CynthiaChapter 4 free porn video

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Saturday morning, I was out servicing my truck, checking fluids, and running the vacuum inside. Laura came out to talk to me. "Good morning, Bradford. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Hey, Laura. How are you doing?"

"OK, I suppose. Nothing new. I haven't seen Cynthia. We didn't get to have our girls' lunch."

"Yeah, we had only a few days until she had to move back to her sorority."

"I know that she's dealing with a difficult divorce. Is she still your girl friend?"

"I didn't know how much she told you. Right now, I don't know. She's very busy with classes and duties in her house, so we won't see much of each other for a month or more. We'll just have to see what happens."

"Sounds like you have the same restrictions that I do."

"Her lawyer said we couldn't be seen together or even talk on the phone."

"I hate that situation. I know that you must be missing her."

"I was depending on having her around."

"Ashley and Alyssa missed you. You haven't taken them for ice cream in a while and they keep reminding me."

"We'll just have to see about that. Think they'd like to go this afternoon?"

"Oh, yeah. They were going out with their dad, but he got called out of town on some job."

"Tell them to come bang on my door after lunch and we'll see what flavors are available. Can you go with us?"

"I'd better not. No telling who would see me. I'll take a rain check for a nightcap some evening." She smiled.

"That's even better. I would have asked before, but I don't want to pressure you into temptation."

"Some days I regret making that postnuptial deal with him. Then I get some more bills and I have to feel grateful. He doesn't have to do it and I don't have to work as long as he pays. I suppose the girls are old enough to take care of themselves if I worked and maybe I'll do that next year."

"I hope you can find something you like."

"I could return to being a nurses' aide, or I could go to school to become a nurse or physician's assistant. I know my parents will support me if I ask."

"My father always told me to go for the top spot, and then retreat if you have to. I hope you can go for the best career for you."

"Interesting advice. I'll think about it. See you later." She walked away. I watched her butt in her tight jeans. She was a blond with piercing blue eyes and a great shape for someone her age, which I guessed was 35 or so. She could pass for a woman much younger. She brought out my deep lust every time I saw her, particularly dressed like that.

I had finished my soup and sandwich when I heard giggling at the door. I slipped over quietly and jerked the door open. "What do you want?"

They both stepped back in fear, and then Ashley held her head down and said, "Mom said you were going to take us for ice cream."

"Not until I get my hugs." I fell to my knees and grabbed one of them in each arm. They quickly hugged me back and started laughing.

Ashley said, "You were just trying to scare us." Alyssa just rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Did it work?"

"Yes, a little."

They hopped in the truck and fastened their belts with no word from me. Alyssa sat in the middle. "Where shall we go?"

"To the Happy Cow, of course."

They told me about school and soccer practice with both of them talking constantly. I could barely follow the fast-paced conversation.

"So, Alyssa, are you serious about soccer?"

"Yeah. I'm going to make the team. That'll be really great."

"You do and I'll come and watch you play."

"Would you? I really want you to."

"Just tell me when the games are. If I don't have class, I'll be there."

"What about Cynthia? She said she'd come?"

"She's kind of out of circulation right now. If she can't, I will come by myself."

We had our ice cream treat and returned home. When we got out of the car, Ashley came around to my side and gave me a nice kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Bradford."

Alyssa held her hug a little tighter and her kiss was a little closer to the target. "I miss seeing you." Her body had developed considerably in the last few months.

"I miss you guys, too. We'll go again. Maybe your mother would like to go out some evening and I can stay with you."

"That would be super. Maybe we can play monopoly or something."

"Just tell her to call me." Ashley went bouncing home, looking cute in her tight jeans. Alyssa walked with a slight sway and I saw how nicely her jeans showed off her butt. Well, people grow up. She was well along to looking like Laura.

While I was studying, Cynthia called. I answered, "Hi, Babe, what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you. I finally broke down and confessed to my roommate that I had to make private calls. She's had her share of calls, so she understood. Now, I can ask for privacy and not feel nervous about it. I won't have to sneak out to the library. What are you doing?"

"Writing a paper. I'm trying to avoid the end of term crisis and get some work in before then."

"She laughed. "Since I'm effectively quarantined, I'm getting a lot of work done, too. It gets quiet around here when dating time comes and I have the place almost to myself. I have three more hours before even the first of them starts returning."

I teased her. "I hope you're not sneaking out on dates. Anniston would surely catch you."

"I don't worry about him. Some of Blair's friends would hear about it I'm sure. What nice thing happened to you today?"

"I took two of my girl friends to get ice cream."

"C'mon, both of them together?"


"How did they like sharing?"

"It was that or no ice cream. They agreed to be nice to each other."

Almost sarcastically, "Did your violinist bring her cellist friend?"

I decided to confess. No need to get her upset. "Actually, you know them. Their dad was supposed to take them this afternoon, but he had to work, so I filled in."

"This wasn't your first date?"

"No, I've taken them out before and kept them a few times when their mother had something important to do. We play Monopoly and other games."

"You've become part of the family? Do you get to enjoy the mother, too?"

"Cynthia, you know that I'm not going to answer such questions. She has a full plate and I try to help when I can. I don't do much because of school."

"Well, I'll bet she knows that I've stayed with you, so she knows more than I do."

"Yes, she did see you coming and going for several days. Wanted to know if I had a new girlfriend."


"I told her that I hoped so. That you had to move back to the sorority to complete some necessary business."

"I hope so, too, although I could be better at girlfriending if I could see you."

"That would be much better. I might think of some things, too."

"I hate to be such a worry wart, but I miss you and I might be just a little jealous."

"I think that shoe might fit. When your divorce is settled, we'll have to see if you have anything to be jealous about."

"I think about that divorce all the time. I'll stop bugging you. Well, I'd better get back to my work. Think about me?"

"I think about you all the time. Ever since Geology."

"That's better. Bye."

Laura called. "Ashley told me that I should call you if I wanted to go out. So, I'm calling."

"Want me to come there and stay with them?"

"No, I want to go out my back door and up your stairs. I'll bring my monitor with me in case they need anything. However, they've been sleeping all night for years, so I can take a break now."

Although she didn't have Cynthia's raw beauty, she was good looking and had kind of earthy qualities that I found constantly appealing. Were circumstances different, I could have gone for her. I was in no position to take on fatherly duties and go to school and she was considerably older. So, we get together occasionally for physical recreation. I genuinely liked her and I think she cared for me more than just as a convenient child sitter.

I heard her coming up the stairs and opened the door for her. She came in wearing a housecoat and slippers. I closed the door and brought her to me for a sensational kissing session involving tongues and pelvises and little whimpers. We broke and she smiled broadly. "Now, that's the way to say hello. Let me put this monitor down and I'll have another."

I led her to the couch and asked if she wanted "The usual."

"That would be perfect. Tell me about Cynthia."

I brought our drinks and sat next to her so that we were touching. We established trust many months before. Actually, it was before I went to Afghanistan. I told her the whole story about Geology, Louie's, her marriage workshop, and that her lawyer made her move out.

At the end of the story, she asked, "She told me a lot of that story. Do you think she's the one?"

"So far, so good. As I said, she has some issues to resolve. I think she will come back here when she is out of her virtual jail and then we will see. She will have had at least a month to think about her situation and what she wants to do with me. So, if she comes back and if we find things as well as we had before, it could move to something more permanent.

"Although I think we're going to do okay, I haven't burned all my bridges and won't until she resolves her marriage problem. She let her parents talk her into going to that couples workshop when she said she really didn't want to go. That will be trouble for us if her parents continue to interfere in her life."

"Your parents won't bug you?"

"They're both dead. I'm on my own out there."

"If you don't have relatives, I guess I'll have to hassle you when you go wrong."

"I'll be good." I kissed her again.

"Won't she be jealous of your other relationships?"

"Perhaps, but I made no commitment to her other than to say I wanted her to come back when she was out of quarantine. If she does, and we continue as well as we have, I'll give her no reason to be jealous."

"That's good enough. I don't want to disrupt true love."

"No, you won't. I hope we can work things out, but we need a lot of practice being together."

"Do you love her?"

"I think I could. She's distressed and needy now. If that passes, I think we could have something good. I have to be leery because of the parent issue. In all fairness, she has to deal with me and that probably isn't the easiest job in the world."

Laura laughed out loud. "If I ever heard modest understatement of the obvious, that has to be the winner.

"You're a lot less difficult with me now that we have known each other for a couple of years, but I'll bet she thinks of you as formidable." She held both my hands, "Didn't you tell me that she was a hyper chatterbox when you brought her home from that workshop? That was only partly her nervousness. I think she might be slightly afraid of you."

"Why? I tried to help and comfort her and do what she wanted."

"You can be hard to know, Bradford. I hope you can tell her how you feel about her and that you want her to come back. She needs to know that you want her here. Otherwise, she'll just think you did your duty as a Boy Scout."

I had to think about that. Am I really that difficult?

She paused, and then said, "She went out on a limb and told you she loved you. Then, you said she mentioned that she shouldn't have done that when she talked to you on the phone. She is walking on egg shells."

"I'm not ready to tell her that I love her, although I feel like I do. What can I say?"

"What you can say is what's true for you. If you want her to come back, be sure she knows that. If you liked having her around, tell her. More than once. I'm sure she was scared to death when she had to care for you after your bike wreck."

"I can see what you're saying and I can certainly follow your advice."

"You can't get away from it. Women are word people and men are action people. Most women need to hear words — they are accustomed to talking a lot more than men do, much more. You'd doubt her sincerity if she didn't follow her words with action. She will doubt your commitment if you do not follow action with words."

"This is far more complicated than I thought."

"Most of us get by on mostly surface encounters and rarely achieve real intimacy. I think you can be a wonderful lover for her and I want you to do your best to make her feel loved." She looked at me intensely. "Based on your actions and your continued support and helping me, I believe that you love me, too. You would never say it because of my circumstances."

"I couldn't say it, but you're probably right. Another time and place and situation, we might have made a good match. I always get pleasure from our time together and I can talk to you more than anyone."

"I feel the same. I was shocked that you weren't offended that I couldn't go out with you in public after you invited me. You accepted my situation and helped me through some difficult days. Even more, you don't reject me when I'm feeling needy and need to be comforted. Then, of course, you never leave me wanting in bed. Speaking of which, that is why I came up here tonight."

I kissed her and said, "Oh, really? I thought it was my sparkling conversation."

"I was hoping you'd make something else sparkle for me."

We finished our drinks and moved toward the bed. So far, this was my favorite activity with her. Laura was an accomplished lover. She thrived on foreplay; hugging, kissing, and stroking mellowed her every time. She must miss the regular warm body in bed with her and tried to make up for it with me. She delighted me when we went into the full body hug and long kisses. I had both arms around her and she managed to get the pillow in the right place to have hers around me.

I whispered, "You feel divine, Laura. Your hot body raises my craving higher and higher."

She muttered, "I love it when you hold me like you are. Can't get enough of it. Makes me all wet and squishy."

As we kissed, I pinched her nipple firmly, knowing that it would soon lead to her first climax.

"That's just right. Hold me and pinch me. Uhmmm. Oh."

Her hips commenced gentle and then more pronounced thrusting as I continued to kiss and pinch her firmly. As I increased the tension, I could feel her becoming more enthusiastic in her movements. Then, it happened. Her hips began powerful thrusts as she put her head back and shrieked in ecstasy as her spasms overcame her.

When she reached this stage of excitement, I could keep her orgasms going by continuing my assault on her nipple and kissing her. I felt good about getting her to these points of ecstasy again and again.

She finally reached her limit on the number of times she wanted to come with my hand on her breasts and began to climb on me. She whispered, "Now is my favorite time." She inserted me into that magic velvet tunnel, let it go all the way to the end, and then sat on it with no motion except her squeezing me on the inside. After a few minutes of that, she threw her head back and began the rocking motion that would rub our pubic bones together. She peaked quickly as her voice lowered into a guttural series of interrupted moans.

"Oh, my God, Bradford, every time seems like better than the last. I think I forget how good it feels until I'm here. "She went back to her horsemanship and moved into a full gallop."

I urged, "Hurry, baby, I can't last long." Then, I spurted, letting out a loud groan. That brought her to the end as well. When she fell to my chest, I hugged her quickly and stroked her back and shoulders. "You're marvelous, Laura. You make me feel so good when I can make you feel good and you always let me know that you're having fun."

"I don't think 'fun' even begins to capture it. Rapture is more like it." She then whispered in my ear, "I have my monitor here on the night stand. Can you set your alarm and snuggle with me for a couple of hours? I hate to go home right now."

"Sure I can. Come over here and let me get you comfortable." I set the alarm and brought her into my spoon. I can tell you that this wasn't all for her pleasure. I craved a naked body next to me in the night. Not just anybody would do, but the three of them would do just fine. The next noise I heard was the radio with the NPR overnight show.

She kissed me with affection, and said, "OK, thanks for the nice date. I had a wonderful time. Don't get up. I can let myself out and I don't want to get started again." Then, she was gone. I think I remember hearing the door close.

Students took classes more seriously as the end of the term seemed imminent. I worked steadily and felt happy that I seemed to regain my motivation. Cynthia and I talked almost every day when her schedule permitted, and I found that I missed her more and more. I wanted this divorce issue to be settled. She seemed anxious about it, too.

We were talking one night and I asked her, "What are your plans for the summer?"

"Before I was involved in the divorce, I had considered an internship at the Research Triangle Park. Now, I can't really schedule anything until I know what's happening." She hesitated, "What about you?"

"I have to do two weeks active duty in California to refresh mountain and desert operations. I'm hoping to pick up a few credits in one of the summer terms if I can work it in."

"Where in California?"

"Unfortunately, not in San Francisco or San Diego. It's at a place you don't even want to know about in the desert, Camp Billy Machen."

"With a name like that, it sounds like fun."

"Lots of work, lots of thrills, and I'll be happy to get on the plane home. I'm not sure why they're having me go, since I can't do regular SEAL sea duty. Maybe they're transferring me from the water to the desert. I have, of course, enjoyed the mountains in Afghanistan."

"I'm not sure I was ready to know that. You go to Afghanistan and end up in the hospital. Then, you go for a bike ride and end up in the hospital. Now, you're going out in the desert to 'learn desert operations' and I don't even know where the camp or the hospital is."

"I'll send you a map. Did I tell you how grateful I was when you had to care for me after the bike wreck? That was above and beyond your normal task list."

"Thanks a lot. You told me, but I don't mind hearing it again. It was the least I could do, considering what you did for me. I'll have to give them an answer about the internship in a week. When will you know your dates?"

"I'll call the Chief tomorrow and see if I can find out. Strange that he hasn't told me."

"That man worries me. He controls part of your life."

"That he does. I knew that when I signed up. I have only two more years on my contract." I remembered Laura's advice. "I hope this comes out right. I want you to come back here the first day you can. I miss you. I say that, knowing the uncertainty in both our lives. I don't know how many days or weeks we will have to be together, but I want us to enjoy them together."

She was silent. "Just a minute. I have to finish crying. Other than the first time we shared our passion in your bed, that's the first time you ever invited me to stay with you. I always begged you to take me in." She sniffled. "I accept your invitation and will be there as soon as I can. You just made my whole day and week."

"I'm glad you feel that way and long to feel you next to me."

"Night, darling."

"Night Cynthia."

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I don't know why that was so hard. She knows the uncertainty, but Laura was right. She needed to hear it. I hope I can learn Laura's new rules.

I worked hard Sunday and could almost see the taillights at the end of the tunnel. My assignments were effectively done. I could budget the time and be finished with the papers before I had to start getting serious about the finals.

Monday started out like most Mondays and I had adopted a routine that didn't require changing schedules and then trying to remember what to do next. Maybe the Navy had worn off on me, but I liked it when Cynthia planned our weeks. I was walking toward the union to get lunch when my phone vibrated. It was Cynthia.

"Charles Bradford, you will never guess why I'm calling." She sounded excited.

"You passed a test?"

"Jerk. I just heard from Anniston and he has a signed agreement. I can get out of jail now."

"Great. Did it work out like you wanted?"

"I'm meeting him this afternoon at four and I hope you'll go with me. I feel more comfortable when you hear the details from him. He told me that I didn't have to hide anymore, though."

"I don't have my schedule on my PDA. The person who used to do that moved out and left me on my own."

"Poor baby. Maybe you can find someone else to do it."

"Okay, I'll see you at four in his office."

""I'll have to run there after class, so wait outside for me and we can go in together. The last time we went to his office, I had promised you a quickie before I had to go to the sorority meeting. May I make good on my promise after we get through with Anniston?"

"Of course. Let's see, that was six weeks ago. I'll have to collect some interest on that debt."

"Believe me, there is plenty of interest available. Gotta' go."

I waited in the lobby of Anniston's office reading through some good legal pamphlets that talked about wills and trusts. One warning on a flyer caught my attention.

You're never too young to have a will. Bad things like accidents and serious medical problems happen to young and old alike. Prudent people have wills. They also have living wills that describe what should happen to them if they are incapable of making good medical decisions after an accident.

I read on and the article described what should be done if a person had no next of kin or close relatives that would receive the deceased assets. That warning really caught my interest. I had no relatives. I had good assets and would have to decide what to do with them. What would have happened to that money and property if the bullet that got me in Afghanistan had been just a few inches to the right? I took a deep breath. Then, there was the bicycle accident. Who would have decided for me if I had been out of it and needed someone to pull the plug?

The next few pages of horror stories made up my mind. I would have those documents done. Then, I read the list of items to describe and the kinds of decisions I would have to make. It would not be easy, but I had to do it. I also had to find someone to be my medical surrogate. I was lost in deep thought when Cynthia came in.

"Charles. I'm so glad you're here. I had to meet with him several times and I never liked going alone. It had to be that way though."

I stood and brought her into a bear hug. 'Hi, babe. I'm glad to see you."

"Ummm, me, too."

As we were standing clutched together, Anniston came out and actually smiled. He winked at her and said dryly, "I guess he's here for moral support." Then, he actually chuckled. "Come on in. I have good news."

We sat on the couch holding hands like school kids once again. He started. "Mr. Bradford, I hope you will forgive me for being so abrupt the last time you were here, but I had to make it clear how important it was to keep her away from you. Fortunately, you both followed the instructions and most everything came out just as we asked."

For the next half hour, he reviewed the terms and conditions, most of which were fairly trivial. She received her lump sum divorce payment according to the prenuptial agreement and waived any kind of periodic payments she might have been able to negotiate. She also had her legal maiden name back. The personal property wasn't extensive and her portion had been put in storage.

As we left, he came to shake my hand and said, "I know that you have been supportive of Cynthia and kept your part of the bargain. We both appreciate that. Something told me that I'd see you again. Well, if you ever need legal services, keep me in mind."

I stopped at the top of the stairs in the hallway and brought her to me in a lengthy delicious kiss. I whispered, "Now what was that about a quickie?"

"I'm on my way home. I'll be waiting for you. Don't tarry."

I rushed home and polished my cheap champagne flutes that I received as some kind of bonus at the supermarket. They were okay. I also had been keeping a split of champagne for this occasion. So, I put the glasses in the freezer for a few minutes and quickly ran the shaver over my face. What was keeping her? Then, I walked over to the window and saw her chatting with Laura by her car. They had a hug and then Cynthia came up the stairs.

When she came in, she threw her arms around me and literally cried on my chest. "I'm so glad to be here. Living in a sorority after you've lived on your own in an apartment is miserable. Too many people and too much time wasted on gossip and other trivial stuff." She kissed me. "And, no one to cuddle with at night. That was the worst part."

I led her to the couch and moved to get the champagne. "I bought this to welcome you home. It is the beginning of the ceremony."

"What's next?"

"Enjoy your wine and you will see. Don't try to get ahead of yourself."



She smiled and said, "you forgot to mention 'wayward wife.'"

I held up my glass. "Wayward no more. Free at last."

She leaned over to kiss me again. "You'll have to get used to my new name, too. This is good wine. I haven't had champagne in a while. I remember why people drink it now."

"Actually, I knew you first as Carr, so that's what is in my memory circuit. The champagne is good, and the company's not bad either. That always helps."

She looked over the rim of her glass. "Remember that I told you I was taking up pole dancing?" She pushed on my shoulder. "You promised to erect a pole for me."

"One of them is already erect."

"I'd like to try dancing on it to see if it is the right size."

We finished our wine and I pulled her up from the couch. She went to the bed and began her stripper routine of getting out of her clothes. Mine were quickly on the floor and my eyes glued to the strip show as I sat on the bed. I'm sure glad I changed the sheets. I read once that women much prefer to get naked on clean sheets.

She said, "I can make this better with the right kind of music, but I'll save that for later." Then, she did a credible imitation of a pole dancer without the pole.

"Hey, you did pick up a few pointers in that class. Now, I have to find a suitable place for the pole."

"Can you build me a little platform to hold the pole?"

"Consider it done. I'll have to check with Laura, but I don't plan to damage any walls or the ceiling."

She launched herself across the large bed and climbed right on top of me, planting her breasts right on my chest. "My God, you feel good, Charles. Please hold me against you."

I held her and caressed her back and butt as she put her lips on my neck blowing, sucking, and kissing. She knew my soft spot. I struggled with my arm to retrieve a latex finger cot from my drawer. I dipped it into her pussy several times until it was wet and slippery and then inserted it into her asshole.

"I'm so glad you're still naughty. You're the first person that ever did that to me and it really gets me started." Slow thrusts from my finger awakened her physical arousal as she began moving around and whimpering. "Yes, that gets my attention." Then she sat up and inserted my raging erection into the precious portal leading to the tunnel of ecstasy.

She wailed, "Ohhh, that does, too. That really gets my attention."

"Glad you could find it a home. The ambience is outstanding."

She continued to ride more vigorously as her breathing became faster and her pleasure moans were longer. It had been a while for me and I knew I wouldn't last long the first time. She exploded and then resumed her rotation until she came again just as I did.

"Charles, I needed that so much. You electrify my very soul in the middle of that bumping and grinding. I remember your making me feel good, but it just seems to get better."

I pulled her to me and whispered, "Now, Cynthia, I'd rather that you didn't put me off for so long next time."

She bashed my shoulder and then looked shocked. "Omigod, I hope I didn't hit your sore shoulder."

"No. It was the other one, but it has mostly healed. Nothing from the wreck hurts any more, except when I try to press too deep some places."

We lay quietly for a while, getting accustomed to having each other close. I had both arms around her and she was glued to my body. After a nice session of hugging and stroking, she said, "What are we going to do about dinner?"

"Considering that I haven't bought adequate food, not knowing you were coming home, I think we should go out somewhere. I'd like to go to the Italian place that just opened. Most of their menu is from northern Italy."

Same as Cynthia
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Lesbian sperm

Just thought i would have to tell someone about my experiance recently A friend of my wifes who is a lesbian(Sally) asked her if i would donate some sperm, afer a few discussions we agreed and set everything up, sally wanted me to do it naturally so her and her partner and me and my wife all met up in a hotel, my wife has never had lesbian expeiance before so after a few drinks sally stripped and laid on the bed for me to start the process, her girfriend wanted to hold my hips and push me in...

1 year ago
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Sleepwalking Part 2

If you haven't read part 1 I suggest you go back and start at the beginning. Lol My cousin Grace had dropped a bomb on me telling me what she and my sister Sue had done while I was sleepwalking when I was only 11. This was a couple decades later. We were drinking and smoking a bowl, and getting pretty fucked up. I asked her if they ever did anything else after that. I was really turned on by now and my cock was raging hard. She smiled mischievously, and told me that they started making plans...

2 years ago
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Miss Kiss

Another story for one of the Literotica girls. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, hers was worth at least thirty-seven hundred. If only she would spend more time with us, post more, we would be in a constant state of bliss… * I’d known as soon as I saw her that I would rent her the apartment. It was her eyes I saw first, and it was those dark, dark eyes that had decided it. Christ, I thought, you could get lost for a week in those luminous pools, and their hypnotic effect had had...

4 years ago
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Rick Smith was feeling pretty good as he stood contentedly in the hot shower. He was still smiling after remembering his meeting yesterday with Larry his boss. Rick had done well over the past two years, and his company had recognized it, finally giving him a shot at landing a very important account. "You've got Cart Blanch on this one Rick," Larry had told him. "Whatever it takes, no matter what it takes, you bring this one home for us. It can make the difference of a good year or a great...

1 year ago
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Hot Chick Part 1

Hot Sex with "Hot Chick"Back when I was in college I had this Spring Fling and it has been 9 years and I still think about it. I was a junior and she was a freshman, she was taking some courses in the same major I was and we were in 4 of the same classes. I never knew her name but I referred her to as Hot Chick… She had a tight fit body with a sexy face. I could sleep sometimes cause she was in my head. Well before you knew it she was put into our project group by our teacher. She was the only...

4 years ago
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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 16 Fear and Faith

Busy with her preparations for the forthcoming visit of Luna and Dudley Ginny did not know whether to be excited or apprehensive. She decided she was probably a bit of both. As she was getting everything ready to put in the oven when the visitors arrived she meditated on the difference between those things she had heard about Dudley from Harry and what she had been told by Luna. She had never met Dudley, but there were irreconcilable differences between Harry and Luna's versions of his...

2 years ago
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Milfords DinerChapter 3

Business was good all winter long. New repeat customers were naming our diner the place to eat. Our seatings for all three meals were nearly full to capacity. Bertha was the first to mention expansion. Roxy and I discussed it, but we knew it would mean a heavier debt load. Then suddenly a factory went into production and we were asked to cater their lunches. The bank that held our note was more than willing to lend money for the expansion at the diner. Money for equipment to set up in the...

3 years ago
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Cousins and Lovers Pt 1

Her parents had hit a rough patch, and it wasn't looking very good for their marriage, or even a relationship post divorce. Heather would call me almost daily to be a small dose of sunshine in her greying world. Her parents would eventually get the inevitable divorce. School had just let out, and I hadn't found anything for a summer job when I had gotten a call from my uncle. He never calls me, just my dad. My uncle asked if I wanted to stay with him and Heather for the summer. I agreed to...

3 years ago
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MagnifChapter 2

The object approaching was a ship but the Magnif command crew had never heard of anything like it. As the ship passed through more of Magnif's intricate network of space sensors, it was clear that the ship had enough might to destroy their world many times over. The ship was arriving with its weapons in an inert state, but it was no comfort to Jeff. It took little effort to activate a weapon. "You have no idea where the ship is from?" said Jeff completely surprised. It was not like...

2 years ago
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MumthazShilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

2 years ago
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Starting our cumeekend

It is Friday night and we are in your car going home after having dinner and a walk in our favorite park holding hands in the dark. All the way home we are talking and laughing, it has been a rough week with work and not having enough time for each other but now we are finally free and we know what awaits this weekend. It is a weekend for just the two of us, our retreat, our time alone, our cumeekend. We look at each other, our lust permeating the air as we eat at each other with our gaze....

3 years ago
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Sex With Bio Teacher

Hello all ISS readers, I am a frequent reader of this site and have enjoyed the stories. Now I am publishing my own personal experience which I had with my bio teacher. Her name is Sohini, she is a very sweet and sexy teacher. I was a good student and concentrated well in every class. All teachers were happy with me. In bio I used to have some difficulties and my teacher always helped me out. This happened in class 10. My teacher was a very hot and had perfect shaped boobs. They were round and...

3 years ago
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Mai Or Meri Didi Ka Pyar 8211 Part 5

Ab mai aapko aage batata hun ki kya hua. Didi apna pair mere pair pair ke upper lakar daba rahi thi or halke halke apni kamar ko bhi hila rahi thi. Mai bhi didi ke upper chadha hua tha or apni kamar ko hila raha tha. Is ragad se jaise aag lag rahi thi hum dono ke jism se. mera lund didi ki chut par tha or humdono use ragad rahe the. Kiss karte hue hume lagbhag 10 min. ho chuke the par tann ki aag jo bujhne ke bajaye or badhti ja rahi thi. Meri or didi ki kamar ke jhatke badhte hi ja rahe the....

1 year ago
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Work Experience

These events are fictional, but based on fantasy… All through his teenage life Hugo wondered what it would be like to have an older man to penetrate his ass hole and to have to his way with him. Hugo was sixteen and a total virgin. He had a lovely body, not too muscular and yet not too slim and was so smooth and pale. When he wondered what he’d like to do in later life something that always appealed was working in a hotel, and so through his school had a weeks work experience organised at a...

3 years ago
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True Love Online

This is a love story. A story of regrets and affirmation. I had joined an internet story site which allowed its members to interact. After reading the stories available, I decided to try my hand at writing some myself. They were well received. And there were chat rooms available. One could get to know other members of the site, on a one to one basis. There was also the capability to have personal chats with select members, if they also desired it. This is what happened to me in this...

1 year ago
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The Impregnator Ch 1213

Chapter 12: Queen Sonia's murder and King takes a break, goes home When we returned to the Palace, the King Namarda was already waiting for us at the lobby and ushered us to the meeting room, where his Prime Minister Mosan waited for us. Mosan, an old wise man of the State was also the father of the First Queen Jyothi. Queens Jyothi, Anu, Sonia and Padmini too were present in the hall. King Namarda stated that he was extremely sorry that I as his guest was the target of two life-threatening...

2 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 10 San Francisco

"Anne, take a look at this." "Say, Heather, you look good even with clothes on," Saul gibed. "You do look terrific, Heather. Try to ignore this brute," Anne said. "This is what I plan to wear to San Francisco tomorrow." Heather wore her favorite kind of outfit, a mid-thigh dress of heavy, well-fitted knit with push-up sleeves and a zipper front. It was a rich red that picked up the lights in her long chestnut hair. She wore no jewelry. "You're wearing stockings? I've never...

3 years ago
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Lesbian sexfight of Sana

Jethani bohat garm aur challenging aurat hay aur devrani bhy us say kam nahee….jab jethani devrani ka rishta lenay jaty hay to wo usay pool main swimming karta dekh kar hy garam hochuky hoty hay aur us ky jawani aur husn say jal jaty hay.. Aur sochty hay: aik baar ghar ajyee chorongy nahee..dosry taraf devrani bhy haraman hay jethani ko dekh kar sochty hay: wow maza ayega.. Kafy jandar lagty hay, koy apny takkar ky to mily..shohar ko chodnay kay baad is haramn ko sabkh sikhaongy….bara suna hay...

2 years ago
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Sleepover Party

So my friend, Nora, and I have been really good friends since like 5th grade. In October of senior year of high school we decided to have a sleepover with another one of our friends, Anne. I have thought since I was about 13 that I am bisexual, but I had never really been sure. we would always flirt and stuff, but it was just silly things for laughs. I am pretty sedentary, but look okay with 36C cups, small waist, nice back, and an ass that I personally think is way too big, but have been...

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Stroking Codies Ego

I am a 32 year old woman. My name is Tammy. I few years back before the economy crashed I had a job working had in an accounting firm. I hired a young man that year named Codie to intern with us. He was in his early 20’s and like most young men he spent a great deal of time flirting. I had caught him on many occasions eyeing me. I don’t consider myself difficult to look at. I am almost six feet tall and my best assets are my legs and my backside. My husband used to say, your legs go all the...

2 years ago
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Evelyns Nude Awakening

My first venture into Romance. Send me your emails with critical points please. Oh, I hope you enjoy it as well. Evelyn smiled with content when she felt the warmth of the morning sun on her bare skin. She stood on the back veranda of her secluded beach house and closed her eyes as she luxuriated in the peace and tranquillity of her surroundings. The sun’s warm smile kissed her upturned face, and the cool breath of the sea breeze teased her walnut dark nipples to hardness. As she basked in the...

3 years ago
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And The Dog Made ThreeChapter 6

Jennifer polished her brother's purple knob to a glossy luster, licked up and down his cock-shaft and lapped at his drained scumbags, gathering up the stray cum drops that had escaped her lips. When she drew her mouth away, she left the lad gasping like a landed fish. Her cunt-ring pulsed and rippled, milking out a few last blobs of Shepherd spunk into her swampy pussy. Adolph's prick was still hard as a rock and Jennifer wondered if they might be tied together, like mating dogs -- if Joe...

3 years ago
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Cronicles of MartosChapter 2 The Dawn Of Vampires

His name was Martos, and he was born as a human over five thousand years ago. He was born in a nomadic tribe of hunters, constantly on the move after the animals they hunted. Those were simple times, when the sole concern was would there be enough game to feed everyone. They lived mostly in the forests that were almost everywhere in those times. Martos, as all men from his tribe, was a hunter. He had a happy life, but all changed on his twentieth birthday, for better or worse, I cannot really...

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Wolf 2 Dyson SphereChapter 9

The Central Computer, through AI, told us where to find the entrance to the chamber containing the local AI. That seemed to be the first place that we should look. We needed to know if the AI was functional, and an examination of its interface should tell AI where to find the problem. We had no idea what to expect, so we stripped off all of our clothes and took up our assault rifles. Just possibly, there could be hostile animals or people in the tunnels or in the AI's chamber, itself....

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Weekend At Estelles

My story begins in 2003. I married the love of my life one year after I enlisted in the Armed Forces. I will keep much of my service a secret, I don't want my buddies, if they read this, to know who I am. So, my name is Randy. Married life was fun, both of us wanted to be child free so I elected to have a vasectomy to make sure it never happened. Sylvia and I were both animals in bed, we fucked every night and sometimes multiple times on the weekend if I wasn't working. Sometimes we invited a...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 7

We returned home and unpacked. We then washed and dressed. We pulled up at Louis just before seven in our new finery. Dad parked and our men handed us out. We were stopping traffic. One man even walked into a car! As we reached the door, Mitch and Dora walked up from the other end of the lot where there had also been a disturbance. I now understood why. Dora was wearing a rose colored mini dress with soft black prints of flowers on it. The top was a halter and had to have built-in bra...

3 years ago
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My Chennai Experience With Neha

I am 30 year old south Indian working in Bangalore currently. It’s a real incident which happened to me in 2011, when i shifted from Chennai to Bangalore. In Bangalore i found a PG, and started staying. Those were lonely days. Since I am new in Bangalore i didn’t had any friends, and couldn’t even go out because of rainy climate then. Though I was in touch with my Chennai friends, I really missed all of them, and workplace. Any way thanks to Vodaphone for 500 sms/day offer, this changed things...

1 year ago
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Pune Mein Job Dekar Choda

Hi, Mera naam sahil malhotra hai. Mein pune mein ek bhaut badi MNC mein job karta hun. Meri email id hai . Pune mein agar koi ladkhi merko contact karna cahati ho to kar sakti hai. Mein reply karunga.. And job mein bhi help kar sakhta hun. Ab sisha story per aata hun. And is email is se mujhe facebook mein add bhi kar sakti ho. Ek bar mein walkin mein interview lene agay. Waha per ek ladkhi interview dene aayi thi. Meine uska interview liya . Wo dekhne mein jayda sundar to nahi thi.. Meine...

3 years ago
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Rise of Roxy Ch 01

Roxy (Roxanne) Reeves had prominent breasts and a great butt. Guys would look at the curvature of her backside and they would think of only one thing. Females would look at it and only think of one thing too, and that was oh to have an ass that looked like that. Everyone in the general office of Baxley Walton LLP, Attorneys at Law, had some kind of definitive title but all HR could come up with for Roxy was ‘office assistant’ without that being defined. It was discovered Roxy could type...

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BlacksOnBlondes Adira Allure Second Appearance

When Donny’s uncle offers to find the entertainment for the future groom’s bachelor party the homies knew it was going to go down. Uncle Richie never lets the boys down. As soon as the stripper Adira shows up the electricity in the room literally crackles. She puts on quite the pussy dance show for the men and they soon watch her squirt all over the place. If that don’t make your dick hard you better check your pulse cause faster than you can say “fuck dat bitch”,...

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Unsatisfied Mom8217s Train Journey Gave Her Satisfaction

Hi water melons and muscular machine gun.This is avir(namechanged).This is my first story please excuse me if you find any mistakes.I am a college student.My height is 5.9″ feet.I am muliti religious person.The size of the muscular rod is 8.4″ inch and it is a natural size.Coming to the story.This story is about how my train journey turned into heavenly journey. The heroine of the story is illakia (name changed) and let her be called illu.I was travelling to my home after visiting my cousin’s...

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Last night

A few thoughts and a modification of sexual habits…This younger Vietnamese guy, Viet, has been coming around a lot since the beginning. At least twice a week, sometimes three nights a week, so I know he’s enjoying the fucking and sucking I give him. I’ve swallowed an awful lot of his cum and, been filled with it. I’m typing this now and sitting here leaking slowly into a panty liner. That has always been a hot feeling to me; leaking after sex.Like most Vietnamese guys, his first load is huge, I...

3 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 06

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Just an FYI. This started with a premise and a dog. The turn it took in chapter two surprised me as much as it irritated some. I simply wrote what passed by as the ‘movie’ played. There have been complaints about the flashback scenes, noted, but I guess I like to know why people act and feel like they do. I didn’t jump through hoops to get the story to any point, even the dog. Any comments or feedback are welcome and can be left through my...

4 years ago
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VIP at the gig

She looked at the VIP passes and wondering what he meant by ‘the rest of the crew’. She could barely manage the 3 guys she’d just taken, how was she going to do more?! Then a realisation hit her hard, the gig tickets were a birthday present from her boyfriend and he was taking her to the gig! ‘That’s it then, no more fun, but at least they can get into the VIP area in the arena, I just hope I don’t see the bodyguards!’ She thought to herself. The three days until the gig passed quickly but...

3 years ago
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Ugly DucklingChapter 3 Anniversary

My relationship with Kira, my roommate, was something of a whirlwind to me. Picture a freshman girl, at a university halfway across the country from the familiar surroundings of her hometown. Layer on top of that an insane upbringing that had convinced the girl that she was rather worthless and ugly. Finally, throw in her near-instant attraction to her sophomore roommate, a superbly beautiful campus studette, and the studette's sexual and highly erotic response to the girl. I was the girl,...

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First ContractChapter 3 Concept Proved

April 20, 1988 Physically, Okeke was a large man in every way possible. He had a large square head, with a broad flat nose and big eyes that seemed to bulge out. His neck was like that on a bull. He had wide muscular shoulders, a barrel chest, and thick waist. His upper arms were bigger than the thighs on most men. His hands were large and beefy. His legs were like tree trunks. His voice was deep, loud, and carried forever. He had learned early in life that if he wanted something, all he...

1 year ago
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Megans Revenge

My name is Tony Nash I am a 30 year old Production Engineer. My marriage is on the rocks and my wife and I have just gone through bitter separation as we went through the agony of applying for a divorce and separation of our few assets. Fortunately we had no children , although we had been married for five years. Marylyn my wife had an affair with her friends husband, for which she expected me to forgive her, she showed no remorse but actually implied she was going to carry on with the affair,...

Erotic Fiction
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 17

Entering high school fresh-persons are safest if they first don a cloak of invisibility. Unfortunately those don't come in my size. Being five foot nine and a half I stand out. I also have a terrible habit of getting myself into some extraordinary messes. I assume getting a pedophile thrown in jail just last Friday qualifies. After a mere three weeks at Central High, I am notorious. Having now arrived at Sunday morning, my boyfriend Greg, his younger sister, and I are emerging from my...

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The New Neighbor

Newlywed Norma Miller stepped out on her balcony, pouting and sniffing, feeling sorry for herself. Her husband of two weeks had hardly glanced at her this morning when she had worked extra hard to look good, wearing her sexiest babydoll and hoping he would take a few minutes to give her what she needed, sexual satisfaction, a fierce quickie, the kind she really loved, perhaps up against the door, a pleasant rape. She usually enjoyed being banged hard, always had, since she was fourteen or...

1 year ago
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Cindy and MeChapter 6

Cindy regarded the bedroom. "Looks romantic," she remarked. "What's more romantic than two and a half quarts of hot water?" I asked. "I can't think of anything. Can you?" I held up the aluminum nozzle. "You want me to use THAT?" "I do. I think you'll like it. I've tried it -- the thing heats up with the warmth of the enema water. The aluminum conducts the heat and the size of it ... It feels really good, trust me -- and it's kinda like the retention nozzle." "Looks like a...

4 years ago
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Teasing at a bar goes wrong

That Friday my loving husband was out of town on a business trip and I had got a free day at my office. After spending most of the afternoon home alone, I felt really horny…Then I decided to go out to a local bar. It was a rather low end place, filled with people who were at least rough around the edges; truckers, wanderers and other strange characters. I knew that I would get lots of stares going there and I wanted my ego boost of knowing that every man in that place would want to fuck me. I...

4 years ago
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Surreal Sex 8211 The Genesis

This story is about the normal Indian couple trying to explore the untouched aspect of their sexuality. We both are mature enough at age around 27. Both of us are in a well-settled job and residing in a metropolitan city. She lives with her family whereas I live alone. Both of us are very calm and composed to the entire world. She is free-spirited and cool, laughs at my silly jokes and puns. We both loved going out for food and traveling. No drama, no typical nagging. We love each other,...

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Bachelor Turns Bachelorette Slut

I was ass naked on my knees in a cleaning closet, my tuxedo in a pile on the floor, my long hair pulled high on my head into a girly ponytail, and my fat lips wrapped around my best man’s juicy cock. As I moaned and whimpered and slurped on his throbbing pole, he pulled on my ponytail. That sent electric shocks cascading down my scalp throughout my body, over my sensitive nipples and fluttering abdomen to my rock hard cock.Both of my small hands were slick with my saliva as I stroked his dick...

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backstage at the Jazz Club

This story happened to me a few years ago, I had just left college and moved to a bigger city with more of a live music scene. I met Jeff playing for a singer from out of town when his friend got sick and couldn't go on the road. We came off stage and Thalia sat at the table I the far corner they reserve for guests of the band. As she scooted out from the table, I got a quick glance up her short skirt. Her thick thighs were shaven, and they were fat and juicy. The dress was form fitting with a...

1 year ago
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Freaks Gone Wild 77000

Do you enjoy getting fucking freaky? Almost as much as watching others get freaky? Now what about watching the hottest black people getting their fuck on and making you wish that you could slide into the middle of the action? You know, like a fucking piece of salami inside of blackened catfish sandwich?If that sounds awesome to you, then I urge you to fucking follow No, you won’t find a particular porn star or model that is behind this Twitter account. Instead, it’s...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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A Summer Job

The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while they went on vacation. Around the middle of July, a couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood called to see if I was available to watch their...

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Housewife Entertained Unwanted Guest

Hi guys and girls this Yogita again. I am married woman with no child, I am fair looking with 32D-25-35 Thanks a lot for your feedback for my earlier story. My inbox got flooded with mails. I am thankful for all those love shown by readers. Due to lot of mails I may have missed some to reply, extremely sorry for that. I kindly request readers to read my earlier story to understand the back ground. At morning when I woke up, found myself nude alone on bed. I wondered where the watchman has...

2 years ago
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Hello readers Again Sonia is here with a new story sent by Jehha ajay and i am writing story in her own words ,With out wasting ur time straight away to story I am Jehha Ajay(Ajay my husband) i am 35 married lady with one baby girl of 11 .i am 5.6 milkey white ,round face,cute juicy lips and good cute hands and feet my figure is 36.24.38 i got a bid round ass when walking in choureedar ,every body looks at my ass moments am married by 13 years my hubby is in garmnet busniss so many times on...

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Showing Off the Wife

One of the highlights of a happy marriage is having a cooperative wife willing to turn some your wild fantasies into reality. I remember confessing to my wife when she was in a state of arousal after some playing around that I would love to see her some time half naked in a bar we occasionally visited. She was pretty turned on by our play and surprisingly said alright if you really wish this to happen. The next time we went out to this particular place she wore a black skirt covering up half...

2 years ago
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Inhibitions What If She Finds Out

Lee’s cock was still twitching when he pulled it out of the doll’s wet pussy. He posed her so that she was on her back with her legs bent and spread wide, his cum dripping from her life-like cunt. Wow! That was pure pleasure! I have got to have the real Clara, thought Lee, while he caressed her body. His obsession with the real Clara was beyond a glorified latex masturbatory toy. He tried to think of an excuse to go back to the store. There has to be a way to make Clara be my master, Lee...

3 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 64

I didn't tell Wilson why I wanted to go to the B&B that night. It was to meet Brian. I wasn't sure that I would do anything else, but I was willing to at least meet him. It didn't hurt that I was heading into two weeks of very busy days and probably lonely nights. I could use a little relaxation, so maybe Brian would be it. Wilson and I went out to eat in a real restaurant on Jefferson island before we went to the piano bar. Wilson had spent the better part of the week trying to mend...

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