FamilySwapXXX Leia Rae Tiffany Fox Family Swap Wife
- 2 years ago
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After everyone left for the hotel we divided up and went to bed on the plane. There wasn’t much fooling around as we quickly drifted off to sleep.
I was sound asleep when I heard a familiar sound. I recognized my phone ringing and sleepily reached out and answered it. “Hello.”
I recognized the cheery voice, “Good morning Master, it’s time to get ready for work.”
Coming to my senses, “Good morning Naomi, what time is it?”
Laughing she answered, “It’s 0700, do you have a plan for the day? We do have a meeting scheduled for 0900 with our lawyers.”
Now fully awake, I reached out and shook my bed mates. “Come on ladies, it’s time to get ready for work.” I put my phone on speaker, “Naomi, I have some concerns. Can you gather the security personnel and everyone else in your room and call me back. You should ask security to contact their lead and see if he can join you. We need to come up with a plan for this morning’s safe transport.”
Naomi nervously replied, “Yes Master, are you expecting trouble this morning?”
I stated, “I don’t know, I need to make sure that we are covered. Call me when everyone arrives.”
I called the sisters, our lawyers. One of the twins answered in Spanish, “Buenos dias esta es Elena.” (“Good morning, this is Elena.”)
I answered, “Good morning, this is Jerome.”
With a smile in her voice she switched to English and replied, “Good morning Jerome, are we still scheduled for our meeting at 0900?”
I replied, “Yes we are, but I am making some changes. Are you aware that your actions are being monitored?”
She gasped, “No, I am not. Who is watching us?”
I stated, “The guy who built the resort had some ties with some very unsavory people in Lima. I am going to have a member of my security team come to your house. He will probably come to your back door. Please unlock it and he will let himself in, if it is clear. My security lead is going to call me shortly and we will come up with a plan. I will call you when our meeting is over and fill you in on what the plan is.”
Elena said, “I will unlock the back door and wait for your guy to show up.”
I laughed, “I believe he will be a she, don’t be surprised if it is.”
She replied, “Ok, we will wait for your call.”
I disconnected and looked around the room. My entire security team was seated around the main cabin. Emma asked, “Master, what’s the plan? If you don’t have one yet, I think I have some ideas to run by you and your team.”
I looked at Emma, “I’m all ears. Please fill us in on what you think and what we can do to help them out while we wait for a call from Naomi.”
Emma thoughtfully asked, “How important is it to get the lawyers and our flight crew back to the aircraft before dinner tonight?”
I looked at Emma, “What do you mean? Are you thinking all of their locations could be compromised?”
Emma became serious, “If they can be tied to us, then yes they may be compromised. I have to believe they have someone handling their merchandise at the airport. Someone needs to handle whatever they are smuggling into this country. I was looking out the window and noticed a couple of guys watching our pilots and crew as they exited the aircraft. After Jack closed and locked the door, they went back to whatever they were doing. I didn’t think much about it until this morning. They may have been watching for you.”
Impressed, I looked around the room, and then back to Emma, “I see what you are thinking. Our security team said they have been meeting each plane that originated in the US. Watching the baggage as it is picked up at baggage return and car rental kiosks. They said they have pictures of me and when I don’t show they pass the picture around to see if anyone has seen me. They tell everyone they are expecting their brother to arrive from the US and they are here to meet him.”
Gina appeared thoughtful, “I see where Emma is going with her thinking. If the sisters are being watched, it could be you they ARE watching for. We need a diversion to get everyone to your aircraft for the meeting.”
Gina’s thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. I answered, “Naomi is everyone there?”
Naomi answered, “Yes, Zachariah just arrived, he goes by Zach. He is the lead of security down here.”
I said, “Hello Zach, it is nice to finally meet you. My father speaks very highly of your team. We were tossing some ideas around about how important it is to get everyone to this hanger without being seen or followed.”
Zach stated, “I feel it is of utmost importance. Yesterday my crew and I were having the same discussion. The big question is how big of a distraction we need to get away unseen.”
Jade entered the discussion, “Master, I believe we can use one of our restaurants as a diversion. The brothers, our pilots, can pick up their sisters on the pretense of taking them out to breakfast. They can enter the front entrance and act like they are going to a table, only they walk out the back door and into a waiting getaway car driven by security personnel. These people have already proven to be amateurs and this should give them time to escape without being seen. They will never think of this to be a diversion.
Zach said, “I think that will work. I will set it up with the pilots, they are here with us. Naomi, do you have a restaurant that will work that is not compromised?”
Naomi said, “I believe we do have one that is not compromised. It was a family owned and controlled business that we picked up from the original owners who would be the grandparents of those running it for us. Their grandchildren didn’t want the responsibility of being the owners, but still wanted to work and manage it. We bought it at a family discounted price because of the arrangement with the grandchildren. I am close to them and can set it up for you.
Zach asked, “What do we do with the rest of the crew?”
Ming answered, “I think they should be able to leave at the same time as Jairo and Jack. Except go in the other direction and circle around and back to the airport. A security team can follow at a distance to be on the lookout for a tail. If they notice a tail, it would be their job to distract their pursuit in some way. But I don’t think they believe we are going to be an issue for them and they will leave them alone. Their main concern is the lawyers and what they may know. The others are just the flight crew as far as they are concerned and not involved in the negotiations or the resort. It appears that all they are interested in is you and the lawyers.”
I asked, “Zach, what do you think? Will it work the way it has been laid out?”
Zach laughed, “It’s a better plan than we could come up with. Jairo, are you and your brother up to this?”
Jairo laughed, “We are ex-military, and we will hold up our end and protect our sisters. When do we leave?”
I stated, “I want everyone on this plane as soon as possible. We have plenty of food and our crew can prepare breakfast while we have our meeting. I will feel much better when everyone is safe. Zach, please get everyone here as soon as you can.”
Naomi asked, “Is there an entrance to the hanger that is away for the one that had men watching our crew leave the plane? That way, they are not seen returning to the aircraft. You did have it parked inside a hanger, I hope?”
I laughed, “Yes Naomi, we had it towed into the hanger for safe keeping. And yes there is an entrance on the opposite side of the hanger from the possible watchers. Someone will be at the door to open it for you. Zach, it is up to you to make all this happen. Thank you in advance.”
Zach said, “Yes sir, consider it done. Let me talk to everyone here and plan our routes. I believe this plan will work. See you in an hour.”
I turned to my wives, “This guy has me really pissed off. Get on your computers and find our money and its trail back to Wilkinson. I want it set up to be transferred into an untraceable account while we are at dinner. That money is going to be our seed money to build a business empire down here and the sisters are going to run it for us. I am going to call him now and set up our dinner reservations.”
I went into the aircraft office and called his number. He answered, “Si.”
I replied in a cheerful voice, “Good morning sir, I am calling to set up our dinner meeting for tonight. Do you have a favorite place to eat?”
He laughed, “I already made reservations for my wife and me along with your four wives. Is that enough?” We have a private room so we won’t be bothered. I will also have some of my family join us.”
I asked, “One of my wives brought a couple of their friends with us. Would you mind if I add two more women to the party. They are very nice to look at.”
He smiled, “A man can never get enough eye candy. You seem to have an abundance of lovely ladies in your company. Of course they can join the party.” He gave me the restaurant name and address.
I said, “We will see you at seven tonight.” We disconnected and I returned to my wives.
About a half hour later, Liu approached me with a smile on her face, “Master, we have found about 190 million dollars that can be traced directly back to Wilkinson. Most of this guy’s money is in a bank in China and he didn’t hide it very well. It traces directly back to his account here in Lima. I don’t believe it will be very hard to move it where it will be accessible to us and untraceable.”
I said, “Set it up, I want to bring this idiot down. I have to call my father and fill him in on what is going on.” I returned to the office to make the call to my father.
I sat behind my desk and called my father, “Hello my father.”
He answered, “Hello my son, what are you getting into now.”
I laughed, “Father, we are making plans for a meeting with the local lawyers. We need to see where we stand in acquiring the resort built with our money. I made contact with the local gang leader and will meet with him tonight at seven for dinner. I am expecting trouble and have our security team leaders on the way here to meet and make plans for tonight. The lawyers are on the way here also. We all felt that meeting on the plane inside the hanger was the safest place in the area.”
Mai entered the office and said, “Master, everyone is here and ready to get started.”
I told my father, “We are ready for our meeting. I will call when our plan is in place. We are trying to eliminate as much risk as possible, but we cannot eliminate all of it. The gang and its leader is still a wild card.”
My father replied, “I know we have told you this before, but your safety is more important to us than the resort. We would rather it burned to the ground than have you put at risk. It is only money and we have more than we can spend in multiple lifetimes.”
I said, “Father, I know what you are saying. This guy is nothing more than a bully and a thug. He needs to be shut down. My wives have located our money, 100% traceable to Wilkinson. I instructed them to take it all back and Liu said it could be done so that it is untraceable by bouncing it around through the world’s banks. I told her to do it, her program runs tonight. One thing I must do is make it safe for our pilot’s sisters. They are the ones who are at risk here, only because we hired them to do our research. Every move they make is being monitored by this guy’s organization. I cannot allow this to continue. I will call you back after our meeting. I’ve got to join the meeting. Talk to you in a couple of hours.” We disconnected and I went out to the main cabin.
As I neared the main cabin I could hear the animated discussions. Yes, almost like multiple meetings all in one room. When I entered the cabin, it quieted down.
I laughed, “That was some meeting going on. How many different groups were in discussion?”
Ming smiled at me, “Master, we have three main problems that need to be discussed. Others may come out of our discussions, but these all pertain to personal safety for everyone involved.”
Naomi looked directly in my eyes, “Since you have taken over and hired PA’s for everyone in the office, I have had time to review and identify underperforming properties. The one you are meeting at tonight for dinner is one of them. Oddly enough it has been rated the best restaurant in Lima for the last eight years. About 19 months ago the profit margin started to drop until it is 30% of what it was before I hired the existing manager. Ming and I did a little research and this decline in profitability coincides with her hiring.”
I interrupted, “Naomi, if we hadn’t gotten you and the other account manager’s help, you would have never noticed. Am I correct in my assumption?”
Naomi smiled, “You are correct Master, and I wouldn’t have had the time to review individual restaurant performance. I was only doing a cursory review by region. With a little assistance from Ming, we discovered the new manager is the sister of the man you are meeting tonight.”
I asked, “So, are you thinking she is skimming off the top for herself or giving it to her brother?”
Naomi replied, “I logged into my computer in the office and reviewed the numbers. The 30% doesn’t even show up on the spreadsheet. I am thinking that most of it goes to her and some percentage of her skim goes to her brother. The numbers slowly dropped to what they are today.”
I shook my head and smiled, “Let me think about this for a few minutes. What is the next issue that is near the top of the list?”
Zach, our security lead said, “I believe we have a double threat at the restaurant. He will have a crew of his guys eating with you and he will also have a crew outside in case you somehow escape his grasp. My team is currently evaluating the area surrounding the restaurant. I expect a report within the hour. We should be able to cover it with about six guys, but I am planning for eight. That leaves a couple at Alicia and Elena’s house, just in case. I suggest they stay here for their safety.”
I nodded my head, “I think you are right. If this goes down the way I think it will, they could be in trouble. There isn’t anywhere in the area that will be safer. You are planning on leaving a couple of your guys here, just in case.”
Zach replied, “I have two staying here and two more are already in place at their house. Making it look like someone is home. We drove by and there are four guys in a car monitoring their home. I don’t think they believe they left. If things go south at the restaurant, there is no telling what those four will do.”
Elena joined the questions, “Are these guys really as bad as you are saying? I’ve lived here all my life. Yeah we’ve heard about all the gang activity, but they have never bothered us. What makes us a target now?”
I looked at her, “Elena, when you started asking questions about the resort, their office moles reported on your actions. That alone has made you a target for them. As soon as we sent a security team down here they noticed you were being followed and your actions monitored everywhere you went. You have actually had two tails everywhere you go. There was a team of gangsters and a team of my guys.”
Alicia stated, “I’ve told Elena that I felt like we were being watched at every office we entered. She thought I was being paranoid, but I couldn’t shake the feeling. I will stay here Jerome, if you think it is the safest place for us.”
We had been throwing what if and could be around for a few hours when I asked, “Sydney, Jonathan, do you think you can put something together for lunch and some snacks to get us through the afternoon.”
Sydney smiled, “Master, we have already started making lunch. It should be ready in about 15 minutes.”
I smiled back, “Thank you Sydney. I didn’t notice you left the meeting. I appreciate everything you do for us, even if I don’t always put it into words.”
Sydney kissed me, “Master, you more than show us how much we mean to you. After listening to my dreams, you created a job for me. One that will give me the freedom to do everything I have always wanted to do. You always put us first, ahead of anything else and all of us love you for it. I need to get back to the galley and help my brother.”
I turned around and almost stepped into Alicia and Elena, Alicia said, “Jerome, I believe you need to explain something to us. Why does everyone call you Master? Is everyone on this aircraft your slaves?”
I saw Jade, followed by her sisters, approach from behind the twins, “Alicia, Elena, I believe my sisters and I need to talk to you in private. Will you come with us?”
Alicia asked, “If there is an explanation for this? I am all ears. We will come with you.”
As the last one of the six walked by, Mai said, “Jade told you that we would handle the sisters. Please be available if we need you.”
Naomi walked by next, “Master, I don’t know what is going to happen, but I want to be a part of it. I could really use some stress relief.”
I laughed, “Naomi, just make sure they can do their job tonight.”
Naomi laughed, “I will try, and you know your wives better than anyone else.” She turned and followed them into the bedroom.
Still laughing, “That’s what I am worried about.”
As they walked toward the master bedroom, Zach stepped next to me, “It’s a good thing your father filled me in on the affects you have on those around you, especially of the opposite sex. You won’t have to explain your lifestyle to your in country security team. I took it upon myself to fill the entire team in on everything. I must warn you that a couple of my female associates want to discuss joining your personal security team with your wives. Your father said that they must approve all new members.”
I laughed, “I hope they meet their requirements.”
Zach smiled, “Your father said that the first requirement is that they must be hot, they are. The second requirement is that they must swing both ways in the bedroom, they do. The third and last one is that they must submit to you, unconditionally. That will be between you and them, but from what I hear there will be no problem there and from what I see, that won’t be an issue.”
My laughing subsided, “I don’t know if there are any openings. My wives have accepted two new ones in the last few days. I guess after this is behind us, they can submit their resumes to my wives and the rest of the team. In other words, my wives will require them to present their bodies to them. If they pass the physical and personal defense test, they will head to the bedrooms for the more sensual test.”
Zach smiled, “I already told them what they must do to be accepted. They didn’t flinch until I told them that, Emma, the past MMA world champion didn’t fare well against Jade. They nervously smiled and said, bring them on.”
I laughed, “They are high level black belts in four different disciplines. I heard a rumor from my mother that they are working on two others. I trained them and I know they are very dangerous women individually. But they also train as a group, the two new ones haven’t had time to work with them yet, my wives are very scary as a team.”
Zach received a call and he answered, “Yes.” He listened for a few minutes and answered, “Ok, I approve the plan. Get everyone in position and while they are having dinner we will implement the plan.”
Zach looked at me, “These guys are complete amateurs. They are already scoping out the area and putting their guys around the restaurant. There are about a dozen men taking positions that appear to be for an ambush when you exit. It is still a few hours before you meet for dinner. That gives us plenty of time to plan for your extraction.”
I smiled, “Zach, are you going to share your plan with me or am I supposed to figure it out on my own?”
Zach said, “It is still being planned but it revolves around capturing each of their team members and incapacitating them. I think we need to call your father. He gave me information I am not sure I am allowed to disclose.”
I shook my head, “My father and his damn secrets. Let’s go to the office and call him. I need to stop solving his problems long enough for us to talk.” We both laughed.
We entered the office, locked the door and called my father. “Hello my son, I suppose you are in a private location and Zachary is with you. Am I correct?”
I replied, “Yes, and I am getting very tired of your secrets. What do I need to know about in Peru that you haven’t bothered to tell me?”
My father laughed, “The man who is now the Chief of Police in Lima, was a friend of mine in college. While I was setting up the businesses in Lima, the now chief of police and I became reacquainted and our friendship became even stronger. He has been trying to pin down the man you are having dinner with tonight, as he is the major distributor of drugs in the area and must be stopped. Do you have a plan that will get him to show his cards? If you do, you may want to include the Chief of Police.”
I said, “Father, I don’t do anything without a plan. You should know that by now. It’s your secrets that keep getting in my way. How does your friend fit into tonight’s plans? We are meeting to discuss the resort and taking possession of the property. My wives are meeting with the lawyers as we speak. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, it could be both.”
My father was laughing at the other end of the call.
I continued, “Zach and his team have already discovered he has no intention of allowing us to take over the resort. We have also learned that he scheduled our meeting at a restaurant owned by us. Naomi, now that she has time to evaluate performance, noticed a decrease in profits a couple months after she hired a new manager. Profits are now down around 30% from when she was hired. Mai did a little investigating and discovered that she is this guy’s sister. Our only conclusion is that she is skimming money off the top for herself, her brother or both. It is difficult to tell which by a quick review of the daily, weekly or monthly spreadsheets.”
My father laughed, “I guess it’s a good thing to have wives who are some of the best hackers in the world. What makes them scary is how they become exponentially better when they attack the same target and work as a team.”
I looked at Zach while talking to my father, “Now for the good stuff. My wives, working as a team, discovered the money trail for around 190 million dollars that is directly traceable to Wilkinson. They set up an afterhour’s transaction to move that money into an untraceable account. When the gangster wakes up in the morning, he will be all but broke, if he is not in jail.”
My father gasped, “You mean he still has all the money from Wilkinson?”
I replied, “I am not sure whose money this really is. It just happens to be in the same account he deposited the money he received from Wilkinson. The current account balance is within 10 million dollars of what we believe Wilkinson paid him for the work he performed. Adriana is almost finished going over everything on Wilkinson’s computer with the lead auditor. I am expecting a complete report with all of the audit’s findings any day now.”
My father stated, “Jerome, I only ask that you are safe while handling this issue. I keep repeating myself, I would rather lose everything in Peru than have you hurt or worse. Zach, how do you think it will go tonight? Are we ready to take this guy on?”
Zach replied to my father, “The wild card is what happens inside the restaurant. I have no control over that part of the plan. I wish he had someone with him other than his wives and who they call their sisters.”
When Zach finished my father was laughing, “Zach, I don’t believe you need to worry about Jerome’s wives holding up their end of the deal. They may be some of the best hackers in the world, but they are definitely some of the best fighters in the world. If this gangsters’ thugs are amateurs as you say, Jerome’s wives will handle them without much trouble.”
Zach looked surprised at my father’s statement, “I wish I had your confidence. They are small in stature at about 5’2” tall and don’t look to be very athletic. Jerome says they can handle anything and it is his safety that is on the line here.”
I smiled at Zach and stepped out of the office and called to Tammy, “Tammy, can you have Jade come to my office please. She is in the first bedroom. Thank you.”
When Jade entered the office, she was out of breath and nude. Zach gasped as she said, “Yes, Master. How may I be of service to you?”
I laughed, “I take it you are getting to know our lawyers, quite well?”
Jade smiled, “Yes Master, after a shy start, they are very vigorous lovers. When they recover, you may want to spend some time with them. Master, is there a reason you asked me to come in here? I would really like to go back where I was.”
I smiled at her, “Can you explain to Zach how many black belts you have and in what styles you and your sisters have them in?”
Zach laughed, “Jade, there is no need for that. By looking at your lovely body, I can tell that you and probably your sisters are in great shape. Please, go back to what you were doing.”
Jade smiled at Zach and turned like a model at the end of the runway, “Zach, don’t you like what you see?”
Zach smiled and shook his head, “Jade, I love what I see. But I have a lot of work to finish before you go to dinner tonight. Maybe if we meet under different circumstances I will let you have your way with me.”
Jade turned to leave and said over her shoulder, “My sisters and I will hold you to that.” Then she walked out closing the door.
Zach looked at me, “Your wives really know how to entice a man.”
I smiled at Zach, “I think Jade has a thing for you. When she comes looking for you, you better be ready. I don’t know if it will be her or the four sisters or the entire security team of six. They call themselves the band of sisters. All of them will tear you apart. The last time they attacked me, I slept for 12 hours.”
Zach stared at me with his mouth open, “You seem to be ok with this. Your father explained your lifestyle to me in broad terms, but you seem to really be ok with your wives coming on to another man.”
I laughed, “There is no jealousy between us. Besides, I need the help or I would never be let out of bed. If they come after you, you better be ready to service them until you pass out. And thank you for your service.” He shook his head as I laughed.
I said, “Now to change topics. After you subdue everyone in and around the parking lot, send me a text. That will cue me to start my plan in motion. I am expecting the gangster’s sons to get a little frisky with my wives. I am going to instruct them to fight them off as a proper young lady would. They will be trying to get them to stop without bringing attention to themselves. When I receive your text, I am going to challenge them and tell them to leave my wives alone. Then I will turn to the gangster and ask him what he would do if I was pawing over his wife like his sons are doing to my wives. I am expecting that he will reply something about breaking my arm or something along those terms. I will then tell my wives to do as he would, break their arms if they touch you again. At least one of the sons is going to get hurt.”
“I think you and I have a plan. How about you going to meet with the Chief of Police and don’t be afraid to toss my father’s name around as your employer.”
Zach said, “I think I will talk to him and see what he thinks. At least he may have some ideas.” Zach left.
I went out to the main cabin and Naomi and the twin attorney’s were sitting and talking. The twins looked like they had been well taken care of by my wives and their sisters. As I approached Elena jumped up and said, “You wives explained everything to us, in great, and I mean great detail. Thank you very much.”
Alicia was next, “How do you keep up with your wives. They are extremely vigorous and affectionate. They tell us that you are just as affectionate as they are. We are excited to see for ourselves. Now that the Master thing has been explained to us, we will have an open mind as we move forward in our relationship.”
I was blushing when I said, “Ladies, how much of a chance do we have of winning the resort in the courts here in Lima.”
Elena said, “I would place it above 80%, depending on how much evidence and proof you have from your audit findings. It could go up or down from there.”
I smiled, “We not only have traceability of the money stolen from us, we can show where the deposits went and in who’s name the money went too. I expect the audit results to be in my email the day after tomorrow, if not sooner. The audit will actually be complete today and reviewed tomorrow. We should have it by the time we wake up the next day.”
Alicia asked, “Are you putting yourself in jeopardy tonight when you meet with this gangster?”
Friends only
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MasturbationThis is chapter 2 in a series, one I have been working on for awhile. If you like what you are reading, please take the time to VOTE and COMMENT when you finish! I know that might be hard with the mess on your hands, but please show a struggling author some love! Tara glanced over at Bryan as he drove his ’97 Mustang Cobra to the movie theater by the mall. He’s so cute, she thought, yet so clueless sometimes. She loved being with him, he was strong, well-muscled, and athletic, yet he could...
Thank you to everyone posting comments on the reviews! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other...
My first experience with sex happened in the back seat of my boyfriend's car when I was a senior in high school. We had started making out and my boyfriend was feeling my breasts. In no time at all, he came in his pants. He and I tried again on our next date and this time he managed to penetrate me with his tiny dick but, again, he came very quickly. It was not very satisfying for me. I had a few other dates with young guys that had pretty much the same results. A few weeks after my last date,...
SeductionSo i had just got a job in santa monica through a family friend and i was loving it. Only problem was that I had to start the job without finding an apartment. Luckily my best friend/secret lover Elle was living five minutes away from my work and graciously let me be a vagabond on the floor @ her and her husbands tiny studio apartment until I could find a place. Things were bound to get hot because me and her have never stopped lusting for each other. Every time we touched was heart pounding...
This story deals with adult situations and subject matter. If you are not of age, do not continue reading. All characters are fictional and do not represent anyone living or dead. This is my first attempt at writing so I hope readers can forgive any errors I may have made. Authors are always advised to "write what you know" -- so although this is fiction though... most all of it is based on personal experiences... Hope you enjoy... would appreciate feedback. (And, I have read the...
The pilot has just said we’re about to land in Canada, finally. I’m flying to Canada from Australia to spend Christmas with a girl I’ve been talking to on the internet for the past 6 years. I’m a little nervous to meet her, she’s absolutely gorgeous, she has blonde hair just past her shoulders, beautiful green eyes, and an amazing body and is 20 years old. I’m really looking forward to having Christmas with Melissa – that’s her name – and her family. We had an online relationship a while...
I recently broke up with my boyfriend and was feeling a little down. On my way home from work, I decide to stop off at a bar. I get a drink and find a table and sit down.A woman approaches me and tells me her name is Linda. I tell her that my name is Victoria. Linda is beautiful, and about my age and asked if she could buy me a drink. I tell her that would be great. We are drinking our drinks and getting along great. We have so much in common. I think to myself, that I have never been...
What do you do at the biggest orgy on the North American continent? Well, you go horseback riding, of course. We did dress up a little more. I don't care what fantasies boys have, or older men for that matter, but if you're going to bounce along on the back of a horse, you wear a bra. And long pants. I'd tried riding in shorts once, and the inside of my thighs had been rather tender for a couple of days. We checked out some horses, proved to the staff that we knew what we were doing, and...
Sorry, I went right into my life event without proper introductions. So I'm Nora and I am 24 years old brunette with brown eyes. I'm 168cm tall and I weight 57 kgs. I was blessed with nice C-cup breasts but I had to work countless hours in gym to develop my butt. I'm gentle and sweet as they come... So why would he cheat me? I mean I check the most boxes. Sure, I don't have my life fully figured out yet but who does at 24. But I digress, back to the story. I took the car and started to...
Hi all, this is sameer age 32 from Lahore. I am a graphic designer by profession and I am doing the job in a private company in Lahore. This story is about my elder sister Nazia, who is 7 years older to me, married and living in Karachi. She has 3 children now. She is not fair in colour but she has an attractive face. Her height is 5.4 feet and her stats are 34c 28 34 she looks like Indian actress rani. I am a very handsome and have an athletic body with the height 6.0 feet. I am a graduate...
Introduction: A night to remember It was a Saturday night, me and my husband sam had a couple of friends over the night before were we had played some cards and had a couple of drinks. This had come into a normal Friday night and was getting quite boring, so me and sam decided to have a little fun and go out tonight. I am just over five foot about a hundred pounds blonde hair and a very nice but with a b-cup breast. My husband is an avererge built man broad shoulders and a bit of an athletic...
I knew my initiation into the club wouldn’t be easy. They had been telling me that for moths. My friend Jay, a good-looking guy who I always had a thing for but had never hooked up with told me that it’s a pretty intense experience. He joined a few years back but was sworn to secrecy about the process. “Sorry,” he’d tell me with a smirk whenever he felt I was plying him for information. “Lips are sealed…” then he would smirk again, indicating that his lips were anything but sealed during the...
Trent was appreciating the view of Gayle’s new position when Bruce obscured the critical parts. Well, it was Bruce’s turn. He almost thought that Bruce was going to go down on Gayle, which would be sick with two guys’ jism in there, but whatever he sucked out would decrease the competition for Trent’s sperm. Then he saw that Bruce wasn’t really going into Gayle’s slit. He was just concentrating his foreplay on her thighs. Before he was in her, Bruce stopped again at her breasts. He rubbed...
“ahhhhhhh. Pep heel boy.” I managed thru clenched teeth. This command only seemed to excite him. He sunk his teeth deeper into my back and pounded harder. The pain was unbearable. It felt as if the huge monsterdick was getting bigger, and my back was on fire. Stretching my hole wider, ripping the opening. The room starts to spin. “Arggggggg. Please heel Pep” I cried. Pep pumped as hard as he could while letting out an ear piercing howl as he exploded deep in my womb. Cum mixed with...
“Take care, alright?” I told Anwyn as we embraced and she walked onto the ship bound for her native country of Wales. She wasn’t alone, of course. She had Gabby, her wife, and Lewis, their recent partner, all three of them gay until Tara’s condition took hold of them. They also had thirty-five volunteers who had voted to join their expedition, leaving the bulk of my tribe still with me. It was a small band of heavily armed troops, ready to take over the place for the triumvirate led by Anwyn...
The harem was all coming and going and whispers and giggles. The normally tranquil, even languid boredom was changed. Everyone knew why within minutes; the Princess Zubeydeh was coming back! Someone had heard the Chief Eunuch giving orders for her reception at the doors of the Golden Palace. That in itself was strange; usually the escorting eunuchs brought new women straight into the harem anteroom, but it seemed that the Princess Zubeydeh was expected to arrive alone and possibly even...
My head was spinning at the realization of what had happened not three hours before. I married Sam. Holy lord. This could end up being the most wonderfully tortuous existence a man could ever lead. "So what do we do now?" Sam asked. I glanced at her and bit my bottom lip, glancing back at the road. "Pervert!" she laughed. We got a room, nothing fancy, just a typical cheap motel room. Not that it mattered. I wasn't there to enjoy the scenery, I was there to be with Sam. We headed upstairs and...
First TimeThe next morning, Brenda had gotten up, showered and left to spend the day with some of her schoolgirl friends and a pussy full of her grandfather's cum inside her from the night before. Philip got up at about the same time, and he'd hugged and kissed Brenda as she'd gone out the front door with a cup of hot freshly brewed coffee in his hand. He was standing there, wearing only his bathrobe when his daughter-in-law and Brenda's mother came down to have breakfast. Philip's cock was hard...
Ryan went out the next week with his friends. They ended up at Melissa's house. Ryan wondered if Jen would show up. He knew they would run into each other sometime, it couldn't be avoided; they hung out with the same group. "Jen's coming over," Melissa told him. "Oh yeah?" he answered, trying to sound like he didn't care. But his heart was racing. They all sat around, watching TV. When Jen walked in the door she barely looked at him, only glanced at him like she did everyone else....
Dear All ISS readers. Here again I am with another story about my sexual encounter with another aunty, who is very hot and sexy. Height 5’5″, geography 36-30-38, complexion fair, hair long and black, juicy lips with lusty eyes. She is the Devrani (wife of husband’s younger brother) of my ex makaan malkin (lady house owner). Now a days I am on my leave from work place and staying at my native place, Jaipur. As usual I had been there at the residence of my ex makaan malkin and fucked her a couple...
Sunset. The sky is on fire with gold, pink and red as the sun begins it’s decent into sea. The air is warm as I watch from the balcony, sea-birds dance in the last rays of the day and I can just make out lovers spread out over the beach as they watch the daily spectacle. I’m impatient, willing for the sun to be gone and for the last rays of the day to disappear so that she can join me. I sigh deeply and lean onto the glass barrier – not long now. The minutes pass and soon the sun touches the...
SupernaturalHello guys this is Shiraz here and this is the first story ever that I am sharing with anyone and about me. Well I belong to an upper middle class family from Bangalore. I completed my engineering in 2005 and found a well-paying job in a reputed MNC. Life has been good all these years but it really got sexy just about two years ago. Since then I have been living out my fantasies and enjoying it to the fullest. This story revolves around my super hot wife Shifa khan whom I married 3 years ago....
The drive home isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. There are dozens of missed calls from Kelsey and multiple texts. I briefly look at what they say and they all vary from “you bastard! We need to talk, back to you bastard and that it was ok.” I laugh at them all, she never once says she is sorry or that it was her fault. When I get home, I decide to call Kelsey. It isn’t a pleasant phone call. She is crying and screaming at me, defiant that she cheated. I couldn’t care less anymore....
continued……..(from part 1- Next day Karan woke up a little late than usual.He was happy about what happened between him and Sangeeta last night. He tried to recall yesterday nights events,the way he kissed her,how he pressed her boobs and her moans,etc.His penis got erect soon.’Yaar kya maal haaaiiii!!!’ he thought to himself.He started to long for sangeeta’s body even more than usual.He brushed his teeth,...
IncestHi friends this is Sahil, I am guy from Delhi. This story is about me and my sister who is 3 years elder to me. It’s my first story here so I apologize for any mistakes. You can give me feedback or can contact me on my email id – It happened when I was 18 and she was 21; by the way let me tell you, she had a bomb figure such that any guy would pre-cum just seeing her movement. Initially I didn’t have any wrong feeling for her but one day when returning from college I expected nobody as usual...
IncestDavid and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference. Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month. David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.” Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...
SpankingThis is a semi-fictional story, and all participants are 18 years or older. I say semi-fictional because some of the dialogue is made up. However, most of the details come straight from the original police report. A police detective's home is invaded, and his wife and daughter are forced to perform various sexual acts on him and each other for the amusement of their captures. This actually happened to a colleague on my department, but I am telling the story from the first person perspective...
There was a clear priority for Friday; clothes and other requisites for the girls. The Glovers threw themselves into their new responsibility, taking Carli and Jen into London, though after arrival, Angela turned to her husband and told him to: "Go visit St. Paul's or something. We'll meet you for lunch in the crypt at St. Martin's in the Fields. You'll only be in the way while we shop." He decided it was best to go along with that, but made his way to the National Gallery, right next...
“I’m going to take a bath for an hour so see you soon,” she giggled over the phone.That voice of hers and her sweet gentle laughter just makes me stop and think what I wouldn’t do to her, absolutely nothing.. “Well ok but you shouldn’t tell me these things, good grief” I said back to her as she ended the conversation. I stared at the phone in my hands, trying to stop visions, images forming; taking shape that would infuriate me for the rest of the morning.Looking around the office,I went back...
ExhibitionismTHE HUNTER'S TALE. By Cassandra Anaconda Morrison I had been collecting tales of the old days from the people in that small mountain community for several days. And everyone I talked to said the same thing: "Boy?yew should talk to Old Man Sackett if yew wants to hear some hair-raising stories about the old days." It had taken me some time to track him down?apparently he'd taken his Winchester and gone off hunting deer for all he was over 90 years old. But now he was sitting...
No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesLet me first explain about the persons involved in this story. I : Rutwik, 19. Mami : Shipra, 36. Mama : Ritesh, 37. It was the month of May and I had my summer vacations. As usual I had went to my mama’s place to hang out. He has a small family, a wife and two kids. He worked in an automobile company and earned pretty well. The two kids were small and went to school and my Mami was a typical housewife taking caring of the house and also herself in every way. She had maintained herself very...
IncestMichelle Cho's Wild Ride by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2012 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: The Story of How I Moved Here from Tulsa and Met This Amy Komori Girl I'll tell you straight up, dude, this town fucking sucked whenever we first moved here. But it's not like we had a choice. We moved here from Tulsa, Oklahoma,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My cousin Martha who stays with her parents at Nairobi had come to visit us at Mombasa. Since Nairobi is cold and Mombasa is very hot, Martha was complaining that she is not getting enough sleep during the night due to a the high temperatures. So, she used to bring a matress to the sitting room during the day and sleep. Martha is a very beautiful girl. she has the assets, big boobs and hug buttocks. I can't help myself but to admire her back whenever...
Incest"Dad, what the hell was that for?" she asks while following me out of the room. "We have to be over to Kelli and Tim's house in an hour and you're still in your pajamas. If you want to go like that, be my guest, but I know you." I sit down on the couch and turn on SportsCenter. "Ugh, why didn't you wake me sooner? You know I still have to shower and put my makeup on." She storms back upstairs and slams the bathroom door. "Well you have 45 minutes to get both those done," I yell...
Norfolk 1933As Sir Michael walked through Stella's front door, he noticed for the first time what an attractive young lady she was. Stella was still wearing a white Blouse and jodhpurs. What a gorgeous looking little bottom she's got thought Sir Michael to himself. And had to stop himself from giving her a playful slap, on that gorgeous looking bottom. As Stella turned round, and said Can a get you a cup of tea or something else? Sir............ Stella checked herself, she was about to say, Sir...
Ellie scarcely had time to reflect, but it came to her in a flicker as she perched on the edge of the bed.Twenty-four hours ago, he had been an augmented figment of her imagination. A username on a screen. An accent in her ear from hundreds of miles away.They had tentatively flirted their way through dinner, downstairs in the kitchen. The sexual tension between them had been sparking.Already dripping wet as he had led her up to the bedroom, she could feel his wife’s presence around her.The...
Cheating" Shhh, Laura, enough of that," I whispered in her ear, " Why don't you make it easy on yourself and stop struggling. So you and I can have a little fun." Suddenly, she feels herself being spun around and the hand is again placed over her mouth. With her back against the wall, she can now see her captor. Dressed in black, I run my eyes up and down her hot sexy body. Her breath quickens as she wonders what I want. " If I remove my hand, do you promise not to scream?" I ask. She nods...
She got up from where she was lying and sat on the bed’s edge. The towel was still under her so she stood up and removed it. As she did, she saw the huge puddle of her cum laying on top of her bureau and the droplets of it on the front of the drawers. She took the towel and wiped her bureau clean and she felt the stickiness between her legs. She needed to shower. While she was in the shower, she started thinking to herself. She finally had hit that point where she could no longer please...
On the road, I asked Nikki, "So how did it go?" "Okay," she said. She was scraping her fingernail over something crusty on the seat between us. Shit! It was cum from when I'd popped Dusty earlier. "What's this?" she asked, sniffing her finger. She held it out to me. I looked at it quizzically. "Fucked if I know." I figured I'd better change the subject. "So did the johns give you any trouble?" "Nope," Nikki said. She returned her hands to her lap and stared out the...
Introduction: these are a few times leading up to my first chapter of this story. Its rather long, so I separated the three encounters with thier own titles. <,Daniel and Pearls First Amorous Entwine>, Daniel! Lunch. Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed...
Bolting herself upright, she felt the muscles on her flat stomach tighten and relax as waves of torrent surged through her, emanating simultaneously from the two pleasure points at the base of her body. Two masculine organs tore into her vagina and moisturized anus respectively, leaving her shamelessly twitching her naked body in the open night air. Looking around her she found herself on a small, low square platform at the centre of an ancient, large, circular white marble stage in the middle...
BisexualElizabeth Grey By Carmenica Diaz Part 23: Darling of Britain. I spent the rest of the day on the telephone. The press had hounded Mum but I felt relieved when she told me that a security woman arrived, saying she was from Fiona Woolf and would keep the media away. 'She's a little thing, Liz,' Mum said 'but she doesn't take no for an answer. She scared them off quick smart.' When I was on the phone to Mum, Dean came up behind me,...
Hi I am Jeet from Mumbai. I have always been interested in watching bdsm porn videos where there is a dominant top and a submissive bottom. I have always dreamed of serving a dominant top but never had the guts to do so. This is a true incident that happened with me. I met a top named Paresh on a gay dating site. After chatting with him it was pretty evident that he was quite dominant and he wanted to meet me. I was quite sceptical but thinking of being dominated by another male made me really...
Gay MaleIt took Sam a long time to fall asleep. When she finally did, she began to have erotic dreams. She was in a sea of large breasts. They were everywhere. She was sucking on one and playing with two others. Then, there were other women all around her, waiting for her to suck on their breasts. She was surrounded with flesh. Suddenly, Sam's eyes opened and she was in a cold sweat and very sexually aroused. She tried to put the dream out of her mind, however, each time she went back to sleep, she had...
It was a cloudy Friday afternoon when we pulled up the driveway that led to Becca's parent's house. “We're here,” Becca announced, as she parked her car and unbuckled her seatbelt. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out of the car, but Becca grabbed my left shoulder and motioned for me to remain in my seat. “Hold on,” Becca said. “There's something that we need to talk about first.” “A couple family rules?” I wondered. “For the most part, we don't have any rules,” Becca replied. “But...
CheatingA couple years ago, when I was 50, reasonably happy, enjoying a reasonably successful career in advertising, and a reasonably successful marriage with two reasonably well-adjusted children, a totally unreasonable thing happened to me. My name is Tom Mallory, by the way. It was Labor Day weekend. School was just out and my wife had taken the kids over to visit her parents in El Paso. I was supposed to go too, but a crisis came up at the office and it looked like we were about to lose our biggest...
Mind ControlThe day I met my future husband was the day he took my virginity and made me his slave. I can still remember even the tiniest details about that day, even though it was over 30 years ago. I was early spring, just before what was then known as "Easter Vacation." I could describe the weather, the exact hue of blue in the sky, the sounds, even the smells in the air. But you wouldn't be interested in that. I was a sophomore in high school, not a particularly outstanding student, nor a popular...
The last time I was caught in the act was with my Lab Brutus. I’d had him for almost four years at that point in time. He was hung just a little better than Baron but was more aggressive in a few ways.He could be assertive as hell when he wanted to breed for one thing. While it would begin as playing, licking and nudging; if I didn’t get with it, after a little while, it could turn to nipping and actual biting. There were a few times that he drew blood in his assertion. He was also a lot more...
My Sissy Life Part 15 Author's Note: I started writing this because I was telling a friend about a real life sissy that I knew. He said that I should make a story out of it because people on TG story sites would like to read it. The only thing I knew about TG was that one person that this story was originally about. I never thought I'd write 15 parts. I know I have said many times that this story is not real, and that is true. But just like any other fiction story, it does have...
Farewell To Cindy ‘Thank you for flying with us today,’ the flight attendant said as I exited the plane. I acknowledged her statement with a forced smile. There was no joy in such a smile, as it was hollow and empty at best. This flight to Alabama I knew was to be my last. Ever since cancer had claimed her life, I had made this annual pilgrimage. Each summer I would come to spend time at her graveside. On her birthday, I would spend the day at the cemetery just hanging out and spending time...