- 3 years ago
- 44
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The Marshall Medical Group Family Practice Clinic took up the better part of the second floor of a four-story medical, dental, and legal building in east Roseville. Ken arrived ten minutes before his scheduled appointment time on Thursday morning. There were perhaps twenty people sitting in chairs in the waiting room, most of them elderly, or at least well past fifty years of age. Two receptionists were working the check-in counter, both attractive young women in their early twenties dressed in borderline unprofessional business attire that showed a considerable amount of cleavage. Behind them, a small gaggle of other women, most dressed in scrubs, sat behind desks and talked on wireless headsets and tapped away at computer terminals. There were three people waiting in line to check in: two elderly women and one man in his late forties. Ken got in line behind the man, suppressing the urge to inform him that it was quite unfashionable to dress in khaki shorts, white tennis shoes, and black socks. He figured if he mentioned that, however, he would also be forced to mention that the comb-over was not fooling anyone, so he kept his views to himself.
The line moved slowly forward. Next to the signs that declared Visa, MasterCard, and American Express were accepted here and that checks should be made payable to MMGFPC was another sign that declared: Patient Confidentiality is our Prime Directive! When Mr. Comb-over with the black socks was called forward the blonde receptionist looked at his chart and declared loudly: "You're here to see Dr. Stinson for the bleeding hemorrhoids, right?"
"Uh ... yeah, right," Comb-over said in a quiet voice.
"Very good," Blondie told him. "Do you still have Blue Shield?"
"Next," said the other receptionist, this one an artificial redhead whose artificial boobs were both wildly out of proportion to the shape of her body and nearly falling out of her blouse.
Ken walked up to her, noting that the smile she gave him seemed more than the counterfeit professional one she reserved for the other patients. "Hi there," she said, her green eyes (which were fake as well—he could see the lines of the contacts) looking him up and down in an approving manner. "Are you here to see the doctor?"
Why else would I be here? Ken did not say. "Uh ... yes. I have a ten-thirty with Dr. Adrial."
"Which Dr. Adrial?" she asked. "Ben or Steve?"
Ken always forgot that there were two Dr. Adrials here. They were the brothers who had founded the practice nearly twenty years before. Now, of course, there were no less than six doctors and twice as many nurse practioners working for the practice. "Sorry, Ben," he said.
"Oh, that's quite all right," Red said with a giggle. "Happens all the time. And what's your name?"
Ken told her. She punched it into her computer and looked at the screen for a few moments, her smile growing a little wider. "You're a pilot, huh?" she said brightly (and quite loudly). "Pilots make pretty good money, don't they?"
"Some do," Ken said. "And some don't."
"I just love to fly," she told him. "I don't get to do it very much though. What kind of plane to you fly?"
"Just a cargo plane," he said. "Nothing big."
"Do they let you give people rides?" she asked, her eyes looking at him hopefully.
"No," he said, shaking his head. "It's against FAA regulations."
"FAA? Is that the company you work for?"
"Yeah," he said after a moment's pause. "That's them. They're almost as bad as the federal government, you know."
"Wow, I guess so," she said respectfully. "Oh well. What brings you to see Dr. Ben today?"
"There was something in my blood work he wanted to see me about."
"Really?" she said. "What was it?"
"Uh ... I don't know. That's kind of why I'm here."
"Ohhh," she said as if he'd just told her the secret of multiple orgasms. "I see."
"I'm glad," he said. "Shall we check me in?"
"Right," she said, her fingers going to her keyboard. She quickly confirmed for the record his full name, his date of birth, his address, his phone number, and his insurance information by blurting it out to him. She then batted her fake eyes and shook her fake boobs a few more times. When she got no response from this, she gave a little "hmmph", as if to say, "must be gay or something" and told him he could have a seat in the waiting room where he would be called shortly.
"Thank you," Ken told her. He found a seat near the back.
"Shortly" turned out to be twenty-three minutes. He sat and watched The Lion King on the room's television set (why The Lion King was being played was a mystery to him since he was the youngest patron of the office by at least ten years) while Blondie and Red loudly shared the name, address, phone number, insurance coverage, and chief complaint of every patient that stepped up to the window. Finally, a door opened and Ken's name was called. A young blonde girl with a nose ring and a tongue piercing walked him inside the main office. Once in there, she weighed him and then led him to exam room number six where she took his blood pressure and pulse and subjected him to another mini-interrogation about the purpose of his visit. Once done with these tasks, she told him the doctor would be with him shortly and shut the exam room door on her way out, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
This time it was only eighteen minutes before the door opened and Dr. Ben walked in. He was fifty years old or so, slightly overweight, with a full, thick head of transplanted hair. He wore the requisite white lab coat and had the requisite six hundred dollar stethoscope hanging around his neck. In his hands he carried a small clipboard upon which was a form that had been generated by Red the receptionist on her printer and filled in by the pierced medical assistant.
"Mr. Patterson," Adrial said pleasantly, professionally, without the slightest hint of recognition despite the fact that he had examined Ken every three months or so for the past four years, including a routine exam less than ten days before. "What brings you to us today?"
"You did actually," Ken said. "Apparently there was something amiss in my blood work so you had Pepsi call and make an appointment for me."
"Okay then," Adrial said, nodding, still with no sign of recollection of having done that and no air of apology for not remembering it. "Why don't we have a little look at your chart then?"
"Why don't we?" Ken said, suppressing a sigh. This was what family practice medicine had become in the last ten years. The doctors saw 20-30 patients a day, 100-150 a week, and remembered nothing about any of them. Ken would have found another doctor long ago if he thought the situation would be any different at another office.
Adrial went to the computer terminal in the corner of the room and typed in Ken's name and date of birth, bringing up his chart. He perused the demographic page for a moment and his eyes lit up some. "Oh," he said, "So you're a commercial pilot?"
"That's right," Ken said.
"What do you fly?"
"A-300s out of Mather," Ken said blankly. He had given this information to Adrial no less than five times now.
"Ahh, here it is," Adrial said, looking under the employer section of the demographics. "Early Bird Cargo, huh? I have another patient that flies for them. Can't remember his name right now. I remember him telling me he worked the night shift flying to Omaha."
Jesus Christ, Ken thought, exasperated. He remembers the goddamn conversation I had with him a few months ago, he just doesn't remember it was me who held it with him. "You're probably thinking of John Smith," he said, pulling a name out of his butt. "He works the Omaha line and I seem to remember him saying he was one of your patients."
Adrial thought this over for a second and then nodded. "I think maybe that was the name," he said. "How is John doing?"
"Couldn't be better," Ken said.
"Good, good," Adrial said, happy. "I know how important having a clean bill of health is to you pilots. Did I ever tell you I'm a pilot myself?"
Only about fifteen times, Ken thought. "Yeah, I think you mentioned it. You fly a Cessna 170 out of Lincoln, right?"
"That's right," Adrial said. "Did I ever tell you about the time I came in at night and my alternator was out? Batteries were flat as a pancake and the radios went dead. Couldn't get the landing lights to come on down on the strip because, you know, clicking the radio is what turns them on. Had to land in the dark."
Ken chuckled, as if the story was funny and not a horrifying example of a moronic pilot who shouldn't have been allowed to even play Flight Simulator on his computer, let alone fly a real plane. "Yeah, you told me that one, doc. Pretty damn hairy."
"I managed to pull it off though," Adrial said, feigning the wiping of sweat from his forehead. "I'm sure you have some pretty good stories of your own."
Ken shrugged. "Nope, not really," he said. "My career has actually been kind of boring so far. Hopefully it'll stay that way."
Adrial nodded wisely. "That's a good attitude to have," he said. "Now then ... let's take a look at this blood work." He made a few clicks with the mouse and stared at the screen. "Hmm," he mumbled. "Lab results ... lab results ... oh, here we go." He stared silently for a few seconds and then started nodding. "That looks okay ... that looks okay ... hmm, a little elevated here." A few more clicks of the mouse, another minute of perusal. "Okay ... okay ... very interesting."
"So how does it look, doc?" Ken asked. "Is my cholesterol up again?"
"Well, your cholesterol numbers are actually looking better than they were in your last blood draw in February," Adrial said. "Your HDL, or good cholesterol is up to 43 from 28 and your LDL, or bad cholesterol, is down to 168 from 190. Still a little higher on that LDL than we really like to see, but better. Did I start you on a statin at your last visit?"
"You tried," Ken said, "but I refused it."
"You refused it? Whatever in the world for?"
"I'm only thirty-eight years old. I don't want to start taking those statins while I'm so young, especially not for a borderline high cholesterol level."
"It is true that you're only borderline right now," Adrial said, "but we really ought to get you on a statin prophylacticlly at this point. It will bring that LDL down around a hundred or so in no time."
"Why don't we wait a few more months to see what that LDL does on its own?" Ken said. "My wife and I have virtually cut red meat and dairy completely out of our diets and we've been eating enough fish to keep a small feet of fishing boats in business. Since my numbers are better, our dietary changes must be working, right?"
"Well ... I suppose," Adrial said doubtfully. It was obvious he was not used to patients turning down prescription drugs. After all, this was the era of the 'talk to your doctor about xxx and see if it's right for you' commercials.
"So," Ken said, "If the cholesterol numbers are improving, what labs did prompt you to have me come in?"
"Oh ... right," Adrial said, turning back to the computer screen. He perused again. "Oh ... this must be it. Yes, it is. I made a few notes here when I reviewed your labs." He looked up at Ken. "Your blood glucose level is a bit elevated. And it looks like this is something of a pattern."
"What was it?" Ken asked.
"122 milligrams per deciliter of blood," Adrial said. "Not bad if we're talking about a mid-day blood glucose level, but a bit worrisome for a fasting blood glucose. You were fasting when they drew the labs, right?"
"Oh yes," Ken confirmed. He knew the drill for lab draws quite well. Eat nothing and drink nothing but water after eight o'clock the night before and go to the lab first thing in the morning along with every other schmuck getting a cholesterol test drawn. The sensation of an empty stomach and a hunger headache would forever be associated in his mind with crowded waiting rooms, the smell of rubbing alcohol and the sting of a needle in his arm.
"We generally like to see that number below 100 for a fasting glucose," Adrial told him. "And looking over your past three draws, it's been 104, 108, and 114 respectively. Now it's 122. This is telling me that you're well on your way to a diagnosis of type two diabetes."
Ken was suddenly very nervous. "Doc," he said. "You're not thinking of putting me on meds for this, are you?"
"You're really opposed to taking prescription medicines, aren't you? You shouldn't be afraid of these drugs, Ken. You should be grateful that modern medicine has developed a way for people to live normally with certain afflictions."
"This is a little different than the statin drugs, doc," Ken told him. "If I have to take pills to keep my blood sugar under control I'll lose my medical certification to fly. Flying is how I make my living, remember?"
"Hmm," Adrial said, nodding. "I suppose I can appreciate your dilemma. In any case, I'm not quite ready to start you on oral hypoglycemics just yet. I do, however, want to keep a very close watch on your blood glucose levels."
"What do you mean? More frequent lab draws?"
"No, not exactly. What I'm going to do is write you a prescription for a glucometer. That's a small glucose monitoring device you can use at home. You can pick one up at your drug store and your insurance will pay for most of it."
"That's the thing where you poke your finger and put a drop of blood on it?" Ken asked.
"That's right," Adrial confirmed. "I'll give you a log book and have you start tracking your readings. I'll want you to check your sugar three times a day: when you wake up in the morning, at mid-day an hour after lunch, and right before bedtime. Do that for ... oh ... say eight weeks and then come back and see me with the log book and we'll decide what to do from there."
"Okay," Ken said slowly. "And what kind of readings are we looking for here?"
"We want to see morning glucose levels at around 100, afternoon levels below 150, and evening levels below 160. If your morning readings are consistently above 120 or the other readings are consistently over 180, or if you're ever over 200, then we need to start talking about doing some further workups and getting you on some medicine."
"I see," Ken said thoughtfully.
"And to help you out with this, I'll give you some handouts about the proper diet you should be following to keep those glucose levels nice and steady and within parameters. I don't know if you're going to be able to get your readings down with diet alone—after all, if your pancreas is failing then your pancreas is failing—but in order to try you're really going to have to make a big change in your eating habits. You need to cut out alcohol entirely, cut your carbs down to almost nothing, and lay off anything that has a lot of sugar in it."
"Great," Ken said with a sigh. "I get to eat even more boring than I already do."
Adrial gave him an apologetic look. "It's all a matter of what's important to you. Do you want to eat, drink, and be merry like you always have, or do you want to go on pills and possibly insulin and lose your medical certification?"
Ken nodded solemnly. "Yeah," he said. "I hear you, doc. I hear you."
Two hours later, Ken sat on the couch next to Meghan, his new glucometer and all of the supplies associated with it spread out on the coffee table before them. There was the glucometer itself, which was about the size of a cellular phone; the case it was stored in; a round cylindrical container of plastic strips for the blood to be put onto (perversely, these had been the most expensive part of the whole set-up); a small jar of sharp pins imbedded in plastic to extract the blood from a finger; and a spring-loaded pen that fired the sharp pins imbedded in plastic into said finger to extract said blood.
"Okay," Ken said as he slid a master strip into the machine to calibrate it to that particular container of strips. "It seems to be ready."
"Go ahead and try it out," Meghan told him. "Let's see what your first mid-day reading is." Meghan had given him an interrogation worthy of a third-world dictatorship the moment he'd walked in the door. He had tried to downplay the seriousness of the situation as much as he could but had not omitted any information from her. As such, she was worried about him, though trying not to show it.
"Shouldn't I wait until tomorrow morning to start this monitoring program?" Ken asked. He wasn't really looking forward to jabbing a pin into his finger.
"No, you wimp," she said. "You should do it now to make sure the damn thing works right."
"But it's only been about forty minutes since I ate," Ken said. "I should at least wait another twenty."
"Wassa matter?" she said with mock contemptuousness in her voice. "Afraid of a little prick on the finger?"
"All right," he said, responding, as Meghan had known he would, to the implied challenge to his manhood. "Let me load up this poker thing."
It took him a minute or two to figure out how to get one of the pin imbedded in plastic devices into the spring-fired pen. Finally, after a few wrong insertions, he completed the process. He then pulled back on the cocking mechanism and it locked into place.
"Locked and loaded," he said.
"Okay," said Meghan, who, unlike her husband, had actually read the directions, "Now you put it up against the pad or side of a finger and push the release button."
"Does it say what finger?" he asked.
"It says you should alternate fingers to keep calluses from forming."
"What about for the first time?" he asked. "Should I start with one particular finger and come up with a rotation?"
She looked at him with a semi-glare for a moment, opened her mouth to say something, and then thought better of it. Instead, she picked up the directions again, pretended to look at them, and then said: "It says you should start with your left pinkie finger and work your way to the right."
"Does it really say that?" he asked.
"Yes," she said. "It really says that."
"Let me see those," Ken said, holding out his hand.
"Would you just poke your goddamn finger!" she barked.
"Okay okay," he said. "You don't have to yell."
He put the tip of the pen against his left pinkie. Wincing in advance, expecting a huge, monstrous pain to go shooting up his arm, he pushed the release button. There was a clicking noise and a small, almost unfelt pinch in his finger. It was so small, in fact, that he thought the device had misfired. He pulled the pin away from his finger, prepared to cuss and go through the loading procedure again, but, to his surprise, he saw a small bead of blood on the tip of his pinkie.
"How was it?" Meghan asked.
"It hurt," he said. "It hurt a lot."
"It did not," she scoffed. She picked up the directions. "Now you ... oops."
"What do you mean, oops?" Pilots were not particularly fond of hearing that word.
"Well, we kind of missed a step here. You were supposed to put one of the strips in the machine first."
"Oh ... I suppose that makes sense," Ken said. "Some navigator you are."
"Hang on," she said, fumbling with the strip container. She pried on it and finally got it open. She removed one of the strips and plugged it into the slot in the machine. The machine turned on automatically, blinked a few times, and then read: Apply Blood Now. "Here you go."
Meghan held the strip out and Ken touched the drop of blood to it. The strip seemed to suck the blood drop right off of his finger. The screen changed and a twenty second countdown began. They watched in nervous anticipation until it reached zero. A number then appeared on the screen. It was 172mg/dl.
"172," Ken said slowly. "That's below 180."
"But higher than 160," she said.
"Yeah," he said blankly.
"Maybe it's because you didn't wait an hour after eating," Meghan suggested. "Remember, we were just testing the thing out."
"Yeah," he said. "Just a test. No sense in even writing that one down."
While Ken put a tissue on his bleeding finger and applied direct pressure, Meghan threw away the used strip and the used poking device and stowed everything back in its proper place. By the time she was done, Ken had his hemorrhage under control. They sat back on the couch, not saying anything.
"Let's start doing this new diet right away," Meghan said. "We'll cut out the bread, cut out the booze, cut out the sweets. Chicken, fish, and vegetables only."
"You don't have to follow the diet, hon," Ken told her. "Your pancreas is working like it's supposed to."
"I know," she said, "but I want to go on it with you. I can always stand to lose a few pounds, and remember, my cholesterol was even higher than yours. It'll do both of us good."
He looked at her, touched by the gesture. "That's very sweet of you, hon. Are you sure you want to do this? You looked at that list of acceptable foods and proportions. It's the most boring diet known to man."
"I'm sure," she said. "You don't think I want to have to prepare two goddamn meals on my cooking nights, do you?"
He smiled. "Well, as long as there's some self-interest involved I feel better about it." He leaned over and kissed her softly. "I love you."
"I love you too," she told him. "Should we start this thing tonight? I was going to make the almond chicken but I can use the chicken breasts for something else. Maybe a nice chicken salad?"
"No, actually I have a better idea," Ken said.
"Yeah," he said. "Why don't you leave those chicken breasts in the refrigerator for now?"
"And have fish?" she asked doubtfully. "I don't have any thawed out."
"No," he said. "No fish. You're off the next two nights. So am I. I'm thinking that before we start this new ... lifestyle, we should have one last hurrah of the old lifestyle. And I mean the old old lifestyle, before the cholesterol readings and the high blood pressure and the torture chamber we call the gym."
Her eyes were showing interest now. "Oh yeah?"
He smiled. "Yeah."
Two hours later, Ken and Meghan were each astride a 2004 Harley-Davidson Road King Classic, heading east on Highway 50 toward the Nevada state line and the casinos of South Lake Tahoe. Meghan's bike was crimson red, Ken's vivid black, their helmets perfectly matched to their respective bikes. Both wore denim jeans and short-sleeve T-shirts tucked in at the waist. Their saddlebags contained small pieces of luggage with extra clothing and toiletries. They were just past the town of Placerville and starting the long, twisting climb into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, their engines purring with nearly 1600 cubic centimeters of power.
The ride was soothing and therapeutic for both of them. Since it was a Thursday afternoon, the road was almost deserted of traffic. They did not have to slow down for RVs struggling up the grades or timid drivers going too slow around the curves. They were together and doing something they enjoyed but unable to communicate on a verbal level, forcing them to use fleeting looks and occasional hand signals to get their messages across to each other. They didn't mind. Correct destiny couples did not always need words to talk.
Eighty-nine minutes after putting out of their driveway, they reached Echo Summit, the highest point of their journey. The view eastward from the nearly 7400 foot elevation was magnificent, even to a pilot used to seeing things from up high. The sparkling blue water of Lake Tahoe lay spread out far below, surrounded by the rugged peaks of the eastern Sierras. From there, they started down a steep incline full of switchbacks. Ten minutes later they were entering the South Lake Tahoe city limits. Ten minutes after that, they crossed into Nevada and were in the town of State Line, surrounded by high-rise casinos.
They parked their bikes in the parking lot of the Pioneer Towers Hotel and Casino, a twin tower complex that had been built on the site of an older casino five years before. They removed their bags from their saddlebags and put their helmets inside in their place. After locking the saddlebags and making sure their handlebars were secured, they walked hand and hand to the main lobby entrance of the hotel, chatting amicably about the sights and smells they'd encountered on the ride.
Ken noticed immediately that the lobby was a little more crowded than he had been expecting. The South Lake Tahoe casinos were typically almost deserted on weekdays in these modern times, the victims of increasing competition from Indian casinos down in the Sacramento region, casinos that were much closer to the core gambling demographic and much more heavily advertised on local media.
"What are all these people doing here?" Meghan asked, looking around in wonder. "The last time we came up here it was almost empty—and that was on a Saturday."
"I don't know," Ken said, starting to worry a little now. Figuring that the place would be desolate, he had not bothered to call ahead and make sure there was a room available for them.
They soon found out what all the people were here for. The Fourth Annual Tru-West Wireless Classic LPGA golf tournament had started today at the nearby Sierra Vista Country Club. Players, their support staffs, media types, and fans had streamed into the resort town from all over the country for the event.
"You really should have called ahead for a room," the young brunette desk clerk told Ken apologetically when he enquired about lodging. "This is one of the few weeks of the year where we're typically quite booked up."
"Maybe we should start calling around to the other hotels," Meghan suggested.
"You can try," the clerk said doubtfully, "but the other hotels usually fill up first because they tend to be less expensive than we are."
Meghan looked dejected at this news. Ken understood. "Look," he said to the clerk. "Do you have anything available? Anything at all? We'll take a storage room next to the kitchen if you have it."
"Well ... let me see," she said, going to her computer. She typed a few commands, stared at the screen for a moment, and then put an apologetic look on her face. "I do have a cancellation on a mini-suite for tonight but ... well ... it's kind of pricey."
"How pricey?" Ken asked.
"It's $453 for the night," she said, almost whispering the amount.
"Wow," Meghan said with a whistle. They had been planning on spending no more than sixty dollars for their room.
Ken made an impulsive decision. "What the hell?" he said, pulling out his wallet. "We'll take it."
Meghan looked sharply at him. "We will?" she said.
"Why not?" he said with a shrug. "If we're gonna have a last hurrah, might as well make it a good one."
"But, Ken," she whispered. "It's $453."
"With the hotel tax and the late booking fee it will actually be pretty close to five hundred," the clerk felt obligated to point out.
"Hon, maybe we should look around a little first," Meghan said.
"We'll take it," Ken said, pulling his Visa card from his wallet and handing it to the clerk.
"Okay," she said with a smile. She took the card and set it down next to her keyboard.
"It's okay, hon," Ken said to Meghan. "I had an overtime flight this week, remember? That will cover this little vacation. Well ... most of it anyway."
This seemed to make Meghan feel a little better. "Okay," she said. "If you insist."
"I insist," Ken assured her.
"All right then," the clerk said brightly. "Let's get you two checked in. Could I see your identification, please?"
Fifteen minutes later, the ritual of check-in was complete and they were using their keycard to open the door of the mini-suite they'd been assigned on the fifteenth floor of the east tower.
"Nice," Meghan said with a nod as they entered.
"Yeah," Ken said, looking around. "Not bad at all."
The mini-suite was not the nicest or the largest hotel room they had ever stayed in as a married couple, but it was definitely on the top five list. The main room contained a canopied king-size bed, a large, soft-looking couch, and three reclining easy chairs. There was a large-screen plasma television on the wall. Across from the bed were a round glass dining room table and four chairs. Next to this was a bar—empty at the moment, of course, the booze would have to be ordered from room service. In an adjacent room attached to the main room was a large bathroom with two sinks, a huge glass-enclosed shower, and a large Roman-style Jacuzzi tub with ornate brass fixtures. Only the view left a little to be desired. They were in a southward facing room so instead of looking at Lake Tahoe they were looking at the strip and the traffic far below.
"I don't know if it's worth no five hundred dollars," Ken said, paraphrasing from Pulp Fiction a bit, "but it's a pretty fuckin' good room."
Meghan giggled as she threw her bag on the bed. "I need to call Mrs. McAdams," she said, ignoring the room phone and pulling out her cell.
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Do not read if controlled pain and power play offends you.“I don't think this is really the book you want me to publish, is it Lizzy? Why don't you come over this afternoon and we'll go through some ideas.”“OK Emma, around 2pm OK?” Lizzy was probably cowering on the other end of the phone. She had been writing good short stories for a couple of years but had tried her hand at erotica and frankly it looked like she had 'cut and pasted' her ideas off the net. It was all disjointed and with no...
It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...
Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...
Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...
"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....
I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...
I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...
Mature"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...
I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...
David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference. Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month. David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.” Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...
I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...
He: By the time my plane landed, I had answered my own question. There was no doubt in my mind that, if the opportunity arose, I would definitely want to see Trina again. Assuming of course that I hadn’t freaked her out with my last words, which had just popped out of my head without thinking. When I got back to work the next day, there was a friendly little note waiting for me. And so it went for the next few months. We exchanged messages almost daily, sometimes several times a...
I would have stayed to watch my new plaything eat, but something she said gave me pause. I returned to the study and opened the box containing her clothes, more importantly her purse. Just as I thought, the names did not tally. Amazing how a little stress can make one slip up. A rapid online check of the city newspapers revealed the truth. My new plaything had used a fake name at her interview, not to mention dying her stunning blonde hair a dark chestnut, but not her public hair, neatly...
The Second School. Part Three. It was during our following class that we had the police raid. This was the first time that it had happened, and Peter had been prepared for it. With us having two schools now made it easier as I will explain. He’d set up an alarm system that was triggered by the gateman. The gates being electronic had to be opened by this man when he’d ascertained who was wishing to enter the school grounds. On seeing that it was the police, two cars both fully loaded, pressed...
Group Sex"Now just like your slut girlfriend, we're going to have to teach you a lesson too. And like her, you have a couple of choices. I can file for divorce and throw your ass out, keeping in mind that company of yours is in my name. You'd be broke, but you'd be free to leave or you can do whatever I tell you," Janet went on."I don't understand. You'll stay with me. I mean, we can work this out?" I answered back somewhat surprised I had a choice."Sure. But on my terms," she shot back."Okay baby. I'm...
There he was again. Sexy and toned, with smoldering dark eyes and a beautiful Mexican skin tone. Every time he walked by he seemed to mesmerize me, and I hated it. Of course I loved seeing him, imagining what was underneath those clothes, but it was no fun since I never got to act out my dirty desires. I had been working at the same job for the past two summers, whenever I came home from college for my three month vacation. I had plenty of coworkers, and my boss was even pretty good looking,...
It’s been two years since Jim’s parents divorced. His mother kept mainly to herself; most of their friends were his fathers. His father left his mother for a younger woman with two c***dren of her own, he had a new family and Jim was not a part of it.Jim was more or less a loner himself, sort of a computer geek, finding more pleasure behind a computer screen than hanging around doing nothing with others.It was Jim’s 17th birthday, his mom made him a cake along with his favorite meal.After the...
Hey, friends, I’m Aakash, a 19 years old tall and energetic guy, from western suburbs of Mumbai. Today I will narrate my best experience of making love with a mature lady whom I meet at the railway station. I had a lot of experience in having sex but this is no doubt my one of the best experience. Please send your feedback and valuable though to my mail I’d The heroine of the story – Mrs. Anuja(name changed), 36d-32-36 of 5feet 4 inches, aged maybe 34 yrs., milky with short hair till...
You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...
FetishHers had been a restless night, filled with fitful tossing and turning. Her naked body lay tangled in knotted sheets, the light coverlet long since relegated to the bare floor. Dawn’s pale light peeked meekly over the horizon, filling her tiny room with a hint of morning’s glow. Staring blankly at the ceiling, she lay nearly motionless, drawing in slow, deep breaths as she attempted to clear her troubled mind, reeling from the previous days events and thoughts of what was to come. It was to...
Why do I keep doing this to myself? I always get myself in trouble with debts and anything involving money. "I am going to fucking tear you into pieces, you little asshole!" Fred screams at me from behind me while chasing me. I owe him money. Lots and lots of money. It's not what you think.You see... I am addicted to interracial porn. No, I have no interest in actually seeing a black man fuck a white woman. I actually don't like black people. I am a member of a local right-wing party and I....
One day I was browsing a fetish website dedicated to cocksucking when something caught my eye. It was a personal add someone had posted, along with a few pics of the guy. The add read, 'Wanted: long-term dedicated blowjob slave cockpig. Only serious applicants need apply. If you show up, expect to stay indefinitely to worship my cock. You will give me your mouth and throat to use and abuse with my giant cock. I will use you to fluff me for hours a day while I watch porn. You will swallow...
Copyright© 1996-2003 "Said a lesbian lady, 'It's sad; Of All the girls that I've had, None gave me the thrill Of real rapture until I learned how to be a tribade.'" -author unknown "And she liked to lick my clit while pushing a small four inch vibrator up my ass!" "No!" Both ladies took a sip of wine, and the elder brunette again crossed her long silk covered legs again. The blonde continued, "You haven't had oral sex if you haven't felt this girls tongue between...
In Which Innocence is found in a Vegan Commune, and gains profit by untrammeled display to an unknown public, and in which Dodie discovers Innocence in the cool mountain air. Innocence made the journey to Brook by train, waving goodbye to her sister and Kedi and wearing the clothes she thought best suited her destination. These were a pair of baggy shorts, sandals and little else except for the rucksack she had over her shoulders. She had decided that the clothes of her sister’s district were...
"Are you full yet?" That is the questions he always asks me as I lay there across his knee with the nozzle of the enema bag shoved deep inside me...I will answer "No Sir not yet!" As he squirts his ice cold urine into my colon it has to be ice cold so I can feel it rise up inside of me and I do inch by frigid in it creeps up my intestines and I cramp a little from the cold see he saves his pee all day long and stores it in the fridge and then every morning he feeds it into my ass he enjoys...
Naan oru thirumanam aana pennai usar seithu oothen, aval peyar thaan kala. Parka sexyaaga irupaal avalin mulaiyai paarthu aasai padatha aangale kidaiyaathu. Ival mugam parka thakali pondru thala thalavendru irukum. Eppozhuthu idupil irukum thopil theriyum padi thaan aadai aninthu irupaal, ival idupil kozhuthu athigam irukaathu. Kala vayathu 31 ivaluku kuzhanthai innum piraka villai, kaaranam avalin kanavanuku vinthu prachanai irukiraathinaal. Ival athanaal vaazhaikaiyai niraiya kastap pattu...
Last Friday Joan came rushing up to me when I got home from work. She said, "Dick, guess what? I just got an invitation for my high school's 10th reunion." Joan grew up in Nashville and attended an elite coded prep school. We hadn't gone on many trips lately. Joan and I go on business trips where I work, and she seeks sexual adventures for both of us. So I said, "We should go." Joan did a little happy dance and gave me a long wet kiss. That kiss led to a night of hot sex with Joan coming to an...
Wife LoversIvy Wolfe wakes up beside an empty bed. Carter Cruise left the center and Ivy is about to do the same. This place is not healthy and she needs to leave, but Magdalene St. Michaels doesn’t want her to leave. She asks her to pass by her office one last time before she makes her decision. Ivy agrees, but only for a few minutes. When she sits in Magdalene’s office, she finds a venerable and different person. Magdalene opens up to Ivy, and tries to explain that by treating those girls...
xmoviesforyouHe met her at a playground. He'd been taking his nephew to the park, and she was with her gym together. She was older with a thick body. Her thighs and hips and fat ass jiggled when she walked. He instantly needed to fuck her. She kept hinting that she was single, so he said, "Let's go on a play date. Why don't you come with me back to my place?" "That's exactly what I want." The four of them went together to his house. It was an empty ranch-style home. He lived alone there, so the boys played...
Erotic FictionWe seemed to drive forever before the vehicle finally came to a stop and the engine shut off. The air was cool as the car door opened, I felt my seat belt unclipped and my Master's hand gripped my lean arm to help guide me out. I blindly grasped the hem of my slick leather dress and pulled it down, adjusting it to just below the curve of my ass cheeks before I felt the yank of the leash on my collar prodding me to step forward. My stripper heels clacked on the pavement until I heard a door...
As you know from reading my other stories, I am a bisexual MM that is drawn to large cocks. Sucking, deepthroating and swallowing a big thick load of hot cum is what I love. Lately I have been fantasizing about a friend. He is slightly younger than me, unmarried and has a girlfriend a bit younger than himself. Jim, as I shall call him ( Not his real name) is a very masculine guy and exudes a rough, manly air about himself. His girlfriend Cindy ( ditto on the name)is a very attractive woman for...
It had been five weeks since I’d watched the camcorder tapes of Julie, Tony, and Sue fucking. I didn’t tell Julie I’d watched them — but we fucked several times a night. And it wasn’t simply due to my horny vigour caused by my secret stash of wife porn: she seemed hornier than ever, too.I was really keyed up, desperate to view the final tape. The excitement created by not knowing what was on it was excruciating. Eventually, my luck was in. When Julie came home from work and said that her...
Group SexThis is a fictional story! !!It happened 6 years ago. I was with the girl of my dreams, until one day, I came home from work 2 hours early. I hear my girlfriend squealing in pleasure. I'm thinking she's watching a porno. In the past, when I got off from work, I always caught her jilling off.As I slowly walk up the stairs, I hear her say, "Aww Yesss!!! Lick me right there, hon!!!" I bust the door open, and discover my girlfriend of 4 years being eaten out by another man. I fight the guy, in...
i never been so scared of my lifesit at the beach bar , on a stool this random guy ordering a drink his hand on my ass gropping me in my swimsuiti never felt so suddenly scared his hand getting inside my swimsuit reaching for iti look back and only the wave in sight no one to see he is touching mehis finger teasing my hole i look at him''stop please''my little hole pressured on , i felt like i would loose and get his finger in but he got his drink and left i never ever been so scare and...
Ohhh God, Dad, please , more. . Just a bit more.. Please help me come…she whispered to me as I was sucking her clitoris while we were flying at 35,000 feet. My dream Cunt ,my obsession was right there in front of my face…. It has happened at last. But, let me start with a small introduction. I am 56 and in the Pink of health, a Surgeon by profession I run my own Hospital in Indonesia , .My wife like me is part Malay and part Indian and is 51 and very pretty, slightly overweight and losing...
IncestSupplication She had agreed to allow him to restrain her as part of their foreplay…it wasn’t the first time that they’d tried some ‘vanilla’ bondage but tonight she knew that it wasn’t going to be quite so ‘vanilla’. He’d been hinting all week that he was going to make her beg…and he fully intended to make this a night that she’d never forget. She was a stirring sight, tied with her hands overhead and crossed, her tits pulled up tightly by her body’s position. Her breasts were full, beautiful...
Hi friends, this is Arvind 23 yrs old guy from Bangalore. This is my real story of first time sex with my neighbor flat married 27yrs old sexy and busty lady at her home when she is alone. I am staying in an apartment in Bangalore with my 2 friends, all of us are working in a pvt company. Mine is shifting type of work like one week day shift and next week night shift like that, and my 2 friends work in day times only. And in my neighbor flat couples are staying they are from Andhra and husband...
Working Girl 13 By Susan Brown 1. I woke up gradually, coming out of a fog of discordant dreams. Dreams that I was a boy masquerading as a girl just so that I could get a job! It was obviously a dream because reality wasn't that stupid. I could hear voices in the distance. My eyes snapped open and I immediately realised that I was in a strange room, a bit like the sick room in my old school, but more high tech, chromium and sterile looking. I was lying on a bed and as I...
After moving from Cleveland area to Jacksonville Florida we continued to swing,at first just 3 somes and 4 somes with men we met in clubs at Mayport. Then I Isaw an ad in a swingers paper for a swingers directory, $20.00 to join for ayear, when we placed our ad we checked off couples,single males,all races,groups, bi's, lesbian and other kinky thing's. We waited to receive our firstissue and it finally came after a few week's. We eagerly went thru it lookingfor contacts in the area, we saw...
August fifteenth--it was a Wednesday, I came home and Dad was sitting on the deck to my trailer. "Hi Son." I didn't answer him as I unlocked the door. I motioned him to enter. "You son-of-a-bitch. I was worried about you. I know you got out of jail when you were supposed to. Where in hell have you been?" He was shocked at my outburst. "I said you would see me. I'm here. I didn't think I meant that much to anyone anymore." "Damn it Dad, some day you are going to realize that in...
This may be archived anywhere, in full or just-a-few. Remember though to give credit to where credit is due. Parodies in Pink By Pretzelgirl ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thayer and French, Service and Moore; How to acknowledge these poets galore? From Shel Silverstein to the great Doctor Seuss Like goddesses ancient, they are my muse. Then Jennifer Adams and also Bill Hart, Inspired this somewhat; they did their part. My debt to these authors must be confessed: "Without whom I couldn't...
"This place is like Hooters!" a co-worker once remarked.He was right. The women at my job did pay very little to the dress code. Although not quite at the bikini stage, they often came to the office in tops with plunging necklines and tight little leggings that left little to the imagination. Even though sometimes the top parts of their outfits seemed somewhat... conservative , it was all party down below. Tights, tight jeans, capris, management was probably lucky they wore pants at all. Some...
Office SexMy suspicions were correct. Nina had been just a little too innocent in her inquiries about what time Tracy left for her appointment. At 8:50 the next morning, less than ten minutes after the ambulance carted my sister away with Mom and Dad following in the car, the phone rang. "Care for a visitor?" Nina asked me playfully. "I don't know," I responded, "I had plans." "Plans?" "Yep," I answered firmly. "I need to go over my stock certificates and calculate my net worth. Also,...
Nia Nacci is on the phone when her stepbrother Tony approaches her and tells her it’s important that she give him her undivided attention. He tells Nia that he’s being blamed for stealing stuff from school and it’s not him, so it must be her. He grabs Nia’s backpack, then dumps it on her bed to prove that Nia was indeed the thief. She tries fake crying, then moves on to talking shit about Tony. When Tony calls her bluff and says he’s gonna call Nia’s mom, she...
xmoviesforyouThe TV talk show Tommy was watching wasn’t very interesting, so he got up and checked Tina’s refrigerator. She only had diet soda, but he didn’t mind that, since that’s all he ever drank anyhow. He took a can, opened it, and took a swallow. Holding the can, he explored the apartment a little. First he checked Bobby’s room. The little boy was sound asleep and looked peaceful. He really was a cute kid. ‘He’s lucky,’ Tommy thought as he gazed at the sleeping child, ‘He looks a lot more like Tina...
Chapter 32 - Moose Hunting So far: Mark has an interesting first few days at school, showing his teacher that he is not a slow student, and helps others in the class. He makes a friend at lunch, which leads to an after-school fracas the following day. ------ ----- ------ River woke up at 2, and then went to wake Mark. She expected more of a battle getting her brother out of bed early, but actually found him quick to get moving and dressed. While River never used a flashlight to...
I had just turned eighteen six month ago and had just been dumped for the umpteenth time. I was so sad and mad but then my bff called me. Ello sad person talking. Ello it's me. I have surprise for you. Kathy how? I'm in london and your in france. Just open your door and yoll see okay? fine. I said s I opened my door to find my best friend kathy stand there with a big duffle bag and her arms open wide. I'm sooooooooo glad to see you. You look like you were just dumped that's why you should be a...
LesbianEnd of Part 2 I got home around 3:30, needing a shower. I hadn’t really solved anything on the golf course, but I did adopt a sort of “let the chips fall as they may” type of attitude. I walked through the door and put my clubs down. “Kassie? You home?” She didn’t respond so I went to the fridge, took out a beer and finished it as I was getting ready to go shower. I stripped my clothes, then heard Kassie say something. It was muffled, but I definitely heard something. “Kass? You home?” Again,...
IncestTEMPE WAS AWESOME—awesomely hot! It was close to ninety degrees when we landed and it was not going down. Fortunately, every place we went was air conditioned. Unfortunately, it was a real shock to walk into a cold room after being in the heat. I spent my time alternately sweating and shivering. We checked into our hotel and I was pleased that Lissa and I were next door to each other, though there wasn’t a connecting door like I’d hoped. I was wound so tight by the time we’d tossed our bags...
I watched the bartender and caught his eye. Holding up my empty glass, I gestured for a refill. This will only be my second bourbon in about two hours. I'm not a light weight when it comes to drinking; but up until one month ago I had way too many mornings wondering what I did the previous night. My problem had been that lately the more I drink, the more I drink. So I restrict myself to just two drinks now. Anyway, I am sitting here waiting for a friend to come through the door and rescue...