Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 331: Archangel Michael's Press Interview Preliminaries free porn video

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Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued)

I pointed upward to let the choppers know, then ascended myself. By now the sky was pretty crowded, with 24 helicopters (15 news, 3 private, 2 police, 2 Air Force, 2 Army), 6 private planes and 6 Air Force fighters. The armed forces were keeping their distance, either from military caution about getting too close to a possible enemy, or because the news choppers had 'elbowed' them aside in their desire to get close to me.

I stopped at 3,000 feet ASL, about five hundred feet offshore and five hundred feet south of the Pier. I recreated the square, walkway and helicopter landing pad, then I made a broad invitation motion to the helicopters. They could sort of their landing order for themselves.

The closest chopper - unsurprisingly a news chopper - had no hesitation in taking advantage of its nearness. It immediately came in for a landing on my pad, showing caution as it touched down. There was a small dispute onboard over who was going to be the guinea pig to find out whether the invisible platform was really there or not. The cameraman won, so the reporter went first. Her journey of discovery made for Good TV, because:

All the other news-crews were filming her exiting the helicopter.

The helicopter still had its engine turning over at normal flying revs generating 99% of its weight in lift.

She used both hands to hang onto the chopper as she transferred her weight to her feet.

She was wearing a skirt and - as revealed to people all over the world by the considerable reflected downdraft from the helicopter - pretty, blue panties partly over a very cute ass.

The camera-toting guy joined her without showing the world his underwear or ass, and they cautiously edged away from their ride, the reporter going first again. When they were on the walkway, I motioned to the pilot to take off. He gunned his engine to get his ex-passengers' attention, motioning that he was going up. They weren't happy, but they'd known it was going to happen. They nodded grimly, and the chopper left, quickly replaced by another.

The second set of passengers had debarked before the slow moving first pair had arrived on my square. It was amusing watching the expressions on the first pairs' faces. They were naturally extremely cautious about walking off the edge of nothingness and falling 3,000 feet to their deaths, but they also wanted to rush to me as quickly as possible to get the jump on their fast approaching opposition. Caution won, so the more confident second pair caught up to the first ones just before they arrived in my square.

Both reporters started yelling questions at me.

I answered, "It would not be fair to answer your questions ahead of the other reporters' arriving."

"We took the risk first!"

"Your colleagues should fairly give you all the credit you deserve for that."

They didn't appear too hopeful about that, going back to yelling their questions as they edged closer to me.

I preempted my being slowly mobbed by creating a few more lights that appeared to cut the corner I was standing on off the larger square. I drifted my triangle a few feet farther away, so it looked like there was a five-foot gap between their section of the square and mine.

I also asked, "Do you know what happened to the FBI agent that annoyed me?"

They looked down, which answered my question.

I added, "I'm not a tolerant being, and dropping you in the ocean would be much more effective than turning the other cheek, so keep yelling questions at me if you want to take a dip."

The third reporter's solo arrival - his cameraman having chickened out - was accompanied by his yelling questions as he came.

I commented, "You're an uncivilized group. You're as bad as each other, so if I get annoyed enough, you'll all be taking a dip. I suggest some of you go halfway back to warn newcomers of that fact."

None of them wanted to leave me, and the third reporter kept asking questions, so the entire 'construction' - except for my corner - abruptly dropped by six inches (all of it had to drop to avoid the problem of there being a nasty drop where the walkway connected to the helipad). The drop was a HIGHLY effective motivator, scaring the shit out of everyone (the floor was invisible remember, so they didn't know how long their fall would be). The original four YELLED at the latecomer to shut up.

A fourth team arrived. They yelled a question, which I responded to by dropping the floor again. A couple of the reporters told their cameramen to go halfway back to warn newcomers, which I thought was an excellent idea.

A couple of teams later, another reporter couldn't abide by the unnatural silence and yelled another question at me. Another six-inch lurch resulted.

A few minutes later the interview area was starting to get a little crowded. Not very crowded, but reporters are vigorous jostlers. The first arrivals had gathered at the edge facing me, and now there were enough people to have a couple of rows behind them. People at the back were pushing forward, which the people at the front thought was REALLY bad. They'd already tested the area beyond the edge-indicating line of small lights, and they knew there was no floor there. The front row were starting to get terrified, and they were screaming at the people behind them to stop pushing.

I said, "If anyone is pushed off, I won't let them fall to their deaths. I will catch them, then lower the entire platform to just above the water and cancel it. Hopefully the next bunch of reporters will be more civilized. I know this seems radical to all of you, but why don't you all sit on the floor so there's no risk of anyone being pushed off?"

They didn't like that idea, even though it would've made the cameramen's job easier. Too undignified I guess, or maybe years of experience at jostling made it impossible for them to be passive sitters. They did manage to restrict their jostling though, dialing it back several notches. When it did occur, there was some serious yelling directed at the perpetrator, so it was kept under control. A couple more six-inch drops in response to questions directed at me kept their memories fresh about the risk of dropping into the ocean.

I stood in silence most of the time as the number of newsies continued to accumulate, climbing beyond two dozen in increments of one (occasionally), two (mostly), and three (there were two groups like that, their third person being a sound engineer). I was silent but busy, as some of the arrivals were feeling the wrong emotions. Not excited or competitive like the others, but far more suspicious and cautious. Most of the news-crews got over most of their caution fairly quickly, and it surged back mostly when they looked down, which wasn't easy in a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd. But the unusual minority were continually very cautious about me. I was using sight blobs to check them out; to look inside their ears, jackets and pockets, and to search the helicopters they'd arrived in if they passed within range. It was easy to find out that they were all Feds posing as reporters. I'd told the policeman that I was going to be allowing interviews, so the Feds had obviously thought to take advantage of that.

Among the late arrivals was a private helicopter. It flew up beside us first, and the passenger motioned to check whether it was okay for him to join us. I gave him a thumbs-up.

It landed, and the sole passenger got out and joined us. I was interested to note that unlike any of the reporters - who showed almost no initiative or intelligent curiosity - the new arrival kneeled down to check out the platform, knocked it with his knuckles, moved to the edge to check that out, and checked the light, including poking a finger into it, which led to his waving his whole hand through it, and reaching through it to feel the underside of the platform.

One of the other private choppers landed and let out its three passengers. They made a cautious beeline for me, joining the crowd of just over thirty people, and trying to worm their way to the front. They were pretty stupid, trying to worm their way through professional wormers. They got elbows in their ribs then shut out (so much for the public's right to know). Their helicopter was an eight-seater, plush people-mover with Christian magazines in a rack in the back, so I was pretty sure there'd be some fun soon.

I waited until it was clear that no more helicopters were going to land, then I announced, "That appears to everyone, so we'll start. The..."

Questions erupted, but another sudden six-inch drop immediately fixed that. They'd lost half my body height now, so the perspective was getting silly. When the Christians recovered from the shock, the older man led them in a charge at me, very roughly pushing intervening people aside as they rushed at me, the rear two raising crucifixes while all three of them told some guy called Satan to get back to Hell. They apparently had me confused with someone else.

They violently pushed their way through the four rows of reporters ahead of them. I thought Jesus taught politeness, but I've must've got that wrong. The leading numbskull broke through the front rank of reporters, his spare hand pulling a vial of presumably holy water out of a pocket as he raised the cross in his other hand triumphantly and ran right over the edge. He dropped out of sight while demanding, "Get thee hen ... AHHHH!"

The reporters on either side of him were still recovering from their being pushed so hard so weren't able to save Numbnuts, even if they'd wanted to. To clear the deck for some useful conversation, I used NP to give hard pushes to the two remaining Christians. Their attempts to brake themselves couldn't compete with my NP force, so they fell into the gap too, hard on the heels of their devout, dimwitted, descending leader.

I caught the three of them about fifty feet below the platform, decelerating them so they ended up hovering about a hundred feet below us, well out of our earshot over the sounds of the not very distant helicopter engines.

I said, "To catch them or not to catch them? Talk about a moral dilemma! I'll lower us down to a safe height to drop them into the water from." I started the descent, edging farther out to sea as well. While moving, I added, "On the way down I have a few things to say before the Q&A session begins, so please listen attentively.

-- "First, I'm going to cancel the helicopter landing pad. I don't want to do that without warning you in case you feel I'm trapping you on this flying platform. If any of you wish to leave before I cancel it, now would be the time to do so. Anybody?" I waited a few seconds. "Nope? Okay. It's gone." They all looked, and there was no longer a helipad or walkway. They were made very uncomfortable by the loss, although it made no logical difference to their predicament.

-- For good PR I said, "If any of you feel you have to leave, just let me know and I'll recreate it for you and call your helicopter back. None of you are forced to remain here, although I suggest there are better ways of leaving than what was just so intelligently demonstrated to us.

-- "Second, I notice that some of the helicopters below us are filming upward. The women wearing skirts might want to take some measures to retain their modesty." I'm nothing if not a moral angel. Some of the women were wearing quite short skirts, but even the long-skirt wearers played safe by poking their skirts between their legs and clamping them there.

-- "Third, would I be correct in assuming that it would be better to have the cameramen to the side so they can film the conversation clearly?" I got several agreements to that.

-- "In that case, would all the cameramen move to the back of the platform. I'll separate the two halves and move the cameramen around to the side."

I could see that made them even more nervous, but their reporters - who doubtless wanted to be clearly filmed - encouraged them and it slowly got done.

"I presume the sound engineers are staying with the reporters?"

"Yeah," from both of the soundmen.

I pointed at the remaining private citizen, saying, "Which group do you wish to join: reporters, cameramen, or Christians who understand gravity as well as they understand God?"

"Haha. I think I'll stay with the reporters. I want to ask some questions too. Am I allowed to do that?"

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't. Yours are likely to be the most intelligent."

"Why do you think that?"

"The outward signs are that you've taken more interest in the construction of this platform than anyone else, you seem to own a helicopter, and you take risks in pursuit of knowledge. There are other reasons, but those are enough.

-- "I've got one more group I need to assign a location for. Where would the undercover law enforcement agents like to stand?"

Once they understood the implications of what I meant, everybody looked at everybody else, no one saying anything. Interestingly, five proximity senses suddenly showed worry; the four I knew about and one I hadn't previously suspected.

I added, "It's an EXTREMELY bad idea to lie to an angel, so hands up if you work for a State or Federal Government?"

As I'd intended, the five people's worry got MUCH worse but everyone else's worry only rose a small amount, which was good confirmation. Some of the reporters were excited, probably hoping for something newsworthy; or a little worried, probably fearing they'd see something newsworthy they didn't want to see, or maybe that I might think they were undercover agents. I couldn't identify the source of their worry, but it was too small to imply they were in law enforcement themselves.

I started checking out the suspect that I hadn't identified before. Her helicopter was out of range and I knew she didn't have a gun as I'd already checked everyone for those (the four originals were carrying, but no one else was). She was carrying a handbag though, which I soon discovered contained a CIA ID. I could even move the obstructions away enough to read her name on it: Makayla Rogers.


Apparently, until I'd asked my undercover law enforcement question, her acting ability had been better than my proximity sense's ability to detect her having non-reporter-like emotions. I wasn't surprised, as despite proximity being an accurate sense, it's not very detailed and there's quite a lot of personal variation in how emotions are felt. I slowly increased the angle at which we were going out to sea. I wanted to be about 1,000 yards out when we got down to a good person-dropping height.

I said, "Last chance. Put your hand up if you're from the State or Federal Government."

One of the original four, ostensibly a cameraman, dithered for a few seconds, then hesitantly raised his hand, "Ahh, me."

His reporter-partner was very unhappy, but didn't show any reaction at all, deliberately giving the impression that he had no association with the traitor. No doubt he was hoping I'd forget who the confessor had come with.

I said, "Good man. You get off lightly. Speaking of getting off, please jump over the side. Don't worry, I'll catch you and put you with the Christians. On second thought, that'd be too cruel. I'll keep you apart from them. I'm serious; jump off or I'll simply take away the floor you're standing on."

In this moment of high drama, the smart private citizen's phone started ringing. He pulled it out and quickly turned it off, saying, "Sorry."

Meanwhile, the self-confessed State or Federal Government employee had no neighbors, as they'd all rapidly backed away from him.


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Indian Muslim forced gangbang in interview

Shabnam was in lounge of a reputed software firm in Bangalore for her job interview as a Data Analyst. She never had the need to search for a job after her BE graduation as her husband Raman Mathur was earning quite well. Since his accident three months back, he had lost his job and the rent his medical bills were mounting up day by day, and Raman’s family nor her family come to their help because of the inter caste marriage, and they had deserted them two years back when they got married...

4 years ago
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Exclusive A FullAccess InDepth Interview

****************************************** The computer screen flickered to life with the image of a blazing sun. A small caption appeared in the lower left corner of the screen: “The Wrecker (EXPLICIT) / Artist: Black Phallus / Label: E&I Records”. There is no music at first, just the occasional pluck of a lonely guitar string. The picture whites-out then refocuses on a road in the desert. A car drives down the road, smoke wafting from under its hood. Finally, the car’s engine...

2 years ago
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The Interview Part III The End

I was still in a bit of daze from my multiple orgasms as Dave and Thomas helped me off of Sam's cock. I stood there dripping in sex sweat looking at Sam, his very wet cock and the smile on his face. He held his cock at the base of his shaft, "Fuck Jessica that was the best interview I ever had." He looked at the other guys. "You guys are really going to enjoy interviewing Jessica." He then looked at me, wagging his semi erect cock at me, "But first I think you need to do a little clean up.”I...

4 years ago
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Indian Muslim lady gangbanged in interview4

Recap of Chapter 1,2 & 3..Shabnam had come for the job interview and she needed it very badly as her husband Raman was bedridden from three months because of an accident. Both their families had deserted them as they had an inter caste marriage and the desperation for the job mad her remove her shirt and bra for Rajesh, the senior manager who was ogling at her big 36D breasts. He ordered her to give him a blowjob, called his office friends and shot his cum in her pussy when she refused to...

3 years ago
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I don’t know where Ceridwen came from. I think she’s a melange of the tired city girls you see every day on the London commute. Our city is hard and jagged, and those of us lucky enough to have someone should be glad, too many people here are alone. — I was tired and cold. The Victoria line platform at Vauxhall was busy and I clasped my violin case to me as I dodged around other people and made my way towards the train station. It was a windy evening, with drizzle and low clouds scudding...

4 years ago
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My First Job interview

Hello reader my name is Monmee. I have just passed my engineering from a government college. I have also done diploma course after matriculation. I belong to a decent upper middle class family. In my family I have my parents and my brother who is two years younger to me. Here I want to share with you an incident that happened with me during a job interview. At first let me tell you about myself. I am fair looking and got a very smooth skin. Have long hairs. But I am a bit short height of...

3 years ago
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Gianna michaels catches a peeping tom 5

Gianna Michaels catches a peeping tom 5By lilguy [email protected] humiliated cuckold man tries to stand up for himselfAuthor note- this is a Fanfiction..base on my own warp femdomy fantasies of Gianna a porn star. Note she probably doesn't behave like this in real life and if she did she probably be serving a long Jail sentence and be force to seek help from several mental health professionals. Not this has humiliation, female physically overpowering people, cuckolding, slapping,...

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Carla Michaels

Carla Michaels and her long-time friend, Jenny Banks were lying back on their lounge chairs, watching the two handsome young men playing in the pool. "Doesn't seeing them make you wish that you were twenty-five again?" Jenny said as she turned to Carla and it looked like her giant nipples were about to explode under her tiny, black bikini top. "God yes!" Carla moaned as she continued looking over both of the young men and their very toned bodies. "Just imagine what they could do to us...

3 years ago
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Michaels MansionChapter 04

Starting the second week of December Pat is able to concentrate on finishing the Mansion by doing the actual rebuilding work. However, the work to finish the grounds is all planned with Eve, Alice, and Dean focusing on doing the fences. Serge has a crew arriving later in the week to work on the car park and driveways. The turf from their work will replace the grass damaged by the plane crash after the dirt they dig out fills up the hole. Pat’s first task is to go through all of the...

5 years ago
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Job Interview With Aparna And Mahesh

This is Vishal again, back with one of my stories. I am back for the fan comments which I have been missing in my life because it has been nearly 4 years since I wrote my last sex story. Some of the stories that I have written here, which you can search on the website are: 1. Payal Mami and Neha Mami 2. My teacher Rita 3. Dream Come True With Preetal 4. My Senior Drishti 5. My Junior Colleague Priya After all these years, I have been a bit busy in building my empire, my own company and hence...

4 years ago
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Promotion Interview

Introduction: A year after being sandwiched by her partner and boss in hopes of a raise, Abby applies for a promotion, for which shell have raise the bar even higher. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly werent slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girls arms and fell out of my sight...

4 years ago
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Promotion Interview

Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee at a time, and shuffled toward me, having already left her shoes behind. I,...

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Promotion Interview

Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Introduction: Abi has the interview from hell to land her perfect job The Interview The alarm barely had time to sound before Abis hand darted at the off button. She was so used to waking up at 6.30 every morning that she no longer needed an alarm in truth. She preferred to start the working day abruptly however and so she used an alarm. As usual, Jason didnt even stir at the interruption to his slumber. She swung her bare legs out of bed and stretched silently. The sun was just starting to...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 1: THE JOB INTERVIEW “How is it you are applying for this position?” He had identified himself as Dan, the Human Resources Director for the Executive staff floor. “The position wasn’t listed in any open position publication, website or generally available to job recruiters. We generally expect these positions to take some time to generate a candidate or two.” I knew full well why he was asking. The position was definitely unique for an entry level Personal Assistant position. ...

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Job Interview

It was 9:25 on Thursday morning. I was in an elevator with eight other people on my way to the eleventh floor for a job interview. I’d been looking for a job ever since graduating third in my class with a bachelor of business, and even six months prior to that. I was hoping for an entry-level position with any sort of professional firm. All my professors had told me that I shouldn't have any difficulty in finding a job. Since I’d received that advice, however, the economy in Jamesville had...

Office Sex
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The Interview

When I answer the knock at the door, you are a bit startled. You had come for an interview, and my casual attire seems somewhat informal. It was odd enough I invited you to interview for the position in my hotel room. Now my appearance seems somewhat unprofessional. But you need the job, so you figure, why not… I show you in, direct you to one of two chairs facing each other. You sit and I ask if you’d like some tea. You respond that it would be lovely, and I leave to prepare it. As I do you...

3 years ago
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The Interview

When I answer the knock at the door, you are a bit startled. You had come for an interview, and my casual attire seems somewhat informal. It was odd enough I invited you to interview for the position in my hotel room. Now my appearance seems somewhat unprofessional. But you need the job, so you figure, why not…I show you in, direct you to one of two chairs facing each other. You sit and I ask if you’d like some tea. You respond that it would be lovely, and I leave to prepare it. As I...

2 years ago
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It was the day of sonali’s interview.She was a btech graduate who was desperate to get a job.She knew it was tough to get a job especially after doing just btech.She had already tried in many companies and she was not succesful.She had given up hope.But her friends advised her that its not that difficult for a girl,that too a luscious girl like her to get a job.They told her that its a reality that beautiful girls get jobs easily if they knew the way to get it.She was a real sexy hotty in her...

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Meagans Journey Into Business The Interview

Meagan was a brand-new graduate from business school. She struck out to find a job to put her new degree to work in the real world. She went to job interview after interview and was always offered jobs that weren’t too far from being a glorified secretary. She always said, “Thank you”, but in the end firmly said, “No thank you!” She was living on the last of her savings during the job hunt and was quickly reaching the end of her funds. She knew she might eventually have to take one of those...

2 years ago
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My Zoom Interview

So due to Covid-19, I’m unable to attend interviews in person. Therefore, I had a scheduled Zoom Interview. Usually I dress fairly revealing for interviews as that’s both fun and also helps me get the job and sometimes a little extra. This year I had all my interviews online via Zoom, 16 in total. I did dress fairly revealing for all of them so far. However, I was always distracted during them. For my last interview, I dressed up as usual. I wore a deep V-neck Lingerie slightly see through top...

3 years ago
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Indian Muslim lady gangbanged in interview1

Shabnam was in lounge of a reputed software firm in Bangalore for her job interview as a Data Analyst. She never had the need to search for a job after her BE graduation as her husband Raman Mathur was earning quite well. Since his accident three months back, he had lost his job and the rent his medical bills were mounting up day by day, and Raman’s family nor her family come to their help because of the inter caste marriage, and they had deserted them two years back when they got married...

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The Interview Part I

My name is Jessica, I am 25, a very attractive brunette; I would give myself a nine on a scale of 1 -10. I know my 34D boobs get me a lot of attention from men. I’m 5’8”, very nice figure as I love to work out, mostly jogging to tease the guys who watch my boobs bouncing as I jog by them. I had to tell someone about how I got my job. I guess I feel more comfortable just sharing it with strangers since I know I could never tell any of my friends, except for one. They wouldn’t believe me or...

1 year ago
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The Interview pt 1

*** Chapter 1 “I don’t know what I’m doing here. This Crag, Mr. Leon Crag wants to ‘give…’ me an interview. Shit. I’m so nervous I’m shaking; I’ll bet I’m white as a sheet, I can’t even open the door. Three hundred dollars a day; it has to be illegal. I can still here Mom’s words screaming from her bed room, “He’s either going to rape and murder you or sale you to the black marketers, you’ll be gone and I’ll never see you again. I remember shouting back as I ran out the door; “He called ‘me’ in...

4 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delight 3 Futas First Naughty Live Interview

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...

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The Interview

Calvin was a junior reporter at one of the local newspapers in the city. He had only worked there for four months, and it was his first job after completing his college degree. Naturally, most of his assignments had been boring up to this point, but he knew that he had to cut his teeth and therefore, that was to be expected.After an arduous Wednesday, as he was finishing up his work at six p.m., his boss walked over to his desk and informed him that he would have to interview at seven o’clock...

Gay Male
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Dione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...

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