Vacation?Chapter 5 free porn video

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Day Five - Friday

I woke up a little shaky. No headache but my body was telling me that too much beer had been put through it. After pissing for ten minutes straight and brushing my teeth, my stomach told me it was time to eat. I had my usual oatmeal but was still starved. I fried some bacon, along with three eggs and a couple of pieces of toast and consumed that along with a glass of milk and several cups of coffee. I was beginning to feel better.

Wearing a T-shirt and some cut off jeans, I took a cup of coffee out to my patio. Glenda must have been watching for me as she came over quickly with her cup of coffee and a couple of muffins. She gave me a muffin and sat in one of my chairs.

"Here Steve, I made some raisin muffins this morning. They're perfect with coffee."

"Thanks Glenda, I can't get enough food in me this morning. Might have had too much beer last night. Hope I didn't wake you guys."

"You didn't. We were lying in bed watching TV when you came home. You were very quiet. Didn't even hear your motorcycle come in the park."

"That's good, I was tryin'."

I was finishing my muffin when I thought to ask, "Where's Martin this morning?"

"Oh he had to go down to the courthouse for jury duty. He'll be gone most of the day. What do you have planned for today, anything special?"

"Nothing much Glenda. I'll probably go to the laundry room then take a ride to see more of the area."

"How about coming with me to the swimming pool and getting some sun?

I'll introduce you to some of your neighbors."

"Sounds like a plan lady. I could use the exercise and the sun will sweat the gunk out of me. When are you going?"

"How about ten-thirty or eleven. I'll fix up a couple of sandwiches and we can have lunch while we cook in the sun."

"Good deal. I'm going to go get my clothes washing done. I'll be ready any time after ten."

With a wave, Glenda got up and walked back to her trailer with a little sway to her matronly backside. She wasn't bad looking for an over sixty babe. Martin always appears as happy around her as she does him. Nice to see older couples like that.

There was no one in the laundry room so I monopolized three washers doing my lights, darks and my bedclothes. The whole thing took only an hour and a half. I had brought along a book that I had been reading so the time passed quickly.

About ten I put on my new boxer style swim trunks and my flip-flops and grabbed a handful of quarters and some singles for drinks, my new big beach towel and my keys. When I came out of the trailer, Glenda was walking over.

We walked down the street to the recreation center that was a large building with the pool next to it. As we entered the pool area, I could see they had a big hot tub with a privacy fence around two sides. Since the hot tub was next to the wall of the recreation center, the only exposed area faced the pool. It was probably pretty private at night.

Glenda led me to a couple of unused loungers in the midst of about a dozen women varying in age from early twenties to their sixties like Glenda. They all greeted us calling Glenda by name.

Glenda stood next to me and announced, "This is Steve Sharp our new neighbor. He says he's here for a long vacation. Steve, I'll point to each of these ladies and tell you her name but you'll have to get better acquainted with them on your own."

She went from one end to the other naming each of the ladies. I'm not very good remembering names but I think I would be able to recall a few.

There were three good looking younger women that looked to be about my age that interested me but on a closer look, one had a wedding ring on.

I sure do like Florida. Every one of these ladies had some pretty skimpy swimsuits on. None had on thongs but it looked like a couple of the ladies would have to be careful how she moved so her top wouldn't fall out or the cloth covering her butt wouldn't sneak up into her crack.

We spread out towels on our loungers then I took off my T-shirt to enjoy the sun. Glenda was sitting on her lounger and asked me to put some lotion on her back.

Glenda was probably five three or four and probably weighed about somewhere near a hundred thirty. Not fat just sort of full figured. Her two piece swimsuit displayed some heavy cleavage that I had not noticed previously. I must be slipping to not have noticed cleavage before.

I spread the lotion over her tanned freckled shoulders and over her exposed back. When I was done she told me to turn around and she would do mine. I told her to hold off, as I wanted to take swim first.

The pool had a dozen kids in it swimming, splashing and clinging to floating devices. I stepped into the pool then pushed off swimming leisurely the length of the pool then back. After four laps I stood up in the shallow end near the ladies and walked out to the loungers. I dried off and was going to have Glenda put some lotion on my back but a lady on the other side of me said she would do me.

She had me lay down then sat next to me on the lounger re-introducing herself as Kathy. She was very gentle, spreading the lotion and massaging my shoulders and back. She didn't even hesitate to continue spreading lotion on my legs and thighs coming dangerously close to the bottom edge of my swimsuit.

Kathy fingered the scars on my legs and asked how they came to be. I explained that they were gifts from Desert Storm. She just nodded and continued. Her face had taken on a gloomy look.

"Flip over and I'll do your front," Kathy said.

When I lay on my back, my eyes bugged out. Kathy was leaning over me causing her loose bra top to hang loose exposing almost all of her breasts. She noticed my attention and smiled. Each time she would rub up my chest with both hands her breasts would sway freely requiring me to gawk.

Kathy was probably near thirty, maybe thirty-five with a very nice figure. She was probably about five-five, about one fifteen, on the thin side but full on top. When she sat up straight, her large breast sagged noticeably without the support of a tighter bra top. She was obviously giving me a show enjoying my discomfort. As she finished putting lotion on my legs, she had her left hand on my lower thigh then traced her right index finger over her empty ring finger on her left hand I think emphasizing the fact there was no ring.

"I heard you had a motorcycle. I would love to get a ride. Could I?"

Kathy asked.

"Sure Kathy. After getting a rub down like that, how could I refuse."

"I'll get someone to watch my kids and you can take me for a ride into town. Maybe buy me a beer?"

That was being a little forward but then the pickings here were probably not that good for a lady with a couple of kids. She lay down on her lounger with a smile on her face while I lay back soaking up the sun considering the women stretched out around me.

A little boy about eight came up to Kathy and asked, "Mom, can we have a snack? We're hungry."

"You guys are always hungry J.J. We'll go home in a minute and I'll fix you some sandwiches," Kathy told him.

"Ah Mom," the boy complained, "can't we just get a hot dog and some juice here? That way we can play in the water longer?"

Before Kathy could answer I butted in, "Kathy, how about I treat them this morning. Kind of payment for that great massage."

Kathy stared at me a couple of seconds, glancing between J.J. and me then finally said, "Your money. There's four of 'em. J.J. get the others and come sit by me while you eat."

"J.J. I'm Steve," and stuck my hand out to shake. "How about you get the others over here then come help me carry the stuff back. I need you to pick out the drinks. Okay?"

J.J. looked at his Mom who nodded then raced toward the pool. I got up, asked Kathy if she wanted something, asked Glenda the same thing then walked to the concession stand to order the hot dogs. The teenage girl working in the stand started assembling the hot dogs when J.J. came up.

He said to get them all grape juice. When the hot dogs were ready I asked J.J. whether we should put ketchup or mustard on them. "Just a little ketchup on each one Mr. Steve."

"Okay J.J. but just call me Steve, okay?"

J.J. smiled.

We brought the snack back to the three waiting kids. They looked like they were barely a year apart. The youngest was a little girl if the swimsuit was correct.

Kathy introduced them. "You've already met J.J. He's nine almost ten."

Kathy then pointed to the next oldest looking boy and said, "This is Carl who will be nine later this month." Ruffling the hair of the youngest boy she said, "This is Ben. He just turned eight. And finally," she caressed the cheek of the little girl who smiled at her Mother. "This is Barbara, going to be seven."

The little girl looked at me hard while chewing her hot dog then said with a full mouth, "My daddy was a Marine."

Before I could answer, Kathy reached over and touched my arm. "He died the first day of Desert Storm. Barb was pretty young."

Kathy announced to the kids that I had been in Desert Storm and had been hurt there too. Carl pointed to the big scars on my leg and asked, "Is that where you were hurt?"

I nodded and looked up at Kathy to see her a little glassy eyed. J.J. was sitting right next to her so she pulled him closer hugging him to her. "J.J. is named after his father, Jake. He's Jake Junior but we've always called him J.J."

J.J. asked, "Can we go back into the pool?"

"Make sure everyone goes to the restroom to wash the catsup and crumbs off before you jump in," Kathy directed while using a Kleenex to wipe off some catsup from Barb's mouth.

When they took off, Kathy looked up at me expectantly.

I exclaimed, "Wow! Four kids. How do you do it? Do you get a pension?"

"They do send me a nice check," Kathy said nodding her head. "I also get Social Security for the kids. Jake had insurance that paid off our mobile home and there was the military insurance so my biggest expense is the lot rent and food. We've been able to put away some money because we want to buy a house one of these days. Because I have four kids, I'm eligible for food stamps too. So we do okay. When it's time for school clothes, it gets a little crazy but we do fine."

"Your kids are nice and appear well behaved Kathy. You've done a good job. You must be a good mom," I said smiling at her.

"Hope so, I try," Kathy sighed, smiling at the compliment.

I felt movement behind me then a soft hand rested on my shoulder. Glenda asked, "Kathy, want a bologna and cheese sandwich? I made extra."

Kathy smiled and answered, "Sure, thanks Glenda. You're always trying to mother everyone." She said this pointing to me.

"If I didn't have Martin the stud, I wouldn't be mothering Steve, I'd be getting him to make me a mom." With that said Glenda and Kathy laughed heartily while I blushed.

"I have to go wash my hands," Kathy said getting up, "I'll be right back."

As soon as Kathy disappeared into the restroom, Glenda leaned toward me and asked, "Ever consider a ready made family?"

"Never thought of it before, Glenda," I said pondering the question. "I guess there is opportunity here for that. I may not be good husband and dad material because my job is usually far away."

I went up to the concession stand and got us each a Coke and came back just as Kathy sat down. "Thanks for the Coke Steve."

As we were eating, Glenda asked Kathy, "You still have trouble with that Jeff guy?"

"He has not been around for a couple of weeks. But then he's probably still in jail from the last time he was out here. I think he gets fourteen days to a month every time he breaks the restraining order. At least the cops get here before he does any damage," Kathy said while eating.

"Last time he was here, Martin had his piece out and was ready to come over to make sure you were okay. It's a good thing the deputies came so quick," Glenda exclaimed.

Kathy looked at me; "I've got some baggage. I thought I had met someone that would be a husband and dad but he turned out to be mean. He slapped me around then started fondling Barb right in front of me. I called the cops and made him leave but he keeps coming back. He'll probably stay away after having to go to jail."

"I don't think so Kathy," Glenda said, "guys like that start drinking and they just lose their mind. They forget about the law. Just make sure you call the cops if he comes around. Don't wait till he does something. Just call the cops and call me. Martin and I will watch out for you."

There wasn't anything that I could contribute to the conversation so I just kept my mouth shut.

A couple of ladies walked up to us. They were youngish, probably late twenties, fair bodies considering how much I could see in their bikinis.

"Are you going to introduce us to the new guy Glenda?"

"Sure, I did it once, I'll do it again," said Glenda. "Steve this is Deedee pointing to a bottle blonde with big store bought tits. And this is Star gesturing toward a black haired, dark skinned lady with a tattoo on her left calf and another on her lower back. Her bikini just barely covered another set of store bought chest toys."

I stood and extended a hand to them. Star touched my hand and gave me a slight smile while Deedee took my other hand and stepped close to me placing my hand on her waist saying, "nice to meet you Steve. We live right over there in the pink trailer. Come by and see us. We work nights but we are off on Sunday and Monday. You'll have to come for dinner. We need to clean up before work now so we'll see you around."

The two left walking with a seductive sway to their hips. I must have been smiling when Kathy and Glenda both punched me. "Down boy," Glenda said, "you have better taste than that."

"You have to admit they are interesting. With their enhanced tops, I bet they are dancers at a nudie bar," I said smiling.

"Give this boy a prize," Glenda exclaimed. "How'd you figure that?"

"Their appearance, the way they acted, their disposition. I don't think there is anything wrong with dancing in a nudie bar, it's just the girls sometimes get a little hard," I said thinking of the two that had just left.

"That ain't the only thing that gets hard," Kathy said in a soft voice.

"My Jake used go to the bars with his buddies and come home rarin' to go. Those places may be responsible for at least two of my kids. I was lucky he came home to me instead of trying to pick up one of those."

"Your Jake was a good man Kathy," Glenda said, "he was all man though."

"Steve," Glenda continued, "Martin and Abe will have to take you out to the nudie bars one of these evenings. You'll have a great time."

Kathy jumped in, "If I can get a babysitter, I'll go with you. I love to go to those places to see the girls strut and tease. It's great entertainment."

"I'm sorry girls," I said shaking my head, "I'm too cheap. I'm not into having to pay big bucks to look at naked women. Hell, look around. Here are over a dozen of almost bare babes. My imagination can take care of whatever is covered up here," I pointed to my head. "If I really wanted to see some of them naked I bet I could ask and they might even give a show. A free show."

"You have a point Steve," Kathy said laughing. "I'd give you a free show and you don't even have to put cash in my garter."

"I'd do it too," Glenda said enthusiastically, "but I better wait till Martin gets home so he don't get jealous. Besides you might need him to give you CPR after you get a load of all my wrinkles."

"I think I see all of your beautiful age lines Glenda and I don't need CPR,"

"Oh you golden tongued devil you," Glenda said patting me on my cheek.

It was about one-thirty and I felt like I had roasted enough. Kathy said she thought the kids had enough pool time too so she gathered them up and we all walked together back to our lane.

"Come in a minute Steve. Let me show you my place," Kathy said invitingly.

"I'll see you later Steve," Glenda waved as she headed across the street to her place.

We went inside where I discovered real luxury within a mobile home. The place was huge. The kids were all piled together on the floor in front of the TV watching cartoons already. Kathy led me into the kitchen and directed me to sit at the table, which was partially hidden from the living room.

As soon as I sat down, Kathy sat on my lap putting her arms around me,

"Hope I don't scare you off. I like you a lot and think you're probably a really nice guy. The kind of guy I could go for." She gave me a tender kiss on the lips then hugged me close letting me feel her large soft chest against me.

"Hope you don't think I'm too forward. There just are not too many men that turn me on. You do it for me and I want more than just this," she said giving me another kiss. "If what I feel under me is any indication, I think you might want a little more too."

I must have had a startled look on my face when she continued. "Look, I'm not going to have anymore kids right now but the playground still wants to play and you're making my playground into a slip and slide. This is an offer. I want us to give each other some loving as soon as possible."

I was so tongue-tied I couldn't answer but was saved by little Barb coming into the kitchen. She saw her Mom sitting on my lap then climbed up on Kathy's lap, turned then hugged me. "Oh Mommy, is Steve going to stay with us?"

"Probably not right now honey," Kathy said soothingly.

Barb turned to me, "Mr. Steve, you can come over and watch TV with us anytime, okay? Mommy and I will sit with you."

"How could I ever refuse an offer like that," I said as Kathy gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"If you want to give me a ride tonight, Glenda said she would watch the kids for a while," Kathy asked apprehensively.

"Tell you what," I answered, "how about after supper, sometime around seven, I come and get you then we will ride into Big Jim's and have a beer. There's another place called the Vanishing Point I'd like to check out as well. Sound good?"

"Sounds fine," Kathy said.

"Mommy does that mean Mr. Steve is going to stay here?" Asked Barb.

"No honey. Steve is going to be our friend and we'll see him often. Right Steve?"

"You bet. We'll figure something out that we all can do together. How about Busch Gardens?"

Barb was off my lap in a heartbeat running to the living room yelling, "Steve is taking us to Busch Gardens, Steve is taking all of us to Busch Gardens, Steve is taking me to Busch Gardens."

Kathy stood up from my lap just as three boys came into the kitchen.

Little Carl asked, "Is it true, is it really true?"

The two boys looked at me expectantly so I smiled at them and said, "Yep, it's true. We'll go in a couple of days, okay?"

All four ran through the living room then down a long hallway screaming about going to Busch Gardens

"Now you've done it. You know you're not getting out of something like that," Kathy said giving me a hug.

"I want to go too. I've never been there before so it will be fun for me too," I said loosening myself from Kathy's grip.

"You heard Barb," Kathy smiled "she asked if you were staying. Are you?"

"Not right now, perhaps another time. Besides we're going riding tonight," I said.

Kathy let me go, "Do you have another helmet. I don't have one."

"I don't but I will. I'll run down to the bike shop and pick one up, just for you."

"Thanks Steve, we're going to have fun together. I promise not to get too clutchy. I know you're a young guy still trying out new models. I just want to be one you keep trying out."

"You'll be fine Kathy. Just take it easy and let's just enjoy each other. We're probably not that much different in age."

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about," Kathy beamed at me, "no strings."

I said goodbye for now to the kids then went across the lane to my place. I didn't even have time to open a beer before Glenda was rapping on my door.

"Come in Glenda," I said while getting her a beer.

"I'm watching the kids this evening so you two can go out and take a ride. Martin and I will be glad to stay late if you guys want to come back here and visit a while."

"Glenda, Glenda," I said exasperated, "take it easy. I'm not running off with the widow and her brood so quickly. We're just going to be buddies okay? Don't be so anxious to get me hooked up with someone. I don't even know whether I'm the dating kind of guy much less the marrying kind. I have had close to zero experience with women. I've always been too busy to find out about them."

"Oh I know, I know. I just love to see two people get excited over meeting each other. It makes me remember when Martin and I met. As soon as we met each other we couldn't keep our hands off each other. An hour after we met we were messing up the back seat of his car. The great part about it all is it has been forty years since then and we still fool around all the time. I just always hope someone else will have the intensity we have."

"We'll see," I said grinning at Glenda. "But first I have to go to the bike shop and get another helmet so Kathy can go for a ride with me."

"Well don't waste anymore time. Just go get it now before it gets late."

We walked out and I locked up then pulled the bike out from the shed. I cranked it up and let it idle for a couple of minutes then eased it quietly out of the park. When I hit Florida Avenue, I twisted the throttle and smiled at the Harley howl enjoying the feeling of the rapid acceleration. Far too soon I was pulling into Tampa V-twin. Jan and Dell were not there but a cute red head was. She sold me a second helmet for the same price Jan had charged. The girl's nametag said Shawna. I smiled and asked her if she wanted to try out the helmet and take ride with me.

She chuckled and grinned. "I'll ask my husband Charlie what he thinks. He's that gorilla mechanic in the back. If he says it's okay I'll go."

"Sorry, I didn't look to see if you were married," I said quickly.

Shawna held her left hand up displaying no ring; "I don't wear my rings all the time so I don't ruin them while we wrench on bikes. You're okay though, you've been polite whenever you've been in here and you've given us some work. Charlie would probably tell me to go."

"That's okay Shawna. I'm not the kind of guy that would ever infringe on someone's wife," I said this picking up the new helmet.

"That's why I would go, Steve isn't it?" She said as she turned her head. "Hey Charlie, come up here."

A huge guy about six foot six, probably two seventy-five without any fat anywhere came through the service door.

"Charlie, this is Steve. The guy that owns the bike we tuned the wheels on. He just asked me if I wanted to test his new helmet with a ride on his bike."

Charlie grinned. "You're in for it. If she's teasing you already, she'll be at it for as long as you're around. When I told her I had respect for a guy that would pay to tune his spokes, she said she would have to meet him to find out what kind of guy that would be. Say, aren't you the guy that welded those cases over at Pop's?"

I nodded indicating I was the guy.

"I'm putting the motor back together right now. You did a great job on those cases. The bearing pressed right in place, no problem at all. Can you do that with heads?"

"Don't know. Never tried. That cast stuff is tough. You never know what it's going to do. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't," I said.

"Come on back and take a look. I have a set of knuckleheads that are a little beat up. One has a crack and both of them have seat sleeves that need filling so I can press new valve seats into them."

We looked at the two heads. I figured I could try to fix the one head but mentioned that I had never tried to build up metal on metal like what would have to be done for the valve seats.

"Show me what kind of equipment you have. I don't have any welding stuff here," I said looking around.

Charlie showed me a mig and a tig welder plus a full set of gas and arc tools. He even had a parts heater.

"Tell you what. If you want me to try, I will but I could screw up those heads beyond repair," I said thinking he might wish to be more cautious.

"Naw, I really would like you to try. A guy gave the set to me so I don't have anything in them yet. While you're doing the heads, I have a set of cases that need some crack repair too. I already know you do a good job there. You might be the answer to my getting this ole' knuckle up and running."

"I'll come by in the morning. I'm going out to Big Jim's in a little while then probably heading over to the Vanishing Point. I haven't been there yet," I said.

Shawna spoke up from the door, "Hey we're going to Jim's in a little while to get something to eat. As soon as we close and clean up, we'll meet you over there. You bringing someone? Considering you bought an extra helmet?"

"A lady I met at the trailer park I'm renting at," I said pointing down the road toward the park.

Charlie laughed, "Not that Deedee or Star with fake tits?"

"You're so fucking crude Charlie," Shawna said wiping her hands on a shop towel. '

"Me," cried the big Charlie, "you with the potty mouth are calling me crude?"

Shawna looked sideways at Charlie then back at me, "So who're you parkin' on your fender Steve?"

"A lady from across the street. Her name is Kathy. She seems to be pretty nice," I answered thinking of how warm Kathy had been.

"Jake's ole' lady?" Charlie asked.

"Steve may not know about Jake, Charlie," Shawna cautioned.

I told them, "Yeah it is Jake's widow. I met her today at the park pool and she was almost begging for a ride."

"On the bike or on you?" Shawna sniggered.

"Geez you're a potty mouth Shawna," Charlie moaned.

Shawna stood up straight trying to push out her 32 A's to show them off,

"Kathy's been a widow long enough. She needs some attention. Someone other than that asshole Jeff guy that was hanging around."

"So you know her pretty well?" I asked.

"We're your neighbor, neighbor. We live on the other side of Martin and Glenda. I heard you come in last night. You were real nice not to rack 'em before you shut down. We knew someone was renting Abe and Alice's place but we haven't had time to go meet them," Charlie said.

"Stop over anytime," I said expansively, "I usually have a couple cold ones for visitors. So far everyone's been friendly, I had to go get a couple of cases."

"Don't be offering that lush free beer," Shawna said, "you'll have a new roommate."

"If you come along with the deal, I'll buy more beer," I said with lewd grin.

"Damn, I like you Steve. You give it back to my sweet little slut as fast she gives it," Charlie was laughing.

"Be nice, you gorilla," Shawna was saying, "or you won't be getting any of this prime biker bitch when we get home."

"See Steve, I told you she was mean," Charlie said.

"I'm going to leave you guys to fight it out and go get cleaned up and eat a little before we go out," I said getting ready to leave. "I'll come by in the morning and see what I can do with the heads."

Shawna came up to me and pressed her front into me, "Don't eat too much big boy, I might have something to snack on later."

"Be nice Shawna, he might forget to be a gentleman," Charlie complained.

"Who wants a gentleman," Shawna grinned then added while rubbing her entire front against me. "Tonight Big Jim is having lasagna so save room for it. He makes great lasagna about every other week and tonight's the night."

Charlie could see my plight while trying to avoid contact with Shawna, "Get out of here Steve before "Red" attacks you back here in the garage."

I rode back to the park, happy to have met a couple more people who were fun to be around. Thinking of what Shawna had told me I walked over to Kathy's and knocked on the door. The blinds were pulled aside a little then the door burst open. It was J.J.

"Come in Steve."

"I want to talk to your mom a second," I said.

"Mom," J.J. yelled walking toward the hallway. "Steve's here and wants to see you real quick. Want him to come back there?"

Kathy came out of the door at the end of the hall wearing a terry cloth robe rubbing a towel over her head. "Hi Steve what's up. Something wrong with tonight?"

"No, no," I said shaking my head imagining what was under or not under that terrycloth robe. "I met Shawna and Charlie at the bike shop. They said they were going to Big Jim's tonight too so I thought we might all go together. They said that tonight was lasagna night so I wasn't supposed to eat much before I went."

"Wow, glad you told me," Kathy said excitedly, "I love Jim's lasagna and yes it would be great to go with Charlie and Shawna. It will kind of be like old times. Jake and I used to ride with them often."

"Okay, let me use your phone and I'll call them and tell them we'll ride together," I said motioning toward the phone.

Same as Vacation?
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Like we had for most mornings in the past ten days, I woke with Renee next to me, lying on her back, with her left hand resting on my hip. Her face was peaceful and, as normal, beautiful. There was no hint of the anger or vengefulness I had seen last week. I lay there just looking at her. In the calmness of her face, I could also see the strength and the power I had seen in her the night we left the house to get away from Stan and Helen. Stan and Helen. I lay there thinking about my ex-wife,...

2 years ago
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The New House MaidChapter 2

After a long day getting his farm set for planting, Thomas began life alone on his farm for the first time. The effects of not having Sue around showed when his burnt meal smell travelled throughout the house. Thomas sighed and resumed his palace as a bachelor. Just as he opened the backdoor to throw away the remains of his burnt meal he could see someone walking to his house. The closer the person got he could recognize Sue coming towards him. She held a basket in her hands and was wearing...

4 years ago
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Just Another Hole In The Wall Part III

Just Another Hole In The Wall - Part III The Finaleby DizzyDI suggest you read Parts I & II if you haven't recentlyLinda slowly awoke, and in her groggy state she was momentarily confused by the arm dr@ped over her side and the hand resting on her breast, but when she felt something as hard as a steel rod pressing into her naked left buttock she remembered it was her grandson lying behind her.As Linda’s head cleared she started to remember the feeling of Bobby’s teenage erection pulsing...

2 years ago
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Cathy and My SisterChapter 5

Angela Terry and I were both filthy, but happy, happy, tired and horny, When Derek told Terry that he'd been given a bedroom with a double bed, I realized that my sisters fiancé was something special, we took our dirty overalls off outside and I was a very tired but very happy bunny when Terry knelt down and slipped my panties down over my thighs. We got under the shower together and it seemed as though the spray rejuvenated us both, I forgot all about how dirty I was as he leaned me back...

1 year ago
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11th GradeChapter 35

I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....

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Morality and Immortality Ch 01

This is a continuous story. In order to understand it fully it is best to read it in it’s entirety, starting with Chapter 1. Chapter 01 – The Experiment Josh felt a distant itching at the back of his head. Slowly he began to open his eyes and became aware of his surroundings. There was one person standing beside him who he recognized as Dr. Mark Edwards. Josh was on a hospital bed. As the anesthetics wore off he remembered why he was there. ‘Did it work?’ Josh asked. ‘Easy Josh.’ Said Dr....

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Todd looked at his watch -- 4:45 PM. Fifteen minutes to quitting time. He stepped up and walked out of his cubicle to use the men's room. His boyfriend just broke up with him and he was really down. Jack's ass was sooo tight, and he was great at sucking cock! Stepping into the men's room, he glanced at the row of eight toilet stalls. The doors to the nearest six stalls were open and unoccupied. The doors to last two stalls at the far end were, closed. Leaning over a little to peek under...

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Visitor 1

“I think we should invite Linda over. Some time when you are dressed, that is. It could be fun. What do you think?” I was in no position to argue, bent over Sue’s knees, my skirt hitched up, panties rolled down, and my bare bottom, very hot, very red, and very sore. “Mmm, yes that could be interesting.” “I think so too. I will ask her tonight. You can dress as a maid, and I will ask her to come over and help me with your make up. It will help you get used to the idea of others seeing you...

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Met Sexy Doctor For My Mother8217s Illness 8211 Pt 2

Reetika asked me if I wanted to go to the washroom. I went to washroom even though I didn’t want to go. But when I entered the washroom, I was surprised. A blue color bra was hanging there. The panty was not there. But bra was enough for me. I took my cock out and start jerking. Today I knew there was no one. My mother was not there. Reetika was also getting ready. So I decided to play with her bra. I did all naughty stuff with her bra. Pressed it, took in my mouth, wrapped around my cock. The...

2 years ago
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It Could Happen to You

Introduction Devon Buchanan looked out across the Starbucks and saw an old friend; a boy named Michael Sullivan. Devon had been out of town for some time. Michael was sitting alone at a table nursing a coffee. Thinking about him and what he’d heard Devon decided to drift over and see what was up. They’d been good friends once; maybe, he figured he could offer some advice. Devon dropped a couple dollars on the counter, picked up his brew and walked over. As he crossed he took in the appearance...

1 year ago
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Cool Jaipur Hot Shristhi 8211 Part 1 Family Wedding

Horniness is a state of mind (as I realized at a family wedding). It takes us to our most delightful, darkest, and dirtiest thoughts. Sex is the delightful journey of life that keeps us attracted and attached to each other. Sex is fun. Sex is a thrill. Sex is Joy. Sex keeps us all alive and awake. The maddening feel, touch, warmth, heat, desires, passion, urge, and want of more are the few things that keep us insanely hooked to sex all the time. You watch sex, read sex, imagine sex, or do sex....

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JulesJordan Ivy Lebelle Welcomes Manuel To The Neighborhood With Her ASS

Neighborhood slut Ivy Lebelle welcomes Manuel with opens arms and an open asshole! Ivy watches as her new neighbor Manuel moves into his house and waters his lawn while she’s wearing sexy red lingerie with a black skirt and black stockings. She goes over to his house to offer him some “surprise pie” and on her way out happens to drop her keys to expose her perfect tight ass under tiny skirt. Ivy surprises Manuel the next day when he comes home and find her half naked on his...

4 years ago
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Captain Miller and Brendan were on a winding two-lane highway sandwiched between beautifully manicured hedgerows - barracades of nature separating the filthy rich from the great unwashed. The Impala pulled into a gated driveway. The fat guard in the booth waved them through. A panorama of excess spread out before Brendan for nearly two acres. He took an instant disliking to the residents before he even met them. They were poseurs. He could hear the dinner party conversations in his...

4 years ago
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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 03

coldhands_warmheart © 2013 The sequel to Prince of Darkness v Prom Queen 1 & 2 Chapter 1 Hooray for Hollywood The calendar was watching him. Every time he glanced up it was staring at him, reminding him of the date of his first wedding anniversary. It was like one of those paintings, the ones with the creepy eyes, following him around the room. He tried to focus on the file in front of him. It was important, one of the biggest deals he’d ever worked on, it needed his undivided attention...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 31 A WellLived Life Part II

April, 1984, Chicago Illinois “So what are you going to do about Becky?” Elyse asked. “I have no idea,” I replied, managing not to sigh. “I have to think more about it. I’m supposed to have lunch with her next Saturday. Then I won’t see her at least until after exams. I’ll have to figure out what to do at that point. Honestly, as I think about it, my first impulse is to do nothing and keep the status quo. I think it might be too late to resurrect things, and doing so would, at a minimum,...

2 years ago
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The SwitchChapter 2

I was afraid to go into the house but knew I had to. I half expected to be attacked as soon as I got in the door, sure that Mom knew it had to have been me when Dad made his excuse for not getting home in the afternoon. However, everything was fine. Mom treated me the way she always did but she was more attentive than usual with Dad. I thanked my lucky stars that Dad didn’t apologize about forgetting to come home and Mom didn’t mention his supposed visit. All I could do was hope they didn’t...

2 years ago
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Ice StormChapter 2

Reid pulled the crinkled, yellow note from his drawer, set it on his desk and regarded it. "Did you call her?" "No, Brad," Reid replied. "Are you gonna call her?" "I dunno..." "Why the hell wouldn't you?" "Because -- what if she shoots me down?" "Not likely, Reid. Monica wants your body." "You don't know that. I mean -- you were right. I DID treat her like a piece of shit." "Both Lauren and I are convinced you and Monica are perfect for each other. We're talking...

4 years ago
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Sex With Neighbour Girl

Hi friends this is my first story please bear with mistakes and give your valuable feedback @ this my mail id interested females can do sex chat with me. I am right this story in telugu Hi guys nenu ie sex story lo naa 18 years age lo jarigina oka incident valana nenu ela maaripoyaano meeku chepthaa. Memu vizag lo oka flat lo vuntunaam. Nenu na dad na mom kalasi akkada vuntunaam. Memu eppudu ma flats lo jarige functions ki vellam. Maa flat lone ekkuvaga gaduputhu vuntaamu. Maa flats pakkana oka...

2 years ago
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As he entered the flat she turned and pounced on him. Gripping him by the throat she drove him backwards against the door forcing it closed with a clear and definitive 'snick'. His heart was hammering as her fingers dug into his jugular and carotid. Physically she was no match for him, but this wasn't about the physicality of either of them. With her petite 5' frame pressed hard against she eased the force from his throat. He snatched a grateful breath then she drove her hand forwards...

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Dealing with a Bastard

© 1998 I had spent the night at Mary's house, which was a luxury I really enjoyed. Her two kids were at her parents, allowing us freedom to be ourselves this weekend. We had fucked loudly and wildly all night and now were enjoying being in the den naked. Mary is thirty-one, with a small (five one, 100 pounds) but delightful body, medium length black hair, a happy, warm smile, and, brown eyes that sparkle, expressing all her emotions. She was a hot, active, squealing woman in bed, if she...

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S CLUB GIRLSThis story takes places when S Club 7 were at their prime. Enjoy.The very sexy ladies from s-club were in an FHM interview. The interviewer was asking some questions about travelling, boyfriends and so on. The interviewer got to the question, "In your lingerie drawer do you have a special pair of pulling pants?"Rachel: I think it's important to always wear nice knickers. I think it's nice to have sexy underwear on just for yourself. Jo: No, I don't. As long as they're comfy and the...

1 year ago
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Your Dark Needs

Emmy woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. Still groggy, she picked up the phone and smiled. She knew before even looking that the buzzing was a text from Paul.Happy anniversary, Emmy! XoxoShe laughed. Paul had convinced her a month ago to be exclusive with him. That he should be the one acting giddy over a one-month anniversary made her heart swell.Admittedly, she was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. She kept expecting him to have some fatal flaw that would spoil what had, so...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Natasha Nice Darcie Dolce Xandra Sixx Sorority Initiation

Darcie Dolce walks into the room wearing a see-through dress. She looks incredible in it. She sits down and picks up her phone. She calls up Natasha Nice and starts discussing sorority business. There’s a new girl, Xandra Sixx, that needs to be initiated and Darcie has to consult Natasha in order to move forward. Natasha agrees that it’s about time she gets moved up to the next level. Darcie suggests they call her 3- way on the phone to give her the good news. When they tell her...

4 years ago
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Strip Club

The strip club was wild and almost anything goes. The girls were sexy and beautiful and loved to show off the naked bodies. The club allowed touching and after the girl was naked she could choose a man to fuck her right on the stage. Lisa was a popular stripper with her huge tits and nice ass and plump pussy lips. She was also nasty during her strip. Tonight she had a circle painted around each tit and had covered her pussy lips with paint. The color was bright pink. As she stripped she would...

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Shift Happens Kiara

Shift Happens: Kiara by Kaitlyn Autofield Prerequisite - Shift Happens: Lionel *****One Hour Before The Shift***** Kiara's hand slid down Jake's leg as she sipped down her Martini, a devious smile painted on her lips while the others flirted with one another. ?Silvia seemed distracted, although Tom continued making his moves on her while Hannah helped to shield Tom's advances. "Should we...?" Kiara flirted and giggled, running a hand through her vibrant red hair; her green...

3 years ago
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On the way home from Ruth’s, Charley said, ‘Dammit, I’m still horny.’ ‘How could you be?’, I asked. ‘If you don’t believe me, just look’, he replied. He unzipped and pulled out that big cock and, sure enough, it was hard again. ‘What does it take you to calm down’, I asked. ‘Pull in here and I’ll show you, he replied. It was a strip mall with a 24-hour adult book store. I figured he was wanting a stroke book, but he was to surprize me yet again. He pulled out the vial of poppers, and we both...

2 years ago
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Bringing your work home

Please take a moment and tell me what you think! Etherus ‘Come in!’ I called out, as I sat with the phone, on hold. The door opened and in walked Kathryn, green eyes flashing and that wicked playful look that seemed to always surround her. Having grown bored with the hold music, I hung up to see what was on her mind. Kathryn had joined the office a couple of years before. Highly attractive and fiercely competitive, she had quickly become well respected. I had taken her under my wing, quickly...

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Alice in Chains Parts I II

Follows the beginning of what I intend on making a series. I’m posting part one again with some minor corrections. I see now that it made no sense posting it without completing the second act. If you read it already feel free to scroll straight down to part two, as there are no changes to the story. It will get more and more extreme as it goes. Let me hear your thoughts about it. Cheers, A2O ***WARNING*** This story contains abuse on several levels. If you don't like abuse, torture,...

1 year ago
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Helper Ke Saath In Chennai

Hi guys!!! It’s me additya here, with an incident that happened with me. I’m not a fiction writer but yes I can write what truly happened with me. So basically, I’m from Pune. I’ve a great athletic body and weight around 70 kg and height 5.9 feet so aunties and boy’s from Pune can contact me on my mail-id() and we can hangout sometimes. So starting with the incident. If you have read the previous story, you will come to know, how I got fucked by a driver in a bank. After that incident, I never...

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My First Bang When I Was 18 Years Old

Hi ISS readers. My name is Divya and I am an ISS reader from 1 month. On reading these stories, I became very excited and now I tried to write my own story as I have no one now to share my experiences. First I have to tell you my family story first. I am older daughter of a lonely couple in Vizag. My father is working in a doctor’s clinic as an attendent as he doesn’t have educational qualifications. But he tried very much to get me and my younger sister in a good position. He helped me to...

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The Perfect Life

I'm thirty eight, single and of course, always on the look out for pussy, which is how I wound up in a young persons night club. I saw this young lady there, with the biggest tits I ever saw in real life, she looks to be about thirty pounds or so over weight and I am really intrigued by the size of her tits. She doesn't quite look like she is twenty one, the legal drinking age, but she's in the place with an empty glass in her hand, so I figure, she has to be at least twenty one, so I asked her...

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My nephew called and asked could he spend 2 weeks at my house. He was going to a basketball camp not too far from where I lived. I told him sure and my brother called and we ironed out all the specifics. My nephew was a great BASKETBALL player and had high hopes of being in the NBA. By eleven, he was already 6 ft tall and he was actually pretty good at the sport. I hadn't seen my brother or his family in almost 2 years as he was in the military and he and his family travelled often. My...

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BennyChapter 7

By the end of his first summer as the most desirable sex toy in town, Benny had taken to keeping all his tips in a locked box on the top shelf of his closet. He’d never deposited it because his dad reviewed the bank statements, and he would have been very curious indeed about so much money over and above what was billed suddenly popping up in his account. Benny just thought it best to keep the extra cash out of sight. He decided on the lockbox one day when he gathered up the proliferation of...

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Wishes Once Wished

Wishes Once Wished by Bill Hart It sure has been one hell of a long day." thought Dwayne. "I sure hope that Bruce has had better luck than I have. Either that or we'll both be out on the street looking for new jobs. Salesmen, who don't sell their product, aren't employed by Smitson Hosiery very long." One of the hotel shops sold antiques. Dwayne had seen the shop when he'd checked in the night before, but it had been very late and the...

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Who seduced who

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 17 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. Dad put me on the bus and I felt like I had just lost my best friend. I was old enough to understand this was the best thing for me and...

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The Dress Shop Part Two

CHAPTER FIVE TRAINING WEEKEND We started Saturday with another failed attempt at love making. Within about 30 seconds of Beth playing with my penis, I gave in and orgasmed. I wasn't even erect, but just the sight of my beautiful, stunning girlfriend playing with me was enough to tip me over the edge. Once again, like last night, there was no evident frustration from Beth. Only embarrassment from me. "Awwww. Such a pretty penis!", Beth remarked, grinning and playing with it in...

4 years ago
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151. A BUTCHERS MAID. Pt6A month past, Mildred, who was now known as Milly, heard on the g****vine that Kenny had been fired, she had filed for divorce. Sylvester, who she had now nicknamed Sye, had given her a job doing his books, her bruises had gone and they had spent most of the month settling down together and having lots of vanilla sex. The dungeon had not been mentioned and for the sake of peace and to let things settle, she had not mentioned the red videos. Each evening they walked...

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Bryans Bang Buddies

I’m medically retired now after an explosion broke my back in five places. Damn refinery job paid well but not worth this! Moved back to where much of it started in “LA” which stands for Lower Arkansas. From time to time I go places or see people that remind me of a very memorable time in my single past, before the wife and kids and middle age. I was 10 when I moved to LA first, and you can imagine the culture shock when you go from a metro area to a town of about eight thousand in the South....

1 year ago
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The IT Guy

I had showed up to work, it was just another regular day, or so I thought. I have been converting over the complete computer system for a rather large clothing company office space for over 300 employees, and nearly as many work stations. I was just about a third of the way done with the project on this day. When I arrived, I was instructed to go to the bosses office he was having major issues with his PC. I walked into the bosses office and standing before me was a tall stout gentleman in a...

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Home Invasion4

Blinking against the light of her clock she squinted, it’s green led digits almost blinding her in the absolute black of her room. She frowned a little in confusion as the lights declared it to be only three in the morning, she was usually a heavy sleeper, waking only for her alarm and even then, oft times that was a struggle. Shrugging lightly to herself and thinking nothing of it she rolled back over, laying on her back, using her hands to casually adjust her chest, the bed and...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 16

Frank and Tanya reached the steps leading up to the door of the cabin. Frank stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Tanya caught up with him and waited, panting, her beautiful breasts heaving up and down against the sheer, transparent fabric of her blouse. Her body was heated enough from the exercise of climbing for the last two miles, but her nipples were hard from the cold air and almost poking through the fabric. Six more shots came from inside. After ducking down, they realized...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 11

Hi All, it required a couple of re-writes to make it better. The final chapter of Sandy's adventures in book 1. Please let me know if I should publish book 2 Chapter 21: Nikki’s Night and Sandy ’s Night to Remember I finished shaving Nikki spending a lot of time shaving her pubic hair. I made a small heart shape right above her clit and took off all the rest of her hair. When I finished shaving my new love muffin, I took a shower. When I was dry we got dressed together after a couple more...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Drilled Me

Dear ISS readers.. I am Natasha from Kerala… I am going to write a story which happened with me when I was just 13 years.. This all happened when my cousin brother came home for the summer vacation at that time he was around 21 I believe. oh talking about me I am 25 yrs now.. n committed n my cousin is now married and living abroad… and guys n gals.. This is not any kind of story making or anything.. This is real life story and no hard core sex and all..Just how a girl feels when she is being...

3 years ago
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Her Needs Fulfilled RoadSide

Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from being cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do.Will...

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Coming Down From the Mountain

A little about myself, my name is Charles, I grew up like most boys did in a little town in the 60's and 70's. In the summers I would play outside all day, only coming home to eat and sleep. I was in Cub Scouts then Boy Scouts, went fishing and hunting. When I turn fifteen like most boys I started to work so I could get my first car. The only real work around us was the farms that were all around the town. Like most kids in town I couldn't wait to move away and make it big but also like most...

2 years ago
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Families That Play Together

Families That Play Together?.. Chapter 1Marge and I had been best friends with our next door neighbors, Don and Edie, for over five years.  They were childless and our only child, Martha, whom we called Marty, was now almost 19.  Don was a tall well-built guy, who obviously worked out at the local gym.  Edie, on the other hand, was petite, standing barely over five feet tall.  Her body was well-shaped, with small breasts, but they went well with the rest of her form.  Her bust was nothing to...

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Loving FamilyChapter 2

Linda giggled as she heard the masculine footsteps resounding on the hardwood floor in the hall outside her room. She knew it was her younger cousin Paul and at any moment he would burst into her room without knocking to try to con her out of a few dollars to tide him over until they received their next month's allowance. There was plenty of time for the pretty fifteen year old blonde to have slipped on a robe when she heard Paul's footsteps, but she mischievously elected to remain as she...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Twice Shy

It was six months since the extraordinary evening described in ‘Journey into Cuckoldry’ happened, in which my lovely wife Alice and I had been seduced by our friends Steve and Carmen in our own MPV as we drove home from a late night concert. Well, to be precise, Carmen had given me a lingering hand job in the front seat while I tried to drive, finger her pussy and watch the action in the back seat in the rear-view mirror, all at the same time. I hadn’t done a very good job of any of them. In...

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Used at School 3

Claire walked past David and Olivia and headed over to the bed before turning round to face them both but all the time not taking her eyes off of Olivia. David noticed this and it put a big smile on his face as thought's of what he could get Claire to do to Olivia and of what he could do to her popped onto his mind. "So what do you think"?Claire snapped out of staring at Olivia and looked at David slightly confused."What do you mean"? she asked"What do you think about seeing Olivia all tied up...

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The lights were dim in the corporate suite at the top of the Chicago Hilton. Soft music and the tinkling of ice in the glass were almost the only sound now that the guests had departed for the evening and only the executive committee remained. Joe, the CEO, Wayne the VP for Marketing, Mike the VP for Sales, and Herb the HR guy, were in the process of shedding their clothes. Claudia, the auburn haired Assistant VP for Corporate relations, had already shed her clothes, and now wearing only a...

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She flipped through the papers of potential men. “ You are seriously not setting me up, with any of these men.” She said displeased. Sitting back in her chair with a disgusted look to her face. “ Madison! Get real you are 35 and still single! I know I am your younger sister. But you need to make an effort if you don't want to be alone for the rest of your life” Melanie spoke truthfully. Madison leaned forward and kept flipping through the long white papers. Until she pulled out a paper,...

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An Incest BirthdayChapter 10

I sat there in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? None of that was real?” “None of what? You didn’t go anywhere! What the hell did you dream about?” I was still in a bit of shock. It all seemed so real, like I was really there. I could practically still taste the Vodka in my mouth, not to mention my mom and sis’ pussy. I was a little disappointed, but a little relieved to know dad didn’t really fuck Rita, selfish I know. I sat thinking to myself before Rita snapped me out of my daydream...

3 years ago
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Finding her place

She had met him through work. And it had been so predictable and conventional, that it had surprised her. He had been there as part of a presentation. She had found him attractive from the first moment she put her eyes on him. His slightly stern, bossy way, spiced with a touch of irony. And the way he seemed serious in a profound way. Like he took life and himself seriously. And still there was that touch of irony, humor. He never broke eye contact, when she spoke to him the first time. It was...

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