A Late Summer Beach Weekend free porn video

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It was late on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of September. I was busying myself around the small town home I rented preparing for house guests. My college girlfriend, Mandy, and whoever was her flavor-of-the-month boyfriend would be here shortly. They were on their way from Dallas, where Mandy moved for a job after graduation. They were spending the night and then were accompanying my boyfriend Nick and I to the beach for the weekend. My uncle owns a camp right on the beach on Dauphin island near Gulf shores. The camp isn’t on the nicest or most groomed beach but the sands are white and it is secluded and peaceful. I had been going there for years and It was one of my favorite places in the world to go.

I was certainly looking forward to seeing Mandy. We got together pretty regularly after school but careers and life in general had gotten in the way recently. I hadn’t seen her in a year, the longest time away from her since graduation. We texted more now than anything else. She was one of those friends, though, that no matter how long it had been since we had seen each other, we fell right back into the comfortable patterns of old friends who used to live together.

My cell phone rang. It was Mandy just as I was thinking about her.

‘Where y’all at?’ I answered.

‘About thirty five miles north of I-10,’ said Mandy, ‘I can’t wait to see you!’

‘Same here, it’s been way too long. By the way, tell me your current boyfriend’s name, I can’t ever keep them straight,’ I said in a teasing voice with a touch of sarcasm.

‘His name is Brett. You know his name, I’ve told you about him before. I have been with him for almost a year, remember?’ she replied. The tone in her voice was sincere and with genuine disbelief that I has asked the question.

‘Oh, right,’ I recovered, ‘I’m sorry, I’m just distracted. I’ll call Nick and tell him when we plan to meet him for dinner and I’ll see you soon.’ We said goodbyes and hung up. I stood in the kitchen in shock.

Brett…Brett…Brett… I racked my brain trying to remember. Had she really been with him that long? The truth is she always talks about her boyfriend but she always has a boyfriend and I quit paying attention to them a long time ago. Mandy attracted men but had a philosophy that men should be like Kleenex: soft, strong and disposable. It was rare for her to keep a boyfriend more than six months. I certainly can’t remember when she had a relationship lasting longer. Nearly a year!? I have to admit I was actually curious to meet this one. Mandy had zero-tolerance for supplicating men enchanted by her looks but also would not put up with an abusive asshole with no respect for her. In thinking about it, maybe that’s why she never kept a man around as she ultimately decided he fell into one of those two categories. Let’s face it, men in between are hard to find. Okay, now I really want to meet him.

Of course, that just made me think about my man. Where did Nick fall on that spectrum? Honestly he wasn’t worth classifying. If Nick were a dress, he’d be the one that fits pretty well in the store, looks okay, is maybe worn once and then spends the rest of its life in the back of your closet. The truth was, he was good enough to keep around until something better came along. He wasn’t a complete asshole, was pretty good looking and had a decent job. I had dates on the weekend and regular albeit not very good sex. I knew this relationship wasn’t going to go anywhere long-term. If for no other reason, I was a rebound for Nick who had broken up with his off-and-on girlfriend of three years. They had broken up six months ago and we had been together for three months. He was still hung up over her, a girl can just tell. For now, anyway, he was justly slightly better than being alone, even if I wasn’t proud of that fact. I am a strong woman and certainly don’t need a man…I guess I reconcile it in my head with the idea that it’s my choice to stay with a situation that is comfortable, if not ideal.

I picked up the phone and called the subject of my pondering and told him to be over at my house at 6 o’clock. I finished making up the guest room and picking up the house. I was mostly packed and my suitcase lay open on the floor of my bedroom. I got cleaned up and changed into jeans and a blouse. I was just finishing my makeup when I heard a car pull up out front. I opened the door and saw a large black pickup truck with Texas plates stop curbside as it was hauling a trailer with what appeared to be a covered single-person watercraft, like a Jet Ski.

Mandy hopped out of the passenger and headed briskly toward me. I was instantly reminded why she was so successful turning men’s (and not a few women’s) heads. She was gorgeous. She was tall, 5’7′ brunette beauty that looked a bit like a more natural looking Megan Fox. She had shoulder length hair currently in a loose ponytail. She had long legs and curves and boobs I would kill for. I am an attractive woman, I don’t mind admitting it, but even I felt a little plain standing next to her. No matter that, she was one of my best friends and I was really glad to see her. She strode up to me in her light blue sundress and embraced me in a tight hug.

‘Jane! I missed you so much!’ She said in my ear and then released me with a kiss on the cheek. ‘Come meet Brett.’ She took my hand and led me toward the car as her boyfriend had exited the driver side and was rounding the hood of the truck, heading in our direction.

I was shocked. This was unlike any of the pretty-boys and bow-hunks whose arms Mandy typically adorned. The first thing I noticed was his age. Mandy and I are in our late twenties and he had to be at least in his early forties. He wore jeans that fit well and boots and a short sleeve button-down simple white linen shirt. He had dirty blonde hair with noticeable gray. He was good looking but not like I was used to when it came to Mandy. He reminded me of a celebrity but I couldn’t place which one. He approached me with a crooked but warm smile and shook my hand.

‘Pleasure to meet you, Jane. Mandy has told me all about you, especially in the last hundred miles,’ he said with a chuckle. His voice was a nice baritone with a hint of Texas drawl.

The first thing I thought was that Mandy had simply up and found herself a sugar daddy. He clearly was far from broke, based on his truck and clothes and toys. However, two things convinced me otherwise. The first was the way Mandy was behaving around him. He stood there, loose and relaxed while she hung on his arm and kept glancing at him. The only word I could think of to describe the look she gave him was ‘adoration.’ It was a little unsettling as I had never seen Mandy act this way around one of her boyfriends. The other thing that convinced me was the first thought I had to admit I had when he was strolling toward me: Where can I get me one of those?

We went in the house. I told them Nick was on his way and then we could go to dinner. Brett declined to sit as he had been sitting for the last several hours. I offered them a drink and they accepted. I showed Brett the bar and he fixed all three of us a drink. Mandy and I chatted it up and Brett just mainly listened. My phone beeped and Nick said he would be there in five minutes.

Nick rang the bell a few minutes later. I answered it and in came my boyfriend. He was Mandy and I’s age. He was wearing jeans and a red polo shirt. He had dark hair and sharp features. He was pretty good looking but he had a goofy way about him. I introduced him to Mandy and Brett and watched as his eyes went wide when he saw Mandy. I am used to it by now but it doesn’t help a girl’s self-esteem when your boyfriend does it in front of you. Nick and Brett shook hands. Pleasantries exchanged we headed out to dinner. Brett said he would drive and led the way to his truck. Nick and I followed him and Mandy. I noticed Nick eyeing Mandy’s swaying hips and long legs and I was about to give him an elbow to the ribs but I coul
dn’t really blame him. First, she was really that hot and second because I was watching Brett’s ass the whole time so I wasn’t exactly innocent.

We went to a local casual seafood restaurant where the food is really good but their service is a little slow. We drank and talked as we waited for our food to get there. Brett really was a quiet one but I gathered he was an entrepreneur that owned several business involving construction or something. Frankly Mandy I and were talking mostly among ourselves as we hadn’t seen each other in a while.

Nick was starting to annoy me, however. First, he was being clingy and always touching me, my hand, my arm. He walked me to the table with his arm draped over me. I had noticed him do it before but it was never this bad or at least didn’t annoy me as much as it was tonight. It was like he was having to announce to the world that I was his. It made me want to push him away. Then I suddenly realized what it was. He was intimidated by Brett. I started paying attention to their conversation and listening as Nick kept changing subjects, trying to get Brett to debate him on this, that or the other. Brett, however, dodge and deflected if not flatly refused to engage him. I watched Brett who looked on at Nick with bemused indifference, like Nick was something he had to endure but wasn’t worth complaining about. I was embarrassed for Nick that he couldn’t see it. Brett looked at him like a kid.

We arrived back home and Mandy and Brett brought in overnight bags. Nick kept a few things at my place as he had stayed over before. The boys watched the NFL game while Mandy and I continued chatting. Nick had planned on returning home as he hadn’t brought his luggage with him. He didn’t leave however saying he was engrossed with the game. I wondered if he thought Brett was going to steal me or something. The thought of this older hot guy dumping my gorgeous best friend to try and steal me three hours after meeting me was silly. Surely he didn’t really think that, but I was beginning to wonder if his insecurities did in fact run that deep.

It was late and Nick casually mentioned that he would just crash here and leave early to finish packing and we could pick him up from his place. Even an idiot could tell he was broadcasting his desire to get laid. I frankly wasn’t much in the mood. I was tired from cleaning and packing and his antics of the evening were certainly no a way to get a girl in the mood. Brett and Mandy seem nonplussed and announced they would be retiring. I showed them to the bedroom. When I returned I found Nick on my bed in his boxers. He patted the bed next to him in invitation.

‘You know we have to get up early in the morning, Nick.’ I said looking for a convenient excuse rather than tell him I was just not in the mood.

‘Oh right, well just get in bed and let me snuggle you.’ Nick’s reply was upbeat but I could read the disappointment on his face. I went in the bathroom and changed into loose shorts and a T-shirt. He had turned the lights off and the only light was the glow from the LED light on the cable box. I crawled in bed and he wrapped his arms around me. He started to kiss my neck. He was persistent, I’ll give him that. I enjoy sex and it wasn’t like me to turn it down but I wasn’t getting into it. I kissed him back, trying to see if I could get into it with a little effort. He responded but I ultimately broke it off.

‘We really do have to get up early…I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.’ I said to Nick, whose body sagged in frustrated resignation. He lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. I did the same and our bodies were barely touching. I turned to my side and Nick spooned up behind me. We lay there together in silence. It was a few minutes later, sleep eluding both of us, when we heard the sound.

It started low, I thought I had heard something but didn’t know what it was. The weather was starting to get mild and the normal hum of the air conditioner was not present. The silence was broken again by the sound, now a little louder.

It was a moan. It was Mandy.

I could tell she was trying to remain quiet but was failing with each new moan. I confess I rolled my eyes a little as I knew Mandy was a hot blooded woman. This certainly wasn’t the first time I heard her having sex.

With each moan I realized this was different. Whatever Brett was doing in there to her she was clearly enjoying immensely. Imaging what exactly that was he was doing starting waking my body up. I felt Nick stir behind me. He was still awake and listening as well. I felt the insistent bulge in his shorts poking at me. I racked my brain trying to decide if I had just forgotten what she had sounded like because I certainly didn’t remember listening to anything this hot.

‘Are you going to let them show us up?’ Nick whispered in my ear. No, No I wasn’t. I turned and Nick and I began to kiss. I reached into his shorts and wrapped my fingers around his stiff prick, jacking it slowly inside his shorts. He pulled my shirt over my head and went to suck on my nipples. He pushed my hand away and rolled me onto my back, digging his hand into my panties. He was horny and hurried and he shoved his fingers into my pussy, which was very wet from listening to the couple in the other room. I could still hear Mandy moaning but nothing of Brett, I could only imagine what he was doing to her.

Nick stopped to shed his clothes, which took less than a second. He pulled at my panties and I raised my hips to slide them off. He laid on this back and pulled me on top of him. He kissed me as I felt his bare cock grinding against my sex. It felt good, I was really horny at this point but Nick and I had always used a condom and I had no intention of breaking that tradition this evening. I kept kissing him but dismounted him and lay next to him. I dropped my hand to stroke him again and he sucked in a breath, breaking off the kiss. I felt the pressure on my shoulders, his silent urging for me to drop down and use my mouth on him. I had no use for foreplay tonight, I really was tired. Instead, I reached for the drawer of the nightstand and fetched a condom. I tossed it to him. He fumbled with the foil, tearing it open with urgency. As he rolled the condom on the sounds from the spare bedroom changed. Mandy’s moans were now staccato cries that were matched by the rhythmic steady sound of the bed slamming against the wall. Brett was fucking her. Brett was fucking her good and hard. Damn that’s hot, I thought.

I lay back and motioned with my head to the wall. ‘Fuck me like that, Nick,’ I said, goading on his ego. He climbed on top of me and guided his cock to my entrance. He pushed and slipped inside of me. He was of average size but it felt good as he began to pump in and out. I closed my eyes and listened to the couple down in the next room. I knew I had never heard Mandy make those sounds. He was taking her, ravaging her. She made throaty lustful cries as he slammed his cock into her again and again and again. In my mind’s eye I pictured him on top of her, fucking her luscious body. I grabbed Nick’s ass and urged him to go faster, deeper. I moaned but not very loudly because I didn’t want Mandy to hear me, not that she would pay attention to anything else at the moment. I didn’t want her to hear because I knew it would sound forced. Nick was not making me feel what I was hearing in Mandy.

I focused on them. I used Nick like a sex toy, fucking myself on his latex covered prick. My mind was in the next room. I had already heard Mandy cum at least once, maybe twice and Brett fucked her through them with no abatement. Nick was saying something, trying to talk dirty to me. I wish he would shut up. I was getting close. I heard Mandy’s cries get more insistent, the tempo increased as Brett fucked her hard and fast, determined to extract another delicious orgasm from her. When Mandy cried out I felt my own orgasm shoot through me. I let go of my grip on Nick and lay in the afterglow as he continued to pump me. I had alm
ost forgotten he was there, so lost was I in listening to Brett and Mandy. Nick moaned and froze and his body shuddered as he climaxed into the condom inside me. I pushed him out and off of me and he got up. He disappeared into the bathroom and I heard the toilet as he flushed the condom. The whole time Brett did not let up on Mandy.

‘Damn.’ Brett’s only whispered comment as he got back in the bed. He was referring to the impressive performance next door. He lay next to me and tried to cuddle me but he sensed I was distant. He rolled on his back and was snoring in less than a minute. I looked over at him, he was completely sacked out. I slowly got up, donned a robe and crept to the door. I tiptoed down the hallway toward the guest bedroom door. Mandy’s cries got louder as I got closer to the door and she got closer to another orgasm. I was right outside the door now, inches away. I could hear the wet, slapping sounds of Brett fucking her. His low animal-like grunts growing in urgency. I let my robe fall open and I dropped my hand to my soaking swollen pussy and I began masturbating to the sounds behind the door. Mandy came again with a long wail of pleasure but I was listening for Brett. I wanted to cum with him. I could hear it, he was getting close.

‘Cum for baby…’ Mandy urged him on in a hoarse voice. ‘let it go…fill me up…’ Brett’s thrusts were hard and fast. My fingers were a blur, fluttering back and forth against my clit. Brett let out a growling grunt and the thrusting stopped as he emptied himself into her deep. I grabbed the wall for support as my own orgasm shook my body and my knees buckled. I came down from it listening to Brett’s ragged by slowing breath and Mandy cooing with pleasure.

‘Ohhhh…ohhh…I can feel it in meee.’ Mandy’s quiet voice came through the door. I felt a sudden stab of guilt at eavesdropping on their lovemaking. Guilt mixed with a healthy dose of envy. I crept back to my room, where Nick still lay snoring on his back. I lay in the bed, curled on my side, not touching him. The house was still and silent and sleep enveloped me.

Nick’s alarm went off early. We were trying to hit the road as early as possible and he still had to finish packing. I heard the shower as he cleaned himself up quickly. He came over to the bed, leaned down to kiss me goodbye. He smelled like soap.

‘I’ll be ready in around an hour, text me when you are on your way to pick me up,’ Nick said as he got up to leave.

‘K,’ I mumbled sleepily.

My alarm went off 30 minutes later. I showered and dressed in comfortable sun dress as we would be traveling all day. I found Mandy in her room, already clean and dressed, also in jeans. She was packing up their overnight bags. Brett was no where around.

‘How did you sleep?’ I asked a bright-eyed Mandy who was startled a little at me in the doorway.

‘Great, thanks.’

‘I bet you did.’ I said with a wicked grin. Mandy went scarlet and looked away.

‘Brett is loading up the rest of our stuff and checking the trailer. We were up early and we heard Nick leave. What time do you want to get going?’ I was surprised Mandy changed the subject. She was not the shy type at all, particularly when it came to sex. She was really embarrassed and I had to wonder why. I didn’t get a chance to question it, however, as Brett chose that moment to show up.

‘As soon as we are loaded. We have to go by the store for groceries and we can hit the Starbucks on the way to pick up Nick to get coffee and something for breakfast. Will you give me a hand Brett?’ I motioned Brett to follow me into my bedroom and help me haul out my suitcase. The three of us loaded my beach stuff and luggage into the bed of the truck. I climbed into the backseat and we were off.

I texted Nick and told him we’d be there in forty-five minutes as we needed to hit the grocery store. We stopped at the local market to get groceries, snacks and drinks as we didn’t want to have to go into town once we got there. We pulled through the Starbucks drive through, trailer and all, and ordered lattes, muffins and scones. I went ahead and got Nick his usual. I was surprised he hadn’t texted me back. I sent him another text telling him we were on our way and would be there in five minutes.

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Bikini Beach One Summers Day

BIKINI BEACH: One Summer's Day By- G.K.S Chapter 1- One Summer Afternoon My parents were yelling again. I didn't know whether I wanted to go up and check to see what was going on. No doubt my Dad was being emotionally abusive to my mother. The last time they got in an argument, he smashed her hand in a door on 'accident'. I've hated him for that ever since...I think he's a overgrown boy with a temper, a real selfish sort of tyrant. Lying on my bed staring at the ceiling I could...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Beach XI Summer or The Sharing of Tongues

Spring passed quickly and summer arrived, bringing with it a longing that drew me more and more to the surface and daylight.  With each passing day I felt more and more restless, the need to see the open sky overcoming my desire for Isshu, strong as that was.  Had he been able to stand the almost sweltering heat, I would have enjoyed his company here in a world that was more to my tastes.  With or without him, I needed to feel the sun kiss my flesh and the wind upon my face.  The world below...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Summer Beach Fun

The following is a fictional story, however the people are real. Summer Beach Fun Summer is always a good time of year, the sun, surf, beaches and the hot guys in their skimpy speedos and tight boardies. Summer has been an enjoyable time for me lazing back on my towel with my shades on perving on the guys all around. I had decided to go down to Maslin’s, which is a nudist beach down the south coast, to see if there was any hot eye candy around and maybe some hot action as well. Maslin’s is a...

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A Midsummers Wet Dream at Maslin Beach

This took place in a different incarnation in a different place; it was January the summer break. That should give you a clue as to location. Janey and I had taken to spending as much time as we could down at the beach. Not just any beach, and there were lots to chose from, but Maslin Beach. Look it up on Google Maps. It’s quite famous as a nudist or naturist beach. Protected on the landward side by low earthen rather than rocky cliffs, the sand slopes steadily down into the clear blue sea so...

3 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Three

The next morning I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. I heard Jim get out of bed and wander into the shower. I wondered what could be on his mind this morning as he prepared for his first mani and pedi. I guess he must be having rather strong feelings. For a young guy in his position, femininity may be the answer or it may not. That is what this summer will tell him and me, his mother. "Mother!" "Yes, Honey?" "Mother, I am not sure what I should wear to the nail salon. I...

3 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Thirteen

It was still early in the morning. I felt that Jim's Feminine Hygiene lessons should be done first thing in the morning. Get him while he was still too groggy to realize what was happening to him. Get him clean and fresh to start the new day as a woman. Or, really, as a 16 year old girl. I left him to rest for awhile after the procedures he had newly endured. But I did instruct him to dress appropriately for his visit to the Prosthetic Clinic. I thought that a simple peasant blouse, with...

2 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Eleven

(Note: Let's let the proud Mother take over the narrative.) ________________________________________________________ It is a very interesting feeling for a mother, like me, to know that your 16 year old son is voluntarily spending several hours this day in a Beauty Salon, being Permed and Set and Styled. I don't know for sure, but I bet a great many mothers would find this situation to be very distasteful and embarrassing. Distasteful and embarrassing for the Mothers. In many ways,...

1 year ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Nine

I have never had a "Daughter" before. It was new and pleasing experience for me. I never cared, nor wondered, what underwear my son was wearing each morning. I wasn't anxious about the amount of makeup my son would be wearing out into polite society. I had never thought about how my son would react to hearing that Chanel was putting out a new formula of lipstick. And I had never thought my son would be drop dead gorgeous while sitting at the breakfast table, across from me, with his...

4 years ago
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The Summer Beach House

The family beach house was boarded up when Julie arrived just before dusk. The grey tinged wood was weather beaten, yet sturdy, having withstood several hurricanes since its original construction. She checked the meter. Great! The power was on. They must have connected it this afternoon after she spoke to the Island power company office. She had her cell phone and all she had to do was turn the handle for the water to flow. Things were better than she had anticipated. She quickly climbed...

3 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Six

Indeed, we did set Wendy's hair that evening. After allowing Wendy to enjoy the feeling of the girdle and long line bra for awhile; a feeling which had to be monumental for him. The most intimate of female garments, now a part of his life. Garments which, by their very nature, gave the wearer a sense of being controlled, in the strictest meaning of the word. This young man/boy was now encased by spandex and satin and lace, allowing nothing of his maleness to be observed. The strong...

4 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Ten

"Girl Talk" with my hair stylist was a new and different experience for me. When Ralph whacked at my masculine hair at "Bob's Chop Shop", the only intimacy we ever shared was Ralph's foul breath which I was exposed to as he trimmed my nose hairs. Before a perm rod was ever installed, I had been appraised of each intimate detail of Max's initiation into the world of tampons and menstrual periods. At first I was somewhat shocked by his recitation of girlish delights and manly...

1 year ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Eight

While Jim and I had been getting dressed and ready for dinner, I had heard sounds coming from the guest bedroom where Judy and Diane were engaged in the same occupation Jim and I had been enjoying. I think the sound that I heard were the moans of a teen age girl being laced into what was probably her first corset. 15 was such a wonderful year to start serious corset training. I had missed that by one year with Jim. I could easily rectify that error this summer. There was so much Jim and...

2 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Twelve

Wendy had quite a large bag full of Feminine Hygiene products to carry when we left the drug store. He was also blushing like I had never seen him do before. It was good for him to experience exactly what a newbie young girl would experience the first time she had to purchase these goodies for her own use. I know I was embarrassed as hell when I found out my mother wasn't going to be my personal shopper. Especially for these particular items. No reason why Jim couldn't have the...

2 years ago
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Summer Night Beach Walk

We waited for this moment ever since we laid eyes on each other in the dorm hallway so many years ago.  The part of us we had been denying for so long was finally being satisfied.  After it was finished, you simply held me as the water fell.  You are too afraid of letting go or closing your eyes.  Afraid the moment will pass, and you’ll have to give me back to him all too soon.We finally separate when the water begins to cool.  You re-dress into your swimming trunks and I in my cover-up. ...

2 years ago
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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

3 years ago
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Late Night Beach Fun With Young Teen

I had an incredible experience with a young girl one night in Marina del Rey. I was living there temporarily in a townhouse right on the beach and often went down to the beach late in the evening for a relaxing, quiet beer under the stars. That night, I noted a young girl walking alone past where I was sitting and a few minutes later she came back the other way. I said “hi” as she passed this time and she said it back. A few minutes later, she was back walking just a bit closer than before and...

2 years ago
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Beach Weekend

Introduction: Hot wife My wife Sidney and I take an annual trip to the beach for an adult get away. You know a long 3 day weekend full of relaxation, sun, fun, a bit of fine wine drinking, and lots and lots of sexual activates with each other. We look forward to it every year and this year was no exception. On the second day of our trip I woke up early to get ready for a morning tee time. Another one of my planned relaxation activities. Sidney also got up, not to play golf, but to go to her...

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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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Summer at the Beach Part Fourteen

Darling Reader, Thank you so much for your taking the time to read this story and your kind comments. Jim and his Mother have given us so much to think about, and maybe to try on your own, over these many chapters of the story. These pages have been a way to depict the angst and the struggles of a young man, dealing with issues of sexuality and gender. That angst is real and, surely, the struggles are real, for many people we know and love. No matter what age they may be, young,...

3 years ago
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Erotic Proclivities 02 Summer Beach Fun

I wonder if she realized that it was her hat that caught my attention. It was the hat which she was wearing that sealed the deal for me. It was the summer of eighty-two and I was working at a private beach and tennis club in the Hamptons. The club was open for members only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from May through September. During the week the facilities were available for the small staff of us who worked there. I had spent the morning this Wednesday on the main tennis court with...

1 year ago
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A trip to the Beach started a very fun weekend

This happened about 12 years ago but I still love to think about it. I wonder why I have never managed to forget this girl.My g/f of the time was called sally, she had a great body with larger than average boobs for her size was about 5 5 and she was sex mad. Sally was 21 at this time I was 23. We both had only 1 other sexual partner before now. it was a very hot summers day and we decided that we would go to the beach for the day, my brother Eric 19 wanted to come as well so we all got in the...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Summer Weekend

It had taken weeks of planning, but today started ‘The weekend’. The kids were with their grandparents. A little room facing the beach had been rented. Dinners, shopping, even a dance lesson had been planned, much to her surprise. She is almost overcome with tears when she enters the room. So many times she had dreamed of getting away, only to have it not work out. Wandering about the room, touching the gauzy curtains, and the little hospitality set, she looks almost afraid that she is about to...

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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

First Time
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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

2 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Five

Though I could tell that Jim was ravenous, he limited himself to a cobb salad and a Perrier. He was taking my comment about keeping his "girlish figure" to heart. It was fascinating to watch Jim eat. Now that he was wearing lipstick he took each forkful very carefully and allowed only his teeth to take the food off the fork. He did not want to smudge his lips, if he could help it. All girls eat like that when wearing lipstick. It makes for daintier bites and a distinctly feminine style of...

1 year ago
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Summer Beach Trip

My cous** invited me on a trip with her and a group of her friends for a 10 day trip at a beach house. We arrived and everyone had to share a room with another person. There was only one other guy on the trip so him and I found the biggest room and claimed it quick. After that was settled we all headed out to get food and alcohol for the week. The first few days were spent drinking and partying on the beach then going out at night or staying in and having a good time. We caught an...

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Summering in Femininity Part 11 Summers End

Over the course of the summer, Taylor's life had changed in numerous ways, but the most noticeable change was in his morning routine. After agreeing to join the cheerleading program, Taylor was then quickly roped into Emily's morning jogs, so that meant being up early and in a tight running outfit. Once the run was over, Taylor would return to Aunt Agnes' to take a shower, which was a whole production, since he had an entirely new hair and skin-care regimen courtesy of Emily's cajoling....

3 years ago
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Samantha and Hannah Summer Beach

Samantha and Hannah lay side by side on the beach, watching the sun fade over the horizon. The air was warm despite the darkening sky; it was going to be a hot night. The sand was deserted as far as they could see in either direction -- the public beaches were a few miles down the road, and tall fences convenientlyblocked the tourists from intruding on the private playgrounds of the people who owned the beachfronthouses.Samantha reached over to the small cooler and found a large piece of ice,...

4 years ago
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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

3 years ago
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Your last summer at the beach

“Now are you sure you’re going to be ok?” your mom asks for about the hundredth time. “Yes mom, I’ll be fine” you assure her as you stand with your parents at the airport terminal. “I just feel bad. We’ll be gone almost all summer and by the time we get back you’ll be getting ready to go back to college.” “He’ll be fine dear” your dad assures her. “He’s a big boy and can look after himself.” “Well he wouldn’t have to look after himself if that bitch…” “That’s enough you promised not to bring it...

3 years ago
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Jones Beach

Jones Beach by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Cathy Margolies, blonde and pretty with a sunny disposition locks the front door of her modest home in Seal Beach, California, and walks behind her fianc?, Brad Featherson, as he carries her luggage to his Jaguar XKE convertible parked at the curb. Brad, sandy-haired, tall, well-built and well-dressed is driving her to John Wayne A...

2 years ago
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First Nude Beach Adventure

My husband (Roger) and I are not swingers, but we are exhibitionists. He loves to show me off to other men, especially at the beach. We live in Europe, so he insists on me going topless and wearing only a tiny thong to sunbathe in. My husband likes to see the effect I have on other men.This is a true story that took place on the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos. I am a little nervous writing this, as my husband does not know the whole story, and he is an avid reader on this site. I have...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Beach Our Yearly Family Vacation The Secret Arrangement

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...

1 year ago
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Me the beach and Erica Part 1

All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania -------------- Me, the beach, and Erica -------------- My plan was as simple: Graduate from high school and then do three Summer months at the seaside far from worries, parents, books, and problems. I spent my whole last year of school just imagining how...

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Bikini Beach Glenn Matsumoto Visits

Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits By Daphne Xu Teaser: This is another excerpt from my still-incomplete sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", and is set immediately before "Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits". Attorney Glenn Matsumoto has to consult with Bikini Beach's Grandmother for professional reasons. The Disclaimer Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or...

1 year ago
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Beach Belle 1 Juicy Jewish Julia


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