rich boys love 25
- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
Day Ten - Wednesday
I woke at six, starved for some reason. I made coffee then made a half-cup raw instant rice that would be close to a cup cooked. While that was setting the required five minutes, I started some bacon and while that was cooking, I chopped up a pile of green onions. I had a piece of left over steak that I cut into tiny pieces and sprinkled them with some soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. When the bacon was done, the rice was ready so I dumped the onions into the frying pan with the rice on top. I liberally peppered the rice and onions.
I poured a cup of coffee and sipped some of it then flipped over the rice and onions to let it cook on the other side. I added the meat and sauce and stirred it all up. I sipped some more of my coffee then added about a half cup of fake eggs and stirred the concoction till the eggs were well mixed in and firm.
Dumping the whole pan onto a plate with a fork and refilling my coffee cup, I was going outside to enjoy my breakfast. I opened the door to go out to the patio and almost dropped the plate. There was a guy sitting in one of my lawn chairs. He was wearing slacks and casual shirt so he wasn't going to be related to the group from last night.
He looked up at me as I asked while coming through the screen door, "Who are you and what do you want?" I watched him closely making sure he didn't make any quick moves.
"My name is Steven Cap. I'm a newspaper reporter to see if I can get some insight on what happened here last night. Are you Steve Sharp?"
"How would you know a Steve Sharp?" I asked.
"The police report at the sheriff's office. Every news agency in town was covering a gang war with multiple shootings over in Town and Country and didn't find out about what happened out here till after all the police were gone. Are you Steve Sharp?"
"Tell you what. I'm going to eat my breakfast while it's hot. Let me get you some coffee so you can drink it and ask me questions while I eat. Keep the questions simple so I can eat okay. What do you want in your coffee?"
The reporter said black, so I got him a mug of my fresh coffee then came out with my plate and coffee and started eating.
He asked me a bunch of questions that were basically confirming what had been on the police report. I was almost done eating when my cell phone started ringing.
I went inside to answer, it was Charlie, "Hap wants you to call him, take down his number."
"Charlie, you gotta call him back and tell him that if he really needs to talk to me to call back. Right now I'm talking to a newspaper reporter out on the patio. Just tell him to call me and tell me whatever it is he needs. Tell him I'll just answer him with short answers that's all."
Back out on the patio I had shoveled the last of my breakfast into my mouth when my cell phone rang again. I had brought it out with me and wasn't surprised it was Hap that was calling. "Steve, I would prefer you didn't mention where you got the gun okay?"
"Got it," I said.
"Figured you wouldn't but I wanted to be sure," Hap said. "You're going to be popular for a day or two for popping six guys. You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch. You didn't even get a scratch."
"Yeah I know, but the assholes shot my TV," I complained. I heard Hap laughing really loud as he cut the connection.
"So who is this other person, this Shawna who helped you with these guys," the reporter asked.
"You know what," I said. "I can't tell you that unless she says it's okay. I'll be glad to answer your questions but only how they concern me."
"Would you describe what happened in your own words?" This time he took out a small recorder and set it on the table.
"You know, I'm comfortable giving out just so much information. Why don't you use what you have and write your story? I'll give you some background information on me then you should leave. I'm ex-military. I was injured in the Desert Storm and was released from service. I've been working for oil companies working up in Alaska, Texas, Oklahoma and down in Belize. Right now I'm on vacation. Okay?"
"You going to give the TV guys more than what you gave me?" The reporter asked.
"Nope. If you want to stick around and intervene for me, which would be nice. That way you'd know you have an exclusive."
Before the guy could answer, Martin and Glenda came walking onto the patio and sat in the two unoccupied chairs at the table. I said good morning to each of them by name then went in and poured them cups of coffee. When I came back out to get my cup for a refill, I asked the reporter if he wanted more. He shook is head no then gathered his stuff and walked over to his car.
When I finished telling my neighbors what that was all about, Martin said I might want to check out inside the shed as he had heard several rounds hitting it the night before. I was telling him about the TV when I opened the shed door. Gas fumes came wafting out. There was a large puddle under the bike and the front tire was flat.
Martin helped me get the bike out of the garage then he went to his place and got a hose to wash off the floor in the shed. There were some tools on the floor along with a big hole in my tool chest.
We looked at the outside of the shed and counted eleven holes. Sure glad those guys couldn't shoot straight.
We heard Charlie's bike start up and leave. A minute later, Shawna came walking over wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. As soon as she sat, I told her that her name was Nancy if the reporter came over. I also told her not to volunteer how the fight happened until we talked to a lawyer.
She nodded and asked for coffee. I got her some and took the reporter's cup inside to put into the sink. This was going to be a coffee day so I made another pot.
Just as I was bringing "Nancy" her coffee, two vans pulled up behind Charlie's truck and mine. One was a channel eight TV truck and the other was a Verizon installation truck. The Verizon guy got to us first saying that he was going to work my order early as he was in the area and had already connected the line to the feed to my trailer.
He asked to go inside, tested a jack in the living room, in my messy bedroom and at the kitchen sink where there was still a phone hanging on the wall next to the counter. The installer told me the new telephone number giving me a little booklet then showed me how to forward the telephone line to my cell phone. I offered him a cup of coffee but he said he had a busy day ahead of him.
Just as he walked away, an overly enthusiastic young lady gushing into a microphone walked on to the patio stuck the microphone in my face and asked me what had happened the night before. A cameraman was recording all of this so I knew I had to be nice.
"Did you have a chance to read the police report? I think everything is there," I said.
You could visibly see her face cloud up. She was facing me with her back to the camera. She actually reached and unbuttoned another button of her already revealing blouse giving me a pouting look.
"It really would be better if you used the police report. You should probably find out the names of the people involved."
"It wasn't you that shot those men?" she asked.
"I didn't say that. All I said was that you should find out more before you come into the field. Now I'm going to go back and enjoy my morning coffee with my friends while you leave, okay?"
You could tell that she was used to getting her way. She gave me a big frown then stomped back to the van. The newspaper reporter walked up to me and stuck out his hand "Thanks, you did exactly what you said you were going to do. I'm going to use that in my story. It'll make great copy. Can you point to where the truck with the bad guys was?"
I pointed and he went over to investigate the spots on the old gray asphalt. He stop there and looked back over to us on the patio, made a couple of notes then went to his car and drove off.
I asked Martin if he had a lawyer. I said Shawna and I probably should talk to one before we tell anyone else besides the sheriff what happened. Martin agreed then said that we couldn't go right away because Abe and Alice were coming over to look at the damage.
That reminded me so I went in to get the pamphlet and contract for my insurance. I used the kitchen wall phone to call the insurance company. I told them what had happened and asked if an adjuster could come out. We made an appointment for later in the morning.
When I came out, Kathy had joined the group. I went back inside and got her a cup of coffee but just brought the whole pot out to refill everyone. I took the empty pot back in and made another pot.
Kathy said the kids had almost been too excited to go to school when they saw the TV truck. I told Kathy about sending the little girl away without telling her anything.
Shawna said she was going to take their pickup home so I would have more room for all the cars that seemed to be appearing. She took it home then came right back to be met by Abe and Alice driving up.
Alice came over and gave me a hug then gave Shawna a big hug telling us both how happy she was we didn't get hurt. Abe walked up looking proud of himself, "I told you, you would need some protection. I didn't think it would be that soon, but I did tell you."
"You sure did Abe and I thank you from the bottom of my heart," I said sincerely.
"The news said that there was two of you shooting back at those guys. Who was the other guy, Charlie or you Martin?" Abe asked.
"Neither one. Charlie said he couldn't hit a door if he was next to it but told me before everything happened that Shawna had experience with a piece. I gave her the 9 mil and used my big .44 magnum."
Abe looked up, "Where'd you get that, from Charlie?"
"Same place Charlie got his. I went back to the gun dealer and bought some shells and shot up a box learning how to shoot it. Glad I did. Came in handy."
"Jesus, you hit someone with that thing? Was there anything left?" Abe asked.
"That fucker hit three of them by himself then we both hit the last two at the same time. That automatic shoots really straight. I should have knocked them all down by myself but got to excited to shoot straight. I used up all my rounds but Steve still had one left." Shawna exaggerated.
Abe exclaimed, "Damn, five for five? I wouldn't want go up against you that's for sure."
"For the record, I think Shawna got two on her own because the one hit I had was through the tailgate where the round took the guys leg off," I said trying to set them straight.
Martin finally said something, "I'm sure glad Steve and Shawna were here, I was scared shitless. I got my piece and Glenda and I hunkered down in the bathroom hoping a stray round wouldn't come in."
"Let me look at the damage here and we'll see what we can do," Abe said getting up.
While I pointed out what I had found so far, I told him about the adjuster coming and the TV pointing to tiny hole where probably a 9-millimeter round went through the wall. We looked for more holes outside then went in to show the hole by the TV and we finally found the hole in the opposite wall where the bullet that broke the window ended up.
Out at the shed, Abe whistled at all of the holes there. He looked inside and saw the big hole in my new toolbox and laughed, "Looks like you broke in your new tool box. Now it has some character. Anything else damaged?"
We sat back down and Abe said, "No big deal. It can all be fixed cheap. I brought a piece of glass over to fix the window, I'll use your tools in a minute and get it good as new.
"Wait for the adjuster, he might pay you," I said then added, "just like I'm going to pay you to look over and maybe fix a few motors. I have a big mobile compressor and two big mobile generators that I know nothing about. You might know how to start them at least."
"What kind are they?" Abe asked.
"All three are Onan. They look decent and I know Onan is a good brand. All the oil companies use them."
Abe looked at Alice and grinned. She grinned back and laughed.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
Alice spoke up, "Abe retired from Onan after working for them for thirty five years. He was the head mechanic almost that entire time."
"That's good news," I said looking at Abe. "Would you mind working on that big stuff? I could use your help."
"If we didn't have to wait for the adjuster, we would go now," Abe said.
We kept drinking coffee and making trips into the bathroom to unload. Someone had made my bed for me on one of their trips back there. I needed a keeper.
About eleven the adjuster showed up and spoke with me and Abe a few minutes. When I asked if I was covered he smiled and said that since it was not a national war, everything was covered. He made notes and a drawing of where all the holes were then went inside where I pointed out the two holes in the wall and the hole in the back of the TV.
He said the TV looked new. When I told him I had only watched it one night, he chuckled about being lucky to have insurance. He asked if I still had the receipt. I did and gave it to him.
Out at the shop he stopped and asked it the bike had been inside and I said yes as that's why the hose was there as there was now a hole in the gas tank as well as in my brand new tire. I pointed out the big hole in my brand new toolbox too.
"I don't know whether the bike is covered or whether the tool box is covered but your policy includes contents so they might be. Let me take pictures of everything then when I get back to the office I'll find out. You still have the receipt for the tire," he was looking at the hole in the gas tank when he said I was going to need a new oil tank and battery too.
Battery acid was dripping down onto the frame and the rear brake hydraulic line. I told him the battery was on the same receipt and if he wanted to find out the price of a tank, I could call the bike shop.
I was getting mad all over again. My bike was going to be screwed up for a while.
The adjuster figured for a little bit then asked how the check should be made out. I told him to make out a check to Abe for everything but the TV and to give me a check for the TV.
He wrote out the checks explaining that when we cashed them the company would consider the claim settled. I thanked him profusely for being so prompt then asked him who would be a good agent to see as I had some other business insurance to buy. We went to his car where he gave me a card saying for me to give his mom a call, "She's just about the best agent around. She'll take care of you.
Abe was happy and immediately started putting the window in. Martin told him to go look at those motors and he would fix the window. I gave Martin my extra key and said we probably wouldn't be too long. I told Abe to drive his truck as Shawna and I had to go somewhere else afterward.
At the storage building, Abe was ecstatic. We pushed the two big diesel generators and the big compressor outside. Abe checked them over a few minutes then lifted a hatch and cranked the diesel engine. Abe let that one run while he went over to the second one. He went through the same routine then started it right up too. The last thing to test was the compressor. When he attempted to start it, it wouldn't turn over. Abe felt like it was probably the battery but would find out later.
He shut the two big generators down and then I showed him the other motors that had been given to me. He glowed saying he would enjoy fixing them up for me. All he needed was a bench and tools. I took Abe to the back of the shed and showed him the big tool chest I had. He looked at all the tools and the several special tools in the big drawers at the bottom of the roll around chest and just kept nodding and smiling.
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There was nothing wrong with her doing this, Judith told herself. I love him. Well, I think I do. Even if I didn’t, finals are over and I’d do it anyway. Probably. She wasn’t completely convinced, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue about it. And she knew The Huntress wasn’t above using sex to raise power. Their climax together on Oester was evidence of that. And frankly she’d enjoyed it. That was refreshing. She applied her lipstick and looked at herself critically. Frosty pink lips....
So 3 years have gone by since I last spoke to you.Many changes,mostly very good,even my ex is OK too.I got promoted in my job,much more responsibility,longer hours,but a bigger salary to match.I /we had to move as well,from England to America,huge upheavel,but worth it for both of us.Because we live in the States now,Lucy can finally discard all her male attire..and be 'daughter/my wife' full time.She looks after me/the house,and while other men who work for the company employ...
I woke up at my house the next moreing. sandy was still asleep. I whent to the shower and got in and then got clean and whent ot for a ride.I seen a church with nones walking out of it. I whent in side to repent and see if i could be fixed as i sat down I started to pray.thwen i whent into the booth when it was my turn to confess and talk to father jack. and he said it would be best to stay away from them so i said ok.and drank some water and left then i whent home and sandy was watching tv i...
Nathan's a good looking man, tall and broad shouldered. Naturally blessed with lean, chiseled features, he's something of a small-time con artist. Nathan likes to rely on the kindness of strangers. He enjoys people's trust. His toffee coloured eyes give the impression of generosity and warmth. In his presence a person can be made to feel both interesting and appreciated. He's aware of the affect he sometimes has on strangers, making sure his self-effacing demeanor keeps his manners endearing...
Oral SexA sigh escapes mypeach colored glossed lips as I pull into a parking spot in front of Starbucks. My boss had texted me and demanded that I pick him up the usual on the way to work tonight. He’s such a cocky little jerk towards me, but I’m told that it’s my entire fault since I don’t give into his sexual advances by my best friend no less. She’s always saying ‘You think he’s hot. Why not go for it?!’ like the little slut she is.One, he’s my fucking boss. Two, he has a girlfriend that he’s been...
This story is entirely fictional. All characters in this fictional work are over the age of 18. This work is intended to be consumed by adults, 18 or 21 years of age, depending on your location. Please ensure that you are not living in a community that forbids reading material with sexual content. This work is NOT intended to cause any harm to existing human beings, either due to being featured in this work or by consuming it. The appearing characters should be treated with respect, whenever...
Do you want to visit an app that has porn for pretty much, well, everything? If you have ever visited platforms like Reddit or platforms that institute Rule 34, then you already know what kind of porn that you can expect to find on a site that uses that rule. But for everyone else, it’s time to get a crash course as to what this kind of smut is really all about.That brings me to Rule 34 App. This site – or rather, app (more on that later) – allows you to understand visually what Rule 34 really...
Hentai Porn SitesAdventures of a Novice Janet L. Stickney [email protected] That first time I tried on my sisters clothes I was just 8 years old. She was 12, so the fit was bad, but I was in heaven! I tried using my Mothers makeup while dressed in Julie's clothes, unaware that I looked a lot more like a clown and a lot less like a real girl. Yet what I saw in the mirror excited something deep inside of me, something that I had no name for, I just knew that I had to dress up so I could look like...
I went back to my sunbathing and lay there thinking of a plan to seduce Mum. My feelings for Dad and my conscience were preying on me, giving me a strong guilt feeling, but I was so horny from wanting her that even a threat with a shotgun probably would not have stopped me trying to get in her pants. I ran through all the mother/son incest stories on the net that I could remember but could not come up with an idea that might work. My best approach seemed to be to carry on as I had been,...
A Change Of Mind By lrscymru This is my first ever story, I hope you enjoy it. ************************************** Richard had always known that there was something different about himself. He was twenty eight years old and still living at home with his widowed mother. An only child, he remembered clearly his mother saying to his father "I wish we had a daughter instead of a son". Little did she know that after the death of his father, five years previously, he had secretly...
We had discussed the next move for the screen play over breakfast, Joan had decided she wanted to write the play in her office. That being the case she wanted to drive home. Since the move was possible now that we had two cars and she would be safer at home, I agreed. I even decided to skip the shopping in Georgia for shopping and doing laundry at home. The drive would also give me time to test the FBI car. The real Dodge pickup truck was a pleasure to drive. It only had 40k miles on it,...
My sister had always been a flirt. She flirted with my friends, my girlfriends, even me. Not that any of us minded. Sarah was a vision of beauty. She had bright blue eyes, a stunning figure and a great ass. Her tits were a little larger than average, and she kept her hair dyed a deep red. She didn’t mind showing all of this off either. Tight jeans and tight tops kept her assets on display all day, and she loved the power that she held over everyone. I’d been having impure thoughts about my...
IncestThe area by the window had a padded surface; no doubt Blanche's departed husband and many other enslaved men had been made to kneel for hours at this window, whilst they contemplated their fate on just such an evening as this. The padding would not be for their comfort, it would be there to ensure that their knees functioned when the time came to entertain. I had plenty of time to reflect on the position I was now in; my cock was bolt rigid with the merest thought of chastisement by a mature...
Dear Readers, my admirers, and lovers, I’m back again with my new account and experience. I hope you remember my previous writing by the name of “Swiss Guy”. I was overwhelmed by the response and the likes that I received. If anyone one of you really want to appreciate then please send your erotic pictures especially of your beautiful cocks and if there is a lady then boobs. For those of you who have forgotten about me and don’t remember my previous posts/mails let me just once again describe...
Gay MaleHi friends, mera naam sumit age 22, height 5.10 slim aur main pune ka rehne wala hu aur main humesha se hi iss ka bahut bada fan raha hu. Mujhe sex karne me bada maza aata hai par mujhe aaj tak sirf 2 baar hi chance mila hai. Main iss ka daily reader hu aur aaj apni pehli kahani likhne jaa raha hu jo meri aur meri friend snehal ke bare me hai. Main aur snehal karib 1 saal se ek class me padh rahe the par humari kabhi thik se baat nhi hui thi. Snehal ke piche humare class ke saare ladke pagal...
As you wake up you see your bedroom. And your bathroom. They’re almost overlayed on top of each other, like if you put your hand between your eyes and tried to look at two different pictures. You try looking to the right and both views shift, showing both the shower and the poster on your bedroom wall. After a second you immediately get dizzy trying to understand what’s happening. As you start to get overwhelmed, you close your eyes and try to remember what happened. You were in your room...
A Short Tale of Erotic Fantasy By Lucy Lu Dial A Whore Series The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted Stop & Search #4 The rain was coming down in thick merciless sheets when I stopped the car. I swore under my breath knowing that unless I could pull off a miracle I would be hideously late for the obligatory monthly meal with my family. I loathed attending, I loathed even more the idea of my sister bitches rubbing my absence in at a later date. Who needs enemies when one has family like mine?...
Sitting at the keyboard, Margaret mused that life for her during the three weeks she had lived in this gaunt old house had been very different to living with her father. Jeremy was a gentleman, strict but fair. She’d had a second hard spanking a week ago, one she had almost provoked, and had on a number of occasions gently warmed her breasts and pubic area before having sex with her but apart from that he had been kind to her. Like her father, Jeremy was sexually very active and liked to try a...
The mood at Friday morning's breakfast was extremely tense. When Susan woke up, she'd vowed to herself that she would let Katherine do all the pleasuring of Alan before school, since her appointment with Xania the therapist was in a matter of hours. She'd made the same pledge the day before though, and only had mixed success in following through on it. Both Susan and Alan were aware that Katherine felt she wasn't getting enough attention from Alan lately, and the constantly horny...
Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Sir, can I speak freely?" Captain Jane Appet spoke through clenched teeth, staring across the desk at the commander of Orbital Academy. "Permission denied," General Auspus replied cooly. His fingers flicked across the screen he held, comparing it to a page of notes on his desk, the picture of distracted business. "Yes sir," Jane turned and walked toward the door, fuming, mind spinning. "This is why I like you Captain Appet," the General's voice stopped her at the door, "any...
Hi I am Radha Krishna from Hyderabad. This is my first story here. This is a real story about how my conservative mom turned into a sex slave for 5 uncles who took advantage of my parents cuckold fantasy. I am writing this story in two parts. This part would explain how and why mom became what she is now and in the second part you can ready what happened to my parents after she became a slave to her fuckers. I came to know about this story from one of the five uncles who became very close to...
Peter's happy world is turned up side down, when first his mother finds out that his father is having affairs and is thrown out of the house, and then when his elder sister is killed in a road accident. Peter's mother then turns to Peter for comfort and looks to him to fill his dead sister's place. Peter & Pamela By Nina Henderson. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the...
While I was staring at myself in the mirror aunt Audrey was busy taking photographs they then had me stand in various poses while the camera clicked away, Gillian then opened a powder compact and had me hold it in my left hand she then uncapped the lipstick I was wearing and put this in my right hand 'now pout your lips and put the lipstick to your bottom lip and hold the mirror up so you can see your lips, good now don't move,' aunt Audrey dashed around me taking pictures from all angles...
Sunday, June 27, 1971 Clio's lilting little laugh still rang in my ears as I realized what she had said. Of all the things their father could have given me, why had he given me another woman? The question just wouldn't go away, even as Grace and Vickie led me to the far corner of the room. This was not my first press conference. I had done an impromptu one a few weeks ago at Harry's party. However, it was my first one as the President of Wagner Industries. I understood that the idea of a...
Hi friends this is Avinasg shah from Gujrat. This is my first story in ISS. Main aapke saamne ek kahani lane jaa raha hu jise pad kar ladke apna lund hilane mein majboor ho jayenge aur aunties and kamsin ladkiyan apne boobs aur choot ragadne lagegi aur kisi se chudwane ke liye utawali ho jayegi. toh doston mei apni kahani pae aata hu agar meri kahani acchi lagi to aap se request hai ki mujhe feedback dena na bhule aur mujhe mail karen mera id hai . Toh kahani us samay ki hai jab mei TY ki exam...
Young Mr. Smith looked down at the beautiful young lady sucking his cock and smiled. It had not always been this way. Before he had changed and for some time after, he would have believed her to out of his reach. But now he had the power. Mr. Smith stroked her long blond hair softly as she three quarters of his shaft in her mouth. Her throat convulsed as his cock forced its way in. She gagged, he pulled out, and then she took him in again—even deeper this time. It was tighter than any pussy,...
Mind ControlAfter leaving Guild Master Moore’s office and returning to the hotel, Matt and I learned that our ladies weren’t back yet. We left them a note, so they would know we had gone to the hotel’s swimming pool and the note suggested that they join us. The pool was nice. The only problem was the large number of kids made it difficult to swim laps. Matt and I decided to just relax and enjoy the water. We also participated in that male bonding activity commonly known as girl watching, until our...
Yvette’s StoryI had just arrived on a flight from Australia making my way though arrivals I saw my Grandson Tim who had just entered his teen years my Daughter Christine and Husband John waiting for me I hadn’t seen them since my Husband died two years previous leaving me wealthy and alone and at sixty three I was ready for a new life so I was returned to the old country after forty years.Tim dropped the placard he was holding and run forward to give me a hug he had grown since I last saw him...