Spice PlantationChapter 3 free porn video

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I paused in my reading and laid the thick journal aside, leaving it open to my place. I turned my full attention to Judy - an easy task. I noticed her nipples were once again hard and she was squirming against her bonds. The story of my great uncle, as told in his journal, must have been really turning her on. Of course, my free hand stroking her bare breasts and pubes might also have had something to do with that. I'm sure both had contributed to the hard erection I now possessed.

"That's not all of it, is it?" she asked almost in desperation.

"Not at all," I laughed. "We haven't even gotten to the really hot parts yet."

A groan escaped her lips. "Paul, this is real, isn't it? You didn't make this up yourself?"

"No, I told you it really is my great uncle's journal, just as he wrote it."

"I almost can't believe it! Oh, I believe you, but it just seems like too much of a fantasy. Like something you'd find in a bondage story. And, damn, it's making me horny!"

"I'm sure I can find something to do about that," I said, as I slowly drew my finger in small circles around her hardened right nipple. I grasped the nub between my thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze and tug. Judy gasped again and tried to arch her breasts higher. I moved my other hand and began to repeat the performance with her left nipple, teasing and tormenting both of these beautiful objects.

A long moan escaped her lips. "We're just getting started," I added. "And I will say it gets even hotter as we go along. However, it's already after two and I want you to be wide awake while I'm reading it to you."

"You think I'm going to go to sleep while listening to that?" Judy asked incredulously.

I laughed. "Probably not, but we've got all weekend. I want to save some. Besides I still have a few other plans for you now." I turned off the reading light, leaving the darkness broken by the soft glow of the fire and the candles on the mantle.

Judy relaxed slightly, resigning herself to wait until tomorrow for more of the story. I leaned over her and kissed her lips, just letting mine slightly brush against hers. I followed this with a kiss to each eyelid, her nose, and another to her lips, pressing a little harder this time. Then I sat up for a few seconds as she strained to keep her lips against mine. When she slumped back onto the longue once more, I leaned over and barely brushed the hollow of her neck with my lips. Then I just let my tongue and lips make the slightest of brushing contact with her nipples.

Once again Judy strained to put these hard nubs more deeply into my mouth and once again I pulled back just out of reach. "I intend this to be long, slow torture," I said, smiling down at her.

She moaned and again fell back onto the leather. "In that case, I think you had better let me make a trip to the bathroom first," she answered.

"All right, but you can leave the cuffs on. And I think maybe we'll move over to the bed." I unfastened her wrists and ankles from the longue and watched as she flexed sore muscles. I pulled her into my arms and gave her a hard, deep kiss this time which left us both breathing a little fast. Reluctantly she pulled away and I watched her tight and naked ass as she moved into the bathroom.

I added logs to the fire, checked out the window (It was still snowing hard.), and then made my own trip into the bathroom just as Judy was emerging. "I had to take the plug out, Paul," she said as she passed. "You don't want me stretched too much for tomorrow, now do you?"

"By all means, give your nice little bottom a rest," I tossed back. "I definitely plan to make it a lot more uncomfortable tomorrow."

Judy stopped and looked over her shoulder at me. I saw her give a slight shiver and then she said, "Oh, I hope so." Then she turned and went on back towards the bed.

When I came back Judy had turned down the bed and was lying on the smooth sheets on her back. I spread her arms and legs and attached her cuffs to the head and foot boards. She wasn't tight enough to cause a strain on her muscles, but enough so she could barely move. I put out the candles so the room was lit only by the flickering fire and then I moved beside her and began a slow, slow teasing of her sensitive skin.

For more than forty five minutes I licked, nibbled, and lightly brushed against her most sensitive places. Several times when her nipples were rock hard and she was straining against her bonds, I used a small camel hair brush to lightly touch them, sometimes only with a single strand. Or I would move between her spread legs and let my breath caress her open slit and protruding clit. Again the brush would be employed. My fingers danced over her thighs and belly, lightly, ever so lightly. But I always stopped short of allowing her to come.

My tongue would lath her slit and penetrate inwards as far as possible. I used my straining erection to brush against her nipples and lightly over her lips. My tongue explored the inside channel of her ears.

Judy was moaning and straining and was constantly excited to an almost impossible level. Finally I moved into a sixty nine position and lowered myself. Even as my tongue began to press hard against her open sex, I felt her hot and wet mouth engulf the head of my own straining member. Both of us were incredibly aroused and, not surprisingly, lasted only about a minute before I began pumping spurt after spurt down her throat as she pushed her mound hard against my mouth and nose.

But we didn't stop. Did I mention that Judy is multi-orgasmic? Well, she certainly is and can keep coming and coming. Not only that but she continued using her talented tongue and mouth and soon I surprised even myself by becoming hard again. We continued to play orally for a long time - probably another thirty minutes or so until at last I pulled away long enough to turn around and mount her, plunging my stiff rod deeply into her welcoming hot and wet slit.

This time when we came I rolled off and lay beside her as our breathing returned to normal. I freed her from her bonds and removed the cuffs and we pulled up a light cover and snuggled against one another. Even though the wind was loudly driving snow against the windows, we were comfortable with only this thin covering. I had decided long ago that I would rather spend a little more on heating fuel as a more than adequate exchange for the pleasure of playing and sleeping together naked.

As we settled down at last Judy remarked, "You know, last week I overheard three of the girls in one of my classes talking together when one of them remarked that oral sex wasn't really sex. And the other two agreed. I was walking by them when they said this and I couldn't help but stop and say, 'If you don't think oral sex is real sex, you must be doing it all wrong.'"

We both laughed and I agreed with her. Then the next thing I remember there was frosted light leaking around the window curtains and the wind was still singing it's shivering song. Judy must have awoken about the same time because she began to snuggle against me, rubbing a bare breast along my side. I began to return her strokes and soon we were once more sweating together in hard, loving exercise. I think it was probably an hour before we got out of bed and headed for the shower.

After we dried, we went back to the bedroom and I pulled aside the curtain. It was still overcast and either snowing slightly or maybe just blowing around. Either way there was at least fifteen inches of snow, choking the road, drifting around the house and trees. And the wind was still blowing at least fifteen knots. I looked at the clock and saw, to my surprise, it was already past eleven.

I let the curtain drop and said, "They won't be getting around to plowing dead end roads like this until late today or maybe even tomorrow, but we don't need to go anywhere, do we?"

"Just what did you have in mind for today then, Lover?" Judy asked.

"You still need to ask?" I responded.

"I meant the particulars," Judy said. "I, for one, want to hear some more of that journal later. Right now, I'm pretty hungry. Why don't you build up the fire again and we can eat in here?"

"I'll second that," I said. Judy started towards the closet where I knew she had a robe hung. "Hold it a second," I said, and she stopped and turned back towards me. "Let's do like I said yesterday and stay naked all day. Maybe all weekend."

Her face lit up like a bulb. "I'd like that, I think. Leering at your body is always fun. Let's see how we like cooking and eating in the nude. Or have you tried this before?"

"Nope, but it does sound like fun. Also gives me easier access." I leered back at her.

"If that means you are planning on ravishing me, I'm all for it," she answered.

With our arms around each other we headed to the kitchen where I made omelets while Judy heated us some hot tea and made toast. We carried the plates and mugs back to the bedroom where this time we sat at a small table near the fireplace and we found we did like doing these things nude also. (Besides looking, I also liked being able to run my hand up and down her bare thighs while we ate.)

When we had finished eating we moved the table back out of the way and I added wood to the fire. Since I use the fireplace quite a bit, I built a large woodbox and keep it filled. There was easily enough so we could have a fire all day and night without having to go into the garage for more wood. When I had the fire ready again, I turned to Judy and asked, "Ready to go back to the sun and sand of the South Pacific?"

"That would be nice," she mused. "But for now I guess I'll have to settle for you reading about it to me. So tie me down and read me some more about the sun and sand - and the sex - of the South Pacific."

I hadn't expected her to ask to be tied down, but I certainly wasn't going to object. I arranged Judy on the leather longue again, put on her cuffs, and attached them to the longue frame. I teased her for a little while, getting her hot and bothered again, and then once more picked up my uncle's journal and began to read where we had left off the night before.

February 23 - Later

I spent the morning going over the books and other paperwork in my office, learning as much about the spice business as I could. In addition to dry information such as the plantation production numbers and costs, there were a number of articles and monographs on methods and details of production of the different kinds of spices. I realized I had quite a bit to learn, but none of it looked impossible. It would just take a little time.

About noon, Susan stuck her head into my door and asked, "Ready for some lunch?"

I looked up from the paper I was reading and saw she was still wearing her white lab coat, but now the buttons were undone down to her waist giving a nice view of her firm breasts. I suddenly felt my member harden and press against my sarong and was instantly thankful the desk was hiding this event. Susan continued, "We usually go down by the beach for a swim and make a picnic of it. Come on along."

I remembered what Nate had said about the staff usually stripping all the way down to relax for lunch and the siesta afterwards. While the idea of seeing Susan - and the other women - nude was certainly enticing, the idea of baring myself and - unless I was completely wrong - spending lunch with a raging hard on, was more than my mind could handle. I started to reply, had to stop and clear my throat, and finally managed to get out, "I really need to learn a lot more about the job I'm supposed to be doing. I think I'll just skip it today. Maybe I can have Ly-mei send over a sandwich or something."

It sounded like a feeble excuse even to my ears and Susan raised an eyebrow in skepticism. "OK, if you're sure. But remember, it doesn't hurt to take a break now and then."

I smiled weakly at her and after a second she shrugged and said, "See you at dinner, then." She turned to leave and as she started into the hallway I saw her slip the lab coat off her shoulders and caught just the slightest glimpse of bare back and buttock as she disappeared from sight.

I sat there frozen for several minutes thinking what a fool I had been to turn down a chance for lunch with a view like that. My imagination was still running wild and my rigid member was well aware of what I was thinking. Suddenly Ly-mei scratched at the doorway and entered with a tray of food. "Miss Susan say you eat here, so Ly-mei bring you food."

I had turned slightly in my chair to watch Susan depart and as Ly-mei entered she had a clear view of my raging erection pressing against the thin material of the sarong. Her eyes opened wide and she sat the tray on the side of my desk. I suddenly realized she had seen my arousal but before I could turn to hide my condition she quickly moved directly in front of me. She reached down and grasped me through the thin material and quietly said, "Ly-mei also help with this."

I'll admit I was paralyzed and before I could regain control of my muscles, the lovely girl had dropped to her knees, lifted the sarong to free my member, and let her warm, wet mouth encircle the head. I let out a groan as she began to slide her wet mouth up and down the rigid shaft, whipping her tongue around the sensitive underside of the head. Her hands began to play with my balls and even though it had only been a few hours since she and Che and I had been playing, I lasted only a half a minute before I felt my hot fluids rush along their passage and explode into Ly-mei's demanding mouth. She continued to hold me in her hand and lick me clean. Finally she smiled at me and stood and said, "Ly-mei always happy to help Mr. Alex." She smiled again and with no other comment turned and left the room. Somehow I was able to actually eat the food she had brought.

This afternoon I spent a couple of hours with Nate going over the various aspects of my new job. He seemed pleased with the rate at which I seem to be picking things up, so there is no problem there. At some point I finally steered the conversation around to the nocturnal activities of Che and the other girls. Smiling, Nate asked, "Are you complaining?"

I shook my head. "No, not at all. I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything to offend anyone. I like it here. I like the job and the people - both staff and the native workers I've met so far. I don't want to do anything to mess it up."

Nate again smiled at this admission. "Don't worry about it. I told you we are rather relaxed here. No restrictions except that everyone must agree to any activity. No one is forced or intimidated. Never. But otherwise as long as the work gets done, no one is going to complain or even be bothered in the slightest by your 'spare time activities.' You could ravish a girl on the table out there and no one would care - unless they were trying to eat lunch there at the time."

I think he was serious.

Nate continued, "Look, Alex, the natives here love life and to them it is obvious that life includes sex. We Westerners have pretty well adopted that attitude also. Jenny and Deborah, for example, enjoy sex with each other but they also really enjoy it with men - both natives and other Western staff. No one thinks any less of them when they spend an evening alone with each other or when they bring in one or two - sometimes even more than two - of the native workers. Imagine the attitude in Britain if they tried to do the same thing there. Joan and I, as you know, live together. But that doesn't stop either of us from enjoying other partners. In fact, it's not at all uncommon for a dinner invitation to include bedtime fun and games afterwards. Right now everyone is giving you a chance to acclimate. We know it's quite different at first. But don't be surprised if pretty soon you start getting invited over for dinner - and dessert - by the women. In the mean time - and of course, afterwards, too - if you see a girl you like, don't be afraid to ask her to spend the night. Just don't get upset if she says she's busy. And if she does, don't get all disappointed. Most likely she really is busy and she'll be interested another time. I'll bet that before the year is out, you will have slept with at least half of the girls here." Then he added, "The rest of us have."

I must have been staring at him with my mouth open because suddenly he laughed and said, "It does take some getting used to, doesn't it, Alex? Don't worry. In another couple of weeks it will seem the most natural thing in the world. And by the way, the same rules apply for asking the Western girls, too."

I remembered the way Jenny and Deborah had entered the shower together this morning, as though no one would care. And, if fact, it seemed that no one did care. I had looked away embarrassed then but when I thought about it I found that it didn't bother me at all. I even began to wonder what it would be like with the three of us in bed together.

Dinner was like last night - the staff were all present and all wore only sarongs. I should also add something about the sarongs. You have probably seen some in pictures and sometimes the ones women wear are longer and cover them from above their breasts to mid thigh. But the only ones I have seen anyone wear here - men or women - are short and cover only between the waist and mid thigh or even higher. This attire helped make the women even more attractive at meals. I sat between Susan and Joan and both of them managed to "accidently" rub their legs against mine as well as several times letting a bare breast brush my arm as they turned or reached for something. When dinner was over Susan and the two nurses said they had a couple of things to do in the clinic and Bob and George both wanted to get back to work on some project, so Nate, Joan and I moved outside to talk and have another drink. Before too long Joan and Nate were showing interest in each other so I excused myself and headed back to my hut. On the way I happened to pass Che and, taking Nate's advice, I asked, "Che, would you like to come back to my hut again tonight?"

Che broke into a smile that almost eclipsed the setting sun. She put her arms around my neck and gave me a hot kiss, pressing her bare body against me. "Che would like that, but I already promised Mr. Bob and Mr. George."

I started to say that that was all right when she said, "I find you another girl," and turned, walking quickly away.

I went on to my hut and pulled out a book I had found in what Nate had called the "library." This is a room in the main building with shelves along the walls containing a wide assortment of books. They are available for anyone to read, but in practice most were a little complicated for any but the western staff. I was coming to appreciate the informality of this place and unwrapped my sarong to lie back and read, comfortably undressed.

I had been reading for about an hour and was just thinking about going to sleep when I heard a scratching at the door. As I called out, but before I could cover myself, a lovely young woman stepped inside. Like all the rest she was completely naked and like many her pubic hair was also missing. "I am Tami," she said. "Che said you might like to love me."

The simple English structure of her words might have left the impression of a shy and hesitant young girl. However, her eyes and stance said otherwise. She was on the shorter side, like most of the native girls, probably about five two. Her dark hair hung down to the middle of her back and looked silky smooth and shiny. Her dark eyes flashed with not only confidence but also invitation and knowledge. This was no shrinking violet, but a fiery blossom. Her face showed experience and eagerness and I suspected she would never be afraid to go after what she wanted, something I later learned was right.

I smiled at her and said, "Che was right. I think I love you already." Her eyes said she even caught the subtleties of my answer and she advanced to me as I stood. Her nipples were already hard and erect and fairly burned against my chest as she pressed herself against me, encircling my neck with her arms and pulling me down into a very demanding kiss.

This was the first night I have spent with only one girl in my bed, but I think I got even less sleep that the other times.

February 24

As Tami kissed me before she left, she ran her tongue from my mouth, down and under my chin and around below my jaw up to my ear. She teasingly traced the inside of my ear with her hot, pointed tongue and then, just before breaking the embrace, she whispered "Kawi-Kawi."

Again this morning I spent several hours in my office reading about the new work I have chosen. And, like yesterday, just before noon Susan leaned in the door and asked about lunch. My immediate reaction was the same as yesterday, perhaps even more so because this time she had removed her lab coat and had on only a short sarong. Once again my tool instantly hardened and began to poke against my own sarong. I was about to beg off again, for the same reasons - both stated and real - as yesterday, when Jenny and Deborah both appeared beside Susan and urged me to join them for a swim and lunch. They were both already completely nude.

While I was still trying to find my voice Susan said, "Come on, Alex. As your doctor I prescribe some play - we wouldn't want Alex to become a dull boy." Then her face assumed a slightly more serious look. "Seriously, Alex, don't worry about being embarrassed. We all went through that period when we first arrived and we promise not to tease you - at least not very much. Just think of it as a swim and a picnic with interesting scenery." Then she reached down and began to unwrap her own sarong.

To say I wanted to agree and go with them would have been the greatest understatement of the century. But I couldn't even imagine myself standing up, much less removing my already minimal clothing. Either way my eight inch rod would be more than obvious. I was trying to summon the words to put them off once more when Deborah and Jenny suddenly moved to either side of me and grabbed my arms. Before I was really aware of what was happening they pulled me away from my desk and out of my chair. Susan moved forward and deftly pulled free the end of my sarong, unwrapping it and letting my manhood protrude in all its rigid glory.

Even in my incredibly embarrassed condition I noticed that all three pairs of female eyes fixed hungrily on my ready equipment. For several seconds we all froze. Then Susan broke the spell by reaching for my hand. She gave it a tug and said, "Come on, Alex. Just a swim and a picnic." Then she looked pointedly back at my, now, not so private parts. "And we can all enjoy the scenery."

At this point I ceased resisting and let the women pull me out of the office and the building. They led me along a path to a part of the beach secluded from the dock by vegetation where a small cove of incredibly blue water and a narrow strip of sugar white sand invited. Joan, Nate, Bob and George were already there and all as naked as I. This, and the fact that my erection had now subsided somewhat, served to reduce my embarrassment a little and soon we were all splashing around in the clear water as gentle waves rolled in to the shore of the cove.

As I think back on it, the most surprising thing about our activities is that they were actually not really sexual. Sure there was a little feeling, even some goosing and rather intimate caressing, but overall it was just good fun. The other surprising thing was that I quickly lost my overwhelming embarrassment. I did turn red a few times. For example, we were all standing in water a little over waist deep when Jenny and Deborah came up on either side of me. They must have planned it, because at the same instant both reached and cupped my balls. Then they each looked at me and together said, "Kawi-Kawi."

There was a selection of cold food and fruit drinks and we lay on blankets and ate, but, as the Chinese say, the nudity "was seen but not noticed." Afterwards we lay side by side for a short nap in the sun. Then, after a little more splashing, we headed back to work for the afternoon. Overall as I think back on it, it really was just a swim and a picnic.

By now I have become used to eating dinner with a table full of bare breasted women. It is surprising how quickly we can adapt to a new situation. I even began to return the teasing a little, now and then brushing my arm across the breast of the woman beside me or letting my foot slide along a bare calf under the table.

When dinner was over everyone started to head out to sit at the usual table and watch the sea and sky with an after dinner drink. But as we started out of the building, Susan came up beside me and said, "Alex, would you like to take a walk? I know a nice place to watch the sunset. That is, if you are up to a little climbing."

This last was said almost as a challenge, but that wasn't needed. I certainly was interested in taking a walk with Susan in any case. She warned that there were some sharp rock areas on the way so we slipped on some shoes but otherwise wore only the sarongs.

Susan took my hand and headed along a path in a direction away from the shore towards the center of the island. The path soon narrowed and began to slope steeply upwards. In a number of places we had to walk single file. Susan led and I had no problem with that because it placed me in an excellent position behind her to observe the enticing curves of her tight buttocks and well muscled legs - especially since the sarong hid almost nothing from that viewpoint.

After about a half hour we emerged from the jungle like growth to an open area at the top of a cliff. Here we were about two hundred fifty or three hundred feet above the sea and had a clear view almost directly to the west where the sun was only a few degrees above the horizon. The area was grass covered and soft underfoot so we kicked off our shoes. Someone had made a bench between two trees and we headed over to sit and look out at the sea.

We sat side by side for several minutes as we got our breath back from the hard climb. Susan reached over and took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "This is about the most lovely sight I have ever seen," she said.

I gave her hand a quick squeeze in return. "It certainly is beautiful. Tell me, Dr. Hartley, how did you end up here?"

"Just lucky, I guess," she answered. Then she said, "Do you really want to hear?"

"Yes, I really do. Tell me about yourself."

"You mean 'How did a nice girl like me end up walking around half naked?'"

I started to stammer out some disclaimer until the laughter in her eyes revealed she was teasing me. She finally took pity on me and continued.

"OK. I grew up in New Hampshire. Or, I guess, a lot of people would say I never grew up at all. I was always a tomboy. I loved the out of doors but I also loved school and science and learning. I remember when I was in grade school people used to say I should become a nurse because I did well at science. And I would say I wanted to be a doctor like my father."

"My father had a good practice in the small town where we lived and also had built up enough of a reputation that he made frequent trips to Boston at the request of other doctors for consultation. I probably should mention that even though we weren't really rich, we were fairly well off."

"By the time I was in high school I had already developed the reputation for being different. I was less interested in the typical girl things and more interested in a lot of unusual areas. I had my own microscope and loved examining everything from pond life to feather tips. I loved target shooting and was pretty good with both a rifle and a bow and arrow. And I had become pretty handy with tools and liked woodworking. Fortunately my family supported me. My mother had been rather spirited herself, but not to the extent I was. Or maybe it was just the times she lived in. Anyway, she and my father encouraged me to find my own way and helped me get what I wanted. I learned to drive my father's automobile when I was fourteen and when I turned fifteen he helped me get my own runabout. This alone was unheard of, but I also had to learn how it worked and soon could overhaul the engine by myself."

"About this time I also discovered boys. My public behavior was beyond reproach, so no one thought anything wrong when I would go on picnics or such with the boys around town, even though I usually went with ones several years older than myself. And while my public behavior was completely proper at all times, I soon learned the pleasures of other behavior in private. I was careful who I selected to try some of these new experiences with, so I never got a reputation as 'fast, ' but I did learn an awful lot that summer."

"And, because I know you're wondering, I did lose my virginity that year. It was with a nineteen year old home from college. He had some experience and I found the whole episode wonderful. I was also very fortunate that my father and I were very close and I could talk to him about it. He and my mother had told me the facts of life four years earlier and while I had never done it before myself, I was aware that they would often disappear upstairs to their bedroom for a couple of hours. So when it finally happened to me, I told Dad without really worrying about his reaction. What he did was to take me to his office and give me a good exam just to make sure I hadn't been damaged in any way and then gave me a supply of French letters and a short talk about being careful, both of whom I went with and of who might be noticing."

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Where did that thought come from? That would surprise Steven, but would it work? Hayley took the next exit from the interstate to see if she could backtrack. This was curious. Steven's stories were all over the board. What he consistently left out of his stories was romance, which was okay. The point of "adult fiction" isn't to be romantic, and his stories certainly made her juices flow. She had no idea where he got all his story ideas from, but she had to admit, they were consistently a...

2 years ago
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Spice PlantationChapter 4

When we finished the food, I carried the tray back to the kitchen, dumping the garbage and putting the rest into the dishwasher. Judy was right. While I enjoy cooking and while Judy and I have spent several interesting evenings preparing semi elaborate meals, this convenience form of food preparation left a lot of additional time for more interesting activities. When I returned to the bedroom, Judy had built up the fire and put on her wrist and ankle cuffs again. She was lying on the lounge...

3 years ago
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Spice PlantationChapter 5

As I opened my eyes I could see daylight around the edges of the curtain. I moved myself gently away from Judy and climbed out of bed without disturbing her. I noticed a lot of the redness was gone, but there were still a few welts across her smooth skin. Nothing that wouldn't disappear within a couple of days, but I suspected she was still going to be a bit sore today. I moved over to the window and glanced out around the edge of the curtain. The sky was a cloudless cobalt and the glare of...

1 year ago
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Spice PlantationChapter 7

I lay on the bed beside Judy, casually stroking her firm and still warm bottom as she sighed in contentment. Thirty minutes earlier she had been tied along the length of the padded horse, her ankles spread to the two legs at one end and her wrists to the two at the other. Nipple clamps dangled from each breast and she ground her pussy hard against the smooth padding of the horse with each stroke of the cat I delivered. I whipped her until her entire ass was red and hot to the touch and she...

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Spice PlantationChapter 8

We brought some lunch back in by the fireplace and ate with me sitting on the floor and Judy sitting on my lap. Of course we were both still naked. I was coming to find - and I think Judy was also - that spending the weekend naked was great. Neither of us had ever spent a long time at a stretch in the nude, but now we hadn't worn anything since Friday afternoon - almost three full days so far. We no longer thought it odd to head to the kitchen to get food or downstairs to the playroom or...

2 years ago
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SpicedUp Marriage

Born in a Jat family in Haryana, Sarda Yadav Bose, aged some 27 now; pretty in looks, wheatish in complexion, little more than medium in height by Indian woman’s standard 5’6 with a tight-fleshed curvaceous body 34B 29 35 smart, liberal and horny. She completed her pre-graduation from a Convent school at Durgapur in West Bengal and subsequently finished her graduation from LSR College (Delhi University). Two years ago She love-married a same-aged Bengali boy who’d also studied at Delhi...

1 year ago
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SpiceVids slid into my DMs this morning and it seemed like perfect timing, because we’re in the middle of pumpkin spice season. All the women you know are paying extra to have cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and clove extracts added to their coffee, donuts, cigarettes and tampons, so why wouldn’t porn fanatics want the same? The answer, of course, is the burning. Fortunately for all of us perverts, the titular spice we’ll be looking at today ain’t the seasonal kind traditionally added to otherwise...

Top Premium Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Spices In Love

Hello ISS reader I hock with ISS almost ago and i find its really nice place to share my story this is very true story that happen in Toronto Canada in 2007 Just to introduce myself  I am 46 and my wife is 41 I am about 5.8 tall with very fair color with 6″ dick but very thick and I have huge mushroom round lund my wife know is 41 very curvy 37 27 37 118lbs very fair color she have 36c boobs know come to story its happen 2006 we are married in very young age when she was 18 and I was 23. We...

2 years ago
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Spicing up our Sex Life to the Extreme

Tags : Anal, Voyeurism, MFF, MMF, Threesome, Lesbian, Hardcore, Cream-pie, Stag vixen, Hot-girlfriend, Sharing, Cuckold, lactation, double penetration, Swingers, Ass to mouth, Butt-plugNote - There could be changes to the story line as this story isn't complete. We have been together for five years and we know we love each other a lot but there was something missing in physicality. My girl has firm and round tits with perfect pink nipples and by god they are amazing. One would just love to suck...

3 years ago
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Spicing Up Our Sexlife with Unexpected Results pi1

Unintended? Well to start at first, but along the way there were points when the changes that occurred were fully embraced with a wicked smile or full on grin. I am a healthy man with healthy urges that I just thought were going unfulfilled. When I began we had been married for twenty years and we had lost that spark that we once had. Sex had become boring and not all that exciting, so I began by shaving my balls and trimming my pubic hair a little shorter than usual. I began working out a...

3 years ago
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Spicing up the act

Spicing up the act. Part one; The lingerie. After five years of being together, sex is beginning to turn stale between Annie and Jason. What can they do to spice it up? I'll be honest with you. After five years of being together, the last two years of them married, sex was beginning to turn stale between Annie and I. Don't get me wrong it was still good, but it was becoming more of a routine than the sensual act of carnal pleasure that it should be. It was just something we...

3 years ago
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Spicing Up My Wifes Sex Life

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. ‘I need more,’ thought Adam Williams, ‘my wife needs to be more kinky. I need more than the vanilla sex we have.’ Adam had become bored with his sex life, his wife Beth is a beautiful woman, 32, a figure to make heads turn and he loved her unconditionally. Her only problem was her sexual libido, she had none. They had been married for...

4 years ago
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Spicing up Her Sex Life

I stood just inside the small piece of woodland. Twenty yards away at the edge of the supermarket car park, a small old hatchback and a newer 4x4 swayed and bounced while a number of individuals looked on at the action. It was a mixed group, both in age and sex. As I watched, a thirty-something woman, maybe ten years or so younger than me, broke away and came towards the woodland in a half walk, half run. She was of slim to athletic build with mid-brown shoulder length hair, wearing jeans and a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Spicing It Up by loyalsock

I realized, after something that happened last week, that it's never too late to spice up your love life. And that you can get into a rut in terms of how you view your wife, sexually. My wife, Cathy is 30 years old, about 5'3", with light brown hair and blue eyes. She stands a firm 37-24-36 with a really cute baby face. She works as the local regional manager for a national bookstore chain, so she usually dresses and acts in a fairly conservative fashion. Last Friday she had to fill in for...

2 years ago
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Spicing things up

“Let’s spice things up.”I laughed; the number of times I have heard her say this over the past year.Jenny and I have been married for nearly twelve years and over our time together we have done many kinky, naughty, and sometimes downright disgusting in the name of spicing things up.We have done everything from having sex in public to taking part in a swinger’s party. I have to say, Jenny is the freaky one, not me, I am quite tame but go along with almost everything she wants. As they say, I’d...

Strap-On Sex
3 years ago
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Spicing up the act Part two The bondage

Spicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...

3 years ago
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Spicing Up Life

My wife Kate has never really been a big sexual adventurous type of person. For example the wildest sexual adventure we had was me fingering her to orgasm outside the local library when we were still dating. Don’t get me wrong we engage in oral sex, sex in different positions, even the introduction of a vibrator into our sex, though we now rarely use it. However, I have taken things into my own hands to spice up our sex life due to both Kate and I being unhappy with the way things were...

2 years ago
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Spicing up our sex lifefinal chapter

Introduction: this is pt 3. you might like to read pt 1 so you will know whats going on. This is part 3 of the true stories of trying to spice up our sex life for me and my wife. If you havent read part 1 yet, you might want to so you can understand what is going on. She likes to get really kinky sometimes and as we have a very open marriage, we have done a lot of off-the-wall things together. Please leave me a note if you would like to hear about more of them. Its Friday, time to pick our...

2 years ago
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Spicing it up

It all started when Chellie wanted to try something new. Eric and Chellie had been talking about things they could try to spice up their sex life a little, but couldn’t find anything that they could agree on. It was all either way too rough or way too weird for their tastes. They found a website that had discussions on a ton of different things that couples did to enhance their love making. Eric and Chellie did not need these tips because they were attracted to each other, in fact it was...

3 years ago
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Spicing it up

It all started when Chellie wanted to try something new. Eric and Chellie had been talking about things they could try to spice up their sex life a little, but couldn't find anything that they could agree on. It was all either way too rough or way too weird for their tastes. They found a website that had discussions on a ton of different things that couples did to enhance their love making. Eric and Chellie did not need these tips because they were attracted to each other; in fact it was...

3 years ago
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I was laying across my bed, watching you expertly applying makeup, getting ready for your big night tonight. You sat in front of your mirror dressed only in stockings and heels grinning from ear to ear thinking about the big fantasy-come- true I arranged for you. You don’t know which one yet, but you do know that it’s something you want.Please allow me to explain. We have been together for eight years. At first, the sex was beyond great but after a few years, like many others, it began to get...

1 year ago
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spicing things up

I've seen the way you stand at the café waiting for your chia late, and my arms ache to encircle your tight, slim waist. "i like lit erotica" she said in a conversational tone, "really..." i replyed trying to hide the excitment i suddenly had for this turn towards the sexual. Just thinking about her full figured beautiful body in a state of arousal was a massive turn on for me. i controlled my thoughts however, no point jumping right on this, we were just discussing what we might be able to do...

3 years ago
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Spicing Things Up3

He and I had been talking about ways to add excitement to our sex life. One night we went to our favorite bar and Jean happened to be there too. We all got drinks and found a table together. The place was really crowded especially the dance floor. We all got up to dance and because there were so many people on the floor; we had to dance close together. Jean and I decided to dance with Lee between us, he would face me for awhile and then turn and face Jean. A slow dance came on and I told Jean...

3 years ago
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Spicing Thing Up Part 2

Seconds felt like hours as Robert sat in front of the desktop, anxiously waiting for it to turn on. Robert’s heart pounded in his chest and his palms were now becoming wet with perspiration. His poor soul was tortured as he sat there with his cell phone in hand, watching the picture of Josh sucking Carla’s breasts. How could she? She promised him. Finally the computer came on. Robert’s fingers moved like lightening, pounding away on the keyboard as he typed his Skype password. His body tensed...

3 years ago
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Spicing it up Part 2

Chellie could not get her and Eric’s first adventure in the park out of her mind. She found herself thinking about it late at night in bed and she often touched herself to the thought. She knew that they had to continue their escapades and get even more risky. She thought that she would surprise him this time, so she began thinking of a plan. The next day, Eric came over to Chellie’s house and they went upstairs to her room. She pulled him onto the bed and began unzipping his pants. “Baby...

3 years ago
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Spicing Things Up

Robert and Carla Patterson always had an active sex life. The two of them tried almost anything that they heard, saw, or read about together. Loving Carla had always come easily for Robert. Standing five feet and seven inches tall, with long flowing brunette hair, a nice round ass and solid C cup breasts, she would usually get all his attention. Carla was a teacher at a local high school, while Robert was a lawyer. They were both forty seven and have been married for twenty two years now. Due...

3 years ago
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Spicing up Her Sex Life

I stood just inside the small piece of woodland. Twenty yards away at the edge of the supermarket car park, a small old hatchback and a newer 4×4 swayed and bounced while a number of individuals looked on at the action. It was a mixed group, both in age and sex. As I watched, a thirty-something woman, maybe ten years or so younger than me, broke away and came towards the woodland in a half walk, half run. She was of slim to athletic build with mid-brown shoulder length hair, wearing jeans and...

3 years ago
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Spicing it up with dares part 2

My Tammie had told me that the next dare was hers, and after me having her wear that tiny skirt and see through top without a bra I was more then a little worried what her dare would be. I think it was the second night I woke up from a nightmare, and it had to do with what she was going to make me do as a dare. I think she was enjoying my worries, cause when I sat straight up in bed yelling something I can't remember she laughed when I told her about just a part of my nightmare. She told me...

3 years ago
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Spicing it up with dares

I guess I should say that our so called love life was bad that if it wasn't for doing dares we would've spilled up. First we met in grade 10 after I was transferred to her school due to a fire in my school. We had the same math class which I'm good at, and we also had English class together which she is good at, and I'm the shits at. IE: As you read you will see for yourself. Anyway I started to help her with her math and her with my English so that we both passed. We seemed to hit it off and...

2 years ago
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Spicing Thing Up Part 2

Seconds felt like hours as Robert sat in front of the desktop, anxiously waiting for it to turn on. Robert’s heart pounded in his chest and his palms were now becoming wet with perspiration. His poor soul was tortured as he sat there with his cell phone in hand, watching the picture of Josh sucking Carla’s breasts. How could she? She promised him. Finally the computer came on. Robert's fingers moved like lightening, pounding away on the keyboard as he typed his Skype password. His body tensed...

2 years ago
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Spicing Things Up

Robert and Carla Patterson always had an active sex life. The two of them tried almost anything that they heard, saw, or read about together. Loving Carla had always come easily for Robert. Standing five feet and seven inches tall, with long flowing brunette hair, a nice round ass and solid C cup breasts, she would usually get all his attention. Carla was a teacher at a local high school, while Robert was a lawyer. They were both forty seven and have been married for twenty two years now. Due...

4 years ago
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Spicing it up Part 2

Chellie could not get her and Eric’s first adventure in the park out of her mind. She found herself thinking about it late at night in bed and she often touched herself to the thought. She knew that they had to continue their escapades and get even more risky. She thought that she would surprise him this time, so she began thinking of a plan. The next day, Eric came over to Chellie’s house and they went upstairs to her room. She pulled him onto the bed and began unzipping his pants. “Baby your...

2 years ago
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Spicing Up And Love With Sharmili SisterInLaw

Hello to all reader and thanks to Indian sex stories for making such platform where we can share our sexperience , I am Sanjay from Ahmadabad age 26 , fair in color , fit body and main thing I have manners how to talk to a female. This is my 1st story I use to read all the stories on iss and my favourite is desi and m addicted to the stories , I start my day with reading and masturbating. Coming to the story I am married since last 5 years and I have 5 sil , of which 1 is still unmarried , this...

1 year ago
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Spicing Virgin Grand Daughter

Hi friends this is my second story after my first story my elder cousin sister part III. So me and my family returned from Delhi and school started this was my board exam year as I was in class 10th so from my parents side this was the year for my study only here in Mussoorie we have a big orchid of plump and apples and many family work who have there children’s of our age also who were our company after v returned from school. I have two sisters one younger by 4 years and one older to me by...

1 year ago
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Spicing Up Their Marriage

Copyright© 2003 I have a funny daddy Who goes in and out with me And everything that baby does Daddy's sure to see, And everything that baby says, My daddy's sure to tell. You must have read my daddy's verse. I hope he fries in Hell. -- Ogden Nash The Harrison's have been our neighbours since I had lived in this house - since I was twelve years old. In that time I can claim that they are friends of my parents and friendly acquaintances to me and my sisters. In the last years...

2 years ago
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Spicing Up the Marriage

Clara had known for some time that her love live with her husband was getting stale. The first year it had seemed like a constant stream of sexual attention. Any time, day or night, all it took from her was a little wink or a shake of the hips and he'd be all over her. The second year it had slowed down, but Clara thought it was normal. It wasn't novel or really that exciting anymore, but her needs were being met and apparently so were his. Her body hadn't changed; her curvy but athletic...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Part One

The moon was just starting to peek over the distant range when Jake and his men finished rounding up the stray cattle. The skittish creatures rejoined the herd with grateful sounding bays and moos, as if leaving hadn’t been their idea in the first place. Jake spat the trail dust out of this mouth and leaned his long, rangy body onto the saddle horn as he watched his men bring in the last few stragglers. A quick count ensured that they had found nearly all of them. Midnight snorted and pawed...

1 year ago
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Hi! My name is Keven Jeanne Bardot, and I am a sheplacement. She-placements are males who stand in for biological women. And while there has always been a subculture involving straight men and shemales, it is only in the past few years that this has come out from the shadows and taken its place in the public eye. Until recently, probably the most open place where sheplacements were able to operate openly, were in jails and prisons. In male prisons the only women around are staff members -...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 29

When he awakened early the next morning, Donald Whitfield just kept his eyes closed and took stock of his situation. As he became more alert, he became aware of Marion’s arms still hugging him tightly, and could even feel her engorged nipples against his chest. How on earth can she keep them turgid when she’s sound asleep? he wondered. Next he became aware of her glorious fragrance that had filled his nostrils all night long. When he very slightly moved his left hand which was on her back...

1 year ago
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Secret Insemination Clinic Ch2

After a short break, Jay’s brother Jack emerged from a side door in his normal clothes and took questions from the students about his job as a paid sire for women who’ve paid for his semen.  Within 15 minutes, Jack received a signal from someone standing at the door and told the students that the next pair of participants were preparing to start.  Jack explained to the students that what they were about to see was a ‘special case insemination’, where the government steps in and requires...

2 years ago
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Beths Last Virgin Hole

sisters, Amie, and Beth's last hole - what a night.sisters work it out, Amie plays well in small groups, and Beth's Virgin ass, finally!================Any hopes I had of sleeping in were destroyed with the cacophonous pounding. I looked over at my alarm clock and growled when I saw it was a few minutes past 9. Heathens.As the pounding continued, I knew I'd get no more rest. I struggled through my morning ablutions and a little more ready for the world, headed out to find out what the bloody...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 17

Doug was in the most comfortable bed he had ever been in and was waiting for Karla to finish in the bathroom. He smiled to himself remembering what they had found when they entered the room. It was a woman’s room, yet so neat it was astonishing. They had found her bed turned down on both sides with a mint placed on the pillow on each side. The bed was made up with lovely sheets with broad red and white stripes reminiscent of a candy cane, while the fitted bottom sheet was solid red. In...

3 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 9

"Dani?" My mother blinked at me and then smiled happily, taking me into her arms. I hadn't told my parents that Mr. Reiser was allowing me to visit them every Sunday afternoon. I'd driven to their house shortly after lunch and I could stay until six or so before I returned to have supper with my Master. "Hi Mom." I smiled back as we embraced. She wanted to feel me all over, as if I might be injured, or just a mirage possibly. "Are you okay? How are you? Oh ... Come in! Ben! Dani's...

3 years ago
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INTERNET VICTIM INTERNET VICTIM I am still? not exactly sure when the idea came to me. Maybe about six months before, when we were chatting on the internet, maybe even before that, before I had even met her there. Maybe she was not even the original target, as I had been looking at houses for years, thinking how good a dungeon the basement would make, and whether it could be soundproofed easily. I had even taken college courses on bricklaying and sound engineering, long before I had...

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It was one of those cold winter evenings and I was alone, Rob was away for 2 weeks on business, I missed him so much. I grabbed a TV dinner and a glass of wine and curled up on the settee, there was this travel programme on TV, it was about Jamaica, white fine sands, swaying palms and a turquoise blue sea, what I would give to be there now!I was lying on the beach at Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort, the warmth of the sun caressing my body, the sound of the waves kissing the soft sand, that...

4 years ago
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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife Part 4

Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife (Part 4) Don Abdul (c)2010 It had been a couple of weeks since Lynda returned from her Caribbean vacation, and although the memories of her ‘Caribbean Double Chocolate Dip’ kept her usually voracious sexual appetite in check for a while, libido was on the rise again. The dull ache in her loins was once again becoming unbearably distracting. She was rather surprised that it had taken so long for the sexual monster inside of her to stir again, but then she had...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 16

Saturday started off slowly. Caesar was passed out next to me and I was alone. My wife's voice came back to me her: I like your list. I would have loved to do each and everyone one of those. Please don't do them alone. You need to find a friend who wants to travel and take them with you. me: Should I take Maureen or Ashlee? her: No don't bother with Maureen. She is not good enough for you. me: Oh, ya. They both came off as a bit preoccupied with money didn't they? her: Ya. They...

1 year ago
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Forgotten Again

A soft sigh escaped her pale lips as she stared back towards the shore. Strawberry blond shoulder length hair fell in damp strands to cover most of her grey eyes. Her thin legs were pulled against her chest as her chin rest upon her knees. ‘Surprise… Once again your Prince Charming has failed to show.’ Came a voice from behind her. She didn’t show any sign that she heard him, though he knew she did. ‘I don’t understand you at times, Sara..’ He said running a hand through his hair and looking...

3 years ago
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Ida Gets Wet

Ida Gets Wet – Part 1 Ida is a shy exhibitionist. She and her husband Art enjoy letting her show her twat to truckers on long trips. But so far, that’s usually pretty much the extent of her exhibitionism. They do this several times a year, and it spices up their sex life. It also has the added benefit of making her wet, since she is in her sixties and has started to dry up a bit. Art tells her that her juices smell totally different on their “outings” than at home. “Darker and spicier“, he...

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