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Proposed By Sagista ---------- She explained it carefully to me several times. She wanted me to be fully aware of what it was I was getting into. I suppose any other man, especially a twenty-eight year old woodsman like myself, would have laughed at the young girl's proposition, if he would have bothered listening to any of it at all. Yet I suppose something about the girl made me feel sorry for her, and so I listened and was intent on humoring her little proposal, knowing full and well that it was sheer and utter nonsense. What it was, she wanted me to do, was pure folly to consider with any seriousness in the least, let alone comprehend how such a thing could even be possible. If it were possible, I should think any man in his right mind would have the poor child taken right away to the village council and put on trial for practicing witchcraft, but as it was I was in good spirits today, it being my twenty-eighth birthday and my wood chopping complete three hours sooner than usual. Her claimed age was deceiving, for at one moment as the light beamed brightly through the forest and landed delicately upon her slender form, she appeared at least sixteen years of age, maybe older, but in the next moment as she stepped closer to me and became enveloped in a pool of shade, she appeared to me as a girl ten years younger, that is, a girl of age six. I thought at once it must be my eyes playing tricks on me. After all, I had been working hard all day. Perhaps the sun was getting to me. Yet there she was, a girl aged six years, perhaps, and not a day older. No matter the age, she still had the same pretty blue eyes and curly auburn hair. The same lovely pink dress with little white frills, white stockings, and black buckled flats. She stepped closer and the sunlight once again enveloped her, and she stood there at age sixteen once more. She held out her right hand to me and I saw a shiny brass ring upon her finger. "It's your birthday today, isn't it?" she asked. "Yes." How she knew this when I hadn't told her was a mystery among the other mysteries wrapped up in this strange and lovely child. "Mine too," she said, beaming a smile up at me. What it was, she wanted me to do, was impossible as anything I could imagine. Simply put, she desired to exchange places with me, to take my life, my body over as her own, and in return allow me to take her life and body over as my own. She explained she was under the spell of a magic ring, the same ring she now displayed there before me as she held out her hand so my eyes could glimpse it there glinting brightly in the sunlight. She explained that she was once a great magician named Finnily Smorton but was tricked into wearing the cursed ring. "It only works if the two people have the same birthday," she explained. She further explained that it only works on that same birthday and that the reason I was now seeing her form change from sixteen to six and back again is that the ring is trying to entice me into its curse. To lure me, as it were, and it seemed to me that it was indeed doing just that. Luring me into going along with the girl's wishes of trading bodies. All I had to do was remove the ring from her hand and place it upon my own. "And why should a man desire such a thing?" I asked, trying best to hold back my laughter at her proposal. "Why would a man give up his natural born rights and social status to become a creature such as you? Why should a man desire to lower himself to mingle as an equal of women and grovel at the feet of men?" "I need a male body," she explained. "I have to be a man again in order to get to my library. There are certain safeguards put in place to prevent me in my current form from going back and getting revenge on the wizard who tricked me into this ring's curse. Once the task of revenge is complete I shall come back to you and remove the curse and restore you to your proper form." "And how am I to trust you?" I teased, knowing full well I was going to go along with her little game anyway because it was, after all, an impossible thing for a man and a girl to exchange places. "All I can give you is my word." "Ah, but what good is that? Promises from a girl. Ha! Am I to also accept promises from horses and cows now as well?" "There isn't much time," she said. "You have already seen the ring . . . There isn't much time . . . I shan't be made to beg, sir, but if you do not do this thing for me, I fear I shall have to wait another year longer before I gain another chance such as this." "Beg." "It belittles me so . . . but if it will help you decide, then so be it." She got down on her hands and knees and pleaded with me now. I decided I'd had my fun with her, and it was time to humor her little game and do as she asked, that is to take the ring from her hand and place it upon my own. As I touched the ring I felt a cold chill bite into my hand. A stabbing cold chill of winter rushed up my arm and I stepped quickly away with a start. "Please sir," she cried. "There is but ten minutes time from whence you laid eyes upon it for you to decide. Time is nearly up." Yet now my tune had indeed changed, for no longer was this just a child's game she was playing with me, no, this was a vile and deceitful trap carefully laid out by this little witch! "It IS magic!" I said and spat at the ground. "Filthy witch! You almost had me fooled into your devil's trap!" And just then, time indeed ran out and she returned to her proper form, which was of course that of an old white haired hag in gray rags. She rose to her feet and hissed and clawed at the air, as if that were enough to scare a grown man such as myself. "The curse is true, and a curse on you," she chanted, tossing some foul smelling orange dust in my face. She blinded me temporarily with her trickery, blinded me just long enough to make her escape, and a good thing for her too, because I would have strapped her to a tree and burned the old hag right on the spot. She was gone, but at my feet among the orange dust she tossed at me I saw a slender little ring. A silver ring. A woman's ring. I seriously doubted if such a ring really had a curse upon it, but even so I knew well enough not to place it upon my own hand as one could never be sure when dealing with witch's artifacts. It would still probably fetch me a well sized bag of copper if I sold the ring, so I decided to pick it up and place it in my pocket for safekeeping. ___-----___ That evening in the tavern a balding old man with a long, pointy white beard came over and sat down at my table. He wore silky purple robes with strange symbols spotted about in strange patterns. He stroked his beard and said,"I happen to know you came into the possession of a certain ring today." "What of it?" I asked. "And how do you even know such a thing?" He tapped the side of his temple with his pointer finger. "Oh, I know a great deal about a great many things, my young fellow, but let us skip all that and get down to business. I want the ring . . . and I will gladly pay you twenty-five golds for it." Twenty five! That was indeed more than I expected for such a piece of jewelry as a simple silver woman's ring. If he was willing to pay that much, perhaps he'd pay me double that, or triple, or- "Twenty-five is all you'll get," he interrupted me from my thoughts. "Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure I can't get more from somewhere else?" "Because," he said. "To anyone else it's hardly worth the silver its made from, but to me it holds sentimental value and would go well with other examples in my collection." "If it's worth so much, offer me double then." "Bah! It's got a curse on it, woodsman. You're lucky I offer you anything at all to take it off your hands. Any man of knowledge about what that ring can do would gladly come to me and pay me double for what I offer you now. Why should I be so generous? If you want your curse, have it then, but remember this: you had your chance." He got up to leave but I held my hand out to his arm to stop him. He sat back down and smiled. "Changed your mind, then, did you?" he asked stroking his beard. "Close," I said and he frowned. "What do you mean?" "I want more answers first," I replied and took a swig of my ale. "Like?" "Like what is this curse exactly, and how do you know so much about a witch's ring unless you're a warlock?" He laughed at that and shook his head and stood up to leave once more. "Hold on," I said. "Hold on? And allow myself to be insulted by someone who clearly cannot distinguish between a warlock and a wizard?" he asked. "No, no, no, my young man, you are mistaken if you think I shall stand for such things. I can get my ring elsewhere I suppose . . . Oh, what a pity it shall be, though, for me to have to search for another like it for my collection. I doubt if I should ever find another one just like it the rest of my life." This time he did leave, and leave for good, for by the time I got outside the tavern to try and stop him, he had completely vanished. ___-----___ I went home to my cabin, which I shared with my friend, brother, and fellow woodsman and hunter, Arn. "Evening Mick," my brother greeted me with a wave as he sat at one end of the table eating his supper, which was a big plateful of stew, vegetables, bread and some wine on the side to wash it down with. I sat down opposite him and helped myself to a plateful of stew. "Evening," I said, eating my meal with one hand while turning the ring over in my vest pocket with the other. I was indeed curious now about this curse and what would happen should someone slip the ring on their finger this night, that is the eve of my birthday, and also the birthday of my twin brother, Arn. For I wondered if the curse worked this day and this day alone, if it might also work on my brother as equally as it would on myself. The thought seemed evil at first. What a terrible thing for one brother to do to the other, but would it be so terrible a thing after all? I would be free from all the time being mistaken for my brother, and he, too, for myself. We were both tall, at least six feet in height, and both built strong and muscular from our trade, that is of woodcutting. We each had dark brown eyes and short black hair. Each equally handsome I suppose in his own right, yet also equally unable to marry a woman as women didn't trust us, identical twin brothers, in being faithful and honest. After all, word did get around after I got caught walking down the isle with my brother's bride and ruined both his and my own reputation from that time onward. Since then no woman has trusted us, but with Arn out of the way . . . but not entirely out of the way . . . I might be free from that distrust that women hold against me. I might be able to go on living in my brother's place, and be the good brother for a change, and get a chance at marriage once more. "How's things?" he asked. "Couldn't be better," I said cracking a smile. ___-----___ It was late, and Arn already was fast asleep in his bed on the other side of the cabin. I snuck over and slipped the ring on the index finger of his right hand. I waited and waited but nothing happened. If anything my brother only snored louder now that I'd shifted his body a bit in order to get the ring on his hand. Why didn't it work? It was a hoax, that's why. It wasn't cursed after all. I took the ring back off his finger. "One o'clock and all is well!" a minuteman announced outside from down the street. "One o'clock and all is well!" "Huh?" my brother said opening his eyes and seeing me standing there before him. "What's going on?" "Um . . . Like it?" I asked embarrassed, waving the ring about quickly so he couldn't tell it was a woman's ring. I quickly put it on my finger and held my hand out and waved it about. "Wha?" he said and yawned, blinking his eyes. "Oh, neat, but now's not the best time for that, Mick. Show me in the morning when I'm not so tired, okay?" "Okay, good-night then. Sorry." "Good-night." I walked over to my bed and stood there for a moment trying to remove the ring, but it wouldn't budge. My heart stopped for a moment and I suddenly felt really, really sick. The curse may be real after all! I yanked and twisted the ring but it was no use. The ring was stuck firmly upon my finger and it wouldn't budge. Resigned to my fate, whatever it might be, and whatever the curse might bring it, I climbed in bed and decided to try and get some sleep and worry about the ring in the morning. ___-----___ I woke up late that morning and gazed across the room, noticing my brother had already gotten up and went out probably hours ago. I sat up, tossing the covers to one side and stepped out of bed . . . . . . and fell straight to the floor, landing on my hands and knees! Something terrible was wrong here. I felt as though I'd stepped right off a ledge and into a ravine. It startled me so bad I didn't at first notice the soft cries coming from a child somewhere off in a corner of the room someplace. I didn't notice it at first, but then as I caught my breath the cries stopped, and the distinct and sudden absence of the sound of that voice set me into a panic, and then the cries started again. "Who is that?" I asked, but nobody answered. Still on my hands and knees I turned my head about to see if I could locate where the cries were coming from. There she was, across the room, staring back at me in puzzled tears. Then it was all of a sudden that I remembered who she was. She was the same little girl I'd seen just yesterday afternoon in the forest. The same one with those same pretty blue eyes and that same familiar curly auburn hair. She was still wearing that same pink dress with little white frills, and she had on the same white stockings and black buckled flats. What struck me as exceptionally strange about her now was she, too, was on her hands and knees just as I was. "Who are you?" I asked, hoping against all hope she wasn't the witch. She ignored my question. Instead she mocked me by mimicking my words. "Leave me alone, witch!" I cried, but she quickly copied my exact words in unison with mine. Now here is something strange. When two people talk to one another, isn't it normal for there to be two distinct voices exchanging conversation? "I don't believe in your curses, witch!" No, there was only one voice here . . . The girl's voice, and not my own. Somehow through trickery this witch had stolen my voice and was now mocking my every attempt at speech! I stared at her and she stared back. I turned my head one way and another and she copied my every move. It was out of frustration with her that I finally brought up my hand to my chin to think out what to do next, and with that action I suddenly realized my chin was far too soft, whisker free, and delicately rounded to be my own. It was then that I realized the girl mocking me was in actuality my own reflection in the cabin mirror! My own NEW reflection! In a panic, I let out a scream. "You up and awake yet, Mick?" my brother asked from outside. Overcome with fear that my brother might discover me this way, I hurriedly crawled under my bed and huddled there in the shadows. I heard footsteps approach the door from outside. The door opened. "Mick? You okay? I thought I heard yelling . . ." I cringed as my brother started searching about the room. In a panic now I tugged at the ring, hoping its removal would change me back to normal, but the ring wouldn't budge. I was stuck! "Well, lookie what we have here!" my brother said peering under my bed and spotting me in my hiding spot. "And what is your name, little one, and what are you doing in someone else's house?" He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out from under the bed. As he did so he spotted the silver ring upon my finger. "Say, that looks familiar. Where did you get it?" he asked. Before I could answer though he easily slipped the ring off my finger so he could have a closer look. "My, my, my. Thieves are getting younger and younger these days, aren't they? Do you know this is my brother's ring? He showed it to me only last night. I'm sure this is the one, though it's a bit small. Maybe I'm wrong. It is a bit small, but it is of too high a value for a child such as you to carry about. I'm sure it's my brother's ring. I'm sure of it. I'll have to ask him. No, that's no good either. I know what I'll do. I'll accept it as payment for the troubles he's put me through." I was speechless. How was I going to change back now without the ring? "Where are your parents? Where do you live?" my brother asked, but I was too overcome with shock and fear to answer. What was I going to do? I'd become a little girl! How was I going to explain this to my brother, and even if I did, how was I going to make him believe I was his brother, Mick, transformed into a little girl? "Well, if you won't talk, I suppose I'll have to take you to the town council and see what they can do to help you get back with your parents. Come on," he said grabbing me by the hand and leading me outside. Just outside stood the witch. My brother didn't notice her standing there. It was as if she were only visible to me. She only mouthed the words silently this time. "The curse is true, and a curse on you." My brother led me past her and up the cobblestone road. A little cart passed us by. In it, a coffin. "Terrible news about the minuteman," my brother said. "They found him dead this morning, his timepiece stuck at midnight." The witch came into view as the cart passed by. Somehow she had made her way ahead of us. "One o'clock and all is well," she mouthed silently with a wicked grin. It was her last night. It was the witch! She had fooled me into thinking it was safe to don the ring. If I hadn't thought it was after midnight I would never have put it on my finger in such haste last night when my brother awoke. My brother led me up the road and we passed by the old man I'd seen in the tavern last night. He stroked his beard, looked right at my brother and began his proposition. "I happen to know you came into the possession of a certain ring today..." THE END

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A long time ago in a far away land, I was 18 and in my last year at school, you know, that Summer when it was always sunny and it never rained. The exams were over and you were waiting for the final judgment to decend from the Examination Board ( or is it bored...)My friend Don and I seemed to hang out together all day every day and most nights too. His parents were always out until the early our of the morning and we would spend many lovely hours naked together in his home. Of course we...

4 years ago
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HaremChapter 9 Acceptance

We can work together and make things very nice for all of us or we can do things the hard way and all being miserable. The next time I visited each girl had come to the realization that the world had listed them as dead. Oh there might be one or two who would continue to hope for their return but the reality was they were here to stay and live or die! It was very erotic and satisfying every time I was with one of the girls, and they seemed to be moving more toward enjoying the time with...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Girl

Well the weather has got warmer and I have been venturing out in my extreme heels, only to the local Express store, I have had a lot of comments from a gang of youth's that hang around the side of the building, on my way to and from the car.The tall black one is very loud,tends to fondle his crotch a lot.As the week wore on my usual trip for basics cigarettes and alcohol! became more fun, cheeky banter ensued."Its booty gal in the fuck me pumps" "Wanna cream her hot lips" "Spunk on her legs"...

2 years ago
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Sexy sheets

A warm breeze on her cool body, raking over naked, voluptuous breasts. Each is like a delectable jam bun, a perfect, perky nipple sits atop, budded in desire. She's lying on the bed, a sheet between her legs. The thin material offers a tantalising pressure, bringing pleasure to her freshly showered form. Excitement builds in her secret place, thanks to the whisper of fresh, cool sheets. Perhaps the feeling of refreshment won't last long in the warmth of such an evening. Already night is...

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Taboo sex with aunty3

Taboo sex with aunty-3After Sharmila aunty got a taste of two cocks at once she couldn't wait to add a third. Rajesh was excited to see his son fuck my aunt too. We decided the following weekend would be the best time to plan some fun. Sharmila aunty and I continued to have sex during the week but neither of us could wait for the weekend to get here. We invited Rajesh and his son Arun over for dinner and all of knew what would be for dessert except for Arun. The night finally came and Sharmila...

2 years ago
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Swallowed Carolina Sweets Khloe Kapri Double BJ Dream

Carolina Sweets & Khloe Kapri are cock lovers making their return to Swallowed. These natural blondes start off in a state of ecstasy as they each bend over to receive a deep tongue-fucking in their assholes. After their tight, shaved pussies are dripping with pleasure we put their mouths to work. Our gorgeous girls take turns rimming each other and then transition into cock sucking superheroes. Throats are stretched as Carolina & Khloe give a wet and wild double blowjob. Finally, these...

3 years ago
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Party Girl part 3 One side of story

I will tell this story in two parts as it is longer than before;It had again been about two months since we had been at our last party when we received am email from Sharron. She said she was planning a party in about two weeks and would we like to attend. She also said she had something special for this one. Ellen and I agreed to go and about ten days later we got an email with an address in one of the upscale neighbourhoods in TO. On the night we turned up and parked in the driveway of a...

5 years ago
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Sex With My Aunty Chithi

By: Karthikguru Hi everyone I’m a regular reader of ISS and his is a true story. I’m Karthik from Bangalore but I’m from Tamil Nadu aged 24 and with a massive 8 inches dick. I wish to update my one of experience that happened a year ago. I’m a graduate and after finishing my graduation I didn’t have in to any job. I was searching for job at that time after 4 month I got a good job in MNC Company during this four month my relative started discouraging me by telling that I’m useless.because of...

3 years ago
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Bhaanje Ke Saath Kara Sex

Hi dosto,mera naam Sameena hai and meri age 36 saal hai.Main ISS ki bahut badi fan hun.Main college k time se hi bahut hot and khoobsurat rahi hun.Main college time me Miss University and bahut saare doosre beauty competitions jeet chuki hun.Meri height 5 ft. 9 inch hai and meri taangein bahut lambi hain.Meri shaadi 21 ki age me hi ho gyi thi par 6 mahine baad hi mera divorce ho gaya and tabse lekar ab tak maine kabhi shaadi nahi kari.Main apni sex ki pyaas bujhaane k liye alag alag aadmiyo ka...

4 years ago
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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 10

“No,” I told him, a big grin on my face. “Damn!” he said, looking disappointed. “But…,” I giggled. “I have been thinking about your other request,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows up and down. “Which request was that?” he asked, looking confused. “Well since we don’t have a condom and I’m not on birth control, what other place could you fuck me and not risk knocking me up?” I asked, giving him a serious glance. His whole face lit up as the realization of what I meant sunk in. I nearly got my...

First Time
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Jennys niece

Jenny was 32 years of age and a photographer. Today she was waiting at her studio for her 16 year old niece Keisha, who was having a series of photos taken to create a portfolio for her budding modelling career. The studio had a table, couch, and small bed, along with a stage and backdrops. Jenny had set up the studio and had just finished arranging the lights when Keisha walked in.“Hi Keisha. How are you? Ready to have your photos done?"“Hi Jenny, I am fine. Yes ready to begin.”Keisha was...

2 years ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Lori 09142017

You wouldn’t think a party girl from Vegas would be too nervous before doing her first porn shoot, but Lori, our 21 year old ginger, seemed a little shy at first. It didn’t take long for that to change though once she got TC’s cock in her. She snuck away from her boyfriend for our little fuckfest and it turns out she is the wild child we thought she’d be. Even though she got a late start losing her cherry at 18, she’s had sex with over forty people (including the...

3 years ago
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Aunt Beth from www

The summer of "69" how well I remember it, just like it was yesterday. I was out on the patio, listening to the radio, Jefferson Airplane was on, the song "Someone to Love". I went in to grab a coke, my mother was on the phone. School was out for the summer as of today and life was good. Coming into the kitchen, Mom looked at me smiling. I went over to the fridge, opened the door and took out my bottle of coke. Grabbing the opener off the fridge I popped the cap off and turned looking ...

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Since I do not have any set hours for work I started coming in later and leaving later. One night I worked until midnight and decided to give the gym a try again. To my surprise there was no one there, not even one of the trainers. I changed then went to the free weight section and began to do some stretches before hitting the weights. About half way through my stretching a woman came out of the changing room. I figure she was in her late thirties. She wasn't one of those women that ate...

4 years ago
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The Closest Thing To Heaven

As Demi moved towards the innocuous black-painteddouble doors, Patricia’s words echoed in her mind.‘Honestly, Dem, it’s an experience that’s out of thisworld. It’s the closest you can get to heaven withoutactually having sex. What have you got to lose?’Nothing, Demi supposed, hesitating outside the doors.Nothing whatsoever. She could certainly do with someheaven in her life, particularly of the erotic variety. Butnow she was actually here, her courage was failing her.She hadn’t taken her...

4 years ago
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Early one morning

I work 12 hour shifts, days or nights, so I'm up at all hours. One morning, I was up at 4am to start at 6.30, so I had a quick cuppa then took the dog down to the park. It being September, it was very dark and very quiet. As I walked round the path, letting the dog do her business, I noticed a woman sitting on a bench under a street light. As I approached her, she said good morning, I replied in kind and we started to chat. 'She' was actually a CD, and she asked me if I minded her being dressed...

2 years ago
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Old man Hanson and Jade

Old man Hanson watched from his car window as she closed her door, her back towards him, showing off her large bouncy bum that was incased in a tight pear of black leggings. Her top half was barely covered by anything but a small tight sports bra. Her bright red hair tied in a tight pony tail that hung to her waist.She turned around and placed her headset on, she ran down the steps and did some small stretches before she began her run. Not wanting to scare her with his van, he climbed out and...

4 years ago
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Totally Chesty Tales Part 01

DISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I repeat a parody. With adult content. Because of that, people...

4 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 6

By ten o'clock next morning, Quentin felt fully restored. He rang down for coffee, happily aware that he had a solid hard on. It reminded him to take his first dose of Elixir. Marvellous stuff! Should I fuck the serving slave when she arrives, he asked himself? No... better hold back for the moment. One never knew what was coming up during the day. Certainly not Melissa. It would be all of thirty six hours before she was restored to her normal condition. I'll simply have to be patient said...

3 years ago
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The Convention Part 2

My wife loved to dress provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and went commando when we did go out. I might add she loved to flash men, and gave them a big thrill. Her breasts were just right, not so big; they sagged, but were more than enough to play with. She had a full figure with nice rounded hips, and sexy long legs completed a package that said, “Come fuck me.” Deana was a hot, sexy, woman, and as much as I gave it to her, she always seemed to want more. She especially loved the...

2 years ago
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Snow Angel

“Fuck it. Let the wind clean it off,” he thought as he opened the driver’s door and climbed in. He started pulling out of his parking lot, giving the truck gas to get all of the snow off, but it didn’t move. He tried to look out of the passenger window, but his view was blocked by snow. “God dammit!” he said aloud as he stopped in the middle of the driveway. Martin grabbed his snow brush and spent the next 5 minutes cleaning off his windows before getting back into the warm cab and...

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How I learned

Dear story readers. Thanks for responding my stories. As you all know most of the time I rewind my old encounters and make them spicier with fantasies. Here I am narrating a very old encounter and without any addition of incident. It’s very real happening of my life. I was just in the fourth year of my Engineering and I was working for a project. It was very tedious to prepare the project report. I use to work late in night so I always awake very late. Here let me tell you about my family...

4 years ago
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Suraksha Kee Pahlee Garam Chudeyee

Meraa naam Vinod haa par for writing hot stories I use my nickname – Suckhot. Mee delhi may rahtaa huu. Meraa mail id haa- apnee Orkut net friends see baat kar ke unkee sex encounters kee baraa mee zaankaree haaseel kartaa huu aur us par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa ap manee yaa naa manee yee aap par nirbhar kartaa haa. Niche likhee story bhee bilkul sach haa. Mee us story kee nayikaa Surakshaa kee munh see uskee garamaa garam pahlee Dhakaa dhak mote lund see...

2 years ago
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Finding Jonathan rewritten and revised

Just a little history about who I am. My father died when I was eight years old leaving my mother alone to raise six young children. There were three boys and three girls and I was stuck right in the middle, I wasn’t the oldest and relied on to take-charge, nor was I the youngest and looked after as the baby. I was just there in the middle and somewhat forgotten. My mother tried (on her own) for a few years to raise us and as far as I was concerned she did a pretty good job. But my mom...

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Student keyholder

And there he was, buckling over, gritting his teeth and trying to hide the pain. I had it confirmed. Dr. Oswalt had been glancing at his female students more and more over the past few weeks. I wasn't the first to notice. I remember Leanne pointing it out to me way back in October. But after that, it seemed obvious. He was constantly taking looks at my tits, and everybody else's. I remember the theories … he wasn't banging his wife anymore, he was just becoming a creepy old man, etc. I...

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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 8

Hoot backed his Dad’s pickup up to the front porch of the leather shop and let the tailgate down. Mr. Robinson came out and saw it was Hoot doing all the banging out there. “Hey Hoot, what you got going now? “That looks like some old car seats there, what’re they out of?” “Hey Mr. Robinson, how’re you today? Seems like I’ve become a steady customer of yours lately, don’t it?” “We’re all fine Hoot and you just keep bringing your new projects over here, we just love to have you visit us...

3 years ago
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MoneyChapter 2

On Monday, Janey had trouble concentrating at school. She had let her stepdad go down on her ... and she had loved it! She wasn’t attracted to him, though... Was she? He had made her cum hard, but was that because of him, how forbidden it was, or his tongueing skills? What was that called? Cunning linguist? She asked her best friend Trissa at lunch. “Cunnilingus,” the curvy brunette replied, making a V with her fingers and flapping her tongue between them. “Why you askin’?” Janey...

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Master makes his new sub his slut

The day has finally arrived. I walk into the museum trying to stay calm. I make my way to the painting and the bench we agreed to meet at near some large doors through which my future will soon be arriving. I quickly check the time on my mobile phone and realise i still have a good ten minutes before you are due to arrive. I take a deep breath against the stares of the other people visiting the gallery. I seat myself slowly, feeling my skirt ride up a little i try to pull it down over my bare...

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FILF Reagan Foxx Stepmom Reagan Foxx Steals Fortnite Playing Stepson8217s Cock From His Girlfriend

Starring the amazing Reagan Foxx; Ready to jump off the Battle Bus and land right into a brand new FILF scene? Reagan’s stepson is spending the afternoon alone with his girlfriend. Instead of paying attention to her, he’s just playing Fortnite. Horny and bored out of her skull, she tries grabbing his Junk Junction but he does not budge. She gets serious and grabs his belt and pulls out his cock to suck on it. He’s enjoying a good old BJ when his stepmom enters the house...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 33

I was up and about at half past seven on the Saturday morning; sometime during the night I had promised Sheila that I would go out to the local shops and get some more bread and milk in good time for breakfast. As we were lying together in the warm cosy aftermath of making love for the second time, she had suddenly remembered that the loaf of bread intended for breakfast had already been scoffed for our chip butties, and that with six mugs of tea at a time, a pint bottle of milk didn't have...

3 years ago
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Taking My Nieces Virginity

My siblings and their spouses were inside the house with my parents and Hailey and I were just sitting on the lawn watching the sunset over the horizon. We could hear the horseshoes clanking behind us and it was a beautiful March evening. The temperature that day was mild for March in Pennsylvania and Hailey had on these tight shorts. I must admit out of all my nephews and nieces, Hailey was my favorite. We kidded around, she had my dry sarcastic humor and sometimes I couldn’t tell if she...

2 years ago
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Scottish Sean Reposted

I walked into work and put my coffee on my desk and my bag on floor. Morning Sean I said looking around the office. Sean was from Scotland, hed transfered down here about 6 months ago and I knew hed wanted to fuck me from the minute hed laid his eyes on me. I liked him instantly, he was funny and charming although he didnt have the sean connery accent I assumed all Scots had, he had a proper Scottish accent as he put it. Wow said Sean Youre either off out to see some customers or you have a...

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