Vacation?Chapter 5 free porn video

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Day Five - Friday

I woke up a little shaky. No headache but my body was telling me that too much beer had been put through it. After pissing for ten minutes straight and brushing my teeth, my stomach told me it was time to eat. I had my usual oatmeal but was still starved. I fried some bacon, along with three eggs and a couple of pieces of toast and consumed that along with a glass of milk and several cups of coffee. I was beginning to feel better.

Wearing a T-shirt and some cut off jeans, I took a cup of coffee out to my patio. Glenda must have been watching for me as she came over quickly with her cup of coffee and a couple of muffins. She gave me a muffin and sat in one of my chairs.

"Here Steve, I made some raisin muffins this morning. They're perfect with coffee."

"Thanks Glenda, I can't get enough food in me this morning. Might have had too much beer last night. Hope I didn't wake you guys."

"You didn't. We were lying in bed watching TV when you came home. You were very quiet. Didn't even hear your motorcycle come in the park."

"That's good, I was tryin'."

I was finishing my muffin when I thought to ask, "Where's Martin this morning?"

"Oh he had to go down to the courthouse for jury duty. He'll be gone most of the day. What do you have planned for today, anything special?"

"Nothing much Glenda. I'll probably go to the laundry room then take a ride to see more of the area."

"How about coming with me to the swimming pool and getting some sun?

I'll introduce you to some of your neighbors."

"Sounds like a plan lady. I could use the exercise and the sun will sweat the gunk out of me. When are you going?"

"How about ten-thirty or eleven. I'll fix up a couple of sandwiches and we can have lunch while we cook in the sun."

"Good deal. I'm going to go get my clothes washing done. I'll be ready any time after ten."

With a wave, Glenda got up and walked back to her trailer with a little sway to her matronly backside. She wasn't bad looking for an over sixty babe. Martin always appears as happy around her as she does him. Nice to see older couples like that.

There was no one in the laundry room so I monopolized three washers doing my lights, darks and my bedclothes. The whole thing took only an hour and a half. I had brought along a book that I had been reading so the time passed quickly.

About ten I put on my new boxer style swim trunks and my flip-flops and grabbed a handful of quarters and some singles for drinks, my new big beach towel and my keys. When I came out of the trailer, Glenda was walking over.

We walked down the street to the recreation center that was a large building with the pool next to it. As we entered the pool area, I could see they had a big hot tub with a privacy fence around two sides. Since the hot tub was next to the wall of the recreation center, the only exposed area faced the pool. It was probably pretty private at night.

Glenda led me to a couple of unused loungers in the midst of about a dozen women varying in age from early twenties to their sixties like Glenda. They all greeted us calling Glenda by name.

Glenda stood next to me and announced, "This is Steve Sharp our new neighbor. He says he's here for a long vacation. Steve, I'll point to each of these ladies and tell you her name but you'll have to get better acquainted with them on your own."

She went from one end to the other naming each of the ladies. I'm not very good remembering names but I think I would be able to recall a few.

There were three good looking younger women that looked to be about my age that interested me but on a closer look, one had a wedding ring on.

I sure do like Florida. Every one of these ladies had some pretty skimpy swimsuits on. None had on thongs but it looked like a couple of the ladies would have to be careful how she moved so her top wouldn't fall out or the cloth covering her butt wouldn't sneak up into her crack.

We spread out towels on our loungers then I took off my T-shirt to enjoy the sun. Glenda was sitting on her lounger and asked me to put some lotion on her back.

Glenda was probably five three or four and probably weighed about somewhere near a hundred thirty. Not fat just sort of full figured. Her two piece swimsuit displayed some heavy cleavage that I had not noticed previously. I must be slipping to not have noticed cleavage before.

I spread the lotion over her tanned freckled shoulders and over her exposed back. When I was done she told me to turn around and she would do mine. I told her to hold off, as I wanted to take swim first.

The pool had a dozen kids in it swimming, splashing and clinging to floating devices. I stepped into the pool then pushed off swimming leisurely the length of the pool then back. After four laps I stood up in the shallow end near the ladies and walked out to the loungers. I dried off and was going to have Glenda put some lotion on my back but a lady on the other side of me said she would do me.

She had me lay down then sat next to me on the lounger re-introducing herself as Kathy. She was very gentle, spreading the lotion and massaging my shoulders and back. She didn't even hesitate to continue spreading lotion on my legs and thighs coming dangerously close to the bottom edge of my swimsuit.

Kathy fingered the scars on my legs and asked how they came to be. I explained that they were gifts from Desert Storm. She just nodded and continued. Her face had taken on a gloomy look.

"Flip over and I'll do your front," Kathy said.

When I lay on my back, my eyes bugged out. Kathy was leaning over me causing her loose bra top to hang loose exposing almost all of her breasts. She noticed my attention and smiled. Each time she would rub up my chest with both hands her breasts would sway freely requiring me to gawk.

Kathy was probably near thirty, maybe thirty-five with a very nice figure. She was probably about five-five, about one fifteen, on the thin side but full on top. When she sat up straight, her large breast sagged noticeably without the support of a tighter bra top. She was obviously giving me a show enjoying my discomfort. As she finished putting lotion on my legs, she had her left hand on my lower thigh then traced her right index finger over her empty ring finger on her left hand I think emphasizing the fact there was no ring.

"I heard you had a motorcycle. I would love to get a ride. Could I?"

Kathy asked.

"Sure Kathy. After getting a rub down like that, how could I refuse."

"I'll get someone to watch my kids and you can take me for a ride into town. Maybe buy me a beer?"

That was being a little forward but then the pickings here were probably not that good for a lady with a couple of kids. She lay down on her lounger with a smile on her face while I lay back soaking up the sun considering the women stretched out around me.

A little boy about eight came up to Kathy and asked, "Mom, can we have a snack? We're hungry."

"You guys are always hungry J.J. We'll go home in a minute and I'll fix you some sandwiches," Kathy told him.

"Ah Mom," the boy complained, "can't we just get a hot dog and some juice here? That way we can play in the water longer?"

Before Kathy could answer I butted in, "Kathy, how about I treat them this morning. Kind of payment for that great massage."

Kathy stared at me a couple of seconds, glancing between J.J. and me then finally said, "Your money. There's four of 'em. J.J. get the others and come sit by me while you eat."

"J.J. I'm Steve," and stuck my hand out to shake. "How about you get the others over here then come help me carry the stuff back. I need you to pick out the drinks. Okay?"

J.J. looked at his Mom who nodded then raced toward the pool. I got up, asked Kathy if she wanted something, asked Glenda the same thing then walked to the concession stand to order the hot dogs. The teenage girl working in the stand started assembling the hot dogs when J.J. came up.

He said to get them all grape juice. When the hot dogs were ready I asked J.J. whether we should put ketchup or mustard on them. "Just a little ketchup on each one Mr. Steve."

"Okay J.J. but just call me Steve, okay?"

J.J. smiled.

We brought the snack back to the three waiting kids. They looked like they were barely a year apart. The youngest was a little girl if the swimsuit was correct.

Kathy introduced them. "You've already met J.J. He's nine almost ten."

Kathy then pointed to the next oldest looking boy and said, "This is Carl who will be nine later this month." Ruffling the hair of the youngest boy she said, "This is Ben. He just turned eight. And finally," she caressed the cheek of the little girl who smiled at her Mother. "This is Barbara, going to be seven."

The little girl looked at me hard while chewing her hot dog then said with a full mouth, "My daddy was a Marine."

Before I could answer, Kathy reached over and touched my arm. "He died the first day of Desert Storm. Barb was pretty young."

Kathy announced to the kids that I had been in Desert Storm and had been hurt there too. Carl pointed to the big scars on my leg and asked, "Is that where you were hurt?"

I nodded and looked up at Kathy to see her a little glassy eyed. J.J. was sitting right next to her so she pulled him closer hugging him to her. "J.J. is named after his father, Jake. He's Jake Junior but we've always called him J.J."

J.J. asked, "Can we go back into the pool?"

"Make sure everyone goes to the restroom to wash the catsup and crumbs off before you jump in," Kathy directed while using a Kleenex to wipe off some catsup from Barb's mouth.

When they took off, Kathy looked up at me expectantly.

I exclaimed, "Wow! Four kids. How do you do it? Do you get a pension?"

"They do send me a nice check," Kathy said nodding her head. "I also get Social Security for the kids. Jake had insurance that paid off our mobile home and there was the military insurance so my biggest expense is the lot rent and food. We've been able to put away some money because we want to buy a house one of these days. Because I have four kids, I'm eligible for food stamps too. So we do okay. When it's time for school clothes, it gets a little crazy but we do fine."

"Your kids are nice and appear well behaved Kathy. You've done a good job. You must be a good mom," I said smiling at her.

"Hope so, I try," Kathy sighed, smiling at the compliment.

I felt movement behind me then a soft hand rested on my shoulder. Glenda asked, "Kathy, want a bologna and cheese sandwich? I made extra."

Kathy smiled and answered, "Sure, thanks Glenda. You're always trying to mother everyone." She said this pointing to me.

"If I didn't have Martin the stud, I wouldn't be mothering Steve, I'd be getting him to make me a mom." With that said Glenda and Kathy laughed heartily while I blushed.

"I have to go wash my hands," Kathy said getting up, "I'll be right back."

As soon as Kathy disappeared into the restroom, Glenda leaned toward me and asked, "Ever consider a ready made family?"

"Never thought of it before, Glenda," I said pondering the question. "I guess there is opportunity here for that. I may not be good husband and dad material because my job is usually far away."

I went up to the concession stand and got us each a Coke and came back just as Kathy sat down. "Thanks for the Coke Steve."

As we were eating, Glenda asked Kathy, "You still have trouble with that Jeff guy?"

"He has not been around for a couple of weeks. But then he's probably still in jail from the last time he was out here. I think he gets fourteen days to a month every time he breaks the restraining order. At least the cops get here before he does any damage," Kathy said while eating.

"Last time he was here, Martin had his piece out and was ready to come over to make sure you were okay. It's a good thing the deputies came so quick," Glenda exclaimed.

Kathy looked at me; "I've got some baggage. I thought I had met someone that would be a husband and dad but he turned out to be mean. He slapped me around then started fondling Barb right in front of me. I called the cops and made him leave but he keeps coming back. He'll probably stay away after having to go to jail."

"I don't think so Kathy," Glenda said, "guys like that start drinking and they just lose their mind. They forget about the law. Just make sure you call the cops if he comes around. Don't wait till he does something. Just call the cops and call me. Martin and I will watch out for you."

There wasn't anything that I could contribute to the conversation so I just kept my mouth shut.

A couple of ladies walked up to us. They were youngish, probably late twenties, fair bodies considering how much I could see in their bikinis.

"Are you going to introduce us to the new guy Glenda?"

"Sure, I did it once, I'll do it again," said Glenda. "Steve this is Deedee pointing to a bottle blonde with big store bought tits. And this is Star gesturing toward a black haired, dark skinned lady with a tattoo on her left calf and another on her lower back. Her bikini just barely covered another set of store bought chest toys."

I stood and extended a hand to them. Star touched my hand and gave me a slight smile while Deedee took my other hand and stepped close to me placing my hand on her waist saying, "nice to meet you Steve. We live right over there in the pink trailer. Come by and see us. We work nights but we are off on Sunday and Monday. You'll have to come for dinner. We need to clean up before work now so we'll see you around."

The two left walking with a seductive sway to their hips. I must have been smiling when Kathy and Glenda both punched me. "Down boy," Glenda said, "you have better taste than that."

"You have to admit they are interesting. With their enhanced tops, I bet they are dancers at a nudie bar," I said smiling.

"Give this boy a prize," Glenda exclaimed. "How'd you figure that?"

"Their appearance, the way they acted, their disposition. I don't think there is anything wrong with dancing in a nudie bar, it's just the girls sometimes get a little hard," I said thinking of the two that had just left.

"That ain't the only thing that gets hard," Kathy said in a soft voice.

"My Jake used go to the bars with his buddies and come home rarin' to go. Those places may be responsible for at least two of my kids. I was lucky he came home to me instead of trying to pick up one of those."

"Your Jake was a good man Kathy," Glenda said, "he was all man though."

"Steve," Glenda continued, "Martin and Abe will have to take you out to the nudie bars one of these evenings. You'll have a great time."

Kathy jumped in, "If I can get a babysitter, I'll go with you. I love to go to those places to see the girls strut and tease. It's great entertainment."

"I'm sorry girls," I said shaking my head, "I'm too cheap. I'm not into having to pay big bucks to look at naked women. Hell, look around. Here are over a dozen of almost bare babes. My imagination can take care of whatever is covered up here," I pointed to my head. "If I really wanted to see some of them naked I bet I could ask and they might even give a show. A free show."

"You have a point Steve," Kathy said laughing. "I'd give you a free show and you don't even have to put cash in my garter."

"I'd do it too," Glenda said enthusiastically, "but I better wait till Martin gets home so he don't get jealous. Besides you might need him to give you CPR after you get a load of all my wrinkles."

"I think I see all of your beautiful age lines Glenda and I don't need CPR,"

"Oh you golden tongued devil you," Glenda said patting me on my cheek.

It was about one-thirty and I felt like I had roasted enough. Kathy said she thought the kids had enough pool time too so she gathered them up and we all walked together back to our lane.

"Come in a minute Steve. Let me show you my place," Kathy said invitingly.

"I'll see you later Steve," Glenda waved as she headed across the street to her place.

We went inside where I discovered real luxury within a mobile home. The place was huge. The kids were all piled together on the floor in front of the TV watching cartoons already. Kathy led me into the kitchen and directed me to sit at the table, which was partially hidden from the living room.

As soon as I sat down, Kathy sat on my lap putting her arms around me,

"Hope I don't scare you off. I like you a lot and think you're probably a really nice guy. The kind of guy I could go for." She gave me a tender kiss on the lips then hugged me close letting me feel her large soft chest against me.

"Hope you don't think I'm too forward. There just are not too many men that turn me on. You do it for me and I want more than just this," she said giving me another kiss. "If what I feel under me is any indication, I think you might want a little more too."

I must have had a startled look on my face when she continued. "Look, I'm not going to have anymore kids right now but the playground still wants to play and you're making my playground into a slip and slide. This is an offer. I want us to give each other some loving as soon as possible."

I was so tongue-tied I couldn't answer but was saved by little Barb coming into the kitchen. She saw her Mom sitting on my lap then climbed up on Kathy's lap, turned then hugged me. "Oh Mommy, is Steve going to stay with us?"

"Probably not right now honey," Kathy said soothingly.

Barb turned to me, "Mr. Steve, you can come over and watch TV with us anytime, okay? Mommy and I will sit with you."

"How could I ever refuse an offer like that," I said as Kathy gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"If you want to give me a ride tonight, Glenda said she would watch the kids for a while," Kathy asked apprehensively.

"Tell you what," I answered, "how about after supper, sometime around seven, I come and get you then we will ride into Big Jim's and have a beer. There's another place called the Vanishing Point I'd like to check out as well. Sound good?"

"Sounds fine," Kathy said.

"Mommy does that mean Mr. Steve is going to stay here?" Asked Barb.

"No honey. Steve is going to be our friend and we'll see him often. Right Steve?"

"You bet. We'll figure something out that we all can do together. How about Busch Gardens?"

Barb was off my lap in a heartbeat running to the living room yelling, "Steve is taking us to Busch Gardens, Steve is taking all of us to Busch Gardens, Steve is taking me to Busch Gardens."

Kathy stood up from my lap just as three boys came into the kitchen.

Little Carl asked, "Is it true, is it really true?"

The two boys looked at me expectantly so I smiled at them and said, "Yep, it's true. We'll go in a couple of days, okay?"

All four ran through the living room then down a long hallway screaming about going to Busch Gardens

"Now you've done it. You know you're not getting out of something like that," Kathy said giving me a hug.

"I want to go too. I've never been there before so it will be fun for me too," I said loosening myself from Kathy's grip.

"You heard Barb," Kathy smiled "she asked if you were staying. Are you?"

"Not right now, perhaps another time. Besides we're going riding tonight," I said.

Kathy let me go, "Do you have another helmet. I don't have one."

"I don't but I will. I'll run down to the bike shop and pick one up, just for you."

"Thanks Steve, we're going to have fun together. I promise not to get too clutchy. I know you're a young guy still trying out new models. I just want to be one you keep trying out."

"You'll be fine Kathy. Just take it easy and let's just enjoy each other. We're probably not that much different in age."

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about," Kathy beamed at me, "no strings."

I said goodbye for now to the kids then went across the lane to my place. I didn't even have time to open a beer before Glenda was rapping on my door.

"Come in Glenda," I said while getting her a beer.

"I'm watching the kids this evening so you two can go out and take a ride. Martin and I will be glad to stay late if you guys want to come back here and visit a while."

"Glenda, Glenda," I said exasperated, "take it easy. I'm not running off with the widow and her brood so quickly. We're just going to be buddies okay? Don't be so anxious to get me hooked up with someone. I don't even know whether I'm the dating kind of guy much less the marrying kind. I have had close to zero experience with women. I've always been too busy to find out about them."

"Oh I know, I know. I just love to see two people get excited over meeting each other. It makes me remember when Martin and I met. As soon as we met each other we couldn't keep our hands off each other. An hour after we met we were messing up the back seat of his car. The great part about it all is it has been forty years since then and we still fool around all the time. I just always hope someone else will have the intensity we have."

"We'll see," I said grinning at Glenda. "But first I have to go to the bike shop and get another helmet so Kathy can go for a ride with me."

"Well don't waste anymore time. Just go get it now before it gets late."

We walked out and I locked up then pulled the bike out from the shed. I cranked it up and let it idle for a couple of minutes then eased it quietly out of the park. When I hit Florida Avenue, I twisted the throttle and smiled at the Harley howl enjoying the feeling of the rapid acceleration. Far too soon I was pulling into Tampa V-twin. Jan and Dell were not there but a cute red head was. She sold me a second helmet for the same price Jan had charged. The girl's nametag said Shawna. I smiled and asked her if she wanted to try out the helmet and take ride with me.

She chuckled and grinned. "I'll ask my husband Charlie what he thinks. He's that gorilla mechanic in the back. If he says it's okay I'll go."

"Sorry, I didn't look to see if you were married," I said quickly.

Shawna held her left hand up displaying no ring; "I don't wear my rings all the time so I don't ruin them while we wrench on bikes. You're okay though, you've been polite whenever you've been in here and you've given us some work. Charlie would probably tell me to go."

"That's okay Shawna. I'm not the kind of guy that would ever infringe on someone's wife," I said this picking up the new helmet.

"That's why I would go, Steve isn't it?" She said as she turned her head. "Hey Charlie, come up here."

A huge guy about six foot six, probably two seventy-five without any fat anywhere came through the service door.

"Charlie, this is Steve. The guy that owns the bike we tuned the wheels on. He just asked me if I wanted to test his new helmet with a ride on his bike."

Charlie grinned. "You're in for it. If she's teasing you already, she'll be at it for as long as you're around. When I told her I had respect for a guy that would pay to tune his spokes, she said she would have to meet him to find out what kind of guy that would be. Say, aren't you the guy that welded those cases over at Pop's?"

I nodded indicating I was the guy.

"I'm putting the motor back together right now. You did a great job on those cases. The bearing pressed right in place, no problem at all. Can you do that with heads?"

"Don't know. Never tried. That cast stuff is tough. You never know what it's going to do. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't," I said.

"Come on back and take a look. I have a set of knuckleheads that are a little beat up. One has a crack and both of them have seat sleeves that need filling so I can press new valve seats into them."

We looked at the two heads. I figured I could try to fix the one head but mentioned that I had never tried to build up metal on metal like what would have to be done for the valve seats.

"Show me what kind of equipment you have. I don't have any welding stuff here," I said looking around.

Charlie showed me a mig and a tig welder plus a full set of gas and arc tools. He even had a parts heater.

"Tell you what. If you want me to try, I will but I could screw up those heads beyond repair," I said thinking he might wish to be more cautious.

"Naw, I really would like you to try. A guy gave the set to me so I don't have anything in them yet. While you're doing the heads, I have a set of cases that need some crack repair too. I already know you do a good job there. You might be the answer to my getting this ole' knuckle up and running."

"I'll come by in the morning. I'm going out to Big Jim's in a little while then probably heading over to the Vanishing Point. I haven't been there yet," I said.

Shawna spoke up from the door, "Hey we're going to Jim's in a little while to get something to eat. As soon as we close and clean up, we'll meet you over there. You bringing someone? Considering you bought an extra helmet?"

"A lady I met at the trailer park I'm renting at," I said pointing down the road toward the park.

Charlie laughed, "Not that Deedee or Star with fake tits?"

"You're so fucking crude Charlie," Shawna said wiping her hands on a shop towel. '

"Me," cried the big Charlie, "you with the potty mouth are calling me crude?"

Shawna looked sideways at Charlie then back at me, "So who're you parkin' on your fender Steve?"

"A lady from across the street. Her name is Kathy. She seems to be pretty nice," I answered thinking of how warm Kathy had been.

"Jake's ole' lady?" Charlie asked.

"Steve may not know about Jake, Charlie," Shawna cautioned.

I told them, "Yeah it is Jake's widow. I met her today at the park pool and she was almost begging for a ride."

"On the bike or on you?" Shawna sniggered.

"Geez you're a potty mouth Shawna," Charlie moaned.

Shawna stood up straight trying to push out her 32 A's to show them off,

"Kathy's been a widow long enough. She needs some attention. Someone other than that asshole Jeff guy that was hanging around."

"So you know her pretty well?" I asked.

"We're your neighbor, neighbor. We live on the other side of Martin and Glenda. I heard you come in last night. You were real nice not to rack 'em before you shut down. We knew someone was renting Abe and Alice's place but we haven't had time to go meet them," Charlie said.

"Stop over anytime," I said expansively, "I usually have a couple cold ones for visitors. So far everyone's been friendly, I had to go get a couple of cases."

"Don't be offering that lush free beer," Shawna said, "you'll have a new roommate."

"If you come along with the deal, I'll buy more beer," I said with lewd grin.

"Damn, I like you Steve. You give it back to my sweet little slut as fast she gives it," Charlie was laughing.

"Be nice, you gorilla," Shawna was saying, "or you won't be getting any of this prime biker bitch when we get home."

"See Steve, I told you she was mean," Charlie said.

"I'm going to leave you guys to fight it out and go get cleaned up and eat a little before we go out," I said getting ready to leave. "I'll come by in the morning and see what I can do with the heads."

Shawna came up to me and pressed her front into me, "Don't eat too much big boy, I might have something to snack on later."

"Be nice Shawna, he might forget to be a gentleman," Charlie complained.

"Who wants a gentleman," Shawna grinned then added while rubbing her entire front against me. "Tonight Big Jim is having lasagna so save room for it. He makes great lasagna about every other week and tonight's the night."

Charlie could see my plight while trying to avoid contact with Shawna, "Get out of here Steve before "Red" attacks you back here in the garage."

I rode back to the park, happy to have met a couple more people who were fun to be around. Thinking of what Shawna had told me I walked over to Kathy's and knocked on the door. The blinds were pulled aside a little then the door burst open. It was J.J.

"Come in Steve."

"I want to talk to your mom a second," I said.

"Mom," J.J. yelled walking toward the hallway. "Steve's here and wants to see you real quick. Want him to come back there?"

Kathy came out of the door at the end of the hall wearing a terry cloth robe rubbing a towel over her head. "Hi Steve what's up. Something wrong with tonight?"

"No, no," I said shaking my head imagining what was under or not under that terrycloth robe. "I met Shawna and Charlie at the bike shop. They said they were going to Big Jim's tonight too so I thought we might all go together. They said that tonight was lasagna night so I wasn't supposed to eat much before I went."

"Wow, glad you told me," Kathy said excitedly, "I love Jim's lasagna and yes it would be great to go with Charlie and Shawna. It will kind of be like old times. Jake and I used to ride with them often."

"Okay, let me use your phone and I'll call them and tell them we'll ride together," I said motioning toward the phone.

Same as Vacation?
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After our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to a few other couples from various parts of the country and were making arrangements to meet up. During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their hotel....

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Gander My brother earned the namewe used it

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! I went to 10th grade looking like Barbara Eden of Genie fame. Something in the water I guess. (9th grade I was little Nancy** frizzy hair chunky bod). My two brothers were the barometers of my GROWTH. They started making fun of me one Sunday as we dressed for church. No one in our house left their room without being DRESSED. no nighties in the living room, Skirts and dresses were two inches Below the knees. Shorts two inches above.No tight blouses or...

3 years ago
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Fall From Grace 2 the Confession of Abigail Parrish

This document is dated March 16th 1869 during the Reconstruction after the Civil War. It offers different insight than the testimony of Cornelia Greaves Hutchings in that it casts a much different motivation on Cornelia’s only son and the new Plantation owner Master Charles Hutchings and his associates after the war. If you read Fall from Grace then both agreed that the origin of the unusual nature of bondage at the Parnish Billue House was devised by Cornelia’s Grandmother Madame Nancy...

2 years ago
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Airport Encounter

Travelling to India from my home state of California is long and tiresome. There is almost always a layover as there are very few nonstop flights from California to India. This time, I had just flown a 16-hour flight from California to Singapore. I still had over 3 hours until my next flight to India, so I had some time to recover and stretch my limbs. I'm decently tall at 6'1", so an economy class seat can be uncomfortable. I was sore, so I decided to walk around and explore the airport a...

3 years ago
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Mom fucked hard

We are 4 in our,vijay(21),mom(45)and dad(48).mom and dad both are egoistic and short tempered.they used to beat us regurly when we were that we are grown up it had reduced but they still sometimes used to beat is fat and fair.i was always intrested in fucking mom.vijy also never missed a chance to see mom naked.once i had seen him peeping in moms room when she was changing. This happened 4 months ago.we both wereplaying football in the had told vijay...

1 year ago
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Threesome Turned Gangbang For My Wife

Hi ISS readers. Thanks for the awesome response to . I am here to share another experience of me and my wife Sneha. So after the wonderful sexual encounter in the foursome with my brother and bhabhi, I and Sneha decided to try out more interesting stuff to make our sex life exciting. I had always told Sneha about how excited I feel when I imagine her getting fucked by another man. So we decided to try out a threesome. We were very confused and cautious about this idea. We had to make sure that...

2 years ago
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Fucked by college mate

Hi indian sex story readers. This is gokila back again with my another true incident. This happened two weeks back when i was alone in home. For some reason my previous sex experience story has not yet approved by this site. I hope this story will be approved by them. The previous group encounter gave me courage to force my college mate to fuck me. After my last encounter i had more courage to invite to someone to fuck me hard. On one sunday when i was alone in my home, with my parents out to...

3 years ago
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After the Party

I’d been out at my office pre-Xmas party, the night before Xmas eve. It was last day at work for the year, as the following day I was off up to Scotland for Xmas and the New Year with a group of friends from way back. There would be just 5 of us, three guys and two girls, if we 40 somethings could be called boys and girls. Somehow we had all escaped from or avoided our various relationships, and thought it would be good to get together again. I’d had a great time at the party, good company and...

Straight Sex
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Autobody Brad Part 1

As the tumblers fell in place she pulled the key out and walked slowly and confidently to the restored candy apple red Camaro Z28 SS. She loved the deep purr of the engine, and the smooth detailing on the interior. Although she was never a car buff, something about this car drove her mad. When she was younger she would’ve done anything to get a ride in this car, now that she was in it, she would do anything to stay there. The date was her idea, sort of. Brad worked at the auto body shop...

2 years ago
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She climbs from the cab and as it drives off, stands swaying with fatigue. She is a pretty girl with long full brown hair, an exception of stillness in the crazy yellow of the street lights, in the shifting shadows and glares from headlights, in the din of engines, tires and horns. Three bicyclists barrel down the sidewalk shouting at her for standing so stupidly. Pedestrians hurry by, nearly shouting to be heard, their words harsh and foreign. The humid heat pulses about her, she shivers from...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Chloe Hardcore DP At The Office

Chloé is blessed with two giant tits and we invite you to sit back and watch those hooters being jizzed all over in today’s Hardcore office threesome by the DDF Network. Yanick Shaft and Lutro get to bang that horny Slovakian babe’s tight wet pussy and asshole in an unforgettable office fuck orgy, loaded with ass to mouth action and some deep and neverending anal fucking. The brunette sweetie ordered a brand new sex toy online and when the delivery guy brings the package, she...

4 years ago
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The Nurse Slut

I have been naughty at my job lately. I'm a nurse and work at the hospital. For years, I was a straight shooter, but lately I have been bending the rules a bit. I have been having sex with my patients. They don't seem to mind, and it breaks up my day a little. Usually, my naughty fun starts when I give them sponge baths.Lately, I have been having a strange compulsion. I enjoy having sex with fat people. It really turns me on and gets me horny. Lucky for me, a lot of people come through the...

4 years ago
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Kinky KatelynChapter 5

The more I thought over the whole idea of an enema, the more I wanted to tell her, "No! Absolutely no way! Just give me the damn pill and be done with it." However, two things were making me think twice about blowing her off. Up to our last talk, Katelyn had never been guarded with me when it came to sexual matters. I felt she had opened up to me even more as she shared such an intimate part of her sexuality. I felt to be fair, I needed to be more open minded for her. I could see it had...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 7

Becca was ecstatic to find their home in one piece, not looted, burned, or taken over by any roving bad guys. Yvonne didn’t say one way, or the other. She crawled out of the van, waved over her shoulder, and sprinted for the safety of her house. I could hear the door locks snapping into place. She was seriously scared, badly scarred emotionally, and most likely not going to recover any time soon, if ever. When I climbed back into the truck I could see Judy’s look of consternation, and...

1 year ago
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Nude By My Pool

I’m Cara, forty-two years old. I’m a middle school science teacher. My husband Tom works for a biotech company. During the school year, I keep my nose to the grindstone. Summer is “me time” to get myself back in shape by running and stand up paddleboarding. Also, I hate tan lines. We live in Southern California; our house is on a cul de sac. We’re lucky to have a pool in the back yard. Our back yard is secluded; only one house has a view into the pool area. Our neighbors, Keith and Sarah, both...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alecia Fox Babysitters Naughty Skills

Alecia Fox might not be the best babysitter, but she’s got other skills. Naughty skills. The horny blonde schoolgirl plays in the pool instead of taking care of Raul Costa’s son and when he shows up, she explains that he’s having fun playing with his friends while she’s enjoying the sunshine. He immediately joins her in the pool as today’s mouth-watering 4K Hardcore porn unfolds! Alecia Fox can’t wait to seduce the young man and knows exactly what buttons to...

1 year ago
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Pleasuring my virgin stepsister at night Virgin Sex Stories

I was 21 when I met Jo – Josephine actually, but she preferred Jo. She was all of 18 and a very spunky girl. She was Fran’s daughter. Fran – my father’s wife. I hadn’t seen her before although Fran and Dad were married for more than four years. Maybe because I was at university and hadn’t come home in a while. But this summer, I saw her. She was a tiny brunette who was interested in astronomy. What I didn’t know was that she was untouched and I discovered about my virgin stepsister soon. We had...

3 years ago
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Behen Ki Nanad Ki Hotness

Hello, friends, my name is Kartik. I am new to this site and I thought to write my experience because my experience is so so hotter than anyone else. Toh time na waste karte hue story par aate hai. Ye baat 2014 ki hai jab meri sister ki marriage thi marriage ka excitement tha. Main pehle  kabhi ladke valo se nahi mila tha, na main janta tha ke ladke ki sister itni hot hai. So friends sab kaam khatam karke raat ko shaadi ke time baarat aai tab mene gate par 1st time use dekha. Choti height...

3 years ago
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Teasing the Neighbor

Kara's mother had been killed in a car wreck three years earlier. Shortly after, Kara and her father, (she was an only child), had tried to escape the memories of the tragedy by moving across town. Their new house was not much larger than what they had before, but the lots in this part of town were spacious, generally an acre or more. The new house also had a swimming pool and gazebo. Although Kara had left her old friends behind, she acquired a new one, Tommy, the boy who lived next-door to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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DaisyChapter 9

Lilly set Daisy up with a business account at the bank so she could order what she needed. She insisted that Daisy take a little bit more for spending money than she wanted to. ("I don't want you strapped for cash. If you're gonna be pig headed about it, pay the excess back out of your share.") Daisy never worked harder or was happier in her whole life. "You been seeing a fella, Daisy? You're shining like the moon lately." Her Pa said, hopefully one night. "Just happy I got my...

2 years ago
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Milk of Desire Book II Chapter 4 Bros and Hoes

By EFon Chapter 4 : Bros and Hoes I almost fell as Jake jerked my out my front door and out of my door yard. "What the fuck man!?!" He didn't let up until we were around the bushes of my neighbor's house, obscuring my house completely. Only then did he release my arm and take a deep breath. I had a feeling this would be about what happened between him and my sister last night, but I realized then that this was hard for him to deal with. "I gotta be straight up with you...

2 years ago
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Holiday Sex With Guwahati College Girl At A Resort

Hello Friends, I am Rohan and today I will tell you about my sex experience with a sexy college girl I met on ISS in Guwahati, Assam. I am writing this story because she wanted me to share this story with everyone. When I wrote my last story about my sex experience with my crush, I got many emails from different cities. One of those emails was from Anamika (name changed). Anamika stays in Guwahati and is now completing her studies at a college. Anamika liked my last story because the story...

3 years ago
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My Works Tribunal

Good afternoon Sir…please take a seat…how are you?Fine, thank you for asking.My name is Mr A; Chairman of this company.Hello.Hello my name is Mr B, Head of Human Resources.Hello.And my name is Mrs C, Head of ****** department. (This was the department I worked for)Hello. Okay please explain to the panel the reason you wish to see us and what or whom it is you wish to complain about regarding our company.Erm…well….it is a bit embarrassing really….It is okay, we have seen the brief description...

1 year ago
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Anastasia Part 3

I grabbed her hand and kissed, then teasingly grabbed her ass, “I’m sure I will.” But not today, I was about to get into Ms. Ballet Mistress. Real talk. I walked back into class back at the front and put my ear buds back in. I can hear some of the reader’s voices saying “She let you finger her, now why aren’t you paying more attention to her?” I was paying attention to her but I wasn’t feeling the music. The only sound I was trying to hear up in my ear was her moaning while R. Kelly and 112...

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Fate Chapter 03

Ethan was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling when he felt Sabina stir next to him. He turned to watch her as she shifted in her sleep, on the verge of waking up. He'd found it strange when he woke to the room being completely dark, the strange part was he could see even though he was still aware of how dark it was. Sabina mumbled as she slowly rose to consciousness and turned her face towards him unconsciously seeking him even in her sleep. The dim...

3 years ago
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Got Hand Job By Telugu Girls In APSRTC Bus

Hi this is Santhu from Hyderabad. This is my second story in this site, it happened in last year month of November while traveling from Vizag to Hyderabad in apsrtc garuda bus. Coming to myself I am santhu completed my from Hyderabad and working in MNC Company and coming to physical appearance, my height is 6.2 with good looking and good body. My cock size is 7.5 inch and 2.5cm dia. I can satisfy any age of women’s and girls. As I got appreciate by girls with whom I had. Coming to the...

2 years ago
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Kinky Nerdy Girl Needs My Cum

Hey guys. HarDick69 is back after not at all following the ‘No nut November.’ You guys must have read . I went inside girls’ washroom and masturbated onto a door after writing kinky stuff about my Mallu Milf Queen Beena. This incident which I am about to tell you happened a few days after that. I was walking down the verandah of the college to my classroom in the morning. The nerdy girl, Riya from my class, joined me. Riya wasn’t sexually attractive like her friends. It was as if you could see...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 60 Wedded Bliss

Saturday, June 21, 2008 I continued riding with Hank Jenkins for two weeks, and he signed off on turning me loose on the public on my own. During our time he taught me about the night and graveyard shifts, much like Jerry had taught me about the day shift and general police work. We also brought in a number of bad guys on various warrants, taking criminals off the street and otherwise making Matucket safer for all. It seemed like every shift would start with Hank handing me a stack of...

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Vics Challenging Shift

22-year-old Vic has worked as a barmaid at Impact nightclub for the last three years while she works to graduate from University. Vic comes from a close-knit family where money has always been tight, especially for Vic whose stubborn personality makes her determined to pay her own way through life. She grew up an only child in the suburbs but was now in the bustling city and determined to make a success for herself. Vic has never prioritized dating, focusing instead on her studies, she has only...

4 years ago
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Daughters Slut Training 5 Daughter Whored Out

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter Whored Out By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I slipped out of my eldest son's room, feeling so naughty as his and his younger brother's cum dripped out of my pussy and asshole. I scooped up my bathrobe I left outside his door, pulling it on to hide my naked shame. I was such a wicked mother. But my sons needed to relieve themselves. How could they sleep when their...

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House Robbery Turns Into Unexpected Foursome

Hi! I am Ritika! I live in southern parts of Chennai. I hail from telengana and m staying here for my job purpose in my rented house where i used to stay alone! Ok! Coming to the topic. I m a normal Indian girl from a normal family. 5.5 is my height and m chubby with 34 C boob and 38 butt! This all happened back in 2014 November. It was a cold rainy winter night and i came home from work after a very tired day. As it was Friday, it was casuals day i was in jeans and t-shirt and i came home...

3 years ago
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Playing Away Part III The Post Match Analysis

Playing Away - Part III - The Post Match Analysis Upon her arrest at the ground Julia had been charged with a public order offense and then smartly whisked away from the ground in a police van. The van had been hot and humid and by the time they had got to the police station she was glad to be out of it. They'd taken down some details and Malcolm had been forced to give them his own address and what little he'd known about the woman he was supposed to be including her full name...

2 years ago
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Rubekestan Justice

Rubekestan Justice Synopsis Arrested for shoplifting while on holiday in Rubekestan, Nancy is sentenced to the harsh punishment meted out in that country. Her abusive, authoritarian nature only makes her situation worse. Rubekestan Justice by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MMM+F NC. Whipping/caning If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your...

2 years ago
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PinwheelChapter 3

The next day I was awoken again by Raz’s exercising, I muttered complaints and headed out to eat. Most of the trainees were already there, and we wolfed down our breakfasts, then headed to the briefing room, where Vasiliev informed us that we would be starting rifle drills today. The trainees muttered amongst themselves, most eager to be allowed on a range again for the first time since leaving their homeworld. We took one of the airport shuttle-like vehicles that I had seen the night before,...

4 years ago
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Solo Sex On The Beach

I had been in to swim twice under the July sun that day. By the time I'd dried off, the afternoon clouds had rolled in until the sky was like a lumpy quilt. I sat down on the beach towel and pulled a second, smaller towel over my shoulders to help ward off the cooling wind.My friends Deena and Lindsey had just left for a walk to the snack bar, which was all the way at the other end of the beach. Needing a rest, I stretched out face down, feet toward the sea, adjusting the top towel to cover...

1 year ago
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First Time First Love

I must confess that I have always fantasised about my mother. Freud says that we all do, but with me, it was more overt than normal, I think. She generally has always stayed in great shape by running and exercising, and has a great body naturally. I would often see her come home from exercising, wearing short shorts and a t-shirt, and wonder what she was like in bed, and frequently had fantasies about her. When I was in high school, my dad was working evenings, so if I didn't go out, we were...

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Strange PerversionChapter 2

That night, when she and her husband Don went next door, Bette found it almost impossible to believe that this lovely woman who was a perfect hostess, could have indulged in such an act of sheer animal wantonness only hours before. She and Don had found Cindy and Greg to be perfect neighbors. The four of them had hit it off right from the beginning and had formed the habit of going out together on Saturday nights. Cindy and Greg were a bit earthier than she and Don but had never been...

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The Chastity Belt

Wearing the chastity belt for a year had been harder to bear than I'd expected. I mean, I was skeptical about it when she first suggested it, saying that she wanted me to wear it for a year to demonstrate my devotion to her, but as she slowly talked me into it I managed to convince myself that it couldn't be all that bad, especially since I'd know it would be removed eventually. I hadn't realized how frustrated I could get, or that frustration could actually drive me to tears. "I really want...

4 years ago
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Shy AnneChapter 4

Paul stepped into his room, a towel around his waist. He spotted Sandy sitting at his desk. "Paul," he said, "do you mind letting me have the room tomorrow evening?" Paul began pulling on his clothes. "Sure. No problem. If it's a clear night maybe I'll take a walk up the hill. You and Genie got something going midweek?" "Yeah, since I was tied up all weekend. God, with all that rain I'm surprised I didn't catch pneumonia." "So, you're doing a make-good tomorrow." "Yeah....

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My Secret Life Introduction

The work itself is enormous, amounting to over one million words, the eleven original volumes amounting to over 4,000 pages. The text has a frank discussion of sexual matters and other hidden aspects of Victorian life make it a rare and valuable social document. According to Steven Marcus, it is virtually the only source for information on London's houses of prostitution, in which Walter spent many hours. It has been described as "one of the strangest and most obsessive books ever...

1 year ago
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I fucked my best friend sister

100% fiction! "Xavier, my sister Lola will be staying with us for a few weeks" Jackson, my best friend told me. "Why?" I asked with a mouth full of cereal. "She needs a place to because her house burnt down. I nodded in agreement that she could stay until she finds a new place. "I already gave her the key, she'll be here while we're gone." Me and Jackson both went to the hot chick so he was planning on banging her. I went back home without him. I opened the door and I walked into the apartment...

3 years ago
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NobleChapter 23

So much for surprise! I hear gunfire from two maybe three handguns in front and above me. I quickly glanced while bringing my rifle upward to ensure I was not being shot at. There were no bullet impacts and I could only see large windows in the upper wall. It was an observation room. I heard and sensed the movement in front of me and quickly brought the rifle and my eyes to my front. The two nurses were moving away toward the far corners and the doctor was turning around. I heard automatic...

4 years ago
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Waiting For God

A long, long time ago (give or take a millennium), there lived two cavemen named Oog and Brin. Oog was a typical Neanderthal with a typical Neanderthal outlook on life. The entire extent of Oog’s education was that Oog should always carry a big stick. With his big stick, Oog could bash things over the head and drag them back to his cave to eat or mate with, as the case may be. He could also bash other things over the head that occasionally tried to eat or mate with him. Oog’s big stick made him...

1 year ago
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Three of a kind Part 4

Three of a kind - Part 4 When directed to sit up and move closer, Vivian watched as Lizzie crossed her legs at the knees and placed the toe of her right boot between Caroline's legs. Vivian was breathless because she knew that the toe was being stuffed into her mother's cunt. Lizzie rocked her leg up and down effectively fucking the woman's cunt with her shoe. Caroline had a blissful look on her face as she rested one hand on Lizzie's knee. Vivian pulled back and quietly slipped down the spiral...

3 years ago
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Alone Time

I found myself alone for the evening, but not without an agenda. I had been given very specific instructions as to what my night time activities would entail. He had written them for me in painstaking detail and he would expect me to comply fully and completely just as if he were there to carry out his demands himself. During the day, in anticipation of an elaborate session of self-gratification, I broke up the day’s mundane activities by taking my fingers and exploring my recently waxed and...

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Worshipping of moms pussy and ass

Hi my name is puneet verma from Delhi I am 23 year old and my mom is widow of 45 years old .my father was killed in accident 10 years earlier at that time i was 13 years old. I am single now working in a Call centre. My dad left us a lot of money so we can easily survive on that. So when I got older at around 15 years got facinated about girls..but mine intrest was in more in big and buxom mom is similar to this i kept thinking nasty things about her. After father’s death she used to...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 615

Some of these are repeats but they are humorous. Please join me in remembering a great ICON of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site...

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Jasmine and Tina get Gangbanged

Introduction: You never knowed what will happen This is my first try at writing a story. Please comment and let me knowed what if am doin wrong and if you even like it a little. This is a true story when I was 12 and I stayed at my cousins house for the summer. Jody , my cousin, was 13. Neither of us were virgins after last summer (but that is another story). Our mommies are sisters and look very young. In fact they both are frequently mistaken for 11 to 13 years old girls. If they put on the...

4 years ago
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Self Service

(With a little help, he sucks his own cock)After reading some erotic stories from men who enjoy eating their own cum, I was very aroused, though I've never been much into that. I never even like kissing my wife after she gave me head. For some reason I just couldn't shake these thoughts.One day after reading some very hot stories, I needed to jerk off. In one of the stories a man sucked his woman's pussy after she had just been fucked by 2 other guys. This got me wondering again if maybe I was...

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Introduced To The World OF Incest

Hello, I am Shreeshant from Hubli Karnataka I am writing my own experiences, which started last year. It is mixture of incest and gay. But it is true. I am 20 years old with 6.0 in height now I am doing BBA good looking whitish in color, humorous and I was not keen in sex. I was more concerned about my career. My English is poor as my education until matriculation was in Kannada medium so kindly bear with me. It starts from marriage of my elder sister Preethi. My sister got married to Prashant...

1 year ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 29 Peril

A sharp, yet soft cry of pain escaped Christine's mouth as her body surrendered its innocence to Erik. She sucked in a hissing breath then released both the breath and the tense muscles of her body. With trembling hands, she took hold of Erik's shoulders, firmly grasped the taut body of the man above her and began to rock her body against him. "Christine?" His voice barely a whisper, she knew what he asked without him speaking the words. She answered him by pulling down on his shoulders...

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The Beginning of a Hotwife

Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...

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The TarotChapter 19

"Yes, you have made the correct decision," said the old woman, reading the cards. "I was afraid you'd say that," said Angilee sadly. "He will suffer a temporary setback." "You mean he will lose this election?" "Yes, but his long term future is bright... without you." "And with me?" "Ominous clouds gather," said Madame Leseur, "his current path will be forbidden to him." "In other words, his career is over." "Yes. Your paths must never cross again if he is to find...

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