A Correct DestinyChapter 13 free porn video

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The temperature was in the mid-fifties and a stiff ocean breeze was blowing across the tarmac of Cambridge Aerodrome on the morning of March 24. There were a few high clouds drifting overhead but the sky was otherwise a brilliant shade of blue rarely seen in inland California. This was typical weather for southern Tasmania four days after the autumnal equinox. Ken and Meghan were both enjoying the combination of bright sunlight and brisk air. They wore blue jeans and light windbreakers over short-sleeved pullover shirts. They wore baseball caps upon their heads—Ken a San Francisco Giants cap and Meghan her old cap from when she'd played on the Register's softball team. It was clear to them, however, that Jo was not wild about the daylight conditions. She wore her heavy leather flight jacket and a pair of Isotoner gloves. She kept her dark pilot's sunglasses over her eyes and her brown UPS baseball cap pulled down as far as she could get away with. She made sure to keep her face out of the direct sunlight at all times.

Ken remembered what Jo had told them about the cognate and daylight. We are creatures of the night by design and function. Our vision, our skin, our metabolism, our very nervous systems, are all made to function in the dark. In daylight we cannot see as well. The brightness of a sunny day overwhelms our eyes, which are designed more to see in dim lighting. Direct sunlight on our skin is harmless, but painful—like little needles pricking you. Every time her face turned to that glowing orange ball in the eastern sky, she felt those needles. And yet she is standing there, looking over that Cessna like it's nothing.

This, of course, led to the real question of the hour. Would she be able to fly that Cessna during the daylight? Would she be able to see well enough and react well enough and think well enough to do what they were planning to do with it?

"It looks good," Jo told the owner of Hobart Aircraft Rentals, a wizened, mid-fifties man with an Australian accent so thick they could barely understand him. "Let's go fill out the paperwork and I'll start the pre-flight."

The man—Hubert Jameson was his name—was clearly reluctant to turn control of the eighty thousand dollar Cessna 172S over to her. He had already checked out her bonafides on his computer and verified that she was a certified, licensed commercial pilot with close to two thousand total hours—including more than two hundred hours in a Cessna 172 model during her initial flight training—but it was clear that her youthful appearance was giving him pause. "Now wait just a minute," he said to her. "Before we go signing names on official paperwork, tell me again what you're planning for this aircraft."

"We're going to fly over to Devonport and do some exploring around the north part of the island," Jo told him. "We're going to stay overnight at the Devonport Sea Lodge and then fly out in the morning to King Island. We'll have lunch there and look around a bit—my friends are really anxious to see the wind farm there—and then we're going to continue across the strait to Geelong and spend the night there. The next day we'll hop our way back here."

"Two trips across the strait?" Jameson said doubtfully.

"Yes," Jo said. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Girl, you ever flown across the Bass Strait before?" he asked.

Jo shook her head. "No," she said. "I understand it's windy at times though. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle."

"Do you really have any idea what windy means in the strait?" Jameson asked her. "I'm not sure you do. It ain't no piece of piss, girl! It's not just the prevailing winds that rip through there day and night, it's the gusts that come and go with no warning. It'll bump and bounce you around something fierce!"

Jo simply shrugged, deliberately giving him the idea that she was unimpressed. "I took my flight training out of Schaumburg just outside of Chicago," she said. "I hardly think the winds in the strait can be any worse than they were over Lake Michigan."

"Lake Michigan?" Jameson scoffed contemptuously. "Nothing but a fart against a duck feather in comparison. Out in the strait's where the bloody Indian meets the bloody Pacific! The only place on Earth where the wind's more unpredictable is the Himalayas and the Cape itself!"

"The conditions are forecast calm for the next seventy-two hours," Jo told him. "Seas at less than two meters, winds at fifteen to twenty with gusts up to twenty-five at times."

"The forecast?" Jameson exclaimed. "Hooley Dooley! You can't trust a forecaster out here anymore than you can trust a polly not to put his old boy in your freckle!"

Jo scratched her head a little. "How's that?" she asked.

"Never mind," Jameson said. "My point is, what are you gonna do if you're out over the strait and that wind suddenly kicks up to fifty with gusts of seventy-five? I've seen such a thing happen, you know."

Jo shrugged this off as well, or at least pretended to. Despite the impression she was trying to leave Jameson with, she and Ken had researched the Bass Strait quite extensively and knew that shifting, unpredictable winds was the most likely thing that could cause them to abort their mission or, even worse, to cause an actual impact into the strait instead of a simulated one. "I guess I'll just deal with that if it comes up," she said.

This was not the answer Jameson wanted to hear. "You understand, girl, that this is Tasmania you're in and not bloody New York Harbor? You go down over the strait and there'll be no handsome coast guard blokes flying over to you in a helicopter three minutes later, before your make-up has a chance to run. Our coast guard is volunteer and in this part of Oz they're spread mighty thin. Even if you survive the crash, you could be in the drink for more than an hour before they even get a boat within twenty K of you. That's more than enough time for the sharks or the swells to finish you off."

That's exactly why we picked this place, Ken thought, suppressing a nervous smile of satisfaction. And this, of course, led to the thought: Are we really going to try to pull this off? Do we really think this is going to work?

Jo was undoubtedly thinking the same thing, but she kept her poker face firmly attached. "I understand the risks," she told Jameson. "I understand them and accept them. So ... are you going to rent me the plane or what? Because we plan to put at least fifteen hours on it before we bring it back. I'm sure the gentleman who runs Cambridge Aircraft over there would be willing to collect our one twenty-five per hour if you're not."

It was this logic that served to sway Jameson. He finally agreed to entrust his aircraft to her. Ken followed him into the office to fill out the rental paperwork and put down the deposit with his credit card, which was funding the bulk of this trip and would hopefully be paid off when he and Meghan's estate was liquefied sometime over the next year.

"She quite the figjam, ain't she?" Jameson asked Ken as his printer began churning out the forms.

"Figjam?" Ken asked.

"Fuck I'm good, just ask me," Jameson translated.

"Ahhh, I see," Ken said, not smiling.

"Is she your daughter?" Jameson asked.

Ken smiled weakly. There had been a time, only five or six weeks earlier, when no one would have mistaken Jo for his daughter. Now, however, with the tumors growing merrily away on his liver and pancreas and the gradual but insidious degradation of his body, he seemed to have aged ten years or more. His face was gaunt and starting to show the first yellow tinges of jaundice. His stomach was starting to swell a little in the lower regions from the ascites. And the muscles in his arms, legs, chest and buttocks were shrinking, giving him the first hints of an undernourished heading for emaciation look. "No," he told Jameson, "she's not my daughter, just a close friend of the family. And don't worry about your plane. I've flown with her for about a thousand hours. She's a good pilot."

"You're a pilot as well?" Jameson asked—the obvious, unspoken question being: why aren't you flying the plane instead of her?

"I was," Ken said. "I had to give it up."

"Give it up?" Jameson asked, genuinely shocked. "Why in blazes would you do that?"

"It was a voluntary medical disqualification," Ken told him. "I have cancer."

Jameson's eyes widened and he took a step backward, as if it might be catching. "I see," he said slowly. "Well ... that's too bad."

Ken shrugged. "It is what it is," he replied.

Jameson developed the awkwardness of one who was troubled by the thought of talking to someone with a terminal illness (even though Ken had not actually told him it was terminal). The rest of the transaction was done quickly and without any unnecessary conversation. When it was complete, Jameson merely asked him to send Jo back in for a few more pieces of paperwork to sign and to log her flight plan.

"Will do," Ken agreed.

He walked back out to the tarmac, where Jo was going methodically through the pre-flight inspection checklist and Meghan was standing back, watching her nervously. "How's it going?" he asked.

"So far, so good," Jo replied as she ran her hands up and down the right wing strut and gave it a good pull to make sure it wasn't loose. "I'm glad he finally gave in though. I was just about to try opening my jacket for a little friendly persuasion."

"Would that have worked?" Meghan asked.

"It's debatable," Jo replied. "It's daylight and I'm well fed. It's also windy out here and he's more than fifty years old. Not exactly ideal conditions."

Meghan nodded, filing that information away and then going back to staring at the aircraft. After a moment, Ken decided to stare at it too. It was a standard, reasonably late-model of the most common single-engine aircraft ever built, the staple of flight schools and private aviation worldwide. It was the same basic model of airplane that Ken had learned to fly in when he was a seventeen year old high school junior paying for flight lessons with money saved from fast food jobs and newspaper routes in Grants Pass, Oregon. But this one was different. This one, if all went well, was an aircraft that he knew was never going to return to its home base. It was the aircraft that would carry him, Meghan and Jo on the first leg of their journey to a brand new life.

It had been twenty-four days now since they'd made their decision. In the end, it had come down to a very simple algorithm. Ken was going to die. He didn't want to die. Meghan didn't want Ken to die. Meghan did not want to live without Ken. Since there was a way for them to both continue to live together, they had to take it. Even the implied but never mentioned consequences for both of them if they refused did not enter their calculations. Life was precious, their life together more so. They would see what life as vampires held for them. After all, if they found it not to their liking, if they found they could not adjust their morality enough to guiltlessly feed from members of the human race, there was always "Taking the Next Step". Any cognate was free to take that step whenever they wished.

"We'll do it," Meghan told Jo shortly after sunset two days after the offer had been officially extended to them.

"You will?" Jo asked, her eyes shining and hopeful, her lip quivering with emotion.

"Yes," Meghan said. "We will."

"Both of you?" Jo asked, as if waiting for some sort of disclaimer to be thrown in.

No disclaimer was forthcoming. "Both of us," Ken confirmed. "It's the only way we would do it."

A moment later Jo was crying tears of joy and showering both of them with hugs and kisses. "This is the happiest day of my life," she told them. "Of both my lives! I'll only be happier when I see you take your first feedings!"

By that time, Jo's commotion had brought the other members of the cognate clan (as Ken and Meghan had taken to referring to the them when discussing things privately) into the room: Gertie, Harold, Dick, Marty, and Ralph—all of whom had gone out once or twice a night to feed but had never left Ken and Meghan completely alone, not even for a minute.

"Did we hear correctly?" Gertie asked, although it was obviously she already knew they had.

"You did," Ken said. "We have decided to join you."

And then Gertie started weeping tears of joy and showering them with hugs and kisses. "Welcome to the family," she told them. "After two hundred years, I'm finally going to be a grandmother."

"I don't feel old enough to be a grandfather," Harold said, "but I guess I'll learn to live with it." And he gave each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek as well.

This reference—the fact that Ken and Meghan would be Harold and Gertie's cognate grandchildren—caused Ken and Meghan to share a look with each other, a look regarding one of the more startling revelations of cognate culture they'd been told about over the past two days: How the relationship between Jo and themselves would change after the propagation. It was something they were still trying to wrap their minds around.

This revelation had taken place the previous night during the dinner table discussion period after the dishes had been cleared away. It was as they were sipping weak white wine spritzers and talking about the ins and outs, pros and cons of bloodsucking.

"There's something you haven't asked about yet," Jo told them. "Something that, in the interest of full disclosure, I feel I really need to explain to you."

"What's that?" asked Meghan, who was still reeling from the story Dick had just told them regarding a human couple he had lived with and maintained a sexual relationship with for more than three years during the chaotic years immediately after the French Revolution.

"As I said," Jo said, "it never came up, but haven't you wondered about how me and Mom and Dad met and how they ended up becoming my cognate parents?"

"Uh ... well, I haven't thought too much about it," Meghan admitted.

"Yes," Ken agreed. "I just assumed they were a nice cognate couple who kind of adopted you when you were human and decided to make it official."

"Yes," Meghan said. "That's what I figured too. It seems to make sense since those who become cognate tend to be those who cannot or do not have children. I mean, it's only natural, right?"

"Well ... not exactly," Jo said.

"What do you mean?" Meghan asked. "You told us you met them in San Diego in ... what was it? 1950?"

"1951," Jo said. "And that is where I met them. Only ... the relationship we shared with each other when I was human was not a parental one; it was a romantic relationship."

"Romantic?" Meghan said. "You mean ... uh..."

"Romantic," Jo repeated. "And sexual. It was, in fact, a loving relationship very much like the relationship I share with you and Ken now."

"We have told you how we cognate often develop extended romantic relationships with individuals or couples of humans," Gertie said.

"Yess," Ken said slowly. And they had. That was what had led to the story Dick had just told about his affair with the eighteenth century French couple.

"Our relationship with Josephine started out as one such relationship," Gertie said. "I, like Josephine, like you yourself, Meghan, am bisexual."

"Bisexual?" Meghan said, once again wide-eyed and open mouthed. "Do you mean ... you were always bisexual?"

Gertie chuckled. "Since the time I started to grow breasts," she said.

Meghan was blushing now. "Sorry," she said. "It's just that I ... you know ... it's hard to think that there were bisexuals back in the eighteen hundreds in England."

"Yes," Ken agreed. "I mean, I intellectually know that there must have been, it just doesn't ... you know ... go along with the image."

"I assure you," Gertie said, "we've been around as long as there have been men and women having sexual intercourse with each other. In any case, my overriding sexual orientation has always been toward men, but I'm more than marginally attracted to women as well. I was never able to act upon my desire to indulge in female flesh until after my rebirth as a cognate, and even then, I very rarely engaged in anything other than single, fleeting encounters with women. On those occasions it was more than that—say, once every decade or so—it was generally nothing more than a one or two week tryst with someone I found especially alluring. Quite frankly, I never saw myself as someone capable of actually falling in love with another woman, particularly not a human woman." She looked at Jo nostalgically, lovingly. "I was wrong."

Ken was still unable to grasp what it was she was trying to tell them. It seemed like he was missing a link or two in the chain of logic.

Meghan was apparently having the same difficulty. "I'm not sure I'm following you here," she said. "You're saying you and Jo were ... that you started out as ... as..."

"As lovers," Jo said.

"Lovers," Meghan said, as if it were a new word. "Okay. But now ... now you're mother and daughter?"

"And father," said Harold.

"Right," Meghan said, chewing her lip a little. "You started as lovers and ... and now you're the father, Gertie's the mother, and Jo is the daughter. What am I missing here?"

"You're not missing anything," Jo said. "It's just a new concept for you. Cognate relationships evolve from friendship to lovers to reproduction, just like human relationships are supposed to. The only difference is that we don't have the factor of growing another being inside of our bodies. The birth of a new cognate is conceived within the bounds of love, just as reproduction of sentient beings should be, and it is conceived through sexuality, again, as they should be, only in our case the human part of the equation evolves from human lover to cognate child once the rebirth and transformation is complete."

Ken's head was spinning. There was something about this that just seemed incestuous in a way. "So you're saying ... that you, Jo, used to have sex with Gertie and Harold?"

"Yes," Jo said. "We were lovers for four years before I was reborn."

"And ... did you used to call them by their first names?" Meghan asked.

"Yes," Jo said with a playful smirk. "Along with some other more intimate names."

"Josephine," Gertie said warningly, although with a playful smirk of her own.

Meghan ignored this—or tried to anyway. "So ... so ... after they propagated you ... you started calling them Mom and Dad."

"I did," Jo said, "because once I was reborn, they were my mom and dad. My very blood was a product of theirs, my very existence as a cognate was because of them."

"And ... and..." Meghan swallowed, clearly uncomfortable with the discussion. "And once you became cognate and they became your ... your parents, you ... stopped having sex with them?"

Jo nodded. "Yes," she said. "It is a necessary part of the evolution and it is integral to the continuation of civilized cognate society."

"And," said Gertie, "once you have been through the propagation process and taken your first feeding, it will feel like a parent-child relationship—for all parties concerned. It is difficult to explain to you now, since you've yet to go through the process, but that is how it happens."

Meghan was scratching her head, her face a mixture of confusion and anxiety. "So ... just for clarity here," she said. "You're telling us that if Jo turns us into cognate ... that we will no longer be able to be ... uh ... intimate with her?"

"You will not," Jo replied, now showing an expression of sadness of her own. "You will no longer feel sexual love for me at that point..." She glanced at her mother. "Not overtly anyway. Our love will grow and deepen considerably as we will be bonded on the genetic level, but ... but the love will be that of a strong parent-child relationship, not of intimate lovers."

"So you'll be our ... our..."

"I will be your mother," Jo said. "You will refer to me as 'Mom' or 'Mother' and I will call you by your full first names. We will kiss and hug each other quite frequently, but we will not be intimate with each other."

Meghan had a tear running down her cheek now. "I ... I ... don't think I like the thought of that," she said, her lip quivering.

"I know," Jo said. "I don't like the thought of it just now either. Right now, I love both of you as sexual beings, as objects of intimacy. All I can tell you is that this may seem like a sad thing, but it really is not once the propagation is complete. The depth of the parent-child bond we will share will outweigh the loss of intimacy by a factor of ten. I am closer to Mom and Dad now than I ever was as a human lover to them. It will be the same for us."

"What about our memories of our relationship with each other?" Ken asked. "Some of the fondest memories of my life involve ... well ... to be honest, they involve some of the steamier encounters between you, Meghan and I. The first time we made love, for instance, the time in the South Lake Tahoe hotel room, the time we went up into the VIP booth at Raley Field and ... well, you know..."

"Yes," Jo said, a naughty twinkle in her eye. "I know."

Even Megan gave a little giggle at that one.

"So ... what I'm asking," Ken continued, "is will those memories turn shameful once we start thinking of you as our mother?"

"A good question," Jo said. "The answer is a little complex and hard to put into words, however. In short, you will retain those memories and if you have a well-adjusted personality and sense of perspective, it will not bother you to think that the woman you know now as your mother was a star performer in that memory. When that happened, you see, I was not your mother. As long as you do not obsess about it, there should be no problem. For instance, I still remember the first time that Gertie and I made love. It is one of my fondest memories. I still remember the first time that Harry, Gertie's husband, kissed me in passion while Gertie suckled my breasts. That too is a fond memory."

"Yes," Gertie said with a smile. "Mine as well."

Harold nodded. "It was quite the night," he agreed.

"But now, while the thought of doing those things with Mom and Dad is somewhat shameful and taboo, they weren't Mom and Dad then, they were my lovers. Your brain will be able to make the distinction."

"Every cognate goes through this," Gertie said. "Once you are reborn, your mind will draw a line in the timeline of your memories. On one side of this line will be your pre-cognate memories and on the other your post-cognate memories. The two will not intermingle."

Ken and Meghan were silent, both trying to absorb all of this.

"Does that make sense?" Jo asked.

"Kind of," Meghan said softly. "There is one other thing though."

"What's that?" asked Jo.

"If you become our mother ... does that mean that Ken and I ... that we'll be ... uh ... brother and sister?"

Ken blanched and suddenly felt ill. He hadn't even thought about that. "Oh my god," he whispered, suddenly horrified.

But Jo was smiling. "No," she said with a chuckle. "It doesn't work like that. You'll still be husband and wife and you'll still have the sexual hots for each other. And ... lucky you ... you'll get to experience cognate lovemaking without having to wait for a suitable cognate partner."

Ken looked at his wife and saw a gleam of interest in her eyes.

Gertie saw it as well. She giggled a little. "There are some true advantages to coming into the fold as a married couple," she said.

The pre-flight was done and the engine was turning, imparting a comforting hum throughout the aircraft. Jo sat in the left front seat, her hands on the controls, her feet on the rudder pedals. Ken sat in the right front seat, his hands in his lap. Meghan sat directly behind Ken, her hands nervously gripping the back of Ken's seat, her seatbelt pulled uncomfortably tight across her middle. She was not, however, quite as nervous as she could have been. She trusted Jo's piloting skills as much as she trusted Ken's and she had been in up in an aircraft very similar to this one eight different times in the very recent past. This trip would be a little different though. She would actually have to suffer through the landing this time—something that had not been required of her on those other flights.

There was no other traffic, air or ground, moving at Cambridge Aerodrome at this particular moment. Jo was given immediate clearance to takeoff. She pulled onto the field's only runway and paused for a few seconds, quickly running through her takeoff checklist.

"Are we ready?" she asked.

Ken and Meghan both agreed they were ready.

"Off we go then," Jo said. She slowly pushed the throttle forward and the engine began to roar. The plane rolled down the runway, steadily picking up speed. At 66 knots, she pulled back on the control stick. The nose lifted up and they broke contact with the ground. The ride smoothed out and the plane began to claw its way upward, wobbling a little in the gusty wind. By the time it reached one thousand feet, the airport grounds were behind them. Jo turned right, following the field's egress pattern, and two minutes later they were over the outlying suburbs of Hobart, Tasmania, still climbing. At twenty-five hundred feet, they were out of the field's airspace. Jo engaged the autopilot, which had been programmed to bring them up to eight thousand feet of altitude and follow the GPS course to their destination: the small town of Devonport on the northern coast of Tasmania, 113 nautical miles away.

The flight took one hour and sixteen minutes from takeoff to touchdown. Even though he wasn't controlling the aircraft, even though there was a lot of uncertainty and doubt looming over the next forty-eight hours, Ken couldn't help but enjoy himself. He had been born to fly, after all, and flying in a Cessna 172 at eight thousand feet over Tasmania was the very essence of what drew humans to fly. The flight into Hobart from Sydney the day before had been aboard a Qantas Airlines 737 and the approach to the runway had been from the seaward side of the island, giving very little opportunity to glimpse the landscape. Now, however, they were flying directly over the island at an altitude that was, at times, less than three thousand feet above the terrain. The island was composed mostly of rugged hill country covered with thick green foliage. There were occasional flat spots where farming was being done, occasional tree-dotted meadows, a fair amount of narrow rivers and moderate sized lakes, including one that was surrounded with steep, rocky cliffs. Every few minutes there would be a glimpse of a road, twisting and turning its way through and around the hills, and every once in a while Ken caught a glimpse of small airstrips, a few isolated buildings, the odd water tower, a set of power lines, or, even more rarely, a communications tower. But these sporadic hints of human intrusion only served to contrast the vast overriding emptiness of Tasmania—an emptiness that Ken had only experienced once before: over the isolated wilderness of northern Alaska.

About thirty-five miles from their destination, the land began to slope downward a bit, putting more altitude between the plane and the ground. A strip of grayish-blue became visible on the horizon, a strip that expanded minute by minute until it was recognizable as the turbulent water of the Bass Strait, the 150 mile wide channel between Tasmania and the southeastern coast of mainland Australia. Ken stared at this sight more intently than anything else, feeling chills of fear and anticipation.

"That's the strait, isn't it?" Meghan asked from behind him.

"That's it," Ken said. "The place where we're going to die."

Even Jo seemed awed by this first viewing of what the world would assume to be their watery grave. "And the place that will give us rebirth," she said.

They continued on and soon they were over the small town of Devonport, population twenty-two some odd thousand, a town that was considered the gateway to the Tasmanian wilderness. Jo descended over the town and then out over the water of the strait itself. The moment they went feet wet, the plane began to rock and bounce in the gusty wind. Ken looked down as Jo banked to the right to enter the airport's ingress pattern. From twenty-eight hundred feet up, he could see choppy waves roiling and converging in multiple directions. He could see thousands of whitecaps scattered densely throughout his field of view in no discernable pattern. Even this close to shore it was as unforgiving a seascape as he'd ever laid eyes upon.

"It looks nasty down there," he commented.

"Yes," Jo agreed. "Just like it's supposed to look."

Six minutes later, they touched down on the asphalt runway and taxied over to the general aviation terminal. While Jo and Meghan went about unloading and securing the plane, Ken walked over to the main passenger terminal. In there was an establishment called Sanders Rents. What Sanders rented was jeeps. Ken had a reservation for one, made on the internet a week before.

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It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...

4 years ago
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Corrective Measures

Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...

1 year ago
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Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...

3 years ago
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Corrective Measures

"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....

1 year ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...

4 years ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...

2 years ago
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Correcting Sissy

"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...

1 year ago
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Correcting My Stepdaughter

I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...

3 years ago
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Correction Multiplied

David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference.   Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month.     David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.”   Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...

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Corrected Behaviour part 1

I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Share

"Oh, my God! Let's make a sandwich out of Steve!" At first it didn't register what was being said as much as it was being shrieked very loudly as I was sound asleep. I opened my eyes to the dim light shining through the doorless opening from the living room in our little servant’s quarters house. There at the foot of the bed stood my wife, Connie, and her best friend Joanne. As more sleep lifted, I realized Joanne was staring at my midsection. I was naked (it was a warm night), uncovered, and...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity To Neighbor Bhabhi

I am 22 year old and i am from Delhi, i can’t say i am good looking but yeah i am attractive. I have a lean body and quite a healthy dick. I am well settled in life and i stay in Mumbai. My email is The story i am writing is about how i lost my virginity to my neighbor bhabhi. My neighbor was a family of 5. Uncle, Aunty, their son and daughter and their son’s wife; whom i call bhabhi. My family and they had a very healthy relations. Bhabhi had a great body and a lil dark complexion. She was 28...

1 year ago
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Finally Going For It

Finally Going for It Part 1 First, this is a true story, and I want to thank a few friends here who talked me through ‘going for it’. You know who you are, thanks! So, my name’s Nicole. I’m a 21 year old student living in Florida, and working part time at a real estate firm. And yes, it’s all very glamorous. Not. But the guys around my school do look like underwear models, and being a single girl in the midst of it all, I’ve found myself quite horny nearly every second of the day. But none...

2 years ago
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Dear Daughter

It was 1997 and I had just got home from the hospital watching my wife give birth to our youngest daughter Dee. My wife will be home in the morning and life will get crazy. It wasn't but a short time later that I got loaded and went on a bender. Robbed a bank and the rest was history. Thirteen years later i was released from federal prison with no one, nothing, and free. I was 43 years old, in great shape and horny as a motherfucker. First thing i did was have a beer, or 13, find a woman and...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 59 YYZ

Sammy’s Guest House 4:15pm, Wednesday, March 28, 1979 “Holy moly! E and Lisa! That was ... beyond awesome!“ Cathy said for all of us after our two newest band members played a two-and-a-half-minute kick ass drum and bass instrumental riff. “Got any lyrics to go with that monster riff?” Lynette excitedly asked the girls as she took a swig of her Diet Coke. “Sorry, no,” Eda hurriedly said as tried to catch her breath as she sat on her drum throne after killing her DW double bass drum...

3 years ago
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Selfbondage and the cleaner

I was off work for the day, time off owed to me that had to be used or it would be lost. It was cold and raining so I was enjoying a wonderful free day in the house. Curtains were drawn, phone was turned off, and I was indulging in some very enjoyable (and safe) self-bondage.I had dressed in a sexy nightie, see-through, very short and low-cut, fastened with just a single bow at each shoulder, just to make me feel naughty and playful. My ankles were secured to a spreader bar fixed to the bottom...

2 years ago
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Naughty Girls Naughty Boy

It was just a few weeks before graduation, my daughter Tracy who had been a member of the cheerleading squad had come and asked my wife and me if she could have an overnight party with the girls on her squad as a sort of graduation, going away thingy since most of them probably wouldn't be seeing one another again after that. Already eighteen by then, and wanting to give her a little more freedom and trust since she too would be going away to school in a few months, my wife and I agreed to let...

1 year ago
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Family Liza Rowe I Want My Stepdads Big Black Cock

Liza or as her stepdad nicknamed her “Jo Jo”, finds her stepdad so sexy and even though she keeps flirting with him, he keeps resisting her attempts. Liza finally found her opportunity when her stepdad Sean fell asleep on the couch, so she started to play with herself while she fantasied about him. Her orgasm woke him up so she figured he wouldn’t be able to resist her now! He told her that her behavior is out of hand but Liza took matters in her own hands as she showed him...

2 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 7

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 7 Each day, Jane had opened the parcel and each day she found different sexy underwear. There was one toy that she received on Wednesday that she had to ask Matt about. It was a pair of small metal balls. He smiled as he told her what to do with them. Her mouth opened wide as she gasped. But as the slut she was, she placed them inside her and walked around London and important client offices with them rubbing against her insides. At one point she felt like she was...

3 years ago
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Play Date

What is it with men? I think everyone of them has a fantasy involving two women. My husband and I have talked about this subject many times. When I was younger, (in college) this one girl I met, Bonnie, latched on to me and we kissed and played with each other’s tits a few times. One time, when kissing, she put her hand on my crotch. It sent chills through my body. That’s all that ever happened. I never thought much of it, because like most young women, experimentation is part of growing up. I...

4 years ago
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Shalu Ki Naye Office Me Chudai

Hi dosto, umeed hai mere pichle gangbang ki kahani sabko pasand ayi hogi . Jabse mera gangbang hona shuru hua mere tharak ke to koi thikane hi nahe rahe ab to mere pati bhi kuch nahi kehte aur roz naye naye log late hai meri choot se apna promotion karvane , apne aur apne pati ke office ke har admi se chud chud ke mai bore ho chuki thi, padosi bhi mene koi nahi chora ! To ab mene naye sheher jane ki sochi , mere pati ka transfer to hona hi tha to hamne jaldi karva lia aur ham naye sher me nayi...

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Hotel Adventure

A few months ago, I started a new job. The job took me around the country, often to locations far from home, where I would stay in some easily forgettable hotels, which usually, at least, were blessed with free WiFi. I would generally arrive the night before attending client meetings the next day. This gave me many opportunities to enjoy my old hobby of cross-dressing. Now, I am straight, but - for as long as I can remember - have enjoyed the thrill of dressing as a woman. I have never gone out...

Straight Sex
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 24 Cauldron Dance

The cheers died and the priestesses gathered beside Rebecca and Wayne. “We should take care of our criminal priest,” Judith said to Rebecca. “His presence in the circle is disharmonizing at best.” Rebecca turned her attention back to The Barber behind the altar stone where he was still held. “And what shall we do with him?” she asked as he was brought forward. “Geld him and send him ball-less into the night like Saturn sent Uranus and was himself deposed,” said the Priestess of...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 2

Introduction: A fictional meeting between me and an admirer met on the internet. Me and Mr. Bill!: Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio...

1 year ago
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The salesman part one

Hampton Rogers sat in the outer office of the Pleasure Max Corporation, quietly paging through the latest issue of the companies sex magazine while waiting for an appointment with the head of the procurement department, a Miss Jackson!!! While the magazine was the flagship jewel in the PMC empire, they also were deeply involved in x-rated movie theaters and x-rated bookstores!!! For the last three years Ham had been his company's leading salesman of what might be referred to in polite circles...

3 years ago
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Friday Night0

On Friday nights, I go to Newcastle with a bunch of girlfriends, drinking, dancing and sometimes flirting a little bit. One particularly hot night, I was dancing with a couple of friends, when two Asian boys joined us. “You’re Amy, aren’t you?” whispered the taller one. “Yes, who are you?” “I’m Amjed, you used to work with my mum, Sonja.” I hardly recognised him. He was about 18 now, tall, athletic and very good looking. “Can I buy you a drink?” I agreed, so we went to the...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp part 2

The next morning Liz woke up in the best mood. She danced around the other girls in the cabin as she was getting ready for the day. All the other girls knew it had to be a guy she met, but they didn’t know who. Today was the night that dancing class performed their songs that they had been working on all week long. Liz walked to breakfast after she got ready and wondered when she might see Josh again. Liz grabbed her food and went to sit down at a table when she caught Josh out of the...

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A Worthy Sacrifice

I stood in what appeared to be dungeons below the old university grounds. I had no idea where I was as I had been blind folded and brought down here from my bed, but I had been expecting that. All the worst initiation shit happened after hours. I had been through hell and back this past week, and knew my hazing period was coming to an end. What I was not expecting to see when the blindfold was removed was a fully naked girl chained to a stone table with a gag in her mouth and a blindfold...

2 years ago
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Horny young girls chapter 1

By Kinky fun fantasies All characters, names and places are made up I had a girlfriend a few years back that was big on helping people. Obviously it was a good trait for a person to have and it often lead to having extra house mates from time to time. One particular girl stands out from the rest her name Phoenix. She was old enough when I met her and she came to stay with us 2 years later after fighting with her mum. It wasn’t a free for all, we had rules like go to school and do your...

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Silver satin panties

I've always wondered why bars and motels are the places where wife sharing stories take place. I guess it makes some sense... but the thrill...the heart pounding...the anticipation are so much greater in places where you just don't expect it. I haven't written for a while but this time I just had too. Here's how the fun happened...The week of New Years Day was a week that both Jodi and I took off from work. We didn't have any plans or goals. The thought of hanging around the house and doing...

3 years ago
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The Bonus Surprise

John Grabo stood motionless watching as the bailiff passed the sheet of paper with the verdict to the judge. The federal judge took the paper and read it stone faced before looking up and seriously addressing the court. As the the words, “Not guilty of racketeering,” came out of his mouth John Grabo felt an incredible sense of elation.John’s client, the notorious Miami crime lord, Carlo Perez, immediately grabbed John and gave him a tight hug with both arms and then grabbed John’s face and...

Group Sex
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Mutual Satisfaction

 “You want me to do what?" Dawn’s eyes looked like saucers, her mouth fell open and her body froze, book forgotten in her hand."I want to see you play with another man's cock. You don't have to fuck him, just make him cum," Colin, her husband of five years, who was beside her in the bed said, almost in a whisper. "You know we have fantasized about a stranger fucking you. Well, all I am asking is you wank one-off. Come on babe, just to make your old man happy. Just a one-off, I promise,...

3 years ago
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Sharing My Wife with my Boss part 2

What has happen in my boss hotel room was planned by me and my boss and the plan went on perfectly. It has been 2 weeks since that incident happen and she does not bring it up and I do not want to talk about it with her yet. We sort of pretended it didn’t happen. My Boss, Dan, he has been telling me that my wife did enjoy him fucking her and told me that as much as she was reluctant, she did CUM few times. Dan said that she can feel her body shake when he went deep in her and there are small...

4 years ago
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Eyes on the Prize Chapter 4

EYES ON THE PRIZE - CHAPTER FOUR As the gigantic dildo ploughed into my mouth, I took a deep breath and tried to relax. "Come on Stacey," urged the hated voice above me, "take that cock deep. You look like a tramp, I'm sure you can act like one too." The boss bitch's mocking words were meant to sting, but I tuned them out. I knew the stakes here. I would be judged on how deeply and for how long I could swallow the sex toy. It was a test on which I had to do well - or I would not...

1 year ago
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Opus OneChapter 24 Ballet en Cinq Mouvements

I. Overture Jer pulled his headphones off when he heard the phone. He could almost tell from the ring that it wasn't Richard's father, so he started to get up to answer. "I'll get it," Richard said, moving quickly to the phone. Jer put his headphones back on, but paused the CD player until he heard who it was. "Hello?" Richard said. "Hi Sandra! Made it to your house?" Jer smiled. Richard's tone brightened up considerably. And why wouldn't it? If I was banging those two girls,...

3 years ago
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Special MotherChapter 9

The knock at the door was persistent. Rita tried to tune it out and focus once more on the novel in her hands, but it wouldn't stop. She frowned as she put the book aside, put her feet into high-heeled slippers, rose, and fastened her robe. Tommy wasn't due for an hour or more. Besides, he had his own key. She opened the door. "Why, Bill!" she said. "Tommy isn't here just yet, but come on in." "Thanks, Mrs. Baylor," he said, following her in. "We don't need to be formal. It...

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BtB All About The Game

‘And now,’ the loud voice overhead said. ‘YOUR RABID BADGERS!’ To say the arena went nuts was an understatement. Championship Semi-Finals against the Pythons, our archrivals, at home? ‘Nuts’ was the understatement of the century. ‘At center, number twenty-nine,’ the announcer said. As he got to his pause, ‘Smooth Criminal’ by Alien Ant Farm started blaring over the speakers, the crowd pounding on the glass. ‘Craig ‘The Hammer’ Millard!’ The crowd cheered, as our home crowd always did. Craig...

1 year ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 12 What the Probe Brought Back

Life settled down again once Tintagel Castle left for home. As expected, Brent's retest scored him as a five nine and James quickly ordered him thrown in a recycler. After that, the citizens appeared to be concentrating on the slow expansion of the colony and setting up the new living area for visiting crews. The musical practice was now all about perfecting the dances and singing. As we could all see it coming together there was a contagious enthusiasm creeping into the concubines. Anytime...

3 years ago
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Mayas Birthday Surprise

Girl Meets World - Maya's Birthday SurpriseToday was going to be the greatest day of Maya Penelope Hart's life. Today, she is turning 18-years-old. Her mother and her stepfather Shawn surprised her with birthday pancakes that they both made for her. Shawn also surprised Maya by taking her to the art museum to look at some of the paintings. This is going to be the best day ever. Later that day, Riley has planned something special for Maya. Maya has picked out the perfect outfit to wear: she wore...

2 years ago
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Danielle friends and family 2

After Billy and her aunt had let her out of the car, Kayla walked the short distance to her house. She heard their car drive off as she let herself into the house, wondering what would happen the next day. Her auntie hadn't seemed that annoyed with either of them and the way she'd looked at her in the car . . . Kayla wondered if auntie Danielle was all that innocent. She'd seen enough cum to know what had been soaking through her aunt's T-shirt."Kayla? That you?" her father, Steve, called from...

2 years ago
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The return of Gina part 1

My name is Bill and I am a male escort. I met Gina at rest stop on the way home from a working party with a lot of GILF's. As she was walking, I see that she was a gorgeous Black woman. She got close and with a smile, asked if she could sit with me because this place is full of creepy guys that think I am looking to hookup. I asked playfully, well are you? Her answer was, Maybe you'll find out with a wink. Gina is 5'5", 125 pounds, firm high standing C cup tits and a firm athletic body with a...

3 years ago
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A Little Experiment

As a curious teen James had always wondered about sex. Not just straight sex, nor lesbians, but gay sex. He wondered, what would it be like to taste semen in my mouth or occasionally, does it hurt having another man inside my ass? These were all thoughts he had never acted upon and doubted if he ever would. Yet as a sportsman he would often see his team mates in the showers, and couldn't help but linger at the sight of their cocks. Yes he had masturbated over the images they left in his head...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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How I Became A Prostitute 8211 Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, this is Ramya. I am back with the part 2 of the story hope you liked the first part. If anyone wants to give me feedback they can give it to my mail ID: ramya.reddy32yahoo.com .so let’s get started into the story. After having that conversation Shalini went to her home and said that she will try to contact her friend. After that I cleaned up and went to my room. Normally when my daughter is not at home I generally either watch serials or watch porn. I...

3 years ago
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Perversion Chapter Five The Padrersquos Wife

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)With tea over and the youngest in bed Maureen got the three older ones to sit with her while I did the washing up. I could hear the excited lads and Maureen as they watched the DVD I had made earlier. With the pots all done and put away I went into the tv room.Two of the lads, Rob and Phil were...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 304 Starshine

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: February 20, 2012) Chapter 4 - Starshine I was smiling as my plane landed in Denver. Instead of being stuck in Chorus, where I would have been if I was still in school, I was on my way to perform a...

2 years ago
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A Reminder

"It's that time of the night again. Yes, it's the midnight love hour. Coming to you live I'm DJ Dakota. Call me up and let me know who you're thinking of. Let me know who is special to you. Tell me who you admire." Larry punched one of the many buttons at his station and The Verve's "Sonnet" began to play. He sat back and watched the lights flicker on the telephone line. Larry loved his job as one of the cities most popular DJ's. He was well known for his late night show on the...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 5 The Bards Performance

The Erinyes Incessae – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi The howls of the rampaging barguest filled the night over the small town of Lor-Khev in southern Thosi. The Lesh-Ke Mountains loomed to the south, a wall of black that occulted the brilliant, starry sky I flew through. My eyes scanned the town. My prey lay in here. The target of Mother’s vengeance. I glided over the town on black-feathered wings, gripping my spear of fire in my hand. Already Angela of the Knights Deute, bastard descendant...

2 years ago
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Shadow of a Doubt Ch 08

Chapter 08 I tried to smile back at all the excited faces surrounding me. I mean honestly, the last thing I felt like was a lingerie and toy party. What I needed was a glorious body-wrenching orgasm, a cuddle, and a blissful, long sleep. I was pretty disappointed I wasn't going to get an early night. I was sitting on a single sofa chair in the lounge room of my house. Around me was a semi-circle of 'munch' friends, women who were all members of our 'lifestyle', as it's called. I had other...

2 years ago
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Damn CowboysChapter 2

Cammy got her parts, had a nice flight down then back up the river and was with her man all morning. Saturday afternoon the old Sony VAIO was stripped, cleaned and re-built. Cammy was finished by four fifteen. It was ready for work time Monday and was sitting on a low table next to Mrs. Clark's desk. Cammy was finished for the weekend. She found Bob in his office listing cattle auction yards to call about the sales he was proposing. Cammy said "I am through working, I want to play now."...

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