Falling Ch. 11 free porn video

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Jenny stared at the phone in her hand. "Well, shit," she said finally, after a moment of reflection. "If that's your girlfriend, Linnea, she's a raving bitch."

She'd felt bad about the baggie of hair because it clearly meant so much to Linnea, but that girl had just been too naive in some ways, and much too trusting. Jenny had already lost her heart to the blonde, but that didn't mean she was going to be a slut for just anybody.

Unfortunately, it sounded like her paranoia hadn't been misplaced. They'd had a good time thus far, but apparently Linnea had slipped up somehow.

Darryl shouted at her from the bar. "Jenny! Five minutes! Get your pretty little ass out here before these folks tear the place down, d'ya hear?"

Jenny tossed her phone back in her locker, and took a final gulp from her water glass. She hadn't finished her grilled chicken salad, but the call had pretty much killed her appetite. She didn't even know where Linnea lived, really, beyond her area code. That was just the first problem.

Still, the show had to go on... The brunette pulled on her white hat and headed for the arena, her excitement already growing at the thought of the spectators waiting for her.

Pierre Fontaine stared at the phone in his hand. It wasn't the first late-night call he'd received from Edward Richwell, or even that unusual. When you were an attorney for the obscenely rich (if not so famous), it was part of the job. The request was, however, unexpected -- and inconvenient.

"Why now?" he asked himself, setting the handset back on the cradle. He'd been so sure that the Richwells would never relent and reconcile with their wayward daughter, at least as long as Edward was alive.

If Pierre had been a betting man, he'd have gambled that those trusts -- now one trust, after Peter's death -- would sit, gathering dust, until the interested parties were all dead and the funds dispersed to charities. In fact, he had taken that wager and started transferring some of the money to his favorite charity -- himself.

Edward's sudden decision, just communicated, to re-establish Linnea's access to her trust fund put the attorney in an uncomfortable position. He wasn't a fool, and his tracks weren't obvious, but it suddenly was more likely that somebody curious might notice the dollars didn't add up.

Pierre thought again about the call. Edward had sounded... strange. Almost flustered. Perhaps, with a little careful urging, he'd reconsider. Yes, a return call in the morning might do the trick. Feeling better already, he returned to bed.

Xavier Norris stared at the phone in his hand. He hadn't heard from Michael in over a month, and now this. It had sounded like a cry for help, to somebody who could read between the lines.

No recovery program was easy, but the job Mind Controllers Anonymous entrusted to its sponsors was more difficult than most. A drunk could get behind the wheel and do untold damage, but a rogue adept could do far more -- and in a way that might not be discovered until the impact had spread exponentially.

Like anything else, it was impossible to help people who didn't want to be helped, and "convincing" them was morally and ethically indefensible. Nurture, yes; confine, if necessary; coerce, never. Sponsorship wasn't a job for wimps.

With a sigh, Xavier scrolled down his contacts list and made the first call of many. Whatever was going on, waiting never made things better. In addition to trying to make contact with Michael, he needed to get somebody working on tracking down everybody Michael had sponsored and making sure they were okay, too.

It was going to be a pain. Michael had been a popular guy before he'd dropped off the map. Xavier shook his head regretfully. "Hey, Kim, I think we have a problem..."

Chapter 11, In which I become stinking rich

"...and that's why I believe I would be the logical, and best, choice to manage my parents' conservatorship," I concluded the story -- and my presentation. Stacey nodded approvingly, and I fought to keep my hands properly clasped at the small of my back and not gasp at the wave of heat that raced through me.

The three-member panel assembled by the court looked less impressed. "Your contention is that, having used 'mind control' to bring about their present condition, your deep familiarity with the situation for which you are personally responsible makes you uniquely qualified to administer their personal and financial affairs?" Vasily, the grey-haired banker and chairman of the panel, sounded like he was chewing rocks as he spat out the words. I imagined he was upset at the thought of losing control of my parents' fortune.

At least he'd gotten past the whole "mind control" thing. I'd been shocked that Stacey had made me bring it up at all, and they'd been shocked that I'd made such a tasteless joke. Stacey had been forced to demonstrate, which I'd belated realized had been the point.

The sexist bastards had been surprised and embarrassed to find themselves masturbating uncontrollably in front of us -- and each other -- but they'd already forgotten they'd agreed to give us what we wanted. As soon as the meeting was over and they'd cum, they'd forget the mind control stuff, too. I hadn't heard what Stacey had said to the court recorder, but I doubted the transcript really matched what we were saying.

Stacey had gotten so pushy. I might have used "bitchy" or "controlling", but I loved her for who she was, warts and all. Perhaps my love and support had made her less sensitive, and she'd just come a little more out of her shell. Besides, this wasn't about Stacey, or even me. It was about my parents.

"'Present condition' sounds so cold and clinical," I objected. "They need the loving care and stability of a warm family environment." And round-the-clock supervision, I thought, but everybody in the conference room already knew that.

Daddy had always been stubborn, and I think he had as much trouble getting past my relationship with Stacey as he'd had with Michael and Peter. He'd gone ahead and revised my trust, but since he'd also become a compulsive masturbator, some doubters thought he might not have been of sound mind. He certainly wasn't now; all he did was stroke himself, especially if anybody asked him about it or he saw me and Stacey together.

He often had to be restrained to keep from rubbing himself literally raw, and the doctors mumbled under their breath about priapism and tried different medications, so far without effect.

Mom had become rather a free spirit, coming late to the sexual revolution and eager to make up for it. In times of stress, she tended to proposition women -- the younger, the better. Although she'd been banned from all of the local college campuses, we'd been able to keep it out of the papers. The first time Daddy had been restrained, she'd gone downstairs and asked to be driven to the nearest high school. Luckily the driver had called me instead.

"And are you in a position to provide this care?" asked Megan, breaking my train of thought. The lone woman on the panel, she seemed more sympathetic to us, but maybe it was just my imagination.

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied confidently. "I have resigned from my job so I am available to devote all of my time and energy to supporting my parents in their time of need." Whenever Stacey didn't need me for something, of course, but I didn't see a reason to mention it.

"Resigned?" laughed the greasy weasel at the other end of the table. "That wasn't the way I heard it!" He reminded me of my worst clients. I wasn't sure why Daddy had ever retained him as the family attorney, and his cigars clashed horribly with Stacey's candles.

I wanted to walk down to Pierre and smash his face into the table, but it would be unprofessional. "Resigned," I repeated firmly. "I have copies of the relevant documents, if you would care to review them."

A resignation was still a resignation, even if it was under threat of termination for cause. Somehow Alan had talked Candi into filing a formal complaint, which was doubly unfair because Stacey wouldn't let me be with anybody any more. It was depressing to have risen so far and have to throw it all away, but the truth was that it had been getting harder and harder to balance my work and personal life, and it was a relief to be able to concentrate on Stacey.

I'd agreed to resign with a clean record, and give up the severance I didn't really need. They'd agreed to bury the investigation and forego the unwanted publicity that would have come with it. The rumors about Daddy and Mom had added an air of legitimacy to the usual "for personal reasons" excuse.

"That's unnecessary, Pierre," admonished Megan. "Don't be nasty."

"Quite," rumbled Vasily. Looking like he was having teeth pulled without anesthesia, he continued, "I believe, then, we are in agreement. Having found no basis for disqualification, and in light of your position as next-of-kin and confirmed successor trustee, this board is compelled to recommend the court grant your petition for conservatorship. However irregular," he concluded, eyes sliding sideways from me to Megan.

She was, perhaps not coincidentally, the judge who had ruled in our favor on the matter of my father's fitness to amend his arrangements. "I'd like just a few moments to examine some things with you, Linnea," she suggested.

"Of course, Ma'am," I replied, after a quick glance at Stacey. I'd gone through some rough patches before becoming "housebroken", as Stacey put it, and this would be a bad time to have an accident.

The men were already departing, probably to hurry to the restroom and relieve the erections that were tenting their trousers. The recorder's fingers kept tapping irregularly on the steno machine. Stacey rose and began collecting the candles that dotted the room, while Megan walked around the table to examine me more closely.

"That's quite a becoming look, Linnea," she complemented me, and I swelled with pleasure. When we'd met at Daddy's competency hearing, I'd still been wearing diapers, which had limited my wardrobe options. Since I didn't wear much at the apartment, this really was the first chance I'd had to get dressed up in nice clothes since I'd resigned.

The knit dress was my favorite shade of red, the liberated woman's equivalent of a power tie. It was short and tight, precluding any possibility of sitting modestly, but I hadn't planned on sitting much, and I wasn't very modest. The front was cut so low it covered only the sides of my breasts, but that was what the equally red lace bra was there for. Because it was a business meeting, I'd left the ruffles along the top turned up so they covered my nipples, mostly.

I'd learned to keep my hair the way Stacey liked it, and I knew my makeup was perfect, because it was permanent -- except for the lashes, which were reapplied each month. Matching white lilies inset with diamonds adorned my ears, the black choker circling my neck, and the stays of my garters. It was all expensive, but Stacey always reminded me it wasn't fair to get things just for her on our shopping trips.

I'd chosen to continue the lily motif, so a daylily pattern threaded through the expensive silk stockings attached to my garters. I didn't have to walk much, meaning higher heels weren't a problem. I'd literally orgasmed just from the look in Stacey's eyes when I'd presented myself to her that morning.

So I knew I was pretty hot that day. Nevertheless, I was sure Megan was commenting on my bell; the tip hung a little below the hem of the dress if I didn't remember to keep it tugged down, and I'd seen her staring at it during the meeting.

It was silver, in the shape of an elongated flower with the stamen forming the clapper, and exquisitely tuned. A fine chain attached it permanently to the ring resting beneath my clit. It swung gently with every movement I made, generating a pleasing sound. In my more whimsical moments, I imagined it sounded like Stacey whispering, "Mine." It always made me wet to think of it, which meant I was wet all the time now.

The bell alerted Stacey anytime I tried to touch myself. Mom said it was "excessive," the once she'd seen it, but she didn't really understand the depths of Stacey's insecurity and how much my affair with -- that other girl -- had hurt her.

Playing around because Stacey wanted me to was another thing entirely. I wished Megan would bend me over the table and work me, but my experience was that she was an investigator rather than a doer. I settled for pulling up the hem of my dress so I was completely exposed.

Sure enough, she pushed gently at the bell, listening to it ring, and ran a finger up the chain to my clit. I trembled but kept my hands clasped behind me, knowing my poise would please Stacey.

"You're so precious," Megan told me. "Dewdrops and all." I'd been leaking down the chain, and a few droplets of my desire had beaded on the bell like a flower collecting dew in the early morning. Not a single drop of it was urine, at least so far.

I watched Megan nervously. At our last meeting, she'd attached binder clips to my nipples and played with them, seeing how far she could stretch my breasts and watching my expression as she finally pulled hard enough to pop them off. Obviously I'd do anything for Stacey, but I wasn't looking forward to it.

Worse, Megan hadn't looked above my waist since the meeting broke up. As I silently looked on, she slid a binder clip off the file that had been sitting on the table in front of her chair and flexed it experimentally.

"I think we'll need to do a little more research," she decided, slowly licking her lips. I cringed inside but maintained my poise as she reached towards my bare crotch and defenseless clitoris. I ruthlessly crushed the urge to pull away, even without a warning twinge from my bladder.

Stacey finished blowing out the last of the candles, momentarily enveloping us in dissipating smoke. "I'm afraid Linnea and I have other engagements," she remarked regretfully. "I hope you can continue your investigation on your own, for the time being."

"Such a shame," the judge commented, holding her hand in place. "Other people have been doing interesting research, too. I was hoping to have time to share some of it with you." Her tone of voice was suggestive.

"Really?" Stacey looked up from the dazed-looking court recorder, and walked over to join us. "Perhaps we can spare a little more time to discuss research, after all." She aimed a stern look at me, and then stared at the older woman.

Megan's lips parted slightly and she leaned forward to study me more closely as her hand resumed its forward motion. She suddenly sighed with satisfaction and relaxed, but the burst of pain I'd braced myself for didn't come.

I looked down and saw the clip was attached to the ring piercing the hood of my clit. Astonished, I looked up at Stacey, who gave me a slow wink. My heart threatened to burst; I should have trusted her to look out for me!

"Exquisite," said the judge. "I really don't understand how you do it, Stacey." She brushed the clip with her finger, watching it wobble, and glanced at my face. "She's so stoic." Megan looked a little disappointed.

"Practice," Stacey said shortly. "Now, about that other matter?"

"They've been asking about your friend, Michael. A warrant to search his apartment for 'contraband' crossed my desk this morning."

"Is he okay?" I asked before I could think. I hadn't seen him for weeks. Stacey shot me an annoyed look and the weight of her displeasure squeezed a tiny burst of piss from me.

"Which apartment?" Stacey asked, which seemed weird since we had only the one, and Michael had lived there for years; we were the relative newcomers.

"The one on Fourth," replied Megan, and both of them smiled.

I couldn't stay silent, not if it involved Michael. "That's crazy!" I objected. "He doesn't live over on Fourth; he lives with us, on Fourth." It didn't sound right. "8310 Fourth Avenue." I added the clarification firmly, but felt suddenly uncertain. I'd lived with Michael for years and knew our address like I knew my name -- and it was... 8310 Fourth Avenue?

Stacey smiled at me, clearly amused. "Good; I expect we'll be out of the place on Washington before they realize their mistake. And it's in his name only, anyway; right, Linnea?"

I nodded, feeling a glow of accomplishment at my contribution. "That's it, Fourth; I feel so stupid! Yeah, Michael never changed the lease after Peter died. He is okay, isn't he?"

"He's fine, Linnea," Stacey answered, looking and sounding bored. "He went back to his buddies in the program, and they probably put him in rehab." She redirected the conversation to Megan. "Anything else?"

There was a faint tugging, and I realized the judge was pulling on the binder clip. She'd also produced a straight pin from somewhere. "Just one more probe?" she asked hungrily.

"Oh, be quick. We have a lot to do today."

I watched nervously as Megan unconsciously bit on her tongue and pulled a little more on the clip. Her hand whipped in, stabbing the pin deeply into one of her fingers holding the clip rather than me. "Oh, yes," she cried, "look how beautifully she moves!"

Megan twisted the pin in her finger and pulled harder on the clip, staring at me with undisguised lust. I leaned back slightly, bracing myself, and the clip eventually slid off the ring and snapped free.

Stacey silently opened her mouth, and I finally got the hint. "Ooooooo," I moaned in my best slut voice. "Oh, my clitty!" I still couldn't figure out if I was supposed to be aroused or in pain or what, but apparently it was enough.

"Linnea, I could just eat you up," Megan panted, devouring me with her eyes. I was increasingly less certain that she was seeing the real me standing there. "You have to let me see you again, alone."

Had she forgotten Stacey was standing right there? I looked at my lover, trying to understand what she wanted me to do. "I'm really busy," I prevaricated, "but you make me hot, too. Let me call you?"

"Don't make me wait too long, or I'll find you in contempt," she husked, pulling the pin free. She was trying for sultry, but all I got was "scary."

I made a beeline for the coat rack before something else could happen.

"Very nicely done," Stacey told me as I was helping her into her fur. My legs almost buckled. Creaming myself like crazy, I hurried to put on my own leather coat and follow her.

"We're moving?" I asked while we waited for the elevator.

"Of course, silly! We'll live with your parents; how else will we look after them?"

Apparently Megan had shaken me more than I'd realized -- I'd completely forgotten the point of the hearing! "Oh, Stacey, I love you so much," I told her, my heart swelling. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping; I know you don't have to."

"It's my pleasure, really," she said, smiling back at me.

The driver had just handed us into the car when I had another thought. "You wouldn't really make me see Megan again, would you?"

Stacey barked out a laugh. "Her? No, I'll find her somebody else." She paused a beat and added, "At least as long as you still love me!"

I was pretty sure she meant it as a joke, but I was stung at the thought she could ever doubt my love for her. Luckily, I knew just how to prove it. I slid off the seat and worked my way around between Stacey's legs; she smiled at me and exposed herself.

My tongue darted out to taste her. If I did a good enough job, she might let me cum, too. In the meantime, there was no place in the world I would rather have been.


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Hi, I'm Chris. I'm a 17 year old boy. I'm reasonably tall and skinny but I have a fair amount of muscle. I have blond-ish hair and green eyes. I like to think of myself as straight but I do occasionally fantasize about guys too, mainly one guy in particular. So I am going to tell you a little story...It was summer time; the sun was hot, the grass was green, everyone was tanned and walking around in as little as possible. That is why I love summer. My friend Alex had invited me down to his beach...

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My two best friends

Hi, my name is Jill, and I have the two best friends you could ask for. My parents died in a car accident some years ago when we were all teenagers. Now I’m twenty-five, my friend Lenny is twenty-eight, and my other friend Carl is twenty-three. We all live in the same house together. Over the years since then, we had all became close to each other, really close if you know what I mean. I’m not proud, but it just happened honestly. I’ve been having sex with both of them. I’ve been having sex...

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brothers and sisters

Jane woke up first, having to go to the bathroom. Sheextracted herself from the tangle of her brother's embrace andwalked quietly into the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet andbegan to pee, when she was done, she wiped herself clean andfound that she had started to get horny just from wiping herselfwith the toilet paper. She lay down on the bathroom floor andstarted to masturbate, her fingers finding her old comfortablerhythm. Then she stopped, deciding to wait. She padded...

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Pacts Gods and FamilyChapter 21

“So, what happened, guys?” I asked Lisa, Mustafa, and Saajida, as they had all but disappeared for much of the orgy. “Oh ... we kinda snuck off and did our own thing, a threesome ... foursome if you count Lou,” Lisa winked at me, pointing out that Lou had been with them as well. “I ... see. A little make-up sex, huh? Nothing wrong with that, I must admit. Well, technically, I need not, but I will, because I’m fair-minded and I do love a good reconciliation story, don’t you? Don’t worry...

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Moms and their sons

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated story like theseMOTHERS & SONSAlison paused outside her son's bedroom, her beautiful face spreadinginto an amused smile as she listened to the soft moans and rhythmiccreaking sounds emanating from the other side of the door. Her sonRandy was beating his meat again. Actually his full name wasRandolph... after his grandfather, but everyone called him Randy, muchto Alison's amusement. A fitting name for a sixteen-year-old who spentmost of his...

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Naruto Lemon Series Part 10

You were skipping down the main street of the Leaf Village making your way to the ramen stand to meet up with Naruto and Gai's team. They had been on a mission for a long time now so you thought it was only right to see them, plus you could never turn down having ramen. You saw that everyone had beat you as you ran over and jumped on Lee, Neji and Tenten."Guys! Long time no see." you said cheerfully as Lee gave you a thumbs up saying, "It's good to see you again Yami-chan.""Hey enough with the...

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So called straight lad

I'm a gay guy who's just a lad all my mates are straight watch footie ect.  Im out but its one of them things doesn't get brought up as very much a lads lad. Anyway I was brought up in a estate ruff as fuck and tbh I was. I came out a 16 no one said anything as most were scared of me as can handle my self. So anyway my ideal night is pub with mates out in town and usually end up a party wired off our nut.  Sometimes porn comes on we have a wank infront of each other stuff might happen we just...

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on my bosss desk

This is based on a true story.My name is Lynlee, I am 31 years old and happily married with 3 k**s. My husband and I have an open marriage and I am encouraged to be “adventurous”I work for a small company in Utah that sells insurance. My boss, Andy, is an attractive older man in his 50’s. A few weeks ago, he and I became sexually active after I gave him a blowjob in his car. My boss had been sexually deprived by his unfaithful wife for the past 6 months and had never in his life experienced a...

4 years ago
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Cum Crazy

I came home from work today to find my sexy wife laying in bed with wet panties on as I got closer to her I could see white cum all over her thighs. I knew right away that she had been fucking someone right before I got home she knew that I couldn’t resist sucking cum out of her well used pussy. She reached down and removed her panties and offered them to me I stuck them up to my nose and smelled the fresh cum that had leaked out of her pussy and ass and had been trapped in her panties. I took...

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DPP Double Pussy Penetration

Hi, friends, Did you ever imagine about fucking a pussy with two dicks simultaneously? Its a story of Desi bitch, who lives in my village. By the way let me introduce myself, I am Azad and I live in the Barabanki City, in the outskirts of city, there is a colony where Darji Caste people live. I am also from the same caste and here we are engaged in farming and selling agricultural products to main city.Now Come to the point, its story of the dirty leg lady Samia, who lives in the end of my...

3 years ago
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Eliza Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I lookedin the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if thereis any significance to this particular night time vision. It seems adream of a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that hashappened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. I should never have been a Good Samaritan. It's against my nature. But thewoman's screams were so - so piercing, they touched my very soul. What month was it? November?...

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BimboficationI saw my wife today. Well, my ex-wife. She didn't even notice me which I suppose is a good thing. At least it means that my transformation has worked and I am now a believable woman. Seeing her reminded me of the way things used to be, before He found me and before He showed me my true self. Some days it's harder to remember than others. When I see myself in the mirror and I see my fake, almost plastic boobs and my platinum blonde hair, my highly arched eyebrows and my thick, juicy...

4 years ago
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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris On Monday, Jason walked into the apartment, and said to Ronnie, "Well, how long do you want to spend in France?" "Why?" "Well, I have all summer. They didn't understand, and figured that the job wasn't that important to me." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. With their attitude, I figure I wouldn't have been happy there any way." Ronnie wrapped her arms...

3 years ago
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Those Shady Pink Couple Part 8211 1

Hello, people, it’s Akhil again bringing you another tragedy of my life experience. Hope you like it. Any feedback can be pinged to my email ID So the story starts this way, me on my bed trying to wake up one fine morning. Nobody at home, everyone went to visit native to attend some important family function. Me being left alone guy didn’t prefer spending my weekend over there. Instead preferred a day or two alone at home. Which I then realized was one of my life-changing decisions of life....

2 years ago
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MrPOV Aubree Valentine Roomie Caught Baten

Ever since Aubree Valentine moved in with you a few months ago, things have gotten…well, interesting. It started the day she moved in; Aubree taking a pee with the door wide open! Soon, Aubree was didn’t care if the door was open while she showered! A few days later Aubree started walking around the place in skimpy panties and no top!! Aubree seems to bring a lot of her male “friends” over too; and man, when they fuck, she’s loud! So when you got home early from a...

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Diamond RoseChapter 8 Di

Jason's open palms covered Di's stomach and thighs as he held her up in the water. She had been practicing the front crawl for him, kicking her feet and pulling long strokes with her cupped hands for a half-hour. He had gotten them in the pool he used to work at before it opened because a friend of his still worked there. She was grateful because it kept her from feeling self-conscious about her scars when she got into the water with him. There was always something wrong with her form that...

1 year ago
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Me him and her

It was a Sunday and I had invited my friend around to watch the football, I knew he'd always liked my girlfriend but that day was unexpected! The 3 of us were sat in front of the tele for a while until my girlfriend got up to go and have a shower. Being as teasing as she is,she brushed my face with her DD tits and then brushed my cock with her hand while she was getting up off the sofa. While she was gone, my friend started asking what we've done sexually, I just smiled and decided not to...

Cheating Wifes
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sister Grows Up Part 2

sister Grows Up Pt. 2I woke up after called easily be described as the best week of my life. I’d come home from school to find that in the two years or so that I’d been away, my little sister had grown up to an absolute stunner. So much so that I’d seduced my sister and fucked her brains out every day for the last week. Or had she fucked my brains out? i****t seems such a dirty word to the outsiders, but I discovered that in my family home it was considered normal. My sister Cassondra, had told...

2 years ago
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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 3

We arrived at my house just before 4:30. I led her up the sidewalk toward the door. "Are you sure your wife is ok with this?" "She's the one who brought up the idea of using the extra bed. If she has a problem with it, she sure didn't show it." I opened the door and led Julie inside. My kids were all at the dining room table doing their homework. We went in there so I could start the introductions. "Hi guys, how was school?" I got a reply from my daughter Rebecca, "Just like...

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GoldChapter 18

Friday: The next thing I knew, Jenn was shaking my shoulder, telling me it was time to get up. Tommy, in the bunk below, was grumbling about the hour. We were each handed a cup of coffee to help to wake us up. It was 4:30 AM and we were schedule to pull out at 5. The start was sort of anti-climatic, with Rob in the tractor leading the way and me following. This area was pretty windswept, so there was not a big build-up of snow, so the wheels were still down and we trundled along. Except for...

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My moms pussy

Hi all how’s life i am back with a small story . My mom rajani is 54 short, fatty,mix complextion. She came to my place to stay with me in my 1 bed room flat as i was making my flat . I am from kolkata. We all are at bangalore now . My mom wares sari, salwar, jeans all . After my work we used 2 go to see movie or any other places.as my mom is a principal she took holiday & came 2 see the making of home.i used to see her bath foam a long time by key hole. She is really sexy looks like a fatty...

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MY FIRST TIMEMy first real thoughts of sex happened on the last day of school when I was barely a teenager. Danny said that he saw his sister Heather putting on her clothes after her shower this morning, seems she left her door slightly open and Danny could see her in the full length mirror in her room. As Heather who is a year younger than me removed the towel from her body turned to admire her growing tits and shapely ass wondering when she would get the big tits like her mother. Danny's mom...

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Be Careful What You Wish For4

“Wake up Alison” she groggily hears. What the fuck is talking to me. “Wake up Alison. It’s time to play.” The more she comes to her senses, she realizes she is blind folded, she can’t see anything. Trying to move, she finds her hands are restrained above her head and something is bound between her ankles holding them apart. “Are you awake Alison?” What the fuck is that? It sounds like a digitized voice out of the movies . . . . . Fuck! “Who are you?” she asks, noticing her voice is shaking a...

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My First Blowjob A Quid Pro Quo

The School Dance had come around again. These horror shows were part of our Socialisation Program and attendance was compulsory. Having a date was preferred but not compulsory.I dodged most of them by using the Asthma Card but that was wearing thin. The School Nurse told me it was too much of a coincidence that I would have an asthma attack before every event that I didn’t like. I told her it was brought on by the stress of being forced into unpleasant and painful experiences. She told me she...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 12 The Farm and Capture

Day 7 Bangalore: Remember that I said that I felt something was wrong. Well I was right! The evil Doctor Steele wanted to get to the farm. He had two more controller boxes stashed in a storage locker here. He took control of the farm... Yep Sushi and I were captured too. Nancy had been on watch and she alerted Joe, James, Helen and Beth. They suited up in their Gore-Tex and headed for the farm. Joe did not ask questions, he shot the controller box out of the Evil Doctor Steele's hands....

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Percolate Installment 4

Perc 4 October2012Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate...

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Hedonistic Wife Sharing 8211 Part 2

Hi, It’s Me Mani again..Came back with another part of real sex story but its not mine. Check out the 1st Part 1st. Anyone who want give their stories can email me at even girls and married ladies can approach me, present at Hyderabad. Okay, coming back to the story now… However, within a little more than a month or by the 2nd week of February 2008, Srilekha Ray underwent abortion; it was her first termination of pregnancy (or impregnation) . . . However, on the other hand, Paresh Mukherjee...

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we both love it

Mom closed the light saying good nighti waited 20 minutes before getting up looking at my window wondering if he would be there as promised with the weedhis car soon turning the corner , i got this guy number from a friend at school a while back onlt called him 3 times but he was reliable , mike was on time againgetting out my window in silence, walking to the car sitting in the passenger seat after i open the door''hey boi i rolled one wamma smoke before you go to sleep?''''humm sure ok''''is...

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My Girlfriend Shreya 8211 Part II

Hey all ISS readers, the new, the old and the veterans. My name is Ummm Jason. Yeah, can call me so. 26 years old, 5.9” ht , beyond average and closer to good looking, athletic body, unemployed and passionate about basketball and me bike. The other thing I am passionate about is SEX. I had sex with my neighbor’s daughter when I was in 4th standard, standard 5th with a girl who stays nearby my house, not one but two of my class teacher’s in standard 6th , all in the world of my imagination and...

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EvilAngel Canela Skin Elegant Anal Gaping

Cute, caramel-skinned Canela Skin shows off her extra phat ass in revealing lingerie. She spreads her legs as director/performer David Perry slides his fingers inside her puckering asshole. Canela gives him a sloppy blowjob, and he shoves his thick dick up her hungry rear. Canela sucks David’s cock ass-to-mouth and bounces on his rod, enjoying an orgasmic anal dick ride. Her eyes roll back as his boner digs deeply into her tight rectum. Canela’s butthole gapes! She gives David a...

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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 8

Things were more normal the following morning, and though neither of them hardly said anything to the other, it was much more tolerable than Bonnie had expected. Before going out the door, David even leaned in and gave her a quick peck on her cheek. "See you later, Hon." Bonnie, of course, had to wait for Sandy before she could leave and slowly sipped on her coffee while reflecting on what had happened. "David's really not that bad of a husband," she thought. "Maybe it was just all of...

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My wife Sarah due to poor health hasn,t fucked with me for sixteen years. It makes it tough as I still have sexual desires, the main reason I come on Hamster and surf the photos and videos And Of Course read the stories posted. The other morning I was in the middle of a self masturbation session viewing a hot video of a young blonde female gagging on heavy semen from a stiff cock and almost to the point of climax when suddenly a familiar voice intrrrupted mynthoughts and enjoyment: “What are...

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The Haunting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's BACK button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 3

I enjoyed giving my very first blow job and swallowing my first cum shot. I was hungry for more sexual experiences. I began to relive all the stories I’d overheard my sister telling her friends and every bit of porn I’d ever seen. I played with myself thinking about all of it. I was looking forward to trying them all out. Over the next few days after the blow job incident, every time we were out of earshot of other people, he would make subtle remarks and hints about how much fun he had. I let...

First Time
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Failures of PerfectionChapter 7

“Right Pam,” Natalia said with a deep sigh, “I think I need something to drink.” “Oh dear, is it that bad?“ Natalia laughed shortly and then said blatantly, “Why don’t you start explaining to me how you managed to get yourself injected into me.” There was a silence which Natalia used to open a bottle of white wine she had taken from the fridge. “How did you know?“ Natalia took a sip enjoying the freshness of the cool drink. “Gregory would never inject his lover into another woman,”...

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