Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 2: Creating A Two-Legged Stallion free porn video

Xander had no idea where he was. Which was an improvement. Up to that moment he'd had no ideas at all for a long time.
His head was in a tight place. He could hardly move a facial muscle. His eyes were closed, all was dark. Something filled his mouth and his ears seemed plugged. His nostrils were penetrated with two slick, narrow tubes.
Yet, he heard and saw and smelled.
What he saw he could not describe. There were colors. There also was a throbbing. Slow pulsating globs rose as in one of those ugly lava lamps.
The sounds were music. Or maybe not music at all. They were sounds as lazy as the rising globs. His entire world seemed in slow motion.
Every slow breath he took filled his head with memories. Not real memories. Just luke-warm breezes of artificially remembered happiness. They were long gone feelings of being well... well... being...
Then there was the voice.
It was a throaty female voice. It seemed to use words, even sentences. But they were like a foreign language to him. Like when you can't know where one word ends and a new one begins.
Yet, he knew their meaning. As he knew the meaning of what he saw. The words and the pictures seemed glued to his soul. Or even better: grafted on it. They were part of him, had always been.
Hadn't they?
He became aware of his body.
It was perfectly immobile. He could make his muscles ripple, but he could not move an inch. Which was just as well, as he totally lacked any desire to move. He was... soaring. Was that the word? Soaring? Oh yes.
He felt like an eagle.
Deep rushes of anticipation ran through his body. The voice just dripped and dripped into his skull. It felt like warm, flowing honey. The lazy globs massaged his inner eyes. And his whole world whispered Mmmmmaster... Mmmmmasssssterrrr. Mmmmmmm. Yes.
He felt great. He felt very much on top.
Far, far away, at the end of an endless tunnel, there was... something. Another voice... an itch... a troublesome feeling. But it stayed where it was. At a save distance, far away, never to intrude on this glorious wellbeing... well... being... well...
Fink had returned to Xander from watching Buffy as she crawled her way through the air conditioning ducts.
He checked a few gauges on the helmet.
All the probes on the guinea pig's body seemed all right. He then touched the pulsing, flaccid cock that lay on the man's thigh. Through his rubber glove he felt the blood soar through swelling veins. The penis slowly rose. It looked like an innocent, bald fledgling bird trying to fly.
Fink smiled. The scene was set.
He took a microphone and returned to a chair in front of the hooked up figure. "Master X," he said, making the phone plop. The man started in the chair. "I know you can't answer me. But you can listen. You are the new master... Master X. It makes you feel great to know that. You are the best... the very best, Master X..."
Fink waited to allow the female voice and the music to print the meaning of his words into the man's brain.
"Master Xxxxx," he continued. "To make you grow, to make you the very best, your weak body has to improve. You need to be strong. Strong enough to always keep up your greatness."
Fink waited again.
Then he flipped a switch on a remote control. Out of the floor rose a plexi-glass tube that surrounded the chair. When it had risen higher than the top of the helmet, a greenish fluid started filling up the space. It seemed to boil with bubbles like a slow motioned jacuzzi.
Fumes and smoke rose from the top.
"Welcome, Master X," Fink chuckled. Then he checked his watch. He pushed a button. Almost immediately the big titted nurse re-entered the room. Her tight latex top had slipped. It showed a long and hard nipple.
"Hello, sweet Bobbi," Fink smiled. "I guess it is time for that lil rain check, remember?"
The nurse giggled and sank to her knees in front of her boss. Pink nailed fingers deftly opened his trousers. She took out a swollen cock. With a soft moan she slid her fat lips down to its base.
"Good girl, Bobbi," Fink remarked and patted her bobbing head.
Behind him the fluid steamed and bubbled. As did his own fluids inside the bimbo's sizzling throat.
"Master X!" Fink yelled as he came. "Master of the Universe!"
"Ggrrmmmbbbll," Bobbi spluttered.
She did not miss a drop.
Fink slapped his spent cock into the nurse's face.
It made white drops of cum splatter on her hair and skin. She smiled her whitest smile. Then she got hold of the cock again and sucked the last remains out of the gaping slit.
He pushed her away.
Behind him a deep gurgling sound had got his attention. The glass pillar was slowly emptying. As it did it started sinking into the floor, uncovering what was behind.
The metal chair re-emerged and the huge helmet was pulled up to the ceiling. Fink heard the sharp intake of breath from the kneeling girl. And yes, he could quite well imagine why she would feel the way she did.
In the chair sat the most incredible hunk.
It was hard to tell how tall he was, as he was still seated. But his shoulders were wide. His chest was wrapped in an abundance of tanned, toned muscles. His biceps would make Schwarzenegger blush.
And his belly was one washboard of rippling iron.
Then Fink stared at what rose between the treelike thighs. It seemed like a third arm, crowned with a tight, strong fist. It stood erect and trembled, overgrown with pulsing veins. Below it hung the largest sack ever to grow on a bull.
Finks sighed. Yes, he thought. He had succeeded. He had created the Master of the Universe. His very own guinea bull. His own incredible two legged stallion.
The man in the chair opened his eyes.
They were steely blue. They also were as steady as steel. His lashes never blinked. Then they started roaming. First he took in Fink. A small smile curled his lips. He looked down to his bound arms. The muscles tightened and the metal cuffs snapped like straw. As the giant rose, he broke the leather around his chest and the cuffs that held his calves.

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