Future Steph
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
Harvest time was the one of the busiest periods in village life. Crops were planted out three times a year; the genetically modified seeds maturing in a little less than three months. On the outskirts of the village, I stood on the edge of one of the fields, viewing the stunted sheaves.
"Crops look a little poor," I told Haden.
"They look fine to me," he replied defensively.
I plucked an ear and examined the tiny grains. The field would have had farmers of my day tearing their hair out in exasperation.
"We've planted them here for as long as I can remember. They always look like this."
"Not always in the same field?" I asked.
He nodded sternly, wondering why I was being so critical. I explained the concept of crop rotation to him, and he looked at me almost as though I was an idiot.
"It would take a lot of work to prepare another field," he grumbled.
"But it would be worth it. Planting different crops each year, or just letting your livestock graze on it, would help the soil fertility enormously." I couldn't believe how such a fundamental concept had been forgotten over time.
"I thought you were a scientist, not a farmer."
"That's true, but I still know the basic principles of good agriculture."
He seemed less than enthusiastic about accepting my suggestions, happy to rely on repeating the pattern of previous generations. Unfortunately, from what I'd seen so far, this appeared to be endemic throughout their society.
"Suit yourself," I muttered, "I was only trying to help."
His attitude softened at my obvious chagrin. "Maybe we can try your suggestion with one field, provided we can get volunteers to help prepare the ground."
I nodded in acceptance, feeling a little guilty at tarring him with the same brush as the backwards-looking diehards within the citadel.
"Tomorrow we need to start harvesting each field in turn," Haden stated. "It's important to get the food into stasis as soon as possible. It has to last three months until the next crop. The next harvest will be even more important as it had to sustain us over the winter months. We barely have enough storage capacity to keep us going over that period."
I realised what a responsibility Haden shouldered, looking after the welfare of the fifty or so inhabitants. One miscalculation and they would be without food until the next harvest. Judging by the citadel's reluctance to intervene, the possibility that people would starve seemed impossible to ignore.
Leaving Haden to his preparations, I returned to the village to check on my brewing project. There were obvious signs of fermentation, and I dipped a cup into the vat to sample the results. The beer was cloudy and tasted slightly tart, with a decidedly bitter aftertaste. It certainly wouldn't win any CAMRA awards but there was already enough alcohol content to give it a sharp kick. Placing the lid back on top of the vat, I made my way to the workshop to visit Darian.
My protégé was in the final stages of constructing the second waterwheel. When placed alongside the first, it would provide enough power for everyone, and maybe even allow for a small amount of heat generation over winter. I'd already sketched out a crude system that would store up heat slowly throughout the day, and then release its energy during the night, when the cabin was at its coldest. Haden had informed me that every year, several people suffered from severe exposure during this period, and that more often than not, at least one died as a result. My system wouldn't allow anybody to walk around stark naked, but would hopefully make enough of a difference to prevent the internal temperature falling to dangerous levels.
The twentieth and twenty-first centuries were times of great innovation. I'd never claim that my ideas were original, but the real skill came in choosing which ones to implement, and assembling them from the limited resources available. I maintained a scrapbook of potential projects and then discussed each of them, one by one, with Darian. I explained their possible benefit, and how they might be constructed. He followed my explanations with great excitement, sensing how people's lives would improve as a result.
My wife Julie once bought a print entitled 'The Harvest' depicting hay gathering during the eighteenth century. She was of the firm opinion that the scenes of agriculture from that period had a certain majesty that the mechanisation and modern intensive farming somehow lost. I don't think she ever stopped to think about how such inefficient methods could ever have sustained a burgeoning population.
The memory of that picture haunted me as I watched the first field harvested by hand. Scythes cut the stalks, and then people manually separated the grain into woven baskets. The baskets were subsequently loaded into handcarts for transfer to the stasis units. It was backbreaking work that everybody became involved with, without exception. By the end of the first day, we'd completed two fields of wheat and made a start on the root vegetables. The state-of-the-art technology employed to gather in that particular crop comprised a multi-pronged fork, and a large metal bucket.
Whilst satisfying work, my muscles complained continuously, unaccustomed to the demands placed upon them after a life devoted to more sedentary activity. Having said that, I felt healthier than at any other time that I could remember. Over the past few months, my beer gut had all but disappeared. Jenny would have been proud of me.
After the incident in the workshop, Bella was never far away. I tried to distance myself from her, but she trailed me like a faithful puppy. Her activities did not go unnoticed by Darian; it was clear he was less than happy about Bella's infatuation.
Over the following few days, every single stasis unit was filled to capacity, still leaving much left over. A celebratory feast was organised to dispose of much of the surplus produce before it rotted. Several older animals from the village herd were slaughtered to provide meat, a welcome departure from the predominantly vegetarian diet that everyone was forced to follow.
My vat of fermenting liquid, I refrained from calling it beer, looked more appealing now that most of the sediments had settled to the bottom of the forty gallon container. I suspected that there would be one or two sore heads by the end of the day if we managed to consume any great quantity.
The village's central dais was decorated with ribbons and garlands of flowers. Tables were covered with bread, all manner of different fruit, and steaming joints of roasted meat. I carefully decanted my alcoholic brew into glass pitchers and, after a few moments of natural caution, people slowly began to imbibe. The fare disappeared at a rapid rate as people took advantage of one of the rare occasions when there was an abundance of food. As soon as enough alcohol permeated their systems, the atmosphere transformed completely. People lost their inhibitions and began singing and dancing, whilst several others slumped nearby, watching festivities with an idiotic grin spread across their face.
To witness the community enjoying themselves after the privations of the past month was a joy to behold. I consumed an inordinate amount of my own concoction and hardly remembered staggering back to my cabin at the end of the evening.
I tossed and turned throughout the night, dreaming about the women in my life. All had their redeeming qualities: Jenny with her heightened sexuality, Nella with her understated intellect, and Teel with her profound powers of reflection.
Whilst not the slightest bit academic, Teel had surprised me with her observations of the citadel's inherent weaknesses, and the prediction that, despite enduring for so many years, their society would collapse within the decade.
I recollected a time snuggled against her, feasting on her breasts as I plunged within her body. Her strident moans of passion propelled me to climax as I poured my tribute into her receptive sheath. Her arms gripped me tightly as we relaxed, descending from the exultant moment of passion before we drifted into quiet slumber.
Awakening the following morning, my head felt ready to split open with the aftermath of overindulgence. I gently squeezed the warm plump flesh beneath my fingers, strumming the nipples into turgidity. My cock sprang to attention, pressing between lush thighs.
I gasped as the reality of the situation dawned. Bella stirred in her sleep and rolled onto her back, confirming my fears about events of the previous evening. I pressed a finger against her delicate sex, detecting slick juices leaking from her opening.
Bella hummed contentedly as her eyes flickered open. Her fingers sought out my erection and squeezed it gently.
"Bella! I exclaimed.
"Shh," she warned, "you'll wake the others. We can do it again if we're quiet."
"Last night was lovely. I never thought it could feel so good."
I was about to protest, but realised how insensitive it would sound if I claimed no knowledge of what had taken place. Regardless of my level of intoxication, I realised I had to take responsibility for my actions. I took Bella into my embrace and we kissed passionately, a prelude for what inevitably followed.
Despite her request for caution, Bella seemed incapable of restraint during sex. She moaned continuously and screamed noisily at the moment of crisis, probably waking the entire community, unless they were still anaesthetised by the alcohol. Movement from nearby disturbed my reverie as Haden emerged from his bedroom and headed for the shower. He flashed us a quick grin as we wallowed in the aftermath of our indulgence.
Gem was the first to congratulate us on our partnering, which it appeared was now a fait accompli. A procession of well-wishers delivered a series of token gifts, with Darian conspicuous by his absence. I took everything in my stride, accepting where fate had propelled me. Whilst not in the same league as any of my previous companions, Bella was still a beautiful and much sought-after partner.
Haden informed me that it would be unrealistic for us to remain within their cabin, and that it was customary in such circumstances for the villagers to collaborate to construct more suitable accommodation. Realising the futility of argument, I thanked him for his hospitality over the previous weeks.
I found Darian sulking in his workshop, and was thankful that he bore me no malice.
"It just kind of happened," I excused myself feebly.
"Bella knows her own mind," he replied dolefully. "I hope you're both happy together."
I realised what an effort it probably took him to utter the words, the disappointment clear to see in his every nuance. I embraced him and explained how he was still a great friend, and that he would still see Bella from day to day. He mumbled something indistinct, and then disappeared to find a quiet place to console himself. I felt incredibly sorry to dash his hopes, particularly in light of the way it had come about, but felt determined to make my relationship with Bella work.
Over the following two weeks, wood was gathered and the framework for a new cabin was erected. Bella skipped around happily at the prospect of her own home; watching each day as it slowly transformed from a jumble of spars and trusses, into the beginnings of a comfortable abode. Haden and Darian installed the heating system, the latter having finally come to terms with his loss, and become his normal sociable self.
The development was used as an excuse to test out the new heat storage system. The onset of autumn ushered in the start of chill evenings that would only become more severe as it gave way to winter.
Haden developed a keen interest in brewing. I passed along all my tips and suggested ways that he might improve and experiment with the process, which he seemed keen to attempt.
With a bit of cajoling, we cleared an uncultivated field in preparation for receiving new seed in a few weeks. The final harvest would have to sustain the community over the long winter, and it was clearly a risk for him to put faith in my untested proposal. Two waterwheels were now running at full capacity alongside one another, and the village had more power than they could currently use. When rolled out across the village, the storage system would absorb the majority of this surplus.
Bella and I took up residence in our new home, even before it was finished. She surprised me with her hitherto unsuspected domesticity, toiling long hours to instil a degree of comfort into the somewhat Spartan surroundings. I became caught up in her enthusiasm, helping her with the heavier jobs that her diminutive frame struggled to cope with. The efforts brought us closer together, and I began to feel deep affection for the teenager.
Lacking a proper bed, we made love each night on a small down-filled mattress that rested on the wooden floor. I felt a little guilty at my involvement with somebody half my age, but nobody else seemed to give it a second thought.
The day that the shipment of new grain arrived, I decided to make myself scarce. The prospect of Tamar at the controls of the transport flyer filled me with trepidation. As it turned out, the pair of Guardians that piloted the craft were ones that I'd never seen before, but I kept out of sight anyway. They delivered over twenty sacks of seed for various types of crop, and the next few days were spent getting it in the ground before it drew the attention of marauding Trogs, or similar such scroungers.
The newly cultivated field was set aside for grain as I felt it offered the best chance to demonstrate my theory. I also persuaded Haden to swap several fields from grain to vegetable production and vice versa, hoping that a similar improvement in productivity would be evident.
Darian and I gradually equipped each dwelling with the new heating units, as the results from my cabin were proving highly encouraging. During the cool evenings, the heat radiating from the prototype drew us like moths to a flame. Bella and I would snuggle beside it, until we could warm ourselves up by other more strenuous activities.
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Jumping into the water, Gavin almost lands on top of Elena. She's fallen close to the railing of the stairs at the pool's shallow end, and is lying motionless under the water, curled into a fetal position. Although he can't be certain, Gavin doesn't think she hit her head while falling. Christine and Elena's sisters begin screaming her name. Gavin bends quickly, slides one arm beneath Elena's shoulders, the other under her legs, and straightens with her cradled close to his chest. Her...
Staring at Laura, Elena feels Gavin's body tense beneath her. Damn it Laura, not now There is so much she needs to tell him. As terrifying as the dreamscape attack had been, the link between them had been her salvation. If what she believes is true, in some very real sense, Gavin is her anchor, her doorway back to the real world. "What?" Laura asks, "Did you two forget I was here?" "It was a private conversation," Gavin says. His voice is irritable, and she understands...
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Elena is relaxed, breathing deeply, but consciously holding herself awake and alert. Regardless of Ramon's assertion that the couple hunting both herself and Gavin are no longer a threat, she's certain that lowering her guard and opening herself up to sleep or the dreamscape right now would be a very bad mistake. After risking so much, the idea of them packing it in and just giving up strikes her as ludicrous. If they attack again, as they had in her back yard, will she be able to...
When Gavin enters her, he and Elena cry out simultaneously. The doubled perspective is at once exhilarating and disorienting. He can feel himself, harder and longer than he's ever been before, sliding into a caressing warm wetness. At the same time, she is aware of being spread, wider and wider, until at last, hot smooth skin is pressing forward, and then deeper still, filling her completely. From him, there is nothing but pleasure, and a triumphal sense of achievement, "At last, I'm doing...
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FantasyThe year is 2154 and the world has become a vastly different place from what came before. There are no longer individual countries, now major power blocks around the world prevail. They roughly follow previous political and religious lines but each block has one government for the whole area. This future has become a more barbarous place but the people of the ‘western’ blocks have also mutated into a gambling and entertainment based society. The societies themselves have changed into a more...
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Few weeks before my future wife gone to her native which is 400 km far from here and return with her cousin brother.she explain that her cousin brother was failed in board examination and he was depressed in that.so she bring him for a vacation.i accepted. the next day night she told, she caught him while he watching porn videos and mastrubating too.i think she was was serious abt that.but the next sentence from her is "he has big black cock".she was interested in that.the same night she told...
Future Lord and Prisoner?s Balls# Day 1Prisoner 102 knew that it was a privilege to be tortured by the Lord. That bastard would make him tremendously suffer and milk every drop of cum from his cock, but he would not damage his body. Only the most beautiful prisoners were selected for his pleasure. The other were tortured by the guards and subdued to any sort of injuries and horrible mutilations.He knew, he had not to speak if not asked and did not make any resistance as he was led naked by the...
I’d like to share my true interracial experience, which didn’t affect me directly but my wife when she was a student around twenty-five years ago in the mid-90s, two years before we met.While she was twenty and studying at university, she spent a year working at a placement with a large multi-national company near London. She hadn’t been there long when she was invited to a Halloween fancy dress party by one of her workmates, so she decided to go along as a sexy Halloween cat, with a cat ears...
InterracialTrudy was awakened in the night by a tongue tickling her pussy. Mmmm, she loved that. She rolled on her back and made access easier as she kept dozing. Soon a long shaft probed her now-wet pussy lips and opened the fleshy gates. It had gotten balls deep when she awoke enough to realize that her fiance wasn’t due back until late the next night. But it felt just like him as it began to go in and out. Accepting that what was done was done, she wrapped her legs around the trim body that had to be...
These Friends of Mine "TimMY! Hurry up or you'll miss the bus!" "Coming, Mom!" Tim Kennedy shoved the last of his school supplies in his backpack, raced down the stairs, grabbed a nutrient bar from the basket on the kitchen table and charged out the front door in time to board the yellow and black hoverbus idling on their landing platform. His parents had already left for work, but the house robot made sure he knew when the bus was coming. "Hi Mekkano," he said to the robot driver. He...
When I awoke, Teel was asleep on her back and snoring softly. Her chest regularly rose and fell, the nipples pointed and erect. I reached over to caress her, feeling the firm nub beneath my fingertip. She moaned in her sleep, so I retreated so as not to disturb her slumber. Sitting up, I admired her voluptuous form stretched out naked. Memories of the previous night remained strong, and I found it incredible that she had no prior experience. Her body had responded instinctively, providing me...
The following morning, we bathed and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, before each going our separate ways. Teel would present herself at the nurturing centre to receive her treatment, whilst Nella returned home to await the Tamar's return. In my workshop, I dismantled the stasis pod and considered ways to boost its performance. After obtaining spare coils, I set about mounting them alongside those already present, in the hope that it would provide the necessary additional field strength. I...
Sarek sat across from me in my cell, looking increasingly despondent. "Why didn't you tell me about the relationship between Nella and Teel?" "I didn't think it relevant. It was something special that the two of them shared." "It won't be looked upon favourably. We just have to hope that they don't decide to make an example of you because of it." "I still don't regret what happened." "So it seems. There is little more I can do for you. You have placed yourself entirely at...
I detected movement out of the corner of my eye. I watched as Bella stretched and crawled out of bed. There was no denying that she was a beautiful girl. I discreetly ogled her plump breasts and puffy labia as she prepared to take her morning shower. She strolled naked across the room and I heard a sharp gasp from the shower cubicle as the cold water drove away the last vestiges of sleep. Returning moments later, she held up her robe, sniffing it tentatively to determine its suitability for...
I handed Grant the data terminal, and spent the next few days walking around in a daze. Somewhere, Jenny was possibly frozen in a state of suspended animation, waiting for me to awaken her. I had no idea whether she ever arrived at her destination, or even where it was. All I knew was that locating it would become my top priority. Just the possibility that Jenny and I could be together once more gave me fresh hope, and determination to prevail against the odds. As expected, Matthias arrived...
"So we're really going to do it?" Teel asked sadly, as we lay together on a hard bunk in one of the spare cabins. We'd spent an hour making love, helping relieve the stress that the adrenaline pumping through our veins had produced. "We'll attempt to minimise casualties, but we're committed. There can be no turning back." "In nurturing, we were taught that violence never solved anything." "That's true for the most part, but sometimes there's no other recourse. In my era, one...
I woke up several hours later, face to face with Celeste. Dim moonlight filtered through the shutters so that I could just make out her face. I thought that her eyes were open. Her hand was undoubtedly awake, judging by the things that it was doing to my cock.“Hi,” she whispered.“Hi,” I whispered back.“Are you ready to make me a mother?” she asked quietly.“Ah,” I said. “No pressure or anything.”She smiled and snuggled up closer to me.“No,” she said. “No pressure.”“Don’t you want to practice a...
NovelsChapter 3 Hermione Weasley: The New Ministress of Magic! After the shock resignation of the beloved Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt two weeks ago, Hermione Weasley was yesterday voted in as the new leader of Great Britain's magical community. Citing fatigue and the need of a younger leader, ex Minister Shacklebolt requested a quick...
Chapter 2 ‘Quickly now Harry, the train’s about to leave,’ cried Ginny above the din of the train’s engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives towards Ginny, who was stood anxiously beside one of the few open doors left to the train. ‘Keep up the hard work at school Lily,’ said Ginny hurriedly as she gave her a quick kiss and hug before Lily happily bounded onto the...
Introduction: James gets upto no good on the Hogwarts Express while Harry and Kingsley hold an important meeting. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 2 Quickly now Harry, the trains about to leave, cried Ginny above the din of the trains engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives...
My name is Sam Slate. I am a voyageur. That is an all tonnage all universe spaceship Captain. As well as a black belt who has acquired mastery of twelve different recognized fighting styles. Pay me the mega bucks, and I will lift whatever piece of space junk to any destination. Note that I did say mega bucks. I am good, but I am not cheap. Well maybe I am in some ways, but not when it comes to money. I fully intend to retire in luxury before my five hundredth birthday. Only two hundred and...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi