Anthony's Great RaceChapter 4: Thursday free porn video

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"Oh my God, it's huge," Anthony heard as he slowly slipped into consciousness.

"Quiet," a second voice answered. "You'll wake him up."

Anthony fought the urge to scream in surprise as he felt something wet and warm drop down onto his cock before he realized a pair of lips was now gently sucking on his soft prick.

"It's getting bigger," the first voice answered and Anthony realized the voice belonged to the girl who had seconds before been sucking his cock.

"Of course it is," the second voice answered. It was a voice Anthony recognized, but for the life of him was unable to place. "Keep licking at it, he likes when you lick the bottom of his head," the voice stated confidently and suddenly Anthony felt the first girl's tongue begin lashing over the sensitive underside of his prick.

"I think he's awake," a voice said and Anthony realized it was a third person.

Anthony felt the bed shift and suddenly felt warm breath against his cheek as whichever girl this was checked his breathing, which Anthony fought to keep even and slow.

"I don't think he is," she declared. "His eyeballs were moving all around under his eyelids, but I think he's probably just dreaming."

"I bet it's a good dream," Anthony heard a voice say, followed by a chorus of giggles. How many people are in the room right now? Anthony wondered. He had heard at least four distinct voices, and some of the quiet laughter he had heard came from different parts of the room.

Anthony wanted to slowly "wake up" from his feigned sleep, but didn't know how to go about it without frightening everyone around him. Thankfully the solution presented itself when a sharp pain shot through his groin as the girl's teeth raked over his cock.

"Fuck! What was that?" Anthony screamed as he jerked upright in bed. Or tried to sit up, only to find his arms had been tied to the bedposts. He was helpless.

"Shit!" Anthony heard a whispered curse, but instead of the chorus of feet he expected, there was only silence.

"Who's there?" he asked. Anthony slowly opened his eyes, but realized that in addition to being tied up, a cloth of some kind was covering his eyes, and he was blind to the world.

"It's me," a voice replied.

"Who are you?" he asked cautiously, wondering what the mystery woman wanted.

"Bubbles. From yesterday." Great, Anthony thought. That really narrows it down. How many Bubbles did I see yesterday? Four? Five?

"Which Bubbles?" he asked cautiously.

"The one that sucked your cock," the voice answered, followed by another chorus of giggles. Obviously Bubbles had brought her friends along this time, and Anthony wondered how they had gotten in. Had he left the door unlocked, or had the waitress from the night before, Marnie, somehow managed to get a key?

"What's going on?" Anthony asked as he felt a pair of lips slide down his now erect cock.

"I wanted to show you off to my friends," the voice in his ear answered. "They really wanted to meet you. You don't mind, do you?" she asked teasingly, her tongue slipping into Anthony's ear. He quivered at the sensation, but quickly shook his head.

"I don't mind," he replied. "Do your friends want to be actresses too?"

"You mean you want to video this, right?" the girl laughed.

"Well, you want to audition, don't you?"

"They just want to lick your pecker," the voice answered.

"I want to suck his hot dog." a girl said.

"I'm going to lick his popsicle," another voice replied.

"Is it okay if I just give him a blowjob?" someone wisecracked and the entire room burst into laughter.

"How many of you are there?" Anthony asked nervously. "I don't think I can last long enough for all of you to... try me out," he said.

"That's not a problem," the voice Anthony now associated with "Bubbles" answered. "Some of us want to ride your tongue. You eat pussy great."

Who was this? For the life of him, Anthony couldn't figure it out, and that sort of came as a surprise to him. I suppose this is what it feels like to be nothing more than a piece of meat, he thought.

"Climb on, I guess, whoever you are," Anthony sighed. "But why am I blindfolded?" he asked.

"We don't want you to know who we are," the voice answered.

"Why not? I won't tell anyone."

"Because some of us don't want you to know who's sucking your cock," a voice answered, and Anthony froze as he realized the voice belonged to a man.

"Me either," another man answered, and Anthony began to panic.

"I'm not gay," he answered, struggling to free himself, but it was no use. He was tied up too tightly to escape.

"I'm not either," one of the men responded, "but that doesn't mean I'm not curious."

"We figured this was a good way to practice," one of the girls said. "We'd do anything for our fraternity brothers."

"Shit. Go ahead, I guess. Just one thing... don't tell me anything, okay? Just do it."

The next hour was torture for Anthony, although it was a pleasurable torture he quickly realized. One mouth felt pretty much the same to him, as person after person slowly licked up and down the length of his erection. Anthony sighed with relief as he found himself unable to differentiate between the guys and girls, and was grateful that none of the men wanted him to suck their cocks.

Probably afraid I'd try to bite of their pricks, he fumed silently.

The girls, on the other hand, seemed more than eager to feel his tongue against their pussies, and Anthony lost track of the number of women he brought to orgasm with his tongue. As the last of the girls quivered above him, once more flooding his face with juices as her orgasm rushed through her, Anthony felt a powerful suction on his shaft and another pair of lips on his balls.

Anthony screamed in surprise as a finger forced its way past his anal sphincter and began teasing his prostate and much sooner than he would have thought possible, felt the cum rush out of his balls and into whichever mouth was waiting to accept his sticky mess.

"Holy fuck," he panted as an unknown number of hands wiped the sweat from his body. He felt a pair of hands loosen his bonds, but was warned not to get up for a few minutes.

"Just let us get out of here first," Bubbles whispered in his ear.

Anthony could hear the group quietly shuffling around the room, gathering up whatever they had brought with him, and suddenly the door slammed and the room was once again quiet.

Cautiously Anthony tested his arms, finding that a gentle tug was all it took to free first one, then the other arm. He rubbed his muscles trying to get his circulation going once more, and tore what turned out to be a hand towel from over his eyes.

Anthony was surprised to realize that if he hadn't just lived through the experience, he would have had no idea that anything had just occurred in his hotel room. Nothing seemed to be out of place, there were no obvious signs of the group of people, and for a moment Anthony wondered if he had dreamed the entire episode.

Impossible, he laughed, looking at the lipstick marks covering his legs and thighs. The smell of pussy and a myriad of stains on the bedspread also told of another story.

To his relief, the video camera and his growing pile of tapes seemed to be in order, and Anthony collapsed back onto the bed, after making sure the door was latched tight and the dead bolt thrown.

That's not going to happen again, he thought to himself. A quick glance at the clock showed it was just after four in the morning, and Anthony rolled over, trying to squeeze as much sleep as possible from the remaining hours before the sun came up.

Anthony woke as the first ray of sunlight shone into his room, groaning as he stretched, his stiff muscles a none-too-subtle reminder of his early morning encounter.

After eating a quick breakfast, Anthony left the hotel and headed to his next destination. He was half way to Des Moines, and had just reached the end of the toll roads and turned onto Interstate 80, when his cell phone began to ring.

"Hello?" he said cautiously.

"Anthony!" the old man's voice crackled into his ear. "Having fun are we?" he asked.

"I suppose. Have you been getting my point totals?" he asked.

"Certainly, certainly, although that is why I called."

"I've followed the rules, I walked to the restaurant and I haven't stopped for gas, so what did I do this time?" Anthony asked, worried he might face another delay.

"Oh, nothing of the kind. You seem to have omitted a few points is all, and I wanted to let you know not to worry about them."

"What points?" Anthony asked, sure he had submitted everything the previous evening after Marnie had left his room.

"The points from this morning, boy!" the old man laughed, and Anthony felt a knot grow in his stomach. Is this guy everywhere? he wondered again. How does he know all this stuff?

"This morning?" he finally managed to choke out and the old man once more laughed.

"Does the name Bubbles ring any bells?" the man laughed, and Anthony gasped.


"Yes, and her friends? I hope you had a good time," the man said.


"You didn't? She swore she would make sure you enjoyed yourself. Should I let her know she failed?"

"What? How..."

"Come now, my boy. Sometimes I have to push you fellows along. Not to say you weren't doing the best job you could, and in fact your idea of a movie producer was just grand, but to tell you the truth you're falling a bit behind the others, and I thought you needed a prod in the right direction."

"I'm losing?" Anthony asked, seeing his dreams of winning the million dollar prize evaporate before his eyes.

"Well, you could be doing better. Let's leave it at that, shall we?"

"But I'm doing the best I can," Anthony blurted. "How can you expect me to do any more?" he asked.

"Come now... certainly you've heard of Wilt Chamberlin, and his outrageous claim of sleeping with twenty thousand women?"

"Sure, but I never believed it," Anthony said.

"And you shouldn't. It was a bald-faced lie," the old man replied. "And yet, it wasn't all that far from the truth."


"You don't think he did that all by himself, do you?" the old man said gleefully. "Trust me, he had some help. I've been running this contest longer than you've been around. Almost had to cancel the competition after old Wilt got through destroying the ladies. Too much publicity if you ask me, going around bragging about it. Had to stop using athletes too, after that. Too easy. Better if the participants are all unknowns, such as yourself."

"Who are you?' Anthony asked, curious and frightened by the information the old man had just told him.

"What's that?" the man replied.

"Who are you?"

"Ha! Good try, but you'll have to do better than that. I am the... how shall I put it... unnamed benefactor, the mysterious man in the shadows."

"But I need to know," Anthony insisted.

"Then I'm afraid you shall go to bed disappointed," the old man replied gleefully. "You should get used to that, I suppose." The man cackled once more and suddenly the phone was dead.

"Fuck!" Anthony screamed. He threw the cell phone across the cab of the Winnebago in disgust, watching happily as it smashed into dozens of pieces against the far door.

That'll teach him, Anthony thought. Realizing he was hungry, Anthony decided to pull over to the side of the road and throw together a couple sandwiches. Climbing back into the driver's seat, he looked at the dashboard clock. It was just after noon, and Des Moines was only three hours away.

Anthony pulled into the capital city of Iowa a little after three in the afternoon and was amazed at the differences he saw. Anthony had relatives in Iowa and it hadn't been uncommon when he was younger for his family to take a summer vacation to visit.

That had been twenty years earlier, and as Anthony curled around the city he was surprised that what had once been open cornfields had transformed into strip malls and hotels.

And what the hell is up with all this traffic? Anthony wondered, as the interstate came to an abrupt standstill. The extra height from the Winnebago allowed Anthony to see over the crowd, and he realized that what he had first thought to be the results of an accident was actually state fair traffic.

Our state fair is a great state fair, he sang to himself. Craning his neck around, Anthony saw his opportunity and pulled the cumbersome vehicle into a small opening in the next lane over. What the hell, he thought. I might as well see if I can pick up any country-raised, corn-fed girls at the fair.

After paying his parking fee, Anthony walked along with what appeared to be half the state's population down the wide boulevard of the state fair. It was nothing like he'd remembered from growing up, although the enormous lot full of campers was still there, as was the cow made entirely of butter, but unlike what Anthony had grown up with, the fair now seemed to have been entirely commercialized.

This sucks, he thought as thousands of people milled about, almost crushing in their intensity and desire to get to... wherever they were currently were not.

Anthony's head spun and he had almost decided to give up on his state fair plans when he felt a tugging on his shirtsleeve. He turned and found himself staring into the deep blue eyes of one of the workers.

"Wanna buy a souvenir booklet?" the pretty girl asked him. He glanced down to check her name tag, momentarily distracted by the swelling of the girl's breasts underneath her tight green state fair shirt.

"What?" he asked, feeling foolish as he saw the girl had caught his gaze and was staring intently at him, her chest thrust proudly forward.

"I asked if you wanted to buy a souvenir booklet," she repeated, enjoying as the stranger had a difficult time meeting her gaze.

"How much?" Anthony finally asked, tearing his eyes away from the girl's pert tits.

"Depends," the teasing girl said.

"On what?" he asked.

"On what you've got in your pants," she said, sliding her firm body against his.


"I mean, on what you have in your wallet," the girl giggled.

"Oh, right."

"Because the souvenir booklets are really just fund raisers for the dairy association," the girl continued, pretending to ignore the man's heated gaze. "So we'll take whatever you have to give us," she said.

"The dairy association?" Anthony asked, nearly undone by the girl's forward manner.

"Uh huh," she said, tilting her head up to whisper in his ear. "It's really all about producing the best cream we can," she giggled. Her hand reached out and Anthony felt the back of her wrist bump against the front of his slacks. "Do you think you can help?"

"With what again?"

"The cream," she teased, and Anthony groaned as the girl pressed her pussy mound, covered only by a pair of khaki shorts, against his thigh.

"I think I can help you out there," he said. "Where did you want to go?' he asked.

"I don't care," the girl replied as she put down the stack of programs. Anthony watched as the girl, who he now estimated to be of college age, whipped off her state fair visor and shook her head, releasing her long blond hair, which cascaded around her head in a golden halo.

"Are you done working?" he asked, nervous about a supervisor out looking for one of his workers.

"Oh, I'm just volunteering so I can get off at any time," she said. "Are you ready for me to get off right now?" she asked.

"Yes," Anthony gulped.

Quickly, before anyone noticed the girl's absence, Anthony grabbed her by the hand and the two of them ran off to the parking lot.

"Nice camper," the girl said, admiring the shiny Winnebago. "It's really big."

"Yes it is," Anthony replied, wondering exactly what she was talking about as he watched her eyes drop to his crotch.

"Is it really big inside?" she asked. "I was hoping you'd let me take a shower."

"Are you all dirty?" Anthony asked, grinning as the girl climbed the stairs, her ass cheeks sliding deliciously against one another beneath her shorts.

"I'm always dirty," she replied, grinning over her shoulder. "But now I want to get wet."

"Be my guest," Anthony gasped, watching as the girl nonchalantly stripped out of her shirt. He quickly closed the door before anyone could see, and stood watching as the girl massaged her pert breasts.

"I hate wearing a bra," she told Anthony as she slipped out of her shorts, standing before him completely naked.

"Panties too?" he asked. Her bush was a dark brown, and Anthony was only mildly disappointed to find out the girl was not a natural blonde.

"I hate panties," she answered as she spun around. "Where's the shower?" Anthony pointed to the tiny cubicle, sighing as the girl bent down in front of him. Her actions spread her ass cheeks wide, presenting the pink slit of her labia to his view. Anthony could see the girl was already leaking fluids, and swiped his fingers against the soft down-covered fur of her pussy.

"Do you need help?" Anthony asked, overjoyed as the girl nodded slyly.

"I have a few hard to reach places. Do you think you could make sure I get really clean?" she asked.

Anthony nodded and quickly pulled off his own clothes, thankful for the appreciative glance he received in return. He started to follow the girl into the shower but paused as she put her hand on his chest.

"Why don't you get some towels," she said sweetly. "Then you can be sure and scrub me real good."

"Okay," Anthony said, and walked quickly to the cupboard to retrieve two of the fluffy towels he had purchased two days earlier.

He walked into the shower area just in time to hear the water go on, seeing the girl was already in the shower. Anthony felt his cock giving a little burst of lust as he watched her naked form through the frosted glass of the shower stall.

His cock began to throb with anticipation as he opened the shower door, pausing to look in. The girl was staring up into the waterstream, and her long golden hair hung down over her shoulders. The firm slope of her ass was lifted high and Anthony groaned as he watched a rivulet of water drain between the two cheeks. The girl turned quickly and saw Anthony watching her, smiling through the steam and lifted her finger, beckoning him into the shower with her.

Anthony stood there for a moment, his hard-on jutting away from his body. The girl was rubbing shampoo into her hair, and the lathering motion was causing her tits to jiggle delightfully on her chest. Anthony took one last deep breath and joined her.

"Mmm, finally..." she sighed. "I wondered what was keeping you." The girl's hand slid down his erect pole and Anthony grunted as she took hold of his cock, slowly jacking on the thick shaft.

He held back as the girl stroked at his cock, when suddenly she reached up with her mouth, kissing him forcefully on the lips. Her lips parted, and her tongue slipped inside his mouth, thrusting in and out against his lips. She nibbled at Anthony's lower lip and bit down lightly on his tongue, causing Anthony to moan into her mouth.

"Your cock feels so good... will you fuck me with it?" she asked, her eyes bright with excitement.

"In the shower?" he asked and she nodded. "I'll do anything you want, but wouldn't the bed be more comfortable?" he asked, remembering the video camera packed away in his bedroom.

"That sounds good," she sighed. "Dry off and get in there. I'll be right in."

Anthony nodded and the girl kissed him once more. Her tongue trailed a wet line along his lips, and Anthony had to fight to pull himself away. He got out of the shower and watched her gorgeous body as she rinsed herself off, his cock throbbing at the delicious sight.

Anthony quickly dried himself off and walked naked to the bedroom at the rear of the camper, checking to see that the camera was indeed positioned and ready before he climbed into bed.

The girl came into the room wrapped in a towel and nothing else. Her hair was still damp from the shower, although it appeared she'd toweled it off in the bathroom. Anthony smiled as he saw the girl had attempted to cover the rest of her body with one of the towels, moaning as he saw her furry pussy peeking out from the bottom of the towel.

The girl's eyes were big and Anthony watched as she licked her lips in anticipation. The girl suddenly let the towel drop to the floor and stood there stark naked, grinning wickedly as Anthony's eyes roamed over her nude form.

"Come here," he croaked, reaching out a hand as the girl slipped into his bed.

"Oh God," she moaned as her hand captured his cock. "I've been wanting to get fucked all day, and then you came along and I just couldn't help myself." The girl grinned lustily up at Anthony's face before dipping her head and running her tongue along the bulbous head of his cock.

Anthony groaned as he felt the girl's wet lips slide up and down his shaft and reached out a hand to steady her head as she pumped up and down his length. He tried to move the girl around so he could reach her pussy, but she shook her head.

"Don't," she moaned around his cock. "I want to suck you off like this first."

Anthony relaxed, laying back to accept the girls expert oral attentions. As he lay there he watched as the girl snuck a hand down between her legs, gently parting the puffy lips of her pussy with a single finger. Anthony could her the wet sounds as the finger slipped in her cunt, groaning as she brought the sticky finger to his lips.

Anthony greedily opened his mouth, tasting the girl's juices as he licked at her finger. The girl sped up her motions on his cock, finally pulling away just as she sensed Anthony going over the edge.

"Fuck me now," she panted, spreading her legs wide as she lay at the corner of the bed. Anthony hurried to his knees, placing the head of his cock at her wet entrance.

Thrusting forward, he slipped inside her pussy with ease as the girl moaned at the sudden intrusion.

"Oh fuck yes," she hissed, reaching out her arms to hold onto his neck as her legs wrapped around his thighs.

Anthony was frantic with lust as he pumped into the liquid heat of the girl's sucking pussy. Her breasts bobbed enticingly on her chest as he thrust again and again, the squishing sounds of their sex sounding loud in the quiet camper.

"Gonna come," Anthony gasped as he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching.

"Not in me," the girl moaned, throwing him off her writhing form. Quickly the girl was on her knees in front of him, stroking at Anthony's erection, now slick and wet from her juices. She watched in obvious enjoyment as Anthony suddenly tensed as his cock sprayed a geyser of cum into her waiting mouth.

"Oh fuck," Anthony panted as he watched the girl swallow his load down her throat.

"Yummy," she grinned, licking the last bits of semen from her fingers and lips.

After laying together on the bed for a few moments, Anthony sat up. I'm the one who needs a shower now, he thought.

"Want to join me?" he asked the girl. "I think I need to clean up a little bit." The girl said she didn't, and Anthony quickly walked down to the shower to freshen up again. To his disappointment, the girl was gone when he returned.

Same as Anthony's Great Race
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Brown Thursdays

©1997, All Rights Reserved Andie and I used to play around nearly every Thursday afternoon for most of a year. On Thursdays, her mother took her kid sister to soccer practice after school, and we had the house to ourselves. After the first few times, we seldom fucked in the conventional way. Andie worried too much about getting pregnant and neither of us much liked the feel of wearing a rubber. Sometimes I would slide my cock into her naked and withdraw just before cumming. But after an...

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Little Piggy 7 Double Detention Thursday

Thursday Little Piggy walked down the street away from home heading to school. She was mastering the training belt and knew how to accentuate or not its affects. At the end of the block was Coach Gray standing next to a big black pickup. 'Feeling better today?' he said looking down at her. 'Yes, sir.' she said with a smirk and a salute. 'Did you practice?' She knew what he meant. She held up the ball bag and twirled her dress smoothly and gracefully. 'Get in. I'll give you a ride.'...

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Tim and Abbie 08 Thursday

Tim wakes up Thursday morning, so rested, considering the few hours of sleep he had.  Then his mind takes over and reminds him of what happened yesterday.  He is a bit sore from all the physical labor he did, but remembering last night with Abbie sends shudders through him.He wants a sexual and loving relationship with Abbie.  Both of them equals, well actually her leading him down this new undiscovered path they find themselves on.  Now he is supposed to be the one in control, be her ‘daddy’...

4 years ago
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E029 A busy Thursday

Thursday morning Emma wakes and feels her necklace.  Thirteen pearls she has earned for learning to expand her sexual horizons and open to the new and wonderful world she finds herself now in.  She pulls on the heart loop a little remembering its part in the tingling of her nipples and clit yesterday.That too is something new and exciting to feel.She rolls to face Donald as she hears him awakening.  He opens this eyes to see her just inches from him smiling so tenderly at him.  Despite himself,...

Love Stories
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E029 A busy Thursday

Thursday morning Emma wakes and feels her necklace.  Thirteen pearls she has earned for learning to expand her sexual horizons and open to the new and wonderful world she finds herself now in.  She pulls on the heart loop a little remembering its part in the tingling of her nipples and clit yesterday.That too is something new and exciting to feel.She rolls to face Donald as she hears him awakening.  He opens this eyes to see her just inches from him smiling so tenderly at him.  Despite himself,...

Love Stories
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Sissy Faggot My Date on Thursday

I posted a few photos of my outfit I was going to wear for my date on Thursday Afternoon (Appreciate all the comments thank you all). Date was very rewarding for both of us. I met him at the door gave him a big smile took his hand then he kissed me. he pulled my arm up over my head and spun me around telling me how lovely I looked. We took a ride in the mountains his was rubbing my thigh all the time and I his. He pulled into a parking area wear hikers park. we started to make out my skirt...

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Gretchens Thursday

Thursday Morning “You’re crazy, you know that don’t you?” asked Crystal Grant not meaning it really. Gretchen Evers knew it was a rhetorical question and went on adjusting the velvet sash. She was using to bind Crystal to the coffee table. “Actually I like to consider myself simply devious.” Gretchen answered. “Deliciously devious.” Amended Crystal and was rewarded with a kiss from her lover. “There, try them now.” Said Gretchen standing up and over her bound girlfriend. Tugging on the...

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Calender Girls November Thank God Its Thursday

CALENDAR GIRLS NOVEMBER - Thank God It?s Thursday by Tammy Fairbanks April was just as nervous going to the G.I.R.L. Thanksgiving Dinner as she had been when she attended her first meeting. She had been going for years and these were all her friends, but things were a lot different for her now. She started out as just one of the many crossdressers in the gender group, content with occasionally dressing up, but always comfortable with being a man underneath. However, a...

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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

2 years ago
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Weekend for Four Threesome Thursday

My wife Claire had a very active sex life in college. Of course, it was pretty active afterwards, but only with me, so far as I knew. Friends of hers still corresponded with her, which is to say sent (and received) sexts, pictures, and some live feeds. Sometimes I caught her online, naked or nearly so, with hands on her body, stroking her pussy, and watching someone else, not always male, doing the same for her pleasure. “Caught” isn’t quite right; I knew she could have done this while I was at...

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ConfusionChapter 2 Thursday

Diane was like a happy schoolgirl waiting for the big day to arrive and Don had lost five pounds worrying. The more he considered what they were planning, the wronger it seemed. He finally came to terms with his conscience by promising himself he would be there only to provide the sperm. There would be pleasure of course, he couldn't get around that, but he would be there only long enough to inject the sperm, and then would leave. For one reason or another Diane and he hadn't done the deed...

1 year ago
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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 5 Thursday

Alex — Second Period I was pretty hung over through most of my Lit class but Mr. Wilson took pity on me and let me vegetate through the rest of Measure for Measure. Alcohol = bad; lesson learned. My hang over had faded to a mild headache by the time I got to Home Economics. It was not my idea to take Home Ec. But my Dom hated cooking, so he told me to take it and that I'd damn well better pass with flying colors. Actually, truth be known, I was a pretty damn good cook. Especially with...

2 years ago
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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I woke up Thursday morning feeling, well, strange. I spent a big chunk of the day with a girl that, three days ago, I didn't like. And I protected her. And she gave me a handjob. And-and this was the really strange part-I was looking forward to seeing her again. And not because of the handjob, either. Because of how she looked at me while she was giving me the handjob. But, yeah, I had my mother's warning ringing in my head, too. I got up, showered, got dressed, went downstairs. Mom was...

2 years ago
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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

3 years ago
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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

Thursday dawned. I was in a hell of a mood. There's a surprise. Sat down, ate breakfast with Mom and Marina. Told them all about it. Hustled myself to school. I got there early. Grabbed the school paper, which had just come out. Figured I could read it while I was waiting-figured I'd have to wait for Lily since I was so early. I went over to the parking lot. Surprise, surprise-she was waiting for me, sitting in her car. She got out the minute she saw me coming. "I've been waiting for...

3 years ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 5 Change of Plans for Thursday

I wasn’t aware of us having anything planned on Thursday, even if we had, that altered when Jason arrived at our suite to get the signatures from my parents. Once I had explained what had happened the day before, they were more willing to let the shots be used. They did want to check some of the pictures to check if they thought them suitable, but they were more willing to sign the permission form than when I had told them Mr Ammott would be coming to see them to sign off the consent forms...

3 years ago
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Birthday PresentsChapter 4 Thursday

Robert knew the routine by now. Woke up, got to work, waited for the package from Megan to arrive, and checked email and photos. Therefore, when he arrived in his office earlier than usual on Thursday, so he could leave a little earlier later in the day to go home to his wife, Robert was surprised to find an email from Megan already waiting for him. "Dear Husband, When you read this email, I will be already on a plane flying home. Since I'll be home today, I won't be sending any...

2 years ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I needed to regain control. That was the foremost thought in my mind as I awoke Thursday morning. I needed my control back. I was losing control over myself and I did not like it. All right, I was horny, too. Look, the whole Maggie the Fuck Bunny thing wasn't a smokescreen. This wasn't Maggie using sex to get love. I wasn't that pathetic, OK? My Dad loved me, my brothers loved me, my friends loved me. I was lonely in a certain way, true. But that's not what my promiscuity was all about....

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 4 Thursday

At first I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I only knew I was naked and writhing on the open sheets. My balls were tight and my cum was surging. Reaching down, I felt my smooth, hard cock throbbing and spurting. It was sticky. I could smell it. And then I had cum on my hand. I wiped it on the sheet. The twilight between sleep and day continued. With eyes closed I drifted, almost trancelike, as wave after wave, pulse after pulse of sensation surged through me. It was long and because...

1 year ago
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mom greate mom

visit on to see top rated stories like theseThis is a little bit long story but i m sure u will cum in ur pants w/o touching ur cocks if u read carefully. Plz comment if this happens..It was a warm, spring day and I hurried home from school in great anticipation as today was my birthday. Every year my Mother would spend the day baking a birthday cake from scratch and shopping for my present. She never ceased to amaze me by her ability to find an incredible birthday present that...

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The Sandwich of Insane Greatness

Connections. That was the name of a show that I remember seeing a few years ago on the History Channel (or maybe Discovery, who knows). It was hosted by an English gentleman and dealt with the unexpected chains of events that lead to discoveries through the ages. One of the ones that I remember was a connection from frogs to the space shuttle. In any case, human history is littered with discoveries that came about in ways that wern't necessarily intended at the beginning. It is even the case...

4 years ago
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Life in Southern California had been pretty good. Alexandra had moved in to a house with her best friend, Serena, and the two of them had managed to make a few friends along the way. Two of their closest friends, Trevor and Anthony, lived about 20 minutes from them in Huntington Beach. The two men had both reached financial success, and had purchased a nice, rather large beach house where they planned to live quite happily, spending most of their free time at the beach. Trevor had been dating...

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Anthony Brown Sweet Smelling Stud

After a year of hard work my project was finally finished. It was time for a vacation. Fortunately, the school year was ending and my wife Brenda would be rapping up her teaching duties in the next day or two. She had let me know a month earlier that she was ready for a little time off. I made arrangements for two nights at a hotel in a nearby large city. I figured we would site see during the day and check out the night life at night. I told Brenda about my plans and she was thrilled. Three...

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Anthony Ch 02

There could not be better bliss than this Julie thought as she listened to the thunder from under his covers only a month later. He was deeply asleep, his body spooning her tightly against him. It was freezing outside the blanket. She thought back to yesterday with immense pleasure. Her body felt sore and heavy and wonderfully satisfied. But with the remembrance came desire. God, she could not stop wanting him. No one had ever made her body feel so wonderfully sexy, so intensely fulfilled. ...

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Saturday night goes of great0

Kerry wasn't sure but said she would come over later, around 5 she turned up, my balls nearly exploded then and there, she had a mini mini skirt that didn't quite cover her bum, showing her shaved pussy off, and a see though top that left nothing to hide, and heels, wow Lyn and I kissed her and told her she would get well fucked if she wasn't careful, and of course not being on the pill would be a real bummer too. Kerry told us she would only watch, and see them fuck us both, and then...

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The Greatwar 3033 Chapter 1 Part 7 Jack have a new friend

Jack was in the medical ward with four broken fibs; a broken fore arm, dislocated five fingers on both hands ( two fingers on his right hands and the other three on his left hand), and a concussion as well as covered in bruised that started to show up more and more. The doctor that was taking care of Jack was stumped as to why he was getting this many injures by doing nothing. When they took Jack to the medical ward they were unable to take the weapons from him, and where struggling...

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The Greatwar 3033 chapter 1 part 6 Jack not looking good

weapons. The captain was also trying to find a planet that they could land on as their water and food was at critical levels and need filling. Jack walk in to has cabin and look at the cast on his bed, he started to think what he was doing when the blade that he had sheathed to his hip began to speak. “Jack the two daggers in that box are my brother and sister…” the blade stopped to try and think of the right words. “Jack?” “Yes, is something wrong?” Jack asked with a look of...

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The Greatwar 3033 Part 5 Jack find something out

The captain tried to hit on Jack a few times to which Jack was completely oblivious to as he had his eyes set on something else. True to his word Jack did give Lucie back her bow and even asked her to explain the weapon to her as he never found arrows with it, of course she told him how the bow work and even asked him if he wanted to fire the bow, he said that he pulled the string once when he found it but nothing happened even when he let the sting go. Lucie was surprised by this as whenever...

4 years ago
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The Greatheads Make New Friends

The girls needed more hot underwear so we decided one Saturday morning to hotfoot it over to the mall and visit the local lingerie shop. The saleslady regarded us curiously, a man and two women. Her name was Sally, according to her name clip, and I was regarding her curiously too. She was one of those slim dames with big tasty hooters, sort of a nervous, birdy face. Nice looking though. She followed Liz and Pat around as they gathered armfuls of stuff to try on. Even when they went giggling...

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Thursdays are confusing. I’ve never really gotten the hang of them, personally. But they have nothing on the opposite sex. Baffling, irrational, oblivious, were all words that I use to describe most of them. Julian was no exception (I am female BTW). I first met him in one of the freshman comp classes that I TA (yes, I know, English is a dead-end major- so what?), and we got off to a great start.Well, actually, not at all. He was cute, nice face, good hair, a little bit of weight around the...

Quickie Sex
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Teddys WorldChapter 16 Meeting Greatness Learning to Be Great

Today’s drama was when coach McCarter walked over to me and asked to see me at 2:30 today in the boy’s locker room. I went to lunch wondering why coach wanted to talk to me. I was deep in thought, so I was given space to think. We left and went to Arby’s today, and I was dropped off in time to see coach. “Teddy I asked you in here because I have a problem I intend to solve this weekend; I already know what I am going to do about you. As I have told you, and you have heard, I don’t put...

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“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...

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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 04 Thursday

Josh and Lara eventually returned to Josh’s bedroom, and got to work fucking on his bed, not caring in the slightest that they were soaking wet. They made love in just about every position you can think of, eventually passing into unconsciousness in the early hours of the morning. They were eventually woken up by Josh’s alarm telling him it was time for school. Josh’s still-erect cock was buried inside Lara’s pussy, and he felt her wriggle and groan underneath him. “Uh God, I don’t want to...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that yesterday....

4 years ago
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Darkroom Thursday

The daily email came in the middle of the afternoon. Hello boys, It’s not every day I feel like I need to wash my hands as much as Lady Macbeth. Wednesday’s naughty little prank last night has earned her Jill Kill status for the rest of the week. It’s going to be a very long couple of days for her. Sorry our little letter is coming to you so late in the day. We had been hoping to keep our normal schedules, but this week is going to be a total loss in terms of our higher education. We’re all...

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Your name is Dane Lauzet and you are an undiagnosed, alcoholic writer with a soft spot for cats. While your writing is not mainstream, it isn't exactly unpopular either. If your name were to be told to a group of people, it's likely that a few of them would know of you or have at least heard of your name somewhere before. You're very satisfied with where you are now in your career, you love to write and to be acknowledged. Appearance-wise, you are five feet, eight inches tall with lightly...

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The Bus Ride Thursday

After another restless night, RuthAnn finally got out of bed. On one level, she was still puzzled about what had happened on the bus. Two guys had pinned her. Two guys had groped her. She never gave permission, did she? No, no she had not. So what did happen? Why were her panties sodden when she got to her room and took them off?Something else had happened which was unintended but it did happen. She came. She came hard and she enjoyed it. It was the most exciting sexual experience she had had...

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A Good Thursday

I knew when I woke up that this was a day I had needed for some time. I was getting out of work at 2:30pm today and I knew my husband was meeting friends to watch the Patriots game. I posted on my Facebook that I was going into town this afternoon to my favorite spa, a place where there were public and private hot tubs. I had been going there for years, even before I met my man, and he loved sitting in them, too. I needed a good tub so I asked if any of my friends wanted to go with me and split...

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Part 25 Country Western FUN in Vegas Thursday

As soon as we got out of the Limo we headed for the Strip in front of the casino & walked towards the Stardust. We soon found that the dress Angel was wearing was both short enough & tight enough that as Angel walked in it that it inched up slowly revealing her butt cheeks & her pussy. People walking behind her occasionally got a slight view of the bottom of both her butt cheeks & the bottom oh the stamp tattoo on her ass. People walking towards her got a slight view of the...

4 years ago
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The Anniversary Week Thursday

The following story is an original work of fiction.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I awoke to my warm, comfortable, soothing, yet empty bed. Sierra was gone for the day already. For a moment I just lay there thinking, hands beneath my head while I stared up at the ceiling. Sierra had really outdone herself when she'd planned everything out for our anniversary week. Everything had gotten off to a relatively slow...

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