy, but once she sees cock she’s just as horny as her roomie and hungry for cock in all her holes. After both get down on their knees to give simultaneous...

2 years ago
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Grace Part II

Marcus leaned in a began to kiss me. This turned into a make out session within a matter of moments as things turned very passionately between my best friend and I. I never knew our relationship would go to this level as we had been thinking about doing it with each other. Its now 8 am on Saturday morning. Grace was still asleep as Marcus and I had now been making out with each other for about 20 minutes. Both of our dicks were extremely hard while they were touching. I began to reach...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits With Colleague 8211 Part 2

Friends, once again it’s me, Krish, here. Thanks for spending your time to read my story. Special thanks for those who contacted me () and gave feedbacks. Let’s continue to second part my story from where I left in previous part of my experience. She (my friend) has been changed to other team and we got separated a bit from our physical touch in office surroundings. But we used to chat a lot than before Below is the one hot conversation: Me: hey darling Her: yeah da Me: let’s go out...

4 years ago
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The Pool part 1

This story is not true, is just a fantasy of mine. It is based on a family I knew growing up. It is a fantasy of what could have been. I was 17 years old finishing up my junior year in high school. I was sexually active on the pill with no steady boyfriend. With summer approaching I befriended Scott Fredrick. He was in my class, new to our school in the winter semester. His family moved into a big house in our neighborhood that had a pool. I will admit I befriended him hoping to get to use...

First Time
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Sasural Mai Ek Din

Hi. All of u. Mai sunita hu and ye meri shadi ke baad dusri baar sasural gai (o ek chota sa city hai) tabki story hai. Meri figure 34 30 32 hai. Mere dono dever mujhe dekte hi khus hoge room mai dono mere bagal mai aakar bait gaye. (Dono gym jate hai. Aur fir ghar ki giee makhan kha kr unki body kafi mst ho gai hai). Unlogo ne tori hasi majak bhi suru kr di tbhi mujhe laga o dono apni khoni meri boobs pe ragh rhe hai, mai kuch ni boli. Fir shaam ko pata chala mer ghar wale kisi ristedaar ke...

3 years ago
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Strangers For A Night

I’m sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender as I wait for you to show up, my heart racing with excitement thinking about the events to come. As I ask for another drink, I feel your strong arms wrap around my waist and your lips on my neck. I let out a soft moan before turning to face you. I look into your gorgeous hazel eyes, and say “Excuse me, do I know you?” You look at me with question in your eyes and I smile mischievously at you. You realize what I’m up to and say to me, “I’m...

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LOST AND FOUNDThis is a TRUE story…..well 90% of it is, I just can’t remember the other 10%. The names and places HAVE NOT been changed to protect anyone. In 1991, while in my pool, with my 18 year old step-niece, (my wife’s sister’s daughter), after she had caught me by surprise and French kissed me in the morning as I was getting dressed, I found myself staring at her skimpy and ragged bikini top that was not able to hide her ample tits very well. We stood there, facing each other with the...

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Doctor Calling

He had rung the bell twice already. He shifted his bag from one hand to the other. He could hear movement inside, and through the stained glass see silhouettes moving back and forth hurriedly. Finally the door opened and Jenny stood there looking flushed in a shirt and short-skirt business suit combo. “Hello Mike,” she said, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek. “How are you?” “Doing well, as always,” he said. She ushered him into the hallway. “I’m afraid I have to duck out, I have a...

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My wifes first time part 2

As you should recall from part 1, I was trying to put my wife into a situation with another man where she (hopefully) would get a little carried away...---------Part 2----------As I arrived home after my third attempt at getting my friend and my wife together the excitement was boiling up inside me. My mouth was dry and my dick was hard. I was pretty excited to discover if what I had hoped would happen had actually happened!You can’t imagine how disappointed I was when I arrived home and his...

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Preeti ki fudi aur gand ka maza

Hi friends, i am harpreet, 23 from punjab, this is my first & true story, i read many stories on iss, so that i also want to share my experience with you, , a beautiful lady (preet, 26) come in our neighborhood, she is so beautiful, with beautiful pair of big rounded boobs & beautiful ass she have a fair color, height is about 5, 6”. I am going mad to see the beautiful pair of assss . I am dreaming how to fuck her. After two days i meet she and she invite me for a tea. I tell him about our...

1 year ago
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TV Whore Attends an Adult Cinema Collared and Lea

I recently arranged to meet a Mature Dom Admirer at an Adult Cinema in Birmingham, which is about 2 hours from me and would be my first visit to this venue. We had been communicating for months but both of us seem to be determined to make this meet happen, Which was good. My instructions were clear and concise, He was experienced at this, He told me prepare and dress as much as possible, lock myself in chastity with my new pink CB device (A first for me) Plug myself. Drive down to Birmingham,...

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Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill by Vickie Tern ([email protected]) Authors foreword "Jack and Jill" is a novel in ten chapters averaging 30k each about a fictional cross-dresser like you or me in fact or fantasy or remote curiosity, or else why have you read this far, and how he or she became the person who is narrating the story. It's mostly TG and femdom, with forced or tricked or cajoled feminization, but of course also m/f and m/m and f/f in various u.c. and l.c. combinations, and also...

1 year ago
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Becky Part 1 Broken Hearts and Broken BonesChapter 8 Drawing the Line

I couldn’t sleep on Thursday night. Every time I drifted off into a dream, Becky Finklestein would show up and make it a nightmare. Sometimes she was Wonder Woman. Sometimes she was Supergirl. Once she was the Hulk, but bigger. And meaner. I struggled through school, but as the day went on, and I got more winks from Courtney, the better I felt. Courtney’s black eye was almost gone. Now all I needed was to get laid, and everything would be okay. It was an agonizing wait until Courtney’s...

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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 4 Chapter 2

Ruby scowled at the door. Her hands were buckled to cables suspending from the ceiling and her feet were tied to a metal bar, leaving her legs spread apart. She had been like this for a few hours in what she referred to as ‘the dungeon’. Goosebumps began to form on her limbs and her nipples remained hard as a cold draft came under the door. For a few moments her mind started to wander back to what had happened a few hours earlier. It seemed so surreal to her, the man she was sent to kill had...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 13

"Aren't they cute," Allie whispered, when she and Sarah opened the bedroom door to awaken Shelly and Adam. Shelly was still perched on Adam's shoulder with her leg over his waist. "I can see her culinary classic," Mary whispered from behind them. "I mean, it's an open-air creation, that's for sure." Adam awoke to the sound of hushed laughter. He saw Mary pointing between Sarah and Allie. "What?" he asked. "My twat is out and they are critiquing it," Shelly whispered from his...

2 years ago
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My Master

I hear your key turn in the front door, and automatically assume my position on the floor: kneeling with my hands in my lap and my head bowed – we established long ago that Im not allowed to look you in the eye without permission. As you enter the house and walk towards me I feel a rush of anticipation, and try and work out what mood youre in by the speed and heaviness of your footsteps. I watch your shoes as they approach and stop in front of my knees. I dont dare look up at you. Without being...

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My mom and her dildo

They taught me about the Oedipus complex in my first- year psych class at university, but let's get real. I didn't believe it for a second. No fucking way! A son actually wanting to fuck his own mother? That was fiction... Shit, it was science fiction!When it came to the real world, mothers and sons couldn't be more distant from one another. I didn't even think of my mother as having any sexuality whatsoever, let alone find her sexy. At least not until that night when I walked in and caught her...

3 years ago
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Unintentionally Voyeured On Our Honeymoon

While honeymooning in the Virgin Islands, Jennifer and I decided to rent a small one sail ‘day sailer’ for the day. My only sailing experience was on north Georgia lakes and knew that this was a boat that I could handle.As I went out to rent the boat for the day, Jennifer had the hotel kitchen make us some sandwiches for a picnic basket and packed a small ice chest with ice, beer and a bottle of champagne.The day was perfect for sailing, bright and sunny with just the right amount of wind. We...

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Our New Apartment

My husband had just been transferred from his job and we got an apartment in the city so he could be close to his job and I worked as a bank teller so it was very easy for me to get a job. We had just got settled in when we met our neighbors from across the hall from us. Now I have been with my husband since junior year of high school and have never been with anybody else, man or woman, but when I saw my neighbor, my pussy jumped. He was about six feet tall, had gray streaks in his hair and was...

2 years ago
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A Husband Learns

Jean had resisted her husband's submissive tendencies and desire for forced femininization. After some long on line discussions with experienced Dommes, she decided she may be missing something. When "Miss Satin" offered to train her husband in a week, she took her up on her offer to have her husband spend a week in an extended training session with a couple of other prospective sissies. Last week end was when the session started. Walt got up as usual and casually dressed in jeans...

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Game WorldChapter 57

I could have called in support from Oak Hall but I didn't. I'd already made a mess of things with Ingrid and I didn't want to alienate her any further by taking over and coming to her people's rescue. Another reason I didn't call in for help was time. It was something that I'd come to learn about from Miranda Scott in the time she sailed with me off of Minos. One of the reasons we got off lucky during the raids was because it took the networks time to organize an effective response to...

4 years ago
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Nothings Changed

They say when you look out at the world from a planes window everyone looks like ants. I'd like to see if that's true, but I have a fear of heights and am too afraid to even look out the window. God, that sounds so stupid coming from me. Here I am on my way to face my greatest fear, and I'm scared of the view out the window next to me. Maybe I only have so much braveness to go around? It's silly really. "Excuse me, can I get you some soda water? It'll settle your stomach if your...

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Taylors Sex Slave

This is a fictional story. This is part 1, I might make more.Taylor is a sexy girl one year older than me, I'm 18 and she is 19. I would often stare at her in the hallways in our high school, dreaming about her long curvy legs hidden under tight high-waist jeans or lulu lemon leggings. Her perky small tits just barely hiding under a small crop top and her flat, toned core made for many awkward boners. I had never talked to her, but always fantasized about fucking her, I would lie in bed late at...

1 year ago
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Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized...

Hentai Porn Sites
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The Cheetah Lives

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. This story is a very long version of the short one I sent to Gunslinger a week and a half ago for his Sept 15 Challenge. I was hesitant to post it because of the way I've written it in the first person, meaning it is me, myself going thru the changes in the story. This makes it very personal in...

4 years ago
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Not Allowed Inside

Here's something I wrote quickly, while I've been pondering the block in on another tale. It may be archived by those sites doing so freely, provided nothing is changed of the story text. Not Allowed Inside By Bill Hart Farnaught knew he wasn't allowed in this room. He might be a mostly trusted knight-errant of the realm, but this room, the domicile of the King's wives and concubines, was totally off limits to most men. And it was rumored - a rumor Farnaught considered...

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Recent ModelChapter 6

I had gotten the opportunity to attend all sorts of parties, there were dinner parties – the daughter of a contributor, who neglected to tell me that the dinner party was for the incumbent senator (who I found to be sadly lacking in intelligence, far too narcissistic, and totally unaware of or uninterested in anything outside of his particular sphere of interest; and I tried to avoid him as much as possible the entire evening, I couldn't have cared less which political party he belonged to,...

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The Inspection

This is not what Nikki was expecting but it shouldn’t really be a surprise. The loaf of banana bread in her hands, a little gift, seems naively inappropriate as the metal door clanks close behind her. The written directions wrapped around the apartment key had told her to silently walk into the middle of the atrium and wait. So, that is what she’s done.The space is well appointed if somewhat strange. Three imposing doors stand closed on her left and at the far end of the room, there is an...

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RoundJuicyButts Valerie White Loves Cum Splattered on Her Perfect Ass

Sexy busty blonde Valerie White starts off this beautifully shot scene by showcasing her plump, juicy butt in irresistible green panties! Mr. Pete shows up and peels off her underwear and stuffs his tongue and fingers in Valerie’s twat and asshole. Once he gets that cunt nice and moist, he penetrates her pretty pussy in doggy-style. Then, he takes a break from fucking and licks her ass again as she sucks his cock in a sweet 69. Mr. Pete just can’t get enough of that delicious...

3 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 16

The day started out fairly normal for Juan Reyes and Carlo Rivera in the Greely suburb where they lived. Since their graduation from high school a year and a half ago, the two good friends spent their evenings and most of their days together. Other than the occasional part-time job, they did nothing but hang out together, drink beer, and chase the ladies. Carlo was a member of Los Halcónes, The Hawks. Last week, he and a few members of the gang took a trip to Mexico, and when they returned,...

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