Workout_(0) free porn video

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Please help me. They’ve left me alone-for now. But they’ll be back. And they’ll do something even worse, even more horrible. I don’t know how that’s possible, after all they’ve done to me, to my body. But I know they’ll find a way. Find something even more terrible to drive into my pussy, to shove cruelly ups my bleeding ass. Please help me.
I am so ashamed. So humiliated. He seemed so nice, you know? Trainer at the gym, handsome, buff, funny. David. His name is David. Gentle in his guidance, his hand on my waist sending tingles through my body. I wanted him. Oh, dear God, I did, I wanted him. How was I to know he wanted me in this terrible way?
Oh, this hurts so badly! Dildos shoved inside me, filling me, stretching me so painfully. David says I’ll thank him for the stretching. Oh, please help me.
It was just a normal day, you know? I’m a schoolteacher. I was a schoolteacher. I’m a “fuck toy” now. That’s what they tell me. What they laugh as they force their cocks into me. A schoolteacher, 5th grade. I left the school, went to the home to visit my grandma, then came to the gym late to avoid the crowd. I always come in late, leave at closing. A normal day. Did my routine, David there, attentive, so very attractive. Smiling. He always smiled when he looked at me. He still does.
After my workout, I hit the sauna. Towel open, leaning back, eyes closed. So impressed with myself, with my body. Touching my breasts-I’ve always thought they were too big, but others seem to like them. 34D. Touching my pussy just a little-clean shaven, soft. Ready to pull the towel shut should anyone come in, though I knew no one would. I drowsed, drifted.
Time to leave. I stood, pulled my towel around me, and reached for the door. Locked? Oh, no. I began tugging, calling out. Panic rising as my cries went unanswered. Sweating, shaking-what if they’d left for the night? Time passing, feeling faint. Would I die in here? Dear Jesus, I wish I had.
Then the door opening, strong arms lifting me from the floor. Being laid out-massage table? Weight bench? I couldn’t tell. Cool air on my bare skin. David? David. Thank goodness. My arms being pulled above my head, what was he doing? Tying me? Tying me! I struggled weakly, mumbled his name as my arms were securely bound. My head lolled over the edge as I struggled to lift it As he dragged my legs to the sides of the table, pulled my hips to the very edge of the table, commenced binding them, I began to grasp what was going on. Began to struggle. He was silent, focused, forcing my legs, one at a time, down. Securing them. I looked at him for the first time, my vision still blurred. His expression so distant. I screamed thinly.
He didn’t even look at me. Just reached into a drawer and pulled out-what was that? I didn’t know at first. He walked around the table, grasped my head, and forced my jaws open. So strong. Where was everyone, why wasn’t anyone helping me? A metal ring was forced behind my teeth, stretching my mouth open wide. Then a leather strap, something slipping through the ring and into my mouth. I was silenced. I began to cry. But, God forgive me, I was a little aroused, too. His body, so built, tanned muscle moving smoothly as he walked around me, surveying his work, examining me. I thought maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. I actually started to get wet. Oh, I hate myself for that.
He walked away, I couldn’t see him. What was he doing? And then the door opened, and I heard, I realized. More men, many men. Oh, no! I began to struggle wildly, writhing against my bonds. Hands grabbing, squeezing.
“Let’s have some order here,” David spoke with authority, “I told you all how this is going to go down-it’s going to be on film, so let’s do it right.” The men backed off, and David began giving instructions.
“You, Mike-her head. You hard? Good-wait until I tell you take it out. Don’t take your pants off, just slide them down to your thighs when I say go, okay? Remember the camera down there.” The man stood above my face, grinning like a kid in a candy store. I shook my head fiercely. No, this wasn’t happening!
“Steve, you in her cunt, wait for it. Just take your spot-you hard? Okay then. When I say go, unzip, pants around ANKLES, okay? There’s a camera right below you-don’t be nervous, we just want a good shot of you slamming into her, you good with that?” This man moved to stand between my legs, the crotch of his jeans just brushing my smooth pussy. He nodded, smiling.
“Free for all on the tits-who wants to mount up and fuck her tits? Need someone tall with strong legs-goanna be a job staying up there, don’t want any mistakes.” A man stepped forward-black, built. David looked him over, then nodded his approval. “Perfect, take your clothes off–now, I need everyone else to back off a bit, take your dicks out. Stroke ‘em, keep ‘em hard, but don’t cum.”
I moaned, pulled at the straps holding me in place for them. David moved through the room, turning on cameras, aiming, focusing. Then turned them on, one after the other.
Hands on my head, strap being pulled off. I began to scream wildly, whipping my head back and forth. The man wrapped his hands in my hair, held my head still. His cock pushed past my lips, I was helpless to stop it. In my mouth, salty. I shrieked around it, he laughed.
“Deeper, Mike-pull her head down further toward the floor, it’ll open up her throat,” David spoke like a teacher to a student, “I need you all the way in, so your balls are hitting her nose, you’re completely buried in her face, okay? And remember, to pull out almost all the way between strokes so the camera under can catch that full stroke. Vary it-fast, slow. Do some wiggling, the camera loves that. And make sure you come in her mouth, start in the throat then pulls forward so she chokes AND we get a money shot, some cum dribbling out. Got it?”
Mike nodded, yanked my head down toward the floor. He drove his cock deeper into my throat. I couldn’t breath, his pubic hair up my nose, my throat stretched so tight. I fought, gagging, my throat working to push him out. Oh, God, please, let me breathe! He pulled slowly back, and I drew a desperate breath before he pushed back in.
“Okay, Steve, pants down, fuck her. I want this hard, deep, and fast. Bottom out every time, really work her-hard enough that her tits are dancing, okay? Keep your hands on her hips so they don’t block the camera. And don’t get her ready-dry fucks get the best motion.”
And then a huge cock, pressing, forcing. Tearing me, oh, it hurt so bad! I screamed around the cock in my mouth, my back arched, my hips bucked against my will. I knew it was what they wanted, but oh, it hurt!!
And then the fucking. Hard, slamming me, his huge cock grinding in again and again, pummelling my cervix, my breasts jumping up and down with his vicious thrusts. Over and over he ripped into me, driving me forward so my face was fucking the swollen tool in my mouth. I gagged, writhed, choked.
“Okay, slow it down-long, slow strokes, hold inside for a few seconds-this is for both of you. Looking for good stills here,” David was pacing, watching my rape from all angles, analysing. “Okay, you-up on the table. Straddle her, put some of this oil between her tits, and fuck them hard.” He frowned as he handed over the bottle of oil, “Don’t cum until I tell you to-let me know when you are close.” The black man nodded, climbed up on my belly. His cock was giant, uncut. I was actually glad he was on my breasts and not inside me. Hot oil on my breasts, slathered between them. Then forced roughly together, his cock brushing my throat with every stroke.
Triple fucked, breasts, face, and pussy. I kept struggling-there had to be some way out of this. By my count, there were a dozen, at least. I had to escape!
“Okay, one minute!” David called out, looking at his watch, “I want you all to cum in one minute!” The thrusting became frenzied, wild, the men grunting and groaning as they fucked me. The cock in my mouth driving in and out as it fucked my face furiously, balls slapping my nose, belly pushing into my chin. The tool in my pussy slammed into me, bruising my insides with it are hammering. The man on my breasts heaved, moaned loudly as his climax approached. And then the man fucking my face came-my throat constricted as the waves of hot, sour spunk flooded my mouth. I gagged, choked as it threatened to drown me. I worked my throat, struggling to swallow the endless stream of cum. He pulled out, spewing the last of his jizz on my lips, my chin. I began to cry again as it trickled from my mouth, up my nose.
“Clear!” The huge black man laughed as his cum flew, glob after glob of thick, hot juice splattering my throat, my jaw, and my breasts. He kept thrusting, kept cumming. It ran down my chest, puddled at the hollow of my collar bones. I was soaked in his spew. I moaned, my throat rebelling at the heavy, horrible taste of cum.
“Oh, yeah!” I felt the cock in my pussy twitching, swelling. Oh, no, not inside me, please! I began to scream, my hips bucking anew, trying to dislodge him before he could erupt inside me. I don’t want to be pregnant, please, God, please don’t get me pregnant! He exploded, spraying my insides with his cum. Heat spread through me as he emptied, but his thrusts continued until he was limp. He slid out of me, wiped his cock on my thigh. I felt his hot cum oozing out of me, running across my rectum.
“Oh, there we go-sweet.” David’s voice, husky, deep. “Okay, next up!”
I began to struggle blindly. No more, Jesus, no more! My hips wiggled and jumped to avoid the impaling to come, my head whipped back and forth violently. But there was no escape-the man at my head drove brutally into me, I was gagging, choking, filled again.
“Okay, Ron, I’m going to untie her legs now-you need to be quick, grab them behind the knees, force them down toward her chest, okay? No tit fucking this time-I want to get some good cunt shots-you have her legs, you can really slam into her.”
My legs unbound, one at a time, muscles cramping hatefully. I kicked in vain as he forced my legs back, raising my hips, exposing my reddening pussy and cum covered rectum. My skin jumped as I felt him prodding, his swollen cock pushing, seeking, then driving into me. I writhed, my hips moving, back arching. My struggles drove him deep into me, and a low murmur of appreciation spread through the crowd of men waiting their turn. I was NOT going to submit quietly, I was NOT going to go limp and let them fuck on me. Oh, if I’d only known then . . .
“Tom, I want you to push as deep into her throat as you can, then hold it there-I want NO air passing, okay? That’s where the real animalistic writhing is going to come from-folks love that. Don’t worry if she dies-more sluts who’d give their eyeteeth to fuck their trainer out there.” Tears of shame as I listened, knew. “And Ron? She may piss on you, can you handle that? The longer she goes without air, the more likely it is. Looks great on camera. You okay with that?” I can only assume the man nodded. He continued to fuck me, drawing almost completely out, then slamming back into me, making my belly cramp, my pussy lips raw. And then the huge cock in my mouth driving deeper, deeper, all the way into my throat-and holding. Moving side to side a bit to maintain the stimulation, but not pulling out at all. I couldn’t breathe. Oh, God, I couldn’t breathe!
My throat worked madly, constricting, spasming around his distended manhood. The man moaned at the working my throat was giving him. I was dying-please, just let me breathe! I struggled to pull back, to move my head even a little, but his hands tangled in my hair kept my face impaled on his dick, my face crushed against his pubic hairs. My chest tightening, my belly jumping, I began to writhe wildly, hips rising and falling, jerking side to side. I bucked harder and harder-the man in my pussy didn’t even have to move, my body was fucking him on its own. The rising burn in my belly, my bladder, and then I lost control. Urine flowing out of me as my struggles weakened. I was going to pass out, I was going to die. Hot piss squirting with every jerk of my hips, every thrust that drove the cock in my pussy deeper.
“Okay, pull back.”
The hateful tool in my mouth pulled back, resting in my mouth as I dragged air in, gasping, choking.
“Now in again.”
Again, I couldn’t breathe. Again the giant blocked my airway dick. I began to struggle again, but I had no strength. I felt my bladder empty, felt the steaming urine run across my rectum. Oh, God, just kill me if that’s what you’re going to do!
I guess I passed out. When I awoke, I was tied to a hook in the ceiling, my legs held apart by a bar run between them, ankles secured, bar chained to a ring in the floor. I could barely reach the floor, tip toes supporting me, protecting my bruised wrists. Cold water, icy cold, hosing me down. I lifted my head, dragged my eyes up-David. David with a hose, spraying me, washing their cum and my own piss off me. My mouth was bound again, gag in place. My eyes were huge, tear filled, pleading.
“Ah, sweetheart, I don’t feel a damned bit sorry for you, so stop with the doe eyes,” David laughed as he trained the brutal spray on my clit, making my hips jump in pain, pleasure, and surprise. “Funny thing is, you still want me. You whore, you’d fuck me blind right now if I let you.”
Then David stepped in close, a bar of lye soap in his hand. He thrust it between my legs, roughly scrubbing my sore, raw pussy. The pain was beyond intense, It burned, was agonizing. I screamed behind the gag, body jerked and twisted to escape as he used a finger to push some of the caustic suds into my pussy. My cries became animal grunts as he began to fuck me with his burning finger. No escape. No escape.
Then the hose pushed into my pussy, blasting me clean. I was grateful for the violation, as it carried away the burning soap. David laughed at my moans of relief. And then he left me. Hanging.
When he returned, My body was dry. He hummed a tune as he reached into his pocket and pulled out clamps. I struggled as he moved in close, captured first one breast, then the other, affixing the hateful, sharply toothed clamps to my nipples. I screamed, tried to twist away. And then he knelt before me even as I writhed from the nipple torture, affixed another to my clit. Oh, Jesus, oh, it hurt so badly! My hips convulsed, twitching uncontrollably as I grunted and gasped. He stood back, admired his handiwork, then walked away. I struggled, writhed, my feet and calves cramping, agonized as I fought to support my weight. I must have passed out again.
I awoke surrounded, cameras set up, the crowd of men waiting. I moaned as the pain made its way to my brain. David speaking, giving instructions, but I couldn’t understand his words. But I understood the pressure against my ass, the hot, solid cock pushing even as another drove into my angry, raw pussy. I began to struggle, squirming to escape the ass fucking I knew was coming. I had never. Never.
I squealed as my anus was torn open, the gag muffling my cries. Deeper, deeper he thrust, until he was totally buried in my virgin ass, lifting me off the floor. Their thrusts were choreographed, staggered, first one, then the other. The pressure on the thin membrane separating them was agonizing-it felt as though they would split me open. As they approached orgasm, their thrusting became less organized, more frantic. I was bounced between them, thrown back and forth, impaled first in front, then in back. The man in my pussy began twisting the clamps on my breasts, and I tensed, writhed with each tortuous tweak. His slamming into my pussy yanked the clamp on my clit back and forth, and I screamed with it even as my body responded, my pussy began to lubricate.
“Cunt’s getting wet!” He crowed as he drilled into me, faster, faster. My breasted jiggled madly, aching as they rose and fell with the battering strokes. I screamed continuously, not just out of pain, but also out of shame at my body’s betrayal. Oh, I wanted to die. I still do.
And then they came-shouting, laughing as their throbbing cocks began to twitch, swell, and then spew their burning loads into my bleeding holes. Hot spreading through me, pressure as they filled me. Pulling out, they laughed as their spunk mingled in pink rivers down my bruised thighs. I began to cry yet again.
David unhooked the chain holding the leg bar to the floor, and I felt hopeful-for a moment. Then he hoisted the bar up and attached it to the same hook holding my wrists. I was dangling, pussy and ass wide open, dripping with cum. I struggled, hips moving violently. I don’t even know what I thought it would accomplish, only that I had to get away. I had to get away, please . . .
And then I was being lowered-helpless to avoid the elephantine cock that was waiting below. A man, huge, freakish, laying on his back, smiling. Waiting for me to be lowered onto him, impaled by him. I groaned, screamed, grunted as I thrashed in vain. The stiff, unyielding tip pressing against my ass, then ripping into me. Deeper, deeper-he was 12 inches at least, and he was soon buried to the hilt in my bowels. Oh, the agony, I squirmed, trying to dislodge him. I was stuck, literally hung up, unable to escape the stabbing of his tool in my belly. Another knelt before me, thrust viciously into my soaking pussy. Again the clamp tore at my clit, pulled it back and forth hatefully as the men thrust, rammed into me. And then a hand in my hair, yanking my head to the side, gag removed and immediately replaced with another cock. Tears of pain and horror coursed down my cheeks as I was choked, fucked, filled. Cocks twitching, filling me, my throat coated in more cum. I began to drift. It’s mostly a blur, really-gagging, struggling, being shaken with the thrusts of cock after cock.
And now here I am. Hog tied, Freakishly huge dildos in my ass, my pussy. I remember David pushing them into me, telling me I’d be thankful for the stretching, it would help me to accommodate what was to come. What? What are they going to do to me next? Please, help me! Please, just help me. Or kill me. But please, let it end. Oh, God, what’s that? The door, the door opening, the light stabbing my eyes. Who is it? What are they are going to do, please, no, just leave me alone!


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Vulgar naidu strikes again

I had decided to book myself into a hotel room because they were fumigating my apartment and the noise and smell of pest control was driving me nuts. As I checked in, I also discovered that one of my colleagues from outstation, Ms Naidu was also staying the night in the same hotel. Contact was made and we decided to meet at my room for a chat and some dinner at around 7 PM. Ms Naidu was slim, good legs, cute butt and with a top storey that sometimes looked like a balloon store and at other...

4 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 20

This semester, I had no Tuesday or Thursday classes on my schedule. I had planned on continuing my flight training on these days, building up my hours, and getting some more certifications. While I was at the airport that Tuesday, the day after buying my motorcycle, I ran into an unexpected vocational opportunity for Tiny. I met a man in the flight operations office, another private pilot who was in the local area setting up a showroom for his line of boats. These were small recreational...

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I always have a debate within myself when I see a guy with his fly open. Should I tell him or not. You never know what their reaction will be. If the guy looks mean or is unkempt or dressed like a bum, I will not say anything. If a guy looks friendly, I usually take my chances and tell him. Their normal reaction is one of embarrassment and usually they say, "Oops," or "Thanks," and turn away and pull up their zipper as discretely as possible. One error in judgement on my part, left me vowing to...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 97 The Rottingens

I made a few phone calls that afternoon to the security company we used. I needed an updated profile on Suzie’s situation. Brewster and John had spooked me about the possibility of Suzie being used against me. I also told Marilyn I was going to travel out to Rochester to see her and talk. Marilyn asked if she should go as well, and I simply said that it was better if I made the first visit alone. I didn’t want to overwhelm her. I just didn’t know enough. The report came back, the way it had...

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You Should LeaveChapter 3 Foul Balls

In the weeks and months that followed the debacle with Steve, we never discussed it. We just moved on with our lives and acted like it never happened. We avoided the topic of threesomes, swinging and sharing altogether. Before we knew it, two years had passed, and we had almost forgotten all about it. Then, it all started up again. Janet received an invitation to attend a bachelorette party for one of her friends. It had been held at an infamous male strip club and apparently, things had...

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Punishment for copying in exam

My own private heaven and hell. Its not that the kids are rowdy, or that I hate my work, its. She sits there, an innocent angel. Even her name fits, mala. Eighteen years old, and already turning heads. Today she is wearing what must have been her idea of a schoolgirl’s uniform. White shirt that left a small band of skin showing at the bottom. Green plaid short skirt (mid-thigh) & boots. Damn this girl/woman is beautiful! Her hair shines in the light, a chestnut color, and her eyes are a...

3 years ago
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Truth or dare 03

I woke up naked in my bed to the familiar sound of seagulls from the harbour. Rubbing my eyes, I turned my head to kiss Sophie good morning. Instead I was surprised to see Camila on my left side still asleep. The confusion in my mind cleared up quickly as I remembered everything that happened last night. I smiled to myself as I realised I actually took the ass virginity of this cute Spanish girl the night before. I subconsciously rubbed my morning hard on as I quietly turned to the other...

Group Sex
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A new start The love story of a sub pt1

‘This is the first part of my first story. Due to English not being my mother tongue, I can post it thanks to the great work and help of naughtyann, a really kind and helpful person to whom I am really grateful. I hope you like the story, please let me know what you think.’ My name is Kelly and I am twenty eight years old, with a small body, thin, but not skinny with petite breasts and I am just less than five foot in height. If you need a description of my hair, it is black and I have two...

4 years ago
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Pops is amazed by Stacys new look M2F

When i finally made up my mind to become a woman, i had to tell my Pops. Needless to say, he wasn't very happy and told me to not come back around. I was hurt...I revieved breast, (34D) and butt(26in waist 38in around ) implants, and for the first time, i felt sexy. I was curvy and very passable. I am 5'3" 140lbs with long blonde hair. I started to notice men looking at me and smiling. It made me feel so sexy. I decided to go by my Pop's house to say hi. I knew he was mad, but I thought he...

2 years ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 8

“Just a minute, please, I’m about through with Elizabeth,” I said scared to death. She was clearly taken aback by my fucking her without a condom, but the difference felt amazing. I rolled over putting her on her back and Carly covertly handed me a fresh condom. As I pulled myself from my sister, I put it on and rolled on my back. “Do you have anything left for your mother?” she asked. “I am spent, Jennifer, unless you can get me hard again, somehow?” Just about as her mouth attached...

1 year ago
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RachaelChapter 4

We made several more excursions in Toy, including a great weekend of fishing at the mouth of the Columbia, out of Hammond. Toy handled the ocean with the same aplomb she handled the river and was a handy vessel even on the Columbia bar, which is notorious for its rough water. Leah, little wise ass that she is, caught more salmon then anybody else. I finally made her run the boat, so there'd be some fish left for the rest of us. For two days, we had a boat limit by noon, so we spent an...

4 years ago
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The Misogynist Ch 06

Cheryl hadn’t been able to suck that awful of man’s penis. She’d thrown up, and fled to the room Turner had designated as hers. Then just as she was slipping into her clothes to escape this terrible place she heard the door slam behind her. Turning she saw Turner. He was just standing there, smiling. He had a belt in his hand. He slowly, almost solemnly locked the door. Grimly he looked at Cheryl. She was only half dressed and clearly terrified. God he loved this. ‘You bitch! You dumb fucking...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 242

Tony, Kathy and Janet both sent emails. Tony addressed the satellite dishes by the water tower. They belong to the agency. One was for their secure link and the other was the backup link and would supply the entire public internet for the airport and the terminal. Janet had taken over the sewage and water supply systems as part of her environmental duties. Her email had several attachments with blueprints of where some of the changes she had made to the sewage system. There was an expansion...

3 years ago
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Highland Magic Ch 01

Standing up, I began to pace in the small area. The muscles in my back were screaming at me, my legs were hardly able to move at all. I looked a bit like a penguin, shuffling around the crowded area like a caged animal. The airport had delayed the flight to Scotland twice, and now there were rumors that they were going to cancel the flight due to intense weather here. Hobbling over to the windows that separated the general population of JFK airport from the blistering cold. It looked like a...

1 year ago
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Wifes Cheating Delimma Chapter 3

Wife’s Cheating Delimma: Part 3 FF/M,ncon,1stbbc,voy This is part 3 of the story how I and a lady friend of ours got back at my wife for cheating behind my back: After snake lady had finished using that huge black dildo I had myself picked out and bought for this very purpose and giving ‘little momma’ one hell of a dose of it’s hugeness and payback for fucking around behind my back. That it now was time for the ultimate payback and such for her doing that. Because our next plan for ‘little...

3 years ago
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Change of guard

Through her binoculars X could see the change of guards at the small building that guarded the barricade, the final obstacle between the dead city behind her and the rebel camp in the woods where her supplies were desperately needed.The city was full of weapons, food and medical stuff, and anyone who could get them to the rebels was sure to be a respected member, just as much or even more so than the fighters in their ranks.Maybe they would reconsider their opinion about X if they knew how...

4 years ago
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SusanChapter 16

A little to Susan's surprise, the Intro to Psychology class offered some new ideas and concepts that interested her, and it wasn't anything she'd paid any attention to in the past. That meant, she thought as she drove home that evening, she would possibly learn something useful in the class, and maybe even be challenged a bit, which would be a little refreshing. That line of thought only carried her so far on the hour's drive home up the state road, so Susan spent much of the time...

2 years ago
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My New Job Chapter 2

Harold and I had been meeting now for almost a year. He would soon be seventy-seven and I was turning thirty-three. Harold was addicted to watching me getting fucked. Harold had prostrate cancer and lost the ability to get hard. But he had lots of toys he carried around in his briefcase. He would set me up with one, or several of his friends. Sometimes, he'd want me to suck his limp dick while a buddy was fucking me doggie style.One of Harold's favorite things to do was ride the expressways in...

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Seducer or Seduced

Before making as pass be sure you want her Saras was sweeping the bedroom and Mr. Richard, her master sat cross legged on the cot bending over the morning newspaper spread out on the bed. That is how he read the morning sheet. However, this morning the imposing valley of Saras as she bent down to her task rather than the happenings in the world was holding his attention. Mr. Richard in his own humble way was a connoisseur of the female form. Thanks to the exacting requirements of his wife...

2 years ago
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Mirror Mirror

She is not with me now. I have only held her once, a short hug in a park in fact, and that was some time ago. I remember it as if it were happening right now, but it isn’t. It is only a memory.   I am alone. Everyone else has gone to sleep. In the quiet of the night, I have been exchanging messages with her, but she is not with me now. But I feel her. In my mind’s eye, in my mind, I still feel her and I can re-create every touch. But that was then. It was innocent, a moment of comfort between...

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Game WorldChapter 2

It turned out that Victoria was right about that so called safe zone. Thank the stars I was ready. I materialized on Game World only to find myself standing on the edge of an escarpment. The escarpment overlooked a broad valley that was a good hundred plus feet below me. An inch closer and I would already be dead. As my mind adjusted to my new body and my body adjusted to the new environment that we had just entered, I sensed a prickling at the back of my neck. Worried I spun about and...

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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 6 Janice In El Paso

The meal progressed nicely very similar to others I had been to over the years in other places. Everyone was friendly and I enjoyed talking to many of the men and women in the community. Covertly, I watched Charlie and Andrea. She looked like no girl I had ever seen. Interestingly, she seemed to enjoy Charlie's company. He came by my seat during desert and whispered, "Wow! She's smart." I whispered back, "Just be you. Watch out for other guys who might be jealous." "Yes, mom!" He...

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Burying the PastChapter 4

As she’d suggested, Taylor and Whitaker found themselves available the next morning as agents continued to run down leads. While Taylor was glad that they were able to keep their appointment, he was also somewhat disappointed. While he hadn’t lied when he told Whitaker that he was confident one of the people working for Qasim would make a mistake, he also wasn’t as sure as he’d made it sound. While it was true the young people most of these groups recruited to do their dirty work were...

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Horny secretary

This incident goes back to 2003. A new secretary had joined in – Ana. She was 23 then with awesome sex appeal and fabulous figure.She was about 5ft 2 inches and had well developed shapely breasts and well shaped body with shapely hips. Due to liberal culture of this country, she wore short and revealing dresses. She was low on efficiency but her other skills kept her going in her job with me. She would wear short skirts, sometimes translucent to reveal her panty. It was a treat for eyes the day...

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Fucking Celia

I am regular reader of ISS and like the stories posted on this site. However, this is the first time I am posting my story and this is a true incident. This happened sometime in March 2004 when I was working in Bangalore. I was 24 at that time. There was this lady Celia working in my company as a secretary. She was 30 then. She is a pretty gorgeous woman. Wheatish in color, pretty voluptuous with vitals of 36C-28-38, with nice fleshy arms and thighs as well. I took part in some company cultural...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 97 A Taste of Each Other

He never did discover the identity of the mystery girl. He only knew it wasn't Brit, because on Monday morning he awoke with her in basically the same position next to him as when they had gone to sleep together last night. In the end, it didn't matter anyway who his nocturnal visitor was. He was likely to have sex with her several times over the next week anyway. Several of the others were already awake. Greg had gotten up early to call into the office and tell his secretary that he...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 08

Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory’s pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover’s infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. ‘You have become a more accomplished lover,’ mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory’s pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. ‘You have taught...

1 year ago
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Second ThoughtsChapter 7

Jen gently shook Michael awake. "Hi sleepy-head," she said softly when he opened his eyes. "What time is it?" "About four." Michael did a quick mental calculation. He must have fallen asleep for hours. Had they been fucking that long? "Where's Gerard?" "In his room." Jen kissed Michael. "Thank you for tonight." "Did you enjoy it?" "Yeah." Jen kissed her husband again, this time longer. Jen got under the covers and straddled Michael. Jen was nude, except for her garter...

2 years ago
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I Think ILlgo Somewhere and Cry Myself to SleepChapter 3

Aileen was beside herself the day of the pool party. Of course there was the excitement of only having three more days of school next week. Going away with one's new father was more than exciting--it was unbelievable! The best thing was that Mom and Dad were going to meet her friends. The friends that they thought were so terrible. Just because some of them had been in trouble just like she had been, was no reason not to like them. The kids all arrived in a bunch and filed into the...

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Advisors DelightsPart 2 Chercher La Femme

At the regular weekly meeting of the advisors, head of security, and the Chief Eunuch, the Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh opened the meeting by saying, “The Emir, may he live for ever, asked me today if he has enough sons yet.” “How did you answer that?” inquired the new Diplomatic Adviser, Ghada Baroud, “I assume we don’t want another problem like finding him and getting him on to the throne.” “Naturally I could not advise him one way or the other, but it really does not matter as he...

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Armis IoChapter 28

Palm Tree Villa, Saddle Bay Point, B.V.I. Armis looked around the crowded table in the main dining room of the Palm Tree Villa. There were the six mercs of the self-named ‘Armis Brigade:’ Billy Joe Hawkins (team leader), Carolyn Osgood (team 2nd in charge), Abe Kennedy, Avis MoKenna, Jarvis McCutcheon, and Devon Stormwinder. Also present were members (and former members) of SEAL Team 9: Samuel Redstone (Lt. Cmdr., ret.), Robert Melchior (Lt. soon to be retired), Raven Dubois (Senior Master...

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She brings date home for hubby to watch

I watched as my wife Cindy as she pulled herstockings up tight around her thigh and hooked theclasps of her garter belt to the thin silk material.Cindy stretched her beautiful longs legs out makingthe material stretch, giving her enough material tohook the tiny clasps.My name is Steve and I love my wife Cindy dearly andmuch like many husbands’ who love their wife, considerher the most beautiful and erotic woman on the planet.Cindy is adorable, having long blonde hair and longshapely legs with...

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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 4

"So how do we do this?" Jen asked. She and her husband Mike were in the middle of a long conversation about Steve. Jen had finally agreed to take the next step in their Game, and go to bed with Steve. "It's easy," Mike said excitedly, so happy that his wife had finally agreed. "Steve and I already talked about it. He'll call you up in the next few days and ask you out." Jen's head was spinning. They had talked about it? But she decided it wasn't worth getting into. She had agreed...

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Margos Own Story 1 Oh Brother

Anyway, one day when mom and dad weren't home, Paul was in the shower. I screwed up my courage and snuck into the bathroom and stood there in a corner where he couldn't see me until he came out of the shower. Eventually, the door slid open. Paul stepped out. There he was, naked and dripping wet from head to toe. But I don't think I had time to take in any details. He actually screamed and turned around to hide his privates. I ran out and hid in my bedroom and locked the door. A few moments...

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