An ClochánChapter 41 free porn video

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It was a little after 17:00 on the second day after leaving J4 when Sarah's Clan began to wake up. They were due back on the bridge in 2 hours. For the next three clock cycles they would be on Dóchas' bridge from 19:00 to 07:00.

Sarah rolled onto her side and spooned in behind Tara, placing her arm over her and pulling the two them closer together. Feeling the movement, Tara placed her hand over Sarah's, pressing it tightly to her breast.

"Ah ... that feels good," said Tara with their intertwined fingers cupping the front of her breast.

"It always feels so good to be cuddled up next to you."

"Too bad we don't have more time but duty is calling."

"Yes. We've slept later than usual as it is nearly dinner time, so we have a little less than 2 hours before we relieve Briana's Clan."

"You know, not having time for an extended cuddle, or time to relax together, is a significant downside to 12 hour shifts."

"True. Although by working the longer shifts our free time comes more frequently. To me, this makes the longer shifts worth it, especially since we work together. The longer shifts just mean we need to manage our time carefully."

"Agreed. That doesn't mean I'm keen on getting up. It is nice to be so close to all of you with no outside distractions."

"We agree," said several of their spouses as they began to move around. Each took a moment to hug or kiss someone before getting up.

"Aoife, did you think our dream was a good depiction of the situation our friends on Earth are facing?" asked Alison.

"You experienced it as well. What do you think?"

"I asked first," replied Alison as she stuck her tongue out. She then continued with, "There were several events in the dreams that were rather troubling. Were these composites of real events on Earth? Or were we dreaming of a possible solution to the information we have?"

Before Aoife or Tara could respond Sarah said, "Before we try to sift through our dreams, we need to get moving as we've slept a little longer than usual. Also, Keri, Earnán and Jordana came to see us shortly before we woke up. We can discuss our dreams later on the bridge."

"I thought I sensed them looking for us. Do you know what's up?"

Rusty said, "I think they want some insight into a learning module."

"So, can we get everything done before we need to relieve Briana's Clan?"

"Don't see why not. Our children could join us on the bridge if it takes too much time."

"Okay," said Sarah, "let's do our exercises and then freshen up. I'll tell the children we'll be out shortly."

"Why don't they join us?" added Joyce. "They need to get ready for dinner as well."

"Good point," said Sarah. "Keri, Jordana, Earnán, we're up. We are about to start our exercises then freshen up for dinner. Do you want to join us?"

"Cool," replied Keri. "Wow, it's later than we thought. We need to save this first then we will join you."

"Alison," said Tara as they began to get on their exercise benches. "Our dreams were just that, dreams. They did revolve around the information about those now at An Clochán. Because they are dreams, I'm not sure it is worth the time to analyze them. From my perspective, the task before us is to determine what we can do to help our friends."

"Oh, I definitely agree. But, how we can assist them may be dependent on why they sought refuge with us."

"That's true to an extent."

"From what we know, some are at An Clochán due to a direct threat to their safety, while others just requested either assistance or to visit New Comrie. Oh, and I believe some are simply seeking to join us."

"I guess I am seeing their situation from a different point of view, since some were in essence pushed or shoved into seeking refuge with us. Given the differences in driving forces, shouldn't we be seeking to assist them in coming to terms with their situation before they decide on their future?"

"But Tara," said Maeve, "the issues pushing them to seek refuge with us aren't much different than those some others experienced before joining us ... Oh, I see, you're concerned about whether those who sought refuge have made a hasty exit which they may regret later."

"There is that, but there is also the question of anger toward those who pushed them out of their world, which could blossom into other long term problems for our family. From my perspective, they need to resolve their anger or hostility issues before they can look to the future. This is true whether it is with us or somewhere else."

"Good points Tara," said Aoife. "I think my perspective of the dreams is similar yours. Our dreams were portrayals of the available information. You've touched on a critical difference between those currently at New Comrie or An Clochán and others we have helped."

"I agree," responded Joyce with several others nodding their agreement. "Our staff at An Clochán has the experience, along with an operational plan, to handle an event like this. We also have the option of diverting some of the medical staff currently with our task groups in Celia to An Clochán."

"We should ask An Clochán whether they want or need assistance before diverting them," added Jill. "Think any will realize the uniqueness of our staff there?"

"Some probably already know that the staff is exclusively logical bipeds, or LBs," said Judy. "It will be interesting to learn how everyone reacts to them."

"Good points," replied several spouses.

"So if logical bipeds are LBs, then I guess we are BBs," said Janet with a smile.

Judy responded, "Those are the acronyms we use in medical records."

Keri said, "Are the refugees people who visited us?"

"We're fairly certain that some are. It appears to also include those we worked with on Earth or the relatives of those who joined us."

"Going back to the BB vs LB, some may not realize those differences," replied Keri.

Jordana laughed and then said, "Guys, I'm not sure anyone will notice the differences unless there is a severe injury. But I think I now know why we are having difficulty with our lesson."

"So ... yes, I think you're right," replied Keri with a big smile.

Earnán said, "I agree. After dinner, can we join you on the bridge while we work on our lesson?"

"Certainly. So what is the problem?" asked Rusty.

"Our lesson is to analyze an historical event which led to a conflict between two worlds. The objective is to identify the key contributors to the conflict. Then we are to identify alternative actions or policies that could have been taken to achieve a better outcome for both groups."

"So, how did our comments about our dreams and those now at An Clochán help you?"

"They reminded us of the many cultural issues on Earth. So we think we should put more effort into understanding the cultural interactions of the two groups and how it affected their relationship with each other." Several of their parents had a puzzled look.

Keri added, "It wasn't so much the discussion about those at our locations in Sol as us recognizing the cultural attitudes behind the events on Earth. For example, on Earth many groups are more concerned about how you worship God than anything else. If your approach to God is different from theirs, you are a heathen or insulting God. This attitude carries over into other aspects of life, such as perceived status or rank."

"Good observation, but it is not nearly as simple as that. So does this conflict you're analyzing have a religious aspect?"

"Not as such. Well, we don't think so. So it's okay for us to join you after dinner?"

"Yes. Most definitely. All of you are welcome to accompany us anytime ... well, almost anytime."

Sarah said, "It looks like everyone is ready to go." Her comment prompted the group to begin moving toward the dining room.

"When Star told us you were dreaming," said Keri as they walked toward the dining room, "we thought you were taking a dream walk."

"We considered it," replied Joyce. "We've never tried to move between hyperspace and normal space in a dream walk."

"Star told us that we should talk to Aine or her sisters before we try it. Her data indicated that it would be very difficult to reach out to Earth while maintaining a link to here. She related the difficulty to a discontinuity in time base between the two, as well as rapidly changing distance."

"We agreed," responded Jill. "Our dreams, and the way they fit with the information we received from An Clochán at each jump point, give us considerable reassurance on the status of our friends. Once Dearg and Bán task groups are in Celia system we can connect to An Clochán through them."

"Where are the other children?" asked Sarah.

"All over," replied Keri. "Some are playing in volleyball tournaments on other ships. Two groups are singing this evening. There is a jam session on two ships." As Keri was speaking, her siblings all spoke to their parents telepathically expanding on Keri's response.

"Where is the rest of your group?"

"We are going to meet them in the dining room," replied Jordana looking a little surprised.

"Good, then why don't we sit together?"

"Okay," replied Keri, Jordana and Earnán with a puzzled look.

"Is that a problem?" asked Janet.


"We know you've been spending a lot of time together, which is fine with us. It would be nice to get to know your very close friends a little better."

"At this point, they may be a little reluctant."

"Oh, there is an easy solution to that. You guys go ahead. We will catch up with you in the dining room."


"Simple, once we get our food, we'll join you. That way they won't have time to worry unless ... you are already linked that closely."

"We do share a lot," admitted Jordana.

"If you all are really that close, then we really would like to know them better. We do have a good impression of them."

"You're thinking we are a clan," said Keri.

"Only the eight of you know the answer to that," replied Aoife. "If it is to be, it will come together when the time is appropriate. In any case, we would like to join you, that is, if it's okay."

Earnán smiled as he said, "They are holding a table for us in the dining room."

"So it was easier than you expected," said Erin with a smile.

Keri, Jordana and Earnán nodded before Keri added, "Perhaps the problem was us."

A voice said, "It was all of us as we see this as kind of like the next big step, and it's kind of scary."

"I don't think we are anywhere near becoming a clan, or having that type of relationship, yet," said another voice. "We see our relationship as more like siblings, but very close."

"We can understand that," replied Alena.

"Thanks," replied several voices.

After Sarah's Clan selected their food, they went to where the group was waiting. After setting their food down, they gave each a hug before sitting down. Sarah and her spouses chose seats so that the two groups were intermingled.

As they ate, Sarah's Clan prompted each of their offspring's friends to talk about themselves, their interests and what they would like to do.

It was just before 19:00 when Rusty said, "I hate to break this up but we go on duty in a few minutes. We have enjoyed our brief time together and would like to spend more time with all of you on our next off cycle."

Bree said, "I sense that all of us would like that as well. To perhaps correct an impression, our reluctance to meet with all of you was due to the potential significance of such a meeting. We are close, very close. The characterization earlier of us being pseudo siblings is, I think, more accurate than something more intimate and long term."

"Relax," said Erin. "We can see how close you feel to each other. Your description appears to be accurate. It is a different relationship to those we have seen up until now, although we knew groups on Earth that were like siblings even though they weren't related."

"How is this relationship different to what a clan has?"

Judy smiled and said, "Good question, and one that I don't have a quick answer for. But from what we've seen tonight, we think you all are a very good fit with each other. While you are all more mature than most children we've known, you aren't quite adults yet. So considering this as a sibling grouping is a good way to categorize it. Time, among other things, will determine whether your relationship with each other grows into a clan bond. Is that enough of an answer for now?"


"Over the next several weeks, I'll review some literature to see if there is a better explanation and I'll get back to you all."

"Thanks. But I think your answer was fine."

"We need to go," said Terry as she stood. "Time is slipping away. It has been a pleasure to visit with all of you."

Sarah's Clan stood, along with their children and their friends, and then gave them hugs before going to the bridge.

"We'll be up in a little bit," said Keri.

"Any time," replied her parents.

On their way out of the dining room, they stopped to briefly chat with Amy's Clan.

As they walked to the bridge Aoife said to her spouses, "That was something I didn't expect."

"Yes," replied her spouses.

"I think there could be a couple of others who may join their group, or at least become closer to them," said Janet.

"Why do you say that?"

"Right now it is just a feeling."

"Well, time will tell."

Aoife said, "I've been thinking about our dreams and have come to the conclusion that many, if not most, of those at An Clochán came with the intent to join us. So while we think that they are there for security reasons, we shouldn't jump to that conclusion."

"I agree," responded Maeve after a few moments. "Quickly sifting through my memories, I think our experience with some groups on Earth coloured our view."

"We can go over key points later," added Rusty.

"Good evening," said Briana's Clan when Sarah's Clan entered the bridge.

"Good evening. How was the day?"

"Quiet. Just another normal day in hyperspace. All systems are optimum. Manufacturing restarted in the freighters this morning. We were advised that everyone would be out of hibernation in two clock cycles."

"Good," replied Sarah. "There is nothing wrong with a normal day."

"Now we won't need to reschedule the meeting with the J3 group," said Joyce.

"Why would we reschedule it?"

"The last time I looked at their status, it looked like the last group would complete the restoration process on the day before the meeting was scheduled. That seemed to be too soon after being introduced to a totally new environment."

"That must have been before we increased the size of the groups," replied Judy. "The group size was increased just before arriving at J4. They only added a few people to each group. That way those most recently released have some time to adjust to their new surroundings before the meeting. Those recovering from the Dutsuz drug will be released from medical care at about the same time."

Alison said, "Intelligence is planning on monitoring all of them during the meeting."

"Good," replied Briana. "Did you guys do a dream walk today?"

"We started to but discovered some complications, so not really," responded Tara. Seeing several of Briana's Clan frown she continued with, "We did have some pretty realistic dreams but it wasn't a dream walk. Those dreams showed us a way to interpret the information we've received from An Clochán. If you're asked, all of our information indicates our friends are fine. We believe many of them are now at either New Comrie or An Clochán."

"Wow," said Cindy of Briana's Clan, "that could be a lot of people."

"It could be. Our current impression is that it includes many of those who had a lot of contact with us. It may also include some of their immediate families. Another group is the families of those who were in the military before joining us. In addition to them are those seeking to join us with the goal of being crew members."

"That could be a lot of people. Is there enough room at An Clochán and New Comrie?"

"Yes," replied Claudette. "It is a good thing we left the equipment in storage rather than bringing it all with us."

"Why is that?" asked Ellie with a smile.

"Idle hands usually lead to mischief," replied Terry, sticking her tongue out, causing many to chuckle. "Besides, many of them are very likely pissed at the way their government, associates or friends have treated or shunned them, so they need something interesting to do."

"I trust everyone realizes," said Jill, "that it is likely that all of those now at An Clochán and New Comrie will eventually join us here."

"I think we do," replied Alena. "I hope those pushed to flee see joining us as a good choice rather than something they are forced into doing."

"Well in many ways, it is being forced on them," replied Eltha. "Whether there are any issues should be discerned during orientation and individual assessments. Regardless of why they joined us some may have difficulty adjusting to our culture and its openness, especially the telepathic aspect."

"Aren't you going to dinner?" asked Rusty.

"We ate earlier," replied Adam. "We saw you were running later than normal, so we brought our dinner up here to eat. Besides, this will give us more time to relax when we get back to our suite." Adam wiggled his eyebrows as he finished speaking. His spouses laughed on seeing his antics. "We can get away with not being seen in the dining room, but everyone expects to see you there."

"You're kidding," replied several of Sarah's Clan.

"Nope. Not at all."

Briana smiled as she said, "Your clan, as well as the other Command Staffs, are a very special part of our family." Sarah's Clan had puzzled looks on their faces. "Without Amy's clan and yours, this family would likely not exist. We see the combination of the Command Staffs as making up the core, or the foundation, of this family. Yes, there are other clans who are key parts of our foundation, but you all are the primary key, with Amy's Clan and yours being a little more important. Now this doesn't mean they think of you as royalty, grand anointed leaders, or something similar. To all of us, you are the guides on this new wonderful life and fantastic adventure."

Cass said, "I think for any of us who grew up on Earth, our being here is far beyond what we could have imagined, far beyond. As a family, one of our key strengths is that we've designated a few to guide us into the future, but at the same time, all of us make meaningful contributions and we know it. We've noticed that those we picked up at J3 are beginning to have the same perspective."

"Interesting," replied Erin. "I don't know that I want to think too much about it as it could change the way we interact."

"We really doubt it," responded Cindy of Briana's Clan. "However, while chatting with you all is great, the longer we stay here the less time we have to cuddle and..."

"Yes," said Sarah's Clan, "now be on your way before your time to cuddle evaporates. Goodnight and sleep well."

"You know we could do something similar to what Briana's Clan did for supper," said Joyce after they left. "We could eat here just as our shift finishes up. When our relief takes over, stop by the dining room and perhaps have a snack before going to our quarters. That way we would have a little more time to relax between shifts."

"So you think it is important for us to be seen in the dining room," replied Maeve.

"In a nut shell, yes. As important as Briana's Clan indicated. I'm not sure that I agree but why test it. Besides, we are comfortable in our role here, even though we didn't seek it, and it seems our family wants us in this role."

"Excuse us," said Siobhan. "We heard Briana's comment about our role. Her comments are similar to others we've heard. We think the other Command Staffs have heard similar comments although we have not spoken to anyone about it, so we suspect their observations are correct."

Aoife said, "This was not a role any of us sought so I pray that the Gods and Goddesses continue to guide us as we meet the challenges before us."

"We agree," chorused all the Command Staffs followed by, "Amen."

On Dóchas, the morning chime sounded signaling one hour until breakfast time. The sound of the chime had hardly stopped before Joyce slipped out of bed. Her hand was tight against her opening as she hurried to the bathroom. Several of her spouses snickered as they watched her.

"I don't know what you're snickering about. I've seen several of you do this run a few times," said Joyce as she entered the bathroom.

She had only just sat down on a stool when several of her spouses hurried in just like she had. Each of them was holding the lips of their labia tightly over their opening.

Rusty sat down on a stool.

Aoife said, looking at Rusty, "Did you save any for the rest of us?"

He smiled as he replied, "I made some more while we slept just for you."

"Well I don't know if it was all him," added Maeve. "I do know that I felt quite full this morning when I woke up."

"We're planning on coming back here after breakfast, right?" asked Aoife.

"Yes," replied her spouses.

"Definitely," added Aoife.

Alison added, "We have all morning to relax, then after lunch we planned on exercising before going to see our children play in the tournaments on Iarracht."

"I'm looking forward to spending the evening with Keriann's Clan."

"Do you all realize that it is only a little over 2 weeks before we reach Celia system," said Janet as the group prepared to do their morning exercises.

"Yes," replied Alena. "Sometimes it seems like our trip is taking forever, while at other times it doesn't seem like very long at all."

"Well," replied Joyce, "at the moment we are right at 135 clock cycles from Sol system which means we've been traveling nearly 14 weeks."

"When I think this trip is taking forever is when I am most anxious to see and feel the Isle of Gaillimh on Ananu."

"Isle of Gaillimh on Ananu?" responded several of her spouses.

"Yes," replied Alena chuckling. "The Isle of Gaillimh is the proposed name for our island, on Ananu which we've been calling A-Celia."

"We know those names were high on the list when the presentation was made last week," said Sarah. "Have they finalized the assignments?"

"No, they haven't, but I looked at the list late yesterday before we left the bridge. To me it looked like Gaillimh would definitely be the name of the island."

"Siobhan will be pleased with that."

"The planet we are going to settle will be named Ananu after the Goddess, and formally written as Ananu of Celia system. Quite a few have expressed a desire to abbreviate it as Acelia, which is the name we have been using but without the hyphen."

"Either is acceptable to me," said Tara. All of her spouses nodded their agreement.

As they moved into the showers Alison asked, "Did you notice any other interesting items?"

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So how did I end up living with my 84 year old lover? It started when our clarinet choir was looking for a new practice venue. We booked our local community hall, and there was Mabel to open the hall and lock up when we finished. Mabel was the stand in as Anne the usual hall keeper was away. Mabel would have been stunning in her prime, still naturally blonde, petite, a quiet and private person and she had definitely caught my eye. I made sure I was last to leave and Mabel was in the kitchen...

3 years ago
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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

2 years ago
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Rakhi Behan Ka Mast Chudai

Hi, I’m back again mera naam hai Raj Gupta. Sabse pehle mai apne ISS readers ka sukriya ada karma chahunga kyuki use meri kahani pasand aai. Maine Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai mai bataya thi ki maine kaise apne cousin Payal ko choda. Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai – II mai maine bataya ki mera dost Amit ke sath kaise plan karke cousin Payal ko chouda aur Meri tisri story Dost Ki Behan ka Mast Chudai jisme maine apne dost Amit ki behan Anu ko plan kar ke choda tha. Kher ab mai batane jar aha hu...

4 years ago
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Hayleys Second Photoshoot

After the previous evening, Hayley was absolutely buzzing in anticipation at the thought of doing another photo shoot with Pete. She had enjoyed the first one so much, and despite previously thinking that posing nude was tacky and for, in her own words, ‘cheap sluts who don’t respect themselves,’ the experience from the day before had completely changed her perspective. The thrill she had experienced was intoxicating, and she could not wait to repeat it later when she finished work.The day...

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Quiet lust

Soft feet padded down the hallway toward where I was lying in the rec room. I heard them pause at the door. I knew that she saw me. I knew she wanted to sit by me.”Chuck?” her soft voice drifted across the room.”Yeah?””Can I talk to you?””You can come in, but you have to be quiet.”She slipped onto the sofa by my feet. She stuck out a tentative hand and started rubbing my legs. “I’m sorry Chuck,” she whispered.”Kat, I don’t want to talk about it. You hurt me really badly. Why did you say those...

1 year ago
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Miss Jay Chapter 1 Blood Lust

100% fiction! Waiting for my ride I sat my book satchel down next to me, had a seat on the bench, and listened to the music Playing on my I pod. Uncle lex was running late as usual to pick me up from school. Dressed in my black skirt, white button up blouse and knee high white socks, with my signature black buckle boots and a neck tie as an accessory I tryed to wait patiently as all the other kids made there way to there vehicles and headed home. I need my own car, I thought to myself as lex...

Group Sex
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December holidays part 10 my ex girlfriend Cassi

Laying in bed Monday evening home alone I texted with my girlfriend Jessica chatting to her as well as messaging my ex girlfriend Cassi confirming that she would still be sleeping over tomorrow night. Cassi replied back most definitely baby I'm looking forward to seeing you and spending the night together.I was too excited to fuck her sexy body again and soon while laying in bed a fell asleep.Waking up the next morning just before 8 I got up and made myself breakfast and while eating I message...

1 year ago
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Fucked Wife Thinking Of Sisterinlaw In Next Room

Hi all, today I am going to tell you all about a real incident that happened in my life. I am 37 years old, have an average-sized dick, which can be taken up easily in hand. However, I also feel that size does not matter that, it is the stamina that is required for one has to perform. I live with my wife and kid. My wife is 32 years old, having a very nice figure. She has a 30 waist and wears a 32C bra, so that’s how it is. Coming to the incident, a few days ago my sister-in-law (my wife’s...

3 years ago
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My Doctor Mother 8211 Part 1

Hello friend I am Kartik 21 yr old guy from Pune. This story about me and my mother Dr. Anita. Basically in my home we are four member Me, Dad-59, Mom-52 and Granny-70 (Moms Mother). Well my mother is psychological doctor; Dad is a Civil engineering working in abroad. My family is very well settled family. So I will start the story how everything has happened before three month. Usually my dad use to visit india once in a three month. So being as good son I am always helping to mom and granny,...

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Unlawful StopsChapter 17

When her mother had gotten home, Vicki was too ashamed and too afraid of her father’s repercussions to tell her mother about the sexual abuse. Her father acted like nothing had happen between them. As a result, the teen had set herself up for further abuse by her father. Unbeknown to Evelyn, after that day, anytime her husband thought he had enough time and he and Vicki were home alone, he would force the teen to undress while he watched. Then after getting naked himself, he would force the...

4 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 02

Béla’s disassociated thoughts were interrupted when her father stepped into his lab. Béla asked the question she was thinking. 'Why does the sun hurt me?' ‘Are you in pain?’ her father asked, suddenly concerned. He picked up her crystal and gazed at it as though he could see her life energy permeating it. 'No. When I went home, back to Earth, the sun hurt inside my head. And I don’t even have a head.' She broadcast the image of her arrival at her ruined cabin. ‘The...

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RebelChapter 46 The Marines Bride

Our ambush had produced a light carriage, piled high with chests and boxes, and containing a British captain of Marines and his charming, young wife, all frills and ribbons, teary-eyed and wobble-chinned after a loud, rough trip to our hilly place of encampment. We had shot down their two outriders and then killed the driver when he produced a horse pistol. The big, bluff Marine sputtered and swore as we trussed him up, and all of us ogled and gawked at his lovely bride who hung to his arm...

4 years ago
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Bad Girls

When I was fifteen or sixteen I got a job working at the country club near our house. There were three other girls working there that I was friends with, they were in my class. Linda, a blond, Lisa, a brunette, and Tammy, brown hair. Now we had a lot of fun working. We got to mow the grass, do painting, and all kinds of maintenance. And while we did our duties we always took time to flirt. We would give beaver shots, boob shots and many other things. The old men at the club could not keep their...

2 years ago
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Sukanya And Me From My Perspective

It all started on the fateful evening 20 years ago. I was minding my own business and walking down the road at 7:30pm. I was a very quite, thin teenager of 16 years, just finished my 10th and looking forward to college. I was about 5’7” weighing around 58 kgs, brown eyes, black hair and a thin just sprouting mustache. I had never shaved my face before, so there was a thin beard also. I was always a very clean kid and made sure that I was always presentable. I did not have any friends as such,...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 the Flaming WomanChapter 8 Differing Opinions

Acolyte Sophia – Despeir Mountains I felt like my stomach had fallen out of my body. Lady Delilah was a dragon. A dragon. And not any dragon, but Dominari. The dragon we had set out on a Quest to kill. The dragon who’d encouraged Angela to go down this road, who’d recruited allies to aid Angela on her quest, who’d watched us for afar and given my Queen her wonderful gift. My hand rubbed at my belly through my robe. And she was Dominari. The monster who’d depopulated Eastern Zeutch, burned...

1 year ago
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Hotel with You

I see you in a hotel; king size bed, large shower and tub, dim lights. We've just gotten back from dinner and couldn’t keep the smiles or giggles from overflowing like a waterfall. There is so much love between us. The spark. All the electricity between us.You have jeans on, your seven-feet of legs all comfy and built. You are wearing a buttoned shirt, only because you know I love to undo it, with a Batman shirt underneath. Because above all else, you are my dark knight.I have Star Wars...

Love Stories
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My best friends Mom

-This is real and not made up, lots of talks came of this and lots of events set in motion-At the time of this happening i was 17, nearly turning 18. I had long brown hair, blue eyes, normal posture but i was tall for my age, about 6 foot something. She was about 5'7'', black hair, not fat, nor skinny, just right. She was divorced for the longest time possible and was a single mom.So i was at my friends place one day. We were really close and i could visit stay for dinner and everything...

2 years ago
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The White Suburban Housewife My First Date

The White Suburban Housewife - My First DatePart 1In the process of getting pretty and sexy I forgot that I was getting ready to meet Marvin’s customer and have an afternoon of sex with him as a reward for doing business with Marvin. In other words, I forgot that I was getting ready to go to work as Marvin’s whore. Now, on my way to the Ritz, I was back to my senses and I was pissed off and mad at that son-of-a-bitch Marvin for forcing me into this situation.Driving across town I switched...

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RachmaninovChapter 2

Boston, Massachusetts / Torrington, Connecticut Georg Kuznetsov was waiting for Clara in her dressing room after the concert. She had played three encores, all Franz Liszt pieces of the most popular type: the famous Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, the technically difficult La Campanella etude, and finished off the Sunday afternoon event with Liebestraum. The audience loved the show-off pieces and the finale sent them away with a happy memory of Liszt’s “Love Dream.” Unfortunately, Clara’s love...

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Wife Surprise 2

Introduction: This is a true story about my sexy wife with a little embellishment The party was great, music was thumping, sexy people were dancing on the dance floor, and I was having the time of my life. I am talking about the huge holiday party the company I work for throws every year and I never miss it. The food is great and the drinks stay flowing. This year I decided to get a room at the hotel where the party was being held so I could drink all I wanted. At the party, a beautiful woman...

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The Benghazi ZigZig That Wasnt

Many moons ago before Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his followers staged a coup making him the dictator of Libya the nation was ruled by King Idris. At that time the capital city of Libya was either Tripoli or Benghazi, depending on which city Idris was in at the time. At that time the US Air Force had a station known as Wheelus Air Base just outside of Tripoli. As a young airman I was sent there on a two year tour of duty with the 633d AC&W (Aircraft Control and Warning) squadron. We jokingly...

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Alice 1

Alice My name is Alan Smith, I am twenty two, about five foot six, fairly slim at just nine stone, my hair is dark blonde and fairly long, sometimes I put it in a pony tail. I have a degree in computer science, I work for an I.T. company, travelling around the southern half of England fixing computers and programming. I live with my dad Greg in a quiet suburb in Essex. My mum Elizabeth left us about four years ago, that was such a surprise as mum and dad got on very well, there did...

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Rangiku vs Tsunade

Dropping her traditional Hokage robe to the floor, Tsunade makes a wink gesture at her opponent. "Who are you winking at you fat cow!" screams Rangiku, who tosses her weapon aside. "I don't need my sword to beat such a pathetic woman." "Don't be so sure about tha.." Tsunade's response is interrupted by a uppercut from the heavyset Rangiku, stumbling back. "Over before it started" smirks the smug Rangiku. "Like I said don't be so sure" Tsunade's head arches forward, revealing no damage from the...

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Weekend Discovery 3

Simone was left alone in a room that held the most extensive collection of lingerie that she had ever seen outside of a retail store. She was amazed that she was as turned on as she was and not shocked at the current events. She had gone to her boss's house to confess just how much she wanted him and to see if the feeling was mutual. She was momentarily heartbroken when a stunning blond answered the door. Simone discovered that the stunning blond was in reality her boss, Andrew Lippincot. It...

1 year ago
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Taking My Wifes Place

It had took me over a year to talk my wife into sucking and fucking another guy. Once she did it she went wild having two cocks at once. After that she would do just about anything kinky I wanted she even did two BBCs at once. I don't think there is any thing more exciting than watching you wife sucking and fucking two big cock at once. I loved seeing her have multiple orgasms, but I have much pleasure watching and being real close to their cocks. Especially licking her pussy or ass they fuck...

4 years ago
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Santas Little Helper

Introduction: Santa has found himself on the naughty list this year. Santas Little Helper ****************************************************************** Proofed and edited by Brootforce ****************************************************************** It was that time of year again, time to get the suit out of mothballs and dry cleaned, Nick thought to his self. He headed up the rickety stairs toward the attic, pushing the cobwebs out of his way. He reached the door and rattled the...

3 years ago
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Rapes ProgressChapter 9

Madelaine Hildebrand-Smythe dangled, naked, from the hook of an electric hoist three feet clear of the tiled floor of Kim's ultra-modern 'dungeon'. Present at her interrogation was my sister-in-law, her clients' accountant and the Turk. The Turk had a stock whip ready to help Madelaine remember things. I watched the performance on the closed-circuit TV which recorded multiple views of the facility. The woman I had so recently fucked answered every question promptly. She confessed to...

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No Accounting for TastesChapter 13 Pushing Limits

After his recent experiences with Deanna & Allison, George was almost relieved when it was Erica that contacted him next. The telephone call was short and to the point. "Report at 7 o'clock this evening, please," Erica had said. "Don't make any plans for after that." George had no opportunity to reply before Erica hung up. Erica's call was followed by one from Allison. She gave no indication that she had recognised George at their session but her tone had changed dramatically...

3 years ago
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So hot this summer

Hasn’t it been hot lately, overwhelming sometimes. You sweat as soon as you move, or even more I sweat under my saggy tits, I have to keep lifting then and stroking away the sweat under there. Sometimes I just cup them and sometimes I hold my nipple and pull one up at a time. Mind you sometimes my nipple is slippery and pulls out of my finger and my breast falls down back onto my chest with its usual wobble. All this of course puts little thought in my head about how nice it would feel if I...

1 year ago
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The dirty whore couldnt wait

I went to work today with my breast tied. Wrapped with 4yrds of blue rope for 1 hour before work. They looked so sweet and swollen under my new sweater. You couldn’t even see the rope. When I left for work I put on my magnetic panty vibrator. Riding the subway has never been so much fun!! My nipples were screaming in delight. I sat next to a sexy looking guy and he didn’t even know I was about to cum. My wet panties sticking to my jeans and ass. I got off the train and decided I should enjoy...

1 year ago
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Big tit step mum makes step son and his friends ni

This story is about my slutty second wife Pamela and my son along with a group of my his friends.I am 38 years old and on my second marriage. I got married to a c***d hood sweet heard and had a boy and a girl, but then things kinda fizzled out and well one thing led to another and it ended. Too young to settle down was the main reason.So by the time I was 20 I had 2 k**s, Helen my daughter and Mark my son.I still see my ex and have always seen my k**s.As you do things move on and I met...

2 years ago
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To those who read this story, I was looking for something quickly paced and short to write, allowing my mind to dwell on certain words that evoke emotion. I then, happened upon the simple word, 'Breathless'. Using my 'Linking Story' as a vehicle, I began to construct a story around what I thought would best describe the word...'Breathless'. I do this sometimes as an exercise to expand my writing skills, sometimes with interesting results. You'll have to let me know if I came close to...

4 years ago
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HedonistsChapter 7

The sex club was at the back of a regular bar. The front was a real scuzzy joint. The bar smelled of stale beer. The patrons leered at Denise as she flounced through the smokey room. She did not avoid the rough hands and fingers that pinched her firm ass and groped her perky tits. One stiff digit thrust brutally into her damp little pussy. She stopped while the owner slowly withdrew the gnarled finger. The tip was wet her dew. The big, red-necked trucker thrust his finger under his nose. He...

1 year ago
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Freshman Year

I was an orphan and raised in a convent my first eighteen years of my life. Now being raised in a convent and educated there I had little contact with the rest of the world and was therefore so lacking in the ways of the world I had no idea about sex among other things. I was an excellent student for the nuns and when I reached eighteen it was decided that I should continue my education in a real college. As it turned out, Mother Superior had an in with a very upscale, totally private Catholic...

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Extremum Fato

At the summit of Apocrypha, Miraak felt a familiar presence coming to him. '... So he is here... The last Dragonborn...' He thought smiling under his grotesque mask. Seeing a familiar dragon helping his enemy, Miraak said, "... Sahrotaar, are you so easily swayed!?" Not wanting to hear the answer, he continued but directed to the Last Dragonborn, "And so, the First Dragonborn meets the Last Dragonborn at the summit of Apocrypha." "Just as Hermaeus Mora intended... But now, I will be free of...

3 years ago
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Forgiveness DeniedChapter 5

I was in the classroom at FAETU teaching a class in electronic warfare when I was called out to take an emergency phone call. It was my next door neighbor calling from the Portsmouth Naval Hospital. She told me MaryAnn was having severe abdominal pains and had been taken to the by ambulance to the hospital. I told my CO what was happening and jumped in the car to get to my wife’s side as quick as I could. When I got to the hospital I was put in a waiting room for over an hour until a young...

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Sissy the Redhead Mammas Home Pt III

I couldn’t wait to get out of the car when I pulled in out driveway. A six hour drive home from picking up my sixteen year old son from his father’s, and the whole time I felt his eyes on my legs and chest. Granted, I was wearing a hot leather mini-skirt, and a halter top that showed off my flat stomach and huge double d tits, and it’s not like it didn’t enjoy the attention, it’s just that six hours of having a hot, wet pussy I couldn’t touch made me really cranky. Especially since my...

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Saturday Delight 1 Katies Bath

It was a nice Saturday morning. I had woken up early to get a workout in, and I was relaxing in the bath afterwards. I heard the door open, and heard the soft shuffle of feet. Someone was trying and failing to sneak up on me. I feigned sleep as a hand slipped into the water and wrapped around my cock. "Good morning, Katie," I said without opening my eyes. The hand lifted my cock and gripped it firmly. She stroked my hardening shaft while she asked, "How did you know it was me,...

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cum swap from heels

I had always kept my friend paul going about how much I fancied his girl mel , infact all of our group of friends did but he always laughed and joked along with us about it . she is gorgeous and how she has stuck him I will never know as he is a horny cunt and has been caught with other women a few times . any way we were in the bar at the weekend and usual banter was going on , we were all drunk and after a while ones were drifting off to other seats talking which left me and paul still...

4 years ago
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Family Fantasies Volumes 1 2

My brother is at practice, and my parents aren’t home from work yet. I’m naked, as I usually am when I have the house to myself, and I go into my brother’s bedroom. I snoop around in his stuff, looking for anything he might be trying to hide but don’t find anything new. I put on one of his hockey jerseys and lie on his bed. I begin touching myself between my legs. My clit is hard as I tease it and flick it. I’m in no hurry, I have at least another hour so I can afford to take it slow and...

2 years ago
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Her Mothers LoverChapter 6

The weekend finally came and the night of the party Debby and Charisse slipped stealthily away from Greystokes to meet their escorts. "Thank goodness no one spotted us leaving - now our only problem is getting back in after the party's over!" Debbie giggled. "Let's worry about that when we come to it," Charisse said, "is that the boy's car coming now?" The red sports sedan slowed as it came towards them and dimmed its lights twice. "Yes, that's the gang!", Debbie said...

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