American Royalty 1: Coming Of AgeChapter 2: Birthdays-Liam free porn video

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Eighth birthdays were important. That was when a boy got to act like a man. Liam had finished third grade and, in the fall, he wouldn’t be one of the little kids anymore. He was going to go to a prep school. He wasn’t exactly certain what he’d be prepped for but he understood that there would only be boys there and he wouldn’t need to put up with any of the girls who were always such a bother. It would all be men.

And this birthday party was special. Liam had attended a public school for the past three years and this was the last party he would have on his birthday that would have girls at it. They weren’t even in his grade, though grandmother had said grades were a thing of the past. Still, they were big hulking giants who towered over the boys. He’d be in school until he learned his lessons and when he’d learned his lessons, he could leave school. Liam figured he would be out of school in a couple of years.

“And now we have a present for our birthday boy,” his mother announced. “Come here, Liam. Open this package and show everyone what you got.” Liam was excited. His parents seldom gave him a present at the party. “It’s gauche,” they would say. “Very lower class.” But this year he was opening a package from his parents, right in front of his six school mates—well, three if you didn’t count the girls—and their parents and a dozen other friends of his parents and grandmother. He could hardly wait. He remembered his manners, though, and instead of grabbing the package and ripping at it, he stood in front of his parents and accepted the gift like the man he felt he was.

“Thank you so much, Mother. Father, thank you for this gift. I’m sure I will like it.” If he hadn’t thanked them first, he was pretty sure they wouldn’t have given him the package. But Mother had handed it right over after he’d thanked them properly.

Liam tore the paper. It wasn’t that he intended to. His hands were shaking a little as he tried to find the places the paper was taped so he wouldn’t look like a poor boy. His parents were quite wealthy and his grandmother was richer still. But with the excited hands, he accidentally tore the paper away from the tape. He looked up sheepishly at his parents but both were smiling at him. He guessed he hadn’t done anything too wrong. His father reached down and took the torn paper handing it to his friend, Mr. Lenova. Liam lost track of it then because he was prying open the long box.

Shoes? No. Some kind of boots. Who got boots for their birthday? They were shiny and long. He hid his disappointment and raised his head to smile at his parents.

“Thank you for these beautiful boots, Mother and Father.”

“You should try those boots on.” Father had motioned to one of the servers who nodded. Probably going to take a picture. Liam slipped off his loafers and pulled the boots up over his feet, ankles, and calves. They were tight around his legs after he’d fastened the closure. He managed to stand up in them but it was awkward. They nearly reached his knees.

“They’re um ... I guess they fit. What... ?” Liam didn’t finish his sentence. Ray, the stable hand, was leading a bay gelding in front of the patio where the guests were partying. He could get in trouble for bringing a horse into the living area. But the bay was beautiful. Liam looked at his father.

“Well? You have your riding boots on. You should go mount your horse.”

“My horse? Father, do you mean that is my horse? Really?”

“We all like to ride a bit and we’ve been talking for some time about getting you fully equipped and onto a horse that suits your age and personality. Come with me. I’ll give you a boost into the saddle. You’ll get the rest of your riding gear a little later in the day.”

Liam followed his father and put his knee properly in his father’s cupped hands. He was nearly launched over the back of the bay, but was able to settle himself in the saddle. His father held the irons for him and he realized his parents and grandmother always wore boots like these when they rode. He’d received instructions and knew how to hold the reins and cue the horse. He’d simply never had tall riding boots before. He couldn’t wait to go flying over some of the jumps set up in the dressage paddock.

“This is Sim.” Ray kept hold of the lead rope even though Liam had the reins in his hands. “That’s short for Persimmon. He’s three years old and well-trained. We’ll talk about the rules for riding when you come out for your first lesson on him. It takes a little time for a horse and rider to get to know each other, so we’ll work mostly in the arena for a month or so. Just until we’re confident that you’ve developed that special bond that any young man should have with his steed.”

“Come on down now, Liam.” His father held his hands out to help him down off the horse. He’d be able to get on and off by himself if he was at the stable mounting block. “Ray will show you Sim’s stall and grooming tack after the party. Let’s go get our guests some refreshments now.”

Liam was trying to get the boys at the party to go out to the stable with him and escape from the girls. Girls! It wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t all bigger than he was. He hadn’t been very kind or welcoming to them. He figured they could entertain each other. What did they have to complain about? They got to come out to Buxton House. They got to eat the good food. They even had unlimited sodas. They surely didn’t need to join the men at the stables.

“Where are we going?” Meredith Sauvage was suddenly standing right beside him. He wasn’t sure where she came from.

“What do you care? This is men’s business. You’re a girl. Meri the Savage,” Liam taunted her. “Savages aren’t welcome to...”

Meredith’s fist was a lot bigger and harder than Liam had considered before he started to tease her. When it connected with his nose, he began instantly to bleed. And to cry.

“It’s clear no one has taught you manners. Maybe that will teach you a lesson.”

Liam ran to the house. Only his best friend Lonnie went with him. He could see his grandmother approaching the other kids and his mother met him at the door. She handed a towel to Lonnie and told him to hold it against Liam’s nose. That hurt. Liam tried not to cry but wasn’t successful in holding back the tears. His mother sent him to his room with Lonnie and Erich met him there. Erich recently became Liam’s valet, replacing his old nanny. It took a bit, but before long, Erich had stanched the blood and Liam merely had a clogged nose with a piece of cotton in one nostril.

Eventually, he and Lonnie were allowed to return to the party. To his surprise and perhaps horror, he discovered all the other children near his age had gone. Their parents as well. Only Lonnie remained with him to celebrate the remainder of Liam’s eighth birthday.

A Touch of Class

Liam was horny. He knew plenty of guys who were sixteen and bragged about getting laid regularly. Liam had no opportunities to get lucky. He hadn’t seen or met a girl near his own age in years. The few female teachers at Elenchus Schole were old—at least forty—and were as dowdy and unappealing as the old woman who lived in a shoe. Liam had been at the school eight years now. He was pretty bored with only boys for company. The only women at Buxton House were his mother and grandmother. And a few maids and kitchen help. He hardly noticed them.

It hadn’t taken Liam long at Elenchus before he realized he was indeed a privileged student. It wasn’t obvious at first. His parents often traveled and simply came by the school to pick him up if they were going someplace interesting. It didn’t seem to matter if school was in session or not. If his parents wanted to take him with them, he went. Paris, Tokyo, Athens. Liam had been to all of them. His best friend and roommate, Lonnie Porras, had a far more rigid schedule. If school was in session, he was there. He’d gotten two days off for his grandmother’s funeral, if Liam remembered correctly.

Still, Lonnie had a different kind of privilege. Since he turned fifteen, Lonnie had been permitted to leave the grounds on his own when there were no classes. He could ‘go to town’ almost any weekend he wanted to. And Lonnie’s exploits were legendary. According to him, he’d been getting laid regularly for nearly a year. Since he got his driver’s license, he’d been regularly having sex with a fifteen-year-old girl from St. Agnes Academy he was completely besotted with. Liam had seen her picture and could understand why. She was a knockout.

The flipside of Liam’s privilege was he couldn’t leave campus unless he was in the company of his parents or a member of their staff. Usually, it was Erich who came to pick him up and return to Buxton House, about thirty miles north of Covington where the schools were. Of course, there were never girls at home. Liam spent his time running, riding, or playing tennis. He’d been doing that for a week now since school had a recess from Independence Day to Labor Day. He hadn’t come home during every break over the past few years. Often, he had the opportunity to have independent studies with one or more faculty members. They were his favorite classes.

He’d done fine in classes for math, economics, history, and science. Those were all considered lower level classes. For the past two years, more of his classes were in ethics, politics, legal structure, business management, literature, and Liam’s favorite, philosophy. These classes were much smaller than the lower level classes, sometimes with fewer than five students with a teacher and sometimes one-on-one. He supposed he did well, though the school gave few tests and there were no distinctions between grade levels. He’d been told that when he learned his lessons, he would leave Elenchus and go to college. It was taking longer than the two years he had once imagined. As indicated by its name, the Elenchus Schole taught via the Socratic method and students were expected to learn the method as well as the subjects.

Which brought him to his sixteenth birthday, July tenth. His parents had taken him to England for a week to tour the museums—most notably the British Museum—and they had only returned the previous night. Liam had his own method of combatting jetlag and had masturbated in bed until he fell asleep. When Erich woke him in the morning, he brought orange juice and coffee. Liam rose without a fuss.

“Your grandmother wishes you to join her for breakfast, Liam. She expects you at eight in her breakfast room.”

“Thank you, Erich. Do I have time for a run before I shower?”

“I would suggest the 5k course. Leonard will be waiting for you and you should be back in plenty of time to be refreshed and dressed before meeting with your grandmother.”

What a perfectly stupid name for a dog. Leonard. Especially, a dog that was assigned as his bodyguard. He was a lean Afghan/Setter mix, reddish gold in color. Not what you’d expect as a guard dog. But he’d been devoted to Liam for eight years now. Anytime he left the house, Leonard was at his side. Unless Liam left in the car and the company of one of the family staff. Then Leonard walked with him to the car and stayed there until it drove out of sight. Liam had once decided he was mad at the family and was determined to run away. He started to climb the fence at the property’s border. Leonard prevented it. They had a good relationship and Leonard was a good running companion.

“How about you, Leonard? Ever get set loose on a bitch in heat? I know you’ve still got your balls. I hope they let you use them. Not like me. Might as well cut mine off and hang them in the garden shed with the herbs to dry.” They jogged out to the trail marked 5k, getting warmed up. “Let’s kick it up this morning, fella. I’ve got to meet Grams for breakfast. I don’t want to be late. Ready, set, go!” Liam took off up the trail and a little more than fifteen minutes of hard running later, he and Leonard emerged from the end of the trail and jogged toward the house. Liam glanced at his watch. “Fifteen-forty. I coulda been a contenda!”

The run had done nothing to relieve his horniness. He took care of that in the shower.

“Happy birthday, Liam.”

“Thank you, Grandmother. And thank you for inviting me to breakfast this morning.” She looked him up and down before taking him to the table to sit. He was glad he’d taken Erich’s advice on what to wear. He passed inspection. His grandmother kissed him on the cheek and they sat. Erich had assured Liam that the black on black dragon embroidered on the left panel of his shirt made it unnecessary to wear a jacket.

A server came in with champagne flutes filled with orange juice and his grandmother raised her glass to him. He touched hers with the rim of his own. “To the day my grandson becomes a man,” she said. They took a sip and Liam was surprised to have champagne mixed with the juice.

“Whenever that day comes,” he responded. They laughed. When there were only the two of them at the table, they had an easy relationship, joking with each other and often making up puns or other jokes. Grams was quite formal when other people were at the table and Liam had learned his lesson well.

“Are you so anxious to become a man?”

Liam considered his response carefully. He didn’t feel comfortable about telling his grandmother he was horny. “I guess I’m at an awkward age. There seems to be so much I am missing.” .Not the least of which was girls. Surely, that must be the most important part about growing up.

“Ah, yes. All the equipment has been tested and seems to work but there is nothing to use it for.”

“Grandmother!” Liam could feel the heat in his face. How had an old woman struck so near the heart of the matter?

A server came to the table, cutting their conversation short while he placed plates before each of them. Liam’s was piled high with his favorite breakfast—corned beef hash, three poached eggs, and four thick slices of heavily buttered dark rye toast. Cook must have been up very early to have fresh bread for his birthday. He would need to send a thank you down to the kitchen. His grandmother sat with a single English muffin, Canadian bacon, and a poached egg drizzled with Hollandaise sauce. Liam felt she was truly celebrating his birthday with him by having her own favorite breakfast.

“Do not feel we need to talk while we eat. The food is best hot. Fall to it, my boy.” Liam still waited until his grandmother had taken a bite before he broke one of his runny yolks and scooped it onto his toast. Another server filled coffee cups and Liam paused to savor the deep black liquid. Even though their meals were of significantly different portions, they finished at about the same time, setting their utensils on their plates. One of the servers swept in to remove the dishes while another poured fresh coffee and retreated, leaving them alone in at the table.

“It is time for you to learn the fine arts of being a man as well as a gentleman. It is your sixteenth birthday and I have arranged to have a suitable young woman attend this evening. I believe you will like her.”

“Suitable?” Liam could feel the color and heat rising in his cheeks again. “Grandmother! I recognize that sex and love are very different but I don’t want my first time to be with a whore!” The slap across his face brought tears to his eyes and nearly deafened him.

“Are you calling your grandmother a pimp? Perhaps we should delay this conversation until you are eighteen.”

His grandmother had never struck him and Liam realized the severity of her disappointment in him. That hurt more than the blow.

“Grandmother, I’m sorry. I was moved by teenage hormones and did not consider how my words would be taken. Please forgive my outburst.” He hung his head, mortified. His grandmother dipped her napkin in a glass of water and applied the cold wet cloth to the cheek she had struck.

“There. Now it has been forgotten. Kindly give your grandmother the benefit of the doubt when it comes to preparing good things for you.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Now, as I was saying, I have invited a young woman to your celebration this evening who has always thought fondly of you. She is not hired help in any capacity. Kindly do not treat her as staff. She has both life experience and education that you have not yet had and understands your position—possibly better than you do. She has consented to instruct you on how to behave with a woman, and socially in general. While you have had a great deal of world travel, you have had remarkably limited experience with social interaction. You should listen to her and let her guide you. She has consented to let you court her if you are both amenable to it after you meet.”

“I have a lot to learn in that regard. I don’t recall having ever had any interaction with women near my own age.”

“Sadly, that was intentional. I’m sure you realized that. It was dangerous to you and to the family for you to become involved with a random girl who might not be of an acceptable class or conditioning.”

“Grandmother, are you saying I should only develop a relationship with someone who is wealthy? Are not all men created equal?”

“Do you truly believe that? Are you in the same class as your good friend Lonnie, even though his family is wealthy? Or of the same social standing as Erich, your valet? Oh, I agree, they are equally as valuable in our society as anyone else and class structure does not imply hierarchy. We should treat everyone with friendship and respect. We treat everyone as equals. But in the sadly misrepresented words of a bygone era, you are equal but separate.” Liam stared into his coffee cup trying to comprehend the strange words of his grandmother. “Tell me, Liam, what is your ambition in life?”

“I’m not sure that I have a personal ambition, Grandmother. I deduce from my education that you would like me to go into politics. I think Lonnie is far more ambitious in that arena.”

“Oh, heavens no! Do you think we would want our family exposed to the public through the eye of the media? Politicians must live in the muck. In fact, they wallow in it like pigs. Even the upright and honest. Do you wish to live in the muck?”

“No, Grandmother. But ... I’m afraid I still don’t understand.”

“Take your friend, Lonnie. He is a natural born politician. Think of the times he has come to your aid. Do you not owe him something—some loyalty or favors? He charmed the panties off that little girl he’s dating on their second date. Nor was she the first. If he manages his career with the same finesse as he has managed her, he might be governor by the time he is thirty. It will not involve compromising his principles. That is a myth. He has no principles—no goal in life other than advancement. I would guess that in the coming year or two, he will meet a woman who is truly his match. No, I am not arranging this, merely predicting. She will be older, mature, confident. At that point, he may forget entirely the fifteen-year-old treasure he has plundered and devote all his energy to winning the affection—or at least the vagina—of the older woman. It is his nature.”

“I feel bad for poor Susan.”

“Don’t feel too bad. Susan has also shown signs of being a politico. She has accumulated a huge debt from Lonnie and she may prevail as the long-term winner. If they are smart, they will form an alliance that goes much deeper than his penetration. I do not mean they would marry and become faithful to each other. That is unlikely. But they need to plan their futures and their pleasures to support each other rather than compete with each other. They are only fifteen and sixteen years old. Anything may come in the future.”

“Are all relationships between the sexes so cold and calculating?” Liam was no longer horny. He was becoming depressed as his grandmother predicted the future of his friends.

“What you are really asking, I believe, is whether love ever enters the equation. Of course it does. But, as William Thackeray once said, ‘It is as easy to marry a rich woman as a poor woman.’ He stole that line from a woman who published it in Graham’s Magazine four years before The History of Pendennis was published.”

“That was almost two hundred years ago, Grandmother. Has nothing changed?”

“Yes. Money is no longer the primary issue. Nor is public status. Yet it is rare today for true love to overcome the divisions of class.”

“So, I must date within my class and only fall in love within its bounds?”

“It is slightly different for our class.”

“What is our class, Grandmother?”

“We are, to be blunt, royalty.”

“You are the queen?”

“One of them. Sadly, royalty all but died out in favor of the politicians and merchants nearly a thousand years ago. Yet we are still a necessity. It is not so much hereditary rule as that there must be a class that is incorruptible,” she said. Liam thought of some of his father’s business dealings. He’d made quite a bit of money that wasn’t thoought of as entirely clean.

“My father...”

“ ... is not royalty.” She rang a bell and a staff member came to refill their coffee cups. Each sipped as Liam waited for her to continue. “Class in our society is not hereditary, Liam. There is some influence of parents or grandparents on children but class is based on the character of the individual. Sometimes, as in the case of your father, the children of royals are a completely separate class or are simply breeding stock. You, my grandson, were not only bred to royalty, you have been educated and conditioned to take on the mantle of royalty. You must begin now to show your true nature and fitness for confirmation.”

“How did I miss learning this in school?”

“Elenchus is not like other schools. Most schools teach about the classes by the time a child is ten or twelve. Teachers are trained in identifying a child’s class as he grows up. Many are identified as one class or another at a young age. Some strive to become members of a class and may be successful, but devotion to becoming something is, itself, a factor in determining the outcome. Elenchus is far more devoted to bringing out a student’s inner potential and provides studies that enhance that character. Class is not discussed at school, and you should not mention it when you return in the fall.”

“I will do my best, Grandmother.”

“That is exactly what is expected. Now let us get back to the source of this conversation and talk about Meredith.”

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Liam sat at his desk reading the first assignment in his US History Since 1877 course. The rigid structure of the university, including showing up for lectures with a hundred other students, would take some getting used to. It was so different than the unstructured learning environment of Elenchus Schole. He had attended three lecture classes, two labs, and a writing class and it was only Wednesday evening. He glanced through the open door where Meredith was working on correspondence. She...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 5 Artistsmdashan Interlude

Kendall Sauvage sat at her piano as the last notes of Scarlatti’s Sonata No. 1 in E Major faded. She was at peace as she could only be when she played. The piece, however, had reflected her agitated mood with its presto momentum. Her husband, Rainer, had his own way of expressing his concern. She could smell the cookies baking in the kitchen. She considered launching into the second sonata, an allegro movement, but she saw lights approaching the house and knew her daughter was home. Kendall...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 9 Politicomdashan Interlude

Lonnie placed his shot perfectly, almost touching the net and landing in the corner of the tennis court. Bob Brandenburg chased the shot down and lobbed it back over the net. It would be easy to end it with a smash Bob had no chance of returning. Lonnie lined up on the ball and hit a long hard shot. Bob ran for it but it was gone long before he crossed the court. Just out of bounds. Lonnie smiled. “Bob, you got me on that one. I need to learn to control those smashes. Six inches less and it...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 11 Professionalmdashan Interlude

“Having a will is important for everyone, not only those who own a lot of property. Without a will, anything the deceased owned will be managed by the state and after taxes and fees will revert to the next of kin. If no next of kin can be found, it will revert to the state. But avoiding probate is an inadequate reason to have a will. Think of your family and loved ones. In times of great stress, like the death of a loved one, family members tend to focus on small things they think they can...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 19 Tradesmanmdashan Interlude

John Sturdivant took his work seriously. He had first been a carpenter but found he was interested in other aspects of the home building industry. He learned plumbing. He learned electrical installation. He’d even worked for a while on a concrete crew pouring foundations. He knew how a house was and should be put together. His contracting license had been secured years ago. “What do you think, boss?” They were cleaning up at the end of the workday and the boys often talked about the day’s...

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E076 Birthdays

The last couple of days of their vacation pass as wonderfully as the vacation started.  Back home Emma and Donald fall into a routine.  The pool is finished, and it is all they could want.  They spend many afternoons in it for an hour or so playing and swimming to relieve the tension both sometimes feel from their days.  They spend their evenings playing at touching, licking, sucking and entering each other.Regularly they visit the basement room for some exercise for Emma.  She notices that...

Love Stories
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The Price of Royalty

The Price of Loyalty A few words at the start: R__, a member of the support group, inspired my story Sweet Confusions with an offhand comment about a leather jacket. She later told me that my first story included a lot of her fantasies and asked that I write a special one for her as a birthday present. This is that story. Chapter 1: The two men looked across the table at each other. One, older and better dressed was composed, the other, younger, in his early...

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38 fantasy Birthdays treat for a scribe

38 fantasy Birthdays treat for a scribe Another birthday, spent with the wife, a Tuesday in March, usual sort of birthday , a meal with the family the highlight, to most just a meal, to me a mark of the fact I had passed another year and those that matter most have survived with me. On Saturday I am to receive a present that money can`t buy, and it`s not from my family it`s from a woman I have never met, a married Mum who has a very open sex life which I document for her as well as I am...

1 year ago
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The Birthdays Ill Always Remember

Note : This story is completely fictional! WOW! What a night! As I lay in the big king size bed in the master bedroom of my house, I wondered just how crazy things could get sometimes after a birthday party. I had just turned 35 and as I lay there, my mind started drifting back over my life and other birthdays I have had. I knew that every major birthday event in my life involved some sort of sex ever since I was young. I had always love sex, all sorts of sex! It wasn’t just the fucking between...

3 years ago
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AmericanMan At War

American-Man At War By Paul G. Jutras "1,2, 3, 4...." Christine said as she stood in gold three inch pumps and a backless evening gown with spaghetti straps. With the clicking of drumsticks the band prepared to join in. Soto began to played the guitar in his usual leather jacket, pants and boots and red tee shirt. Mark played the drums, Luke the keyboard in their yellow and red striped coveralls, and Starshine the tambourine in her purple blouse, leopard print mini skirt...

2 years ago
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American Girl In Bangkok

American Girl in Bangkok By Tiffany Parker The following story is a work of fiction and is copyright property of the author. Please don't repost it without permission. But most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading it. Chapter 1 Kaylee impatiently bided time while sitting in the middle seat in coach on the long trans-pacific flight. She was excited about her trip to Bangkok that would complete her journey and provide her the gender affirmation surgery she desperately...

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American Husband Takes the Veil in Saudi

Opportunities for foreign assignments with large, American owned companies can be very lucrative. In some cases, expatriates can earn up to three times their normal salary, while at the same time having housing and food provided for free. My wife and I recently got such an opportunity to go to Saudi Arabia for two years, and it came at a perfect time in our lives.My name is Alan, and my wife, Karen, and I were forty-two years old at the time. Our two kids were in college and living away from...

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American Ladyboy

American Ladyboy By Cassandra Morgan No matter where in the world you are, no matter languages are being spoken around you, calculus is boring, it seems they teach the subject so people will know how to torture spies. And so, half a globe away, Benjy Hawkins sat in his math class with his head resting on his arms, which were folded over his desk. The teacher droned on, his lilting accent punctuating his speech. The subject, and the speech, was more than Benjy could bear on a...

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AmericanMan Returns

American-Man Returns by Paul G Jutras The high desert winds kicked up as the hovering cruise ship sailed over the endless sands. Inside the ball room, Christine Jackmarr and her band rocked on with music from before World War Three. Once Christine was merely Chris Jackmarr. A normal teenage boy with dreams of being a rock star. Then one Halloween, a cosmic time loop resulted in the death of his old body and the reincarnation of his soul in his own relative of the year...

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american slut in Paris revised

There was a small family resturant down the street from the hotel we were staying at. A nice place, the main thing that stuck in my mind was all the blue tile on the walls and floor. A little while after we began our meal, I decided to go grab a smoke and draw, maybe wander around a little. I am what you would call a considerate smoker and chose to light up outside, being it was daylight my mother figured I couldn't get into too much trouble by wandering. I walked out to the...

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American As

Last winter, during a January marked by both voluntary and involuntary shutdowns of Washington, DC, I went to a large room at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan to swear allegiance to a government that at the time was having trouble staying open for business. With about fifty other people from a broad swath around the globe, I walked in a citizen of another place and walked out an American. There were several Chinese people like myself in the group, but I was the only Canadian. We all came...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 6 Gunner

I knew now, knew without the slightest doubt, what my subconscious had been trying to tell me. The Oasis aftermath. The Gunthers. Or the Meriwethers. Or maybe both. Almost certainly Gunner. I had been the instigator of the Gunthers’ downfall. Was probably the symbol. Hated symbol. And the Gunther collapse was tied directly to the arrests of David and Charles Meriwether. The Buckshot Video was similar to the FaceTime video I’d saved on my laptop. When Greta Gunther blew the head off one of...

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American Muslims Pt 06

Note to Reader: The following tale is centred on the Al-Nablusi family, who are Palestinian-Americans, and it follows them on a journey through love, sex, spirituality, tradition versus modernity. The father Faris Al-Nablusi, whose family originate from Nablus in the West Bank but he was born in Haifa, is a professor of Cognitive and Neuroscience at Berkeley and has been granted tenure. His wife Samira Hamoudi, who is from Nazareth, and is a lecturer of comparative literature at Berkeley- they...

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“Anything you wish baby, anything, your blow jobs are so good, so fucking good.” “Can I have a hung man and a bi-sexual female while you watch and masturbate?,” I whisper as his whole body is trembling as I tease his erection with just the tip of my tongue. “Yes baby, yes, I want to watch,” he moans just before he hits the back of my throat. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man,...

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“Anything you wish baby, anything, your blow jobs are so good, so fucking good.” “Can I have a hung man and a bi-sexual female while you watch and masturbate?,” I whisper as his whole body is trembling as I tease his erection with just the tip of my tongue. “Yes baby, yes, I want to watch,” he moans just before he hits the back of my throat. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man,...

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GenerationsChapter 17 Birthdays

“You got the list?” Peter asked, as Heather loaded Jimmy and Holly into his Jeep. The teen waved a crumpled piece of paper at him, then shoved it back in a pocket. “Got it!” she announced. Lowering her voice, she said, “Lauren also gave me a twenty so these two could buy some presents.” She nodded towards the back seats. It was the October birthday season for the Graham family. Lauren’s thirty-third birthday was Friday and Jimmy’s eighth birthday was Sunday, so as always, they would split...

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“Erin, there’s nothing wrong with meeting females on the party-line. In fact, that’s how most of the lesbians here in Philly stay connected. Look, I’ll call and you can just listen.” “Aight B, but I can’t guarantee a damn thang.”… Before Erin knew it she had been on the party-line for two whole hours, holding serious conversation with at least ten different girls. It was amusing to her that the girls could create so many different names like ‘Hot Tamali, Sexxxy Tail, and Peanut...

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Black Royalty in the Zulu Empire

The Region of Botswana, South Africa, circa 1211 A.D. The sun rose over the beautiful City of Dumazile, crown jewel of the Zulu people. Andile Bafana lay in his bed, feeling a tiredness that had nothing to do with the mercilessness of the Southern African sun that was high in the sky. The six-foot-three, ebony-skinned young man finally got up. As the son of King Fundani, Warrior Chief of the Zulu people and the grandson of Zulu Emperor Gabangaye, he had certain expectations he had to meet....

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Tape SlavesChapter 18 The Royalty

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your country." JOHN F KENNEDY "I am the state." LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE Gina moved into the doctor's house. The next day, he took her into his study. "Watch this." He stood facing a wall and spoke a few words in a language Gina couldn't recognize. The wall slid open revealing a secret passage. "That was Arabic for 'Open Sesame!' I love that phrase. You'll need to set up a password for your voice pattern,...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 59 Three Birthdays Two Jobs and a Play Part III

April 1981, Milford, Ohio The rest of the week went along as usual, with Kara accompanying me to the computer lab, and me going on my date with Elyse. Kara didn’t raise the issues that were clearly spinning around in her head, but I knew she would, eventually. I did pull Mary and Tracey aside separately and ask them to be careful about their teasing and joking around Kara. They both agreed to tone it down a bit, which I figured was the best I could do. On Tuesday when I arrived home, I had...

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American Stream Girl

“So it just switches on at midnight, and then it just starts? They see you do everything?” Nicole asked. Then her voice dropped. “Everything…”“That’s the deal,” I said. “One year, but with what they are paying... No more slow nights or stripping. It’s enough money that we’ll be set. Of course, I think I’ll still keep going, but…”“But, Rachel…”She cupped her voice into a whisper, leaning closer in bed.“Like, they see you going-”“I’m just not gonna think about that,” I said, putting up the mental...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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American Desi 8211 Salt Lake City

A couple of summers before I turned fifty, I was touring the American West by car. On a warm August day, I found myself in Salt Lake City. Having visiting local museums – a favorite hobby of mine – I decided it was time to leave. Next destination: Las Vegas. The drive from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas traces a stunning array of American vistas. Even though by continent-sized American distances, the drive is a modest mere 5 hours, the sheer variety of terrain along the way, however, is simply...

Gay Male
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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 12

My cell rang. FaceTime request. Birdy Cummings. Odd, she was supposed to call me on one of my burner phones. A specific one. Before I answered, I connected the phone to my MacBook. Hurriedly, and I was glad I’d practiced the drill, I completed the 11 steps necessary to be able to record the call on my laptop. “Hello.” “Winter! I’m so sorry! Run!” Birdy with a shotgun jammed to her chin. Silence for a moment, then Birdy screamed, an anguished, almost inhuman shriek. Something was being done...

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Never Remember Birthdays

(This is a companion piece to "The Perfect Birthday Present". Brenda's Pissed It was a great Saturday. I was just getting home from the golf course where I'd had a near record round. I was on top of the world. Life couldn't be better. I walked in the door and hollered, "Hi, Honey, I'm home!" There was no response, and that surprised me because I could hear the TV-- Brenda was home. I walked into the den and she was sitting staring at the program. I repeated, "Hi, Honey," as a...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 45 Birthdays Holy Week and Pascha

April 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois I was in my office, just before lunchtime, when Keri transferred Jessica’s call. “REINSTATED!” came the ear-splitting shriek from the handset. Then some more unintelligible babble before she calmed down enough to carry a conversation. “Congratulations, Babe! We’ll celebrate tonight! I assume Al called you?” “I just got off the phone with him. My tentative start date is September 1st. I’m limited to eight-hour shifts for the first month, then I’ll go back...

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Power Chapter TwentyTwo Birthdays

Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted, she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...

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Power Chapter TwentyTwo Birthdays

Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted, she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...

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Power Chapter TwentyTwo Birthdays

Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted; she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...

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Power Chapter TwentyTwo Birthdays

Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted; she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 16 Birthdays

Savannah, Georgia November 1984 The audition was scheduled for the following Wednesday. At everyone's urging Tina had convinced Beth and her committee to come to the house. As bands go, Chaos was pretty large. They currently had 3 keyboards, 6 guitars, and Jerry's double bass drum kit, as well as his veritable menagerie of percussion devices. Rebecca ended up with most of those as well as a small xylophone that was Tina's. Whenever needed she doubled as a percussionist, even having a set...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 57 Three Birthdays Two Jobs and a Play Part I

March/April 1981, Milford, Ohio I had half-expected Stephanie to sneak into my room on Sunday night, but to my combined relief and regret, she didn’t. We were up early to swim and she once again looked around for any observers and gave me a quick kiss. “I missed sleeping with you last night, Big Brother,” she whispered. “I wanted to come to your room, but I knew it was too dangerous!” “We’ll find some time, Squirt, I promise!” “Good!” she whispered, “My pussy feels so empty!” “Just your...

1 year ago
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Birthdays are special

I woke to the smell of bacon grease. The delicious aroma filled my nose and roused me awake. For a moment, I laid there, contemplating rolling over and sleeping in. I remembered though, what day it was and how very important it was, not only to me, but my boyfriend. My lips curled into a grin, just thinking about it. Birthday. What do to for my partner on this very special day? Thoughts flew throughout my mind, all of them, inappropriate. I glanced over to the empty space on the bed next to me...

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All My Birthdays Came At Once Part 2

Half an hour later while I was sat chatting to Sheila the barmaid, the girls walked in. "Hi again Sparky" "Oh no" I thought. "Hi girls ok" "Fine" they replied "Would you like a drink" Claire asked "We could share a bottle of wine". "You're not old enough to drink" I stated."Sheila can we buy Sparky a drink" "As long as Sparky pays" Sheila replied. Claire gave me a fiver and I ordered the bottle and Sheila came back with the wine and three glasses and winked at me.We moved to a corner table....

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American love to our Canadian guy

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...

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American Geisha 2

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. American Geisha 2 By Paul G Jutras John and Sarah were American citizens, who had to move to Japan when the business that John worked for relocated his job there. The two waited at the airport for their son to arrive on the morning plane and join them. "Where is he?" John said, looking at his watch. "The plane should have landed by now." "They're...

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