01 brief sex oral sex and masturbation at night
- 5 years ago
- 21
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When Danica awoke, she was back in her own chambers. The first thing she saw was Celes leaning over her, looking worried. "Are ye alright, Dearie? Am I needin' ta get ye to the healer?" she asked, when she noticed Danica starting to come around.
"No, I'll be fine," Danica replied groggily. "Physically at least," she added, remembering what had caused her to pass out.
"Zoraster sent for me, an' told me ta get ye back to yer chambers, but he dinna say what was wrong with ye, an' why ye was out," Celes explained.
"Did you see them?" Danica asked.
"See who?" Celes replied, raising her eyebrows.
Danica sat up slowly and told Celes about the depraved creations Zoraster had shown her. Celes was just as angry and horrified as Danica, becoming more so every moment as Danica spoke. Celes ground her teeth hard as Danica took a drink of water and spoke of the young clone Zoraster had named Danielle.
"Ach, but he's a sick, twisted bastard," Celes growled.
"There's little that can be done about it. We can't stand against him. It makes me ill to know those mindless things are being used that way," Danica sighed, and then looked around the room. She noticed that the furnishings she had comissioned had been delivered and placed in the room. She remembered telling Celes where she planned to put them, and apparently the old woman had taken care of it.
"I was worried plain sickly," Celes said when she noticed Danica looking around the room. "Ye slept through the whole bleedin' thing, while the porters grunted an' stomped around here, movin' alla this stuff."
"My mind was overwhelmed — it just shut down," Danica explained. "I think I'll throw myself into my studies. My desire to learn and create seems to suppress my thoughts of the horrors here, and the desires I have, which still frighten me."
"I noticed ye've not been out an' about much this last lil' bit," Celes observed. "What have ye been studyin' that so wrapped ye up?"
"Enchantment of magical items mostly," Danica said and picked up her new toy, still in its miniature form, from the end table right where she had left it. Danica spoke the words of command and demonstrated the item's enchantments for Celes.
The old woman laughed as she felt the thing vibrating and writhing in her hand.
"Ach, Dearie — Ye've certainly outdone yerself for a first project. Suren' this thing must drive ye clean outta yer mind," she said with another cackle as she handed the toy back to Danica.
Taking the toy back and deactivating it, Danica remarked, "I had a good example of the sort of enchantments I wanted to use, and I was there when Damian cast the spells that did it. It made it much easier to determine the differences I wanted, rather than starting from scratch."
"Ach, but so many precise enchantments on the thing — for your first creation? Dearie, ye belittle yerself. Ye have more'n a small affinity fer creatin', or ye'd have failed in this fer sure," Celes exclaimed.
Danica blushed, and smiled. "You really think so?"
"Aye, Dearie, I wouldna lie to ye," Celes replied, and then added quietly, "Ye get enough o' that around here."
Danica caught a glimpse of something around Celes' neck, and felt her stomach knot when she saw the chain that she could tell was exactly the same as the one around her neck. "Celes, does that charm... Is it like mine?"
"Aye, Zoraster uses it ta keep tabs on us, an' quite a few others. I've seen these things a poppin' up all o'er the place lately."
Danica put her hands in her face for a moment, shaking her head. "Celes, he uses these to absorb intense emotions and feelings. He used mine to give the copies of me what little minds they have. He could be creating hundreds of mindless slaves to do his bidding, using us all as brood mares to clone from."
"Nay, I'm not for thinkin' so," Celes objected. "Rightly enough, I'm likin' this damn thing even less now, knowin' that, but ye don't know much about the clonin' spell do ye? The madman musta used up a decade's worth of resources ta make the four copies of you. The expenses are incredible, even more so to gather the rare spell components used. Nay, he'll not be creatin' any armies. Likely he's just for usin' anything we feel to augment the ones he has somehow — sick bastard."
This revelation really didn't make Danica feel any better, but she let the subject drop. She asked, "What have you been doing?"
"I've not been so lucky ta have time to meself as ye," Celes sighed. "The madman has had me out an' about, near ta constantly. I've brought more Art to this sick place than I care to think on, but I have lil' choice in the matter. I try to content meself with the fact it gets me outta this damnable place, at least for a time."
Danica nodded, understanding that Zoraster probably had some sort of additional hold on Celes, just as he did her. "I already have an idea of what I'll create next," she said, smiling as she thought about the gift she planned to make for Celes. "I'm going to try to occupy my mind with study as much as possible. Maybe I can find some way to free us from this horrible curse we live under."
Celes smiled faintly. "Aye, Dearie, keep that hope alive. Ye're about the only thing that keeps mine alive. If yer work keeps yer mind away from this horrible place, I'm for thinkin' that the best place for ye is with yer nose buried in a book an' yer butt planted firmly in a chair."
"I fear that shall have to wait a short while," a voice said from the door. The women turned to see Zoraster standing before the closed door, though neither had heard it open or close again. "I have tasks for you both," he added and went to sit down.
"It is good to see you awake and well, Danica. I love what you've done with the place," he said, looked around the room and letting out a loud, sarcastic laugh.
"Just give me my orders and get out, you sick fuck," Danica retorted.
Zoraster rose and crossed the room so quickly that Danica didn't have time to react. His hand drew back and snapped out, slapping Danica backhand to the bed, "Sick fuck? You would know, little rose. You have engaged in quite a few sick things along those lines." He then seemed to compose himself, and returned to the chair.
Danica slowly sat up, her head ringing. She couldn't remember when she had ever been struck so hard. She had hit a nerve somehow, and she made sure to keep that in her mind as a warning, and possibly as an advantage at some point.
"Now, Celes, a scrying globe has been left in your chambers. It is attuned to the location where your task is to take place. It is in a small village, and there is a wizard of some small renown there. He possesses an item of vast magical power, though he knows not the truth of it. He uses it for pitiable little things to serve the sheep of the community — for no reward, as if the first was not nauseating enough. You will bring this item to me by whatever means necessary. You shall be granted freedom from your nightly duty at the baths in exchange."
Celes nodded, a look of relief crossing her face.
"Little rose, your task is much the same. There is a merchant who possesses a ring of great power, which he also does not understand. The ring is on his person at all times. He never removes it. You shall relieve him of this ring by any means necessary. Celes will be busy, so Camilla shall undertake the duty of your transport to and from here. Be prepared to be out of doors, for the merchant is in route, and is in the wilderness. In exchange, you shall be granted freedom to the entire grounds. You will not pass beyond the outer wall, but you may roam freely otherwise, should you succeed."
Danica nodded her understanding.
"Very good. Celes, you shall leave whenever you are prepared. Make haste, for my patience is thin, but be prepared before you go for any necessary eventualities. Little rose, you shall leave on the morrow. Camilla will come at high sun. Be ready when she arrives, Damika. Terribly sorry — Danica — I have such a time keeping you and your sisters straight," Zoraster said with a loud laugh, and left the room.
"Fucking sick son of a bitch," Danica muttered.
"Aye, an' I'm for fearin' we might not know the half o' the truth of it," Celes agreed.
"What is this freedom he was talking about?" Danica asked.
"Every night, I'm forced to go to the baths, and bring towels to the men and women. The men leer at me, seeing me as I should be. The women ignore me, and wince at the sight of my old body. I spend four hours each night being assaulted by the eyes, and rude comments of the men — and tortured by the sight of women I desire, and can never be with." Celes' accent vanished as she spoke of this torture.
"Why would he grant you freedom from something that must be pure torture to you? I'm sure it delights the madman to no end. Why — for such a simple task?"
"Likely the task is not so simple," Celes said with a sigh. "I fear I may once again be forced into a situation where I may have to kill to fulfill my task. I have avoided it by narrow margins thus far, but with each task, it becomes more difficult to avoid."
Danica laid her hand on Celes' folded hands, looking into her eyes trying to indicate that she understood and wished she could do something to help.
"There's little ta do, but ta be ready fer anythin', an' try an' get the damnable thing — without havin' ta be doin' the worst ta do it," Celes said, her accent returning.
Danica nodded in agreement. "I should take time to get ready too. My own task may be more difficult than Zoraster let on too. I don't like the thought of taking a life any more than you do."
"Be to it then, Dearie — as shall I. Be well." Celes said, and then left.
Danica thought carefully, and then prepared spells and items she thought she might need. The latter she received after sending a servant to request them of Zoraster. The servant returned promptly and delivered the items without comment.
As prepared as she thought she could possibly be, Danica lay down and tried to sleep. The aching of her desires came over her, and she used her toy to appease them, finally slipping into a deep slumber.
Danica went to the library when she awoke early the next morning and found several volumes dealing with the art of illusion. She thumbed through each, until she found one that seemed more precise and detailed than the others. It was a newer work, and what caught her eye were several references to her sister Devan. Danica's sister spent much study time delving into this facet of the Art, and she was quite good at it. Danica returned to her room with the book to study.
Danica read until nearly high sun. She wished she had spent more time speaking with her sister of things arcane — wished she'd spent more time speaking with her sister, period. Danica had always frowned upon Devan's wanton nature, and thus she avoided her most of the time. Devan had never hidden the reality that she lay with women, and brought the subject up often. It had always made Danica uncomfortable. She realized now that her reaction was a response to a very deep part of her — which she suppressed — that desired it as well.
Danica placed the book on a shelf in her study, gathered up the magic items she had asked for, and changed her clothes. Danica dressed in a riding outfit, the tight leather showing off her body to good effect. She pulled her hair up in a tight bun atop her head, with a trailing ponytail falling from its center to just below the back of her neck.
She picked up a riding crop and found herself staring at it. Danica imagined a strong man wielding it, bringing it down with sharp cracks on her ass as he rode her from behind — riding her like a mare and spurring her on to greater efforts with the crop.
Danica shook her head, trying to clear the vision. She could feel the wetness gathering between her legs, and her hand was caressing her buttocks where she could almost feel the stinging redness the crop had raised in her daydream. She looked in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. Zoraster had said the man was in route to somewhere, and the outfit was part of the plan formulating in her head.
She managed to shake the titillating thoughts about the crop from her head and glanced at the clock she had purchased with one of her first freedoms. It was nearly high sun, and Camilla would arrive soon.
Flipping open a compartment in a large ring she wore, Danica filled the void with cream from a jar, which she retrieved from a cabinet in her lab. She snapped the ring shut and put the jar of cream back in its place. She then sat down on the bed and awaited Camilla — who should be arriving any moment.
Camilla sauntered into the room nearly an hour later. Danica was pacing angrily about the room when the woman arrived. Danica turned to stare hard at the other woman when she entered.
Camilla just smiled and ran her hands down her body. "I'm sorry, Danica dear, I was engaged with teaching a lovely young woman some obedience. She proved to be quite difficult, and it took longer than anticipated."
Danica just snorted and grabbed the crop from where she had hurled it in anger to the bed a short while earlier. "Shouldn't we be going?" she asked curtly.
"Oh, I suppose," Camilla responded, and eyed Danica's costume. "Mmm, quite enticing," she moaned, eyeing Danica hungrily. She walked over close to Danica and reached out a hand toward her.
Danica swatted it away with the crop, scowling at Camilla.
"Ooo, Feisty little kitten, aren't we," Camilla cooed. "Now — you know I have to touch you to use the spell of teleportation, so enough of your swatting."
Danica scowled, and then tensed as the woman reached out. Camilla reached as if she was going to touch Danica's breasts, held tight by the leather of her riding outfit, and then laughed, reaching down to take Danica's hand.
The magic swirled about them, and they were somewhere else. Danica saw that they were atop a hill surrounded by large trees. The trees of the forest were spaced fairly wide, and Danica could see a caravan pulled off the side of the road, a meal obviously being prepared.
Danica smiled, as the first plan she had devised would work perfectly well in this situation. She would not need to resort to the other — less carefully planned — situations she had considered later.
"Well, there is your prey, my little tigress," Camilla observed. "Go to your task. When you have completed it, take this and say my name. I will return to wherever you are." She handed Danica a small charm. "It will grow warm when I have returned close by. It will grow warmer and begin to throb as you draw nearer to me. I'll be watching, little tigress," she finished with a crooked smile, and then vanished from sight as she teleported.
Danica kicked aside some pine needles to reveal the earth below, and then rolled around in the spot. She made sure she got a nice amount of dirt and pine needles all over her in the process. When she arose, needles were entangled in her hair, which was now sticking out every which way. She looked as though she had taken some sort of a tumble.
Danica stumbled down toward the caravan, and saw guards snap to alertness around the wagons as they heard her approaching. They stayed at the ready when she lurched out from the trees and crossed the road toward them.
"Halt right there!" one of them called out.
"Oh please, can you help me?" Danica asked, and stumbled to her knees in the middle of the road.
"What's going on here?" a man's voice said, and someone stepped out from behind one of the larger wagons. He was a roguishly handsome man, and built powerfully. Danica guessed the muscle came from exercise and not from hard labor, considering the fine clothes and jewels he was wearing.
"A woman, Sir. She appears to have had some sort of accident," one of the guards said. All the guardsmen still stood with their weapons drawn, eyeing Danica suspiciously.
"Stand down, for gods' sake," the man ordered. "Can you not see this poor woman is distraught — likely hurt?" He pushed down the sword point of the nearest guard toward the ground and walked past him toward Danica.
"Here, take my arm," he said and offered it. "Come sit down, and let us see if we might aid you."
Danica said, "Thank you, kind sir," and then took his arm. She looked — but did not see a ring on the fingers of either of his hands.
As he led her the rest of the way across the road to the caravan, Danica's mind whirled. Zoraster had said the man never took the ring off, and yet there was no ring on his finger. Was it invisible? The only way to discover that would be to find the time and opportunity to concentrate — slipping into her second sight to look for dweomers about his fingers.
The man led her to a comfortable seat near the wagons, and then said, "My name is Adrian, and I am the Master of this caravan. Now, tell me what has happened to you."
"I was on a long ride and my horse threw me. He is normally an obedient animal, but he just seemed to go mad. He bucked me off and ran like mad, off that way," Danica said, pointing off in the direction the caravan appeared to be heading.
"Hmm — perhaps stung by one of the large wasps hereabouts. You know of the Croakus Wasp?" he inquired.
"Yes, those large wasps that kill frogs and small lizards. They do not attack people or larger animals though," Danica said, remembering the insects because there had been a few in the area where she had grown up.
"It is their mating season. The males grow extremely aggressive during this time. It is quite possible your horse stepped too close to where one lay, and it stung him in response. The sting of the Croakus Wasp is quite painful. It burns like acid through your blood. It has even been known to kill children. That could have certainly caused your horse to react the way it did."
Danica covered her mouth and gasped, "Oh my. What shall I do now?"
Well, first relax here and refresh yourself. Then, you may join us for our meal and share our fire here. We intend to go no further this day, as we near the darker heart of the forest. We will leave early in the morning to ensure we cross the dark heart of the woods entirely during daylight hours. I shall send scouts out to see if they can find your horse for you. We will go from there. Will you be my guest?" he asked with a charming smile.
"Thank you, kind sir," Danica replied, smiling brightly. "I shall take you up on that offer. I fear I will have a long walk home if I do not find my horse. I rode far before he bucked me."
"It shall not come to that. We will reach the town of Dundalis once we pass through the forest tomorrow. If we have not found your horse, you may accompany us there and make arrangements to be returned to your home."
"Thank you, Sir — you are too kind."
"Nonsense!" Adrian said with a laugh. "Perhaps my men will act like civilized beings for once, in the presence of a beautiful woman. They usually become unwashed beasts whenever we are on the road!" He laughed again, and several of the men around joined in. Danica laughed with them.
Adrian ordered a tent erected, and had a large washbasin and mirror set up inside it. In the meantime, he offered Danica some of their meal. It was a simple, but quite tasty stew, brimming with fresh vegetables and succulent meats.
Danica ate, listening to the men talk — and joke about her quietly. When she finished, she went into the tent and pulled off her outfit — shaking the pine needles from it. She washed and fixed her hair again, leaving it flowing down this time. When she emerged, she saw many of the men staring at her in open-mouthed awe. Adrian was amongst those who eyed her with fascination now that she was clean with her hair down.
Danica blushed prettily as the men shook their heads and averted their eyes. Adrian walked over to her and said, "My dear, you were beautiful before — you are radiant now."
Danica's blush deepened, as she was genuinely embarrassed by the compliment. "Thank you, kind sir."
"Please, call me Adrian. Now, come sit around the fire and relax. My scouts already seek your horse. You should take your ease while we wait for them to return. I hope we will not bore you too much as we need to discuss the business of our trip before we sleep so we may be prepared when we enter the city tomorrow evening."
Danica smiled and said, "Thank you for all you have done si..." She paused, and corrected herself, "Adrian."
He smiled back, took her hand, and led her to a comfortable camp chair around the fire.
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High school student Gina Valentina is hot for teacher Derrick Pierce. She likes to skip his class and masturbate to fantasies of him fucking her. When her constant school skipping results in him calling her parents, she pretends to be her mother on the phone, and proposes a parent teacher meeting at the Valentina residence on Friday afternoon. Finally, Gina can be alone with Mr. Pierce and seduce him to have sex with her! When Friday rolls around, Gina dresses up in a sexy outfit, and applies...
xmoviesforyouShe looked like a young girl lying there; a young girl with a grown woman's breasts. She looked so innocent as she slept with her head on my pillow and anyone looking at her right then would never have believed what an insatiable sexual being she had been just one hour before. I watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath and I wondered what Andy would think. Would he think I was a low-fife asshole and his wife a cheating whore or would he understand? I laid there staring up at the...
As I entered my parents' house I was strangled in a chorus of hugs. My mom was estactic to see me, my little bro didn't care much, but still gave me hugs, and my dad was trying to play it cool, but secretly I knew he was super happy to see me. I took my bags and went up to my old room. Everything was left the exact same, which I liked. I'm glad they left my room the way it was. It was a reminder that this was still home. My brother, Jack, came to my room and asked if I wanted to go...
Hi friends, I am writing my first sex experience on this site. Hope you will enjoy the story. I am 27 years old cute and chubby person. This is the story of my first gay encounter which was done by my neighbor uncle. My body contains minimum hairs and my lund is 5 inch long. At that time I was 16 years old, when this happened with me and which opened the gay world in front of me. My neighbor uncle’s name was shyam and he was 28 years at that time. I regularly go to his house for playing as his...
Gay MaleScott had to travel and work out of State for a few weeks and told me to "have a good time" while he was away. At 40 years of age and raising two teenagers, I was bored with my usual fuck-buddies and wondered if I still 'had the looks' to attract a younger hunk. I had been day-dreaming at work about a recent hire, Tim, who was single and handsome. Girl-talk around the employee lounge revealed that he had hit on several of the young women, and a few that had dated him said he had the "biggest...
Coming to the story I wrote my first experience in August I got good response from people who liked my story. Last week of August I got hangout request from lady. She is from Bangalore, work for MNC and married 30 years old. She has cute face with slim fitness. We use to chat daily on hangout and told me about her, she is married from 5 years. Husband works in marketing all the time busy in travelling and very much interested in making money. She tried convincing him it didn’t work out to...
‘Paul!’ Katie made it into the hallway just in time to see him disappearing around the corner. She said a very un-Christian word and scurried after him, overwrought with worry. She’d never have imagined he’d have the reaction he had to Minnie! Was it that is was Minnie, or was it just that anyone who wasn’t Katie would have caused such a reaction? It didn’t matter. Right now he was upset and she needed to find out why and right any wrongs--if she could. When Katie Merit finally caught up...
THE AFTERNOON THAT DEVASTATED MY LIFE. By SEAN DUNNE. In all my years visiting professional mistresses, rather ironically, byfar the most explosive, mind shattering episode I ever experienced and fromwhich I never fully recovered, occurred during a visit to an absolute newcomerand complete novice at the game. The following account is I believe an accuraterecord of the session as I still remember most details quite vividly, but therewere some occasions where I believe I may have had moments of...
Snake is on the prowl for revenge whilst Patrick, Rachel, Jerry and Megan live in bliss in the Florida Keys. This is a three part multi chapter novella, and if you would like to find out why Snake is hell bent on revenge please read Rattling Snakes Cage and Rattling Snakes Cage Part 2 on Novels and Novellas. All three parts are under copyright and therefore cannot be reproduced in anyway without the permission of the author. * The surf swept gently onto the golden sand as Patrick and Rachel...
Who here likes seeing big tits in porn? Let’s be completely honest for a second here. I’m pretty sure that everyone would say yes to that question. There’s not a single doubt in my mind that a large percentage of my fans would go absolutely apeshit if they could find a site that they could always go to when they are in need of big tits in porn. I also know that most of you would love it even more if they would show you some of the finest high-quality material that there is out there. Well, I...
Big Tits Porn SitesNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi dear readers thanks for all comments from my dear readers I am very happy to hear your thoughts and comments that will encourage me to write more Incest stories. Ok. this is another super story for you it will give you another super ejaculation. read and write to me. My name is Parase and I m 19 and lives with my wife, Gladis. Let me tell you a little about my family history: I was 19, and my dad died about 6 years earlier. Ever since that time, my...
IncestMy name is Pam, I am seventeen. On my school holidays I wanted to learn how to sail, so joined a sailing club. Being a female with no experience in sailing did not endear me to most of the guys who were keen sailors. It was considered a sport for guys only. A very few girls did sail but were normally girlfriends of the skippers. I was breaking new ground as girls were only considered good for one thing and I was probably more experienced in that than any of the guys were in sailing. As I had...
OutdoorFredricks of Hollywood Store at Mall My husband and I went to a Mall in Omaha back a few years ago now but what a great time I had in the changing room.We went to the Mall looking for clothes for me. Husband wanted to get me some sexy nylons and possibly a couple of new outfits for our freeway flashing games we had been doing lately. We walked thru a bunch of stores starting with all the chain stores and came across a Fredricks of Hollywood boutique. I saw some of the displays in the window...
Fiction or truth you decide. My Story.This happened in the late 70s. I was working on the ferries, every other Saturday night we had a layover of 6 hours. We would go & have a drink in different cabins. This night I was with Max we went into a cabin with lots of stewards & ABs & two stewardess they had been drinking for at least an hour before we got there. No seats left so we sat on the floor facing one of the girls Lucy. She seemed a bit tipsy, her skirt had ridden up showing her...
I lay naked in my twin bed, watching my brother get undressed. As had become usual lately I was imagining him getting ready to join me in my bed. He was leaving for the army in a few weeks and I was beginning to despair that such a lovely thing would ever happen. He had been preparing for the army for the past two years and was trim and muscly. His shirt came off over his head and the lines of his back rippled and moved beautifully. His pants dropped down to reveal red boxer briefs. His back...
IncestI was 18 and had been living in Orlando for a few months and I recently found the M4M rooms on the old AOL chat. I met a man on there and we talked for a week or two about what I was into, which I didn’t know at the time, what we looked like, what we got off to and so on. I was fairly experienced with born by then but had yet ventured much into gay born although it did get me excited. I was older looking than my age but was 6’6′ and about 180 pounds. The gentleman I was talking to was older,...
I called out to Helen and told her I'd be home soon. Then I left with Dennis. It's only a short drive to the small, local airport. He dropped me off right at the steps of a sleek jet sitting outside a hangar. Dennis held the door for me and told me that he'll be waiting right here when I return. Then he escorted me to the steps of the plane. As we approached the jet a young man in a pilot's uniform came out and introduced himself as the copilot. He very graciously welcomed me on board....
Hi mera nam pankaj hai mari age 21 sal hai. Meri height 5foot 8inch hai. Mera lund ka aakar 7inch lamba or 3inch mota hai. Main ab apko or bor nahi karonga. Yeh kahani aaj se 4mahine pahle ki hai. Meri ristedari main kisi ki death ho gai thi mere mummy papa bahi ja rahe the. Sorry main batana bhool gaya ki mere ghar mai teen log rahte hai main, mummy or papa. Us din mare mummy or papa unhi ke ghar jane ke liye subha se tayar ho gaye the. Main baha nahi ja raha tha kyu ki mujhe dukan per...
I made the drinks and brought them back quickly, handing Daddy his. We each took a sip, looking at each other when he shook his head disapprovingly, glancing up at down my body. I knew why...in my head, I said my first line: 'my name is trisha and Daddy owns my mouth and my pussy' ...I turned to the counter that Daddy was leaning against and leaned forward over it slightly, just a few feet from him, arching my ass out behind me - the 7 inch platforms brought my waist to the perfect...
Looking for male sex toys? Do you own a Flesh Light aka the best male masturbator yet? For many years now Fleshlights have been the most popular masturbation sex toy for men in the market. The ridiculously shaped Fleshlight is basically a flashlight with a fake pussy aka artificial vagina attached to the end, making it easy to hold as you fuck the shit out of it.While the original model consisted of a pussy-flashlight toy, Flesh light has since expanded to many other products such as blowjob...
Online Sex Toys ShopsHi Lovely Readers! This is Yamuna. Don’t you remember me? For the first time I wrote a story “My brother calls me yammu” . I was really very afraid of disclosing this sort of things before the people but after becoming a regular visitor of Humandigest and Debonairblog, I thought let me take a chance of presenting before you sex lovers the incestual relationships in my family. I must say I have received an overwhelming replies/comments and perhaps, mine is the first real story in this site to...
IncestI knelt there on the bed between Karen's widespread legs. God, she was incredible! Her face and tits glistened in the room's light from the saliva smeared all over them, Her hard nipples stood straight and tall and her pussy... her pussy looked like it belonged to a twenty-year-old beach bunny, not a forty-year-old who had a college graduate son! Neat and tucked in tightly the lips didn't sag or anything. The fur was short and well trimmed, forming a small upside down triangle with the point...
SeductionThe weather was on the breezy side, but other than that it was an absolutely gorgeous afternoon, with pleasant sunshine warming things up. I was looking forward to things hotting up later in the evening. My boyfriend was expected today and I had come to work in a daze. My mind was full of being with him. He had gone on a month-long trip and I just couldn't wait for him to be back. Strangely it was the last two days that seemed the most difficult!! Chatting on the internet is all very well, but...
Introduction: I tried to build my relationship with my cousin, while trying to hide it from our folks This was a long post, and was split into two at another site, so its being relabeled here as 4 and 5 for consostency. ============================================= We had just given our virginities to each other, and were very unsexyly using some warm rags from bath tub to wipe up the mess. As I finished cleaning myself up, I softly called her name, Hannah, but she continued her work and...
“Hi Rich, how are you this morning”? I replied that I was fine as she leant forward and rested elbows on the table. She followed my eyes down and saw I was looking at her cleavage. “I've got nice tits haven’t I, not as big as moms or Tori's but they are nice aren’t they”? “Yes Zo?ou've got very sweet tits, and your pussy and ass are just as sweet”. Grinning she looked at me and then said. “So you done me and my mom in the ass, you've gotta fuck Tori there even if she doesn’t you...
Home was nice, it was comfortable, and it was a place, for the moment, that was rife with questions and concerns. “To tell or not to tell,” he said. She nodded. “If he ever finds out” she said. “I mean if we do not tell him. On the other hand, if we do tell him...” “Yes, potential problems if we don’t, for sure problems if we do. You tell me,” he said. “Whatever we do we lose.” “Like you say, it’s no win either way. But I think we should wait. Yes, maybe tell him, just not so soon,” she...
We had reached the end of the semester and Mandy wanted to go home for the winter break. It was something I had not been doing for years. I was twenty-seven years old and was living on my own life since I left home at eighteen to go to college and then into the Navy, before returning to the university. I did, indeed, go home for special occasions like the holidays, or reunions, but I really wasn’t going home that often. In fact, I had not been home since I went down and picked up Mandy from her...
The next day he did as he promised and took me with is rugged freight bed flier to the southmost tip of Bifrost island a deserted dark pebble beach. Most of the rocks where about fist sized but there many much bigger and a few almost house sized. “These are carried by the glaciers from the mountains and after every Longnight they go a little further till they end in the sea.” He explained, “Eventually carrying our small mountain range away to the sea.” He took the metal box with him, handed...
E-bride On the Internet you can be whoever you want to be. When you sit at your keyboard no one knows who is typing the messages and whether those messages are true. That's what got me into trouble. I was sitting at the computer one day rather bored and I thought it might be amusing to see what people had been writing in the dating pages. For some reason I strayed into the 'male seeking female' pages. Now I am not gay and I cannot explain what happened next and why. I suddenly thought...
"Dangit." Debbie thought to herself. "I walked out without my fucking phone." It was one of those Monday mornings for Debbie. She was going to have to drive all the way back home to get her phone. It was a little after ten-thirty so at least the rush hour traffic will have died down. Debbie is a fifty-four year old, divorced mother, whose daughter is home from college for the summer. Debbie imagined that Katie would probably sleep until noon again, so she'd just slip in, grab her phone and not...
Empfang bei einer großen Frankfurter Bank. Es war für mich einer dieser typischen Sektempfänge: viele Leute in teurer Kleidung, die versuchten ein Gespräch mit noch wichtigeren und noch besser gekleideten Vorstandsleuten oder anderen bekannten Persönlichkeiten anzufangen. Versteht mich nicht falsch, ich bin gerne Banker. Ich liebe Zahlen, die Arbeit mit Geld, ja sogar das Risiko und Spekulation machten mir Freude. Aber diese Empfänge, das Ganze gesellschaftliche Herumgetue... es war nie...
IncestI was about to crash for the night when my Step-Mom Tia came in the room, she was wearing some lingerie and seemed really down. I could tell something was off with her, I ask her and she starts to go off about how much of a horrible husband my Step-Dad is. Tia tells me she got all dressed up in her sexy lingerie for him and he canceled plans again on her. Now she is all dressed up with no one to fuck, I can tell she was thinking something in her head. My Step-Mom slowly starts to run her hands...
xmoviesforyouJune – Year 1 The next Friday I called Lynn and asked her if I could take her to dinner and then to the bar afterwards. She gladly said yes. I told her that I would go commando if she did. She giggled and agreed. After work on Friday I went home and showered and shaved and pulled on a nice shirt and Lynn’s favorite holey blue jeans. I got to her house at 6:30 and knocked on the door. Dara answered and gave me a huge hug and a kiss. We hugged again until I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Am I...