Drive In Seduction Chapter 14 Dedication
- 2 years ago
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After everyone left for the hotel we divided up and went to bed on the plane. There wasn’t much fooling around as we quickly drifted off to sleep.
I was sound asleep when I heard a familiar sound. I recognized my phone ringing and sleepily reached out and answered it. “Hello.”
I recognized the cheery voice, “Good morning Master, it’s time to get ready for work.”
Coming to my senses, “Good morning Naomi, what time is it?”
Laughing she answered, “It’s 0700, do you have a plan for the day? We do have a meeting scheduled for 0900 with our lawyers.”
Now fully awake, I reached out and shook my bed mates. “Come on ladies, it’s time to get ready for work.” I put my phone on speaker, “Naomi, I have some concerns. Can you gather the security personnel and everyone else in your room and call me back. You should ask security to contact their lead and see if he can join you. We need to come up with a plan for this morning’s safe transport.”
Naomi nervously replied, “Yes Master, are you expecting trouble this morning?”
I stated, “I don’t know, I need to make sure that we are covered. Call me when everyone arrives.”
I called the sisters, our lawyers. One of the twins answered in Spanish, “Buenos dias esta es Elena.” (“Good morning, this is Elena.”)
I answered, “Good morning, this is Jerome.”
With a smile in her voice she switched to English and replied, “Good morning Jerome, are we still scheduled for our meeting at 0900?”
I replied, “Yes we are, but I am making some changes. Are you aware that your actions are being monitored?”
She gasped, “No, I am not. Who is watching us?”
I stated, “The guy who built the resort had some ties with some very unsavory people in Lima. I am going to have a member of my security team come to your house. He will probably come to your back door. Please unlock it and he will let himself in, if it is clear. My security lead is going to call me shortly and we will come up with a plan. I will call you when our meeting is over and fill you in on what the plan is.”
Elena said, “I will unlock the back door and wait for your guy to show up.”
I laughed, “I believe he will be a she, don’t be surprised if it is.”
She replied, “Ok, we will wait for your call.”
I disconnected and looked around the room. My entire security team was seated around the main cabin. Emma asked, “Master, what’s the plan? If you don’t have one yet, I think I have some ideas to run by you and your team.”
I looked at Emma, “I’m all ears. Please fill us in on what you think and what we can do to help them out while we wait for a call from Naomi.”
Emma thoughtfully asked, “How important is it to get the lawyers and our flight crew back to the aircraft before dinner tonight?”
I looked at Emma, “What do you mean? Are you thinking all of their locations could be compromised?”
Emma became serious, “If they can be tied to us, then yes they may be compromised. I have to believe they have someone handling their merchandise at the airport. Someone needs to handle whatever they are smuggling into this country. I was looking out the window and noticed a couple of guys watching our pilots and crew as they exited the aircraft. After Jack closed and locked the door, they went back to whatever they were doing. I didn’t think much about it until this morning. They may have been watching for you.”
Impressed, I looked around the room, and then back to Emma, “I see what you are thinking. Our security team said they have been meeting each plane that originated in the US. Watching the baggage as it is picked up at baggage return and car rental kiosks. They said they have pictures of me and when I don’t show they pass the picture around to see if anyone has seen me. They tell everyone they are expecting their brother to arrive from the US and they are here to meet him.”
Gina appeared thoughtful, “I see where Emma is going with her thinking. If the sisters are being watched, it could be you they ARE watching for. We need a diversion to get everyone to your aircraft for the meeting.”
Gina’s thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. I answered, “Naomi is everyone there?”
Naomi answered, “Yes, Zachariah just arrived, he goes by Zach. He is the lead of security down here.”
I said, “Hello Zach, it is nice to finally meet you. My father speaks very highly of your team. We were tossing some ideas around about how important it is to get everyone to this hanger without being seen or followed.”
Zach stated, “I feel it is of utmost importance. Yesterday my crew and I were having the same discussion. The big question is how big of a distraction we need to get away unseen.”
Jade entered the discussion, “Master, I believe we can use one of our restaurants as a diversion. The brothers, our pilots, can pick up their sisters on the pretense of taking them out to breakfast. They can enter the front entrance and act like they are going to a table, only they walk out the back door and into a waiting getaway car driven by security personnel. These people have already proven to be amateurs and this should give them time to escape without being seen. They will never think of this to be a diversion.
Zach said, “I think that will work. I will set it up with the pilots, they are here with us. Naomi, do you have a restaurant that will work that is not compromised?”
Naomi said, “I believe we do have one that is not compromised. It was a family owned and controlled business that we picked up from the original owners who would be the grandparents of those running it for us. Their grandchildren didn’t want the responsibility of being the owners, but still wanted to work and manage it. We bought it at a family discounted price because of the arrangement with the grandchildren. I am close to them and can set it up for you.
Zach asked, “What do we do with the rest of the crew?”
Ming answered, “I think they should be able to leave at the same time as Jairo and Jack. Except go in the other direction and circle around and back to the airport. A security team can follow at a distance to be on the lookout for a tail. If they notice a tail, it would be their job to distract their pursuit in some way. But I don’t think they believe we are going to be an issue for them and they will leave them alone. Their main concern is the lawyers and what they may know. The others are just the flight crew as far as they are concerned and not involved in the negotiations or the resort. It appears that all they are interested in is you and the lawyers.”
I asked, “Zach, what do you think? Will it work the way it has been laid out?”
Zach laughed, “It’s a better plan than we could come up with. Jairo, are you and your brother up to this?”
Jairo laughed, “We are ex-military, and we will hold up our end and protect our sisters. When do we leave?”
I stated, “I want everyone on this plane as soon as possible. We have plenty of food and our crew can prepare breakfast while we have our meeting. I will feel much better when everyone is safe. Zach, please get everyone here as soon as you can.”
Naomi asked, “Is there an entrance to the hanger that is away for the one that had men watching our crew leave the plane? That way, they are not seen returning to the aircraft. You did have it parked inside a hanger, I hope?”
I laughed, “Yes Naomi, we had it towed into the hanger for safe keeping. And yes there is an entrance on the opposite side of the hanger from the possible watchers. Someone will be at the door to open it for you. Zach, it is up to you to make all this happen. Thank you in advance.”
Zach said, “Yes sir, consider it done. Let me talk to everyone here and plan our routes. I believe this plan will work. See you in an hour.”
I turned to my wives, “This guy has me really pissed off. Get on your computers and find our money and its trail back to Wilkinson. I want it set up to be transferred into an untraceable account while we are at dinner. That money is going to be our seed money to build a business empire down here and the sisters are going to run it for us. I am going to call him now and set up our dinner reservations.”
I went into the aircraft office and called his number. He answered, “Si.”
I replied in a cheerful voice, “Good morning sir, I am calling to set up our dinner meeting for tonight. Do you have a favorite place to eat?”
He laughed, “I already made reservations for my wife and me along with your four wives. Is that enough?” We have a private room so we won’t be bothered. I will also have some of my family join us.”
I asked, “One of my wives brought a couple of their friends with us. Would you mind if I add two more women to the party. They are very nice to look at.”
He smiled, “A man can never get enough eye candy. You seem to have an abundance of lovely ladies in your company. Of course they can join the party.” He gave me the restaurant name and address.
I said, “We will see you at seven tonight.” We disconnected and I returned to my wives.
About a half hour later, Liu approached me with a smile on her face, “Master, we have found about 190 million dollars that can be traced directly back to Wilkinson. Most of this guy’s money is in a bank in China and he didn’t hide it very well. It traces directly back to his account here in Lima. I don’t believe it will be very hard to move it where it will be accessible to us and untraceable.”
I said, “Set it up, I want to bring this idiot down. I have to call my father and fill him in on what is going on.” I returned to the office to make the call to my father.
I sat behind my desk and called my father, “Hello my father.”
He answered, “Hello my son, what are you getting into now.”
I laughed, “Father, we are making plans for a meeting with the local lawyers. We need to see where we stand in acquiring the resort built with our money. I made contact with the local gang leader and will meet with him tonight at seven for dinner. I am expecting trouble and have our security team leaders on the way here to meet and make plans for tonight. The lawyers are on the way here also. We all felt that meeting on the plane inside the hanger was the safest place in the area.”
Mai entered the office and said, “Master, everyone is here and ready to get started.”
I told my father, “We are ready for our meeting. I will call when our plan is in place. We are trying to eliminate as much risk as possible, but we cannot eliminate all of it. The gang and its leader is still a wild card.”
My father replied, “I know we have told you this before, but your safety is more important to us than the resort. We would rather it burned to the ground than have you put at risk. It is only money and we have more than we can spend in multiple lifetimes.”
I said, “Father, I know what you are saying. This guy is nothing more than a bully and a thug. He needs to be shut down. My wives have located our money, 100% traceable to Wilkinson. I instructed them to take it all back and Liu said it could be done so that it is untraceable by bouncing it around through the world’s banks. I told her to do it, her program runs tonight. One thing I must do is make it safe for our pilot’s sisters. They are the ones who are at risk here, only because we hired them to do our research. Every move they make is being monitored by this guy’s organization. I cannot allow this to continue. I will call you back after our meeting. I’ve got to join the meeting. Talk to you in a couple of hours.” We disconnected and I went out to the main cabin.
As I neared the main cabin I could hear the animated discussions. Yes, almost like multiple meetings all in one room. When I entered the cabin, it quieted down.
I laughed, “That was some meeting going on. How many different groups were in discussion?”
Ming smiled at me, “Master, we have three main problems that need to be discussed. Others may come out of our discussions, but these all pertain to personal safety for everyone involved.”
Naomi looked directly in my eyes, “Since you have taken over and hired PA’s for everyone in the office, I have had time to review and identify underperforming properties. The one you are meeting at tonight for dinner is one of them. Oddly enough it has been rated the best restaurant in Lima for the last eight years. About 19 months ago the profit margin started to drop until it is 30% of what it was before I hired the existing manager. Ming and I did a little research and this decline in profitability coincides with her hiring.”
I interrupted, “Naomi, if we hadn’t gotten you and the other account manager’s help, you would have never noticed. Am I correct in my assumption?”
Naomi smiled, “You are correct Master, and I wouldn’t have had the time to review individual restaurant performance. I was only doing a cursory review by region. With a little assistance from Ming, we discovered the new manager is the sister of the man you are meeting tonight.”
I asked, “So, are you thinking she is skimming off the top for herself or giving it to her brother?”
Naomi replied, “I logged into my computer in the office and reviewed the numbers. The 30% doesn’t even show up on the spreadsheet. I am thinking that most of it goes to her and some percentage of her skim goes to her brother. The numbers slowly dropped to what they are today.”
I shook my head and smiled, “Let me think about this for a few minutes. What is the next issue that is near the top of the list?”
Zach, our security lead said, “I believe we have a double threat at the restaurant. He will have a crew of his guys eating with you and he will also have a crew outside in case you somehow escape his grasp. My team is currently evaluating the area surrounding the restaurant. I expect a report within the hour. We should be able to cover it with about six guys, but I am planning for eight. That leaves a couple at Alicia and Elena’s house, just in case. I suggest they stay here for their safety.”
I nodded my head, “I think you are right. If this goes down the way I think it will, they could be in trouble. There isn’t anywhere in the area that will be safer. You are planning on leaving a couple of your guys here, just in case.”
Zach replied, “I have two staying here and two more are already in place at their house. Making it look like someone is home. We drove by and there are four guys in a car monitoring their home. I don’t think they believe they left. If things go south at the restaurant, there is no telling what those four will do.”
Elena joined the questions, “Are these guys really as bad as you are saying? I’ve lived here all my life. Yeah we’ve heard about all the gang activity, but they have never bothered us. What makes us a target now?”
I looked at her, “Elena, when you started asking questions about the resort, their office moles reported on your actions. That alone has made you a target for them. As soon as we sent a security team down here they noticed you were being followed and your actions monitored everywhere you went. You have actually had two tails everywhere you go. There was a team of gangsters and a team of my guys.”
Alicia stated, “I’ve told Elena that I felt like we were being watched at every office we entered. She thought I was being paranoid, but I couldn’t shake the feeling. I will stay here Jerome, if you think it is the safest place for us.”
We had been throwing what if and could be around for a few hours when I asked, “Sydney, Jonathan, do you think you can put something together for lunch and some snacks to get us through the afternoon.”
Sydney smiled, “Master, we have already started making lunch. It should be ready in about 15 minutes.”
I smiled back, “Thank you Sydney. I didn’t notice you left the meeting. I appreciate everything you do for us, even if I don’t always put it into words.”
Sydney kissed me, “Master, you more than show us how much we mean to you. After listening to my dreams, you created a job for me. One that will give me the freedom to do everything I have always wanted to do. You always put us first, ahead of anything else and all of us love you for it. I need to get back to the galley and help my brother.”
I turned around and almost stepped into Alicia and Elena, Alicia said, “Jerome, I believe you need to explain something to us. Why does everyone call you Master? Is everyone on this aircraft your slaves?”
I saw Jade, followed by her sisters, approach from behind the twins, “Alicia, Elena, I believe my sisters and I need to talk to you in private. Will you come with us?”
Alicia asked, “If there is an explanation for this? I am all ears. We will come with you.”
As the last one of the six walked by, Mai said, “Jade told you that we would handle the sisters. Please be available if we need you.”
Naomi walked by next, “Master, I don’t know what is going to happen, but I want to be a part of it. I could really use some stress relief.”
I laughed, “Naomi, just make sure they can do their job tonight.”
Naomi laughed, “I will try, and you know your wives better than anyone else.” She turned and followed them into the bedroom.
Still laughing, “That’s what I am worried about.”
As they walked toward the master bedroom, Zach stepped next to me, “It’s a good thing your father filled me in on the affects you have on those around you, especially of the opposite sex. You won’t have to explain your lifestyle to your in country security team. I took it upon myself to fill the entire team in on everything. I must warn you that a couple of my female associates want to discuss joining your personal security team with your wives. Your father said that they must approve all new members.”
I laughed, “I hope they meet their requirements.”
Zach smiled, “Your father said that the first requirement is that they must be hot, they are. The second requirement is that they must swing both ways in the bedroom, they do. The third and last one is that they must submit to you, unconditionally. That will be between you and them, but from what I hear there will be no problem there and from what I see, that won’t be an issue.”
My laughing subsided, “I don’t know if there are any openings. My wives have accepted two new ones in the last few days. I guess after this is behind us, they can submit their resumes to my wives and the rest of the team. In other words, my wives will require them to present their bodies to them. If they pass the physical and personal defense test, they will head to the bedrooms for the more sensual test.”
Zach smiled, “I already told them what they must do to be accepted. They didn’t flinch until I told them that, Emma, the past MMA world champion didn’t fare well against Jade. They nervously smiled and said, bring them on.”
I laughed, “They are high level black belts in four different disciplines. I heard a rumor from my mother that they are working on two others. I trained them and I know they are very dangerous women individually. But they also train as a group, the two new ones haven’t had time to work with them yet, my wives are very scary as a team.”
Zach received a call and he answered, “Yes.” He listened for a few minutes and answered, “Ok, I approve the plan. Get everyone in position and while they are having dinner we will implement the plan.”
Zach looked at me, “These guys are complete amateurs. They are already scoping out the area and putting their guys around the restaurant. There are about a dozen men taking positions that appear to be for an ambush when you exit. It is still a few hours before you meet for dinner. That gives us plenty of time to plan for your extraction.”
I smiled, “Zach, are you going to share your plan with me or am I supposed to figure it out on my own?”
Zach said, “It is still being planned but it revolves around capturing each of their team members and incapacitating them. I think we need to call your father. He gave me information I am not sure I am allowed to disclose.”
I shook my head, “My father and his damn secrets. Let’s go to the office and call him. I need to stop solving his problems long enough for us to talk.” We both laughed.
We entered the office, locked the door and called my father. “Hello my son, I suppose you are in a private location and Zachary is with you. Am I correct?”
I replied, “Yes, and I am getting very tired of your secrets. What do I need to know about in Peru that you haven’t bothered to tell me?”
My father laughed, “The man who is now the Chief of Police in Lima, was a friend of mine in college. While I was setting up the businesses in Lima, the now chief of police and I became reacquainted and our friendship became even stronger. He has been trying to pin down the man you are having dinner with tonight, as he is the major distributor of drugs in the area and must be stopped. Do you have a plan that will get him to show his cards? If you do, you may want to include the Chief of Police.”
I said, “Father, I don’t do anything without a plan. You should know that by now. It’s your secrets that keep getting in my way. How does your friend fit into tonight’s plans? We are meeting to discuss the resort and taking possession of the property. My wives are meeting with the lawyers as we speak. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, it could be both.”
My father was laughing at the other end of the call.
I continued, “Zach and his team have already discovered he has no intention of allowing us to take over the resort. We have also learned that he scheduled our meeting at a restaurant owned by us. Naomi, now that she has time to evaluate performance, noticed a decrease in profits a couple months after she hired a new manager. Profits are now down around 30% from when she was hired. Mai did a little investigating and discovered that she is this guy’s sister. Our only conclusion is that she is skimming money off the top for herself, her brother or both. It is difficult to tell which by a quick review of the daily, weekly or monthly spreadsheets.”
My father laughed, “I guess it’s a good thing to have wives who are some of the best hackers in the world. What makes them scary is how they become exponentially better when they attack the same target and work as a team.”
I looked at Zach while talking to my father, “Now for the good stuff. My wives, working as a team, discovered the money trail for around 190 million dollars that is directly traceable to Wilkinson. They set up an afterhour’s transaction to move that money into an untraceable account. When the gangster wakes up in the morning, he will be all but broke, if he is not in jail.”
My father gasped, “You mean he still has all the money from Wilkinson?”
I replied, “I am not sure whose money this really is. It just happens to be in the same account he deposited the money he received from Wilkinson. The current account balance is within 10 million dollars of what we believe Wilkinson paid him for the work he performed. Adriana is almost finished going over everything on Wilkinson’s computer with the lead auditor. I am expecting a complete report with all of the audit’s findings any day now.”
My father stated, “Jerome, I only ask that you are safe while handling this issue. I keep repeating myself, I would rather lose everything in Peru than have you hurt or worse. Zach, how do you think it will go tonight? Are we ready to take this guy on?”
Zach replied to my father, “The wild card is what happens inside the restaurant. I have no control over that part of the plan. I wish he had someone with him other than his wives and who they call their sisters.”
When Zach finished my father was laughing, “Zach, I don’t believe you need to worry about Jerome’s wives holding up their end of the deal. They may be some of the best hackers in the world, but they are definitely some of the best fighters in the world. If this gangsters’ thugs are amateurs as you say, Jerome’s wives will handle them without much trouble.”
Zach looked surprised at my father’s statement, “I wish I had your confidence. They are small in stature at about 5’2” tall and don’t look to be very athletic. Jerome says they can handle anything and it is his safety that is on the line here.”
I smiled at Zach and stepped out of the office and called to Tammy, “Tammy, can you have Jade come to my office please. She is in the first bedroom. Thank you.”
When Jade entered the office, she was out of breath and nude. Zach gasped as she said, “Yes, Master. How may I be of service to you?”
I laughed, “I take it you are getting to know our lawyers, quite well?”
Jade smiled, “Yes Master, after a shy start, they are very vigorous lovers. When they recover, you may want to spend some time with them. Master, is there a reason you asked me to come in here? I would really like to go back where I was.”
I smiled at her, “Can you explain to Zach how many black belts you have and in what styles you and your sisters have them in?”
Zach laughed, “Jade, there is no need for that. By looking at your lovely body, I can tell that you and probably your sisters are in great shape. Please, go back to what you were doing.”
Jade smiled at Zach and turned like a model at the end of the runway, “Zach, don’t you like what you see?”
Zach smiled and shook his head, “Jade, I love what I see. But I have a lot of work to finish before you go to dinner tonight. Maybe if we meet under different circumstances I will let you have your way with me.”
Jade turned to leave and said over her shoulder, “My sisters and I will hold you to that.” Then she walked out closing the door.
Zach looked at me, “Your wives really know how to entice a man.”
I smiled at Zach, “I think Jade has a thing for you. When she comes looking for you, you better be ready. I don’t know if it will be her or the four sisters or the entire security team of six. They call themselves the band of sisters. All of them will tear you apart. The last time they attacked me, I slept for 12 hours.”
Zach stared at me with his mouth open, “You seem to be ok with this. Your father explained your lifestyle to me in broad terms, but you seem to really be ok with your wives coming on to another man.”
I laughed, “There is no jealousy between us. Besides, I need the help or I would never be let out of bed. If they come after you, you better be ready to service them until you pass out. And thank you for your service.” He shook his head as I laughed.
I said, “Now to change topics. After you subdue everyone in and around the parking lot, send me a text. That will cue me to start my plan in motion. I am expecting the gangster’s sons to get a little frisky with my wives. I am going to instruct them to fight them off as a proper young lady would. They will be trying to get them to stop without bringing attention to themselves. When I receive your text, I am going to challenge them and tell them to leave my wives alone. Then I will turn to the gangster and ask him what he would do if I was pawing over his wife like his sons are doing to my wives. I am expecting that he will reply something about breaking my arm or something along those terms. I will then tell my wives to do as he would, break their arms if they touch you again. At least one of the sons is going to get hurt.”
“I think you and I have a plan. How about you going to meet with the Chief of Police and don’t be afraid to toss my father’s name around as your employer.”
Zach said, “I think I will talk to him and see what he thinks. At least he may have some ideas.” Zach left.
I went out to the main cabin and Naomi and the twin attorney’s were sitting and talking. The twins looked like they had been well taken care of by my wives and their sisters. As I approached Elena jumped up and said, “You wives explained everything to us, in great, and I mean great detail. Thank you very much.”
Alicia was next, “How do you keep up with your wives. They are extremely vigorous and affectionate. They tell us that you are just as affectionate as they are. We are excited to see for ourselves. Now that the Master thing has been explained to us, we will have an open mind as we move forward in our relationship.”
I was blushing when I said, “Ladies, how much of a chance do we have of winning the resort in the courts here in Lima.”
Elena said, “I would place it above 80%, depending on how much evidence and proof you have from your audit findings. It could go up or down from there.”
I smiled, “We not only have traceability of the money stolen from us, we can show where the deposits went and in who’s name the money went too. I expect the audit results to be in my email the day after tomorrow, if not sooner. The audit will actually be complete today and reviewed tomorrow. We should have it by the time we wake up the next day.”
Alicia asked, “Are you putting yourself in jeopardy tonight when you meet with this gangster?”
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Hello readers, I am sharing a series of my life incidents with my cousin with you all. For those who have not read the stories, please check the previous stories of this series. This is a continuation of my last part in which Gaurav convinces Meenal and Preeti to join them for a threesome. They started it by sensual dance where Gaurav enjoyed dancing with a blowjob from 2 gorgeous girls. Please read the last part as this one is just continuing from where the last part ended. After a tiring...
IncestWe live in Ireland, in a big town by Irish standards, and have been together for just 2 months. I'm just gone 18, tall, and will soon look muscular, what with all the sex I'm having these days (as well as my newfound love of not being a lazy shit with no gym membership), and my dick is a respectable 7 inches, with a slight curve to the left on account of me being right handed. Hayley is 16, a year and a half younger than me, and gorgeous, in a sort of a way that all of her close friends...
I just left that bitch Detective Balls's office. I swear she has a dick in her pants, trying to play all 'bad cop' with me. She obviously doesn't have enough fun in her life, but I know some fellas who would be happy to loosen up her tight ass. The funniest picture just popped into my head of her bent over her detective desk, eyes popping out her spiky-haired head, with Bobby Bigballs splitting her ass in two with his monster cock. Yea, he would loosen her up all right. Here I am, devasted...
MoneyMy parents were going away for two weeks with my younger sister (fifteen) and I had been asked if I would like to come home to house-sit and look after the pets. I was in my third year at the University a student and in-between summer jobs so I thought it would be nice to spend some time on my own away from my three mad girlie friends who I share a house with. So I said yes. I asked my boyfriend if he could come as well but he couldn't make it until the following weekend, which meant I'd have a...
MasturbationThen: The new season began with an introduction of the newest residents of Prem Nivas and the meeting that marked the plans of Baba Sadachari who intends to cleanse the bodies and souls of the residents. While Junaid’s son was busy wooing a nerd cum virgin Seema, he made an offer to Kiran Chatterjee. Now: “A caretaker? That’s just a polite way of referring to a common maid!” blustered Gautam. Gautam and Kiran Chatterjee were having breakfast in the kitchen when Kiran broke the news about...
The naughty teen had been disobient for over a month.She simply refused to take notice of any special prose.Not even private poems could stir her attention.After she returned from her weeklong wandering across the States,she was wondering, which nasty surprise would be waiting for her.Well, her head-teacher, Mr. Peterson, was mad about her lack of response.He had his answer ready, as soon as she would show up for class.After the holiday break she stayed home another day.She knew well and feared...
The womanless pageant had begun and each of the contestants began to be introduced. Stacy stood nervously holding Andy's hand as she waited for her name to be called. Andy noticed this and smiled at her reassuringly. "Don't worry it's gonna be fine," he said staring into her eyes. Stacy smiled a bit and took a deep breath as her name was called. She locked arms with Andy and they entered the auditorium. As Andy escorted her to the stage she was met with applause and cheers from...
This is one of 26 stories in this series. Each is a standalone story with unique characters and actions. They can be read in any order since they do not have any plot points in common. Warning: This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, CMNF, fellatio, rim jobs, cunnilingus, and vaginal sex If you don't like these activities then please find another story more to your liking. 8========D "Neat ‘n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"...
Extra thicc Sophia Leone does not fuck around when it comes to her nutrition game. How do you think she keeps her ass in such tip top shape? Today, she heads to the grocery store to stock up on some goodies. But while she is scanning the aisles, she comes across a stud who she cannot keep her eyes off of. She invites him back to the hotel and busts out her luscious peach booty to get the party started. She wants to see if the guys dick is bigger than the hotdogs she just bought, and it is by a...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach: be my dad, he [b]43 FIRST PLACE GRACE Karim, can I have your permission to have three players coach tonight that are not captains? Sure, Sean. Let me guess whoFred, Michael, and Jeff. Great minds think alike! All three feel honored to be recognized for their leadership. Each does well in their assigned two innings. Tremendous sportsmanship between the two teams continues throughout the evening. Again the Cubs win...
It was finally time. I left work with my feet aching, victims of too old, too worn shoes. After years in retail, and a mature woman, it was time for new ones.But I was leaving late. Everything was almost ready to close when I got to the mall. I hobbled as fast as I could to the small shoe store way back in an out-of-the way part of the mall where I usually did my rare shoe shopping. An aged, white bearded man was almost ready to pull the grate down over the entrance, but he saw me limping...
Me (Faye) and my husband (Dave) regularly frequent the porn shop about 10 miles away and make use of the video booths in the back. We are both late 30's live in a nice house and have no k**s. Neither of us were to bothered about k**s so Dave had the snip a couple of weeks before our latest trip to the glory hole. This way we never have to use condoms anymore. Dave is average build with a decent size cock which satisfies my needs, I am tall slim and busty, natural blonde hair and completely...
Dale’s Decent Continues – Spring BreakAs I mentioned in my other stories, after catching me sucking off one of my Frat Brothers, my roommate Mark turned me into the campus cockslut. He seemed to take delight in degrading me by having me service ever larger groups of men. By mid-semester, I had fallen into a routine. I usually sucked off Mark as soon as he woke up, followed by 5-6 other ?regular customers? who came by for service before going to morning classes, I returned to the room at lunch...
"I'll walk home, don't worry about me!" "Go ahead, I want to stretch out my legs!" Teddy, the hero Hulkling, mumbled to himself as he strode down the streets of New York. The hero has come off of a long day of heroism; stopping bank robbers and helping old ladies cross the street, the usual suspects for a lower tier hero like him. On days like this, he often opted to walking home, rather than fly, because it made him feel more... 'human'. Well, as human as a kree-skrull hybrid could feel. The...
My daughter-in-law is hot as hell, and she loves to show her body off. In her thirties, nice tits that she shows with low cut blouses and a big bubble butt that she puts in tight jeans and short skirts. She has a bit of a reputation dating several men before hooking up with my son, but since she has been married she seems to have settled down. But she is always around distracting me with her hot little body at family gatherings. In the summer she drives me crazy showing off her thong or...
I thought that I should post some thoughts on anal sex. Many has considered anal sex and not gone through with the act for one reason or another, mostly out of ignorance. To enjoy the pleasures you must first be willing, either as the receiver or giver. First the anus is the tightest expandable orifice on the human body, it can stretch to accept any invader and return to perfect shape in matters of second or minutes. If you are giving up the tightest orifice on your body, you must relax and...
i had a dp one time with my college boyfriend, skip....his friend, fletcher couldn't believe it and stayed hard all night he felt so lucky to be joining see, Skip had been after me for years to have a dp with me...i thought it was all just dirty talk and never really took him seriously so i really got into it when we were having sex and talked it up and it turned skip on so much that it became like his favorite story for me to describe to him while we were having sex. I made up all...
“Bad pussy boy. Bad pussy!”Master yelled at me as I lay there on my back, hands clutching my knees, pussy still gaping open, and an extremely shocked look on my face. Master walked away, motioning me to follow him as he walked to the bedroom. I followed without a word. The babydoll dress had worked its way into my G-string and now barely covered even the top of my arse. I didn’t dare touch it. I didn’t want to upset master any more. “Lay down on your stomach and put your arms above your head”....
Is morning already? I ask myself. Caesar is right there next to me. Wake up to dog breath is not the way I would choose to wake up. Waking up next to a naked woman who you love is the proper way to do it. Nothing else is better than that. I grab my phone, check for text messages. Just one from Ashlee. Dad in hospital. Car fell on him. Heading out to check on them personally. Call me. Love you. I call. "Hello." Ashlee says once she answers. "Hey, how are things?" "I'm fine. Kind of...
One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked ass is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...
I sat with Suzie in the back of the taxi. The taxi that was taking me to meet Baz, Mikes friend. She’d explained that we needed to go to a proper photographic studio to do the pictures that her Dad wanted. The naughty pictures. Naughty and dirty. It wasn’t a part of town I wanted to be in, let alone my daughter. Mike had gone ahead, taking various clothes that I would need for the shoot. Baz was older than I’d expected, in his forties. He was small, with one of those ridiculous pony tails...
I got up got dressed and went downstairs. no one was downstairs, George and Jodie due to get up at 8:30 am. I went back upstairs, checked on Helen she was already back asleep. I then went to Joy's room, there she was sleeping naked on her bed i could see that she did not have her plug in her as she had her legs wide open. I could also see the bite marks and bruises i left on her titties from last night,. And seeing her like that i was getting hard again, so i dropped my pants got myself...
Sweet Suzie's EnslavementA Love-slave Story (fiction) by mgdspiritI had managed to befriend her when, after she'd walked into the first day of art class late, and every guys head in the class turned to look and stayed that way far too long. In her white miniskirt, and blonde streaked hair, she was stunning, and she sat directly across from me in the big art room. I soon found myself with a bird's eye view of what every other guy in the room wanted to see, and given her sexiness, found myself,...
Hi naa peeru ranga. Hyderabad naadi. Naaku eppudu 50 age. Naa gatham lo jarigina vesayaalu chepputhunna. Appudu naaku 28 years poorthi ayenappatiki enka marriage kaaleedu. Neenu softwear engineer ga konni roojulu out of india tharu vatha pune lo unde vaadeni. Appatiki father pooyaru. Naaku mother and brother unnaru. Vallu native place lo unnaru. Neenu out of india lo unnappudu mari eppudu sex veshalavedi ga enjoy chesanu. Pune lo okkade rooju evaru doriki the varu. Male ayena leeka femile...
June 1981, Chicago, Illinois I pulled up in front of the InterContinental Hotel on North Michigan Avenue in Chicago, and reluctantly handed the keys to my Trans Am to the valet. Stephanie and I grabbed our bags, and I went to check in. I handed over my new BankAmericard, which I’d received in the mail the previous week, and after they took an imprint, they handed it back along with two-room keys. I declined the assistance of the bellman and my sister and I took the elevator up to the 12th...
April 26, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I saw in the paper that the Penguins finished off the Capitals last night,” Dave said. “They did! I’m not sure who they’ll face just yet, since the Bruins and Canadiens are still playing their series, and it’s close. In the West, it looks like the North Stars are going to beat the Blues and the Oilers are going to beat the Kings. Now, on to business - how many people signed up for interviews?” “An even dozen,” he said. “And I heard from Penny that Doctors...
De Negro a Rosa La tarde transcurr?a con hast?o, me sent?a como enjaulado dentro de la casa, hacia mucho calor, el verano comenzaba, todos mis amigos hab?an abandonado la ciudad a disfrutar las vacaciones, y yo aqu? encerrado y aburrido. Sin muchas expectativas me dirig? al cuarto de mi hermana. -Hola Sandra, ?Qu? haces? -Me pinto las u?as, ?No lo ves? Mi hermana sentada sobre la cama pintaba las u?as de sus pies de un color negro intenso que le otorgaba ese aspecto medio "dark" que ella tanto cu...
The Dream By Mr. Pec "Joanne, I just had the weirdest dream." "Tell me about it, Dan." "Well, I was just lying in bed at my mom's house, watching Letterman and eating Pringles. There I was, 5'8", nappy brown hair, skinny as a beanpole, wearing boxers and a T-shirt, but something just didn't feel right. I sat up in bed and set the chips on the nightstand when I felt a cool tingle rush through my whole body. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then I realized I...
Hi, my name is Joe. I'm about 6'1, 180 pounds, latino, and quite handsome.Well this is my story which is actually a true story. And I was a virgin until that day in that hotel. Me and my family went to six flags in San Antonio and after we check in to a hotel my parents got a room on the second floor and me sice I was a only child took a room alone in the fourth floor. It was really late when I check in but I felt dirty so I took a bath. After I took a bath I was still in my robe when I heard a...
First TimeThe night after Cody did it with Bailey we fell a sleep in each others arms. Luckily when we woke up it was Saturday. So we did not have to go to class. Cody woke up with some morning wood this made me very wet and I asked him when he wonted help with that as I pointed to his tool. He said no he had to tend to his morning business he had to do. He got changed and ran to his room. When Bailey woke up we talked about the night before. She told me how Cody made her felt better then she had...
My girlfriend had to work and I was home alone bored as hell, so I decided to take in a movie. I went into the theater and sat down. The movie began and after a short time 2 teen girls, about 19 years old sat down, one onn each side of me. They both seemed to be stoned from the odor of pot coming from their clothes. I paid them no attention until I felt a hand beginning to rub my theigh. I looked over and found one of the girls rubbing my leg. her hand went up my leg and to my cock. No sooner...
That day uniforms and rifles were distributed so men sat round loading clips and putting them into their bandoliers. During the evening David said good-bye to Susan and the children. Hanga had packed his saddlebags and bedroll onto Zeus along with his rifle in its scabbard. One of the .45 Colt Semi-Automatics was put in his saddle holster and he wore the other in his belt holster along with his kukri. Outside he said farewell to Martin and Jill before turning to Sultar, “Keep them safe old...
My name is Denise, and at the time of this story I was 30 years old and working as a corporate attorney for a Wall Street investment banker. My husband’s name is Ed, and at thirty-three years old he had established a very successful manufacturers representative business for laboratory research products. He was able to work from home and care for our two-year-old daughter and four month old son.I am five feet and four inches tall and weighed one hundred and fifteen pounds at that time, and I...
CuckoldI woke at six, realizing that my hand was still holding a foreign breast, and I could feel her hand along with Zena's on my thigh. Zena liked me to hold her and she liked to hold me. I wouldn't have thought Shannon would want that, but she obviously does, whether it's subconscious or not. I gently kissed Zena's neck and slid from bed. It took me only a few minutes to shit, shower, and shave. Back in the bedroom, I kissed Zena, waking her so she could get ready for work. As soon as the...
The traffic was light and they were well on time at the club, a line already forming at the entrance.“Looks like a good night” Cam said while she guided Josh to the personnel entrance.She knocked on the door and a bouncer opened the door for them.They greeted each other like old friends and when he stood waiting behind her, she said “Josh, meet my brother Ramon, best punk guitarist ever.”They shook hands and Ramon grinned when Cam told him the story of her guitar.A little later Josh asked Cam...
SEP 1940 AXIS FORMED GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN “World War II is the greatest drama in human history, the biggest war ever and a true battle of good and evil. I imagine writers will continue to get stories from it, and readers will continue to love them, for many more years.” Ken Follett As the year of 1940 was drawing to a close, the core leadership of the enemy was defined to be Germany, Italy and Japan. Later in this Book Three, we will discuss the other countries that joined the axis and...
Twenty Third Century SexMelissa had been reading, spending time in a place that used to be called a library. Not many people frequented such places, and those that did, only went to find old books and literature. For them, it was an escape from the daily routine of their electronically controlled lives.Melissa was a gorgeous 28 year old with a slim waist, blonde hair and wonderfully shaped breasts, not someone that would be seen dead near a library, not when everything you needed for...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI had been to the adult theatre before dressed up but had got no dogging action as there were only a few people there. I decided to ty again on a Friday night. I dressed in a red white & black patterned top with a short black mini skirt, tanned pantyhose with pink panties & a red thigh garter. Arriving at the Brisbane Valley nightclub area, I changed into my pink heels before going into the adult theatre. I climbed the stairs & there were a few there...
My wife and I were in our bedroom with our houseguest – I’m gonna call him “Robert.” It was late, well after midnight, and I was tired. I wanted to quit, go to sleep, but Robert was still wide-awake. He was fucking my wife. She was on her back, her ass at the bottom corner of the bed, legs up and bent. Robert was leaning against the backs of her thighs, moving in an uneven, detached sorta rhythm. Moving slowly. Gently. Lazily. Not with any real purpose other than just to be moving. Fucking. I...
Jessie Saint is excited for her first time alone as her parents leave for an anniversary trip. Before they leave, her parents can’t stop fretting over her, but Jessie assures them that everything will be fine! When Jessie’s finally alone, she happily lounges in her underwear and gets ready to watch ALL the scary movies her parents don’t allow her to see. She’s been waiting for this chance FOREVER and she can’t wait to see what all the fuss is about. But although...
xmoviesforyouI got this story idea after watching the movie Men in Black with my boyfriend, Vince. We got talking about sex among space aliens. This is my first attempt at writing a Sci-Fi story, and my first erotic story not based on my real life. My name is not really spellable in human letters. The closest I can render it for you is Zalmingra. But you have to imagine adding three squeaks, a tongue click, and two finger snaps during that pronunciation - all while making a sort of snorting noise. I was the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi everyone! This is a 100% true incident which took place about 3 years back. I never lacked any female friends but very frankly I’d never tried anything with them out of social fear. About 4-5 years back I’d my first experience with one of the girls known but the whole thing was done in haste. It was more of excitement and enthusiasm than enjoyment. Anyway, so here I’m to tell you what happened 3 years back. I’d a married lady staying next door with approximate age 39-40 that time. Both our...
One day, at the "facility", my trainer said the words I had been waiting to hear. These were words I feared, but also words that meant the end of the endless repetition of exercises designed to prepare me for my future. "Stephanie, your new life is about to begin." I remembered clearly that I had once been proud, that I had once possessed freedom and dignity. I had been able to choose what college to attend, what profession to prepare for, what employment offer to accept, what men I...
So I happen to be in between regular friends at the moment and decided to post an ad last week. I was specifically looking for a married woman who needed a little no strings fun. As usual, I wasn't expecting much, if anything, to come from it.I received only one message. She said she was a 55 year old woman, married, short, and a little overweight. She also included her Kik handle. She didn't sound exactly my type, but I figured what the hell as I've been horny for the past month. I decided to...
The sounds of Night Beaver's screams continued the rest of the day and most of the night. Then it was just an occasional scream that woke you up and made it hard to get back to sleep. You could still hear his screams occasionally when Walking Buffalo came riding in, leading what looked like half of a Cheyenne village. The young warriors were quick to make their presence known as the group approached Fighting Hawk at the counsel fire. Walking Buffalo smiled and took a seat in the second...
I had a favor that I would soon redeem, from one of my pals from high school. He owned a classy nightclub a few blocks away, and I was certain that even at this late hour, the place would still be open. I wasn’t sure how it would look, the two of us arriving at his doorstep, around closing time. But this favor was a big one, and I figured it would be enough to make things happen the way I wanted them to. We trudged through the now 4-inch snow, which littered the ground. It seemed that the...
The next thing to hit me was big, literally, it was about a week after the argument. I started off for Bradford on that Friday morning in a good mood. I had just landed a contract locally to redesign a production line which would give me 2 years work... I was driving along the A629 towards Keighley when the accident happened. An impatient moron coming towards me pulled out to overtake the queue he was stuck behind. It was so sudden that I didn't even have time to react and we met in a...
The following story is completely 100% true. The dialogue is only an interpretation of what happened, I don't remember them word for word. The events are as they happened. Please read the epilogue at the end of the story as it reveals what has become of Maria. A big thanks to all those who wrote us a message and remember if you send us a message, we'll send you a pic of Mrs Friskee in the nude. I was absolutely whacked. By my reckoning I'd had about 3 — hours sleep and I was still...
I checked my reflection in the shop window adjacent to the coffee store and knew I looked good. I had dressed as master had instructed. Three and a half inch heels, fishnet hold-ups, black silk mid-thigh flared mini skirt. I wore a black satin bra and matching thong and the bra was clearly visible through the clinging low-cut white chiffon blouse. I pulled out my compact from my handbag and with perfectly manicured bright-red nails, flipped it open to check my make-up. Again, as instructed, I...
Group SexChapter 2 – The Touch of Rain Scarlet lifted the spoon to her mouth, chewed on the cereal, and listened to her heartbeat in her head. The dawn had broken to no great effect, the light outside had gone merely from non-existent to a hard grey. Scarlet had awoken, to her dismay and surprise, as horny as the night before, despite having slept in a bed thoroughly wet with the juices from from her plethora of masturbation during the night. Now she was restless, trying to calm herself down with...