Vacation?Chapter 10 free porn video

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Day Ten - Wednesday

I woke at six, starved for some reason. I made coffee then made a half-cup raw instant rice that would be close to a cup cooked. While that was setting the required five minutes, I started some bacon and while that was cooking, I chopped up a pile of green onions. I had a piece of left over steak that I cut into tiny pieces and sprinkled them with some soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. When the bacon was done, the rice was ready so I dumped the onions into the frying pan with the rice on top. I liberally peppered the rice and onions.

I poured a cup of coffee and sipped some of it then flipped over the rice and onions to let it cook on the other side. I added the meat and sauce and stirred it all up. I sipped some more of my coffee then added about a half cup of fake eggs and stirred the concoction till the eggs were well mixed in and firm.

Dumping the whole pan onto a plate with a fork and refilling my coffee cup, I was going outside to enjoy my breakfast. I opened the door to go out to the patio and almost dropped the plate. There was a guy sitting in one of my lawn chairs. He was wearing slacks and casual shirt so he wasn't going to be related to the group from last night.

He looked up at me as I asked while coming through the screen door, "Who are you and what do you want?" I watched him closely making sure he didn't make any quick moves.

"My name is Steven Cap. I'm a newspaper reporter to see if I can get some insight on what happened here last night. Are you Steve Sharp?"

"How would you know a Steve Sharp?" I asked.

"The police report at the sheriff's office. Every news agency in town was covering a gang war with multiple shootings over in Town and Country and didn't find out about what happened out here till after all the police were gone. Are you Steve Sharp?"

"Tell you what. I'm going to eat my breakfast while it's hot. Let me get you some coffee so you can drink it and ask me questions while I eat. Keep the questions simple so I can eat okay. What do you want in your coffee?"

The reporter said black, so I got him a mug of my fresh coffee then came out with my plate and coffee and started eating.

He asked me a bunch of questions that were basically confirming what had been on the police report. I was almost done eating when my cell phone started ringing.

I went inside to answer, it was Charlie, "Hap wants you to call him, take down his number."

"Charlie, you gotta call him back and tell him that if he really needs to talk to me to call back. Right now I'm talking to a newspaper reporter out on the patio. Just tell him to call me and tell me whatever it is he needs. Tell him I'll just answer him with short answers that's all."

Back out on the patio I had shoveled the last of my breakfast into my mouth when my cell phone rang again. I had brought it out with me and wasn't surprised it was Hap that was calling. "Steve, I would prefer you didn't mention where you got the gun okay?"

"Got it," I said.

"Figured you wouldn't but I wanted to be sure," Hap said. "You're going to be popular for a day or two for popping six guys. You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch. You didn't even get a scratch."

"Yeah I know, but the assholes shot my TV," I complained. I heard Hap laughing really loud as he cut the connection.

"So who is this other person, this Shawna who helped you with these guys," the reporter asked.

"You know what," I said. "I can't tell you that unless she says it's okay. I'll be glad to answer your questions but only how they concern me."

"Would you describe what happened in your own words?" This time he took out a small recorder and set it on the table.

"You know, I'm comfortable giving out just so much information. Why don't you use what you have and write your story? I'll give you some background information on me then you should leave. I'm ex-military. I was injured in the Desert Storm and was released from service. I've been working for oil companies working up in Alaska, Texas, Oklahoma and down in Belize. Right now I'm on vacation. Okay?"

"You going to give the TV guys more than what you gave me?" The reporter asked.

"Nope. If you want to stick around and intervene for me, which would be nice. That way you'd know you have an exclusive."

Before the guy could answer, Martin and Glenda came walking onto the patio and sat in the two unoccupied chairs at the table. I said good morning to each of them by name then went in and poured them cups of coffee. When I came back out to get my cup for a refill, I asked the reporter if he wanted more. He shook is head no then gathered his stuff and walked over to his car.

When I finished telling my neighbors what that was all about, Martin said I might want to check out inside the shed as he had heard several rounds hitting it the night before. I was telling him about the TV when I opened the shed door. Gas fumes came wafting out. There was a large puddle under the bike and the front tire was flat.

Martin helped me get the bike out of the garage then he went to his place and got a hose to wash off the floor in the shed. There were some tools on the floor along with a big hole in my tool chest.

We looked at the outside of the shed and counted eleven holes. Sure glad those guys couldn't shoot straight.

We heard Charlie's bike start up and leave. A minute later, Shawna came walking over wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. As soon as she sat, I told her that her name was Nancy if the reporter came over. I also told her not to volunteer how the fight happened until we talked to a lawyer.

She nodded and asked for coffee. I got her some and took the reporter's cup inside to put into the sink. This was going to be a coffee day so I made another pot.

Just as I was bringing "Nancy" her coffee, two vans pulled up behind Charlie's truck and mine. One was a channel eight TV truck and the other was a Verizon installation truck. The Verizon guy got to us first saying that he was going to work my order early as he was in the area and had already connected the line to the feed to my trailer.

He asked to go inside, tested a jack in the living room, in my messy bedroom and at the kitchen sink where there was still a phone hanging on the wall next to the counter. The installer told me the new telephone number giving me a little booklet then showed me how to forward the telephone line to my cell phone. I offered him a cup of coffee but he said he had a busy day ahead of him.

Just as he walked away, an overly enthusiastic young lady gushing into a microphone walked on to the patio stuck the microphone in my face and asked me what had happened the night before. A cameraman was recording all of this so I knew I had to be nice.

"Did you have a chance to read the police report? I think everything is there," I said.

You could visibly see her face cloud up. She was facing me with her back to the camera. She actually reached and unbuttoned another button of her already revealing blouse giving me a pouting look.

"It really would be better if you used the police report. You should probably find out the names of the people involved."

"It wasn't you that shot those men?" she asked.

"I didn't say that. All I said was that you should find out more before you come into the field. Now I'm going to go back and enjoy my morning coffee with my friends while you leave, okay?"

You could tell that she was used to getting her way. She gave me a big frown then stomped back to the van. The newspaper reporter walked up to me and stuck out his hand "Thanks, you did exactly what you said you were going to do. I'm going to use that in my story. It'll make great copy. Can you point to where the truck with the bad guys was?"

I pointed and he went over to investigate the spots on the old gray asphalt. He stop there and looked back over to us on the patio, made a couple of notes then went to his car and drove off.

I asked Martin if he had a lawyer. I said Shawna and I probably should talk to one before we tell anyone else besides the sheriff what happened. Martin agreed then said that we couldn't go right away because Abe and Alice were coming over to look at the damage.

That reminded me so I went in to get the pamphlet and contract for my insurance. I used the kitchen wall phone to call the insurance company. I told them what had happened and asked if an adjuster could come out. We made an appointment for later in the morning.

When I came out, Kathy had joined the group. I went back inside and got her a cup of coffee but just brought the whole pot out to refill everyone. I took the empty pot back in and made another pot.

Kathy said the kids had almost been too excited to go to school when they saw the TV truck. I told Kathy about sending the little girl away without telling her anything.

Shawna said she was going to take their pickup home so I would have more room for all the cars that seemed to be appearing. She took it home then came right back to be met by Abe and Alice driving up.

Alice came over and gave me a hug then gave Shawna a big hug telling us both how happy she was we didn't get hurt. Abe walked up looking proud of himself, "I told you, you would need some protection. I didn't think it would be that soon, but I did tell you."

"You sure did Abe and I thank you from the bottom of my heart," I said sincerely.

"The news said that there was two of you shooting back at those guys. Who was the other guy, Charlie or you Martin?" Abe asked.

"Neither one. Charlie said he couldn't hit a door if he was next to it but told me before everything happened that Shawna had experience with a piece. I gave her the 9 mil and used my big .44 magnum."

Abe looked up, "Where'd you get that, from Charlie?"

"Same place Charlie got his. I went back to the gun dealer and bought some shells and shot up a box learning how to shoot it. Glad I did. Came in handy."

"Jesus, you hit someone with that thing? Was there anything left?" Abe asked.

"That fucker hit three of them by himself then we both hit the last two at the same time. That automatic shoots really straight. I should have knocked them all down by myself but got to excited to shoot straight. I used up all my rounds but Steve still had one left." Shawna exaggerated.

Abe exclaimed, "Damn, five for five? I wouldn't want go up against you that's for sure."

"For the record, I think Shawna got two on her own because the one hit I had was through the tailgate where the round took the guys leg off," I said trying to set them straight.

Martin finally said something, "I'm sure glad Steve and Shawna were here, I was scared shitless. I got my piece and Glenda and I hunkered down in the bathroom hoping a stray round wouldn't come in."

"Let me look at the damage here and we'll see what we can do," Abe said getting up.

While I pointed out what I had found so far, I told him about the adjuster coming and the TV pointing to tiny hole where probably a 9-millimeter round went through the wall. We looked for more holes outside then went in to show the hole by the TV and we finally found the hole in the opposite wall where the bullet that broke the window ended up.

Out at the shed, Abe whistled at all of the holes there. He looked inside and saw the big hole in my new toolbox and laughed, "Looks like you broke in your new tool box. Now it has some character. Anything else damaged?"

We sat back down and Abe said, "No big deal. It can all be fixed cheap. I brought a piece of glass over to fix the window, I'll use your tools in a minute and get it good as new.

"Wait for the adjuster, he might pay you," I said then added, "just like I'm going to pay you to look over and maybe fix a few motors. I have a big mobile compressor and two big mobile generators that I know nothing about. You might know how to start them at least."

"What kind are they?" Abe asked.

"All three are Onan. They look decent and I know Onan is a good brand. All the oil companies use them."

Abe looked at Alice and grinned. She grinned back and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

Alice spoke up, "Abe retired from Onan after working for them for thirty five years. He was the head mechanic almost that entire time."

"That's good news," I said looking at Abe. "Would you mind working on that big stuff? I could use your help."

"If we didn't have to wait for the adjuster, we would go now," Abe said.

We kept drinking coffee and making trips into the bathroom to unload. Someone had made my bed for me on one of their trips back there. I needed a keeper.

About eleven the adjuster showed up and spoke with me and Abe a few minutes. When I asked if I was covered he smiled and said that since it was not a national war, everything was covered. He made notes and a drawing of where all the holes were then went inside where I pointed out the two holes in the wall and the hole in the back of the TV.

He said the TV looked new. When I told him I had only watched it one night, he chuckled about being lucky to have insurance. He asked if I still had the receipt. I did and gave it to him.

Out at the shop he stopped and asked it the bike had been inside and I said yes as that's why the hose was there as there was now a hole in the gas tank as well as in my brand new tire. I pointed out the big hole in my brand new toolbox too.

"I don't know whether the bike is covered or whether the tool box is covered but your policy includes contents so they might be. Let me take pictures of everything then when I get back to the office I'll find out. You still have the receipt for the tire," he was looking at the hole in the gas tank when he said I was going to need a new oil tank and battery too.

Battery acid was dripping down onto the frame and the rear brake hydraulic line. I told him the battery was on the same receipt and if he wanted to find out the price of a tank, I could call the bike shop.

I was getting mad all over again. My bike was going to be screwed up for a while.

The adjuster figured for a little bit then asked how the check should be made out. I told him to make out a check to Abe for everything but the TV and to give me a check for the TV.

He wrote out the checks explaining that when we cashed them the company would consider the claim settled. I thanked him profusely for being so prompt then asked him who would be a good agent to see as I had some other business insurance to buy. We went to his car where he gave me a card saying for me to give his mom a call, "She's just about the best agent around. She'll take care of you.

Abe was happy and immediately started putting the window in. Martin told him to go look at those motors and he would fix the window. I gave Martin my extra key and said we probably wouldn't be too long. I told Abe to drive his truck as Shawna and I had to go somewhere else afterward.

At the storage building, Abe was ecstatic. We pushed the two big diesel generators and the big compressor outside. Abe checked them over a few minutes then lifted a hatch and cranked the diesel engine. Abe let that one run while he went over to the second one. He went through the same routine then started it right up too. The last thing to test was the compressor. When he attempted to start it, it wouldn't turn over. Abe felt like it was probably the battery but would find out later.

He shut the two big generators down and then I showed him the other motors that had been given to me. He glowed saying he would enjoy fixing them up for me. All he needed was a bench and tools. I took Abe to the back of the shed and showed him the big tool chest I had. He looked at all the tools and the several special tools in the big drawers at the bottom of the roll around chest and just kept nodding and smiling.

Same as Vacation?
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Danielle was 5'2" and 160 pounds with average sized breasts and an ample ass had blonde hair and a beautiful naturally pretty face. She looked a lot younger than she was which she was glad for because it helped her not feel out of place among the other people in her class who were mostly college-aged. She had been working at the hospital on the orthopedic floor for a few months now and was getting the hang of things. She was very good with the patients and they were very comfortable...

2 years ago
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Agatha Allbut The Bimbo Squad 02 Agatha Starts College

Ch. 01 Agatha Starts College. Agatha arrived on campus a day late, missing orientation. She ended up going to a state school because Bryn Mawr gave away her spot when the first tuition payment was missed. It was unavoidable, having to deal with those damn lawyers and their paperwork. She had to sign about 9 forms telling her about the federal paperwork reduction act. Agatha often wondered if this law had any other use than killing trees and triggering migrainesUsing a campus map she had...

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The Builder Ch 02

‘Damn it to hell!’ she shouted as she burst in the door. Julie was so angry she didn’t care she just broke the door with her slam. Julie tried to get the door closed and made it worse. Now the damn thing wouldn’t close at all and he was going to have to fix it she thought. Its all his fault anyway, if he hadn’t said that then she wouldn’t have been so mad and wouldn’t have stormed away which made her slam the door! Damn men! Who needs them any way? They just cause trouble and heartache. ...

3 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 25

Jack Casey was ill at ease sitting in front of Mary Jefferson. It is not that she's black, he thought, It's her eyes! They look right through you. It's as if she can see through steel. He had heard of Mary Jefferson but had never met her. She was Emily Amelia Hardwick's heir and the richest woman in Chicago. She had asked to see him, but he still didn't know why. As the president of Northern National Bank, the biggest bank in the city, he couldn't afford to take chances. It might be a...

1 year ago
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The Balcony

Rachel felt groping hands on her arse cheeks before she was fully aware he was behind her. She gave a slight shudder of unexpected delight. Rachel O’Connor was enjoying the view. It was timeless and serene. From their hotel balcony she had the panorama of Budapest, the Danube and a few river barges. She felt like pinching herself. Here she was in one of the most beautiful cities anywhere; a classy hotel, a stately balcony, a cultural show and a formal tour dinner, to fill the night. She...

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E the baby sitter has more fun

Now she wanted us to set up a group fuck with us and a lot more guys, so I arranged it for 2 weeks time, and told her to make sure she was here the night before. Friday night Shelia turned up, soon telling us about meeting her big boss and his mate during the week, she said they used her from 10 am till 9 pm, making her open the door to room service naked this time, and covered in cum. Mike had fucked her ass again and fist her pussy, and her boss also fist her pussy, but his hands were...

3 years ago
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A Controlled Life chapter 11

A Controlled Life Chapter Eleven The next few days Tom tried to go about his normal routines as best as he could. However, several things were now different. He now had to get up early enough to complete the Fond of Writing task before he showered and got ready for work. He had to be careful how he spent his money and keep the receipts; so he took to buying lunch meat and bread so he could brown bag it to work instead of eating out. And instead of ordering dinner in; he also bought...

4 years ago
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Nubile Bliss 3

Tammy was lying on a bright yellow mat beside Tom’s oft used pool. She was on her back stark naked while Tom slowly and carefully rubbed sun tan oil on her delicate, girly soft skin. She smiled up at him, licking her freshly glossed lips. She’d used hot pink to accent her mouth because she now knew that it made oral sex a lot more exciting for him. He loved to split open those virginal looking lips that were moistened by the kind of lip stick that whores were known to use, at least that...

3 years ago
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Red and VictorChapter 9

When we got home Susan and the twins had more steak and potatoes cooked, and a big pot of pinto beans too, with cornbread, I tried not to eat so much this time. It was good though and I had a hard time stopping. We talked at the table for about an hour afterward. We all retired to the hot tub after that. It was twelve floatin titties for about another hour. Shelly, Sarah and Gloria went in first to wash of the chlorine. I followed 'em after another fifteen minutes. When I got to the shower...

2 years ago
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Black whore

Danny never knew when the skins had come. The last joint crushed her so hard that she fell into a deep sleep without realizing it. And when she woke up ... she found with horror that she was surrounded by three shaved heads. Danny was 18 years old and came to Rasho's party quite by accident. In fact, the plan was to go to a disco, and very little to stay at the party. But first the three hundred grams of vodka, and then the six twisted cones changed the plans for the evening and life forever. ....

3 years ago
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She Stole My Wife Ch 05

Part 5: Kim's Change Of Life, And An End To The Story.Andrea and Kim argued. Frequently. Kim became very emotional. She got nauseous at cooking odors, especially when Andrea cooked. She wasn't looking her normal self, and Andrea became frustrated that she didn't want to make love nearly as often as before the divorce party. I pissed off Andrea when I announced that I had bought a house down by the water, and would be moving out over the next month. Things weren't turning out as she had planned....

2 years ago
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me my daughter and a shemale

my last story was with my daughter for the first time now we both have shemale girlfreind very beautiful ones they would come over me and my daughter would put on our sexy heels she picks my shoes now lol and they would fuck us both on the same bed theses shemales are in good shape they would fuck me and my daughters tight lil asses and shoot globs of cum then they would watch us creampie it out one of them came over one night when i got off work my daughter wanted me to tougue out her shemales...

3 years ago
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My Younger Brothers Friend Part 4 Artie 2

"Want to take some shots?" I asked "Hell yeah, we've been trying to drink together forever, this is our best chance." I poured us some shots and we were just hanging out and talking a little about school, friends, and for the first time hot guys. "Who is one of the hottest guys you know that you like, secretly obviously?" I asked him "Hahaa, Well to be honest, you. I always watched you when I came over, but never thought we'd get to be together." he laughed....

1 year ago
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Weekend at Grandparents With Cousin Part 1

Every year my family and I go down to my grandparent’s house with my aunt and my cousin Sarah. This year we went down like normal and met one of my other cousins Victoria at my grandparents. I have not seen Victoria in a few years so when I saw her for the first time this year I was stunned. At 17 she had started to blossom into a beautiful young woman. She was around 5’3” and she died her brown hair to a dark red with streaks of blonde. She weighed no more than 110 pounds and had budding...

3 years ago
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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1a

If you will recall Mercedes and myself were just finishing up our awkward "first shower"  and were slipping into our panties and bra.  I had a black lace bra and panty set from VS.  Most men love my large breast, size 34CC.  After staring at Mercedes in the shower I would guess she was like a 36DD.  We were instructed to come downstairs where the other girls were all waiting.  We stood in line and the "big sisters" went by and checked us all out.  We were then told that we were going to play a...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Niece on a BoatChapter 3

“Uncle Sean was saying you’re both, like, nine inches?” Lara smiled at him, then glanced down to where his package was slack but, as always, emphatically bulging out his trunks. They’d finished working for the day and were lazing in the afternoon sunshine, in trunks and bikini, with a Bud and a Pepsi. “Well it’s what we were saying,” Freddie kept his cool, having been warned by Sean about Lara’s escalation, “big parts are fine.” “Uncle Sean said he wouldn’t have minded being smaller...

1 year ago
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Web Candy

I seen my first webcam in my brother’s room, on his computer. He showed it to me, he showed me some girl showin’ her boobs off, and told me he followed her channel. It looked cool, well, not the boobs part, but talkin’ to other people and seein’ them and stuff. I wanted to borrow it. “No way, get Mom to get you one,” he said. “Come on, Virgil, let me borrow it,” I said, being whiney on purpose. I knew there was no way he would. “No chance,” he said. “And stop callin’ me Virgil.” “Sure...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter Chapter Two

Over the next few weeks, I could hardly think of anything but the idea of wearing girly clothes and how sexy it would feel. Every house I babysat at now, I would not just go through the underwear, I would dress up in it. I began to build up quite a collection of soiled panties stolen from the women of the neighbourhood. Some I would wash and return, others I kept as souvenirs.It began to grow beyond just panties, babydolls, bras and basques. I began completely to dress in a feminine fashion...

2 years ago
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Freeing Kirsty Ch 05

SO FAR: Divorcee Merrick Jamieson (35) visiting New York comes into contact with the moll of the mysterious Spiro. The spirited Kirsty Fallon has reason to fear if she so much looks at another man but after a brief association with Merrick, Kirsty (25) finds she has become attracted and follows the photo-journalist to his homeland and begins working with him. Merrick deals with a retriever sent to return Kirsty and goes to New York and wins her freedom from Spiro. The couple plan to marry in...

2 years ago
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My Gorlfriend Rose

My Girlfriend RoseBy: Londebaaz Chohan I am Owen, High School Senior. I am touching 6’, lean, muscular frame but slim with no fat deposits. Sexy and horny as fuck and surely enjoy to fuck and always had a girlfriend for the purpose. Rose and I had been a couple for almost 4 months and we had fucked each other’s brain out, every chance we got since the day one we got each other. During this time the best thing happened to us, in my opinion; was not only the fact that we got each other a great...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Mackenzie Moss Interracial Tag Team With Mackenzie Moss

Mackenzie Moss gets a DOUBLE dose of BBC from Jax & Isiah. Giddy young slut Mackenzie is ready and waiting for multiple cocks to satisfy her horny holes. She’s wearing a pink lace lingerie set with sexy stockings and a choker with her name on it as she teases the camera with her tight pussy. Jules hooks a leash to her collar and walks her on all fours to the office where he blindfolds her as she waits for her BBC surprise. Jax & Isiah show up and get right to exploring her pale white...

4 years ago
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Dark Descent

Dark Descent, Part One Dark Descent, Part OneBy PainAngel  Micah had never liked the earth. Well, that was not entirely true. He liked the earth, he rejoiced at its creation. He loved humans, those with God in their heart anyway, but the fact was that he hated to visit it. It did not have the beauty of Heaven, his home, and he knew the risk involved in him setting foot on earth. Micah was an angel, a member of the Heavenly Host since before Genesis. He was a proud creature; his features...

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Masturbating Slut Exposed

Working in a small law office has its ups and downs but never did I ever think this would happen. It has been a long week, and it’s still just Thursday, I’m so ready for Friday to come, so I can get out. I want to find myself a man, and get laid. It’s been so long! I want him to pin my arms above my head, kiss me passionately, and own me for as long as it lasts. This is what I think of at the end of my work day, in the storage room with my fingers in my panties. I want to be fucked stupid, and...

4 years ago
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Maybe Next Time

I walked Jolene up to her apartment door. Her building didn't have an elevator. It was a third floor walk up. Luckily, we were both in pretty good shape. I wasn't too surprised at the routine good night kiss. It was our third date, and she'd never given me more than a close mouthed kiss the other two times either. "Will I be seeing you again, Richard?" she asked me. "Probably not, Jolene. It doesn't appear that we have too much chemistry together. Thank you for seeing me again...

3 years ago
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Mom Is My Love

Hi friends and I’m Rohit 24 years old from Delhi living with my dad mom Sudha and sis Shivani. My dad is in Business and mom housewife and sis completed her graduation and waiting for her marriage and stays at home and I are helping my dad in his business. This is story between me n my mom n how it started between us and so let me describe about my mom. Her name is Sudha 44 years 5.6 tall whitish black hairs up to her shoulders with broad body structure and her fig is 38 32 38 and now let me...

1 year ago
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Megan sucks my dick again

So just like last time our families were up in our summer cottages. My cock had been throbbing all day watching Megan jumping around in her bikini. When i went swimming i tried to grope her again. Except this time i stood right behind her and started grinding my dick into her tight little ass. I made sure she knew i was horny as i groped her thighs and started feeling upward. She grabbed my hands to stop me and gave me the dirtiest, most sexy look ever. We quickly jumped out of the water and...

2 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 23

The sun was passed its zenith and had begun the slow descent into the late afternoon sky when Aaron noticed that they were being followed. They were back on the trail after having picked their way around and across a landslide when Aaron had everyone pull up the hoods of their cloaks before restarting. He explained that it was a Dark Elf cultural thing and then added to use their name for themselves, Shoc-Du, and not the common name of Dark Elf. It was shortly after the restart that Aaron...

1 year ago
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Valentines Date

Valentine’s DateValentine’s Day, the day that love is in the air. When couples go out of their way to show how special the other is. Trill and Minami were no different. Trill had planned an elegant Valentine’s Day dinner for Minami. He told her to dress very elegantly for the dinner. Trill was wearing khaki slacks and black suit jacket. He wore a black dress shirt with a red vest and red tie. Minami did not disappoint Trill. She was wearing a purple, floor length, satin gown. They had a...

3 years ago
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SRU Secretaries Day

SRU: Secretaries' Day By Paul G. Jutras It was 4:30 p.m. in the upper west side of the city. Carol Spell had finished typing the reports Ricky Roberts had given her when he called her on the intercom. She looked quite lovely in her green dress, hose and sling back shoes. "Miss Spell, I just remembered it's my girlfriend's birthday. Please run down to the jewelry store and buy her something nice. I'll see you'll get a bonus in your pay." "Yes, Mr. Roberts." She bit her tongue...

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