Onlyfan's LiaChapter 2 - An Orchard Is Proposed free porn video

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It was a couple of weeks later that Lia came knocking on my door to invite me round for a cup of tea. That wasn’t so unusual as we’d gotten into the loose habit of sharing a meal in a local pub of a weekend and the odd evening in each other’s garden, drinking cider, and just chatting about nothing. Lia’s really easy company at the best of times, but when she’s wearing short dresses or a bikini? Yeah, doesn’t hurt a bit. Funny thing is though that since I was now so familiar with how she looked nude, I kind of enjoyed seeing her dressed.

Anyway, as we walked into her kitchen I saw there was a fairly substantial box, closed but already unsealed, intriguingly perched on the table.

“Jim? Can I ask you something?” Lia said nonchalantly as she flicked on the kettle, waving me to take a load off.


“I know you’re one of my toptiers, but you wouldn’t happen to be PP19EE67CL would you?”

I shook my head. “That’s not me,” I said, telling her the username I had registered with OnlyFans as.


“You don’t sound all that surprised.”

“I’m not, but I wanted to be sure,” she said as she got to work with tea-pots and tea-leaves and tea-cups while I watched and alliterated some hyphens on her behalf.

“Sure of my username? I’m just guessing here, but is it because of what’s in the parcel?” I asked as I contemplated Chekhov. No, not Pavel.

Lia nodded. “It is. That, and the hundred quid tip I got.”

“The what?”

Lia smiled. “Surprised me too. You know that I posted the Mister Puzzle photos last weekend, and I sent you the ‘tail photo’ that I sent to the toptiers? Jim, I think we’ve unleashed a monster.”

“We have?” I smiled, not sure how much ‘we’ there was in all of this. They didn’t come for the photographer, after all.

Lia nodded as she set our drinks on the table and sat down opposite. Knowing the importance of tea to Lia as well to me, all conversation was temporarily halted as we each took a moment to sip and sigh contentedly before she continued. “So the sub who sent me Mister Puzzle? He sent me a tip. I never get tips. Okay, I’ve had the occasional $10 for Christmas but otherwise? Nada. Jim, he sent me a hundred fucking quick! I double-checked, but yeah, it was him. Sends me Mister Puzzle, never asks ‘when’, just waits for me to ever use him, I send him one of the uniques of us that’s a bit racy, one with a hint of fanny, and he tipped me a hundred! I mean... fuck!”

I chuckled. “Sounds quite the subscriber,” I said, amusing myself wondering how much he would have tipped for a ‘full fanny’ photo.

“Oh he’s something, all right, but actually I feel kind of guilty about it, a bit, anyway,” Lia said.

“Guilty? Why?”

“He didn’t get anything extra. He sent me a hundred and he just got the same unique that went to a dozen others.”

“And you’ve no other uniques you could send him? Not necessarily Mister Puzzle even?”

Lia laughed. “I do and he is absolutely going to be getting something personally unique ... but that’s where the parcel fits in. Take a look,” she said as she settled back to enjoy her drink and watch my reaction.

Putting my cup safely out of the way, I pulled the parcel closer to me and flipped the lid.

“Oh,” I said as I looked in the box, looked up, and looked into Lia’s amused eyes.

“N-oh shit, Sherlock,” Lia grinned.

Turning my attention back to the box, first out was a pair of furry ears, set on a headband, and quite realistic looking, even having little wispy hairs sticking up from the points. The fur was quite a good match for Lia’s washed out but natural blonde and you could see how well they would fit her. Next came the tail, and I was still checking it out and confirming that it was faux fur but good faux fur when the end of the tail thudded onto the table.

Two words.

Butt. Plug.

“Wow,” I said as I looked from it to Lia.

“Haha, yeah, that’s a wow right there, that’s what that is.”

“Also quite the thing to send someone.”

“Not gonna argue that,” Lia said. “Oh, and for what it’s worth it’s only my second ever gift. First was Mister Puzzle, and now those.”

“That’s some escalation.”

Lia nodded. “Escalation. A furry tail on a butt plug. I guess you could call that an escalation all right. I mean Mister Puzzle’s one thing, but it’s sure as fuck an escalation to go from a cute plush dragon-boy to a tail that he’s sent knowing that if I take any photos wearing it it means there’s a butt plug jammed up my arsehole.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“Kind of amused.”

“Amused?” I asked, confused by the swerve she was taking. Not offended. Not all that shocked, it seemed. But amused?

“You know the old joke? Guy offers you £10,000 for a fuck. You damn right I’ll fuck you for ten grand. He then offers you £10. You ask him what kind of a person he thinks you are. He says he knows what you are, you’re just haggling about the price. That’s me. I’m the girl being offered a hundred to stick that up my arse. And be photographed, let’s not forget that part.”

“Of course,” I said, stalling for time a little. “Thing is, Lia, you’re sure that’s what he was after, that you having that ... there, that was his primary objective? You don’t think that maybe he just wanted you to be as realistic a catgirl as you could be, and that’s the most realistic way there is to wear a tail?”

“Jim, please tell me you don’t think animal’s tails come out of their arses?”

I chuckled. “Of course not but you know what I mean. So what are you going to do about it?”

“Not sure. I suppose I could wear a belt or shorts or something, jam that down the back of my shorts and be a topless catgirl...”

“Forgive the pun, but I feel there’s a ‘but’ coming.”

“Har-har. Yeah, there’s a ‘but’, and that ‘but’ is that it feels like I’m cheating.

“You feel like you have to do it and go ‘full tail’? Because of the hundred quid?”

Lia shrugged. “Don’t know. I’ve had this a couple of days now and I still don’t know. The money’s nice, but I don’t like to feel like I’m being bought.”

I nodded. “And the money’s definitely to get you to wear the outfit? It’s not as a tip? For the photo, whatever the photo is?”

Lia sighed. “I mean I guess it could be, but does it feel like that to you because it sure doesn’t feel like that to me.”

“Maybe your surprise at being sent those and how you wear them, maybe it’s colouring your perspective?”

“Are you always so reasonable?”

“No, but I work a lot with emails and messages, and it’s easy to get the wrong impression about someone. I’ve a colleague in another studio. I always used to think his emails were short, but then we met at a jolly one time and I got to understand he has a sense of humour so dry it’s arid. I read it one way, he wrote it another. We met and it got sorted, but you can’t do that so, well, it might be a miscommunication and he’s just tipping you in advance?”

“I guess you could be right and it could be that, and anyway, it’s not like there’s a chance in hell he’s getting a photo of me from behind. Not bending over, anyway. I don’t do fanny shots as it is, so I’m sure as fuck not doing a ‘see which hole it’s in’ photo.”

“So that’s plenty of what you’re not going to do, but what are you going to do about it Lia?”

“Interesting question. I think I’m going to do it - with your help as my photographer, of course - but I’m not doing it for him and I’m not even doing it for the hundred.”


“Jim, I’m curious. This is way outside of my limits, and I mean really far outside my limits, and that’s why I’m curious to try. Can I do it? Can I make it look good? Can I not look like I’m worried I’ve got a plug stuck up my bum? How the hell do you even walk with one of those stuck up your arse? You know, the whole thing.”

“You sound like you’ve never dressed up before?”

“Not really my thing. I like dressing up, but that’s pretty dresses and, er, frilly...” she answered, blushing a little as she accidentally revealed more than she’d intended.

“Got it. So you’ve not done cosplay before? I don’t mean as a catgirl, but any kind of cosplay at all?”

“Nope, I’ve never cosplayed and I’ve absolutely never gone full furry before.”

I chuckled. “Full furry?”

Lia shrugged. “What else do you call ears and a plug up your arsehole? That’s full furry to me, haha. Anyway, that still leaves the problem of I’m not sure how I’ll do it.”

“Sorry?” I asked, not sure how the term ‘butt plug’ left a lot of ambiguity.

Lia, it seemed, was on another wavelength. “I mean whether or not it’s a thing I would do or can do, it’s not something I think I want on my OnlyFans. Jim I really don’t feel like I want to mix up things between the furry and plushie. I know Gobbledygook is into both but I’m not sure how many of my other subs are, and I don’t want to lose however many of them it might cost if I bring catgirls into that space. Haha, I’m a plushies are for life girl. Catgirls? Might only be a one-off.”

“So if you’re only fluffy-curious,” I began, Lia tipping me a nod in acknowledgement of my own turn of phrase. “Why not just shoot a couple for the donor and leave it at that?”

Lia shook her head. “I could, God knows he’s already paid enough for that at least, but it got me thinking. Is there a market for my catgirl photos?”

“Seriously? Is there likely to be a market on the internet for cute nude blondes dressed up as a catgirl? Gee, let me think...”

Lia smiled. “Yeah, I guess I deserved that. Thing is, though, even though he’s sent me a hundred to go with them, shooting just a handful for Gobbledygook still feels kind of cheap.”


“Know how much something like those costs?

“Not a clue.”

“Same. So I did a little Googling. Private session because I don’t want that to come up in my search history, haha. Nice set like this? Jim, it cost about the same as the tip that came with it.”

“Seriously? Sorry, that came out wrong. I’m not doubting you or anything–”

“Never thought you were,” Lia interrupted.

“Thanks, but it’s just I had no idea how much those would cost. Wow,” I said. “So you seem like you’re committed, at least to trying the whole catgirl thing out, but you sound like you’re planning on shooting a full set, not just a couple or few specials for ‘Gobbledygook’?”

Lia nodded. “I think I am, yes.”

“But you don’t want to mix them with your bears and plushies photos?”

Lia shook her head.

“Can’t you just create a tack-on tier for your catgirl photos? Maybe even start another OnlyFans just for them?”

Lia shrugged. “No idea. I’ve just got the ‘basic’ and ‘DMs’, never needed anything else. A furry tier? I like that. It’s just, I don’t want to cut the toptiers and regular DM buyers out of something when they’re already paying for the ‘full English’ as it is. Feels greedy.”

“Why? Isn’t the furry something new? So you wouldn’t be cutting them out of something because it isn’t something we’ve, er, they’ve subbed up for? If you’re really that worried, though, why not start a Patreon for the furry, keep your plushies on OnlyFans, and let each know about the other? Maybe discounts for those who sub to both?”

Lia looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled. “Damn I’m glad you’re on the payroll, I like it. Yeah. Okay, so say we do this and I go furry on Patreon and keep the bears’n’plushies on OnlyFans, what can I do that’s different for Patreons?”

“Not sure I follow. You mean not using your name?” I asked, pretty sure that wasn’t what she meant.

Lia shook her head. “No, I’m keeping my name, it’s kind of my brand, haha. No, what I was thinking was how do I make furry different from plushie? I don’t want it to be obvious that I take the photos in the same place for both, y’know, like those films where they do a sweary and a non-sweary version of a scene with the same camera angles and everything and then we you see both you feel kind of off about it.”

“Okay, so what about shooting in another room?”

Lia shook her head. “Love to. Where’s that, though?”

I thought about it for a moment. We shared the same house layout, and if her studio was for the bears, I couldn’t see where else she could ‘go furry’ without it causing a lot of upheaval and paracetamol for the headaches it would bring. “It’s a shame your garden isn’t more secluded or you could shoot some there, at least in the summer,” I said, our houses being Victorian mews on the edge of town with long, slender, and crucially easily overlooked gardens.

Lia smiled. “Jim I can’t do that out there, not nude,” she hissed, genuinely shocked at the idea. “What if someone saw me?”

“Sorry. I was just thinking aloud. Klunkily.”

“It’s okay. It’s got to be a bit confusing, here I am making a career out of selling my nudes on the internet, but I won’t even sunbathe nude in case a neighbour might see,” she said, pausing a moment to smile ironically at me. “Although if it wasn’t in my garden ... Okay, so, hear me out. You drive. Pretty please? I wear a nice big coat, maybe even the ears as well ‘cause who cares about those especially if we’re in your car. We go find some secluded little spot, there’s plenty around here, we make sure we’re really alone, I go frolic, you take the photos, we move on to the next place, rinse and repeat, taking advantage of the sunshine to get enough shots for lots of sets that’ll last through to next summer if needs to, at least enough to keep the Patreon ticking over as we see if this flies or not. What do you think?”

“What do I think? I think it’s a great idea with a couple of problems, however. The first is I don’t know how to use your camera out of the studio and I’d have to do it all on my own, no-one to hold the reflectors or whatever, meaning you might be spending a lot of time working the photos over afterwards to get the light right that wasn’t. The other is, when were you planning to do this? I work weekdays, and weekends might not be so private...”

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 3

That winter Buster died. He was curled up in his dog bed, and looked like he was still sleeping, but he was gone. He was old. They'd gotten him for Jill when she was four so he was old, but everybody kind of expected he had a couple more years left in him. I was the one who noticed, because he always lifted his head and wagged his tail when I walked into the mud room, where his bed was. When he didn't, I investigated. I admit I freaked out a little bit. I'd never had a pet, and I'd never...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 12

The rest of the afternoon was spent much as in any family gathering where a stranger is present. There was a mixture of politely asking the stranger questions about himself, his family and so on, and pretending to accept him into the family while waiting on him at the same time. Nobody else in the family was getting waited on, which is what made it seem a little off kilter somehow. And Zack didn't expect to be waited on, which meant he offered to do things. When it came time to get supper...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 15

I woke with a bladder so full and painful that it demanded instant attention. There was no choice but to extricate myself from her arms and get to the john quickly. She mumbled, but then just rolled onto her face when I left the bed. Her naked backside seemed to rise a bit, as if she was trying to wiggle to her knees for some reason. When I returned, she hadn't moved. I stared at her soft butt and thought about what to do. I was sure, at this point, that if I played with her, she'd be more...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 5

I don't know how often you've had a sexual fantasy about a woman, or a COUPLE of women, masturbated to completion while engaged in those fantasies ... and THEN sat down to eat with them. It had never happened to me, and I almost couldn't figure out how the heck to act. It showed too, because Lynne stared at me, frowning. She couldn't look at my lap, because I was sitting down by then, but I got the distinct impression she would have, if she could have. Jill seemed completely unconcerned...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 6

In February, Jill suddenly stopped flitting around like a butterfly and started going out exclusively with a boy named Langston Carter. He was a senior and they went out somewhere about every other week. The rest of the time she'd go to his house, or he'd come to hers. If there was a dance, they went together. But she never talked about him. I saw him at the house several times, and he seemed like a nice kid. He didn't paw Jill, or act territorial around her. I asked Lynne what he was...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 7

The brandy was good. It was very sweet, so sweet that a small glass lasted me half an hour. Lynne took bigger sips, and took them more often and by the time I poured my second glass the bottle was a third empty. I think she regressed, at least partly. She was thinking about her own Prom night, and what happened in the back seat of that car, but it was being overlaid with later memories of the same activity. She got horny and the brandy got her loose. "My daughter is probably in the back...

4 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 8

My prick gave another convulsive lurch in Lynne's pussy, as the tableau froze, and then began moving again. "SHIT!" yelled Jill, as she obviously recognized me and lowered the poker. "SHIT!" yelled Lynne in almost exactly the same tone and volume. "AHHHHHH," I groaned as I spurted one last time. "MOM!" yelled Jill, in that tone of voice that makes it perfectly clear that the mother in question has GREATLY disappointed the daughter yelling the word. "JILL!" moaned Lynne, in...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 9

Jill looked so desolate that I finally told her she could come too, but had to follow us at a distance until we had talked things out. That meant she dawdled fifty yards behind us as Lynne and I walked down the driveway to her house and then along the road. I mean a decision had to be made, and Jill would find out about it one way or another, so making her wait back at the house would have just been mean. I was proud of myself for being able to think in a rational manner in this kind of...

3 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 12

I think the turning point was when... No. Wait. This whole story is full of turning points. The coincidences in our three lives had brought us to turning points dozens ... hundreds ... maybe thousands of times. So there was no primary turning point. So what I should have said was that one of the turning points I actually saw and recognized AS a turning point, was when Lynne blinked, and kind of stuttered: "We're all naked!" Now I don't know if I, being a man, just got used to nudity a...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 13

Having talked about doing this was one thing. Making a plan to do this was one thing. Cheating on that plan in secret was one thing. But going into that bathroom, knowing that Lynne was out there, and that she knew what was going to happen ... well it was just about bizarre enough that I almost couldn't perform. Well, maybe saying I "almost couldn't perform" is a bit of an overstatement. I stood there in the bathroom thinking about Lynne and watched Jill get naked. She ignored me and...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 15

To my knowledge, nobody has ever done a book about the conversations women in polygamous marriages have when the husband isn't around. It's probably fair to say there is a seniority system amongst the wives, whether it's formal or not. And the social structure under which polygamy exists probably doesn't matter all that much. By that I mean it probably doesn't matter whether the family is from one of the tribes of deepest Africa, a Muslim tradition, a Mormon sect, or whatever. I suspect...

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Proposed By Sagista ---------- She explained it carefully to me several times. She wanted me to be fully aware of what it was I was getting into. I suppose any other man, especially a twenty-eight year old woodsman like myself, would have laughed at the young girl's proposition, if he would have bothered listening to any of it at all. Yet I suppose something about the girl made me feel sorry for her, and so I listened and was intent on humoring her little proposal, knowing full and...

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Ms Orchards Second Night in the Cabin

Julie Orchard lay in her bed; she was dissatisfied, not only with being snowed into a cabin but with her life. Only five years ago she had been in the Olympics, a rising star, and had been performing the routine of her life. The routine would have locked in at least silver for her team and may have gotten her onto the stand as well. Instead she landed badly, destroyed her knee and adding insult to the career ending injury, the loss of her points and a teammate’s bad performance left her off the...

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Everyone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...

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OnlyFans girls have exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. They have been an instant hit with many guys, such as myself. What can I say? I’m a sucker for real amateur girls showing me their pussies! I can’t help it! Before OnlyFans, we had cam girls, and before those, we had porn. We still have all those things, so it might be the case that something else is better for you instead of OnlyFans. But, if you’re like me and you like following hot girls online and waiting for them to...

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The Day I Proposed

I looked down at Simone sleeping softly beside me and could hardly believe my good fortune. Just hours ago we had been married…a union that, until six months ago, seemed virtually impossible. Oh, I had tried and tried, but she was enamored with another just as much as I was enamored with her. Over the years I had remained around the family, loving her every moment, doing what I could for her, caring for her children, seeing to as much of their needs as I could. Call me a friend, call me a...

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A Good ManChapter 28 A Plan Proposed

Of all the boy’s toys I treated myself to after getting my inheritance, my favourite was definitely my smartphone. It was one of those cool touch-screen ones that let you browse the internet and pick up your e-mails, download all sorts of weird and wonderful apps and take great photos, as well as make and receive calls, texts and picture messages. The trouble was the battery life was terrible. It only just made it through the day—and sometimes not even that long. I’d taken to switching it off...

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Proposal by Vickie Tern At first I didn't think Tiff had even heard me -- she just looked at me, her face registering nothing. So I proposed it again, a lot more earnestly, this time as if I were on one knee and proposing marriage. Which I was, in my own mind, and she knew it too. She knew that was my eventual intention, though I knew her answer now would be 'Sorry, no!' or at best 'Larry, you're wonderful and all, but I'm not ready ....' She simply...

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A Modest Proposal

A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR PREVENTING THE SONS OF POOR PEOPLE IN CHINA FROM BEING A BURDEN TO THEIR PARENTS OR COUNTRY, AND FOR MAKING THEM BENEFICIAL TO THE PUBLIC by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 1999 Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to Fictionmania to archive this. With this and any of my other works, please write to me for other permissions. --------------------------- It is indeed a sad state of affairs to...

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The Kennedys 2122 Large Proposals

I flew down to L.A. with Kiki again. This time we were met at the airport by Jade, who expressed surprise to find me in tow. Jade was different from the average porn star I'd met before. First, she was driving an old Geo Metro, so I guessed frugal. She was also bigger than the average porn star, she was what is known as a "BBW" it seems, "Big Beautiful Woman." I wouldn't argue with any part of that label; she had humongous boobs which wobbled temptingly. She was also black, or...

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Part 3 Within The Lab A Business Proposal

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Introverts Indecent Proposal

“Fire. There is a fire in the kitchen. Please leave,” a timid voice stuttered after she opened the door to our cubicle. I looked at Molly, she looked back at me: we both stared at the embarrassed privacy intruder and waited for the punch line. I looked beyond the member of staff towards the café’s window. There, I saw the reflection of the flames in the kitchen. This was no joke.Molly and I abandoned our drinks and snacks in the cubicle. We made our way towards the usual exit. En route, we...

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Option Two the Edwardian Proposal

Option Two: the Edwardian Proposal by Jill Crokett (copyright 2004, Jillian Victoria Crokett) Early in 2019 the people of earth were stunned into collective numbness atthe epiphany of their first discovery of extraterrestrial life in the universe;and a far superior life at that. At 3:15pm on the afternoon of Tuesday, February8 th , an unbelievably huge object that would soonbecome known to all humans as an Edwardian Starship appeared to hover motionlessover Ayer's Rock in the hot summer...

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Sex Before Proposal

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A Different Proposal

Hi I’m Nikhil This is a story about me and my collage friend name Nanda ( Name changed). It’s a triangle romantic story . Her name is Nanda height 5.2 feet with good curved body and attractive face. Watching her body makes any on horny. She is sensitive and sentimental and can’t even resist if I miss behave with her. It happened before 5 years from now when I was doing my MBA in one of top college in Hyderabad. We have a freshment from different part of India. It goes for a month for all of us...

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The Proposal

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A Betting Proposal

Well, before this started, let me rewind the story and look back into a little history between us. Luther and I have been best friends for 5 years. Actually, more like best friend for benefits. We would have casual sex once in a while when we were singles. But if any of us got a partner, we would temporarily forgo the 'benefit' part, until we both hit back our single lives. Nevertheless, we were never a couple. Friends forever! We were at the bar a few days ago, talking, bitching and...

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Business Proposal

At last, we fill our cups with fresh coffee. Sitting across from her at the table, I watch her fingers as they reach around the cup, holding the cup between her palms, cupping the mug gently. I watch her lips as she moves the mug to her mouth slowly, gently wrapping her lips on the edge of the mug. I see her grasping my cock, pulling it to her waiting mouth, tongue extending beyond her lips to lick the head of my monster cock. She suctions her lips to my cock, sucking any pre-cum from the...

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The Wrestling Proposal

I couldn't help but laugh. "Are you serious right now Brittany?""Yes I'm serious. I want to fight you." She said with a smirk. She was standing up in the living room looking down at me on the couch while I was trying to play Halo 4. She had on what could only be described as an outfit that one would work out in. It consisted of a top that was like a smaller, thinner sports bra and a pair of booty hugging boy shorts, both the same color and both bright orange. I paused the game for a minute to...

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