CynthiaChapter 17 free porn video

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It must have been quite windy outside because we made a hard landing at Langley. Half an hour later, I was in a Navy van on the way to the Naval Hospital at Portsmouth. Within two hours, I was in my bed tired as hell.

A nurse came by with some records and asked how I was doing. "Fine, I think. A little hungry and very tired."

"Can you walk to the chow hall?"

"I think so. I haven't used my leg much today."

She guided me to the chow hall, which was serving sandwiches and snacks at that hour. I had been up for about 24 hours, give or take. I thanked her. She asked if I could find my way back and gave me some hints about where to turn.

"Don't rush. You're better off walking, but don't overdo it."

I found my bunk and the next thing I knew, they were poking me and getting me ready for breakfast. A new nurse had taken over. Between her and the orderly, I arrived in time for the good line. Here, they cooked you anything you wanted for breakfast. Eggs to order. Bacon, steak, whatever suited. I decided on a Navy favorite, often called SOS. It's a hamburger stew and hits the spot with a little hot sauce. Hadn't had it since I'd been eating with the Army. After that I went to the phone center and called Cynthia.

Laura answered. I said, "Hi, sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You're the one with the problem. How's Afghanistan?"

"I don't know. I'm in Portsmouth in the hospital."

"My god, you're back. Can we come see you?"

"I think so. Let me clear the rules with my nurse and I'll call you back."

"Cynthia's shopping. Miss Alyssa is here about to pee in her pants to talk to you."

I heard this scream. "Mooooom. For God's sake."

"Hi, Bradford. Are you okay? When are you coming home?"

"I don't know, but I should be able to answer all the questions later today. I'm sure they'll tell me the rules."

We caught each other up with the news and then I talked to Laura for a few minutes. Finally, Alyssa came back on. "Remember what you promised?"

"I'm not sure. You'll have to tell me." I knew she wouldn't with Laura there.

"In our last conversation. I asked you a question."

"You know, I was hit on the head. You'll just have to tell me when I see you."

"Bradfooord. Okay. I love you. Bye."

Later, I had a conference with the medical team. They told me that I should be ready to leave in a week, depending on the report of the physical therapist. I wondered if there was some lingering PR problem, but I had no way to find out. I could email LT Arnold, but someone else might read that. I also found out that I could have visitors on the grounds or in the lounges. Nothing after 2100 hrs. Well, maybe I could catch up on the news and other good and bad TV.

I called Cynthia again and found her at home. She seemed thrilled to hear from me. "Oh, Charles, are you really at Norfolk? I can't believe it. When can we come see you? I hope this isn't one of your sick jokes."

I had to play with her. "Want to talk to my nurse?"

"Listen, jerk, the last nurse I talked to wanted to keep you. No more of that. None."

I gave her the visitors' directions and parking information for the POV. She wrote it all down and said they would come tomorrow. "This will be quite a ceremony, Charles. Ashley is with her father, but the three of us will be there. I'm very anxious. Will they let you off the base to drive around?"

"I'll ask. What did you have in mind?"

"We're coming up in the morning and arriving about two. We'll book a motel and stay overnight. I'll take the day off tomorrow and the next day is Saturday. That should work out."

"I don't see why I couldn't go out to dinner or for a ride. I can't run or ride my bike. Otherwise, I should be able to get around. Please bring my cell phone and charge it up on the way here. I'd like to call when I want to."

"I can do that. Anything else?"

"Yes, some civilian clothes, my wallet with the credit cards and my laptop."

I had butterflies and worries about getting together. The past few months had been quite strange and a strain on all of us. I hoped we could work our way back to being comfortable with each other.

I saw Emili, my nurse, and asked her all the questions. She said I'd need a pass to go ashore, but that it shouldn't be a problem to get a six-hour pass. Hospitals had their rules. She said she'd get one for me.

She came back a couple of hours later. "Well, Bradford, I just had a talk with Lt. Sarah Furlong in Kabul. She told me all about your case." Hard as she tried, she couldn't keep her face straight and she burst out laughing. "I understand that you provided some therapy in exchange for your treatment there."

I hate to be embarrassed. I think of myself as a capable, cool character able to think on my feet and exchange ideas with the best of them. What she said was such a surprise that I think my mouth dropped open. After half a minute, I replied, "Well, they did run some unusual tests on me day and night, but I seem to be recovering from both the surgery and the tests."

She laughed again. "Whatever it was, you passed the tests. She gives you her best and says she misses you."

"I ended up in an Army hospital by accident. They treated me well and I think the surgery will make a big difference in my routines."

She laughed. "I know you're protecting her, but she told me the whole story. Anyway, I want to meet Cynthia and Laura. They sound very special." She gave me a wicked smile, "You're safe, sailor. We don't give the same kinds of tests here."

I finally let her sense of humor penetrate my defense. "You mean the Navy doesn't continue important medical tests started by the Army?"

"Our staff is well serviced. So, the Army will have to keep those records."


When I told Laura and Alyssa the plan, they seemed bubbly happy. "We'll get there in time to change clothes and look our best. Then, we'll follow the directions to the hospital. Seems easy enough."

I looked directly at Alyssa. "You remember what I have in my room?"

"I think you mean the paddle."

"If you even look like you want to kiss Charles in public, you will get ten strokes. I'm packing it to take just in case I forget. When we're in private, you're on your own and if he wants you to kiss him, you'll know. He cannot be seen kissing fifteen year old girls, no matter how mature they think they are." I pointed my finger. "That little trick you pulled at Langley could get him in bad trouble if anyone cared or wanted to report it. You were lucky."

I think I was getting to her. Tears were forming in her eyes. She finally said, "I'm sorry. I didn't think about the public."

"I know you didn't. This has nothing to do with my deep-seated jealousy. I don't want Charles to end up being charged as a child molester."

She started to cry. I pulled her to me. "I love you, 'Lyssa. I know that you don't want Charles taken away. So, just keep it in our house or in private where no one can see."

She sniffled and said, "I promise."

"I feel better. I admire you because you keep promises. That's as important as not being jealous."

She looked at Laura. Laura said, "She's right. I don't have anything to add and I know you won't get him in trouble."

I continued, "Ladies, after our recent unplanned agreement to include Alyssa in the pole dance competition, we have only five or six days to get ourselves ready. I suggest that we go practice for a while and work off some of our tension."

Alyssa hugged me and said, "Thank you for including me. I know you didn't want to."

"I don't want to go to jail either. Teaching an underage girl to pole dance may be a crime, so I'll trust you to be discreet." I asked Laura, "Okay to get her a costume that can only be worn around Charles." Then, I thought better. "Daniel will love it, too" Laura smiled and nodded.

I suppose that costume issue had been weighing heavily in Alyssa's mind. She came over and said, "I danced for Daniel in my regular clothes and didn't look as good as those people on the DVD. I did look good in my blue underwear. I'd love to have a real costume."

I looked at my watch and saw that I had time to get to the store before closing. I said, "Does the 34C still feel right? The bottoms are adjustable, but you don't want to be upside down in an ill-fitting bra."

"All those you bought me still look and feel good. Maybe I won't grow anymore."

I pointed to Laura. "Don't bet on it, but if you don't, you're now the perfect size for what we're going to do."

I rushed down to the sex shop that had all the right kinds of merchandise. They were pricey, but they don't sell these things at Macys. I found a color to match her eyes. It was darker than the light blue bra and panties I brought her before. She would put Charles to the test when she danced for him.

I took her upstairs to dress her. She looked better than those girls on the video because she was prettier and her hair was nicer. When she was dressed, she kissed me with tongue and said, "Thank you again. You still are my best friend."

I teased. "What kind of best friend doesn't share her boyfriend?"

"I'm not kidding. If you spent a weekend with Daniel, he would learn to please you I'm sure. He was wonderful with me." Then she whispered, "He isn't quite as big as those I've seen on the Internet, but he's big enough for a good time."

"I'll think about it. We're doing a lot of talking and Charles isn't here. I'm sure he will have something to say about all this. Okay. Let's go dance." If this works out, Daniel could be a great help. Even when he's at his best, Charles couldn't keep all three of us satisfied in our highly stimulating household. When did I realize it would be the three of us?

Laura already had the CD on and looked great as she practiced her floor moves. Alyssa stared at her like the eighth wonder of the world. Laura continued to dance as she returned to her feet and began her gyrations by throwing her torso around and making her hair flow. She had improved. Now, I knew she could get a job dancing. After watching for several minutes while Laura was taking a break, Alyssa said, "Mom, you shock me. I didn't know you could dance like that."

"When I was younger, I used to dance some. Since Cynthia has started this dance program, I can feel myself getting back into it. I need more strength in my arms and then I'll be able to do most things on the pole."

She then climbed up the pole quickly and spun back down gracefully making it all look simple. She said, "Show us what you've been practicing, Dear."

Alyssa restarted the CD and began her routine. I could imagine Daniel's mouth agape watching her. I made some mental notes about hand and arm placement and how to shake her hips, but she had learned a lot from the video. I pointed to the pole. She smiled and went up the pole quickly. Not as gracefully as Laura, but she would learn. Her descent wasn't as smooth, but when she hit and started her floor work, she had it down.

Laura clapped. "I think you're going to have a second career as a dancer. You can help pay your way through the university." She then said to me, "When we had this apartment built, I didn't know that these high vaulted ceilings would lead to such depravity. I did it for the architectural effect."

I said, "Sometimes you get lucky."

Alyssa beamed. "Oh, thank you, Mom. I'll work hard. I want to be really good."

I did my dance. I wasn't the least bit ashamed about my routine. I might not compete with professionals, but it was good enough to win in the dance class. When I went upside down, I stopped and said to Alyssa. "See how I did my arms and hooked my leg? That way, you can go all the way over. It's a real turn on for the guys when you're nude." I finished my trick and went into the floor drill.

Alyssa went up the pole and did the upside down move. With just a little practice, she would be smooth with it. She asked, "Did I do okay?"

"You're more than half way there. When you're naked, no one will be watching your movements."

We practiced for an hour. I said, "Okay, we'll do two sessions a day and maybe three. By the time he's home, he'll never know what hit him." I teased Alyssa. "Daniel would make a good audience for you and provide motivation."

She turned red. "I'll bet he would like to see that dance. May I have him over?"

"If Laura doesn't mind. Someday, I'd like to watch you with him to see if he's all you say."

"Will you dance for him, too?"

She still crowded me. I loved it, but I couldn't believe how quickly she got with the program. "I'll talk it over with Laura. I wouldn't mind an audience, but I worry."

She replied, "I know you do. I'll see what he can handle and then we can talk about it."

I was just enough of a voyeur to want to see Alyssa and Daniel in action. I loved watching Charles with Laura and I wondered it watching Alyssa would be the same. I could watch without joining in. As horny as you are, you'd better be careful.

I put on my coach voice. "Rest for a while and we'll have one more session before bedtime."

We had the next session and both of them improved. Alyssa took giant steps since the first time I saw her. She was a sex bomb and I knew for sure that Charles didn't stand a chance. After our showers, we all ended up in bed. I said to Laura, "We'll have to enlarge a shower. The only way we can get three of us in is to go to Charles' place."

"I know that the fireman is looking for more work. I'll ask him what he thinks he can do."

"You think he'll suspect that we want to have a party in there?"

"Sure he will and I'll bet he'd like to be in the party, but he's not my type."

I went to my room and decided to call Mother.

In the morning, we were sipping coffee with breakfast. I asked, "Anyone nervous?"

Laura replied, "I'm very concerned. I hope we can work through any problems."

Alyssa said, "I'm nervous. He's not even my boyfriend. I hope he remembers us all."

I said, "I'm going up to get his wallet and other things he asked for. Should only take ten or fifteen minutes. Then, we'll go."

In our apartment... our apartment? I went to the closet and packed some casual clothes. Chinos, Levi's, golf shirts, underwear. I even packed some of the toilet gear he left behind. I doubt that he needed his hair spray. I stuck in a sexy picture of me. Advertising is important.

When I went to his desk to look for his credit cards and wallet, I had to push stuff around before I found it. There was a file folder from Anniston's law practice. Charles' name was on the front. I know it was dishonest and snooping, but I can resist anything but curiosity. I opened the folder and on the top was a letter from Anniston similar to the ones I had. It described the will and trusts that were attached.

I read on " ... to Cynthia Carr, SSN XXX XX XXXX, I leave the contents of my brokerage accounts as described in Attachment A. In addition, I leave the contents of the oil lease document described in Attachment B..."

My eyes were flooding. I picked up the desk phone and called Laura. "Come up here right now. I need you."

By the time she arrived, I'd scanned over his bequest to Laura and the trusts for the girls. Between tears, it was all I could do. Laura ran in and saw me in tears. "What's wrong?"

I handed her Attachment B. She read it and her eyes closed in tears just like mine. She said in awe, "He left me a hundred thousand in cash and a bunch of oil leases."

She read further. "He left trusts for the girls to go to college. Quite a lot of money."

All I could say was, "He left me a lot, too. I had no idea."

We sniffled and hugged until we could settle down. About ten minutes later, Alyssa came up. "What's holding you two? We're supposed to get Bradford." She saw that we'd been crying. "What's wrong?"

Laura said, "When Bradford asked us to get some of his belongings, we ran across some things that reminded us about him. It was too much for us to take right now. Go on and finish downstairs. We have to get a few more items and will be right there."

When Alyssa was out of sight Laura laughed and said, "Well, now. How about some temptation. I'm his medical surrogate. I can pull the plug."

The way she said it was so sinister that it made me laugh. "Let's go on our assigned mission. I hope we won't need these papers for a while." I breathed deeply. "Now I know what he meant when he said he had 'some reliable sources of income.' He must be worth a couple of million or so now and those oil royalties just keep coming."

"The only way you'd ever know is that he pays for things so quietly that one doesn't realize it's even been done."

I said, "He told me he was taking us all skiing when there was snow. He wanted the girls to learn if they didn't already know."


"He mentioned Vail, Beaver Creek, and Telluride. Nothing else."

"Cynthia, I will get in shape to go skiing in Colorado. I'll start tomorrow."

"Well, that's five airline tickets, a condo for a week, lift tickets, food, and recreation. He just shrugged it off and said it was something he wanted to do."

"Now that I know he's not a struggling college student, I'll gladly pack my bag and my vibrator."

The phone rang. Alyssa said, "You said you'd be right down."

'Okay. Okay." Laura and I hugged again and went lightly down the stairs.

The drive was uneventful. As uneventful as a frightening four-hour drive on an Interstate can be. I know that both of our minds were on the shocking truth of the will and trusts. We arrived at the motel and found that our room had two queen sized beds, microwave, refrigerator, and a kitchen area. Perfect. I threw up my arms and said, "Okay ladies, let's dress to kill."

We went out of the motel carrying Charles' requested items in a suitcase. We didn't exactly look like church, but we did look good. As we went through the gate, the sentry gave us directions and we arrived at the parking lot with little trouble. I said, "The time is now. Everyone take a deep breath and let it out slowly."

We were shown to a waiting area. As we walked into the room, I saw him and dropped the suitcase on my way to grab him. He was standing, wearing his BDUs and looking well. "Oh, my God, Charles. I missed you so much." Then we kissed.

After an embarrassing pause, Laura said, I think we'd better get out of here. I'm not sure how much PDA the Navy can handle. If we all get treated like that, we'll draw a crowd." She kissed him on the cheek, as did Alyssa. She acted just right.

It took us about twenty minutes to get to the motel. He looked surprised, and then said, "I get it. You guys don't look like you just had a four-hour ride. You look like you just stepped out of a magazine." He put his suitcase down. I had forgotten it at the hospital.

I kissed him again with a whole body hug. When I let go, Laura clung to him until she felt him getting excited. When she let go, Alyssa moved to him and said, "Me, too." She left no doubt that this was a kiss intended to entice him. I know she could feel his bone on her belly and I longed to feel it in mine.

Laura asked, "What would you like to do, Charles. You're the recovering sailor. What would please you?"

He looked at Alyssa and then back to me. I know he wanted to take Laura and me to bed but he didn't know what to do with Alyssa. She took charge. "Bradford, I know that Cyn and Mom want to get you in bed. That's all they have been talking about." She went into his arms. "I want my turn, too, if you ever want me."

He looked stunned. I said, "She means it. I said it was okay with me and Laura, but it was completely up to you." I then teased, "She does have a boyfriend, though."

Alyssa pouted. "Thanks, Cyn. A lot."

"Charles, Laura and I want to go to bed with you right now. I think I can feel your interest, too. Will it bother you if Alyssa stays by the pool while we play?" He looked pleased.

Alyssa said, "I brought my new suit that Cyn bought for me. I'll be right out." She went to the bathroom to change.

I hugged her and said, "Thanks, love. That was nice of you."

She took some money and went to the pool looking like she would knock the boys out. Laura and I began to undress at the same time. We went slowly and deliberately listening to the music in our heads. He undressed while watching us. He went to the center of the bed and Laura and I took our favorite sides. I pulled his face to me and said, "I want you to know that I'm glad to see you. I love you and I can't stand it when you're gone that long."

Laura kissed all over his face and began feeling down his body. She asked, "How is your leg? Will I hurt it?"

"Only if you're a physical therapist. Otherwise, it doesn't hurt much anymore."

She took him well into her mouth while I kissed him. In a few minutes, she held up his massive erection and said, "He's all yours, Cyn. You found him first."

I climbed up on him and felt his hot meat inside me all the way. I almost passed out from pleasure. I rode his body like a horse and felt my first orgasm blast through me making me dizzy. I fell to his chest.

After a minute, Laura tapped me and said, "Use it or lose it. You can rest on the bed." I smiled and rolled over making a pop sound when he came out. She immediately assumed my position rocking and kissing him madly. She was on a hair trigger, too and managed to get herself off twice before looking at me. I nodded my head.

When I was back in the saddle, he said, "I've never done tag team quite like this. You two are too much for me."

Laura kissed him and said, "Don't even think it." Then, she kissed me as she rolled her hips over his face.

He said, "Oh, yeah. This one smells and tastes good. Put it right down."

I don't know how he did it, but he licked her and kept at me as I went crazy. When I opened my eyes after a big one, Alyssa was standing by the other bed slowly removing her bikini. I just smiled at her. She was not to be denied a part of the action. Charles began moaning and thrusting up at me. I could feel it when he filled me with the hot liquid. When he opened his eyes to hug me, he saw Alyssa on the other bed, slowly stroking her clit.

He looked at me, then at Laura. Both of us smiled and shrugged. He took a deep breath and held his arms out to her. She must have set an Olympic record by moving to the bed and kissing him. I felt him going soft and rolled over to the side. When Alyssa stopped kissing him, I asked him, "Do you need a nap?"

"I hate to admit it, but I do need to doze a little. My strength is returning, but I have to rest every day."

Alyssa rolled to one side and he put his arm around her with her head on his chest. I was on the other side in a similar posture. Laura moved behind Alyssa and there we were like bananas in a bunch. We must have slept about half an hour or more. When I awoke, everyone was in place. Alyssa looked so contented sleeping on his chest where I had spent many hours. When he awakened, he brought both of us close to him and smiled.

He stroked both our heads and said, "What a wonderful homecoming. I've dreamed of this day many times and it's even better than I dreamed."

"We're just getting started. Other than that, what would you like to eat?"

"That's easy. Something delicious from the Bay or the ocean. Maybe some crab cakes and a nice fish, depending on what they have."

Laura yawned and said dryly, "Maybe you should have some oysters, too."

"Even with a dozen oysters, I'll never survive."

He watched us dress like he was in some gallery. I suppose he was. He said, "The simple things you all do make my life good. I'll never tire of watching you dress or undress."

Alyssa kissed him and said, "Thank you for letting me lie next to you. I love you and I worried about you all the time."

"I love you, too, Baby. You surprised me, though."

"I asked Cynthia and Mom if I could kiss you and maybe do more and they said it was up to you."

"We'll have to talk about that when we get home and have time. You're even prettier than I remember." He held her close and whispered something. She beamed and looked over her shoulder at her butt. I think I knew what he said. Her butt had rounded so nicely that she could probably model jeans. He had to notice.

She smiled at him, kissed him, and then withdrew. She knew better than to push it.

Everyone had a wonderful time at the seafood restaurant. Charles was a pig. He said that he hadn't had enough seafood for months and he had to catch up.

Laura said, "We'll take care of the menu and make sure you have good food. You have to promise to do some steaks though. Alyssa has been complaining ever since you left."

When we returned to the motel, everyone undressed quickly. He watched every second as the bras and panties fell to the floor and then were put on the second bed. He said, "I'll need a few minutes to digest all that food."

We rested for a few minutes before attacking him again. We all teased him and put our breasts in his face while one of us had him in her mouth. Alyssa went first and I think she surprised him with her technique. Laura and I both received a vigorous fuck and he managed to satiate us before giving up. When we finished, he watched again as we dressed. The little tart put her pussy right in his mouth and made him sniff it.

We returned him to the hospital. All of us were in good spirits laughing as we walked across the grounds. He kissed Laura and me on the mouth and let Alyssa hug him and kiss his neck. She whispered something to him and he whispered something back. She beamed.

He said as we were leaving, "I should know tomorrow when I get out. I hope someone will come and get me. If you can't, I'll get a flight. I'm not up to driving for a few more days."

I said, "You tell us the minute you will be released and one of us will be here to get you. Maybe three of us." By the time we arrived back at the car, we were sniffling and wiping our eyes. We slept cuddled tightly in one of the beds, but I was really happy to have a king size bed at home that allowed us to turn over.

The next morning when we were back on the open freeway, I asked, "How did that go?"

Laura said, "No doubt he was happy to see us. He seemed like the old Bradford to me. I haven't known him when he wasn't running on all cylinders, though. What about you?"

Alyssa said, "It was new to me. He kissed me like I asked him to."

"What did he whisper to you when we were leaving?"

She blushed. "He said he'd like to see my pretty butt again and put his hands all over it."

I said, "That's good. I worried that he would back away from you. There's no doubt that he thinks you're hot. I saw that in his eyes."

"Me, too and it made me all wet. I'm going to find Daniel when we get home."

I was convinced that all my worry had been for naught. He hadn't been his athletic self, but that would come back. I felt this great wave of joy as we returned home.


When I returned to the ward, I put my gear away in the locker and went to the lounge. There, I had time to reflect on the afternoon and found myself grateful for those women. For the first time, I felt that I had let them down by taking the mission that I shouldn't have. I knew that it was foolish to try to plan the past. Maybe I could make it up to them.

After a light dinner in the chow hall, I returned to my quarters. Emili was making rounds. When she came to my bed, she said, "I'm glad you didn't go AOL, sailor, there has been a change in plans. Remember when I told you that we couldn't carry on the Army's therapy?" She went right on. "I talked it over with the other nurses and they said that it would be very important to them to give you some Navy tests. That way, you would be able to decide which of us were more therapeutic."

She had a straight face, but I knew this was bullshit. "I'd love to have some Navy tests. Will you give me the first one?"

She called my bluff. "I've scheduled you for a half hour from now. I can't wait to test you."

We both laughed. Then she said, "I'll bet next week's pay that those women worked you over. No way in hell that you could pass a test."

"Maybe tomorrow?"

"In your dreams."

As I readied to sleep, I recalled the day and the time we had together. I knew that I had to deal with Alyssa and that would be a tough choice. Everyone seemed thrilled to have me back. Cynthia surprised me when she threw herself in my arms since she'd been so negative when I left. Laura was still solid and handled Alyssa quite well. Things had changed and yet, they seemed the same.

The week consisted of two physical therapy sessions a day and much walking between sessions and in the pool. I could feel my arms getting stronger as I began to swim harder. My breathing smoothed out. Thursday, the therapist asked, "Think you could jog a few steps?"

I went over to the track and started out slow. Although it felt stiff and awkward, I made one full round of the track, but not a personal best. He called me back to him. "Okay, here's the skinny. You make two rounds of the track and I'll release you."

Same as Cynthia
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She was excited when I got home from school and gave me the baby sitting duties while she dressed. For the first evening of helping budget a college student's budget, she had chosen a white satin sheer minidress which was translucent. She came in and said: "How do I look?" Stunning was the could see her nips (no room for a bra) and her hairy pussy...You do know that a lot of men like hair, don't you? :))The baby had nursed just before I arrived so it would be several hours...

2 years ago
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Kitty Wants To Play

I wait patiently by the door for you. I am wearing the special outfit that you have requested me to wear. It is a black bra and panty set that came with a matching garter belt and nylon stockings. I am also wearing the matching black Louboutin heels that you bought for me. I make sure that my feet are underneath my bottom and that my hands are clasped in my lap. My eyes are glued to the floor in front of me. I won't dare raise them without your permission because if I do then that will only...

2 years ago
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The request cont

Joan explained that she was very novice at the oral arts but would like to do me, I had no objection, meanwhile Bill sat watching he had removed his cloths and sat naked watching and queuing Joan on, I lay on my back and joan took me in her hand and started to caress my hard cock, she told Bill that I felt big in her hand as she jack me off, Bill told her to taste it if she liked, She licked the head witch had small dribble of pr cum on it, she told bill it tasted good, Then her wrapped her...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Jordyn Falls Bootyful Summer Sex

Jordyn Falls is here at a beautiful mansion Bang Bros got for her. We wanted to show her off and all of her assets. She flaunts that big booty around while also showing some love to her perfect tits. We got her by the pool just in time to start off the summer. After shaking her ass and rubbing oil all over her body, it was time to bring in Jay to feed her that dick she’s been hungry for. She gives him an amazing blowjob and they fuck in multiple positions before he busts a load all over...

2 years ago
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Fascinating night with sisinlaw

This is a pure fiction and imaginary story. Hi, my self Rahul, 29Y born and bought up in Delhi. This is the incident or rather I’d say most memorable incident happened in my life. I got married 1.5 years back and blessed with 3 salis (sis-in-law), all are good and are of 23,25 & 27 years of age respectively. My middle Sali, named Shelly is really fascinating in terms of looks, figure, features, intelligence and overall body. I saw her first time during my engagement and she was wearing the...

4 years ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 11

Phil, his emerald-green eyes gleaming with a lusty light stood before Susan. His face held an expression of intensity she was unsure of. Was it jealousy, anger, or... "You saw them? Jace and Melinda?" she whispered, not wanting to disturb her husband and sister-in-law. Phil nodded, stepping closer to her. He didn't speak, but his gaze coursed over her body. She shivered, feeling as though his eyes could see through the fabric of her robe. She shivered again, realizing she enjoyed that...

3 years ago
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Of Lemonade And OldFashioneds

Sorry, I don’t know where to begin.Let me start with the day before April Fools’ Day of this year. Why? Because the sport of baseball keeps moving Opening Day around and Grandma Kelly is fed up with all the fol-de-rol as she calls it. She couldn’t keep up with all the different dates for Opening Day and it was confusing her clients. She now opens her business on the first of April every year and closes it on the last day of the World Series. You won’t get an appointment with her during the...

1 year ago
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Bent Box! The coronavirus has shaken up the pornography landscape, in case you haven’t noticed. On your end, I’m sure you’ve got more socially distant alone time to spend with your barrel of lube, but it’s also affected how new movies are made. It’s hard for a woman to gag on a stranger’s cock when everybody is hiding at home, guarding their toilet paper with a shotgun. That’s just one of the reasons more Internet sluts and sexy attention whores are turning to sites like

Premium OnlyFans Sites
3 years ago
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Cock CandyChapter 14

“What the fuck happened to you?” Candace cries upon opening the door to her hotel room and seeing Luke standing there. “You should see the other guy,” he jokes. “It wasn’t Randy, was it?” she asks. The fear in her voice is there and easily recognized. “I did win, sort of,” he says with a nod. “It was three against one, but I made it out alright.” “Did you get their names?” “Yeah, Andy and Benny,” he says. “I heard Randy says them. I didn’t exactly ask them their names.” “Andrew and...

1 year ago
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Reddit Innie, aka r/Innie! During my time on Reddit, I’ve managed to see all kinds of NSFW subs going into many different niches. Now, those are great and all, but this one is something that I never really heard of until I found that there’s an entire group of people who are more than just fans of this so-called ‘genre’. I’m not even sure if I can call it a genre, but since there’s an entire subreddit on for it, then I guess it is. The sub is called /r/Innie, and it has to do with...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Guide to the pleasured life

I'll always start by asking her to put her tongue inside me; I don't mind sucking on it. I love French kissing! I'd suck gently of course. It's definitely important to a find a good kissing routine! Surprise her, do more then she could imagine when it comes to romance. I'd work my tongue against her neck, licking it and gently kissing it! Everything above her waist can be pleasured while rubbing your hand between her legs. While working her neck, It's nice to tease her and somewhat...

4 years ago
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Safe Word 2

This time she wanted a little role play, and was hoping to try some exhibitionism. I had the perfect place in mind. I set up the meeting to take place in an open meadow that was surrounded by forest. I gave Sandy directions to a trail that would lead her there, and I went there early to set up a camping tent. The walls of the tent were just mesh screen, so if I left the tarp off of it, any passer bys would be able to see right through. That took care of the exhibition while keeping the bugs...

2 years ago
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The Spread Part 1

Now all she had to do was wait. It was an uncomfortable wait. She had had to contort her lithe body to get in the crate, and there wasn't much affordance to move, small as she was. She looked at the monitor attached to her wrist; the dim light illuminating her temporary prison. "Twenty-three percent air purity" was the readout from the strips. She still needed to wait. She needed to last as long as possible or there was a chance that the cruiser might deem it worth the cost to waste an...

1 year ago
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Chocolate RULES

Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." This statement, uttered in bed, generally indicated some sort of feminine hygiene emergency, and the one who 'needs to go to the store' is generally me. It is a law of nature that the gender which does not use or need a product, or is most likely embarrassed by its purchase (I am long over that, at least), is the gender which must buy it. "What do you need?" It wouldn't embarrass me. I'd get her to be specific; plugs or pads, regular...

2 years ago
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A cuckold pool party

My wife had the idea of a memorial day weekend pool party. She made out a list of chores for me to do while she worked on her own list. She and I talked it over to be sure each one of didn't forget anything. My list had all the yard work and pool cleaning type stuff whie my wife's list was shopping and food prep. I was getting my yard working tools out of the garden shead when my wife came out on to the deck to let me know she was leaving to go shopping. When I saw how she was dressed I took a...

1 year ago
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suzzannes secret

I'm Mark, a 36 year old partially disabled veteran who grew up and was educated in England. I was always a very fit person, playing Rugby for the school team, as well as Karate, Fencing and Fell Walking. Not to say I was some kind of Jock, in fact I was something of a Nerd and still am I suppose, when it comes to Science Fiction. Anyway, at the age of 18 I broke my mothers heart by telling her I was returning to the States to join the Marines. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mum but I...

4 years ago
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My First Sex With Stranger

Hii friends this is raj from Bhubaneswar Orissa. I am 28 years age and an average size guy.Girls tell me I have the most intense eyes.I love being with girls and enjoy their company ,I am a mixing and have a great sense if humor which girls love about me most with any age I am comfortable, this is my first story on ISS ,I read many stories on Indian sex stories and I have a fantasy being seduced by more than one girl at a time.Nothing to tell more.Straight to the story.   It was the time when I...

1 year ago
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Its Only Dinner

I hated my job but I knew that I could never leave it. My wife had passed away 2 years ago and I vowed to give my baby daughter a life devoid of struggles. Actually my "baby" had just turned 16 but I still treated her like my little angel. In fact, that's what I always called her, "angel". My boss always treated me like shit. He would always make fun of me because I had no social life. I worked whatever hours I could but when I was done I would spend the rest of my time at home with my little...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Academy

“We are leaving!” his Aunt called from the doorway. Brian hurried and pulled on some pants and rushed to her side. “Sorry…,” he began. “Now, now. No time for apologies, we don’t want to be late!” He followed her into the car and took a seat; noting the bags in the trunk. “Where are we going Aunt Stacy?” he asked. “You’ll see soon enough,” she said. After a quiet car ride winding through small streets and underused roads, the car pulled up to a large, grand building. “Where are we?” Brian asked....

3 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 3 Where Do Broken Hearts Go

Dave woke just before suppertime, still tired and feeling the effects of the beer he had drunk the night before. He stumbled into the shower - it felt invigorating. No one was home when he wandered downstairs, so he made himself supper before he called Rebecca. They talked about the previous night and decided to go see a movie. He picked her up as planned but, when she got in the car, he didn't pull away immediately because he wanted to quickly tell her about Katherine. History had told him...

1 year ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 25 Cultural Diversity

Joseph sequestered himself in his study as the citizens debated their verdict. Anytime he recalled the events of the past, his stomach felt queasy and his head began to hurt. He had hoped that bringing Drell forward to face the citizens he’d harmed would bring a sense of peace. It hadn’t. Drell had been defiant and insulting throughout the day. It had taken all of Joseph’s resolve to keep from killing the man before the decision was rendered. The sound of running feet outside of his door...

4 years ago
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Charlottes Niece

WARNING: In some of the latter chapters there are scenes containing violence, sex and the consumption of an unpleasant bodily fluid. If you find such material offensive, please do not read the story. Charlotte's Niece By Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 During my dad's long business trip to London, my mother, Lillian, began seeing a lot of Charlotte. I don't quite know why it happened, but I suppose it had something to do with my mom being shy and having a lot of...

1 year ago
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Seduction of MommyChapter 5

Arlene tried to pretend her husband was merely away on business, but her mind refused to be tricked. She felt empty and lonely. Hal was in jail. She couldn't imagine how he was coping with the situation. Such a proud, upstanding man. Did he exchange friendly talk with the other prisoners? Or did he simply keep his eyes cast low and never speak at all? These thoughts pained Arlene so much that she forced her mind to wander to images less disquieting. She forced herself not to worry about...

2 years ago
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Tapsee pannu was being lusted by the drug mafia boss of US "KING" when he saw her movie pink. From that day he has lusted her and wanted to keep her as his misstress. Tapsee was nominated for her performance in her movie SOORMA and was invited to receive her award in USA iifA. KING has also received an invitation for the event.He has already used his power to find out whether Tapsee is coming or not. The evening started and bollywood stars started to make entries. King made sure that his seat...

3 years ago
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Aunty Getting Satisfied

Hi readers. This is my first story of the series. I am Sunita madam. I teach English. I am 49 of age. I took this portal because I wanted to share with you the secrets of my life, which I think will be hot for you too. So here the story goes. All this started in 2003, I used to live with my family. My husband had government job which needed him to go to nearby towns for regular inspections. I have two children one boy 10 age and girl of 14 at that time. At that time there was a boy Mihir age...

2 years ago
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Daniel and Madelyn

Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...

1 year ago
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Strip poker to poke her

It all started one fall afternoon. Joe and I were seventh graders, we had just started Junior High. Cindy was was in ninth grade and we all rode the same bus and lived in the same neighbor hood. As we all became friends while sitting aroung waiting for the bus that was always late, talking about anything and everything. Eventually the conversations turned to sex. Cindy talked as if she was very experienced in that area, and of course we talked as if we had been around the block once or twice....

First Time
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Escort Number 5

For my fifth bit of fun with an escort, I fancied something a bit dirtier, like a porn star type experience and I knew the exact escort I was going to meet.When I first joined the escort website, there was an escort that I had read a few reviews on and I always wanted to meet her but was too nervous. The reviews always said things like, "You don't fuck her, she fucks you," and, "Not for the faint-hearted."Her profile name was Exotic Elsa. Aged thirty-six, Middle-Eastern, size ten. She had a few...

Straight Sex
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Youll be surprised

Months passed. No phone call. No email. No nothing. Ma started drinking maybe even using drugs. She hasn't been able to maintain. It seems like everyday we're about to be out on the streets,but thankfully Ma finds away. I've been trying to do my part as the man of the house now. I mow lawns around the neighborhood and picked up a mail route. I also, may sure Johnny is staying out of trouble and staying occupied. My Mom's usually leave him with grandma. I'm too old for that, so she lets me...

4 years ago
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ANTICIPATION When Kelly heard from Mary about the trip to Central City gloryhole, she jumped. Literally. . “TAKE ME THERE!! Talk about Heaven!” “Oh, Kelly, can you imagine two hotties like us walking in there and asking for one of those rooms? We’d start a riot!” “Maybe we should go real trampy, you know, dress like sluts.” “Do you think a girl could drown in come?” giggled Mary. “We could ask Puttana. Well, you know I have a big...

3 years ago
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Clitoral Or Vaginal Orgasm WILL THERE BE Really A

A sexologist uncovers for all of us the mystery of the female orgasm(s)Finally! The debate about the vaginal or clitoral orgasm is about to find a conclusion thanks to the latest findings about the clitoris. And here’s why!The clitoris is a lot bigger than it seemsThe clitoris is often described as “a little bowl at the junction between the labia, above the vagina”. Actually, it is much bigger. This little bowl, that can be more or less prominent from one woman to the other, is the obvious area...

3 years ago
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It was a bright Saterday afternoon as the sun gave a generous shine over the campus. In one of the many apartments of the campus, you blink once more with your eyes. Live has smiled upon you. Not only didn’t you pass any problems in finding this apartment, you were sharing it with the two most beautiful beings on earth. One of the girls was Carly Shay. She is the more caring girl of your roommates. Her girliness, optimism and tendency for having good moods were what you most like about her. You...

2 years ago
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I realised it was no longer a Fantasy

I realised it was no longer a Fantasy When they left, I turned on the laptop. I needed to know. What did this new word mean that I had been called for a few weeks? I typed “cuckold” into the search engine. I could not believe it, it described me to a “T.” My wife laughed as I read it. “You have now met my bulls,” my wife said. “Did you like taking the blindfold, off?” I went quiet and never replied. My wife walked over and touched my limp pathetic cock, as she called it, but it never...

3 years ago
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The suit

You are a 26 year old woman. you are well out of high school and successful. you are astonishing sexy at 5" 11, longer than average legs, a comic book waist, stunning 28 dd cup breasts and a well toned body overall. your eyes are sky blue, you have a well rounded face and long red hair that comes down to the small of your back. your only weakness is your attraction to sexy lingerie. when ever you aren't around anyone, or don't have to do, you lock all the doors to your house, dress your self up...

2 years ago
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Its a dirty world

You, Nathan Sange have a smokin futanari mom named Lila Sange, 36 years old, who is blonde, has dd breasts, green eyes, pale skin, 13 inch cock, is 5'11" and is a dominant. You also have 3 other family members. Kayla Sange, 18 years old, who is your twin an orangeish red head which is always in a ponytail, also a futanari with a 15 inch cock, pale skin, c cup breasts, blue eyes, is 5'5" also a dominant. Rebecca Sange, 19 years old, who is a black woman and your adopted step sister, d cup...

4 years ago
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Sex KittenChapter 2

Sunlight was peeking through the drapes when my eyes flew open and I surged to my feet in the middle of the bed. I felt my balls dangling between my thighs as I peered down at a startled young teenager. Even confused she was stunning in repose. "Last night, we made a big mistake," I began, "we've got to move. Now!" We clambered into our dirty clothes, dropped off the key to avoid any extra reason to remember me, and fled westward. "What did we do?" Kristy asked me in a naïve voice...

3 years ago
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Bigger Than Life

Prologue Deep in the heart of the Glacier Forrest, known for its brutal summer and bitter winters, rested the kingdom of Bisondul. The fortified castle of the royal family was built into the side of the Blistagale Mountains, and the structure looked down over a village booming with life. The average men and women of Bisondul were not wealthy, but their needs were met and their king was considered fairer than most, and the land was dangerous but bountiful to the natives who knew how to work it....

2 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 1

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride. I was always a sexually open individual. But in my world sexual expression wasnt really part of my routine. Im a 35 year old married man. My wife and I met back in high school and have been together ever since. Our relationship has always been good. We love each other, and the life we have built. But lately our sex life and our life in general has become some what stagnant. We get up go to work, come home have dinner, then go to...

4 years ago
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1st Bisexual 3 Some for Middle Aged Couple

I am a woman in my mid 40’s. I am reasonably happy in my marriage to Phil who is nearly 10 years older than me.I have three c***dren from a previous marriage, all of which are now young adults and have left the nest. Phil had always wanted to see me with another guy. Every time we had sex and we were talking dirty the conversation would always lead to talk of another man being with us in our marital bed. I have to say that I often thought about it myself – but only once in the throws of passion...

3 years ago
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Waking Up a Whore

She shouldn’t be looking at a penis, shouldn’t be looking at a man next to her, didn’t know who she was or where she was. She didn’t know this man. Panic hit her. She snapped the covers off of her and threw her legs off the side of the bed. In one motion, she stood, but found her balance off. As she came upright, the body stirred behind her and heard, “babe, you ok?” She looked back, but the voice had already trailed off, and he was turning over and grabbing her pillow. Her attention came...

2 years ago
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Sex With Masi In Aurangabad

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Sam Agrawal again from Aurangabad. This story is all about my encounter 2 days back with my masi when she happened to visit us in Aurangabad. The incident i am going to narrate is completely a true incident and i am sure you all would love it. Any lady who wants to get in touch with me, can mail me without hesitating on Now coming to the story I am Sam Agrawal from Aurangabad, age 21 years old and a muscular beast. I hit the gym regularly and that is the...

3 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 42 Meanwhile Back in Camelot

Please allow me to slip into the third person for a while as I relate this portion of my story. The following events were related to me by some of the participants. In Atlantic City, New Jersey, Robert Cramer, his wife Judy and their twin daughters, Jennifer and Elizabeth, (both 14), were enjoying their time riding rides and walking along the boardwalk taking advantage of all that attraction had to offer. The twins were very pretty girls with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They both were...

2 years ago
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Moms Timeless

I couldn't wait to get home from school today because last night I found for the first time the thrills of discovering internet porn. All day I was thinking about looking at all those sexy mature dames the night before and how they made me so hard. By the time three thirty came around I knew I was only a few minutes closer to mature heaven. I walked through the front door and headed straight to my room for a good jack off session, but to my surprise my mom was on her way to her own little...

2 years ago
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My first time outdoors

It had been about a year since my first time with a man and I had been with a couple more since. They were enjoyable experiences but I had failed to capture the thrill of the first time. I had continued to talk to guys online and a lot of them were trying to convince me to go for a drive with them to a secluded spot for some risky sex. I was reluctant for several reasons but the fear of being caught was both terrifying and thrilling and eventually I just had to give it a try. I had been talking...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Masturbation Story

Wonderful Masturbation StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan Alfred was really dejected, disappointed and depressed. He and his girlfriend bought this house only hoping to be living there as a family, making some babies. Blythe loved to have sex and they fucked almost daily for little over a year until they were comfortable with each other and knew they could have each other for life. They moved in here and were there hardly for a month when she had this unfortunate accident and was taken away from Alfred...

1 year ago
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Lord Hort Part 4

Hello to all of you out there in internetland. This will likely be the last piece I will ever psot to Fictionmania. To be honest the admins don't answer my e-mails excpet once where they did so with as short a message as was humanly possible to get thier message across, so I'm moving to a different location. When I post any new parts of the story it will now be at the Yahoo! group I have created for that purpose. This will also allow me to respond to comments and criticism from...

3 years ago
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White Slaves of Eban

                                                        Chapter 1                                                      ?The arrival?   Katie nervously gazed out the window as she clinched her husband’s hand. He felt the perspiration on her fingers as the small private jet came to a stop. They heard the door being opened and the sound of the engines cutting off as Katie squeezed his hand tighter with each counting second.  Jeff tried to comfort her. ?It’s alright darling. We’re here now.? ...

4 years ago
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A Dare In Rain Gone Across

Hi, friends, this is pleasure boy from Pune narrating a story after almost 2 years. Due to a busy life, I am unable to write stories. Today I was feeling an urge to write my fantasies so here I am with the story. You can email me at especially aunties, ladies and girls from Pune for fun. I am 26 years old living in one of the decent location in the city. Daily come across with many girls, ladies, and aunties. I hope many of you like aunties as compared to girls just because of their...

3 years ago
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Two Girls Meet Part 2

I was so happy I was staying at Emma's place for a whole week. I just wish it could have been more than that. We woke up at about 10:00AM, still cuddled together. I woke up, and gently kissed Emma on the lips. She started to stir, and her hand that was resting behind my head, pulled me closer, and we started kissing for a few minutes. "Good morning gorgeous," I said gazing into Emma's captivating eyes.Emma kissed me again, and then said smiling, "Good morning to you too beautiful."We decided to...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A 14yo masturbates in the bush and I see her

Usually on weekends I often see a few other joggers and occasionally a couple of lovers having their love-in session in the outdoors. I don’t think they realise how popular the track is at weekends. Yesterday was a weekday and I was working from home as I often do. I decided to clear my head and go for a jog for an hour or so and used the bush track. About half way along in one of the lovers spots that they use I saw this young girl completely naked and masturbating with a glass dildo –...

4 years ago
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my shemale friend rough draft

As soon as meghan pulled her cock out of mike he flipped her over onto her back And slowly shoved his cock into her tight ass hole. " ohh fuck yeah ram my ass mike ughhh!" meg yelled as his cock slowly slid into her shaved ass. " your huge dick is so deep in my ass hole uuughhh" meg moaned. Megs ass gripped his cock so hard. Mike grabed megs huge dick and began to stroke it up and down. At the same time he grabbed her small tit and twisted the nipple and pulled it she screamed in pain and...

2 years ago
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Kelly Carly and JJ

The hot water felt good and helped to create a lather for my cock and balls. My cock hardened thinking about tonight. My sexy daughter, and her two best friends were going to be mine. After a few strokes I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. Drying off, I wrapped a towel around me and headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. Entering the kitchen, I got a big surprise. Carly was smiling up at me from the table. God she was beautiful. At 16, Carly was a free spirt, with a quick wt and a...

3 years ago
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What a woman really wants

Men always wonder what woman want. Well I can tell you what this woman wants. It's three simple things....1.Being told they are beautiful even if in their eyes they don't see it...someday they might. Even if she insists she's not she is just trying to take away years of hearing negative things and doesn't know how to take the good complaiment.2. They like the know they needed and in return know they are appreciated and not just a warm piece of meat next to you at night or middle of day.3. Every...

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Mumbai Me Body Massage Kar Ke Chachi Ko Choda

Hi friends this is massage boy from mumbai. I am 26 years old with well built and height of 5’11” and my cock size is 7” inch. Mera emai id he Me tumara jyada time nahi lunga direct story par ata hu. Ye un dino ki baat he jab me collge me padhai kar raha tha. 2nd year me tha. Hamari family me akela ladka hu. Hamara joint family he. Meri family me , me , papa , mom , chacha aur chachi aur meri cousin jo bahut choti thi around 5 years ki. Ab me meri chachi k bare me batata hu . Unki age 27 year...

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