DóchasChapter 37 free porn video

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From the clinic Sarah's Clan, which now included Maeve and Aoife, wandered around the ship, showing Maeve the different areas. They spent a long time on the observation deck, looking at the stars and the planets. With the small telescope, they took a closer look at Earth and its moon. A good part of the time was spent talking, and getting to know the crew members and their guests. Many of their guests made it a point to stop them and express their thanks for being rescued.

When they neared the bridge, Maureen and Siobhan joined them. This was Siobhan, Maureen, Aoife and Maeve's first time there. They were amazed to see the doors automatically open as they approached. On the bridge they proceeded to the pillar which was bathed in a column of coherent blue light, giving the bridge an eery blue cast. As before, they formed a circle around the pillar with one arm around the person next to them and gripped the pillar's ring with the other hand.

Aoife, Maeve, Maureen, and Siobhan were excited. Within moments of gripping the ring, they gasped, when they felt a warm hazy mist surround them. Without moving they were standing on a path which disappeared into the mist. They formed a loose circle, with Rusty in the center and women in ever changing positions, as they moved down the path. They moved with a sense of purpose, unperturbed by the fog surrounding around them. As they progressed, the fog parted in front of them as it closed behind them. On reaching the circular platform, they formed a circle, clasping arms with each other behind their backs, drawing tightly together with their arms and bodies interleaved. Although they faced each other, their collective vision included their surroundings. They watched as the mist moved closer, then enveloped them with its warmth caressing their bodies. The depth of their mind-link grew, as they stood together quietly. The warm misty cloud felt comforting and reassuring. They could feel Him there with them, even though no words had yet been spoken, nor thoughts shared.

New links formed as their mind-link grew to encompass the larger group. These new links opened an extended level of intimacy. The growing depth of their bond was shocking to the four making their first visit here. Again, Aoife and Maeve were nearly overwhelmed by how quickly they were drawn in and the depth of those sensations. Even so they thought it was fantastic and felt a closeness they had never dreamed of experiencing. Everyone felt very comfortable in their relationship with each other, as they melded toward becoming a single entity. As a single entity, they knew that they could control the strength of each facet. Their group entity grew, until their individual facets were hardly discernible. They were pleased to see their interrelationship grow, drawing them closer. Maureen and Siobhan fit with them slightly differently than the clan's spouses, but here they were completely immersed as a part of the Command Staff aspect of this entity. Maeve and Aoife fit with them as tightly as if they had always been a part of their family. Still, they knew that their growth was not yet complete.

On the bridge, the Command Staff's physical forms remained standing, gripping the ring, linked with each other while together their group entity began reviewing the events of the last several weeks. This collective view of recent events appeared to be different from what they each remembered seeing first-hand. Now they could see the different perspectives as the events unfolded. In a very short time, they had a complete understanding of the events from each person's point of view. This provided them with an effective means to evaluate what the effect a different sequence of actions could have yielded. Using this, they went through the events of the last two days, evaluating possible alternatives to the path they had followed. They quickly found that their choice of responses still gave them the best result, which in turn gave them a sense of satisfaction.

Together they said, "Thank you."

"You are welcome, but I contributed very little this time. Your natural inclination, intuition, and willingness to listen to the views of others benefited you in the solutions you chose. So I can say, well done." They felt the warm glow of accomplishment, both from realizing the impact of their analysis and His comment.

"The group behind the 'flesh peddlers' is probably going to be very difficult to expose. This is especially true when we adhere to our fundamental tenet. Looking at the data Donna and Star collected, your conclusion that it looks more like two separate groups is a reasonable one. One group apparently provides people as gifts in return for favors to protect both groups. The second group acquires, trains and then either uses them or sells them. This second group probably gives a sizable percentage of their new stock to the first group. In return, the second group gains the ability to operate with little concern of exposure, because of the first group's political connections.

"You might want to consider following two general courses of action. As all of you know, our survival is totally dependent on this ship. First, consider moving the repairs along as quickly as possible so it can operate reliably within this solar system. Once you've reached that point, establish a settlement on Mars. You may want to consider the back side of Earth's moon, although those on Earth may feel threatened once they know of our presence there. Some will even feel threatened by a settlement on Mars.

"If a Moon settlement is the choice then build below the surface with carefully placed entrances, so they are difficult to see. This would be less of an issue on Mars. There should be enough equipment on the ship to start. The library has construction information, so you shouldn't have any difficultly in building another ship and a settlement. Material surveys show the needed raw materials are available on Mars, the Moon and in the asteroid belt. One settlement and another ship are essential for our future although more than one more ship would improve the odds.

"With respect to the flesh peddlers, a possible way to get them to expose themselves would be to infect them with a transformation virus. There are several in storage. The ship's medical staff knows of the samples but not their capability. Along with these samples are some other remodeling virus strains. All have an unusual label. Several have wondered why they are there, as they don't appear in any treatment protocol. One way of initiating the spread of the virus is by infecting those still on the freighter.

"By infecting the flesh peddlers on the freighter, they will act as carriers to spread it to the two groups. With what has already started, those remaining on the freighter will be seen as salable items when they arrive in port. The remodeling viruses are spread through intense intimate sexual contact.

"The change for a man generally takes a couple of months before the final stages are reached. The last stages take place over a 36 hour period while they sleep. After that they will have the features of the last woman they had intimate contact with. Those infected will become submissive sex addicts. After a short time they will begin to age very rapidly. This rapid aging will be painful, but will only start after they have infected a number of people. The response of those infected would depend on how similar their biological profile is to those on the freighter. As a submissive, they will live and suffer in the system they created or supported while continuing to spread the virus. Based on the information with the virus, the transformation will not be very comfortable.

"As it stands now, the hormones and drugs they are receiving will have the former males looking like she-males by the time they arrive in port. The females will have very desirable attributes and an intense sex drive.

"There is more information on these viruses in a special section of the library, available only to your group. You will need to be in this level of mind-link to enter and review the information. In it, you will find more detailed information to support the suggestions just made. There is also additional information you will need regarding establishing settlements and constructing additional ships.

"For the new crew members, it will benefit them to have a genetic treatment, similar to that received by Amy's Clan. The changes will give them strength and mental abilities that are at least equivalent to those of the original crew. This will improve their effectiveness and safety."

His presence lessened a bit. "Are You still here?" they asked.

"Yes, in reality, I am always with you. For now, it is only when you are here that you can easily hear me. Sometimes, under the right circumstances, it is possible for me to visit you, like I did Maeve earlier today. Even though your abilities have grown, they need to increase some more before we can easily communicate when you are not here. Some aspects of this are also necessary before you can safely command the ship in flight."

"How long?"

"I am not sure, as yours are developing much faster than others I have had contact with in the past. It will most likely be some time after the babies are born. The simulations you have been doing on the bridge have greatly improved the performance of the ship's systems. This has also assisted in your growth as Command Staff."

"You have mentioned how much stronger we are than others you have known, but at the same time you say we need to grow more before we can operate the ship. It doesn't seem consistent."

"Yes. I can see your point of view. The attributes you need in order to operate the ship in motion have not fully developed yet, however from what I sense, they soon will. In an emergency you could function as Command Staff on the bridge. There would be some risk, but I think you could handle it. The attributes for managing the ship's flight are a subset of the abilities you are developing. Others in your crew will also gain the abilities to manage a space ship's flight.

"Although the courses of action I just suggested may have sounded like directives, they are not. I am an adviser. Any action taken should by agreement among you and include the crew when appropriate."

It was quiet as they looked through the library. There, they found answers to the questions they had about the viruses he mentioned. It answered their concern regarding spill-over effect as these would the virus only infect those exposed through intense intimate contact. In addition to this the group of suggested viruses required multiple receptors in order to become active. With the right combination of receptors, it multiplied until it was present throughout the body of the host. When it reached critical mass, it triggered a necessity for the host to sleep undisturbed for at least 36 hours while the changes manifested themselves. Where they had been used before, they were 95% effective. Those infected became carriers. No one outside the target group was infected. They agreed with inoculating the slavers still on the freighter, but decided to refine the logistics before implementing it.

With a path chosen for the slavers, they decided to survey the other information available to them in this segment of the library. Individually they scanned different segments of the information, with plans to share it between themselves later. Their review gave them a firmer understanding of the technology they now had access to and related issues. All of them realized that they had much more to learn before they thought they would be effective.

While they were mind-linked so tightly, they decided to exercise their capabilities as an ethereal entity. First, they thought about the Enclave, which brought them a vision of it as if they were there. As they studied it, they found they could see it from several angles at once. Maureen, Siobhan, Maeve and Aoife were surprised at being able to see through each other's eyes. They looked around the Enclave and soon found Tara's and Erin's babies.

Maeve, Siobhan, Aoife, and Maureen immediately knew that these were Erin's and Tara's babies. The babies were being fed by the nannies. They stopped suckling and turned their heads toward them while keeping the nipple in their mouth. As their presence moved around them, the babies lay very still, following their movement with their eyes. They pushed each baby a kiss, while sending them their love. Several babies reached up, as if to touch their cheek when they were kissed. They all felt the emotion through their ethereal contact. After the kiss, the babies went back to suckling, but continued to follow their parents with their eyes. The clan was pleased to see the babies had grown considerably since last seeing them.

Not sensing any energy issues the Command Staff continued their ethereal traveling and shifted their focus from the Enclave to the freighter. As they approached it, they could tell where everyone was. All but two of the flesh peddlers were secured in the cages. Each had a short chain between their wrists and collar. Another chain connected their ankles. The men were secured to the T shaped bench with a food and water dispenser close to their mouth. Two women were in the compartments set aside for entertaining the freighter's crew. In one of these compartments, a crew member had a woman hanging by her wrists and was preparing to use her as a punching bag. When the man drew back his fist to hit her, he swore as he felt his arm pulled further back, spinning him around. His eyes bulged on seeing another woman standing in the now open compartment door. Bot61 kicked the side of his knee, stopping his attempt to regain his balance. Crumpling to the deck, he screamed as he tried again to grab her. She dropped on him with both knees then yanked his head back to shove a large ball into his mouth. His arms were twisted behind his back and fastened together, then his ankles were tied together. Bot51 let the woman down and carried her out of the compartment. Bot61 grabbed the man's ankles then dragged him out the door to the foredeck. Seeing the bots had resolved the issue, the group went to check on the doctor and assistants.

The Command Staff then shifted their focus toward the resort. On their way, they saw the three zodiac boats from the freighter bobbing in the water. They were stopped near where they were supposed to meet the freighter. There seemed to be a lot of turmoil among those on the boats. This surmise was based on the gesticulation and apparent hollering going on. Hovering nearby was a cloaked shuttle with a security team. Checking with those on the shuttle, they learned that the team was waiting for dark. At that point, they planned to move the flesh peddlers to the cages on the freighter. They complimented those on the shuttle for their solution.

When they reached the resort, an army jeep and two trucks were coming down the road and had almost reached the administration building. In front of the recreation center, there were three stake trucks with large trunks on them and nearby on the ground. Closer to the building, a group, presumably raiders were lying on the ground with their ankles and arms bound. A group of soldiers surrounded them. The soldiers' expressions were hard. By the way they held their weapons, it was clear they wanted an excuse to shoot. Several were injured. Nearby was a stack of weapons. While the Command Staff surveyed the situation, a limo came into view on the road and moved slowly down it before stopping some distance away. As the limo was approaching three women and a two men were pushed out of an army truck in front of the administration building. Two soldiers then forced the five to walk toward the group on the ground. An officer followed with a soldier carrying several packages.

The officer saluted another. They talked for several minutes before the senior officer turned toward the parked limo. After taking a deep breath, he walked over. As he approached the limo, the Command Staff was surprised to see a bot step out and wondered what was going on. Their next surprise was hearing the conversation. It was then they realized they were hearing through the bot with a significant time delay.

The officer said, "Miss, I am sorry to say we didn't find any guests when we arrived."

"So they came to kidnap the guests?"


"If that gets out it will destroy this island's economy for a long time."

"Yes. It will. I am puzzled by the guests' disappearance. Those vermin swear they didn't do anything except gas the buildings. The only things we found in the rooms were a few personal possessions, nothing else. A search of their base yielded five more people, a bunch of drugs and preparation instructions. We are in a delicate situation."

"Yes. I believe I can arrange for the vermin to disappear, but it has to be after dark. Can your people administer the treatments using the instructions and clean up the place?"

"Yes. But some will talk."

"All of these soldiers are local, right?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"They are smart, if you tell them the consequences of saying too much they will understand. Once they've stripped and treated all the vermin, you should let your soldiers play with them. That will give them something safe to talk about. The play should not leave any significant injuries as it could complicate things. Now, if the bulls were neutered then so much the better."

"That could work."

"After it is dark, bind their wrists to their ankles and leave the trash on the beach next to the water line."

"What about the tide?"

"Not our problem, is it?" she responded with a smile. "It won't hurt them to get a little wet. They probably won't drown but it will give them more to worry about. Are you okay with this?"

"Yes. It solves a number of problems, as long as what happens stays here."

"I will tell my Mistress that you and your men have been very helpful. I am sure she will be very grateful. This is especially true since more guests are arriving in a week. Now they will have a place to stay and spend their money. Have a good day." With that the bot, returned to the limo.

The officer shook his head as he watched the limo head back toward town. The junior officer walked up to him. The Command Staff watched them talk for a few moments then call over a couple of soldiers who were apparently NCOs.

It wasn't long after that they saw the soldiers clip the ankle ties on a few, then force them to walk into the recreation building. The Command Staff watched as a few more were moved inside and then pulled back.

With a fresh understanding of the situation, the Command Staff thought back over their actions. He entered their link with them, "From this society's viewpoint, your actions are appropriate and conservative in severity. It is a good policy to review your actions, but be careful of judging them by what you learn after an event."

"Are the events at Leann's home, the lodge and freighter related?" Tara wondered.

In response to Tara's curiosity, they began to sift through the information their systems had collected. They learned that the event at the lodge had been placed under the US District Attorney for that jurisdiction. Their progress was being closely followed by several investigative reporters. A team of attorneys in the DA's office was working with a special team of investigators, looking at the lodge incident and tracking down leads. Communications from the freighter's slavers, the leader of the raid on Leann's, and from the lodge used many of the same IP addresses.

At Leann's, the investigators found charred human remains in the basement. The leader of the raid on Leann's had left his slaves locked in cages with only a small amount of food. All of them were under the influence of a submissive drug similar to that used on both Leann's group and the captives on the freighter.

The District Attorney's office and the team of investigators appeared to be uncompromisable. This was based on their activities in investigating the lodge incident and other investigations. The Command Staff also felt that the investigative reporters were being honest in their coverage of the story. When they found information they thought was helpful, they shared it with the DA's office.

As they completed the analysis, a plan formed. They sent instructions to the bots watching over the slaves at the raider's home. When the time was right the bots would give the slaves an antidote to the drugs then make sure they had sufficient food for a couple of days. The next step was to make sure the DNA analysis of the remains at Leann's identified the man who led the raid. Ideally they wanted the DNA discovery to coincide with a call about those held in the man's home.

Over the next several weeks, they would arrange for letters to be sent to the investigative reporters from college students. These would tell of being shocked by what happened at the lodge as they had been offered a weekend there for winning a drawing. Some letters would mention that some of their friends had gone there but didn't come back to school the next semester. The letters would include the names of those they couldn't find as well as those who went to the lodge. Those rescued from the freighter would be asked if they would write a letter. This would frustrate the reporters since many of the writers had vanished as well. A few letters would also go to the DA's office.

To attempt to ensure their safety, the DA, several key investigators and the reporters would be given implants. These would make it possible to quickly locate them. Drones were assigned to monitor each one.

Together, they reviewed the actions they had initiated. They thought they had provided enough pieces at this point to ensure the investigation would continue. Consideration was given to sending bots to work with each group, but they decided to wait before taking that step.

"Oh wait, we are overlooking the obvious. Backup tapes. Every network has tape backups, if the reporters could get access to them, it might add ammunition to the stories".


"Let's have a journalism student, in the form of a bot, offer to assist the reporters. We could also put a bot paralegal in the DA's office."

"Let's do it. The bot for the DA's office will need a thorough background on the legal process."

With that, they set in motion the system commands to start the process. Both Star and Donna would begin receiving the data, once the units were functioning.

They pulled back, to be more aware of their surroundings, but the extensive mental bond continued. They heard Him say, "Very good response to the information you had on the slavers. The approach you have chosen was not apparent to me. To me this shows the advantage you have in understanding some of that society's intricacies that are not apparent to an outsider. This is the main reason why our society's prime directive is to not meddle in other civilizations unless asked or threatened."

"We were nearly their victims," said Tara, Alison, and Erin, "as were many of us. The temptation to track them down, and deliver a full measure of justice personally, is very strong every time we see their activities."

Together they said, "We are now members of this society. We pledge that the wellbeing of our society and breed must be our primary focus. We pledge to protect the weak from the strong. We will assist others in doing that, when requested and it is just." Upon completing the statement, they felt their focus become clearer.

"How do you fit with us?" asked Siobhan.

"Ah, that is a difficult question to answer," he said. "It is probably best to just think of me as the spirit of the ship. Some would think of me as a god, but I am definitely not. I can only function through all of you as a group, although I can communicate with you individually at times..."

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My Wife Got A New Slave

I had earlier written my life story “Sex to slave “ and “Wife made me cuckold and got your responses. In this I am narrating an experience as dictated by my sweet wife. Any middle aged women wanting a slave service may mail to me. I am in Chennai and visit Bangalore, Pune, Cochin frequently. Please send your comments to or The story goes as below in my wife’s words. We are married for 25 years now and we have been having a great sex life. My hubby likes to expose me to others and asks me to...

2 years ago
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The Day Tucker Became His Sister Part II

This is the second part of the Day Tucker Became His Sister. Thank you Roxy Rack and Stacy Realdoll for actually liking my worst work ever. As for those of you who didn't like it I'm not going to thank you for your advice because I didn't need it. The last part was just an attempt to quickly get a story onto Fictionmania and I didn't spend very much time on it. This time I'm going to actually write and you will be amazed by it. I will eventually go back and edit the last one to...

3 years ago
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First Time With A Black Girl

I grew up in the Northern Great Plains in the time before World War II. I had never seen a black person until I turned 18 in late July 1944. I was drafted into the military the next month, sent to a Receiving Station for Classification. By troop train, I was taken to Basic Training in Texas. I learned the ways of the army. I marched, counter marched and drilled till it became part of my waking hours. I saw training films an many subjects. There were the movie training films showing what could...

4 years ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 2

The hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned, smiling...

Wife Lovers
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Lovers First Time

Rhonda felt dizzy, short of breath and incredibly aroused. She clung to her boyfriend Eric as they kissed on his couch. He had her pressed back against the arm rest, one hand on her hip the other on the back of her neck as if afraid she was going to pull away. His tongue was deep in her mouth and Rhonda could hear soft little grunts of pleasure coming from deep in his throat. Eric finally broke their kiss but immediately moved his lips to her neck. Rhonda took advantage of the break and...

2 years ago
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Birth of the Ringtaker 2

"You got yours, now it's someone else's turn", I spat at her as I turned and stomped down the stairs. I was so angry I could actually hear my pulse throbbing in my ears. My cock began to shrink and soften but my rage only built. I rounded the corner, looked into the kitchen and saw my dad and Uncle Rich still out cold. Then I turned and saw her. My cock twitched as I saw my mother now lying on the couch. "Well fuck her, I've gone this far". I didn't even recognize my tone. I...

3 years ago
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Accidents Happen2

Some may say that we had a “shotgun wedding” but neither of us felt that way, as we were genuinely in love. Eighteen years into our marriage we were still very much in love with each other. Of course, there are the regular ups and downs like in every long marriage, but everything levels up with time. That summer we noticed that our eldest, “our baby boy” as we still jokingly called him, was starting to mature a lot. He was spending ever more time with his friends outside home. To us he said...

1 year ago
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An Unsuitable Job for a Man

Author's note: Apart from obvious place names such as Bournemouth and London, all people, places and events are entirely fictional. Seacombe is a fictitious seaside town on the south coast of England. The story contains adult actions, some of which are naughty, but nice, and others are plain naughty and evil. Don't read it if you're not an adult, or if you may be upset or offended by the content. Apologies to PD James, from whose book I adapted the title, and gained the idea of the...

4 years ago
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Jenny and Tanya part 7 Tanya tamed

With her love Jenny sound and deep asleep, Tanya knew finally Peterson to be hers.They lovingly embraced after bringing Jenny to bed. High time for Tanya´s turn.Happily she laid down for him, like Jenny had. No need to tie her up.Tanya eagerly spread. Showing the depth of her pink prettiness, wet and hot.Like she´d been all night. Pete Peterson loves her long lovely looks.Longs to lick her tasty juices. Postponing on purpose to punish her.Wooden kitchen tools and the little cat-o-nine-tails...

3 years ago
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Monnies secret

Monnie had chosen this place, she wasn’t sure why, but her husband was happy. It wasn’t often that they went out with their close friends, but this was a special occasion, a lunchtime meal for them all to celebrate her birthday. Travelling fifty miles to meet might seem excessive but it was worth it. They met up in the pub carpark at noon, Monnie was wearing her favourite dress and it fitted in all the right places, her full breasts complemented her figure and she was proud of them. Her...

3 years ago
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Learning from mom

This story is how I learned about sex and crossdressing. It takes place back in 1984 about the time I hit puberty. My dad had took off about 2 years before this and my mom put all her focus into her job. Back then with no internet and being my age I would mainly look at the women in the sears catalog. I was always drawn to the lingerie and how good they looked in it. So I did feel confused cause I felt like I wanted to be more like my mom and wear what women were wearing. Ok this started the...

2 years ago
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Weekend Adventure Part 1

Hi, I’m Ashwini from Bangalore. My age is 23 and has athletic body. Recently I was checking iss where I saw many people have shared their experience, so I felt like sharing one of my experience. I’m writing for the first time so please forgive my mistakes. I work in mnc and have a big team of young boys and girls.This incident happened recently when my team planned a surprise party for one of our teammates. The plan was for the weekend we will start from the office directly and move to the pub...

3 years ago
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Classic love

Hi I am Seema, I am going to tell you lucky and my story, I walked upstairs and into his room, not there. I continued down the hallway peeking in my room and then the bathroom. Finally I found him standing in front of the mirror combing his hair. “What are you doing?” I said full knowing what he was really doing. “I’m getting ready for my date tonight.” he said. “What date?” I said not knowing that he had a date tonight. “I made a date today with Radha.” he said. “Oh.” I said looking a...

3 years ago
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First Black

Not many twenty two year olds would have even considered it, but I readers, I went on a 2 week holiday to spain with my parents. I managed to get a deal from work at the time and thought it would be a good idea. It turned out alright in the end.Day two and your narrator was already getting fed up with the hotel. I needed to get out and see the place on my own, the night life, pubs, clubs and just experience the place. You know how it is when you're young. I did plan on just getting ready and...

2 years ago
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Mali Bamako to Fana sequel

After breakfast, Arnoud and Henrique tell us that they will prepare the car and themselves for our trip tomorrow. I decide to take it easy and to stay in the lovely garden. Alwin has agreed with a few old acquaintances from his stay in Mali a few years earlier. I relax in a sun lounger and watch the activities of the hotel staff. Around lunchtime the man who checked us in asks if I want to have lunch. Time to introduce myself, while I extend my hand and mention my name. He says his name is...

1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 45 Facing a Major Test

I had announced that the crew needed to show up at ten hundred hours. As was my usual pattern I walked into the bridge simulator thirty minutes before then. For once I was alone, as all of my ladies were still sleeping. The orgy that Lenore had demanded had run far past midnight. I was still a bit sleepy, but the content smiles on my slumbering concubines warmed my heart as I took my seat and powered up the displays. The displays were flickering into life when the doors opened up behind me....

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 45

When I got there at around 8, I was surprised nobody was waiting in front this time. And the day was much more laid back, more like an exceptionally busy weekend than the prior three days had been. I had a lot of fun in one two hour presentation taking a bunch of people through several of my starter adventures, pausing at the end of each one, and describing the idea behind each and how I worked to balance them each between being a challenge, and being too easy. “In a perfect adventure, it...

3 years ago
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Unglckliche Stellvertreterin

Karen Andrews war nicht das hübscheste Mädchen in Silver Vale High. Sie war keine Konkurrenz für die andern. Ein paar Kerle hielten sie vielleicht für "irgendwie süß", aber da sie ein paar Kilo zu viel hatte, bekam sie nie die Aufmerksamkeit der beliebten Jungs. Sie hatte sich auch den Ruf zu recht verdient, prüde zu sein, weshalb sie nicht einmal die Aufmerksamkeit erhielt die den weniger perfekten Mädchen zusteht, von denen bekannt war, dass sie Blowjobs oder sogar Sex für ein billiges...

1 year ago
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The RescuedChapter 71 SM03Pi Day 10 continued

When Steve and Melissa left her former residence, she was silent, but when they reached the atrium to Steve's home, she tried one last time to provoke him. "And what exactly do you consider to be the 'proper' treatment for my 'condition'?" Steve looked at her, and said, "I think you need to be strapped to a table, paddled vigorously, and fucked up the ass. Does that seem proper to you?" Melissa froze, speechless, and Steve grasped her arm, and took her into his home. When they...

4 years ago
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Have you ever had a foursome

The phrase “Boardies are for Bogans” is what started one hell of a fun (and naughty) Easter Monday afternoon/evening. Let me start by making sure everyone knows the definitions. Boardies, refers to board shorts, what I often call dork shorts. Bogan, I feel like is an Australian slang word which I don’t think I’ve heard else where in the world. It will take a little more explaining but here is the online dictionaries attempt: bo·gan /?b??(?)n/ noun INFORMAL•DEROGATORY an uncouth or...

1 year ago
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Death By Fucking Ch 10

Donnie’s Story Wednesday I’ve been on the road for four years, on and off. We are home only about half the time, it seems. Maybe I exaggerate a little, but it seems like we are always on the road. And yet, I’ve never been truly lonely till now. And it’s only been three days since I left Deirdre and Andrew. I just can’t seem to concentrate anymore. I feel like I’m going through the motions, and that means my customer isn’t getting his money’s worth. Well we do seem to be making the same...

2 years ago
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Ты был молод, силен, полон сил и желаний и тебе стало тесно в небольшой деревушке в которой вы провели всё детсво. Захотелось чегото больше приключений , новых впечатлений и вы вооруженный одной лишь дубиной отправились в путь. Добравшись до спука с горы тебе открылся изумительный вид море деревьев растекающеесяя от подножия гор в самом сердце которого виднелись остроконечные шпили которые казхалось впитывают свет. Огромное озеро в которое втекали множество ручьев и небольшая речка было...

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Your Eyes

One of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything to spend the night with them. Like other guys my age,...

Straight Sex
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Had great piece of thai massage woman at Bangkok m

Nana square shopping mall has massage shop on second or third level. Top of steps turn left and in left side corner. Women there change from visit to visit. My massage woman is very pretty, had a baby but never lost the muffin top and it bothered her. Told her. She reached under and massaged me cock, in my ear told me she wanted to try fat cock. I said I have no condom, She said "I have big condom for man like you" she told me the price, I came back at 700 for everything, she said yes. Told me...

4 years ago
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Land Lord8217s Virgin Daughter

Land lord’s Virgin Daugther By: kisna Hi, frm Delhi. I m regular reader of ISS since 2007. Here I am writting my first & real stories which happened to me when I was 25 yrs nd now 38. I am an civil engineer with white complexion 5’11” good physic. My mail ID I was posted 35 km away from Delhi and was unmarried. Jab main paheli bar us city me aya to Hotel me ruka. Next day I left office early evening to find out a rented house. After seeing so many house one house I found OK. The house owner...

1 year ago
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Holi ke din

Hi here is rajendra again with a new incident of my life. This incident heppend with me on last year holi. So let me tell you about me first, i am a 24 years old boy with a good healthy boby & with a strong tool (penis).my penis size is 6″& my height is 5ft6inch.i am a studnt of engg.in finel year.so the story begins, ye holi mere liye bahut hi special thi kyuki mujhe paheli baar kisi ko chaudane ka mauka mila. Maine pahali baaar kisi ko apne lavde se chauda. Ye mera pahala fucking experience...

3 years ago
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Lost Empire 56

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) ------------------------------------------------------- Mara was clutching Daniel Norman, a full Colonel as desperately tight as she could. Sobbing into his chest she was terrified that if...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 191 Dante in the barrel

We transported Dante to Aster in the trunk of Earl's rental car. I had to wonder, if there would be an addition charge, should they ever findd out. The emotional let down after the raid was evident in the Caddy. Nobody spoke for the first few minutes, then it was just in a cryptic sentence now and then. "You did remember to turn the license plate light back on?" I asked the driver. "Yes, and I know most of those who get caught on the road after a job, make some stupid traffic move. I'm...

1 year ago
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AssParade Lilith Morningstar Curvy Lilith8217s First Time

Lilith Morningstar is a newcomer to the scene. She has a big beautiful ass. She walks around in the rain wetting her giant ass. It’s her first porn shoot ever, luck us. She loves showing her butt off. That ass is nice and oiled for us. Sean walks in ready to worship her booty. Lilith loves it. She notices Sean’s hard boner. She’s ready to worship his cock. She gets pounded, her ass looks beautiful getting fucked. She rides is cock until he’s about to bust. She gets cum...

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PermissionChapter 5 The Aftermath

Carol was up and busy packing the next morning, excited about flying to Tony, knowing what was in store for her and now eager for it to happen. She assumed she had convince David the night before that nothing was going to happen. Part of her was sorry for deceiving her husband but she felt she needed this small fling. The sex with David the night before had been the best they had had in a long time, and it was always good with David. She wondered if it would be as good with Tony. Packed, she...

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By What Right 2 Caught or Not

They arose in unison, the true pair. He immediately ran to the restroom. She looked at me groggily with the same contemptuous look she always gave me. And yet I wondered; how much did she feel? Did she think it was her boyfriend making the normal nightly advance? Questions truly loomed and yet, if it were true, I would be completely free despite my actions. I told her I was heading home and she met me in embrace. Absentmindedly, as she hugged me, my hands found their way to the curve of her...

3 years ago
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next morning not great but what happened

It was 10 after 8, I was just about to put something hard in my mouth when someone was knocking on the door, and in my head I had a few choice words. I had waked up about 30 minutes earlier stretched and rolled over to find this steel pole against me. Rick was still sort of sleeping but had this incredible hard on so I started to play with it rubbing it and pulled the sheets back to stare at it, just as I was about to put it in my mouth that is when someone was at the door. Putting on a knight...

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Fun with StephanieGurl at the Park

Fantasy Story: Fun with Stephanie-Gurl at the park.After weeks of chatting online I was able to convince Stephanie to meet me but she had one condition it has to be in public place. Now I am not one to hook up in public but I was dying to meet Stephanie and have a little fun. I knew of a park that was nearby that we could meet at late at night and she agreed to the location. That night I arrived at the parking lot of the park around 11 o’clock and waited in my car. Of course being the sexy...

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Monkeys PenisChapter 5 Incontinence of the Mouth

Patricia Mulholland pulled her car into the Moreno's driveway. David Moreno was a student in one of her English seminars, but he had been absent today. Normally she didn't personally deliver assignments to students that missed class, but this just seemed appropriate to do today for some reason. She walked up to the front door and knocked. As she waited, she reached up and adjusted the position of her bra in front. Paul Spellman, another student in her English class, answered the door,...

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Forbidden Passion

“Fuck You,” Veronica screamed at him as she raised her middle finger up in the air while she stormed out of the house. She couldn’t believe he had done it… again. What the hell was she thinking, taking him back!?!? She honestly loved Kyle, he was her everything, and apparently, she was nothing to him. Kyle ran out the house after Veronica, “I’m sorry! Veronica!!! I love you!!” He couldn’t seem to get her attention. He knew he had really messed up this time around. He had ventured off into...

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Start to a fantastic weekend

Their schools were only 2 blocks apart so when James finished for the day he walked down to Andy to pick him up. Usually after school on a Friday his mum would take Andy to the play area just down the road. So He walked Andy down to it and let him go and play while he did some planning. He realised that both of them getting hard was no mere coincidence. He thought about Andy naked which was easy as they had seen each other naked so many times before. He realised that Andy was very cute, his...

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She Found Out

SHE FOUND OUT by Throne After three years of marriage, my wife Cassy found out that my cherished fantasy was to be cross-dressed by her. I had left the computer on and fallen asleep in another room. Maybe I unconsciously wanted her to see what was on the screen, which was my imaginary diary of what our life together would be like if she did that for me. Cassy took two full weeks to think about her options. She could have divorced me and probably gotten the bulk of our money and...

1 year ago
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Step Dads Dating app 3 Chapers 12

After he was long gone I peeked out to see if my Dad or Selena was out there, but all was clear. I hurried down the hall, my feet making light footfalls as I hurried to the bathroom I share with her, I went in, locked the door. I let my clothes fall to the floor around my feet then Looking at my body in the mirror and for the hundredth time I noticed my breasts were smaller than Selena's but feeling it now especially. "Pff, what ever." Shoving the idea out of my head I turn on the shower...

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