Future Perfect: Chapter Six free porn video

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There’s no other word for it when you bring a girl back to her house after taking her for the sole purpose of impregnating her. 

I thought about waiting at the bottom of the driveway, but decided I needed to be braver than that. We drove up like everything was normal. One look at Cassie’s face through the kitchen window showed that nothing was normal. 

After a decade alone, I was unused to reading body language. I couldn’t tell if Cassie was angry, sad, or frightened. When Celeste and I walked in, Bethany and Amanda came up to her and gave her big hugs. Cassie turned back to the sink and didn’t say anything.

“We missed you!” Amanda said to her big sister.

“I missed you too!” she said, kneeling to hug the girl. 

Bethany put her hand on Celeste’s shoulder, looking from her to me. 

“Everything okay?” she asked. 

“Yes,” Celeste said. “How about here?”

“We’re fine,” Cassie said, turning finally, and drying her hands. She walked to her daughter and gave her a big hug. She still didn’t look at me.

Faith came in.

“Hi!” she said to Celeste. “Everything good?”

“Er, yeah,” Celeste said, apparently not sure how to respond.

Cassie finally pulled back and held her daughter at arm’s length, looking at her. Celeste smiled, and Cassie smiled back. She finally looked at me. Her smile faded a bit, but not altogether.

“Well,” Cassie said. “We weren’t sure when you would be here. Would you like to stay for dinner?”

“Err…” I said. “I….” I stumbled. A family dinner was about the last thing that I expected.

Faith laughed, and Cassie frowned at her.

I finally agreed, and they set about making an early supper.

All seven of us were gathered around the dinner table. I was squeezed between the two youngest girls, Bethany and Amanda.

I sat with my head bowed as Kyle blessed the food. I squirmed when he gave thanks for my presence in their lives and prayed for the success of my “endeavors.” I heard a giggle from across the table, but I didn’t open my eyes to see whether it came from Celeste or Faith. 

I was a little worried about Kyle. He looked worse than the last time I had been there. I wondered if something was going on that I wasn’t aware of. I sat there with my eyes closed and wondered if the virus, if indeed it had been a virus, was still active in his body. 

After the prayer, I tried to study him without appearing to study him. His face was deeply lined and puffy. The dark circles under his eyes were more pronounced, and he moved slowly; he even blinked slowly.

I kept glancing at Cassie, but she didn’t look worried. She seemed more irritated than anything. The girls were in a festive, holiday-like mood, and they were getting on her nerves. Amanda had made a crown for Celeste to wear. She took it off, though, when she saw her mother’s face.

Still, the girls were laughing and joking with each other. Bethany called her sisters “Auntie Faith,” and “Auntie Amanda,” which tickled them to no end.

“Don’t get your hopes up, girls,” their father said, sounding tired. “Getting pregnant doesn’t always happen on the first try. Sometimes you have to try for a long time.”

Celeste looked down at her plate, her face a bright shade of red. Cassie’s cheeks were brightening as well, but she wouldn’t look at me.

“Why Daddy?” asked Amanda.

“Well,” he began, but his wife cut him off.

“Let’s not worry about it now, okay?” she said. “Let’s just eat.”

“They have to practice,” Faith stage-whispered in her little sister’s ear. The girls all snickered, and their mother pretended not to hear. 

“This stew is really good,” I said.

Conversation had never been a strong suit, and ten years of isolation hadn’t improved matters.

“We found some herb seeds in a store,” Celeste said. “And we have a huge kitchen garden in the back.”

“She could show it to you if you want,” Bethany said, smiling at me.

Cassie sighed heavily and gave her daughter a look. The girl went back to her meal.

I smiled inside, enjoying the girls’ camaraderie. Obviously, Cassie was annoyed, but Kyle didn’t seem to mind much. I couldn’t figure that out.

Was he so pragmatic that he had accepted his unmarried daughter being impregnated by the same man who was going to impregnate his wife? A thought struck me.

Perhaps he was dying. Maybe he just wanted to see his grandchildren before he died. Maybe he wanted to set Cassie up with someone who could provide for her after his passing. I looked at him in a new light.

Kyle glanced up at me as I was studying him. I saw something in his eyes then: resignation. Maybe acceptance. 

I didn’t think that I could have done it in his shoes. I looked down at my plate, and my eyes misted up. He must really love Cassie to do this for her and the girls.

After we had finished eating, Cassie said goodbye to all the girls. She gave them strict instructions about who was to do which chores and how long to spend studying. 

“When will you be back, Mommy?” Amanda asked.

“Well,” Cassie said, “I’m not sure exactly. A few days anyway.”

“Oh,” Amanda said. “We’ll miss you.”

I could tell that Cassie was trying to remain in control of her emotions.

“You won’t have time to miss me,” she said, her voice quivering. “I’ve left notes for all of you. You can relax after you’ve done the dishes and fed the animals. Tomorrow morning there’s a lot to do!”

“Ok, Mommy,” she said.

Kyle hugged his wife and kissed her. She clung to him tightly for a few long minutes. I examined the woodwork, trying to give them privacy. I was just about to slip into the backyard when I heard Kyle speak.

“Good luck,” he whispered to his wife.

I heard her sharp intake of breath, like a stifled sob, but didn’t turn to look.

“Bruce,” Kyle said, a little louder.

“Yeah,” I said, trying not to look their way.

“Best of luck to you,” he said and held out his hand. Cassie was still clinging to him.

“Thanks, Kyle,” I said. I wanted to add an apology, but it didn’t seem right. Should I promise to take care of her? He might take that the wrong way.

“Kyle,” I started, but stopped at the look in his eyes. I just nodded to him. I think he understood.

“I’ll be in the car,” I said. “Goodbye, girls.”

“Bye,” they all said. 

Celeste came up to me and kissed me, right there in front of everyone. She hugged me tightly.

“Take care of Mommy,” she whispered. “Treat her like you did me. She deserves it too.”

I nodded, squeezed her tightly, and then headed out the door.

I waited in the car for nearly five minutes before Cassie came out, a small suitcase in her hand. She opened the back door and put the case inside and then climbed in front with me.

I didn’t say anything, just put the car in drive and headed home.

The drive home was not fun. Cassie, usually warm and talkative, was withdrawn. She sat and looked out the window, saying nothing.

Rather than driving straight home, I drove to an old park in town. Of course, it was completely overgrown and wild now, but there were still sections of the Riverwalk where you could look at the river and other scenery. I thought that a walk and some conversation might be in order.

“Where are we going?” Cassie asked finally.

“To the park,” I said. 

“Why?” she asked.

“Just for a talk,” I said. “Maybe a walk by the river.”

“Bruce,” she said. “You don’t need to seduce me.” I could see tears in her eyes.

“I’m not trying to seduce you, Cassie,” I said. “I’m trying to be a caring human being.”

She looked away and said nothing.

We navigated the parking lot as best we could. There were fallen tree branches, leaves, and huge potholes to avoid. Finally, I got to where I was heading and turned off the car. We got out and walked along the river. 

There had been rain recently. The river was high, which was typical for this time of year. We stood and watched it flow by. I was always amazed by the debris and how much trash there still was floating in the water. Plastic grocery bags lined the banks, and water bottles occasionally made their way past us like little canoes.

“How sick is he?” I finally asked.

Cassie stared into the water sliding by and shrugged.

“I think he’s getting worse. He says that he’s not,” she said. “Who knows?”

I waited a minute and then asked, “Do you think he’ll shake it?”

She finally turned to me and stared for several long moments. “We’re praying for a miracle.”

“Of course,” I said. I didn’t press her. I put my hand on her shoulder in a friendly gesture and then turned and started walking up the river. We had two or three hours of daylight left. I heard Cassie follow along behind me.

There was a spot under the bridge where I liked to throw rocks. There were lots of them around, and the bridge supports made good targets. But the water was too high today. All the stones were underwater.

As we walked past the bridge, we watched a heron wading in the pool on the other side. 

“I think he’s looking for frogs,” I said. 

“Mmm,” she said. 

Well, this was a brilliant idea, I thought to myself. How were we going to carry on when she wouldn’t even talk to me?

I decided to be stubborn and keep walking. We passed stands of cottonwood trees, sycamores, lots of wildflowers, and scores of geese nesting in the grass by the river.

Finally, after about twenty minutes, she spoke.

“How did it go with Celeste?” she asked quietly.

“Ah,” I said. I was surprised both by the fact of her speaking and the subject matter.

“Fine,” I finally said. “Just fine.”

“What we talked about…” she said. “Were you able to...achieve...er….”

“For the most part,” I said. “We’ll have to put it in God’s hands.”

“What was the problem?” she asked. “I asked for a favor. You couldn’t do that for me?”

“Cassie,” I said patiently. “She was there to get pregnant. How could I justify pulling out or…doing…whatever, all the time?”

“I don’t know,” she said, stopping and watching the water again. “It just means a lot to me.”

We stood there for a few minutes, saying nothing.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “None of this is your fault. You’re trying to help.”

“You’re right,” I said. “I’m willing to help, too. Even if I don’t agree with the reasoning.”

She glanced at me, looking a little surprised. 

“Okay,” she said. “Fine. You disagree. But you’re still willing to, er, participate?”

I turned and faced her directly with my hands on my hips.

“It’s been ten lonely years, Cassie,” I said. “Yes, I’m willing to take beautiful, willing women into my bed. I don’t give a damn what society would have said, what my dead wife would have thought, or, frankly, what God thinks. I’ll take the company.”

She looked away from me, back over the water. The light was softening as the sun dropped close to the horizon.

“That’s fair,” she said without looking at me. “In your place, I’m not sure that I’d feel any different.”

I forced myself to relax and shoved my hands in my pockets. “How is this going to work if you feel guilty the whole time?” I asked.

“He wants me to do it,” she murmured. “He’s my husband. We’re one flesh.”

A tear ran down her face.

“You’re an adult, Cassie,” I said. “You deserve to have a part in decision making.”

She looked at me, seeming embarrassed. Almost immediately, she looked back out over the water and up into the trees.

“I know,” she said, looking away. “There’s no church now. Doctrine doesn’t seem to matter. There’s just us.” She looked at me, desperation in her eyes.

“Wait,” I said. “Don’t tell me that you’re losing your faith.”

“No,” she said. wiping the tears from her face. “I have faith in God. What I’ve lost faith in is the teachings of the church.”

That’s not so bad, I thought to myself.

“I’ve believed in the Church,” she said. “My husband was a pastor. I taught Sunday School. I’ve lived the teachings my whole life.”

“I know,” I said. “I remember.”

“Now,” she said, “none of it matters. We’ve just got to do the best we can.”

She turned to me.

“I told you that we would do this,” she said. “I want to have more children if I can.”

She stepped close and put her hands on my chest, looking into my eyes. “And I want to have them with you,” she said.

I folded her into my arms and held her for several minutes. I could feel her tears soaking into my t-shirt.

“Okay,” I said. “Are there any rules?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice muffled.

“I mean, are there things that you don’t want me to do...to you?” I said. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I said that.

“Um,” she said. “Well, I’m not very, ah, kinky,” she said. “What did you want to do to me?”

“Oh, you know,” I said. “All of the normal stuff.”

Again, awkward. 

“Yes…” she said, trying to draw me out. 

“I just want you to be satisfied,” I said.

I felt her smile, and she hugged me tighter.

“Very satisfied,” I said.

She leaned back and punched me lightly.

“Okay,” she said. “Let’s get going and see what you can do about that.”

Leaving all thoughts of her husband and family beside the water, we walked back to the truck and headed home. 


The dogs met us as we pulled up to the house. I hated it when they mobbed the truck like this. I was always afraid that I would hit one of them.

We managed to park just as the sun was setting. Cassie went with me to see the horses and dogs and give everyone fresh water. I didn’t feed them much in the summer, but If I didn’t feed them some hay, they got grumpy. It must be some sort of comfort food for them.

I stood for several minutes, watching Cassie talk to the horses. My wife and I never had horses, but I would watch her with the cats sometimes. She had spoken to them like they were her babies. That’s how Cassie talked to Strawberry, the roan mare that I had rescued.

She stood there, touching the horse’s shoulder and rubbing her face, speaking into her ear. I couldn’t hear everything, but I caught the odd “pretty girl” and “good horsie.” Strawberry was eating it up. She rubbed her head into Cassie, almost knocking her down.

I decided to give some attention to Buck, the gelding that I kept. I brushed him and checked his hooves. I talked to them when I was alone, but I felt self-conscious doing it with Cassie around.

“They’re good animals,” Cassie said.

“Yeah,” I said. 

“We turned as many loose as we could,” she said sadly.

“Me too,” I said. “Dogs and cats.”

“Yes,” she said. “It was terrible.”

She was crying again, remembering the barking and crying that had echoed through the city. It had been awful. I was glad to know that someone else had been out there, turning animals loose, but it had been an enormous job. And most of them had probably starved in the wild or been eaten by other animals. 

“Well,” I said, sighing heavily. “Are you hungry?”

“No,” she said, looking around. “Just tired.”

“Yeah,” I said, patting Buck’s flank. “Let’s go on in.”

We made our way up to the house. Cassie stopped to look at the house Celeste had been working on. The porch had several benches and rockers that hadn’t been there before. The windows were clean and had pretty curtains hanging in them.

“Her nesting instincts are kicking in,” she said, reaching for my hand. I looked down in the dying light and took Cassie’s hand in mine. 

“She’ll make a good wife,” I said.

“You think?” Cassie said.

“She’s kind of, um, smitten with me,” I said.

Cassie looked at me and then smiled. 

“Understandable,” she said.

“Maybe,” I said. “But what if Faith feels the same way?”

“Or me?” she asked, still smiling.

“I can’t say that hadn’t crossed my mind,” I said.

“Let the future take care of itself,” she said. “Come on.”

Inside the house, we went to the kitchen for some water. I pumped two pitchers of water and covered one. We poured glasses of water from the other and stood there drinking slowly.

“So,” I said, hoping to get the ball rolling. “You had a crush on me when we worked together?”

“Yes,” she said quietly. “And no. I was very strict with myself. Never dwelled on feelings like that.”

“And now?” I asked, moving closer to her.

“Now is different,” she said, looking me in the eye.

I leaned in for a kiss, and she met me a third of the way. We stood there, glasses of water half-finished, and kissed in my kitchen. A part of me stepped back and looked at my relationship with this woman and marveled. 

Ten or twelve years ago, I could never have foreseen this. Now, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. We kissed for a long time, our lips cooled from the well water and the smell of horses on us.

Finally, I took the water from her and set our glasses on the counter. My hands finally unencumbered, I reached for Cassie and held her around the waist, pulling her to me and kissing her again. Her hands reached around my shoulders, gripped tightly, and then drifted up around my neck and to the back of my head.

She laced her fingers through my hair, sending mad shivers racing up my spine. I moaned into her mouth and pushed her to the kitchen table. I reached for it with my right hand and used my left around her hips to guide her. As soon as she touched the table, I began pushing her back against it until she lay there, one leg lifted, wrapping itself around my waist.

She cried out as my mouth left hers to travel over her chin and down her neck. I got to the collar of her t-shirt and began moving across the surface over her chest. At the center of her sternum, I slid right to climb the inside slope of her breast. It was lovely and warm, and even through her clothing, I elicited a moan.

Cassie wrapped her hands around the back of my head as I slipped my fingers under the edge of her t-shirt and over her ribcage. She arched her back, which allowed me to slide her shirt up and over her shoulders and head. She worked it off her arms while I unfastened the clasp of her bra. I kissed her again as I slid the two ends of the band around her back. She reclined on the table, and I heard her cry, high and long at the feel of my hands on the bare skin of her back.

I slipped her right arm and then her left out of her bra, then lifted it from her breasts. Cassie covered her breasts with her hands, a lifetime of modesty interfering with her newfound freedom.

I gently pulled her hands away and chastely kissed first her right nipple, and then the left. This time, her moan was low and guttural, seeming to come from the depths of her abdomen. I focused on her left breast with my mouth and allowed my left hand to caress and tease her right.

“Oh,” she said. “Oh, my!” Every so often, I switched sides with my mouth and hands, and every time she would cry out.

Finally, I unfastened her belt and jeans, sliding them down over her hips and down her legs. Her hips were surprisingly round and lush. Apparently, she dressed to diminish that fact when I had known her, and I hadn’t paid attention lately. 

I got her jeans down, but I was going to either wrestle with her boots or ignore them. I chose the latter for now. I turned Cassie over, massaging her lovely ass and kissing her ear while I dropped my trousers around my ankles.

She leaned forward, mashing her breasts against the tabletop, turning her head to the side and moaning loudly. There were no words, just passion. My cock lined up with her slit, and she wrapped her fingers around the edge of the table. I heard her cry out as I entered her from behind. 

She was wet and inviting, and I loved the feeling as I slid the head of my cock into her. My back arched of its own volition, and my cock slid home, burying itself inside her.

We cried out in unison as I filled her. I stayed there, relishing the feeling of being lodged deep inside my old friend. She pushed up on her hands, and I slid my right hand around and cupped her breast. I stood there shaking, buried deep inside her. It might seem strange that I was so overcome being inside of this middle-aged woman since I had been inside her daughter only hours before.

I can only say that the feeling was indescribable. Aside from the physical sensations, I felt something that could only be called “spiritual” as I occupied her. We connected deeply as I held onto her breasts and began, ever so slowly, to move.

Cassie cried out. She threw her head back and forth, pushed her hips back against me, and yelled wordlessly at the ceiling. I drove home again, harder this time, and felt my friend clench her pussy around my cock. Age seemed to melt away as we settled into an ancient rhythm.

Just the sight of her, naked and impaled on my cock had me halfway to my orgasm. The sounds of her passion took me nearly the rest of the way there. It was all that I could do to control myself, even after the last few, lust-filled days.

I slid my hands down to her slender hips and tried to control myself. I couldn’t tell how far along she was towards her climax, so I pounded away for as long as I could while her cries filled the kitchen.

Later, I told myself.

Later I would make sure that she was satisfied. Right now was about primal lust. I hoped that she would keep up, but I couldn’t hold out forever.

After far too short a time, I buried myself completely into Cassie and yelled as I began spurting into her. Time after time, I pulled back and thrust in hard, gushing against her womb, filling her darkness with everything I had.

She may have cried out with me. I didn’t know. My hands and my dick were the only things working at that time. I was locked against her and yelling at the top of my lungs as my orgasm wound down.

Finally, I heard the dogs barking outside and felt Cassie moving under me. I released my death-grip on her lovely hip bones, seeing red marks left there by my fingers. I stayed inside her, not wanting to separate just yet, but I leaned down as I brushed the hair off her neck and kissed her there, gently.

After I had shut up, the dogs quit barking. I hadn’t let Biscuit in tonight for reasons that should be obvious. I would bet he was the one who got the rest of them going. He didn’t like being left outside with the animals.

Cassie began moving under me. She unclenched her fingers from around the edge of the table and pushed her shoulders up a bit. I lifted my body to give her room to move and felt myself slide out of her. She gasped and arched her head against mine like a cat at that sensation.

I stood up and helped her stand. We were both shackled by our jeans and underwear. I lifted her up to sit on the edge of the table while I kicked my shoes off and wrestled myself out of my clothes.

Finally free, I stood up straight and kissed her, holding her head in my hands. Cassie held me around my waist as we stood there and kissed. I imagined our juices leaking out onto my table, and the thought made me horny again. I pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said, a little smile on her face. “I might be wrong, and I don’t want to jinx anything, but I think you did it.”

“Did what?” I asked stupidly.

“Maybe I should say, ‘WE did it,'” she said, glancing down and then back up at me.

“‘Did it’?” I asked. “Oh! DID it. Did it.” The idea was sobering. “You think we made a baby just then?”

“Sometimes you just know,” she said. “Sometimes.”

“Wow,” I said, words failing me.

I slid down to one knee and took her shoes, socks, jeans, and underwear off. I spent some time folding her clothes, unlike mine, which were strewn around the kitchen. I leaned in and kissed each knee, moved up and kissed her thighs and belly, the end of each pretty breast, up and over her shoulders, neck, and eventually over her whole face.

Her arms rested lightly on my shoulders as I made my way up her body, and she finally returned my kisses with gusto, pulling the tie from my hair and running her fingers through it.

When my hair was down and loose, she pushed me away, arranging it over my shoulders. 

“Kyle has never had long hair,” she said. “He always makes me cut it. I’ve never been with a man with hair longer than mine.”

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“Maybe,” she said. She gripped it hard, arching my neck back, but not tugging sharply. “I might like the control,” she said as she raked her teeth down along my neck.

Holy cow! I thought as my dick sprang back to life. This was a side of Cassie that I had never seen before.

We took our water and headed back to the bedroom. I went first, even though I wanted to watch her walk in front of me. The house was mostly dark now, so I probably couldn’t have seen much anyway.

“Hang on a minute,” I said. “Let me light a lamp.”

She came into the bedroom behind me and waited at the door. I had aired the room out, but I was still self-conscious about the smell. I wished that I had some scented candles.

I had matches in the drawer of my nightstand and a lamp always filled and trimmed. I lit it and turned the wick down, giving us plenty of light to see each other. I turned and gestured to the room. 

“Put your things anywhere,” I said.

She wandered into the room, looking around.

“Very masculine,” she said. I wasn’t sure how to take that.

The room was orderly and clean. My clothes were put away. There were several handguns out and a few long guns on the walls. There were no flowers or lace doilies. I didn’t have any pictures on the walls. I did have one old photo of my wife in a frame on my dresser beside another one taken of our whole family.

“It works for me,” I said.

“How did Celeste like it?” she asked, looking at me. 

“We didn’t talk about it,” I said. “Celeste asked about my wife and kids, but that was it.” 

“I can tell you that she already has plans to redecorate,” Cassie said. 

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Because she’s a woman,” she said. “You said that you think she’s a little taken with you, right?”

I nodded.

“As I said, it’s only natural,” she said. “Women want to add their personal touches to a living space.”

“What is there to change?” I asked, looking around.

Cassie just laughed. 

“What?” I asked. “It’s not like there’s a moose head on the wall or anything.”

“No,” she said, coming over and wrapping her arms around my waist. I leaned down and buried my nose in her hair, inhaling deeply.

“Cassie,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and relaxing.

“Mmm…” she said, laying her head on my chest. 

The full-on, body to body contact was exhilarating and relaxing at the same time. I was tempted to pick her up and drop her onto the bed. I thought that she might want more control than that.

I stood there, absorbing her, experiencing her, and feeling myself melt into her.

I may have drifted out of consciousness for a few moments. My consciousness certainly shifted.

I became aware that she was nuzzling my ear as we stood there. Not just nuzzling it, she was biting it lightly. Sometimes, not so lightly. If she was trying to make my dick as hard as possible, she found the right way. 

I yelped a little after a particularly hard nip to the top of my left ear.

“Ah!” I said. “Jesus woman, that hurt.”

She pulled back and looked at me, sternly.

“Please don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” she said.

“Sorry,” I said, my eyes finding their way down her body. 

“Don’t apologize to me,” she said. “It’s not my rule.”

I pulled her to me as I sat on the edge of the bed. Her breasts were not as perky and firm as Celeste’s, but they were lovely all the same. The nipples were like hard pebbles, and I took each one in turn into my mouth. Cassie wrapped her arms around my neck, cradling my head as I pleasured her breasts.

We stayed like that for a long time as I nibbled first one and then the other nipple. Back and forth I went, trying to make sure that each one received equal attention. Cassie’s sighs and occasional cries guided my pace.

“Move back,” she whispered to me.

I looked up at her, and she just shooed me back towards the middle of the bed. My dick was enjoying where it was, lodged between her upper thighs, but I did as she said and moved back, pushing up on my hands and sliding back over the bed. I rested my back against the headboard.

Cassie climbed into my lap, facing me and straddling her legs around my hips. As she sat down, she moved her pussy forward, not allowing me to enter her, but fully enveloping me in her outer lips, using her fluid to lubricate the motion and gliding along our joined surfaces.

She kissed me as she wrapped her arms around my neck, sliding her tongue into my mouth and caressing my cock with her entire pussy. It was heaven!

I reached up and took handfuls of her hair and pulled down, forcing her to arch her back as I kissed her neck and breasts, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

After a moment of this, she returned the gesture. Pulling down on my hair sharply enough to get my attention, she kissed my neck, sucking on it, biting just a bit, not enough to leave marks, but enough to drive me crazy.

My cock was rock-hard, but Cassie wasn’t ready for it yet. Pulling harder on my hair, she leaned lower and kissed her way down my chest. She moved to my left nipple and nibbled on it as I had hers earlier. Trading off, she gave attention to both of them.

My nipples had never been all that sensitive. I enjoyed the stimulation, but it didn’t do a whole lot for me. 

Seeming to sense this, Cassie pulled more sharply on my hair as she bit down on one nipple. I shouted in surprise, my head snapping back. I pushed my head back against the headboard and caught myself on my hands behind me.

Suddenly, I felt chills run through my body as she wrapped her lips around the nipple she had just abused. I thought that my nipples had been hard before, but I was wrong. The thing seemed to contract to a point that grew to almost a quarter of an inch in length.

Cassie sat there, rubbing her pussy over my cock and sucking on my nipples one at a time. My head was thrown back, and I had lost the ability to speak. I was a total spectator now, involved only in feeling pleasure.

Finally, Cassie kissed her way up my neck and to my mouth, invading my mouth with her tongue and grinding our crotches with a ferociousness that I would have never guessed she possessed in the past.

I gathered myself and decided to turn the tables on her. I laid aside the kid gloves and grabbed her ass, pulling her to me as I leaned forward, capturing one breast in my mouth. Guessing that she wanted me to be a little rougher, I experimented. I worked her breasts, harder and harder, nipping them with my teeth, pulling with my hands. 

Cassie went crazy in my lap. I reached under her with my right hand and slid my middle finger into her dripping pussy, causing her to cry out and push herself harder into me. This wasn’t my final destination, though. After my finger was wet, I slid it back and inserted the first joint into her anal sphincter. 

The reaction was better than I could have hoped. 

“Oh!” she cried out.

Followed by “OH!” 

Then, “OH MY GOD!” as I began moving my finger in and out.

Pulling her closer to me, I whispered into her ear, “Let’s watch that language now.”

“OH!” she replied. 

I lifted her up and set her back down on top of my cock, spearing her on the entire length.

Her cry was wordless this time, very high, and right in my ear.

I kept my right middle finger inside her ass as I lifted her up and down on my cock.

“Oh. My. God. Oh. My. God.” she repeated as I lifted her up and down on my straining member.

The physical exertion was keeping me from getting close to coming, but not Cassie. Now she was the one entirely on the receiving end, and she seemed to be loving every second of it.

After several minutes of this treatment, Cassie wrapped her fingers in my hair again. She pulled hard as she arched her back and cried out. Her whole body shuddered as she pulled herself down onto me.

I took the opportunity to rest my arms, allowing her to sit, impaled on my still rock-hard cock, and shudder through her orgasm. I kept the rhythm with my finger in her butt, and she picked it up, rocking her pelvis into mine and moaning in time to the pulses.

Finally, her movements slowed, and she released her grip on my hair and cleared her throat.

“Sorry,” she said into my ear. 

“Don’t be,” I said, sliding my finger from her rear. As I did that, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she made a quiet little whimpering sound.

“Mmmm…” she said as I gripped her bottom as we both leaned into each other. 

“I haven’t had an orgasm like that since...I don’t know when,” she said. 

“It was glorious to watch,” I said.

She moved her hips in a circle, feeling my hard cock, still inside her.

“Apparently, you still want more,” she said, smiling at me.

“I do,” I said, leaning forward to kiss her. I ran my hands up her back, caressing her body and falling in love.

Dumb. I know.

I should have stayed detached -- enjoyed the moment. That’s not how I was wired, even before everyone got sick. Now, after years of solitude, I was vulnerable.

I suppose that Cassie was too. I didn’t know. I only knew at the time that I never wanted her to leave. 

We stayed like that, sitting in the middle of my bed, wrapped up together and still intimately connected. Cassie laid her head on my shoulder, and I rested mine on hers. We continued to caress each other for a long time, saying nothing.

“That was wonderful,” Cassie finally said, her voice barely a whisper.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Many firsts for me,” she said.

“Really?” I asked, allowing surprise to infect my voice. I kicked myself mentally, not wanting to make her feel awkward about any of this. 

“Well, yes,” she said. She sounded a little bit defensive.

I kissed the top of her head and hugged her a little tighter. I loved the feel of her breasts as she snuggled up to me. 

“Tell me, please,” I said, shooting for an air of polite interest.

“You want a list?” she asked, pulling back and looking at me.

“Well, no,” I said. 

Yes, please, I thought.

“Um...what did you like the most?” I asked. 

She smiled slightly at that and laid back down on my shoulder.

“This,” she said, sliding her hands up and down my back before letting them fall to rest on my hips.

“You like the snuggling afterward,” I said. “My wife, too.”

Mentioning my wife might have been a miscalculation, but I wanted to put her at ease.

“Did you like sitting up and doing it face to face?” I asked.

She nodded without lifting her head. I strained to hear her answer.

“Very much,” she said finally.

“What about before, in the kitchen?” I asked quietly.

She sighed and then nodded.

“I’ve never been with anyone but Kyle,” she said. “Everything we did was new to me. Kyle and I enjoyed sex, but it was always...regular sex. Him on top, me underneath.”

“Oh,” I said, understanding dawning. “Always in the bedroom?” 

“Yeah,” she said. “Where’s my water?”

She leaned back, kissed me quickly, and disentangled herself. I held her hand, helping her balance as she leaned back and lifted one leg and swung around, finally standing. I followed her, and we each took a long drink. I went into the bathroom and washed up a little.

It was getting late. I felt sleepy, but I thought that Cassie might want to shower before bed.

“Hey there,” I said, coming back after letting Biscuit into the house.

She smiled at me. She had been reading the titles on my bookshelf. The parallel with my first night with Celeste was unnerving.

“Would you like to shower before bed?” I asked. “There’s a hot-tub, but that can wait for tomorrow.”

“A hot-tub?” she asked. “Really? Sounds fun. But a shower tonight would be good if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all,” I said. “I have a solar water heater on the roof. Just an old tank painted black. Should be plenty of water for us.”

I took the lamp into the bathroom. I decided to light a few candles too. Cassie laughed when I kept handing her candles to light. Finally, when the bathroom looked like a scene from an old movie, I turned on the water. It was perfect.

I let Cassie get in first, and she was surprised when I got in behind her. I held her from behind, letting the water spray on both of us.

I felt her sigh as she melted back against me and hugged her tighter. My dick was getting chubbed up, resting between the cheeks of her ass. I knew that she could feel it. 

I turned her around, kissed her long and hard, and then grabbed the soap. I massaged some into her scalp as she closed her eyes and moaned. I leaned in and kissed her quickly on the mouth and again on the end of her nose. I worked her hair with my fingers, and she pushed her head back into my hands, gently moaning again.

I rinsed her hair and washed the rest of her body. 

Cassie seemed to love it when I washed her body. I didn’t shy away from washing her breasts, vagina, or anus. She was clearly surprised and tensed up when I did the last. I rinsed my hands and continued down her legs, lifting one foot and then the other to wash the bottoms and between her toes. She held onto my head for balance, giving me a little smack when I tickled too much.

I began rinsing her. I turned her around to rinse her face in the spray and then smoothed my hands over her breasts and into her pubic thatch below. I lifted one leg allowing the spray to penetrate between her legs. The feeling caused her to catch her breath.

I turned her and used both hands to guide the water down her back and over her lovely ass. I pulled her to me, reaching around to spread her ass cheeks, allowing the water to flow between and down her long, beautiful legs.

Cassie kissed me again as I stood there, an ass cheek in either hand, my cock hard between us. We both felt the water begin to cool.

“My turn,” she said. “I’ll hurry.”

She was all business as she washed me, top to bottom. She stood in front of me and soaped up my very erect penis, then reached behind to hold my butt in both hands. She snaked one soapy finger into the crack and down between my legs from the back. She stared into my eyes the whole time.

She turned me around to wash my legs, leaning in once the soap was gone to plant a tender kiss on each cheek of my butt. I tried to turn around to give her something else to kiss, but she had a firm grip on my hips and wouldn’t let me. 

Finally, the hot water was gone. I could have turned on the generator and heated water that way, but I knew Cassie wouldn’t like it. It would be a waste of energy.

We got out and dried each other off. She wrapped herself in her big fluffy towel as she dried me. Somehow, she was unbearably sexy bundled in a towel, her wet hair falling over her bare shoulders.

She tried to avoid my cock when she was drying me, but he wouldn’t be ignored. He kept poking her, in the breast, the shoulder, and finally right into her cheek.

“Are you doing that on purpose?” she asked, smiling and wiping her cheek with my towel.

“No,” I said. “But I wouldn’t put it past me either.”

She smiled and turned me around, finishing my feet and legs from behind.

Cassie wrapped her head to get our hair to dry faster. We walked into the kitchen my towel around my waist, hers just under her shoulders, and made a late supper from leftovers. I had some soup that Celeste and I had made that we ate cold along with some pickles and nuts.

I sat across from Cassie, watching her eat and marveling at her. Her shoulders were soft and lovely, the lines of her collar bones prominent, but not unreasonably so. She had always had a fast metabolism, and she had very little body fat.

I was mesmerized by the light spattering of freckles across her chest and down into her cleavage. The dancing lamplight had made them difficult to see earlier. Now, I was sitting right beside her and paying close attention.

Cassie talked about continuing to work on the other house tomorrow. She would try to pick up where Celeste left off, helping her, but not making changes to her plans. I didn’t have any other ideas, really, so I told her that I would be available to help however she needed.

“That’s sweet,” she said, leaning in and kissing my cheek. “Thank you.”

“Would you like to go swimming tomorrow?” I asked.

“If the weather’s hot, that would be great,” she said. “Could we ride the horses there?” 

“Sure,” I said. “They like to swim too, sometimes.”

“I love horses,” she said, her gaze unfocused. “They’re very noble.” 

“Why don’t you have any?” I asked.

“We never knew how to take care of them,” she said. “Neither of us ever owned one.”

“They mostly take care of themselves,” I said. “I’m more of a companion to them than anything.”

“You’ll have to teach me,” she said.

“How sleepy are you?” I asked.

“Getting there,” she said. “Sex always winds me up a little bit, though.”

She smiled shyly at me as she said this.

“Well, are you done eating? Why don’t you come with me?”

I went and got her shoes and helped her on with them after I put mine on. We put the dishes in the sink, and I took all of our towels and draped them over the kitchen chairs.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her damp hair lying across her shoulders.

“Teaching you about horses,” I said as I opened the back door. “Grab the lamp.”

We walked naked across the back yard. The dogs were used to me getting up in the middle of the night and checking on things. They followed me without barking. I didn’t usually bring a lamp with me, just a rechargeable flashlight. 

We went into the barn, and the horses blinked at the light, wondering what the ruckus was. 

“Set it there by the door where there’s no straw on the floor,” I said. She put the lamp on a workbench and came over to me, hugging herself under her breasts.

“The mosquitoes aren’t as bad as I thought they would be,” she said.

“No,” I said. I stood behind Cassie and held her around the waist. “I sometimes come out here at night and talk to the horses. I brush them in the dark. I don’t know if they’re even awake, but they like my visits, I think.”

“Why in the middle of the night?” she asked, leaning back against me.

“I just like to check on things. I bring a gun with me in case of coyotes or worse. I’ve never had anything worse, but it’s only a matter of time.”

“You didn’t bring one tonight,” she said.

“No,” I said. “There’s one on the bench there, though.”

“Never far away, huh?” she asked.

“No,” I said. 

“Why?” she asked. “What are you expecting?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Wolves, maybe? Bears? Cougars? They haven’t been around here in over a century and a half. Only a matter of time.”

“What about other people?” she asked.

“That too,” I said. “Definitely.”

I kissed her ear and slid my hands to her hips, rubbing them lightly up and down her sides.

Cassie continued to watch the horses as I caressed her body. We would move every so often. She reached out to Strawberry and patted her shoulder. Buck reached over the fence and nuzzled her with his big nose.

“He’s so soft!” she said. “And big!”

“He is,” I said. “He’s a big baby, though. I’ll let you ride him tomorrow. His gait is easier than Strawberry’s.”

Cassie turned in my arms and reached around my neck. She kissed me there in the barn, and we made love again. It was a little tricky, but I ended up letting her rest her butt against the ladder into the hayloft as I entered her. 

She cried out softly but was careful not to scare the horses. I, in turn, was careful not to bounce her tender bottom too vigorously against the wood of the ladder.

We kissed and moaned quietly as we reached our peaks, and I flooded her with more of my cum. We stayed together like that for several minutes.

“Is sex in a barn another first for you?” I asked with a smile.

“Yes,” she said. “So is sex with spectators,” she said, gesturing over my shoulder to the horses behind me. 

We disentangled ourselves from each other. I felt a little self-conscious with my dick hanging there, still dripping a combination of our juices. I didn’t want to use any of the rags around to wipe myself, so I stepped over to the pump that I used to fill the horse trough and washed briefly with the cold water.

Cassie stepped up behind me and massaged me under the spray of water. I was aroused, despite being exhausted and cold. Cassie then splashed some water over her face and body, making her nipples stand out even more. She was lovely.

We walked back to the house, holding hands and looking up at the stars. Biscuit followed us. He was going to make sure that I didn’t leave him outside again. The other dogs watched us from their sleeping piles scattered around the yard. 

We went to bed and slept through the night. Cassie and I must have made love a dozen or so times over the next three days. When I finally took her home, I was exhausted and happier than I had ever been in my life.


Same as Future Perfect: Chapter Six Videos

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Jenny Becomes a Porn Star Chapter Six

Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter Six After the morning alarm went off I got up and went into Steven’s room to wake him up and found him sleeping nude with his beautiful cock completely within my view. It took everything I had within me to leave him alone so he would still be enthusiastic during our shoot today. Then for the longest time after he had gotten out of bed he walked around the apartment with that meat of his swinging in my view till just before we left to go to work. My mind was...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Six

Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began...

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Betrayed Chapter Six

Betrayed Chapter 06 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Six: The Seven Levels of Hell Monday was the most vile, loathsome day of my life - for no earthly reason other than having to be me. The first thing I had to come to grips with was who 'me' was that particular morning. 'Lance' had to put in an appearance at the office. Back to the old routine, go out there and make the big bucks. F Troop back to normal, Sir! Simple, right? After the most mind-blowing weekend of my life - as...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 A New Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ cheered the occupants of the dining table in the Weasley household, as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around at the various people around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open up your presents then Harry dear,’ said Mrs Weasley...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...

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Future PerfectChapter 2

The man that stared through the observation window was grey-haired. His wrinkled face afforded him a dignified appearance. He was dressed in a long flowing garment that stopped just above the floor. For a moment, I thought that this was all a wind-up that Jenny had orchestrated. I even considered the possibility that I was dreaming. The clarity of my senses ruled out the latter, and I doubted Jenny would have thought up such an elaborate hoax. I performed a quick scan for hidden cameras, and...

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Future PerfectChapter 4

I arrived for breakfast, well before Sarek, and helped myself to food whilst I waited for him to arrive. Two Guardians in their distinctive grey uniforms were engaged in an enthusiastic exchange. Whilst not understanding all that they said, the gist was clear. "The Trogs were in full retreat," one boasted. "I lost count of how many I killed." "Such stupid creatures," the second replied. "Do they not realise how hopeless their situation is?" "The upgraded heat weapons are much more...

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Future PerfectChapter 6

Only Sarek joined me for breakfast. I was disappointed that neither Nella nor Teel made an appearance. The two Guardians that I'd seen two days previously sat conversing at a nearby table, but one turned to me as I took my seat. "Ancient, I heard you're going out with Tamar today," he said. "Get him to show you the Silver Demon." His companion sniggered behind his hand, obviously sharing some cryptic joke with his colleague. "Ignore them," Sarek advised. "They're just teasing...

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Future PerfectChapter 7

We strolled down to breakfast, without a care in the world. Nella's eyes blazed with fury, but she held her silence until the opportunity to tackle me alone arose. She followed me into my room, screaming with rage. "You promised!" "I promised I'd speak to her. I did, and we decided to continue." "You lied to me. You never had any intention of stopping." "It's what we both want," I replied calmly. "You just don't understand. I'm telling you this for your own good. Nothing...

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Future PerfectChapter 8

Over the subsequent few weeks, I attempted to find some outlet for my creativity. My first choice would have been to use my genetics training to investigate why the normal reproductive processes seem to have broken down in the population. Failing that, I was intensely curious as to why the crops did not provide seeds for replanting. From my work at Genotech, I knew genetically modified plants should have been just as capable of reproducing as any other. The only reason that some GM crops did...

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Future PerfectChapter 14

Harvest time was the one of the busiest periods in village life. Crops were planted out three times a year; the genetically modified seeds maturing in a little less than three months. On the outskirts of the village, I stood on the edge of one of the fields, viewing the stunted sheaves. "Crops look a little poor," I told Haden. "They look fine to me," he replied defensively. I plucked an ear and examined the tiny grains. The field would have had farmers of my day tearing their hair out...

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Future PerfectChapter 15

I left Bella nursing a nasty hangover, and dived into the shower. I'd made love with her into the early hours, plundering her charms until I was no longer able to perform. I'd finally collapsed from the combination of exhaustion, and the pervasive effects of Haden's wine. It was the start of a new day and I wondered what amazing adventures were in store. With the prospect of nothing of significance to achieve, I wandered through the deserted compound. People either were incapacitated or...

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Future PerfectChapter 18

We barely made it out of the valley before the sun poked its head over the horizon. A small culvert provided a degree of cover, until night fell once more and we were able to travel freely. We dozed throughout the day, reserving our energies for later. Around late afternoon, there was a surge in flyer activity and we understood immediately that our activities had been uncovered. I'd hoped that it would have taken them longer, but knew we had to make the best of what opportunities we had. We...

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Future PerfectChapter 22

The next month was hectic. Supplies flowed into Fordem, and were then ferried by air to each village in turn. Troyal even managed to commandeer a much larger freight-flyer, allowing us to transfer each shipment in just a single trip. At every location, I informed the elder of all the facts surrounding the citadel's repression, whilst Teel supervised the unloading and provided advice on planting. We planted the fields of the last village towards the end of autumn, barely giving enough time...

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Future Steph

“You know I hate that shit, Jordan. Yeah, I know, so was the last one you set me up with, and we both know how well that turned out. I swear to god, if this guy turns out to be another loser, I’m going full on carpet muncher. No, I’m not kidding. Hey, I am not always late... Fine, I’ll be there at eight. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Catch you.” Steph pushed her phone back in her purse and paused in front of a mirror to adjust her lipstick, ignoring the hovering sales girl. “Just looking, dammit,” she...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Six

__________________________________________________________________________________ As always don't forget to rate and comment. And thanks to whoever commented on the last chapter that this was better than defiance. That made Mishikail insufferable and nearly impossible to deal with haha. No, but really, you made her whole year so far (even thought we're a couple of weeks into it). Chapter Six: Retribution and Engagement Over the course of the next four weeks things went...

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CHAPTER SIX: Several weeks later we awaken in the morning and are surprised by an early dumping of snow. Mitch assures me this is not a precursor to a hard, long winter. I have to admit, I am relieved. I am probably more of a warm-weather-girl, but I made the decision easily that Mitch was worth the effort of learning to live in and, hopefully, enjoy all the seasons. The overnight snow is only (he says, only) about six inches of new, fresh, snow; but to me it feels like so much more.I have to...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Six

The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for...

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Futures PathChapter 2

The viewing is one which Elena has seen before. Only once, two days ago, but it is unique in several respects. It is the first vision in which she's actually seen herself. The hair, the face, the pink bathing suit she's wearing, everything the same as today. This alone would have ordinarily been enough to rivet her attention--like having a twin sister, albeit one who's forever out of reach--but Gavin is there as well. A thrill runs through her as she watches. She's seen him countless...

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Futures PathChapter 3

"You're amazing," Gavin says, lazily tracing the outline of the bathing suit against her chest with his fingertips. "Thank you," Elena answers, spooned happily underneath his chin. She is both warm and content. The months of waiting are over, and she is in his arms at last. "I'm, um, sorry for ... For coming so quickly." She doesn't want to move, but turns to face him anyway, and lays a finger against his lips. "I loved it." Moving the finger, she kisses him. "Now, don't say...

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Futures PathChapter 4

Gavin lands on his feet, stumbles forward a few steps, and then manages to catch his balance. Not bad, Ace. The kind of day he's been having, he wouldn't have been overly surprised if he'd broken an ankle or something. Of course, he hasn't escaped from the back yard as yet. Looking around for Mac, he sees a swing set, a sitting area underneath a gazebo, a trampoline, and, inevitable for a house this size, a swimming pool. Mac is lying under one of the tables at the pool's edge,...

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Futures PathChapter 5

Elena stares at her bedroom ceiling with disgust. It's a beautiful summer Sunday morning; a perfect time to laze in bed, daydream, and plan out exactly how far she's going to let a certain boy get the next time they're alone. But, after a night of apparently dreamless sleep, she is now completely awake, and cannot lie still. Sighing, she rolls over, and cranes her neck to see the clock on the nightstand. 7:38 AM. Gross! She rolls on to her back again, and closes her eyes. Even more...

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Futures PathChapter 6

As he turns on to Elena's street, Gavin half expects to find her exactly where she had been yesterday, lying in a hammock, pretending to read a book while smiling at him over its pages. Although her street isn't empty, there's no one in front of Elena's house, not even a tabby cat lying in ambush. The two people he does see, a man and woman walking their dogs, appear somewhat out of breath, as though it is the dogs, a pair of black Labradors, and not they who are deciding the route to be...

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Futures PathChapter 7

Jumping into the water, Gavin almost lands on top of Elena. She's fallen close to the railing of the stairs at the pool's shallow end, and is lying motionless under the water, curled into a fetal position. Although he can't be certain, Gavin doesn't think she hit her head while falling. Christine and Elena's sisters begin screaming her name. Gavin bends quickly, slides one arm beneath Elena's shoulders, the other under her legs, and straightens with her cradled close to his chest. Her...

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Futures PathChapter 8

Staring at Laura, Elena feels Gavin's body tense beneath her. Damn it Laura, not now There is so much she needs to tell him. As terrifying as the dreamscape attack had been, the link between them had been her salvation. If what she believes is true, in some very real sense, Gavin is her anchor, her doorway back to the real world. "What?" Laura asks, "Did you two forget I was here?" "It was a private conversation," Gavin says. His voice is irritable, and she understands...

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