DanicaPart 4B free porn video

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Celes came the next morning to work with Danica. By mid-afternoon, Danica had mastered the spell. Celes cast a dispell over the room once Danica cast the Armor of Dispelling around her. Danica smiled wide when she found that her rings worked perfectly and that she could cast spells upon herself without them fizzling in the magic-eating enchantment cast upon the room.

Celes concentrated and released the dispelling magic. Danica then relaxed the shield of her spell as well.

"There — now ye should have no trouble with them doorways, Dearie," Celes declared.

Danica let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods. I don't want to have to go through the nightmare I went through last time when I have to return in a few weeks.

Celes nodded in agreement. "Ye have a plan on how to touch them two amulets together, don't ye? Yer gonna have a right hard time doin' that invisible, ye know?"

"The girl uses drugs," Danica revealed, and produced the vials she'd taken from the Princess' room to show Celes. "I'll have little trouble substituting a sleeping potion for one of these, and she seems to take them often."

"Sad. She's likely ta lose her mind an' her life both soon, usin' these vile things," Celes said, apparently recognizing the drugs. "What're ye about t'day? I see ye've been working." She nodded toward the lab and asked, "Will ye be back to craftin'?"

Danica smiled and answered, "Not today. My heart isn't in it." Pointed her finger in a warning gesture, she admonished, "No peeking. It's a present for you."

The old woman's eyes widened. "Fer me? Ye silly lass. I'm not for deservin' no presents."

"Oh, don't be silly. You'll take your present, and you'll like it Celes," Danica exclaimed, waggling her finger.

Celes cackled, "Fine, fine — but ye're wastin' yer talents on an old, dried up crone. Don't say I dinna warn ye. There are more deservin' people o' yer talents — not the least o' whom is yerself. Craft fer yerself an' make yer life easier an' more enjoyable."

"I will, but not until I've finished your present," Danica responded.

"Well, if'n ye're not busy, I could be usin' yer help," Celes admitted. "I'm for needin' ta get a special piece o' Art made, an' Damian's the best there is. I was hopin' ye could go with me an' persuade him ta craft it fer me, bein' as ye know him so well."

Danica blushed when Celes gave her a sly wink upon saying the last.

"Word gets around, Dearie," Celes continued, and laid a hand on Danica's shoulder, winking again. "Will ye do it fer me?"

"Of course, we'll go right now," Danica replied and led Celes to Damian's room.

Damian agreed to make the item, saying, "I'll get right to that," once Celes had described the item — an amulet that allowed the wearer to pass through walls on command. "I've not worked with the Passwall enchantments. It will be a fresh challenge."

"I'm fer thankin' ye," Celes said gratefully.

"Think nothing of it. The challenge alone is worth the work," Damian responded with a laugh.

The two women then left and returned to Danica's chambers. Celes expressed interest in watching Danica work on her crafting some time, as she had never undertaken the task herself. Danica agreed to work with her when time allowed them both to be together long enough.

Celes excused herself then, saying she had business she had to attend to for the crazy bastard, and left the room.

Danica decided to go to the corset maker and see how her garments were coming along. She was surprised to find them finished. She put the outfit on and grinned in delight. It was beautiful and cinched her waist without being uncomfortable. It held her bare breasts up high and close together. The other women in the workshop cooed, saying it would surely drive men mad. Such seemed to be confirmed when a man walked past the doorway of the shop and glanced inside at just at the right angle to see Danica where she stood some distance inside. He tripped and fell with a loud exclamation right in front of the door. The women all laughed, and the man scurried — red-faced — away from the doorway.

Danica changed out of the clothes and back into her robes. She returned to her chambers and put the new outfit carefully away in the closet. Danica looked toward the lab, but decided she was not yet ready to begin the intricate task of painting and glazing her present for Celes. She thought of the library, but her mind was not on study either. She decided to wander, and let her intuition lead her.

Danica walked past the workshops, the garden with its hedge maze, and past the pool opposite it. She chuckled when she thought she saw someone concealed in the bushes near the pool. She eventually arrived near the main gate, which led to the outside world.

What exactly is keeping me here? Zoraster's admonition not to leave? Danica walked slowly toward the gate. Two guards there conferred for a moment before walking to stand interposed between Danica and the gate.

Danica continued forward as if the men meant nothing, and then made a show of picking a particularly pretty flower from a spot along the trail, very near the gate. Her subterfuge complete, she wandered off away from the gate.

She sat down on a stone bench nearby and watched as several people entered and left the complex. Sometimes the guards conferred, and sometimes they didn't. Each time, the guards allowed the people to pass without a fuss.

Apparently, there was more than Zoraster's warning to prevent her from leaving here. The guards had certainly shown intentions of stopping her. She got up and followed the wall, looking up and noticing that no guards paced there. The wall was high, but far from beyond the reach of a levitation spell.

Danica looked around. She was far from any structures, and somewhat shielded by a small stand of trees. Falling into her magic, Danica levitated upward. She held her hand over a ring of feather-falling, prepared to release its fall-slowing enchantment should something force her to break the levitation spell, or stripped it from her by other magic.

Danica reached the top of the wall without incident. No alarms sounded, no spells flared to life, and no guards ran toward her. Nothing happened.

Danica leaned over the wall to look outward toward the town. When she passed over the line of the wall, she felt a faint humming from the amulet around her neck. She quickly jerked her head back, and the humming died. She leaned forward just a bit and felt the humming return. The hum from the amulet grew stronger the farther she leaned out over the wall.

"What are you doing, woman?" Danica heard a man's voice behind her say.

Danica whirled and found a man with an aura of magical power shining about him standing on the wall in a spot that was empty only a moment before.

"Surely you do not seek to raise the ire of your host?" He was about Danica's age, though he was thin and wan — almost corpselike — behind the dark hood of his robe. "Any guest of quality would not leave without paying a visit to the host of their stay first," the wizard warned in a haughty tone of voice.

"I was just looking over the wall," Danica snorted and turned her back on the man, walking along the wall in the opposite direction of where he stood.

Danica noticed he did not follow, but instead allowed her to go on her way. He had delivered his warning, and Danica's question had been answered beyond doubt. She was a prisoner here, and someone would prevent her from leaving in any fashion without permission.

She found a stairway plunging downward into the wall after a while, and curiously descended. She discovered a hallway and several rooms hidden within the wall. From time to time, she passed guards on patrol and the occasional servant, but none seemed to pay her any heed.

She found more descending stairs, and discovered there was a catacomb beneath the wall — and the entire complex within the walls as well. There were numerous doors, all very obviously locked tight and trapped, leading to unknown rooms. She saw ladders leading upward to what appeared to be trap doors, and stairs leading up to other doorways.

Tunnels branched out toward the city as well, lit by magical globes. Danica could not believe that this labyrinth was here. She wandered past one room and found several men lounging on comfortable pallets while drinking and staring up at the ceiling. When she looked upward, Danica discovered why.

The bottom of the women's bathing pool was an illusion. The men here sat gawking at the women above as they swam and bathed. More twisted entertainment for Zoraster's twisted servants, Danica thought with disgust.

The men never even noticed Danica, so intent were they upon the show above. She left the room — feeling disgusted — and continued her wanderings. She passed a dungeon, the purpose of the place betrayed by the bars and the sad state of the tunnels there. She heard moans of dismay and the occasional scream of pain as she drew near, and then passed by the area. She did not enter, or even look through the barred double gate as she passed it by.

Danica saw several men and women in black robes not long after, passing into and out of an open doorway. She knew immediately what the series of rooms was the moment she looked inside, though she had never seen one before.

The stench of blood and death wafted from the room. Skeletons and zombies ambled slowly amongst the wizards as they performed their foul experiments. Danica heard the endings of a dark, horrible chant, and saw a nude female rise up from a blood-caked stone slab.

The woman's eyes had the blank stare of a zombie, and her head lolled to the side to reveal where something had slashed her throat from ear to ear. Danica hurried down the hallway, covering her mouth and trying to keep her stomach under control. Between the scene and the stench, she found it difficult, indeed.

This place is as complex and insane, as the man himself, Danica thought, amazed that this had been beneath her feet all this time. She couldn't even imagine what she might find if she started opening the dozens of locked doors she'd seen in the corridors here and above.

Danica made her way out of the labyrinth, back into a main subterranean hall, and soon found her way back to the walls. She located a secret door, hidden from the outside, and exited back onto the grounds once more.

Danica walked aimlessly around the grounds a bit more, not really paying much attention to where she was going. She thought about what she had learned about this place today, and about her own entrapment in it.

Night was falling when she finally looked around to see where she was. She was near the pool on the grounds, very close to the wall. She looked toward the bushes where the young men had hidden that night and heard voices.

Danica crept closer, until she could hear the voices clearly and partially see through the bushes. Three of the speakers she recognized. They were the three she had made men that night on the very spot where they now stood talking. The fourth, whom she didn't recognize, was the next to speak.

"You're all lying. You made this whole thing up because you can't manage to get a real woman. This fire-haired wench who plays with herself in the pool is a figment of your collective imaginations."

"We are not," one of the young men spoke up. "She was here and she let us all fuck her. She told Jonathon that if any of our friends wanted to fuck her, to come here at night and the might get lucky."

One of the others added, "Besides, oh high and mighty apprentice wizard, I don't see any notches in your bedpost. Though, I bet your right arm has more muscles than the rest of your body." He made an exaggerated masturbation sign with his hand when he finished speaking.

"Bah," the fourth young man scoffed and then whispered words of magic. An image of Danica appeared to stand near the boys batting its eyes, and swaying its hips seductively. "That's more real than any woman you've had, on this spot or any other."

The other three's mouths dropped open, and their eyes went wide. They then exclaimed in near perfect unison, "That's her."

Danica covered her mouth and stifled a chuckle from their comedic response to the appearance of the illusion.

"Liars," the young apprentice accused. "That's that fire-haired lap-licker who wanders the halls, ignoring any man who tries to speak to her. You're all making it up, just like that Aaron in my study group who says he had her too."

Danica smiled, absently remembering that Aaron was the name of the young man she had found studying with the apprentice whom she had originally come here with so long ago. She was apparently becoming a legend amongst the younger male population within the walls. Her brow furrowed a bit when she considered the young man's tone — especially when he said lap-licker. She thought this one probably needed to be taught a lesson. An idea formed in her head, and she shuddered as she licked her lips thinking about it.

They argued a bit more and then the doubting apprentice said, "You may as well give up — all of you. It's utterly inconceivable that this woman would let any of you even touch her — let alone fuck her. You're all a bunch of pussies, but she wouldn't touch you unless you actually had one."

Danica smiled wickedly, noticing that the illusion of her was directly between her and the assembled students. She fought down a laugh and said, "Part of weaving magic is making the inconceivable reality, young man."

All four turned and stared at the illusion, which was still going through its programmed motions and fading from view. The apprentice's mouth was open wider than the others, because he knew the illusion hadn't — couldn't — have spoken.

Danica sauntered out from behind the bushes. Three young men smiled, and one maintained his open-mouthed stare as she walked through the last faint traces of the illusion of her to stand before them.

She walked up to each of the three young men in turn, kissing them and caressing their manhoods with her hand through their trousers — moaning as she did so.

"I told you all that you'd had your turn, but your doubtful and rude friend here has changed my mind. Maybe he might get a turn, if he's patient." She turned to look at the still wide-eyed apprentice when she finished speaking.

Danica looked back at the three young men and locked eyes with one of them. "You were the last before, weren't you?" she asked. When he nodded in the affirmative, she informed him, "Well then, you get to be first this time." With that, she opened her robe and let it drop to the ground.

Danica moved in close to the young man, four sets of eyes locked on her body. She slid her panties down and kicked them away as she reached him. "Now, let's see if you paid attention during your last lesson. Consider this a surprise test. I hope you don't disappoint me."

Danica kissed him and slowly dropped down to her knees. She tugged at the waist of his trousers, and continued downward to lie back on the grass.

The young man quickly pulled off his clothing, and then dropped down to his knees in front of Danica. He leaned forward onto his hands and lowered himself down.

Danica moaned and parted her legs wide. "You're doing very well, so far," she said, and punctuated it with a moan as his tongue slipped between her labia.

"Mmm, yes — you certainly seem to have understood your lesson," Danica moaned playfully as he stoked her inner fires with his tongue. Danica was pleased that she had little need to guide him. His memory, and improvisation, served him quite well.

Danica looked over at the other two young men with whom she'd lain with the same night. "Why don't you get undressed? It will save some time and I want to see your cocks. It will give me something more to look forward to."

They undressed immediately. Danica let her lip curl into a crooked smile when she saw the rude older apprentice standing off to the side and looking uncomfortable.

Danica gave the young man a few suggestions between moans, which he quickly followed. She soon dangled over her precipice, then tumbled over the edge with a loud cry.

The young man rose smiling from between her legs as she continued to quiver from aftershocks. "Did I pass the test?"

Danica chuckled, "You certainly did. Now, let's see if you know how to use that hard young cock of yours."

He mounted her and Danica purred as he pushed inside her — with no fumbling about. "Mmm, get me there before you fill me up and you've passed the last test."

Danica reached behind her legs and pulled her knees up toward her chest. It had exactly the effect she wanted, allowing him to penetrate her deeper and more quickly. His fast, youthful thrusts were quickly stoking her internal fires. Danica could see the strain in his face and knew it would be a close thing, though.

The young man passed his final test as he spurted inside Danica, simultaneous with her own shuddering orgasm. Danica gave him a few moments to gasp for breath, as she needed the time as well. She then slapped him playfully on the ass, and followed it with a gentle nudge indicating he should get off her.

They both gasped when he pulled free from her, trembling from the intense shock of pleasure that shot through them as he did.

Danica sat up and kissed him as he knelt on trembling legs in front of her. "You did very well. You obviously paid attention last time. If you do that for a woman who likes you, she'll keep coming back for more. Stay away from the Nymph Dweomer — it's cheating. Only a woman who really wants you can make you feel that good, and enjoy it too."

The young man nodded with a silly smile on his face. Danica kissed him one more time and said, "Now get dressed and go."

While he dressed, Danica glided past the other two young men toward the pool. She touched both of their erections and licked her lips before continuing to the water to wash up.

Danica tested both of the other young men, and they proved they had learned their lessons well. The last exploded inside her just as Danica was nearing her peak, but he had the determination to overcome his sensitivity and continued stroking Danica's depths until she climaxed as well.

Danica whispered in his ear, which was easy to do since he had collapsed atop her almost as soon as she had started coming, "Don't worry — you pass the test too. I'm not that particular about the rules when I come that hard."

Her spent lover smiled weakly in response. Danica told him to get dressed and be on his way as well. She went to the pool for the third time to clean up, and then strutted toward the final apprentice. There was an obvious note of challenge in her bearing as she approached, her hips swaying seductively and water from the pool running down her nude body.

Danica studied the apprentice as she approached. He was really quite handsome, but something in his expression gave him an arrogant air that detracted from his appearance. His long, dark brown hair had a subtle curl to it, and he appeared to have a strong, youthful body beneath his robes.

"You judge people too quickly, and you are rude. How many women have shared your bed?" Danica asked when she stopped a couple of feet from the uncomfortable looking apprentice.

"Plenty," he replied with the sort of arrogance Danica had expected from him.

"Mmm hmm — and how many succumbed to your rude advances without you using magic to sway them?" Danica asked, putting her hands on her hips and cocking them at a seductive angle.

When he didn't answer, Danica said, "That's what I thought. I bet you've never even seen a woman reach her heights before now, have you?"

"Lots of times," he retorted.

Danica knew she had hit a nerve. She let out a derisive snort and said, "Perhaps under someone else's touch. You look like the sort that just ruts like an animal and is asleep a minute after he starts."

The apprentice blushed in an obvious combination of embarrassment and anger. "What do you know?"

"I know I'm standing here naked, and the only wetness between my legs right now came from the pool," Danica lied. The whole situation actually turned her on a great deal.

"You couldn't handle me," the apprentice snorted and crossed his hands over his chest.

Danica mimed a yawn. "Big words — have you anything to back them up?"

He grunted and jerked down the front of his trousers. His being angry and embarrassed obviously had no power to overcome the arousal caused by the sight of Danica's body.

Danica raised her eyebrows slightly. "Well, it appears to work. I suppose that's a first step. Now, why don't you go find a nice knothole in a fence and take care of it?"

"Frigid bitch," the young man growled.

Danica had originally meant to play hard to get, expecting that as any normal young man's would, the apprentice's desires would take control of him and calm his demeanor. She was really aroused, and had actually planned to try to teach him something by letting him take her — once he dropped his smug attitude. Now she knew he really was nothing more than a smug, arrogant, rude ass. The arousal she had felt drained out of her in an instant.

"Smug and rude to a fault," Danica said, moving in closer to him.

"Can't resist a real man, can you?" He taunted Danica, while pointing his cock at her with his hand.

Danica crinkled her nose. "On second thought, I wouldn't wish your clumsy advances on a knothole." With that, Danica gathered up her clothing and started to get dressed.

Danica heard the apprentice softly chanting the words of the Nymph Dweomer. She chuckled inwardly, knowing the simple spell would have absolutely no effect on her. The young man was supremely arrogant to believe it would have the same effect on her that it might on a barmaid or a female novitiate.

Danica had just finished pulling on her panties when he finished the spell. Danica felt its power move against her, and then felt it dissipate like smoke in the wind in the face of her will. Danica let a crooked smile grace her face for a moment, and then turned back toward the apprentice.

His smug look became even more so, seeing her walking back toward him. "Now, why don't you take those panties back off," he said as he dropped his trousers around his ankles.

He had just raised his eyes back up after glancing down to unbutton his trousers when Danica reached him and said, "You dropped something."

She then brought her knee up hard, directly into his crotch.

The young man dropped breathless to the ground after a long, pained moan. Danica chuckled at him, and then noticed laughter coming from the bushes. She looked over and saw that the three young men had either not left, or had come back.

Same as Danica
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It had suddenly all made sense to Elizabeth, the thirty-nine-year-old step-mum to eighteen-year-old Emma. Elizabeth was looking at Emma who was wearing a pink vest top allowing her red hair to flow over her bare shoulders, and very tight white cotton shorts which showed her cute very spankable bottom off admirably. Elizabeth and Emma had just done the housework together and Emma was putting away the hoover and was just moments away from getting yet another spanking.It hadn’t always been this...

3 years ago
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The Disappearance of Big TonyChapter 3

Big Tony and Mort Michaels were not discussed again while Delores was in Greenfield. When she arrived to stay with Chazzy in her room, I broached the subject again. "I have been thinking about what I told you a week ago. I don't think I want to tell you anymore. You obviously loved your parents very much and I don't want to destroy the memory you have of them. Children can be so unaware of what their parents are doing unless it is pointed out to them." "Damnit, you've said too much...

1 year ago
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Katies Dream

She stands in front of the mirror and ties the collar of the white, satin blouse, white for unsoiled virginity, the wide satin ties hang to her breasts. She slides her hand down the front of the knee-length skirt. She is delectable, unspoiled, a fruit ripe for picking, her juices maturing and longing to be tasted. She closes her eyes, smelling his cologne and recalling his exotic accent. He slides his fingers under the half collar and kisses her lips. She feigns resistance, pushing his hand...

2 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 2

"Oh," I say, gaining clarity of the situation. I am sure I would have blushed if I was still able. "The outfit," I give one of those high pitched shrieks of hysteria. "I was called from my bed by an emergency," I say by way of an explanation. I have lived among aliens, what did I care about the human clothing taboo, but something about being stared at by these three men human men, suddenly had me wishing I had stopped a moment to put something else on. "Never mind that," I wave...

4 years ago
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A story of being deflowered

My mum shouted to me to get up or I would be late for college. I was already awake as I had woke up from a dream where I was being deflowered by my maths teacher. My pussy was aching so I began to slowly masturbate myself. When my mum had shouted on me I had just began to climax. I quickly finished and went for a shower. In the bathroom mirror I looked at my lovely dark brown pubic hair. I was 17 and had never shaved my pubic region. I saw the razor that my mother uses to shave her legs (Wonder...

3 years ago
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A New Style of Education part 13

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 13 The last week before the field trip to France, all lessons apart from Music and French were cancelled. The school became a hive of activity as the last minute polishing took place. Our French wasn't perfect but it was certainly good enough to understand what was happening, what other people were saying and in most circumstances what was written. "Tonight," said Mr Hobson during breakfast, "we will be giving a concert in the...

3 years ago
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Turned The Driver Gay 8211 Part IV

The night was warm and cozy sleeping in his arms, they were big and warm, it was cold outside and we were sleeping nude under our blankets, I wake up to a warm sensation and a cold feet and see he is sucking my dick with the blanket on the floor, he told me it was erect and he did not want to waste my erection, after saying this he went down again to suck my cock, I could see he was erect also, I told him let’s not waste this too and asked him to give it to me, we got down in a 69 position and...

Gay Male
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Green Wings

This is a story i sent to a very close friend some time ago. We're still close.I asked her to meet me thinking she wouldn't show up. Looking out to the river Tyne on the final warm night of the summer I think to the last time we met. No chemistry, lingering looks or thoughts. No longing to be close, intimate. I look up from my thoughts and there she is next to me. I turn to her resisting the urge to kiss her and just hold her close instead. The hug lasts longer than usual. She's wearing an...

1 year ago
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Slut Wives! Do you get off to the thought of watching your significant other getting fucked by random dudes? Or perhaps the better question would be whether you fantasize about watching your partner get her pussy spread by a bigger cock than you’ll ever have? Well, you must be horny for some cuckolding pornography!This is a pretty common genre, and perhaps watching cuckolding videos is becoming a bit monotonous, so you want something different. Well, how about a forum where you can interact...

Porn Forums
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NubilesPorn Kristen Scott Petite Beauty

Short hottie Kristen Scott shows off her plentiful assets as she shakes what she’s got while doing a striptease for Tyler Steel. From peeling her bra from her small perky all naturals to slipping her panties down her legs, Kristen does whatever it takes to capture Tyler’s interest. From there she’s quick to open her sweet mouth for a wet and wild blowjob and to push her boobs together for a titty fuck. Now that she’s nice and warmed up, Kristen hops onto Tyler’s stiffie to ride him like her own...

1 year ago
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PE teacher and sixth form boy

In my sixth form year, aged almost 18, I attracted the attention of my PE teacher. For months he enforced a rule of ‘no underpants’, and he would inspect the whole class of boys, making us pull out on our shorts to prove we had none on. This was in the 60s, he would never get away with that nowadays. I used to just pull my shorts at the side so he didn’t see anything vital, but recently I had been intrigued by him touching my ass whenever he had the chance. I was into girls, but the idea of him...

3 years ago
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An early return from a business trip

So six hours later, half hour at the airport, and 30 minute drive back from the airport. I walk in the door, its late. I'm sure my wife is probably in bed doing something naughty, just not sure what yet? I sneak into the house. I've been known to walk around with a cat like grace, and sneak up on people and scare them senceless, even without trying. I put down my briefcase, and travel bag. Hanging up my blazer, I head up the stairs takeing note to avoid all the squeeks in the stairs. As I...

2 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 10

I woke up at 7 AM and showered again even though I had showered before I left Kathy's. I really dressed carefully; I didn't know what was going to happen at our family talk and felt I better try to make a good impression. Between my mother and father I was all confused about what I was supposed to be or do in relation to mom, dutiful son or lover. When I got downstairs it was obvious that mom and dad had had a long talk before I got there. Mom's eyes were a little red, pretty sure she had...

1 year ago
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I was reading the paper the other day and saw this article about a Canadian Air force pilot who had murdered a couple of girls, but the best bit for me was the fact that this guy had an undie fetish and there he was in all his glory and a pair of stolen bras and pants!! The bulge in the pants looked interesting too, I would certainly have enjoyed investigating that!! He's going away for a minimum of twenty five years for the murders so I bet he'll be popular inside, plenty of opportunity to...

2 years ago
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Love from Johnny

‘Why did I take a job at the local prison?’ I thought as I sat at the table eating my lunch. I had to be crazy being around all these men all day. Barry my husband of twelve years wanted to kill me when I decided to work. He felt a woman was supposed to be home and pregnant. Well it was twelve years and we didn’t have any children, to tell the truth we only had sex once a month for the past year. I tried everything from sexy clothes to romantic dinners. Finally realizing that this woman...

2 years ago
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Well, it is my life story of five years back and how it changed my life. I am Smriti, presently 30 years with a son, who is just 3 years old. I was married to Sanjeev five years back. At that time I was very slim. I am 5'4" and when I was married I had my figure 34-28-34. My complexion is fair, had hairs up to my shoulder and sparkling eyes.From the facial point of view I was never considered to be beautiful. But people said that I had a charming appearance. My body growth had been good since...

3 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 17

Tonya walked, naked, through a dark forest; the trees were too thick for her to see anything above, but she knew it was the middle of the night. Somehow, she was able to make her way through, but she had no idea where she was going, or where she'd come from; she also had the distinct feeling she was being watched... She knew she needed to find something here in the forest, but what? Aside from the way out, she didn't have a clue what she was looking for, so she didn't know how she'd be...

1 year ago
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Naked with Sister

Note : Completely fictional, just so ya know. So I grew up on a farm with my twin sister and both my parents. The farmhouse is a nice big cottage in the middle of big open fields and woods that are miles in every direction. Back in the woods is a great big pond that nobody knows about and sometimes when we were younger my sister and I would sneak off and go skinny dipping in it. There was nothing sexual about it. We both just liked the feeling of being naked outside and swimming. We are very...

1 year ago
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Faiths Bad Weekend

Faith Olson's the town hottie. She's 18, thin and blonde. She's got big blue eyes, a tight ass and smallish but shapely breasts. She's taller than average - she could be a model. This All-American girl next door's the head cheerleader, a varsity tennis player and an honor student. Like her sister Freya who's now in college, Faith's the president of the Abstinence Club. She also helps out her church and her dad the mayor. She's been going steady with Chad Channing, a star quarterback who just...

1 year ago
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Paid in Full

Paid in Full, A Pantyboy Love Story By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Zithers and Smithers You don't hear much about zithers anymore. Not since the post-World War II movie classic "The Third Man" have you heard very much zithering in mainstream music. That's why those of us afflicted with a passion for that rather obscure, stringed instrument find it so difficult to find a proper tutor. Mom and Daddy encouraged my love for the zither, but knew that, in my mid-sized town, the...

4 years ago
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Poems for a Master

CYBER LOVE I found you in the shadows Waiting silently for me you whispered my name And you were there.. Smiling an unseen welcome Beckoning me near There in the warm darkness You embraced me – held me touched me and in my unchartered depths I held you close and hoped you felt my gentle warmth engulfing you… lost in our deep dreams our souls drowning within us we swam unconcerned in that pool of blinded love the tears washing over us dancing their jubilant threat promising no tomorrow… The...

2 years ago
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My Brothers Bed

My Brothers Bed It had been an endless day. I had two friends from university staying with me for the weekend and my family had let us have the house to ourselves. It had been ages since I had been back home, but I couldn’t stop thinking about one of my friends, Natalie, who I had been fucking for a while but no one else knew at university. I had had sex before university, but she was something completely different, like I was fucking a wild animal. She was a little smaller than me at 5 foot 6,...

3 years ago
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Meri Wife Ko Sab Ne Milke Choda

Hi my name is Kd. Main aaj ek sacchi story batane ja raha hu jo mere saath hui hai. Meri shaadi ko aadha saal ho gaya tha and ISS main read karne ke baad mujhe bhi lagta tha koi meri patni ka gangbang kare. Main har baar uska gangbang sochke masturbate karta. Meri patni ke baare kich bata du. Wo ek 22 saal ki gulab jaise hot and kamar and breasts ka to koi jawab hi nahi. Sab ki nazar usse chodne ki hoti hai. Maine bhi usse kai baar choda tha shaadi se pehle. Rehne ka uska Surat main tha and...

4 years ago
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A Welcomed GuestChapter 6

The man looked around, so far they hadn’t been spotted but he was afraid that was about to end. “I have a suggestion.” The man said drawing the full attention of the hungry sex starved goddesses. “I think we should remove to my home, and then we can discuss this in privacy.” Hathor smiled as did Maat, “a first to be sure dear sister,” Maat said. “A mortal concerned more for us then his self.” Walking up to the man, her hips swaying in an almost hypnotic way Maat kissed him passionately....

3 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 1

I'd been sitting in the waiting area of the hairdresser's for almost three hours but despite that my leg still hadn't stopped twitching nervously. I'd spent most of that time staring at the floor or my grubby Converse, although every now and again I couldn't help raising my gaze when a new customer came in just in time to catch their quizzical expressions or bemused stares. Can't say that I really blamed them for that though as I wasn't the type of sight that they'd normally see in an...

2 years ago
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My bfs huge best friend

Hi I'm Rebecca I'm 28, and from Dublin,Ireland.I'm 5,6ft and 60kg. I'm Blonde and c cup boobies, and a nice bum.To help with an insight on my story, I was wearing a summer skirt and blouse.My blouse with 3 buttons at top always open lol. For the record I've been with my partner 7 years and never ever ripped him off.My partner (john) had his buddy (darren) over to watch the football, UFC and a few drinks.I had been drinking prior to the football with john, so we were already on our way lol.Johns...

2 years ago
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A Fans Steamy Sex Dream Come Reality

My name is Anna Stockhouse from Louisiana. Ever since I can remember, I've been in love with Nick Carter. My love for him was very innocent and as I got older my feelings have become stronger and more sexual. I would masturbate over him two or three times a week dreaming that some day I would make love to the sexiest guy on the planet. Nick Carter was gorgeous - tall, blonde, blue eyed.As Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys, one of the world's biggest boy bands, got older and sexier, I got...

Straight Sex
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Cupids Kiss Ch 04

Before making the call to Harold, Melissa had been convinced that the events that were transpiring were too extraordinary for Psyche and her to handle by them selves and they could do with all the help that they could get. But, on hearing Harold’s voice she realized that there was no way in hell she could explain what had happened without sounding like a loony bin. “Harold here” A deep male baritone spoke on the other end of the line. Clearing her throat Melissa spoke “You better come here...

3 years ago
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My First Day at a Girls Boarding School

When I woke up I decided it should be time for me to go to school today. I was told it is a very special school so I decided to wear my special uniform. First of all I took a shower and trimed the hair on my body. I made special care to shave my anus man vagina. When I was done I've put some lotion on a small tampon and put it in my vagina for it was a day for menstruation.After that came the miniature thongs, a short black schoolgirl skirt, my bra, a white shirt, and my favourite black and...

4 years ago
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Desires Unwrapped

Becky eyed warily the plain wrapped package on her table. She was expecting it, anticipated it but now that it was here she was afraid to open it. She felt like Anastasia in “Fifty Shades of Grey,” and that she was about to enter a strange new world. “It is only underwear,” she muttered to herself and smiled. Becky felt guilty. Why did she buy this underwear? She knew why but didn’t want to admit it. She wanted just a little adventure in her life. She wanted to spice up her sex and fantasy...

1 year ago
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Amanda My SiblingChapter 8

You could feel the hush falling over the congregation seated beneath the stained glass windows. The moment that everyone had waited for finally arrived. "Do you, Amanda Elaine Carson, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband - to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, to honor and obey, until death do you part?" "I do," she replied, giving the vow, the faintest note of a tremor in her voice. Amanda and Paul had written their own vows, and had decided...

2 years ago
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Bait and Switch Ch 01

Also, please note that this chapter is long on story, and shorter on sex, but that is only because it is a first chapter. Subsequent chapters will be more balanced. ============================== Blue lights... A whirring sound... Something pokes my arm... Head is throbbing... I can't feel my arm... Oh no, what have they done with my arm? A pink shadow bends over me. Sweat soaked, I sit up in bed, terror filling my mind and thoughts. I quickly look at my right arm, and breathe a sigh...

2 years ago
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Incest Fun 4

The school year flew by. Susan gave birth to a little girl, and DNA tests showed it was her father’s. She was auctioned off to the highest bidder, giving Susan the freedom to concentrate on her own happiness, which made some of the other girls in class jealous. There were now a total of 47 parents participating in the incest/group sex orgies sponsored by Woodrow Wilson High, as well as more than 123 students. There were few rules laid out, but there were rules. Rough sex was encouraged, but...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark 5

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Five - Ms. Rebecca Tells Mark About Meeting Stephanie and More I continued telling Stevie about Stephanie and how I got to know her and her sissy, picking up from where I had left off with my having just finished sucking Mark to a climax and being told to share the news of my good fortune performing the research he had assigned me to complete for him. "Good girl, Rebecca," he said smiling. "I'm glad you still like sucking your...

4 years ago
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Ms NancyBased on a true story

My best friend growing up and I spent a lot of time together. His dad was well-to do and they had a nice house so we spent most of his time there. His mom was named Nancy, but I always called her Ms. Nancy. She was super sexy. What we today would call a milf, but we had no such word back then.At night, I would frequently jerk off while fantasizing about her, whether I was staying at his house or mine. His sister was pretty sexy too, a couple of years older than me, and I wouldn't have...

1 year ago
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Sexhitching An Introduction

Sexhitching may not be a word but if not, it should be. It is what this series of stories will be all about. I came to adulthood in the 1970s. I hitchhiked because otherwise I was going nowhere. I lived in a small, isolated town in an isolated state. There was no public transportation. If you didn’t have a car you were pretty much stuck. Fortunately you did have an alternative so hitchhikers were a common site on the roads in those days. We never heard about any killers or anything. However,...

2 years ago
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Three Is a Magic Number

My name is Lois Lynch. I am almost thirty now and even though I have been married for almost five years, we have no children. In all honesty, that is because my husband Edgar insists on wearing a condom at all times. He is quite attuned to the cost of raising children and has lectured me incessantly about the financial stain that having a little one would put on our household expenses. When we decided to finally take a well-earned vacation at the shore, I expected it would be at one of those...

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hot day

It was a Sunday hot sunny day and I did not know where to put, but I went into the woods for a walk, I said to myself, because in the forest will most cold. I was just walking in the shade of the canopy of trees and listening to the rustle of leaves and chirping birds. I thought that I alone in the woods on Sunday afternoon, but I was wrong. I met a young girl who came to me opposite, we are welcomed, because we barely knew, because only a generation or two behind me. The word is given a word...

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Just a Jab Ch 03

Dear Reader This story is all a product of my imagination. Fantasy from a fantasytic mind. I don’t let facts get in the way of a story. This is not a quick jerk story. All medical diagnoses and treatments are carried out by professionals personally trained by me. Please do not try anything described in this story without getting advice from a licensed massage parlour or virgin doctor. Don’t let the ages of characters fool you, all the actors used in this story are at least 18 years old in...

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